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edited by

Ren Motro
Universit Montpellier 2, France

World Scientific

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12/19/08 9:48:16 AM

Published by
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ISBN-13 978-981-283-720-2
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KwangWei - An Anthology.pmd

6/2/2009, 9:09 AM

Which definition could be provided for the expression Structural
Morphology? This interrogation was the first one when Ture Wester,
Pieter Huybers, Jean Franois Gabriel and I decided to submit a
proposal of working group to the executive council of the International
Association for Shells and Spatial Structures. We were discussing about
topics of high interest for us, topics related to shapes, mechanical
behaviour, geometry of polyhedra and surfaces, design, bionicsWe had
no clear answer to our first question, but hopefully our proposal was
accepted by the executive council chaired by Steve Medwadowsky. Ture
Wester was the chairman of this working group until 2004, and I
accepted to take the baton for some years. The year after, during the
annual symposium of the association, I proposed to my colleagues to
collect some of the papers that had been published for IASS events
(symposia and seminars). Pieter Huybers suggested calling it An
anthology of structural morphology, and we agreed. This book gives our
practical answer to our initial interrogation: while reading the thirteen
chapters, a better understanding of Structural Morphology is possible.
Several aspects of this discipline, which was introduced by famous
pioneers like Leonardo da Vinci, Paxton, Graham Bell, E. Haeckel and
more recently among others R. Le Ricolais, are illustrated by the
contributions of many experts.
Next October our working group will hold its 6th international
seminar in Acapulco. This seminar will be devoted to Morphogenesis.
A new era is beginning with younger members and contemporary
problems. It is also my pleasure to know that members of the
International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures and its
President Professor John Abel are always interested in the works
produced by our group. This book simply aims to be a small milestone
on the road of structural morphology.
Ren Motro
Montpellier 27 June 2008

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1. The First 13 Years of Structural Morphology Group

A Personal View
T. Wester
2. An Approach to Structural Morphology
R. Motro
3. The Structural Morphology of Curved Diaphragms
Or the Structural Behaviour of Floral Polyhedra
T. Wester



4. Polyhedroids
P. Huybers


5. Novational Transformations
H. Nooshin, F. G. A. Albermani and P. L. Disney


6. Some Structural-Morphological Aspects of Deployable

Structures for Space Enclosures
A. Hanaor
7. Phantasy in Space: On Human Feeling Between the Shapes
of the World and how to Look on Natural Structures
M. Balz
8. An Expandable Dodecahedron
K. Flrin and T. Tibor







9. Examples of Geometrical Reverse Engineering: Designing

from Models and/or under Geometrical Constraints
K. Linkwitz


10. Crystalline Architecture

A. L. Loeb


11. Flat Grids Designs Employing the Swivel Diaphragm

C. Rodriguez, J. Chilton and R. Wilson


12. Form-Optimizing in Biological Structures

The Morphology of Seashells
E. Stach
13. Expandable Blob Structures
F. Jensen and S. Pellegrino




Ture Wester
Associate Professor, Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture
Inst. for Design & Communication, Philip de Langes Alle 10,
DK-1435 Copenhagen K, Denmark

1. The Background
In this paper I will try to tell a short story about my personal
experiences/adventures as chairman for the Structural Morphology
Group, IASS working group No 15. I will describe the events as they are
in my memory and my heart. This means that this paper is not a
complete, even not a sketchy report of the many unique activities, papers,
members, research etc. It is my own impression about the absolutely
most important part of my professional life. I will go back in time and
tell a little about why it is so: I graduated from the university at the age
of 21 as structural engineer in 1963 and soon after became a teacher in
Structural Design at the School of Architecture which had almost no
tradition in research. My professor Jrgen Nielsen however was an
exception and inspired my interest for research. After researching and
teaching for 10 years in the topic of interactive dependency of shape and
structural behaviour. These studies resulted in my discoveries of the
geometrical characteristics and the necessary equation for the rigidity of
pure structures in 3D and, most important, the concept about structural
duality. At that time I had no contact with the international scientific
world, but suddenly my bubble burst and thereafter everything
developed extremely fast leading to the start of the group in 1991.

T. Wester

After a contact with Prof. Makowsky and Dr. Nooshin in Surrey, they
encouraged me to write a paper for IASS87 in Beijing. I went there and
I was totally overwhelmed. I met wonderful people everywhere. Famous
people I had read and heard about and, most important, people like me,
researching on useless topics which made them isolated and maybe
lonely in their university without sufficient local back up. As their
research and the persons behind often were extremely fascinating and
were dealing with the same interest of studying the intimacy between
structure and shape, an obvious idea began to take shape: If these people
were getting closer together they could fertilise and encourage each other
and maybe even begin to collaborate on their weird research. The
friendships made on these my first IASS events are still in the best of
2. The Beginning
For the rest of the paper I must apologise for any wrong or poor memory,
any insult and all missing important information and mention - all
unintended! In order to get a report over the activities please read the
Newsletters of the group.
The IASS Working Group No 15 on Structural Morphology (SMG)
was founded during the IASS Copenhagen Symposium in 1991. There
was a relatively short period of planning before launching the group. It
must be admitted that I never expected an international group with some
of the world elite in the field as members. The first exchange of the idea
was with Huybers on a bench in a park during an excursion in ISIS89 in
Budapest. One month later at IASS89 Congress in Madrid, the gang of
4 -Pieter Huybers, Franois Gabriel, Ren Motro, myself established
an action group with the aim to form a IASS working group. The specific
name Structural Morphology was proposed by Michael Burt. Many of us
had in the beginning a problem with the word Morphology, as it
appeared to be a biological term connected to flowers and dusty natural
museums - and very far from engineering terms. But slowly it was clear
that it was exactly the right word, as all other words as form, shape,
configuration etc. indicated too narrow concepts: Morphology
simply means Study of Form and is used in many sciences. While I

The First 13 Years of Structural Morphology Group

was captured to be co-organizer for IASS91 in Copenhagen, I had

the real pleasure to work together with Mogensen, Stttrup-Andersen
and not least Medwadowski, who became our President during that
symposium. Medwadowski taught me a lot about IASS, international
relations, and behaviour - and he supported the idea of a new working
group on Structural Morphology. Based on an proposal from the gang of
4 backed up by a number of outstanding scientists, the group was
officially formed during the Copenhagen symposium. The first SMG
meeting took place September 5, 1991 in a small Danish pub Frge
Cafeen, with Heinz & Maria Isler, Shikiko Saitoh, John Chilton, Pieter
Huybers, Ren Motro, Michael Balz, Tony Robbin, Koji Miyazaki,
Philippe Samyn, N.K. Srivastava, A.H. Noble, Wolf Pearlman, Franois
Gabriel and me as founding members. Isler was, as always, very
supportive and full of ideas. Just after the symposium, the gang met
at my farmhouse at Mn to agree on a strategy for the future and
afterwards was held a small (first?) seminar with paper presentations and
discussions at the School of Architecture.

3. Group Activities
In the following chapters I have tried to convey some of my
unforgettable experiences with my group. Not only professional matters
but also social and artistic events during particularly our seminars will be
discussed. I will try to describe these activities in some text and some
photos. However, I have to apologise for missing description of
important activities, experiences and events in the following chapters.
This is not because of unwillingness, but simply poor memory or lack of

T. Wester

3.1.1. SMG1 Montpellier Seminar 1992

This first Seminar had Ren Motro as the dynamic chief organiser.
It was held at an impressive international level, very close to the standard
of the IASS Symposia. Besides the traditional slide presentations, there
were organized various workshops or rather demonstrations on e.g.
Polyhedra and Architecture, Morphology and Computer Graphics,
New Materials New Morphologies, Tensegrity Systems, Surfaces
and Membranes, Bionics, Foldables, Facetted Surfaces. Further four
Round Table discussions on subjects as Natural Structures, Tensegrity
Systems, Architecture Projects, Geometry and Architecture were
arranged. These new types of activities were quite useful in an attempt to
define the work and capabilities of the group, put a finger on the hot
spots etc. A large impressive exhibition about the work of Le Ricolais
was shown. The seminar is documented on video (unpublished) and in

3.1.2. SMG2 Stuttgart Seminar 1994

The two-day seminar was held in the best possible scenario for structural
morphology: in the Balz/Isler concrete shells for the theatres at Stetten,
and in the Institute for Lightweight Structures (IL), Frei Ottos world
famous research institute at the University of Stuttgart in Vaihingen. Can
anyone think of better venues for a seminar in Structural Morphology it
was really beyond imaginations. The organizer for the first day was
the Michael Balz family. This day was very unusual, indeed. Taking

The First 13 Years of Structural Morphology Group

advantage of the theatre stage, presentations were encouraged to be by

physical models. The traditional type of slide-and-talk presentations was
turned into performances with large models on stage and even larger
pneumatic models of airship garages outside. The most memorable
performance was without any discussion Heinz Islers demonstration of
his model technique. It balanced constantly on the edge of success and
disaster. There was smoke, heat, light, plaster, water, cracks, pumping
air, shapes and not least Heinz Isler in centre of it all, of course. It was
clearly shown that model technique is a sensitive thing to transfer to a
stage, but the performance turned out to be a tremendous success both
from a professional and entertainment point of view. My student
Cathrine Leth and I presented a 14 m2 foldable model. She had earlier
been working with theatre performances and therefore turned the
presentation into a carefully planed show with composed music and
designed T-shirts for the occasion. I remember clearly that I should take
off my jacket, shoes and socks because of my role as temporary support
for the relatively heavy and unhandy structure.

T. Wester

I was sitting besides Ekkehard Ramm on first row, and he whispered

to me during my striptease: I really hope that you know what you are
doing! After a long hectic day a dinner was served in the theatre, and a
stage show was put together by a local amateur theatre group and some
of the participants such as Chilton, Huybers, Kolodziejczyk, Servadio
and Leth, and many more arranged improvised stage shows. Some of the
events were luckily taped on video. This video has been edited and
includes a number of very good takes from the day and the evening. The
second day was organized by IL. This day was arranged in the traditional
way of presentations, but in the special IL-atmosphere. I am probably
prejudiced, but this seminar stands for me, because of its professional
vitality and transcendent form, as the most interesting conference in my
3.1.3. SMG 3 Nottingham Colloquium 1997
The conference was held at the University of Nottingham with John
Chilton as the all-embracing main organiser. I remember him as almost
collapsing from overworking just before the start of this memorable
event (see the picture), but of course the perfect and relaxed host
during the conference. In my mind the most innovative event was Jrgen
Hennicke and students reconstruction of Robin Hoods Sherwood
Forest as six m high air-inflated tubes made from double layer sausage
skin! Our President Stefan Medwadowsky, who participated, challenged
the group by frequently asking about the definition of Structural
Morphology? This question has been asked many times in all the 13
years and this is good because we should reflect about what we are
doing. It is, however, in my opinion good that it has never been precisely
answered. This would with no doubt bring some of our most interesting
members in the periphery of our group and what all this is about is
getting these people in a synergetic contact with each other: Morphology
means Study of Form and Structural is the same word with the
same meaning as in the name of our association. The rest is up to
oneself. This was the first time that our seminar was held in a university

The First 13 Years of Structural Morphology Group

3.1.4. SMG 4 Delft Colloquium 2000

In connection with Pieter Huybers retirement from his university he
organised a conference in Delft. As always with Pieter: everything must
be perfect and done in due time. This event was characterised by
Pieters calm and authoritative temperament. I specially remember
Jrgen Hennicke and students air-inflated installations and Chiltons
demonstrations of creating shells of clay. The technical tour went to the
impressive Storm Surge Barrier same size as two horizontal - and
moving - Eiffel towers!

T. Wester

3.1.5. SMG 5 Montpellier Seminar (workshop) 2004

This seminar closed my circle from 1991 to 2004 in Montpellier again
with Ren Motro as the engine. He arranged not only the IASS
Symposium but also a SMG workshop just before the symposium. It was
very satisfactory to realize our improved skills to run workshops during
those years This huge event went very well; even some of us (including
myself) were very exhausted afterwards. I also began to feel that my
enthusiasm by being the chairman had declined, and fresh blood should
be infused. Also this time it was extremely satisfactory to see so many
young people joining our arrangements. Our group seems to have a real
attraction to the young generation of researchers. In many ways it was
appropriate for me to resign from the SMG chairmanship leaving the
responsibility to tireless Motro.

The First 13 Years of Structural Morphology Group

3.2. SMG Newsletter

Maybe the SMG Newsletters have been the most well-known and
appreciated part of our group activities - worldwide as well as inside
IASS. They have up to 60 pages with all kind of information: Detailed
conference reports with paper abstracts, reports from our seminars, event
calendar, reports from members, updated member list, book reviews,
coming relevant events etc. have been included, and usually an original
cover paper by a well-known researcher e.g. A Monolytic Granite
Bridge in Beppu by Mamoru Kawaguchi; Metal Membrane Solar Disk
Concentrators by Jrg Schlaich; Space and Structure by Masao Saito;
Students Training in Form-finding and Analysis of Tension Structures
by Klaus Linkwitz; Genesis of Structures, Structural Optimisation by
Ekkehard Ramm and Kai-Uwe Bletzinger; Nexorades by Olivier
Baverel et al.; A Sports Hall in the Shape of a Sword Guard by
Mamoru Kawaguchi; Inflating Delft by Jrgen Hennicke; Adaptive
Lightweight Structures by Werner Sobek and Patrik Teuffel; The
Amsterdam Canopy: Designing and Prototyping a Computer Generated
Structural Form by Kristina Shea.


T. Wester

The extremely time consuming activity of editing of the Newsletter

has circulated between the members of the Gang of Four while
the financial support for the printing and distribution have been
sponsored by the TU Delft and Ecole dArchitecture LanguedocRoussillon, independently of IASS.
The Newsletter is the one and only way to get a real comprehensive
report over the various activities of the group.
3.3. SMG Activities at IASS Conferences e.g. Sessions, Meetings
Since IASS91 in Copenhagen we have at every IASS symposium
had an open and very well attended SMG meeting, inviting participants
to get information and join discussions on present and future activities. It
was interesting to notice that the majority on these meetings were
students and young researchers. In the recent years we also arranged
sessions of our own at IASS symposia. At IASS96 in Stuttgart there was
a special afternoon dedicated to structural morphology, where Chuck
Hoberman and Marek Kolodziejczyk were performing highly artistic
demonstrations with structures.

The First 13 Years of Structural Morphology Group


3.4. The SMG Seminar Proceedings (see also chapter 3.1)

1. Structural Morphology Proceedings of the First International
Seminar on Structural Morphology. (ed. Motro & Wester). 479 pages.
Montpellier, September 7-11, 1992.
2. Application of Structural Morphology to Architecture Proceedings of
the Second International Seminar on Structural Morphology. (ed.
Hller, Hennicke & Klenk). 255 pages. Stuttgart, October 8-9, 1994.
3. Structural Morphology Towards the New Millennium Proceedings
of the Third International Colloquium on Structural Morphology.
(ed. Chilton, Choo, Lewis & Popovic). 375 pages. Nottingham,
August 15-17, 1997.
4. Bridge between Civil Engineering and Architecture Proceedings
of the Fourth International Colloquium on Structural Morphology.
(ed. Joop Gerrits). 432 pages. Delft, August 17-19, 2000.
5. Fifth International Seminar on Structural Morphology held in
Montpellier as a workshop. There exists no proceedings from this
event but a short report is available in SMG Newsletter No 13.
Montpellier, September 17-18, 2004.
4. Further Recent SMG-Relevant Reading
Publications with major relevance to Structural Morphology and written
by a SMG member. I apologise my poor memory and lack of knowledge
for missing items.
1. The International Journal of Space Structures edited by H. Nooshin
and Z. Makowski. Most of our members have written articles and










T. Wester

other contributions to this unquestionable the best independent

international journal with structural morphology as one of the major
fields of interest. Also it is not a coincidence that half of the editorial
board and the two chief editors are SMG members.
The International Journal of Space Structures, special issue on
Geodesic Forms. Vol. 5, Nos. 3&4. 378 pages. Guest editor Tibor
Tarnai. Contributions by SMG-members: Wester, Rebielak, Lalvani,
Huybers, Miyazaki, Miura, Motro.
The International Journal of Space Structures, special issue on
Tensegrity Systems, Vol. 7, No. 2. 90 pages. Guest editor Ren
Motro. Contributions by SMG-members: Motro, Loeb, Hangai,
K. Kawaguchi, Pellegrino.
The International Journal of Space Structures, special issue on
Deployable Structures, Vol. 8, Nos. 1&2. 147 pages. Guest editor
S. Pellegrino. Contributions by SMG-members: Pellegrino(2),
Miura, Escrig, Verheyen.
The International Journal of Space Structures, special issue on
Morphology and Architecture, Vol. 11, Nos. 1&2. 274 pages. Guest
editor Haresh Lalvani. Contributions by SMG-members: Tarnai,
Lalvani(2), Gabriel, Pearce, Burt, Miyazaki, Robbin, Loeb, Huybers,
Verheyen, Wester, Motro, Rebielak.
HyperSpace. Japan Society for Hyperspace Science, edited by Koji
Miyazaki. Frequent contributions by SMG-members: Burt, Lalvani,
Miyazaki, Robbin, Tarnai, Wester.
Engineering a New Architecture (1996) by Tony Robbin, Published
by Yale University Press 1996, 138 pages.
The Periodic Table of the Polyhedral Universe by Michael Burt.
Published by Technion, Israel Institute of Technology 1996, 145
Beyond the Cube edited by J. Francois Gabriel. Published by
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1997. 510 pages. Contributions by SMGmembers: Loeb(2), Saitoh, Huybers, Motro, Wester, Nooshin,
Hanaor, Lalvani, Robbin.
Geometric Forms in Architecture (in Japanese) by Koji Miyazaki.
2000, 191 pages. Reference to many SMG-members.

The First 13 Years of Structural Morphology Group


11. Heinz Isler by John Chilton. Published by Thomas Telford Ltd.

2000, 170 pages.
12. Space Grid Structures by John Chilton. Published by Architectural
Press UK. 2000, 180 pages.
13. Story of Space and Structure Structural Designs Future (in
Japanese) by Masao Saitoh. 2003, 271 pages.
14. Tensegrity Structural Systems for the Future by Ren Motro.
Published by Hermes Science Publishing, UK. 2003, 236 pages.
5. Tsuboi Awards
Around 10 of our members have received the prestigious Tsuboi Award,
and around one third of Executive Council is a SMG member, even one
vice-president. This indicates the high standard and dedication of our
6. Research and End Notes
It is an impossible task to report on this topic as our members
have through the 13 years written many hundreds maybe more -of
excellent and often innovative papers presenting completely new ideas,
both for SMG-seminars, IASS Symposia and for other conferences,
international journals, books, exhibitions, TV, and all other possibilities
for publishing. I admire the energy, skills and hard-working members for
bringing the concept of this important and fast growing field out to every
corner the scientific world of engineering and architecture and to have
made the Structural Morphology Group - the IASS Working Group
No 15 well-known and respected all over the world.
I owe the Gang and the many loyal members everything for the success
of the group. I have many times claimed that the success of this group is
not defined by its leaders but because of the synergetic effect created
when so many outstanding professionals researchers, practitioners,
artists, architects, engineers etc. work together, inspire, support and


T. Wester

constructively discuss with each other. Thank you for the friendships
which met me across all borders that evolved inside the group. The
friendly atmosphere, the high spirit and professional level mixed with
artistic touch has been unique, everything because of the members
contribution as individuals or in groups. I bet that all who have
participated in our seminars will agree that the mixture of warm and
friendly spirit, and high professional standard, has been unsurpassed. It is
my sincere hope that this precious quality will remain in the future. It has
been a shear pleasure for me to have been the chair for this particular
group from its birth to teenager. I think many of the past activities will
continue in the future but times changes - sometimes very fast
especially for a teenager. SMG has recently included a very energetic
subgroup FFD (Free Form Design) mainly based on young researches
from TU Delft, who could fertilise our group with new energy, new
topics, young people besides, the FFD topics seems to be right in the
centre of Structural Morphology whatever the definition is! As many of
you already know, I left the chairmanship of health reasons, lack of
sufficient support from my university, but also my feeling that young
blood should be infused to the leadership. I am convinced that Ren
Motro is the best qualified to handle this process. The photos I have used
in this paper are taken by group members, but I dont remember who has
taken which photo, so I thank all who through the years have send me
these memorable photos.


Ren Motro
Laboratoire de Mcanique et Gnie Civil. Universit de Montpellier 2. Groupe
de Recherche et Ralisation de Structures Lgres pour lArchitecture
This communication aims at following several lines of questions
concerning structural morphology. This is re-positioned in the general
context of the design of construction systems to restore the full
organisational sense to the word structure. The system proposed
makes it possible to classify design parameters in four categories:
forms/ forces/ material and structure. All the data related to the four
parameters are subjected to constraints. The system which is the subject
of the design must among other things meet mechanical criteria.
The problem of design can thus be handled by ordinary systems
optimisation modelling. The position of structural morphology in
this system is at the interface between the parameters form and
structure; it expresses their interactions and meets the requirements of
the material and the balance required. A number of landmarks give
a glimpse of the potential that can be hoped for from research in
structural morphology. They are chosen from fields in which they have
already given results but without exhausting the potential: that of stone
cutting and that of geometrical studies in which stress must be laid on
both topological and dimensional aspects. More generally, structural
morphology can draw on bionics on condition that this is not limited
to surface of phenomena and that questions are raised about the
underlying principles behind them. Some classes of systems cannot do
without interactions between form and structure. This is the case of
equilibrium forms illustrated by tensegrity systems and membranes.
It can be considered that the form expresses the meaning of the
structure, that is to say the meaning of the choice of organisation of
matter decided by the designer. In fact it goes beyond the meaning of
the structure to show that of architecture, and the final coherence of
meaning should be sought.


R. Motro

The title of this communication fixes the limits - an approach rather than
complete coverage. It cannot be otherwise in a seminar where one of the
aims to draw together scattered items to give impetus to a field which has
existed since man started building structures but which is not established
as a discipline. We propose a method of approach which cannot be
considered as modelling but which makes it possible to examine in the
same way several landmarks in the past and present state of the building
sciences before asking questions on the meaning which can be given to
research on structural morphology with a view to enriching architectural
1. Structural Morphology
1.1. Structure and System
1.1.1. Structure
The word structure expresses a concept which has not been the subject
of many controversies in spite of the inaccuracy associated with it. The
very aim of our work required a more accurate approach to the concept.
Systems theory and its definitions shed light on the concept of structure.
Struere, meaning build is the Latin root of the word structure.
Vitruvius used this meaning of the word in his treatise on architecture
(27-23 B.C.). For Vitruvius/ structura was brick or stone and mortar
masonry. This means that the word had a building connotation from the
outset. Archeology of the idea of structure would have to establish the
date and context of the first use of the word to indicate not just a mass of
inert masonry but the building itself with its own order - that of a
construction with both mechanical and functional determinants.
Architectural metaphor has a somewhat unsuspected role in the
archaeology of structural thinking in general. It has been the source of
numerous models, generally of the mechanistic type based on the
distinction between form and structure inherited from Viollet le Duc.17
His main contribution was the study of the science of construction, of
structure, which governs all the formal and decorative features of Gothic

An Approach to Structural Morphology


architecture. Viollet le Duc thus showed the need for structural analysis
of architecture, implying the abandoning of the strictly descriptive point
of view. This model has been used in recent years in fields such as
linguistics which, in the structuralist field is based on the architectural
This structural analysis is first of all a desire to consider the
architectural phenomenon in terms of Systems, which are linked and
coherent to varying degrees, and in such a way that a change made to any
part can but be felt in other parts of the constructed organism.
This is an affirmation that architectural syntax, like the mechanisms
of articulated language, is not reduced to a combination, a coordination
of forms of equal value, but that it covers a ranked organisation of
constituent units, the latter being disposed according to a strict order but
whose subordination is variable.
It is finally my intuition that, if the architectural phenomenon has a
meaning, this should not be sought at component level but in the System
1.1.2. System
Systems and structuralist movement theoreticians1 have drawn much of
their vocabulary from the language of architecture. The problem for
defenders of structural thinking is to go beyond the mechanistic model.
However, builders -engineers in particular - should take advantage of
progress in the deepening of method in the archaeology of which its
objects have a decisive position. This point led to this description of the
results of systems epistemology performed with a multi-field approach
by researchers who have deepened concepts such as structure, system
and form. Better understanding of terms, most of which are common in
builders vocabulary, can open up new pathways in structure design
related to morphology, the subject of this paper.
The notion of system, as defined by P. Delattre is a first stage:
The notion of system can be defined very generally by saying that a
system is a set of elements which interact between each other and
possibly with the external environment.6


R. Motro

One of Delattres axioms concerned elements: the behaviour of an

element is related to the role that it plays in the System, i.e. its properties.
Comparison of several elements involves comparison of their properties,
enabling the definition of reference categories. Elements are material or
abstract and defined by two types of characteristics:
qualitative characteristics,
quantitative characteristics.
The qualitative predicate necessarily precedes the subordinate
quantitative predicate. The latter represents the relationship to a certain
frame of reference.
Once the characteristics of the elements have been fixed, it is possible
to define the reference categories grouping all the elements with the
same characteristics. In the case of built systems, the number of elements
in each category is reduced to one when the spatial position is one of the
characteristics of the definition, since a geometrical point can only be
occupied by one material point.
The effect of interactions between elements is shown by the
movement of elements from one reference category to another (which
takes place continuously for example in beam deformation). The
elements are either modifiable (modification of the quantitative data
of all or some of the elements) or transformable (disappearance or
appearance of qualitative characteristics).
Following the interactions to which they contribute, the elements of a
system may undergo transformations and run through various classes of
equivalence successively. We refer to a transformation system in this
case. Static systems can be considered as a special case of transformation
Systems without change between categories. The relations between
categories express the stresses between the elements of the system and
which are responsible for its static equilibrium.
Two types of relation can be envisaged in this case:
order relations established using comparison of the quantitative
characteristics for a given qualitative characteristic,
topological relations of continuity and proximity.

