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Option C



The progress of a wave can be modelled using the ray or the wavefront. The change in
wave speed when moving between media changes the shape of the wave.
Optical microscopes and telescopes utilize similar physical properties of lenses and
mirrors. Analysis of the universe is performed both optically and by using radio
telescopes to investigate different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Total internal reflection allows light or infrared radiation to travel along a transparent
fibre. However, the performance of a fibre can be degraded by dispersion and
attenuation effects.
The body can be imaged using radiation generated from both outside and inside.
Imaging has enabled medical practitioners to improve diagnosis with fewer invasive

15.1 (C1: Core) Introduction to imaging

the progress
of a wave can be modelled via the ray or the wavefront; the change in wave speed
when moving between media changes the shape of the wave

How we see images

We see an object when light from it enters our eyes. Some objects emit light, but we are able
to see most things because the light waves striking them are scattered in all directions and
some of the waves spreading away from a particular point on the object are brought back
together to a point in our eyes. Figure 15.1 shows this using rays to represent the directions
in which the waves are travelling. The representation of an object that our eyes and brain
see is called an image. The term object is generally used to describe the thing that we are
looking at.

cornea + lens
point image

light spreads in
all directions from
a point object


(not to scale)

Figure 15.1 The eye focusing light to form an image

The eye uses refraction to bring light rays diverging from a point on an object back to a point on
the image. This process is called focusing the light to form an image.

Understanding the human eye

Figure 15.2 shows the basic structure of the human eye. Light rays are refracted as they pass
into the eye through the cornea. Further refraction then takes place at surfaces of the lens. As a
result the rays are focused on the back of the eyeball (retina) where the image is formed.
The iris controls the amount of light entering the eye. The aperture (opening) through
which the light passes is called the pupil. In bright light the iris decreases the size of the
pupil to protect the eye, while at night the pupil dilates (gets larger) so that more light can

15 Imaging

vitreous humour






blind spot

ciliary muscle

optic nerve

Figure 15.2 Physical features of the human eye

be received by the retina in order to see clearly. The aqueous humour is a watery liquid
between the cornea and the lens; the vitreous humour is a clear gel between the lens and
the retina.
The ciliary muscles can change the shape of the lens; this is how the eye is able to focus on
objects that are at different distances away.
1 If images are not formed on the surface of the retina, the eye will not be able see clearly.
Suggest possible reasons why this may happen.
2 Suggest the purpose of the optic nerve.

Figure 15.3 How curved
interfaces between transparent
media affect wavefronts and rays

We know from Chapter 4 that when wavefronts enter a different medium and
their speed changes, they can refract and change direction. If the interface
(boundary) between the two media has a curved surface, then the refracted
wavefronts will change shape. Figures 15.3a and 15.3b show plane wavefronts
(parallel rays) crossing an interface into a medium where they travel slower.
Rays showing the direction of travel of the wavefronts are also included (rays are
always drawn perpendicular to wavefronts). In 15.3a the incident waves arrive at
a convex surface and the transmitted wavefronts and rays converge. In 15.3b the
waves are incident on a concave surface and the transmitted wavefronts and rays

Converging and diverging lenses

The eye contains a lens that helps to focus the light. Manufactured lenses made of
transparent materials (such as glass or plastic) use the effect shown in Figure 15.3 to
focus light and form images. This usually involves light travelling from an object through air and
then through a transparent lens that has two smooth, curved surfaces. Refraction then occurs at
both surfaces as shown in Figure 15.4, which shows the effects of the two basic types of lens on
plane wavefronts. The wavefronts inside the lenses have not been included in these diagrams.
Light rays will refract and change direction at both surfaces of the lens, unless they are incident
along a normal. However, in the rest of this chapter we will usually simplify the diagrams in
order to show the rays changing direction only once in the centre of the lens.

15.1 (C1: Core) Introduction to imaging 

Figure 15.4
Two basic types of
lens and how they
affect light waves
(and rays)

converging rays



formed at




In Figure 15.4a the wavefronts converge to a focusfor this reason this type of lens is often
called a converging lens. Because of the shape of its surface, this type of lens is also called a
convex lens. Despite their name, converging lenses do not always converge light (magnifying
glasses are the exception). Figure 15.4b shows the action of a diverging lens (concave surface).
Lenses are made in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, but all lenses can be described as either
converging/convex or diverging/concave.
Lenses have been in use for thousands of years in many societies around the world. The
oldest were crafted from naturally occurring translucent rock (see Figure 15.5). They may have
been used for magnification or for starting fires.

Figure 15.5 The oldest known lens (found at the Assyrian

palace at Nimrud); it is now in the British Museum in London

15 Imaging

Thin lenses
Although real lenses will not behave exactly as the idealized descriptions and equations
presented in this chapter, lens theory can be applied confidently to thin lenses (which have
surfaces with small curvatures) and for light incident approximately perpendicularly (normally)
close to the middle of such lenses.

Figure 15.6 illustrates the basic terms used to describe lenses.
Figure 15.6
Defining the basic
terms used to
describe lenses

converging (convex) lens


focal point, F


focal length, f

focal length, f

more powerful lens

focal point, F




focal length, f focal length, f


diverging (concave) lens





length, f

Figure 15.6 shows ray diagrams, and for the rest of this chapter we will continue to use rays
because they are usually the easiest way of representing the behaviour of optical systems.
However, as an example, Figure 15.7 shows how the behaviour of the converging lenses shown in
Figure 15.6b could be represented using wavefronts.
Figure 15.7
Wavefronts being
focused by a
converging lens

focal point

15.1 (C1: Core) Introduction to imaging 

The principal axis of a lens is defined as the (imaginary) straight line passing through the
centre of the lens, which is perpendicular to the surfaces.
Light rays may be focused in different places depending on how close the object is to the
lens, but a lens is defined in terms of where it focuses parallel rays of light that are incident
on it.
The focal point of a converging lens is defined as the point through which all rays
parallel to the principal axis converge, after passing through the lens. For a diverging
lens the focal point is the point from which the rays appear to diverge after passing
through the lens.
The focal point is sometimes called the principal focus. A lens has two focal points, the same
distance from the centre of the lens on either side. These are shown as F and F in Figure
The focal length, f, of a lens is defined as the distance along the principal axis between the
centre of the lens and the focal point.
Focal length is typically measured in centimetres, although the SI unit is metres. The focal
length of a lens is the essential piece of information about a lens that tells us how it affects
light passing through it. The longer the focal length of a lens, the less effect it has on light.
The shorter the focal length of the lens, the bigger the refraction of the light, and the lens is
described as being more powerful.
For reasons that will be explained later, the focal lengths of diverging lenses are given
negative values.
To determine the focal length of a lens experimentally it is necessary to use parallel rays of
light. These are conveniently obtained from any distant object spherical wavefronts from a
point source become effectively parallel if they are a long distance from their origin.
The focal length of a lens depends on the curvature of the surfaces and the refractive
index of the material(s) from which the lens is made. Simple lenses have surfaces that are
spherical the same shape as part of a sphere. A lens with a smaller radius of curvature, or
a higher refractive index, will have a shorter focal length and be more powerful (see Figure
15.6b). Eyes are able to focus objects at different distances away by slightly changing their
shape and, therefore, their focal lengths (a process called accommodation).
People who work with lenses, such as optometrists and opticians, usually classify different
lenses according to their (optical) power, a term that is not connected in any way to the
more general meaning of power as the rate of transfer of energy. Optical power is defined by:
power =
focal length


This equation is given in the Physics data booklet.

The unit for (optical) power is the dioptre, D, which is defined as the power of a lens with a
focal length of 1m. That is:
When two lenses are placed close together, their combined power is equal to the sum of their
individual powers.
P(D) =

15 Imaging
Worked example
1 What are the powers of lenses that have focal lengths of:
a +2.1m
b +15cm
c 50cm?
= +0.48D
f 2.1
b P = =
= +6.7D
= 2.0D
c P = =
f 0.5
a P =

1 a What is the focal length of a convex lens with a power of +2.5D?

b Make a sketch of a lens (of power +2.5D) and then next to it draw a lens of the same diameter that has
a much shorter focal length.
c What assumption did you make?
2 a Calculate the power of a lens with a diameter of 4.0cm and a focal length of 80mm.
b How is it possible that another lens of exactly the same shape could have a focal length of 85mm?
3 A lens of what focal length can be combined with a lens of power +5D to make a combined power of +25D?
4 A pair of reading glasses (spectacles) have a power of +1.5D.
a What kind of lenses do they contain?
b What is the focal length of the lenses?
c If the focal length of the focusing system in the eye is +18mm, what is the combined power of the eye
and the reading glasses?
5 Make large copy of Figure 15.6c and then add wavefronts passing through the system.

Forming images with converging lenses

The properties of an image formed by a converging lens can be investigated using an illuminated
object and moving a screen (and/or the object) until a well-focused image is observed. Variations
in the image can be observed as the lens is moved, or if the lens is exchanged for another with a
different focal length.

The properties of an image

An image can be fully described by listing these properties:
its position
whether it is upright or inverted (the same way up as the object or upside down)
its size (and whether it is magnified or diminished)
whether it is real or virtual.

Real and virtual images

Real images are formed where rays of light actually converge. Virtual images are formed when diverging
rays enter the eye and the image is formed where the rays appear to have come from. (For example, the
images seen when looking at ourselves in a plane mirror or using a magnifying glass are virtual.)
Nature of Science Deductive logic
By definition, a virtual image cannot be observed directly. Knowledge about virtual images must
come from logical reasoning and assessment of other known facts (by deduction). Because it is
evidently true that (real) images are formed where rays that originated at a point on an object
are brought back together at another point, it is logical to conclude that when we can see a
virtual image, the image is formed in a similar way (by rays diverging from a virtual point).
Deductive reasoning (logic) produces specific conclusions from generalized true statements.
For example, because we know that all forces occur in pairs (from Newtons third law), we can
deduce that a gun must recoil when it is fired.

15.1 (C1: Core) Introduction to imaging 

Linear and angular magnification

The magnification of an image tells us how much bigger or smaller the image is compared to the
object, but this can be expressed in two different ways.

Linear magnification, m
The linear magnification, m, of an image is defined as the ratio of the height of the image, hi, to
the height of the object, ho.


This equation is given in the Physics data booklet.

Because m is a ratio it has no unit. If m is larger than one, the image is magnified; if m is
smaller than one, the image is diminished (smaller).

Angular magnification, M
Sometimes the dimensions of an object and/or an image are not easily determined, or sometimes
quoting a value for a linear magnification may be unhelpful or misleading. For example, an
image of the Moon that had a diameter of 1m would be impressive, but its linear magnification
would be m = hi/ho = 1/(3.5 106) = 2.9 107. In such cases the concept of angular
magnification becomes useful. See Figure 15.8.
Figure 15.8
The concept of angular

rays from object


rays from image

formed by optical



Angular magnification, M, is defined as the angle subtended at the eye by the image, i, divided
by the angle subtended at the eye by the object, o. Because it is a ratio, it has no unit.


This equation is given in the Physics data booklet.

Returning to the example of an image of the Moon, if a 1m diameter image of the Moon was
viewed from a distance of 2m, it would subtend an angle of 12rad (or 29) at the eye. The Moon is
an average distance of 3.8 108m from Earth, so it subtends an angle of (3.5 106)/(3.8 108) =
9.2 103rad at our eyes. The angular magnification is found from M = 0.50/9.2 103 = 54.

15 Imaging
6 When a magnifying glass was used to look at a small insect it appeared to have a length 3.7mm. If the
linear magnification of the lens was 4.6, what was the real length of the insect?
7 A picture of width 4.0cm and height 2.5cm is projected on to a screen so that it is 83cm wide.
a What is the linear magnification?
b How tall is the image?
c By what factor has the area of the image increased?
8 The angular magnification of a telescope was 12 when it was used to look at a tree 18m tall. If the tree
was 410m away, what angle was subtended by the image of the tree at the eye of the observer?

Predicting the properties of real images formed

by converging lenses
The position and properties of an image can be predicted theoretically by using one of two methods:
scale drawing (ray diagrams)
the (thin lens) equation, which links the object and image positions to the focal length of the lens.

Using ray diagrams

Figure 15.9a shows rays that are coming from the top of an extended object (that is, it is not a
point object) being focused to form an image. All rays incident on the lens are focused to the
same point. If part of the lens was covered, an image would still be formed at the same point by
the remaining rays.
The predictable paths of three rays coming from the top of the object are highlighted. These
same three rays can be used to locate the image in any situation.
A ray parallel to the principal axis passes through the focal point.
A ray striking the centre of the lens is undeviated.
A ray passing through the focal point emerges from the lens parallel to the principal axis.
Figure 15.9
Predicting the
paths of rays
between an object
and its image using
three standard rays

A ray parallel to the principal axis

is refracted through the focal point

(not to scale)




A ray passing through the focal point is

refracted parallel to the principal axis
A ray passing through the
centre of the lens is undeviated

(not to scale)




15.1 (C1: Core) Introduction to imaging 

Note that the vertical scale of the diagram is misleading a light ray striking the centre of a
small thin lens from an object some distance away will be incident almost normally, which is not
apparent in this diagram. Of course, all the light from an object does not come from one point
at the top. Figure 15.9b also shows the paths of three rays going from the middle of the object to
the middle of the image.
In the example shown in Figure 15.9, we can see from the ray diagram that the image is
between the positions F and 2F (the point 2F is a distance 2f from the centre of the lens) and it is
diminished, inverted and real. If the lens shown was replaced by a less powerful lens, the image
would be further away, bigger and dimmer (but it would remain inverted and real).
If a lens and object are brought closer together, the image stays real and inverted but becomes
larger and further away from the lens (as well as dimmer). But if the object is placed at the focal
point, the rays will emerge parallel and not form a useful real image (it is at infinity). Figure 15.10
represents these possibilities in a series of diagrams for easy comparison.
Object further than 2F'
Image is real, diminished
and inverted




Object at 2F'
Image is real, same
size as object and inverted





Object between F' and 2F'

Image is real, magnified
and inverted





Object at F'
Image is at infinity


Figure 15.10 How the image changes when a converging lens

moves closer to an object


10 15 Imaging
If an object is placed closer to the lens than the focal point, the emerging rays diverge and
cannot form a real image. Used in this way, a lens is acting as simple magnifying glass, and
a virtual, magnified image can be seen by an eye looking through the lens, as shown in
Figure15.12, which will be discussed later in this chapter.
9 a Draw a ray diagram to determine the position and size of the image formed when an object 10mm tall
is placed 8.0cm from a convex lens of focal length 5.0cm.
b What is the linear magnification of the image?
10 a Draw a ray diagram to determine the position and size of the image formed when an object 20cm tall is
placed 1.20m from a convex lens of power 2.0D.
b What is the linear magnification of the image?
11 Construct a ray diagram to determine where an object must be placed in order to project an image of
linear magnification 10 on to a screen that is 2.0m from the lens.
12 An image of an object 2.0cm in height is projected on to a screen that is 80cm away from the object.
Construct a ray diagram to determine the focal length of the lens if the linear magnification is 4.0.
13 a Describe the properties of images that are formed by cameras.
b Draw a sketch to show a camera forming an image of a distant object.
c How can a camera focus objects that are different distances away?

Using the thin lens equation

The thin lens equation provides a mathematical alternative to scale drawings for determining
the position and properties of an image. In this equation the symbol u is used for the distance
between the object and the centre of the lens (called the object distance) and the symbol v is used
for the distance between the image and the centre of the lens (the image distance), as shown in
Figure 15.11.




object distance, u

image distance, v

Figure 15.11 Object and image distances

The thin lens equation is given in the Physics data booklet:

1 1 1
= +
f v u
It is possible to put in values for f and u (when u < f) that would lead to a negative value for
the image distance, v, so we need to understand what that means. A negative image distance
means that the image is virtual (we will discuss virtual images again in the next section). More
generally, we need to make sure that when inputting data into the thin lens equation we use the
correct signs, as summarized in the real is positive convention:

Real is positive convention

Converging lenses have positive focal lengths.

Distances to real objects and images are positive.

15.1 (C1: Core) Introduction to imaging  11

Upright images have positive linear magnifications.

Diverging lenses have negative focal lengths.
Distances to virtual images are negative.
Inverted images have negative linear magnifications.
Looking at the two similar triangles with marked angles in Figure 15.11, it should be
clear that:
ho hi
= or i =
u v
ho u
Therefore, the magnitude of the linear magnification, m, (= h i ) can also be calculated from uv ,
but a negative sign is added because of the real is positive convention:
m = u
This equation is listed in the Physics data booklet.

