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Unknown Fact of Krishna

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Shri Krishna known and unknown facts
Shri Krishna
Shri Krishna is perhaps the most written about amongst the incarnations of Lord
Vishnu. His stories are magical, inspiring and sometimes they look human like.
Please read on for some interesting and unknown facts about him.
1. Shri Krishna was born in Rohini Nakshatra as the eighth son of Devki and
Birth of Shri Krishna
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2. He brought back the son of his guru (teacher), Sandipani, who was dead. Thus
he paid his Gurudakshina to Sage Sandipani.
Sage Sandipani teacher of Krishna and Balrama

3. Many of us do not know that he also brought back the six sons of Devki
(seventh and eighth being Balrama and himself) for a brief reunion.
Names of these six sons are Smara,
Udgitha, Parishvanga, Patanga, Kshudrabhrit and Ghrini.
These six sons were earlier grand sons of Hiranyakashyap and they were living
under a curse.
3. Kansa or Kamsa was Kalanemi in his earlier birth. Kalanemi was killed by Lord
Vishnu. The six sons of Devki were Kalanemi sons in his previous birth and they
were cursed by Hiranykashyap that they would be killed by their father. Hence
Kansa, duly kills six sons of Devki in their next birth. The six sons of Kalanemi
were known by the names of Hamsa, Suvikrama, Kratha, Damana, Ripurmardana
and Krodhahanta.
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Killing of Kansa
4. Gandharis curse to Shri Krishna served two purposes. In his earlier avatar as
Lord Rama(incarnation), he killed Bali. He assured Tara (Balis widow) that Bali
would be able to exact his revenge in his next birth. The hunter Jara was Bali

reborn, and in this life, he ended Shri Krishnas stay on earth with a simple arrow.
Thus Gandhari s curse and his assurance has been ful lled.
Death of Bali (Vali)
5. Krishna had a total of 16,108 wives, of which only eight were his princely
wives,also known as Ashtabharya,or patrani
(Rukmini,Satyabhama, Jambavati, Nagnajiti, Kalindi,Mitravinda, Bhadra, Lakshma
Rukmini is also considered to be an avatar of Lakshmi, the goddess of fortune.
Shri Krishna married her after she sent him a letter to come and abduct her and
save her relatives from a ght. When Krishna was eloping with Rukmini,
Rukminis brother Rukmi came and fought, before being defeated by Shri
Krishna. His other 16,100 wives were rescued from Narakasura. They had been
forcibly kept in his palace and after Krishna had killed Narakasura he rescued
these 16,100 women and freed them.
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Lord Krishna and Rukmini
6. Out of his wives, Satyabhama had some ego while Rukmini was fully devoted
to Lord Krishna. There is a famous incident of Tulabharam, which has established
the simplcity of Rukmini was better than the wealth of Satyabhama.
Tulabharam Shri Krishna
7. Shri Krishna had eighty sons from his eight queens (Ashtapatranis). From each
of his queen, he had ten sons. Pradyumna was the son of Rukmini. Samba was
the son from Jambavati, who was cursed by the sages which later became the
reason of destruction of Yadu clan. Shri Krishna himself done penance of Lord
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to obtain a son like him. Incidentally, Shri Krishna also cursed Samba to be a
ected by leprosy. Courtesy of Sage Narada.
8. Shri Krishnas sister Subhadra was born to Vasudev and Rohini. She was born
after Vasudeva was freed from the prison. Balrama wanted her to be married to
Duryodhana, who was his favourite disciple. But Rohini and other did not want
this. To overcome this situation, Shri Krishna advised Arjuna to abduct Subhadra.
He also asked Subhadra to hold the rains of the chariot, so it was technically not
an abduction. Balrama was paci ed later on, and the marriage was
performed at Indraprastha.