An Approach to Structural Morphology


Delattre used this as the basis for listing the parts of a full definition:
affirmation of the existence of categories and relations between
the kinds of relations between categories (order, topology),
the kinds of elements in the different categories: listing of their
the number of elements in each category,
the analytical form of the expressions linked to the relations between
categories (assembly of the characteristics and the corresponding
numerical values).
1.1.3. Structure and System
Structure is used in the broad sense here: the manner in which the
parts of a whole are arranged. This definition serves only to affirm the
existence of an Entity, parts and organisation without establishing the
nature of the elements. This concept is therefore included in that of
system whose dynamic aspect is inherent in the very nature of the
elements which can alone account for the interactions.
It is then possible to apply a reduction process to the elements of
definition of the system to extract a definition of its structure. If one
keeps to the first two elements of definition given by Delattre the nature
of the elements is not specified. He called this a Relational Structure.
This is the meaning used in mathematics for group structure of an
ensemble, for example.
A second level of definition is obtained by adding the third element
of definition of systems - the list of the characteristics of the reference
categories grouping the elements. The definition reached corresponds to
the Total Structure of the system. Elements whose characteristics are
specified may themselves be arranged in systems; the total structure
implicitly contains the structure of subjacent levels at the description
level chosen, which does not contain the relational structure.
It is important to observe that one cannot talk in terms of relational or
total structure without defining the system to which they are related. The
level of description chosen must also be specified. The subject being


R. Motro

design in structures, research attention was paid to both the total and
relational levels.
1.1.4. Conclusion
Going further into the notion of structure outlined in this part would
be meaningless if the subsequent formalisation were aimed at replacing
the models well known to engineers and technicians. The aim of this
approach is to re-establish reflection on the design of structures by
removing ail unrelated information. It then remains to be seen how this
can be useful for structural design in the context of its close relation with
1.2. Form and Structure
An attempt at defining the concept of structure soon leads to
simultaneous consideration of that of form. The two concepts are
closely related and their history displays inverse evolution. Definition of
one often makes reference to the other. Thus, the French Larousse
dictionary defines structure as follows in the psychology section:
an organic set of forms which, according to some psychologists, is
perceived directly before each detail is isolated.
On form: Form theory, a theory considering the perception of a set
of organised structures before the details are perceived and which affirms
in all domains the influence of the whole on its constituent parts.
Structure is defined as the manner in which the components of a
whole are assembled. The definitions proposed for the concepts clearly
show the existence of a whole and its parts; these notions can be related
to that of System.
In fact, the evolution of the two concepts can be clarified by noting
that both are used in a limited sense to show the spatial existence of the
object in question. Today, the concept of form is mainly used for the
limited sense of spatial configuration and that of structure is used in a
broader sense. It is known that the Ancients did the opposite - or at least
form was the broad concept for them. The word structure replaced
form little by little, leaving it only the limited sense.

An Approach to Structural Morphology


The confusion still exists for example in the translation into

French of Gestalttheorie / Thorie de la Forme7; an accurate
translation would have used the word structure, although the theory
effectively concerns our perception of an object. In line with modem
comprehension of the two terms, we have chosen to consider the term
form in its limited sense of spatial representation.
1.3. The Design Process
1.3.1. Structures and Constructions
Although, as is stressed above, the vocabulary of Systems theory owes
much to architectural metaphor, study of construction systems and
constructions has certainly not drawn all the advantages that can be
expected from a systemic approach. The term constructive system is
used in the everyday sense here without giving it a specific character
making it the field of the architect or the engineer. The difficulties in
establishing or abolishing boundaries between constructions which may
be attributed to one camp or the other are well known.2,13 Nevertheless,
both use the word structure instead of system to signify what we
shall call the resistant part of their constructions for want of a better
word. If one keeps to the definitions in the preceding paragraphs, one
takes the part as being a whole without separating the nature of the
principle of organisation from its system.
Complements and adjectives are added to the term structure to
define construction Systems in specific cases. This is the case of the
phrase reticulate structures, which provides information on the nature
of the relations between elements; this information can be expressed by
analytical formulae, which comes down to describing the system. The
expression metal structures and all those concerning materials only
specify one of the qualitative predicates of the elements. The same
applies to names like stressed structures or compressed structures
which describe a system characterised by a stress state.
Confusion between terms is not a problem in a cognitive study or a
design for which there is complete knowledge of the system. The
situation is different in design problems which require the creation of a


R. Motro

system. It must be possible to clearly define and understand the share of

each of the elements defining the System in order to achieve an
optimal construction.
Although research on the characteristics of the elements (especially
the determination of a large number of those concerning the constituent
material in rheological studies) and work on elaborating cognitive and
forecasting mathematical models have been discussed at length, it has
been based on principles of organisation which are rarely questioned.
Relational structure as defined by Delattre is accepted without
evaluation of its effect. Topological relations and relations of order are
nevertheless of great importance in the properties shown by certain
systems. Interesting results can be shown in particular on the basis of the
relational structure of a system only; these results show intrinsic
properties, that is to say features which are independent of the
environment of the system.
1.3.2. Design of Structures
What methods should be used? The question does not require a
single answer. It is first necessary to find the best way of identifying
the problems and to show the dominant requirements. Although it
is conceivable to draw up correspondence between a matrix of the
categories of problems and another of categories of solutions/ a different
approach would be to classify the solutions horizontally or vertically. In
the first case, existing solutions are applied to the case covered or by
pushing back the known limits. In the second case/ there will be a change
in level through the design of an innovatory solution; this is when the
weight of the influence of the dominant models must be accurately
evaluated. The completion of innovatory solutions requires much more
energy and conviction and structural morphology studies form a good
1.3.3. Modelling the Design Process
As the construction system is the purpose of design, the formal
framework of aid for design must be defined. It consists of the following

An Approach to Structural Morphology


definition of the properties expected

list of constraints
list of the design parameters.
The study framework thus defined is the description of a System
optimisation problem.15 The characteristic of the approach lies mainly in
the listing and processing of the design parameters/ which consist of four
structure (in the relational and/or total sense described above)
form, considered as the projection of the entire structure in geometrical
force, consisting of all the mechanical notions related to the design of
constructions (actions, stresses and strains, etc.),
material, study of mechanical, physicochemical properties, study of be
There remains, of course, the task of listing the properties expected
and the constraints. The relation with architecture is effected at this level.
It cannot be considered that the only meeting point is that of form, even
if carries considerable weight. It would seem that the four families of
parameters mentioned in connection with the design of structures is a
sub-set of those involved in architecture. Each contributes to the general
meaning of the result.
For example, if the parameter structure is characterised by the
notion of rhythm, this must not conflict with the rhythm induced by the
circulation planned. Work in this field is in the very early stages in
our research, but the aim is to combine different levels of structures
(mechanical/ architectural, symbolic, etc.) with the relational meaning of
the term to create synergy and not contradictions which would weaken the
design itself. The modelling of the problem in this way does not provide
answers to ail queries but sheds as much light as possible on the points
which can be used for the development of research in structural design.
1.4. Structural Morphology
The position of structural morphology in the proposed modelling in the
preceding paragraph is illustrated by the diagram in the figure opposite.


R. Motro

It is in fact the direct relation between the study of form and structure
extended to cover the relational sense. This relation is affected by the
behaviour of the material and by the need to ensure the static (and
sometimes dynamic) equilibrium of the system S being designed. It is not
complete theoretical modelling but a method of approaching the
problem. Other parameters must be considered, and especially those
related to the technological facilities available for the construction
System. The cost of construction and operation is an important factor in

Fig. 1. Conceptual scheme.

2. Landmarks
The effect of the form-structure relation as described above is present
in almost all construction systems. The importance of the role of the
two other parameters depends on the case. Four examples are chosen as
references and described briefly in the light of the conceptual procedure.
2.1. Stone Cutting
Stone cutting plays a very important role in the history of building. The
material is characterised by a dominant property of compressive strength
and gravity is the determinant element in all the actions applied. Careful

An Approach to Structural Morphology


stereotomy is required to ensure static equilibrium among other things.

The form of the elements governs their dead load and the structure
conditions all the stresses. Setting aside purely vertical Systems in
which single-direction compressive strength affects the material almost
uniformly, we mention two solutions in which structural morphology
plays a major rle. Observing the limits imposed by the bending of stone
material, builders devised other solutions whose common feature is the
use of elements which are small in relation to span in a structural
assembly which provides equilibrium. Whereas the transition from
straight beam to arches with arch stones is well known, the solution used
in the case of the lintel for the tympanum of a Gothic gate at Alba lulia
(Romania) is less so (Fig. 2). Large blocks are not required and the form
given to the elements is stable and original.

Fig. 2. Stone cutting principle (Alba Iulia).

2.2. Geometry
Geometry plays a central role in the design of form in the broad sense. It
is related to the partitioning of space, whether this is discrete or
continuous. Designers make extensive use of polyhedral geometry in
the first case and the geometry of surfaces in the second. The two
approaches meet when the problem is not one of partitioning space but of
handling special surfaces, such as geodesic domes. Examples can be
found both in the work of Graham Bell at the beginning of the century
and in the steel framework of the Zeiss planetarium in lena in Germany
in 1923.
Researchers like Le Ricolais and Fuller have taken the question
further. The former established the basis for space-frames which were
developed very widely; his observation of Radiolaria went beyond the


R. Motro

purely geometrical stage to cover examination of the relation between

networks and induced forces. In his studies on Structures compares en
deux et trois dimensions,11 he drew a distinction between several classes
of square, triangular and light or dense hexagonal mesh networks. Basing
his work on Mayors research on graphic static, he then revealed the
duality of geometry and forces by stressing their dual topology (Mthode
Image,12); he stressed here the need to examine the constitution of the
initial pattern and its multiplication. In contrast, Fullers contribution in
the field of geodesic domes was directed towards what one could call
geometrical regularity without explicit reference to the mechanical
implications of the choices made. Until recent years it was almost
obligatory to have the smallest possible number of different components
in order to meet industrial and construction constraints; adaptation to
stresses was and still is handled by modifying the straight sections of the
Today, these imperatives are less important thanks to progress in
computer-aided manufacture. Several questions are now of interest:
should one keep to simple geometrical regularity in the dimensional and
angular sense or should topological aspects be stressed? Regular and
semi-regular polyhedral geometry is certainly an interesting basis, but it
does not cover the mechanical aspect of the behaviour of structures in
a given environment of external actions. Under these conditions, the
problem of the limits of useful investigation in polyhedral geometry
is raised. Facilities such as Formex algebra on the one hand and
homogenisation on the other will certainly make it possible to model the
real behaviour of the systems on the basis of the constituent pattern
and the relational structure rule chosen. In fact, it is known how to
reconstitute a complex geodesic dome using a very small number of data
(Schwarzs triangle). Discussion of the question must be very broad.
2.3. Bionics
Structural morphology draws heavily on bionics, which can be
considered as the science of systems whose functioning is copied
from that of natural systems or which display specific features of
natural Systems or which are analogous. This was how Y. Coineaus

An Approach to Structural Morphology


reported the definition of bionics given by Major Jack. E. Steele in the

first congress on the subject in Dayton, Ohio in 1960.3 In construction
systems, the work by Le Ricolais mentioned above has enabled the
development of space-frames, and extremely important work was
performed by Frei Otto and the researchers at his institute in Stuttgart.
However, attention must always be paid to the intellectual procedure
chosen in an approach to bionics. A simple formal copy in the strict
sense of the word generally has no mechanical or other substrate. As
Lanneck noted, You can sit on china eggs for as long as you like but
youll never get any chicks. When Calatrava designed a structure
deduced from the shape of birds wings he did not claim to give it the
power of flight. The statement was more symbolic. Leonardo da Vincis
approach to the functioning of bats was very different and was aimed at
designing flying machines. Querying nature usually generates new
solutions not through simple copies but through understanding the
fundamental principles of operation. It may thus be erroneous to study a
natural phenomenon without covering the whole of this phenomenon.
Modelling the structure of trees is not the simple application of structural
mechanics to a material, whether considered as anisotropic or
heterogeneous; the mode of growth is important. The evolution in time of
all living material must be taken into account so as not to make
meaningless analogies.
The environment in the broad sense affects design in the same way.
The known analogy between the bone trabeculae in the head of a femur
with the isostatic lines associated with a classic loading must be
examined in other environments. Study of the evolution of bone structure
in spacemen reveals what is reported to be a significant modification or
reduction in the trabeculae.
The principles underlying form must be discussed. DArcy
Wentworth Thompsons work on honeycombs revealed geometry which
can be related to the partitioning of space by rhombic dodecahedra. On a
different scale, some recent results on agar gels reveal the same type of
geometrical layout. Agar was found for the first time by Payen in a
substance called Chinese moss and it is found in some seaweeds (Java
weed and common Gelidium). Gelatine and agar can be heated to form
aqueous solutions which cool to form more or less elastic gel. It is


R. Motro

interesting to note that the resulting geometry divides space into a

polyhedral layout with the matter forming the ribs. This is caused by Van
der Waals forces resulted intermolecular attraction. Matter distribution is
therefore not identical to that of honeycomb, where it forms the
polyhedral faces, but the two phenomena nevertheless possess relational
structures of the same type and their origin should be understood. This
example alone should encourage prudence on the part of all those who
venture into bionics: the meaning behind the appearance should be
sought. Bionics is at a crossroads with several other sciences and requires
both an open mind and a rigorous approach.

Fig. 3. Cross-section of a bone.

2.4. Equilibrium Forms

The diagram (Fig. 1) in 1.4 places structural morphology as a link
between form and structure but this does not mean that the two other
parameters are without effect. There are construction systems in which
form depends directly on the forces applied and their equilibrium. The
stiffening of these systems in a definite form is the result of the forces
applied. There are two categories of equilibrium form systems:
funicular systems (in the broad sense of the term) in which form
depends on the external system of actions applied. The denomination
results from the equilibrium of cables subjected to individual actions.
The best-known application is that of Gaudi in Colonia Guell. He
took advantage of the duality of compression and tension and defined
compressed systems by inverting entirely tension systems, in this

An Approach to Structural Morphology


category, forms and forces are biunivoque; each system of distinct

forces is associated with a different form.
self-stressing systems. Stiffening results from a system of internal
stresses in static equilibrium. The equilibrium form is not effected by
external actions - if only in relation to strain resulting from the nature
of the materials. The bar and cable systems popularised as tensegrity
Systems are in this category, as are textile membranes and cable
networks whose equilibrium requires complementary structural
elements. The design of these equilibrium forms requires research on
form. In the two cases illustrated in Figures 4 and 5 this is based on a
grid constructed using Formex algebra. A numerical research method
(dynamic relaxation for tensegrity Systems, force densities method for
membranes) gives the equilibrium form Ref. 15.

Fig. 4. Membrane form finding.

Fig. 5. Double Layer Double Curvature

Tensegrity system.

3. Form and Meaning

3.1. Structural Morphology and Art
The links between structural morphology and art can provide information
for designers. A few examples show the richness of this type of
approach, which is well illustrated in Gdel, Escher and Bach.8
The work of the sculptor Kenneth Snelson on tensegrity systems
enabled Fuller to publicise them widely, but the relationship between
human investigations is also shown. The structure of certain paintings
strengthens the expression. This is the case of Cezannes Les


R. Motro

Baigneuses strongly marked within a triangle. Ucello made full use of

structural morphology in his three paintings of the Battle of San Romano.
The composition enabled him to add several dimensions to those usually
shown in a painting on a flat surface. The play of the lances gave him
access to time and shows the dynamics of the situation through subtle
orientation of the lances of the attacking and attacked horsemen. The
form shows the underlying meaning without clouding it.
Painters showing particular interest in the notion of structure include
Paul Klee, whose investigations went furthest. His study of trees and
their growth is exemplary. It is in a work with the significant subtitle
Theoretical order of the means of creation related to study of nature and
the constructive pathways of composition.9
3.2. Order and Harmony
All the orders in the world, not only the Greek which is particularly
conscious, but also of the ancient East and of the American Indian, are
spiritual wrote Kerenyi. They invite the drawing up of a harmonious
plan. The concept of harmony is essential for establishing order. It
expresses all the relations between the revealed and the non-revealed,
between the whole and the parts of the whole. The clearest illustration is
that of the division of a segment considered as a unit into mean and
extreme ratio. Given a segment AB, seek a point of division C so that the
new segments are in harmony with the initial segment. The ratio which is
the solution to the problem is the golden ratio. Unfortunately, the name
gives it a magic aspect whereas it is one of the basic principles of
symmetry in the Greek sense of the term. The result is harmony in the
sense of coherence between the whole and its parts. The mathematical
translation is only a result of the intention and shows its meaning. This
division is such that the small segment is to the medium what the
medium is to the large one. It is not surprising to see this construction
when an icosahedron is generated from a tetrahedron.14 It is in fact
another form of duality. Two figures or two concepts are dual; what the
first is to the second the second is to the first in such a way that a twice
performed dual transformation returns to the origin. Two dual elements
are in balance and it is more appropriate to talk in terms of equilibrium

An Approach to Structural Morphology


action for example on compressive and tensile stresses in reticulate

3.3. Form and Meaning
The form of construction systems is closely related to the relational
structure and shows its organising aspect; it bears the meaning that the
designer intends to give his project. It is useful to pay attention not only
to the pertinence of the project but also to the permanence of its
expression. However, the project is not usually the engineers or the
surveyors but that of the client. The constraints to be met and the
functions to be performed are not only mechanical or plastic. Its meaning
must be closely related to that of architecture and its imperatives. It can
thus be understood that the structure described here is that of a subsystem
which, in harmony with others, should lead to a meaningful construction.
The part cannot exist without the whole. Study of structural morphology
cannot ignore its context; it must be in its position.
This discussion of structural morphology is not the definition of a
theoretical position but a query addressed to everyone to open up
pathways and avoid dead ends. We have set out an open intellectual
diagram and mentioned a number of references. Structural morphology
is an interface science, a difficult field in which superficial analogies can
rapidly lead to serious mistakes. Rigour in investigation and discussion
with specialists in the fields concerned are both necessary. This can lead
to giving a meaning to new design solutions and to full expression in
1. Auzias J.M., Clefs pour le structuralisme. Seghers. 1971.
2. Billington D.P., The Tower and the Bridge. Basic Books. New
York. 1983.


R. Motro

3. Coisneau Y., Kresling B., Les inventions de la nature et la

biunique. Hachette. 1987.
4. Damish H., Les fonctions de lOrdre Classique, in P. Francastel
LUrbanisme de Paris et de lEurope. Colloque de lE.P.H.E.
Paris. 1969.
5. Delattre P., Systme, Structure, Evolution, Fonction, Evolution.
Essai danalyse pistmologique. Maloine Doin, diteurs. Paris.
6. Delattre P., Sminaire Interdisciplinaire du Collge de France :
Structure et Dynamique des Systmes. Maloine et Doin. Paris.
Page 23. 1976.
7. Guillaume P., La psychologie de la Forme. Flammarion. Paris.
1979. Page 5.
8. Hofstadter D., Gdel, Escher, Bach, les Brins dune Guirlande
Eternelle. InterEditions. 1985.
9. Klee P., Histoire Naturelle Infinie. Dessain et Tolra Editeurs.
10. Lichnerowicz A., Gadoffre G., Gense et objectifs des sminaires
interdisciplinaires. Avant-propos au sminaire interdisciplinaire du
Collge de France : Structure et Dynamique des Systmes. Maloine
et Doin. Paris. Page 7. 1976.
11. Le Ricolais R., Structures compares deux et trois dimensions.
1946. Repris dans Techniques n9 et 10.
12. Le Ricolais R., A la recherche dune mcanique des formes.
Confrence donne au Palais de la Dcouverte. 1965.
13. Motro R., Rapport sur le Symposium de lIASS Development of
Form. Morgantown. 1978.
14. Motro R., Formes et Forces dans les Systmes Constructifs.
Application au cas des Systmes Rticuls Spatiaux
Autocontraints. Thse dEtat. Montpellier. 1983.
15. Motro R., Conception en Structures. Sminaire sur les Processus
de Conception. Paris. 2-3 avril 1992. Pages 212-222.
16. Vitruve M.V.P., De Architectura libri decem 27-23 a.j.c.
17. Viollet Le Duc, Dictionnaire raisonn de lArchitecture
Franaise . 10 vol. Paris. 1854-1868.


Ture Wester
Associate Professor, Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts,
School of Architecture, Copenhagen
The publication by Michael Burt The Periodic Table of the Polyhedra
Universe [Ref. 2] interpret Eulers theorem on polyhedra in three
dimensional space to its extreme, and shows by this that the classical
plane faceted convex polyhedra just are a tiny part of the full spectrum.
Burt shows that polyhedra of any genus - including infinite polyhedra
and so-called floral polyhedra where some are not imaginable with
plane facets and straight edges - are included in the Euler-polyhedral
universe. Structural Order in Space [Ref. 5] is investigating the
structural behaviour of any plane faceted so-called conventional
polyhedron, and deduces the necessary stability equation for structural
configurations stabilised by shear forces alone i.e., pure plate action and it reveals the profound interrelation between lattice and plate
structures - the structural duality - which follows the well known
geometrical duality. These statical relations for shear-stabilised
polyhedra and the structural duality turns out to be valid for any plane
facetted configuration and they can be extended from the level
of topology/stability to metric geometry/magnitude of forces and
elasticity, as shown in [Refs. 6 & 7]. It is therefore a necessity to try to
increase the statical considerations to cope with the full understanding
of Euler-polyhedra as described by Burt where the floral type is the
normal and the plane faceted type is a rare specialty. The present paper
is an attempt to approach the full spectrum of polyhedra as suggested
by Burt.



T. Wester

1. Basic Stability in 3-Dimensional Space

The following statements on stability are the necessary but not sufficient
 For lattice structures:
A node is stabilized by three supports.
Two nodes linked by one bar are stabilized by five supports.
Three nodes linked by three bars - and any other 3-dimensional
internally stable lattice configurations - are stabilized by six supports.
As stated by Moebius-1837 [Ref. 4], an internally stable lattice
structure in 3-dimensional space consisting of B bars, N nodes and S
supports, is stable if B + S 3N. For considerations about S see 1, 2
and 3. The redundancy of the system is:
R = B + S - 3N
 The similar considerations for plate structures:
Three supporting shear lines stabilize a plane plate.
Two plane plates linked by one shear-line are stabilized by five
Three plane plates linked by three shear-lines - and any other
3-dimensional internally stable plate configurations - are stabilized by six
As stated by Wester [Ref. 5], an internally stable plate structure in
3-dimensional space consisting of SL shear-lines, P plates and S
supports, is stable if SL + S 3P. For considerations about S see 5, 6
and 7. The redundancy is
R = SL + S 3P
 For combined plate and lattice structures:
As stated by Wester [Ref. 7], an internally stable combined plate and
lattice structure in 3-dimensional space consisting of B bars, SL shearlines, BU buffer-forces (i.e., forces acting between equally positioned
bars and shear-lines), N nodes, P plates and S supports, is stable if
B + SL + BU + S 3(N + P)
and the redundancy will become
R = B + SL + BU + S 3(N + P)

The Structural Morphology of Curved Diaphragms


2. The Genus of Polyhedra

The genus g is one of the parametrical axes in Burts three-dimensional
table. It is related to the connectivity c, which is the maximum number of
loops that can be drawn on the surface, without dividing it into two parts.
g is defined as the number of handles h of the polyhedron. g = h = c 1.
A conventional single-connected polyhedron has no handles, hence
g = 0. A torus has one handle, hence g = 1. Figure 3 shows polyhedra of
different genus.
3. Plane Faceted Polyhedra - Genus Zero

Fig. 1. The five archetypal Platonic plane faceted polyhedra arranged in dual pairs. The
topological duality is extended to a structural duality, relating the stability behaviour of
pure plate and pure lattice action. If one side of a dual pair is stable as a pure plate
structure, then the other is stable as a pure lattice structure. The Platonic master-solid
the tetrahedron - is so basic that it is self-dual, hence stable as both a pure lattice and a
pure plate structure. (Courtesy of Ola Wedebrunn)

This is the classic type of polyhedra, which follows Eulers Theorem

in its basic version:


T. Wester

Where the number of vertices is V, facets is F and edges is E. This

case is structurally already described on the level of stability/topology
[Refs. 5 & 7]. The summary of these investigations is that all planefaceted Euler-polyhedra of this genus are internally stable with zero
redundancy. As the minimum of number of supports S is 6, the
previously stated stability equations will be:
 Pure lattice polyhedra: B + 6 3N which implies the geometrical
quality that all facets are trivalent. The redundancy is:
R = B 3N + 6
 Pure plate polyhedra: SL + 6 3P which implies the geometrical
quality that all vertices are trivalent. The redundancy is:
R = SL 3P + 6
 Combined plate and lattice polyhedra: B + SL + BU + 6 3(N + P).
The redundancy is R = B + SL + BU + 6 3(N + P). If we use
geometrical terms then B, SL and BU are all equal to E and therefore
R = 0 for any arbitrary combined plate and lattice structure which
follows Eulers theorem. This is valid for any combination of vertex and
facet valences. The equations for pure plate and lattice polyhedra can be
deduced from this, see [Ref. 7]. This stability behavior for genus zero
polyhedra is probably the most important structural quality of all for
polyhedra, as stability is except for some rare configurations inherent
with the topology.
It is seen that if B is interchanged with SL, and N with P, the
equations in 10 and 11 become interchangeable, an unchanged for 12. As
this type of interchange of elements is following the rules for the
classical geometrical duality, it turns out also to be the basis for a
structural duality, see Fig. 1.
On the level of metric geometry/magnitude of forces the static
relations are described in [Ref. 6] as follows: The geometrical part of the
dual transformation is the polar reciprocation [Ref. 3] between vertices
as nodes and planes as plates. Its characteristic is that the distance from
Origin to the point and the are reciprocal and the normal vectors are
located in the same line through the Origin.

The Structural Morphology of Curved Diaphragms


Fig. 2. Example of a non-polyhedral building-like structure, which utilizes plate action

not only for stabilizing for horizontal loading, but also for carrying the two slabs.
See later note on Buhelt, Nielsen & Staalby-76.

Fig. 3. Examples of polyhedra of different genus. It also indicates the way of determine
the genus of units for infinite polyhedra. (Courtesy of Michael Burt)

The statical part of the dual transformation is that a force vector

acting on a node is identical to a moment vector of the magnitude of the
shear force times the distance to the Origin. This is based on the fact that
a closed and uni-directed force vector polygon determines the static
equilibrium of a node, while a closed and uni-directed moment vector
polygon - based on the shear forces along the edges of a plate times their
respective distances to the Origin - determines the static equilibrium of a
plate. When these pairs of vector diagrams are identical, they form total
equational identity between the two equilibrium systems.


T. Wester

This structural duality applies not only to all plane faceted polyhedra,
but to all plane faceted structures in general (Fig. 2), and performs a
method to do direct static analysis on any complicated plate structure by
transforming it to its dual, do the analysis by one of the many lattice
structure analysis software, and transform back the results. As the elastic
properties also can be dual transformed [Ref. 6], then redundant
structures may be analyzed through dual transformations.
4. Plane Faceted Polyhedra - Genus above Zero
For this case Eulers extended theorem is as follows:
V + F E = 2(1-g)
Where the number of vertices is V, the number of facets is F and the
number of edges is E while g is the genus. See Fig. 3.
As we still consider 3-dimensional finite structures, the basic stability
equations are the same as for any genus number. This means that the
stability equation for an arbitrary plane facetted polyhedron of genus g,
B + SL + BU + S 3(N + P)
for a free floating polyhedron (S equal to 6)
B + SL + BU 3(N + P 2)
The redundancy is then
R = 3(E V F + 2) = 6g
This tells that the redundancy for combined plate and lattice
polyhedral structure is only dependant of the genus, and is equal to six
times the genus.
This means that a fully triangulated polyhedron of genus g has a
redundancy of 6g as a pure lattice structure and therefore 6g bars may be
removed from the structure without affecting the stability. In the same
way, a fully trivalenced pure plate polyhedron of genus g has a
redundancy of 6g, and therefore 6g shear-lines may be removed from the
structure without affecting the stability.

