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SEC-Form-20-IS AZ

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(a) Use of SEC Form 20-IS
This form shall be used in connection with every annual or other meeting of stockholders, by an issuer, which
is subject to the reporting requirements of Section 17 of the Securities Regulation Code (Code), to notify its
shareholders who are entitled to vote or give an authorization or consent to any matter to be acted upon. In
case of proxy solicitations, Part II of this form shall also be accomplished and filed with the
Commission prior to distribution to stockholders, in accordance with SRC Rule 20.
(b) Preparation of Form

This is not a blank form to be filled in. This is a guide to be used in preparing the report in
accordance with SRC Rule 72.1. The Commission does not furnish blank copies of this Form to be
filled in for filing.


These general instructions are not to be filed with the report. The instructions to the various
captions of the Form are also to be omitted from the report as filed. The report shall contain the
numbers and captions of all applicable items, but the text of such items may be omitted,
provided the answers thereto are prepared in the manner specified in SRC Rule 72.1. All items
that are not required to be answered in a particular report may be omitted and no reference
thereto need be made in the report. All instructions shall be omitted.

(c) Signature and Filing of the Form


Three (3) complete copies of the report, including any exhibits or other papers or documents filed as a
part thereof, shall be filed with the Commission.
In accordance with the requirements of paragraph (6) of SRC Rule 20, preliminary copies of the
information statement (including proxy form and other solicitation materials, in case of proxy
solicitations) shall be filed at least ten (10) business days prior to the date definitive copies of such
material are first sent or given to security holders. The information statement (including proxy form
and other solicitation materials, in case of proxy solicitations) shall be sent or given to security
holders at least fifteen (15) business days prior to the meeting date.


At least one complete copy of the report filed with the Commission and one such copy filed with the
Exchange shall be manually signed. Copies not manually signed shall bear typed or printed signatures.
See also SRC Rule 72.1(2) and (3) concerning copies, binding, signatures, paper, printing, language and

(d) Filing an Amendment

If any information statement and other material filed pursuant to SRC Rule 20 are amended or revised,
copies of such amended or revised material shall be filed pursuant thereto and shall be marked to indicate
clearly and precisely the changes affected therein.
(e) Attachment
For verification purposes, attach to this report a copy of the Notice of Agenda for the meeting.


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Check the appropriate box:

[ ] Preliminary Information Statement
[ ] Definitive Information Statement


Name of Registrant as specified in its charter __________________________________


Province, country or other jurisdiction of incorporation or organization


SEC Identification Number ___________________


BIR Tax Identification Code __________________


Address of principal office


Registrants telephone number, including area code _______________________________________

Postal Code

Date, time and place of the meeting of security holders

Approximate date on which the Information Statement is first to be sent or given to security holders


In case of Proxy Solicitations:

Name of Person Filing the
Address and Telephone


Securities registered pursuant to Sections 8 and 12 of the Code or Sections 4 and 8 of the RSA
(information on number of shares and amount of debt is applicable only to corporate registrants):
Title of Each Class

Number of Shares of Common Stock

Outstanding or Amount of Debt Outstanding


Are any or all of registrant's securities listed in a Stock Exchange?

Yes _______

No _______

If yes, disclose the name of such Stock Exchange and the class of securities listed therein:

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Item 1. Date, time and place of meeting of security holders.

State the date, time and place of the meeting of security holders, and the complete
mailing address of the principal office of the registrant.


On the first page of the information statement, state the approximate date on which
copies of the information statement (including proxy form and other solicitation
materials, in case of proxy solicitations) are first to be sent or given to security holders.

Item 2. Dissenters' Right of Appraisal

Outline briefly the rights of appraisal or similar rights of dissenters with respect to any matter to be
acted upon. Indicate the statutory procedures required to be followed by dissenting security holders
in order to perfect such rights. In describing the procedures to be followed, it should be clearly
stated that a stockholder must have voted against the proposed corporate action in order to avail
himself of the appraisal right. See Section Title X, Appraisal Right, Corporation Code of the
Item 3. Interest of Certain Persons in or Opposition to Matters to be Acted Upon

Describe briefly any substantial interest, direct or indirect, by security holdings or

otherwise, of each of the following persons in any matter to be acted upon, other than
election to office:



Each person who has been a director or officer of the registrant at any time since the
beginning of the last fiscal year;


Each nominee for election as a director of the registrant;


Each associate of any of the foregoing persons.

