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RSC Members Only Fast and Furious

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The Fast and Furious Strength Circuits are all about developing explosive, unrelenting
power. Youll build high performance muscle and an athletic physique, capable of
multiple feats of badassery.
These workouts specifically target the fast twitch muscle fibers with low(ish) rep/low
duration sets. With the way the program is set up youll achieve maximum fiber
recruitment from the very first rep of every set. No set will last longer than twenty
seconds. This is optimal for fast twitch activation and power development.
Perform the reps explosively, control the eccentric, and never grind. Stay far away from
failure on the first few rounds. You can get closer to failure during rounds four and five
but you should still be finishing each set with a bare minimum of 1-2 reps left in the tank.
If you do it properly, you should start to feel energized and more explosive by round
Because you will be training the entire body four times per week, staying away from
near-failure, grinding reps is even more important.
However, because the reps are low and the duration of the sets is low, you shouldnt
experience much soreness or inflammation. Doing circuits instead of straight sets also
enhances this effect and makes it possible to train more frequently.
The prescribed rest periods are thirty seconds. If that is too hard for you at first, feel free
to extend it to 45-60 seconds. But do your best to reduce the rest periods as the weeks go
on. To be a high performance machine you must be able to produce maximal force, rest
briefly, and then repeat. In real life you dont get several minutes of rest between efforts.
In some instances the inability to repeatedly display force with minimal rest could be the
difference between victory and defeat. In others it could be the difference between life
and death.
On some exercises you can choose between a barbell or DB/KB exercise. If you want to
be safer, go with the DB/KB option. If you like lifting barbells, feel free to choose that
Days 1 & 2 should be done on back-to-back days. The other two days should have a rest
day between them. So an ideal training schedule would be M/T/Th/Sa.

If you train in a facility that allows you to sprint or push a sled during your workout, you
can do that. If youd like, sub out any of the lower body dominant exercises for sprints/
sled pushes on whatever day you choose, 1-2 times per week.
Note that each day has 1-2 substitution exercises for females doing this program. If you
are a female, simply sub out the exercise in the workout for the alternate exercise listed in
red underneath each training day.
You will also see that there are 3 optional workouts available for you: sprints, yoga/
mobility, and conditioning. You can add these in on off days, and the sprints can also be
done as a 2nd workout on any training day.
Remember, the human body should be active everyday.
While I recommend taking at least one easy day/week, that does not mean you lie on the
couch. Get in a hike, hit the yoga/mobility work, or go for a walk and get a massage.
The volume will start low and increase throughout Phase 1 to give you time to adapt.
Because your recovery and work capacity will skyrocket, you will train through the two,
4-week phases without a deload.
Finally, a couple notes to guys who are either over 35, beat up, or playing/running a lot
If you find yourself getting run down, you should train for 3 weeks and then deload for
Week 4.
If you find your knees getting a little cranky a few weeks into the program sub out the
skater squat on Day 3 for a one leg Romanian Deadlift.
Those who can only train three days per week should simply drop Day 2.
So your week will look like this
Week 1
Monday- Day 1
Wednesday- Day 3
Friday- Day 4

Phase 1
Week 1:
Day 1
1a) 10 Degree Incline DB/Barbell Press 3 x 6 x 30
1b) Front/Goblet Squat 3 x 6 x 30
1c) Snatch Grip/KB High Pull- 3 x 6 x 30
1d) Farmers Walk 3 x 20s x 30
1e) RKC Plank 3 x 20s x 30
Ladies Substitutions:
Add in: 1c) Barbell Romanian Deadlift- 3 x 8 x 30
Take out: 1c) Snatch Grip/KB High Pull- 3 x 6 x 30