The Structural Morphology of Curved Diaphragms


Fig. 4. Example of an infinite polyhedron of genus 2. It is stabilised as a combination of

plate and lattice action. The redundancy is 6 for every internal unit, indicating that the
structure might be structurally reduced without affecting the stability. (Courtesy of
Michael Burt)

Fig. 5. Examples of floral polyhedra of genus zero. Many of these polyhedra are not
imaginable with plane facets and straight edges, if they should enclose a volume.
(Courtesy of Michael Burt)

5. Infinite Polyhedra

Infinite polyhedra are polyhedra, which are produced by sponge-like

open polyhedral units. An infinite number of these units are then
connected and closed along the open facets in a translational or/and
rotational system without any limit, see Fig. 4. The unit is topologically
described by the number of handles it will get (= g), if the missing facets
on the unit are interconnected and closed with tubes, see Fig. 3.


T. Wester

As there are no support requirements for infinite polyhedra, the

stability equation is
B + SL + BU 3(N + P)
And therefore
R = 3(E V F) = 6(g-1)
Stability considerations are referred to the repeatable unit, which
means that only periodic systems can be dealt with.
The number of bars and/or shear-lines that may be removed without
affecting the stability situation is therefore 6(g-1) per unit. The stability
considerations for infinite polyhedra are useful for describing the basic
structural qualities for large systems i.e.; systems where the effect of the
border is small compared to the effect of the internal.
6. Floral Polyhedra
Floral polyhedra i.e., polyhedra with curved faces and edges, could be
regarded as the general type of polyhedra, as the plane and the straight
are special cases while the curved is the general case, see Fig. 5. These
floral polyhedra are included in Burts table simply because many cant
be imagined with plane facets and they need to be there as they comply
with Eulers theorem. A plane facetted polyhedron is a floral polyhedron
where all the necessary curvature has been concentrated in the vertices.
At the same time floral polyhedra increase the understanding of the
polyhedral concept and perform of course a tremendous challenge to
bring them into a global structural framework which includes the
framework described in the previous part of the paper.
A floral polyhedron consists of a number of zero-dimensional
vertices, one-dimensional arbitrarily curved edges and two-dimensional
arbitrarily doubly curved facets. Many of the polyhedra in Burts table
e.g., monogons, dihedrons, polydigons etc. can not be imagined as
3-dimensional volumes with straight and plane elements.
Not least because we know that undisturbed forces are acting along
straight bar-lines, and shear fields are acting in plane plates, it could at
the first glance seem quite impossible to describe any meaningful

The Structural Morphology of Curved Diaphragms


structural quality of floral polyhedra and how could the concept of

structural duality possibly be have any meaning? If plate and lattice
action are defined by the type of force acting along the polyhedral edges
i.e., axial forces for lattice structures and shear forces for plate structures,
then the facet curved or plane acts as a stabilizing membrane between
the edges, transferring forces which are either tangential (shear) or
perpendicular (lattice) to the edge - all in equilibrium. If so, then we
might describe the structural behavior of such polyhedra, see Fig. 6.

Fig. 6. We might define the structural type according to what kind of forces is transmitted
from the curved facets to the curved edge. If the edge is in tension or compression and no
shear is transferred, we talk of pure lattice action, while if it is only transferring shear
forces, we talk about pure plate action. In all other cases we talk about combined action.

Fig. 7. A cylindrically curved plate is an approximated by a number of plane plates,

intersecting in parallel straight shear-lines. The two curved horizontal shear-lines can be
substituted with a straight shear-line with identical stabilising effect, using Bredts


T. Wester

This viewpoint is supported by what we already know about

arbitrarily fine faceted i.e., curved polyhedra:
All closed plane faceted polyhedra no matter how fine-faceted - are
potentially stable, and the redundancy is only related to the genus.
Any floral polyhedron may be regarded as consisting of many small
plane facets and straight edges (as the discrete net in FEM), hence
stable as a plane faceted pure lattice (triangles), pure plate (trivalent
vertices) or combined structure with unchanged redundancy. Note that
the structural action is unambiguously determined by the choice of
faceting method.
This also indicates that the stability of a floral polyhedron may be
described in the same terms as for the plane faceted polyhedra.
Also we know from [Ref. 1] that some curved plates in combination
with other plates in a building like structure can act exactly the same way
as a plane plate i.e., it can be substituted structurally by a virtual plane
plate which is located according to some simple static considerations.
The considered plates are curved with straight generators, such as
cylindrical, conical and HP-shapes.
The curved plate e.g., a vertical cylindrical wall is placed between
two horizontal plates (slabs) in a building, where the lower plate is
stabilized for all horizontal forces and the two lower ends of the curved
plate stands on vertical columns. The task is then to find the horizontal
straight line in the upper plate where the curved plate resists external
load. This line turns out to be parallel to the line between the upper end
points of the cylindrical wall, and the distance to this line - the
eccentricity e of the force - is found by Bredts equation, which tells that
e = 2A/a, where A is the area between the trace of the curved plate and
its chord and a is the distance between the same two end points, see
Fig. 7.
The polyhedral situation is different from the above consideration as
intersecting facets creates edges and vertices, altogether forming closed
configurations. If the configuration with the previously mentioned
cylindrical plate is changed so it is inserted and connected as a
diaphragm into a close-fit rectangular tube, which is open in both ends, it
forms an unstable polyhedron which miss one facet to be closed. This

The Structural Morphology of Curved Diaphragms


configuration is applicable for investigating the efficiency of the

diaphragm as a stabilizing element.

Fig. 8. Left is shown the pyramid with open rectangular bottom; inserted in a rectangular
tube, which is open in both ends. The height of the tube is H and the distance from the
base of the pyramid to the plane virtual plate with the identical stabilizing effect is called
the eccentricity e. To the right is the diagram of forces is equilibrium for the system. The
forces perpendicular to the plane of the paper are creating the moment that moves the
applied shear-force the distance e, following Bredts equation.

Fig. 9. If the pyramid is truncated, then the system is changed to plate action. The
diagram of forces in equilibrium is shown to the right. In this case e is not following
Bredts equation, as the shear stresses transferred are not of the same intensity.

The eccentricity e creating the moment, which is needed for

stabilizing the configuration is therefore acting on four side sides of the
tube instead of the two horizontal plates. This leads - according to
Bredts equation - to a position of the virtual plane plate with an
eccentricity e = A/a.
A method to determine the structural action of a plate (or manifold)
with positive Gaussian curvature is to approximate its shape with plane
facets, and perform the necessary statical considerations. A simple


T. Wester

approximation is a four-sided pyramid as a half octahedron with an open

The half octahedron Fig. 8 is an unstable lattice net of four closed
triangles and one open rectangle with variable height H - substituting
a positively doubly curved plate - is inserted as a diaphragm in the
rectangular tube. A physical model shows clearly that stability is
achieved for certain positions of forces applied to the planes of the tube.
The moment produced in the planes of the tube moves the virtual plane
plate to a distance e = H/2 from the shear line at the bottom edge of the
pyramid. This case follows Bredts equation as the shear-line has the
length of a, the area A = aH/2, hence e = A/a = H/2.
A better approximation to the elliptically curved plate is the truncated
pyramid Fig. 9. If the height of the full pyramid is H and the height of
the truncated pyramid is h, then the statical consideration leads to the
nice equation:


1 1
H h

If H0 or if h0 then e0, which is correct as this corresponds

to a plane plate. If hH then eH/2, which is also correct as this
corresponds to the previously investigated pyramid. Because the forces
in the edges of the truncated pyramid are not constant, then e does not
follow Bredts equation.

Fig. 10. If the pyramid is rotated 45, then the system appears like this. The equilibrium
is achieved as pure plate action. The eccentricity e is found to follow Bredts equation.

The Structural Morphology of Curved Diaphragms


If the half lattice octahedron is rotated 45 as Fig. 10, then the

configuration is changed to plate action, and the eccentricity to the stable
plane virtual plate is found to e = H/2, hence still complying with Bredts
equation. The four edges meeting in the top of the pyramid can obviously
not transfer axial forces; even the valence is bigger than what is required
for pure plate action.
If the top of the pyramid on Fig. 10 is truncated, then the eccentricity
is not changed at all. This means that the rectangular plate positioned in
the truncation is not structurally active, and may therefore be omitted.
7. Conclusion
My recent work on doubly curved plates, which is initiated by Burts
inspiring work on geometry and topology, and based on Jrgen Nielsens
work on the static of cylindrically curved plates, seems to indicate, that it
is absolutely possible to deal with the structural behavior of floral
polyhedra in a meaningful way. We can describe the stability behavior
of curved plate or lattice or combined plate and lattice membrane
diaphragms and we can find the position of a virtual plane plate with
identical stabilizing qualities as the curved one. The investigations of
curved plates in the present paper should be extended to saddle shapes
and to intersecting curved shapes.
It is still not investigated exactly how the structural duality apply to
floral polyhedra, but it is beyond any doubt that there is a dual relation of
the structural content, and that the concept will include my earlier work
on the structural duality behavior of plane faceted polyhedra.
References and Notes
1. Buhelt M., Nielsen J., Staalby J. 1976. Skivebygningers Stabilitet
1, Konstruktionsprincipper (Plate Stabilised Buildings: Structural
Principles). The Danish Building Research Institute, recommendation
no. 82 (in Danish). This report describes the structural action of plates
as a main load-carrying element in buildings. It also deals with curved
plates and how to find the position of the virtual plane plate that has
exactly the same stabilizing effect in the building structure as the







T. Wester

curved plate, by using Bredts equation. It is probably the first time

that structural performance of curved plates has been considered. The
report is basically inspired by students works in courses in plate
structures (with the author as co-teacher) at the Royal Danish
Academy, School of Architecture.
Burt M. The Periodic Table of the Polyhedra Universe. Technion
Publication, Haifa, Israel 1996.
Cundy H.M., Rollet A.P. Mathematical Models Third edition.
pp. 78-79. Tarquin Publications. 1981. The geometrical content of
polar reciprocation is thoroughly explained in Cundy and Rollets
classical book on the geometry of polyhedra.
Moebius A.F., Lehrbuch der Statik. Georg Joachim Gschen, Leipzig
1837. (also inventor of the non-orientable strip) wrote this remarkable
book on statics where you will find several considerations, which
seems to have been almost forgotten, and reinvented by others.
Some of them are still on the research agenda, e.g. the structural
behavior of polyhedra, and infinitesimal movability of certain
structural configurations.
Wester T. Structural Order in space - the Plate Lattice Dualism. Royal
Danish Academy of Fine Arts, 1983. The results were originally
stated in the authors research report in Danish in 1976. According
to correspondence with the Canadian mathematician Dr. Walter
Whiteley, it was found independently by him at approximately the
same time, see Whitely W. Rigidity and Polarity I: Statics of Sheet
works. Geom. Dedicata 22, pp. 329-362, 1987.
Wester T. The Plate-Lattice Dualism. Paper in T.T. Lan &
Y. Zhilihan (ed) Proceedings of the international colloquium in
Beijing on Space Structures for Sports Buildings, pp. 321-328.
Elsevier Applied Science, London, 1987.This paper, presented at the
IASS Colloquium in Beijing, deals with the duality on the level of
metric geometry and magnitude of forces, including transformation of
elastic properties.
Wester T. The Structural Behavior of Arbitrarily Plane-Faceted
Spatial nets. Paper in T. Wester, S.J. Medwadowsky, I. Mogensen
(eds) proceedings for the IASS Symposium on Spatial Structures
at the Turn of the Millennium, Royal Danish Academy of Fine

The Structural Morphology of Curved Diaphragms


Arts, 1991, Vol. 2, pp. 119-124. This paper, presented at the IASS
Symposium in Copenhagen, deduces the necessary stability equation
for any plane facetted conventional polyhedron as a combination of
plate and lattice action. For the structural analysis of plane facetted
polyhedra of higher genus, see also Wester, T. & Burt, M. The Basic
Structural Content of the Periodic Table of the Polyhedral Universe.
Proceedings of the IASS Symposium in Singapore 1997, pp. 869-876.
This paper is the first attempt to merge the geometric and
the structural approach, and The Structural Morphology of the
Polyhedral Universe: Preliminary Considerations. Proceedings of
the international Conference Engineering a New Architecture
pp. 197-206, School of Architecture, Aarhus 1998.

Courtesy of Michael Burt

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Pieter Huybers
Assoc. Professor, Delft Univ. of Technology, Fac. CiTG, 2628CN,
Stevinweg 1, Delft, The Netherlands
The title of this paper refers to the group of figures, that are related to
polyhedra, that are - so to say - polyhedron-like. They are derived
from the Platonic (or regular) and Archimedean (or semi-regular)
polyhedra, that are composed of regular polygons. They can be quite
different from the original figures, that they are based on. This paper
pays attention to a family of forms related to these so-called uniform
polyhedra. Possibilities are shown to mitigate the rigidity of the
polyhedral geometry and to make them more suitable for application in
building construction.

1. Definition of Polyhedra
A common definition of a polyhedron is [Ref. 1]:
(i) It is covered by a closed pattern of plane, regular polygons with
3, 4, 5, 6, 8 or 10 edges.
(ii) All vertices of a polyhedron lie on one circumscribed sphere.
(iii) All these vertices are identical. In a particular polyhedron the
polygons are grouped around each vertex in the same number, kind
and order of sequence.
(iv) The polygons meet in pairs at a common edge.
(v) The dihedral angle at an edge is convex. In other words: the sum of
the polygon face angles that meet at a vertex is always smaller than
360 (see Table 2).



P. Huybers

2. Regular and Semi-Regular Polyhedra

Under these conditions a group of 5 regular and 13 semi-regular,

principally different polyhedra is found. There are actually 15 semiregular solids, as two of them exist in right- and left-handed versions. All
uniform polyhedra consist of one or more - maximally 3 - sets of regular





15R 15L




18 R18L

Fig. 1. Review of the regular (1 to 5) and semi-regular (6 to 18R) polyhedral.

Four of the regular polyhedra are always inscribable in the remaining

one: they are dual to each other in pairs. Figure 2 shows the relation of
the non-square faced polyhedra with the cube. All other polyhedra also
have dual or reciprocal versions (Fig. 3) [Ref. 3].

Fig. 2. The relations of the 5 regular solids.

Fig. 3. Models showing the principle of




Table 1. The regular polyhedra in relation to the cube.






1 : 2

1 : ( + 1) = 1 :

1 : = -1






, also known as the Golden Section, is defined as: = (1 + 5) : 2 = 1.6180339887499.

Table 2. Some characteristic aspects of the Platonic and Archimedean polyhedra.






Truncated Tetrahedron
Truncated Octahedron
Truncated Cube
Truncated Cuboctahedron
Truncated Icosahedron
Truncated Dodecahedron
Snub Cube
18 3-3-3-3-5 Snub Dodecahedron



DA* Radius



















P = polyhedron index
Code = side-numbers of respective polygons that meet in a vertex
V, E and F = number of vertices, edges and faces
Total angle = summation of face angles that meet in a vertex
*DA, Deficient angle = angle of missing part of plane, or 360 (or flat situation) minus Total angle
Radius = radius of circumscribed sphere

3. Index Numbers for Polyhedra

The index numbers for the various polyhedra in Table 1 and 2 were
introduced by the author [Refs. 2, 3]. They are useful to give reference
to the individual polyhedra, without having to make use of their


P. Huybers

uncomfortably difficult scientific names, but they can also be used in a

more or less administrative sense. If one utilizes computer programs
for the calculation of their geometry or for their visual presentation, it is
often necessary to indicate them by a unique number. That is why they
are numbered here in a certain order of sequence that is dictated by the
following consecutive criteria:
1. Number of faces
2. Number of edges
3. Radius of the circumscribed sphere
If only criteria 1 and 2 were applied, the truncated dodecahedron and
the truncated icosahedron would have obtained the same number. The
left- and right-handed snubs have the same identification numbers,
because they are geometrically identical, although they have different
co-ordinates. They are sometimes called chiral [Ref. 14]. The two
enantiomorphic versions can be distinguished by the addition of an L or
an R to the index number. The polygons are facets of the circumscribed
Table 3. Review of the numbers in which the polygons occur in the different polyhedra
and their Volume, Area and Compactness, expressed in unit edge length.
























sphere that can be thought to pass through the vertices. The volume of
this sphere is therefore larger than that of the corresponding polyhedron.
This is also the case for the area of their envelopes. The closer these two
values are, the better is the approximation of the sphere that is reached by
a particular polyhedron. The closeness of this approximation can be
expressed in a value that is called: the Compactness
Compactness of a polyhedron.
Compactness Cp = Quotient of the area of a sphere with the same
volume as the polyhedron with the index P, divided by the surface area
of this polyhedron.
This value is given in the equation:
Compactness CP =

3 36 * Vol 2



The dual or reciprocal versions of the polyhedra can be indicated by

the same number as their mates, but this time, they are preceded by the
capital R.
4. Close-Packings

Some of the polyhedra lend themselves to being put together in tight

quite complex forms can be
packed formations (Fig. 4). In this way quite
realized. It is obvious hat cubes and rectangular prisms can be stacked
most densely, but many of the other polyhedra can also be packed in
certain combinations. Critchlow [Ref. 1] gives an extensive
extensive review of all
theoretical possibilities.

Fig. 4. Examples of tight polyhedral packing.


P. Huybers

5. Prisms and Antiprisms

Other solids that also respond the previous definition of a polyhedron are
the prisms and the anti-prisms. Prisms have two parallel polygons like
the lid and the bottom of a box and square side-faces; anti-prisms are like
the prisms but have one of the polygons slightly rotated so as to turn the
side-faces into triangles.



Figs. 5 and 6. Models of prisms and anti-prisms.

The simplest forms are the prismatic shapes. They fit usually well
together and they allow the formation of many variations of closepacking. If a number of anti-prisms is put together according to their
polygonal faces, a geometry is obtained of which the outer mantle has
the appearance of a cylindrical, concertina-like folded plane. [Ref. 6]

Fig. 7. Variables that define the shape of antiprismatic forms.



These forms can be described with the help of only few parameters, a
combination of 3 angles: , and . The element in Fig. 7A represents
2 adjacent isosceles triangles.
= half the top angle of the isosceles triangle ABC with height a and
base length 2b.
= half the dihedral angle between the 2 triangles along the basis.
n = half the angle under which this basis with the length 2b is seen from
the cylinder axis. = /n.
The relation of these angles , and n [Ref. 3]:
tan = cos cotan (n/2)


These three parameters define together with the base length (or
scale factor 2b) the shape and the dimensions of a section in such a
structure. This provides an interesting tool to describe any anti-prismatic
configuration. Two additional data must be given: the number of
elements in transverse direction (p) and that in length direction (q).
6. Augmentation
Upon the regular faces of the polyhedra other figures can be placed that
have the same basis as the respective polygon. In this way polyhedra can
be pyramidized. This means that shallow pyramids are put on top of the
polyhedral faces, having their apexes on the circumscribed sphere of the
whole figure. This can be considered as the first frequency subdivision of
spheres. In 1582 Simon Stevin introduced the notion of augmentation
by adding pyramids, consisting of triangles and having a triangle, a
square or a pentagon for its base, to the 5 regular polyhedra [Ref. 4].
Recently, in 1990 D.G. Emmerich extended this idea to the semi-regular
polyhedra (Fig. 8). He suggested to use pyramids of 3-, 4-, 5-, 6-, 8- or
10-sided base, composed of regular polygons, and he found that 102
different combinations can be made. He calls these: composite polyhedra
[Ref. 5].


P. Huybers

Fig. 8. Augmented P17.



Figs. 9 and 10. Models of zonohedral additions.

7. Sphere Subdivisions

For the further subdivision of spherical surfaces generally the

icosahedron and in some cases the tetrahedron or the octahedron - are
used as the starting point, because they consist
consist of equilateral triangles
that can be easily covered with a suitable pattern that is subsequently
projected upon a sphere. This leads to economical kinds of subdivision
up to high frequencies and with small numbers of different member
lengths [Ref. 7].

Fig. 11. Models of various dome subdivision methods.

Fig. 12. Great circle subdivisions

[Ref. 8].



All other regular and semi-regular solids, and even their reciprocals
as well as prisms and anti-prisms can be used similarly [Ref. 12]. The
polygonal faces are first subdivided and then made spherical.
8. Sphere Deformation
The spherical co-ordinates can be written in a general form, so that the
shape of the sphere may be modified. This leads to interesting new
basis but are governed by different
shapes that all have the same basis
parameters (Fig. 13A). According to H. Kenner [Ref. 9] the equation of
the sphere can be transformed into a set of two expressions, describing it
in a more general way:

R1 = E1 / (E1n1 sinn1 + cosn1)1/n1


R2 = R1E2 / (E2n2 sinn2 + R1n2 cosn2)1/n2


Fig. 13. Form variation of domes by use of different variables.

n1 and n2 are the exponents of the horizontal and vertical ellipse and
E1 and E2 the ratios of their axes. The shape of the sphere can be
altered in many ways, leading to a number of transformations. The
curvature is a pure ellipse if n = 2, but if n is raised a form is found,
which approximates the circumscribed rectangle. If n is decreased, the
curvature flattens until n = 1 and the ellipse then has the form of a pure
rhombus with straight sides, connecting the maxima on the co-ordinate
axes. For n < 1 the curvature becomes concave and obtains a shape,


P. Huybers

reminiscing a hyperbola. For n = 0 the figure coincides completely with

the X-, and Y-axes. By changing the value of both the horizontal and the
vertical exponent the visual appearance of a hemispherical shape can be
altered considerably. [Refs. 9 and 10]
9. Polyhedra in Building

The role that polyhedra can play in the form-giving of buildings is very
important, although this is not always fully acknowledged. Some
possible or actual applications are referred to here briefly.
9.1. Cubic and Prismatic Shapes
Most of our present-day architectural forms are prismatic with the
cube as the most generally adopted representing shape. Prisms are used
in a vertical or in a horizontal position, in pure form or in distorted
versions. This family of figures is therefore of utmost importance
importance for



Figs. 14 and 15. Models of a space frames made of square plates or of identical struts.

9.2. Solitary Polyhedra

Architecture can become more versatile and interesting with macroforms, derived from one of the more complex polyhedra or from their
reciprocal (dual) forms, although this has
has not often been done. Packing
of augmented polyhedra form are sometimes interesting alternatives for
the traditional building shapes.






Figs. 16, 17 and 18. Models of houses based on P10, truncated R7 and P10 (built in

9.3. Combinations
Close-packing is also suitable as the basic configuration for space
frames, because of their great uniformity. If these frames are based on
tetrahedra or octahedra, all members are identical and meet at specific
angles. Many of such structures have been built in the recent past and
this has become a very important field of application. The members
usually meet at joints having a spherical or a polyhedral form (Fig. 15).
9.4. Domes
R.B. Fuller re-discovered the geodesic dome principle. This has proven
to be of great importance for the developments in this field. Many domes
have been built during the last decades, up to very large spans. A new
group of materials with promising
promising potential has been called after him,
which has molecules that basically consist of 60 atoms, placed at the
corners of a truncated icosahedron or P13 (See Fig. 20).
10. 3D-Slide Presentation
The author has shown during the conference a few applications with the
help of a 3-D colour slide presentation. Two pictures with different
orientation of the light waves are projected simultaneously on one
screen. The screen must have a metal surface which maintains
maintains these two


P. Huybers

ways of polarization, so that the two pictures can be observed with

polarod spectacles that disentangle them again into a left and a right
image. These pictures are made either analogously, which means: with
normal photo cameras and with the two pictures token at a certain
parallax. The same technique
technique can be used for digital slides, were the
pairs of pictures are made by computer and subsequently written directly
onto positive film. This technique allows colored pictures to be shown in
impression of the
a really three-dimensional way and gives thus a true impression
spatial properties of the object [Ref. 15].

Fig. 19. Pair of stereoscopic pictures.

Fig. 20. Model of small Fullerene.



Fig. 21. Review of a great number of polyhedron based models.

1. Critchlow, K., Order in Space, Thames and Hudson, London, 1969.
2. Huybers, P., The geometry of uniform polyhedra, Architectural
Science Review, Vol. 23, no. 2, June 1980, p. 36-50.
3. Huybers, P., Polyhedra and their reciprocals, Proc. IASS Conference
on the Conceptual Design of Structures, 7-11 October, 1996,
Stuttgart, 254-261.
4. Struik, D.J., The principle works of Simon Stevin, Vol. II, Swets &
Seitlinger, Amsterdam, 1958.
5. Emmerich, D.G., Composite polyhedra. Int. Journal of Space
Structures, 5, 1990, p. 281-296.
6. Huybers, P. and G. van der Ende, Prisms and antiprisms, Proc. Int.
IASS Conf. on Spatial, Lattice and Tension Structures, Atlanta,
24-28 April 1994, p. 142-151.


P. Huybers

7. Clinton, J.D., Advanced structural geometry studies, NASA

Contract Report CR. 1735.
8. Wenninger, M., 1979, Spherical models, Cambridge University
Press, USA.
9. Kenner, H., Geodesic math and how to use it, University of
California Press, London, 1976.
10. Huybers, P., About the manipulation of spheroidal forms, Int. IASS
Conf. Innovative Large Span Structures, Toronto, 12-17 July, 1992,
Vol. 2, p. 55-66.
11. Huybers, P., Prismoidal structures, The Mouchel Centenary Conf.
on Innovation in Civil & Structural Engineering, Cambridge, 19-21
August 1997, p. 79-C88.
12. Huybers, P. and G. van der Ende, Polyhedral sphere subdivisions,
Int. IASS Conf. on Spatial Structures: Heritage, Present and Future,
Milan 5-9 June, 1995, p. 189-198.
13. Huybers, P., The polyhedral world, In: Beyond the Cube: The
Architecture of Space frames and Polyhedra, J.F. Gabriel Ed., John
Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1997, p. 243-279.
14. Huybers, P., The chiral Polyhedra, IASS Journal, Vol. 40, Nr. 2,
August 1999, p. 133-143.
15. Ferwerda, J.G., The world of 3-D, a practical guide to stereo
photography, 3-D Book Productions, Borger, 1987.


H. Nooshin1, F. G. A. Albermani2 and P. L. Disney1


Space Structures Research Centre, Department of Civil Engineering

University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey GU2 5XH, UK
Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Queensland Brisbane,
Queensland 4072, Australia
The term novational transformation is used to refer to a particular
kind of geometric transformation that allows the shape of a
configuration to be modified by specifying one or more movements.
Novational transformations are of great value in configuration
processing, in particular, in relation to shape generation for space
structures. The objective of the present paper is to explain the general
idea of a novational transformation and to describe the details of
the novational transformations that are available for use in the
programming language Formian. The material is presented in terms of
a number of examples.

1. Introduction
Configuration processing is concerned with computer aided creation
and manipulation of configurations and the programming language
Formian provides a suitable medium for configuration processing
[Ref. 1]. Configuration processing activities are performed through a
variety of conceptual tools. The tools include a number of families of
transformations that allow the body of a configuration to be deformed in
various ways. One such family of transformations is discussed in the
present paper.



