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Example 4 Estimating relative costs of construction labor as a function of geographical area.

If a
given chemical process plant is erected near Dallas (Southwest area) with a construction labor cost
of $100,000 what would be the construction labor cost of an identical plant if it were to be erected
at the same time near Los Angeles (Pacific Coast Area) for the time when the factors given in Table
20 apply?
Relative median labor rate-Southwest 0.88 from Table 20 Relative median labor rate-Pacific Coast
1.22 from Table 20
Relative labor rate ratio = ------------------------- = 1.3864
Relative productivity factor-Southwest 1.04 from Table 20 Relative productivity factor-Pacific
Coast 0.89 from Table 20
Relative productivity factor ratio = y^ = 0.8558
Construction labor cost of Southwest to Pacific Coast = (1.3864)/(0.8558) = 1.620 Construction
labor cost at Los Angeles = (1.620X$100,000) = $162,000

Example 5 Estimation of fixed-capital investment with power factor applied to plant-capacity ratio.
If the process plant, described in Example 1, was erected in the Dallas area for a fixed-capital
investment of $436,000 in 1975, determine what the estimated fixed-capital investment would have
been in 1980 for a similar
process plant located near Los Angeles with twice the process capacity but with an equal number of
process units? Use the power-factor method to evaluate the new fixed-capital investment and
assume the factors given in Table 20 apply.
Solution. If Eq. (8) is used with a 0.6 power factor and the Marshall and Swift all-industry index
(Table 3), the fixed-capital investment is
C = CfE(R)x
660 \ n , C = (436,000)1 ^J(2)0'6
If Eq. (8) is used with a 0.7 power factor and the Marshall and Swift all-industry index (Table 3),
the fixed-capital investment is
C = (436,000)|~J(2)7 = $1,053,000

If Eq. (9) is used with a 0.6 power factor, the Marshall and Swift all-industry index (Table 3), and
the relative labor and productivity indexes (Table 20), the fixed- capital investment is
where / = fgfLeL, and D and Z are obtained from Example 1,
C= (1.486) (1.620) (467.000 + 128,000) C = $1,432,000
If Eq. (9) is used with a 0.7 power factor, the Marshall and Swift all-industry index (Table 3),
and the relative labor and productivity indexes (Table 20), the fixed-capital investment is
C = $1,513,000

Example 7 Break-even point, gross earnings, and net profit for a process plant.
The annual direct production costs for a plant operating at 70 percent capacity are $280,000 while
the sum of the annual fixed charges, overhead costs, and general expenses is $200,000. What is the
break-even point in units of production per year if total annual sales are $560,000 and the product
sells at $40 per unit? What were the annual gross earnings and net profit for this plant at 100
percent capacity in 1988 when corporate income taxes required a 15 percent tax on the first $50,000
of annual gross earnings, 25 percent on annual gross earnings of $50,000 to $75,000, 34 percent on
annual gross earnings above $75,000, and 5 percent on gross earnings from $100,000 to $335,000?
Solution. The break-even point (Fig. 6-3) occurs when the total annual product cost equals the total
annual sales. The total annual product cost is the sum of the fixed costs (including fixed charges,
overhead, and general expenses) and the direct production costs for n units per year. The total
annual sales is the product of the number of units and the selling price per unit. Thus
Direct production cost/unit =-------------------------- $20/unit

(560,000/40) = '

and the number of units needed for a break-even point is given by

200,000 + 20n = 40n 200,000
= 10,000 units/year
This is [(10,000)/(14,000/0.7)]100 = 50% of the present plant operating capacity. Gross annual
earnings = total annual sales total annual product cost 14,000
= ^ units (MO/unit) 14,000
200,000 + units ($20/unit)
= 800,000 - 600,000 = $200,000

Net annual earnings = gross annual earnings income taxes

= 200,000 - [(0.15)(50,000) + (0.25)(25,000) + (0.34)(200,000 - 75,000) + (0.05)(200,000 100,000)] = 200,000 - 61,250 = $138,750

