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Functions For Calculus Chapter 1-Linear, Quadratic, Polynomial and Rational

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Functions for Calculus

Chapter 1- Linear, Quadratic, Polynomial and Rational

This course is intended to remind you of the functions you will use in Calculus. Remember that
a function is like a machine. It has inputs and outputs. For example, you can have a machine
that paints things red. If you put a dog into this machine, youll get a red dog out. The thing that
makes a function machine special is that for each input you get exactly one output. Over the next
three units, well look at several types of functions. Our goal will be to study the relationship
between the function, its equation and its graph. Remember, the reason for graphs is that any
point that is on the graph will satisfy the function and any point that is not on the graph will not
make the functions equation true. Similarly, any point that makes the equation true will show
up as a point on the graph.
Linear Functions
The first type of function we want to talk about is the linear function. Just as the first four letters
of the name suggest, the graph of a linear function looks like a line. To think of the equation of
the line, we first need to think of the steepness of the line. Think about walking up Pikes
Peak and compare that with walking along the ocean. Clearly, the steepness of climbing the
mountain is different than walking a flat path along the beach. This is the idea of slope. Slope
describes the steepness of the line.
The first thing we need to decide is whether the slope is going uphill or downhill. For our
purposes, lets always assume were using increasing x-values. (Going from left to right on the
graph). A graph that is going uphill is said to be increasing and will have a positive slope. A
line that is going downhill is decreasing and will have a negative slope.

So, how do we compare whether the slope is steep or shallow? We compute the ratio of the
change in y-values and the change in x-values. This allows us to compare how much the graph
is changing in the vertical direction as it moves over in the horizontal direction. This leads to the
following equation for slope:
y ! y1
slope = m = 2
x 2 ! x1
Example 1: Find the slope of the line between the points (2,5) and (-1,4).
Solution: We want to compare how much the graph is changing in the vertical direction versus
how much its changing in the x direction. So, using the equation, we plug in our points and get:

y 2 ! y1
!1 1
x 2 ! x1 ! 1 ! 2 ! 3 3
This tells us that for every 3 units we run over on the x-axis, we run up 1 on the y-axis.
slope = m =

The slope of the line identifies how steep the line is but we still need a point on the line to
identify it uniquely. If you look at the following graph, all the lines have the same slope.

If we want to write the equation of the second line from the top we need to pick a point on the
line and that will distinguish it from the other line. Once we have a point on the line, call it
(x1,y1) we can write the equation using the point-slope formula for the equation of the line.
Point slope equation of line
Example 2: Write the equation of the line through the points (4,-3) and (2,7).
Solution: First we find the slope:
y ! y1 7 ! (!3) 10
m= 2
= !5
x 2 ! x1
Then well use the point (4,-3) and plug in to the point slope formula:
y-(-3)= -5(x-4)
When writing equations for lines, it is common practice to solve for y.
y+3= -5x+20
y= -5x+17
This line is graphed below. Note that it crosses through (4,-3) and (2,7).

The point-slope formula is definitely the equation of the line that we want to work with.
However, there is another linear equation that can help us with our study of lines.
Slope-intercept equation of line

In this equation m still represents the slope but b represents the y-intercept of the line. In
example 2, we determined the equation of the line was y-(-3)= -5(x-4) which was equivalent to
y= -5x+17. This second form tells us the y-intercept is 17 which we can also see on the graph.
Example 3: Find the equation of the line that intercepts the graph of f(x)=x3 at x= -2 and x=1.
Solution: In order to write the equation of the line, we always need two things: the slope and a
point on the line. The graph of f(x)=x3 and the line were looking for are shown below.

Slope: To find the slope, we need two points on the line. We know the x-coordinate of the first
point is 2. To find the y-coordinate, we find f(-2) because that gives the y-coordinate of the
point of intersection of the graph of f(x) and our line.
f(-2)= (-2)3= -8 So, the point (-2, -8) is on f(x)=x3 and on our line.
Similarly, f(1)=1 so the point (1,1) is on f(x)=x3 and on our line.
y ! y1 ! 8 ! 1 ! 9
m= 2
x 2 ! x1 ! 2 ! 1 ! 3
Thus, the equation of the line is:
Vertical and Horizontal Lines
The point-slope formula will help us write the equation for every line. However, there are two
special lines whose equations look a little different. The first is the vertical line. Since a vertical
y ! y1
line doesnt run from side to side the change in x-values is 0. Since the slope = 2
x 2 ! x1
vertical line will have a 0 in the denominator which is undefined. Thus the equation for a
vertical line is x=c where c represents a constant.