Give the name of any director of the registrant who has informed the registrant in writing
that he intends to oppose any action to be taken by the registrant at the meeting and
indicate the action which he intends to oppose.


Item 4. Voting Securities and Principal Holders Thereof
(a) As to each class of voting securities of the registrant entitled to be voted at the meeting, state
the number of shares outstanding and the number of votes to which each class is entitled.
(b) State the record date, if any, with respect to this solicitation. If the right to vote is not to be
determined, in whole or in part, by reference to a record date, indicate the criteria for the
determination of security holders entitled to vote.
(c) If action is to be taken with respect to the election of directors and if the persons solicited have
cumulative voting rights:
(1) make a statement that they have such rights;
(2) briefly describe such rights;
(3) state briefly the conditions precedent to the exercise thereof; and
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(4) if discretionary authority to cumulate votes is solicited, so indicate.

(d) Furnish the information required by Part IV paragraph (C) of Annex C to the extent known by
the persons on whose behalf the solicitation is made.
(e) If, to the knowledge of the persons on whose behalf the solicitation is made, a change in control
of the registrant has occurred since the beginning of its last fiscal year, state the name of the
person who acquired such control, the amount and the source of the consideration used by such
person or persons; the basis of the control, the date and a description of the transaction(s)
which resulted in the change of control and the percentage of voting securities of the registrant
now beneficially owned directly or indirectly by the persons who acquired control; and the
identity of the person(s) from whom control was assumed.
Instructions to Item 3 paragraph (e)

State the terms of any loan or pledge obtained by the new control group for the
purpose of acquiring control, and the names of the lenders or pledgees.


Any arrangement or understanding among members of both the former and new
control groups and their associates with respect to election of directors or other
matters should be described.

Item 5. Directors and Executive Officers

If action is to be taken with respect to the election of directors, furnish the following information in
tabular form, to the extent practicable.
(a) The information required by Part IV, paragraphs (A), (D)(1) and D(3) of Annex C.
(b) If a director has resigned or declined to stand for re-election to the board of directors since the
date of the last annual meeting of security holders because of a disagreement with the
registrant on any matter relating to the registrant's operations, policies or practices, and if the
director has furnished the registrant with a letter describing such disagreement and requesting
that the matter be disclosed, the registrant shall state the date of resignation or declination to
stand for re-election and summarize the director's description of the disagreement.
If the registrant believes that the description provided by the director is incorrect or incomplete, it
may include a brief statement presenting its views on the disagreement.
In case of proxy solicitation and the same is made on behalf of persons other than the registrant,
the aforementioned information need be furnished only the nominees of the persons making the
Item 6. Compensation of Directors and Executive Officers
Furnish the information required by Part IV paragraph (B) of Annex C if action is to be taken with
regard to:
(a) the election of directors;
(b) any bonus, profit sharing or other compensation plan, contract or arrangement in which any
director, nominee for election as a director, or executive officer of the registrant will
(c) any pension or retirement plan in which any such person will participate; or
(d) the granting or extension to any such person of any option/s, warrant/s or right/s to purchase
any securities, other than warrants or rights issued to security holders as such, on a pro rata
basis. However, if the solicitation is made on behalf of persons other than the registrant, the
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information required need be furnished only the nominees of the persons making the solicitation
and associates of such nominees.
Item 7. Independent Public Accountants
If the meeting relates to the election, approval or ratification of the registrant's accountant, furnish
the following information describing the registrant's relationship with its independent public
(a) The name of the principal accountant selected or being recommended to security holders for
election, approval or ratification for the current year. If no accountant has been selected or
recommended, state and briefly describe the reasons therefor.
(b) The name of the principal accountant for the fiscal year most recently completed if different
from the accountant selected or recommended for the current year or if no accountant has yet
been selected or recommended for the current year.
(c) The proxy statement shall indicate (1) whether or not representatives of the principal
accountant for the current year and for the most recently completed fiscal year are expected to
be present at the security holders' meeting, (2) whether or not they will have the opportunity to
make a statement if they desire to do so and (3) whether or not such representatives are
expected to be available to respond to appropriate questions.
(d) If during the registrant's two most recent fiscal years or any subsequent interim period,
(1) an independent accountant who was previously engaged as the principal accountant to
audit the registrant's financial statements, or an independent accountant on whom the
principal accountant expressed reliance in its report regarding a significant subsidiary, has
resigned (or indicated it has declined to stand for re-election after the completion of the
current audit) or was dismissed, or
(2) a new independent accountant has been engaged as either the principal accountant to
audit the registrant's financial statements or as an independent accountant on whom the
principal accountant has expressed or is expected to express reliance in its report regarding
a significant subsidiary, notwithstanding any previous disclosure, provide the information
required by Part III, paragraph (B) of Annex C.
Item 8. Compensation Plans
If action is to be taken with respect to any plan pursuant to which cash or non-cash compensation
may be paid or distributed, furnish the following information:
(a) With respect to any stock options, warrants or rights plan, state:
(1) The title and amount of securities underlying such options, warrants or rights;
(2) The prices, expiration dates and other material conditions upon which the options, warrants
or rights may be exercised;
(3) The consideration received or to be received by the registrant or subsidiary for the granting
or extension of the options, warrants or rights;
(4) The market value of the securities underlying the option, warrants or rights as of the latest
practicable date; and
(5) The amount of such options, warrants or rights received or to be received by the following
persons, if determinable:

