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Noise Pollution English Brochure

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Noise pollution is a

global problem.
That is why you need to
know some important facts
or you end up

becoming deaf !!!

no iseee hhuurrts
The Truth behind Noise Pollution
Objective : To create awareness about Noise Pollution,
health effects, existing laws, rules, regulations and
judicial decisions.


Trust promoted by

Regd. No.: 16/2014

Issued in Public Interest

98852 06666 / 80086 68888

What is Noise Pollution ?

Noise pollution or noise disturbance is the
disturbing or excessive noise that may harm the
activity or balance of human or animal life.The source
of most outdoor noise worldwide is mainly caused by
machines and transportation systems, motor vehicles,
aircraft, and trains. Outdoor noise is summarized by
the word environmental noise. Poor urban planning may
give rise to noise pollution, since side-by-side industrial
and residential buildings can result in noise pollution in
the residential areas.
If the Noise is 10 decibels more than the
below mentioned air quality standards, it will be
treated as Noise Pollution.


standards in respect of Noise ?
SCHEDULE (see rule 3(1) and 4(1)

Category of
Area / Zone
Industrial area
Commercial area
Residential area
Silence Zone

Limits in dB9A) Leq

Day Time
Night Time

1. Day time shall mean from 6.00 a.m.To 10.00 p.m.

2. Night time shall mean from 10.00 p.m.To 6.00 p.m.
3. Silence zone is an area comprising not less than 100
metres around hospital, educational institutions,
courts, religious places or any other area which is
declared as such by the competent authority.
4. Mixed categorizes of areas may be declared as one
of the four above mentioned categories by the
competent authority. The intensity of sound is
measured according to the above decibels.
Therefore, as per government norms noise levels
should be maintained as shown above. Any sound in
excess of the above decibels will be treated as noise

What are the different kinds of sounds

and their measurement in decibels ?
Various Equipments & Sounds

Sound In

Gun shot / Big Temple Bells
Threshold of Pain
Large Jet Airplane on take off
Rock Band
Jackhammer / Small Temple Bells
Heavy Truck
Medium Truck
Passenger Car
Normal Conversation
Suburban residential neighborhood
Quite living room
Quite rural setting


What is the maximum permissible time our

ears can be exposed to sound pollution?
God has given us the opportunity to listen
through our ears which has some limits. When our
ears are exposed to sounds beyond the ambient
levels we need to take precautions. The maximum
time our ears can be exposed to noise pollution is
given below.
Noise Level

Maximum Exposure
Time per 24 Hours


8 Hours
4 Hours
2 Hours
1 Hour
30 Minutes
15 Minutes
7.5 Minutes
3.7 Minutes
112 Seconds
56 Seconds
28 Seconds
14 Seconds
7 Seconds
3 Seconds
1 Second
Less than 1 Second

E What are the effects of noise pollution ?

The negative consequences of the damage caused
by noise pollution Noise pollution cannot be ignored.
According to World Health Organization (WHO)
noise pollution has the following effects on human beings:
1. Interferences with social behavior (aggressiveness,
protest and helplessness).
2. Interference with speech communication.
3. Affects performance at work/school.
4. Pain and hearing fatigue.
5. Hearing impairment including tinnitus (the feeling
of ringing or buzzing in the ears when actually there
is no sound of any kind).
6. Annoyance.
7. Sleep disturbance and other consequences on al
long and short term basis.
8. Cardiovascular effects.
9. Hormonal responses (stress hormones) and their
possible consequences on human metabolism
(nutrition) and immune system.

