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Gas hydrates are crystalline compounds that form when small gas molecules contact water under certain temperature and pressure conditions. They can store large volumes of gas and occur naturally in oceans and permafrost.

The three main crystal structures of gas hydrates are Structure I (SI), Structure II (SII) and Structure H (SH). SI forms with small natural gas molecules, SII forms with larger molecules, and SH was recently discovered.

The physical and chemical properties of gas hydrates are approximated by: 1) three-phase equilibrium pressure depends exponentially on temperature, 2) mechanical properties approximate ice, and 3) thermal properties are set by hydrogen-bonded crystals within guest sizes.


E. Dendy Sloan, Jr.

Center for Hydrate Research
Colorado School of Mines
Golden, Colorado 80401 USA
Keywords: natural gas hydrates, crystal structures, properties


The tutorial provides an overview of time-independent physicakhemical properties as related to

crystal structures. Page limitations proscribe only a description of hydrate properties; applications
are detailed in other papers in this gas hydrate symposium. The following seven points are
illustrated in this tutorial:
1. Gas hydrates are crystalline compounds which form when small (<O.Snm) molecules contact
water at temperatures above and below the ice point, with elevated pressures.
2. Properties of SI and sII hydrate crystals are well-defined; measurements have begun on sH.
3. Each volume of hydrate contains as much as 180 volumes (STP) of methane.
4. Physical and chemical properties of hydrates are approximated by three heuristics:
Mechanical properties approximate those of ice,
Phase equilibrium is set by the size ratio of guest molecules within host cages, and
Thermal properties are set by the hydrogen-bonded crystals within a range of guest sizes.
5. Three-phase (LHrH-V)equilibrium pressure depends exponentially on temperature.
Raman, etc.).
6. There is a need to characterize the hydrate phase directly (via diffraction,
7. No acceptable model exists for hydrate formation kinetics.
The reader may wish to investigate these details further, via references contained in several
monographs, (Sloan, 1990; Sloan et al., 1994, Monfort, 1996).

Gas clathrates (commonly called hydrates) are crystalline compounds which occur when water
forms a cage-like structure around smaller guest molecules. While they are more commonly
called hydrates, a carefid distinction should be made between these non-stoichiometric clathrate
hydrates of gas and other stoichiometric hydrate compounds which occur for example, when
water combines with various salts.
G a s hydrates of current interest are composed of water and the following eight molecules:

methane, ethane, propane, isobutane, normal butane, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen
sulfide. Yet other apolar components between the sizes of argon (0.35 nm) and ethylcyclohexane
( 0 . 9 ~ 1 )can form hydrates. Hydrate formation is a possibility where water exists in the vicinity of
such molecules at temperatures above and below 273 K.
Hydrate discovery is credited in 1810 to Sir Humphrey D a y . Due to their crystalline, nonflowing nature, hydrates became of interest to the hydrocarbon industry in 1934 (Hamrnerschmidt,
1934), the time of their first observance blocking pipelines. Hydrates act to concentrate
hydrocarbons: 1 cubic meter of hydrates may contain as much as 180 SCM of gas. Makogon,
(1965) indicated that large natural reserves of hydrocarbons exist in hydrated form, both in deep
oceans and in the permafrost. Evaluation of these reserves is highly uncertain, yet even the most
conservative estimates concur that there is twice as much energy in hydrated form as in all other
hydrocarbon sources combined. While one commercial example exists of gas recovery from
hydrates, the problems of in situ hydrate dissemination in deepwater/permaftost environments will
prevent their cost-effective recovery until the next millennium.


Hydrates normally form in one of three repeating crystal structures shown in Figure 1, Structure I
(SI), a body-centered cubic structure forms with small natural gas molecules found in situ in deep
oceans. Structure I1 (sII), a diamond lattice within a cubic framework, forms when natural gases
or oils contain molecules larger than ethane but smaller than pentane. sII represents hydrates
which commonly occur in hydrocarbon production and processing conditions, as well as in many
cases of gas seeps from faults in ocean environments.


The newest hydrate structure H, named for the hexagonal framework, was discovered and shown
by Ripmeester et al. (1987, 1991) to have cavities large enough to contain molecules the size of
common components of naphtha and gasoline. Initial physical properties, phase equilibrium data,
and models have been advanced (Mehta and Sloan, 1993, 1994a,b, 1996a,b,c; Udachin et al.
1996), and Sassen et al. (1994) have found one instance of in situ SH in the Gulf of Mexico.
Since information on structure H is in the fledgling stages, most of this tutorial concerns SI and
Table 1 provides a hydrate structure summary for the three hydrate unit crystals (SI, sII, and sH)
shown in Figure 1 . The crystals structures are given with reference to the water skeleton,
composed of a basic "building block" cavity which has twelve faces with five sides per face, given
the abbreviation 5". By linking the vertices of 512 cavities one obtains SI; linking the faces of 512
cavities results in sII; in SHa layer of linked 512 cavities provide connections.
Interstices between the 512 cavities are larger cavities which contain twelve pentagonal faces and
either two, four, or eight hexagonal faces: (denoted as 51262in SI, 51264in sII, or 5126' in sH).In
addition SH has a cavity with square, pentagonal, and hexagonal faces (435663).Figure 1 depicts
the five cavities of SI, sII, and sH. In Figure 1 a oxygen atom is located at the vertex of each
angle in the cavities; the lines represent hydrogen bonds with which one chemically-bonded
hydrogen connects to an oxygen on a neighbor water molecule.
Inside each cavity resides a maximum of one of the small, guest molecules, typified by the eight
guests associated with 46 water molecules in SI (2[512]*6[51262]*46H20),
indicating two guests in
the 5'' and 6 guests in the 5126' cavities of SI. Similar formulas for sll and SH are
( 16[512J*8[51264]*
136H20) and (3[5 12]*2[435663]*1
Structure I a body-centered cubic structure forms with natural gases containing molecules smaller
than propane; consequently SI hydrates are found in situ in deep oceans with biogenic gases
containing mostly methane, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen sulfide. Structure I1 a diamond lattice
within a cubic framework, forms when natural gases or oils contain molecules larger than ethane
but smaller than pentane; sII represents hydrates from thermogenic gases. Finally structure H
hydrates must have a small occupant (like methane, nitrogen, or carbon dioxide) for the 512 and
435663cages but the molecules in the 5126' cage can be as large as 0.9nm (e.g. ethylcyclohexane).
Mechanical Prooerties of Hvdrates. As may be calculated via Table 1, if all the cages of each
structure are filled, all three hydrates have the amazing property of being approximately 85%
(mol) water and 15% gas. The fact that the water content is so high suggests that the mechanical
properties of the three hydrate structures should be similar to those of ice. This conclusion is true
to a first approximation as shown in Table 2, with the exception of thermal conductivity and
thermal expansivity @avidson, 1983, Tse, 1994). Many mechanical properties of SH have not
been measured to date.
Guest: Cavitv Size Ratio: a Basis for Prooertv Understanding. The hydrate cavity occupied is a
hnction of the size ratio of the guest molecule within the cavity. To a first approximation, the
concept of "a ball fitting within a ball" is a key to understanding many hydrate properties. Figure
2 (corrected from von Stackelberg, 1949) may be used to illustrate five points regarding the
guest:cavity size ratio for hydrates formed of a &guest
component in SI or sII.
1. The sizes of stabilizing guest molecules range between 0.35 and 0.75 nm. Below 0.35nm
molecules will not stabilize SI and above 0.75 molecules will not stabilize sII.
2. Some molecules are too large to fit the smaller cavities of each structure ( e g C 3 b fits in the
5126' of SI; or i-CJIto fits the 5126' of sII).
3. Other molecules such as CH, and N2 are small enough to enter both cavities (labeled as either
in SI or 512+5'*6' in sII) when hydrate is formed of those single components.
4. The largest molecules of a gas mixture usually determines the structure formed. For example,
because propane and i-butane are present in many thermogenic natural gases, they will cause
sII to form. In such cases, methane will distribute in both cavities of sII and ethane will enter
only the 5126' cavity of sn.
5 . Molecules which are very close to the hatched lies separating the cavity sizes appear to
exhibit the most non-stoichiometry, due to their inability to fit securely within the cavity.


Table 3 shows the size ratio of several common gas molecules within each of the four cavities of
SI and sII. Note that a size ratio (guest molecule: cavity) of approximately 0.9 is necessary for
stability of a simple hydrate, given by the superscript
When the size ratio exceeds unity, the
molecule will not fit within the cavity and the structure will not form. When the ratio is
significantly less than 0.9 the molecule cannot lend significant stability to the cavity.

Consider ethane, which forms in the 5i2 cavity in SI, because ethane is too large for the small 5
cavities in either structure and too small to give much stability to the large 51264 cavity in sII.
Similarly propane is too large to fit any cavity except the 51264cavity in sII, so that gases of pure
propane form sII hydrates from free water, On the other hand, methanes size is sufficient to lend
stability to the 5 cavity in either SI or sII, with a preference for SI, because CH, lends slightly
higher stability to the 5% cavity in SI than the 51264cavity in sII.
Phase Eauilibrium ProDerties. In Figure 3 pressure is plotted against temperature with gas
composition as a parameter, for methane+propane mixtures. Consider a gas of any given
composition (marked 0 through 100% propane) on a line in Figure 3. At conditions to the right
of the line, a gas of that composition will exist in equilibrium with liquid water. As the
temperature is reduced (or as the pressure is increased) hydrates form from gas and liquid water
at the line, so three phases (liquid water + hydrates + gas) will be in equilibrium. With firther
reduction of temperature (or increase in pressure) the fluid phase which is not in excess (gas in
ocean environments) will be exhausted, so that to the left of the line the hydrate will exist with the
excess phase (water).

All of the conditions given in Figure 3 are for temperatures above 273K and pressures along the
l i e s vary exponentially with temperature. Put explicitly, hydrate stability at the three-phase (LwH-V) condition is always much more sensitive to temperature than to pressure. Figure 3 also
illustrates the dramatic effect of gas composition on hydrate stability; as any amount of propane is
added to methane the structure changes (SI 3 sII) to a hydrate with much wider stability
conditions. Note that a 50% decrease in pressure is needed to form sII hydrates, when as little as
1% propane is in the gas phase.
Any discussion of hydrate dissociation would be incomplete without indicating that hydrates
provide the most industrially usefil instance of statistical thermodynamics prediction of phase
equilibria. The van der Waals and Platteeuw (1959) model was formulated after the
determination of the crystal structures shown in Figure 1. With the model, one may predict the
three-phase pressure or temperature of hydrate formation, by knowing the gas composition. For
further discussion of these details the reader is referred to Sloan (1990, Chapter 5 ) .
Heat of Dissociation. The heat of dissociation (AI%)is defined as the enthalpy change to
dissociate the hydrate phase to a vapor and aqueous liquid, with values given at temperatures just
above the ice point. For SI and sII, Sloan and Fleyfel (1992) show that to a fair engineering
approximation (*lo%) AI% is a function mostly of crystal hydrogen bonds, but also of the cavity
occupied within a wide range of components sizes. Enthalpies of dissociation may be determined
via the univariant slopes of phase equilibrium lines (In P vs. I n ) in the previous paragraphs, using
the Clausius-Clapeyron relation [AI% = -zR d(ln P)/d(lK)],

As one illustration, simple hydrates of C3H8 or i-CsIlo have similar AH., of 129 and 133 kJ/mol

panda, 1986) because the both occupy the

cavity, although their sixcavity ratios are
somewhat different (0.943 and 0.976). As a second illustration, Figure 3 shows that mixtures of
Cft + C3Hs have a value of AH., = 79 Who1 over a wide range of composition. In such
mixtures, C3Ha occupies most of the S16* cavities while C I t occupies a small number of 5%
and many 512. In fact, most natural gases (which form sII) have similar values of AH.,. Figure 4
shows similar line slopes (and thus AI% values) for binary mixtures of methane when the large
guest is changed from C& to i-CsIlo, to n-Cd-Ilo. Similarly, over a wide range of composition
for mixtures of methane and ethane, @values are similar (74 kJ/mol) for components entering
both cavities of SI. Identical arguments may be used to explain similar AH., values of 79.5 f7%
kJ/mol (Mehta and Sloan, 1996~)for SH mixtures of methane with seventeen larger components.

A review of the literature suggests that there are two imminent challenges for future research.
First we must characterize the hydrate phase both in the laboratory and in the field. Secondly we
must characterize the kinetics hydrates formation and dissociation


Measurements of the Hydrate Phase. For the hydrate phase there are two measurement
techniques - diffraction and ~pectroscopic.Neutron diffraction (typified by Tse, 1994) can detect
water atoms and guest molecules, while X-ray diffraction detects oxygen positions. Recently
using X-ray diffraction Stem et al. (1996) have been remarkably successfd at converting 97% of
ice to water, by raising ice grain temperatures above the solidus while under high pressure.
Two types of spectroscopy are useful with hydrates: (1) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) with
cross polarization (CP) and magic-angle spinning (MAS), and (2) Raman spectroscopy. Virtually
all N M R hydrate work to date comes from the Canadian National Research Council. The first
comprehensive review of NMR studies of clathrates was written by Davidson and Ripmeester
(1984). and a thorough update has been written by Ripmeester and Ratcliffe (1991). Of Nh4R
hydrate compounds Xe has obtained prominence due to its large (ca. 100 ppm) chemical shift.
Recently Sum et al. (1996) have shown that Raman spectroscopy can be used to determine the
fraction of filled cages in hydrates, and the fraction of various components in the cages. Since
Raman appears to be both more versatile and less resource intensive, it holds substantial
Measurements of Hvdrate Kinetics. Most hydrate kinetics research has come from the laboratory
ofBishnoi, notably the work ofEnglezos et al., (1987a,b). They modeled kinetics of methane and
ethane hydrate afier nucleation, for periods up to 100 minutes. A subsequent model was made by
Skovborg and Rasmussen (1994); these workers assumed that the mass transfer of gas to the
liquid phase was the rate-controlling step, so that hydrate kinetics and diffusion to the hydrate
phase could be ignored.
However, even with these excellent beginnings, quantification of hydrate kinetics still pose
substantial challenges to hydrate researchers. For example, no model of hydrate nucleation can
acceptably fit all the data of a single experimenter; no universal nucleation model is available. As
another example, all models of hydrate growth kinetics are apparatus-dependent. While the
growth model may be a satisfactory fit for the apparatus in which the data were generated, the
model will not fit data generated in other apparatuses. Determining time-dependent hydrate
behavior s one of the most significant challenges for research.
This tutorial reviews hydrate crystal structures, and shows how properties such as phase equilibria
and heat of dissociation relate to molecular structure. While many time-independent properties of
SI and sII hydrates are determined, those for newer structures (e.g. sH) are just beginning to be
explored. The time-dependent characteristics of all three hydrate structures are largely
unspecified and kinetic models to date appear to be apparatus-dependent. Characterization of the
hydrate phase constitutes a current challenge.
Davidson, D.W., in N
, J.L. Cox, ed.,
pg 1. Butterworths, Boston (1983)
Davidson, D.W., Ripmeester, J.A.,in Inclusion Comoounds. Vol3 Chapter 3, J.L.Atwood, J.E.D.
Davies, and D.D. MacNichol,eds, Academic Press (1984)
Englezos, P., Kalogerakis, N., Dholabhai, P., Bishnoi,P., Chem. Ena. Sci., 42(11), 2647 (1987a)
Englezos, P., Kalogerakis, N., Dholabhai, P., Bishnoi,P., Chem. Enp. Sci.,42(11), 2659 (1987b)
Hammerschmidt, E.G., Ind. Ena. Chem. 26 851 (1934)
Handa, Y.P., J. Chem. Thermo., 18,891 (1986)
Makogon, Y.F., Gazov. Promst. 14 (1965)
Mehta, A.P., A Thermodvnamic Investiaation of Structure H Clathrate Hvdrates. Ph.D. Thesis,
Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO (1996)
38,580 (1993)
Mehta, A.P., Sloan, E.D., a-,
q 39, 887 (1994a)
Mehta, A.P., Sloan, E.D., n
Mehta, A.P., Sloan, E.D., AIChE Joumal,40, 312 (1994b)
Mehta, A.P., Sloan, E.D., AIChE Journal. 42,2036(1996a)
Mehta, A.P., Sloan,E.D., in Proc. 2nd Intnl. Cod. on Natural Gas Hvdrates, pl. Monfort, J.P.,
ed., Toulouse, 2-6 June (1996b)
Meht4 A.P., sloan, ED., Structure H Hydrates: Implications for the Petroleum I n d u s t r y , b
1996 Annual Tech Conf,SPE 36742,607 Denver, CO., 6-9 October (1996~)
Monfort, J.P., ed, Proc. 2nd Intnl. Conf on Natural Gas Hvdrates, F. Foucaud, Secretariat, 18
Chemin de la Loge, 3 1078 Toulouse Cedex, France 2-6 June (1996)


Ripmeester, J.A., Tse, J.A., Ratcliffe, C.I., Powell, B.M., &&!& 325, 135 (1987)
Ripmeester, J.A., Ratcliffe, C.I., Solid State NMR Studies of Inclusion Comuounds, National
Research Council ofCanada, Report C1181-89S, August 17 (1989)
Ripmeester, J.A., "The Role of Heavier Hydrocarbons in Hydrate Formation." presented at 1991
AIChE Spring Meeting, Houston, April 10 (1991)
Ripmeester, J.A., Ratcliffe, C.I., Hug, D.D., Tse, J.A., , in First) International Conference on
Natural Gas Hvdrates, Annals of New York Academv of Sciences, Sloan, E.D., Happel, J.,
Hnatow, M.A., eds, 715, p161, (1994)
Sassen, R., MacDonald, I.R., Ore. Geochem. 22(6) 1029 (1994)
Skovborg, P., Rasmussen, P., Chem. Ene. Sci., 49, 1131 (1994)
Sloan, E.D., Clathrate Hvdrates of Natural Gases, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York (1990)
Sloan, E.D., Fleyfel, F.,Fluid Phase E a 4 76, 123 (1992)
Sloan,E.D., Happel, J., Hnatow, M.A., eds, (First) International Conference on Natural Gas
Hvdrates. Annals of New
, . -oY
715, (1994)
Stem, L.A., Kirby, S.H., Durham, W.B., Science, 273, 1843 (1996)
Sum,A,, Bumss, R., Sloan, E.D., in Proc. 2nd Intnl. Cod. on Natural Gas Hvdrates, p51.
Monfort, J.P., ed., Toulouse, 2-6 June (1996b)
Tse, J.S., in First) International Conference on Natural G a s Hvdrates. Annals ofNew York
AcademvofSciences, Sloan, E.D.,Happel, J., Hnatow, M.A., eds., 715, p187, (1994)
van der Waals, J.H., and Platteeuw, J.C., "Clathrate Solutions," Adv. Chem. Phvs.,vol2,1,(1959)
von Stackelberg, M., Natunviss 36 327,359 (1949)
Table 1Geometry o f Cages in Three Hydrate Crystal Structures

1. Variation in distance of oxygen atoms from center of cage.

2. Number of oxygem at the periphery of each cavity.
3. Estimates of structure H cavities from geometric models

Table 2 Comparison of Properties o f Ice and SI and sII Hydrates'

1. Modified from Davidson (1983) and from Ripmeester et al. (1994)


Table 3 Ratios of Molecular Diameters to Cavity Diameters' for Some Molecules Including
Natural Gas Hydrate Formers


Cavity ~ y p e = >
Guest Dmtr (A)

(Molecular Diameter) / (Cavity Diameter)

Structure I1
Structure I

f indicates the cavity occupied by the simple hydrate former

1. cavity radii from Table 2-1 minus 1.4Awater radii



F i g u r e 1. Three Hydrate U n i t
C r y s t a l s and Constituent C a v i t i e s

594 Ha0




(CHZh 0


7% n20

F i g u r e 2 . R e l a t i v e S i z e s of
Hydrate Guest and Host C a v i t i e s



mol I$ Pro one in Vapor

of Methone+fropone Mixture

:% '


s .I-

a , -






oooooDota of Dsoton

+ Fmst

Calculated from CSMWD


F i g u r e 3 . Three-phase (Lw-H-V) E q u i l i b r i a o f Methanet

Propane Mixtures
Figure 4 . Three-phase E q u i i b r i a of Methane +(Propane and Two Butanes)











Timothy S . Collett
U S . Geological Survey, Denver Federal Center
Box 25046, MS-939, Denver, CO 80225
Keywords: gas hydrates, energy resources, natural gas
Gas hydrates are crystalline substances composed of water and gas, in which a solid water-lattice
accommodates gas molecules in a cage-like structure, or clathrate. Gas hydrates are widespread in
permafrost regions and beneath the sea in sediment of outer continental margins. While methane,
propane, and other gases can be included in the clathrate structure, methane hydrates appear to be
the most common in naturel. The amount of methane sequestered in gas hydrates is probably
enormous, but World estimates of the amounts are speculative and range over three orders-ofmagnitude, from about 100,000 to 270,000,000 trillion cubic feet2. The estimated amount of gas
in hydrate reservoirs of the world greatly exceeds the volume of known conventional gas reserves.
The production history of the Russian Messoyakha gas hydrate field demonstrates that gas
hydrates are an immediate source of natural gas that can be produced by conventional methods394.
Gas hydrates also represent a significant drilling and production hazard. Russian, Canadian, and
American researchers have described numerous problems associated with gas hydrates, including
blowouts and casing failures3,5,6. As exploration and development activity moves into deeper
water (>300 m) and high latitude arctic environments, the frequency of gas hydrate induced
problems will likely increase.



One of the fundamental problems that links the gas hydrate resource and hazard issues is the need
for accurate assessments of the gas volumes within a gas hydrate occurrence. Most of the
published gas hydrate resource estimates have by necessity been made by broad extrapolation of
only general knowledge of local geologic conditionsz. The primary objectives of our gas hydrate
research efforts in the U.S. Geological Survey are to document the geologic parameters that
control the occurrence of gas hydrates and to assess the volume of natural gas stored within the
onshore and offshore gas hydrate accumulations of the United States. This paper begins with a
discussion of the geologic parameters that affect the stability and formation of gas hydrates, which
is followed by a description of the methodology used to assess gas hydrate resources. This paper
ends with a cumulative estimate of the in-place gas hydrate resources of the United States onshore
and offshore regions.


Under appropriate conditions of temperature and pressure (figs. IA, IB, and IC), gas hydrates
usually form one of two basic crystal structures known as Structure I and Structure II. Each unit
cell of Structure I gas hydrate consists of 46 water molecules that form two small dodecahedral
voids and six large tetradecahedral voids. Structure I gas hydrates can only hold small gas
molecules such as methane and ethane, with molecular diameters not exceeding 5.2 angstroms.
The unit cell of Structure I1 gas hydrate consists of 16 small dodecahedral and 8 large
hexakaidecahedral voids formed by 136 water molecules. Structure I1 gas hydrates may contain
gases with molecular dimensions in the range of 5.9 to 6.9 angstroms, such as propane and
isobutane. At conditions of standard temperature and pressure (STP), one volume of saturated
methane hydrate (Structure I) will contain as much as 164 volumes of methane gas -- because of
this large gas-storage capacity, gas hydrates are thought to represent an important source of natural
gas. For a complete description of the structure and properties of hydrates see the summary by
I1.A. Permafrost Gas Hydrates
Onshore gas hydrates are known to be present in the West Siberian Basing and are believed to
occur in other permafrost areas of northern Russia, including the Timan-Pechora province, the
eastern Siberian Craton, and the northeastern Siberia and Kamchatka areas9. Permafrostassociated gas hydrates are also present in the North American Arctic. Direct evidence for gas
hydrates on the North Slope of Alaska comes from a core-test, and indirect evidence comes from
drilling and open-hole industry well logs which suggest the presence of numerous gas hydrate
layers in the area of the Prudhoe Bay and Kuparuk River oil fieldsl0,ll. Well-log responses
attributed to the presence of gas hydrates have been obtained in about one-fifth of the wells drilled
in the Mackenzie Delta, and more than half of the wells in the Arctic Islands are inferred to contain
gas hydratesl2*l3. The combined information from Arctic gas-hydrate studies shows that, in
permafrost regions, hydrates may exist at subsurface depths ranging from about 130 to 2,000 m1.


I1.B. Marine Gas Hydrates

The presence of gas hydrates in offshore continental margins has been inferred mainly from
anomalous seismic reflectors that coincide with the predicted phase boundary at the base of the
gas-hydrate stability zone. This reflector is commonly called a bottom-simulating reflector or
BSR. BSRs have been mapped at depths below the sea floor ranging from about 100 to 1,100
m1. Gas hydrates have been recovered in gravity cores within IO m of the sea floor in sediment
of the Gulf of Mexico14, the offshore portion of the Eel River Basin of California15, the Black
~ e a l 6the
, Caspian Seal7, and the Sea of OkhotskI8. Also, gas hydrates have been recovered at
greater sub-bottom depths during research coring along the southeastem coast of the United States
on the Blake Outer Ridgel9, in the Gulf of Mexico20, in the Cascadia Basin near Oregonzl, the
Middle America T r e n ~ h 2 2 > ~offshore
Peru24, and on both the eastem and western margins of

Because gas hydrates are widespread in permafrost regions and in offshore marine sediments,
they may be a potential energy resource. In-place World estimates for the amount of natural gas in
gas hydrate deposits range from 5 . 0 ~ 1 0to~1 . 2 ~ 1 0trillion
cubic feet for permafrost areas and
from 1.1~105to 2 . 7 ~ 1 0 8trillion cubic feet for oceanic sedimentsz. The published gas hydrate
resource estimates show considerable variation, but oceanic sediments seem to be a much greater
resource of natural gas than continental sediments. Current estimates of the amount of methane in
the world gas hydrate accumulations are in rough accord at about 7x105 trillion cubic feet2. If
these estimates are valid, then the amount of methane in gas hydrates is almost two orders of
magnitude larger than the estimated total remaining recoverable conventional methane resources,
estimated to be about 9x103 trillion cubic feet27.


Review of previous gas hydrate studies indicates that the formation and occurrence of gas hydrates
is controlled by formation temperature, formation pore-pressure, gas chemistry, pore-water
salinity, availability of gas and water, gas and water migration pathways, and the presence of
reservoir rocks and seals. In the following section, these geologic controls on the stability and
formation of gas hydrates will be reviewed and assessed.
I1I.A. Formation-Temperature, Formation Pore-Pressure, Gas Chemistry
Gas hydrates exist under a limited range of temperature and pressure conditions such that the
depth and thickness of the zone of potential gas-hydrate stability can be calculated. Depicted in the
temperaturddepth plots of figures IA, IB, and I C are a series subsurface temperature profiles
from an onshore permafrost area and two laboratory-derived gas-hydrate stability curves for
different natural gases28. These gas-hydrate phase-diagrams (figs. IA, IB, and 1C) illustrate how
variations in formation-temperature, pore-pressure, and gas composition can affect the thickness
of the gas-hydrate stability zone. In each phase-diagram, the mean-annual surface temperature is
assumed to be -1OOC; however, the depth to the base of permafrost ( O T isotherm) is varied for
each temperature profile (assumed permafrost depths of 305 m, 610 m, and 914 m). Below
permafrost, three different geothermal gradients (4.O0C/1O0 m, 3.2"U100 m, and 2.O"C/100 m)
are used to project the sub-permafrost temperature profiles. The two gas-hydrate stability curves
represent gas hydrates with different gas chemistries. One of the stability curves is for a 100
percent methane hydrate, and the other is for a hydrate that contains 98 percent methane, 1.5
percent ethane, and 0.5 percent propane. The only difference among the three phase-diagrams
(figs. IA, IB, and IC) is the assumed pore-pressure gradient. Each phase diagram is constructed
assuming different pore-pressure gradient; 9.048 kPdm [0.400 psi/ft] (fig. IA), 9.795 kPa/m
f0.433 psilft] (fig. IB), and 11.311 kPdm L0.500psi/ft] (fig. IC).

The zone of potential gas-hydrate stability in each phase-diagram (figs. lA, IB, and IC) lies in the
area between the intersections of the geothermal gradient and the gas-hydrate stability curve. For
example, in figure IB, which assumes a hydrostatic pore-pressure gradient, the temperature profile
projected to an assumed permafrost base of 610 m intersects the 100 percent methane-hydrate
stability curve at about 200 m, thus marking the upper boundary of the methane-hydrate stability
zone. A geothermal gradient of 4.O0C/1O0 m projected from the base of permafrost at 610 m
intersects the 100 percent methane-hydrate stability curve at about 1,100 m; thus, the zone of
potential methane-hydrate stability is approximately 900 m thick. However, if permafrost
extended to a depth of 914 m and if the geothermal gradient below permafrost is 2.0C/100 m, the
zone of potential methane-hydrate stability would be approximately 2,100 m thick.
Most gas-hydrate stability studies assume that the pore-pressure gradient is hydrostatic (9.795
kPdm; 0.433 psgft). Pore-pressure gradients greater than hydrostatic will correspond to higher
Pore-Pressures with depth and a thicker gas-hydrate stability zone. A pore-pressure gradient less
than hydrostatic will correspond to a thinner gas-hydrate stability zone. The effect of porepressure variations on the thickness of the gas-hydrate stability zone can be quantified by
comparing each of the phase diagrams in figures IA, lB, and IC. For example, in figure IA,


which assumes a 9.048 kPa/m (0.400 psi/ft) pore-pressure gradient, the thickness of the 100
percent methane-hydrate stability zone with a 610 m permafrost depth and a sub-permafrost
geothermal gradient of 2.O0C/1O0m would be about 1,600 m. However, if a pore-pressure
gradient of 1 1.3 1 I kPdm (0.500 psi/ft) is assumed (fig. 1 c)the thickness of the methane-hydrate
stability zone would be increased to about 1,850m.
The gas-hydrate stability curves in figures IA, IB, and IC were obtained from laboratory data
published in Holder and others28. The addition of 1.5 percent ethane and 0.5 percent propane to
the pure methane gas system shifts the stability curve to the right, thus deepening the zone of
potential gas-hydrate stability. For example, assuming a hydrostatic pore-pressure gradient (fig.
IB), a permafrost depth of 610 m, and a sub-permafrost geothermal gradient of 4.0"c/l00 m, the
zone of potential methane (100 percent methane) hydrate stability would be about 900 m thick;
however, the addition of ethane ( I .5 percent) and propane (0.5 percent) would thicken the potential
gas-hydrate stability zone to 1,100 m.

II1.B. Pore- Water Saliniry

It is well known that dissolved salt can depress the freezing-point of water. For example, the base
of the ice-bearing permafrost on the North Slope of Alaska does not coincide with the 0C
isotherm but with a lower temperaturelo. This freezing-point depression has been attributed in
part to the presence of salt in the unfrozen pore-waters. Salt, such as NaCI, when added to a gas:
hydrate system, also lowers the temperature at which gas hydrates form. Pore-water salts in
contact with the gas during gas hydrate formation can reduce the crystallization temperature by
about 0.06"Cfor each part per thousand of sa@. Therefore, a pore-water salinity similar to that
of seawater (32 ppt) would shift the gas-hydrate stability curves in figures IA, IB, and IC to the
left about 2 T and reduce the thickness of the gas-hydrate stability zone.
III,C. Availability of Gas and Water
Most naturally occurring gas hydrates are characterized by two crystal structures known as
Structure I and Structure II7. The ideal gadwater ratio of Structure I gas hydrate is 8/46, whereas
the ideal gadwater ratio of Structure 11 gas hydrate is 24/136. These ideal ratios confirm the
observation that gas hydrates contain a substantial volume of gas. For example, if all the cages of
Structure I gas hydrate are occupied, each volume of gas hydrate will contain 189 volumes of gas
at standard temperature and pressure. The ideal hydrate gadwater ratios also indicate that there is a
substantial amount of water stored in the gas-hydrate structure. These high gas and water
concentrations demonstrate that the formation of gas hydrate requires a large source of both gas
and water. Thus, it becomes necessary to quantify the potential sources of gas and water when
assessing a potential gas-hydrate accumulation.
III.D. Gas and Water Migration Pathways
Other factors controlling the availability of gas and water are the geologic controls on fluid
migration. As previously shown, gas hydrates contain a substantial volume of gas and water that
must be supplied to a developing gas-hydrate accumulation. If effective migration pathways are
not available, it is unlikely that a significant volume of gas hydrates would accumulate. Therefore,
geologic parameters such as rock permeability and the nature of faulting must be evaluated to
determine if the required gas and water can be delivered to the potential hydrate reservoir.

M . E . Presence of Reservoir Rocks and Seals

The study of gas-hydrate samples recovered during research coring operations in oceanic
sediments suggests that the physical nature of in-situ gas hydrates may be highly variable7. Gas
hydrates were observed to be (1) occupying pores of coarse-grained rocks; (2) nodules
disseminated within fine-grained rocks; (3) a solid, filling fractures; or (4) a massive unit
composed mainly of solid gas hydrate with minor amounts of sediment. Because of the limited
number of gas-hydrate samples, it is not known if gas hydrates are usually pore-filling material or
occur as massive units. A study of well logs from northern Alaska indicate that gas hydrates
occur there as pore-filling constituents within coarse-grained reservoir rockslo. This study
suggests that porous rock intervals serve as reservoir rocks in which gas and water can be
concentrated in the amounts necessary for gas-hydrate formation. Therefore, the presence of
reservoir rocks may play a role in gas-hydrate formation, particularly in well-consolidated rock
intervals. It is also speculated that the presence of effective reservoir seals or traps may play a role
in gas-hydrate formation. Gas generated at depth moves upward, generally along tilted permeable
carrier beds, until it either seeps at the surface or meets an impermeable barrier (trap) that stops or
impedes its flow. As migrating gas accumulates below an effective seal, the total gas
concentrations may reach the critical amounts necessary for the formation of gas hydrates. Thus,
impermeable seals can provide a mechanism by which the required gas can be concentrated within
reservoir rocks. Besides conventional reservoirs and trapping mechanisms, it is possible for gas
hydrate to form its own reservoir and trap. As gas migrates into the zone of gas-hydrate stability,
it may interact with the available pore water to generate gas hydrate. With the appropriate volumes


of gas and water, the pore space within the reservoir rock could be completely filled, thus making
the rock impermeable to further hydrocarbon migration. The plugging of gas pipelines and
production tubing by gas hydrates is testimony to the sealing potential of gas hydrates7. It has
also been shown that, in marine environments, gas hydrates can mechanically displace sediments
to form their own reservoir. Thus, the availability of reservoir quality rocks may not always be a
limiting factor.
The major goal of this resource assessment is to estimate the gas hydrate resources in the United
States, both onshore and offshore. Similar to the assessment of the conventional resources in the
1995 U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Oil and Gas Assessment29, this assessment of gas
hydrates is based on a play-analysis scheme, which was conducted on a province-by-province
basis. We have defined, described, and assessed all the gas-hydrate plays in the United States
regardless of their current economic or technological status. Therefore, this assessment is
concerned with the in-place gas hydrate resources--that is, the amount of gas that may exist within
the gas hydrates without reference to its recoverability. In a play analysis method, prospects
(potential hydrocarbon accumulations) are grouped according to their geologic characteristics into
plays. The geologic settings of the hydrocarbon occurrences in the play are then modeled.
Probabilities are assigned to the geologic attributes of the model necessary for generation and
accumulation of hydrocarbons. In this assessment method, geologists make judgments about the
geologic factors necessary for the formation of a hydrocarbon accumulation and quantitatively
assess the geologic factors that determine its size.

In this assessment, 11 gas-hydrate plays were identified within four offshore and one onshore
petroleum provinces (figure 2); for each play, in-phce gas hydrate resources were estimated.
Estimates for each of the 11 plays were aggregated to produce the estimate of total gas-hydrate
resources in the United States. The offshore petroleum provinces assessed consist of the US.
Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) adjacent to the lower 48 States and Alaska. The only onshore
province assessed was the North Slope of Alaska, which included State water areas and some
offshore Federal waters. The provinces shown in figure 2 are geographic in character; however,
their formation represents an attempt to group the individual petroleum provinces along broad
geologic lines. Maps depicting the geologic data required for this hydrate assessment have been
included in the U.S. Geological Survey 1995 National Oil and Gas Assessment CD-ROM29.
Maps of bathymetry, sedimentary thickness, total organic carbon (TOC) content of the sediments,
seabed temperature, geothermal gradient, and hydrate stability zone thickness have been published
for all four offshore provinces assessed in the US. Geological Survey 1995 National Oil and Gas
Assessment CD-ROM29. Maps depicting the thickness of the onshore gas-hydrate stability zone
in northern Alaska are also included in the Assessment CD-ROM29.