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the chief executive officer;


the four highest paid executive officers, other than the chief executive officer, who
were serving as executive officers at the end of the last completed fiscal year;


all current executive officers as a group;


each nominee for election as a director;


each other person who received or is to receive five percent of such options,
warrants or rights;


all current directors as a group who are not executive officers; and


all other employees, as a group.

(b) With respect to any other type of compensation plan state:

(1) The material features of the plan;
(2) The identity of each class of persons who will be eligible to participate in the plan,
indicating the approximate number of persons in each class;
(3) The basis of such participation; and.
(4) The benefits or amounts that will be received by or allocated under the plan to each person
specified in paragraph (a)(5) of this Item.
Item 9. Authorization or Issuance of Securities Other than for Exchange
If action is to be taken with respect to the authorization or issuance of any securities otherwise than
for exchange for outstanding securities of the registrant, furnish the following information:
(a) State the title and amount of securities to be authorized or issued.
(b) Furnish the information required by Part II paragraph (B) of Annex C. If the terms of the
securities cannot be stated or estimated with respect to any or all of the securities to be
authorized because no offering thereof is contemplated in the proximate future, and if no
further authorization by security holders for the issuance thereof is to be obtained, it should be
stated that the terms of the securities to be authorized, including dividend or interest rates,
conversion prices, voting rights, redemption prices, maturity dates and similar matters will be
determined by the board of directors.
(c) Describe briefly the transaction in which the securities are to be issued, including a statement
as to
(1) the nature and approximate amount of consideration received or to be received by the
registrant, and
(2) the approximate amount devoted to each purpose so far as determinable for which the net
proceeds have been or are to be used. If it is impractical to describe the transaction in
which the securities are to be issued, state the reason, indicate the purpose of the
authorization of the securities, and state whether further authorization for the issuance of
the securities by a vote of security holders will be solicited prior to such issuance.
(d) If the securities are to be issued other than in a public offering for cash, state the reasons for
the proposed authorization or issuance and the general effect thereof upon the rights of existing
security holders.
(e) Furnish the information required by Item 11(a) of this Form.
If the matter to be acted upon is any of the following, the information required by Item
11(a) need not be furnished:
(1) the authorization or issuance of common stock, other than in an exchange, merger,
consolidation, acquisition or similar transaction; or