Day 2
1a) Turkish Getup 3 x 1 x 30
1b) Supinated Inverted Ring Row 3 x 8 x 30
1c) Kettlebell Swing 3 x 12 x 30
1d) L-Sit- 3 x 10s x 30
1e) Hammer Curl 3 x 10 x 30
Ladies Substitutions:
Add in: 1e) Barbell Glute Bridge- 3 x 10 x 30
Take out: 1e) Hammer Curl 3 x 10 x 30
Day 3
1a) Box Jump- 3 x 3 x 30
1b) Neutral Grip Chin Up 3 x 6 x 30
1c) Skater Squat 3 x 6 x 30
1d) Ring Dip - 3 x 6 x 30
1e) Sledgehammer Swing* 3 x 20s x 30
* 20 seconds over one shoulder, then switch sides and do 20 seconds over the other
shoulder. Can substitute medicine ball or battling rope slams or horse stance
woodchoppers or barbell Russian twist.
Ladies Substitutions:
Add in: 1e) 45 Back Raise- 3 x 10 x 30
Take out: 1e) Sledgehammer Swing* 3 x 20s x 30

Day 4
1a) One Arm DB or KB Push Press 3 x 5 x 30
1b) One Arm DB or KB Row 3 x 8 x 30
1c) Glute Ham Raise* 3 x 8 x 30
1d) Parallel Grip Rope Face Pull 3 x 10 x 30
1e) Kneeling Hi to Low Chop 3 x 8 x 30
* Sub in natural glute ham raise with partner if no dedicated bench is available. If thats
not possible do a 1 leg KB RDL or 1 leg leg curl on Swiss ball or sliders.
Ladies Substitutions:
Add in: 1b) Band Resisted Lateral Walk*- 3 x 10 x 30
* do 10 reps in one direction, rest a few seconds, then 10 in the other direction
Take out: 1b) One Arm DB or KB Row 3 x 8 x 30

Week 2:
Day 1
1a) 10 Degree Incline DB/Barbell Press 4 x 6 x 30
1b) Front/Goblet Squat 4 x 6 x 30
1c) Snatch Grip/KB High Pull- 4 x 6 x 30
1d) Farmers Walk 4 x 20s x 30
1e) RKC Plank 4 x 20s x 30
Ladies Substitutions:
Add in: 1c) Barbell Romanian Deadlift- 4 x 8 x 30
Take out: 1c) Snatch Grip/KB High Pull- 4 x 6 x 30

Day 2
1a) Turkish Getup 4 x 1 x 30
1b) Supinated Inverted Ring Row 4 x 8 x 30
1c) Kettlebell Swing 4 x 12 x 30
1d) L-Sit- 4 x 10s x 30
1e) Hammer Curl 4 x 10 x 30
Ladies Substitutions:
Add in: 1e) Barbell Glute Bridge- 4 x 10 x 30
Take out: 1e) Hammer Curl 4 x 10 x 30
Day 3
1a) Box Jump- 4 x 3 x 30
1b) Neutral Grip Chin Up 4 x 6 x 30
1c) Skater Squat 4 x 6 x 30
1d) Ring Dip - 4 x 6 x 30
1e) Sledgehammer Swing* 4 x 20s x 30

* 20 seconds over one shoulder, then switch sides and do 20 seconds over the other
shoulder. Can substitute medicine ball or battling rope slams or horse stance
woodchoppers or barbell Russian twist.
Ladies Substitutions:
Add in: 1e) 45 Back Raise- 4 x 10 x 30
Take out: 1e) Sledgehammer Swing* 4 x 20s x 30
Day 4
1a) One Arm DB or KB Push Press 4 x 5 x 30
1b) One Arm DB or KB Row 4 x 8 x 30
1c) Glute Ham Raise* 4 x 8 x 30
1d) Parallel Grip Rope Face Pull 4 x 10 x 30
1e) Kneeling Hi to Low Chop 4 x 8 x 30
* Sub in natural glute ham raise with partner if no dedicated bench is available. If thats
not possible do a 1 leg KB RDL or 1 leg leg curl on Swiss ball or sliders.
Ladies Substitutions:
Add in: 1b) Band Resisted Lateral Walk*- 4 x 10 x 30
* do 10 reps in one direction, rest a few seconds, then 10 in the other direction
Take out: 1b) One Arm DB or KB Row 4 x 8 x 30