ToK Link
Could sign convention, using the symbols of positive and negative, emotionally influence scientists?
The real is positive convention is used in this course, but there is another widely used alternative (which
is not included). There are other situations in physics were we need to decide on a convention (for
example, current flowing from positive to negative). And the choice of positive charge for protons and
negative for electrons could easily have been the other way around. Provided that everyone understands
the convention that is being used, it is not of great significance which system is used, although through
cultural influences we may subjectively be inclined to wrongly believe that positive is more important
than negative.

Worked example
2 a Use the thin lens formula to calculate the position of the image formed by a converging lens of focal
length 15cm when the object is placed 20cm from the lens.
b What is the linear magnification?
c Is the image upright or inverted?
1 1 1
= +
v u

15 20 v
v = 60cm
b m = = = 3.0
c The negative sign confirms that the image is inverted.

Sometimes it is convenient to be able to calculate magnification from simply knowing how

far an object is from a lens of known focal length; m = (v/u) can be combined with the lens
equation to show that:
m =
This equation is not given in the Physics data booklet.

12 15 Imaging

Deriving the thin lens equation

Consider Figure 15.11 again. The ray passing through the focal point on the right-hand side
of the lens forms the hypotenuse of two similar right-angled triangles. Comparing these two
triangles, we can write:
= i
f vf
hi v f

hi v
= .
ho u
Comparing the two equations, it is clear that:
But we have already that

v vf
vf = uv uf, or vf + uf = uv
Dividing by uvf, we get:
1 1 1
= +
f v u
The important simplifying assumptions made in this derivation are that:
the ray parallel to the principal axis changes direction in the middle of the lens
the ray passing through the middle of the lens does not deviate because it is incident
These assumptions are only valid for rays striking a thin lens close to the principal axis.
1 Draw a ray diagram showing the formation of a real image by the refraction of rays at both
surfaces of a converging lens.

Use the thin lens formula to answer the following questions about forming real images with convex lenses.
14 In an experiment investigating the properties of a converging lens, image distances were measured for a
range of different object distances.
a Sketch the shape of a graph that would directly represent the raw data.
b How would you process the data and draw a graph that would enable an accurate determination of the
focal length?
15 a Determine the position of the image when an object is placed 45cm from a converging lens of focal
length 15cm.
b Calculate the linear magnification.
16 a Where must an object be placed to project an image on to a screen 2.0m away from a lens of focal
length 20cm?
b What is the linear magnification?
17 An object is placed 10cm away from a converging lens and forms an image with a linear magnification of
3.5. What is the focal length of the lens?
18 What power lens is needed to produce an image on a screen 12cm away, so that the length of the image
is 10 per cent of the length of the object?
19 a Derive the equation m = f/(u f).
b What focal length of converging lens will produce a magnification of 2 when an object is placed 6.0cm
away from the lens?

15.1 (C1: Core) Introduction to imaging  13

The range of normal human vision

The adult human eyeball is between 2cm and 3cm in diameter and the focal length of its lens
system must be a similar length so that parallel light from distant objects is focused on the back
of the eye (the retina).
Muscles in the eye alter the shape of the lens in order to change its focal length (power)
so that objects at different distances can be focused on the retina. These muscles are more
relaxed when viewing distant objects and most strained when viewing close objects. However,
the normal human eye is not powerful enough to focus light from an object that is closer than
about 25cm.
A ray diagram, or the use of the thin lens formula, will confirm that the images formed on
the retina are always real, inverted and diminished.
The nearest point to the human eye at which an object can be clearly focused (without
straining) is called its near point.
The distance from the eye to the near point for a person with normal eyesight (without any aid)
is usually assumed to be 25cm. This distance is often given the symbol D.
The furthest point from the human eye that an object can be clearly focused (without
straining) is called its far point.
A normal eye is capable of focusing objects that are a long way away (although they cannot be
seen in detail). The far point is assumed to be at infinity for normal vision.

Simple magnifying glass

In order to see an object in more detail we can move it closer to our eyes, but it will not
normally be in focus if the distance to the eye is less than 25cm. The use of a single
converging lens can help to produce a magnified image. Figure 15.12 shows the use of a
converging lens as a simple magnifying glass. It produces both an angular magnification and
a linear magnification.

Image at the near point


virtual image
at near point




Figure 15.12 A simple magnifying glass forming an image at the near point of the eye (not to scale)

The object must be placed closer to the lens than the focal point, so that the rays diverge into
the eye, which then sees an upright virtual image. The image distance v is equal to D, assuming
that the lens is close to the eye.

14 15 Imaging
Worked example
3 A converging lens of focal length 8.0cm is used to magnify an object 2.0mm tall.
a Where must the object be placed to form an image at the near point (v = 25cm)?
b What is the height of the image?
c Is the image upright or inverted?
This question could be answered by drawing a ray diagram, but we will use the thin lens formula.
1 1 1
= +
f v u

+ remembering that a virtual image must be given a negative image distance
8.0 25 u
u = 6.1cm
= 4.1
b m = =
so the height of the image is 4.1 2.0 = 8.2mm

c The magnification is positive, which means that the image is upright.

But the height of the image cannot be measured directly, so we are usually more concerned
about the angular magnification, M, of a magnifying glass than its linear magnification, m.
M near point =

angle subtended at the eye by the image formed at the near point
angle subtended at the eye by the object placed at the near point

Looking at Figure 15.12:


Mnear point = i =
= i
o ho/D ho
Note that this is numerically the same as the linear magnification, m (= v/u), but because
the height of a virtual image is not easily measurable we need to find an alternative method
of calculating the magnification, and it is also desirable to be able to calculate the possible
magnification directly from a knowledge of the focal length of the lens.
Looking at the similar triangles in Figure 15.12 containing the angle i, we see that:
h D
Mnear point = i =
ho u
But we want an equation that gives us the angular magnification in terms of f, not u.
Multiplying the lens equation ( 1 = 1 + 1 ) throughout by v gives us:
f v u
v v v
= +
f v u
Remember that in this situation v = D (the negative sign is included because the image is
virtual), so we get:
= 1 Mnear point
Mnear point =

+ 1

This equation is given in the Physics data booklet.

Using the data from Worked example 3 gives Mnear point =


+ 1 = 4.1, as before.

Image at infinity
Forming an image at the near point provides the largest possible magnification, but the image
can also be formed at infinity and this allows the eye to be more relaxed. Figure 15.13 shows
that the object must be placed at the focal point.

15.1 (C1: Core) Introduction to imaging  15

virtual image
at infinity



Figure 15.13 A simple magnifying glass with the image at infinity

From Figure 15.13 we see that i = ho, so that:

Minfinity = i =


Minfinity =
This equation is given in the Physics data booklet.
By adjusting the distance between the object and the lens, the angular magnification can
be adjusted from D to D + 1, but the lens aberrations (see later) of high-power (small f) lenses
limit the magnification possible with a single lens. A typical focal length for a magnifying
glass is about 10cm, which will produce an angular magnification between 2.5 and 3.5. More
magnification would require a lens of greater curvature and too many aberrations.
20 a Draw an accurate ray diagram to show the formation of the image when an object is placed 5.0cm
away from a converging lens of focal length 8.0cm.
b Use the diagram to determine the linear magnification.
21 Use the thin lens formula to predict the nature, position and linear magnification of the image formed by a
converging lens of power +20D when it is used to look at an object 4.0cm from the lens.
22 What is the focal length of a converging lens that produces a virtual image of length 5.8cm when viewing
a spider of length 1.8cm placed at a distance of 6.9cm from the lens?
23 a Calculate the angular magnification produced by a converging lens of focal length 12cm when
observing an image at the near point.
b In what direction would the lens need to be moved in order for the image to be moved to infinity and
for the eye to be more relaxed?
c When the lens is adjusted in this way, what happens to the angular magnification?
24 What power lens will produce an angular magnification of 3.0 of an image at infinity?
25 Two small objects that are 0.10mm apart can just be distinguished as separate when they are placed at
the near point. What is the closest they can be together and still be distinguished when a normal human
eye views them using a simple magnifying glass that has a focal length of 8.0cm?
26 a Where must an object be placed for a virtual image to be seen at the near point when using a lens of
focal length 7.5cm?
b Calculate the angular magnification in this position.

Predicting properties of virtual images formed

by diverging lenses
Because they do not form real images, diverging lenses have fewer uses than converging lenses.
However, ray diagrams and the thin lens equation can be used for them in the same way as for
converging lenses.

16 15 Imaging
Worked example
4 A 2.0cm tall object is placed 6.0cm from a diverging lens of focal length 4.0cm. Determine
the properties of the image by:
a using a ray diagram
b using the lens equation.
a Figure 15.14 shows an image that is virtual, upright, 0.8cm tall and 2.4cm from the centre of the lens.



Figure 15.14 Virtual upright image formed by a diverging lens (not to scale)
1 1 1
= +
f v u

= +
4.0 v 6.0
v =
= 2.4cm
The negative sign represents a virtual image.
= +0.40; so the image size = 0.40 2.0 = 0.80cm
m =
The positive sign represents an upright image.

Combining lenses
If two lenses are used in an optical system, the final image can be predicted by treating the image
formed by the first lens as the object for the second lens. Figure 15.15 shows an example in which
the virtual image formed by the diverging lens in Figure 15.14 is used to form a second, real image
by a converging lens of focal length 3.0cm with its centre 3.1cm from the centre of the diverging
lens. The blue lines are just construction lines used to locate the top of the final image.
Figure 15.15
Combining lenses
(not to scale)




From a scale drawing we can see that the final image is real and inverted. It is located 6.6cm
from the converging lens and its size is 1.0cm.

15.1 (C1: Core) Introduction to imaging  17

Alternatively, we can locate the image using the lens equation:

(3.1 + 2.4)
v = 6.6cm
The positive sign represents a real image.

v 6.6
= 1.2

final image size = 1.2 0.80 = 0.96cm
The negative sign represents an inverted image.

Optical powers of lens combinations

When two or more thin lenses are placed close together, the optical power of the combination is
approximately equal to the sum of their individual powers. For example, combining a +4D lens
with a 1.5D lens will produce a combined power of +2.5D. In terms of focal lengths, combining
a converging lens of focal length 25cm with a diverging lens of focal length 67cm will have a
combined focal length of 40cm.

Correcting vision defects

The distance between the lens and the retina in an adult human eye is typically about 1.7cm.
This means that a normal human eye has a focal length of about 1.7cm when viewing a distant
object (at the far point), which is equivalent to a power of about +60D. The shape of the lens
can be controlled so that the power can be varied in order to focus objects that are different
distances away. For example, when observing an object 25cm from the eye (at the standard
near point) the focal length needs to be 1.5cm, which is equivalent to a power of +67D. In
other words, the eye needs to accommodate objects at different distances by changing its power
by up to +7D.
Younger people can normally use the muscles in their eyes to change the power of their eyes by
approximately +10D, but as people get older most of them gradually lose this ability, and by the
age of 70 many are unable to achieve a wide range of focus. Most commonly, older eyes have
insufficient optical power to be able focus on close objects and need spectacles with converging
lenses to provide the extra power needed for reading.


+63 D
4 D
Figure 15.16 Correcting short-sight (the red
lines show the paths that the rays would follow
without the lens)

Figure 15.16 shows a common eye defect in younger people. Light

from a distant object is focused slightly in front of the retina. A
simplified interpretation might be that the lens is too powerful
to form an image on the retina because it has a focal length of, for
example, 1.6cm instead of the required 1.7cm (a power of +63D
instead of +59D). This defect can be corrected by using spectacles of
power 4D (diverging lenses).
1 Find out how laser eye surgery can be used to correct vision
defects and the circumstances under which it may be considered
suitable or unsuitable.

Spherical and chromatic aberrations

Aberration is the term we use to describe the fact that, with real lenses, all the light coming
from the same place on an object does not focus in exactly the same place on the image
(as simple optics theory suggests). There are two principal kinds of aberration spherical
and chromatic.

18 15 Imaging
Figure 15.17 represents spherical aberration. This is the
inability of a lens, which has surfaces that are spherically
shaped, to focus parallel rays that strike the lens at different
distances from the principal axis to the same point.
Spherical aberration results in unwanted blurring and
distortion of images (see Figure 15.18), but in good-quality
lenses the effect is reduced by adjusting the shape of the lens.
However, this cannot completely remove aberration for all
circumstances. The effects can also be reduced by only letting
light rays strike close to the centre of the lens. In photography
the size of the aperture (opening) through which light passes
Figure 15.17 Spherical aberration of monochromatic
before it strikes the lens can be decreased to reduce the effects
light (exaggerated)
of spherical aberration. This is commonly known as stopping
down the lens, but it has the disadvantage of reducing the
amount of light passing into the camera and may also produce
unwanted diffraction effects.
Figure 15.19 represents chromatic aberration. Chromatic aberration is the inability of a lens
to refract parallel rays of light of different colours (wavelengths) to the same focal point. Any
transparent medium has slightly different refractive indices for light of different frequencies, so
that white light may be dispersed into different colours when it is refracted. Typically, chromatic
aberration leads to the blurring of images and gives images red or blue/violet edges.




Figure 15.18 Typical distortion

produced by spherical aberration

Figure 15.19 Chromatic aberration

Chromatic aberration can be reduced by combining two or more lenses together. For example, a
converging lens can be combined with a diverging lens (of a different refractive index), so that
the second lens eliminates the chromatic aberration caused by the first (see Figure 15.20).
Figure 15.20
Combining lenses of
different refractive
indices to correct for
chromatic aberration

diverging lens


converging lens

In the modern world we are surrounded by optical equipment capable of capturing video and
still pictures and the quality of lenses has improved enormously in recent years. The quality of
the images produced by the best modern camera lenses is highly impressive (Figure 15.21) and
the improved detection of low light levels has meant that lenses (in mobile phones for example)
can be very small, so that aberrations are less significant.

15.1 (C1: Core) Introduction to imaging  19

Figure 15.21
This lens achieves
top-quality images
by having a large
number of lens

27 a What is the focal length of a diverging lens that will produce an image 8.0cm from its centre when an
object is placed 10.0cm from the lens?
b List the properties of the image.
28 Suggest how the focal length of a diverging lens can be determined experimentally.
29 Two converging lenses with focal lengths of 10cm and 20cm are placed with their centres 30cm apart.
What is the linear magnification produced by this system when an object is placed 75cm from the
midpoint between the two lenses? Does this question have two different answers?
30 Make a copy of Figure 15.19 and show on it where a screen would have to be placed to obtain an image
with blue edges.
31 Draw a diagram(s) to illustrate the improved focusing achieved by stopping down a lens.
32 Suggest why lens aberrations tend to be worse for higher-power lenses.
33 In order to reduce chromatic aberration a converging lens of power +25D was combined with a diverging
lens of power 12D. What is the focal length of this combination?

Converging and diverging

(concave) mirror

centre of


length, f
radius of curvature

(convex) mirror
centre of

length, f
radius of curvature
Figure 15.22 Reflection by spherical surfaces


Mirrors with curved surfaces can also be used to focus

images. The terminology and the principles involved
are very similar to those already discussed concerning
lenses. Figure 15.22 shows the action of spherically
shaped reflecting surfaces on parallel wavefronts
represented by rays. Once again, the theory will
assume that the rays are close to the principal axis and
strike the mirror almost perpendicularly (the diagrams
are exaggerated for clarity).
The directions of the reflected rays can be
predicted using the law of reflection (angle of
incidence = angle of reflection). The concave
surface (a) reflects the rays so that they converge to
a real focal point, F, so the mirror is described as a
converging mirror. The convex surface (b) reflects the
rays so that they diverge from a virtual focal point,
F, so the mirror is described as a diverging mirror.
The distance from the centre of curvature of the
spherical surface to the surface of the mirror is equal
to twice the focal length, 2f.
The properties of the image formed by a
converging mirror can be investigated using an
illuminated object and moving a screen (and/or
the object) until a well-focused image is observed.
Variations in the image can be observed when the
mirror is moved, or if the mirror is exchanged for
another with a different focal length.