The estimates of in-place gas-hydrate resources included in this report are presented in the form of
complementary cumulative probability distributions (fig. 3). These distributions summarize the
range of estimates generated by the FASPU computer program29 as a single probability curve in a
"greater than" format (fig. 3). Our estimates are reported at the mean and at the 95th, 75th. 50th,
25th, and 5th fractiles. We consider the 95th and 5th fractiles to be "reasonable" minimum and
maximum values, respectively. In-place gas resources within the gas hydrates of the United States
are estimated to range from 112.765 to 676,110 trillion cubic feet of gas (TCFG) [3,193 to 19,142
trillion cubic meters of gas (TCMG)], at the 0.95 and 0.05 probability levels, respectively (fig. 3).
Although these ranges of values show a high degree of uncertainty, they do indicate the potential
for enormous quantities of gas stored as gas hydrates. The mean in-place value for the entire
United States is calculated to be 320,222 trillion cubic feet of gas (TCFG) [9,066 trillion cubic
meters of gas (TCMG)]. This assessment of in-place gas hydrates represents those deposits that
constitute the resource base without reference io recoverabiliry.
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-- -

(i.alhrmd g n d h
4.0'UlW mal*.

Figure 1B. Graph showing the depth-temperature

zone in which gas hydrates are stable in a permafrost
region 19.795 kPdm pore-pressure gradient].28

Figure IA. Graph showing the depth-temperature

zone in which gas hydrates are stable in a permafrost
region (9.048 P a l m pore-pressure





Figure 2. Gas hydrate play map of the United States?'


Figure IC. Graph showing the depth-temperature

zone in which gas hydrates are stable in a permafrost
region [ I 1.31 1 kPdm pore-pressure gradient].28

Mean 320,222
F95 112,765
F5 676,110


Figure 3. Cumulative probability curve showing

the estimated in-place resousces within the gas
hydrates of the United States. The curve is read
as follows: there is a 95 percent chance that the
gas hydrate resource potential is greater than
112,765 frillion cubic feet of gas. and there is a
5 percent chance that the gas hydrate resource is
greater than 676.1 IO hillion cubic feet of gas.29


100.000 200,000 300,OW 400,000 500,000 MI0,WO 7W.wO





M. D. Max, Code7420, R. E. Pellenbarg, Code6101, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington,

D.C. 20375

Synthetic hydrate fuel, methane, gas

Clatrhrates, particularly methane and other hydrocarbon gas hydrates, have been known as
laboratory curiosities since chlorine hydrate (Cl2.6HzO),was reported (Faraday, 1823). I n
the 1930s and 1940s the natural gas industry had problems with the formation of a
crystalline, wax-like substance in natural gas transport pipes. This material clogged the lines
and research was focusedon understandingthe origin and physical chemistry of the material 90
that its appearance in pipelines could be minimized. Methane hydrates are now recognized as
being very widespread in marine sediments and in permafrost regions, and may constitute the
largest store of fixed carbon on earth (Kvenvolden, 1993). Our present knowledge about
methane hydrate physical chemistry, and the potential large volumes of recoverable methane
from naturally occurring sources argues strongly that methane is likely t o be the fuel of the
future, especially if the aspect of compressing methane within a clathrate crystal lattice can
utilized on an industrial scale.
There is currently an increasing interest in methane as a fuel because the technology for
handling it as a fuel, and the direct (e.g., on-site combustion for heating) and indirect
(electricity generation) energy conversion technologies are well understood and cost effective.
Additionally, because methane contains more hydrogen atoms for each carbon atom in its
molecule than any other hydrocarbon fuel, less carbon dioxide is produced upon combustion.
Also, gas field methane is usually relatively pure and relatively easy t o purify. Its use as a fuel
is thus more environmentally benign than other more complex hydrocarbon fuels or coal.
Methane also produces much less carbon dioxide per mole than alcohols, where OH substitutes
for one molecule of H, and much less than in liquid petroleum and oil basedfuels.


Methane (natural gas) produced from conventional gas deposits is plentiful, easily delivered
(as a gas) t o the user by an in-place domestic distribution system, and as a fuel, methane i s
clean burning and has a respectable heat content. The prospect of methane recovery from vast
oceanic gas hydrate deposits, however, argues for an almost indefinite supply of methane, the
recovely of which will probably speed the developmentof the gas-energy economy to replace
the current oil-based economy. In addition to this development being ecologically sound, oil may
be viewed better as an industrial feedstock than as a direct fuel, so long as a convenient,
alternate source of energy such as methane is madeavailable.
Methane is particularly amenable to transport and handling as a gas in pipelines and transport
to point use in pipes within contiguous land areas. In fact, most of the early work into the
chemistry of methane hydrates was undertaken by the gas transport industry because hydrates
were forming and clogging gas pipelines even a t relatively high temperatures and moderate
pressures. Current technology frequently requires that methane fuel be moved as either
compressed gas or as liquefied gas, as when natural gas is imported to the U.S. distribution grid
from foreign gas fields. Of course, many fixed-site utilizations for natural gas (e.g. space
heating, electrical power generation, or cooking) rely exclusively on gaseousmethaneas a fuel
stock. Where technical or geographic difficulties prohibit the use of piped distribution,
however, other means of distributing gas must be developedfor use. Storage of methane (e.g.,
compressed gas) at the point of use may also a problem so long as a continuous piped supply is
not available.


Both compressedgas and liquified gas, as transport media, possess serious safety concerns
associated with the flammability of the material (compressed natural gas) or the cold
temperatures and ultimate flammability/potentially explosive nature of the liquefied medium.
This paper suggests and examines a new application of clathrate chemistry, which could have a
significant impact on methane fuel use and distribution if implemented. We call attention to a
potential third alternative for bulk gas transport and point-of-use storage, which would be
energy dense, fairly stable, non-flammable in bulk, easy to transport, and potentially useable
as-is for motor fuels.
Naturally occurring methane hydrates are not stable at sea level ambient temperatures and
pressures. However, it is not intendedto use pure methane hydrate as the basis for the new fuel
transport andstorage media. Current experimental results show that hydrates can be fabricated
both from natural gas more dense than methane (de Boer e t al, 1985) with variable physical
property ranges that are stable well above the normal methane hydrate P-T stability field
(Sloan, 1990). Also, in the course of producing synthetic methane hydrate, metastabilities
about the liquidus line exist (Stern e t al., 19961, which may point toward controlling
metastability ranges of methane hydrate rather than expanding the methane hydrate stability
field. This broader stability of naturally occurring multiple gas clathrates, poorfy undemood
metastability, and relative ease with which synthetic methane (based) hydrate can be formed,
leads us tosuggestthat research fabricating special property methaneclathrates is feasible and
that research should be undertaken tofabricate a new methane fuel storage andtransport media.

The gas to be transported would be carried as a stabilized water-gas hydrate, or as a clathrate

utilizing selected(probably gaseous) additives which could expand the stability field for pure
methane-pure water clathrates well beyondthat of natural methane hydrate or even someof the
other natural hydrates that are stable nearer standard T-P (Fig. 1). It is clear that
development and adoption of a clathrate-based fuel transportation/distribution system, to
augment the in-place domestic gaseous-state fuel distribution complex, would offer many
advantagesaboveand beyond those associatedwith safety.














Figure 1. Natural hydrate phase boundaries for different commongases. From

Makogon (1 988). Replotted with temperature in normal scale and pressuredepth in meters seawater. 0 is atmospheric pressure at sea level. CH4,
methane; C2H& ethane; C3H8, propane; QH10, butane, the highest molecular
weight of the paraffin gases, which most easily forms clathrates. 032, carbon
Dioxide; H2S, hydrogen sulphide.
Although the energy density of methane clathrate is low compared with common liquid fuels
(Table 1), its potential energy density is actually greater than a similar volume of liquid
methane, and up to 164 times (Kvenvolden, 1993) the same volume of methane gas (at STP).
The compression factor is obtained becausemethanemolecules are forced closer together in the
crystalline solid methane hydrate than is obtained by any other form of methane compression.
For our energy conversion factor we use 160 X compression factor, although it is unlikely that
the industrial synthetic fuel will actually have a compression factor that high, because it i s
conservatively less than the maximum anticipated and results in even numbers appropriate for
preliminary estimation.

)I ______i





Methane Gas



Density g/cc

1 Energy Content 1


Methane-water solid
(natural hydrate

I CH4( H,O), - 1.O



1 - 10



CH4( H20),


Energy Content

7x1 0 - 4

Methane-water solid



0 70

19,000 * 3

840,000 * 3

0 77

18,500 * 3

930,000 * 3

Table 1. Energy content of various Hydrocarbon Fuels. 1. Less volatile j e t

fuel used by Navy, mandatedfor use on carriers toreduce danger of explosion.
*? boiling point -1 61 C. *3, STP Conditions, gas phase. *4, Energy may be
consumed producing gaseous methane from these forms or in containing them.
*5. Combustion products are HzO and Q.
Energy content takes into account
energy required to decomposehydrate t o Hz) and CH4; this figure represents
energy content after conversion at 150 volumes of methane in hydrate per

volume of methaneat STP , *6. Total potential energy contentwith no account

taken of dissociation energy requirements basedon 160 volumes of methane i n
hydrate per 1 volume of methane a t STP (engineering may reduce the energy
requirements for dissociation from specially fabricated clathrate or natural
heat sinks may be used as an energy source).
It must be pointed out that the precise nature of SMCF is not known because it has yet to be
designed and fabricated. Thus, the energy density, energy losses upon fabrication and
subsequent gasification, and the equivalent energy of methane after conversion, in addition tothe
Cost of the conversion and other engineering necessary for an SMCF system need t o be known
before a commercial value can be placed on the SMCF media. The potential energy content of
naturally occurring methane hydrate is high enough t o allow for some system or usage
diminution and still remain an attractive new fuel storage and transport media. Thus, if an
energy efficient means for gasifying synthetic methane clathrate fuel (SMCF), can be found, it
may prove to be a more efficient means of compressing methane than liquification.

Because it is unlikely that the energy density of a clathrate-based fuel media will ever
significantly approach that of liquid petroleum fuels, the clathrate fuel is clearly not
appropriate for all vehicles. For instance, vehicles with small volumes capacity for fuel
storage, such as private motor vehicles and aircraft, where weightlvolume is a major factor,
are not likely end-point users. Larger platforms, however, such as ships and possibly highspeed trains which could be made environmentally benign (with respect t o noise of energy
generation and exhaust), might be possible end-users, especially when the other attributes of
clathrate based fuel media, such as inhibiting uncontrolled fires and explosions in commercial
applications and explosion damping and deflecting in military applications, are taken into
The proposed safer transport system utilizes gas hydrates (clathrates) which are physical
associations of water ice and low molecular weight gas molecules (e.g. methane, ethane, propane
or butane). These clathrates form spontaneously when water and a suitable low molecular
weight gas (e.9. methane, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, chlorine) are mixed at suitable
temperatures (generally low) and pressures (generally moderate). Indeed, the older literature
contains many references t o gas hydrates forming spontaneously in natural gas transmission
pipelines, and often blocking them; this potential situation requires the drying of gas prior t~
pipeline transportation (DOE, 1987).
Research into the low pressure species has mainly concerned todeveloping techniques that w i II
allow for industrial capability to efficiently dissolve, or gasify hydrates. Where bonding
interaction between guest and host molecules might be enhanced somewhat, gas that normally
does not hydrate, such as hydrogen, may be bound into specially formulated hydrates. If host
cavities were t o be lined with groups having a high hydrogen bonding character, such as
hydroxyl or amino groups, other factors, such as the solubility parameter of the host, would be
of less importance. Increased hydrogen bonding power might also be induced by charging guest
molecules prior t o exposure t o hydrate lattice, or through the use of magnetic field charging
(moving the fuel in a field, pulsing a field, or moving a field with respect to the orientation of
the hydrate). Release of gas could be induced through heating, lowering of pressure, o r
electronic stimulation that would produce effectssimilar t o that of microwaving food(where the
frequency of the microwave is specific to water molecules).
The proposed SMCF storage and transport system would consist of three separate components:
(1 ) Formation Module, (2) Transport Vessels, and (3) Gasseparation Unit.
(1 ).
Hydrate Formation Module (HFM). Methane hydrates are stable under moderate
pressures, and low temperatures (Fig. 1). The HFM will consist of a pressure vessel into
which are pumped stabilizer, water spray, and methane; the P-T conditions of formation are
presently uncertain but may be different from those neededfor stability of the special hydrate
during storage. Recent research shows that the methane hydrate forms immediately upon
mixing water with the gas, when the system is within the stability field of the clathrate (Peter
Brewer, MBARI, pers. comm., November, 1996). Once the hydrate is formed, the material
would be removed from the HFM, and transferred t o the transport vessel for movement to point
of use or distribution.


(2) Hydrate Transport Vessel (HTV). The Kn/ would consist of a insulated container which
could contain the stable special hydrate at ambient to moderate pressures. The insulation would
more than likely consist of plastic foam such as is used by the refrigeration industry; vacuum
jackets would be avoidedbecauseof Cost andsafetyconcerns. The HTVcould be fabricated in any
desired shape, and might evolve t o be conformal t o the hull or some interior structural
members of the platform using the stored gasas a fuel, for example, in the double hull space of a

(3) Gas Separation Unit (GSU). The GSU could be integral tothe HTV,or separate, as mandated
by the ultimate use of the released fuel gas. The clathrates are unstable in the presence of
elevated heat; the hydrate could be decomposedby direct heating (e.g. a clathrate slush would be
transferred t o a heatedvessel: gas evolves from the slush and escapesfor use, and the water

from the hydrate is discarded or retained for use in making more hydrate later). Alternatively,
the hydrate slush could be sprayed with water, the heat in which would be sufficient m
decomposethe hydrate. In either case, the evolved gaswould be routed toa device (e.g. engine)
which could use the combustible gasas a fuel.

It must be notedthat there is no inherent reason why the units listed above would necessarily be
separate components. For example, the storage vessel could contain integral subsections which
would allow both formation of anddecompositionof thegas hydrate right in the KTV. Further, it
is technically possible to design and build an internal combustion engine which would use
hydrate as the only, or majority, fuel; such a system would be similar to water-injection
technology as applied t o internal combustion engines, as in some experimental fighter plane
engines andrace cars.


We have considered the feasibility of forming gas hydrates on demand, the utility of doing SI
(safe transportation of methane as a fuel), and potential end uses of gas moved as a hydrate
(decompositioninto gasfor combustion, or design of engines tooperate on hydrate itself). It i s
appropriate t o examine the effects of adding a clathrate-based fuel on the current energy
economyof a developedsociety.
Where would the SMCF system be applied and how would it develop? These questions cannot be
fully answered because: 1. the engineering possibilities have yet to be explored, 2. the effectcm
market forces cannot be assessed beyond observing that the technology and potential fuel
handling systems largely exist or can be developedat low cost, and, 3. government regulations
that would apply (but do not yet exist) could either inhibit or promote development of both the
SMCF itself and a world gas economy.
In the broadest sense, a SMCF-based fuel economywould be akin t o the system basedon liquid
hydrocarbons. Specially formulated clathrates would be transported in the form of slush i n
much the same way as present liquid hydrocarbons. Transportation is solid form could utilize
much of the present container-handling equipment and facilities including much of the sea, ra i I,
and road equipment already in existence. Production as slush (Najafi and Schaetzle, 1989)
would also allow pumped distribution. Moreover, where safety concerns are paramount, the
SMCF might be used because of could greatly enhance safety; even in the presence of open
flames, methane is evolved slowly from hydrates through breakdown of the crystal structure.
This means that all of the gasor liquid methane available as an explosive componentin present
conventional methane storage media can only be evolved at a rate a t which it could feed a fire,
but not an explosion without first collecting evolved gas. In addition, upon gas evolution,
substantial quantities of water are also produced, whose presence could be engineered toinhibit
accidental ignition attributes of the system.
A dedicated clathrate-based methane fuel economy, in existence and developing, would drive
exploration and development t o utilize the vast quantities of methane that are only now being
recognized as present on the planet (Max and Lowrie, 1996). Current conservative estimates
indicate that naturally occurring methane hydrates contain at least twice the amount of fixed
carbon as do conventional methane, liquid hydrocarbons, and coal, combined, on Earth
(Kvenvolden, 1993), andit is unlikely that this fuel source will remain untapped, especially i f
an SMCF system can be developedat a reasonable cost.
De Boer, R.B., Houbolt, J.J.H.C. & Lagrand, J. 1985. Formation of gas hydrates in a permeable
medium. GeologieenMijnbouw, M,245-249.
DOE, 1987. Gas hydrates Technology Status Report. Department of Energy DOE/METC-870246
(DE87001 27) 54pp.
Faraday, M. 1823. On fluid chlorine. Philosophical Transactions Royal Society of London 22A,
Kvenvolden, K.A. 1993. A primer on gas hydrate. In: Howell, D.G. et al. (eds). The future of
energy gases.USGS Professional Paper 1570, 279-291.
Makogon, Yu.F. 1988. Gas-hydrate accumulations and permafrost development. In: Senneset, K.
(ed). Permafrost. Fifth International Conference Proceedings, 95-1 01 .
Max, M.D. & Lowrie, A. 1996. Methane hydrate: A frontier for exploration of new gas
resources. Journal of Petroleum Geology, 19,4 1-5 6.
Najafi, M. & Schaetzle, W.J. 1989. Analysis of clathrate solidification.
3/89/0000, 1839-1 844.

W CH2781-

Sloan, E.D., Jr. 1990. Clathrate Hydrates of Natural Gases. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York and
Basel. 641 pp.
Stern, L.A., Kirby, S.H. & Durham, W.B. 1996. Peculiarities of methane clathrate hydrate
formation and solid-state deformation, including possible superheating of water ice. Science,
22& 1843-1 848.


Konstantin A. Udachin, Gary D. Enright, Christopher I. Ratcliffe and John A.
Steacie Institute for Molecular Sciences
National Research Council of Canada
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K I A OR6
Keywords: clathrate hydrates, crystal structure, structure H hydrate, CO, as small cage
guest, bromine hydrate
The accurate prediction of conditions for hydrate formation depends strongly on the
availability of good structural information. For clathrate hydrates, a complete
description of structure involves not only the unit cell parameters and average atomic
positions, but also the cage occupancies. In order to provide this kind of information, it
is necessary to use techniques such as diffraction, which is sensitive to long range
order, in combination with techniques such as NMR which are sensitive to local ordef.
Previously we have demonstrated the use of NMR methods for the determination of
relative cage occupancies for structure I and II hydrates3.
Although the crystal structures of Str. I and II hydrates have been known for a
considerable length of time, the detailed lattice information on Str. H hydrate has
remained unknown until recently5. It is also remarkable that a number of other
apparently simple clathrate hydrate structures remain unsolved. Examples are the low
hydrate of dimethyl ether6 and bromine hydrate. The latter is especially intriguing as
the hydrate was first reported in 1829, and it has been studied on and off for over 160
years. A crystal space group and a set of lattice parameters were reported by Allen
and Jeff reye, although atomic coordinates were not obtained. More recently, Dyadin
and co-workers have claimed that on the basis of hydration numbers which range from
7 to 12, and the different crystal morphologies reported that there is evidence for as
many as four different structures. We have now shown that a single crystal structure
accounts for all of the different hydration numbers and crystal morphologies.

Another factor that is relatively unappreciated is the fact that although the small 5 (D)
cage is common to all 3 structures, I, I1 and H, the symmetry and size of these small
cages is different, and hence their behaviour towards guest molecules should also be
quite different. This is very directly evident from the chemical shift parameters of xenon
trapped in the small cages which suggest that the structure II and H small cages are
significantly larger and less symmetric than the Structure I small cage. Experiments
with CO, have confirmed this idea.
Bromine hydrate single crystals suitable for diffraction were grown from solutions of
different concentrations to give material of different morphologies and hydration
numbers see table 1. The crystal structures were determined on a Siemens
diffractometer equipped with a CCD detector using Mo &radiation. In all, 16 different
crystals were examined. The structures were solved with the Shextl software package.

Double hydrates of xenon or CO, were made by sealing into lOmm pyrex tubes
measured quantities of powdered ice, along with the appropriate large cage and small
1 day to several
cage guests. Samples were conditioned for times lasting from
weeks. NMR spectra were measured on an Bruker MSL 200 spectrometer equipped
with a double-tuned solenoid probe suitable for cross-polarization and dipolar
decoupling. Temperature variation was achieved with a cold gas-flow system and a
temperature controller. Spectral simulations were carried out with the Bruker Xedplot


a) The structure of bromine hydrate
As was pointed out in the introduction, bromine hydrate can be made with different
hydration numbers and vastly different morphologies. Hydration numbers have been
reported by at least 13 different authors and vary from 7 to 12. For the crystals used in
this study, the composition of the crystals was controlled by changing the concentration
of the starting solutions from ( Br:H,O) 1:20 to 1 5 . ( table 1 ). The morphology of the
different crystals is shown in fig. 1. Six crystals were studied in detail in order to come
to a satisfactory solution of the structure, the space group and cell parameters for ten

other crystals were determined to cover the different crystal morphologies. For all of
the crystals studied, the space group turned out to be the one reported by Allen and
P4Jmnm. At -100C the lattice parameters are a=23.044, ~112.075A.
Jeffrey @:
One view of the structure is shown in fig.2. The unit cell can be represented" as
follows: 2DA.8D,8TA.8T,.4P. 172H,O with a 5"6' (P) cage, two distinct 5"6' (TA, T,)
cages similar to those in str. I, and two kinds of 5" (Dh, 0,) cages. The reason for the
difficulty in finding a good structural solution becomes apparent when examining the
guest positions in fig. 2. As opposed to structures with hydrocarbon guests, in the
bromine hydrate case the scattering is dominated by the highly disordered bromine
guest: the P cage has as many as 12 possible positions for bromine; the T cages each
have 14 (T,) or 15 (T,), with the site occupancies varying from 20 down to 2 %. The
highly anisotropic site distribution is evident especially for the T cages, where the centre
of the cavity can be seen to be clear as the bromine atoms are confined to be near to
the equatorial plane of the cage. The variable hydration numbers observed for bromine
hydrate arise from the variable degree of filling of the large cages ( table 1 ). The
minimum hydration number possible is 8.6.
It will be another challenge to work out a thermodynamic model for bromine hydrate, as
the clathrate has 3 types of large cage ( P,TA, T, ) suitable for bromine, and two small
cages (DA,D,) which may contain oxygen or nitrogen from the air ( some electron
density in the small cages was indeed observed ). The bromine hydrate structure is the
I hydrate. Attempts to
only one of its type, as all other molecules of this size form str. 1
form a different hydrate with xenon as helpgas initially gave a structure II hydrate, but
with time this was seen to revert back to the bromine hydrate structure. The fact that
the large cages do not need to be full seems to be unique as well. This suggests that
guest - guest interactions may play an important role in dictating structure type.
Significant guest - guest interactions are likely for the electron-rich bromine molecule
which should have a sizable molecular quadrupole moment. Another challenge is the
understanding of the reasons for the different crystal morphologies. It appears that
some kind of "self-inhibition'' takes place to suppress the growth of certain crystal faces
when the bromine concentration varies in the growth solution.

b) NMR Chemical Shifts and Cage Size

One of the first applications of "'Xe NMR spectroscopy was the chemical shift
resolution of the distinct sites in str. I hydrate'. It was also noted that the chemical shifts
for the 5" cages in str. I and II were quite different". According to the empirical
chemical shift - cage size relationship, the D cage in str. \I is larger than that in str. I .
Since little is known about potential helpgases for str. H, it was thought that the Xe
NMR parameters could give some guidance for the prediction of the suitability of CO,
as such a helpgas for the two small cages. '** Xe chemical shift for different hydrate
cages are summarized in table 2 along with the point symmetry of the cages.
We note that str. I has the only pseudosphericalD cage. From Ihe chemical shift data,
the other D cages are not only less symmetric, as indicated by non-zero chemical shift
anisotropies, but also somewhat larger, as seen from the smaller shifts. This is likely to
be of some importance for all small cage guests, since in str. I the fact that the small
cage occupancy decreases with increasing guest size suggests that it is the repulsive
interactions that limit the cage occupancy. Also, especially for non-spherical guests
small departures from spherical symmetry are likely to be important. CO, is a good test
molecule, as it appears to be a marginal guest for the 5'' cages. An indirectly
determined hydration number from thermodynamic measurements is 7.0", which leads
to an occupancy ratio
0. 3 through the relationship between hydration number
and guest occupancy ratio once the free energy difference between the hypothetical
empty lattice and ice is known3. In a previous NMR study'=, small cage CO, guests
were not observed, as the central region of the spectrum is dominated by contributions
from liquid and/or gaseous GO,. By using the appropriate polarization transfer pulse
technique, these contributions can be eliminated from the spectrum, leaving the small
cage contribution visible ( fig. 3 ( top )). On the other hand, for a double hydrate of
Propane and CO,, the "C spectrum indicates that nearly all of the CO, molecules are
now located in the 5" cage, that, from the Xe spectrum, is slightly larger and shaped
like an oblate spheroid. The very weak central line indicates that there is almost no
CO, in the large cage of the hydrate. The two propane I3C resonance lines aren't
resolved and occur as a single peak at 18 ppm.

Based on these observations, what would one expect for the Str. H small cages ?
From the "*Xe spectra, the D and D' cages should be as large as the str. II D cage and

also quite asymmetric. An attempt was made to produce a hydrate Sample of

neohexane with CO, as small cage guest. The product gave the i3C spectrum shown in
fig. 4. Indeed, contributions can be found from CO, in both D and D' cages with NMR
lineshapes characteristic of axial and non-axial symmetry. We can conclude that co, is
indeed suitable as a small cage guest in str. H hydrate.
The long outstanding problem of the structure(s) of bromine hydrate has been solved
succesfully by examining 16 crystals of different morphologies and hydration numbers.
There is just one structure, now solved in detail, and it is the tetragonal form originally
suggested by Jeffrey.
By using the Xe NMR spectrum observed for xenon trapped in the small cages in str. I,
I1 and H, it was predicted that the small cages in str. II and H should be good sites for
Co,. This was confirmed by using '3C NMR spectroscopy to examine a number Of co,
-containing hydrates. CO, is now also confirmed as a possible helpgas molecule for the
structure H hydrate. The fact that all of the small cages ( D and D' in str I, II and H )
have different shapes and sizes ( especially as defined by 12'Xe NMR ) suggests that
the Langmuir constants which define the affinity of small guests for these cages should
also be different.
Acknowledgments: KAU and CIR thank the NATO Science Program for a Research
Visit Grant.
* Published as NRCC no:39129

" Permanent address: Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences,

Novosibirsk, Russia
'Author for correspondence
I Davidson, D. W. in " Water. A Comprehensive Treatise. Franks, F. Ed., Plenum, New
York, N. Y., 7973,Vol. 2; Sloan, Jr., E. D." Hydrates of Natural Gas ", Marcel Dekker,
New York, N. Y., 7997
Davidson, D. W, Handa, Y. P., Ripmeester, J. A,, J. Phys. Chem. 7986 90, 6549
Collins, M., Ratcliffe, C. I., Ripmeester, J. A,, J. Phys. Chem. 7990 94, 157
' Ripmeester, J. A., Tse, J. S., Ratcliffe, C. I., Powell, 8.S., Nature 1987325,135
Udachin, K. A., Enright, G. A., Ratcliffe, C. I., Ripmeester, J. A., Supramol. Chem. ( in
press )
' Miller, S. L., Gough, S. R., Davidson, D. W., J. Phys. Chem., 7977 81, 2154
' Lowig, Ann. Pogg., 7829 16, 376
Dyadin, Y. A., Belosludov, V. R., in Comprehensive Supramolecular Chemistry,
Atwood, J. L., Davies, J. E. D., MacNicol, D. D., Vogtle, F., Ed., Pergamon, 7996 6,
' Allen, K. W., Jeffrey, G. A., J. Chem. Phys. 7963 38, 2304
" Ripmeester, J. A.. Ratcliffe, C. I., Tse, J. S., J. Chem. SOC.Faraday Trans. I 7988,
Jeffrey, G. A., in Inclusion Compounds, Atwood, J. L., Davies, J. E. D., MacNicol, D.
D., Ed., Pergamon, 7982,Vol. 1
Bozzo, A. T., Chen, H-S.,
Kass, J. R., Barduhn, A., Desalination, 7975 16, 303
13 Ratcliffe, C. I., Ripmeester, J. A. J. Phys. Chem. 7986 90, 1259


Table 1. Some details on the crystals of bromine hydrate studied

Initial composition of Average degree of filling
Crystal Stoichiometry"
Solution (Br,:H,O)
of large cavities' ( P, TA,
T, )
( Br,:H,O)



from analysis of crystal structure data

Table 2 . Hydrate cages, cage sizes and '**Xechemical shift data



cage type

5',6'( H)









-2 1





----_-____________----------------------------------------estimate from X-ray diffraction data; isotropic chemical shift;" 6=(2/3)Ao - chemical
shift anisotropy;dasymmetry parameter - departure of cage geometry from axial

Figure 1. Morphology of different bromine hydrate crystals studied. In general, the

massive form is seen most readily in dilute solutions, the needles in concentrated



Figure 2. General
view of the bromine
hydrate structure with
approximately along
hydrogen atoms are
omitted for clarity; the
bromine atoms are
shown in their many
possible disordered
positions in the cages,
occupancy being one
molecule per cage

Figure 3. "C NMR

obtained for a) CO,
hydrate b) double
hydrate of CO, and
propane. Note that
the svmmetrv rather
than i h e c i g e size
chemical shift patterns
nature of the guest
motion ( isotropic vs
anisotropic). Pseudospherical cages give
the sharp central lines
crosspolarization methods
were used, the liquid
and gaseous C 0 2 are
not visible ).
Figure 4. "C NMR
spectrum for a str.H
hydrate of CO, and
2,2 dimethyl butane.
There is a small
amount of str. I CO,
hydrate present also.
This spectrum does
gaseous CO, as a
sharp line in the
spectrum, as it was
not recorded with a
technique. The I3C
axially symmetric for
the 4'5'6' (D) cage,
and is a general
tensor pattern for the
low symmetry 5" (D)













1 9




Roger Sassen and Ian R. MacDonald

Geochemical and Environmental Research Group, Texas A&M University, College
Station, Texas 77845
Keywords: gas hydrates, thermogenic hydrocarbons, Gulf of Mexico

The Gulf of Mexico continental slope is a natural laboratory for gas hydrates that
contain hydrocarbons from deeply buried thermogenic sources. Thermogenic
hydrocarbons (oil and gas) from actively generating Mesozoic source rocks (>6 km
burial depth) migrate vertically along conduits associated with actively-moving salt
structures and faults to subsurface reservoirs (2-4 km) of Tertiary age'. The
hydrocarbon trapping system is so "leaky" that large volumes of thermogenic
hydrocarbons reach the sea floor', and enter the water column*.
Although biogenic gas hydrates are abundant on the Gulf slopes, oil and gas from
deep source rocks create a geochemically complex and physically dynamic
environment for thermogenic gas hydrates at the sea floor. Structure II gas hydrate
containing C1-C4 thermogenic hydrocarbon gases was first sampled in 1984 by piston
cores in 530-560 m water depths on the Gulf slope offshore Louisiana4.
Identification of the hydrate as structure I1 was based on the relative abundance of
the C3 and i-C4 hydrocarbons4. The structural assignment was corroborated using
solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)5. Research on gas hydrates of the
Gulf slope, however, has advanced rapidly in the last few years, and our objective
here is to summarize new results.
The Bush Hill site in the Green Canyon area of the Gulf slope offshore Louisiana is
a well-documented site for study of thermogenic gas hydrates (27O47.5' N and
91O15.0' W). Bush Hill is a fault-related sea-floor mound about 500 m wide, with
relief of about 40 m6. Water depth of the mound crest is about 540 m, where mean
water temperature is about 7" C (range = 6 to 11" C) Phase equilibria models indicate
that Bush Hill is within the stability zone of thermogenic gas hydrates (Sloan, E.D.,
pers. communication).

Sea-floor sediments contain crude oil and related free hydrocarbon gases. Bacterial
oxidation of these hydrocarbons produces COz which precipitates as authigenic
carbonate rock with isotopically-light 8l3C values7. The crest of the mound is
colonized by seep-dependent chemosynthetic organisms including bacterial mats,
vestimentiferan tube worms, and methanotrophic mussels8. Persistent natural oil
slicks appear on satellite remote sensing images of the sea surface over Bush Hi@.
Thermogenic gas hydrates and gases that vent to the water column at the mound
crest are readily sampled by research submarines. Copious streams of gas vent
continuously to the water column where subsurface migration conduits intersect
the sea floor9Jo. Thermogenic gas hydrates form around the orifices of gas vents.
The gas hydrates at vents are not dispersed in sediments as nodules or thin seams,
but instead occur as continuous masses. Lens-shaped masses of yellow to orange gas
hydrates breach the sea-floor at numerous locations on the crest of Bush HillgJo.
The hydrates form sediment-draped mounds 30-50 cm high and up to several m in
width, with exposed gas hydrate visible at the edges of mounds'o.

Vent Gases
The C1-C5 hydrocarbons of the vent gases are dominated by methane (Cl = 91.194.7%), and 813C values of C1 are within the narrow range of -42.4 to -45.6 %o PDB
(Table 1).The Ci-CS distributions and 813C of C1 of the vent gases (Table 1)correlate
to gases from underlying subsurface reservoirs of Jolliet Fieldll.



Table 1. Normalized C1-C5 hydrocarbon compositions and methane 813C of vent

gases and thermogenic gas hydrates (Structure I1 and Structure H) at Bush Hill.
Number in superscript indicates the citation to the data.


Vent Gas 10
Vent Gas 10
Vent Gas 10
Vent Gas 10
Vent Gas 10


Hydrate (1I)'o




























Structure I1 hydrate
Hydrocarbon compositions of massive hydrate lenses of Bush Hill are shown in
Table 1. The C1-C5 hydrocarbons of the hydrate gases are dominated by C1 (71.780.2%). The 813C values of C1 are in the range of -36.3 to -39.9 ?& PDB, somewhat
heavier than vent gases, possibly because of bacterial activitylo. The Cz and C3
hydrocarbons are both present in similar but relatively high percentages compared
with the vent gas (Table 1). Preliminary NMR of an intact hydrate sample preserved
in liquid nitrogen is consistent with structure I1 hydrate (Ripmeester, J., pers.
Structure H gas hydrate
Structure H hydrates produced in the laboratory can enclose larger molecules than
structure I or I1 hydrates, including common thermogenic hydrocarbons such as iC5. Given the widespread occurrence of petroleum, it was postulated in 1993 that
structure H hydrate could co-exist in nature with structure Il hydratel2.
Evidence for the natural occurrence of structure H gas hydrate at the Bush Hill
locality was first reported in 19946. Massive amber-colored gas hydrate breached the
sea-floor. It had been exposed when a buoyant lobe of hydrate broke free of the
sediment and floated upwards into the water column. Identification of structure H
hydrate was based on abundant i-C5, which represented 41.1% of the total C1-C5
hydrocarbon distribution of the sample (Table 1). The 8l3 C of C1 from the sample is
heavy (-29.3 %O PDB), possibly because of bacterial activity6.
Experimentally-Precipitated gas hydrate
Gas hydrate was experimentally precipitated at the crest of Bush Hill in 1995 using
natural vent gases as the starting materiallo. Water temperatures during
experiments were 9.0-9.2OC. Precipitation of white to yellow gas hydrate was noted
to occur within minutes.
The hydrocarbon compositions of experimentally precipitated gas hydrates are
similar to vent gas compositionslO. The c 1 - C ~hydrocarbons of the experimentally
precipitated gas hydrates gases are dominated by methane (C1 = 87.7-93.9%),and the
813C values of C1 are withii the 40.5 to -45.3 %O PDB range.
Thermogenic gas hydrates occur on the Gulf of Mexico continental slope because of
active vertical migration of oil and gas to the sea floor within their stability zone.
The Bush Hill seep site on the Gulf slope is an important case history. Massive
thermogenic gas hydrates occur in association with the orifices of hydrocarbon
vents. Both structure I1 and structure H hydrates appear to co-exist in this


environment. Gas hydrate is also rapidly precipitated in sea-floor experiments

using natural vent gas as the starting material. More sophisticated sampling and
experiments from research submarine platforms could significantly enhance our
understanding of thermogenic gas hydrate formation in the deep sea.
Support for research was provided by the NOAA National Undersea Research
Center, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, and the Minerals
Management Service, New Orleans.
R. Sassen; J.M. Brooks; LR. MacDonald; M.C. Kennicutt 11; N.L. Guinasso; A.
Y 349-355.
G. Requejo 1-993

MacDonald, I.R.; N.L. Guinasso, Jr.;S.G. Ackleson; J.F. Amos; R. Duckworth;

98 16,351-16,364.
R. Sassen; J.M. Brooks L1-993


J.S. Booth; M. M. Rowe; K. Fischer US. G e o l o w Survev Ouen-File

$&5!2, June 1966.