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(2) the authorization of preferred stock for issuance for cash in an amount constituting fair
Item 10. Modification or Exchange of Securities
If action is to be taken with respect to the modification of any class of securities of the registrant, or
the issuance or authorization for issuance of one class of securities of the registrant in exchange for
outstanding securities of another class, furnish the following information:
(a) If outstanding securities are to be modified, state the class and amount thereof. If securities
are to be issued in exchange for outstanding securities, state the class and amount of securities
to be issued, the class and amount of outstanding securities to be exchanged therefore and the
basis of the exchange.
(b) Describe the material difference between the outstanding securities and the modified or new
securities in respect of any of the matters concerning which information would be required in
the description of the securities in Part II paragraph (B) of Annex C.
(c) State the reason for the proposed modification or exchange and the general effect thereof upon
the rights of existing security holders.
(e) Outline briefly any other material features of the proposed modification or exchange. If the
plan of proposed action is set forth in a written document, file copies thereof with each copy of
the proxy filed with the Commission.
(f) Furnish the information required by Item 11(a) of this Form.
(g) If the existing security is presently listed and registered in an exchange, state whether the
registrant intends to apply for listing and registration of the new or reclassified security on such
exchange or any other exchange. If the registrant does not intend to make such application,
state the effect of the termination of such listing and registration.
Item 11. Financial and Other Information
(a) Information Required
If action is to be taken with respect to any matter specified in Items 9 or 10, furnish the following
(1) Financial statements meeting the requirements of SRC Rule 68, as amended;
(2) Part III, paragraph (A) of Annex C, management's discussion and analysis and plan of
(3) Part III, paragraph (B) of Annex C, changes in and disagreements with accountants on
accounting and financial disclosure; and
(4) A statement as to whether or not representatives of the principal accountants for the
current year and for the most recently completed fiscal year:
(i) are expected to be present at the security holders' meeting;

will have the opportunity to make a statement if they desire to do so; and

(iii) are expected to be available to respond to appropriate questions.

(b) Incorporation by Reference
The registrant may incorporate by reference any of the information required by paragraph (a) of this
Item, provided that
(1) The information is contained in the latest annual report to security holders or a previouslyfiled statement or report;
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(2) Such report or statement is delivered to security holders with the proxy statement;
(3) The proxy statement identifies on the last page the information incorporated by reference;
(4) The material incorporated by reference substantially meets the requirements of this Item.
Item 12. Mergers, Consolidations, Acquisitions and Similar Matters


If action is to be taken with respect to any transaction involving the following, furnish the
information required by paragraph (b) hereof as to the registrant and each other person which
is to be merged into the registrant or into or with which the registrant is to be merged or
consolidated; the business or assets of which are to be acquired; which is the issuer of
securities to be acquired by the registrant in exchange for all or a substantial part of the
registrant's assets; or which is the issuer of securities to be acquired by the registrant or its
security holders:

the merger or consolidation of the registrant into or with any other person or of any
other person into or with the registrant;


the acquisition by the registrant or any of its security holders of securities of another


the acquisition by the registrant of any other going business or of the assets thereof;


the sale or other transfer of all or any substantial part of the assets of the registrant;


the liquidation or dissolution of the registrant,

Registrants subject to the provisions of paragraph (a) hereof shall furnish the following

The name, address and telephone number of the principal executive office.


A brief description of the general nature of the business conducted by the other person.


A summary of the material features of the proposed transaction. If the transaction is set
forth in a written document, file a copy thereof with the Commission at the time
preliminary copies of the proxy statement and form of proxy are filed. The summary
will include, where applicable:

a brief summary of the terms of the transaction agreement;


the reason for engaging in the transaction;


an explanation of the material difference in the rights of security holders of the

registrant as a result of this transaction; and


a brief statement as to the accounting treatment of the transaction.


A brief statement as to dividends in arrears or defaults in principal or interest in respect

of any security of the registrant or of such other person and as to the effect of the
transaction thereon and such other information as may be appropriate in the particular
case to disclose adequately the nature and effect of the proposed action.


In comparative columnar form, on a historical and, if material, a pro forma basis, the
following information for the registrant and the other person for the last two fiscal

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net sales or operating revenues;


income (loss) from continuing operations; and


long-term obligations and redeemable preferred stock



In comparative columnar form, historical and pro forma per share data of the registrant
and historical and equivalent pro forma per share data of the other person for the
following items for the last two fiscal years:

book value per share


cash dividends declared per share


income (loss) per share from continuing operations


A statement as to whether any regulatory requirement must be complied with or

approval must be obtained in connection with the transaction and, if so, the status of
such compliance or approval.


If a report, opinion or appraisal materially relating to the transaction has been received
from an outside party, and such report, opinion or appraisal is referred to in the proxy
statement, furnish the following information:

Identify the outside party;


Briefly describe the qualifications of such outside party;


Describe the method of selection of such outside party;


Describe any material relationship between the outside party or its affiliates and
the issuer or its affiliates which existed during the past two years or is mutually
understood to be contemplated and any compensation received or to be received
as a result of such relationship;


If such report, opinion or appraisal relates to the fairness of the consideration,

state whether the issuer or affiliate determined the amount of consideration to be
paid or whether the outside party recommended the amount of consideration to be
paid; and


Furnish a summary concerning such negotiation report, opinion or appraisal which

shall include, but not limited to, the procedures followed; the findings and
recommendations; the bases for and methods of arriving at such findings and
recommendations; instruction received from the issuer or affiliate; and any
limitation imposed by the issuer or affiliate on the scope of the investigation.