Week 3:
Day 1
1a) 10 Degree Incline DB/Barbell Press 5 x 6 x 30
1b) Front/Goblet Squat 5 x 6 x 30
1c) Snatch Grip/KB High Pull- 5 x 6 x 30
1d) Farmers Walk 5 x 20s x 30
1e) RKC Plank 5 x 20s x 30
Ladies Substitutions:
Add in: 1c) Barbell Romanian Deadlift- 5 x 8 x 30
Take out: 1c) Snatch Grip/KB High Pull- 5 x 6 x 30

Day 2
1a) Turkish Getup 5 x 1 x 30
1b) Supinated Inverted Ring Row 5 x 8 x 30
1c) Kettlebell Swing 5 x 12 x 30
1d) L-Sit- 5 x 10s x 30
1e) Hammer Curl 5 x 10 x 30
Ladies Substitutions:

Add in: 1e) Barbell Glute Bridge- 5 x 10 x 30

Take out: 1e) Hammer Curl 5 x 10 x 30
Day 3
1a) Box Jump- 5 x 3 x 30
1b) Neutral Grip Chin Up 5 x 6 x 30
1c) Skater Squat 5 x 6 x 30
1d) Ring Dip - 5 x 6 x 30
1e) Sledgehammer Swing* 5 x 20s x 30
* 20 seconds over one shoulder, then switch sides and do 20 seconds over the other
shoulder. Can substitute medicine ball or battling rope slams or horse stance
woodchoppers or barbell Russian twist.
Ladies Substitutions:
Add in: 1e) 45 Back Raise- 5 x 10 x 30
Take out: 1e) Sledgehammer Swing* 5 x 20s x 30
Day 4
1a) One Arm DB or KB Push Press 5 x 5 x 30
1b) One Arm DB or KB Row 5 x 8 x 30
1c) Glute Ham Raise* 5 x 8 x 30
1d) Parallel Grip Rope Face Pull 5 x 10 x 30
1e) Kneeling Hi to Low Chop 5 x 8 x 30
* Sub in natural glute ham raise with partner if no dedicated bench is available. If thats
not possible do a 1 leg KB RDL or 1 leg leg curl on Swiss ball or sliders.
Ladies Substitutions:
Add in: 1b) Band Resisted Lateral Walk*- 5 x 10 x 30
* do 10 reps in one direction, rest a few seconds, then 10 in the other direction
Take out: 1b) One Arm DB or KB Row 5 x 8 x 30

Week 4:
Day 1
1a) 10 Degree Incline DB/Barbell Press 5 x 6 x 30
1b) Front/Goblet Squat 5 x 6 x 30
1c) Snatch Grip/KB High Pull- 5 x 6 x 30
1d) Farmers Walk 5 x 20s x 30
1e) RKC Plank 5 x 20s x 30
Ladies Substitutions:
Add in: 1c) Barbell Romanian Deadlift- 5 x 8 x 30
Take out: 1c) Snatch Grip/KB High Pull- 5 x 6 x 30

Day 2
1a) Turkish Getup 5 x 1 x 30
1b) Supinated Inverted Ring Row 5 x 8 x 30
1c) Kettlebell Swing 5 x 12 x 30
1d) L-Sit- 5 x 10s x 30
1e) Hammer Curl 5 x 10 x 30
Ladies Substitutions:
Add in: 1e) Barbell Glute Bridge- 5 x 10 x 30
Take out: 1e) Hammer Curl 5 x 10 x 30
Day 3
1a) Box Jump- 5 x 3 x 30
1b) Neutral Grip Chin Up 5 x 6 x 30
1c) Skater Squat 5 x 6 x 30
1d) Ring Dip - 5 x 6 x 30
1e) Sledgehammer Swing* 5 x 20s x 30
* 20 seconds over one shoulder, then switch sides and do 20 seconds over the other
shoulder. Can substitute medicine ball or battling rope slams or horse stance
woodchoppers or barbell Russian twist.
Ladies Substitutions:
Add in: 1e) 45 Back Raise- 5 x 10 x 30
Take out: 1e) Sledgehammer Swing* 5 x 20s x 30
Day 4
1a) One Arm DB or KB Push Press 5 x 5 x 30
1b) One Arm DB or KB Row 5 x 8 x 30
1c) Glute Ham Raise* 5 x 8 x 30
1d) Parallel Grip Rope Face Pull 5 x 10 x 30
1e) Kneeling Hi to Low Chop 5 x 8 x 30
* Sub in natural glute ham raise with partner if no dedicated bench is available. If thats
not possible do a 1 leg KB RDL or 1 leg leg curl on Swiss ball or sliders.
Ladies Substitutions:
Add in: 1b) Band Resisted Lateral Walk*- 5 x 10 x 30
* do 10 reps in one direction, rest a few seconds, then 10 in the other direction
Take out: 1b) One Arm DB or KB Row 5 x 8 x 30