Brooks J.M.; M.C. Kennicutt 11; R.R. Fay; T.J. McDonald; Sassen R. Science 1984


Davidson, D.W.; S.K. Garg, S.R. Gough, Y.P. Handa; C.I. Ratcliffe; J.A.
Ripmeester; J.S. Tse; W.F. Lawson Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 1986 a 6 1 9 623.


Sassen, R.; LR. MacDonald -1994


Sassen R.; H.H. Roberts; P. Aharon; J. Larkin; E.W. Chinn; R. Carney

Geochem. 1993 77-89.


MacDonald 1.R; G.S. Boland; J.S. Baker: J.M. Brooks; M.C. Kennicutt 11; R.R.
Bidigare R.R. Marine Biol. 1989


MacDonald, I.R.; N.L. Guinasso; R. Sassen; J.M. Brooks; L. Lee; K.T. Scott
Geoloey 1994 2 699-702.


Sassen, R.; LR. MacDonald. Ore. Geochem. 1996, in press.


Kennicutt 11, M.C.; J.M. Brooks; G.J. Denoux


Mehta, A.P.; Sloan, E.D. J. Chem. Eng. Data 1993 3580-582.

22 1029-1032.

1988 2 39-59.



Peter G. Brewer *, Franklin M. Orr +, Jr., G. Friederich *, K.A. Kvenvolden #, and D.L. Orange *
* Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, P.O. Box 628, Moss Landing CA 95039
+ School of Earth Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford CA 94305
# US. Geological Survey, 345 Middlefield Road, Menlo Park CA 94025
Keywords: Methane hydrate, C02 hydrate, ocean chemistry
We have initiated a program of research into gas hydrate formation in the deep sea by controlled
release of gas into natural sea water and marine sediments with the object of investigating the
formation rates and growth patterns in natural systems, and the geochemical stability of the reaction
products over time. Here we present a brief account of the experiments we have performed to date,
we describe the novel experimental apparatus and procedures developed by our group for in situ
oceanic work, and comment briefly on the significance of our results.
Laboratory experiments on the formation of hydrates are well known (1,2,3) and the techniques
typically involve rocking or shaking the reactants in a pressure vessel, and initiation of the reaction
with ice crystals or by supercooling. The experience of laboratory researchers is that significant (>
24 hours for methane) induction times delay the onset of hydrate formation (4), and several
mechanistic theories have arisen to explain this lag in terms of the activation barrier associated with
cluster formation. The growth of hydrates in nature does not involve shaking the reactants, nor is
supercooling or the presence of ice crystals part of the deep sea natural environment, and therefore
we approached our first in situ experiment with genuine curiosity as to whether the reaction would
proceed via simple injection of the gas within the time frame of a few hours available to us for
observation. We report here that we have repeatedly observed the formation of hydrates in a few
seconds from methane, methane+ethane+propane,and C02, under various oceanic conditions, and
have begun a program of time series observations of material left in place in our natural laboratory
on the sea floor for an extended period of time.
We have made use of Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) technology, and specifically the ROV
Ventunu (5,6) operated by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute from the research vessel
Point Lobos, to carry out our experiments. The basic vehicle has a depth rating of 1,850 m and is
powered by a 40 hp electrohydraulic power pack. The vehicle is linked to the surface by a Kevlar
armored tether with five copper conductors and an optical fiber core of ten elements which carry all
control and telemetry signals. Imaging is provided by a Sony DXC-3000 three-chip color video
camera with a Fujinon 5.5 to 40 mm zoom lens through which we observed and recorded the
experiment. A Conductivity - Temperature - Pressure sensor (CTD; Sea Bird Instruments) is
mounted on the vehicle and data is telemetered in real time to the control room.

Below the main frame of the vehicle is an open tool sled structure which housed the gas tank for the
methane, and mixed gas experiments. The basic system is similar to that described earlier by us (7).
A pressure regulator set to 0.7 Mpa above ambient pressure and a needle valve that limited the flow
rate to about 125 ml per minute were in line. Gas was distributed to the reaction chambers by four
hydraulically actuated pistons (Allenair) operating quarter turn valves that were controlled directly
by us through the Point Lobos control room interface. The valves and reaction tubes were mounted
on an aluminum box frame carried on the front of the vehicle and positioned for optimum viewing.
The reaction tubes were vented to the outside ocean by an overflow tube at the top of the cylinder,
arranged so as to trap a small gas bubble at all times while allowing for pressure equalization. A
peristaltic pump was attached to all reaction cylinders to flush sea water at the local temperature and
salinity through the apparatus prior to gas injection. The gas flow schematics are illustrated in Fig. 1.

For C 0 2 release we faced the problem of dispensing a liquid at the pressures and temperatures
encountered. Two systems were used: overpressuring the liquid C02 with a bubble of He gas to
expel the fluid from a vertically mounted tank; and use of a hydraulically activated piston to expel
the liquid C02 from a pressured reservoir. Once the C02 was expelled the gas flow, valving and
reaction vessel were identical to that for methane.
The gas was expelled into acrylic reaction cylinders ( 60 x 4.5 cm; volume 954 cm3 ) mounted
vertically on the frame; a second reaction chamber with a plane viewing surface, and large enough to
contain a temperature probe of five thermistors was also constructed and used in the later
experiments. The chambers contained either sea water alone, or were partially filled with sediments
of varying grain sizes. No provision was made for sample recovery on board ship at this time, and


the observations were purely visual, although the environmental conditions for the experiment are
well defined by the CTD sensor.
Methane Hydrate Formation
In our first experiment (January, 1996) we used pure methane gas ( Linde); the thermodynamic
boundary for methane hydrate formation posed by the local hydrographic (P,T,S) conditions in
Monterey Bay is close to 525 m water depth. We paused at about 500m to inject a small amount of
gas as a precaution to clear the lines, then drove Ventanato a depth of about 910m and switched on
the peristaltic pump to flush the system of trapped sea water and achieve T,S equilibrium with the
external medium ( approximately 3.9OC; 34.42%0).Once the system had flushed we injected
methane gas by bubble stream through a IO pm porous frit at the bottom of the reaction cylinders.
Methane hydrate formation occurred within a few seconds, seen easily as a bright reflective bubbly
mass at the gadwater interface at the top of the tube. The hydrate formed as a white rind on the gas
bubble surface that appeared to separate the water and gas from further rapid reaction unless some
mechanical disturbance occurred. The reaction was reproducible; an injection into a second reaction
cylinder produced an identical result. No significant induction period was observed, nor was
anything other than gas and natural sea water present.
Of the two remaining reaction cylinders one contained about 20 cm of coarse sand, and the other a
similar amount of fine grained mud. Here the hydrate formation was again first seen at the top of the
tube. But the pores of the coarse sand matrix were soon observed to be flooded with hydrate, which
sealed off further gas flow. The effect was to create cracking and then lifting of a major piece of the
solidified sand column. Gas flow through the fine mud caused channels to open up since the
capillary pressure for the gas to enter the pore spaces was higher than that required to displace the
sediment. White hydrate masses quickly formed on the walls of the channels and gas created void
spaces with an appearance and effect quite different from the coarse sand matrix. On recovery of the
vehicle the hydrates formed in our experiment dissociated during transit to the surface, and we were
not able to recover specimens for analysis.

C02 Hydrate Formation

In a second dive with an almost identical experimental arrangement (water, and sediment containing,
reaction cylinders) we observed hydrate formation with C02. Here the local thermodynamic
boundary for C 0 2 hydrate formation occurs at about 350111water depth. We added a small amount of
helium gas to the C 0 2 cylinder prior to the dive so as to create an overpressure to drive the liquid
C02 out of the primary reservoir. Ventana was then driven to about 568 m, and gas injected as
before. White hydrate whiskers appeared at the frit within a few seconds, and a mass of hydrate
coated bubbles formed quickly at the upper gadwater interface. Any induction period for hydrate
formation was so short as to be negligible.
Our inspection of the performance of the apparatus at depth, and leakage of gas around valves, lead
us to believe that our stratagem of using He to overpressure the C 0 2 had in fact created a C02/ He
gas mixture, and that this particular experiment cannot therefore be strictly interpreted as pure C 0 2
hydrate formation. Since He does not form a hydrate under any conditions the overall effect is likely
to be small. Interestingly all C 0 2 hydrates formed were buoyant, and rose rapidly through the sea
water to rest at the interface between gas and water. The density of C 0 2 hydrate is substantially
greater than sea water, and the buoyancy is an indication of trapped unreacted liquid C 0 2 ( plus a
small amount of dissolved He) in the formed product. Visual inspection, by close camera focus, of
the bubbles of hydrate confirmed the presence of a liquid layer inside the hydrate sheath. Injection of
C02 into the sediment containing cylinders produced a sequence of results very close to that
observed for methane.

Mixed Gas Experiment

An experiment with a methane (90%) ethane (5%) and propane (5%) mixture was also carried out.
Here the presence of propane as a hydrate Structure I1 former significantly shifts the hydrate
boundary to shallower depths than that for methane alone; moreover the presence of propane is
widely regarded as acting to reduce any induction period for hydrate formation. Since we have
observed a very short formation time for CHq hydrate, the differential effect of using this gas
mixture was insignificant and equally rapid hydrate formation on bubble surfaces was seen.
Liquid C02 injection
In an effort to create pure C 0 2 hydrate without the complexity of probable He contamination in the
mixture, we rebuilt the gas release apparatus so as to contain liquid C 0 2 in a piston actuated
cylinder. Care was taken to apply pressure from ROV system hydraulics to the open side of the
cylinder throughout the dive so as to maintain a positive pressure over ambient and thus avoid
pressures in the incorrect sense on the gas regulator. Here we dove to about 910111, and released C 0 2
into the apparatus. At this depth only the liquid C 0 2 phase is present. No fine pore frit, but a simple

small bore tube, was used for sample introduction in this experiment for fear of plugging the
apparatus completely. The effect was to create globules of liquid C02 which, after sticking
temporarily to the release port, rose slowly to the upper interface. There it appeared that a fine film
of accreting hydrate gave a pearly appearance to the external surface of the globules, which did not
coalesce but remained as separated units.

Thermal Signatures
In a modification of our apparatus we replaced one of the cylindrical reaction tubes with a plane
faced larger unit for better viewing. In this unit we placed a heat flow probe constructed by the
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institutions Alvin group. This consists of a metal rod about 1 m long
with five thermistors each separated by about IO cm. Readout from the probe was fed directly to the
control room for real time monitoring of the experiment. Working with pure C Q gas in sea water
we observed the temperature rise from the heat of formation during hydrate creation on bubble
surfaces at the gadwater interface. Disturbance of the upper boundary by bubble flow created a
mixed layer several centimeters deep which served to dissipate the heat, and it was not possible to
gain a more quantitative estimate of the amount of hydrate formed.
On termination of the experiment and on raising Ventana to shallower depths we immediately
observed a temperature drop due to quasi-adiabatic expansion cooling of the unreacted gas in the
head space. Adiabatic cooling of the sea water itself is much smaller, but can be evaluated since the
equation of state for sea water is well known (8). The temperature drop associated with gas
expansion continued on raising until the hydrate decomposition point was reached. This point was
not identical with the external oceanic boundary condition for dissociation due to the lower
temperature at equal pressure within the apparatus, but it was clearly defined by a sharp break in the
temperature trend due to cooling from the heat of dissociation.

Longer Term Observations

We intend to make longer term studies of the in situ stability of the hydrates we form than can be
afforded within the confines of a one day dive schedule. This has meant devising a means to leave
the apparatus on the sea floor for an extended period, and to return to it periodically for inspection
and sampling of the trends. We have begun this process by constructing a square frame designed to
sit above the sea floor and to hold the reaction tubes in place at a level where they can be viewed by
the vehicle camera on return visits. This requires some means to first form the hydrate, then sever
the connecting gas lines, pick up the frame with the vehicle robotic arm, and place it away from
Ventana so that we can exit the site. Retum to the location is provided for by deploying an
interrogatable acoustic beacon nearby.
We have completed the first step and have left in place both CHq and C02 hydrate conpining
reaction cylinders at about 905 m depth at the Clamfield site in Monterey Bay. Revisits to this site
after approximately 3 days, and 3 weeks, showed very little change in the hydrate structures we first
formed. The cylinder containing CHq hydrate, unreacted gas, and sea water, was characterized by a
bright white bubbly appearance. The bubbles with hydrate rind had not significantly coalesced or
changed dimensions in the 3 week period. The C02 hydrate system, again containing liquid C02,
hydrate and sea water, had the afforementioned appearance of pearly globules that remained as
distinct entities separated by their hydrate sheath for the full observation period to date.

From the experiments we have carried out to date we can make some interesting conclusions about
the manner and characteristics of hydrate formation in the deep sea, where the reaction medium
contains the .normal assemblage of suspended particles, bacteria, and trace gases which characterize
the natural environment. Firstly we have repeatedly made hydrates of several gases, each within the
period of a very few minutes or seconds, by the simple technique of direct gas injection with no
shaking or ice nucleation step whatsoever. The initial manifestation of this was the creation of
hydrate coated bubbles at the gadwater interface; but hydrate also formed in seconds to minutes
within the pore spaces of marine sediments where no provision was made for gas trapping. We
surmise that passage of the gas bubbles around the sediment grains caused sufficient surface renewal
that hydrate formed in a similar manner to the more easily visualized upper boundary, but with
smaller unit size granules. No significant induction or lag period was observed for hydrate formation
for any gas yet injected in this manner.
Once formed the hydrate structures appeared quite stable. That behavior is consistent with the idea
that the hydrate rind on bubble surfaces separates the inside gas from the outside water well enough
that further growth must occur only slowly by diffusion of the reactants through the hydrate skin.
Unless some defect or fracturing of the hydrate rind occurs, this appears to be the rate limiting step.
Growth of hydrate in marine sediments is critically dependent on the grain size of the material. In a
coarse material (sand) flooding of the pores results in cementing of the sediment into a massy unified


structure within seconds, yet yields no hydrate nodules of the kind often reported in nature (9). These
nodular structures were observed in the process of forming in the flow channels carved by gas in
experiments in tine grained mud, and the contrast between hydrate formation in the coarse and tine
matrices was dramatic.
Our work with C02 hydrate has yielded results'relevant to the proposed disposal of C02 in the deep
ocean (IO). For instance the ease with which C02 hydrate forms will pose a challenge to deep
injection facilities concerned with plugging of the system; and the observation of the relative
stability of the hydrate coated globules restricts interaction between disposed C 0 2 and the
surrounding ocean water. Furthermore, C02 hydrate did not separate spontaneously from unreacted
C02; instead it formed a mass of intermediate density between sea water and liquid COz. Our
observations were consistent with the description by Sakai et al. (1 1) of the natural venting of C02
rich fluids on the ocean floor.

Our experience with C 0 2 hydrate formation is that the liquid C02 used experimentally requires
excellent technique to handle. Post cruise analysis of our experiment carried out with He
overpressure indicated by formal calculation (using the Peng-Robinson (12) equation of state) that
the gas injected was indeed a COZiHe mixture, since under the conditions we used (about 4.40 C,
1800 psia) to prepare the gas reservoir then about I O mol% He will dissolve in the liquid CO2.
Release of this at our in situ experimental conditions will form a mixture of about 20 volume %
liquid phase, and 80 volume % vapor, accounting for our observations.

Once formed from sea water/gas (or liquid) contact, the hydrates are stable over a period of several
weeks, and quite possibly very much longer indeed, even though sea water and unreacted gas or
liquid are separated only by a thin hydrate film. The initial attempt we made to study this was
successful in separating the experimental apparatus from the vehicle, and leaving it in place. In
future experiments we will leave hydrates within sediment matrices for later recovery, and arrange
for greater sea waterihydrate contact, since water flow around the hydrates was quite restricted in the
present system.
Finally we are devising means for surface recovery of the experimental material for laboratoty
investigation, and wish to apply the knowledge we have gained to a variety of important
geochemical and gas disposal problems.
1. Sloan, E.D. Jr. Clathrate Hydrates ofNatural Gases. Marcel Dekker. 1990 pp 641.
2. Stern, L.A.; Kirby, S.H.; Durham,W.B. Science 1996,273,1843-1848.
3. Dickens,G.R.; Quinby Hunt, MSGeophys. Res. Lett. 1994,8,2115-2118.
4. Sloan, E.D. In: Gas Hydrates: Relevance to World Margin Stability and Climatic Change 1996,
pp. 1-38.
5. Robison, B.H. Mar. Tech. SOC.J. 1993,26,45-53.
6. Newman, J.B.; Robison, B.H. Mar. Tech. SOC.J. 1993,26,45-53.
7. Brewer, P.G.; Orr,F.M., Jr.; Friederich, G.; Kvenvolden, K.A.; Orange, D.L.; McFarlhe, J.;
Kirkwood, W. Geology 1996 submitted.
8. Millero, F.J.; Chen, C.T.; Bradshaw, A.L.; Schleicher, K. Deep-Sea Res. 1980,27,255-264.
9. Brooks, J.M.; Field, M.E.; Kennicutt, M.C. Mar. Geol. 1991,96, 103-109.
10. Golomb, D. Energy Convers. Manage. 1993,34,967- 976.
11. Sakai, H.; Gamo, T.; Kim, Es.; Tsutumi, T.; Tanaka, T.; Ishibashi, J.; Wakita, H.; Yamano, M.;
Oomori, T. Science 1990,248, 1093-1096.
12. Peng, D.Y.; Robinson,D.B. Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundam.1976, 15,59-64.
We wish to thank the Captain and crew of the RV Point Lobos, and the pilots of the'ROV Ventana
for their outstanding work in making these experiments possible. Support was provided by the David
and Lucile Packard Foundation, and by Stanford University ( F.M.O.) and the United States
Geological Survey (K.A.K.)


i .




1. Line diagram of the experimental apparatus used for hydrate generation from the ROV Ventana; the
various pieces are not to scale.

2. Image of methane hydrate formed at the upper gadwater interface. The hydrate rind on bubble
surfaces is plainly seen. The digital information on the screen gives (top, upper left) depth, and date
and time ( lower right). The reaction cylinders are 4.5 cm. diameter.


3. Image of both methane (right, white) and carbon dioxide (left, gray) hydrates approximately 3
weeks after initial formation in experimental apparatus left on the sea floor. The granular appearance
of the methane hydrate is retained; the less rounded blobs of liquid carbon dioxide have a thin veneer
of hydrate that apparently prevents surrounding sea water from further reaction,



Gabriel D.Ginsburg and Valery A. Soloviev
Research Institute for Geology and Mineral Resources of the Ocean
1, Angliyskiy prospekt. St.Petersburg, I90121 Russia
Keywords: submarine gas hydrates, accumulation mechanisms, fluid migration


During last fifteen years the authors have been studying the generation and accumulation of
submarine gas hydrates. In particular. expeditions have been carried out in the Caspian, Black,
and Okhotsk seas (Ginsburg et al., 1990, 1992, 1993). and the Norwegian Sea (1996,
unpublished) The results of our investigations have been summarized in a monograph
(Ginsburg and Soloviev, 1994). That is the basis of this presentation.
The analysis of the worldwide observational data suggests that submarine hydrates largely
occur in local accumulations (Ginsburg and Soloviev, 1994, 1995). All observed submarine
gas hydrates are readily divisible into two groups: associated and non-associated with fluid
vents. Hydrates of the first group, which have been observed close to the sea floor in the
Caspian, Black, Okhotsk and Norwegian seas, the Gulf of Mexico, and in several other sites
(altogether in 11 regions, Fig.1) are controlled by fluid conduits: mud volcanoes, diapirs, and
faults. As for the second group of gas-hydrates (deep-seated), their control by fluid flow may
be usually deduced from an association with indirect borehole indications of fluid flows, such
as relatively coarse-grained sediments and anomalies of pore water chlorinity (Figs.2, 3).
The generation, accumulation and disappearance of any water-soluble naturally occurring
compound in terms of water availability are governed by solubility variations of this compound.
This is true also in regard to gas hydrates. It is extremely important for natural gas hydrate
formation that the solubility of methane (which is the major component of natural hydrates) in
water in terms of hydrate stability is little affected by the general (hydrostatic) pressure
(contrary to "normal" conditions of hydrate instability) but is dictated essentially by the
equilibrium pressure of hydrate formation, which is temperature-dependent. Since the
equilibrium pressure of hydrate stability is diminished with decreasing temperature, methane
solubility in water also decreases (Fig.4, solid line). Because of this, the solubility of methane
in pore waters generally decreases towards the sea floor within the submarine gas hydrate
stability zone (Fig.5). The higher the geothermal gradient, accordingly the thinner the hydrate
stability zone, the sharper is the methane solubility decrease.
Three major mechanisms of methane transport in sediments can be distinguished: dissolved in
pore water flows, as free gas flows, and molecular diffusion. Hydrate precipitation from
ascending methane-saturatedwater is thought to be the most straightforward (Ginsburg, 1990;
Ginsburg and Soloviev, 1994). The hydrate zone forms a gas-geochemical barrier for
methane-saturated water which rises either from below or from within this zone: as the water
cools it should precipitate hydrate. The amount of precipitated hydrate obviously corresponds
to the excess of dissolved methane (Le., over the solubility). Clearly the effectiveness of this
process depends, in particular, on the rate of water flow and the water temperature; in the
case of focused flow of warm water, the thickness of the submarine hydrate zone can
decrease to zero. Gas hydrates being precipitated from infiltrated waters are progressively
filling the sediment pore space and/or fracture porosity and eventually cement them, producing
massive and vein hydrate sediment structures.
Gas hydrates associated with free gas flows discharging on the sea floor were observed in the
Gulf of Mexico (Brooks et al., 1994) and in the Okhotsk Sea (Ginsburg et al., 1993). Clearly,
the gas seeping through the hydrate stability zone has no time to crystallize as a hydrate. After
a hydrate film forms at the gas-water interface, each succeeding portion of free gas, prior to
hydration, has to penetrate this film. Thus the rate of hydrate formation in the vicinity of free
gas flows is limited by the rate of this penetration (i.e.. the rate of molecular diffusion), and
hydrates are accumulated primarily from the water-dissolved gas: a solid (hydrate) phase
grows at a distance from free gas. The lateral outward diffusion of methane of the ascending
gas flow appears to be governed by the difference between chemical potentials of gaseous
and dissolved methane at common depths. The above difference is deduced from the
difference between the pressure of a free methane close to the hydrostatic pressure and the
vapour pressure of dissolved methane, which in terms of pore water saturation should be close
to the equilibrium pressure of gas hydrate formation (compare Phand P
, on Fig.6). Since this
difference decreases with increasing subbottom depth, hydrate accumulations associated with
ascending free gas flows are assumed to taper off downward. Accumulations of this type at
great water depths should be more extensive than shallow ones (other factors being equal)
because the considered difference increases with deepening water. It is self-evident that this
model simplifies the matter. In fact, the heat release caused by hydrate formation enhances
the outward methane transport and extends the diffusion aureole around ascending gas flow.
Within this aureole the hydrates are thought to result not only from outward diffusing methane

but also from upward diffusion, the intensity of which is controlled by high gradients of
Concentration and vapor pressure of water-dissolved methane in the hydrate zone (in terms of
methane-saturated water); these gradients greatly exceed values outside the hydrate zone
(Figs.5 and 6).
A similar pattern of methane diffusion and gas hydrate accumulation should also characterize
the vicinity of ascending flows of gas-saturated water. In particular this is possible around the
water flows which are too warm for hydrate precipitation. High gradient of temperature nearby
these flows provides favorable conditions for rapid gas hydrate accumulation.
It is generally believed that diffusion plays only a destructive role in the history of hydrocarbon
accumulations. In contrast, Egorov (1988) has put foward the concept of "directional diffusion
recondensation". This implies the diffusional transfer of hydrocarbons which saturate Water in
the presence of a temperature-controlled solubility gradient. According to this concept, the
formation and accumulation of a hydrocarbon phase in the region of lower temperatUre results
from such a transfer. We suggest that directional diffusion recondensation is just the process
which governs gas hydrate accumulation in the vicinity of free gas and gas-saturated Water
flows, as well as within and above the sediment sections where biochemical methane is
intensively generated. Relatively impervious sediments may act as a cap in this process.
DSDP-ODP data offer examples of gas hydrate occurrences close to the boundary between
relatively coarse- and fine-grained sediments (Ginsburg and Soloviev, 1994).
Thus, gas hydrates accumulate from water solutions, no matter whether methane is delivered
into the reaction zone, by infiltration or diffusion. The important distinction between two modes
of hydrate accumulation in sediments (aside from the process rate) lies in the source of
hydrate water. In the case of hydrate precipitation from infiltrated gas-saturated water this
source is flow itself; in the case of diffusional methane delivery the hydrate water is extracted
from sediment pore water in-situ.
We have proposed the term segregation to designate the mechanism of hydrate accumulation
from diffusing gas and from water being extracted from sediments (Ginsburg and Soloviev.
1994). A continuous delivery of methane and the associated formation of hydrate generates a
migration of pure water into the reaction zone from the adjacent sediments or sea water. This
mechanism of water migration is thought to be diffusion-osmotic. Hydrate inclusions of a
different shape are formed during this process due to the dewatering of surrounding sediments
if the latter are compacted. The shape of inclusions is obviously caused by the factors
controlling the fields of gas and water chemical potentials. In particular the subhorizontal
lenticular-bedded hydrate sediment structure observed in association with submarine gas
vents in the Okhotsk Sea (Ginsburg et al., 1993) may result from the subhorizontal extension
of isotherms.

As a result of water redistribution during segregational gas hydrate accumulation, the total
water content of hydrate-bearing sediments may turn out to be higher than that of the adjacent
nonhydrated ones, as has been observed in the Okhotsk Sea (Ginsburg et al., 1993). A water
content of sediments directly proportional to their hydrate content has been demonstrated in
the Caspian Sea (Ginsburg et al., 1992). Hence the hydrate accumulation in sediments may
imply not only gathering of gas but also of water. Due to hydrate water abundance, a sediment
may become fluidized upon decomposition of hydrate.

Diffusion is known to be an ubiquitous process in marine sediments. Since a hydrate of any

origin is subject to subsequent decomposition and possible diffusional recondensation of the
released hydrate methane, segregational hydrates are thought to be more common than those
precipitated by infiltrated water.

We mentioned two kinds of inhomogeneity of the geological medium exerting influence upon
gas hydrate accumulation: permeability variations, which control fluid conduits and gas hydrate
caps, and geothermal inhomogeneity (geothermal gradient), which predominantly governs gas
solubility in water. In addition two other kinds of inhomogeneity - hydrochemical and lithological
can have a pronounced effect on this process. It is well-known that water-dissolved salts inhibit
(prevent) gas hydrate formation, i.e. hydrates form more readily from fresh water. Therefore, a
gradient of water salinity within the hydrate zone under gas-saturation conditions must provoke
a diffusional flux of methane into fresh water, where this amving methane should be hydrated.
Such a situation may occur near boundaries of water flows. It is necessary to emphasize here
that the solubility of methane in the fresh gas-saturated water is known to be higher than in
saline water, whereas the corresponding methane fugacity, which actually should be
considered as a driving force of diffusion, is higher in saline water (Handa,1990).

A lithological (or in more exact terms, a porometric) inhomogeneity implies, in particular, a

distinction of sediment pore size (we do not consider here a shape of sediment pores and their
specific properties, which of course also affect gas hydrate accumulation). The pore medium
influences the hydrate equilibrium (thermodynamic effect) and the kinetics of hydrate
formation. The thermodynamic effect essentially is as follows: a pore surface is hydrophilic and

therefore lowers the pore water chemical potential. As a result, a higher thermodynamic
concentration of methane is required for the formation of hydrate. In principle, this effect is
similar to the influence of salts dissolved in water. This surface effect was studied by many
authors and had been found negligible in terms of natural sediment water content. The kinetic
effect lies in the fact that a pore size may be less than a gas hydrate critical nucleus size at a
given temperature. In this case, for hydrate formation to start, more significant overcooling or
oversaturation is required (Chersky and Mikhailov. 1990). We suggest that the essence of both
effects (thermodynamic and kinetic) can be understood by examination of hydrate formation in
adjacent sediments having different pore sizes. It is evident that the hydrate formation in
coarse-pored sediments has an advantage over fine-pored ones - the same gas concentration
in water may turn out to be sufficient to form hydrates in the former case and insufficient in the
latter. What this means is hydrate can accumulate rather in relatively large pores in the course
of sediment compaction and/or biochemical gas generation.
Submarine gas hydrates mostly occur locally and are linked to fluid flows. They accumulate
from methane-saturated water, in the course of pore water infiltration and methane diffusion.
Apart from the methane availability the accumulation of hydrates is controlled by physical
factors such as temperature gradient, pore water salinity gradient and lithological variability.
The hydrates precipitate at lower temperatures and from less saline water; relatively coarsegrained sediments make better hydrate reservoirs than fine-grained sediments.
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Hydrates. Annals of the New York Acad. Sci., 715: 381-391.
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Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 312(4): 968-971 (in Russian).
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Ginsburg, G.D. and Soloviev, V.A., 1994. Submarine Gas Hydrates. VNllOkeangeologia,
St.Petersburg, 199 pp. (in Russian, with English abstract).
Ginsburg. G.D. and Soloviev, V.A., 1995. Submarine gas hydrate estimation: theoretical and
empirical approaches. Proc. 27th Annu. OTC., Houston, Texas, USA, 1-4 May 1995: 513-518.
Ginsburg, G.D.. Kremlev, A.N., Grigofev, M.N., Larkin. G.V., Pavlenkin, A.D. and Saltykova,
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Ginsburg, G.D.. Guseynov, R.A., Dadashev, G.A.. Ivanova, G.A., Kazantsev. S.A., Solov'yev,
V.A., Telepnev, E.V., Askeri-Nasirov, R.Ye., Yesikov,A.D., Mal'tseva, V.I.. Mashirov, Yu.G.
and Shabayeva, I.Yu., 1992. Gas hydrates of the Southern Caspian. Int. Geol. Rev,, M(8):
Ginsburg, G.D., Soloviev, V.A., Cranston, R.E., Lorenson, T.D., Kvenvolden. K.A., 1993. Gas
hydrates from continental slope offshore from Sakhalin Island. Okhotsk Sea. Geo-Marine
Letters, 13: 41-48.
Handa, Y.P., 1990. Effect of hydrostatic pressure and salinity on the stability of gas hydrates.
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1 Fig.1.


Worldwide locations of
observed submarine gas
hydrates. Updated after
Ginsburg and Soloviev,
1994. 1, 2 - sea floor
seepage-associated and
hydrates, respectively.




Fig.2. Gas hydrate shows and sediment

grain size in geological section at DSDP
Site 570, Middle America Trench.
Compiled from von Huene, Aubouin et
al., 1985.

Fig.3. Gas hydrate shows, sediment grain

size, and pore water chlorinity in
geological section at DSDP Site 491,
Middle America Trench. Compiled from
Watkins, Moore et al., 1981, and Gieskes
et al., 1985. The chlorinity curve is drawn
using sulfate as a measure of sample
contamination with the sea water. For
symbols of sediment grain size see F i g 2








20 t , O C



Fig.4. Solubility of methane (S)

in pure water plotted against
temperature (1): isobars of
solubility in terms of gas hydrate
instability (set of dashed lines),
and solubility in equilibrium with
hydrate (solid line). Compiled
using the data of Makogon and
Davidson (1983) and Namiot

F i g 5 Vertical cross-section demonstrating solubility of methane in water under thermobaric

conditions of continental margins (after Ginsburg and Soloviev, 1994). The dashed lines are
isolines of solubility numbered in STP cm'/g. Dotted line is the base of thermobaric gas
hydrate stability zone. Compiled using the data of Makogon and Davidson (1983) and Namiot
(1991). Accepted assumptions: water is pure; bottom water temperature is 5C for water
depths down to 500 m. and 2% at greater depths; geothermal gradient is 30Wkm; hydrobaric
gradient is 10 MPalkm.








different kinds of pressure (P)
affecting diffusion of methane in
subbottom conditions. H is total
depth = water depth + subbottom
Ph is
hydrostatic pressure. Pq is
equilibrium pressure of methane
hydrate; curves 1-4 relate to water
depths 1, 2, 3,4 km, respectively.
P. is saturation pressure of
dissolved methane within sulfate
assumptions: water is pure, gas is
pure methane (see also Fig.5).
The Pq curves are the usual PT
gas hydrate equilibrium curves but
the temperature axis is replaced
by the depth axis based on the
accepted assumptions.



B. Tohidi, A. Danesh, and A.C. Todd
Department of Petroleum Engineering, Heriot-Watt University
Edinburgh EH14 4AS, Scotland.
Keywords: Gas Hydrates, Gas Solubility, Subsea Sediments
Gas hydrates are crystalline molecular complexes formed from mixtures of water
and suitably sized gas molecules. Based on hydrogen bonding, water molecules
form unstable lattice structures with several interstitial cavities. The gas molecules
can occupy the lattice cavities and, when a minimum number of cavities are
occupied, the crystalline structure becomes stable and solid gas hydrates are
formed, even at temperatures well above the ice point[ll. The known gas hydrate
structures are; structure-I, structure-II, and the recently discovered structure-H[2].
The necessary condition for hydrate formation is the presence of water or ice,
suitably sized non-polar or slightly polar molecules, together with appropriate
pressure and temperature conditions. In subsea environments, the sediments are
normally saturated with sea water and a combination of the geothermal gradient
and the weight of the column of water (which causes a hydrostatic pressure) could
provide the right conditions for hydrate formation. Under these conditions, gas
released from biogenic activities (or seepage from oil and gas reservoirs) could
form gas hydrates. Current estimates show that the amount of energy in the gas
hydrates is twice that of the total fossil fuel reserves, indicating a huge source of
energy which could be exploited in the right economical conditions[ll.
Although most scientists agree on the process of hydrate formation in subsea
sediments, the mechanism of gas hydrate formation is the subject of some debate.
Some researchers suggest that the presence of the free gas phase is necessary and
gas hydrates form in the gas-water interface. Others believe that at least a local
supersaturation of gas with respect to gas-water equilibria is required. Some
propose that this supersaturation will result in the evolution of micro-bubbles and
hence formation of gas hydrates. While others suggest that there is no need for the
presence of gas bubbles for the hydrates to be stable[1,3-51.
In this presentation, a thermodynamic model, validated against experimental data,
is used to predict the solubility of methane in pure or saline water. The results
show that gas hydrates could form from dissolved gas as well as from free gas.
Based on the above findings, two mechanisms for hydrate formation in subsea
sediments have been suggested and discussed.

It should be noted that, the hydrate forming gas is assumed to be pure methane to
simplify the argument. Obviously for multi-component systems, upon hydrate
formation, some compositional variation will occur which will result in changes in
equilibrium conditions. Also, any effect due to capillary forces and the type of
rock has been ignored in this work.
The fugacity of each component in all fluid phases, including the salt free waterrich phase, have been calculated by an equation of state (EoS). The saline water
phase has been modelled by combining the EoS with the modified Debye-Huckel
electrostatic term, using only one interaction parameter. In optimising the watersalt interaction parameters, water vapour pressure depression data at 373.15 K and
freezing point depression data have been used. For the gas-salt interaction
coefficient, gas solubility data in single electrolyte solutions at different
temperatures and salt concentrations have been used. The model has been
extended to mixed electrolyte solutions with nine salts in its library. A detailed

description of modelling vapour, liquid hydrocarbon, salt free water phase, hydrate
phases, ice phase, and saline water phase is given elsewhere[6 '71.
Figure-1 shows methane solubility in distilled water at different temperatures.
There is a good agreement between experimental[8] data and predictions which
demonstrates the success of the EoS in representing highly polar systems.
Methane solubility in distilled water and in 1 and 4 molar NaCl solutions are
presented in Figure-2. The agreement between experimental[gl data and
predictions is very good, which indicates the reliability of the thermodynamic
model. (There are some deviations for pure water at higher pressures, which could
be due to the inaccuracy of experimental data, as Figure-1 shows better agreement
for the case of pure water).