20 15 Imaging

Using ray diagrams to predict the properties of images in converging mirrors

As with lens diagrams, there are three rays, the paths of which we can always predict.
An incident ray parallel to the principal axis will be reflected through the focal point, or be
reflected so that it appears to come from the focal point.
An incident ray passing through the focal point will be reflected parallel to the principal axis.
An incident ray passing through (or directed towards) the centre of curvature will be
reflected back along the same path.
Figure 15.23 uses these rays to predict the properties of images in a converging mirror.
Figure 15.23 How
the image changes as
an object is brought
closer to a converging





image at


15.1 (C1: Core) Introduction to imaging  21

Figure 15.23 shows us that as the object gets closer to the lens, the real inverted image gets
larger and further away from the lens. But if the object is closer than the focal point the image is
virtual, upright and magnified.
Linear magnification, m =

(as with lenses)

(as with lenses)

Angular magnification, M =
Worked example

5 When a 3.2cm tall object is placed 5.1cm from a converging mirror, a magnified virtual image is formed
9.7cm from the mirror.
a What is the linear magnification?
b How tall is the image?
v 9.7
= 1.9
u 5.1
b m =
1.9 = i
hi = 3.2 1.9 = 6.1cm
a m =

Diverging mirrors
Figure 15.24 show the formation of a diminished, upright, virtual image by a diverging mirror.
This can be very useful when we need to see a wide field of vision, Figure 15.25 shows one
application a cars wing mirror.

small, upright
virtual image

Figure 15.24 Producing small virtual images using a diverging

mirror A

Figure 15.25 Wide field of vision produced

by a cars wing mirror

Mirror combinations


mirror B


Figure 15.26 Forming an image using two curved mirrors

Ray diagrams for locating the image formed by two curved

mirrors can be difficult to draw because they usually do not
share the same single principal axis. Figure 15.26 shows an
example. The object, O, forms a real, magnified, inverted image,
IA, after the light has been reflected by the converging mirror,
A. The principal axis of A has been drawn in two positions,
the second of which is also the principal axis of the diverging
mirror, B. Remember that in ray tracing we always assume that
the rays are close to the principal axis and strike the mirror
perpendicularly, even though this may not be represented well
in the diagrams.

22 15 Imaging
IA then provides the object that produces the (still) inverted, virtual image, IB, when the rays
reflect off the diverging mirror, B. (The blue line is a construction line used to determine the
position of the top of the image.)

Spherical aberration in mirrors

We have been assuming that spherical surfaces produce perfect focuses, and that is an acceptable
assumption for rays close to the principal axis striking the surface almost perpendicularly, but for
many applications (especially for larger mirrors) we need to be more realistic. Figure 15.27 shows
the effect of diverse reflections from a large spherical surface (the shape seen is often called a
caustic curve).
Spherical aberration can be overcome by adapting the shape of the reflecting surface.
Parabolic reflectors can produce much better focuses than spherical surfaces see Figure
15.28. Receiving dishes for satellite broadcasts are a good example of this kind of converging

Figure 15.27 Spherical aberration

prevents a perfect focus

Figure 15.28 A parabolic surface

can produce a good focus

The same idea can be used in reverse. If a point source of light (or other radiation) is placed
at, or near, the focus of a parabolic reflector, the emerging beam will be parallel, or have a low
divergence. The beams from a torch, car headlight or spotlight (Figure 15.29) are good examples
of beams with only small divergence, which are produced by parabolic reflecting surfaces.
Figure 15.29 The low
divergence beam from
a spotlight

15.2 (C2: Core) Imaging instrumentation  23

34 Draw a ray diagram to determine the properties of the image formed when an object 1.5cm tall is placed
7.0cm from a converging mirror of focal length 5cm.
35 a Draw a ray diagram of a diverging lens forming an image of an object placed between the mirror and its
focal point.
b Describe the properties of the image.
36 a A make-up/shaving mirror uses a curved mirror. Describe the image seen.
b What kind of mirror is used, and typically how far away would a face be when using such a mirror?
c Suggest a suitable focal length for such a mirror.
37 Draw a ray diagram to locate the final image formed by the following optical arrangement. An object is
placed 20cm away from a large converging mirror of focal length 8cm; the image formed is located 4cm
in front of a small converging mirror of focal length 5cm. The two mirrors face each other.
38 Draw ray diagrams to represent:
a spherical aberration in a diverging mirror
b the production of the light beam from a car headlight.

15.2 (C2: Core) Imaging instrumentation

microscopes and telescopes utilize similar physical properties of lenses and mirrors;
analysis of the universe is performed both optically and by using radio telescopes to
investigate different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum
In this section we will look at how lenses and/or mirrors can be combined to produce optical
images better than can be seen by the eye or by the use of a single lens. Similar ideas can then
be applied to the use of other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum for imaging, in particular
the use of radio waves in astronomy. Extending the range of human senses in these ways has
contributed enormously to our expanding knowledge of both the microscopic world and the rest
of the universe.

Optical compound microscopes

If we want to observe an image of a nearby object with a higher magnification than can be
provided with a single lens, a second converging lens can be used to magnify the first image
(see Figure 15.30). The lens closer to the object is called the objective lens and the second lens,
closer to the eye, is called the eyepiece lens. Two lenses used in this way are described as a
compound microscope. Note that the size of the lenses and their separation are not drawn to scale.

real, magnified
image produced
by the objective




final inverted,
virtual image

Figure 15.30 Compound microscope with the final image at the near point (normal adjustment)

construction line

24 15 Imaging
The object to be viewed under the microscope is placed just beyond the focal
point of the objective lens, so that a real image is formed between the two lenses
with a high magnification. The eyepiece lens is then used as a magnifying glass,
and its position is adjusted to give as large an image as possible with the final
virtual image usually at, or very close to, the near point of the eye. This is called
normal adjustment.
To locate the image by drawing you need to find the point where the
construction line through the centre of the eyepiece from the top of the first
image meets the extension of the ray from the first image that passes through
the focal point.
A model of a simple compound microscope can be investigated in a darkened
room as shown in Figure 15.31. To begin with, a converging lens with a focal
length of about 5cm is used to form an inverted image of a brightly illuminated
object (e.g. graph paper) on a translucent screen. Then, the position of a second,
less-powerful lens is adjusted until a second (virtual) image of the first image is
seen when looking through this eyepiece. The screen can then be removed and
the two lenses used together to observe the scale, so that the magnification of
the image can be estimated. As with many optical experiments, keeping the eye
and all the components aligned is important for success.

eyepiece lens

objective lens

Figure 15.31 Investigating

a model microscope

Angular magnification
The angular magnification produced by a compound microscope is equal to the product of
the linear magnification of the objective lens multiplied by the angular magnification of the
eyepiece lens. For an image at the near point:
Moverall = mobjective Meyepiece =


u objective

This equation is not given in the Physics data booklet. If the final image is at infinity (for less eye
strain) the +1 term can be omitted.
Worked example
6 A compound microscope contains an objective lens of focal length 0.80cm and an eyepiece lens of focal
length 5.4cm. The microscope is adjusted to form a final image at the near point of the eye for an object
placed 0.92cm in front of the objective.
a Determine the distance between the two lenses.
b What is the angular magnification of the image?
a First find the image distance for the objective:
+ 1
v = 6.1cm

Then find the object distance for the eyepiece:


(remembering that virtual image distances are negative)

u = 4.4cm
distance between lenses = v + u = 6.1 + 4.4 = 10.5cm

b M =

( uv )


( ) (

M = 6.1 25




) = 37


15.2 (C2: Core) Imaging instrumentation  25

The exact angular magnification of a microscope clearly depends on where the object and
final image are located, but an approximate guide to the angular magnification of a compound
microscope can be obtained from the focal lengths and the distance between the lenses, L:
M DL . (This equation predicts M 45 for Worked example 6.) This confirms that shorter

focal lengths will produce higher magnifications; but, as with magnifying glasses, the higher
curvatures associated with higher of shorter focal lengths will introduce lens aberrations and
reduce the quality of the images produced.

Although the magnification produced by a microscope is obviously important, resolution is
usually of more significance in optical instruments. In general, high resolution can be described
as the ability to see detail in an image. Two images that can be seen as separate are said to be
resolved. To understand the difference, consider a picture on a phone or computer screen it can
be very easy to magnify, but that often results in a poorer-quality image.
A high-quality microscope, or telescope, will produce images with good magnification and
resolution; a poorer-quality instrument may produce high magnification but the resolution will
be disappointing.
The magnification of an optical system is largely dependent on the focal lengths of the lenses,
but the resolution of a system depends on the quality of the lenses, the diameter of the objective
and the wavelength of the radiation being detected. High overall resolution also assumes that the
properties of the surface detecting the waves, for example the separation of
pixels in a camera or the separation of cells on the retina of the eye, will not
angular resolution
have an adverse effect.
two objects
A normal human eye can see two similar objects placed at the near point

that can
as separate if they are approximately at least 0.1mm apart. Resolution is best
just be
represented by the angle subtended by these points, = 250 4 104rad
Figure 15.32 Angular resolution
(see Figure 15.32). Better resolution is represented by a smaller angle between
of the eye
two points that can just be seen as separate.
Using a good microscope with an angular magnification of, say, 50 could improve the
resolution by the same factor, so that it would then be possible to separate two points subtending
an angle of (4 10 ) = 8 106rad, which corresponds to a linear separation of 2 103mm at
the near point.

Rayleighs criterion
The diffraction of waves as they pass into the eye, or an optical instrument, is the main factor
limiting resolution, and the amount of diffraction depends on the wavelength, , and the width
of the aperture, b (Chapter 4). Rayleighs criterion is a guide to resolution for waves passing
through circular apertures (the theory was discussed in Chapter 9, but is not needed here):
Two objects are considered to be resolvable if the angle, , that they subtend at the eye or
optical instrument is bigger than 1.22/b.
Worked example
7 Use Rayleighs criterion to estimate the angular resolution of the human eye.

Assuming the average wavelength of light is 6 10 7m and the diameter of the pupil (in bright light) is
6 10 7
4 10 4 rad
= 1.22
2 10 3
Which is in reasonable agreement with actual observations.

Applying Rayleighs criterion to the resolution achieved by optical instruments, we can see that
resolution would be improved by using shorter wavelengths and wider apertures. Using wider
apertures has the added advantage of admitting more light and producing brighter images,
although larger lenses may have aberration problems. Using light of smaller wavelengths (the

26 15 Imaging
blue/violet end of the spectrum) can improve resolution but, of course, any coloured effects
would be lost.
Rayleighs criterion can be used as a guide to resolution, but there are other factors
involved for example placing an oil with a high refractive index between the specimen and
the eyepiece can improve resolution.

Electron microscopes
The resolution of a microscope will be improved if radiation with a shorter wavelength than
light can be used to examine the object. Waves of the electromagnetic spectrum with shorter
wavelengths than light are ultraviolet, X-rays and gamma rays, but none of these are as easily
produced, controlled and detected as a beam of electrons.
Like all particles, electrons have wave properties but, because their mass is so small, electron wave
properties are relatively easily observed; electrons in a beam have typical wavelengths of about
1010m. This is about 5000 times smaller than the average wavelength
of visible light, so that resolution can be improved by the same factor
by using a beam of electrons rather than a beam of light photons.
Beams of electrons can be produced by accelerating potential
differences of a few thousand volts and their wavelength can be
adjusted by changing the p.d. Because electrons are charged, they can
be focused by electric or magnetic fields.
Of course, electrons cannot be seen using our eyes, so their
energy needs to be converted to light to form a visible image (see

Figure 15.33

1 F igure 15.33 shows a living bed-bug. Use the internet to find out if
placing such an organism in an electron beam is harmful.

39 An object is placed 5.0mm from the objective lens of a two-lens compound microscope. The eyepiece of
the microscope has a focal length of 4.0cm.
a If the linear magnification produced by the objective lens is 5.0, what is its focal length?
b What is the overall angular magnification of the microscope when observing an image of this object at
40 a If the diameter of the objective lens in a microscope is 1.2cm, estimate its angular resolution assuming
an average wavelength of light of 5.5 10 7m.
b If the microscope produces an angular magnification of 80, estimate the minimum separation of two
points that can just be resolved by a normal human eye.
c What assumption did you make in answering (b)?
41 Suggest why placing a transparent oil between a specimen and an objective lens can improve the
resolution of a microscope.

Simple optical refracting telescopes

A telescope is an optical instrument designed to produce an angular magnification of a distant
object. Images are formed by the processes of refraction or reflection. (Reflecting telescopes will
be considered in the next section.)
In a simple refracting astronomical telescope there are two lenses that together produce an
inverted, virtual image. Such telescopes are usually of little use for looking at objects on Earth;
this is why they are sometimes described as astronomical for use in astronomy. Light rays
arriving at the objective lens of a telescope can be considered to be parallel because the source
of light is such a long distance away. Consequently a small, inverted real image will be formed at
the focal point of the objective lens. A second lens, the eyepiece, is then used as a magnifying
glass to magnify this image.

15.2 (C2: Core) Imaging instrumentation  27


objective lens

Figure 15.34 Investigating a model telescope

A model of an astronomical telescope can be investigated in a

darkened room as shown in Figure 15.34. To begin with, a converging
lens with a focal length of about 50cm is used to form an inverted image
of a brightly illuminated object (e.g. a scale) on a translucent screen.
Then the position of a second, more powerful lens is adjusted until a
second virtual image of the first image is seen when looking through
the eyepiece. The screen can then be removed and the two lenses used
together to observe the scale, and the magnification of the image can
then be estimated. As with many optical experiments, keeping the eye
and all the components aligned is important for success.
Figure 15.35 shows the basic construction of a two-lens
astronomical telescope. The telescope is usually adjusted so that the
final image is at infinity so that the eye can be relaxed when observing
it for extended periods of time. This is called using the telescope in
normal adjustment and the image formed by the objective must be
formed at the focal point of the eyepiece. When adjusted in this way,
the distance between the lenses is the sum of their focal lengths.
The direction to the top of the final image is located by drawing a
construction line through the centre of the eyepiece from the top of
the first image.



parallel rays
all from top of
distant object

real image formed at

focal points of both lenses

construction line


virtual image
at infinity
Figure 15.35 Simple refracting telescope with the final image at infinity (normal adjustment)

The angular magnification (in this adjustment) can be determined by examining the two
triangles involving h1:


This equation is given in the Physics data booklet.

Clearly, a higher magnification is obtained by using an objective lens with a longer focal
length (lower power) and an eyepiece lens with a smaller focal length (higher power). But lens
aberrations of high-power eyepieces limit the angular magnification possible.
If a telescope, or binoculars, are required to produce an upright image (for non-astronomical
use) then another lens, or prism, must be added to the simple design shown in Figure 15.35 to
invert the image.


15 Imaging
The quality and diameter of the objective lens are the most important factors when considering
the quality of the image in any kind of optical instrument. A larger objective has two
Most importantly, it collects more light to produce a brighter image (to see dimmer and
more distant or smaller objects).
There will be less diffraction, which improves the resolution of images.
However, larger objectives also have aberration problems, which inevitably reduce the quality
of the images.
42 A student hopes to construct an astronomical refracting telescope that produces an angular magnification
of at least 100.
a If she chooses an objective lens of focal length 68 cm, what is the minimum power needed for the
b Explain why this telescope may not produce high-quality images.
43 Venus has a diameter of about 12 000 km.
a What angle does it subtend at the eye when it is a distance of 2.0 108 km from Earth? (Assume that all
of Venus is visible.)
b A refracting telescope with an objective lens of focal length 120 cm is used to observe Venus. What is
the diameter of the image formed by this lens?
c An eyepiece lens of focal length 1.5 cm is used to form a final virtual image of Venus at infinity. What is
the angle subtended by the image at the eyepiece?
d Use your answers to (a) and (c) to confirm that the overall angular magnification of the telescope is
given by M = fo/fe.
44 A refracting telescope consists of lenses of focal length 86 cm and 2.1 cm.
a Which lens is the eyepiece?
b Calculate the angular magnification in normal adjustment.
c If the objective lens was replaced with another having twice the diameter but the same focal length,
how would the image change?
45 Suggest how the use of a third lens in a refracting telescope can result in an upright image.

ToK Link
Can we trust our own senses?
However advanced the technology, microscopes and telescopes always involve sense perception.Can technology
be used effectively to extend or correct our senses?
Our eyes collect and focus light, and then electrical signals are sent along the optic nerve to our brains.
The brain processes the information and the result is what we call an image, and we would describe this as
real (seeing is believing). But our ability to observe is well known to be fallible, and simple optical illusions
demonstrate how easily we can be fooled. In Figure 15.36 our eyes tell us that squares A and B are different
shades, but scientific measurement would correctly inform us that they are the same.

Figure 15.36 Squares A and B are exactly the same shade of grey!

15.2 (C2: Core) Imaging instrumentation  29

Simple optical reflecting telescopes

real image formed by mirror


plane mirror

objective mirror

Figure 15.37 A reflecting telescope with a

Newtonian mounting

A reflecting telescope has an objective mirror (converging)

rather than a refracting objective lens. The image formed is
observed through an eyepiece lens. Figure 15.37 shows the basic
design of a reflecting telescope first described by Isaac Newton
in 1668. It is described as having a Newtonian mounting. A
small plane mirror has to be positioned in the incident beam in
order to reflect the light into the eyepiece, which is positioned
to the side of the main body of the telescope. Without this
arrangement the observer would need to place their head in
the incident beam. Of course it has the disadvantage that the
plane mirror will prevent some of the light in the incident
beam from reaching the converging mirror.