Warm Up
1. Jump Rope- 2 min (Optional)
2. Ankle Mobility Drills -(wall, side to side, circles in both directions) 20 seconds each


Shoulder Dislocates w/ Band or Broomstick

Slow Curl Up- 10
Sphink Position 4 Direction Reach- 3 in each direction
Thoracic Extensions on Foam Roller- 60 sec
Bird Dog- 5
Thai Sit- 10
Glute Bridge w/ Soles of Feet Together- 15
Scap Pushup- 10
Kneeling Fingertip Pushup- 10
Cossack Squat (Sink Deeper and pause at the bottom each rep)- 5
Side Plank Clam Shell- 10
Supinated Band Pull Apart - 15
Hindu Pushup- 15
BW Squat- 20

Mobility and Conditioning Workouts

Sprints- (Optional Workout done on Off Days or 4-6 hours before/after training)
1. Jumping Jack- 30 seconds
2. Flings- 30 seconds
3. Squat- 20
4. Ground on Fire Rapid Hopping in Place-20 seconds
5. High Ankle Hopping-20 seconds
6. Walking Lunge w/Twist-5 per side
7. Walking Leg Kick/Toe Touch-10 per side
8. Walking Knee to Chest-10 per side
9. Butt Kick-10 per side
10. Side Shuffle-20 yards both directions
11. ArmCircles Forward-20
12. Arm Circles Backward- 20
13. 5-7 Progressively Faster Warm Up Sprints of 30 Yards
14. 6-10 x 30-50 yard hill, beach or sled sprints - 60-120 seconds rest
Mobility/Yoga Day Option
1. Crocodile Breathing-2 min.
2. Neck Nods/ Flexion & Extension (Yes)- 20
3. Neck Rotation (No)- 20
4. Forward Shoulder Roll- 10
5. Backward Shoulder Roll- 10
6. Inward Wrist Circle- 10


Outward Wrist Circle- 10

Forward Shoulder Circle-10
Backward Shoulder Circle- 10
Egyptian- 10
Forward Flexion (BW RDL w/hands on hips)- 20
Front Warrior- 30 sec
Side Warrior- 30 sec
Downward Dog- 30 sec
Prone Mountain-30 sec
Plank- 30 sec
Side Bridge w/Half Clam Iso Hold- 30 sec
Sphinx Position- 30 sec
Glute Bridge Iso Hold- 30 sec
Cobra Pose- 30 sec
Happy Baby- 30 sec
Up Dog- 30 sec
Deep Belly Breathing on Back w/ Knees Bent & Feet on Floor- 2 min

Conditioning Day Option

Hill Sprints
Sled Work
Ball (basket, foot, base, soft, hand, racquet, etc)

Phase 2
Week 1:
Day 1
1a) 30 Degree Incline DB/Barbell Press 5 x 6 x 30
1b) Hurdle Jump 5 x 3 x 30
1c) Trap Bar Deadlift or Front/Back/Goblet Squat - 5 x 5 x 30
1d) Snatch Grip or KB High Pull 5 x 6 x 30
1e) Swiss Ball Stir the Pot 5 x 20s x 30
Ladies Substitutions:
Add in: 1d) DB Romanian Deadlift- 5 x 8 x 30
Take out: 1d) Snatch Grip or KB High Pull 5 x 6 x 30
Day 2
1a) Turkish Getup 5 x 1 x 30
1b) Pronated Inverted Ring Row 5 x 8 x 30
1c) Barbell Hip Thrust* 5 x 8 x 30
1d) One Arm Farmers Walk- 5 x 20s x 30
1e) Standing Dumbbell Curl 5 x 10 x 30
* Can sub in GHR or KB swing if needed
Ladies Substitutions:
Add in: 1e) Band Resisted Side Clam- 5 x 12 x 30
Take out: 1e) Standing Dumbbell Curl 5 x 10 x 30