Exposure for long periods of time can result in

permanent loss of hearing. High noise levels are
dangerous for foetus and can cause behavioral
changes in babies.
F What are the established Laws in India on
Noise Pollution ?
1) Article 21 inThe Constitution Of India 1949 :
Protection of life and personal liberty. No
person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty
except according to procedure established by law.
So any person who wants to live calm,
comfortable and quiet living can restrict and take
measures for controlling and avoiding Noise
Pollution. Any person can practice any religion.
However, he can not create the noise pollution by
loud speakers and electronic equipments.
2) Section 133 in The Code Of Criminal
Procedure, 1973 :
Conditional order for removal of nuisance.
Whenever a District Magistrate or a Sub- divisional
Magistrate or any other Executive Magistrate
specially empowered in this of behalf by the State
Government, on receiving the report of a police
officer or other information and on taking such
evidence (if any) as he thinks fit, considers - that any
unlawful obstruction or nuisance should be removed
from any public place or from any way, river or
channel which is or may be lawfully used by the

Based on the duration of exposure, noise can

have multiple effects on human beings. Some of
which are listed below:

Eardrum is damaged when exposed to very loud and

sudden noises. The hair cells in the inner ear are
chronically damaged. Prolonged exposure to noise of
certain frequency pattern leads to hearing loss.

According to Kryter in 1970, noise causes heart

beat to decrease with fluctuations in artrail blood
pressure and vasoconstriction (decrease in the
diameter) of peripheral blood vessels.

Studies indicate the blood is thickened by

excessive noise. Eosinophilia (a symptom of
allergy), hyperglycemia (Abnormally high blood
sugar), hypokalaemia (Abnormally law level
potassium in the circulating blood leading to
weakness and heart abnormalities) and
hypoglycemia (Abnormally low blood sugar) are
caused by alteration in the blood due to noise.

Noise affects professional performance including

the ability to concentrate especially of those who
require precision and attention in their work.

Exposure to high noise levels for short period of

time can result in temporary loss of hearing.

noise standards for the area or 75 dB (A)

whichever is lower;
iv) Restrictions on the use of horns, sound emitting
construction equipments and bursting of fire

3) Section 268 inThe Indian Penal Code :

Public nuisance: A person is guilty of a public
nuisance who does any act or is guilty of an illegal
omission which causes any common injury, danger
or annoyance to the public or to the people in
general who dwell or occupy property in the
vicinity, or which must necessarily cause injury,
obstruction, danger or annoyance to persons who
may have occasion to use any public right. A
common nuisance is not excused on the ground
that it causes some convenience or advantage.
4) Section 290 inThe Indian Penal Code :
Punishment for public nuisance in cases not
otherwise provided for : Whoever commits a
public nuisance in any case not otherwise
punishable by this Code, shall be punished with
fine which may extend to two hundred rupees.
5) Section 291 inThe Indian Penal Code :
Continuance of nuisance after injunction to
discontinue.Whoever repeats or continues a public
nuisance, having been enjoined by any public servant
who has lawful authority to issue such injunction
not to repeat or continue such nuisance, shall be
punished with simple imprisonment for a term
which may extend to six months, or with fine, or
with both.

No horn shall be used in silence zones or during

night time in residential areas except during a
public emergency.

Sound emitting fire crackers shall not be burst in

silence zone or during night time.

Sound emitting construction equipments shall

not be used or operated during night time in
residential areas and silence zones.
7. Consequences of any violation in silence zone /
area :
Whoever, in any place covered under the silence zone /
area commits any of the following offence, he shall be
liable for penalty under the provisions of the Act :
(i) whoever, plays any music or uses any sound
(ii) whoever, beats a drum or tom-tom or blows a
horn either musical or pressure, or trumpet or
beats or sounds any instrument, or
(iii) whoever, exhibits any mimetic, musical or other
performances of a nature to attract crowds.
(iv) whoever, bursts sound emitting fire crackers; or
(v) whoever, uses a loud speaker or a public address
8. Complaints to be made to the authority :

6. The Noise Pollution (Regulation and

Control) Rules, 2000. The essence of the
rules are given below :
i) A loud speaker or a public address system shall
not be used except after obtaining written
permission from the authority.
ii) A loud speaker or a public address system or
any sound producing instrument or a musical
instrument or a sound amplifier shall not be
used at night time except in closed premises
for communication within, like auditoria,
conference rooms, community halls, banquet
halls or during a public emergency.
iii) The noise level at the boundary of the public
place, where loudspeaker or public address
system or any other noise source is being used
shall not exceed 10 dB (A) above the ambient

A person may, if the noise level exceeds the

ambient noise standards by 10 dB (A) or more
given in the corresponding columns against any
area / zone or, if there is a violation of any
provision of these rules regarding restrictions
imposed during night time, make a complaint to
the authority.

