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Signature Assignment

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Signature Assignment


Signature Assignment Case Study

Kayla Franklin
National University

Signature Assignment
This case study focuses on a student names Ramon who is struggling in Algebra because he has
been in a car accident. The accident has made it hard to hear and he has issues with his memory.
He is also an English Language Learner. Using the Behavior model of instruction and
Cooperative learning Ramon will hopefully begin to pass the exams with an 80% or higher.

Signature Assignment

Signature Assignment Case Study

1. Data:
Students Name/Grade: Ramon 7th grade
Disability designation(s): Memory and hearing loss, brain damage
Responsible and
good attendance
Polite and respectful

Seems to be a loner
Head injury- loss of
hearing & brain

Fixing old

Ways of Learning
Some kinetic

English is second
Memory issues


Model of Teaching. Given the data provided about this student, which you summarized
in the table in the first prompt, which of the 4 families of models of teaching would you
primarily draw upon for help? Why? Social Interaction Model would benefit Ramon the
best because he needs cooperative learning and to work with someone closer that he can
hear. Since he does not like to speak in class and answers with I dont know,
cooperative learning would allow him to participate on a smaller level. He would also be
able to hear the other student easier.

Signature Assignment

3. Methodology. Once you have selected a model of teaching, think of the various teaching
methodologies presented within this model that would be most effective for the student.
Cooperative learning would benefit Ramon the most because then he can participate on a
smaller level. He also has someone that can show him the equations and they can work
together. Ramon also says he cannot hear his teacher so having another student nearby
will help him hear. According to Slavin (2015), cooperative learning makes children inner
speech available to others, so they can gain insight into one anothers reasoning process.
This will help Ramon understand how other children process the information and he will
be able to hear them.
4. Objectives. Given that we want student to improve in their area of need and that we also
structure our teaching around state standards, analyze the needs of this student. Then
identify and write two learning objectives (something you want the student to know or be
able to do that s/he did not know or was not able to do before teaching). Identify one for
student (social) behavior and one for an age appropriate Common Core standard that
would be relevant and essential for the student. List each learning objective and tell why
you selected it.
Ramon needs to have additional time to understand the material and he needs someone to
work beside him that can show him what to do. Since he struggles with hearing the
teacher he lacks the ability to learn from a standard method. He needs to be shown how to
solve the problem and be given the time to focus. With social learning Ramon will be
able to participate easier and have some to work the problem through with.

Signature Assignment

A student behavior I would like Ramon to learn would have him being able to answer a
question in front of the class. I would be sure to speak louder and maybe move closer so
he could hear the question. If Ramon is successful in pairs and can hear the question
hopefully he will be able to be involved more in the class.
5. Assessment and evaluation. Given the learning objectives you identified in #4 above,
how would you determine if the objective was achieved or not? In other words, for each
objective, what type of measurement(s) would you employ to determine if your objective
was met? To determine if Ramon is successful answering question I will ask him 4
questions a week in front of the class. If he makes a valid attempt at answering all
questions verses just saying I dont know then he will have successfully completed
participation in the class. For the Common Core standard Ramon will be provided with
math questions that he will need to show his work for. He will be given word questions
and full numbers. He will need to show diagrams and complete the test with an 80% or
higher. This will be a compressive exam covering Content Standards taught in one week,
6. Communication and collaboration. When teachers have concerns about students and
want to improve the interventions they make with them it is important to include relevant

Signature Assignment

individuals in the discussion and planning. For this case study, with which individuals
would you want to conference as you are planning? Provide a rationale. To help plan
assistance with Ramon I would want to engage a special education teacher to assist with
memory. The special education teacher can help show Ramon the diagrams that the
teacher is drawing and assist with any anger issues he might resort to. I would also want
to involve his parents so they are aware of his struggles and our goals. I would also
involve them so I can provide resources to assist them with getting Ramon a new hearing
aid. Since a better hearing aid would help his ability to participate and hear the instruction
it is vital. If his sister is able to come I think her contribution would be greatly
appreciated since she tries to help Ramon at home. She should be aware of the goals set
forth for her brother.
7. Parent notification. Parent perspective and feelings needs to be considered and parents
need to be kept informed of needs of their child and about plans to address concerns.
When, how and why would you communicate with the parent(s) or guardian(s) of the
child in the case study? Identify multiple ways you would communicate. What
considerations should be given to the parent(s) / guardians perspective and feelings? I
would communicate with the parents as soon as a plan has been established. The parents
need to know what they can do at home to assist Ramon. He needs to have a new hearing
aid and his parents may not be able to afford it. I will do my research so I can provide
them with resources to help them get one. I would send home progress reports and
provide my email so they can email me whenever they have questions. The parents my
have a hard time understanding how the hearing aid not working well is affecting his
schoolwork. They might be sensitive regarding his memory issues since he was in a car

Signature Assignment

wreck. The parents also speak Spanish at home so it may be hard to have an open
communication since I do not speak Spanish. I would try to have a translator available to
help communication. Ramons parents might have a different perspective because he
speaks with them in Spanish and it is easier. Since we do not know the circumstances
regarding the car accident it may be a sensitive subject for the entire family.

Signature Assignment

California State Board of Education. (1998). California State Board of Education Content
Standards. Retrieved 2015, from Math- Content Standards for California Public Schools:
Slavin R. (2014). Educational Psychology Theory and Practice, 11th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ:

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