A description of any past, present or proposed material contract, arrangement,

understanding, relationship, negotiation or transaction during the past two fiscal years
between the other person or its affiliates and the registrant or its affiliates such as
those concerning a merger, consolidation or acquisition; a tender offer or other
acquisition of securities; an election of directors; or a sale or other transfer of a
material amount of assets.


As to each class of securities of the registrant or of the other person which is trading on
an exchange or with respect to which a market otherwise exists, state the high and low
sale prices as of the date, which shall be specified, preceding public announcement of
the proposed transaction, or if no such public announcement was made, as of the date,
which shall be specified, preceding the day the agreement or resolution with respect to
the action was made.


The information required by Item 11(a)(4) of this Form.

Furnish the information specified below for the registrant and for the other person:

Information required by Part I, paragraphs (A), (B) and (C) of Annex C.


Information required by Part II, paragraph (A) of Annex C , market price of and
dividends on the registrants' common equity and related stockholder matters


Financial statements meeting the requirements of SRC Rule 68.

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Information required by Part III, paragraphs (A) and (B) of Annex C.


Information required by Part IV, paragraph (A) of Annex C, directors, executive

officers, promoters and control persons.

Item 13. Acquisition or Disposition of Property

If action is to be taken with respect to the acquisition or disposition of any property, furnish the
following information:

Describe briefly the general character and location of the property.


State the nature and amount of consideration to be paid or received by the registrant or any
subsidiary. To the extent practicable, outline briefly the facts bearing upon the question of
the fairness of the consideration.


State the name and address of the transferor or transferee, as the case may be, and the
nature of any material relationship of such person to the issuer or any affiliate of the issuer.


Outline briefly any other material feature of the contract or transaction.

Item 14. Restatement of Accounts

If action is to be taken with respect to the restatement of any asset, capital, or surplus account of
the registrant, furnish the following information:

State the nature of the restatement and the date as of which it is to be effective


Outline briefly the reasons for the restatement and for the selection of the particular
effective date.


State the name and amount of each account (including any reserve account) affected by the
restatement and the effect of the restatement thereon. Tabular presentation of the amounts
shall be made when appropriate, particularly in the case of recapitalization.


To the extent practicable, state whether the restatement will alter the amount available for
distribution to the holders of equity securities. State the extent of the alteration.

Item 15. Action with Respect to Reports
If action is to be taken with respect to any report of the registrant or of its directors, officers or
committees or minutes of any meeting of its security holders, furnish the following information:

State whether or not such action is to constitute approval or disapproval of any of the matters
referred to in such reports or minutes.


Identify each of such matters intended for approval or disapproval, and furnish the information
required by the appropriate item or items of this Form with respect to each such matter.

Item 16. Matters Not Required to be Submitted

If action is to be taken with respect to any matter which is not required to be submitted to a vote of
security holders, state the nature of such matter, the reasons for submitting it to a vote of
security holders and what action is intended to be taken by the registrant in the event of a negative
vote on the matter by the security holders.
Item 17. Amendment of Charter, Bylaws or Other Documents

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If action is to be taken with respect to any amendment of the registrant's charter, by-laws or other
documents as to which information is not required above, state briefly the reasons for and the
general effect of such amendment.
Item 18. Other Proposed Action
If action is to be taken with respect to any matter not specifically referred to above, describe briefly
the substance of each matter in substantially the same degree of detail as is required by Items 5 to
19, inclusive, above.
Item 19. Voting Procedures
As to each matter which is to be submitted to a vote of security holders, furnish the following

the vote required for approval or election.


the method by which votes will be counted.

(This form shall be prepared in accordance with paragraph (5) of SRC Rule 20)
Item 1. Identification
Disclose the name of the person on whose behalf the solicitation is made and the person who
shall vote in case of his absence during the meeting.
Item 2. Instruction

The manner in which the form shall be accomplished, including the validation process of
such form, must be clearly discussed.


Disclose how the form shall be voted upon in case the same is not properly executed.