The second special type of line is a horizontal line. Since a horizontal line doesnt climb the
top of the slope formula will have a 0 so the slope of a horizontal line is 0. This makes the pointslope equation simplify as follows:
y-y1= 0(x-x1)

One last note: If two lines are parallel, they have the same slope. (See the graph after example
1.) If two lines are perpendicular, their slopes will be negative reciprocals.
Example 4: Write the equation of the line that is perpendicular to y=5x+3 that intersects the
graph at x=4.
Solution: The slope of the given line is 5. To find the slope of the perpendicular line, we find
the negative reciprocal which is
. To find the point that is on our line, we note that the x5
value is 4 and it intersects the given line. So, if we plug 4 into the equation of the given line
( x ! 4) .
y=5(4)+3=23 we get the y-value of our point. Thus the equation is y ! 23 =
x + + 23
4 115
x+ +
1) Find the slope of the line containing each pair of points.
a) (-2, 3), (4, 5)
b) (0, 0), (5, 0)
&1 1# &1 1#
c) $ , !, $ ,' !
%4 4" %4 2"

2) Are the following points on the line 2x + 3y = 10?

a) (0, 0)
b) (2, 2)
c) (-1, 4)
3) What is the slope of the line 2x + 3y = 10?
4) Write the equation in slope-intercept form of the following lines.


5) Sketch the graph of the following equations.

a) y = x ! 2
b) y = x + 1
c) y ! 5 = 0
d) x = 3
6) Find the equation of the line through the given pair of points. Solve for y if possible.

(-1, -1), (3, 4)

(-2, 6), (4,-1)
(3, 5), (-3, 5)
(2, 7), (2, 4)

7) Find the equation of the line that intercepts the graph of f ( x) = x 2 ! 4 at:
a) x = -3 and x = 0
b) x = 5 and x = -1
8) Find the equation of a line through the point (1, -2) parallel to the line y = 2x + 3.
9) Find the equation of a line through the point (2, 5) perpendicular to 3x y = 9.

The next type of function we want to talk about is the quadratic function. A quadratic function is
any function of the form f(x)=Ax2+Bx+C where A,B and C are constants. The thing that sets a
quadratic apart is that the degree (the highest power of x) is 2. The graphs of quadratics are
parabolas. The highest (or lowest) point of the parabola is called the vertex.
While the equation f(x)=Ax2+Bx+C is the standard form for the equation of a quadratic, it
doesnt give very much information. The
Vertex form of a quadratic
gives more information. The point (h,k) is the vertex of the parabola. If a>0 the parabola opens
up and if a<0 the parabola opens down.
There are many situations in math where we take an equation that looks one way and switch it to
another format to be more convenient for us. (Think of switching between the different formats
of the equation of the line.) In order to change a quadratic equation from standard form to vertex
form, we use a process called completing the square.
Example 5: Complete the square to find the vertex of the parabola with equation
f(x)= 2x2+8x-5.
Solution: Step 1: Make the coefficient of x2 be 1 by factoring away from the x2 and x terms.
Step 2: Write 2(x+__)2-5 and fill in the blank with half the coefficient of x at the end of step 1.
This is giving you a guess at what the answer might be. Next you check to see how close you
Step 3: Multiply out to see if the equation you got in step 2 is the same as what you started with.
f(x)= 2(x+2)2-5=2(x2+4x+4)-5=2x2+8x+8-5
Step 4: Fix the error.
In step 3, we see that our guess accidentally added 8 on to the equation. To fix this, we
subtract the 8 back off.
f(x)= 2(x+2)2-5-8
f(x)= 2(x+2)2-13
Thus the vertex of the parabola is (-2,-13).
Example 6: Find the x-intercepts, y-intercepts and graph the equation given in example 5.
Solution: x-intercepts: The x-intercepts are the places where the graph crosses the x-axis. If
were crossing the x-axis, that means y=0 so we plug in 0 for f(x).
0= 2x2+8x-5
To solve a quadratic you must have 0 on one side. Then, try to factor. If that doesnt work, use
the quadratic formula:

! b b 2 ! 4ac

! 8 8 2 ! 4(2)(!5) ! 8 104 ! 8 2 26 2(!4 26 ) ! 2 26

y-intercepts: The y-intercepts are the places where the graph crosses the y-axis. If were crossing
the y-axis, that means x=0 so we plug in 0 for x.
f(x)= 2x2+8x-5
f(0)= 2(0)2+8(0)-5= -5
Using the vertex, x-intercepts and y-intercepts, we generate the following graph of the quadratic:

10) Find the x-intercepts and y-intercepts of the following functions.
a) f ( x) = x 2 + 5 x + 6
b) f ( x) = 3 x 2 ! 10 x + 8
c) f ( x) = 7 x 2 + x ! 4
11) Write each quadratic equation in the form y = ( x ! h) 2 + k and sketch the graph.
a) y = x 2 + 4 x
b) y = 3 x 2 ! 12 x + 1
c) f ( x) = !2 x 2 + 3 x ! 1
d) f ( x) = 3 x 2 + 4 x + 2