Worked example
8 Two stars separated by a distance, so, subtend an angle, o, of 5.3 10 5rad when viewed from Earth. The
stars are observed through a Newtonian telescope with a converging mirror of focal length 3.4m.
a Calculate the separation, si, of these two stars in the image formed by the converging mirror. (Assume
they are the same distance from Earth.)
b If the eyepiece has a focal length, fe, of 4.5cm and is used to form a final image at infinity, what is the
overall angular magnification produced by the telescope?
so u
The incident light rays are (almost) parallel, so the image is formed at the focal point, and therefore v = f.
si = o f
But o = o , so:
si = o f = 5.3 10 5 3.4
= 1.8 10 4m

b The image from the mirror must be formed at the focal point of the eyepiece lens for the final
image to be at infinity.
1.8 10 4
angle subtended by image, i = i =
= 4.0 103rad

4.0 10 3
= 75

M= i =
o 5.3 10 5
This could be found directly from M = o .

Figure 15.38 A
reflecting telescope
with a Cassegrain


diverging mirror

converging objective mirror

The Cassegrain mounting (designed by Laurent Cassegrain in 1672) is an alternative design that
reflects the rays off a second (diverging) mirror back through a hole in the objective mirror see Figure
15.38. This arrangement enables the user to look in the same direction as that from which the light is
coming. Using a diverging mirror in this way produces extra magnification in a compact design.

30 15 Imaging
Worked example
9 Consider Figure 15.38. The rays converging to the small diverging mirror would otherwise have formed
an image 24cm behind the mirror, but have been reflected to a focus 1.36m away near the hole in the
converging objective mirror. What extra magnification has this introduced compared to the use of a
plane mirror in a Newtonian mounting with an objective mirror and eyepiece of similar focal lengths?
v 1.36
m= =
= 5.6
u 0.24

Reflecting telescopes are still popular today and they have some important advantages over
refracting telescopes, including:
The light does not have to pass through a refracting medium, so there is no chromatic aberration.
The light does not have to pass through a refracting medium, so there is no absorption or
The objective has only one active surface so high-quality, larger-diameter objectives of the
right shape are easier and cheaper to produce.
For these reasons the majority of optical astronomical telescopes used for research are reflectors.
They are also popular with amateur astronomers. Figure 15.39 show the supporting structure of
the worlds largest reflecting telescope, Gran Telescopio Canarias. Figure 15.40 shows a smaller
reflecting telescope for individual use.

Figure 15.39 Reflecting telescope in the

Canary Islands, Spain

Figure 15.40 Smaller reflecting telescope

for amateur use

46 Determine the angular magnification of a Newtonian reflecting telescope that has a converging mirror of
focal length 6.7m and an eyepiece lens of focal length 1.8cm. Assume that the final image is at infinity.
47 Increasing resolution and light-gathering ability is achieved by using larger mirrors. Explain why telescopes
cannot be improved by simply making them bigger and bigger.
48 Use the internet to find out some of the reasons why an amateur astronomer would choose one of the
two basic types of reflecting telescope described in this section (rather than the other).

Satellite-borne telescopes
Terrestrial telescopes (those on the Earths surface) receive waves that have passed through the
Earths atmosphere. However, the atmosphere reflects, scatters, refracts and absorbs some of the
incoming radiation, and these effects can significantly affect the quality of images formed by
terrestrial telescopes. Examples of the effects of the atmosphere on radiation include stars viewed
from the Earths surface twinkling because of the constantly changing effects of refraction, and
clear skies appearing blue because shorter wavelengths of light scatter more from the atmosphere
than longer wavelengths.
Optical astronomical telescopes also have particular problems they can only be used at
night, they can only be used if there are no clouds, and they are affected by light from the Earth
being scattered by the atmosphere after dark (light pollution).
The effects of the atmosphere are very dependent on the wavelengths of the radiation
involved, as shown in Figure 15.41.

15.2 (C2: Core) Imaging instrumentation  31

Figure 15.41
How the Earths
atmosphere affects
incoming radiation

Percentage of radiation reaching sea level








Wavelength, /m

There are a number of outstanding features in Figure 15.41:

Radio waves, (e.g. with a typical wavelength of about 1m) and microwaves are almost
unaffected by passing through the atmosphere.
Infrared is strongly absorbed (Chapter 8).
Ultraviolet and X-ray radiations are mostly absorbed by the atmosphere.

An obvious way of reducing the effects of the atmosphere is to place telescopes in locations that
are at high altitudes, with good weather conditions and which are far from towns and cities. See
Figure 15.42.
With the considerable improvements in satellite technology in recent years, it has become
possible to place significant numbers of space telescopes on satellites (satellite-borne) in orbit
around the Earth. This has produced an enormous amount of data (collected and analysed using
high-power computers), new discoveries of less intense or more distant sources, or those emitting
different kinds of radiation, and impressive high-resolution images.
The Hubble telescope is probably the most well-known orbiting
telescope, with many of its spectacular images well known and
freely available around the world. The telescope was launched in
1990 and was named after the famous American astronomer Edwin
Hubble. It has a mass of about 11tonnes and orbits approximately
560km above the Earths surface, taking 96minutes for one
complete orbit. One of the greatest achievements of astronomers
using the Hubble telescope has been accurately determining the
distances to very distant stars, enabling a much improved estimate
for the age of the universe.
Because such projects are expensive and the data obtained of
interest to astronomers worldwide, they are often joint ventures between

Figure 15.42 Telescopes at Mauna Kea, Hawaii


A different kind of observatory

Before the invention of the telescope, astronomers throughout the world made impressively
accurate observations with their unaided eyes and by using a range of different devices to
measure small angles.
More than 100 years after the discovery of the telescope, between 1727 and 1734, Maharaja
Jai Singh II built an impressive observatory at Jaipur in India, which consisted of 14 large
geometrical structures to assist astronomy with the unaided eye (Figure 15.43). The biggest of
these is 27m tall and is the largest sundial in the world. Its shadow can be seen to move at a
rate of up to 6cm every minute.

32 15 Imaging

Figure 15.43 Jantar Mantar at Jaipur, India

The purpose of the structures was to measure time and the apparent motions of the planets
and stars, but also to be impressive structures in themselves and to stimulate interest in the
newly developing science of astronomy. In India at that time, astronomy and astrology were
closely connected, as they had been throughout the world in nearly all civilizations (and even
today for many people).
1 Many people believe that the positions of the Moon, stars and planets can influence our
individual lives and our futures. Do you think that this is possible? Explain your answer.

Non-optical telescopes
Nature of Science Technological advances in astronomy
The invention of the optical telescope happened over 500 years ago; there is no general
agreement about who was responsible although a German spectacle maker, Hans Lippershay,
is often credited. Certainly Galileo adapted and improved early designs and his observations
of moons orbiting Jupiter are well known. This was presented as evidence that the Earth may
not be the centre of the universe and is an early example of the dramatic advances in human
knowledge that can achieved by using instruments to extend our observations.
For most of the subsequent 500 years, astronomy has relied on the detection of visible light
to provide information, but radiation from all other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum
also arrive at the top of the Earths atmosphere from space. Telescopes and sensors capable
of detecting infrared, ultraviolet and X-rays have now been placed on orbiting satellites, and
the data obtained leads to knowledge about the universe that can be very different from that
obtained from light alone. For example, new sources of radiation have been discovered (for
example gamma ray bursts and X-ray binary stars) and our knowledge of how the universe began
has improved considerably.
Radio astronomy, in particular, is a highly advanced technology.

Radio telescopes
Radio waves are emitted by a wide variety of sources in space and they are mostly unaffected by
passing through the Earths atmosphere (see Figure 15.41), so radio telescopes can be terrestrial
and, unlike visible light telescopes, they can be used 24 hours a day.
Some sources have been discovered from their radio wave emissions because they do not
emit significant visible light, but radio waves are also emitted as part of the spectrum of elements
(for example hydrogen, the most common element in the universe, emits a significant radio
wavelength of 21cm). In this way radio astronomy has helped to map the universe.

15.2 (C2: Core) Imaging instrumentation  33

Single dish radio telescopes

A single dish radio telescope uses a reflector (usually parabolic) to focus the radio waves to a
detector (aerial) placed at the focus. Figure 15.44 shows the Parkes radio telescope in Australia,
which has a diameter of 64m.
Figure 15.44 The
Parkes telescope in
New South Wales,

We know that a guide to the angular resolution of a telescope may be determined from 1.22
where b is the width of the aperture/dish. The wavelengths to be investigated are predetermined
by the nature of the investigation, and because radio wavelengths are much longer than light
wavelengths, good resolution is much more difficult to achieve.
The most significant factor controlling the resolution of a single-dish radio telescope is the width
of the dish. Larger dishes will produce higher resolution but, unfortunately, larger dishes are also
much more expensive; it is also more difficult to maintain their precise shape and more difficult
to steer them to the desired direction. It should also be stressed that larger dishes will collect more
energy, so that more distant and dimmer sources can be detected. The largest single-dish radio
telescope in the world is at the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico. It has a diameter of 305m
this is only possible because the surrounding landscape has been used to help support the structure.

Worked example
10 a Determine the resolution of the Parkes telescope (Figure 15.44) if it was used to detect the 21cm
wavelength of hydrogen.
b Would this telescope be able to resolve two stars emitting radio waves that were 2.3 1013km apart
and (both) 6.7 1015km from Earth?

= 1.22
= 4.0 10 3

This is worse than optical telescopes or the human eye.

2.3 1013
= 3.4 10 3
b angle subtended at Earth by the stars =
6.7 1015
This angle is less than 4.0 10 3, so the stars will not be resolvable.

Radio interferometry telescopes

There is an alternative method of improving the resolution of astronomical telescopes
other than by constructing larger dishes. If the signals from an arrangement of two or more
synchronized smaller telescopes can be combined (electronically), then the overall angular
resolution will be approximately equal to that of a single dish with a diameter equal to the
separation of the individual dishes. When using the equation for angular resolution, = b ,
b becomes the separation of the telescopes rather than the width of each one.

34 15 Imaging
There will be a path difference between a wavefront emitted from an astronomical source
arriving at different telescopes (Figure 15.45). When the signals are combined, an interference
pattern (Chapters 4 and 9) will be produced, the spacing and centre of which can be used to
accurately determine the direction to the source of radiation.
Figure 15.45
Radio interferometry

radio waves from

astronomical source
path difference


Resolution is improved by using more telescopes in a regular pattern (compare with the use of
diffraction gratings, discussed in Chapter 9) and there are a number of different ways in which
a pattern of telescopes might be arranged, however the details are not needed for this course.
Receiving enough energy from distant and dim sources is always an important issue, so the total
combined collecting area of the telescopes must still be as large as possible (which is another
reason why more dishes are preferable).
The individual telescopes may be arranged in an array relatively close together, see Figure
15.46, or they may be separated by a long distance (a long baseline), which can be as much as
thousands of kilometres long and in different countries, although longer distances introduce
technological problems.
Figure 15.46 An
interferometer array

Worked example
11 Compare the theoretical resolution of two radio telescopes of dish diameter 50m separated by
a distance of 1km with one of the telescopes used individually.
The effective aperture has been increased by a factor of 1000/50 = 20. So the angular resolution of the
two together is 20 times smaller (better). The combination will also have double the receiving area and
will therefore be able to detect less-intense sources.

15.3 (C3: Core) Fibre optics  35

49 Suggest some reasons why the weightless and airless environment of a satellite orbit has advantages for
reflecting telescopes.
50 Make a list of the advantages of placing telescopes on orbiting satellites.
51 When detecting radio waves of frequency 1420MHz, what is the minimum diameter of a single-dish
reflecting telescope needed to resolve two stars that are 4.7 1016m apart and 1.5 1019m from Earth?
52 What angular resolution would be obtained from an interferometer using two radio telescopes 540m
apart using radio waves of wavelength 0.18m?
53 An angular resolution of 1 arcsecond is obtained using interferometry techniques. What separation of two
telescopes would be needed to achieve this value when receiving radio waves with a frequency of 6GHz?
54 Use the internet to research the latest developments in the SKA project.
55 Suggest what problems may arise when using interferometry techniques between telescopes that are
thousands of kilometres apart.

15.3 (C3: Core) Fibre optics total internal reflection allows light

or infrared radiation to travel along a transparent fibre; however, the performance of a

fibre can be degraded by dispersion and attenuation effects

In Chapter 4 we introduced the ideas of critical angle and total internal reflection, and briefly
discussed how these could be used in, for example, optic fibre endoscopes to obtain images from
inside the human body. In this section we will discuss optic fibres in more detail, with respect to
their advantages in the transmission of data.

Optic fibres, wires and wireless communication

If we want to communicate over long distances and/or quickly transmit a large amount of data,
we have two choices: (i) using electromagnetic waves through the air, (ii) sending signals along
some kind of cable (insulated wire(s) or fibre(s)). There are many factors affecting the choice
between these, and the advantages and disadvantages vary with the particular circumstances.
But the majority of data transfer worldwide is still transmitted using signals sent through some
kind of cable involving:
electricity in copper wires, or
infrared radiation in optic fibres.
We will first consider some of the issues involved with using (copper) wires. At its simplest, we
may consider that data passes along a cable as a signal carried by a varying potential difference
between two wires, with an associated electromagnetic wave between and around the wires. The
two principal problems that arise are as follows.
The p.d.s change as they travel longer distances via the cable. Because of the resistance
and other electrical properties of the wire, the voltage signals get smaller and change shape.
(There is more about attenuation and dispersion later in this chapter.)
Electromagnetic waves spreading away from a cable can induce unwanted e.m.f.s in
other cables (especially at high frequencies). Such unwanted signals are commonly called
electromagnetic noise (interference) or crosstalk if they come from other wires in the
same cable.
Electromagnetic noise can be greatly reduced by using twisted pair cabling in which the two
insulated wires are twisted together (further explanation is not required). Figure 15.47 shows the
kind of cable widely used in computer networking and in local telephone networks.

36 15 Imaging
Figure 15.47 Fourcore twisted pair

An alternative for reducing electromagnetic noise is the use of co-axial cable, which contains
a central copper wire surrounded by an insulator and then an outer copper mesh see

Figure 15.48
Co-axial cable

Figure 15.49 Rays

following a curved path
along an optic fibre

The mesh is connected to 0V earth (grounded), meaning that electromagnetic signals

cannot pass through it.
As we will explain, communication using optic fibres (which also transfer data
using electromagnetic waves) can overcome the problems associated with using
copper wires.
It was explained in Chapter 4 that total internal reflection can enable a light
or an infrared beam to travel long distances along flexible glass fibres, as shown in
the simplified representation in Figure 15.49. Because the fibres are thin (as thin as
0.01mm), the angle of incidence of a ray is always larger than the critical angle, so that
repeated internal reflections occur. Almost no light escapes from the fibre and, because
it is possible to make glass of great clarity, the beam can travel very long distances
without much absorption or scattering. The radiation used for communication is usually
infrared because it is absorbed even less than visible light.

Total internal reflection and critical angle

This section summarizes ideas from Chapter 4. Total internal reflection can occur when waves
meet a boundary with another medium in which they would have a faster speed see Figure
15.50. When the angle of incidence, , equals the critical angle, c, the angle of refraction is 90
and the refracted ray is parallel to the boundary. If the angle of incidence is larger than the
critical angle, all the radiation is reflected back into the original medium.

15.3 (C3: Core) Fibre optics  37

Figure 15.50 The
critical angle (v1 < v 2;
n1 > n2)

Medium 1:
optically denser
wave speed slower, v1
larger refractive index, n1

1 = c

2 = 90

Medium 2:
optically less dense
wave speed faster, v2
smaller refractive index, n2

From the Physics data booklet (for Chapter 4) we know that:

sin 2
n2 = v1 = sin
At the critical angle, 1 = c and 2 = 90, so sin2 = 1, and then:
n2 = sin c
If the light is trying to pass from an optically denser material (medium 1) such as glass, plastic or
water, into air (medium 2) then n2 = nair = 1, so that (replacing n1 with n):

sin c

This equation is given in the Physics data booklet.