The matters to be taken up in the meeting must be enumerated opposite the boxes.
Likewise, name/s of nominee director/s (if applicable) must be enumerated opposite the

Item 3. Revocability of Proxy

State whether or not the person giving the proxy has the power to revoke it. If the right of
revocation before the proxy is exercised is limited or is subject to compliance with any formal
procedure, briefly describe such limitation or procedure.
Item 4. Persons Making the Solicitation

Solicitations not subject to paragraph 8 of SRC Rule 20


State if the solicitation is made by the registrant. Give the name of any director of the
registrant who has informed the registrant in writing that he intends to oppose any action
intended to be taken by the registrant and indicate the action which he intends to


State and give the names of the participants in the solicitation if it is done other than by
the registrant.

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If the solicitation is to be made other than by the use of the mails, describe the methods
to be employed. If the solicitation is to be made by specially engaged employees or paid
solicitors, state the (A) material features of any contract or arrangement for such
solicitation and identify the parties, and (B) cost or anticipated cost thereof.

(4) State the names of the persons by whom the cost of solicitation has been or will
be borne, directly or indirectly.

Solicitations Subject to paragraph (8) of SRC Rule 20


State by whom the solicitation is made and describe the methods employed and to be
employed to solicit security holders.


If regular employees of the registrant or any other participant in a solicitation have

been or are to be employed to solicit security holders, describe the class or classes of
employees to be so employed, and the manner and nature of their employment for
such purpose.


If specially engaged employees, representatives or other persons have been or are to

be employed to solicit security holders, state the (A) material features of any
contract or arrangement for such solicitation and the identity of the parties, (B) cost
or anticipated cost thereof, and (C) approximate number of such employees or
employees of any other person (naming such other person) who will solicit security


State the total amount estimated to be spent and the total expenditures to date for,
in furtherance of, or in connection with the solicitation of security holders.


State by whom the cost of the solicitation will be borne. If such cost is to be borne
initially by any person other than the registrant, state whether reimbursement will
be sought from the registrant, and, if so, whether the question of such
reimbursement will be submitted to a vote of security holders.


If any such solicitation is terminated pursuant to a settlement between the

registrant and any other participant in such solicitation, describe the terms of such
settlement, including the cost or anticipated cost thereof to the registrant.


For purposes of Items 4 and 5 hereof:

(A) The terms "participant" and "participant in a solicitation" include the following:

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the registrant;


any director of the registrant, and any nominee for whose election as a
director proxies are solicited;


any committee or group which solicits proxies, any member of such

committee or group, and any person, whether or not named as a member
who, acting alone or with one or more other persons, directly or indirectly
takes the initiative, or engages, in organizing, directing, or arranging for the
financing of any such committee or group;


any person who finances or joins with another to finance the solicitation of
proxies, except persons who contribute no more than P1,000 and who are
not otherwise participants;


any person who lends money or furnishes credit or enters into any other
arrangement, pursuant to any contract or understanding with a participant,
for the purpose of financing or otherwise inducing the purchase, sale,
holding or voting of securities of the registrant by any participant or other
persons, in support of or in opposition to a participant; except that such
terms do not include a bank, broker or dealer who, in the ordinary course of
business, lends money or executes orders for the purchase or sale of
securities and who is not otherwise a participant; and


any person who solicits proxies.


(B) The terms "participant" and "participant in a solicitation" do not include:


any person or organization retained or employed by a participant to solicit

security holders and whose activities are limited to the duties required to be
performed in the course of such employment;


any person who merely transmits proxy soliciting material or performs other
ministerial or clerical duties;


any person employed by a participant in the capacity of attorney,

accountant, or advertising, public relations or financial adviser, and whose
activities are limited to the duties required to be performed in the course of
such employment;


any person regularly employed as an officer or employee of the registrant or

any of its subsidiaries who is not otherwise a participant; or


any officer or director of, or any person regularly employed by, any other
participant, if such officer, director or employee is not otherwise a
Instructions to Part II, Item 4


Costs and expenditures within the meaning of Item 4 shall include fees for
attorneys, accountants, public relations or financial advisers, solicitors,
advertising, printing, transportation, litigation and other costs incidental to the
solicitation, except that the registrant may exclude the amount of such costs
represented by the amount normally expended for a solicitation for an election of
directors in the absence of a contest, and costs represented by salaries and wages
of regular employees and officers, provided a statement to that effect is included
in the proxy statement.