1. The purchased cost of a shell-and-tube heat exchanger (floating head and carbon-steel tubes)
with 100 ft2 of heating surface was $3000 in 1980. What will be the purchased cost of a similar
heat exchanger with 200 ft2 of heating surface in 1980 if the purchased-cost-capacity exponent
is 0.60 for surface area ranging from 100 to 400 ft2? If the purchased-cost-capacity exponent for
this type of exchanger is 0.81 for surface areas ranging from 400 to 2000 ft2, what will be the
purchased cost of a heat exchanger with 1000 ft2 of heating surface in 1985?
2. Plot the 1985 purchased cost of the shell-and-tube heat exchanger outlined in the previous
problem as a function of the surface area from 100 to 2000 ft2. Note that the purchased-costcapacity exponent is not constant over the range of surface area requested.
3. The purchased and installation costs of some pieces of equipment are given as a function of
weight rather than capacity. An example of this is the installed costs of large tanks. The 1980
cost for an installed aluminum tank weighing 100,000 lb was $390,000. For a size range from
200,000 to 1,000,000 lb, the installed cost-weight exponent for aluminum tanks is 0.93. If an
aluminum tank weighing 700,000 lb is required, what is the present capital investment needed?
4. What weight of installed stainless-steel tank could have been obtained for the same capital
investment as in the previous problem? The 1980 cost for an installed 304 stainless-steel tank
weighing 300,000 lb was $670,000. The installed cost-weight exponent for stainless tanks is
0.88 for a size range from 300,000 to 700,000 lb.
5. The purchased cost of a 1400-gal stainless-steel tank in 1980 was $7500. The tank is cylindrical
with flat top and bottom, and the diameter is 6 ft. If the entire outer
surface of the tank is to be covered with 2 in. thickness of magnesia block, estimate the present total
cost for the installed and insulated tank. The Jan. 1, 1980 cost for the 2-in. magnesia block was
$2.20 per ft2 while the labor for installing the insulation was $5.00 per ft2.
6. A one-story warehouse 120 by 60 ft is to be added to an existing plant. An asphalt-pavement
service area 60 by 30 ft will be added adjacent to the warehouse. It will also be necessary to put
in 500 lin ft of railroad siding to service the warehouse. Utility service lines are already
available at the warehouse site. The proposed warehouse has a concrete floor and steel frame,
walls, and roof. No heat is necessary, but lighting and sprinklers must be installed. Estimate the
total cost of the proposed addition. Consult App. for necessary cost data.
7. The purchased cost of equipment for a solid-processing plant is $500,000. The plant is to be
constructed as an addition to an existing plant. Estimate the total capital investment and the tied-

capital investment for the plant. What percentage and amount of the fixed-capital investment is
due to wst for land and contractor's fee?
8. The purchased-equipment cost for a plant which produces pentaerythritol (solid- fuel-processing
plant) is $300,000. The plant is to be an addition to an existing formaldehyde plant. The major
part of the building cost will be for indoor construction, and the contractor's fee will be 7
percent of the direct plant cost. All other costs are close to the average values found for typical
chemical plants. On the basis of this information, estimate the following:

The total direct plant cost.


The fixed-capital investment.


The total capital investment.

9. Estimate by the turnover-ratio method the fixed-capital investment required for a proposed
sulfuric acid plant (battery limit) which has a capacity of 140,000 tons of 100 percent sulfuric
acid per year (contact-catalytic process) using the data from Table 19 for 1990 with sulfuric acid
cost at $72 per ton. The plant may be considered as operating full time. Repeat using the costcapacity-exponent method with data from Table 19.
10. The total capital investment for a chemical plant is $1 million, and the working capital is
$100,000. If the plant can produce an average of 8000 kg of final product per day during a 365day year, what selling price in dollars per kilogram of product would be necessary to give a
turnover ratio of 1.0?
11. A process plant was constructed in the Philadelphia area (Middle Atlantic) at a labor COSt of
$200,000 in 1980. What would the average costs for the same plant to be in the Miami, Florida
area (South Atlantic) if it were constructed in late 1988? Assume, for simplicity, that the relative
labor rate and relative productivity factor remain essentially constant.
12. A company has been selling a soap containing 30 percent by weight water at a price of $10 per
100 lb f.o.b. (i.e., freight on board, which means the laundry pays the freight charges). The
company offers an equally effective soap containing only 5 percent water. The water content is
of no importance to the laundry, and it is willing to accept the soap containing 5 percent water if
the delivered costs are equivalent. If the freight rate is 70 cents per 100 lb, how much should the
company charge the laundry per 100 lb f.o.b. for the soap containing 5 percent water?
13. The total capital investment for a conventional chemical plant is $1,500,000, and the plant
produces 3 million kg of product annually. The selling price of the product is
Working capital amounts to 15 percent of the total capital investment. The investment is from
company funds, and no interest is charged. Raw-materials costs for the product are $0.09/kg, labor
$0.08/kg, utilities $0.05/kg, and packaging Distribution costs are 5 percent of the total product cost.
Estimate the
Manufacturing cost per kilogram of product.