Figure-3 shows the predicted methane solubility in the water-rich phase in a wide
temperature range (Le., 275 to 400 K), at different isobars. This figure indicates
that methane solubility passes through a minimum. The dashed lines show the
methane solubility in metastable conditions. Also in the above figure, the
concentration of methane in the water-rich phase at water-hydrate and waterhydrate-methanephase equilibria are presented.
For simplicity, the sea water in subsea sediments is represented by 3.5 Wt% NaCl
aqueous solution. Methane solubility in the water-rich phase in the presence of sea
water, is depicted in Figure-4. Constant pressure lines are replaced by depth,
taking into account the density of the sea water. Again the dashed lines, which are
the extension of methane solubility in water-gas equilibria, show the methane
solubility in the water-rich phase at metastable conditions. For simplicity, pressure
(or depth) is assumed to be constant; by cooling and moving along the constant
pressure line, the system will approach the water-hydrate-methane equilibrium
point, i.e. the potential hydrate formation temperature. Assuming no subcooling is
required, methane hydrates could form at this point. In the absence of a free gas
phase, a further reduction in temperature will cause more hydrates to form and the
methane concentration in equilibrium with hydrates to reduce. Nevertheless, for
hydrate formation, a certain degree of subcooling is required. Therefore, the
methane concentration in the water rich phase could be as high as those presented
by the dash lines. However, when hydrate formation is initiated the equilibrium
methane concentration in the water-rich phase is much lower. This means that gas
hydrates could form without the presence of a free gas phase.

In the presence of a free gas phase and under the above conditions (constant
pressure, temperature, and composition), hydrate formation would cease only when
one of the phases (Le., water or the free gas phase) disappears. However, in the
presence of sea water the increase in the concentration of salts (due to hydrate
formation) could inhibit the further formation of hydrates, as discussed later.
The effect of salt@)on the equilibrium concentration of methane in the water-rich
phase is presented in E'igure-5. As shown, the presence of salt(s) wilI reduce the
methane solubility, and inhibit hydrate formation, as the hydrate-water-methane
point for 3.5 Wt% NaCl solution is at a lower temperature compared to pure water.
Figure-6a shows the mole% hydrates formed from dissolved gas in 3.5 Wt% NaCl
solution at 280 K. The x-axis is pressure (or depth). As an example, at 20 MPa
(1993 m depth), the dissolved gas in the metastable condition is enough to form
1% hydrates. However, the amount of hydrates could be as high as 2.2% for 60
MPa pressure (5980 m depth).
As shown in Figure-6b, the 1% hydrates will increase the salt concentration by
0.03 Wt%, Le., the salt concentration will increase from 3.5 to 3.53 Wt%.
However, the effect on phase equilibria conditions is insignificant (an inhibition of
0.013 K). This means that for further hydrate formation, the controlling factor is


most likely to be the supply of gas. As the gas concentration in the hydrate
stability zone is significantly lower, the gas could be transported by diffusion.
Convection is also another means of supplying gas to the hydrate suability zone.
Based on the above results the following two mechanisms are proposed for hydrate
formation in subsea sediments:

1. Hydrate formation from dissolved gas:

- Gas released from biogenic and thermogenic sources are dissolved in sea water.
- The dissolved gas reaches the hydrate stability zone by diffusion, or the water
containing the dissolved gas reaches the hydrate stability zone by
- Hydrate formation initiates at a certain degree of subcooling and the
concentration of gas in the water-rich phase is reduced, as shown in Figure-4.
Therefore, the gas concentration (in the water-rich phase) outside the hydrate
stability zone would be higher than that inside the hydrate stability zone.
More gas is provided to the hydrate suability zone by diffusion (due to the
concentration gradient) for further hydrate formation.

As mentioned previously, the increase in salt concentration due to hydrate

formation is very small. Therefore, the diffusion of gas from the high
concentration region to the hydrate stability zone is likely to be the controlling
2. Hydrate formation from free gas:
- Free gas is generated in-situ, or reaches the hydrate stability zone by convection.
- Large amounts of hydrates could be formed which could result in the
consumption of all the free gas, or a significant increase in the salt concentration in
the pores.
- The increase in salt concentration could inhibit further hydrate formation (Figure5), unless the salt concentration is reduced by diffusion.
- More free gas is converted into hydrates. This process will terminate when all
the gas (or water) is converted into hydrates.

In the above mechanism, the transfer of salts by diffusion is likely to be the

controlling factor.
The authors would like to thank Professor Westbrook and Dr Minshull for very
useful discussions.


Sloan, E. D., Clathrate Hydrates of Natural Gases, Marcel Dekker Inc., New York,
Ripmkester, J.A., Tse, I S , Ratcliffe, C.I., and Powell, B.M., A New Clathrate
Hydrate Structure, Nature, Vol. 325, No. 135,, pp. 135-136, (1987).
Miller, S.L., The Nature and Occurrence of Clathrate Hydrates, Natural gases in
Marine Sediments, Ed. Kaplan, I.R., Plenum Press, New York, (1974).
Makogon, Y., Gas Hydrate Formation in Porous Media, Proceed. of the 2nd
International Conference on Natural Gas Hydrates, pp. 275-289, (1996).
Brown, K.M., Bangs, N.L., Froelich, Kvenolden, K.A., The Nature, Distribution,
and Origin of Gas Hydrate in the Chile Triple Junction Region, Earth and
Planetary Science Letter, Vol. 139, pp. 471-483, (1996).
Tohidi, B., Danesh, A., and Todd, A.C., ModellingSingle and Mixed Electrolyte
Solutions and its Applications to Gas Hydrates, Chem. Eng. Res. and Des., Vol.
73 (May), Part A, pp. 464-472, (1995).
Tohidi, B., Danesh, A., Burgass, R.W., and Todd, A.C., Gas Solubility in Saline
Water and Its Effect on Hydrate Equilibria, Proceedings of the 5th International
Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE-95), Vol. 1, pp. 263-268,
Culberson, O.L., and McKetta, J.J., Petrol. Trans. AIME, Vol. 192, P. 223, (1951).
OSullivan. T.D.. and Smith. N.O.. The Solubilitv and
Partial Molar Vnlurne
~-. _______of
_Nitrogen and Methane in Water and in Aqueous SodiumChloride from 50 to 125 and
100 to 600 Atm, J Phys Chem, Vol74, No 7, pp. 1460-1466, (1970).



0 Experimental, T=25 "C

300 - A Experimental, T=37.8 "C
W Experimental, T=71.I "C
5a 250 - - Predictions,T=25 "C
- Predictions, T=37.8"C
!!! 200
- Predictions, T=71.I "C
2 150


Data: Culberson & McKetta, 1951

Predictions: This work





0.15 0.20





Methane, mole%
Figure-1 Experimental and predicted methane solubilities in distilled water.

4 Molar


1 Molar

Distilled water

600 E 500 3
@ 400 3

g 300 200 -


l i


Data: O'Sullivanand Smith,l970

Predictions: This Work



40 MPa

60 MPa
50 MPa

c 4

30 MPa


20 MPa

10 MPa


5 MPa
2.5 MPa
1 MPa

Temperature, K
Figure-3 Predicted methane concentrations in the water-rich phases (Salt free) of
water-methane, water-methane-hydrate, and water-hydrate equilibria.







Temperature, K
Figure-4 Predicted methane concentrations in the water-rich phases (3.5 Wt%
NaCl) of water-methane,water-methane-hydrate,and water-hydrate equilibria.





Pressure=60 MPa

Temperature, K
Figure-5 Effect of water salinity on methane concentration.






Temperature=280 K

f 2.0


Increase in salt concentrations, Wt%






v) 1.5





Pressure, MPa
Figure-6 Percent hydrates formed from the dissolved methane and the increase in
salt concentration.



Tian-Min Guo and Jun-Hong Qiu
High Pressure Fluid Phase Behavior & Property Research Laboratory
University o f Petroleum
Beijing, P.R. China I00083
Keywords: Kinetics, Methane hydrate formation, Brines
The discovery of huge deposits o f methane hydrate in situ (a possible energy source in the future), the
production problems associated with the offshore oillgas exploitationltransportation, and the new
applications o f hydrate technology have renewed interest in hydrate research in the past decade.
The two basic problems to be studied are the hydrate equilibrium thermodynamics and the hydrate
formationldissociation kinetics. Most of the papers published previously have been related to the former
topic, a number o f engineering applicable thermodynamic models has been developed, including recent
models for salt-containing systems (Zuo et al., 1996; etc.). Compared to hydrate equilibrium
thermodynamics, our knowledge on the kinetics o f hydrate formation are far from mature. Due to the
complexity o f the dynamic process of hydrate formation, and the lack of consistent experimental data, a
generalized kinetic model is not yet available. Since knowledge o f the kinetics o f hydrate formation is o f
critical importance in the transportation pipeline design, effective utilization o f the methane hydrate
resource in situ, and the various applications o f hydrate technology, it has received increasing attention
in recent years. Comprehensive reviews on the progress are available (Sloan, 1990; Makogon, 1981;
Englezos, 1993; and Qiu and Guo, 1995).
The major objectives of this work are: ( I ) Measure the kinetic data of methane hydrate formation in the
presence o f pure water, brines containing single salt and mixed salts, and aqueous solutions of ethylene
glycol (EG)/(salt + EG). (2) Develop a new kinetic model o f hydrate formation for the methane + pure
water systems based on a four-step formation mechanism and reaction kinetics approach. (3) Explore the
feasibility ofextending the proposed kinetic model to salt(s) and EG containing systems.

Apparatus. It is well known that the specific equipment used in the study of hydrate formation kinetics
has significant influence on the experimental results. There are basically two types o f equipment, fixed
boundary type and turbulent boundary type. The former is more suitable for simulating the hydrate
formationldissociation in situ, and the latter is closer to the conditions in the transportationpipelines and
natural gas processing equipment. The apparatus used in this work belongs to the latter type. The
schematic diagram of the experimental system is shown in Fig. 1, and the major parts are briefly
described as follows:
Transmrent samhire cell: The 2.5 cm i.d. sapphire cell was purchased from the DB Robinson Design
& Manufacturing Ltd. (Canada), the total volume and the effective volume (excluding the piston and
stirrer volume) are 78 and 59 mL, respectively. The working volume o f the cell can be adjusted by a
floating piston driven by a positive displacement pump. The maximum working pressure and
temperature are 20 MPa and 423 K, respectively.
Air bath The air bath was manufactured by Shanghai Instruments Corp., the working temperature
range i s 263 373 K and can be controlled to within f0.2 K by a digital programmable temperature
Acifation svstem: The agitation system consists o f a magnetic stirrer coupled with a permanent
magnet mounted outside o f the cell. A variable speed DC motor equipped with an rpm-controller
provides up and down reciprocating motion o f the magnet.
Pressure meusurement: The pressure in the cell was measured through pressure transducer and
pressure gauge simultaneously. A differential pressure transducer (Honeywell Inc.) was connected with
the data acquisition system. The precision of the DP transducer at the working span (0
10 MPa) is
fO.l %. A 0 25 MPa Heise pressure gauge was also installed for taking parallel pressure
readings. The pressure measurement system was calibrated against a Ruska standard dead-weight gauge,
and the precision of the pressure measurements is estimated at f0.015 MPa.

Experimental Procedure. The kinetics o f hydrate formation can be studied in two modes: the constant
temperature-constant pressure mode and the constant temperature-constant volume mode. In the former
mode, to maintain constant system pressure, the hydrate former gas consumed in the hydrate formation
process is continuously supplemented from outside. In the latter mode, the system is closed, with its
volume kept constant, and the system pressure is lowered gradually in the hydrate formation process.
The latter mode w-as applied in this study.
Prior to performing the experiment, the floating piston was lowered to the bottom o f the sapphire cell and
its position was unchanged during the measuring process. About 12 m L liquid sample was charged into
the evacuated sapphire cell. When the system temperature stabilized at the preset value, methane was
introduced into the cell until the pressure was raised to about 4.0 MPa. The gas was then discharged to
eliminate the trace amounts of residual air in the cell. Methane was again charged until the preset initial


system pressure was attained, then the DC motor to actuate the magnetic stirrer was started with the
s:irrer was moving up and down at a rate of four strokes per minute. The system temperature and the
change of system pressure were recorded through the data acquisition system every 30 seconds, and
displayed on the monitor screen.

Experiments Performed. The systems studied and the corresponding operating conditions are
summarized in Table 1. A total of 30 sets of kinetic data were measured for the following systems:
methane t water, methane +water + salt(s), methane + water + EG, and methane + water + salt + EG.

Experimental Results. A typical pressure vs. time ( P t) curve measured for the methane hydrate
formation process is shown in Fig. 2. The curve can be roughly divided into three zones. The first zone
(from to to ts) is called the gas dissolution zone, Ps stands for the system pressure when saturation of
the dissolved gas is established. The second zone (from Is to tr) is called the nuclearion zone, system
pressure remains nearly at constant in this zone. The time interval from Io to tr is the so called induction
period. The third zone, from rr to id, is called the crystalgrowth zone, i n this zone the system pressure
falls gradually from Pr to Pd and remains stabilized after time td. The three zones are divided rather
arbitrarily, as in fact, nucleation could proceed simultaneously with the gas dissolution process. The
relative time distribution of the three zones in the 30 experiments performed are also listed in Table I .
The detailed P t data for typical experiments are given in Table 3 and Figs. 3 5 along with the
calculated results which are discussed below.

Analysis ofthe Experimental Results. From Table I , it can be seen that the time interval of the gas
dissolution period is, in general, I 2 hours, however, the time interval of nucleation period differs
appreciably for the experiments performed, from 25 minutes (E04, E08, and E25) to 5 hours (E16),
and for some experiments (EO1 and E20) no crystal nucleus was formed even after IO hours. Since
during the nucleation period, the liquid phase is in the metastable stole, the nucleation process is
sensitive to very small perturbations to the system. This caused difficulty in obtaining repeatable results
even when the experiments were run under identical temperature and initial pressure conditions (E09a
E09c). The time period for crystal growth also differed significantly for experiments run under different
operating conditions, from 80 minutes (E04) to more than 5 hours (E28).

Under the same operating temperatures, the initial pressure has little effect on the time interval of gas
dissolution period (EO1 E04 and E05 E09), however, its influence on the nucleation period is
significant. In general, the lower the initial pressure, the longer of the nucleation period. Similar initial
pressure effect was observed in the crystal growth period (E02 E04 and E07 E09).

The temperature effect on the time interval of gas dissolution and nucleation periods (under same initial
pressure) is, in general, thebigher the temperature, the longer the time period (E10 and E12, E08 and
El I). The effect increases with the lowering of the initial pressure. Significant temperature effect was
also observed in the crystal growth period; the time interval increase almost linearly with the increase of
temperature, however, the temperature effect seemed not as sensitive to the initial pressure in this period.
The effects of inhibitors (saWethylene glycol) on the hydrate formation process are quite complex. When
the concentration of the inhibitor is less than I .O mass%, the effect of concentration is not obvious on the
time distribution ofthe three periods (El3 and E14, E17 and E18, E21 and E22).

For concentrations greater than 1 .O mass%, the time interval of gas dissolution period is little effected by
the inhibitor concentration, however, the concentration has significant effect on the time interval of
nucleation period, the higher the concentration the longer the time interval (E15 and E16, E l 9 and E20,
E23 an E24, E26 and E28). The order of inhibition effect is as follows (when concentration of inhibitor >
1 .O mass%): EG > NaHC03 > NaCl> (NaCI + NaHC03) > (NaHC03 + EG) > (NaCI + EG).

An interesting phenomenon observed in the experiments is that when the concentration of inhibitor is
less than 1.0 mass% (E13, E14, E17, E l 8 and E25), the induction time (gas dissolution period +
nucleation period) is significantly shorter as compared with the methane + pure water systems (run under
similar temperature and initial pressure conditions). It is in consistency with the observation of Yousif et
al. (1994), that the hydrate formation could be enhanced at low inhibitor concentration.


In this work, the mechanism of methane hydrate formation in pure water was described by the following
four steps.
Step I: A portion of the methane molecules in the gas phase dissolve into the aqueous phase, and the
dissolved methane molecules are clathrated by n water molecules to form a metastable cluster (i.e. the
water molecules comprising the clusters may be replaced by other water molecules in the bulk),


e CHdaq)


CHq(aq) + nH2O



CH4. nH2O


Following Long and Sloan (1993). the coordination number n was taken as 20. Since the structure of this
labile cluster is similar to the 512 hydrate cavity (Christiansen and Sloan, 1994). we assume their size is
also similar, i.e. 0.5 nm.
Step 2; The link of clusters to form a crystal unit.


m(CH4. nH20)

mCH4 r H 2 0 + (mn - r)H20



It has been well established that methane forms structure I hydrate, the structure I hydrate crystal unit
and six 51262 crystal cavities. The maximum
cell contains 46 water molecules, and consists o f two
number of methane molecules per unit cell is 8. Assume the crystal unit in Eq. (3), mCH4 . rH20, is an
ideal crystal unit cell (with its cavities fully occupied), thus m = 8, and r = 46. It is also assumed that the
size of the crystal unit cell mCH4 . rH2O is the same as the crystal unit cell o f structure Ihydrate, and is
thus taken as 1.2 nm (van der Waals and Platteeuw, 1959). Since the size o f the crystal unit is smaller
than the critical size, some o f the crystal units could be dissociated back to individual labile molecular
clusters, and the others will be further linked to form a stable crystal nucleus, its size exceeding a certain
critical size.
Step 3: Crystal units linked to form crystal nucleus N,


l(mCH4. rH20)
Englezos et al. (1987) proposed an equation for calculating the critical size o f hydrate crystal nucleus.
Based on the proposed equation, Natarajan et al. (1994) calculated the critical size o f the methane
hydrate crystal nucleus to be approximately 10-30 nm. That means, about 8-25 unit cells with a size of
1.2 nm are required to form a crystal nucleus of the critical size, i.e. I = 8-25. Thus, approximately
64-200 methane molecules and 368-1150 water molecules are required to form a crystal nucleus of
critical size.
Step 4: Crystal nucleus growing to form hydrate crystal H,


p C W 4 +N + qH20
During the crystal nucleus growing period, hydrate crystals H with different sizes could be formed.
Graauw and Rutten (1970) has measured the size distribution o f propane hydrate crystals (structure 11) in
a continuous stirred tank crystalizer, the results showed that the crystal size is within 10 35 pm, the
average being about 20 pm. Bylov and Rasmussen (1996). Monfort and Nzihou (1993) have also studied
the crystal size distribution. Based on the size distribution data available, we can conclude that the size of
the methane hydrate crystal is at least three times in magnitude larger than the size of the critical crystal
nucleus. The magnitude ofp and q in Eq.(5) should be IO5 and 106, respectively,

For simplifying the derivation o f the rate equations involved in the hydrate formation process, the
following assumptions were made:
( I ) The rate o f concentration change of each component ( ri ) in the reactions shown in Eqs. (I)to ( 5 )
can be expressed in the following polynomial form,


, e,P '.'

r i = - - = e . a


where C; and C. represent the concentration (mol/L) of components i and j , a and p denote the order of
(2) The order o f concentrationchange is unity for all components ( ~ ~ p l . 0 ) .
(3) The water content in the aqueous phase is constant during the hydrate formation process.
(4) The volume of gas phase and liquid phase remain unchanged during the hydrate formation
Based on the above assumptions, the following rate equations can be derived:


-= - k j C G

+ k.jcA



_- klCG - k-ICA - k$A



- k2cA

k - 2 C ~- mk3Cg


_- k3cB - k-3CD dt


+ k-2CB

+ mkjCg






- k4CD - kscAcN




- pkjcAcN




where Cc; stands for the apparent mole concentration of methane in the gas phase (mole of methane in
gas phase per liter of liquid phase), CA, CB, CD, CN and CH denote the concentrations (mol/L) of
CHq(aq), CH4 .nH20, mCH4 . rH20, N and H. respectively. Based on assumption (3), the concentration
of water in the liquid phase does not appear in the rate equations. At initial conditions: I =O, CG = C@,
CA = CB = CD = C N = C H = 0, from mass balance of methane we have:

c@= c G + CA + CB + mCD+ ImCN+




Since CG, CA, CB, CD, C N and CH are restrained by Eq. (13), only five of the above six concentration
variables are independent. The concentration of the metastable molecular cluster CB was chosen as a
dependent variable. From Eq. (13) we have:

CB = c@- CG - CA - mCD - h C N - (p + h ) c H


Eq. (9) can then be removed from the rate equation set. Substituting Eq. (14) into Eqs. (8) and (IO)
k.2C@ + ( k l - k - 2 ) C ~- (k.1 + k2 + k . 2 ) C ~- mk.2 CD dt
I m k - 2 C ~ -(p + / m ) k . 2 C ~ - p k ~ C ~ c ~
_ - - k3(C@ - CG) - k 3 C ~- (mk3 + k.3 + lk4 )CD - l m k j c ~di
@ +Im)k3C~
The initial conditions are changed to: 1 = 0, CG = C @ , CA = CD = CN = CH = 0.

__ -

Eqs. (7), (II),(12), (15) and (16) coupled with the corresponding initial conditions constitute the
mathematical model of the kinetic behavior of methane hydrate formation in pure water.
In the rate equations established in the previous section, there are eight unknown parameters: k l , k.1, k2,
k.2, k3, k.3, k4 and k5. As kl and k.1 are restrained by the following expression of equilibrium constant
Kc (derivation is referred to the expanded manuscript):
, ,w g
where CwO, Zand Hdenote the initial water concentration, compressibility of methane and Henry's
constant of methane, respectively. k.1 can be calculated through kl as follows:
k.1 = - = ___
Thus, only seven unknown parameters ( k l , k2, k.2, k3, k-3, 4 and k5) in the kinetic equations needed to
be determined.
The damped nonlinear least square method was used for parameter estimation, the details of the
algorithm are also given in the expanded manuscript (which is available on request). The regressed
parameter values for the methane + water systems are tabulated in Table 2, and a typical comparison
between experimental and calculated P - I data for Experiment E09b is shown in Fig. 3.


Sensiliviry on Inilial Pressure. Experiments E01 E04 were run under the same temperature (273.65 K)
and different initial pressures. Tests were performed on the prediction of the P - I data of E01 E03
based on the parameter values determined from E04. The test results show that, in the gas dissolution
zone the deviations between experimental and calculated gas phase pressure are in the range of 4 . 1 1%
4.50%; in the nucleation zone, the maximum relative deviations are -0.37% for E02 and E03, and
0.74% for EOl(no hydrate finally formed); and in the hydrate growth zone, the maximum relative
deviation is -0.29% for E02 and E03. Typical comparison between the experimental and predicted P I
curves for EO1 is shown in Fig. 4.

Experiments E05 E09 were also run at the same temperature (274.15 K) and different initial pressures.
The P I data of Experiments E08, E09b and E09c were predicted by using the parameter values
determined from E07. In the gas dissolution zone, the measured and calculated gas phase pressures are
close, the maximum relative deviation is 0.38%. In the nucleation zone, the maximum deviations B T ~
-0.059% for E08, and 0.54% for E09b and E09c. In the crystal growth zone, the maximum deviations for
EOS, E09b and E09c are 0.78%, 1.01% and 0.52%, respectively.

The test results indicate that although the kinetic data of hydrate formation depend on the initial pressure,
the model parameters determined from a specific run are capable of predicting the P I data of runs
carried out at different initial pressures (under same temperature) with good accuracy.


Predicrion of the P r Data for Salt/EG Containing Systems. The prediction of the kinetic data of
methane hydrate formation in brines and aqueous solution of EG are of particular interest in real
production processes and has not been previously reported. It is well known that the presence of salt(s)
and alcohol in the aqueous phase can inhibit the hydrate formation (similar to the freezing point
depression), as the solubility of methane will be significantly lowered, and the physical properties
(viscosity, density, diffusivity, interfacial tension, etc.) of the aqueous phase will in turn be significantly
changed. As a preliminary attempt to extend the proposed kinetic model to the salttethylene glycol
containing systems, we assumed the solubility of methane in the aqueous phase (expressed in terms of
the Henry's constant of methane) is the critical factor affecting the inhibition of methane hydrate
formation. The larger the Henry's constant, the greater the inhibition effect.
Among the eight parameters in the proposed klnetic model, k.1 is the only parameter related to Henry's
constant, hence, the other model parameters determined from methane + pure water system can be
applied directly to the salt/ethylene glycol containing systems. For illustration purposes, the P r data of
methane hydrate formation in 5.0 mass% NaCl solution (Experiment E16) were predicted by using the
kinetic parameters determined from Experiment E09b performed on methane + pure water system (El6
and E09b were run at the same temperature and initial pressure conditions). The Henry's constant of
methane in the 5.0 mass% NaCl solution at 274.15 K was taken from Cramer (1984). H = 3.642 x 103.
The comparison between the predicted and experimental results is presented in Fig. 5. Fairly good
prediction results were observed, the maximum deviations of the predicted gas phase pressure are
-0.13 % in the gas dissolution zone, and 0.3 I % in the nucleation and crystal growth zones.

( I ) The new kinetic model developed from a four-step hydrate formation mechanism and reaction
kinetics approach is capable of describing the P - t data measured in this work.
(2) Under identical temperature condition, the kinetic parameters determined for a specific initial
pressure can be applied to estimate the P r data run at other initial pressures (within the pressure range
of this study), the maximum deviation is within 0.3%.
(3) The kinetic model developed for methane + water systems can be extended to inhibitor containing
systems by replacing the Henry's constant of methane in corresponding aqueous phase.
(4) As the dynamic behavior of hydrate formation is strongly dependent on the type of equipment and
agitation intensity, the kinetic data measured in this work can only be considered as typical for a mildly
agitated non-flowing system.

Financial support received from the China National Science Foundation, Postdoctoral Research
Foundation and the China National Petroleum & Natural Gas Corporation are gratefully acknowledged.

M. Bylov and P. Rasmussen,'A new technique for measuring gas hydrate kinetics, Proceedings of the
2nd International Conference on Natural Gas Hydrates, June 2-6, 1996, Toulouse, France, 259-266.
R. L. Christiansen and E. D. Sloan, Mechanisms and kinetics of hydrate formation, Annals of the New
York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 715 (1994) 283-305.
S. D. Cramer, Solubility of methane in brines from 0 to 300 "C, Ind. Eng. Chem. Proc. Des. Dev., 23
(1984) 533-538.
1. de Graauw and J. J. Rutten, The mechanism and the rate of hydrate formation, Proceedings 3rd Int.
Symp. on Fresh Water from the Sea, 1970, Athens, 103-1 16.
P. Englezos, N. Kalogerakis, P. D. Dholabhai and P. R. Bishnois, Kinetics of formation of methane and
ethane gas hydrates, Chem. Eng. Sci., 42 (1987) 2647-2658.
P. Englezos, Clathrate hydrates, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 32 (1993) 1251-1274.
J. Long and E. D. Sloan, Quantized water clusters around apolar molecules, J. Mol. Simul., 1 1 (1993)
Y. F. Makogon, Hydrates of Natural Gas (translated from Russian by W. J. Cieslewicz), PennWell,
Tulsa, 1983.
J. P. Monfort and A. Nzihou, Light scattering kinetics study of cyclopropane hydrate growth J. Crystal
Groyth, 128(1994) 1182-1186.
V. Natarajan, P. R. Bishnoi and N. Kalogerakis, Induction phenomena in gas hydrate nucleation, Chem:
Eng. Sci., 49 (1994) 2075-2087.
J.-H. Qiu and T.-M. Guo, Status ofthe kinetic studies on the hydrate formatioddissociation, J. Ind. &
Eng. Chem. (China), 46 (1996) 741-756.
P. Skovborg, H. J. Ng, P. Rasmussen and U.Mohn, Measurement of induction times for the formation
of methane and ethane hydrates, Chem. Eng. Sci., 48 (1993) 445-453.
E. D. Sloan, Clathrate Hydrates of Natural Gas, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1990.
J. A. van der Waals and J. C. Platteeuw, Clathrate solutions, Adv. Chem. Phys., 2 (1959) 2-57.
M. H. Yousif, R. B. Dorshow and D. B. Young, Testing of hydrate kinetic inhibitors using laser
scattering technique, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 715 (1994) 330-340.
Y.-X.Zuo , S. Gommesen and T.-M. Guo, Equation of state based hydrate model for natural gas systems
containing brine and polar inhibitor, Chinese J. Chem. Eng. (in English), 4 (1996) 189-202.

Table I . Summary ofthe methane hydrate systems studied and the time distribution ofthree zones



Exp. NO.


Gas dissolution Nucleation

zone (min)
zone (min)
Press. (MPa)

Crystal growth
zone (min)













































































El I







NaCl (0.5)+H,O











NaCl(1 .O)+H,O











NaCl (S.O)+H,O

274. I 5





NaHCO, (0.5)+H20







NaHCO, (1 .O)+H,O

274. I 5






NaHCO, (3.0)+H,O







NaHCO, (3.O)+H,O






I 1


NaHCO, (5.0)+Hi0





E2 I

EG (0.5)+H20







EG ( I .O)+H,O






EG (5.0)+Hz0



















NaCl ( O S ) +
NaHCO, (0.5)+H,O
NaCl ( I .5)+
NaHCO, (1.5)+H1O
NaHCO, (2.5)+H,O
NaHCO, (2.5)+H20
EG (2.5)+H20
NaHCO, (2.5) +
EG (2.5)+H,O

274. I 5

























Numbers in parentheses are mass percent of inhibitor; EG stands for ethylene glycol.
# No hydrate crystal formed in this time period.
Table 2. Estimated kinetic parameter








9 values for various experiments on methane + water systems




0.0 2347










165 0
3 10.0


6 452
6 429
6.38 I

6.4 I I
6 402

- 0.040





+ 0.036


1-0.0 I3


- 0.034
- 0.034

'k 0.049



+ 0.040
+ 0.082

+ 0.150
+ 0.065
+ 0.066
+ 0.004
- 0.066
- 0.120
- 0.120
- 0.022


Calculations for E16 were based OH [lie parameter values determined liooi E09b.

Fig. I ; Scliriiiatic diagram 01' the e x p e r i ~ ~ i e ~ isystem



pressure traiisducer
tlieriiiocouple detector


Fig. 2. A typical P --I curve Iiieasured i n this study


6.43 I
6 378
6 312


-0 13
-0.1 I
-0. I I
to. I I

+0.3 I





- rn. - _calculated

-.. - _




Fig. 4. The experimental and calculated P - I curve for Experiment E01

(calculation based on the parameters determined for E04)








Fig. 5. The experimental and calculated P - t curve for Experiment E16

(calculation based on the parameters determined for E09b)


"Experimental testing and evaluation of a kinetic gas hydrate

inhibitor in different fluid systems"
Olav Urdahl*', Are Lund', Lars Eenrik Gjertsen' and Torstein Austvik'
1 Statoil Research Centre, Field Development Technology, Postuttak. 7005 Trondheim, NORWAY
2 SINTEF, Applied Chemistry, 7000 Trondheim, NORWAY

'Corresponding author
Key words: hydrate inhibition, kinetic inhibitor, flowing system, performance
The development of offshore mature basins such as the North Sea is increasingly characterized by
marginal reservoirs. Feasible economic development of these reservoirs requires a shift towards total
subsea production systems without fixed or floating production platforms. Unprocessed or minimum
processed reservoir fluids will be transported to a central processing facility or ultimately to shore.
One of the key issues of total subsea production systems is multiphase flow technology with
particular emphasize on gas hydrate control technology.
Subsea transportation of unprocessed or minimum processed well fluids over long distances today
requires the use of large amounts of methanol or glycols for hydrate inhibition. The effect of these
additives is to decrease the water activity to an extent that markedly reduces its ability to participate
in hydrate formation, and thereby in a lowering of the hydrate formation temperature. The amount of
inhibitor necessary to obtain the desired lowering of the hydrate formation temperature is substantial.
usually in the range of 20-40 weight% of the aqueous phase. This has prompted the search for new
types of additives capable of inhibiting hydrate formation at far lower concentrations (1-5).
Statoil perfoms intensive research on hydrates; methods to prevent hydrate problems as well as
studies on the formation and removal of hydrate plugs. This paper focuses on the robustness of a
commercially available additive from T. R. Oil Services (Hytreat 525) with respect to degree of
subcooling, pressure, salinity of the aqueous phase and the impact from having a defoamer or a
corrosion inhibitor in the system. The inhibitor is tested both at continuous flow conditions and at
re-starts after shut-ins. Results from tests on two different condensate systems as well as two crude
oils are summarized.
The experiments were carried out in a high pressure loop formed as a wheel. The system is illustrated
in Figure 1. The test wheel was filled with the desired fluid at a specified temperature and pressure,
and then set under rotation. The rotation creates a relative velocity between the pipe wall and the
fluid thus simulating transport through a pipeline.
The high pressure wheel is made from stainless steel with an inner tube diameter of 52.5 mm and, a
wheel diameter of 2.0 m. The volume is 13.4 liters. The wheel includes two high pressure windows
for visual inspection, and one of these is equipped with a video camera.
The flow simulator is placed in a temperature controlled chamber. The temperature is controlled
using a programmable regulator. a heating fan and a refrigeration system. The temperature
development in the chamber as a function of time is preset in the regulator.
The wheel is attached to a motor/gearbox system enabling a variation of the peripheral velocity of
the wheel between 0.3 m / s and 5.0 m/s. A torque sensor is installed as a part of the rotational shaft
enabling torque measurements to be performed during rotation. Pressure and temperature sensors on
the wheel have ranges of 0-250 bara and -10 to +I50 OC respectively. All signals are transferred
through cables and slip rings to a real time PC-based data acquisition system.
The accuracy of the measurements is estimated to be *0.2 Nm for torque, *0.5 bar for pressure,
*O, l0C for fluid temperature in the wheel and *l.O OC for temperature in the chamber.

The wheel is rotated at a constant peripheral velocity (1.0 m / s ) as the temperature is reduced from
about 6OoC to 4OC at a given cooling rate. In the following, these experiments are referred to as
continuous flow experiments. In condensate systems without emulsifiers added, a velocity of I .Om / s
creates separated liquid phases (prior to hydrate formation). The phases are generally mixed at this
velocity when black oil systems are used.


The system is cooled as the wheel is rotating

velocity of 1 d s ) to about 30 "C before the
- (peripheral
wheel is stopped. The wheel is then cooled to a temperature of 4C and kept constant for a period of
minimum 12 hours. The wheel do not move during this period. Then the wheel is restarted and
rotated at a constant peripheral velocity of 1 .O d s for the rest of the experiment. These experiments
are referred to as start-up experiments.

In order to minimize the number of adjustable parameters for the experiments. only one given
cooling rate is used both for the continuous flow experiments and the start-up experiments.
Results and discussion
The hydrate inhibitor tested in this work is a commercially available kinetic inhibitor concisting of a
blend of different polymer/surfactants.

In this specific study the inhibitor was tested in the high-pressure system using two different crude
oils and two gas condensates. Also the presence of a coorosion inhibitor or a defoamer on the
performance was investigated for some of the fluid systems. Results from 27 experiments performed
in the flow simulator with the different hydrocarbon fluids are presented. A summary of the
experimental conditions and observations from these experiments is given in Table 1. It should be
stressed that the subcoolings given in the Table 1 have been comected for the actual salinity of the
systems.The results are discussed in more detail below.
hdensate 4
lmpaci of corrosion inhibitor
Based on the visual information from the experiments the addition of the corrosion inhibitor changed
the physical properties of the system with respect to foaming tendency. No significant change of
performance of the hydrate inhibiting properties was observed. In all the inhibitor experiments there
was a considerable kinetic effect but there was a decrease in transporability at hydrate formation
compared to the pure system.


lmpaci of salinity
The salinity of the aqueous phase in these experiments was varied from 0-3.5 wt%. Increased salinity
resulted in an increased delay of hydrate formation from 80 min to 20 hours. Previous studies (1,3,5)
have shown that the optimal salinity for this inhibitor is approx. 3,5 wt%. The improved performance
is due to conformational changes in the polymer systems in the inhibitor. A salinity of 0,25 wt%
corresponds to the actual salinity of the produced water from the field.
Impaci of subcooling
As seen from Table 1 the subcooling in the experiments are varied from 9'C to 13C. At continuous
flow mode an addition of 0.5 wt% of the hydrate inhibitor prevented hydrate formation at a
subcooling of approximately 9C for the test period of 36 hours when the salinity was 0,25 wt%.
Also restarts after a shut-in of 12 hours was successfullly carried out at this temperature, although
there were hydrates present in the system. However, at subcoolings above 9"C, the hydrate inhibitor
tested was not able to fully prevent the hydrate formation during continuous flow. But in all the
experiments hydrate formation was delayed compared to experiments on the blank Condensate A


Impact of subcooling
Experiments were here performed with a inhibitor concentration of 0.5 wt% of the aqueous phase .
As seen from exp. 15, no hydrate formation were observed in this system at a subcooling of 1 1C at
a pressure of 70 bar within an experimental time of 80 hours. When the subcooling was increased to
13'C, hydrate formation was observed after 9 hours. When increasing the pressure to 140 bar
(exp.16) keeping the subcooling constant at 1 IoC, hydrates were formed after 6 hours, and the
flowloop plugged 1 hour after hydrate initiation. In these experiments the aqueous phase contained
3.5 wt% NaCI.