The information required pursuant to paragraph (b)(6) of this Item should be

included in any amended or revised proxy statement or other soliciting materials
relating to the same meeting or subject matter furnished the security holders by
the registrant subsequent to the date of settlement.

Item 5. Interest of Certain Persons in Matters to be Acted Upon


Solicitations Not Subject to paragraph (8) of SRC Rule 20

Describe briefly any substantial interest, direct or indirect, by security holdings or
otherwise, of each of the following persons in any matter to be acted upon, other than
elections to office:

If the solicitation is made on behalf of the registrant, each person who has been a
director or executive officer of the registrant at any time since the beginning of the
last fiscal year.


If the solicitation is made other than on behalf of the registrant, each participant in
the solicitation, as defined in Part II, Item 4, paragraph (b)(7).


Each nominee for election as a director of the registrant.


Each associate of any of the foregoing persons.

Instruction to Part II, Item 5(a)
SEC Form 17-IS
December 2003


Except in the case of solicitations subject to this rule made in opposition to another
solicitation subject to this rule, Item 5 (a) shall not apply to any interest arising from the
ownership of securities of the registrant where the security holder receives no extra or
special benefit not shared on a pro rata basis by all other holders of the same class.

Solicitations Subject to paragraph (8) of SRC Rule 20


Describe briefly any substantial interest, direct or indirect, by security holdings or

otherwise, of each participant as defined in subparagraphs (7)(A)(ii) through (vi) of
Item 4(b) of this part, in any matter to be acted upon at the meeting and include
with respect to each participant the following information, or a fair and accurate
summary thereof:

Name and business address of the participant


The participant's present principal occupation or employment and the name,

principal business and address of any corporation or other organization in
which such employment is carried on.


If during the past ten years, the participant has been convicted in a criminal
proceeding (excluding traffic violations or similar misdemeanors), nature of
conviction, name and location of court, and penalty imposed or other
disposition of the case.


State the amount of each class of securities of the registrant which the
participant owns beneficially, directly or indirectly.


State the amount of each class of securities of the registrant which the
participant owns of record but not beneficially.


State with respect to all securities of the registrant purchased or sold within
the past two years, the dates on which they were purchased or sold and the
amount purchased or sold on each date.


If any part of the purchase price or market value of any of the shares specified
in paragraph (b)(1)(F) of this Item is represented by funds borrowed or
otherwise obtained for the purpose of acquiring or holding such securities, so
state and indicate the amount of the indebtedness as of the latest practicable
date. If such funds were borrowed or obtained other than pursuant to a
margin account or bank loan in the regular course of business of a bank, broker
or dealer, briefly describe the transaction, and state the names of the parties.


If the participant is, or was within the past year, a party to any contract,
arrangement or understanding with any person with respect to any security of
the registrant, including, but not limited to joint ventures, loan or option
arrangements, puts or calls, guarantees against loss or guarantees of profit,
division of losses or profits, or the giving or withholding of proxies. If so, name
the parties to such contracts, arrangements or understandings and give the
details thereof.


State the amount of securities of the registrant owned beneficially, directly or

indirectly, by each of the participant's associates and the name and address of
each associate.


State the amount of each class of securities of any parent or subsidiary of the
registrant which the participant owns beneficially, directly or indirectly.


Furnish the participant and associates of the participant the information

required by Part IV, paragraph (D)(1) and (2) of Annex C.


If the participant or any associate of the participant has any arrangement or

understanding with any person
(i) with respect to any future employment by the registrant or its affiliates; or

SEC Form 17-IS

December 2003


(ii) with respect to any future transaction to which the registrant or any of its
affiliates will or may be a party,
Describe such arrangement or understanding and state the names of the
parties thereto.
(2) With respect to any person, other than a director or executive officer of the registrant
acting solely in that capacity, who is a party to an arrangement or understanding pursuant
to which a nominee for election as director is proposed to be elected, describe any
substantial interest, direct or indirect, by security holdings or otherwise, that such person
has in any matter to be acted upon at the meeting, and furnish the information called for
by paragraph (b)(1)(K) and (L) of this Item.

After reasonable inquiry and to the best of my knowledge and belief, I certify that the information set forth















of ................................................. on ..............................................., 20..........

(Printed Name/Title)

SEC Form 17-IS

December 2003


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