12) Polynomials

The above functions are all examples of polynomials. A polynomial is an expression that
combines different powers of x with constant multiples, addition and subtraction. Sometimes we
need to talk about all the polynomials in the world at once so we refer to the general form of a
f(x)=anxn+an-1xn-1+ an-2xn-2++ a2x2+ a1x1+a0
This formula allows us to describe every polynomial at once. For example, if we look at
f(x)=6x5+7x4-3x2+1 the highest power of x is 5. So in the formula for the general polynomial,
n=5. a5 represents the coefficient hooked on to x5. So, a5=5. If n=5 then, n-1=4. Thus,
an-1= a4=coefficient of x4=7
an-2=a3= coefficient of x3=0
an-3=a2= coefficient of x2= -3
an-4=a1= coefficient of x=0
an-5=a0= coefficient of x0=1
Since weve arrived at the constant, were done. This formula allows us to account for any
polynomial with any degree (the highest power of x) by simply allowing n to be the highest
power of x and counting down from there.
If we look at the graphs of polynomials well notice that they all share the following properties:
Their graphs are smooth and continuous, they have no breaks or sharp turns
If the polynomial has degree n, it has at most n x-intercepts
If the polynomial has degree n, it has at most n-1 peaks or valleys
If we look at the far left or far right of the graph, the function is either growing toward
infinity or decreasing to negative infinity.
Well use these properties to help us investigate what polynomials are doing. The first thing to
look at is the polynomials long term behavior. The long term behavior of a polynomial
describes how the polynomial behaves as x gets very big in the positive direction (x going
toward ) or gets very big in the negative direction. (x going toward -) There are only two
possibilities. Either the polynomial increases without bound (goes toward ) or it decreases
without bound (goes toward -).
In polynomials, we say that the highest power of x dominates the polynomial. To think about
how this works, imagine for a moment that you have a checking account with f(x)=x4+10x-1
dollars in it. When x=10, you have $10,099. At this point, the leading term (x4) accounts for

$10,000 while the rest of the polynomial accounts for the other 99. Compared to the first
$10,000, how much do you care about the other $99?
Take it a step further. When x=100, the account has $100,000,999. The x4 gives you
$100,000,000. How much do you care about the other $999? We say that the leading term of
the polynomial dominates the polynomials behavior because it accounts for most of what is
going on. Thus, to determine the polynomials behavior as x goes toward positive or negative
infinity, we just need to look at the leading term.
Now, what does the leading term tell us? Well that depends. If the power of x is even, and we
plug in a big positive number, xn will give us a big positive number. Multiplying by an will
result in a big number if an is positive and a big negative number if an is negative.
We can reason the same way to get all of the following results.

n odd

Long term behavior of f(x)=anxn+an-1xn-1+ an-2xn-2++ a2x2+ a1x1+a0

As x approaches the function increases As x approaches the function decreases
As x approaches - the function increases As x approaches - the function decreases
As x approaches the function increases As x approaches the function decreases
As x approaches - the function decreases As x approaches - the function increases

Example 7: Find the far left and far right behavior of f(x)=3x5+5x2-2.
Solution: Since the 3x5 dominates the polynomial, we only need to look at this term to find the
long term behavior. Since the power is 5 and the coefficient is positive, we know the function
goes down to the left and up to the right.
After we determine the far left and far right behavior of our polynomial, we need to look for x
and y-intercepts. The x-intercept is where the graph crosses the x-axis. If the graph is crossing
the x-axis, then y=0. Therefore, to find the x-intercepts, set y=0. (In functional notation, this is
equivalent to plugging in 0 for the expression f(x).)
Example 8: Find the x intercepts of f(x)=x3-x.
Solution: Set f(x)=0.
x=0, x=-1 and x=1 are the x-coordinates of the x-intercepts.
To find y-intercepts, we note that a function crosses the y-axis when x=0. So, we plug in x=0.
Example 9: Find the y-intercept of f(x)=7x4-6x+2.
Solution: f(0)= 7(0)4-6(0)+2=2

To graph a polynomial, we put all of the above together and plot points until we have a good idea
what the graph is doing. It helps if we remember that all polynomials are smooth and continuous
everywhere and have at most n-1 lumps.
Example 10: Let f(x)=x4-4x2. Find the long term behavior, x-intercepts, y-intercepts and sketch
a graph of the function.
Solution: Long term behavior- Since the degree is even and the leading coefficient is 1, the
polynomial goes up on both sides.
x-intercepts: x4-4x2=0
x=0, x= -2, x=2
y-intercepts: f(0)= (0)4-4(0)2=0