The authority shall act on the complaint and take

action against the violator in accordance with the
provisions of these rules and any other law in

What are the GO's released by State

Government of Noise Pollution ?

A) In accordance with the Central Government Rules

on Noise Pollution the State Government has
issued G.O.M.S.No. 172, Dated:
12-10-2010 to prevent noise
pollution. Apart from
implementing all the terms
and conditions given in
Central Rules, Levy of
Penalty has been

6. No film songs or music should be

7. Should not cause sound
8. No crackers should be used/burst
in the premises.
9. No derogatory, inflammatory words should be
uttered against any individuals/ parties/ religion,
particular sections or society.
10. It should be the responsibility of the organizer/
applicant to ensure that the above conditions are
strictly implemented. Violation of conditions or any
grounds in public interest would entail cancellation of
the permission apart from prosecution under the
Hyderabad City Police act, 1348 fasli (No.lX) r/w rule
7 of Cyberabad metropolitan police act 2004 & 188

An amount of Rs. 2,000/- for First offence and Rs.

4,000/- for subsequent offence will be levied if the
source of Noise Pollution is stationary at one place
resulting in accumulative damage to the Nervous
System causing blood pressure.
B) Under Section 15 of Environment Protection Act,
1986 a proven offender can be punished with
imprisonment for a term upto 5 years with fine,
upto One Lakh rupees or with both. In case the
contravention continues a fine upto Rs. 5000/- for
every day may be levied.
Under the same rules if the failure or
contravention continues beyond a period of 1 year
and after the date of conviction, the offender shall
be punishable with imprisonment for a term, which
may extend to 7 years.

Should we take mike permission and what

are the rules ?

What is the Judicial opinion in India on

Noise Pollution ?

Mike permission is must for operating Sound system

and should be applied paying a fees of Rs. 100/- per day in
Mee Seva Center.
Commissioner of Police concerned, Dy. Commissioner of Police of the jurisdiction and Asst.
Commissioner of Police of the area are the competent
authority to grant "Mike Permission" under rule 22(1)
(a) to (f) and 22 (2) (a) and (b) of Hyderabad City Police
Act R/w Rule 7 of Cyberabad Metropolitan Police
Act 2004.
Terms & Conditions :
(being imposed for usage of Mike/PA System).
The applicant shall use two box type speakers only.
The public addressing system shall not be used in the
night in between 10 P.M. and 6 A.M. in accordance with
the directions of the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India,
New Delhi as per the noise levels prescribed for
different areas shown in the table given in point "B".
The volume/sound of the speaker shall be kept low
as stipulated in the G.O. Rt. No. 227, Environment,
Forests, Sciences and Technology (ENV) Department,
1. DJ is strictly prohibited as directed by the Hon'ble
Supreme Court of India.
2. The programme is strictly restricted in other than
the specified place.
3. Organizer should not cause any inconvenience to
the traffic.
Should not cause any
disturbance to the public peace
and tranquillity and
5. Should not cause any

Inspite of Several Acts and Rules, people are

continuously in violation and causing Noise Pollution.
Many victims to Noise Pollution have approached
High Courts and Supreme Courts to get Justice and
were successful in doing so. Some of the Important
judgements in various High Courts and Supreme
Court have been given for clear understanding.