H. Nooshin, F. G. A. Albermani & P. L. Disney

2. An Example
Consider the configuration shown in Fig. 1(a). This is a spatial
configuration consisting of 17 line elements that are connected together
at 12 nodes. The nodes are numbered in the manner shown in Fig. l(b).
Now, suppose that the configuration is required to be deformed so that
it fits in a particular location and suppose that the manner in which the
configuration is to be modified is given by a number of specifications
regarding nodal positions, as follows:
(1) Nodes 1, 6 and 8 are to be moved to the positions shown by little
circles, as indicated by arrows in Fig. l(b).
(2) The positions of the other nodes may be altered without any
restriction except for nodes 3 and 9 that are to remain in their
original positions.
A possible modified shape of the configuration that satisfies
conditions (l) and (2) is shown by dotted lines in Fig. 1(c) together with
the original configuration. The modified configuration is also shown in
Fig. l(d). It is seen that in addition to satisfying the specified conditions
for nodes 1, 3, 6, 8 and 9, the modified configuration involves
movements of the other nodes. These additional nodal translocations
(movements) have the effect of bringing the nodal positions throughout
the configuration into harmony with the specified nodal positions. In
other words, a node whose position is not directly dictated is moved in a
manner that conforms with the trend of the specified nodal movements.
Such a nodal translocation is referred to as a conformity translocation.




Fig. 1. An example of novational transformation.

Novational Transformations


A process of the kind used to transform the configuration of Fig. 1(a)

into that of Fig. 1(d) is referred to as a novational transformation or
simply a novation. The term novation may also be used to refer to a
configuration that is obtained through a novational transformation. For
instance, the configuration of Fig. 1(d) may be said to be a novation of
the configuration of Fig. 1(a).
3. Novations
A novation involves two kinds of translocations, namely, specified
translocations and conformity translocations. In the case of the
example of Fig. 1, nodes 1, 3, 6, 8 and 9 have specified translocations
and the other nodes have conformity translocations. Note that a node
such as 3 or 9, whose position is required to remain unchanged, is
classified as having a specified translocation. That is, it is regarded as
having a specified null translocation.
Novational transformations may be divided into two basic types,
namely, sharp novations and conformity novations.
In the case of a sharp novation, all the conformity translocations are
equal to zero. Thus, the process of novation simply consists of the
imposition of the specified translocations. In contrast, a conformity
novation does involve conformity translocations in accordance with a
rule of some kind.
In addition to sharp novations, Formian allows the use of a class of
conformity novations that are based on an exponential decay rule for
determination of conformity translocations. These novations are referred
to as exponential decay novations or ED novations (ED stands for
Exponential Decay).
4. Sharp Novations
To illustrate the effect of a sharp novation, consider the configuration
shown by full lines in Fig. 2(a), which is the same as the configuration of
Fig. 1(a). Let it be required to subject this configuration to a sharp
novation with four specified translocations, as indicated by arrows at
nodes 6 to 9. The result is the configuration shown by dotted lines in


H. Nooshin, F. G. A. Albermani & P. L. Disney

Figs. 2(a) and 2(b). Thus, the position of a node remains unchanged
unless it has a directly specified translocation.


Fig. 2. An example of a sharp novation.

5. Exponential Decay Novations

Consider the planar configuration shown in Fig. 3 and let it be required
to subject the configuration to an ED novation with a single specified
translocation. In general, a specified translocation may or may not be at a
nodal position. In the case illustrated in Fig. 3, the specified translocation
is at a non-nodal position. To apply the ED novation, all the nodes of the
configuration are considered one after the other starting from the first
node. For a typical node j, the coordinates in the UI and U2 directions are
modified as follows:
The kth coordinate of node j is modified by adding to it the quantity
Tk = Tsk(10-Cdj)
k is either 1 or 2, indicating the 1st or 2nd coordinate direction,
Tsk is the kth component of the specified translocation, that is, TS1 or TS2
as shown in Fig. 3, where the subscript s indicates that TS1 and TS2
are components of the specified translocation.
dj is the relative distance of node j from the position of the specified
translocation and is given by the ratio Dj/D, where,
D is the length of the diagonal of the box frame of the configuration,
as shown in Fig. 3, where, the box frame of a configuration
is defined as the smallest rectangle (or rectangular solid or

Novational Transformations


hyper-rectangular solid) that contains the configuration and whose

edges are parallel to the coordinate axes,
Dj is the distance of the node j from the position of the specified
translocation, as shown in Fig. 3, and
C is referred as the control parameter.

Fig. 3. A planar configuration with a specified translocation.

Fig. 4. Exponential decay curves.

The quantity Tk = Tsk(10-Cdj) is plotted against dj, in the range dj = 0 to

dj = 1, for different values of C in Fig. 4. The purpose of this figure is to
illustrate how a component of specified translocation (that is, TSk) affects
the coordinates of a typical node j. When C > 0, then the proportion of
TSk that is transferred to node j (that is, Tk) varies between zero and
unity, as shown in Fig. 4.
The curves in Fig. 4 relate to different values of C. It is seen that the
proportion of TSk that is transferred to node j always decreases with
increasing dj. However, the higher the value of C, the more rapid is the
decay of the curve. That is, the value of C is a measure of the rate of


H. Nooshin, F. G. A. Albermani & P. L. Disney

decay of the curve. In other words, the higher the value of C, the less the
effect of TSk will be on the coordinates of the nodes of the configuration.
An example of the application of the ED novation is shown in
Fig. 5(a). The planar configuration shown by full lines in Fig. 5(a) has
8 line elements and 6 nodes. There is only one specified translocation
which is indicated by an arrow at node 5. The components of this
translocation in the first and second directions are TS1 = 2 and TS2 = 1,
respectively. The configuration is subjected to an ED novation with
C = 1. The resulting configuration is shown by dotted lines, with the
numerical values of the nodal coordinates and translocation components
given in Fig. 5(b). The values given for node 5 in the last two columns of
the table in Fig. 5(b) are the components of the specified translocation
but the values for the other nodes in these columns are the components of
conformity translocations.

(a) Control parameter C is 1

(c) Control parameter C is 0.5


















(d) Control parameter C is 1.5

Fig. 5. Example of ED novations with a single specified translocation.

Novational Transformations


To illustrate the effect of the control parameter C, the configuration

of Fig. 5(a) is subjected to ED novations with another two values of
C and the results are shown in Figs. 5(c) and 5(d). The value of the
control parameter C in Fig. 5(c) is equal to 0.5. The comparison of
Figs. 5(a) and 5(c) indicates that the conformity translocations in
Fig. 5(c) are larger than the corresponding ones in Fig. 5(a). The reverse
is true for the example shown in Fig. 5(d) where the control parameter C
is equal to 1.5.
6. Multiple Specifications
Now suppose that the configuration of Fig. 5(a) has two specified
translocations, as shown in Fig. 6(a). In this case, in addition to node 5
that has the same specified translocation as before, node 6 has a specified
translocation whose components in the first and second directions are
1 and -1, respectively. In applying the ED novation in this situation, one
may be tempted to think that the problem can be handled by a double
application of the procedure used in the example of Fig. 5. That is, by
combining the results of the separate applications of the procedure
for nodes 5 and 6 in Fig. 6(a). However, this strategy will fail to
produce the desired effects. The problem is due to the interaction
between the specified translocations at nodes 5 and 6. Thus, if the
double application strategy is followed, the final translocations at nodes
5 and 6 will be different from the specified ones.

(a) Control parameter C is 1















Fig. 6. Example of an ED novation with two specified translocations.


H. Nooshin, F. G. A. Albermani & P. L. Disney

The question is: What components of translocation should be

imposed at nodes 5 and 6 so that the combined effects produce the
correct values of the specified components of translocation? To answer
the question, let the components of translocation that should be imposed
at nodes 5 and 6 be denoted by T1W1, T1W2, T2W1, and T2W2. These
are referred to as working translocation components and correspond,
respectively, to the specified translocation components T1S1, T1S2, T2S1,
and T2S2, shown in Fig. 6(a). In general, a component of a specified
translocation is denoted by TiSk. This represents the component in the kth
coordinate direction of the ith specified translocation. The general form of
a component of working translocation is TiWk. The notation is similar to
that of TiSk except for the subscript w (for working) that appear instead of
s (for specified). The relationships between the two sets of components
for the example of Fig. 6(a) may be written as follows:

where d12 is the relative distance between the positions of the first and
second specified translocations. The first equation states that the
combination of
the first component of working translocation at node 5 and
the translocation in the first direction of node 5 caused by the first
component of the working translocation at node 6
must add up to the first component of the specified translocation at
node 5. The remaining three equations have similar implications.
The above equations in matrix notation will assume the form:

Novational Transformations



and since


The above matrix equation may be represented as

A Tw = Ts
where A is referred to as the interaction matrix, Tw is referred to as the
working translocation vector and Ts is referred to as the specified
translocation vector. With the actual values of the components of
the specified translocations inserted in Ts, the above matrix equation

The solution is found to be:

With the value of the control parameter C chosen as 1,

and the working translocation components are found to be:

T1W1 = 1.870858, T1W2 = 1.462475, T2W1 = 0.408383 and T2W2 = -1.462475


H. Nooshin, F. G. A. Albermani & P. L. Disney

It should be noted that the above system of simultaneous equations

has a solution if and only if E <> 1, that is, if and only if C <> 0.
In general, an interaction matrix is a square symmetric matrix with a
simple constitution. To illustrate the characteristic form of an interaction
matrix, the equation
A Tw = Ts
for a three-directional configuration with specified translocations at four
points is shown below:


D12 is the distance between the point that has the first specified
translocation and the point that has the second specified translocation.
D13 is the distance between the point that has the first specified
translocation and the point that has the third specified translocation,
etc and
D is the length of the diagonal of the box frame of the configuration.
The number of coordinate directions in the above matrix is taken
to be three. However, the concept of novation is applicable to
configurations with any number of coordinate directions.

Novational Transformations


When there are two or more specified translocations then the control
parameter C is required to be nonzero. This is due to the fact that when
C = 0 then the interaction matrix A will be singular and the system of
simultaneous equations ATW = TS will not have a unique solution (With
C = 0, all the nonzero off-diagonal elements of A will be equal to 1 and
the matrix will have a number of identical rows and columns and a
vanishing determinant). However, when there is only one specified
translocation then the control parameter C may have a zero value without
any problem. In this case every node of the configuration will undergo a
translocation identical to the specified translocation.
When the system of simultaneous equations ATW = TS has a unique
solution then an efficient way of obtaining this solution will be to solve
the following equivalent system of simultaneous equations:

Returning to the example of Fig. 6, once the working translocations

are in hand, a generalised form of the procedure used for the example of
Fig. 5(a) can be employed to deal with multiple specified translocations.
This generalised procedure is given by the formula:

is the kth component of translocation at a typical node j,
is the number of points that have specified translocations,
is the kth component of the ith working translocation,
is the relative distance of node j from the position of the ith specified
translocation and is given by the ratio Dij/D, where,
Dij is the distance of node j from the position of the ith specified
D is the length of the diagonal of the box frame of the configuration and
C is the control parameter.



H. Nooshin, F. G. A. Albermani & P. L. Disney

The application of this procedure to the configuration of Fig. 6(a) will

give rise to the configuration shown by dotted lines, with the numerical
results given in the table of Fig. 6(b).
7. Further Examples
Some examples of novational transformations are given in Fig. 7. The
configuration shown in Fig. 7(a) is a planar configuration consisting of
I8xI2 square elements. The configuration shown in Fig. 7(b) is obtained
by a sharp novation of the configuration of Fig. 7(a) with the specified
translocations being at the four corner nodes. These translocations are
along the diagonals of the configuration. It is seen that the novation has
only affected the four corner nodes that have specified translocations and
all the other nodes are left in their original positions.
The configurations shown in Figs. 7(c), 7(d) and 7(e) are obtained
using ED novations with the same specified translocations as in
Fig. 7(b). The difference between the novations that have resulted in the
configurations of Figs. 7(c), 7(d) and 7(e) is in the value of the control
parameter C. The values of C for Figs. 7(c), 7(d) and 7(e) are 2, 1 and 6,
respectively. The value of C controls the spread of the influence of the
specified translocations. The higher the value of C, the greater the
decay in the spread of the influence of the specified translocations will
be. That is, the higher the value of C, the more localised the influence of
the specified translocations will be. In other words, the lower the value of
C, the larger the conformity translocations will be. That is, the lower
the value of C, the more far reaching the influence of the specified
translocations will be.
The configurations of Figs. 7(f), 7(g) and 7(h) are obtained using ED
novations with the control parameter C being equal to 1. The specified
translocations for these configurations are at the mid-points of the edges.
In Fig. 7(f), the translocations are outward in both UI and U2 directions.
In Fig. 7(g), the translocations are outward in the U1 direction and
inward in the U2 direction. In Fig. 7(h), the translocations are inward in
both U1 and U2 directions.

Novational Transformations


Some examples of novational transformations in a three-directional

space are shown in Fig. 8. The configuration in Fig. 8(a) consists
of an array of I6x24 square elements lying in the UI-U2 plane. The
configurations in Figs. 8(b) to 8(h) are obtained using ED novations with
the control parameter C being equal to 1.

Fig. 7. Examples of planar ED novations.


H. Nooshin, F. G. A. Albermani & P. L. Disney

Fig. 8. Examples of spatial ED novations.

Novational Transformations


The configurations of Figs. 8(b), 8(c) and 8(d) are obtained by

holding the four corner nodes in their original positions and raising one
or more of the other nodes in the U3 direction. In Fig. 8(b), the central
node is raised by 6 units. In Fig. 8(c), two internal nodes are raised by
4 units. In Fig. 8(d), the mid-points of the edges are raised by 4 units.
Fig. 8(e) is obtained by creating a parabolic arch along one edge
while holding all the nodes along the other three edges at their original
positions. The specification of the translocations that produces the
parabolic arch is achieved using the equation

where L is the span of the arch (16 in the present example) and h is the
height of the arch at the middle (4 in the present example). The actual
specification of the translocations for this example is given in section 9.
The configuration of Fig. 8(f) is obtained in a similar manner except
for the position of the arch which is along a central line. The same
approach is used for the creation of Fig. 8(g) that involves three arches.
Finally, the configuration of Fig. 8(h) is obtained by creating arches
along all four edges.
8. Indirect ED Novations
In the case of a sharp novation, the specified translocations are required
to be at nodal positions of the configuration. However, as far as an ED
novation is concerned, the specified translocations need not necessarily
be at nodal positions. An ED novation in which all the specified
translocations are at nodal positions is referred to as a nodal ED
novation or a direct ED novation. In contrast, an ED novation that
involves one or more specified translocations at non-nodal positions is
referred to as a non-nodal ED novation or an indirect ED novation.
The process of ED novation as described in the paper will be identical
for both direct and indirect ED novations except for a minor difference
that for a direct ED novation the relative distance dij is always in the
range 0 to 1 but in the case of an indirect ED novation the value of dij
may be greater than 1.


H. Nooshin, F. G. A. Albermani & P. L. Disney

Fig. 9. Examples of direct and indirect ED novations.

One reason for using an indirect ED novation is to smooth out the

cusp effect of a specified translocation. The smoothing effect of
indirect novations is exemplified in Fig. 9. Figs. 9(a) to 9(f) are obtained
by subjecting the configuration of Fig. 8(a) to ED novations with the
control parameter of 1 and with the four corner nodes held at their
original positions. In Fig. 9(a) the node whose UI-U2-U3 coordinates are

Novational Transformations


(16,12,0) is specified to move to point (16,12,6). In Fig. 9(b) the point

whose coordinates are (16,12,2) is specified to move to point (16,12,10)
and in Fig. 9(c) the point whose coordinates are (16,12,10) is specified to
move to point (16,12,30). Also, Figs. 9(d) to 9(f) are obtained using the
indicated specified translocations. The maximum rise in the U3 direction
for all the configurations in Fig. 9 is around 6 units.
The examples in Fig. 9 show that the smoothing of the cusp effect is
achieved by placing the specified translocations away from the
configuration, where,
the further away the translocation is placed, the greater the smoothing
effect will be and
to obtain similar maximum rises, the further away the translocation is
placed the greater the magnitude of the translocation should be.
9. Novation Function
The novation function is the mechanism through which novational
transformations are carried out in Formian. The particulars of this
function are given in Fig. 10. For example, the following sequence
of Formian instructions will produce a formex that represents the
configuration of Fig. 8(e):

fa = rinid(l6,24,1,1) I [0,0,0; 1,0,0; 1,1,0; 0,1,0]

Lo = rin(l,17,1) I [0,0,0]
La = lib(i = 0,16) I [i,0, i-i*i/16]
Lb = rin(l,17,l) I [0,24,0] # rinid(2,23,16,1) I [0,1,0]
fe = nov(2,1,Lo#Lb,La#Lb) Ifa
fa is a formex representing the configuration of Fig. 8(a),
Lo is a formex listing the nodes along the U1 axis,
La is a formex listing the translocated positions of the nodes along the
U1 axis, where, the formulation uses the parabolic equation given in
section 7,
Lb is a formex listing the nodes along the other three edges and
fe is a formex representing the configuration of Fig. 8(e).


H. Nooshin, F. G. A. Albermani & P. L. Disney

Fig. 10. Particulars of novation function.

Novational Transformations


Details regarding the formulations, notation and terminology used in

the above example (as well as in Fig. 10) are given in Reference 1.
The novation function has been in use in formex configuration
processing since the mid-eighties.2 However, the definition of this
function has been in a form equivalent to what is called sharp novation
in the present work. The extended definition of the novation function, as
described in this paper, has been recently implemented in Formian and is
available for use.
The help of Taiyo Kogyo Corporation and Tomoe Corporation in
supporting the development of Formian is gratefully acknowledged.
1. Nooshin, H. and Disney, P. L., Formian 2, Multi-science Publishing,
London, 1997.
2. Nooshin, H., Formex Configuration Processing in Structural
Engineering, Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, London, 1984.

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Ariel Hanaor
Sr. Research Associate, National Building Research Institute, The Technion,
Israel Institute of Technology, Technion City, Haifa 32000, Israel
The paper is a review of deployable structural systems that have
been proposed recently for the purpose of space enclosure. The
structural systems are characterized and classified by their structuralmorphological properties and by the kinematics of deployment. Some
retractable and dismountable configurations are also reviewed. The
systems are evaluated in terms of their structural efficiency, technical
complexity and deployment/stowage efficiencies. The paper includes
an extended list of references.

1. General Principles
1.1. Definitions and Scope
Deployable structures are generally used in two types of applications:
a) as temporary structures; b) in inaccessible or remote places, such
as outer-space. The first application implies a reversible process of
deployment and undeployment, while the second may not. Two extreme
types of deployable structures can be distinguished: Fully deployable
structures are fully assembled in the stowed state, and the deployment
process involves no component assembly. In fully dismountable
structures (assemblable according to Ref. 9), on the other hand, the
structure is stowed as separate components (at member level). It is
assembled on site from these components and can be disassembled back
into the stowed state.


A. Hanaor

The paper deals primarily with structures that are fully deployable or
composed of large deployable sub-assemblages, and with the specific
application of space enclosure. However, some reference is made to
some types of dismountable structures and also to certain types of
retractable roofs. Although outer-space applications are excluded from
the scope, some technologies that have been proposed for outer-space
applications are adaptable to terrestrial space enclosures and are included
in this review and in the reference list.
1.2. Classification
The purpose of a classification system is to highlight in a hierarchical
fashion the principles governing the set of objects under discussion. The
present paper is concerned with the structural-morphological properties
as the primary interest. The overall classification system is presented in
the chart in Fig. 1, in the form of a two-way table. The columns of the
table represent the morphological aspects and the rows the kinematic
properties, which are of primary significance in the context of deployable
Two subcategories are considered for each of the main classification
categories. The two major morphological features are lattice or skeletal
structures, and continuous or stressed-skin structures. It should be noted
that in the context of space enclosures, all structures have a functional
covering surface. The difference between the two classes of structures
mentioned above is that in skeletal structures, the primary load-bearing
structure consists of discrete members, whereas in continuous structures
the surface covering itself performs the major load-bearing function. A
third class, namely hybrid structures, combines skeletal and stressed-skin
components with approximately equal roles in the load-bearing
hierarchy, but in the present classification each of the components is
dealt with in its respective class. The two major kinematic subcategories
are systems comprised of rigid links, such as bars or plates, and systems
containing deformable or soft components, which lack flexural stiffness,
such as cables or fabric. In general, the deployment of structures
composed of rigid links can be more accurately controlled than that of

Structural-Morphological Aspects of Deployable Structures


deformable structures, but usually at a cost of increased mechanical














Fig. 1. Deployable structures classification chart. Numerals indicate illustration



A. Hanaor

Each of the four major classes generated by this two-way division is

further subdivided according to more specific morphological features, as
indicated in Fig. 1 and discussed in more detail below. The extended
reference list at the end of the paper is arranged in accordance with the
classification scheme. References 1-13 deal with topics common to
several differing systems.
1.3. Kinematics
Kent5 defines a kinematic structure as one having a single kinematic
degree of freedom (KDOF), namely, the positioning of one node in the
structure relative to the others, determines uniquely the geometry of the
structure. Such systems represent the ultimate deployment control, since
only one point needs to be controlled to determine the geometry at any
instant during the deployment. While such feature is of great advantage
in outer-space applications, it is of lesser significance in terrestrial
applications, where several degrees of freedom are normally constrained
(e.g. along the boundaries) and where manual intervention is feasible.
Obviously, such kinematic control is possible only in structures
consisting of rigid links, since deformable components have infinite
degrees of freedom. The majority of deployable space enclosure
structures are based on hinged mechanisms. The minimal hinged
mechanism possessing a single kinematic degree of freedom (SKDOF) is
one composed of four links (members) and four hinges Fig. 2a. This
KDOF can be propagated in the plane or in space by extending the links
and connecting units to generate periodic structures (Fig. 2c presents a
simple planar example). In space, more complex basic mechanisms are
possible,5 but in practice most deployable structures, particularly in
terrestrial applications, consist of combinations of planar mechanisms.
The constraint of SKDOF and the limited range of basic mechanisms
notwithstanding, the range of kinematic configurations that can be
constructed is vast, although only part of the configurations presented in
Ref. 5 are applicable for deployable structures.

Structural-Morphological Aspects of Deployable Structures


Fig. 2. Planar SKDOF mechanisms: a) Basic minimal mechanism with rotational

releases; b) Basic mechanism with slide releases; c) Propagation of basic rotational
mechanism pantographs.

1.4. Design and Evaluation Criteria

General design criteria for deployable structures are derivatives of the
function of these structures as temporary, possibly multi-purpose and of
repeated use. Design criteria relate generally to three phases in the
structures life cycle. These phases are: design; storage and haulage;
site operations (deployment/dismounting). Structural-morphological
(including kinematic) considerations affect and are associated with
all design criteria to a larger or lesser extent. Howeveer, The present
paper is concerned primarily with structural-morphological aspects of
deployable structures, rather than with the deployment process and its
efficiency, and the discussion that follows is focused on these aspects. A
primary structural criterion is structural efficiency, defined as the ratio of
load bearing capacity to weight (for a given material). The primary
parameter affecting structural efficiency is structural depth, which
controls the magnitude of internal forces and stresses. The review is
arranged in the sequence of the classification chart (Fig. 1), where each
system is described in terms of its main morphological, kinematic and
structural characteristics.
2. Double-Layer Grids
2.1. Pantographic Grids
Morphology and kinematics: Double-layer pantographic grids are
mostly based on prismatic units composed of scissors. These units are
connected at the apices or along the sides of their base polygons to


A. Hanaor

generate tessellations, with vertices lying in two parallel surfaces

connected by scissor units. There are no bars actually lying in the
surfaces to form chords. Two basic types of scissor units can be
identified Fig. 3: The more common type of grid is composed of units
of peripheral scissors, where each side face of the basic prism is formed
by a pair of scissors (Fig. 3a). The less common type is composed of
radial scissors, where scissor-arms intersect with a common composite
hinge at the centroid of the prism (Fig. 3b). It is possible to generate
basic units that combine peripheral and radial units,50 but these are too
complex mechanically, to be of practical use. Some composite basic
units have been proposed in the literature,30,31,42,43 which combine several
peripheral triangular prisms in a clicking mechanism, providing
improved stiffness and a locking device. Such a unit, composed of four
right-angle triangles, is shown in Fig. 3c.

Fig. 3. Basic scissors units: a) Peripheral scissors triangular and rectangular prisms22;
b) Radial scissors triangular antiprism, rectangular prism22; c) A clicking unit.43

Configurations based on triangular and rectangular or rhomboid units,

are the most common that have been proposed to date for actual
implementation, but a large variety of geometries can be found in the
literature. In the chart in Fig. 1 are shown a structure based on
rectangular peripheral units19 and one based on triangular radial units
connected at their vertices (with holes between units).22 The latter
configuration, favored by Piero36 has a low bar density but also low
stiffness. Some configurations have been proposed in the literature,
which are not based on propagation of basic units. These are mostly grids
with radial deployment.5 In the chart of Fig. 1 is shown a domical
configuration based on radial and ring scissors.51
The kinematic motion of the scissors is propagated along the two-way
or three-way pantograph as a single degree of freedom. However,

Structural-Morphological Aspects of Deployable Structures


structures forming non-triangular grids have additional in-plane degrees

of freedom, implying that the generated grid is not geometrically
rigid and requires stiffening of the surface, particularly when the
surface is curved. A doubly curved triangular grid, on the other hand,
is geometrically rigid but kinematically incompatible, except at the
deployed and the folded states. At intermediate states, there is some
resistance to motion, depending on the stiffness of the components and
joints. A clicking effect is thus generated in triangular grids.
Structural efficiency: The pantograph on its own lacks structural
depth, beyond the depth of the individual bars, and therefore would have
an extremely low structural efficiency as a planar surface. The doublelayer aspect is a geometrical, not a structural feature, unless chords are
added in the form of additional bars or tendons. This is the reason that
curved surfaces are favored, providing a structural depth and enabling
direct (axial) action as the primary mode. Flexure in the bars as a
secondary action nevertheless remains a major feature that detracts from
structural efficiency. The need for articulation at joints reduces stiffness
and introduces a source of imperfections. The surface membrane,
commonly employed in these structures, can be used as a bracing
element, as well as to control member buckling. Unfortunately, very little
attention has been given to this topic. Such treatment as exists has been
limited primarily to geometric and kinematic compatibility aspects.23
2.2. Other DLG Bar Systems
It appears that the pantograph principle, or variations on it, is the
simplest technique for producing deployable bar structures. Few
alternative concepts for double-layer grids have been proposed that
consist entirely of bars, and the majority of those were developed for
outer-space applications. The main motivation for these concepts is the
high degree of reliability in deployment required in outer space. These
concepts often involve complex articulated joints and mechanisms,
including sliding joints (see for instance illustration in Fig. 156).
Adaptation of these concepts to terrestrial applications is feasible, but
even when simplifications are introduced, such concepts are expected to
be costly and limited to highly specialized applications.