Worked example
12 Infrared radiation is travelling along a glass optic fibre of refractive index 1.54 surrounded by air.
a What is the speed of the radiation?
b What is the smallest angle of incidence that the infrared rays can strike the boundary of the fibre at
and still be totally internally reflected?
c How would your answer to (b) change if the fibre were surrounded by a different type of glass of
refractive index 1.47 (instead of air)?
a n1 = v2
1.54 3.0 108
v1 = 1.9 108ms1
b n =
, with n2 = 1

= 0.65
c = 40
, with n2 = 1.47
c n =
n1 =

= 0.95
c = 73

Nature of Science

Digital communication
Modern electronic communication is digital in nature; this means that rather than
communicating using voltages or light/infrared intensities, which vary continuously (analogue
signals), the data are transmitted as a very large number of pulses, each of which is intended to
have only one of two possible levels (commonly called 0 and 1, or low and high). Figure 15.51

Figure 15.51 Digital

signal representing
the binary number

Intensity or power of signal

38 15 Imaging


represents a signal of only eight binary digits (bits), commonly called one byte. (The term
binary describes a number in which each digit can only have one of two possible values.)
This kind of digital signal can be sent along a cable as a series of voltage pulses, or pulses of
56 Discuss the factors that affect the choice between using electromagnetic waves in cables or
electromagnetic waves in air for communicating data.
57 Suggest why electromagnetic noise (interference) is often a bigger problem at higher frequencies.
58 Explain, with the help of diagrams, why angles of incidence inside optic fibres will always be large if the
fibres are thin. Assume that the original signal is transmitted parallel to the axis of the optic fibre.
59 A typical optic fibre has a refractive index of 1.62.
a What is the critical angle for such a fibre if it is surrounded by air?
b What is the critical angle for such a fibre if it is surrounded by glass of refractive index 1.51?
c Signals travel slower in glass of higher refractive index. Discuss whether or not this is a significant factor
in choosing the type of glass used in an optic fibre.
60 Suggest why digital signals are used in preference to analogue signals for transferring data.
61 Suppose the digital signals shown in Figure 15.51 were transferred over a long distance and, as a result,
the powers of the pulses were halved and the pulse times were doubled. Assuming that the pulses remain
a How would their energy have changed?
b Sketch a graph of the received eight-bit signal.

Structure of optic fibres cladding

The sketch of an optic fibre shown in Figure 15.49 is much simplified compared with real
optic fibres. It is very important that the surfaces of the fibres do not get damaged, or get any
impurities on them, because the condition for total internal reflection would then change at
such places, and some radiation could escape. For this reason the fibres are surrounded by
another layer of glass, known as cladding (Figure 15.52). The cladding protects the inner core
fibre and also prevents the problems (crosstalk) that would occur if different fibres came
into contact with each other (multicore fibres are in common use). The cladding must have a
refractive index lower than the inner fibre (see the Worked example 12 and question 59).

Dispersion in optic fibres

When pulses (of various kinds) travel through long cables they
each tend to spread out, so that they occupy longer and longer
material to
time intervals. This is known as dispersion and it is illustrated in
Figure 15.53. (The two pulses also have reduced amplitudes, but
the cable
we will discuss this later.) In this example the two transmitted
Figure 15.52 A typical single core optic cable
pulses were clearly separate, but by the time they were received
they overlapped to such an extent that the data they were transferring may not have been
accessible. Of course, it is possible to increase the time between transmitted pulses in order to
keep them separate, but that would reduce the amount of data that could be sent in any given
time. Dispersion limits the rate at which data can be transferred.

15.3 (C3: Core) Fibre optics  39

Figure 15.53
Dispersion causes
pulses to overlap

long cable





Waveguide and material dispersion in optic fibres

There are two principal causes of dispersion in optic fibres waveguide dispersion and material

Waveguide dispersion
If all the rays of light or infrared radiation that is transmitted along an optic fibre are parallel to
begin with, they will follow parallel paths and take exactly the same time to reach any particular
point along the cable. But this is an idealized situation and is not possible in practice. Rays
representing a particular pulse can take slightly different paths and, therefore, different times to
reach their destination. Figure 15.54 illustrates this problem (but it is exaggerated for clarity). This
causes the spreading of pulses and the kind of dispersion
known as waveguide dispersion, which is sometimes also
known as modal dispersion, although this term will not be
exit at
used in IB examinations. (An optic fibre is an example of a
at same
waveguide, which is a term used for any structure designed to
transfer waves along a particular route.)
To reduce the effects of waveguide dispersion it is
better to use very thin fibres and to try to ensure that the
Figure 15.54 Rays taking different paths and causing
light rays are parallel, and also to use graded-index fibres, as
waveguide dispersion
described next.

Step-index fibres and graded-index fibres

Up to this point in our description of optic fibres and their cladding we have assumed that they
both have constant refractive indices, so that there is a sudden change (step) of refractive index
at the boundary between them. This simple arrangement is known as a stepped-index fibre and it
is represented in Figure 15.55a.
Figure 15.55 Crosssectional variation of
refractive indices in
(a) step-index fibres
and (b) graded-index




40 15 Imaging
Figure 15.55b represents a graded-index fibre in which the refractive index of the core optic
fibre increases gradually towards a maximum at the centre. The effect of this is to relatively
decrease the speed of the rays passing along the most direct (central) routes and relatively
increase the speed of rays that pass closer to the outer surfaces of the core. The overall effect of
having gradual changes in refractive index is to produce more central, curved paths, with less
time differences between them, as shown in Figure 15.56. This reduces waveguide dispersion.
Figure 15.56
Typical paths of rays
in a graded-index

ray paths

Material dispersion
Material dispersion is the name given to dispersion caused by the use of different wavelengths.
In this respect it is a problem similar to chromatic aberration in lenses.
We know from Chapter 4 that the refractive index of a medium depends on the wavelength
of the radiation. This effect is deliberately used in a prism to disperse light into a spectrum. For
example, red light travels faster in glass (than the other visible colours), so that it has a slightly
higher refractive index and it is the colour least deviated by passing through a prism. If different
wavelengths (representing the same pulse) travel along the same path through an optic fibre, they
will take slightly different times to reach their destination and will therefore produce dispersion.
The obvious solution to material dispersion is to use monochromatic radiation. Infrared LEDs
are the most common source.
62 a Explain why infrared radiation, which is normally internally reflected, could pass between optic fibres if
they came in contact with each other.
b Explain how the use of cladding will prevent this problem.
63 If the refractive indices of the cladding and the core in a stepped-index fibre are 1.60 and 1.55,
respectively, what is the critical angle in the core?
64 Explain why dispersion limits the rate at which digital data can be communicated over longer distances.
65 Summarize, without reference to a diagram, how the use of graded-index fibres reduces waveguide
66 Different data can be sent along the same optic fibre using different wavelengths of radiation. Discuss
whether or not material dispersion affects this process.


Under-sea optic fibres

It is estimated that more than 95 per cent of all international communication and data are
transferred using under-sea optical cables, which may already exceed one million kilometres in
collective length. A typical cable (Figure 15.57) is about 7cm in overall width and has a mass
of about 10kgm1.

Figure 15.57
An underwater optic
fibre cable

These cables carry telephone conversations and are also

the basic structure that enables the use of the internet
worldwide. They are considered to be vital for the economic
and social functioning of the modern world, and their
importance is such that many countries consider them an
important aspect of national security.
1 Search the internet to find an up-to-date map of the
worlds under-sea optic cables.
2 Discuss to what extent the length of under-sea cables
might affect our speed of access to the internet.

15.3 (C3: Core) Fibre optics  41

Attenuation and the decibel (dB) scale

When anything (waves for example) is transmitted through a medium there will always be some
scattering and absorption. Scattering occurs when waves are reflected by imperfections within
the medium (usually randomly) and no longer continue to travel in their original direction.
Absorption occurs when the wave energy is transferred to some other form within the material,
usually internal energy. For these reasons the intensity of any signal reduces as it passes through
a material.
This reduction of intensity, which is called attenuation, may or may not be significant
under different circumstances. It should not be confused with the reduction in intensity always
associated with waves that are spreading out from their sources.

Attenuation is the gradual loss of intensity of a signal as it passes through a material.


The high quality of the glass in optic fibres means that absorption and scattering should not be
too significant over short distances, but they become important whenever long distances are
involved. Scattering is the main cause of attenuation in optic fibres, but dispersion also affects
attenuation. Consider again Figure 15.53. Even in the idealized example of no absorption or no
scattering (so that the total power received is the same as transmitted, which is shown by equal
areas) the intensity has still been reduced.
It may be assumed that signal intensity is reduced by equal factors in
equal distances, which means that intensity varies exponentially with
distance. This means that we can quote a value for the attenuation per
unit length of a system.

Calculating attenuation in decibels

distance, x

Figure 15.58 Variation of intensity with


The simplest way of calculating a value for attenuation would be to

determine the ratio of the signal intensities (or powers) at two points,
which would be I/I0 as shown in Figure 15.58.
However, because of the exponential nature of the relationship, a
logarithmic value is preferred:

attenuation = log I
Attenuation calculated in this way is given the unit bel, but a smaller unit, the decibel (dB) is
usually preferred:
attenuation (dB) = 10log


This equation is given in the Physics data booklet. It can also be applied to powers:
Attenuation (dB) = 10log


Because I < I0, the attenuation in dB will be a negative number. We will not be using a symbol
to represent attenuation in this topic.

42 15 Imaging
Worked example
13 The attenuation in an optic fibre of length 100km is 53dB. If the input power is 0.0028W, what power
would be received:
a 100km away?
b 200km away?
a attenuation (dB) = 10 log
53 = 10log



P = 1.4 10 8W
b 5.01 10 6 =
1.4 10 8
P = 7.0 10 14W
5.01 10 6 =

It is common practice to quote attenuation per unit length, for example in dBkm1. Table15.1
gives some examples, but remember that this is just a rough guide because the values are also
frequency dependent. (These numbers are sometimes called attenuation coefficients.)
Table 15.1 Typical
attenuations per unit

Type of cable
twisted pairs (1MHz)
co-axial (200MHz)
optic fibre (1014Hz)

Attenuation (dBkm1)

Whatever kind of cable is used to communicate over long distances, attenuation will result in
the signal intensity falling below an acceptable level unless the pulses can be amplified (and
reshaped). The devices that perform this task are called repeaters or regenerators.

Summary of the advantages of optic fibres compared to wires

Optic fibres have many advantages over copper wires, especially whenever data needs to be
transferred over long distances or at fast speeds. This is because, when compared to copper
wires of similar dimensions, optic fibre systems:
have much lower attenuation (so that amplifiers/repeaters can be fewer and further apart)
have much improved data transfer rates
do not cause electromagnetic noise or crosstalk, nor are they affected by them from
other cables
are more secure (it is more difficult for third parties to access the data)
are lighter in weight.
These advantages are so significant that optic fibres are the dominant means of transferring
large amounts of data quickly over long distances. These are the superhighways of
communication. On a smaller scale, however, the convenience and lower overall cost of a copper
wiring system may be more significant.
Nature of Science

The technology of optical communication

Total internal reflection is a relatively easily understood application of physics that was first
described more than 400 years ago (by Kepler), although the concept of a beam of light being
trapped inside a curved-shaped medium was not proposed until about 250 years later. The
more recent application of this concept to the rapidly increasing use of optic fibres in the
communication systems on which the modern world is so dependent is due to technological
developments (such as improvements in the quality of glass), rather than new principles or new

15.4 (C4: Additional Higher) Medical imaging  43

67 Sketch a graph to show how the intensity of a signal varies with distance as it travels along an optic fibre.
68 a What is the overall attenuation of a cable if the intensity of a signal is halved by passing through it?
b If a cable has an attenuation loss of 10dB, by what percentage is the intensity of the output lower than
the input?
69 The attenuation in a cable is rated at 0.36dB for each 100m. If the input power is 6.8mW, what length
of cable will reduce the power to 5.0 10 10W?
70 The input power to a very long optic cable is 0.15W. When the power falls below a certain value (P) the
signal needs to be amplified/regenerated. Determine the value of P if the minimum distance between
repeaters is 80km and the cable has an attenuation loss of 1.8dBkm1.
71 a Use the internet to determine the infrared frequency most commonly used in optical fibre
b Why is this particular frequency chosen?
72 Suggest why attenuation in an optic fibre is frequency dependent.
73 The advantages of transferring data using glass rather than copper seem considerable. Use the internet to
research possible reasons why copper wiring is still in widespread use.

15.4 (C4: Additional Higher) Medical imaging

body can be imaged using radiation generated from both outside and inside; imaging
has enabled medical practitioners to improve diagnosis with fewer invasive procedures
In recent years the rapid growth of computing power and technological advances have resulted
in a dramatic increase in the number of utilizations of physics in medicine around the world.
Nuclear medicine was mentioned in Chapter 12 and there are many applications of lasers, but
in this section we will discuss the various physics principles that can be used to obtain images of
bones, organs and tissues located inside the human body.
We begin with the use of X-rays and ultrasound, both of which involve sending penetrating
waves into the body from outside, then we will discuss nuclear magnetic resonance.

Detection and recording of X-ray images in medical contexts


X-rays are useful in medical imaging because they are penetrating and some can pass deep
into the body and out of the other side. However, some of the X-ray photons are absorbed, so
when the transmitted X-rays are detected on the other side of the body, a shadow or negative
picture can be produced. Figures 15.59a and 15.59b show how the bones have absorbed
more of the X-rays than the rest of the hand. In this simple example, the X-rays are detected
photographically (like light) by transferring the photons energy to produce chemical changes
in the film.
This technique is still widely used around the
world. It is relatively inexpensive but the image
must be chemically developed, which means
there is a delay before the image is available to
be viewed. Detection by CCD (charge-coupled
devices) produces an immediate digital image
and allows more control over the whole imaging
and data-handling process. Equally as important,
a detection process that requires a lower intensity
will enable hospitals to use lower-power X-rays
and reduce the health hazards associated with
the use of X-rays.

photographic film in
light-proof envelope
Figure 15.59 (a) Arrangement for X-raying a hand; (b) an X-ray of a hand

44 15 Imaging
Figure 15.60 shows the process of having a dental X-ray with the CCD in the patients mouth.
Figure 15.60
Having a dental X-ray

Nature of Science

Risk analysis
The benefits of using X-rays to diagnose illnesses are substantial and obvious. However X-rays are
also a potential health risk because the energy carried by X-ray photons is high enough to cause
ionization and possibly to cause damaging chemical and biological changes in the body (in a
similar way to gamma ray photons, as discussed in Chapter 7).
The risk associated with directing a known amount of a particular kind of radiation into
a particular patient cannot be known with certainty. Controlled experiments that involve
exposing people (or animals) to radiation are clearly not acceptable, so the medical profession
can only deal with statistics gathered indirectly from numerous previous events (medical or
otherwise) in which people have been exposed to known, or estimated, amounts of radiation.
Such data has been repeatedly analysed very extensively in order to assess the risk (the
probability of harm) involved with any particular course of action.
Doctors must balance the risks of exposing a patient to X-rays against the medical benefits to
be gained from a diagnosis or detailed knowledge of the medical problem that they need to treat.
The health of medical staff involved with the use of X-rays in hospitals (radiographers) also needs
to be considered. Standard safety measures include:
using X-rays of as low a power as is consistent with their intended purpose
using X-rays for as short a time as possible
monitoring and limiting the number of X-rays taken of a patient
preventing X-rays from going anywhere else other than the part of the body they are being
used to examine.
The improvement in the technology involved with the production and, particularly, the
detection of X-rays has been so considerable in recent years that the risks are now very well
understood, well controlled and minimal. The required dose of radiation for any particular
purpose is now so much reduced that a long trip in an aircraft (at high altitude) now involves a
greater exposure to ionizing radiation than most X-rays.

Attenuation of X-rays
The amount of absorption depends on the energy carried by the X-ray photons and the type of
material through which they are passing. We will now describe this in more detail, using the
concept of attenuation, which we have already covered in our discussion of optic fibres.
X-rays of higher frequency have higher energy (E = hf) and are more penetrating. They are
often described as having the quality of hard X-rays and they are produced in X-ray machines
that use higher voltages. Soft X-rays, with lower photon energies, are more easily absorbed.

15.4 (C4: Additional Higher) Medical imaging  45

Attenuation is the gradual loss of intensity of radiation as it passes through a medium. In

general, the principal reasons for attenuation are absorption and scattering. In the following
discussion we will always assume that the incident radiation is all travelling in the same
direction (a parallel beam).
For the energy of the X-ray photons commonly used in medical diagnosis, absorption due
to the photoelectric effect is the principal means of attenuation and it is largely dependent on
the proton number, Z, of the atoms present. For example, bone contains elements with a larger
average proton number than soft tissue and therefore absorbs a higher percentage of X-rays.
The attenuation can be expressed in decibels (as before, with optic fibres):

( II )

attenuation (dB) = 10log

This equation is given in the Physics data booklet.

We would normally expect that equal thicknesses of a homogeneous (uniform) medium
would absorb (and scatter) the same percentage of the intensity, I. This is the essential
characteristic of an exponential decrease and it can be simply characterized by referring to a
half-value thickness (Figure 15.61). This is a similar concept to half-life in radioactive decay.
Figure 15.61 Halfvalue thicknesses



Fraction transmitted

Incident intensity (100%)


1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Half-value thicknesses

Half-value thickness, x, is defined as the thickness of a medium that will reduce the
transmitted intensity to half its previous value.

Figure 15.62 Graph

of intensitythickness

Intensity (%)

Figure 15.62 shows how this can be represented graphically.