The kinetic inhibitor was tested with and without the presence of a corrosion inhibitor both in
continuous flow experiments and in shut-in experiments. In exp. 17-20 also a defoamer was present
in the system.

Impact ofdefoamer and corrosion inhibiior

From Table 1 one can observe from experiments 17-26 that the prescence of the defoamer reduces
the performance of the hydrate inhibitor dramatically. For practical purposes it does not work at all.

During the continuous flow experiments without the defoamer present a significant delay of the
hydrate formation was observed both with and without the prescence of the corrosion inhibitor. At a
subcooling of 11C the presence of the corrosion inhibitor improved the performance compared to
the system with only the hydrate inhibitor present Hydrate formation was not initiated during a
period of 60 hours.

In the start-up experiments, however, the induction time was reduced. Hydrates were formed during
the stagnant period (12 hours), and the wheel was plugged shortly after restart.
The transportability of the hydrates formed was better in the presence of the corrosion inhibitor. This
is opposite to what was observed for condensate A, and it illustrates the importance of fluid effects
when this kind of technology is considered for use.
Impact of subcooling
The subcooling in the experiments was varied fom 7C to 13'C. The chemical was not capable of
fully preventing the hydrate formation in any of the experiments. However, at subcoolings below
10C the hydrates formed were transportable.

lmpact of subcooling
During continuous experiments at a subcooling of 73C and O.Swt% of hydrate inhibitor no hydrate
formation was observed for almost IO hours. The formation rate was then very slow for 2 hours
before it increased rapidly resulting in a viscosity increase of the system. No hydrate plugging was

In the start-up at a subcooling of 9.S0C, hydrates started to form very slowly after start-up. M e r
approx. 4 hours the formation rate increased drastically and flow problems were observed due to the
high viscosity of the system. However, no "solid" hydrate plug was observed in the experiment.
The inhibitor were tested in 4 different fluids with different composition and physicochemical
properties. The performance of the inhibitor is different for all these fluids. It is not possible to
extrapolate the results from one condensate to another, or one black oil system to another. It is
known tha parameters like aliphatic/aromatic ratio, amount and state of asphaltenes and resins and
also wax content will influence on the performance, and these factors will always vary between
different fluids.
Regarding the influence of flow properties it has for all the systems investigated been shown that
stagnant conditions are more difficult to handle then continuos flow. This aspect should be
investigated hrther and will be adressed more thoroughly in a forthcoming paper.


Summary and conclusions

A commercially available kinetic hydrate inhibitor in a high pressure flowing system at various
conditions and for different fluid systems. Also the presence of other production chemicals have been
adressed. The conclusions can be summarized as follows:
- the defoamer has a negative effect. It reduces the performance to nearly zero.
- the corrosion inhibitor results in an increased mixing/emulsificationof the system. This might be a
benefit in some systems (black oils) but not in others (condensates).
- the salinity is crucial for the performance.
- the maximum subcooling to be handled is in the range 7-1 1'C depending on the fluid system.
- the effect of the inhibitor is reduced at stagnant conditions.
The results strengthen the knowledge that results from one fluid system should not be extrapolated
to another. These kind of chemicals have to be qualified for each given fluid before they can be
applied at real conditions.
The Statoil Multiphase Flow Program is acknowledged for giving permission to publish the results
T.R.Oil Services is acknowledged for supplying the kinetic hydrate inhibitor.


0 Urdahl, A.Lund, P.Msrk and T.N.Nilsen.(.:hem. Eng Sci., SO (5). 863-870, (1995).
A. Lund, 0 Urdahl and S.S. Kirkhorn, (.?hem. Eng Sci., 51(13), 3449-3458, (1996).
A. Lund, 0. Urdahl, L.H. Gjertsen, S.S. Kirkhorn and F.H.Fadnes, Proceedings from the
2nd Interriational Conjerence on Naural Gas Hydrates", p. 407, Toulouse, France, July,
L.H. Gjertsen, T. Austvik and 0. Urdahl, Proceedings from the 2ndlnternational
Conjerence on Nauru/ Gas Hydrates", p. 155, Toulouse, France, July, (1996).
A Lund, 0. Urdahl and S.S. Kirkhorn, J. Pet. Sci. and Tech.. Submitted.

Table 1:

Experimental conditions and observationsfrom the experiments

I Fluid I Inhibitor1 Water I Conc. of I Salinihi I Model




Figure 1 :

An illustration of the flow loop



William D. Young,Jeff M. Cohen, and Philip F. Wolf
International Specialty Products
1361 Alps Rd., Wayne, NJ 07470
Keywords: Gas hydrates, hydrate inhibition, gas production
Since natural gas hydrates frequently plug oil and gas production lines, various chemical and
thermal methods have been developed to prevent hydrate formation. Conventional chemical
treatment involves injecting 20-50 weight % methanol in the water phase at the wellhead or
downhole to depress the freezing point of hydrates below the minimum fluid temperature in the
line. However, high methanol injection rates are expensive and may exacerbate pipeline
corrosion. Alternative chemical treatment methods are needed.
Recently Lederhos, et all reported that certain water soluble polymers effectively inhibit hydrates
at treatment levels of 0.1 to 1.0 wt% in the water phase, far less than required by methanol. At
typical flowline conditions, these polymers slow the rates of hydrate nucleation and growth to
such an extent that virtually no hydrates form in the wellstream during transport to processing
facilities. Since the polymers slow hydrate formation rather than depress the freezing point, they
are called 'kinetic inhibitors.' Under favorable conditions, kinetic inhibitors have prevented
hydrates for more than 5 days. Industry field tests have demonstrated the viability of this
The most successful of the kinetic inhibitors are vinylcaprolactam (VCL) and vinylpyrrolidone
(VP) based polymers, including Gaffix VC-713, a terpolymer of VCL, VP, and
dimediylaminoethylmethacrylate(DMAEMA), and PVCL homopolymer. In addition, PVP,
although not as effective as VC-713 and PVCL, has been widely used because it costs less and
provides adequate protection in less demanding application^.'^^

ISP manufactures a full line of hydrate inhibitors including VC-7 13, PVCL, PVP and VCLNP
copolymers. These inhibitors are tested in the high pressure laboratory at realistic pipeline
conditions. We have observed that several glycol ether solvents (for example, 2-butoxyethanol)
significantly enhance the performance of the polymeric hydrate inhibitors. Better inhibitors
provide lower polymer treatment levels and lower overall cost. This paper presents the results of
our experimental study on hydrate inhibitors containing glycol ether solvents.
The tests were conducted in a 300 ml stainless steel stirred reactor at high pressure and low
temperature. A diagram of the apparatus is shown in Figure 1. Following the procedure of Long,
et a1: 30 stainless steel balls are placed in the bottom of the reactor to increase nucleation sites.
The reactor is immersed in a refrigerated bath, which normally maintains temperature to within
0.5'F. The pressure in the reactor is controlled to within 5 psi by a programmable syringe pump.
The pump displaces hydraulic oil into a piston cylinder which contains the hydrate-forming gas
on one side and hydraulic oil on the other. The volume of oil displaced by the syringe pump to
maintain constant pressure indicates gas consumption in the reactor.
The inhibitors were tested at 0.5 wt% dry polymer and 0.75 wt% glycol ether in the salt solution.
In a typical experiment, 0.6 g dry polymer and 0.9 g glycol ether liquid were added to 120 g of a
3.5 wt%, filtered, synthetic sea salt solution and mixed for at least one hour. The resulting
solution was transferred to the 300 ml reactor, sealed, and immersed in the temperature bath at
39.2'F (4OC). The pressure was then increased to 1000 psig with green canyon gas and held
constant to within about 5 psi with the syringe pump. After the pressure reached 1000 psig, the
reactor stirrer was turned on to 1000 rpm. The gas volume, as measured by the syringe pump, and
the reactor pressure and temperature were recorded electronically at 1 minute intervals
throughout the experiment.



Temperature bath


Figure 1: Gas hydrate test apparatus. The 300 ml reactor was charged with 120 g of sea
salt solution containing 0.5% dissolved inhibitor. Tests were conducted at
constant 39.2F and 1000 psig for 20 hours. See text for more detail.

Gaffix VC-713 is a terpolymer of VCL, W,and DMAEMA. For consistency, all experiments
reported here were conducted with the same manufacturing lot of VC-713.
Butyl Cellosolve, or 2-butoxyehano1, has the formula n-Cd-I90C&bOH. It is an industrial
solvent with a boiling point of 171OC manufactured by Union Carbide. This material and the
other glycol ethers listed in Table 2 were obtained from Aldrich and have a purify of about 99%.

The synthetic sea salt corresponds to ASTM Standard Specification for Substitute Ocean Water
and was purchased from Marine Enterprises of Baltimore, Maryland.
Green canyon gas is a typical natural gas mixture. It has the composition listed in Table 1.

Table 1: Green canyon gas composition


Figure 2 shows the result of adding 0.75 wt% butyl Cellosolve to a mixture of 0.5 wt% VC-713
in sea salt solution. For comparison, the figure also shows the test results for 3.5 wt% sea salt
solution with no inhibitor, 0.5 wt% VC-713 in sea salt solution, and butyl Cellosolve in sea salt
solution. Each test was conducted at 39.2OF and 1000 psig. At these conditions green canyon
gas has an equilibrium dissociation temperature of 64.7F in deionized water, giving a total
subcooling of 25S0F. The gas consumption was calculated from measured volume change with
the real gas law (compressibility factor = 0.83).


AS the figure shows, this particular lot of VC-713 inhibits hydrates for only about 40 minutes at

the test Conditions. Adding 0.75 wt% butyl Cellosolve dramatically increases the performance of
the inhibitor, to the extent that no detectable hydrates form for the duration of the 20 hour test.

The figure also shows that butyl Cellosolve does not inhibit hydrates without polymer present.


0.75% butyl Cellosolve

0.5% VC-713 + 0.75%




butyl Cellosolve



Time. minutes

Glycol ether


Induction time (min)

2-butoxy ethanol


2-isopropoxy ethanol






2-(2-butoxyethoxy) ethanol






2-propoxy ethanol






2-ethoxy ethanol



none (sea water only)

none (VC-713 only)


Table 2: Induction times for 0.75 wt% glycol ether plus 0.5 wt% VC-713 in 120 g of sea
salt water at 39.2"F and 1000 psig.
Butyl Cellosolve also showed strong synergism with other kinetic inhibitors. Table 3 compares
the induction times for polyvinylcaprolactam homopolymer (PVCL) and 50/50 VCLNP
copolymer with and without butyl Cellosolve. Test conditions were identical to those described


Table 4 lists the surface tension o f aqueous solutions of glycol ethers as reported in the
manufacturers literature. The data indicate that the higher homologs are surface active. If this
hydrophobicity of the hydrocarbon chain also causes the chain to associate with the dissolved
polymer, then the glycol ether may allow the polymer conformation to expand in solution. This
could occur if the surfactant breaks the weak bonds between polymer segments which pull the
coils together and tighten the conformation. An extended polymer would presumably have more
of its length available for interaction with the crystal surface, which may account for its improved
performance as a hydrate inhibitor.
Induction times (minutes)
Inhibitor (0.5%)


Gaftix VC-713

50150 VCLNP

Table 3: Comparison of induction times for kinetic inhibitors with and without butyl
Cellosolve added, at 39.2OF a n d 1000 psig in sea water solution.
methyl Cellosolve



propyl Cellosolve




butyl Cellosolve




Table 4: Surface tension and other properties of the 2-alkox ethanol homologs. All
data was obtained from manufacturers literature. Y

Lederhos, J. P.; Long, J. P.; Sum, A.; Christiansen, R. L.; Sloan, E. D., Jr., Effective
Kinetic Inhibitors for Natural Gas Hydrates, Chemical Engineering Science, 51 (8),


Notz, K.;Bumgartner, S. B.; Schaneman, B. D.; Todd, J. L., The Application of Kinetic
Inhibitors to Gas Hydrate Problems, 27th Annual Offshore Technology Conference,
Houston, TX,1-4May 1995,719.
Bloys, B.; Lacey, C.;Lynch, P., Laboratory Testing and Field Trial of a New Kinetic
Hydrate Inhibitor, 27th Annual Offshore Technology Confirence, Houston, TX, 1-4May

(1996) 1221.



Long, J.; Lederhos, J.; Sum, A.; Christiansen, R.; Sloan, E. D., Kinetic Inhibitors of
Natural Gas Hydrates, Proceedings of the Seventy-Third GPA Annual Convention, New
Orleans, LA, 7-9March 1994,85.
Union Carbide, Glycol ,Qhers, (1993).



Martin Bylov
Calsep A/S
GLLundtoftevej 7,2800 Lyngby
Peter Rasmussen
Department of Chemical Engineering, The Technical University of Denmark
Building 229,2800 Lyngby
Keywords: Hydrates, Induction Time, Growth Rate.
Three series of ethane hydrate formation experiments have been performed. The first series was
carried out at 14 bar and 3 "C. Very scattered induction times (40,000 to 340,000 seconds) and less
scattered growth rates were observed. Before the next series the cell was cleaned very thoroughly.
With similar experimental conditions the induction time was longer than three weeks after which
period of time the pressure was increased to 21 bar. Scattered induction times (l0,OOO to 150,000
seconds) and slightly higher growth rates were obtained. The third series was carried out at 20 bar
and with 20 mg of impurities added. Short induction times and slightly lower growth rates were
observed, All the experiments have been simulated using the hydrate kinetics model proposed by
Skovborg (3). The experiments lead to the overall conclusion that impurities almost eliminate the
induction time. This should be considered when transferring laboratory results to field conditions.
The original scope of the presented experimental work was to establish an experimental procedure
which would result in reproducible induction times. In the work by Skyum ( I ) and Andersen (2)
numerous ethane hydrate experiments were carried out. Between each experiment the cell was
opened, emptied and cleaned. Under seemingly identical conditions, large variations in the induction
times were observed. It was assumed that a random amount of dusi/dirt would be present in the cell
in each experiment resulting in the observed variations in the induction times. Consequently it was
decided to keep the cell closed between experiments thus having the same amount of duddirt in the
cell throughout the measurement series.
The experimental setup is outlined in figure 1. The cell is a stainless steel container with a volume
of 66.5 cm3. Sapphire windows are placed on two opposing sides. The cell is closed with a lid,
through which the gas and water are lead to the cell. The pressure sensor is placed in the lid while
the temperature sensor is placed in an oil filled pocket in the cell. The temperature in the cell is
controlled by flowing a water/ethanol mixture through the cooling jacket. The cell is placed on top
of a magnetic stirrer, that can rotate a teflon coated magnetic rod in the cell The maximum working
pressure of the cell is 60 bar.
Before the first experiment in a series, the cell is cleaned and then evacuated. The desired amount
of water is introduced and the pressure is increased to the desired level using ethane gas. The cooling
flow is started and gas hydrates will eventually form. When no further gas hydrate formation takes
place, the cooling flow is stopped The cell with content is left for 4-5 hours to dissociate all formed
hydrates and to heat up the cell to ambient temperature. The cooling flow is then restarted, and a new
experiment can start.

Before the first series the cell was cleaned in the same way as used by Skyum ( I ) and Andersen (2).
This means rinsing with distilled water and drying using compressed air. The cell was evacuated and
loaded with 20 cm' of distilled water and ethane at 21C. Series 1 was started with a temperature
setting of 3 "C. Figure 2 shows the pressure transient and part of the temperature transient of the
first experiment (M6). The pressure initially drops from 15.3 bar to 14.0 bar due to the reduction in
temperature from 21 "C to 3 "C. The pressure and the temperature then remain constant until the end
of the induction time. As hydrates start to form the pressure drops dramatically due to gas
consumption and there is a small increase in the temperature due to the heat evolved. The course of
events in experiment M6 is representative for all the experiments in series 1 and 2.
A total of 11 experiments is included in series 1 and the results are shown in table 1 and in figure
3. The induction time is here defined as the time that elapses from the cooling flow is started and
until the pressure starts to drop due to hydrate foimation. To calculate the amounts of hydrate formed
within 600 and 3600 seconds respectively after the induction period, the computer program HYLAB

has been used. The HYLAB program is essentially based on the gas hydrate kinetics model proposed
by Skovborg (3):




Gas consumption rate.

Mass transfer coefficient.
Gadwater interfacial area.
Molar concentration of water in the water phase.
Mole fraction of gas in water phase at the &water interface in equilibrium with the
gas phase.
Mole fraction of gas in the water phase in equilibrium with the gas hydrate.

In principle the model requires knowledge of the product k*A to be able to calculate the gas
consumption rate and the pressure drop with time.
When analysing experimental data as here the model is rearranged to allow ameasured pressure drop
to be converted into a gas consumption rate giving as the results the amount of hydrate formed and
the product k*A.
The induction time varies between 38209 seconds and 341430 seconds whereas the growth rates are
much more uniform.
After discovering that simply keeping the cell closed between experiments thus keeping the
composition constant did not yield reproducible induction times it was decided to try to eliminate
the effect of presence of impurities. The cell was consequently cleaned much more thoroughly using
only double distilled water and drying with dust free paper. Similar conditions to those used in series
1 were established. More than three weeks (-2,000,000 seconds) passed after pressurizing the cell
and no hydrates were formed. The pressure was then increased to 21 bar. Approximately 38500
seconds later hydrates eventually formed. Series 2 comprises this and five more experiments at 3
"C and 21 bar. The results are shown in table 2 and in figure 3. Not surprisingly the growth rates
were higher in series 2 than in series 1. The induction times were on the average lower (table 4) but
still very scattered
The results in series 1 and 2 showed that even minor amounts of impurities have some effect on the
induction time. Consequently it was decided to add a large amount of impurities to the system to
make it insensitive to addition of further impurities. It was decided that the "composition" of the
added impurities should to some degree match the solid material found in multiphase pipelines. The
impurities consist of equal amounts of CaCO,, BaSO,, rust and asphaltenes. Before addition of water
and gas to the cell, 20 mg impurities was added and conditions similar to those of series 2 were
established. The course of events in the experiments of series 3 differs drastically from that of the
other experiments. In series 3 the pressure initially not only drops due to reduction in temperature
but also because hydrates were formed shortly after the hydrate equilibrium temperature is reached.
The observed induction time in table 3 is the time from the beginning of cooling until some hydrate
particles were seen. In table 3 is also listed the time it takes before the conditions in the cell are
favourable for hydrate formation from an equilibrium model (4) point of view. It can be seen that
hydrates were often observed before the conditions for their formation were favourable. This cannot
be contributed to low accuracy in the gas hydrate model used, but rather to the fact that there is
some time delay in the temperature measurement. In all experiments performed in the cell the
pressure start dropping for approximately 30 seconds before any change in the temperature is seen.
For that reason it seems likely that gas hydrates start to form shortly after the actual conditions in
cell are favourable for their formation.
The results in series 1 and 2 indicate that induction times are very hard to reproduce even under
seemingly identicalconditions. Series 3 indicates that addition of large amounts of impurities almost
eliminates the induction time. It is however difficult from the present data to say whether the
standard deviation on the induction times in series 3 is as large as for the other experiments.
Comparison between the observed induction times in series 3 and the time after which the hydrate
formation is favourable could indicate that the induction times also in this case are scattered, though
very short.
The growth rates are for all series much less scattered than the induction times and thus easier to
compare. It is no surprise that the growth rate in series 2 is larger than in series 1 since the driving

force for hydrate formation is considerably higher. Expressed in terms of the Skovborg model, the
than in series 1 (-1.8'
difference x,,, - xb is larger in series 2 (-3.7*
When looking at the average A*k which is needed to describe the experiments in series 1 and 2, it
is interesting to note that a smaller value applies for series 2. One must assume that the interfacial
area is the same in both series, i.e. k must differ. This observation has two possible explanations.
Either the mass transfer coefficientis pressure dependent or the mass transfer of ethane from the gas
phase to the water phase is not the only significant kinetic step. If for example the building up of gas
hydrate crystals is also a significant kinetic step, one must assume that xb will be higher than
predicted from a gas hydrate equilibrium point of view. If xb is in fact higher than predicted by the
model, an analysis of the data assuming equilibrium between the water phase and the hydrate phase
will result in a higher value of A'k as it is the case in series I compared to series 2. This could
suggest that when the driving force for hydrate formation is small, the building up of crystals is a
significant step, whereas it becomes less significant for larger driving forces.
When analysing the amount of hydrate formed in series 3 it is seen that during the first 600 seconds
it is even lower than the results obtained in series 1, whereas at later times the results are comparable
to those of series 2 (table 4). The explanation is probably that the driving force for hydrate formation
is small in the beginning of the series 3 experiments and the conditions of the experiments resemble
those of series 2 at later stages. In series 3 the standard deviation on the amount of hydrates formed
is higher compared to the previous series, indicating that impurities in some way make the growth
rate more random.
One can also observe that the average A*k gets smaller as more hydrates are formed. This is most
likely due to the reduction of the interfacial area caused by formation of a hydrate slurry layer
between the two fluid phases.
Reproducing induction times in "clean" laboratory conditions seems very difficult if not impossible.
Deliberate addition of impurities to the system seems to eliminate the induction time. Extreme
caution should therefore be taken when operating a multiphase pipeline under conditions favourable
for hydrate formation. Kinetic inhibitors that supposedly prolong the induction time should be
evaluated also in the presence of considerable amounts of impurities.
The experiments reveal that the growth rate depend on the driving force. This may either be
interpreted as a pressure dependence of the parameter k in the model by Skovborg or it may indicate
that the building up of crystals is also a significant kinetic step. From the present experiments it is
not possible to say which explanation is correct.
When analysing kinetic experiments one should consider that the system investigated may not be
in thermal equilibrium at all times.
We are grateful to KSLA-ST/2 , Amsterdam, The Netherlands for lending us the measurement cell,
and to K.S. Pedersen, Calsep NS for many productive discussions.
Skyum L., 1995, "Hydrate Kinetics", M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Chemical Engineering,
The Technical University of Denmark.
Andersen B.D., 1995, "Formation of Gas Hydrates", MSc. Thesis, Department of Chemical
Engineering, The Technical University of Denmark.
Skovborg P. and Rasmussen P., 1994, "A Mass Transport Limited Model for the Growth of
Methane and Ethane Gas Hydrates", Chem. Eng. Sci., 49, 113 I-i 142.
Munck J., Skjold-Jwgensen S. and Rasmussen P.,1988, "Computations of the Formation of
Gas Hydrates", Chem. Eng. Sci., 43, 2661-2672.



Series 1
Experiment No.

time I s

Moles o f hydrate
formed in 600 s.

Moles o f hydrate
formed i n 3600 s.






4 I827







































0.0 I88


Table I.Results o f series I.T = 3 "C. Hydrate formation starts at 14 bar.



Series 2
Experiment No.


Moles o f hydrate
formed in 600 s.

Moles o f hydrate
formed in 3600 s.












0. I003












Time for favourable

h)drate conditions 1s

Moles of hydrate
formed in 600 F

Molzs o f hydrate
formed in 3600 s




0 0892











_ _ _-.















~ I (

Inducuon time6

Series 3
Experiment ho



PI 100

Goa I

Outline of
Sapphire Window

- Cell

-2 -Magnet

Cooling Jacket

Figure 1. The Experimental Apparatus.












Figure 2. Pressure and temperature vs. time in a typical experiment (M6).









.- 0.024



R 0.020




Induction Timekeconds
Figure 3. Growth rate vs. induction time for series 1 and 2.




-- -_




S.-Y. Lee, E. McGregor, and G.D. Holder

University of Pittsburgh
Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Department
Pittsburgh, PA 15261
Keyword: Gas Hydrates, Methane, Pipelines
Introduction and Background
Gas hydrates are crystalline inclusion compounds composed of water and natural gas in nonstoichiometeric ratios varying from 5.67 to 17 water molecules per hydrated gas molecule
(Holder, Zens and Pradham, 1988; Sloan, 1990). Hydrate crystals represent one on of the few
phases and perhaps the only condensed phase where water and light non-polar gases exist
together in significant proportions and are of particular interest to the petroleum and natural gas
industries because of their potential as a separating agent, their potential as a storage vehicle and
their undesired ability to plug gas transportation lines (Holder and Enick, 1995).
Gas-water mixtures will form crystals which coat the walls of and potentially plug gas
transportation lines causing the ceasation of gas or gas+oil flow (Lingelem, Majeed and Stange,
1994). When producing oil or gas, one goal of industry is to understand the conditions under
which operation is possible without plugging. One such operating condition is where the
hydrates are thermodynamically unstable. Such conditions are generally present when operating
at temperatures above 25 C, although the temperature depends upon pressure, usually 50-200
Mpa, and gas composition, usually 95+% methane. Sufficiently high temperatures are generally
not present when producing gas in offshore operations, because deep ocean waters are seldom
warmer than 4-8 C. To prevent hydrate formation operators will generally inject methanol
which acts as an antifreeze and destabilizes hydrates. Effective methanol concentrations are
generally 10-50%, by weight, of the waterimethanol liquid.
Sometimes, it is not desirable or possible to operate at conditions where hydrates are
thermodynamically unstable. Such conditions may occur if methanol injection facilities fail or
in cases where methanol injection and recovery are prohibitively expensive. In such cases it is
desirable to understand for what duration, operation of a gas transportation line is possible
without the complete plugging of the line by hydrates. To more completely understand this
question, the rates at which hydrates form must be understood. The process includes the
nucleation of hydrates on a heterogeneous surface, such as the pipewall, and the growth of these
hydrates towards the center of the pipeline. This scenario for hydrate growth is deemed most
likely for two reasons. First, the pipewall is generally the coldest part of the transportion line
and hence the location where hydrates are most thermodynamically stable. Second, the
formation of crystalline hydrates normally requires a solid nucleation site and the pipewall is
generally the only source of such sites. Crystals can subsequently abraid from the pipewall and
be transported down the pipeline, but such abraided crystals are not expected to be the primary
cause of initial flow constriction.
In the present study, we determine the rates at which hydrates nucleate and grow on the surface
of a cold pipewall over which gas is flowing at rates comparable to those which might exist in a


The apparatus for studying the precipitation and growth of solids is a variation of that described
elsewhere (Figure 1 Holder and Enick, 1995). The apparatus consists of two coaxial cylinders.
Hydrates form in the annular space by growing radically inward from the cooled outer wall. To
form hydrates, the temperature controlled vessel is pressurized with the appropriate gas, 100-150
ml of water are injected and the inner cylinder rotated. The vessel can be operated in a vertical
position as shown in Figure 1 or in a horizontal position. For these experiments a horizontal


position was used exclusively. The fundamental improvement of this apparatus relative to cells
used in the past is that gas will flow in the annular space over the hydrate formation surface
rather than remaining static. This will provide a means of investigating the effects of gas shear
stress at the hydrate forming surface in pipelines.


Temperature gradients within this vessel are established by flowing methanoVwater mixtures
from separate isothermal baths through cooling coils on the outside of the vessel and the inner
cooling chamber. The water in the vessel would coat the rotating inner cylinder, evaporate, and
condense on the inside of the outer cylinder.
A temperature gradient was established across the annular gap. The surface of the water was
then in direct contact with the flowing methane at 273K - 275K. Hydrates began to form inside
the outer cylinder. Pressure decreased as the methane from the gas phase entered the hydrate
phase and was used to deliver the amount of water converted to hydrate.

Experiments continued until either 1) the pressure of the methane remained constant, indicating
that hydrate formation had ceased or 2 ) the rotation of the inner cylinder ceased because small
amounts of hydrates clogged the bearings and friction surfaces. The system was then
depressurized and the hydrate crystals examined before they had an opportunity to completely
dissociate. The hydrates formed a relatively uniform layer of frost-like solid in the annular gap.

We have measured the linear growth rate of hydrates formed from pure methane, pure carbon
dioxide, two mixtures of methanetpropane whose compositions were (95% methane and 5%
propane) and (97% methane and 3% propane). The important variables in these studies were
gas flow rate, gas composition, temperature, and pressure. Table 1 lists the results.
Gas flow rate: Higher gas flow rates (reported as RPM) tend to produce higher rates of hydrate

formation. This is because the higher gas flow rates dissipate the considerable heat release
generated dying hydrate formation (50-100 kJ per mole of hydrated gas) and because the higher
gas flow rates improve the mass transfer of water to the hydrate forming surface. It is still not
clear which of these factors is most significant. However, the effect of gas flow rate appears to
level off at the highest rates. This means that mass and heat transfer are no longer limiting and
a true kinetic value for hydrate growth is obtained. The higher gas flow rates used here are
comparable to pipeline Reynolds numbers in excess of 10,000 and thus these conditions are
those that might be obtained in an actual gas pipeline.
Cas composition: It was observed that no clear difference in growth rates for the 95% methane
and 97% methane mixtures were observed, but rates for gas mixtures and for carbon dioxide
were faster than for pure methane. The methane hydrate is the least thermodynamically stable
and it appears that the thermodynamic driving force (difference between the equilibrium
temperature and the actual experimental temperature at the hydrate surface) affects the rate at
which hydrates form. Another factor which may be important is the ability to stabilize the large
cavity of the hydrate structure. Propane stabilizes the large cavity of structure I1 better than
methane and carbon dioxide stabilizes the large cavity of structure I better than methane. The
ability to stabilize the large cavity may play a role in the kinetics. The current experimental
evidence is not conclusive on this issue.

Another variable of interest for the methanetpropane mixtures is that the gas composition
changes as the hydrates form since the propane concentration in the hydrates is much higher than
in the gas phase. As more hydrates form a eutectic mixture of methane and propane containing
less than 1% propane should be present. This mixture should result in the simultaneous
formation of both structure I and structure I1 hydrate.
Temperature: In general, temperatve is thought to increase the rate of any kinetic process.
However, higher gas temperatures decrease the thermodynamic driving force and will tend to
impede the rate.


Pressure: The rangeof pressures used was small, but the results indicate that higher pressures
increased the rate of hydrate formation.
Inhibitors: Both WAX and PVP reduced the rate of hydrate formation to negligible values
when present. Both were applied to the inside surface of the outer cylinder prior to hydrate
The overall correlation for growth rate for both methane + propane mixture is
linear rate = 0.001535(RPM)+ 9.3x 10 (PIKPA)
0.0178(Cooling Coil (TK).
This correlation has a R2 of 0.75.

The rates of hydrate formation along pipe walls will likely be comparable to the rates measured
in this study. Linear growth rates of 0.2cmflv are likely to represent the maximum growth rate
that could be expected in gas transportation lines. As the hydrates thicken, they can serve as
insulators of the line which will result in slower cooling of the produced fluids ( which come out
of the earth at higher temperatures than exist in the transportation line).
The insulation will
produce higher transportation temperatures and could either enhance or inhibit hydrate
formation rates.
Based upon the rates measured here, transportation lines could be operated for hundreds or
thousands of hours prior to their blockage by hydrates.

We would like to thank GRI for their partial support of the early stages of this research under
contract GRI5091-260-2121.
Holder, G.D. and R.M. Enick, Solid Deposition in Hydrocarbon Systems-Kinetics of Waxes,
Ashpaltenes and Diamondoids, Final Report, Gas Research Institute, GG, 1995.
Holder, G.D., S.Zetts, and N. Pradhan, Reviews in Chemical Engineering, S(1), 1,1988.
Holder, G.D.; Zele, S.;Enick, R.; LeBlond, Cdnn. N Y. Acad. Sci. 1994,715,344.
M.N. Lingelern, A.I. Majeed, and E. Stange, Industrial Experience in Evaluation of Hydrate
Formation, Inhibition, and Dissociation in Pipeline Design and Operation, in Natural
Cas Hydrates, Annals of the NY Academy of Science, E.D. Sloan et al, editors, New
York, p7S, 1994.
Sloan, E.D., Clathrate Hydrates of Natural Gas, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1990.


Figure 1.

High Pressure Tangential Annular Flaw Apparatus

1. High Pressure Gas

2. Gas Hydrate
4. Gas Cooling Fluid Flowing in Cylinder
5. Ice Cooling Fluid Rowing in Coils
6. RotatingCylinder
7. High Pressure Cell
8. Insulation
T - Thermocouples
P Pressure Transducer

Table 1: Growth Rate of Hydrates



Temp 00



+I- 0.4
+I- 0.5
+I- 0.4
+I- 0.4
283.0 +I- 0.5
282.3 +I- 0.7
279.7 +I- 0.6
276.5 +0.2
I291.1 +/- 0.3
288.9 +I-0.4
288.7 +I- 0.6
288.4 +I-0.7
287 +0.9
I284.7 +/-0.7
288.1 +/-0.1
284.5 +/-O.I
286.8 +I- 0.2
286.4 +/-0.1
287. +0.3
I277.8 +/-0.7
278.6 +0.6

Cooling coil
Temp 00


273.7 +I- 0.3

271.4 +/-0.1
272.0 +I- 0.3
271.9 +/-O.l
272. I +I- 0. I
271.8 +/-0.1
271.9 +/-0.2
271.5 +I-0.2
271.5 +/-0.2
272.9 +/-0.1
273.6 +/- 0.2
270 +I- 0.1
271.1 +I-O.l
271.6 +I-O.I
273.2 +I-O.I
271.7 +/-O.l
274 +I-O.l
271.5 +I-O.I










271.4 +I-0.1
271.6 +I- 0.2
m.1 +I- 0.2








Hirokazu Nakayama*', Darren H.BrouweP, Y. Paul Handab,Dennis D. Klug", John S.
Tse", Christopher I. Ratcliffe' , Xu Zhu" and John A. Ripmeester"'
'Steacie Institute for Molecular Sciences, 'Institute for Chemical Processing and
Environmental Technology, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario,
Canada KIA OR6
Keywords: methanol, hydrate, methanol monohydrate, hydrate inhibitor, clathrate
Methanol has long been in use as an inhibitor of hydrate formation'. It acts as a
classical antifreeze, that is by lowering the activity of the water, and generally shifts the
equilibrium lines for hydrate formation in the phase diagram to lower temperatures. It
has been shown that in water - hydrate former - methanol systems the methanol is
excluded from the clathrate hydrate when the material is frozen*. From a molecular
point of view, one may argue that methanol interacts strongly with water by hydrogen
bonding, thus interfering with the structure formation required for the formation of solid
ice and ice-like lattices. Thus, methanol is one of few small molecules that do not form
clathrate hydrates at ordinary temperatures ( 0C ). The propensity for small watersoluble molecules to form hydrates depends on a balance between hydrophobic and
hydrophilic interactions, as many of the water soluble ethers readily form clathrate
hydrates3.Ethanol is known to form two different hydrates' at low temperatures which
are probably semi-clathrates structurally related to Str.1 and Str.11 hydrates ( Pm3m,
a=l 1.88 A, F4,32, a=l7.25 A respectively ). Isopropanol, t-butanol and iso-amyl
alcohol all are known to form double hydrates with small help-gas molecules5.

In 1991, a report appeared' which suggested that methanol, when co-deposited with
water in a vacuum at low temperatures,forms a clathrate hydrate of structure II with a
lattice constant of 16.3 A. This observation poses a number of questions regarding
the ability of methanol to both inhibit and promote hydrate formation. If one is a high
temperature property, and the other a low temperature property, at which temperature
do they cross over and what are the responsible interactions ? On the other hand,
there are some general questions regarding the interpretation of the results. For
instance, the usual structure II lattice parameter is 17.1 f 0.1 A',so it isn't easy to see
how the structure II lattice can adapt to a 12% volume reduction.