A. Hanaor

2.3. Strut-Cable Systems

Several deployable concepts have been proposed in the literature,
which combine rigid bars with cables in a variety of configurations.
The principle has high application potential in that it enables to
optimise between the sometimes conflicting requirements of deployment
reliability, technical simplicity (limitation of articulated mechanical
joints) and structural efficiency (weight reduction).
Morphology and kinematics: This class of structures combines
together a number of morphologically and topologically distinct systems.
The predominant concept in this group is the so-called tensegrity
structures. The term is ill defined and widely differing concepts have
been proposed in the literature under this catchy label. In its pure form,
a tensegrity structure consists of a network of bars and cables, in which
any bar is connected only to cables and to no other bar. Such restrictive
definition is important in the context of deployable structures because it
implies the complete absence of articulated joints. The deployability is
provided by the deformable cables. The deployment process of such
structures requires the change in length of members. Accordingly, two
deployment techniques have been proposed. One technique involves
the change of bar length by means of energy supply (hydraulic or
mechanical) to telescoping bars. The other technique involves the pulling
of cables over a system of pulleys attached to the bars. Each method
has its advantages and drawbacks regarding mechanical complexity,
deployment reliability and structural efficiency. A generalized tensegrity
concept can be defined as having a disconnected (in the graph-theoretical
sense) system of bars, namely, consisting of disjoint groups of connected
bars. In this case some articulation is required. The illustration of the
tensegrity concepts in Fig. 164,85 is an example.
Other concepts involving combinations of bars and cables have been
proposed. The second illustration of a DLG system in Fig. 1 involves
pantographic spines that in their deployment prestress a network of
octahedra consisting of bars and cables.65 The system has a single KDOF
and it was proposed for outer-space applications, but it is readily
implementable in terrestrial applications. The configuration shown lacks
substantial chords. To achieve structural depth, curved surfaces need to

Structural-Morphological Aspects of Deployable Structures


be generated, or chords added (in the form of either bars or prestressed

Structural efficiency: Structural efficiency of pure tensegrity
structures is governed by the long unbraced bars. Structural efficiency of
configurations with bars joined between the two layers, as in the
configuration in Fig. 1,64 is considerably improved. Employment of the
cover membrane to brace struts in configurations which facilitate this can
further improve efficiency.
3. Single-Layer Retractable and Dismountable Grids
3.1. Angulated Pantographic Grids
Two types of pantographic angulated scissors retractable roofs are
illustrated in Fig. 1. The better known Hoberman concept70 involves
individual two-armed scissors, whereas the second type71 involves
continuous rigid angulated arms curving from the centre of the circular
or oval roof (in the closed position) towards the perimeter in two
crossing families. This latter configuration can be surfaced with rigid
covering panels attached to one of the families of rigid arms (one panel
per arm). During closing and opening each of these arms rotates around a
fixed point.
3.2. Reciprocal Grids and Ruled Surfaces
Reciprocal grids are essentially domical surfaces consisting of mutually
supported beams. As such they are subjected to considerable flexure and
therefore possess low structural efficiency. Configurations consisting of
non-triangular cells (usually rhomboid cells) are theoretically foldable to
a bundle, but in practice the members are long and bulky and the bundles
are not very compact. For this reason the concept is suitable for
dismountable rather than deployable applications. The surface can be
assembled simply and rapidly from the individual members using very
simple joints (seated joints are sufficient). The surface is suitable for
rigid covering, which can serve both for bracing and for improving
structural efficiency, but the attachment of this surface detracts from the
speed of erection of the structure.


A. Hanaor

A large variety of ruled hyperbolic surfaces and composites of

such surfaces can be generated, consisting of two families of straight
members.5,78 Theoretically, these surfaces, which consist of rhomboid
cells, fold to a bundle but in practice they are subject to the same
limitation as reciprocal grids and are suitable for dismountable, rather
than deployable structures.
4. Masts and Spines for Fabric and Hybrid Structures
4.1. Rigid Bar Grids
Pantographic grids: A pantographic spine is produced from any of the
basic prismatic scissor units (Fig. 3) by joining them not side by side, but
at the prism bases. Straight or arched configurations can be generated.16
These configurations do not fold to a bar bundle but to polygonal stacks.
Furthermore, the joints involved are mechanically more complex than the
essentially planar joints of the DLG configurations. Planar pantographs
can also be used, which fold into a bar bundle. Such configurations rely
on the surface membrane to restrain lateral buckling.91,93
Other bar grids: Several concepts employing articulated joints
have been proposed,86,88 particularly for booms in outer space, but
these often involve complex articulated joints and are thus very costly.
However, it should be borne in mind that spine elements are few and far
between, so the cost is spread over the large area covered. High stiffness
and strength are often required from these structures due to the high
loads they may be subjected to and such requirements may not be
satisfied by pantographic or strut-cable systems.
4.2. Strut-Cable Systems
As observed for DLGs, pure tensegrity structures possess low structural
efficiency and low stiffness, and therefore they are unsuitable for use as
spines, which collect loads from a large area. Other types include
generalized tensegrity grids, namely involving strut-strut contact83,85 and
configurations that combine rigid bar units with cables as means of
deployment and prestress.92 A super-light application84 for fabric

Structural-Morphological Aspects of Deployable Structures


structures involves spines consisting of chords made of fiber composite

rods and fabric web (rather than cables). These concepts are often semideployable or dismountable,83,84,92 but since few elements are involved,
the deployability of the system as a whole is not significantly affected.
5. Plate Structures
5.1. Folded Plates

Kinematics and Morphology:

Morphology: The basic minimal SKDOF mechanism
of plate structures consists of four plates connected by hinges. Two
configurations can be distinguished as shown in Fig. 4a, one consisting
of parallel hinges and the other with hinges intersecting at a point.
The parallel fold gives rise to planar folded surfaces whereas the
intersecting fold enables curved configurations. Both configurations fold
to (theoretically) flat planes in two ways, provided certain geometric
relations between the links are observed.5 These basic units can be
combined to generate a very large array of folded surfaces.5,94 These
four-fold configurations (Fig. 4b) have a single KDOF. In practice,

Fig. 4. a) Basic minimal SKDOF mechanisms for generating folded plate structures5;
b) Four-fold folded surface94; c) Merging of four-fold to six-fold pattern.


A. Hanaor

folded surfaces are usually generated with six folds, rather than four,
meeting at a point (see, for instance illustration of linear deployment in
Fig. 1101). This configuration is, in fact, a merging of two four-fold
vertices Fig. 4c. This merging enables increasing the surface curvature
but results in increasing also the number of KDOFs. This is not a major
drawback, since definition of the boundaries uniquely defines the
geometry and provides control of deployment.
The majority of folded plate structures proposed to date have a linear
(or curvilinear) deployment and they fold into a compact slab of stacked
plates. Some configurations have been proposed in the literature that fold
to a compact cylinder and deploy radially out of the cylinder to form a
folded disc.5,97 The illustration in Fig. 15 shows such a disc with
circumferential folds in the deployed state (domical configurations are
also possible). To fold it, a radial cut is made and the edges overlap
(several turns, theoretically) until a compact spiral cylinder is produced.
To realize such configurations with curved folds in practice, the material
has to be very thin and flexible. A configuration with spiral folds
that folds to a compact cylinder has been proposed97 originally for
deployment of membrane in outer space, but it can also be realised as a
folded plate. This pattern does not involve overlap and is therefore more
suitable for implementation as deployable structure.
Structural efficiency and weight: Folded plate structures inherently
possess high structural efficiency. This inherent efficiency, however,
does not automatically translate into light weight, since the plates
themselves, which are subject to compression and flexure, require
minimum dimensions. The resulting overall weight may be higher than
in structures surfaced with membrane.
5.2. Curved Surfaces
Doubly (and singly) curved surfaces can be discretised into plate
elements. In general, these surfaces cannot be folded and deployed as
one unit. Unfolded planar patterns can be obtained by disconnecting
certain joints between plates and these patterns can, in principle, be
further folded into compact stacks. The concept is more suitable for

Structural-Morphological Aspects of Deployable Structures


dismountable or semi-dismountable implementation than to primarily

deployable ones See illustration in Fig. 1.96
6. Tensioned Membrane Systems
6.1. Fabric and Hybrid Structures
Morphology and kinematics: As a rule, a pure tension structure does not
exist. To maintain equilibrium some compressive elements must be
present. In fabric structures these elements are composed of rigid bars,
singly or as skeletal elements (in pneumatic structures the compressive
element is primarily air pressure). Two main types of fabric structures
are distinguished: In tents, the compression elements, usually in the form
of masts, are external to the fabric surface and act separately from it. In
ribbed structures, the compression elements form part of the surface, and
usually interact structurally with the membrane. In hybrid structures the
compression element is a self-supporting structure separate from the
membrane and supporting it. In this sense these are different from the
two other types, where the compression elements are both supporting and
are supported (or braced) by the membrane.
Since the membrane itself is inherently deployable, the kinematics
and deployability are governed by the deployability of the compressive
elements. This aspect is discussed under section 4 above Masts and
spines for fabric and hybrid structures. The illustrations in Fig. 1 show
a deployable structure that can be considered a tent or a hybrid
structure,111 and a ribbed fabric structure.83 The tent is used as a cover for
a mobile stage and each of the three external masts folds in half and
occupies a semi-trailer in transportation. The low stowage efficiency is
made up for by rapid deployment. The ribbed structure employs a
dismountable strut-cable spine.
Structural efficiency: Structural efficiency is extremely high when
adequate structural depth is provided by the surface. Overall weight is
governed by the compression elements rather than by the surface
covering. Ribbed structures, in which the membrane restrains lateral and
overall buckling, are particularly efficient and light. In general, fabric


A. Hanaor

structures are the lightest known, with the exception, perhaps of

pneumatic structures.
6.2. Pneumatic Structures
Pneumatic structures are tension membrane structures in which the
compression required to balance the membrane tension is provided by air
pressure. These are probably the most efficient deployable structures
from the point of view of stowage efficiency, particularly if auxiliary
equipment compressors and anchorage components are ignored. Two
distinct types are distinguished, According to the way that air pressure is
used to prestress the membrane: low-pressure and high-pressure.
Examples of the two types are shown in the relevant illustrations in
Fig. 1.115
Low-pressure pneumatic structures: In this type, the whole functional
space is pressurised to the extent required to balance the external applied
load (self weight, snow, wind). The structural depth is the full depth of
the structure and hence structural efficiency is extremely high, if the
anchorage system is ignored. Because a substantial uplift acts on the
membrane, it has to be anchored to the ground or weighted down along
the boundary. Additional architectural drawbacks of this system stem
from the need for the enclosed space to be essentially sealed and for air
to be pumped continuously, thus limiting architectural flexibility and
range of applications.
High-pressure pneumatic structures: These structures consists of
closed cellular spaces, such as tubes, filled with air at relatively high
pressure. Individual tubes or cells can be combined to form enclosures of
varying architectural and geometrical shapes. The cells themselves are
not normally part of the functional space, although the functional space
is sometimes independently pressurized at low pressure to improve
stiffness and stability. The shape of the cells can be manipulated by
means of additional elements such as cables, struts and bar grids.
Deployability and stowage efficiency may be hampered by such
auxiliary members.
The structural depth of these structures is limited to the thickness of
the individual cells and stiffness is largely affected by the air pressure,

Structural-Morphological Aspects of Deployable Structures


hence the need for high pressure. Stiffness is generally very low and is
often a limiting factor in their application. The thickness and toughness
of the membrane is higher than for low-pressure structures and, in
addition, the total membrane surface area is large due to the closed cell
requirement. Consequently, stowage efficiency is reduced compared to
low-pressure structures and to fabric structures.
7. References
7.1. General
1. Astudillo, R. and Madrid, A.J., Eds., Shells and Spatial Structures:
From Recent Past to the Next Millenium, Proc. IASS 40th
Anniversary congress, Madrid, 1999, V II, Section D Retractable
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2. Escrig, F. and Brebbia, C.A., eds., Mobile and Rapidly Assembled
Structures II, Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. MARAS 96, Seville, Spain,
June, 1996, Computational Mechanics Publications, Southampton,
UK, 1996.
3. Escrig, F., General Survey of Deployability in Architecture,
Mobile and Rapidly Assembled Structures II, Proc. Intnl
Conf. MARAS 96, Computational Mechanics Publications,
Southampton, 1996, 3-22.
4. Hernandez, C.H., New Ideas on Deployable Structures, Mobile
and Rapidly Assembled Structures II, Proc. Intnl Conf. MARAS
96, Escrig F. and Brebbia, C.A., Eds., Computational Mechanics
Publications, Southampton, 64-72.
5. Kent, E., Periodic Kinematic Structures, Ph.D. Dissertation, The
Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, 1983.
6. Kent, E.M., Kinematic Periodic Structures (KPS), Innovative
Large Span Structures, Concept, Design, Construction, Proc.
IASS-CSCE Intnl. Congress, Canadian Society of Civil Engineers,
Montral, 1992, 485-496.
7. Kronenburg, R., Ephemeral/Portable Architecture, John Wiley &
Sons, New York, 1998.


A. Hanaor

8. Kronenburg, R., Portable Architecture, 2nd ed., ButterworthHeinemann, 1999.

9. Levy, M. and Luebkeman, C., Typology of Mobile and Rapidly
Assembled Structures, Shells and Spatial Structures: From
Recent Past to the Next Millenium, Proc. IASS 40th Anniversary
congress, Madrid, 1999, V II, D13.
10. Miura, K., Concepts of Deployable Space Structures, Int. J.
Space Structures, Special Issue on Deployable Space Structures,
V8 N1&2, 1993, 3-16.
11. Pellegrino, S., Deployable Structures, Current and Emerging
Technologies of Shell and Spatial Structures, Proc. IASS Col.,
Able, J. Astudillo, N.K. and Srivastava, N.K. eds., Madrid, April
1997, 175-188.
12. Robbin, T., Deployable Structures, Engineering a New
Architecture, Ch. 4, Yale University Press, New Haven, 1996, 38-57.
13. Srivastava, N.K. and LeBlanc, M., Retractable Roof Structures,
Current and Emerging Technologies of Shell and Spatial
Structures, Proc. IASS Coll., Madrid, April 1997, 91-104.
7.2. Double-Layer Pantographic Grids
14. Al Khayer, M. and Lalvani, H., Scissors-Action Deployables
Based on Space-Filling of Polygonal Hyperboloids, Deployable
Structures: Theory and Application, Book of Abstracts,
IUTAM/IASS Symp., Cambridge, U.K., September, 1998.
15. Clarke, R.C., The Kinematics of a Novel Deployable Structure
System, Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. Space StructuresI, University of
Surrey, Sept. 1984, Elsevier Science Publishers, London, 820-822.
16. Escrig, F., Expandable Space Frame Structures, Proc. 3rd Int.
Conf. Space Structures, University of Surrey, Sept. 1984, Elsevier
Science Publishers, London, 845-850.
17. Escrig, F., Expandable Space Structures, Int J. Space Structures,
1, 2, 1985, 79-91.
18. Escrig, F., A New Geometry for Cylindrical Deployable XFrames, Structural Morphology, Towards the New Millennium,
Proc. Int. Coll. IASS, Univ. of Nottingham, Aug. 1997, 332-339.

Structural-Morphological Aspects of Deployable Structures


19. Escrig, F., personal communication.

20. Escrig, F. and Valcarcel, J.P., Analysis of Expandable Space Bar
Structures, Shells, Membranes and Space Frames, Proc. IASS
Symp., Osaka, Sept. 1986, V3, 269-276.
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Coupled Arches, Shells and Spatial Structures: From Recent Past
to the Next Millenium, Proc. IASS 40th Anniversary congress,
Madrid, 1999, V II, D41.
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of Surrey, 1993, Thomas Telford, London, V 1, 793-804.
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Computational Mechanics Publications, Southampton, 1996,
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Trapezoidal Deployable Structures, Int. J. Space Structures, V8,
N1,2, 1993, 97-106.


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31. Gantes, C.J., Logcher, R.D., Connor, J.J. and Rosenfeld, Y.,
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Intnl Conf. MARAS 96, Computational Mechanics Publications,
Southampton, 1996, 93-102.

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45. Servadio, I., Deployable Regular and Semi-regular Polyhedral

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7.3. Double-Layer Bar Grids
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Large Space Antena, Int. J. Space Structures, 8, 3, 1993, 209-220.


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Southampton, 1996, 103-111.

Structural-Morphological Aspects of Deployable Structures


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of the

7.5. Angulated Scissors (SLG, retractable)

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A. Hanaor

7.6. Other Single-Layer Bar Grids

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Structural-Morphological Aspects of Deployable Structures


7.7. Spines for Membrane and Hybrid Structures

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September 1984, Elsevier Applied Science, 823-827.


A. Hanaor

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7.8. Plates
Folded plates
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Curved surfaces
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Structural-Morphological Aspects of Deployable Structures






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A. Hanaor

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Space Structures, 9, 4, 1994, 211-217.


Michael Balz
Dipl.-Ing. (SBS), Stuttgart, Germany



M. Balz

Human feeling as wellness depends on the situation in space which is

given by the environment. Our visible surroundings are touched by eyes
when we look at them. We always have to imagine a certain room to
describe our situation in space.
If we close our eyes we produce a room in our imagination or very
different rooms may be seen by our mind. But also when dreaming I
suppose we can see only things and spaces situations similar to the real
visual experiences.

Phantasy in Space


When we open our eyes it is nice to have a reason not close them
immediately again.
Therefore, what do we like to see doubtlessly?
There are the difficult questions on beauty, harmony and safety by
which our decisions are influenced, but they are certainly made in
agreement with a situation or a certain picture.
Human eyes stimulate phantasies in our mind. Therefore bare rooms
and bleak landscapes can hardly evoke enjoyable atmospheres.
Originally the human brain is used to enable surviving. For this aim it
is very important to define the spaces that surrounds us
To develop a sense of direction we need to locate
locate our individual
To understand space it must be measured and must be brought in
relation with the individuum. For this measuring we need rather solid
fixpoints or lines as well as edges and plains and other surfaces.
Between sharp edges or corners orientation becomes possible.


M. Balz

Human mind always tries to define a sense behind the pure optical
impression. Therefore it is logical that chaotic looking picture rarely give
a satisfaction in terms of harmony.
Our mind together with the eye always seeks for understandable
structures which show or seem to show sense in themselves.
This sense does not always have to be completely understood by the
observer often the pure rhythm of the object is enough to stimulate us
Especially the shapes of natural
natural developed creatures, plants or
landscapes stimulate human feeling in a positive way.
All shapes in nature are the result of physical and chemical processes
which go on since the beginning of life and even before that date.
Human being is a result of this endless process as well: the evolution.
Consequently it seems obvious that man prefers to have a sight on
natural looking objects and structures when looking around.

Looking at this picture, nearly every

instance a different and new pattern
becomes visible. Our sense of sight
is permanently looking for scheme of
geometrical order.

Phantasy in Space


Destroyed structure may look dramatic but they do

not give a picture of harmony.

Axis of symmetry are often understood as principles

of esthestics.

Ophiodea - Star of Snakes

Rigid corpus with moving arms (Like a space shuttle under water).


M. Balz

Hexatinellid Sponge - Glass Sponge

Horizontal section of a trunk of sponge. The inside surface is filtering the fluids.
This graphic picture could also be seen as a layout of a village with central place and
neighborhoods of house groups.

Redcurrant berries en leaves. Shapes are pneumatic minimal.

minimal. the inside pressure is

Tubularid Hydroids
Polyp-like creatures between plant and animal. They can only exist in the sea on rocks
where the sun provides energy and where the water supplied nourishing value.
Between submarine gardens with phantastic colours.

Phantasy in Space


Lepto Medusa - Wrinkling Jellyfish

Transitory transparent creature with very short living phase. Pneumatic structure with a
fascinating tenderness using the embracing and including liquid which penetrates the
whole being.

All life comes out of the water. Here is demonstrated how an idea
becomes a very tender veil and starts to move and to be.

Hexa Timella - Glass sponge

A water-penetrated structure. Developed as a filtering system with a quite organic
growing scheme of pipes.
Pipes with synclastic surfaces which bring high stability and inside surface adequate to
the stream of liquid.


M. Balz

For Structural Morphology the connection and links between

biological growth and the chances to learn from that for our building
praxis are extremely worthful. It is proves that when using such
connections consequently, the results can be notably functional effective
but also esthetic in the way as we consider beauty.

1. Haeckel, Ernst: Kunstformen der Natutur, Neudruck der Erstausgabe
von 1904, Prestel Verlag, Mnchen, 1998.


Kovcs Flrin and Tarnai Tibor

Dept. of Structural Mechanics,
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest
In this paper we investigate motions of a cardboard model of an
expandable dodecahedron that is in fact a dipolygonid composed of 30
digons and 12 regular pentagons. One of the motions makes it possible
to convert a dodecahedron to a truncated icosahedron with a continuous

1. Introduction
Certain viruses having the shape of a truncated icosahedron [Ref. 6]
expand under the effect of pH change. The pentamers and hexamers
depart from each other while rotating but remaining in contact by
protein links. This discovery called our attention to expandable
The characteristic of the motion of these viruses is different from that
of Hobermans popular toy, the expanding globe. Hobermans globe is a
polyhedron, represented by its edges, in which the faces preserve their
orientation while expanding. The basic transformation is a uniform
enlarging where all the edges are increased in the same proportion. In
the viruses, however, the faces preserve their size in principle but
are subjected to a translation-rotation along their symmetry axes; and
simultaneously, interstices appear between faces. So, the motions of
these viruses are similar to a special type of deformation of honeycombs
[Ref. 3] and to the motion of Fullers jitterbug [Ref. 2], but the actual



K. Flrin & T. Tibor

mechanism of swelling is much more complicated and is not understood.

In order to have a better insight into the problem of the swollen form of
viruses, we started with the investigation of the motion of a simpler
object: an expandable dodecahedron.

Fig. 1. An expandable dodecahedron.

In the research of fullerene chemistry, the leapfrog transformation is

known [Ref. 1]. If the polyhedron of the original fullerene is capped on
every face, a deltahedron is obtained. If this deltahedron is then
converted to its dual, a new fullerene
fullerene polyhedron with three times
as many vertices is obtained. This procedure called leapfrog is a
discontinuous transformation because it jumps one fullerene to another
over the intervening deltahedron. The leapfrog transformation converts
a dodecahedron to a truncated icosahedron. It turns out that the
dodecahedron truncated icosahedron leapfrog transformation can be
described as a continuous process using Verheyens dipolygonid [Ref. 7]
composed of 30 digons and 12 pentagons, denoted by 30{2} +
We have made a cardboard model that expands from a dodecahedron
to a truncated icosahedron by applying a rotation on one pentagon while
keeping the opposite pentagon fixed (Fig. 1). The model represents a
mechanism composed of rigid bodies with hinged connection. It has
more infinitesimal degrees of freedom; one of them is responsible for
swelling. In this paper we investigate the motion of our expanding

An Expandable Dodecahedron


2. Physical Model

Both expandable polyhedral viruses and fullerene molecules share

the basic property that all pentagons (or hexagons) are situated
symmetrically at any position. Therefore, our first aim was to find a
mechanism producing this symmetrical motion.

Fig. 2. A cardboard model of the expandable dodecahedron.

2.1. The Structure

Our cardboard model (Fig. 2) was designed upon the following

(i) the structure may only consist of rigid bodies (pentagons) and
connecting elements (bars, plates),
(ii) all conditions of compatibility should be satisfied in any position
while expanding,
(iii) all joints in the structure are considered to be hinges or ball-joints
(no sliding connections should be applied),
(iv) all connecting elements (or structures, if the connection itself
contains more rigid elements) between adjacent pentagons are to be
identical and have to have a two-fold rotational symmetry (C2).

Note that principle (iv) is a necessary but not sufficient condition in

elements (and
order that two-fold rotational symmetry between adjacent elements
the symmetrical behavior of the whole structure as well) is preserved,


K. Flrin & T. Tibor

since two connected pentagonal members may incline to the same

connecting element under different angles even if it is symmetrical.
In this particular model pentagon-based prisms and planar connecting
elements (triangles and rectangular quadrangles) were applied, the
connection between them was made by hinges in any case. In Fig. 3 two
prisms and their connection are shown.
2.2. Type and Range of Expansion

A clearly detectable motion of the structure according to the main

requirement is a symmetrical expansion. It means that each pentagon
rotates about its axis of symmetry by the same angle and moves radially
outwards with the same speed consequently, any position of a pentagon
is parallel to its initial one. In other words, all inclination angles between
adjacent pentagons remain constant let it be denoted by i, so ABC and
DEF are equal to i/2 in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3. Two pentagonal prisms and their connection.

If any of the pentagons appears to have two different (but not

independent) motions, a geometrical relationship can be determined
between them. For an easier discussion, let us consider a simplified
network of the model where only the inner vertices
vertices of the pentagonal

An Expandable Dodecahedron


prisms are taken into account (Fig. 4). Let the edge length be denoted by
a. Since the rotation of two adjacent pentagons about their own axis
requires the rotation of the linking element (digon) as well and the digons
also rotate about their radial symmetry axis, we can define for the sake
of simplicity this angle of rotation () as a function of the radius (R) of
the circumscribed sphere.

Fig. 4. Simplified network of two pentagonal members (inner edges and vertices only).

Let us project the mid-points of three mutually adjacent faces of a

dodecahedron to the circumscribed sphere (points X, Y, Z, Fig. 5).

Fig. 5. A vertex with 3 adjacent faces (spherical projection).


K. Flrin & T. Tibor

Now the arc drawn from the vertex V to the mid-point of arc XY (M)
is perpendicular to arc XY. The cosine theorem for the spherical triangle
VMX shows that:

cos XVM = cos VMX cos MXV + sin VMX sin MXV cos XM ,
where XM = i/2, XVM = /3, VMX = /2, MXV = /5.
From this equation

3 = 1
cos =
2 sin 2 sin

is obtained.
Looking at Fig. 4 again, another formula of the same theorem for
triangle PSV says:
cos VP = cos PS cos SV + sin PS sin SV cos PSV ,

where sin VP =



sin SV =


, PS = i/2,
R 2 sin R
and PSV = .

From this formula, cos can be expressed:

cos =


cosVP cos SV cos PS

sin SV sin PS

5 5
for sin we obtain that

cos =

5 5 R
1 4 1
2 a
3 5


An Expandable Dodecahedron


and its inverse function (2):


(4 + 5 )cos + 2 cos (5 + 2 5 )cos + 9 + 4


5 + 9+3 5 2

Since = /2 means the most compact (dodecahedral) configuration

(R = Rmin) while = 0 the fully expanded (truncated icosahedral) one
(R = Rmax), we can calculate the minimum and maximum values for R/a:

The quotient of these values shows that the circumradius of our
model can increase by about 77% during the expansion.
As to the volumes of the polyhedra, another calculation can be carried
235 + 105 5
7.6631a 3 ,
truncated icosahedron is

out. The volume of the dodecahedron is a 3

while the same number for the

15 + 5 5
3+ 5
55.2877a 3 . Consequently, the volume

of the expanded structure is 7.215 times larger than that of the


3. Numerical Models
In the previous chapter we analysed a special motion of the expandable
dodecahedron. It is still not known, however, whether the structure is
able to move only in that way or it has other independent motions. In
order to answer this question, it is necessary to execute a detailed
analysis of the compatibility matrix of the structure.