Case-I : The Supreme Court in Church of God

(Full Gospel) in India Vs. K.K.R. Majestic
Colony Welfare Assn. MANU/SC/0537/2000
held that the Court may issue directions in respect of
controlling noise pollution even if such noise was a
direct result of and was connected with religious
activities. It was further held:"Undisputedly, no religion prescribes that
prayers should be performed by disturbing the peace
of others nor does it preach that they should be
through voice amplifiers or beating of drums. In our
view, in a civilized society in the name of religion,
activities which disturb old or infirm persons,
students or children having their sleep in the early
hours or during daytime or other persons carrying on
other activities cannot be permitted."
"It should not be forgotten that young babies in
the neighbourhood are also entitled to enjoy their
natural right of sleeping in a peaceful atmosphere. A
student preparing for his examination is entitled to
concentrate on his studies without their being any
unnecessary disturbance by the neighbours. Similarly,
the old and the infirm are entitled to enjoy reasonable
quietness during their leisure hours without there
being any nuisance of noise pollution. Aged, sick,
people afflicted with psychic disturbances as well as
children up to 6 years of age are considered to be very
.sensible (sic sensitive) to noise. Their rights are also
required to be honoured."

Case-II : In Kirori Mai Bishambar Dayal Vs.

The State MANU/PH/0003/1958. accused/
petitioner was convicted and sentenced under
Section 20.0 of Indian Penal Code 1860 and was
fined Rs. 50 for causing noise and emitting smoke
and vibrations by operating of heavy machinery in
the residential area.
Case-III : Bhuban Ram and On. Vs. Bibhuti
Bhushan Biswas AIR 1919 Calcutta 539, it was
held that working of a paddy husking machine at
night causes nuisance by noise and the occupier was
held liable to be punished under Section 290 IPC.
Case-IV : In Rabin Mukherjee Vs. State of
West Bengal MANU/WB/0058/1985 the use of
air horns was prohibited by the court to prevent
noise pollution.The Court observed:
" is found that the atmosphere and the
environment is very much polluted from
indiscriminating noise emitted from different
quarters and on research it was found that persons
who are staving near the Airport, are becoming
victim of various ailments. Such persons even
become victim of mental disease. On such research
it was also found that workers in various factories
even become deaf and hard of hearing. It was further
found on such research that as a result of this
excessive noise pollution, people suffer from loss of
appetite, depression, mental restlessness and
insomnia. People also suffer from complain of
excessive blood pressure and heart trouble.
Case-V : In Burrabazar Fireworks Dealers
Association Vs. Commissioner of Police.
Calcutta. MANU/ WB/ 00078/1997 it has been
"Article 19 of the Constitution of India does not
guarantee the fundamental right to cam- on trade or
business which creates pollution or which takes
away that communities safety, health and peace. A
citizen or people cannot be made a captive listener
to hear the tremendous sounds caused by bursting
out from a noisy fireworks. It may give pleasure to
one or two persons who burst it but others have to

be a captive listener whose fundamental

rights guaranteed under Article 19 and
other provisions of the Constitution are
taken away, suspended and made meaningless.
...Under Article 19, read withy Article 21 of the
constitution of India, the citizens have a right of
decent environment and they have a right to live
peacefully, right to sleep at night and to have a
right to leisure which are all necessary under
Article 21 of the Constitution."
w Case-VI : In Appa Rao. M.S. Vs. Govt, of T.N.
(1995) 1 LW 319 (Mad), the Madras High Court
taking a note of the serious health hazard and
disturbance to public order and tranquility caused by
the uncontrolled noise pollution prevailing in the
State, issued a writ of mandamus for directing State
Government to impose strict conditions for issue of
license for the use of amplifiers and loudspeakers and
for directing Director-General, Police (Law and Order)
to impose total ban on use of horn type loudspeakers
and amplifiers and air horns of automobiles.
Case-VII : In PA. Jacob Vs. the Superintendent
of Police. MANU/KE/0001/1993. it was said - "The
right to speech implies, the right to silence. It implies
freedom, not to listen, and not to be forced to listen.
The right comprehends freedom to be free from what
one desires to be free from. Free speech is not to be
treated as a promise to everyone with opinions and
beliefs, to gather at any place and at any time and express
their views in any manner. The right is subordinate to
peace and order. A person can decline to read a
publication, or switch off a radio or a television set. But,
he cannot prevent the sound from a loudspeaker
reaching him. He could be forced to hear what, he
wishes not, to hear.That will be an invasion of his right
to be let alone, to hear what he wants to hear, or not
to hear, what he does not wish to hear. "
Case-VIII : In Free Legal Aid Cell Shri Suqan
Chand Apaarwal alias Bhaaatii Vs. Govt. of
NCTof Delhi and Ors.MANU/DE/ 06W2001. it
was said that "Pollution being wrongful contamination
of the environment which causes material injury to
the right of an individual, noise can well be regarded as
a pollutant because it contaminates environment,
causes nuisance and affects the health of a person and
would therefore, offend Article 21, if it exceeds a
reasonable limit."
Case-IX : In Charan Lai Sahu Vs. Union of India
MANU/ SC/0285/1990 the Supreme Court
reiterated the need to create separate tribunals and
asserted the need to appoint a body of experts to
advice the Government on environmental issues.
Case-X : In M.C. Mehta Vs Union of India
MANU/SC/ 1081/2003 this Court has emphasized
the need for creating environmental awareness
amongst students through education.