13) For each function use the leading coefficient test to determine whether y " ! or
y # !" as x " ! and as x # !".
a) f ( x) = 2 x 3 ! x 2 + 9
b) f ( x) = !3 x 4 + 5
14) Find the x-intercepts and y-intercepts of each polynomial function
a) f ( x) = x 4 ! 16
b) f ( x) = x 3 ! x 2 ! x + 1
15) Sketch the graph of each polynomial function.
a) f ( x) = x 3 ! 4 x 2
b) f ( x) = ! x 4 + 6 x 3 ! 9 x 2
c) f ( x) = ( x ! 2) 2 ( x + 2) 2

Rational functions
x7 ! 6
. It is a fraction of polynomials. One thing
x3 + 2x ! 1
that makes rational functions interesting is that they dont always exist. The big rule about
fractions that weve all learned from elementary school on is that you cant put a zero in the
denominator of a fraction. So, when you have a rational function, you have to be aware of places
that would generate a 0 in the denominator. For example let g ( x) =
. If we plug in x=1 we
x !1
get a 0 in the denominator. So, we say the function doesnt exist at x=1.

A rational function looks like f ( x) =

This leads us to the idea of domain. If the function doesnt exist at x=1 we say that 1 is not in
the domain of the function. Generally speaking, the domain is all the things we can put into the
function. So, going back to the idea of the machine that paints things red, lets say the machine
has a door on it that is 2 foot by 2 foot. Could you put an elephant into that machine? No. Then
an elephant is not a part of the domain of that machine. Hamsters, goldfish, house cats and
parrots are all part of the domain, but elephants are not. Mathematically, to find the domain of a
function, we typically start with all the real numbers then eliminate any numbers that our
function wont accept. (So far the only problem we have is putting zeroes in the denominator.)
and g(x)= 3x-4.
x ! 7 x + 12
Solution: To find the domain of f(x) we look for places where the denominator = 0.
x=3 and x=4
Thus our domain is all reals except 3 and 4.

Example 11: Find the domain of f ( x) =

For g(x), there are no restrictions on what we can plug in so the domain is all reals which we
denote R.
So, back to rational functions: When we graph a rational function we draw a dotted vertical line
wherever we have a 0 in the denominator to tell us that number is not in our domain and we can
not cross over that line. The line is called a vertical asymptote.
So in f(x) in example 11, the vertical asymptotes would be x=3 and x=4.
The next thing we do to graph rational functions is to find their far left and far right behavior.
Again, this is the value that the function will approach as x goes toward positive infinity or as x
goes toward negative infinity. This value is called the horizontal asymptote. (Note: horizontal
and vertical asymptotes are not the same idea. You can cross a horizontal asymptote. The point
is that it tells what the function will approach in the long range.)
Since the highest power of each polynomial will dominate the polynomial, if we compare the
leading terms of the numerator and denominator, this will allow us to find the polynomials long
term behavior.

Determining the long term behavior of a Rational Function

If the degree of the top is less than the degree of the bottom, the line y=0 is the horizontal
asymptote. If the bottom has a bigger degree it is growing faster than the top, so the
rational function will approach 0.
If the degree of the top is greater than the degree of the bottom there is no horizontal
asymptote. If the top is growing faster the function will increase (or decrease) without
If the degrees are equal the line y=a/b is the equation of the asymptote where a
represents the coefficient of the highest power of x in the top and b represents the
coefficient of the highest power of x in the bottom. If the degrees are equal, the two
polynomials are growing at roughly the same rate.
x 4 ! 21
3x 4 + 2 x 2 ! 1
Solution: The degree of the top is 4 and the degree of the bottom is 4 so we use the third rule.
The horizontal asymptote is the line y=1/3.

Example 12: Find the horizontal asymptote of f ( x) =

To graph a rational function, we plot the vertical asymptotes, the horizontal asymptotes, the xintercepts and y-intercepts and any extra points to find the shape of the graph.
x2 ! 9
Solution: The vertical asymptotes occur where x2-9=0, which is x=3 and x= -3.
The horizontal asymptote is the line y=0. This means our graph will approach the x-axis to the
far left and far right.
The x-intercept: 0 = 2
x !9
The only way a fraction can be equal to 0 is if the top is equal to 0.
x= -4
0+4 !4
The y-intercept: f (0) = 2
0 !9
Plotting additional points gives the following graph:

Example 13: Graph the function f ( x) =

16) Determine the equations of the horizontal and vertical asymptotes for the graph of each
a) f ( x) =


b) f ( x) =

2x + 4
x !1

c) f ( x) =

x ! 5x + 6

! x 2 + 3x ! 7
d) f ( x) =

17) Find all asymptotes, x-intercepts, and y-intercepts for the graph of each rational function
and sketch the graph.
a) f ( x) =


b) f ( x) =

3x ! 1
x +1

c) f ( x) =

! 2x
x + 6x + 9

2 x 2 + 8x + 2
d) f ( x) = 2
x + 2x + 1

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