3.1 6.25




Thickness, x

46 15 Imaging
X-ray photons with higher energy will be more penetrating, so their half-value thickness of a
particular medium will also be larger.
Worked example
14 a When directed through a homogeneous material, the intensity of an X-ray beam falls to 18 of its initial
value over a distance of 15cm. What is its half-value thickness?
b What overall thickness would be needed to reduce the intensity to 16
c How would the half-value thickness of this material change if X-rays of longer wavelength were used?

a 1 to 2 to 4 to 8 requires three half-thicknesses, so one half-thickness = 15

3 = 5cm

b 8 to 16 requires one more half-thickness: 15 + 5 = 20cm

c Photons of a longer wavelength have less energy, so they would be less penetrating and the
half-thickness would be smaller.

An exponential equation for attenuation

An exponential decrease like that shown in Figure 15.62 can be represented by an equation of
the form:
I = Ioex
where Io and I are the intensities before and after the attenuation caused by passing through a
medium of thickness x. (We have used similar equations in the study of radioactive decay and
capacitor discharge.) This equation is given in the Physics data booklet.
is a constant called the linear attenuation coefficient. It represents the amount of
attenuation in a particular medium (for radiation of a specified wavelength).
A larger value of represents more attenuation and corresponds to a smaller value for the halfvalue thickness. Both of these properties vary significantly with the energy of the X-ray photons.
Taking logarithms and rearranging, we get:
= ln 0
The unit of that is normally used with X-rays is cm1. A value for the attenuation coefficient of
a specific material can be found by using values of Io and I for a known thickness, x. Preferably a
range of values would be used and the attenuation coefficient determined from a suitable graph.
The linear attenuation coefficient and half-value thickness are different ways of expressing
the same information. Their relationship can be derived by putting I = Io/2 for x = x in the
above equation:
= x ln 0


( )

( )

x = ln2
This equation is given in the Physics data booklet.
Attenuation coefficients are often called absorption coefficients although, as we have seen,
absorption is not the only cause of attenuation.

15.4 (C4: Additional Higher) Medical imaging  47

Worked examples

15 An X-ray beam is reduced to 93 per cent of its intensity when it passes through a medium of thickness
a What is the linear attenuation coefficient of the medium?
b What is its half-value thickness?

( )
( ) (

a = 1 ln 0
= 0.48 ln
= 0.15mm1

b x = ln2
0.693 = 4.6mm
x =
16 An X-ray beam of intensity 580mWm2 is passed through parallel layers of two different materials. The
first layer is 4.3cm thick and has a linear attenuation coefficient of 0.89cm1; the second layer is 1.3cm
thick with a linear attenuation coefficient of 0.27cm1.
a Determine the intensity of the X-rays that cross the boundary between the layers.
b What intensity emerges from the second layer?
a I = Ioe x

= 580e 0.89 4.3

I = ln580 (0.89 4.3)
I = 13mWm2
b I = Ioe x

= 13e 0.27 1.3

I = ln13 (0.27 1.3)
I = 9.1mWm2

Mass attenuation coefficient

The linear attenuation coefficient of a medium represents how the intensity of an X-ray beam
decreases with unit distance travelled through the medium, but the mass attenuation coefficient
is often more useful when comparing different materials. The mass attenuation coefficient
represents how the intensity of a beam decreases as it passes through unit mass of a particular
mass attenuation coefficient =
Mass attenuation coefficient/cm2 g1

Figure 15.63
Mass attenuation
coefficient of water:
variation with X-ray
photon energy

linear attenuation coefficient









Photon energy/MeV

This equation is not given in the

Physics data booklet. A mass attenuation
coefficient most commonly has the unit
Figure 15.63 show how the mass
attenuation coefficient of water varies
with photon energy. You should be able
to show that a typical X-ray wavelength
of 1 1010m has a photon energy of
1.2 102MeV, which corresponds
approximately to a mass attenuation
coefficient of 0.05cm2g1.

48 15 Imaging
Worked example
17 Use Figure 15.63 to estimate the linear attenuation coefficient of water for photons of energy 100keV.
For 0.1MeV photons, the mass absorption coefficient is approximately 2 10 1cm2g1.
Mass attenuation coefficient = 2 10 1 = , and the density of water is 1.0gcm3.

= 2 10 1 1.0 = 0.2cm1

Example of X-ray attenuation in the human body

Figure 15.64 shows a simplified cross-section of a human thigh and the relative intensities of
X-rays passing through it. It has a bone (femur), which has a linear absorption coefficient of
0.62cm1, surrounded by soft tissue with an absorption coefficient of 0.12cm1. X-rays following
path B emerge from the thigh with their intensity reduced to about 15 per cent; X-rays that
follow path A, passing through the bone, have their intensity reduced to about 1 per cent. In
this example, the overall attenuation of the X-rays passing through the bone (and soft tissue) is
about 15 times higher than for the X-rays that only pass through the soft tissue.
Figure 15.64
Relative intensities
of X-rays passing
through a thigh

16 cm
m = 0.12 cm1






m = 0.62


5 cm
18 cm

74 A parallel X-ray beam was reduced in intensity from 100Wm2 to 74Wm2 after passing through 3.0cm
of a medium. Calculate the linear attenuation coefficient in cm1.
75 A parallel beam of X-rays passes though a material with a half-value thickness of 3.7cm. If the incident
beam has an intensity of 150Wm2, calculate:
a the linear attenuation coefficient
b the percentage of the incident intensity that emerges from a 4.5cm thickness of the material.
76 The intensity of a parallel X-ray beam is reduced from 195Wm2 to 127Wm2 when it passes through
a medium of thickness 2.10mm.
a What is the total power of the incident beam if it covers an area of 16.0cm by 20.5cm?
b If the wavelength is 2.27 10 11m, how many photons enter the medium every second?
c Calculate the linear attenuation coefficient.
d What is the half-value thickness of the medium?
e If the accelerating voltage producing the X-rays is increased, suggest how the half-value thickness will
77 A medium has a density of 1.9gcm3 and a linear attenuation coefficient of 0.22mm1.
a What thickness of this medium will reduce a parallel X-ray beam to 33 per cent of its incident intensity?
b What is the mass attenuation coefficient of the medium?
78 Explain why it is reasonable to expect that increasing the thicknesses of a medium by equal amounts will
result in equal percentage falls in the transmitted intensities of X-rays.
79 A material has a density of 1.3gcm3 and a mass attenuation coefficient of 2.1cm2g1. Calculate its
half-value thickness.

15.4 (C4: Additional Higher) Medical imaging  49

80 If the linear attenuation coefficient for certain X-rays in soft tissue is quoted at 0.35mm1, what is the
linear attenuation coefficient for bone (with the same X-rays) if bone has a half-value thickness that is 150
times larger than for soft tissue?
81 Confirm the values quoted in Figure 15.64 for the relative intensities of the X-rays passing through the
82 Data showing the relative intensity for X-rays passing through a certain material is shown in Table 15.2.
Thickness (cm)

Relative intensity

Table 15.2 Data on X-ray absorption

a Draw a relative intensitythickness graph to represent this attenuation.

b Draw a graph of the logarithm of the relative intensity against thickness.
c Use your two graphs to determine the attenuation coefficient and the half-value thickness.
83 Why is it reasonable to assume that both X-rays and gamma rays of the same energy will have the same
value of half-value thickness?

Obtaining good quality images with X-rays

X-rays are not focused to form an image, so it is important for sharp images that all the radiation
reaching any particular place on the film has followed the same path from the X-ray source and
through the patient. When we describe an image as sharp we mean that any edges between
different parts of the image are distinct and precise, and that it has good resolution. The source
of X-rays needs to act like a point source, as in Figure 15.65a, rather than an extended source, as
shown in Figure 15.65b.
In 15.65a X-rays can only have followed one particular path to reach point P, but in 15.65b
X-rays can arrive at point P from different directions. In the same way, a point source of light is
needed in order to form sharp shadows.
For sharp images, ideally the film or detector should also be as close as possible to the
patient, who should not move during the exposure time, and the X-ray source placed as far
away as possible. Of course, increasing the distance between the patient and the source has the
significant disadvantage of requiring a source of higher intensity, and/or a longer exposure time.
Figure 15.65 Point
and extended sources


sharp shadow


blurred shadow

50 15 Imaging
To increase the brightness of an image formed on
photographic film, an intensifying screen(s) can be used
to enhance the image. These screens contain fluorescent
materials that emit light when struck by X-rays. Photographic
film is much more sensitive to light than X-rays, so the image
is intensified. Figure 15.66 shows a possible arrangement, with
the film placed between two intensifying screens.
If X-rays scattered from all parts of the body can reach the
film, the contrast of the image will be reduced because all parts
of the film will receive more X-rays than they would if only X-rays
travelling directly from the source reached the film. This effect
can be reduced by using a collimating grid as shown in Figure
Figure 15.66 X-ray arrangement with the film placed
15.66. A collimator makes all rays passing through it parallel to
between two intensifying screens
each other. The grid has to be oscillated from side to side during
the exposure to enable all relevant parts of the patient to be imaged.
For some applications, the contrast of an X-ray image can also be enhanced by temporarily
introducing into the patients body something that will affect the absorption of X-rays. For the
digestive system this could be a (non-poisonous!) substance that the patient has to drink. For CT
scans (see below) a contrast medium is sometimes injected into the bloodstream.
The sharpness of an image can also be digitally enhanced later by a computer program.
X-ray source

Computed tomography (CT)

This technique uses computer control to obtain detailed, sharp, layered images of high contrast.
The X-ray images described so far have all been two-dimensional. Detailed images of threedimensional objects can be obtained with more sophisticated and expensive equipment that
is controlled by computers. Tomography is the term used to describe obtaining images of a
three-dimensional object as a series of sections or slices.
The principles of tomography are not difficult to understand, but CT scans (also called CAT
scans, computed axial tomography) of anything as complicated as a human body (or part of it)
require considerable computing power and expensive equipment. Figure 15.67 shows a patient in
a CT scanner.
For some people a CT scan is an uncomfortable experience the body must remain as
stationary as possible while the source of X-rays and an array of detectors are rotated around in
Figure 15.67
Patient in a CT

15.4 (C4: Additional Higher) Medical imaging  51

a precise plane. What any particular detector

receives will vary as the angle of incidence on
the body changes. An image is not obtained
directly, but the power of the computer is used
to analyse all the data received during the
rotation and to construct an image of the body
in that particular plane. Other planes are then
scanned by slightly moving the bed on which
the patient is lying. It is then possible to use
the computer to obtain images of any plane, or
to obtain a complete three-dimensional image.
Like digital images obtained with a camera,
the images may be enhanced and changed in a
wide variety of ways.
Using the vast quantity of data collected,
CT scans provide a range of high-contrast
images with good resolution. They are able to
distinguish tissues with a density difference as
low as 1 per cent. Undoubtedly they provide
images more useful than simple X-rays, but CT
scanners are expensive to buy and to operate,
and the longer exposure time compared with
X-rays increases the radiation dose received
by a patient by up to 1000 times, which is a
significant additional health risk that has to
be considered by the doctor. There has been a
rapid increase in worldwide use of CT scanners
in recent years.
Figure 15.68 shows a composite image,
which should be compared with Figure 15.69,
which shows CT scans of individual slices.

Figure 15.68
CT scan of head

Figure 15.69
CT scans of slices
within a head

84 Make a list of the advantages of using electronic detectors rather than detecting X-rays photographically.
85 Explain why the detection of scattered X-rays reduces the contrast of an X-ray image.
86 An X-ray imaging system was redesigned to increase the distance between the source and the patient.
a Suggest a reason why this was done.
b If the same source is used, why will the intensity reaching the patient be reduced?
87 Find out what is meant by a barium meal.
88 List two advantage and two disadvantages of CT scans compared to conventional X-rays.

52 15 Imaging

Ultrasound imaging
High-frequency sound waves can be used as an alternative to electromagnetic waves (X-rays) for
obtaining images from inside the body and diagnosing illnesses. Any sound wave that has a frequency
higher than that which can be heard by humans (20kHz) is called ultrasound and is described as
ultrasonic. Frequencies used in ultrasonic imaging are typically between 2MHz and 20MHz.
Unlike X-rays, ultrasound is not an ionizing radiation and has
no known health risk. The equipment is also generally cheaper and
easier to use, however the images produced do not usually have the
same detail (high resolution) as those produced by CT scans because
the longer wavelengths of ultrasound reduce resolution because of
greater diffraction. Ultrasound techniques can produce better images
of some soft tissues than X-rays, however.
The ultrasound waves are usually directed into the patient using a
handheld transducer (often called a probe) which converts electrical
signals into ultrasound waves. Reflections are received back at the
same device (Figure 15.70). In general, some waves will be reflected
whenever they arrive at any boundary between two different media.
This will be discussed in more detail later, but first we will look at
Figure 15.70 Abdominal ultrasound scan
how the ultrasonic waves are produced and detected.

Generation and detection of ultrasound in medical contexts

When certain materials are under stress (stretched or squashed) a potential difference is induced
across them. Conversely, when the same material has a p.d. applied to it, a (very small) change
of shape is produced. This is called the piezoelectric effect. Quartz crystals are commonly used
in piezoelectric transducers and are ideal for the production and detection of ultrasound. An
alternating p.d. applied across a piezoelectric crystal will make its surfaces oscillate at the same
frequency; this disturbs the surrounding medium and a longitudinal ultrasonic wave propagates
away. See Figure 15.71.
Figure 15.71

co-axial cable

acoustic insulator
metal case
backing material
piezoelectric crystal
plastic membrane

When reflected ultrasound waves are incident on the same crystal, they can be detected by the
alternating p.d. induced, which has the same frequency as the waves.

Basic principles of ultrasound imaging

Ultrasonic waves are directed into the patients body and reflections travel back to the
transducer whenever the waves meet a boundary between two different media. If the
original direction of the waves is known, as well as the speed of the waves and the time
delay between the emitted and reflected waves, then the location of where the reflection
occurred can be pinpointed. (This is very similar to the principles used in the echolocation
systems of sonar and radar.)

15.4 (C4: Additional Higher) Medical imaging  53

The ultrasound waves cannot be emitted and reflected continuously, because then there
would be no easy way of knowing which waves caused which reflections. For this reason, the
ultrasound is transmitted in short pulses, and the time between them should be longer than the
longest time it could take a reflection to be received back at the transducer. Typically the time
between pulses is about 1 104s, which means that the pulses of ultrasound have a frequency
of about 10kHz (pulse repetition frequency). Remember that the ultrasound waves themselves
have a much higher frequency of about 104kHz.
Each pulse might typically contains two waves or more, so that a typical pulse duration is
2 1/f = 2 1/(1 107) = 2 107s see Figure 15.72. This means that the time between pulses
is about 500 times longer than the duration of each pulse. Longer pulse durations improve the
resolution of images.
reflected waves must be
received during this time


Figure 15.72 Pulses

of ultrasound


Worked examples
18 Ultrasound waves travelling at an average speed of 1600ms1 through a person's body reflect off an
organ and are received back at the probe after 32s.
a What is the distance of the surface of the organ beneath the skin?
b What assumption was made in this calculation?
a distance 2 = speed time = 1600 32 10 6

distance = 2.6 10 2m (2.6cm)

b The waves travel perpendicularly to the surface.

19 To examine structures relatively far from the surface of the body, the pulse repetition frequency may
need to be reduced to, for example, 2kHz in order to increase the time between pulses.
a What total distance can an ultrasound wave travelling at an average speed of 1580ms1 travel in the
time between pulses (assume that the pulse duration is negligible)?
b Estimate the number of pulses that could be in the body at any one instant.
a distance = speed time = 1580 (1/2000) = 0.79m (79cm)
b The maximum distance a (reflected) wave could travel is approximately twice the width of the body,
which might be about 70cm (depending on orientation). Under those circumstance there would only
be one pulse in the body at any time. That is, the reflected pulse would be received before the next
pulse was emitted.