Also, size considerations alone would suggest that methanol ( an ethane-sized

molecule ) should form a structure I rather than a structure II hydrate. As noted above,
the larger ( propane-sized ) ethanol molecule apparently forms semi-clathrates similar
to both str. I and str (I.In this sense it is pertinent to note that calculations have been
performed on a str. I hydrate lattice containing methanol guests'. A third point is that
the report does not acknowledge the possible presence of methanol monohydrate,
which was reported in a study of the methanol -water phase diagram in 1961'. These
questions led us to have a close look at the low temperature behaviour of the methanol
-water system.
Methanol and water were co-deposited from metered amounts of the vapours on the
cold plate ( 20K ) of a Displex closed cycle refrigerator. Sample stoichiometry was
varied from 20:l to 1:l. Pure amorphous ice and methanol phases were prepared as
well. Samples were handled and stored under liquid nitrogen. Some samples of a 1:l
stoichiometry were prepared by direct mixing of the liquids followed by quenching to
77K and annealing above the eutectic temperature at 150K.

Sample characterization was carried out by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC),

powder X-ray diffraction ( XRD ) and NMR spectroscopy. Samples for NMR were
isotopically enriched in 'H for either the water or methanol phases.
Thermal events were recorded by means of a Tian Calvet heat-flow calorimeter (
Setaram, Model BT2.15). The details of the calorimeter and the operating procedure
have been described previously'o.A sample size of about 2 g was used, the sample
temperature always remaining below 80K during loading. Samples were scanned from
78K to room temperature at 10 K"/h with nitrogen at 200 mbar as heat exchange gas.
XRD measurements were performed on a Rigaku 0 - 0 powder diffractometer
equipped with a Paar temperature controller. Samples were loaded cold, and XRD

patterns were taken at 80K. Samples were annealed for 10 min. at the appropriate
temperatures then cooled for the recording of the XRD pattern. The various phases
which appear on crystallization of the amorphous deposits and mixtures were identified
by comparison with data obtained for the pure crystalline materials or from literature
H NMR powder patterns were recorded at a frequency of 30 MHz on a Bruker MSL
200 NMR spectrometer equipped with a 5mm solenoid probe. Quadrupole echo
sequences were used with a 90" pulse length of 2.5 psec and an echo delay time of
30 p e c . Samples of 1:1 stoichiometry were quenched and conditioned in the probe at
temperatures somewhat above 150K.
Quadrupole coupling parameters were
determined by a fitting procedure using the Bruker Winfit package.


Table 1 offers a summary of the calorimetric data which was obtained for a range of
samples which reasonably well cover the methanol-water phase diagram. The column
on the left is in good agreement with previously reported work on vapour-deposited ice.
We note that all starting materials are amorphous, and that the first event to take place
on warming is crystallization, or crystallization preceded by a glass transition. This is in
agreement with the reported phase diagram, where devitrification is reported to take
place between 110 and 120K. We note that it doesn't seem to matter much whether
samples are produced by quenching the liquid mixture, or by vapour deposition.
A critically important component of the work is to identify the phases present in the low
temperature region, that is after the glass transitionfcrystallization events. The XRD
patterns of Ice Ih, Ice ICand the clathrate hydrates are well documented. XRD
patterns for the a and p phases of methanol were recorded in order to be able to
recognize the presence of these phases.
In all of the experiments carried out, it was found that a number of reflections appeared
which could not be assigned to one of the aforementioned crystal phases. These
reflections appeared to be strongest for samples approaching a composition of 1:l
methanol/ water. Another experiment showed that these reflections disappeared when
the sample was warmed to 175K, leaving only the Ice Ih pattern, but reappeared on
cooling. We can conclude that these reflections should be assigned to the methanol
monohydrate which is known to melt incongruently at
171K. Although methanol
monohydrate has been known to exist for many years, so far no information is
available on its structure. In order to facilitate further study, a good sample of
methanol monohydrate was prepared by quenching a 1:l mixture of methanol and
water and annealing at 150K for 10 hrs. The sample still contained a significant
quantity of hexagonal ice as impurity, however, the remaining 19 reflections could be
indexed in terms of tetragonal Laue symmetry and a fit of the d spacings was obtained
with unit cell dimensions of a = 4.660(1), c=13.813(5) A.

With the identification of the methanol monohydrate phase, all of the reflections can be
accounted for for all of the samples considered in this study. The crystallization
processes which transform the lowest temperature amorphous phases are outlined
below for a range of sample compositions.
Ice IC
methanoVwater ( 1:20, 1:lO ) =) methanol monohydrate + Ice Ih + Ice IC(trace)
methanol/water ( 1: 2 ) * methanol monohydrate + Ice Ih + methanol
methanol 3 a - methanol
Perhaps the most unusual observation is the near disappearance of cubic ice as a
distinct phase in the presence of methanol. Figure 1 shows a typical XRD run on a
codeposit (1.2 methanol- water ) initially annealed at 120K. The ice Ih reflections
clearly are present for all temperatures. The calorimetric data is in agreement with
this, as the only evidence for the crystallization of cubic ice is from a very weak
exotherm near 148K in the 1O:l deposit ( see table 1 ), and the subsequent
transformation of ice ICto ice Ih occurs near 179K; these events occur near 142K and
19% for pure ice. Methanol seems to act as a catalyst in the direct conversion of
amorphous ice to ice Ih.
How do our results relate to those reported for the " methanol clathrate '' ? The
material prepared was thought to be a clathrate mixed with some cubic ice based on
the assignment of 10 reflections to a 16.3 A clathrate lattice plus 1 reflection due to
cubic ice. By comparing the diffraction data for the two studies it becomes apparent
that all of the observed reflections in both studies can be accounted for in terms of ice

Ih and methanol monohydrate. It should be noted that the small angle reflections ( hkl
= 11 1, 220 and 31 1 for str. II ) which are essential for assigning the clathrate structures
in mixed-phase systems were not observed. Certainly in light of our data there is no
need to propose a structure II clathrate hydrate with an unusual lattice parameter.
Although the XRD powder data have given a good indication of the symmetry and size
of the unit cell in the crystal, the detailed structure remains as yet unknown. Some
additional information on the methanol monohydrate can be obtained from NMR
spectroscopy. The 'H NMR quadrupole coupling parameters obtained for the water
lattice are useful, as these can be used to give information both on the strength of the
hydrogen bonds and the dynamics of the water lattice. The 'H NMR lineshape for a
sample of CH,OH. D,O yielded a quadrupole coupling constant x ( = e2Qq/h ) of 206.9
kHz and an asymmetry parameter q= 0.09. These values are very near to those for
ice Ih ( 215 kHz, O.l"), and are characteristic of a fully hydrogen-bonded network. The
x value is an average for the D,O and CH,OD deuterons, as exchange must produce
the deuterium-substitutedmethanol. The small decrease in x indicates that the 0 - 0
distances are, if anything, on average slightly shorter than those in ice Ih. The
temperature dependence of the lineshape ( fig. 2 ) gives a rough indication of the rate
of the dynamic processes in which water molecules are involved. Above about 140K,
the lineshape develops a central component which is a manifestation of slow
reorientation 'of the water molecules within the lattice. A comparison with the
lineshapes obtained for pure ice Ih indicates that the water molecules in the methanol
hydrate at 150K have the same motional correlation time as those in ice Ih at -260K.
Since the water reorientation in ice is defect-driven, the implied low activation energy
for water reorientation in methanol monohydrate must reflect the ease with which
defects can be generated. A more detailed analysis of D,O dynamics is complicated by
the fact that besides the water molecules there are two kinds of methanol 0 - D bonds
that must be involved in restricted dynamic processes ( see below ). Examination of a
corresponding CD,OD.H,O ( fig. 2, below ) sample showed that there are two
dynamically inequivalent CD, groups, as there are two overlapping powder doublets.
Both CD, groups show rapid rotation about their 3-fold axes, one of the two shows little
or no additional motion, the second shows the presence of another process which
formally can be explained by a jump between two positions with 40" between the
directions of the CD, group symmetry axes. The central line ( fig. 2, right ) arises from
the more mobile OD and HOD deuterons. The NMR measurements show quite clearly
that molecular motion is possible at much lower temperatures than in a pure ice lattice.

On the basis of results reported here it appears unnecessary to propose the existence
of a clathrate hydrate of methanol. In vapour-deposited or quenched water - methanol
mixtures the crystallization products include mainly methanol monohydrate and Ice Ih
on the water-rich side of the composition diagram. Methanol seems to act as a
catalyst for the direct conversion of glassy ices to ice Ih. On the basis of XRD it is
proposed that the methanol monohydrate is tetragonal with unit cell dimensions a=
4.660, c= 13.813 A. NMR results indicate that both water and methanol are part of a
fully hydrogen-bonded network, but that water reorientation takes place much more
easily than in pure ice Ih and in most clathrate hydrates. Finally, one can say that
methanol by all accounts remains an inhibitor of hydrate formation.
Issued as NRCC no:39128

' Permanent adress: Department of Chemistry, Osaka University,Osaka. Japan

'Author for correspondence

' Sloan, Jr., E. D. "Hydrates of Natural Gas , Marcel Dekker, New York, N. Y. 7997
' Davidson. D. W., Gough. S. R.. Ripmeester,J. A.. Nakayama, H., Canad. J. Chem. 7981 59.2587
' Davidson. D. W. , in "Water a ComprehensiveTreatise. Franks, F., Ed., Plenum, N. Y.. 7973. V01.2
' Calvert, L D., Srivastava, P.. Acta Crystallogr. Sect.A 7969, 25, S131

' Ripmeester, J. A., Ratcliie, C. I.,J. Phys. Chem. J . Phys. Chem. 7990 94.8773

*Blake, D., Allamandoh. L.,Sandford, S., Hudgins. D., Friedemann, F., Science 7997 254,548
'Davidson. D.W.. Handa. Y P , Ratcliffe. C. I , Ripmeester,J. A,. Tse, J. S., Dahn. J. R., Lee.,F.,
Calvert. L. D.. Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 7986, 141, 141
Wallqvist. A., J. Chem. Phys. 7992 96. 5377
'Vuilhrd. G.. Sanchez, M., Bull. Cham. Soc. Fr. 7967,1877
'IHanda. Y. P., HawMns, R. E., Murray, J. J.. J. Chem. Thermodyn. 7984,16, 623; Y. P. Handa, J.
!hem. Thermodyn. 7986,18,8gi
Ripmeester, J. A., Ratcliffe, C. I., Klug, D. D., J. Chem. P h p . 1992,96,8503


Table 1. Summary of Calorimetric Data ;thermal events are shown in italics,

phases present in bold type

Starting material
ice (a)

1O:l mixture (a) 1:l mixture ( quenched )

methanol (a)

ice Ih
liquid mixture


795K( en )
783K( en; w )
.178K( en )

179K( en; w)
Ice Ih + liq

Ice Ih + liq
174K(en )

p phase + liq.

Ice IC
Ice Ih

MeOH.H,O +
Ice Ih +eutectic

768K (en)

a phase + eutectic
758K (en.w)

748K(ex, w)
MeOH.H,O +
Ice Ih +eutectic
mixture (s)

742K (ex)
736K (9)

a phase +eutectic
mixture (s)

722K (ex )

Ice (a)


7 72K (9)



702K (ex)
methanol ( a )

a = amorphous; ex = exotherm; en = endotherm; w = weak; g = glass transition, s =


Figure 1. X-ray powder

diffraction patterns for a
mixture obtained at 90K;
the sample was annealed
for 6 hours at 120K before
the other patterns were
temperatures indicated.
The crystalline phases
present are:
ice Ih
( marked on the 180K
methanol g
monohydrate ( marked on a
the 160K pattern ): a and
p methanol ( marked on
the 140K pattern ). the
shows up as broad
temperatures, liquid as
broad background at

Methanol-Water (1.2 molar ratio)

Vawur COdepOsated
h a l e d al 120 K fw six hours

Figure 2. 'H NMR powder

patterns for ( right )
CH,OH.D,O - temperature
CD,OD.H,O at
140 K
( parameters for outer and
inner powder doublets x =
46.83 kHz, 11 = 0.04; x =
37.80, 11 = 0.18 )






120 K








Jafar Javanmardi and Mahmood Moshfeghian
Department of Chemical Engineering
Shiraz University, Shiraz. Iran
Robert N. Maddox
School of Chemical Engineering
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. OK, USA
Key Words: Hydrate; Electrolyte; Gas
A simple thermodynamic model is proposed for predicting hydrate forming conditions for
natural gas components in the presence of single component or mixed electrolyte solutions.
The parameters required for use of the model are developed and presented. The model is
quite accurate with average deviations between calculated and experimental values of less
than 0.5% for systems not included in the model parameter determination.
Gas hydrates are a form of clathrate -- compounds in which guest molecules are entrapped in
a cage lattice structure composed of host molecules. They were first discovered by Davy in
1810 who produced chlorine hydrate (24). Natural gas hydrates were first produced by Villard
in 1888 (25). Hydrates of natural gas components are ice-like solid compounds that can form
under temperature conditions 25C (40F) or more above the freezing point of water.
Several different hydrate structures are known. Most polar and some weakly polar gases form
either a structure I or structure Il hydrate. The hydrate formed depends primarily on the size of
the guest molecule. Methane and ethane form structure I hydrates while propane and isobutane form structure It hydrates. Parrish and Prausnik (18) reported the physical
characteristics of structure I and Il hydrates.
Gas hydrates are ice-like clathrate compounds that are solids. They can accumulate in low
places or around valves and fittings causing gas gathering and flow lines to become clogged
and shut off gas flow. This is a particular problem in cold weather when line temperatures are
most likely to be in the hydrate forming range. Knowledge of hydrate forming conditions and
ways of preventing hydrates from forming are important to the natural gas industry. These
areas are well developed and reliable methods are available for both natural gas mixtures
(Maddox. et al. 14) and gas mixtures with inhibitors present (Moshfeghian and Maddox, 16).
Salt solutions and brine are frequently produced along with natural gas. Also, hydrates have
been suggested as one way of making sea water potable (Knox, et al., 12) and as a possible
way of storing natural gas in salt pits (Miller and Strong, 15). Capabilities for predicting natural
gas forming conditions in the presence of weak electrolytes need improvement. That is the
justification for the work presented here.

The approach used to develop the procedure for estimating hydrate forming conditions for
gases over electrolytes is similar to that used by Moshfeghian and Maddox (1990) for their
work on inhibited water solutions. They predicted the conditions for hydrate formation over
pure water and then calculated an adjustment, or change, in those conditions to account for
the presence of the inhibitor.
In the present work the method of Holder, Cohin and Papadopoulos (1980) is used to
calculate the conditions for hydrate formation over pure water, and equations are developed to
adjust those conditions for the presence of electrolyte. Holder and mworkers used
experimental measurements to generate chemical potential, enthalpy and heat capacity
functions. No gas species dependent adjustable parameters are required.
The equations used for predicting the influence of weak electrolyte solutions on natural gas
hydrate forming conditions were developed from the work of van der Waals and Plalteeuw,
(23). The value of the Langmuir constant depends on temperature and potential energy
function parameters and was evaluated using the mathematical expressions of Parrish and
Prausnik (18).

At equilibrium the chemical potential of water is equal in all phases present. If the free water is
present as ice, none of the ice will be incorporated within the hydrate structure, and the
chemical potential of the water in the hydrate will be equal to that of ice. If liquid water is
present the free water and the water in the hydrate will have the same chemical potential.
The way in which the activity of water is evaluated depends on the components present in the
system under consideration. If pure liquid water is present Holder, et al. (8) suggest that gas
solubility in the water phase will be so slight that ,x, the mole fraction of water, may be used
without creating significant error. If. on the other hand, water is present in an electrolyte
solution with an appreciable concentration of salt present, the model suggested by Piker and
Mayorga (22) can be used to estimate the activity of water in the electrolyte. Following
Englezos and Bishnoi (5) and Tohidi, et al. (26) this work has used the Piker and Mayorga
activity model for predicting conditions necessary for hydrate formation in the presence of
electrolyte solutions.


In case there is more than one electrolyte present in the solution, the procedure proposed by
Patwardhan and Kumar (19) is used to estimate the water activity.
Formation of hydrate from gas and liquid water molecules where G molecules of gas involve N
molecules of water can be represented by the following chemical reaction:
G + N(Hz0) t+ GN(H20)
For this representation Maddox. et al. (14) showed that the effect of a non electrolyte inhibitor
on the hydrate temperature of a natural gas could be explained as:
The derivation of equation (1) is discussed in detail by Pieroen (21). The electrolyte can be
treated as an "inhibitor" if the procedure developed is used for estimating electrolyte activities
and other parameters. In this work (AHINR), the enthalpy of hydrate formation per water
molecule in the hydrate lattice in equation (1) is assumed to be a function of pressure and the
ionic strength of the electrolyte solution and to take the following form:




with el, e2. e3 and e, being adjustable parameters determined from experimental electrolyte
solution hydrate data.
Experimental measurements of the hydrate temperature of methane (1, 2, 23) and ethane
(6,26) in the presence of liquid water and electrolyte solutions and propane (8. 10. 13, 26) in
the presence of ice. liquid water and electrolyte solution were used to evaluate the parameters
in equation (2). The values are: el= 597.33; 82=-0.0409; e3=0.0000227; e4=-0.0751. These
are global parameters that apply for any gas and any single or mixed electrolyte solution.
They reproduce the measurements of Blanc and Tournier-Lassenre (l), Dholabhai, et ai. (3).
and Roo, et al. (23) for methane (CH,) with an average absolute temperature deviation of
0.33%; The experimental determinations by Englezos and Bishnoi (6) and Tohidi. et al. (26)
for ethane are reproduced with an average absolute deviation of 0.56% across all data points.
Experimental data for propane by Englezos and Ngan (e), Holder and Godbole (10). Kubota,
et al. (13), and Tohidi, et al. (26) are reproduced with an average absolute deviation for all
propane data points of 0.35%. A summary of these results is shown in Table 1.
Based on the discussion above a procedure for calculating the hydrate forming temperature
and pressure for natural gas components in contact with water containing one or more
electrolyte salts can be suggested. Assuming that the pressure is fixed and the hydrate
forming temperature is required, the sequential steps in the procedure are:
1. Assume that the hydrate forming temperature in the presence of water with no electrolyte
present is above 273.15K. the freezing point of water. If the hydrate temperature is lower than
this, that fact will become evident and the assumed temperature can be changed. Use
equations 3, 7 and 13 to evaluate P.
2. Calculate the activity of water and AWNR.
3.Calculate the hydrate temperature in the presence of electrolyte.
4. If the temperature calculated in step 3 is greater than 273.15K,all is well; if it is lower than
273.15K retum to step 1, assume the temperature is less than 273.15K. and repeat steps 2
and 3.


The procedure outlined has been used to predict hydrate forming conditions for carbon dioxide
(Cod over electrolyte solutions. COz is a different gas than light hydrocafbons in that it
displays appreciable solubility in water, even at moderate pressures. There are cases in which
gas solubility is high enough that the mole fraction of water in the water phase departs
substantially from 1.O. The solubility of CO, in water can be expressed as:

gr = -725919.22
g2 = 2890.54
Q3 =
g, =
Calculations of COzsolubility using equation (3) match the experimental measurements of Con
solubility made by Stewart and Munjal (25) within an average absolute mole fraction W I
deviation of 0.00042 over temperatures from 259 to 281K and pressures from 1.O to 4.25 MPa.
Using equation (3) for CO, solubility in water and the hydrate prediction procedure developed
here, the hydrate forming conditions for GOz over electrolyte solutions have been calculated"
and compared with experimental determinations made by Dholabhai, et al. (4). and Englezos
(7). The results for CO, are summarized in Table 1. The 161 COz data points show an
average absolute temperature deviation of 0.46% over the full temperature, electrolyte
composition and pressure range of the data. ,
The model developed for predicting hydrate forming conditions in the presence of electrolyte
solutions does an excellent job of reproducing experimental measurements. It also has the
capability to make accurate predictions of hydrate formation in cases where the gas shows
appreciable solubility in the water phase. It represents a significant step in predicting hydrate
forming conditions for constituents of natural gas.
= activity of water
at = activity of water in the single salt solution defined by m:
A, = Debye-Huckelcoefficient = 0.392 for water at 25C
= parameter in equation (10)
PI = parameter in equation (10)
P2 = parameter in equation (10)
,, = Langmuir constant
CP = specific heat, caVg-mole-K
f,. = gas-phase fugacity of the Afh gas species
h = molar enthalpy, caWg-mole
m = molality of electrolyte solution
mk = molality of electrolyte k in mixed electrolyte solution
mi = molality of electrolyte kin a solution containing only electrolyte k and that has
the same ionic strength as the mixed solution
n = formula of electrolyte
n, = number of positive ions in electrolyte formula
n. = number of negative ions in electrolyte formula
nc = total number of components in gas phase
R = gas constant. 1.987 cal/g-mole-K
T = absolute temperature, K
V = molar volume cm3/g-mole
p t = chemical potential of water in the gas occupied lattice, cal/g-mole


Apt = change in chemical potential of water caused by hydrate formation, catfgmole

p t = chemical potential of water in the unoccupied lattice, Wg-mole
p: = chemical potential of ice, caWgmole
p t = chemical potential of pure water, caWg-mole
Omj = fraction of the type m cavities which are occupied by a j-type gas molecule
Urn = ratio of the number of type m cavities to the number of water molecules in the
hydrate phase
z = charge on ions in electrolyte formula


1. Blanc, C.. and J. Tournier-Lasserve. World Oil, November (1990).

2. Carson, D. E. and D. L Kak. "Trans. AIME," 146, (1942).
3. Dholabhai, P. D.. P. Englezos, N. Kalogerakis and P. R. Bishnoi. "Can. J. Chern. Eng.,"
69, 800.(1991).
4. Dholabhai, P. D., N. Kalogerakis and P. R. Bishnoi, '3. Chern. Eng. Data," 38, (4). 650
5. Englezos, P. and P. R. Bishnoi. "AIChE J.,"34. (10). 1718, (1988).
6. Englezos, P. and P. R. Bishnoi. "Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.," 30, (7).1655, (1991).
7. Englezos. P., "lnd. Eng. Chern. Res.,"31, (9). 2232, (1992).
8. Englezos, P. and Y. T. Ngan, "J. Chern. Eng. Data," 38, (2), 250, (1993).
9. Holder, G. D. and G. Gorbin, "Ind. Eng. Chern. Fund.," 19. (3),282. (1980).
10. Holder, G. D. and S.P. Godbole, "AIChE J.," 28.930, (1982)
11. Jeffrey, G. A. and R. R. McMullan. "Prog. Inorg. Chem.," 8.43(1967).
12. Knox. W. G.. M. Hess, G. E. Jones and H. E. Smith, "Chem. Eng. Prog.," 57. (2). 66
13. Kubota. H., K. Shirnizu, Y. Tanaka and T. Makita. "J. Chern. Eng. Japan," 17. (4), 423,
14. Maddox, R. N., M. Moshfeghian, E. Lopez, C. H. Tu, A. Shariat and J. Flynn, Laurence
Reid Gas Conditioning Conference, March 4-6, 1991.
15. Miller, E. and E. K. Strong, "Amer. Gas Assoc. Monthly," 28, (2),63, (1946).
16. Moshfeghian. M. and R. N. Maddox. "Oil &Gas J.."30, 78. (1993).
17. Moshfeghian. M, and R. N. Maddox. Annals of New York Academy of Science, 715, (1994)
18. Pamsh. W. R. and J. M. Prausnitz, "Ind. Eng. Chern. Proc. Dev.," 11, 26 (1972).
19. Patwardhan, V. S.and A. Kumar, "AIChE J.,"32. (9), 1419, (1986).
20. Peng, D. Y. and D. E. Robinson, "Ind. Eng. Chern. Fund.," 59, (1976).
21. Pieroen, A. P., Recueil Trav. Chern.. Vol. 74,995-1002, (1955)
22. Piker, K. S.and G. Mayoga, "J. Phys. Chern.," 77. (19). 2300, (1973).
23. Roo. J. L., C. J. Peten, R. N. Lichenthaler and G. A. Diepen, "AIChE J.," 29, (4),651.
24. Schroeder, W., Sarnrnlung Chernischer 8 Chernisch-TechnischerVortiige, Ahren's. 1926.
25. Stewart, P. E. and P. Munjal, "J. Chern. Eng. Data," 15. (l), 67, (1970).
26. Tohidi. E., R. W. Bugass, A. Danesh and A. C. Todd, 'SPE 26701,"255, (1993)
27. Van der Waals, J. H. and J. C. Platteeuw, "Advan. Chern. Phys.," 2.1, (1959).
28. Villard. M., Compte Rendus, 1888, 106, 1602.

Tabla 1



Temperature Pressure



0-5.43 0-1.57 0-1.07





04.28 0-1.88 0-1.59





0.4.27 03.35 0-1.61





0-4.29 0-2.36 0-2.24




Average Absolute Temperature Deviation



Phillip Servio and Peter Englezos
Department of Chemical Engineering, The University of British Columbia
Vancouver BC, V6T 124, CANADA
Keywords: hydrate equilibrium data, triethylene glycol, neohexane
Incipient equilibrium hydrate formation conditions for two systems are presented.
The isothermal pressure search method was employed. First, structure II hydrate data
for the propane-triethylene glycol water system at glycol concentrations of 0, 10 an 20
wi % are given. Triethylene glycol was shown to have considerable inhibiting effect on
propane hydrate formation. The other data are hydrate formation conditions for the
system methane-carbon dioxide-neohexane-water. The initial gas molar composition on
a water-free basis was 80 % methane and 20 % carbon dioxide. At a given
temperature, the incipient hydrate formation pressure was found to be within the range
of the hydrate formation pressure for the methane-neohexane-water and the carbon
dioxide-water systems. Thus, further analysis is required to elucidate the type of
hydrate structure.

During the past five years we have been measuring phase equilibrium data in
gas hydrate forming systems in our laboratory. The broad objective of the work is to
provide thermodynamic data which will be used either directly in process design of
relevant operations in the oil and gas industry or can be used to test the validity of
computational methods for phase equilibrium. We have studied the effect of glycols,
water soluble polymers and electrolytes in hydrates from natural gas components. In
the present work, we provide measurements for two systems: First, phase equilibrium
data for the propane-water-triethylene glycol (TEG) system and second data for the
methane-carbon dioxide-2,2-dimethyl butane (neohexane) system.
It has been known since the 1930s that natural gas and water can form a solid
ice-like compound commonly called gas hydrate (Hammerschmidt, 1934). This may
take place at temperatures above the normal freezing point of water. Because the
formation of hydrates has severe economic consequences, in oil and gas operations,
prevention of formation is major concern. The most common method to prevent hydrate
formation is to inject methanol, glycol, or electrolytes (inhibiting substances). There is a
growing interest to replace thermodynamic inhibitors with kinetic inhibitors i.e. chemicals
which could perhaps prevent the agglomeration of gas hydrates after they have been
formed (Muijs. 1991; Sloan et al. 1994; Englezos, 1996). In spite of this growing effort
as well as the progress that has been made in hydrate thermodynamics, equilibrium
data for gas hydrates are still needed not only for process design but also for the
development and testing of predictive methods for hydrate equilibria (Sloan, 1990;
Englezos, 1993; Sloan et al. 1994).
Triethylene glycol is an industrially used chemical to inhibit the formation of gas
hydrates. Ross and Toczylkin (1992) have presented data on the effect of TEG on
methane and ethane gas hydrates. These are known to be structure I hydrates, Hence,
one of the objectives of this work is to report incipient equilibrium data for propane
hydrate in aqueous triethylene glycol solutions. Propane hydrate is known to form
structure I1type hydrate crystal lattice.
Following the report from the National Research Council (NRC) of Canada in
1987 on a new hydrate structure, Sloan and co-workers reported the first structure H
hydrate phase equilibrium data in 1992 (Ripmeester et al. 1987; Ripmeester and
Ratcliffe,l990; Lederhos et al. 1992). The possibility of forming structure H hydrates in
gas and oil reservoirs provides the motivation to obtain phase equilibrium data for
structure H hydrates. Subsequently, additional data and a method to predict structure H
equilibrium were reported from Sloans laboratory (Lederhos et al. 1993; Mehta and
Sloan,1993; 1994a; Mehta and Sloan,1994b; Makogon et al. 1996; Mehta and Sloan,
1996). Additional data were also reported by other laboratories (Danesh et a1.1994;
Hutz and Englezos, 1996).
Thus far only methane, nitrogen and argon have been used as light components
in the formation of structure H hydrates. Carbon dioxide in conjunction with neohexane
and ice also forms structure H hydrates (Ripmeester, 1996). In our laboratory, we
attempted to prepare such hydrate but in liquid water. However, we were not able to
form hydrates which could be of structure H. At a given temperature, the hydrate that
was formed was stable at the carbon dioxide structure I hydrate equilibrium pressure.

Hence, we decided to work with a gas mixture of 80 % methane and 20 % carbon

dioxide on a molar basis in conjunction with neohexane which serves as the heavy
A schematic of the apparatus is shown in Figure 1. It consists of a high pressure
316 stainless steel vessel which is immersed in a temperature controlled bath. It has
two circular viewing windows on to the front and back. The top of the vessel is held in
place by six stainless steel bolts and is sealed with a neoprene O-ring. The temperature
control bath contains 30 L of a solution consisting of approximately 50/50 mass percent
water and ethylene glycol. A motor driven mechanism is used to stir the contents of the
bath. The temperature of the bath is controlled by an external refrigeratorheater
(Forma Scientific model 2095, Caltech Scientific. Richmond, BC) with a capacity of 28.5
L. The refrigeratodheater also uses a 50-50 mass percent glycol-water mixture. Mixing
of the cell contents is accomplished using a magnetic stir bar that is magnetically
coupled to a set of two rotating magnets (Tormag Engineering, Vancouver, B.C.) placed
directly underneath the cell. The set of magnets is driven by an electric motor. The
temperature at the top, middle and near the bottom inside the cell is measured by three
Omega copper-constantan thermocouples. Their accuracy is believed to be +/- 0.10 K.
The pressure in the cell is measured by a Bourdon tube Heisse pressure gauge from
Brian Controls (Burnaby, BC). The range of the gauge is 0-14 000 kPa and its accuracy
is believed to be less than 0.25 percent of the span.
The objective of an experiment is to determine the minimum pressure, at a given
temperature, where hydrate crystals can co-exist in equilibrium with a gas phase
containing mostly propane and the aqueous liquid phase containing the triethylene
glycol. In the structure H hydrate formation experiments, the equilibrium is among a gas
phase rich in methane and carbon dioxide, an aqueous liquid phase, a liquid
hydrocarbon phase rich in neohexane and the hydrate phase. The isothermal pressure
search method is used for the determination of the hydrate formation conditions. We
use this method because when a pressure change is imposed, the system can reach
thermal equilibrium faster compared to the time required for an adjustment of the
temperature. More detailed information on the equipment and the procedure to carry
out the experiments is available elsewhere (Englezos and Ngan, 1994; Hutz and
Englezos, 1996)
The solutions were prepared with deionized water. The purity of methane and
propane was 99.9 and 99.5 % (by volume) respectively. These gases as well as the
anaerobic grade carbon dioxide were supplied by Medigas. The neohexane (99%) was
supplied from Aldrich. Triethylene glycol was also supplied by Aldrich and was 99%
pure. The hydrate forming substances were used without any further purification. A
Sartorius analytical balance with a readability of 0.059 was used to weigh the
compounds used in the experiments.
The ProDane-triethvleneqlvcol-water svstem. The measured equilibrium hydrate
formation conditions are shown in Figure 2 together with the vapour pressure of
propane. As seen from the figure, the data indicate an inhibiting effect by TEG on
propane hydrate equilibrium. One can read from the graph the hydrate point
depression at a given pressure. For example at 300 kPa the hydrate point depression is
1.65 and 3.15 K for the 10 and 20 wi % TEG solutions respectively. At 400 kPa
pressure, the hydrate point depressions are 1.70 and 3.25 K for the 10 and 20 wi %
solutions respectively. It is noted that the freezing point depressions for these TEG
solutions is 1.33 and 2.93 K. Comparing these values with our previous work with
glycerol we note that, the inhibiting effectiveness of TEG is therefore comparable to
glycerol but less than that of methanol and NaCl on the same weight % basis (Breland
and Englezos, 1996). It is also noted that the difference in hydrate point depression for
TEG solutions at different pressures are less than experimental uncertainty. Hence, it is
assumed that the hydrate point depression values do not depend on pressure.
The methane-carbon .dioxide-neohexane-water svstem. Experiments at NRC
showed that carbon dioxide with neohexane forms structure H hydrate (Ripmeester,
1996). In spite of efforts to nucleate such hydrates but in liquid water and not in ice as
was done at NRC. we were not able to obtain hydrates of structure H. The hydrate we
obtained was stable within the carbon dioxide structure I hydrate equilibrium conditions.
Since these experiments were inconclusive, we decided to work with an 80-20 %
methane-carbon dioxide-neohexane-water system. Figure 3 shows the hydrate
equilibrium measurements. The results indicate that the measured conditions are within
the range of the methane-neohexane structure H and the carbon dioxide structure I
hydrate formation conditions. At this stage, it is premature to decide upon the structure

of the hydrate. We plan to analyze the gas and the solid phase in order to elucidate the
The effect of triethylene glycol (TEG) on the formation of propane hydrate was
studied at 0, 10 and 20 wt % aqueous TEG solutions. TEG was found to have a
significant inhibiting effect comparable to glycerol but weaker than methanol or NaCI.
The experiments with a 80-20 % methane carbon dioxide mixture together with
neohexane in liquid water were not conclusive with respect to the structure formed.
However, the incipient equilibrium formation conditions for this system were
1. Breland, E., and P. Englezos 1996. Equilibrium Hydrate Formation Data for Carbon
Dioxide in Aqueous Glycerol Solutions. J. Chem. Eng. Data. 41(1), 11-13.
2. Danesh, A,, B. Tohidi. R.W. Burgass and A.C. Todd, 1994. Hydrate equilibrium data
of methyl cyclo-pentanewith methane or nitrogen. Trans I Chem E (Chem. Eng.
Res. Des.), 72, PartA: 197-200.
3. Englezos, P., 1993. Clathrate hydrates. lnd. Eng. Chem. Res., 32(7): 1251-1274.
Englezos. P. 1996. Nucleation and Growth of Gas Hydrate Crystals in Relation to
Kinetic Inhibition. Revue de llnstitut francais du petrole, (in press).
4. Englezos, P. and Ngan, Y. T.,1994. Effect of polyethylene oxide on gas hydrate
phase equilibria. FluidPhase Equilibria,92: 271-288.
5. Hammerschmidt, E.G. 1934. Formationof Gas Hydrates in Natural Gas
Transmission Lines. lnd. Eng. Chem. 26 (8), 851-855.
6. Hutz. U., and P. Englezos. 1996. Measurement of Structure H Hydrate Phase
Equilibriumand the Effect of Electrolytes. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 117, 178-185.
7. Lederhos,J.P., Christiansen, R. L. and Sloan, E.D., 1993. A first order method of
hydrate equilibrium estimation and its use with new structures. FluidPhase
Equilibria, 83: 445-454.
8. Lederhos,J.P., Metha, A.P., Nyberg, G.B., Warn, K.J. and Sloan, E.D., 1992.
Structure H clathrate hydrate equilibria of methane and adamantane. AlChE J.,
38(7): 1045-1048.
9. Metha, A.P. and Sloan E.D.Jr., 1993. Structure H hydrate phase equilibria of
methane + liquid hydrocarbon mixtures. J. Chem. Eng. Data, 38: 580-582.
lO.Metha, A.P. and Sloan E.D.Jr., 1994a. A thermodynamic model for structure-H
hydrates, AlChE J., 40(2): 312-320.
1l.Metha, A.P. and Sloan E.D.Jr., 1994b. Structure-H phase equilibria of paraffins,
naphthenes, and olefins with methane, J. Chem. Eng. Data. 39, 887-888.
12.Metha. A.P. and Sloan E.D.Jr., 1996. Improved thermodynamic parameters for
prediction of structure-H hydrate equilibria,AlChE J., 42(7): 2036-2046.
13.Muijs, H.M. 1991. Surfactants in Oil Production, in Chemicals in the Oil Industry:
Developments and Applications; Ogden, P.H.,Ed., Roy. SOC.Chem. pp.277-297.
14.Ripmeester. J.A. 1996. Personal Communication.
15.Ripmeester,J.A., Tse, J.S., Ratcliffe,C.I. and Powell, B.M., 1987. A new clathrate
hydrate structure. Nature, 325: 135-136.
16.Ripmeester.J.A. and Ratcliffe, C.I., 1990. 129 Xe NMR studies of clathrate
hydrates: new guests for structure II and structure H. J. Phys. Chem., 94: 87738776.
17.Ross, M.J. and L.S. Toczylkin, 1992. Hydrate Dissociation Pressures for Methane or
Ethane in the Presence of Aqueous Solutions of Triethylene Glycol, J. Chem. Eng.
Data, 37. 488-491.
18.Sloan, E. D. Jr.. 1990. Clathrates Hydrates ofNatural Gases. Marcel Dekker, New
19. Sloan, E.D.; Happel, J.; Hnatow. M.A. 1994. International Conference on Natural
Gas Hydrates,Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 715, New York.
The financial support from the Natural Sciences and Engineeing Reseerch
Council of Canada (NSERC) is greatly appreciated.