Arjuna and Subhadra

9. There is no mention of Radha in scriptures. Neither Mahabharata, Nor Shrimad
Bhagwat mention this. This fact is too important to missed by greats like Ved
Vyasa. Probably, this was included by Jayadev and became famous from there.
10. Ekalavya was actually Krishnas cousin. He was the son of Devashrava
(brother of Vasudeva) who got lost in the forest and was found by a Nishada
Hiranyadhanu. Ekalavya died protecting his father during Rukmini Swayamvar.
He was killed by Krishna. For his great sacri ce of Gurudakshina Krishna
blessed Ekalavya that he would be soon reincarnated and take revenge on
Drona. This person was Dhristadyumna (who kiled Drona).
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11. Krishna is arguably the most di cult character to understand. Once, he
even started ghting with Arjuna. Lord Shiva got so perturbed that he
descended to stop the ght. He asked what Krishna was doing. Krishnas
simple reply was that Arjuna needed to ght in battle and hence Krishna was
testing Arjuna.
12. The narration of the Bhagvad Gita by Krishna was heard rsthand not only
by Arjuna but also Hanuman and Sanjaya. Hanuman was perched on top of
Arjunas chariot throughout the battle of Kurukshetra and Sanjaya was blessed
by Ved Vyasa with divine vision in order to narrate the events of the battle to
13. The narration of the Bhagvad Gita by Krishna was heard rsthand not only
by Arjuna but also Hanuman and Sanjaya. Hanuman was perched on top of
Arjunas chariot throughout the battle of Kurukshetra and Sanjaya was blessed
by Veda Vyasa with divine vision in order to narrate the events of the battle to
14. Pradyumna, the son of Shri Krishna, was Kamadev, who was turned to ashes
by Lord Shiva in the earlier life. In this life, he was abducted by Sambarasura and
drowned in the ocean, but somehow survived and appeared in his kitchen. He
was looked after by Mayavati, who was an incarnation of Rati. She told him that
how Sambarasura has tried to kill him when he was ten days old, and asked him
to kill Sambarasura.
Pradyumna and Sambarasur
Pradyumna immediately went before Sambara and challenged him to ght.
Pradyumna began to address him in very strong language, so that his temper
might be agitated and he would be moved to ght. Soon, a ght started
and Pradyumna beat and killed Sambarasura.

15. Pandavas were related to Shri Krishna from mothers side. Their mother,
Kunti, was the sister of Vasudev, father of Shri Krishna.
16. Shri Krishnas favourite weapon was Sudarshan Chakra. Its notable uses were
in killing of Shishupala and more importantly, it was used to create the illusion of
sunset which led to the killing of Jayadratha.
17. Killing of Kaalyavan: There was demon named Kaalyavan, who was
summoned by Jarasandha to ght Shri Krishna. Shri Krishna realized that
beating him would take some time, so he used a boon on Muchkund
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to neutralize Kaalyavan. Muchkund was sleeping in a cave and he had a boon
that the rst person he sees after waking up, will be turned to ashes. Shri
Krishna entered the cave and hid behind a rock while Kaalyavan happened to
wake up Muchkund, and soon, was left to ashes.
18. Krishna was the rst person who told Karna about the secret of his birth.
He was trying to persuade Karna while he was in Hastinapur, desperately trying
to avert the war. Karna has politely refused his o er and asked Shri Krishna to
not to divulge this secret to Pandavas.
19. During Raas Leela, Shri Krishna danced with gopikas. While dancing, all gopis
thought that the Lord was dancing with them.
20. Durvasa did not spare Krishna also from his curse. One day, Durvasa was
eating kheer (a swee tdish made of rice and milk),Krishna was also
there.Durvasa ordered Krishna to apply the left overkheer on his body. Krishna
applied it on the fullbody but did not apply on his feet thinking of thekheer to be
consecrated. Durvasa got angry at thisand cursed Krishna that since you did not
obey myorders and did not apply the kheer on your legs,your legs will not remain
impenetrable andunbroken. It is the famous story that Krishna diedbecause an
arrow by a hunter hurt his toe.
21. Duryodhana foolishly tried to imprison Shri Krishna when he came for
negotiations. Shri Krishna shows all the kings his great form. Knowing this
Dhritrashtra, also pleaded to allow him to see him once in this form which was
granted. The poorer souls shut their eyes while the pious ones were bene

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