Total product cost per year.


Profit per kilogram of product before taxes.

Profit per kilogram of product after taxes (use current rate).

14. Estimate the manufacturing cost per 100 lb of product under the following conditions:
Fixed-capital investment = $2 million Annual production output = 10 million lb of product Raw
materials cost = $0.12/lb of product Utilities
100 psig steam = 50 lb/lb of product Purchased electrical power = 0.4 kWh/lb of product
Filtered and softened water = 10 gal/lb of product Operating labor = 20 men per shift at $12.00 per
employee-hour Plant operates three hundred 24-h days per year Corrosive liquids are involved
Shipments are in bulk carload lots A large amount of direct supervision is required There are no
patent, royalty, interest, or rent charges
Plant-overhead costs amount to 50 percent of the cost for operating labor, supervision, and
15. A company has direct production costs equal to 50 percent of total annual sales and
charges, overhead, and general expenses equal to $200,000. If management proposes to increase
present annual sales of $800,000 by 30 percent with a 20 percent increase in fixed charges,
overhead, and general expenses, what annual sales dollar is required to provide the same gross
earnings as the present plant operation? What would be the net profit if the expanded plant were
operated at full capacity with an income tax on gross earnings fixed at 34 percent? what would be
the net profit for the enlarged plant if total annual sales remained the same as at present? What
would be the net profit for the enlarged plant if the total annual sales actually decreased to
16. A process plant making 2000 tons per year of a product selling for $0.80 per lb has annual direct
production costs of $2 million at 100 percent capacity and other fixed costs of $700,000. What
is the fixed cost per pound at the break-even point? If the selling price of the product is
increased by 10 percent, what is the dollar increase in net profit at full capacity if the income tax
rate is 34 percent of gross earnings?
17. A rough rule of thumb for the chemical industry is that $1 of annual sales requires $1 of fixedcapital investment. In a chemical processing plant where this rule applies, the total capital
investment is $2,500,000 and the working capital is 20 percent of the total capital investment.
The annual total product cost amounts to $1,500,000. If the national and regional income-tax
rates on gross earnings total 36 percent, determine the following:
(a) Percent of total capital investment returned annually as gross earnings. Percent of total capital
investment returned annually as net profit.
18. The total capital investment for a proposed chemical plant which will produce
worth of goods per year is estimated to be $1 million. It will be necessary to do a considerable
amount of research and development work on the project before the final plant can be constructed,
and management wishes to estimate the permissible research and development costs. It has been
decided that the net profits from the plant should be sufficient to pay off the total capital investment
plus all research and development costs in 7 years. A return after taxes of at least 12 percent of sales

must be obtained, and 34 percent of the research and development cost is tax-free (i.e., income-tax
rate for the company is 34 percent of the gross earnings). Under these conditions, what is the total
amount the company can afford to pay for research and development?
19. A chemical processing unit has a capacity for producing 1 million kg of a product per year. After
the unit has been put into operation, it is found that only 500,000 kg of the product can be
disposed of per year. An analysis of the existing situation shows that all fixed and other
invariant charges, which must be paid whether or not the unit is operating, amount to 35 percent
of the total product cost when operating at full capacity. Raw-material costs and other
production costs that are directly proportional to the quantity of production (i.e., constant per
kilogram of product at any production rate) amount to 40 percent of the total product cost at full
capacity. The remaining 25 percent of the total product cost is for variable overhead and
miscellaneous expenses, and the analysis indicates that these costs are directly proportional to
the production rate during operation raised to the 1.5 power. What will be the percent change in
total cost per kilogram of product if the unit is switched from the l-million-kg-per-year rate to a
time and rate schedule which will produce 500,000 kg of product per year at the least total cost?
All costs referred to above are on a per-kilogram basis.
20. Estimate the total operating cost per day for labor, power, steam, and water in a plant producing
100 tons of acetone per day from the data given in Table 22 and using utility costs from Table
23. Consider all water as treated city water. The steam pressure may be assumed to be 100 psig.
Labor costs average $20 per employee-hour. Electricity must be purchased. Plant operates 365
days per year.

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