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QUAY WALLSsemaranggijt

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QUAY WALLS( what is it, what must it do, how to design)

Associate Professor dr. ir. Gijt ( Delft University of Technology, Hydraulic
Structures and Flood Risk Section)
This paper will address and discuss some aspects of quay walls taking into
account the history of quay walls and will show examples of quay walls from the
past and present.
This will be discussed in the frame work of the global economy and ship
development including shipping routes and with a glimpse to the future.
Further it will highlight the present design methods used in the Netherlands.

Quay walls ,jetties and dolphins are essential and capital intensive elements in
ports. In addition it is also necessary to take care that the slopes of harbour
basins are and remain stable.
The design of quay walls is determined by the expected or required ship size and
the loads on the quay wall. The type of terminal containers, coal, iron ore or
general cargo all have their specific requirements
Therefore some discussion will directed to ship developments and its influence on
quay wall design will be discussed.
This paper will discuss the several type of quay walls and also the loading of a
quay walls are discussed.
Examples of the main quay wall types will be highlighted. Finally the design tools
available are discussed.
As not everything is taking place as expected some less optimal design or
mistakes will be discussed as well.

History of economy
The wealth of nations changes with time due development of people, education
teaching system, wars and diseases.
All these factors play a role in the development of countries. In addition the
natural richness of commodities is important. In the past economies were
orientated locally. When however the transport facilities increased the
possibilities of meeting other people increased phenomenal.
Of course now and then military actions have been used to safe guard

When we go back to year 1 we see from figure 1 that China and India had a
market share of about 80 % of the GDP. Since that time have changed due
discovery journeys from Arab- and European people.
Today China and India have again a share of about 60 % GDP of the world
economy as illustrated in figure 1.

Figure 1: Change of GDP with time

At this stage of development one might expect that Asia will regain its position
which it had in the past. That is also possible due enormous work force available
in this region.

Figure 2: Recent plans for alternative transport routes

Ship development
It is important to have an indication of how ships dimensions will increase as
that determines the dimensions of port infrastructure to a large extent. At this
stage of time one questioned how big ships will become in the future.

Figure 3: Ship Size Development

In figure 3 one can observe how ship development took place in size up to now.
It seems that the maximum dimensions have been reached and that is about
maximum length of 500 m , maximum width of 70 m and a maximum draught of
24 m. Indeed this are giant ships.
For tankers it the dimensions stabilized with a loading capacity of 350000 dwt.
However for container ships it seems it seems different as in last 5 years giant
container ships have been built . Maybe the economics of scale are also
applicable to container ships as was for tankers.
A further increase in dimensions especially in draught could great implications as
at this moment only a few ports can receive these enormous vessels . The port of
Rotterdam is one of these ports.

Another restriction is the depth of the Malacca Strait maximum depth 21m and
maybe also the width of the strait.
This implies that ships have to sail along other routes which has great
implications on the economics.
Another possibility could be the sailing route via the North pole which is shorter
route to Asia from Europe then via South Africa or via Suez Canal.

Figure 4: Illustration of the dimensions of a container ship, quay wall and a 8storey flat building : so simple a quay wall
Type of quay walls
The main type of quay wall can be categorized as follows:
-Gravity walls
This type of quay walls need good subsoil conditions as the must obtain their
stability from the fair subsoil conditions
-Steel sheet pile walls
These walls can be used in less firm soils as long as sheet pile can placed in a
good soil layer.
Most of these type of structure are anchored to prevent excessive deformation.

Figure 5:Anchored sheet pile wall

Alternative is the so called combi wall. This structure is combination mostly

tubular piles with sheet piles elements in between.
Relieving floor type quay wall
This type of quay wall consists of concrete l-shaped super structure founded on a
combi wall system and piles and anchor with an MV-pile. Typical relieving
platform structures are presented in figure 6.

Figure 6 : Quay wall with relieving platform

Figure 7: Slurry wall quay wall

The slurry wall technique is an alternative for the combi wall. In Rotterdam the
first slurry wall quay wall was built in 2007.
Both techniques have their pro s and con s . However the disadvantage of a
slurry wall is that is very difficult to remove and has no rest value.

Figure 8: Type of combi walls use with time

The combi wall system evolved with time as indicated in figure 8. This evolution
was made possible with experimenting with different types of combi wall systems
. Today in Rotterdam we spiral welded piles with a two or three sheet wall
elements in between.

Figure 9: Jetty or wharf structure

This type is used when a slope is present and is mostly founded on vertical piles.
The slope underneath the deck is protected against scour due to ships propellors.

