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50 Essential Beliefs

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50 Essential Islamic Beliefs Quick Reference from Bjrs Epistle

The following are the 20 Attributes of Affirmation.

It is necessary to affirm the following attributes:
1. Wujd Existence. That Allh tl exists.
2. Qidam Pre-eternity. Allh tl has always existed
without a beginning.
3. Baqa Eternal, endless existence. Allh tl shall
exist forever without an end.
4. Mukhlafatu lil awdith He is unlike anything
else. Everything else is an accident; brought into

12. Baar Sight. He Sees everything, but His Seeing is

transcendent; that is, without organs such as eyes,
and unlike the seeing of creation.
13. Kalm Speech. His Divine speech is pre-eternal,
uncreated and transcendent from letters and
14. Qdir He is The Powerful.
15. Murd He Wills.
16. lim He is the Knower.
17. ayy He is the Living.

existence by the Creator (Allh Himself) and was

previously non-existent. The Attributes of Allh

18. Sam He is the Hearer.

tl are also unlike anything else. [Accident any

19. Bar He is the Seer.

entity or event contingent upon the existence of

something else.]

20. Mutakallim He is the Speaker (of Divine Speech).

5. Qiym bin Nafs Self-subsisting. He exists by

The opposite of the above, are the 20 Attributes of

Himself, without any help or dependence on

Negation. It is necessary to negate the following

anything else.

attributes for Allh tl.

6. Wadniyyah Absolute Oneness. He is One and

alone in His Self, His Attributes and His Actions.
7. Qudrah Divine Power that encompasses all
8. Irdah His Divine Will ordains things to exist or
not exist. His Will is Absolutely Free from being
influenced or compelled.
9. lm Divine Knowledge. He Knows everything and
His Knowledge encompasses everything. Nothing is

21. dam Non-existence. It is impossible that Allh

tl would cease to exist.
22. udth Being an accident. That is, something
which did not previously exist and came into
existence at some point in time.
23. Fan Annihilation, termination, end. It is
impossible for Allh tl to cease existing.
24. Mumthalah Similitude. It is impossible for Allh
tl to have resemblance to anything in Creation.

unknown to Him.
10. ayh Life [unlike the lives of everything else]. He
Lives without the possibility of death; everything

25. Itiyj Dependence. It is impossible for Him to be

dependent on anything.

shall die or perish, except Him. He has always

26. Ta-ddud Plurality, multiplicity, many. It is

existed without a beginning and shall exist eternally.

impossible for something to exist along with Him,

11. Sama Hearing. He Hears everything, but His

Hearing is transcendent; that is, without organs such
as ears, and unlike the hearing of creation.

whether as a partner or as a rival or a competitor.

27. jz Powerlessness, incapacity. It is impossible for
Allh tl to be attributed with weakness or

28. Karhah Compulsion. It is impossible for Allh

Things that are necessary attributes of Prophets and

tl to be attributed with being compelled to do

Messengers of Allh:


42. idq Truth. It is necessary for Prophets and

29. Jahl Ignorance. It is impossible for Allh tl to

be attributed with ignorance or that He lacks
knowledge of something.
30. Mawt Death. It is impossible for Allh tl to be
attributed with death.
31. amam Deafness. It is impossible for Allh tl
to not hear something. He Hears everything.
32. m Blindness. It is impossible for Allh tl to
not see something. He Sees everything.

Messengers to be truthful. It is impossible for them

to lie. If not, their message would become suspect.
43. Amnah Honesty. It is necessary for Prophets and
Messengers to be honest.
44. Tablgh Preaching and delivering the Divine
Message. It is obligatory for Prophets and
Messengers of Allh to deliver the Divine Message
of Allh tl to the people.
45. Fanah Intelligence. It is obligatory for Prophets
and Messengers of Allh to be intelligent.

33. Bakam Muteness, inability to speak. It is

Given below are the opposites of the above attributes,

impossible for Allh tl to be unable to speak. He

which are impossible for Prophets and Messengers

Speaks by His own Will, without any hindrance.

of Allh:

34. jiz Weak or incapable. It is impossible for Allh

46. Kadhib Falsehood. It is impossible for Prophets to

tl to be attributed with incapability. He is

lie. Else, it would imply that the Speech of Allh tl

Omnipotent and every thing that is possible is in His

is false, which is itself absolutely impossible [mul].

35. Krih Compelled. It is impossible for Allh tl
to be compelled by something. Allh tl is
Absolutely Independent and exercises His Will
without fear or obstruction.
36. Jhil Ignorant. It is impossible for Allh tl to be
attributed with ignorance. He Knows everything
and is the Absolute Knower.
37. Mayyit Dead. It is impossible for Allh tl to be
attributed with death. He is ever-living without a
beginning and without an end.

47. Khiynah Betrayal, breach of trust. It is impossible

for Prophets to be dishonest, treacherous or betray
their trusts.
48. Kitmn Concealment.

It is impossible for

Prophets to conceal any portion of the message that

they were commanded by Allh tl to deliver.
49. Baldah Stupidity, foolishness. It is impossible for
Prophets and Messengers of Allh tl to be
attributed with lack of intelligence.
50. POSSIBILITY It is possible for Prophets and
Messengers of Allh tl to be attributed with
human traits that are not flaws, nor contradict their

38. Aamm Deaf. It is impossible for Allh tl to be

described as deaf. He Hears everything.
39. Am Blind. It is impossible for Allh tl to be
described as blind. He Sees everything.
40. Abkam Mute. It is impossible for Allh tl to be
described as mute. He Speaks of His own Volition.

noble and lofty stature. Human attributes such as

suffering an ailment etc. are possible for Prophets.
Conclusion It is necessary to believe that our Master
will intercede for sinful believers on the Final Day. It

is also necessary to believe that one has to cross the

Bridge [r], and that deeds will be weighed on a Scale
[mzn] that day and that the believers will be given

41. It is possible for Allh tl to do or to leave anything

water from the Prophets special pond [aw]. It is

that is contingent. [Mul and Wjib are precluded

necessary to believe in all Prophets and Messengers in

from Divine Power].

general, and specifically the twenty-five or twenty- six

mentioned by name in the Noble Qurn.

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