Day 3
1a) Pullup- 5 x 6 x 30
1b) Skater Squat 5 x 6 x 30
1c) Ring Pushup 5 x 6 x 30
1d) Pronated Rope Face Pull - 5 x 10 x 30
1e) Box Jump 5 x 3 x 30
Ladies Substitutions:
Add in: 1c) Back Raise- 5 x 12 x 30
Take out: 1c) Ring Pushup 5 x 6 x 30

Day 4
1a) Front Lever Iso Hold 5 x 10s x 30
1b) Handstand Pushup 5 x 6 x 30

1c) Farmers Walk/Racked Combo* 5 x 20s x 30

1d) Neutral Grip Inverted Ring Row 5 x 8 x 30
1e) Kettlebell Swing 5 x 10 x 30
* Do one side for 20 sec. Put the KBs down and rest a couple seconds, then do 20 sec. on
the other side.

Ladies Substitutions:
Add in: 1c) 1 Leg Hip Thrust- 5 x 10 x 30
1d) Lying Side Leg Raise- 5 x 12 x 30
Take out: 1c) Farmers Walk/Racked Combo* 5 x 20s x 30
1d) Neutral Grip Inverted Ring Row 5 x 8 x 30

Week 2:
Day 1
1a) 30 Degree Incline DB/Barbell Press 5 x 6 x 30
1b) Hurdle Jump 5 x 3 x 30
1c) Trap Bar Deadlift or Front/Back/Goblet Squat - 5 x 5 x 30
1d) Snatch Grip or KB High Pull 5 x 6 x 30
1e) Swiss Ball Stir the Pot 5 x 20s x 30
Ladies Substitutions:
Add in: 1d) DB Romanian Deadlift- 5 x 8 x 30
Take out: 1d) Snatch Grip or KB High Pull 5 x 6 x 30
Day 2
1a) Turkish Getup 5 x 1 x 30
1b) Pronated Inverted Ring Row 5 x 8 x 30
1c) Barbell Hip Thrust* 5 x 8 x 30
1d) One Arm Farmers Walk- 5 x 20s x 30
1e) Standing Dumbbell Curl 5 x 10 x 30
* Can sub in GHR or KB swing if needed
Ladies Substitutions:
Add in: 1e) Band Resisted Side Clam- 5 x 12 x 30
Take out: 1e) Standing Dumbbell Curl 5 x 10 x 30

Day 3
1a) Pullup- 5 x 6 x 30
1b) Skater Squat 5 x 6 x 30
1c) Ring Pushup 5 x 6 x 30
1d) Pronated Rope Face Pull - 5 x 10 x 30

1e) Box Jump 5 x 3 x 30

Ladies Substitutions:
Add in: 1c) Back Raise- 5 x 12 x 30
Take out: 1c) Ring Pushup 5 x 6 x 30

Day 4
1a) Front Lever Iso Hold 5 x 10s x 30
1b) Handstand Pushup 5 x 6 x 30
1c) Farmers Walk/Racked Combo* 5 x 20s x 30
1d) Neutral Grip Inverted Ring Row 5 x 8 x 30
1e) Kettlebell Swing 5 x 10 x 30
* Do one side for 20 sec. Put the KBs down and rest a couple seconds, then do 20 sec. on
the other side.