Figure 1.

Glycol-Water Bath





MeLhane hydrate SLNdure I

Methenbneoheranehydrate smdure H
Carton dioxide hydrate SINdure I










; 0


Temperature (K)
Figure 2.

Incipient equilibrium propane hydrate formation conditions in aqueous

triethylene glycol solutions.
., .-. .
.Methane H y h I e SI






Temperature (K)
Figure 3.

incipient equilibrium hydrate formation conditions for the methane-carbon

dioxide-neohexane-water system.


F.H. Fadnes'', T. Jakobsen' and A. Lund'
1 Norsk Hydro AIS, N-5020 Bergen, Noway
2 Terra Environment AIS, N-5028 Bcrgen, Norway
3 Sintef Applied Chemistry, N-7034 Trondheim, Norway
Corresponding author
Keywords: Gas Hydrates, equilibrium, cyclopentane

Gas hydrates were, until recently, considered to be a phenomenon associated with small diameter

hydrocarbon molecules, For systems relevant to the oil industry, the upper limit was set by n-butane.
In 1987, Ripmeester et al(1,Z) discovered a new hydrate structure called structure H.This structure has
cavities larger than those of the former known structures I and I1 and can therefore be stabilized by
heavier guest molecules, Of components foud in real hydrocarbon fluids, isopentane,
methylcyclopentane, methylcyclohexaneand 2,3&ethylbutane were identified as potential structure H
formers while benzene, cyclohexane and cyclopentane were identified as potential structure I1 formers.
Recently, Thoidi et. al (3) presented experimental and prediction results on the effect of isopentane,
methylcyclopentane,cyclopentane and cyclohexane on the hydrate equilibrium properties of two ~ t u d
gas mixtures,They concluded that stlucture I1 heavy hydrate formers increase the hydrate stability of
the two hydrocarbon gas mixtures, where as structure H heavy hydrate formers do not have sigruficant
effect on the hydrate phase boundary.
In the oil industry the hydrate prevention strategy makes extensive use of hydrate prediction programs.
To our knowledge, none of the present commercially available programs take account of the heavy
hydrate formers. If some heavy hydrate formers, found in a real hydrocarbon fluid, have a significant
effect on the hydrate equilibrium temperature these have to be included in the prediction programs.
In this work the hydrate equilibrium properties of isopentane, cyclopentane and cyclohexane in a
synthetic hydrocarbon fluid have been determined. The vapor phase was simulated by either pure
methane - a structure I former, or a synthetic gas mixture assuring formation of structure 11. The
hydrocarbon liquid phase was in all experiments Exwsol D60, which is a paraffinic C9 - C13 distillation
Also presented is a survey of the content of cyclopentane in a selection of real hydrocarbon fluids from
the North Sea area.
All experiments were performed in a high pressure sapphire PVT-cell. The cell is placed in a
temperature controlled air bath in which the temperature can be varied between -40 and +ZOO 'C. The
temperature stability is 0.1 OC and the resolution is O.OIoC. The cell has a maximum worlung pressure
of 500 bara. The accuracy of the pressure measurement is estimated to be within 0.5 bar and the
resolution is 0.1 bar. The cell volume is controlled and varied using a piston directly coupled to a
computerized brushless motor. Volumes are read with a resolution of 0.0001 an3. The estimated
accuracy is 0.005 cfi? Maximum cell volume is 100 cm3.
Stirring is provided by a magnetically coupled stirrer, driven by a computer controlled, variable speed
motor. Maximum speed is 1000 rpm. Rheology changes of the experimental fluids are continuously
monitored by measurement of the effect required to keep the motor running at c o m t speed.
Experimental procedures. The sapphire cell was cleaned and evacuated prior to filling of the
experimental fluids. All fluids were added gravimetrically in the following sequence: Water (purified by
reversed osmosis), hydrocarbon liquid phase (D60 - added various amounts of heavy hydrate formers)
and finally the hydrocarbon vapor phase (CI or synthetic gas mixture). The water cut was, in all
experiments, approximately 50%. The hydrocarbon phase were recombined and the saturation point, at
ambient temperature, were determined.
Hydrate formation was initiated by cooling the system at a constant rate, 3 - 5 "Chours, while
continuously stirring the cell. AAer a period of time, allowing for equilibrium to be established, the
system was reheated at a rate of 0.25 "Chours until the hydrates were completely melted. The
experiment gives information of the hydrate equilibrium temperature, the degree of sub cooling and the
visual appearance of the formed hydrates. Hydrate formation and decomposition are indicated by
deflections in a volume vs. temperature plot (the isobar) and by a change in the rheology of the system
(the apparent viscosity). The experiments were performed at isobaric conditions, at 100, 200 and 300
All experiments were documented by video recordings.
Experimental fluids. The synthetic gas mixture were composed of CI, C2 and C3 in the ratio 74.89,
16.47 and 8.64 mole %, respectively. All components were minimum 99.9 % pure. Analysis of the
mixture did not show significant contamination of any other components.

Methane were 99.95 % pure. Isopentane, cyclopentane and cyclohexane were all of analflcal grade
Exsol D60 is a commercial paraffmic solvent. The composition of D60 is given in table I .
The compositions of the different experimental systems are given in tables 2 and 3. The measured
saturation pressure and the recombination gadoil ratio are given along with the composition.


The results from the experiments involving the potential heavy hydrate formers isopentane cyclopentane
and cyclohexane, are presented in tables 2 and 3 and figures I to 4. Also included in these figures are
predictions of the hydrate equilibrium conditions. These predictions were performed by use of PVTsim,
a commercially available PVT and phase behavior simulation program.
Isopentane was expected to form structure H while cyclopentane and cyclohexane were expected to
form structure 11. As can be seen from the figures, only cyclopentane seems to have a significant effect
on the hydrate equilibrium conditions for the tested systems. The effect of cyclopentane is, on the other
hand, remarkable as hydrate equilibrium temperatures close to 30 "C were observed.
Isopentane: The effect of isopentane is demonstrated in figure I . As can bee seen from this figure, the
hydrate equilibrium conditions for the ClD60 system are not significantly altered by addition of
isopentane at a concentration of 9.2 mole %. The ClD60 system forms a structure I hydrate and our
results indicates that, in this system, isopentane do not stabilize either structure 11 or structure H
Cyclopentane: The effects of cyclopentane in a ClD60 system are presented in figure 2. At
concentrations of 9.4 and 4.6 mole % are the equilibrium temperature shifted to higher temperatures and
it is reason to assume that the structure is shiW from I to 11. At a concentration of 0.9 mole % are the
hydrate equilibrium conditions for the CUD60 system not significantly altered. It can thus be assumed
that cyclopentane do not participate in the hydrate formation at this concentration.
The effects of cycloptanc in a s)lahetic gas/D60 system are presented in figure 3. 'Ibis system forms
structure I1 also when heavy hydrate fonners are not added. The effed of adding 11 mole %
cyclopmtane to this systan is s ~ e nby the significant increase in the hydrate equilibrium temperature.
Addition of I. 1 mole % cyclopentane to the synthetic gar system gives only a marghal increasc (0.2 "C)
of the hydrate equilibrium temperature.
Cyclohexane. The results from the experiments involving cyclohexane in a Cl/D60 system arc
presented in figure 4. There were not observed any stabilizing effects in this system, which is scpected
to form structure I when no heavy hydrate formers are added. It seems therefore d l e to conclude
that cyclohexane, at this concentration, do not stabilize either structure I1 or structure H.
Significance for the hydrate prevention strategy. Figure 2 and 3 clearly states that cyclopemane at
concentrationsof 9.4 and 4.6 mole % significantly increases the hydrate equilibriy.teplperature. 1.0
mole YOcyclopentane has, on the other hand, no significant impact on the hydrate equhbnum.
For the two systems tested,Cl/D60 and synthetx gadD60, our hydrate prediction program PVTsim
predias structure I and U, respectively. Cyclopentane is not included as a hydrate former in this
program and the only predicted effkct of addmg cyclopentane to the test systems are a dilution of the
hydrate formers and thus a slight reduction of the hydrate formation temperatures. At bigher
Concentrations of cyclopentam will this clearly lead to a significant miscalculation of the hydrate
equilibrium conditions.
Neither the concentdon at which cyclopentane is able to switch from structure I to structure U, nor
the concenmtion at which cyclopcatane is able to significantly change the equilibrium temperature of
structure U hydrate, are known. It seems, however, that 0.9 - 1.1 mole % is below the critical
concentration where cyclopentane afF& the hydrate equilibrium.
A SUNPJ of the content of cyclopentane in a selection of North Sea oil is given in table 4. As
seen from this table the c o n m t d o n seems, in general, to be below the critical CoIlcentratiOn for having
any significant impact on the hydrate equilibrium conditions.
1 'Ihe hydrate formation characteristics of two synthetic hydrocarbon system containing three heavy
hydrate formers have been investigated.
2 9.2 mole % isoptane do not promote formation of structure U or structure H in a
system. The hydrate equilibrium conditions are not significantly influenced.
3 9.4 and 4.6 mole % cyclopentane promotes formation of hydrate structure I1 in both the
methanelD60 system and the synthetic gadD60 system. The hydrate equilibrium conditions were
shifted to higher temperatures.
4 1.0 mole % cyclopentane do not change the hydrate structure from I to I1 in the m m e / D 6 0
s y S m and do not significantly increase hydrate the stability of structure 11 in the synthetic
gas/D60 system.
5 8.0 mole %cyclohexane in a methane'D60 system do not promote formation of hydrate structure I1
or structure H and do not deet the hydrate equilibrium conditions.
6 In 13 different North Sea oil surveyed, are the concentrations of cyclopentane too low to S e c t the
hydrate stability. We believe that the hydrate equilibrium conditions. for t h m oils, can be
predicted with reasonable accuracy.


Ripmeester, J.A., Tse, J.S., Ratcliffe, C.I. and Powell, B.M.:
"A New Clathrate Hydrate Structure", Nature (1987) 325.
Ripmeester, J.A., Ratcliffe, C.I. and McLaurin, G.E.:
"The role of heavier Hydrocarbons in Hydrate Formation",
AlChE Spring Meeting (1991)
Thohidi, B., Danesh, A., Burgass, R.W.andTodd, A.C.:
SPE35568 "Effectsof Heavy Hydrate Formers on the Hydrate Free Zone of Real
Reservoir Fluids", European Production Operations Conference & Exhibition (1996)

Carbon no.










The synthetic gas/D60 system. Compositionand hydrate equilibrium data.


(mole %)
131 Q23.1 "C 125 6323.9 "C
Hydrate equilibrium (T):

Q 100 Bara
Q 200 Bara




Table 3. The methanern60system. Compositionand hydrate equilibrium data.

(mole %)
Cy-C5 (mole %)
Hydrate equilibrium ("C):

, Q 100 Bara


Q 200 Bara
Q 300 Bara




Table 3 cont The methanem60 system Composition and hydrate equdibnum data
c 4
c 5
59 02
59 75
Cy-C5 (mole %)
4 61
0 92
Cy-C6 (mole %)
(mole Oh)
36 37
39 33
247 @25 4 C 247 @21 7 C
Hydrate equilibnum (C)
Q 100 Bara
22 4
13 1
Q 200 Bara
18 6
@ 300 Bara
20 9

Table 4. Conte

)fcyc/opentane in Notth sea oils.

Oil 1.0.
(mole %)




8 01
33 52
244 @24 C
13 6









56 47



de 250

c, m
Cl Em

5 200


.. .. .. .. .


2 150





Figure 1. Experimental and predicted hydrate equilibrium conditions for a methaneAl6O

system containing isopenfane.



50L 8


16 ' 20 ' 24





Figure 2. Experimental and predicted hydrate equilibrium conditions for a methaneD60

system containing cyclopentane.

Figure 3. Experimental and predicted hydiate equilibrium conditions for a synthetic

gasD60 system containing cyclopentane.

d 250

Figure 4. Experimental and predicted hydrate equilibrium conditions for a methaneD60

system containing cyhexane.


J.S. Tse, Steacie Institute for Molecular Sciences, National Research Council of
Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1J 982, V. Shpakov and V. Belosludov, Institute for
Inorganic Chemistry, Novosibirski, Russia 630090 and V.I. Murashov, Department of
Chemistry, Dalhousie University. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3H 4J3.
Keywords : lattice vibration, thermal conductivity, clathrate hydrate
The most unique physical property of gas hydrate is the anomalous low and
unexpected glassy-like thermal conductivity [ I ,2]. This interestingbehaviour has both
significant practical and scientific consequences. Thermal conductivity is a vital
parameter required for the computer modelling of the recovery of natural gas from the
hydrate [3]. A knowledge on the variation of the thermal conductivity with pressure and
temperature is a prerequisite to the exploitation of this important natural resource.
Despite the well defined crystalline structures for gas hydrates [4,5], their thermal
conductivities are characteristic of amorphous materials. The understanding of the
causes responsible for this unusual phenomenon will sled light on the mechanism of
thermal transport in the disorder system. In solid, the thermal energy is transported and
dissipated by the acoustic lattice vibrations. These vibrations are normally too low in
energy to be effectively studied by infrared and Raman spectroscopy. However, they
can be conveniently probed by neutron incohorent inelastic spectroscopy. In the
following, the results from such measurements will be presented and discussed with the
aid of computer simulation of the guest and lattice vibrations with lattice dynamics and
molecular dynamics methods.
Methane hydrate in deuteriated water was prepared by condensation of the gas into a
pressure vessel equipped with rolling rods at very low temperature. The vessel was
then allowed to warm slowly to -30' C and annealed at this temperature with gentle
rotation for 24 hours. The hydrate sample was carefully removed and stored under
liquid nitrogen. The neutron incoherent inelastic experiments were performed at the C3
triple axis spectrometer at Chalk River Nuclear Laboratory [6]. Lattice dynamics [7]
and molecular dynamics calculations [8]were performed on a single unit cell of 8
methane and 46 water molecules using the SPC [9] and TIP4P [IO] water
intermolecular potential, respectively.
The experimental vibrational frequencies for
the motions of the methane in the cavities of
the hydrate can be obtained directly from the
5 K. two
neutron scattering experiments.



peaks were observed at 32, 57 and 72 cm"

in the experimental spectrum which are in
excellent agreement with the theoretical
predicted values [11,6] at 35, 54 and 78 cm-'.
These results reassured the reliability of the f
interaction potential models employed in the
calculations. The motions of the enclathrated
methane in the hydrate cages can be
examined from the variation of the intensity of
the J = 0 +I
rotational excitation peak with the
neutron momentum transfer (Q) (fig.1). If the
methane is freely rotating the intensity of the
excitation peak will be proportional to the first
order Bessel function j,(Qr), where r is the
C-H distance. A fit to the exoerirnental data
gives an effective C-H distance of 1.23 A




-. .

rotational peak w,th neutron momentum

transfer (a)

of ,he intensity (I)


which is close to the correct value of 1.09 A.

This result indicates that the methane
molecules rotate almost freely inside the hydrate
cages and are in complete agreement with a
previous NMR study [12]. Another important
observation is the lack of energy dispersion in
the rotational mode as the temperature is
raised (fig.2) . This effect is the consequence of
a strong coupling between the low frequency
acoustic lattice vibrations with the localized
methane motions [13]. A clear picture of the
interactions between the enclathrated methane
with the host water lattice is now emerged from
the neutron experiment. Although the methane
molecule behaves like a free molecules, its
motions areThis
with the
a plausible
mechanism for the transfer of thermal energy
from the lattice to the methane. The heat
transport can be dissipated via the thermal
excitation of the methane thus reducing the
thermal conductivity of the material








10111.01b1 ,11,*,10*




T ~ r n p u ~1KJ

Fig. 2 The variation of the position.

lineshape and intensity of the rotational
peak with temperature.

information on the role of the guest-host coupling

mechanism. In the case of the real xenon hydrate,
frequencies that couple the lattice and the guest
vibrations occur at 23,34 and 52 cm-' . These
frequencies are the same as the localized vibrations
calculated for xenon [I41 and fall within the acoustic
region of the lattice vibrations [15]. Since the
vibrational frequency of the rattling motion of the
guest is inversely proportional to the square root of
the reduced-mass (141, a " light xenon" should



The interaction between the lattice acoustic

vibrations with the localized motions of the


The cross velocity correlation

funclion for xenon and "light xenon"


moves the guest vibrations out of the lattice acoustic region. This fact is shown in the
calculations on the hypothetical hydrate. The correlation time between the *'light
xenon" and the lattice is extremely short and less than 1 psec. The corresponding
"coupled" vibrations are located from 250 to 600 cm.'. which are outside the
translational region of the lattice vibrations. To summarized, it is shown from the
present molecular dynamics calculations, the coupling between the guest and water
lattice vibrations only occurs at the low frequency region. In practice, the hydrocarbons
enclathrated in the hydrate structure all possess low frequency librational and rattling
motions thus permitting the exchange of thermal energy with the host lattice.





lrequenq (crn^-l)

Fig. 4 The fourier transform of the cross velocity correlation function for
xenon and "light xenon" hydrate.

Strong interactions between the guest and

water lattice are also expected from a factor
group analysis of the symmetry of the
translational vibrational modes [13]. It can
be easily shown that at the Brilluoin zone
center, both the guest and lattice translational
vibrations .possess the T, representation.
However, the lattice acoustic lattice vibrations
are strongly dispersive but the guest vibrations
are largely localized and non-dispersive. A
symmetry avoided crossing between the two
vibrational branches must then occur along
certain phonon wavevector between the zone
center and the zone boundary. The resonance
of two vibrational modes of the same symmetry
can be a mechanism for energy transfer. A
schematic representation of this interaction is
shown in fig.5. A lattice dynamics calculations
on xenon hydrate indeed shows a considerable
mixing Of the positional displacements Of the
xenon and the water in the eigenvectors
associated with the acoustic vibrations after the
intersection of the phonon branches.


q -vector ---+


Fig, 5 Schematic diagram for the

symmetry avoided crossing of the
acoustic branch with the guest
localized vibrations.

Realizing the basic mechanism for the coupling between the guest and host lattice,
a simple model based on a modified Einstein model can be used to predict the thermal
conductivity of gas hydrate [16,17]. One important feature of this thermal conductivity


model is that only the molecular properties are needed as input parameters for the
calculation of the thermal conductivity In this model, the localized vibrations are
assumed to be heavily damped with lifetimes of half a period of the oscillation and the
distribution of the localized modes in a solid can be approximate by the Debye model.
Using the equivalent of the gas kinetic equation, an expression for the minimum thermal
conductivity Amincan be derived.

At high temperature when T >> OD , the transport integral approaches unity and the
limiting thermal conductivity Am is given by


A co = 2 E)5kBn3(2vt

+ v,)

Where k, is the Boltzman constant, n is the number density and v, and v, are the
longitudinal and transverse sound velocity of the hydrate. Therefore, once the
experimental density and acoustic sound velocities are known, the thermal conductivity
at any temperature can be estimated. Previous calculations show that the calculated
thermal conductivities for several gas hydrates employing these are in good accord with
experiment [17].
The electrostatic field created by the water froming the cavities in a hydrate has
important effects on the vibrations of the guest molecules. In view of the potential use
of vibrational - infrared and Raman spectroscopies as an alternative means of the
determination of the hydration number, it is imperative to understand these electrostatic
effects. An electrostatic potential map (MEP) for the hydrate cavity can be computed
from quantum mechanical method. We have computed the MEP for the small and large
cage of a structure I hydrate. The MEP can be used to derive appropriate point charge
model for the water molecules for the future simulation of the interactions between the
guest and the cavities. Details of the computational results will be published elsewhere.
1. ROSS,R.G., P. Anderson, G. Backstrom, 1981, Nature, 290, 322.
2. Tse, J.S., White, M.A., 1988, J. Phys. Chem., 92, 5006.
3. Holder, G., Angert, P.F., Pereira, 1983, "Natural Gas Hydrates", Cox, J.L. ed.,
Butterowrlh Publishers.
4. McMullan, R.K., Jeffrey, G.A., 1965, J. Chem. Phys., 42, 2725.
5. Mak, T.C.W., McMullan, R.K.. 1965, J. Chem. Phys., 42, 2732.
6. Tse, J.S.. Powell, B.M., Sears, V.F., Handa, Y.P., 1993, Chem. Phys. Lett., 215,
7. Shpakov, V.P., Tse, J.S., Belosludov, V.R., Belosludov, R.V., 1996, J. Phys.,
Conden. Mat., (submitted).
8. Tse, J.S., Klein, M.L., McDonald, I.R., 1983, J. Phys. Chem., 92, 5006.
9. Berendsen, H.J.C., Postma, J.P.M., van Gunsteren, Hermans, J., 1981.
" Intermolecular Forces", Pullman, B. ed., Reidel Dordrecht. the Netherlands.
10.Jorgenson. W. 79 L., Chandraskhar, J.D., Madura, J.D., Impey, R.E., Klein, M.L.,
1983, J. Chem. Phys.,79, 926.
i i . T s e , J.S., Klein, M.L., McDonald, I.R., 1987, J. Chem. Phys., 91, 5786.
12.Garg, S.K., Gough, S.R., Davidson, D.W., 1975, J. Chem. Phys., 63,1646.


13.Tse, J.S., Ratcliffe, C.I., Powell, B.M., Sears, V.I., Handa, Y.P., 1997, J. Phys.
Chem., in press.
14.Tse, J.S., Klein, M.L., McDonald, I.R., 1983, J. Chem. Phys., 78, 2096.
15.Tse, J.S., Klein, M.L., McDonald, I.R., 1984, J. Chem. Phys., 81, 6124.
16.Cahil1, D.G., Pohl, R.O., 1988, Ann. Rev. Phys. Chem., 39, 93.
17.Tse, J.S., 1994, J. Incl. Phenmon., 17,259.



R.E. Westacott and P.M. Rodger

Chemistry Department, University of Reading, Whiteknights, Reading, Berks., RG6 2AD.

In this work we present an efficient method for calculation of free energies for molecular
crystals. This method is a generalization of the local harmonic approximation and allows full
wmiinate free energy minimization at finite temperatures and pressures. In terms of gas
hydrates, this method provides a first principles route to the chemical potential of water in
the hydrate lattice. This quantity has been calculated for different levels of cavity occupancy
for the type I hydrate of methane. The values obtained indicate that the number of occupied
cavities has a significant effect on the chemical potential of water. Further, we have used this
method to calculate the total free energy of methane hydrate and ice. Using the integrated
form of the equation of state for a Lennard-Jones fluid we have also calculated the free
energy of the free guest species. With these three values the methandicdmethane hydrate
three-phase co-existence line can be obtained.


1. Introduction
The ability to calculate free energy in an efficient manner is of paramount importance in the
structural and thermodynamic study of gas hydrate systems. In principle, it is possible to
fully characterize the structural and thermodynamic properties of the system from a
knowledge of the free energy. In most cases, this involves calculating the structural or
thermodynamic property as a function of temperature and pressure. If this is the case, the
free energy must be calculated at many different state points. Thus the eficiency of the free
energy calculation becomes the limiting factor and determines the scale of the calculations
which can be undertaken.
The development of theories for free energy calculations on atomic solids based on
local atomic vibrational behaviour has been an important contribution in this area'. In the
Local Harmonic Model (LHM) the atoms are modelled as Einstein oscillators which vibrate
in the field created by the other atoms, but there is no interatomic vibrational coupling. The
LHM is computationally inexpensive and has been shown to give a good description of the
thermodynamic properties of atomic solids'. It should be mentioned that analogous theories
exist, notably the second moment model of Sutton2,which is equivalent to the LHM only the
nature of the approximation to the density of states differs. In this work we have further
developed the LHM for complex molecular crystals and applied the theory to gas hydrates.
At present most attempts to explain the stability and properties of gas hydrates are
based on the van der Waals and Platteeuw cell theory. According to this model the water
molecules form a wee-defined crystal lattice containing cavities into which the guest
molecules may be absorbed. The theory also assumes that the free energy of the water lattice
is independent of which molecules, if any, occupy the cavities. Thus the contribution of the
water lattice to the total free energy of the system must be the same when all the cavities are
empty as when all the cavities are occupied. Recent computer simulations by Rodger'
indicate some fundamental difficulties with the van der Waals and Platteeuw theory. His
results indicate that the empty lattice is unstable rather than metastable. If this is the w e , the
guests must serve to dampen out the critical lattice vibrations that lead to the rearrangement
of the host lattice. Tanaka" has considered distortion of hydrate cages around xenon and
carbon tetrafluoride guests. The work showed that the smaller xenon atoms did not distort
the hydrate cages, while the carbon tetrafluoride caused significant distortion of the small
cages. This deformation gave rise to a change in the water chemical potential and casts
further doubt on the validity of the primary assumption of the cell theory.
In this paper we present the extension to the LHM for molecular crystals and its
application to gas hydrates. The method provides a simple, computationally cheap tool for
the investigation of the lattice relaxation in gas hydrates and their structural and
thennodynamic properties. We present optimum cell lengths over a range of temperatures
and pressures for methane hydrate obtained using a single co-ordinate free energy
minimisation and a range of other properties. Also we present values of the free energy
difference between ice and the P-hydrate, and between the P-hydrate and the water lattice of
hydrates of various occupancies. We demonstrate how the three phase line (ice-hydratevapour) can be calculated using this method. Finally, we show the necessity for a full coordinate (i.e. all atomic co-ordinates) free energy minimisation rather than the single coordinate (i.e. unit cell length) calculation using the dissociation pressure calculated using
each method compared to the experimental value.

The essence of the LHh4 is the ease of calculation of the vibrational partition function, qvlb

q,,b = 7
1 - e- k d
which is simple to calculate from the vibrational frequency, u
a2u~ I u2 =
ar2 4nmz
The Helmholtz free energy can then be calculated from

A = -k,7'lnq,,


(3 )

In the classical limit, where k,7is much greater than hu, equation ( I ) simplifies to



For a perfect crystal with a unit cell of N atoms. the quasi-harmonic approximation gives the
Helmholtz free energy as

where U is the potential energy and the vibrational frequency of atom i, u,, is obtained from
the dvnamical matrix with elements

as the square root of the eigenvalues of the matrix MID, where M is the mass matrix. In the
LHM, I),, is set to zero unless i and j refer to co-ordinates of the same atom. Thus D is
reduced from a 3Nx3N matrix to N 3x3 matrices and the diagonalisation becomes
substantially easier. Equation ( 5 ) is, therefore, a 3-dimensional, many-atom representation of
equation (3).
However, for a molecular system, this neglect of interatomic coupling is only valid
for atoms in different molecules. Within the same molecule the vibrations of the atoms are
strongly coupled through the presence of covalent bonds. So, in the Molecular Local
Harmonic Model (MLHM), the dynamical matrix can still be reduced to block diagonal
form, except in this case each block represents a set of molecular co-ordinates rather than a
set of atomic co-ordinates. Thus D is reduced to A4 9x9 matrices. The expression for the
Helmholtz free energy in the MLHM is

where N,is the number of atoms in molecule i. m is the number of molecules and (o,,)'
the eigenvalues of the molecular matrices M,"D,.
We have used the SPC model' for water and a single Lennard-Jones site for the
methane. Using a grid search method we have performed a single co-ordinate minimisation
by calculating the free energy over a range of unit cell lengths. This is a simple application
of the MLHM and provides optimum cell lengths and gradient properties such as thermal
expansivity, isobaric compressibility and heat capacities. We have also performed full
atomic co-ordinate free energy minimisation using a conjugate gradient-type approach, where
the atoms are moved according to the free energy force. For the calculation'of hydrate
dissociation pressures we have used an equation of state for a Lennard-Jones fluid6 to
describe the properties of the fluid guest.


In figure I(a) we show the effect of temperature on the unit cell length of methane hydrate at
1 atmosphere. It is noticeable that the effect is linear and that the cell length values obtained
are comparable with those of experiments'. In figure I(b), we show the effect of pressure on
the unit cell length of methane hydrate at 260 K. Again, the effect is linear and the cell
length values are similar to experimental values'. The thermal expansivity calculated using
the values shown in figure I(a) is 1.78x10-' K-'.This compares favourably with 0 . 7 7 ~ 1 K0~
' obtained experimentally by Tse ef al.'. The compressibility calculated from figure I(b) is
3 . 3 ~ 1 0 "Pa.', which compares well with the estimate of 14x10" Pa'' given by Sloan'". The
heat capacities calculated from our work are of the order of 50 to 55 J moll K ' , which is are
a factor of 4 to 5 smaller than the experimental values of Handa".


Initial observations of these results suggest that there is some effect of the guest
molecules on the host lattice. The difference in Gibbs free energy between the P-hydrate and
the water lattice of the occupied hydrates is approximately I . I kJ/mol. These differences are
very similar to empirical estimates obtained by the cell theory for the free energy difference
between the hydrate water lattice and ice (1.2-1.3 kJ/mol at 273 KI2). There are also
differences between the Gibbs free energies of the water lattices of the occupied systems.
This difference is approximately 0.1 kJ/mol. On closer inspection, inclusion of guest
molecules appears to stabilise the water lattice. However, it seems that enhanced stability
and guest inclusion have a complex relationship. The fully occupied methane hydrate may
have the lowest total Gibbs free energy, but it does not have the most stable water lattice.
Occupation of the two 5 cavities has the greatest stabilising effect on the water lattice.
There seems to be some degree of variation of the effect of guest molecules on the
host water lattice with temperature and pressure. The biggest differences, around 1 . 1 kJ/mol,
are experienced at the higher temperatures and lower pressures that we have studied. These
are precisely the conditions of interest in industrial applications. Given that the magnitude of
these changes in the free energy of the water lattice, AG,,,.is comparable with A h p , it must
be expected that the accuracy of the cell theory predictions will vary with composition. At
low temperatures and higher pressures the difference is considerably smaller, about 0.2
From the full atomic co-ordinate free energy minimisation we observe similar trends,
such that the fully occupied hydrate is always the most stable hydrate, but the hydrates of
intermediate occupancy have the more stable water lattice than either the P-hydrate or the
fully occupied hydrate. The magnitude of A(&, seems to be temperature dependent, so that at
higher temperatures the difference is larger. This is a reflection of the fact that the free
energy minimisation is entropy driven. Our calculations show that AG,, can be as high as 2.3
kJ/mol at higher temperatures. Such differences in the thermodynamic properties are
currently ignored in the cell theory, which assumes that the properties of the water lattice of
occupied hydrates are the same as the P-hydrate. Thus Apa~in the cell theory ignores any
occupancy-dependent properties. Holder and Hand, for example, used an optimum value
for Apa- of I . I 1 5 kJ/mol. It is clear that occupancy-dependent changes in Ala-! of about 2.3
kJ/mol will be very significant and inclusion of such guest perturbation of the host lattice will
be necessary to correct errors experienced when using the cell theory to determine hydrate
dissociation pressures.
The MLHM, when coupled with an appropriate equation of state to describe the
thermodynamics of the bulk guest phase, can be used to calculate hydrate dissociation
pressures by calculating points on the ice/gas/hydrate phase line. We have used results from
the unit cell optimisation and the full co-ordinate minimisation in order that we may
determine whether the full co-ordinate minimisation is necessary to correctly describe gas
hydrate properties, or whether the single co-ordinate minimisation is sufficient. In figure 2,
we illustrate the dissociation pressure calculated using the unit cell optimisation. The point
where the two lines cross indicates the dissociation pressure and in this case, methane hydrate
at 270 K, it is approximately 40 MPa. In figure 3, we illustrate the case for full co-ordinate
minimisation. Here we calculate the dissociation pressure to be 2.5 M a . This is in excellent
agreement with the experimental value* of2.32 MPa. The quality of this agreement must be
contemplated given the errors within the SPC m ~ d e l although
SPC water has been shown
to yield the correct melting temperatures for methane hydrateJ5.

IV. Conclusions.
In this paper we have shown the development of a simple model for free energy minimisation
of complex molecular crystals. We have applied this model to gas hydrates and shown that
calculation of thermodynamic properties using this method yields values in good comparison
to experiment. We have demonstrated the importance of lattice relaxation in the calculation


of some of these properties and illustrated this using the calculation of dissociation pressure
as an example.

' LeSar, R., Najafabadi, R

and Srolovitz, D.J., Phys. Rev. Lett., 63.624 (1989)

Sutton, A.P., Phil.Mag. A,, 60, 147 (1989)
' Rodger, P.M., J. Phys. Chem., 93, 6850 ( I 989)
Tanaka, H., Chem. Phys. Lett., 202,345 (1993)
' Berendsen, H.J.C. el a/., in Molecirlar Dyrraniics arrdProfeiriS/rirc/trre,ed. 1. Hermans,
Polycrystal Book Service, Illinois (1985)
Nicholas, J., Gubbins, K., Street, W.B , and Tildesley, D.J., Mol. Phys., 37, 1429 (1979)
' Bertie, J E. and Jacobs, S.M., 1. Chem. Phys., 77, 3230 (1982)
'Tse, J.S., McKinnon, W.R. and Marchi, M., J. Chem. Phys., 91, 4188 (1987)
'Handa. Y . P . e / d , J. Chem. Phys., 94, 623 (1991)
I" Sloan, E.D., C'lulhrak Hydra/es ufNtiIiwal Gase.7, Dekker, New York (1990)
" Handa, Y.P., J. Chem. Thermo., 18. 891 (1986)
l2 Holder, G.D., Corbin, G. and Papadopolous, K., Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundam., 19,282 (1980)
Holder, G.D. and Hand, J . H . , AlChE 1.. 28, 440 (1982)
Karim, O.A., Kay, P.A. and Haymet, A.D.J., I. Chem. Phys., 92,4634 (1990)
"Rodger, P.M., Forrester, T.R. and Smith, W., Fluid Phase Equilibria, 116, 326 (1996)

I I.90

I Plrn

H l l X X l Plm




I I xo



Figure I(h) Ellcct (11' Prcssute 011 Unit Cell Length.

hlcthune Hydintr.
I I.911


H Z t NK
H 2 8 l K

Figure 2. Dissociation Pressure of blrthane Hydrate.






2.- 9 0

-hl 0

Figure 3.

D i s s o c i a t i o n P r e s s u r e o f Methane H y d r a t e .
Using f u l l c o o r d i n a t e op tirn i sa t i o n.

- 77













Laura A. Stem, Stephen H. Kirby (both at: USGS. Menlo Park, CA 94025)
and William B. Durham (UCLLNL, Livermore, California, 94550)
Kei wordp. gas hydrote synthesis; reaction kinerics; mechunicol properties

Test specimens of methane hydrate were grown under static conditions by combining cold,
pressunzed CHq gas with H2O ice grains, then warming the system to promote the reaction CH4
(g) + 6H2O (s+) + CHq.6HzO. Hydrate formation evidently occurs at the nascent ieeiliquid
water interface, and complete reaction was achieved by warming the system above 27 I .5 K and up
to 289 K, at 25-30 MPa, for approximately 8 hours. The resulting material is pure methane hydrate
with controlled grain size and random texture. Fabrication conditions placed the H20 ice well above
its melting temperature before reaction completed, yet samples and run records showed no evidence
for bulk melting of the ice grains. Control experiments ucing Ne, a non-hydrate-forming gas,
verified that under otherwise identical conditions, the pressure reduction and latent heat associated
with ice melting is easily detectable i n our fabncation apparatus. These results suggest that under
hydrate-forming conditions. H2O ice can persist metastably at temperatures well above its melting
Methane hydrate samples were then tested in constant-stmn-rate deformation experiments at
T= 140-200 K.Pc= 50-100 MPa, and& 10-'-10-6s-l. Meawremenls in both the bnttle and
ductile fields showed that methane hydrate has measurably different strength than H2O ice, and
work hardens to a higher degree compared to other ices as well as to most metals and ceramics at
high homologous temperatures. This work hardening may be related lo a changing stoichiometry
under pressure during platic deformation: x-ray analyses showed that methane hydrate undergoes a
process of solid-state disproportionation or exsolution dunng deformauon at conditions well within
its conventional stability field
Methane hydrate is a nonstoichiometnc compound consisting of a network of H20 molecules
that are hydrogen-bonded in a manner similar to ice and interstitially encaging CHq gas molecules
(I). Distributed globally in shallow marine and permafrost environments, methane hydrate harbors
a significant yet virtually untapped hydrocarbon source (2.3,4). Despite scientific interest in this
compound and potential commercial importance. many of the physical and material propenies of
methane hydrate are as yet poorly constrained or unmeasured, and a full understanding of these
properties will eventually be needed to turn potential energy projrcrions into practical plans for its
recovery. We have now established optimal growth parameters for efficient synthesis of methane
hydrate suitable for such testing. and have measured Ihcse samples in deformation experiments to
determine fracture and flow charactenstics. The results revealed some anomalous behavior in the
formation, plastic flow behavior, and stability of methane hydrate at elevated pressure (5).