K. Flrin & T. Tibor

3.1. A Bar-and-Joint Structure

The simplest way to investigate the kinematical behaviour of the system
is to consider a pure bar-and-joint assembly. Let the compatibility
(or Jacobian) matrix be denoted by J, the number of its columns by c and
the number of rows by r. In this case, c will be equal to the triple of the
number of free nodes (n) in 3D, r will give the number of bars in the
In Fig. 6 a possible network is shown that is sufficient to ensure
the rigidity of both the prism and the quadrangular element of the
connection. It is known that, in a generic case, a polyhedron with
v vertices can be made rigid by applying 3(v-2) bars for bracing this
means 3(10-2) = 24 for each prism. A planar quadrangle, however,
cannot be considered as a generic arrangement of the four nodes: an extra
non-coplanar vertex is needed to exclude the infinitesimal motion
that will require 3(5-2) = 9 bars for each quadrangle. The remaining
triangles can now be represented by only one bar each (e.g. bar AC in
Fig. 6).

Fig. 6. Network of the bar-and-joint structure.

As to the number of free nodes, we need to take into consideration on

one hand that two of the five nodes of the digon coincide with one node
of the adjacent prisms; on the other hand, it seems to be useful to avoid
rigid body motions, so we imagine one of the prisms fixed. It means that

An Expandable Dodecahedron


ten nodes are excluded from the free ones, consequently, the total
number of free nodes will be equal to:
n = (12-1) 10 + 30 (5-2) = 200
c = 3n = 600.
Under the same conditions, r can also be determined as follows:
r = (12-1) 24 + 30 9 + (2 30) 1 = 594.
Since c represents the number of unknowns, r that of the conditions,
we have got an important information about the kinematical behaviour,
namely, c - r = 6 means six independent infinitesimal motions for the
This calculation, however, still does not give the final answer for the
question that how many independent motions the structure has it can
only be decided by investigating the rank deficiency of J. It implies
another problem, because the computational process (especially if we
want to get information about the characteristics of the detected motions)
is very sensitive to the size of the matrix. It was this recognition that led
us to a new approach of numerical modelling.

3.2. An Alternative Model

In our previous model there was only one type of unknowns (the nodal
coordinates). At the same time it was necessary to use only one type of
constraint functions that expressed the difference between actual and
original (lij) length of a bar PiPj:
F b ij =



) + (y


) + (z


lij = 0


The derivative of F bij according to any coordinate gives the entry of J

in the column corresponding to the coordinate and in the row
corresponding to the bar PiPj. For example:


K. Flrin & T. Tibor

F b ij xi x j
Now let us consider again the simplified network of Fig. 4, that is, all
nodes and bars are ignored except those on the lower shell of the
structure. Our task is now to determine additional types of constraints
(and unknown pointers if necessary) that are sufficient to make the
elements of the structure rigid.
A pentagon can be made rigid in its plane by two additional
bars but it is not enough for complete rigidity. If we look at four points
(Pi, Pj, Pk, Pl) in the space, the following expression can be formulated:

F v ijkl =




6Vijkl = 0






where the determinant equals six times the actual volume of the
tetrahedron spanned by the four points, while Vijkl is its original volume
[Ref. 4]. The non-zero derivatives can be written as a sub-determinant
like this:


yk .




F v ijkl
= yi

If the four points are different vertices of a pentagon, the initial

volume is zero that will only be preserved if the points remain coplanar.
Since one function guarantees the coplanarity of only one point with
three more nodes, two of them should be applied for each pentagon.
By ignoring all but one of the bars of a quadrangle, its orientation
seems to be lost. A possibility to avoid this is to assign an orthogonal
vector v to each digon, pointing radially outwards in the plane of the
original element.

An Expandable Dodecahedron


Fig. 7. Vectors and angles in the alternative model.

This vector has to satisfy three different conditions during motion.

(i) v must remain perpendicular to its related edge (BE in Fig. 7).
Orthogonality is simply expressed by a scalar product of zero value,
so if the original product of vectors vij and PiPj was pij then:

F s ij = xij ( x j xi ) + yij ( y j yi ) + zij ( z j zi ) pij = 0 .


(ii) v must keep its inclination angle i/2 to the normal vectors of
the adjacent pentagons. In Fig. 7, points B, B1, B2 and B3 span a
tetrahedron. Since each coordinate of B3 is the sum of that of B and
vBE, the volume can only change if the i/2 inclination angle changes
as well. This fact implies a constraint function Faijkl similar to Fvijkl
(here the index l belongs to the vector vl that points from the third
node Pk):

F a ijkl =




xk + xl
6Vijkl = 0
y k + yl




z k + zl



K. Flrin & T. Tibor

(iii) The previous statement is true only if the length of vl does not vary.
If the original length was vl then:

F l l = xl + yl + zl vl = 0 .


In this new model c will involve not only nodes but vector
coordinates as well. Keeping a supposition that one of the pentagons is
fixed and calculating with 7 bars per pentagon and one per digon the
following values are obtained for c and r (the terms are in the order of
constraint functions):
c = 3 ((12-1) 5 + 30 1) = 255,
r = ((12-1) 7 + 30 1) + (12-1) 2 + 30 1 + 2 30 1 + 30 1 = 249.
It is seen that c - r = 6 is unchanged, so this model gives the same
result with a less than half-size matrix.

4. Analogies and Results

It is possible to construct similar assemblies not only for dodecahedron
but for an arbitrary polyhedron (some angles and lengths may be
changed but not the topology of the system). Note that nothing can be
stated about the movability of these structures in general. Let us
denote the number of faces, edges and vertices of the base polyhedron
by F, E and V respectively. If the number of edges intersecting at one
vertex of the polyhedron is the same for each vertex, let then this number
be Q.
For this case the following equation holds:
(VQ)/2 = E.


In the followings we will determine values c-r for these structures

based on Q-valent polyhedra.
Our models can be imagined as assemblies of rigid bodies and hinges,
exclusively. It is known that a rigid body in space has 6 degrees of
freedom of motion, while a hinge is a connection that means a 5-degree

An Expandable Dodecahedron


constraint, allowing for only one motion. The connecting structure

between two polygon-based prisms can be decomposed into three rigid
bodies (two triangles and a quadrangle) and four hinges. If we count all
the rigid bodies (B) and hinges (H) in a structure (the fixed prism is still
excluded), we get the following values:
B = (F-1) + 3E,
H = 4E.
Now calculating the value of c-r the result is:
c - r = 6B - 5H = 6(F-1) - 2E.


From the Euler polyhedron theorem it is known that

E + 2 - V = F.


Substituting (10), then (8) into (9) we obtain

c - r = 2VQ - 6V + 6.


If the polyhedron is trivalent (Q = 3), the right-hand side of (11)

becomes equal to 6. It can be stated that any of these structures based
on a trivalent polyhedron has six columns more than rows in its
compatibility matrix regardless of the number of faces, edges or vertices.
This theorem can also be used for the analysis of a case analogous to
that of the dodecahedral model. Among the five regular polyhedra there
are three trivalent ones: the dodecahedron, the cube and the tetrahedron.
This fact permits the supposition that an expandable tetrahedral model
shows characteristics similar to those of a dodecahedral one, and because
the first case needs much less computation, its analysis has been
executed by using singular value decomposition of J [Ref. 5].
Following the second numerical method, 9 free nodes and 6 free
vectors were taken into account, while the number of constraints came
from the sum r = ((4-1) 3 + 6) + 0 + 6 + 2 6 + 6, that is, c = 45 and
r = 39. The computational analysis gave the result that the compatibility
matrix had a single rank deficiency, in other words: the structure had


K. Flrin & T. Tibor

seven infinitesimal motions from which one was the symmetrical

expansion. Note that the calculation was made for a general position but
it can easily be seen that in a fully expanded position each pentagon can
be rotated independently with an infinitesimal motion about its symmetry
axis that suddenly increases the rank deficiency of J.

5. Conclusions
Verheyens dipolygonid can be physically realized as an expandable
dodecahedron, but the model shows some extra degrees of freedom. It
remains to be seen whether they are finite or only infinitesimal. The
actual physical meaning of the additional degrees of freedom should be
identified, that is, it should be shown how the free motions, in addition to
the expansion, look like.
The difference between the number of columns and the number of
rows of the compatibility matrix of the model is 6, but the number of
degrees of kinematical indeterminacy (the infinitesimal degrees of
freedom) is 7. Therefore, due to the generalized Maxwell rule, the model
has a one-parameter state of self-stress. The properties of this state of
self-stress should be determined in the future.
In the expandable viruses, between two adjacent morphological units
(pentamers and hexamers) there is a double-link connection, contrary to
that of our model, where there is a single-link connection. According to
some pilot studies it seems to be possible to construct an expandable
dodecahedron model with double links between the pentagonal units. In
this case, however, the rectangular units in the links should have a free
rotation about an axis parallel with their longer sides.

The research reported here was done within the framework of
the Hungarian-British Intergovernmental Science and Technology
Cooperation Programme with the partial support of OMFB and the
British Council. Partial support by OTKA Grant No. T031931, and
FKFP Grant No. 0391/1997 is also gratefully acknowledged.

An Expandable Dodecahedron


1. Fowler, P. W. and Manolopoulos, D. E. 1995. An atlas of fullerenes.
Oxford University Press.
2. Fuller, R. B. 1975. Synergetics: exploration in the geometry of
thinking. Macmillan, New York.
3. Kollr, L. and Hegeds, I. 1985. Analysis and design of space frames
by the continuum method. Akadmiai Kiad, Budapest/Elsevier Sci.
Pub., Amsterdam, p. 146.
4. Kovcs, F., Hegeds, I. and Tarnai, T. 1997. Movable pairs of regular
polyhedra. Proceedings of International Colloquium on Structural
Morphology, Nottingham, pp. 123-129.
5. Kovcs, F. 1998. Foldable bar structures on a sphere. Proceedings of
2nd International PhD Symposium, Budapest, pp. 305-311.
6. Speir, J. A., Munshi, S., Wang, G., Baker, T. S. and Johnson, J. E.
1995. Structures of the native and swollen forms of cowpea chlorotic
mottle virus determined by X-ray crystallography and cryo-electron
microscopy. Structure, Vol. 3, pp. 63-78.
7. Verheyen, H. F. 1989. The complete set of jitterbug transformers
and the analysis of their motion. Computers Math. Applic., Vol. 17,
pp. 203-250.

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Klaus Linkwitz
Geometrical reverse engineering comprises a number of techniques
applied in cases, when the (geometrical) design of a structure is so
complicated that neither conventional CAD nor numerical formfinding
by figures of equilibrium are adequate means to transform the ideas and
visions of a designer into reality.

1. Physical Models as Essential base of Design and Subsequent

Reverse Engineering
In one class of cases a combination of model making and subsequent
mathematical modeling is applied. Here the model can take on almost
any aesthetically justified form of the sculptors imagination. Forms and
structures created in this way need be neither mathematically describable
free forms nor equilibrium forms in the physical sense. A famous
example is O.Gehrys Guggenheim Museum In Bilbao, Spain. Probably
also Le Corbusiers Church in Ronchamps was thus created.
Geometrical reverse engineering has been applied for the design
of the Main Beams in the project House of the Anthroposophia in
The project House of the Anthroposophia in Maulbronn has been
described in Ref. 5. Within this context the two main beams of that
structure are of exemplary significance for the technique of geometrical
reverse engineering, especially if the models of a sculptural design can
but convey an idea of the designers vision and ideas which thereafter



K. Linkwitz

have to be completely newly created with the aid of model measurements

and reengineering in the computer.
Here the two main beams of the structure - completely independent
from the shell - were always meant to be of strongest and genuine
expression for the main assembly hall in the building. Already their
preliminary form, approximated in a couple of models, showed their
specific properties: continuously changing instantaneous radius, strong
occurrence of torque. Due to the complexity of their shape their models
in a scale of 1:25 came out rather poorly. Additionally they could not
be photographed adequately by stereo photogrammetry. An attempt to
measure them in a 3-D mechanical measurement device met similar
Thus only a limited number of coordinates of significant points on the
surfaces and edges could be obtained, supposedly not very exact and
moreover liable to errors for lack of identification, moreover, due to the
unfavorable position of this edge-line with respect to the position of the
camera, rather large errors in the measured co-ordinates were to be
But even if one had succeeded in measuring the models most exactly
this would not have been sufficient to base premanufacturing on the
measurements only:
Contrary to their representation in the model the real shells were
reshaped at their mutual joint lines and the main beams given special
significance by extracting them from the continuous surface of the
shells to become independent primary architectural elements.
The vertical beams ends were to contact directly in thin seams the
vertical walls of the internal large assembly hall, constructed of bricks.
This constraint had not been realized in the model.
The two main beams are distinctive elements of expressive shapes. As
such they had been sketched, experimented with in models, and
thoroughly discussed between client, architect and engineers during a
long time. However the client could not - and this is quite natural express his vision using a language of geometry and mathematics.
However, his vision was by no means blurred and foggy but vivid and
clear. It took considerable time until the engineers could emphatically
sense what the client had in mind.

Examples of Geometrical Reverse Engineering


- Also the glulam premanufacturer issued further constraints defining

minimum radius of curvature and torque to be adhered to.

Fig. 1. Geometrical reverse engineering.

As a consequence the main beams had to fully redesigned using

geometrical reverse engineering, using as point of departure models,
measurements, and discussion.
Starting from here a considerable number of geometrical/
mathematical experiments were undertaken
undertaken in the computer and the
intermediate results in due course shown to the client asking his
judgment and comments. Progressively it became possible to correlate
the vision of the client with the parameters of the mathematical tools and
to improve the redesign
redesign step by step with an ever steepening gradient,
achieving finally congruence of imagination and computer model.
The shape finally adopted then had to be translated, as is usual, into
digital numbers to monitor the manufacturing machinery of the glulam
factory. In this process it became also necessary to subdivide each main
beam into five separate pieces, constituting the assembly units to be
joined on the building site with wedge-joints.
2. Geometrical/Mechanical Constraints Imposed on Design to make
Execution Feasible and Subsequent Reverse Engineering. Build
and Push Method (B&P-Method) of Bridge Construction:
Geometrical Reverse Engineering Applied to the Loisach Bridge

The Build and Push Method (B&P Method)

The Build and Push Method originates from Stuttgart. Invented by the
partner Bauer of the consulting engineering firm Leonhardt & Andr,


K. Linkwitz

Stuttgart in the sixties, it was applied for the first time for the
construction of the Caroni-River-Bridge in Venezuela. Stimulating the
introduction of the new method was the fact, that the Caroni-River varies
about 10m in height between low and high waters, has a swift currency
and is notoriously susceptible to quick changes in water level caused by
unstable weather condition in its region of inflowing rivers. Thus the
erection of a strong and reliable scaffolding for the construction of the
bridge body would have been complicated and expensive.
The - at that time revolutionary - -idea of Bauer was, to have the
whole bridge body of about 200 m length constructed off the river on one
of the banks; then lying there on rails after termination of these partial
works. Simultaneously, in the river, the pillars of the bridge were to be
constructed. Then, in the final step of construction, the bridge was to be
pushed from the bank over the pillars with the aid of hydraulic pressure
gadgets, gliding on its path from the original construction site to its final
position, first on the rails and then on the pillars. To lower friction during
this process the pillar bearings would be coated by Teflon, also newly
invented at that time.
The CEO Lenz of the executing Company Zblin, also from Stuttgart,
highly attached to new progressive if economic methods of execution
and not afraid of calculated risks, and after promising to nail and hang
Fritz Leonhardt, Senior CEO of Leonhardt & Andr to the first pillar
if the construction should fail, got the contract and succeeded with
Ever since then bridges have been constructed using the B&PMethod. First only bridge designs of simple geometries were considered
for pushing: Elevation and plan of the bridge are straight lines. Then
combinations of straight lines and circles in elevation and plan were tried
and successfully executed. An attempt in Switzerland of building and
pushing a bridge the geometry of which consisted of both circles in
elevation and plan failed. During midway construction, the bridge being
pushed progressively encountered ever increasing friction on the pillars
and finally seized to a standstill like the piston in a cylinder when oil is
drained out.

Examples of Geometrical Reverse Engineering

Fig. 2. Single screwline, elevation.

Fig. 4. Double Screw line.

Fig. 6. Transversal inclination of surface.


Fig. 3. Screw line, parall. Proj.

Fig. 5. Screw surface.

Fig. 7. Bridge segments gliding.

If we want to check, whether the design of a bridge can be

constructed by the P&B-Method, i.e. whether the design is pushable,
we can make a mental experiment. We imagine instead of the actual
small number of pillars supporting the bridge now a rather indefinite
number of such pillars, forming consequently a continuous track upon
which the bridge will glide when pushed. This gliding track would reach
from either abutment to the middle of the bridge if we would construct
the bridge in two halves and push it then from both sides, or it would


K. Linkwitz

reach from the abutment on the one side of the river/valley to the
abutment on the other side of the river/valley if the bridge were
constructed in one piece and then pushed from abutment to abutment.
During pushing each bridge segment has to glide from its original
construction site to its final position of the bridge in situ. (Fig. 7)
Imagining the most favorable case of a bridge being prefabricated in two
pieces and then pushed from the abutments on the banks on either side,
the front segment of the bridge has to glide from the abutment unto the
middle of the bridge, the second segment has to glide until it reaches
its location behind the middle segment, and so on. As each segment
has to glide smoothly it has to fit perfectly into the form of the gliding
track - i.e. the bearings on the pillars - in its transition from site of
premanufacturing to its final location in the bridge.



Figs. 8 and 9. Inclination of axis as a further means of fit.

As a result of our mental experiment we conclude, that the geometry

of all gliding parts of the bridge has to be exactly identical with the
geometry of the gliding track, materialized by the discrete locations
of the pillars. As a consequence - this is noted here without proof
pushing lines and pushable designs must be - regarded in
3-dimensional space! - straight lines, circles or screwlines (Fig. 2), and
the appertaining surfaces. Hence, for example, a design consisting of a
combination of circles in plan and circles in elevation generally is not
In the case of the Loisach-Bridge, permitting the highway crossing
of the river Loisach near the Alps in Southern Bavaria, one of the

Examples of Geometrical Reverse Engineering


competing construction companies had been awarded the contract based

upon its alternative design proposing the bridge to be constructed by the
P&B-method and consequently was the cheapest among the competing
bids. However, the contract of execution had been allotted by the client
without a thorough control, whether the already finalized engineering
design was pushable or not. To quieten his conscious and to support his
ideas the contractor had made a model of bridge and pushing track.
Experiments with these seemed to support feasibility of the method and
the client could be convinced to accept the alternative design.
Thus the first question to be answered was Is this design - consisting
essentially of compound circle-like curves - pushable or not?
As a first answer, a mechanical model was made once again, this time
with more consequent rigor, by sawing in elevation with a circular seam
through a box like trough shaped in plan as a perfect circle, yielding after
the cut two halves of the trough. Consequent experiments with these two
halves demonstrated clearly, that they would fit only in their final
position but could not slide over each other without gaps at the seam.
Obviously, the design, as it was, could not be executed by the P&BMethod!
Geometrical Reverse Engineering of essential parts of the design
Here the reverse engineering consisted of three essential parts, namely
(i) Geometrical analysis of the finalized engineering design; especially
with respect to curvature and torque of all lines/surfaces which have
to be glided
(ii) Computer aided mathematical generation of feasible sliding
curves/surfaces and approximation and reshaping of all relevant
gliding parts of the finalized engineering design using slidable
(iii) Analytical modeling and simulation of all stages of the pushing
process with the reengineered shape and control of the achieved fit
of the bridge on the (also redesigned) pillar bearings.
The drawings for the design of execution comprehended also an
exhaustive and complete geometrical description of the bridge i.e. in plan


K. Linkwitz

and longitudinal section the radius of all circles, parameters of the

transition curves, lengths of all successive curves; in the cross sections
the twisting movements of the roadway as a function of the radius of
the curves in plan, including descriptions of the rotation centers of these
movements, etc.
Using differential geometry - extended to discrete difference
geometry - in analyzing the contents of the plan and descriptions the
actual instantaneous 3D-curvature and -torque of the designs gliding
lines and surfaces at densely spaced discrete points could be determined.
The spatial radius varied between 1795 and 1805 m and radius of
spatial torque between 80 000 and 100 000 meters, indicating clearly that
the actual design was not pushable. However, the variations of both
radius were so small - compared to the dimensions of the bridge - that
approximating screw-lines could be calculated, to be fitted with the aid
of least square techniques to the design.
However, as is very obvious, actual gliding is not performed on twodimensional lines in space but on three-dimensional surfaces. Thus every
two calculated glidable screw-lines had to be put together to screwsurfaces. In the assembly of every two gliding lines into one gliding
surface also the lateral rotation of the roadway in its longitudinal
development had to be accommodated. This however could only be
achieved by again slightly distorting the theoretical perfect gliding lines.
As a result, also after reengineering the bridge had no perfect pushing
shape. Comparing ideal lines and surfaces with the consequent reshaping
of relevant parts of the bridge, small gaps between bridge and pillars
during the process of pushing were unavoidable resulting in frictions and
elastic deformations to be expected when the bridge would be pushed.
To know the frictions to be expected and to estimate the elastic
deformations necessary to slide the trough of the bridge, about 30
different progress stages of the pushing procedure were calculated in
advance and the gaps, then to be compensated by elasticity, determined.
Altogether it became possible to approximate the ideal pushable lines
and surfaces so closely by the geometrically reversed design that the
remaining deviations were so small as to become nearly unnoticeable on
eyesight and the remaining constraints could be overcome by elastic
deformations as a new structural analysis showed.

Examples of Geometrical Reverse Engineering


3. Shape of an Existing Structure as Essential Constraint for

Subsequent Reverse Engineering: Geometrical Reverse
Engineering at Recent Optimisation Works at the
Timber Shell Bad Drrheim
Timber shells and building physics
When the interior of timber shells is permanently exposed to humidity,
the efficiency of the insulation and the reliability of the vapor barrier are
especially important. Every incident of leakage permitting the humid and
warm air to escape from the bathing environment in a non controlled
manner would not only induce high costs of energy losses but also have
the dangerous potential of generating condensing humidity at the places
of escape causing unpredictable interactions with the surrounding timber.
In the example outlined, after more then 10 years of use, the daily
operation of the spa covered by the shell was to be improved
economically by energy optimizing measures acting simultaneously as a
precautionary measure against hidden leakages: The crucial upper parts
of the glass-facade and its adjoining edge-beams and ribs become
object of sanitation measures by which especially the edge beam
was to be removed completely and replaced by another one, reinforced
simultaneously by unto date means of insulation.
The new, improved edge beams as objects of geometrical reverse

Fig. 10. Four out of the total of seventeen edgebeams.

For the optimization process, the existing edge beam consisting

of seventeen individual double beams with dimensions 0,29 x 1,20 m in


K. Linkwitz

cross sections and a total length of above 200 m, was completely to be

removed, taken out of use, and then replaced piece by piece. This had to
be performed under the constraint, that the use of the spa inside must
continue all the time. Consequently a building procedure was adopted of
working at the same time only at one or two of the total of 17 edgebeams. The selected beams for renewal were then subjected to the most
delicate and sensitive work of vertically cutting them with a compass
saw in the night and covering the resulting slot with carefully prepared
planks immediately. Indeed almost nobody of the spas guests realised
the ongoing very difficult and most professionally performed works
undertaken with much prevision and observing all means of security
Then the newly pre manufactured edge beams were to be put into the
slot, connected to the insulation, laid on their bearings and connected at
their abutments. This is a most sensitive and delicate work. Due to
double curvature of the old, removed edge beam, naturally also the slot
created by their removal has double curvature everywhere. The slot has
not only to accommodate the insulation layers but also the freshly pre
manufactured new edge beams, supposed to fit exactly into the gap. Due
to their voluminous dimensions, their weight, and the very limited space
of manoeuvring practically no corrections on site were possible.
Due to the new insulation and an overall optimization the position
and shape of old and new edge beams are distinctively different and
the new pre manufacturing could not use the old manufacturing data.
Moreover, all computations performed for the original design and pre
manufacturing about 15 years ago had been performed on mainframes no
longer existing and the old data were either destroyed or no more
Under these circumstances the only possibility of performing the
work was that of a complete fresh creation of the edge beams using the
technique of geometrical reverse engineering.
This was achieved by starting from the old shape of the shell in the
immediate neighborhood of the edge beams and create from there - using
their new design dimensions - new edge beams. Due to the strong double
curvature of the shell enough points of identification in unequivocal
manner could be found which were usable to fit the edge beams

Examples of Geometrical Reverse Engineering


mathematically into the shell. Interpreted as a fitting problem this is

highly redundant because the fitting has to be performed following the
continuous common lines of beams and the shell.
The solution, based on the methods of least squares, was newly
conceived from scratch, translated into appertaining algorithms and
implemented in a new computer program consisting of many modules.
Thus it became possible to calculate anew all necessary data for
the digital monitoring of pre manufacturing with high accuracy and
Another difficult detail was the redesign of the bearings and metal
junction pieces at 17 bearing points, one at either side of each edge
beam, as also location and type of all abutments had changed. This was
further complicated by the fact, that the actual locations of the
constructed bearing differed slightly - but still too much to be neglected
- from their design locations shown in the original execution drawings.
These differences were determined on spot by measurements and then
included into the geometrical reverse engineering process, resulting
finally in new drawings and consequent new manufacturing of all
The challenging works outlined here and demonstrated in the oral
presentation with a number of sketches and slides demanded a close cooperation between the glulam company, the principal engineers involved,
and the author responsible for providing the necessary computational
reconstructions and the digital instructions for monitoring the pre
manufacturing. The works were successfully terminated about a year ago
without any accident or misfitting.
4. Conclusion
Geometrical reverse engineering is the adequate method when the
essential concept of a design and its geometry can only be materialized
through a model, or when other complex geometric constraints must
be regarded to make a design at all feasible. Then a complete new computer aided - recreation of the design so far only conceivable from
models or a computer aided recreation of the design adhering now


K. Linkwitz

exactly to the constrains imposed by the method of execution, pre

manufacturing or the material, becomes imperative.
The methods in detail to be applied vary considerable from case to
case and normally no standard solutions exist. In spite of existing highly
developed CAD programs, nearly always specific new computer tools
and modules have to be created from scratch, tailored to the individual
and often unique tasks of the project. This renders this type of work
highly challenging and gratifying.
1. Linkwitz, K. (1976): Vermessungsarbeiten beim Brckenbau nach
dem Taktschiebeverfahren, Proceedings of the VII. International
Course on the Application of Geodesy to Engineering, TH Darmstadt.
2. Wenzel, F., Frese, B., Bartel, R. (1987): Die Holzrippenschale in Bad
Duerrheim; Bauen mit Holz, Heft 5, 1987.
3. Grndig, L., Linkwitz, K., Bahndorf, J., Strbel, D. (1988):
Zuschnittsberechnung von Flchentragwerken - Beispiel Solebad Bad
Drrheim; Ingenieurvermessung 88, Ferd. Dmmler Verlag Bonn,
1988, ISBN 3-427-78091-0.
4. Linkwitz, K. (1996): Timber Shells - Design, Formfinding, and
Premamufacturing; Demonstrated at Three Selected Structures.
CONFERENCE, New Orleans Oct 96, Volume 1, Omnipress 2600
Anderson Street Madison, WI, USA.
5. Linkwitz, K. (1996): Holzschalendaecher Hoelderlin-Haus-derAnthroposophia, Maulbronn; Bautechnik, Heft 4, Ernst & Sohn,
Berlin 1996, ISSN 0932-8351.
6. Linkwitz, K. (1998): Execution of a demanding energy saving
optimisation measure at the Timber Shell Bad Drrheim; Proceedings
of the 5th World Conference on Timber Engineering, Presse
polytechnique et universitaire, Lausanne 1998, ISBN 2-88074-387-7.