Ladies Substitutions:
Add in: 1c) 1 Leg Hip Thrust- 5 x 10 x 30
1d) Lying Side Leg Raise- 5 x 12 x 30
Take out: 1c) Farmers Walk/Racked Combo* 5 x 20s x 30
1d) Neutral Grip Inverted Ring Row 5 x 8 x 30

Week 3:
Day 1
1a) 30 Degree Incline DB/Barbell Press 5 x 6 x 30
1b) Hurdle Jump 5 x 3 x 30
1c) Trap Bar Deadlift or Front/Back/Goblet Squat - 5 x 5 x 30
1d) Snatch Grip or KB High Pull 5 x 6 x 30
1e) Swiss Ball Stir the Pot 5 x 20s x 30
Ladies Substitutions:
Add in: 1d) DB Romanian Deadlift- 5 x 8 x 30
Take out: 1d) Snatch Grip or KB High Pull 5 x 6 x 30
Day 2
1a) Turkish Getup 5 x 1 x 30
1b) Pronated Inverted Ring Row 5 x 8 x 30
1c) Barbell Hip Thrust* 5 x 8 x 30
1d) One Arm Farmers Walk- 5 x 20s x 30
1e) Standing Dumbbell Curl 5 x 10 x 30
* Can sub in GHR or KB swing if needed
Ladies Substitutions:

Add in: 1e) Band Resisted Side Clam- 5 x 12 x 30

Take out: 1e) Standing Dumbbell Curl 5 x 10 x 30

Day 3
1a) Pullup- 5 x 6 x 30
1b) Skater Squat 5 x 6 x 30
1c) Ring Pushup 5 x 6 x 30
1d) Pronated Rope Face Pull - 5 x 10 x 30
1e) Box Jump 5 x 3 x 30
Ladies Substitutions:
Add in: 1c) Back Raise- 5 x 12 x 30
Take out: 1c) Ring Pushup 5 x 6 x 30

Day 4
1a) Front Lever Iso Hold 5 x 10s x 30
1b) Handstand Pushup 5 x 6 x 30
1c) Farmers Walk/Racked Combo* 5 x 20s x 30
1d) Neutral Grip Inverted Ring Row 5 x 8 x 30
1e) Kettlebell Swing 5 x 10 x 30
* Do one side for 20 sec. Put the KBs down and rest a couple seconds, then do 20 sec. on
the other side.

Ladies Substitutions:
Add in: 1c) 1 Leg Hip Thrust- 5 x 10 x 30
1d) Lying Side Leg Raise- 5 x 12 x 30
Take out: 1c) Farmers Walk/Racked Combo* 5 x 20s x 30
1d) Neutral Grip Inverted Ring Row 5 x 8 x 30

Week 4:
Day 1
1a) 30 Degree Incline DB/Barbell Press 5 x 6 x 30
1b) Hurdle Jump 5 x 3 x 30
1c) Trap Bar Deadlift or Front/Back/Goblet Squat - 5 x 5 x 30
1d) Snatch Grip or KB High Pull 5 x 6 x 30
1e) Swiss Ball Stir the Pot 5 x 20s x 30

Ladies Substitutions:
Add in: 1d) DB Romanian Deadlift- 5 x 8 x 30

Take out: 1d) Snatch Grip or KB High Pull 5 x 6 x 30

Day 2
1a) Turkish Getup 5 x 1 x 30
1b) Pronated Inverted Ring Row 5 x 8 x 30
1c) Barbell Hip Thrust* 5 x 8 x 30
1d) One Arm Farmers Walk- 5 x 20s x 30
1e) Standing Dumbbell Curl 5 x 10 x 30
* Can sub in GHR or KB swing if needed
Ladies Substitutions:
Add in: 1e) Band Resisted Side Clam- 5 x 12 x 30
Take out: 1e) Standing Dumbbell Curl 5 x 10 x 30

Day 3
1a) Pullup- 5 x 6 x 30
1b) Skater Squat 5 x 6 x 30
1c) Ring Pushup 5 x 6 x 30
1d) Pronated Rope Face Pull - 5 x 10 x 30
1e) Box Jump 5 x 3 x 30
Ladies Substitutions:
Add in: 1c) Back Raise- 5 x 12 x 30
Take out: 1c) Ring Pushup 5 x 6 x 30

Day 4
1a) Front Lever Iso Hold 5 x 10s x 30
1b) Handstand Pushup 5 x 6 x 30
1c) Farmers Walk/Racked Combo* 5 x 20s x 30
1d) Neutral Grip Inverted Ring Row 5 x 8 x 30
1e) Kettlebell Swing 5 x 10 x 30
* Do one side for 20 sec. Put the KBs down and rest a couple seconds, then do 20 sec. on
the other side.