Present design methods for quay walls in the Netherlands

A full description of the present the design methods for quay walls can be found
in( Gijt J.G. de, M.L. Broeken. 2013 ).
This method involves also to compose a fault tree, which indicate the unwanted
events .On the basis of this fault tree risk and unwanted events are assessed . In
this way the risk in the construction can be indicated and minimized.
We always require that the anchor fails at last so the other failures possibilities
like, Kranz type failure , Bishop type failure, pile failure are made dependent of
the anchor failure.
The anchor is design in such a way that first anchor/soil failure is occurring
followed by the anchor rod and at lasts the connection of the anchor with quay
wall. In this way we might observe the deformation of the quay wall an thereby
are warned
Further we recommend that the sheet pile wall or the combi wall is designed with
fixed tip as this gives extra safety in case scour takes place in front of the quay
A simple fault tree is presented in figure 10.

Figure 10 : Fault tree od gravity type quay wall

The procedure for the design has evolved from using overall safety factors up to
1990 to the semi probabilistic approach of today. This is also in compliance with
the Euro codes and the Dutch codes
The Euro codes distinguish different safety /reliability classes, which are made
dependent of chance of life and financial loss.
Port infrastructures are placed in RC2/CC2.

Table 1 :Overview of RC/CC classes

The semi probabilistic approach uses partial factors on the actions and
resistance .
These factors are listed on table 2 and 3 for respectively finite element
analysis(relieving floor)

Table 2: Partial factors using FEM

Table 3 : Partial factors for relative simple structures

In addition several load combinations have to be verified using the values
mentioned in table 4

Table 4 : Load factors for different load combinations

Figure 11 : Illustration of principle of relieving floor

In figure 11 an illustration of the effect of the relieving floor is indicated.
In principle the loads on the front wall are reduced by constructing a relieving
floor. The amount of reduction is depending on the length -and the level of the
relieving floor.
Accidents and mistakes
In practice everything is supposed to be going well ,thus everything according
the plan which made for the design and construction.
However this is not case in practice, so accidents or mistake occur and we must
learn from it.
It is stated her that a proper design is hat has been engineered adequately both
to assess the dimensions for the final stage , the usage phase ,but for
construction phase as all elements must be properly made and installed.
Therefore some accidents and mistakes will be discussed.
Here under a list is given of mistakes both in the design phase and construction
phase of matters that might seriously go wrong.
- wrong mechanically schematization of the structure: fixed tip - ,free tip of wall
- wrong interpretation of soil data: too high or too low value
- wrong building method: excessive driving , driving on sheet pile elements in
combi wall system
- wrong design of connections: fixed instead of flexible connection

Figure 11: People business

We as engineers design simple and difficult structures and therefore perform
simple and complex computations to check the dimensions of the design. As also
others people are involved in projects we have to communicate with them and
explain what we have done. The same we might we expect from the other
partners in the project.
So good communication is essential to obtain optimal results for everybody.

1) Gijt de J.G., Broeken M.L., .Quay walls 2013
2) Gijt de J.G., Lecture notes Port Infrastructure CT 5313, 2014 TUDelft
3) Broos E.J. ,Gijt J.G. de, The demolishing of the EMO quay wall in the
Amazonehaven , Port of Rotterdam, HTG congress 2014, Berlin,21-23 Mai 2014
4) Gijt J.G. de, A History of quay walls, PhD, Delft University of Technology,2010
5) J.G. de (2007) Todays quay wall design meeting the challenges for the future ,
Vortrag in Forum Geotechniek und Baubetrieb , Sommersemester
2007,Technische Universitat Hamburg Harburg ,5/4/
6) Gijt J.G. de , Toorn A. van der (2007) Future trends in quay wall design, MTEC,
Singapore , september ,2007
7) Meijer E, Vrijling J.K. , Gijt J. G. de ,Everts E.H. (2007) Analysis of design
recommendations for quay walls , a comparison, Hansa ,November 2007

8) Gijt J.G. de, Kleef J.M. van (2005), Development of port design and construction
in the port of Rotterdam, International Conference on Port-Maritime Development
and Innovation, 5-7 september 2005, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

9) Gijt J.G. de (2004) Measurements and finite element calculations with quay
walls in Rotterdam gemeinsamer Sprechtag HTG/TUHH Hamburg, 1st July 2004
10) Grave P. de, Gijt J.G. de, Vrijling J.K.(2003), Comparison of deterministic and
semi probabilistic design in quay walls, 13th International Harbour Congress
Antwerpen, March 30th-April 2nd 2003

11) Gijt, J.G. de (1998)

Quay walls, Past, Present and Future (Kademuren, Verleden, Heden en Toekomst),
Lezing voor GHR maart 1998

12) Gijt, J.G. de; Heijndijk, P.J.M.: Installation experience with combiwall system in
the Port of Rotterdam (1996).11th International Harbour Congres Antwerp, June

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