Arthur L. Loeb
Senior Lecturer and Honorary Associate on Visual and Environmental Studies
and Member of the Faculty, Graduate School of Education, Harvard University,
Cambridge MA 02138, USA
Architects such as Ton Alberts and R. Buckminster Fuller have used
the adjective organic to indicate that their designs were based on forms
found in nature. Specifically, whereas traditional twentieth-century
architecture tended to make use of stacked two-dimensional designs,
the new millennium is beginning to derive structures from stacked
three-dimensional polyhedra. The right angle, which is rare in natural
forms, and unstable, is eschewed by these architects. Crystallographers
and solid-state scientists, attempting to understand the reasons why
crystalline forms are the way they are, and working in the same
Euclidean space on a much smaller scale than architects, tend to have
their own perspective on that space. We present here a number of
concepts from crystallography and molecular spectroscopy relevant to
architecture and vice versa in the hope that the spatial repertoire in both
disciplines will be enriched.

1. Introduction
This paper is dedicated to the memory of the late Dutch architect Ton
Alberts, who gained special celebrity through his ING Bank headquarters
in southeastern Amsterdam, and the Gasunie building in Groningen.
In the impersonal wasteland of the Bijlmermeer, Albertss ING
headquarters and the adjacent town square De Amsterdamse Poort
constitute an oasis of humanity. Characteristic of Albertss architecture
are the undulating and inclined surfaces of his structures, and the use of



A. L. Loeb

five-fold rotational symmetry, none of them part of the traditional

architectural vernacular.
Alberts called his architecture organic because it reflected structure
found in nature, and used natural phenomena such as the angle of
incidence of sunlight and the storage of energy in plants. His designs
thus blend with their contexts, and provide the occupants an environment
in which they can be comfortable and adjust an optimal temperature,
humidity and illumination.
The American architect and philosopher R. Buckminster Fuller6,7
was concerned with the conservation of material resources as well as
energy, being of the opinion that metal and mineral resources can always
be recycled, using the virtually unlimited solar energy entering our
global environment. His dome structures and the tensegrity structures
invented by Fuller and his student Kenneth Snelson permit dwellings to
be mobile, and to shelter large areas from climatic variations.
These architects needed a new vernacular,28 for designing buildings
that met their criteria for functional, aesthetical buildings. Both eschewed
the traditional stacked two-dimensional floor plans, and instead worked
directly in three dimensions. They took their cue from natural structures34
which have proven durable and aesthetically pleasing; this paper aims to
survey some of the grammar underlying the fundamentals of what has
become known as Design Science.30,31,33 Because relevant publications
are scattered over a large variety of journals and books, we have
appended an extensive bibliography. We shall see that material science
has contributed to this grammar, but has in turn benefited from
discoveries and inventions made in non-traditional architecture.
2. Symmetry
The world of crystals is very democratic: atoms and ions of a
given element are identical to each other, and expect identical
contexts.24,25,34,40,42,44 Symmetry is the quantitative parameter describing
the way in which identical components in a pattern are constituted with
respect to each other.2,10,11,26,29

Crystalline Architecture


Translational and rotational symmetry relate components that are

directly congruent to each other, whereas mirror and glide symmetry
relate oppositely congruent components. Color symmetry26,29 relates
components that are mutually congruent, but are colored differently.
Dynamic symmetry will be discussed in the next section.
Two parallel axes of rotational symmetry imply a third axis of
rotational symmetry, but the symmetry values of these axes, k, l and m
are limited by the equation
1/k + 1/l + 1/m = 1


Accordingly, periodically repeating patterns are limited to the

rotational symmetry values 2, 3, 4 and 6, and since the value 5 is not a
solution of this equation, there can only be a single axis of five-fold
rotational symmetry. Alberts, Fuller as well as the Israeli architect Zwi
Hecker12 have designed structures having five-fold symmetry, but which
are not periodic.
Perfect symmetry can be tedious; it represents a state of equilibrium.
Slight deviations from symmetry will create tensions toward equilibrium.
We tend to perceive more symmetry than is actually present: human
faces are generally imagined to be mirror-symmetrical when actually
they are not. An interesting example of symmetry breaking occurs in
the recently restored royal palace Het Loo near Apeldoorn in the
Netherlands. Although the palace and its gardens are mirror-symmetrical,
the window in the study of former Queen Wilhelmina does not
have a symmetrically situated partner. However, apparently a trained
crystallographer was the first visitor, and possibly the only one to date to
observe this breach of symmetry.
3. Quasi-Symmetry
About twenty years ago,3,39,54-56 some alloys were found whose X-ray
diffraction patterns exhibited five-fold symmetry. Counter to commonly
held beliefs, these patterns did not imply that these alloys themselves
were five-fold symmetrical, for diffraction patterns are primarily
generated by the interaction between nearest atoms. The mathematician


A. L. Loeb

Roger Penrose had already demonstrated8 that the Euclidean plane can be
tiled by two rhombuses, one having angles 36 and 144, the other 72
and 108, such that the symmetry appears to be five-fold locally, but
does not extend throughout the pattern. Analogously, three-dimensional
space may be filled by two kinds of parallelipipedeons, yielding models
for alloys whose symmetry has no five-fold rotational symmetry, but
whose X-ray diffraction pattern does. Such crystals are called
quasicrystals. Linear quasi-symmetrical strings are of interest to the

Fig. 1. Quasi symmetrical string.

Take, for instance, the pattern in Figure 1, which has an apparent

irregularity near the middle. It was generated by the transformation y->x,
x->xy as follows:

Crystalline Architecture


Such strings have two notable properties, namely that:

(a) The number of characters, the number of xes, and the number of ys
all equal Fibonacci numbers, and
(b) Each string equals the previous one followed by the next previous
Although apparently irregular, such a quasi-symmetrical string is
actually quite predictable.

4. The Adamantine Angle

When asked about the angles of inclination of Albertss walls, his
collaborator and widow, Lani Van Petten, replied that it was most likely
the angle 72 associated with five-fold symmetry. In practice this angle
does not differ substantially from the dihedral angle arc cos (1/3) of the
regular tetrahedron, which is slightly under 71, but conceptually there
is a world of difference. The regular tetrahedron and octahedron together
can fill space, whereas the polyhedra having five-fold symmetry,
such as the regular dodecahedron, the icosahedron and the rhombic
triacontahedron because of their symmetry, do not.44,48,51 Therefore,
multi-storied buildings such as the Gasunie and the ING would be apt to
use the tetrahedral angle.
The difference between these two angles is illustrated in Figures 2, 3
and 4. The first of these figures is a cross section of the regular
tetrahedron shown in Figure 3. The triangle ABP is isosceles, and has the
following remarkable properties:
(i) The point O, the center of the tetrahedron, is equidistant from its
vertex P as from its base AB.
(ii) Since the point Q is itself the center of a face of the tetrahedron, the
length PQ equals one third the length PB.


A. L. Loeb

Fig. 2. Mirror plane bisecting the regular tetrahedron.

The cosine of the dihedral angle of the regular tetrahedron, APB,

therefore equals 1/3. Because this angle is the angle between valence
bonds of the carbon angle in organic compounds as well as in diamond, it
is of great interest to natural scientists, and is known as the adamantine

Fig. 3. Bisection of the regular tetrahedron.

The geometry of icosahedron41,47 is characterized by the golden

fraction, , which is defined by the equation 1/ = 1+ .

Crystalline Architecture


Fig. 4. The regular icosahedron deconstructed.

5. Vector Equilibrium and Stability

In many crystals larger ions tend to surround themselves by twelve
identical ions situated at the vertices of a cuboctahedron (Figure 5).25
Buckminster Fuller called this polyhedron the vector equilibrium7,27
because its edge length equals the distance of each of its vertices from
its centre. The cuboctahedron is not a space filler, but together with a
regular octahedron does fill space in a 1:1 ratio.
In molecular spectroscopy it is necessary to know the modes of
vibration of atoms in a molecule. From this analysis comes the notion of
degrees of freedom: a polyhedron having V vertices and E edges has
internal degrees of freedom,35,45 where:
= 3V-E-6.
Such a polyhedron can only be stable if <0. Accordingly, the
cuboctahedron, having twelve vertices and twenty four edges, has six
degrees of freedom, hence is unstable. Fuller stabilized it by placing a
vertex in the center, connecting it to its twelve neighbors, thus in effect
creating an octet truss. We have found, however, that in a space frame
made up of stacked cuboctahedra having octahedral interstices, the
number of edges increases faster with increasing size than three times the
number of vertices, with the result that the number of degrees of freedom
decreases and the stability of such frames increases with size. Such
frames are lighter and more open than octet trusses because there is no
vertex in the centers of the cuboctahedra.


A. L. Loeb

Fig. 5. Cuboctahedron inside a cube.

6. Buckminsterfullerene
In 1985, Robert F. Curl, Harold W. Kroto, and Richard E. Smalley5
discovered a new form of elemental carbon, having the chemical formula
C60. Kroto was working in microwave spectroscopy when he became
interested in long chains consisting solely of carbon and nitrogen. At this
time, Smalley was studying cluster chemistry. Smalley had designed a
cluster beam apparatus which was able to vaporize almost any known
material. On September 1st, 1985 the three got together in Smalleys
laboratory; in trying to devise the structure of the new carbon molecule,
Smalley recalled having bought a Fuller dome kit for his young son, and
was able to use this kit to construct a model for the new carbon molecule,
which was accordingly named Buckminsterfullerene.
It is possible to tile the plane with regular hexagons, but a sphere
needs some polygons having fewer sides. When a sphere is tiled by a
combination of hexagons and pentagons, regardless of the number of
hexagons the number of pentagons must be exactly twelve. A soccer ball
has twelve pentagons and twenty hexagons; many domes have more
hexagons, as do carbon molecules found subsequently, for example C70.

Crystalline Architecture


7. Tensegrity
Buckminster Fuller and Kenneth Snelson invented a class of structures
comprising compression members which do not touch, but are held in
equilibrium by tension members; each compression member is
surrounded by a loop of tension members into which other compression
members hook. Particularly stable is the six-strut tensegrity, of which an
octant is shown in Figure 6. The other octants are reflections of adjacent
octants across the cartesian planes. Three pairs of mutually parallel
compression members lie parallel to the cartesian axes; the tension
members lie along the edges of the shaded triangle. The distance between
parallel compression members equals exactly half of their lengths at
equilibrium, and any attempt to alter that distance, either by pushing
compression members together or by pulling them apart, will increase
the length of the tension members, which will resist these attempts,
holding the structure in equilibrium. When one pair of compression
members is made to approach each other, the other ones will also
approach each other; when they are pulled apart, the others will again
follow suit.
Once more, these architectural inventions have influenced molecular
science. Donald Ingber and his associates4,13-17,57,58 have applied the
tensegrity concept to molecular biology with much success.

Fig. 6. Octant of a six-strut Tensegrity structure.


A. L. Loeb

8. Conclusions
We note that the fundamental equations governing these examples from
the grammar of Design Science are quite simple and elegant. Although
upon initial analysis natural structure might appear to be complex, it
will be understood if perceived as generated from simple modules
by a simple generating rules or algorisms.36 Alberts, for instance,
generated his building designs by a dynamic process, working with the
client on a three-dimensional model while the design work was in
progress. Our three-dimensional space is not a passive vacuum, but poses
constraints. Only when these constraints are well understood, can one
build the extensive repertoire permitted by these constraints.
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Carolina Rodriguez1, John Chilton2 and Robin Wilson3


Lecturer, School of Architecture, University of Liverpool,

Professor of Architecture and Design, Nottingham Trent University,
Associate Professor, The School of the Built Environment,
The University of Nottingham

This work is part of the PhD thesis THE SWIVEL DIAPHRAGM: a

geometrical examination of an alternative retractable ring structure
in architecture by C. Rodriguez Bernal undertaken at The School
of the Built Environment, The University of Nottingham between
2001-2006.6 It explores various designs of flat kinetic grids employing
the Swivel Diaphragm system. It evaluates the advantages of using this
alternative deployable ring structure over other similar systems within
grid configurations. The principal aim of this study is to establish a
variety of choices for grids offering diverse types of movement. This
procedure is unlikely to be exhaustive since the options of grid
configurations are so numerous. Hence, in order to avoid a long and
repetitive exercise of searching for new configurations, the exploration
process has been limited to three different methods. The results of this
design process serve as a platform for future research into the possible
applications of these types of grids within architectural devices.

Scissor structure is a generic name given to certain types of kinetic
systems that make use of a particular mechanism where two rigid
components are connected by a rotational hinge or pivot and move freely


C. Rodriguez, J. Chilton & R. Wilson

against each other. When various series of scissors are interconnected

within more complex assemblies they change in shape and size as a
result of the collective action of all the mechanisms working together.
Such behaviour is further enhanced when large numbers of units are
operating simultaneously. The relationship between the pivots in the
mechanism determines the type and direction of movement achieved by
the scissor grid. Numerous variations can be made to the basic scissor
mechanism in order to modify its kinetic characteristics. Amongst the
most widely known are: straight-scissors with a central pivot, straightscissors with an offset pivot, angulated-scissors and multi-angulatedscissors. There are also different methods for linking scissors within grid
configurations. In the particular case of grids employing angulated
or/and multi-angulated scissors, there are two main methods that have
been developed to configure the grids. The fist involves several
concentric layers of scissors that produce a large radial expansion. This
method was developed by C. Hoberman et al.1 and was used for his
Retractable Iris Dome Project. Other researchers have also studied
grids of this type, for example, P. Kassabian, S. Pellegrino and Z. You
et al.,3 and F. Jensen.2 The second method proposes grids with identical
deployable rings linked one to the other. As a result the individual rings
work in a co-ordinated cyclical sequence of movement where closed and
open positions of the grid are not necessarily established. This method
was fist explored in the research Metamorphic Architecture by
C. Rodriguez.4 In both methods the grids present difficulties when
attached to an external support because the expansion of the grid
magnifies or decreases during the deployment process. Hence, it is
necessary to use rails or movable supports in order to support the grid.
A recently developed alternative system, named Swivel Diaphragm
achieves a similar retraction to that of angulated-scissor and at the
same time provides fixed external supports within the ring configuration.
Such an attribute helps to overcome support inconvenience associated
with the use of angulated-scissors. This system was first proposed
by C. Rodriguez and J. Chilton.5 The present paper explains the
ongoing research, exploring the design of flat grids employing this new

Flat Grids Designs Employing the Swivel Diaphragm


1. Brief Explanation of the Swivel Diaphragm System

The Swivel Diaphragm [SD] comprised of a concentric series of
angulated and straight elements, linked together through elementary
pivot joints, as illustrated in Figure 1. Such an assembly forms a closed
circuit where all the elements expand and contract simultaneously from
or towards the centre of the structure. Therefore, any force applied to a
single component is spread throughout the rest of the system. This type
of movement is comparable to that of an angulated scissors ring.1
However, in a SD the components rotate around external fixed supports
during the deployment. Thus, the polygonal shape formed by the outer
joints will not vary from the closed to the open position. This
characteristic is of significance when designing flat grids since the
overall structure can be fixed to the support without the need for rails or
complex mechanisms.

Outer pivot joint

Inner pivot joint

Angulated elements
Straight elements
External fixed pivot/support

Fig. 1. Hexagonal Swivel Diaphragm with plates.

The number of elements in a SD depends on the desired polygonal

shape for the ring. This system admits several regular and irregular
polygonal configurations. The present work shows examples of SD and
grids using the SD based on basic regular polygon (Figure 2). Other SD


C. Rodriguez, J. Chilton & R. Wilson

based on more complex regular and irregular polygons can be found

in Ref. 6. The total deployment of the ring depends on the degree of
rotation of each angulated element from its fixed in position support.
There are various types of deployments possible with the SD. In the
examples of Figure 2 the maximum deployment is achieved when the
angulated elements meet or are aligned with the centre of the ring. In
these types of rings the deployment is proportional to the number of sides
in the polygon. Thus, the more sides in the figure, the less the degree of
rotation needed in the angulated elements to achieve a maximum
deployment of the ring. This theoretical degree of rotation can be
calculated as follows:
Maximum degree of rotation = 360/n


n = number of sides in the polygon








Fig. 2. Examples of polygonal configurations with the SD.

Flat Grids Designs Employing the Swivel Diaphragm


Rings with the SD can adopt three different bar configurations as

represented in Figure 3 using distinct linkage patterns but employing an
equal number of elements and preserving the same type of deployment
and polygonal shape.

Fixed pivot

Fig. 3. Possible bar configurations.

2. Flat Grids
2.1. Diaphragm Morphology
For physical and practical applications the morphology of the swivel
diaphragm may vary depending on the use, the scale, and/or the loading
of the structure. The members that constitute the diaphragm can adopt
nearly any shape as long as the relationship between the pivots is
preserved and overlapping of the elements is avoided. As may be seen in
Figure 1, each angulated element compromises three pivots that form a
triangle; the fixed pivots transport the loads to the external support, and
the other two help to hold up the straight elements that link each module
to the proceeding. The load conditions differ when the diaphragm is
placed vertically, horizontally or tilted. The diagrams in Figure 4 show
the loading distribution in the horizontal and vertical positions. Precise
loading and actions in Figure 4 will depend on the detailed structural
design of the diaphragms and link bars. Using the appropriate bending
moment diagrams as guidelines the members of the SD can be sculpted
into more efficient shapes eliminating any unnecessary excess of
material. This is of central importance for this type of structure, since


C. Rodriguez, J. Chilton & R. Wilson

substantial weight will significantly affect the retraction of the overall

system. It is also ideal to reduce the joint size to the minimum possible
in order of reaching the maximum deployment for the diaphragm.
Section 2.2 illustrates various 3D proposals developed using different
polygonal SDs.

Weight of the straight element

Dynamic load generated during the movement
Weight of the angulated element + cover
Fixed support

Weight of the straight

Weight of the angulated
Additional horizontal loads

Fig. 4. Diagram of loading in horizontal and vertical position.

Flat Grids Designs Employing the Swivel Diaphragm


2.2. Module Designs

Figure 5 shows a hexagonal SD positioned vertically. The depth of the
hexagonal frame that supports the ring has been increased to provide
more stability to the structure. The diaphragm deploys internally. The
angulated elements are designed with a open tetrahedral shape with rigid
edges and lightweight surfaces where the maximum height is near the
fixed pivot. The linking bars run inside the tetrahedron.

Fig. 5. Vertical hexagonal SD.

Figure 6 shows a heptagonal SD positioned horizontally. The covers

are conical segments that meet at the centre of the ring in the fully closed
position. The angulated elements compromise sections of arcs that
support the conical covers. The arcs are tensed in the base by trusses.
Straight bars link the underside of neighbouring elements.

Fig. 6. Heptagonal SD with curved beams and covers.

Figure 7 shows an octagonal SD positioned horizontally. Two

triangular beams form the angulated elements and the straight bars that
link them run over the top. The design of the plates allows a complete
coverage when the ring is fully closed.


C. Rodriguez, J. Chilton & R. Wilson

Fig. 7. Octagonal SD with plate covers.

Figure 8 shows a decagonal SD positioned horizontally. The

angulated elements are suspended from the fixed pivot position and the
covers are tilted forming a turbine shape when the diaphragm is fully

Fig. 8. Decagonal SD with suspended beams and tilted plates.

As demonstrated in the examples of SD modules shown above, some

elements of the ring have a different structural function than others. For
example, the angulated elements carry the weight of the covers and the
straight element plus dynamic loads generated during the process of
movement, whilst the straight elements suffer mainly axial compression
or tension during the process of transporting forces from one element to
the next. Additionally, the pivots need to absorb loads in different
directions and at the same time allow rotation. Materials that are
lightweight and offer high strength are the most effective for frames of
this type, whereas the covers can be built with light and flexible material
such as textiles or other synthetic materials.
3. Interconnections for Flat Grids
In flat networks of swivel diaphragms, the modules can be operated
either by individually employing an independent mechanism of motion

Flat Grids Designs Employing the Swivel Diaphragm


or they can be interconnected to function cooperatively. When the rings

are interconnected they may share components such as bars, plates
or joints, saving cost in production and assembly. The beauty of
interconnected grids lies in the reciprocity of the movement; therefore
any force applied to a single component activates the motion of the
overall grid. However, in physical models the friction of the pivots
and/or the weight of the rigid elements can affect the transmission of
these forces from one component to the next. To reduce this problem, the
movement could be activated from various points strategically placed
throughout the structure.
The possibilities of grid design with SD are limited only by the
imagination of the designer. The direction and type of motion can be
manipulated depending on the use of the grid or the desired effect. For
example, the grid could combine rings moving clockwise with rings
operating anti-clockwise or vice versa so that when some rings open,
others close. Alternatively, the diaphragms can be added concentrically
to create radial movement, or, if not, they may be placed more
organically to produce disordered kinetic sensations. Despite this variety
of choice, it is important that the rings are strategically and carefully
placed to avoid interfering with the adjacent rings. Three methods of
grouping swivel diaphragms within grids, developed by the authors are
illustrated here. The three proposals use the same swivel diaphragm
configuration but achieve completely different grid operation. Other
methods used to create two and three dimensional grids can be found in
Ref. 6.
3.1. The Fractal Method
In this method various SDs are jointed concentrically around a central
SD. As a result the overall grid twists towards/from a common centre.
The central ring is of first order; hence one angulated element is placed
on each side of the polygon described by the fixed pivots. The next ring
is of second order; therefore two angulated elements are placed on each
side of the polygon. The subsequent rings increase in order using the
same pattern. With this method the grid behaves as a fractal, the
assembly can grow endlessly and at any point of the process the shape of


C. Rodriguez, J. Chilton & R. Wilson

the grid will always be the same as the polygonal figure used for the first
central ring. The hexagonal grid shown in Figures 9 and 10 is of third
frequency; the angulated elements spin around fixed pivots linked by
straight bars. Groups of straight bars operating over the same axis move
in unison, thus the bars can be fused into one longer bar connected to
various angulated elements. The following equations serve to calculate
the number of components needed for the grid according to its polygonal
shape and frequency:
Number of angulated elements = p* 0.5f * ( f+1)
Number of straight bars = p * f
Number of joints in the straight bar = f+1
f = order of the grid, p = number of sides of the desired polygonal shape

Fig. 9. Hexagonal SD grid generated to third order using the fractal method.

Fig. 10. Model of a hexagonal SD grid generated to third order using the fractal method.

Flat Grids Designs Employing the Swivel Diaphragm


3.2. The Hexapus Method

Fig. 11. Hexagonal SD grid using the hexapus method.

Compared with the fractal method, this is a less mathematically based

and a more organic technique of linking SDs. It involves creating an
arm from each side of the central ring using more complex multiangulated elements. The central SD is the only completely closed ring,
the others are fractions of a ring that form a network of polygons when
the grid is fully open and a hexapus shape when the grid is fully closed.
Notice that other types of angulated bars have replaced some of the
straight bars.
3.3. Equivalent Link Method
This is a completely different approach to those described above: in this
method isolated SDs are linked by additional straight bars. These
additional bars can be placed in many ways as long as they join
equivalent pivots in each diaphragm. For example, in Figure 12 pivot 1 is
joined pivot 1in the proceeding ring, pivot 2 is jointed with pivot 2 etc.
When the grid is fully closed it forms separate polygons with blank
spaces in between, whilst when the grid is fully open identical interlinked
star shapes are formed.


C. Rodriguez, J. Chilton & R. Wilson

Pivot 2

Pivot 1
Pivot 2
Pivot 1

Fig. 12. Hexagonal SD grid using the external link method.

Fig. 13. Equivalent link method grid with hexagonal SD.

The Swivel Diaphragm system shows potential to be used with in flat
grid configurations. It offers important structural advantages due to
the use of fixed supports. Additionally, it allows very different
configurations of grids, providing the designer with a very wide range of
options to choose from. Further research needs to be carried out
regarding the capabilities of these types of grids with in practical

Flat Grids Designs Employing the Swivel Diaphragm


applications. This paper is a step towards achieving this and aims to be a

platform to help advance further exploration. The authors strongly
believe that there is potential for these grids to be used in architectural
devices such as retractable roofs or screen systems for day lighting
control. However, this has to be explored through future research.
1. Hoberman, C. Web Page, Available At:
URL> WWW.Hoberman.Com, Last Accesed: 01/10/03
2. F. V. Jensen, (2001), Cover Elements for Retractable Roof Structures,
First Year Report, PhD University of Cambridge.
3. P. Kassabian, Z. You, and S. Pellegrino, (1997), Retractable
Structures Based on Multi-Angulated Elements, in Proceedings of
the International Colloquium Structural Morphology: Towards the
New Millennium, Chilton J.C et al (eds), University Of Nottingham,
UK, 92-99.
4. C. Rodriguez, (2000), Arquitectura Metamrfica, Eds. ICFESNational University of Colombia, Bogot, Colombia.
5. C. Rodriguez and J. Chilton, (2003), Swivel Diaphragm a New
Alternative for Retractable Ring Structures, in Proceedings of the
International Symposium on New Perspectives for Shell and Spatial
Structures, Extended abstract, 254255, and paper on CD-ROM,
Taipei, Taiwan.
6. C. Rodriguez, (2006). THE SWIVEL DIAPHRAGM: a geometrical
examination of an alternative retractable ring structure in architecture,
Thesis submitted to the University of Nottingham, UK for the degree
of Doctor of Philosophy, 224p.

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Edgar Stach
University of Tennessee, College of Architecture and Design,
1715 Volunteer Boulevard, Knoxville, TN 37996, USA
Fax 001- 865 9740656
The purpose of this case study is to analyze, the structural properties of
natural forms in particular seashells based on digital methods. This is
part of a larger architectural study of lightweight structures and formoptimizing processes in nature. The resulting model was used to
visually display the internal structure of a seashell and also as input to
structural analysis software. The generated renderings show the
algorithmic beauty of sea shells.

1. Introduction
Henry Moseley1 started in 1838 the study of seashells and in particular
the mathematical relationship that controls the overall geometry of shells.
He was followed by many researchers such as Thompson,2 Raup,3,4
Cortie,5 and Dawkins6 and others.
The shape of seashells is caused by a logarithmic natural growth
(Fig. 4-5). There are three basic shapes: the Planispirally coiled shell
(Fig. 1), the Helically coiled shell (Fig. 2), and the Bi-valve shell
(Fig. 3). Environmental factors such as the availability of raw materials,
the type of substrate, the amount of calcium present, as well as many
other factors contribute to deviations from the three basic forms.



E. Stach

Fig. 1. Planispirally Coiled Shell (Wye

p. 277).