Acoustic impedance
In general terms, acoustic impedance is a measure of the opposition of a medium to the flow of
sound through it. Knowledge of acoustic impedance is needed to understand ultrasound imaging
because the reflection of ultrasound waves from boundaries between media depends on how
their acoustic impedances compare.
The bigger the difference in impedances, the higher the percentage of incident waves that are

54 15 Imaging
Acoustic impedance, Z, can be defined as:
acoustic impedance = density of substance speed of sound in that substance
Or, in symbols:
Z = c
This equation is given in the Physics data booklet.
The units of impedance are kgm2s1. Table 15.3 provides a list of some acoustic impedances
relevant to ultrasound imaging at a typical frequency. (Acoustic impedance is a frequencydependent property.)
Table 15.3 Acoustic properties of parts of the human body

soft tissue

Speed, v/ms1

Density, /kgm3

Acoustic impedance,
Z/10 6kgm2s1

Ultrasound imaging clearly depends on the reflection of the waves from various boundaries,
but one place where reflection is definitely not required is at the point where the waves enter
the patients body. From Table 15.3 we can see clearly that the acoustic impedance of air is
very much lower than that of skin, which means that the percentage reflected from the skin
would be very high if there was an air gap. Therefore, the transducer must be in good contact
with the skin and this is helped by the use of a gel (coupling medium) between them. The gel
has an acoustic impedance similar to that of skin. This is an example of a process known as
impedance matching.
The acoustic impedance of steel is about 45 106kgm2s1. When this is compared with air
(0.000408 106kgm2s1), it is clear why sound waves in air reflect off steel well.
Worked example
20 a The speed of ultrasound waves in a particular part of a patients body is 1580ms1. If the tissue has a
density of 1050kgm3, what is its acoustic impedance?
b Use Table 15.3 to determine an average density for bone.
c Apart from air, which pair of media in the table have the highest percentage reflection?
a Z = c = 1050 1580 = 1.66 106kgm2s1
b Z = c

7.79 106 = 4080

= 1910kgm3
c Bone and fat, because their acoustic impedances have the greatest difference.

15.4 (C4: Additional Higher) Medical imaging  55

89 The acoustic impedance of a certain material is 2.08 106kgm2s1. What is the speed of sound waves in
this material if its density is 1250kgm3?
90 A pulse contains three complete waves that have a frequency of 2.0MHz. They travel at a speed of
a What is the duration of the pulse?
b If the pulse repetition frequency is 8.4kHz, how far can the waves in a pulse travel before the next pulse
is emitted?
c Are these frequencies suitable for the examination of a part of the body that is 10cm below the surface
of the skin?
91 The ratio of reflected intensity, Ir, to incident energy, Io, at a boundary between two media of acoustic
impedances Z1 and Z2 is given by the following equation (which is not required in this course):
Ir (Z1 Z2)2
Io (Z + Z )2
a Show that this equation predicts that all of the incident energy is transmitted if the two media have
equal impedances.
b What percentage of the intensity is reflected if one medium has twice the impedance of the other?
Does your answer depend on the direction in which the waves are travelling?
c If ultrasound of intensity 0.1000Wcm2 is incident on the boundary between soft tissue and liver, what
intensity is transmitted into the liver?
d Estimate the percentage of intensity transmitted into skin when ultrasonic waves are incident on it from
air. Hence, explain why gels are used with ultrasound transducers.
92 Why would you expect X-ray imaging to produce better resolution than ultrasonic imaging?

A-scans and B-scans




The simplest type of ultrasound scan is an A-scan. At each boundary between different
media (for example, fatmuscle or musclebone) some of the waves are reflected and
some are transmitted. The reflected waves are
received by the piezoelectric transducer and a p.d.
is induced that can be displayed as a p.d.time
graph. Figure 15.73 shows a typical example.
The amplitudes (intensities) of the reflected
pulses received at the transducer depend on the
distance that the waves have travelled, the type
of boundary from which they have been reflected
and the number of other media boundaries that the
waves have crossed. It is called an A-scan because
it displays information in the form of varying
A-scans are useful for obtaining accurate
measurements of a known situation. By moving the
transducer to different locations the exact position,
size and shape of an organ can be determined. There
are a wide range of applications of this technology
outside of medicine for example in the detection of
faults in pipes and railway lines.

Figure 15.73 Reflected waves in an A-scan (This

time scale is not regular)

Worked example
21 Consider Figure 15.73. Calculate the width, s, of the organ if the time delay between reflections from the
two boundaries is 73s.
2s = vt = 1040 73 10 6 (assume a wave speed of 1040ms 1)
s = 0.038m (3.8cm)

56 15 Imaging
B-scans are more widely used than A-scans in hospitals. These display the information in the
form of varying brightness in a two-dimensional, real-time video image such as that shown
in Figure 15.70 (A-scans are one-dimensional). They are called B-scans because they display
information in terms of brightness.
The information is obtained in essentially the same way as in an A-scan, except that the
amplitude of the reflected wave is represented by the brightness of a dot on a screen. The picture
is constructed by a computer program using the information from one or more transducers inside
the ultrasound probe, transmitting waves in a slightly different direction while the probe is
moved to different positions.

Ultrasound scan frequency

Attenuation/dB cm1

The range of frequencies used in ultrasound imaging has already been mentioned (between
2MHz and 20MHz), but why are those frequencies used? The choice is affected by two wave
properties, which are frequency dependent in opposite senses diffraction and attenuation.
1 It is important that the ultrasound beam emerging from the transducer is parallel and can be
directed towards a particular location on the patients body. This means that there should not
be much diffraction of the emerging beam. Therefore, the wavelength needs to be significantly
less than the aperture on the transducer from which it is transmitted, because the amount of
diffraction depends on the ratio /b, where b is the width of the structure causing the diffraction.
For similar reasons, for good resolution the wavelength also needs to be much smaller than the
parts of the body being examined (Chapter 9).
So, in order to reduce the possible effects of
diffraction and to improve resolution, a high
frequency (short wavelength) is preferable.
Because the dimensions of the transducer
and parts of the body may be typically a few
millimetres or more, the chosen wavelength needs
to be shorter than approximately 1mm, which
corresponds to a minimum frequency of about
2MHz (using v = 1600ms1), although higher
frequencies will be preferable in this respect.
2 It is also important that as little of the
Ultrasound frequency/MHz
ultrasound energy is absorbed as possible.
Figure 15.74 How attenuation of a
Because attenuation increases with frequency,
parallel ultrasound beam varies with
lower frequencies are preferable in this respect.
frequency in two parts of the body
See Figure 15.74, which is a simplification but
broadly represents the situation.
For any particular examination, the ultrasound frequency used depends on the acoustic
impedances of the part(s) of the body being scanned. The duration of the pulse is another factor
affecting the resolution of the image (longer pulses are preferred). The pulse repetition frequency
may also need to be adjusted for parts of the body that are at different distances from the surface
of the skin. The ultrasound technician, or the doctor, may need to make adjustments depending
on the particular circumstances.

Summary of advantages and disadvantages of using ultrasound

for medical diagnosis
No known harmful effects on the body.
Relatively inexpensive.
Equipment is mobile and can be moved easily to different locations.
Non-invasive does not involve opening the body or inserting anything into the body.
Particularly useful for examining the boundaries between soft tissues, where there may be
only slight differences in density.
Images are available in real-time and may also be seen at that time by the patient.

15.4 (C4: Additional Higher) Medical imaging  57

Poor resolution because of the relatively long wavelengths used.
Ultrasonic waves do not transmit well through bone.
Cannot be used effectively with spaces that contain gas (such as the lungs and stomach)
because the waves are strongly reflected at the boundaries.

Ultrasound and ophthalmology

Ultrasound, both A- and B-scans, is particularly useful for the examination of the soft tissues
and fluids of the eye. (Ophthalmology is the branch of medicine that deals with the eye.)
One widely used application of the A-scan is a quick and accurate measurement of the
dimensions of the eyeball. The ultrasonic waves usually have a frequency in the range of
812MHz. Information about the dimensions of the eye may be useful in diagnosing ocular
problems and is very helpful for calculating the power needed for an artificial lens implant,
such as in the treatment of cataracts.
B-scans are used to obtain a visualization of the internal structure of the eye (see Figure 15.76),
particularly the retina at the back of the eye. For these scans the waves can be directed into the
eye through closed eyelids, as shown in Figure 15.75.

Figure 15.75 Ultrasonic

examination of the eye

Figure 15.76 Ultrasound image of

an eye

1 Sketch the structure of the eye seen in Figure 15.76 and label the different parts (research
any information you may need).

ToK Link
We often only see what we expect to see
Its not what you look at that matters, its what you see. Henry
David Thoreau. To what extent do you agree with this comment on
the impact of factors such as expectation on perception?
An untrained observer looking at images that represent the inside of
the human body often find it difficult to interpret the true meaning
of the picture they are looking at. Doctors need to be carefully
trained in these skills. But we all tend to see in any image what we
expect to see because the brain does not have the time to fully
evaluate all the information that is available, and it may jump to
(sometimes incorrect) conclusions based on previous observations.
Figure 15.77 provides a simple example. Of course, when we are
alerted to the fact that an image requires special scrutiny, we give it
much more attention than it would otherwise receive.

Figure 15.77 There are 12 faces in this

picture can you spot them?

58 15 Imaging
93 Consider Figure 15.73.
a Explain how it is possible for the reflected waves that have travelled the longest distance to have the
largest amplitude.
b Explain why the time scale is not regular.
c If the width of the organ was 2.2cm and the wave speed in it was 1030ms1, what was the time
difference between the second and third reflected pulses?
d Determine the average acoustic impedance of the organ if its density was 1540kgm3.
94 a Explain why the use of a gel with an ultrasound probe can be considered as an example of impedance
b Suggest a suitable value for the acoustic impedance of the gel.
95 Consider Figure 15.74. Estimate the percentage of the incident ultrasound intensity that is transmitted
after passing through 2cm of liver if the frequency is:
a 4MHz
b 8MHz.
96 a Suggest a reason why ultrasound may be of little use in the diagnosis of problems with the brain.
b Give two reasons why ultrasound is used in preference to X-rays for pre-natal scanning.
97 Find another widespread use of ultrasound for medical diagnosis. Why is ultrasound used for this (rather
than other imaging techniques)?
98 Suggest why ultrasound is not used for imaging lungs.
99 Research the use of Doppler ultrasound for diagnosing some heart conditions.

Nuclear magnetic resonance

Resonance is the name given to the effect in which a system (that can oscillate) absorbs energy
from another external oscillating source. Resonance effects are greatest when the external
source has a frequency equal to the natural frequency of the system. Pushing someone on a
swing is an easily understood example the system (the swing) gains energy (its amplitude
increases) if it is pushed at the same frequency as it swings naturally on its own.
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) provides an alternative to CT scans for providing
images of sections through the body. Medical applications of NMR are also commonly called
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI, avoiding the use of the emotive term nuclear).
NMR is particularly useful for brain scans because it is better than CT scans at displaying
images of soft tissues. Its major advantage is that no dangerous radiations are used, but NMR
scanners are more expensive than using X-rays and take a longer time to produce an image. Instead
of sending penetrating and potentially dangerous X-rays into the body, NMR involves getting
protons in the human body to absorb and then re-emit energy from an oscillating electromagnetic
field. This is a complicated process and the following is only an outline of what is involved.
Figure 15.78
A spinning top

Aligning the spin of protons

Charged particles have the property of spin, and
spinning charges behave like tiny magnets. The
spins are usually randomly orientated so they
will not produce any net observable magnetic
effect. But if these particles are placed in a
(strong) magnetic field they can align with the
field, although not perfectly. In fact, individual
protons (in hydrogen atoms) will rotate around
the direction of the magnetic field in a way
similar to a childs spinning top rotating
around the (vertical) direction of the Earths
gravitational field see Figure 15.78. This kind
of rotation around an axis is called precession.
The frequency of precession is proportional to
the strength of the magnetic field. It is called the
Larmor frequency.

15.4 (C4: Additional Higher) Medical imaging  59

In NMR, single spinning protons in the nuclei of hydrogen atoms are made to precess when
the patient is placed in a very strong uniform magnetic field (typically between 1T and 3T).
This is known as the primary magnetic field. Hydrogen atoms are found throughout the body,
especially in water molecules. Such magnetic fields maybe be 50000 times stronger than the
Earths magnetic field, but they are not known to cause any harmful effects (although there are
a few well-understood exceptions). Magnetic fields of this strength can only be produced using
very high electric currents circulating in coils of wire. This requires that the coils are at very low
temperatures, so that they can become superconducting.

Use of RF signals
The spinning hydrogen nuclei can be made to precess together, in phase, by excitation from a resonant
radio-frequency (RF) magnetic field. The RF causes resonance because it has the same frequency
as the Larmor frequency, which will have a value somewhere within the radio wave section of the
electromagnetic spectrum, typically about 60MHz depending on the strength of the magnetic field.
Because the nuclear magnetic fields of the protons are now precessing in phase with each
other, they will generate a rotating magnetic field strong enough to be detected as an oscillating
voltage by coils placed around the patient.
After the excitation, the spins relax back to their original distribution at a characteristic
rate called the relaxation rate. This rate varies with the type of tissue, so that determination
of relaxation times leads to information about the type of tissue which, in turn, leads to more
detailed and better-quality images.

Use of gradient fields

The description of MRI so far has not explained how it is possible to obtain three-dimensional
images of patients. By imposing gradients of magnetic field in three perpendicular directions
(x, y and z), signals from different parts of the patient can be made to resonate at different
frequencies, thus allowing reconstruction of the three-dimensional distribution of protons.
Atypical MRI arrangement is shown in Figure 15.79.
Figure 15.79
Arrangement for
magnetic resonance

100 a Suggest reasons why some people may find having an MRI scan an unpleasant experience.
b Why would an MRI scan not be used to diagnose a broken arm.
c Use the internet to research whether having an MRI scan has any adverse health effects.
101 Explain what is meant by the Larmor frequency.
102 Why are radio frequencies used to excite hydrogen atoms in MRI?
103 Explain what is meant by the term relaxation time and why it provides useful information in MRI.
104 a What are the essential differences between a CT scan and an MRI scan?
b Why are powerful computers essential for both of these procedures?
c Make a list of the advantages and disadvantages of these two types of scan.

60 15 Imaging

Summary of knowledge
15.1 Introduction to imaging

When light rays/wavefronts spreading out from a point object are incident on a lens that is
thicker in the middle than at its edges, the rays will be refracted and converged to form a real
image at the point where the rays cross (unless the object is at the focal point, or nearer to
the lens). This kind of lens is called a converging (convex) lens.
If the rays are incident on a lens that is thinner in the middle than at its edges, the rays will
be refracted and diverged and a virtual image can be seen when looking through the lens at
the point from which the rays appear to have come. This kind of lens is called a diverging
(concave) lens.
The principal axis of a lens is defined as the imaginary straight line passing through the
centre of the lens, which is perpendicular to its surfaces.
The focal point of a lens is defined as the point through which all rays parallel to the principal
axis converge after passing through the lens (or the point from which they appear to diverge).
The focal length of a lens is defined as the distance between the centre of the lens and the focal
point. Its value depends on the refractive index of the material and the curvature of its surfaces.
The optical power of a lens is defined as 1/focal length; P = 1/f. Optical power is measured in
dioptres, D. Power (D) = 1/focal length (metres).
The paths of three rays from the top of any extended object, which pass through a lens and
then go to the top of the image, can be predicted. Using these rays, diagrams can be drawn
to determine the position and nature of the image formed when objects are placed at various
distances from a lens.
In diagrams and calculations throughout this topic we have assumed that the lens is thin and
that the rays are close to the principal axis. If this is not true, the image will not be formed
exactly where predicted and the focus/image will not be as well defined.
Real images are formed where rays actually cross. Virtual images are formed when rays
diverge into the eye the image is formed where the rays appear to have come from.
The linear magnification of an image is the ratio of the height of the image, hi, divided by
the height of the object, ho. m = hi/ho = v/u.
The angular magnification of an image is the angle subtended at the eye by the image
divided by the angle subtended at the eye by the object. M = i/o. When referring to optical
instruments it is common to refer to angular magnifications rather than linear magnifications.
If the object is placed further away from a converging lens than the focal point, the image
formed will always be real and inverted.
The thin lens formula is 1/f = 1/v + 1/u. This formula can be used to determine the position
and nature of an image. When using this formula it is important to remember that a distance
to a virtual image and the focal length of a diverging lens are always negative. A positive
magnification indicates that the image is upright; a negative magnification indicates that the
image is inverted (m = v/u).
If the object is placed at the focal point, or closer to a converging lens, the image will be
magnified, upright and virtual. Used in this way the lens is described as a simple magnifying glass.
The nearest point to the human eye at which an object can be clearly focused (without
straining) is called the near point. It is accepted to be 25cm from a normal eye and often
given the symbol D. The furthest point from the human eye that an object can be clearly
focused (without straining) is called the far point for a normal eye it is at infinity.
The angular magnification, M, of a simple magnifying glass varies between D/f, for the image
at infinity, to (D/f) + 1 for the image at the near point.

Summary of knowledge 61

Lens aberrations (especially with higher-power lenses) are the principal limitations on the
magnification achievable by optical instruments that use lenses.
Spherical aberration produces distorted images. It is the inability of a lens having spherical
surfaces to bring all rays incident on it (from a point object) to the same focus. It may be
reduced by adapting the shape of the lens, or by only using the centre of the lens.
Chromatic aberration is the inability of a lens to bring rays of different colours (from a
point object) to the same focus. It occurs because refractive index varies slightly with colour
(wavelength). It can be reduced by combining lenses of different shapes and refractive indices.
Diagrams can be drawn to represent these aberrations and how they can be reduced.
Mirrors with curved surfaces can also be used to focus images. The terminology and the
principles involved are very similar to those concerning lenses. Curved mirrors can have
spherical aberration problems.