Ladies Substitutions:
Add in: 1c) 1 Leg Hip Thrust- 5 x 10 x 30
1d) Lying Side Leg Raise- 5 x 12 x 30
Take out: 1c) Farmers Walk/Racked Combo* 5 x 20s x 30
1d) Neutral Grip Inverted Ring Row 5 x 8 x 30

Warm Up

Jump Rope- 2 min (Optional)

Ankle Mobility Drills -(wall, side to side, circles in both directions) 20 seconds each
Shoulder Dislocates w/ Band or Broomstick
Slow Curl Up- 5 each side
Sphink Position 4 direction reach- 3 in each direction
Thoracic Extensions on Foam Roller- 60 sec
Bird Dog- 5
Thai Sit- 10
Glute Bridge w/ Soles of Feet Together- 15
Scap Pushup- 10
Kneeling Fingertip Pushup- 10
Cossack Squat (Sink Deeper and pause at the bottom each rep)- 5
Side Plank Clam Shell- 10
Supinated Band Pull Apart - 15
Hindu Pushup- 15
BW Squat- 20

Mobility and Conditioning Workouts

Sprints- (Optional Workout done on Off Days or 4-6 hours before/after training)
15. Jumping Jack- 30 seconds
16. Flings- 30 seconds
17. Squat- 20
18. Ground on Fire Rapid Hopping in Place-20 seconds
19. High Ankle Hopping-20 seconds
20. Walking Lunge w/Twist-5 per side
21. Walking Leg Kick/Toe Touch-10 per side
22. Walking Knee to Chest-10 per side
23. Butt Kick-10 per side
24. Side Shuffle-20 yards both directions
25. ArmCircles Forward-20
26. Arm Circles Backward- 20
27. 5-7 Progressively Faster Warm Up Sprints of 30 Yards
28. 6-10 x 30-50 yard hill, beach or sled sprints - 60-120 seconds rest
Mobility/Yoga Day Option
1. Crocodile Breathing- 2 min
2. Neck Nods/ Flexion & Extension (Yes)- 20
3. Neck Rotation (No)- 20


Forward Shoulder Roll- 10

Backward Shoulder Roll- 10
Inward Wrist Circle- 10
Outward Wrist Circle- 10
Forward Shoulder Circle- 10
Backward Shoulder Circle- 10
Egyptian- 10
Forward Flexion (BW RDL w/hands on hips)- 20
Front Warrior- 30 sec
Side Warrior- 30 sec
Downward Dog- 30 sec
Prone Mountain- 30 sec
Plank- 30 sec
Side Bridge w/Half Clam Iso Hold- 30 sec
Sphinx Position- 30 sec
Glute Bridge Iso Hold- 30 sec
Cobra Pose- 30 sec
Happy Baby- 30 sec
Up Dog- 30 sec
Deep Belly Breathing on Back w/ Knees Bent & Feet on Floor- 2 min

Conditioning Day Option

Hill Sprints
Sled Work
Ball (basket, foot, base, soft, hand, racquet, etc)

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Bodyweight exercise sub for incline DB/BB press?
A:Incline pushup with feet in JGXT or TRX

Q: Sub for high pull due to shoulder problem, which prevents me from doing them?
A: Pronated inverted or incline/chest supported DB row.

Q: Sub for 1-arm push press?

A: Landmine presses.

Q: Sub for box jump?

A: 1 Arm DB Hang Snatch

Q: I cant do squatting motions due to patellar tendinitis. What exercises can I sub in?
A: Stick to posterior chain lower body exercises like KB swings, RDLs, glute bridges
and hip thrusts.

Q: Sub for farmer's walk?

A: Hold heavy dumbbells and march in place for prescribed duration. However, you
should be able to find a short distance you can walk back and forth slowly.