Fig. 2. Helically Coiled Shell (Harasewych

p. 162).

Fig. 3. Bi-Valve Shell (Wye p. 243).

2. Growth

Fig. 4. Computer simulation of a planispirally coiled shell and of three helically coiled
gastropod shells (Harasewych p. 17).

Form-Optimizing in Biological Structures


Fig. 5. Computer simulation of one valve of the bi-valve Meiocardia moltkiana

(Harasewych p. 17).

Increases in height greatly benefit shells. It allows for greater tissue

volume and more capacious mantle cavities, which in turn provide
space for larger and more elaborate mantle cavity organs. The downside
for the increase in height is the shift of the center of gravity making
the shell very unstable for the animal inhabiting it. Not only is
coiling a great solution to this problem, it also maintains constant
shell proportions. Examples of shells that conform to some portion
of a logarithmic spiral can be found in all classes of single-shelled
3. Seashell Geometry
The seashell geometry can be expressed by four basic parameters. As
shown in Figure 6, A is the shape of the aperture or the shape of shell
section, B is the distance from the coiling axis to the center of the shell
section, C is the section radius, and D is the vertical distance between
sections. The columella is the elongated cone around the coiling axis, the
internal structural support of the shell. The suture line is the intersection
of the sections vertically. The columella and the suture line are the result
of the spiral growth of the seashell.


E. Stach

Fig. 6. Seashell geometry (Kamon Jirapong and Robert J. Krawczyk, Illinois Institute of

4. Formation of the Shell

All mollusks have a mantle. This is a specialized secretary region on the

animals upper surface. It produces a thin, flexible covering or cuticle
make of a specialized protein known as conchiolin. All mollusk mantles
also contain unique cells that secrete a fluid from which the various
forms of calcium carbonate can be crystallized. Crystallization occurs
along the inner surface of the conchiolin, creating a continuously
mineralized shell. The molluscan shell, a complex structure composed
composed of
mineral and organic components, forms outside of the animals tissues.

Fig. 7. An electron microscope photograph of the shell of Busycon carica broken parallel
to the edge of the shell. Three different crystal layers can be seen (Harasewych p. 16).

Form-Optimizing in Biological Structures


Fig. 8. A cross-sectional view of the mantle and shell at the growing edge of a bi-valve
(Harasewych p. 16).

The molluscan shell contains multiple layers that vary in thickness,

crystalline form and orientation. Adjacent layers are often deposited with
their crystal planes at right angles to each other, resembling the pattern
seen in plywood.
This dramatically increases the strength of the shell. Most shells
consist of three major components, each produced by a different region
of the mantle. The outer most protein layer is added along the edge of the
shell by a specialized region of the adjacent mantle edge. Next, an outer
calcified layer is underneath. The inner calcified layers follow, and
finally, the largest region is the mantle. An unavoidable consequence of
this type of calcification, common to all shelled mollusks, is that growth
can only happen by the addition of material to the shell edge. Once
formed, the shell cannot be modified except for its internal layers. This
creates limitations on the general architecture of the shells.
5. Digital Modeling
The three basic seashell shapes, the Planispirally coiled shell (Fig. 1), the
Helically coiled shell (Fig. 2), and the Bi-valve shell (Fig. 3) can be
reconstructed in a digital model as a variation of the mathematical
relationship between the four parameters: 1. The shape of the aperture/
shell section. 2. The distance from the coiling axis to the center of the
shell section. 3. The section radius. 4. The vertical distance between
sections. The result of a specific mathematical combination reflects the
shell form for specific seashell species.


E. Stach

Planispirally coiled shell Nautilus Planispirally

Fig. 9. Elevation and X-ray view of Chambered Nautilus (Conklin p. 189).

Fig. 10. Rendered computer model of nautilus planispirally coiled shell.

Fig. 11. Diagram of proportioning system of planispirally coiled shell.

Fig. 12. Computer wire frame model of nautilus planispirally coiled shell.

Form-Optimizing in Biological Structures


Helically coiled Gastropod shell

Fig. 13. Elevation and X-ray view of helically coiled gastropod shell (Conklin p. 45).

Fig. 14. Diagram of proportioning system

of helically coiled gastropod shells.

Fig. 15. Computer wire frame model of

helically coiled gastropod shells.

Fig. 16. Rendered computer model of helically coiled gastropod shells.


E. Stach

Helically coiled gastropod shell

Fig. 17. Elevation and X-ray views of helically coiled gastropod shell (Conklin p. 153).

Fig. 18. Diagram of proportioning system of helically coiled gastropod shells.

Fig. 19. Computer wire frame model of helically coiled gastropod shells.

Form-Optimizing in Biological Structures


Fig. 20. Rendered computer model of helically coiled gastropod shells.

Bi-valve shell

Fig. 21. View of Bi-Valve Shell (Harasewych p. 209).

Fig. 22. Elevation of computer wire frame model showing exponential curve of shell

Fig. 23. Three dimensional representation of proportioning system used to develop

curvature bi-valve shell.


E. Stach

Fig. 24. Computer wire frame model of of bi-valve shell.

Fig. 25. Rendered computer model of bi-valve shell.

6. Structural Optimization in Engineering Seashell Structural

The shell geometry responses to any external and internal loads by
redirecting forces within a very thin section of shell structure along its
natural multiple curvatures. Finally these forces are transferred to the
supported area such as ground, rock or sand depending upon how the
seashell positions itself in the environment.
Genetic algorithms
In engineering fields, accomplishing an objective with a minimum of
effort, either in terms of material, time or other expense, is a basic
activity. For this reason it is easy to understand the interest designers
have in different optimization techniques like the seashell structure.
Mathematical, as well as, model based tools have traditionally been
employed for such optimization. In recent times, mathematical methods
executed on computers have become predominant. Unfortunately,
computer derived solutions often obscure the range of possible solutions

Form-Optimizing in Biological Structures


from the designer by only exhibiting a final, best solution. Naturally,

optimization methods can only respond to the objective parameters
which are coded into the problem, and as a result, non-coded parameters,
such as aesthetics, or context are left out of the optimization process, and
ultimately left out of the final design solution.
Structural optimization in engineering takes natural constructions
as an example. Similar to nature itself, computer-generated genetic
algorithms can be calculated using stated goals to achieve global
optimization - the search strategy is, like in nature, goal-oriented. An
evolutionary algorithm maintains a population of structures (usually
randomly generated initially), that evolves according to rules of
selection, recombination, mutation and survival, referred to as genetic
operators. A shared environment determines the fitness or performance
of each individual in the population. The fittest individuals are more
likely to be selected for reproduction (retention or duplication), while
recombination and mutation modifies those individuals, yielding
potentially superior ones. Using algorithms, mechanical selection,
mutation and recombination improves generationally with a fixed
parameter size and quality.

Fig. 26. Structure optimization in the shell structure of a sea urchin.

Fig. 27. Finite Element analysis of sea urchin shell, color coded stress analysis [Process
und Form, K. Teichmann].


E. Stach

Computer-compressed evolution
Design space and finite elements
Computer-compressed evolution like the SKO method (Soft Kill Option)
(Fig. 28) follows the same construction principle that nature employs to
promote for example the shell growth of a sea urchin (Fig. 26/27) or the
silica structure of sea shell (Fig. 1/3). Building material can be removed
wherever there are no stresses, but additional material must be
used where the stresses are greater. This is the simple principle that
evolution has used for millions of years to produces weight optimized
components. Using computer programs based on computer-generated
genetic algorithms like the SKO method, scientists are now able to
simulate this evolution and compress it into a short time span.9

Fig. 28. SKO method (Soft Kill Option). [Hightech Report 1/2003, pp. 6063].

In order to simulate lightweight engineering strategy according to

natures guidelines, scientists using the SKO method must first define a
virtual design space, which represents the outermost parameters of the
component being developed (Fig. 27). To subdivide this design space
into many small individual parts, the finite elements, a grid is applied. If
now a virtually external load applied, the computer calculates the

Form-Optimizing in Biological Structures


resulting force exerted on every one of the finite elements. The FE model
shows exactly where there is no load stress on a component and in turn
shows where it is possible to make savings with regard to the materials
used. On the other hand, for areas that bear heavy stress the simulation
program indicates the need to reinforce the construction material. Like
nature the computer repeats this finite element cycle several times. As a
result, they can refine a component repeatedly until the optimal form
one that evenly distributes the stresses within a component is found.
The abstract geometrical properties of seashells can be described
by there mathematical relationship. The translation of abstracted
nature in mathematical terms and by applying prerequisite architectural
considerations is the fundamental concept of form and structure analyses.
The value of this research is to develop mathematically definable models
of structure systems in nature. The goal is to define a set of structural
principles, and to make those principles applicable for architects and
Seashell structures are perfect study models for self- organization
structures in nature because of there relatively simple physical and
morphological principle and geometry based on four basic mathematical
parameters. Self-organization it the defining principle of nature. It
defines things as simple as a raindrop or as complex as living cell simply a result of physical laws or directives that are implicit in the
material itself. It is a process by which atoms, molecules, molecular
structures and constructive elements create ordered and functional
Engineers are using this concept already successful for optimization
processes in a white range of applications starting in mechanical-,
medicine-, air and space engineering. Architects are only one step away
adopting the same technique for designing in a macro scale buildings and
structures. Material scientists are already designing and producing
new materials or smart materials in a Micro scale using the self
organizing principles. In the future, the material engineers will develop
constructions out of self-structuring materials that consciously use the


E. Stach

principles of self-organization, creating not only materials with brand

new properties but also inspiring architects to define their constructions
in a more intelligent way.
At its best, intelligent structures and materials will influence the
entire philosophy of construction. Engineers will no longer ensure safety
through quantity of material and cost. Simple structural analysis will no
longer suffice; instead, self-organizing structures will define the new
construction principles.
Research Assistant: John Falko, University of Tennessee, College
of Architecture and Design University of Tennessee, College of
Architecture and Design Research Grant
1. DArcy Wentworth Thompson, On Growth and Form, Dover
Publications, Inc., 1992.
2. David M. Raup, The Geometry of Coiling in Gastropods,
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United
States of America, Volume 47, 1961.
3. David M. Raup, Computer as Aid in Describing Form in
Gastropod Shells, Science, July-September 1962.
4. M. B. Cortie, Models for Mollusc Shell Shape, South African,
Journal of Science, 1989.
5. Chris Illert, Foundations of Theoretical Conchology, Hadronic
Press, Inc., 1992.
6. Richard Dawkins, Climbing Mount Improbable, W. W. Norton &
Company, 1997.
7. Hans Meinhardt, The Algorithmic Beauty of Sea Shells, Springer,
8. K. Teichmann, Prozess und Form, Ernst und Sohn.
9. HIGHTECH REPORT 1/2003, 60-63.

Form-Optimizing in Biological Structures


10. Claassen, Cheryl, Shells, Cambridge University Press, 1998,

Cambridge, UK.
11. Conklin, William A., Foreword by Alan H. Shoemaker, Natures
Art: The Inner and Outer Dimensions of the Shell, University of
Carolina Press, 1985, Orangeburg, South Carolina.
12. Harasewych, M. G., Photography by Murray Alcosser, Preface by
Stephen Jay Gould, Shells Jewels.
13. From The Sea, Rizzoli International Publications, Inc., 1989, New
York, New York.
14. Wye, Kenneth R., The Encyclopedia of Shells, Quarto Publishing
plc, 1991, New York, New York.
15. Jirapong, Kamon, Krawczyk, Robert J., Case Study: Modeling the
Interior Structure of Seashells, ISAMA/Bridges Conference, July,

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Franck Jensen1 and S. Pellegrino2

Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, Trumpington Street,
Cambridge CB2 1PZ, United Kingdom
This paper presents a methodology for designing single-degree-offreedom expandable freeform structures composed of rigid blocks
connected through simple cylindrical joints. The underlying idea is to
interconnect two or more individually expandable plate structures.
Using a two-dimensionally expanding sphere as a first example, the
conditions that must be satisfied to preserve the internal mobility when
connecting identical expandable plate structures are explained. These
conditions are then extended to plate structures that are not identical
and it is then shown that a wide range of expandable free-form or
blob structures can be designed through this approach.

1. Introduction
This paper is concerned with the geometric design of expandable
structures consisting of rigid elements connected through cylindrical
hinges or scissor joints that only allow rotation about a single axis. The
authors have been interested in developing stacked assemblies formed by
rigidly interconnecting the expandable plate structures that they had
previously developed.4 The connections between individual plates can
themselves be volume filling, and so the stacked structure can also
become an expandable three-dimensional object. As the plate structures
from which one starts can have any plan shape, and only simple
kinematic constraints have to be satisfied in order for them to maintain


F. Jensen & S. Pellegrino

their internal mobility in the stack configuration, nearly any shape can be
generated, including so-called free-forms or blobs.
The approach presented in this paper starts by developing a method
for rigidly connecting two identical and individually expandable plate
structures, such that the assembled structure only possesses a singledegree-of-freedom. The kinematic constraints that must be satisfied by
the connections and the connected plate structures are derived, and are
shown to allow the stacking of non-identical plate structures as well,
thereby allowing free-form profiles to be obtained for the assembled
This paper is presented as follows. The following section briefly
reviews the kinematic properties of the expandable plate structures that
are to be connected, and their underlying bar structures. Then, the section
An Expandable Sphere describes a method for connecting the plate
structures such that they can form an expandable sphere. The next
section is then concerned with the kinematic constraints that have been
satisfied by these connections and the formulation of a general set of
rules for such connections. These are then used in the following section
to design an expandable free-form or blob structure demonstrating the
possibility of designing vivid and exciting expandable structures using
this method. A brief discussion concludes the paper.
2. Background
Simple expandable structures based on the concept of pantographic
elements, i.e. straight bars connected through scissor hinges have been
known for a long time. One of the simplest forms of such pantographic
structures is the well-known lazy-tong in which a series of pantographic
elements are connected through scissor hinges at their ends to form twodimensional linearly extendible structures.
More sophisticated expandable or deployable structures have been
developed over the last half century.1,2,12 Many of these solutions are
based on the so-called angulated pantographic element.3 In its simplest
form, shown in Figure 1, it consists of two identical angulated elements
each composed of two bars rigidly connected with a kink angle . Unlike

Expandable Blob Structures


pantographic elements composed from collinear

collinear bars, which have = 0,
such angulated elements can be used to form expandable closed
loop structures if the conditions AE = CE and = 2 arctan(EF / AF)
are met.6,10 These conditions guarantee that the following equation of
geometric compatibility is satisfied for all deployment angles,
tan( / 2) =


tan( / 2) + 2



Fig. 1. Pantographic element consisting of two angulated elements, each formed by two

As the kink angle is constant, i.e. independent of , the end joints of

the pantographic element move along radial lines, and so an expandable
closed loop structure can be formed from these elements.
You and Pellegrino10 found that certain multi-angulated elements, i.e.
nks, have the same property.
pantographic elements with multiple ki
Consider the circular structure shown in Figure 2. It consists of two
separate layers, shown with solid and dashed lines, each containing 12
identical multi-angulated elements, which here have three kinks. As the
structure expands, from left to right in the figure, the hinges and hence
both layers of elements expand radially. However, while moving radially
each multi-angulated element in the solid-line layer also rotates


F. Jensen & S. Pellegrino

clockwise as can be seen in the figure. The dashed-line layer, on the other
hand rotates counter-clockwise. Note how the multi-angulated elements
form three concentric rings of rhombus-shaped four-bar linkages all of
which are sheared as the structure expands.

Fig. 2. Retractable structure formed from multi-angulated elements.

Expandable structures composed from rigid plates and scissor or

spherical joints have been proposed.8,9 Kassabian et al.5 proposed
covering the above basic circular bar structure with rigid panels to form a
continuous, gap free covering. As an extension of his earlier work on bar
structures You proposed to replace parts of the bar structure with rigid
elements11; this idea was further developed by Rodriguez and Chilton in
their Swivel Diaphragm.7
The present authors have proposed a method for covering any
multi-angulated bar structure with plates.4 By considering the shearing
deformation of any four-bar linkage formed by the elements common to
two pairs of consecutive angulated elements, the authors determined a
general condition on the shape of the boundary between two covering
elements, such that the plates would not restrict the motion of the
structure while resulting in a gap and overlap free surface in either
extreme position of the structure. The covering of a single rhombus is
shown in Figure 3. The boundary angle for the plate elements is
determined by:

closed open


Expandable Blob Structures


Fig. 3. Movement of four-bar linkage with two plates attached.

In fact, instead of covering the bar structure with plates, it is possible

to remove the angulated elements and connect the plates directly, by
means of scissor hinges at exactly the same locations as in the original
bar structure. Thus, the kinematic behaviour of the expandable structure
remains unchanged. It was shown that, as long
long the plate boundaries have
a certain periodic shape, they need not be straight.4 Figure 4 shows an
example of such an expandable plate structure; this non-circular structure
is formed by 26 plates of different shape.

Fig. 4. Model of non-circular structure where all plate boundaries are different; both
layers are shown.


F. Jensen & S. Pellegrino

3. An Expandable Sphere
To investigate the possibility of creating three-dimensional expandable
structures by stacking identical plate structures, a simple design for the
plate structures was chosen. The design, shown in Figure 5, consists of
16 identical plate elements of which 8 form the bottom layer and 8 the
top layer. As for the bar structure shown in Figure 2, the 8 plates forming
the top layer move radially outwards while rotating clockwise, while the
plates forming the bottom layer (of which only small parts can be seen in
the figure) rotate counter-clockwise. From symmetry it can be concluded
that all plates in the same layer rotate by identical amounts; the rotations
of plates in different layers are equal and opposite.

Fig. 5. Expandable circular plate structure.

Consider two such identical plate structures positioned above one

another, which are to be rigidly connected. In order to preserve the
internal mobility of the two plate structures, the rigid connections must
be made from a single plate in one structure to a single plate in the other
structure. However, noting the opposite rotations of the two layers in
each structure, it is not possible to connect the plates in the top layer of
the bottom structure to the plates in the bottom layer of the top structure
while maintaining the internal mobility of these structures. Instead, the
connections must be either between the top or the bottom layers, as these
have identical motions. This can be achieved by swapping the top and
bottom layers in one of the two structures so that connections can then be
made between the facing and now identical layers of plates. Hence, by
rearranging the order of the layers in one of the two structures it becomes

Expandable Blob Structures


possible to rigidly interconnect them, so they form a stacked and still

expandable assembly.
A stacked assembly composed of identical plate structures would
form a cylinder, but other profiles can be formed by varying the plan
shape of the outer edge of the plate structure.
An expandable assembly that approximates to a spherical profile has
been designed and built from 5 interconnected plate structures. From the
model shown in Figure 6 it can be seen that the 5 structures conform to a
spherical profile in the closed position. Note that the periodic boundaries
of the plate elements on the upper face of each plate structure are convex
in alternate directions, which confirms that the layers have been swapped
in alternate structures. All five plate structures have been produced using
the same plate template, only the outer boundaries of the plates have
been made with different radii. Clearly, the allowable rotation between
the extreme positions of neighbouring plates is identical throughout the
structure, giving identical motions for the 5 plate structures.

Fig. 6. Perspective views of expandable spherical structure.

In Figure 6 the connections between the 5 structures have been shown

as solid rods rigidly attached to the plate elements. However, as the
motion of two connected plates is identical, the connectors themselves
could be formed in a number of different ways. For example, to form an
object with a smooth, continuous surface in the closed configuration, one
can connect the plates using either solid or hollow blocks. By curving the
outer wall of each block, and also the top/bottom surface of the blocks
attached to the uppermost/lowermost plate structure, one can obtain a
continuous spherical profile. The internal faces of the blocks could be


F. Jensen & S. Pellegrino

made perpendicular to the original plate, and follow the periodic edge
shape of the plates.
Figure 7 shows such a spherical model. It was constructed using
identical plastic plate structures of which four were trimmed so that their
outer boundaries form circles of different radii. The connections were
made from identical blocks of light foam board, cut using abrasive waterjet cutting. The blocks were then glued to the back of the individual
plastic plates that form the plate structures and the spherical profile
obtained by removing the excess foam board material.

Fig. 7. Expandable sphere.

4. Stack Structures
To rigidly connect two expandable plate structures the motion of the
individual plates being connected must be identical. Earlier, the motion
of each plate was described as the combination of a radial motion, i.e. a
translation and a rotation. Kassabian et al.5 found that, as the rotation in
the two layers is equal and opposite, imposing an additional rigid body
rotation to the whole structure, equal to the rotation undergone by one of
the layers, the motions of the two layers become a pure rotation and a
pure translation, respectively. If, for example, the imposed rotation is
such that the plates in the top layer of the bottom structure undergo a
pure rotation, then each plate in this layer rotates about its own fixed
Hence, consider two plate structures that are to be connected.
Following the above approach impose the same rigid body rotations on
both structures; clearly the plates in the two connected layers must rotate
about the same axes of rotation and by the same amounts. Since the

Expandable Blob Structures


rotations of two rigidly connected plates are automatically synchronised,

the only kinematic constraint that must be satisfied is that the two plates
have the same axes of rotation. This is the only condition that must be
satisfied for any two plates belonging to different expandable plate
structures to be connected without suppressing the internal mobility of
the plate structures.
It was mentioned in Section 2 that an expandable plate structure is
kinematically equivalent to a bar structure with identically positioned
hinges. It is therefore possible to identify the centres of rotation for the
equivalent bar structure, instead of the plate structures themselves. It is
therefore proposed to start the design of an expandable stack assembly
by considering its underlying bar structures; a particular embodiment as a
plate structure will be determined later on.
Following Hoberman,3 an expandable bar structure of general shape
is generated in its open configuration by considering an n-sided polygon.
Each angulated element is then defined so that its central scissor hinge
coincides with a vertex of the polygon and its end points coincide with
the midpoint of the adjacent polygon sides. Thus, in Figure 8(a) we have
defined two noncircular structures; structure I is drawn with a thinner
line, structure II is drawn with a thicker line. Structures consisting of
multi-angulated elements can be generated by adding any number of
rhombuses to this base structure.10
Kassabian et al.5 showed that the axis of rotation for any particular
angulated element is at the half-way point between the origin of the
polygon, O, and the vertex defining the central hinge of the element.
Hence, all the axes of rotation are at the vertices of a polygon that is
half the size of that defining the elements themselves, as shown in
Figure 8(a). Therefore, together with the location of the chosen origin,
the initial polygon determines the location of the axes of rotation. Or,
alternatively, a polygon defining the axes of rotation together with a
chosen origin point define a bar structure, and hence also a plate
structure that will rotate about those specific axes when it is expanded.
In Figure 8 note that the bar structures I and II have been defined
such that three centres of rotation Acen, Bcen, and Ccen are common
to the two structures. Hence, the elements A, B and C of the two
structures, drawn as solid lines, can be rigidly connected to each other as


F. Jensen & S. Pellegrino

shown. It can also be seen in the figure that the allowable rotation of the
stacked structure is limited by contact at DII in the extreme closed
For an assembly where all the plates in each layer are to be
connected, the axes of rotation for all elements of the two layers must
coincide. Hence, the polygons defining the axes must also be identical.
As these polygons also define the open plan shape of the structures,
when scaled to double size, the two layers must therefore be formed from
identical polygons. However, the location of the origin for the two
structures need not coincide, as was the case for the spherical assembly
where they were both located on the central axis of the expandable
sphere. In Figure 8 note the different origins OI and OII.
Note in Figure 8(a) that the axes of rotation could be chosen to be the
same also for the elements in the dashed-line layers but this is only the
case when the structures can be expanded fully, i.e. the dashed- and
solid-line layers coincide when fully expanded. This is not normally the
case as the physical size of hinges and plates will prevent this and thus
different axes have to be identified if another structure has to be added to
the stack, by connecting two facing dashed-line layers.

Fig. 8. Stacked bar assembly in three different configurations; (a) fully open;
(b) intermediate; (c) closed.

5. An Expandable Blob
Having determined the overall kinematic constraints that must be
satisfied for two plate structures to be connected together, a more

Expandable Blob Structures


complex structure will be presented in this section. Three different

configurations of this expandable structure are shown in Figure 9.
The first step in the design of this structure is to define its outer shape
in the closed configuration. Next, one decides how many layers of blocks
are to be used. Here, 6 layers have been used and hence there are 5 sets
of connections to be designed. Then, one defines the underlying bar
structures for any pair of plate structures that are to be connected. Here
each bar structure consists of 6 identical angulated elements and hence
has 6-fold symmetry. These structures are shown in Figure 10 for a
particular pair of plates, where the two structures have been drawn with
thicker and thinner lines; note that the two layers to be connected are
those shown with solid lines. Also note that individual elements of these
bar structures rotate about the same axes of rotation (although they do
not share a common origin) and hence they can be rigidly connected to
each other, as shown in the previous section.
One of the complications of generating a structure with a complex
three-dimensional shape is that the top and bottom faces of the blocks
from which it is made may have different shapes.

Fig. 9. Perspective views of an expanding blob structure.

Fig. 10. Plate structures for generation solid blocks.


F. Jensen & S. Pellegrino

Hence, in addition to the underlying bar structures, the shapes

of the top faces of the bottom layer of blocks and the bottom face of
the top layer of blocks need to be defined. In this particular case, see
Figure 10, these shapes were chosen to be identical, though they are
offset with respect to one another. In general, they need not be identical
but, as the motion of the two solid-line underlying bar structures is
identical, the boundaries determined using Equation 2 will always be
The shape chosen here is such that there would be no central opening
in the closed position, unlike the spherical model of the previous section
where there is a small opening. The periodic shape of the boundaries was
determined such that in the expanded configuration the central opening
would be perfectly circular, as before. But, unlike the previous model
this does not result in a smooth cylindrical opening though the whole
structure as the individual layers have been offset. Another effect of the
layers being offset is that the internal faces of the blocks need to be
inclined. For the current model these faces have been created by
extruding the lower face of the block along an inclined circular arc. The
periodic walls can hence be doubly curved, as shown in Figure 9, without
impeding the motion of the structure.
Note that, although the outer edges of the plates have been shown as
circular arcs, their actual shape is determined by the three-dimensional
profile of the structure. For the current freeform profile model the
outer boundaries for the bottom and top faces of the blocks are not
identical. This and the inclined, curved extrusion path result in each
block being unique.
The model in Figure 9 has not yet been realised physically, though
this would be possible using rapid prototyping techniques, for example.
Its manufacture is complicated by the offset of the individual layers,
which results in non-collinear hinges. Models without offsets are easier
to manufacture and assemble; such models can be made from identical
blocks connected using long thin rods for the connections. The required
symmetric or free-form profile can be generated by machining the outer
face of the assembled structure.

Expandable Blob Structures


6. Conclusion
An investigation into three-dimensional expandable shapes made by
rigidly interconnecting individually expandable plate structures has been
presented. It has been shown that it is possible to create structures with
highly irregular shapes; the internal mobility of the plate structures is
preserved if simple kinematic constraints are satisfied. Several models
have been designed and constructed to verify and demonstrate this
finding, of which two have been shown in this paper. The two models
presented show that it is possible to create such expandable assemblies
with almost any plan and profile shape. They can hence be visually
pleasing and attractive for applications in architecture and design.

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