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Noise pollution can be effectively controlled by

taking the following measures:
1. Control at Receivers End:
For people working in noisy
installations, ear-protection aids
like ear-plugs, ear-muffs, noise
helmets, headphones etc. must be
provided to reduce occupational
2. Suppression of Noise at Source:
This is possible if working methods are improved
s Designing, fabricating and
using quieter machines to
replace the noisy ones.
s Proper lubrication and
better maintenance of
s Installing noisy machines in
soundproof chambers.
s Covering noise-producing machine parts with
sound-absorbing materials to check noise
s Reducing the noise produced from a vibrating
machine by vibration damping i.e. making a
layer of damping material (rubber, neoprene,
cork or plastic) beneath the machine.
s Using silencers to control noise from
automobiles, ducts,
exhausts etc. and convey
systems with ends opening
into the atmosphere.
s Using glass wool or
mineral wool covered with
a sheet of perforated metal for the purpose of
mechanical protection.
s Regular servicing and tuning of Automobiles
can effectively reduce the noise pollution.
3. Acoustic Zoning:
Increased distance between source and receiver
by zoning of noisy industrial areas, bus terminals
and railway stations, aerodromes etc. away from
the residential areas would go a long way in
minimising noise pollution. There should be
silence zones near the residential areas,
educational institutions and above all, near
4. Sound Insulation at Construction Stages:
s Sound travels through the cracks that get left
between the door and the wall. For reducing
noise, this space (jamb frame gap) should be
packed with sound absorbing material.

s Sound insulation can be done by

constructing windows with double

or triple panes of glass and filling
the gaps with sound absorbing
s Acoustical tiles, hair felt,
perforated plywood etc. can be fixed on walls,
ceilings, floors etc. to reduce noise (especially
for soundproof recording rooms etc.)
5. Planting of Trees:
Planting green trees and
shrubs along roads,
hospitals, educational
institutions etc. help in
noise reduction to a
considerable extent.
6.Legislative Measures:
Strict legislative measures need to be enforced to
curb the menace of noise pollution. Some of these
measures could be:
7. Reduction of Sound Pollution in Temples : Of
late there is considerable extent of sound
emanating from Temples causing Noise Pollution.
The below mentioned solutions can be
implemented for controlling the Noise pollution.
a) TEMPLE BELLS : In olden days
the temple bell which is made of
Copper/Five metals had the
clapper made of Moduga,
Maredu or Devadaru Tree. Due to
this, the sound from the bell will
be very slow and soothing thus
avoiding noise pollution.
b) SOUND SYSTEM : Only Announcements
regarding programmes in temple should be done
through Horn speakers. At the same time, for
cultural activities in temple sound system should
be restricted to the place where programme is
taking place.
Finally the sound level in temples should stay below
50 decibels during daytime and 40 decibels in night
(Silence Zone Area) as prescribed in Govt. rules.
Besides all the above measures, following steps should
be followed to prevent noise pollution.

Raising public awareness about the effects of noise


Distributing up-to-date information regarding noise


s Strengthening laws and governmental efforts to control

noise pollution.

Our sincere advise and request is that please do not cause Noise Pollution and also stop those who do the same.

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