15.2 Imaging instrumentation

The objective lens of a compound microscope forms a real magnified image of an object that
is placed just beyond its focal point. The eyepiece then acts as a magnifying glass to produce
a final image, which is inverted, magnified and virtual.
Ray diagrams can be constructed to represent a microscope in normal adjustment with
the final image at (or near to) the near point. Angular magnification equals the linear
magnification of objective multiplied by the angular magnification of the eyepiece.
Resolution is often more important than magnification in optical instruments. Good
resolution can be considered to be the ability to see points as being separate. Magnifying an
image can improve resolution, but not if the resolution is already poor.
In general, resolution is improved by using better quality lenses, large apertures and small
wavelengths (minimising diffraction effects). Large apertures also have the advantage of
collecting more light and producing brighter images.
Two objects are considered to be just resolvable if the angle, , that they subtend at the eye or
optical instrument is larger than 1.22/b (Rayleighs criterion), where b is the diameter of the
receiving aperture.
The objective lens of a telescope forms a diminished, real and inverted image of a distant
object at its focal point. The eyepiece acts as a magnifying glass to produce a final image
at infinity (in normal adjustment), which is inverted, diminished and virtual. The linear
magnification is less than one, but the telescope produces an angular magnification, M = fo/fe.
Ray diagrams can be constructed to represent a telescope in normal adjustment when the
distance between the lenses is fo + fe.
Reflecting telescopes use converging mirrors as their objectives (rather than converging lenses).
Newtonian mountings use plane mirrors to reflect light into an eyepiece lens at the side.
Cassegrain mountings use diverging mirrors to increase magnification and enable the
observer to look through the telescope directly towards an object.
Optical astronomical telescopes on the Earths surface receive light that has been affected by
passing through the Earths atmosphere. Some radiation is absorbed or scattered, and some is
refracted irregularly. Placing satellites on orbiting satellites above the atmosphere overcomes
these limitations.
Radio waves (including microwaves) are much less affected by the atmosphere (than light) and
radio telescopes can be terrestrial. Many astronomical objects emit radio waves. The simplest
radio telescopes have an aerial placed at the focal point of a single parabolic dish reflector.
As with other waves, resolution is limited to angles larger than 1.22/b. Because radio waves
from space might have a typical wavelength of about 1m, good resolution using a single dish
can only be achieved if it has a large diameter.
Higher resolution when receiving radio waves is possible using interferometry techniques,
in which the signals from two or more synchronized telescopes are combined electronically

62 15 Imaging
and made to interfere. The spacing and centre of the interference pattern can be used to
accurately determine the direction to the source of radiation. The maximum resolution
achieved with two telescopes can be calculated using 1.22/b, with b equal to their
separation. Using many telescopes in an array can improve resolution further.

15.3 Fibre optics

Most data are sent along cables using either electrical pulses in copper wires, or infrared
pulses in optic fibres.
Data are sent using digital pulses, rather than continuously varying analogue signals. Digital
data are transferred as a very large number of pulses, each of which can have only one of two
possible levels (commonly called 0 or 1).
As pulses travel along a cable they attenuate and disperse. Attenuation is the gradual loss of
intensity of a signal as it passes through a material. Dispersion is the broadening of the width
of a pulse and the associated decrease in intensity.
These effects limit the distance that data can be transferred (before they need to be
amplified and reformed) and the amount of data that can be sent in a given time through a
particular cable.
These effects are significantly lower with infrared pulses in optic fibres than they are with
electrical pulses in copper wire.
Electrical pulses also produce changing electromagnetic fields that can spread away from the
cable and cause interference by inducing tiny e.m.f.s in other cables. These random unwanted
signals are often called electronic noise. Signals in optic fibres do not have this problem.
Electronic noise can be significantly reduced in copper cabling by using twisted pairs or
co-axial cables.
Data are transferred in digital form because when pulses are affected by dispersion,
attenuation and noise, they can still usually be distinguished as 0s or 1s because there only
two distinct levels. (Whereas analogue signals may become too distorted.)
Optic fibres use the effect known as total internal reflection (Chapter 4). The radiation is
reflected internally because the angle of incidence inside the fibre is always larger than the
critical angle. In general n1/n2 = 1/sinc or, if air is the external medium: n = 1/sinc.
The core optic fibre(s) are protected from damage by cladding. The refractive index of the
cladding material must be less than that of the core. The cladding also prevents different
fibres from coming in contact with each other (crosstalk).
Dispersion in optic fibres has two main causes waveguide dispersion and material
Waveguide dispersion is due to the fact that different rays (that started together) travel
along slightly different paths. This problem can be limited by using graded-index fibres, in
which the refractive index increases progressively towards the centre. This has the effect of
confining rays to curved paths close to the centre of the fibre.
Step-index fibres have cores of constant refractive index.
Material dispersion can occur if radiation of different wavelengths is used. This is because
they travel at different speeds (so they have slightly different refractive indices). This can be
overcome by using monochromatic light (from a laser or infrared LED).
The intensity of a signal confined to an optic fibre decreases exponentially with distance
along the cable. If the intensity decreases from I0 to I, then the attenuation (in dB) is
10log10I/I0. It is usual to quote an attenuation per unit length of cable (e.g. 1.5dBkm1). A
similar equation can be used for power instead of intensity.
The decibel (dB) scale is a logarithmic scale commonly used to compare an intensity (or
power) to a reference level, especially where there are large differences involved.
Compared with twisted pair and co-axial cables, optic fibres have lower attenuation, greater
data transfer rates, do not produce noise, are more secure and are smaller and lighter.

Summary of knowledge 63

15.4 Medical imaging

When an X-ray beam is directed at a human body some of the radiation will be absorbed
and scattered in the body and some will be transmitted directly, so that some X-rays can
be detected on the other side of the body. It is this variation that makes X-rays so useful in
medical imaging.
Different parts of the body will absorb X-rays by different amounts and the intensity of the
detected beam will show variations representing the presence of parts of the body with
different densities and absorption rates.
The X-rays that are transmitted can be detected either photographically or by the use of
CCDs (charge-coupled devices, as used in digital cameras). The use of CCDs allows the
electronic storage and manipulation of images.
The intensity, I, of a parallel beam of X-rays (not spreading out) decreases exponentially
with distance, x, due to absorption and scattering: I = Ioex. is a constant called the
linear attenuation coefficient. It represents the amount of attenuation per unit length in a
particular medium (for radiation of a specified wavelength). The usual unit is cm1.
Attenuation can also be represented in the same way as for attenuation in an optic fibre:
attenuation (dB) = 10log(I1/I0).
Absorption due to the photoelectric effect is the principal means of attenuation of X-rays
and it is largely dependent on the proton number, Z, of the atoms present. For example,
bone contains elements with a higher average proton number than soft tissue, and therefore
absorbs a higher percentage of X-rays.
The attenuation of X-rays is often characterized by the half-value thickness of a particular
medium, x, which is defined as the thickness of a medium that will reduce the transmitted
intensity to half its previous value.
Linear attenuation coefficient and half-value thickness are inversely related: x = ln2.
The mass attenuation coefficient is used to compare the attenuation in unit masses of
different materials: mass attenuation coefficient = linear attenuation coefficient/density =
/. The usual unit is cm2g1.
Attenuation of X-rays is greater for lower frequencies (photons of lower energy). Such beams are
produced by lower voltages and are often called soft X-rays. Hard X-rays are more penetrating.
High-quality X-ray images should have high intensity and contrast. The edges of different
areas of the image should be sharp and well resolved. But at the same time it is important, for
safety reasons, that the power of X-rays used should be as low as possible.
Techniques for improving the quality of the images include: using a small source that is not
too close to the patient; placing an oscillating collimating grid between the patient and the
detector; using intensifying screens containing fluorescent materials.
Computed tomography (CT) uses computer-controlled X-rays and machinery to obtain sharp
images of planes of the patient (scans) with good resolution. These scans can be combined to
present a three-dimensional image.
There is a health risk associated with all uses of X-rays. Ultrasound imaging has no known risk,
but the images have disappointing resolution because of the relatively long wavelengths used.
Ultrasound waves (sound with frequencies higher than can be heard by humans) are directed
into a patients body and reflect back off boundaries between different media.
Acoustic impedance, Z, is a measure of the opposition of a medium to the flow of sound
through it. Z = c, where is the density of the medium and c is the speed of the wave in the
medium. The units of acoustic impedance are kgm2s1.
The bigger the difference in impedances, the higher the percentage of incident waves that
are reflected at a boundary between two media.
Ultrasound waves are produced using the piezoelectric effect, in which an alternating voltage
applied across a crystal transducer makes it vibrate at the same frequency, sending waves into

64 15 Imaging

the surroundings. When reflected waves are received back at the probe, oscillating voltages
are produced and detected.
The transducer (probe) is placed next to the skin of the patient with a gel between them
(eliminating air). The gel has an acoustic impedance chosen to transmit the waves into the
body efficiently.
The ultrasound waves are transmitted in pulses, with sufficient time between the pulses for
the reflected waves to be clearly detected. Resolution is improved by having several complete
ultrasound waves in each pulse.
The simplest types of ultrasound scans are known as A-scans (amplitude scans). The
amplitude of the waves reflected from different boundaries in the patients body are displayed
as an amplitude time graph. Information from the graph can be used to determine the
position and size of various parts of the body.
B-scans are widely used in hospitals. The information is obtained in essentially the same
way as in an A-scan, except that the amplitude of the reflected wave is represented by
the brightness of a dot on a screen. A two-dimensional real-time video image picture is
constructed by a computer programme using the information from one or more transducers
inside the ultrasound probe, transmitting waves in a slightly different direction, often while
the probe is moved to different positions.
Higher ultrasound frequencies (smaller wavelengths) have less diffraction so that the beams
are more directional and the images have better resolution. However, higher frequencies also
undergo more attenuation. The frequency being used may need to be changed depending on
the particular circumstances.
Despite its poor resolution, ultrasound imaging provides a quick, safe, economical and mobile
way of examining inside the body, especially when soft tissues are involved. Ultrasound cannot
penetrate into bone effectively and cannot be used for spaces that contain air (e.g. lungs).
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) provides an alternative to CT scans for providing
images of sections through the body. Medical applications of NMR are also commonly called
magnetic resonance imaging, MRI. Because MRI does not involve ionizing radiation, it is
considered safer than X-ray processes.
MRI uses the spins of protons in hydrogen atoms. Hydrogen atoms are found throughout the
body, particularly in water molecules.
Resonance is the name given to the effect in which a system (that can oscillate) absorbs
energy from another external oscillating source.
Protons spin and behave like tiny magnets. These spins are usually randomly orientated
so that they will not produce any net observable magnetic effect. During an MRI scan the
patient is placed in a very strong primary magnetic field. This causes the spinning protons to
precess around the direction of the external field.
The rate of precession is called the Larmor frequency and it is proportional to the strength
of the applied magnetic field. The Larmor frequency is in the radio-wave (RF) section of the
electromagnetic spectrum.
When protons are also subjected to an oscillating electromagnetic field of the same frequency
(provided by the RF coils), resonance occurs and the protons begin to spin together, in phase.
This affects the overall magnetic field strength.
After the external RF signal is stopped the protons return to their earlier state at a rate that
depends on the kind of tissue in which they are located. The changing magnetic field can
be detected by the RF coils. The different relaxation rates provide information about the
type of tissue.
As well as the primary magnetic field, by imposing gradients of magnetic field in three
perpendicular directions (x, y and z), signals from different parts of a patient can be made
to resonate at different frequencies, allowing reconstruction of the three-dimensional
distribution of protons.

Examination questions 65

Examination questions a selection

Paper 3 IB questions and IB style questions
Q1 a Two parallel rays of white light are incident on a convex lens.
convex lens

white light

principal axis

white light

On a copy of the diagram, after refraction in the lens, draw the paths for the rays of red light and blue
light present in the white light.
b Use your diagram in a to explain chromatic aberration.
c State one way in which chromatic aberration may be reduced.
d An object is placed 5.0cm from the lens and is illuminated with red light. The focal length of the lens
for red light is 8.0cm. Calculate the:
i position of the image
linear magnification.
IB Organization

Q2 a 
Draw a ray diagram to show how a converging mirror can be used to produce an inverted, magnified,
real image.
b i Describe the images formed by diverging mirrors.
Give one everyday use for diverging mirrors.
Q3 a The diagram shows two rays of light from a distant star incident on the objective of an astronomical
telescope. The paths of the rays are also shown after they pass through the objective lens and are
incident on the eyepiece lens of the telescope.
objective lens
light from
a distant star

eyepiece lens


The principal focus of the objective lens is Fo. On a copy of the diagram, mark the position of the:
i principal focus of the eyepiece lens (label this Fe)(1)
image of the star formed by the objective lens (label this I).
b State where the final image is formed when the telescope is in normal adjustment. 
c Complete the diagram in a to show the direction in which the final image of the star is formed for the
telescope in normal adjustment.

66 15 Imaging
d The eye ring of an astronomical telescope is a device that is placed outside the eyepiece lens of the
telescope at the position where the image of the objective lens is formed by the eyepiece lens. The
diameter of the eye ring is the same as the diameter of the image of the objective lens. This ensures that
all the light passing through the telescope passes through the eye ring.
A particular astronomical telescope has an objective lens of focal length 98.0cm and an eyepiece lens of
focal length 2.00cm (i.e. fo = 98.0cm, fe = 2.00cm). Determine the position of the eye ring.
IB Organization

Q4 a Explain what is meant by the angular magnification produced by an optical instrument.

b A small object is viewed through a converging lens of focal length 6.8cm used by a student as a
magnifying glass. If the image is at infinity what is the angular magnification achieved with normal
c In order to obtain a greater magnification the student constructs a compound microscope that has two
lenses of powers 100D and 25D.
i What are the focal lengths of these two lenses?
Which of these two lenses is used as the eyepiece of the microscope?
iii What is the linear magnification provided by the objective lens when an object is placed 1.2cm in
front of it?
iv Calculate the angular magnification achieved by the microscope when in normal adjustment,
with the image at the near point.

Q5 a A signal of power 53mW enters an optic fibre of length 10.4km. If the power of the signal at the end
of the cable has reduced to 32mW, calculate the attenuation per km along the cable.
b Dispersion is a cause of attenuation in the cable. Distinguish between waveguide dispersion and material
c Explain how the use of graded-index fibres reduces waveguide dispersion.

Q6 a Outline how digital data are transferred using coaxial cables.

b List two advantages of the use of optic fibres for transferring data, compared with coaxial cables.


Higher Level only

Q7 a Define half-value thickness.
b The half-value thickness in tissue for X-rays of a specific energy is 3.50mm. Determine the fraction
of the incident intensity of X-rays that has been transmitted through tissue of thickness 6.00mm.
c For X-rays of higher energy than those in b, the half-value thickness is greater than 3.50mm.
State and explain the effect, if any, of this change on your answer in b.(2)
d X-ray images are often blurred despite the patient remaining stationary during exposure.
i State one possible physical mechanism for the blurring of an X-ray image.
For the physical mechanism stated in d i suggest how X-ray images can be made more distinct.
e The exposure time of photographic film to X-rays is longer than that for visible light. The exposure time
for X-rays may be reduced with the use of enhancement techniques, such as that of an intensifying
screen. Outline how an intensifying screen reduces the exposure time.
IB Organization

Q8 a 
Computed tomography (CT) scans can provide much more useful information than individual X-rays.
Outline the techniques used in CT scans that produce this improvement.
b i Give two advantages that CT scans have compared with ultrasound scans.
Give two advantages that ultrasound scans have compared with CT scans.


Examination questions 67

Q9 a State the approximate range of ultrasound frequencies used in medical imaging.

b Distinguish between an A-scan and a B-scan.
c State one advantage and one disadvantage of using ultrasound at a frequency in the upper part
of the range stated in a.(2)
d A parallel beam of X-rays of a particular energy is used to examine a bone. At this energy the
half-value thickness of bone is 0.012m and of muscle is 0.040m. The beam passes through bone
of thickness 0.060m and through muscle of thickness 0.080m. Determine the ratio:

decrease in intensity of beam produced by bone

decrease in intensity of beam produced by muscle 


e Suggest, using your answer to d, why is this beam is suitable for identifying a bone fracture.


IB Organization

Q10 Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) provides an alternative to CT scans for obtaining images from inside the
a Explain in general terms what is meant by resonance.(2)
b During an NMR scan, what parts of the patient are made to resonate, and how is this resonance
c Why is NMR usually considered to be safer than the use of X-rays?

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