Q: Sub for KB swing?

A: Glute bridge, back extension, or hip thrust.

Q: Sub for rope face pull?

A: Do it with a band or with do an inverted row with elbows wide, pulling toward your

Q: Sub for sledgehammer swing?

A: There are a few options that should be done for 15 reps per side:
- High to low cable woodchopper
- Medicine ball side rotational throw
- Barbell landmine Russian twist
- Battling rope grapplers throw

Q: Sub for L-Sit (Im too overweight)?

A: Do them on dip bars instead of rings.
If the L-sit is too tough on dip bars, do reverse crunches. To do those, lie in your back,
squeeze your butt, brace your abs, and bring your knees toward your chest. Anchor
yourself by holding on to a weight or rack behind you. Slowly lower your feet to the floor
until they are just a couple inches above the ground. Pull your knees back up using your

Q: Sub for chin up?

A: Pulldown or assisted chins on the JGXT or TRX with your feet on the floor.

Q: Sub for ring dip?

A: DB floor press or flat DB press.

Q: Sub for inverted rows if I dont have rings?

A: Do them on a bar set in a power rack or smith machine.

Q: Sub for box jumps? We don't have an adjustable box.

A: Jump straight up in the air and land on the ground. Stick the landing. Or jump on the
lower box. That's a better option. The height of the box doesn't matter as much as just
jumping on to it with triple extension of the ankles, knees and hips.

Q: What set up should I use if can only train M-F?

A: M/T/Th/F would be fine.

Q: This circuit style seems extremely difficult to perform in a commercial gym setting.
Any tips for making this work?
A: Set everything up so its close. You can easily do goblet squats right near where you do
DB/Incline Presses. You can do planks right there too. Farmer's walks can be done
anywhere. Do high pulls in the rack or better yet, with kettlebells, which can be done

Q: How do I increase the difficultly of a ring pushup?

A: A few ways:
- You can elevate your feet in straps.
- Do them planche style, allowing your hands to drift down toward your hips.
- Pause at the bottom and slow down the eccentric.
- Spread the rings or straps further apart.

Q: I do MMA on Saturdays and am very sore the next day. What days should I train
A: M/T/Th/F.

Q: Should the weights be the same across all 5 rounds? Can you give an example of
how the weights should progress across each round?
A: Ideally, yes. Do a few warm ups then just adjust as you go. If you selected a weight
that is too light, increase it next round and/or next workout. Follow the instructions of
having the sets be explosive, not going to failure.

Q: How do we do KB high pulls?

A: With two KBs, swinging them outside of your legs. If you only have one KB of the
appropriate weight, swing it between your legs.

Q: I dont enjoy circuit training. I prefer straight sets or supersets. Can I modify the
A: No. Do another program instead.

Q: Can I train arms on a 5th day?

A: If you want a pure arm day youll have to skip Day 4 of Fast & Furious and sub in a
direct arm workout. More than that will be too stressful.

Q: Will this style of training pair nicely with BF reduction?

A: Fat loss is primarily diet. But the training and sprints will help.

Q: Can I add front levers and frog stand progressions? Where?

A: Add them as strength skill work before the circuit. Or after. Do four sets of ten second

Q: How do we do the skater squat?

A: It's a single leg squat with non working leg bent 90 degrees and behind you. Scroll
down to Skater Squat HERE

Q: My quad is injured. How do I modify the workouts?

A: Skip most of the lower body stuff. If you can do back extensions, swings, reverse
hypers, single leg kick backs, etc. without pain sub them in for the quad dominant

Q: How do I do an RKC plank?

A: Like a normal plank but really being sure to do the following:

- Pull your elbows towards your knees

- Flex your quads and pull your kneecaps up
- Pull your toes toward your head
- Squeeze your glutes
- Flex your lats

Q: Would this workout cover our conditioning needs?

A: It depends, but yes, you will get a great conditioning effect from these workouts.
Whether or not you need more really depends on you and your goals.

Q: Can I do the skater squat with a KB in front like doing a goblet?

A: Its not ideal. Use a weighted vest or chains and increase the range of motion.

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