Our objective was to synthesize large-volume, cohesive, low-porosity, polycrystalline hydrate
aggregates with controlled, fine grain size and random crystallographic grain onentatton. Our
technique differs from previous studies (6). most of which involve continuous agitation of reaction
mixtures. resulting in strongly textured matenal unsuitable for materials testing. We produced
samples of virtually pure methane hydrate by the general reaction CHq (g) +6H2O (SA)
CH4.6H2O (s), by [he mixing and subsequent slow, regulated heating of sieved granular ice and
cold, pressurized CHq gas in an approximately constant-volume reaction vessel (Figs. I , 2, & 3A).
Sample fabrication details are as follows: CHq gas from a source bottle is initially boosted in
pressure ( P ) by a gas intensifier and routed into sample molding vessels housed in a deep freezer.
The sample assembly (Fig. 2) consists of two steel vessels immersed in an ethyl alcohol bath
initially held at freezer temperature (7) of 250 K. One vessel serves as a reservoir to store and chill
pressurized CHq gas, and !he other houses the sample mold. The mold consists of a hollow splitcylinder that encases an indium sleeve filled with 26 g of H20 ice "seed" grains, packed to 40%
porosity. Seed matenal is made from a virtually gas-free, single-crystal block of triply distilled H20
ice, ground and sieved to 180-250 pm grain size. Initially, the sample chamber with seed ice is
closed off from the reservoir and is evacuated. A loosely fitting top disk inserted on top of the
packed seed ice grains (Fig. 2) prevents displacement of the packed ice grains during evacuation.
The reservoir vessel is first charged with pressurized CHq gas to 34 MPa, and cools to 250 K.
The reservir is then opened to the pre-evacuated sample chamber, and C b pressure drops to
roughly 22 MPa. These steps serve to fill the porosity between the ice grams at a molar ratio of CHq
to H2O in the sample vessel well in excess of that required for full hydnte formation (7, 8). The
bath T is then slowly raised by means of the hot plate situated beneath the alcohol bath (Fig. 2). As
the sample and reservoir warm, they self-pressunze. Pressure increases steadily with increasing T
until reaction initiates, at which point consumption of C b gas by hydrate formation slows the rate
of P increase. Data-acquisition software (LabVIEW, National Instruments) was used to monitor and
record P and T conditions throughout each run, and the extent of reaction was determined by the
measured PCH4 offset from the reversible CH4 expansion curve.
Following full reaction, the heat source is turned off and the system slowly cools back down to
250 K. The sample chamber is then quenched i n liquid nitrogen. isolated from the reservoir,
vented, disconnected from the apparatus. and opened. The inner, hollow split-cylinder contajning
the sample is pushed from the mold and pried off the jacketed sample. Samples are then stored in
liquid nitrogen until mechanical testing.





Representative pressure-temperature (P-T) and temperature-time (T-t) histories during a
reaction run are shown in Figure 4. Up to at least 271.5 K, CHq pressure increases approximately
linearly with T with a slope largely governed by the equilibrium thermal expansion of free CHd, in
the reservoir and sample reaction vessel. Progress of the hydrate-forming reaction was monitored
by observing the deflection of P from this linear P-T curve, a deflection that accompanies the
volume reduction associated with reaction. Completion of the reaction is marked by a P offset (AF'J
of 1.8+ 0.1 MPa at a peak T of - 289 K, a state that is reached over a heating time interval of about
8 hours after the vessel crosses the 271.5 K isotherm (Fig. 4). After cooling to 77 K while venting
unreacted CHq, the resulting samples were shown by x-ray diffraction measurements to be virtually
pure methane hydrate, with minor amounts of ice (0-3%) being the only additional phase (Fig. 3).
That practically all the H20 reacted to form hydrate was also consistent with both the calculated
molar volume reduction of the reaction (9).and with the lack of a P-T anomaly associated with
freezing of unreacted liquid water (Fig. 4A, cooling curve). Measurements of the mass uptake of
C& in fully reacted samples also were consistent with essentially complete reaction of the original
H20 to form hydrate of composition near CH4.6.1H20 (M.IHzO), which is the expected
equilibrium stoichiometry for this compound at approximately 25-30 MPa methane pressure (9,
IO). The resulting samples are translucent, white, cohesive aggregates of uniformly fine, equant
grains with 250 ? 50 Fm grain size. The samples contain 28-30%porosity after full reaction (9).
This porosity is eliminated by externally pressurizing sealed samples while venting the pore space
gas, which we discuss later.
The detailed P-T-t curves (Fig. 4) and analyses of recovered samples revealed unexpected
aspects of the reaction process. Figure 4 shows that deviation of the P-T record from the CHq selfpressurization curve first occurs just above the expected melting T of H20 ice, 27 1.5 K at 28 MPa.
As time proceeds, the rate of P increase slows as the hydrate-forming reaction consumes C& gas
(9). X-ray diffraction patterns of samples from runs with maximum temperatures below the ice
melting curve showed no evidence of hydrate, and no deflections were observed in the P records to
indicate any significant C& mass uptake. Lack of appreciable reaction of C& with ice below the
H20 liquidus was expected, in light of earlier investigations (6, 8).
After approximately 45%Or,the reaction rate decreases markedly. Full reaction was found to
be most readily achieved by continuing to warm the system to conditions approaching the hydrate
dissociation curve and well above the metastable extension of the H2O melting curve (Figs. 1 & 4).
To determine the rate of conversion of ice to hydrate at these conditions of T and P as a function of
time, a series of partial-reaction experiments were quenched at various points along the full reaction
curve, and subsequently weighed and x-rayed to determine hydrate content (Fig. 4, runs A - E).
These partial-reaction tests indicate that during the early stages of reaction up to values of roughly
0.5 APr, the slow rate of seed ice melting still "outpaces" hydrate formation, as there is less hydrate
in the samples than would be predicted by Or
[see (5) for further discussion]. After this period,
the rate of hydrate formation essentially keeps pace with incipient melting for the remainder of the 8
hours needed for full reaction at these conditions.
Figure 4 shows that there are no P-T discontinuities in the fabrication records to indicate bulk
melting of the seed ice in the sample molds, even though full reaction to form hydrate at these
conditions requires about 8 hours at temperatures well above the H2O melting curve. The positive
slope of the P-T curve within a few degrees above 271.5 K shows that there is not immediate and
full melting of the ice as it is warmed above its liquidus, and there is a period of several tens of
minutes after crossing the liquidus before there is any substantial indication of either ice melting or
hydrate forming. These observations point to the conclusion that a large fraction of the seed ice
exists in a superheated state for the many hours needed for full hydrate conversion.
This conclusion was verified by control experiments using neon (Ne, a non-hydrate-forming
gas) in place of C& gas, under the same environmental conditions and in the same apparatus as the
methane hydrate samples (Fig. 5). We have previously described these results (5) and briefly
outline them here. The Ne experiments confirmed that rapid, wholesale melting of the H20 ice
during the heating phase and refreezing of ice during the cooling phase of the tests (Fig. 5A) occurs
in our apparatus when ice is not in the presence of a hydrate-forming gas, and that the associated PT anomalies are easily detected. The T measured by the Ne sample thermocouple lags the rising T
in the surrounding alcohol bath during the time interval over which the pressure drops (Fig. 5B), a
phenomenon that we attribute to the absorption of heat by the expected endothermic melting of ice.
In comparison, the T records of C& runs displayed no such thermal anomalies, indicating that
rapid, wholesale melting did not occur (Fig. 5B) (12). A prominent refreezing P-Tanomaly
occurred during the cooling phase of the Ne runs, and no P offset was detected after returning to the
starting temperature (Fig. 5A). Visual inspection and x-ray identification of the final, quenched
samples from the Ne experiments showed that they consist of clear cylinders of H2O ice in the
bottom of the mold, and that the loosely fitting top disk had sunk to the bottom, indicating full
melting. In contrast, fully reacted methane hydrate samples have uniformly fine-grained granular
textures and no displacement of the top disk. The Ne control experiments thus demonstrate that all
the indicators of ice melting expected in our apparatus are actually observed when a non-hydrateforming gas is used in the place of methane. The lack of such indicators in the methane experiments
implies that such melting does not occur when hydrate is forming at our fabrication conditions.
The apparent suppression of macroscopic ice melting during methane hydrate synthesis raises
several important questions; namely, why is full reaction achieved only after many hours at
temperatures well above the the H20 ice melting point, and why is there no evidence for wholesale
melting of unreacted seed ice during this time? Probably of greatest influence is the availability of
fresh ice surfaces to nucleate hydrate formation. For hydrate formation from either water or ice, the
formation rate greatly diminishes once a surface layer of hydrate has formed, and vigorous shaking
or stirring to crack the hydrate encasement and re iew C& access to icdwater surfaces is needed in
order to continue the formation process at appreciable rates (13). Hwang and colleagues (a),

however, grew methane hydrate on disks of melting ice to measure hydrate growth rates at constant
temperatures under static conditions. They observed two stages of methane hydrate formation, an
initial "nucleation" period during which the formation rate increased with time, followed by a
"growth" period, during which the formation rate decayed with time until no more ice remained on
the disks. Hydrate growth rates were shown not only to be determined by the rate of the supply of
the hydrate-forming species to the growth surface, but also by the rate of removal of the exothermic
heat of formation from the forming surface (14). They concluded that the onset of melting ice along
exposed surfaces not only promoted hydrate formation by providing a "template" for the formation
of hydrates, but moreover, provided a heat sink for absorbing the heat of formation during hydrate
growth. Once a rind of hydrate has encased an ice grain, the most likely process of continued
hydrate formation involves solid-state diffusion of methane gas through the hydrate shell to the ice
core (8, 15).
Our observations are in accord with the interpretations of Hwang et al. (8), and additionally we
conclude from our sample textures and run records that this surface layer of hydrate encasing each
seed ice grain not only rate limits reaction in the grain interior, but also serves to shield the ice grain
from nucleating melt by removing the existence of a free external ice surface. A similar
superheating effect has been measured in gold-plated silver single crystals, and results suggest that
either a free external surface or internal defects or dislocations are critical for melting to take place at
the normal "thermodynamic" melting point (16). In our experiments, methane hydrate may be
producing a similar effect by shielding the ice cores from nucleating melt and from establishing a
liquid-solid H20 interface, by rapid reaction of incipient melt nuclei with CHq gas to form hydrate.
We note that our method of seed ice preparation produces grains with few internal grain boundaries,
and additionally, the ice grains are likely to anneal at the warm temperatures during fabrication, thus
removing many of the internal defects for melt to nucleate on.


The strengths of methane hydrate specimens made by the above techniques were measured in
constant-strain-rate tests in compression, at conditions ranging from T= 140 to 200 K, confining
pressure ( P c ) = 50 to 100 MPa, and strain rates (8)= 3.5 x
s-' (Table I).
The testing apparatus is a 0.6 GPa gas deformation apparatus outfitted for cryogenic use, in
which N2 or He gas provides the P, medium (17, 18) (Fig. 6). The thin, soft, indium jackets in
which the samples were grown serve to encapsulate them during testing to exclude the P, medium.
Sample interiors were vented to room conditions by means of small-diameter tubing to allow initial
compaction to eliminate porosity. The pressurized column within the apparatus consists of an
internal force gauge, the jacketed sample, and a moving piston that compresses the sample axially
against the internal force gauge at a fixed selected displacement rate (u). Elastic distortion of the
force gauge is measured outside the vessel and changes only with P, and with the differential load
that the piston exerts on the sample. In these experiments, differential force (F)and piston
displacement (u) are recorded, corrected for changes from initial cross-sectional area and length
(Ao, Lo) to instantaneous values (A, L),and converted to differential stress (a),axial shortening
strain ( E ) and strain rate ( E ) by the relationships: E = u / L o ; E = U/L; A.L = AvL,; cr= F/A. The
force-time record (which we convert to stress-strain, as in Fig. 7B)usually reveals a transient
response followed by a strength that ceases evolving with time, when various processes of work
hardening and recovery have reached a steady-state condition.
Samples were subjected to a hydrostatic pressurization and compaction sequence at 170 K,
prior to deformation. During this procedure, P, was slowly "stepped" up to 100 MPa in increments
of about 20 MPa. Following each P step, the piston was advanced to touch and square the bottom
of the sample, then advanced just sufficiently to lightly compress the sample in order to compact it
with minimal plastic deformation. Six of the samples were compacted using the internal vent line to
elimjnate the pore-space gas, and two of the samples were compacted without the venting
capability. One sample (run 366, Table 1) was examined after compaction in the undeformed state.
Volumetric measurements showed that virtually all porosity was eliminated, and that a cylindrical
shape was largely maintained with only minor distortion of the sample. X-ray analysis showed
evidence of a small fraction of H20 ice in the sample (= 7+3%), likely due to a disproportionation
of hydrate as increasing P effects a stoichiometric change from CHq.6.IH20 to CH4.5.8H20 (10).
A suite of seven hydrostatically-compactedsamples of methane hydrate were then tested by the
methods described above and at the conditions shown in Table 1. Samples displayed measurably
different steady-state strengths than H20 ice, and results are summarized in Figure 7A. Moreover,
the characteristics of transient deformation are markedly different. A typical stress-strain curve for
methane hydrate is shown in Figure 7B; whereas H20 ice ordinarily exhibits a strength maximum
before leveling off to steady flow stress, usually within the first 5 - 10%of strain, methane hydrate
exhibits monotonic work hardening (or strain hardening) that continues over more than 15% strain.
This hardening effect persists to an extreme degree not only relative to other ices, but to most metals
and ceramics as well.
Comparison of pre- and post-deformation x-ray diffraction analyses shows that samples
underwent further structural changes while deforming within the nominal hydrate stability field. All
deformed samples showed a significant volume fraction of ice in their final x-ray patterns (25% t
IO%, Fig. 4B) compared with virtually no ice in their pre-test x-ray patterns (<3%, Fig. 4A), and
also showed larger fractions of ice than detected in the pressurized-only sample (run 366). It is
possible, however, that either heterogeneous ice precipitation or deformation-enhanced textural and
grain size changes in the precipitated ice increased the apparent ice peak intensities. No peaks were
observed in post-deformation x-ray patterns to indicate growth of any other new phase besides ice
and structure I hydrate. We note that the two non-vented samples (281 & 282), showed equally
large fractions of ice in their post-deformation x-ray patterns as the vented samples. After first
detecting this apparent solid-state disproportionation of the hydrate, a gas collection system was
attached to the vent line for two of the runs to observe and collect possible CHq gas evolving during
deformation. The only gas that appeared from the vent, however, was that squeezed from the pores



d u r i n g initial pressurization before deformation. No gas evolved from t h e s y s t e m during any

portion of deformation testing or s u b s e q u e n t unloading. While collapse of t h e h y d r a t e structure
could Occur if as-molded material were strongly nonstoichiometric and c o n t a i n e d significant lattice
vacancies, this is unlikely as we measured nearly full u p t a k e of C H 4 gas i n t o t h e as-molded
material. Double o c c u p a n c y in lattice cages also seems unlikely as a possible e x p l a n a t i o n due t o
spacial Considerations. We therefore c o n c l u d e that a t t h e deformation c o n d i t i o n s of this s t u d y ,
m e t h a n e h y d r a t e appears t o undergo a form of stress-enhanced exsolution andor precipitation
process within its nominal stability field. Precipitating H 2 0 ice may likely b e causing a dispersion
hardening process during h y d r a t e deformation, a process that will be targeted in further studies.

M e t h a n e hydrate displays exceptional characteristics that merit further investigation i n t o t h e
nature a n d b e h a v i o r of this important c o m p o u n d . In t h e course of establishing o p t i m a l g r o w t h
parameters for synthesizing h y d r a t e samples suitable for rheological testing, we d e m o n s t r a t e d that
under conditions favorable t o h y d r a t e formation, t h e r a t e of H 2 0 ice melting may b e suppressed t o
allow short-lived superheating of ice t o temperatures well a b o v e its melting point. D e f o r m a t i o n tests
showed t h a t n o t o n l y does methane hydrate have a measurably different rheology than H 2 0 ice, but
that it also undergoes e x t e n s i v e work hardening accompanied by a process of solid-state
disproportionation during deformation a t conditions well within its e q u i l i b r i u m stability field. Such
unexpected consequences of m e t h a n e hydrate formation a n d deformation may affect the physical,
mechanical, a n d geochemical properties of hydrate-bearing s e d i m e n t s in ways n o t previously
appreciated. In particular, h y d r a t e instability under nonhydrostatic stress m a y affect e n v i r o n m e n t s
such as t h o s e underlying continental shelves or in associated accretionary prisms prone to regional
tectonic influences, where t h e presence of hydrates influences the strength, stability, porosity, porefluid composition, a n d migration p a t h w a y s of hydrate-cemented sediments.


1. Natural gas hydrates belong to either of two crystal structures; methane hydrate (CH4.6H20) is a structure I


hydrate (1.2 nm cubic unit cell, space group Pm3n ), constructed from 46 H 2 0 molecules and eight cavities
available for C Q gas molecules.
2. E. Sloan, CIarhrare HydraresofNarural Gases, Marcel Defier, Inc.. New York, 641 p.. 1990.
3. K. Kvenvolden. Chemical Geology, 71.41-51, 1988.
4. Because hydrates concentrate methane by a factor of 170 with respect to STP gas and as little as 1090 of the
recovered energy is required for dissociation, hydrate reservoirs are considered a substantial future energy resource; it
has been estimated that the total amount of gas in this solid form may surpass the energy content of the total
fossil fuel reserves by as much as a factor of two [(2), (3), also Claypool, G.E.. and 1. R. Kaplan, in: Kaplan. I.
R.. (ed), Natural Gases in Marine Sedimenrs, Plenum Press, New York, 99-139, 19741.
5 . L. Stern. S. Kirby, and W. Durham, Science. 273, 1843-1848, 1996.
6. R. Barrer and D. Ruzicka. Trans. Faraday SOC., 58, 2253. 1962; R. Barrer and A. Edge, Proc. Roy SOC.(London),
A300. 1 . 1967; B. Falabella and M. Vanpee I d . Eng. Chem. Fund.. 1 3 , 2 2 8 , 1974; K. Aoyogi. K. Song. R.
Kobayashi. E. Sloan, and P. Dharmawardhana. Gas Processors Assn. Research Reporr No.45. Tulsn, OK, 1980;
see Sloan (2) for full review of fabrication techniques.
7. Hwang et a1 (8)noted that for hydrate formation from melting ice, higher gas P yields higher formation rates.
Makogon ( I S ) had earlier suggested that as hydrate formation is an interfacial process. high concentrations of
hydrate-forming species are required at the interface.
8. Hwang. M.I., D.A. Wright. A. Kapur. and G . D. Holder. J . Inclusion Phenorn., 8. 103.1 16. 1990.
9. The volume of an empty structure I hydrate lattice is 16% greater than the equivalent mass of ice I [the empty
structure 1 lattice has a density of 0.78, and stoichiometric methane hydrate has a density near ice (0.90 vs 0.92 for
ice)], but there is a large -AV associated with hydrate formation due to the volume reduction of the gas phase into
the hydrate structure. Here, we start with 26 g of seed ice, and the actual molar reaction IS: 1.4H20 + 0.23 C Q
(g) + 0.23(CHq.6.1H20). The 3.8 g of CH4 uptake measured after sample synthesis confirms this hydrate
stoichiometry and is consistant with (IO). Independent measurement of C Q collected from a dissociating sample
also verified this stoichiometry (K. Kvenvolden andT. Lorenson, personal communication). While AV of the
reaction is nearly 2 1 8 . we only measure a 6.4% associated drop from the starting P due to the large volume of the
combined reservoir plus sample chamber.
IO. Gas hydrate number n varies with P; increasing P maximizes guest-molecule site occupancy. At sample
synthesis conditions (-28 MPa) n for methane hydrate should be 6.1 i 0.1, and at 100 MPa n = 5.85 iO.05 (S.
Saito, D. Marshall, and R. Kobayashi. AlCE 1.. 10, 734, 1964; also see ( I I ) , p.54.)
11. Handbook ofgas hydrare properlies and occurrence. US.DOE Publication DOWMUL9239-1546,234p., 1983.
12. The reaction CH4 (9) + 6H20 (ice) + CHq.6H20 liberates a small amount of latent heat (= 2 W . 3 kllmal at
273 K and a CH4 P of 28 MPa, determined from the Clapeyron slope (T.Makogon and E. Sloan, 1. Chem. a n d
Eng. Dara 39, 2,351-353. 1994). the measured enthalpy of formation at standard conditions (Y. Handa, Chem
Thermodynamics 18.915-921, 1986). AVr (9).and its variation with P ( l l ) . )This heat is not reflected as a T
anomaly (Fig. 5B).evidently because reaction occurs over a period of 8 hours and such heat would be small
compared with the exchange of heat of the sample with its surroundings by conduction. (The standard enthalpy
for melting of ice is -6.01 kJ1mol. or -36 HI 6 moles for comparison with the hydrate-forming reaction).
13. The importance of vigorous agitation to renew icdwater surfaces for hydrate formation was established by Villard
(P.Villard. Compr. Rend., 106, 1602, 18118) and IS also discussed by Sloan (2) and Hwang et al (8).
14. Hwang et al. (8)note that as hydrate formation is an exothermic process, the heat released by the phase change
increases the T at the formation interface. This effect is greater for hydraie formation from liquid water than from
ice since the heat of formation is partially absorbed by the melting ice.
15. Y. Makogon, Hydrares ofNarural Gases, W.H. Cielewicz Translation. PennWell Publishing, Tulsa OK, 1981
16. I. Daeges. H. Gleiter and 1. Perepezko Phys. Lcrr. 119A 79, 1986. See also: S. Phillpot J. Lutsko D.
Wolf. and S. Yip, Piys. Rev. E , 40 (5),'283-2840, i9S9. and S. Phillpot, S. Yip, and D. Wolf, Comdurers in
Physics, 3. 20-31. 1989, for further discussion of results.
17. H. Heard, W. Durham, C. Boro. and S. Kirby. in 7he Brirrle-Ducrile Transition in Rocks3Geophysical
Monograph 56. ed. by A. G . Duba et al.. American Geophysical Union, Washington. D. C.. 225-228, 1990.
18. W. Durham. S. Kirby, and L. Stern, 1. Geophys. Res. 97, E12, 20,883-20.897. 1992; also S. Kirby, w.
Durham, M. Beeman, H. Heard, and M. Daley. J. Phys., 48, suppl.. 227-232, 1987.
19. This work was supported under NASA order W-18927, and was performed in part under the auspices of the USGS
and in part by the U.S. DOE by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under contract W-7405-ENG-48.


281 1


Table 1. Mechanical test conditions

(MPa) 6.')
3.5 x
3.5 x
3.5 x
3.5 x
3.5 x
0.160 94

and results.

Strain hardening.
Strain hardening.
Brittle failure. ~ 2 5 %
H20 iceb.
282 I
Failure. multiple events.
Failure, multiple events. -25% iceb.
168 100 ----Pressurization & compaction onlyc;
366 1
0.138 --7I
Strain hardening a t
185 100 3.5 x
367 1
185 100 3.5 x I O 4
=30% ice post-deformation.
0.185 --102
Strain hardening. 25% iceb.
168 100 3.5 x
368 1
168 100 3.5 x
--100 Identical run as 36gd.
369 1
No evolved CH4 gas.
zoo loo 3.5 10-5 0.120 --62
Strain hardenin at 10-5.
370 I
No evolved gas%.
100 3.5 x
0.230 85
=30% ice post-deformation.
a Pc is confining pressure gas medium; Q is total strain: ayis yield strength; oSsis steady-state strength.
Post-deformation, detcrmined by x-ray diffraction.
Samples 361, 368, 369. & 370 all underwent identical pressurization and compaction as 366 prior to testing.
Runs 369 & 370 hnd a gas collection system attached throughout testing to detect evolved CH4 gas.





Figure 1: Phase diagram for the

CHq-HzO system. Shaded region
shows field of methane hydrate
stability. At low pressures or high
temperatures, methane hydrate
dissociates to H20 (ice or liquid)
plus CH4 gas. The metastable
extension of the H20 melting curve
is shown by the grey curve. Dashed
lines trace the sample fabrication
reaction path (described in text.)
Solid squares show pressure and
temperature conditions of
deformation tests (note change in
pressure scale on y-axis from linear
to log scale.) CH4 cp designates
methane critical point.

m h
367 370

-90 .'




















Figure 2:
Apparatus for
cylindrical test
specimens of
methane hydrate
from CH4 gas and
melting ice. The
sample assembly is
housed in a freezer
at 250 K, and
consists of two
steel vessels
immersed in an
ethyl alcohol bath.
One vessel stores a
reservoir of cold,
pressurized CH4
gas at 35 MPa and
250 K, and the
second contains
the sample mold
with pre-jacketed
and pre-evacuated
H20 "seed ice.
Two-way valves
allow isolation of
any component of
the assembly, and a
vacuum pump
connected to the
sample chamber
permits evacuation
of the system. The sample chamber is warmed by a hot plate situated beneath the alcohol bath and
controlled remotely with a variable autotransformer. Temperature is monitored by thermocouples
enplaced in the base of the sample mold and in the bath, and pressure is measured by the gauge and
transducer. as shown. Procedures promoting methane hydrate crystallization are described in the text.

Figure 3:
X-ray powder diffraction
patterns for methane hydrate as
grown (A) and after mechanical
testing (B). Methane hydrate
deformed under nonhydrostatic
stress undergoes a partial solidstate disproportionation, as
evidenced by H20 ice peaks
(dotted lines) found in postdeformation x-ray diffraction









28. d e p s

Figure 4
(A) Temperature-pressure profile
of sample fabrication conditions
promoting the hydrate-forming
reaction: CH4 (g) + H2O (ice) +
CHp5H20. Warming the ice + gas
mixture above the H2O solidus
(dot-dashed line, point A) initiates
reaction. Increasing temperature
slowly to 289 K, over an 8 hour
span, accelerates full reaction.
Complete reaction in our
apparatus is marked by a I .8 MPa
pressure drop (AP,) from start to
finish. Squares A-E correspond to
individual samples that were
quenched at specific intervals
during hydrate formation to
determine hydrate content as a
function of APr and time.
(B),Temperature-time profile
dunng hyrate formation. Hydrate
content (vel.%) of samples A-E
given on top scale bar, and show
how the rate of hydralc formation
decays with time under static
growth conditions.

CH, + 6H,O -+ CH,.6&0








Figure 5:
(A) Temperature-pressure
record of neon gas + H20 ice
experiment demonstrates full
melting and refreezing of H2O
ice near its solidus when in the
presence of non-hydrateforming gas. The Ne + ice run
shows no net pressure drop
associated with melting and
refreezing, so start-finish
conditions are coincident.
(B) Detail of temperature-time
history of Ne (g) + H20 ice in
the region of ice melting,
showing the lag of the sample
temperature compared to the
bath temperature associated with
the absorption of heat by the
endothermic melting of ice. No
such effect is displayed by the
themal history of the methane
hydrate experiment, also shown
(grey open circles).

time, hours






3 '


' . 3.5
' '


time, hours







Figure 6:
Schematic of triaxial gas
deformation apparatus set up
for methane hydrate testing at
cryogenic temperatures. The
indium-jacketed sample sits
within a cylindrical pressure
vessel in which N2 or He gas
provides the confining
medium. A sliding piston
moves through dynamic seals
from below to impose
constant axial shortening.
Samples are mounted on to a
"venting" internal force gauge
permitting sample
communication with room
conditions and allowing initial
hydrostatic pressurization to
elliminate residual porosity
prior to deformation. The gas
collection system (shown at
top) was attached during
several tests to monitor
possible loss of methane gas
during deformation.

Figure 7:
(A) Strength
measurements of methane
hydrate show that it has
measurably different
strength than H20 ice.
Ice flow constants are
from (18). Methane
hydrate data points with
arrows indicate faulting
(B)Stress-strain curves of
deformed methane
hydrate (run 368)
compared to "standard"
polycrystalline H 2 0 ice.
While the strengths of the
two compounds are
comparable, methane
hydrate undergoes
systematic strain
hardening to an extreme
degree (over 18% strain)
while H 2 0 ice typically
displays an ultimate yield
strength followed by
relaxation to steady state










Temperature, K










T= I68 K, Pc= I 0 0 MPa








Strain, %


Guillaume Besnard, Kyoo Y. Song, Joe W. Hightower, Riki Kobayashi, Doug El!iot'.
and Roger Chen', Department of Chemical Engineering, MS-362, Rice University,
6JOO Main Street, Houston, Texas 77005-1892.
International Process Services, Inc., a subsidiary company of the Bechtel Corp..
P. 0. Box 2166, Houston, Texas 77252-2166.



Key Words: Hydrate, Methane, Solubility, Enthalpy, Entropy

Gas hydrate formation and decomposition involving methane in water has been
studied in a series of temperature-ramping, isobaric, variable-volume experiments.
Results obtained have provided novel information on (1) gas solubility in the liquid
phase at temperatures in the vicinity of hydrate formation, (2) derived thermo-physical
prope?ies such as enthalpy, entropy, etc., and (3) details of the mechanism of hydrate
formationldecomposition. Also, heats of dissolution/formation may be obtained
indirectly from these results. An attempt was made to overcome experimental
difficulties which had been imposed by the appearance of the hydrate solid phase.
Such detailed solubility information will add substantially to the scarce data currently
available in the literature.

Though the existence of hydrates was demonstrated by Davy (1) in the early part of
the nineteenth century, current interest dates from 1934 when Hammerschmidt (2)
discovered that hydrates were responsible for plugging natural gas lines. This
discovery stimulated numerous studies to determine the hydrate structure and its
formation and decomposition conditions. The authors have recently employed a
temperature-ramped, isobaric (constant pressure), variable-volume technique that is
capable of providing continuous details of hydrate formation and decomposition.
Furthermore, the method enables a straightforward calculation of solubility of the
hydrate former in the host phase which may be pure water or aqueous solutions.
Information on the solubility of gases like CH4 in pure water is very. useful for the
calculation of some derived thermo-physical properties such as the enthalpy of
solution, the enthalpy of formation, and the entropy change of the solution. Gas
solubility has been extensively studied (5-12) and found to be extremely low. It has
been generally reported for temperatures above ambient. However, the same
information at the low temperatures and high pressures is very scarce. The solubility of
hydrate formers, such as methane, ethane, carbon dioxide, etc., is not easily
measurable due to the appearance of the hydrate solid phase, metastable phases, etc.
The increase of the solubility with decreasing temperature can be explained by the
formation of an ice-like structure (Le. pentagonal dodecahedra) in the solvent (13-16).
Another explanation is that displacement of solvation equilibrium occurs with changes
in temperature ( AHsolv<O ) and that the solute introduces low entropy structures in
water (15-17). The solvation of gas, R, is considered as a relaxation to the equilibrium
process described as follows:
R + nHfl = R(Hfl)n.

First introduced by Pauling (3) in 1957 and expanded in recent studies (12-18), a
concept has developed that the hydrate structure has a geometry similar to basic water
structure and the liquid forms its own "buckyballs". The 'buckyball" includes 21 water
molecules, 20 of which form a pentagonal dodecahedron with one molecule in the
middle to add stability to the cage. At ambient temperature, it was proved that these
structures are metastable and flicker in and out of existence (19). Sloan and Fleyfel (4)
in 1991 proposed a kinetic model of gas hydrate formation from ice assuming that
during the nucleation period considerable metastability occurs because of the forming
and breaking of structures. Although many more detailed studies are required, our
experiments have made it possible to detect the different steps suggested by Sloan et
al. (4).
The solubilities of methane and ethane in water at low pressures (3.45 and 0.66
MPa, respectively) have been reported earlier (20). This paper reports results for
methane obtained at higher pressures (10.48 and 13.93 MPa) in the temperature
range 291.2 to 278.2 K, which includes the hydrate formation conditions, and
divergence of these measurements from solubility predicted by Henry's law is
Experimental Apparatus

A differential calorimeter, which is a variation of the common heat flux calorimeter
(21), used in these studies consists of two symmetrical containment vessels, both
thermally insulated from the surrounding aluminum block. One containment vessel
serves as the sample cell while the other vessel serves as a reference. The
surrounding block temperature is ramped at a fixed rate, (by using heating andlor
refrigeration), allowing a steady-state heat flux between the sample vessel and the
surroundings. But the calorimeter can also be used in an 'isoperibolic" operation
where the surrounding block is held at a constant temperature (22). The calorimeter is
equipped with an internal electrical conductivity cell to track the amount of water in the
hydrate and liquid phase by monitoring the conductivity of a dilute KCI solution during
hydrate formation.
Moreover, any heat exchange between the containment vessel and the
surrounding block occurs almost exclusively by conduction and is measured by two
thermopiles. The resulting differences in voltage for the two thermopiles represent the
differential heat flux for the two containment vessels. Integrating this voltage over time
gives the total heat transfer associated with "the event." However, for this work, the
heats of dissociation have been calculated from the solubility of methane since the
thermopile values were not reliable enough to provide us with consistent data. Figure
1 shows the apparatus and the pressure-maintaining system.
Computerldata acquisition
Performance of the calorimeter strongly depends on the control and data
acquisition program for the computer. Our program is capable of handling various data
acquisitions while controlling the pressure and the temperature precisely. The
program has been written in 'Visual Basic" and can set heater load and pump position
(Le. volume of gas added to the cell during the ramping experiments). The pressure is
controlled every four seconds, and the data are collected every minute, allowing
precise control of the temperature-ramping, isobaric experiments. Measurements were
made during the data acquisition from two pressure transducers, three PRTs, a
thermopile, and an electrical conductivity device.
The stepping motor, Genrad RLC Digibridge, HP multimeter, and Keithley digital
multimeter are controlled via an IEEE interface. Pressure transducers and a
temperature controller are interfaced via an RS232. Figure 2 shows a block diagram of
the control and data acquisition systems.
Experimental Procedure
The right cell of the calorimeter shown in Figure 1 is first charged with roughly 650
grams of the dilute aqueous potassium chloride solution (-0.004 normal) prepared
with ultra-pure water (17.0 megaohm-cm resistance) and Baker Analyzed Reagent
grade salt. This solution fills approximately two thirds of the cell, in order to insure that
the electrical conductivity cell be immersed, and magnedrive propellers provide
vigorous mixing of the cell contents. After the system has been evacuated to remove
air, methane gas is introduced to the system comprising the calorimeter cell, the right
pump, and the pressure lines.
The fundamental measurement is the change in volume of the digital pump during
the temperature-ramping experiments while the pump is controlled by a stepping
motor to maintain the pressure constant. The stepping motor is actuated by a digitalbased driver which is controlled by a computer through the IEEE interface. The system
consists of the stepping motor, Digidrive, transformer, and 21 00 Indexer with an IEEE
interface. Flow rates range from 5 to 96 cclmin has been achieved. The pump is able
to add to or withdraw gas from the cell at very precise rates. But precise control of the
isobaric operation strongly depends on the pressure transducer that closes the loop.
They are rated at 10,000 psia with an accuracy of 0.07%. The displacement of the
plunger of the pump gives us the volume of methane gas added to the cell, hence the
solubility of methane in water-rich phase.

Plots of changes in the system volume versus temperature, as shown in Figure 3,

present typical experimental results in a way similar to that used previously (20).
However, the current pressures (10.48 and 13.93 MPa) are much higher than the
previous one, 3.45 MPa. Figure 3 shows different regions along the curve which are:
a) Cooling
(1) An interstitial solubility where gas is dissolved into water according to

Henry's law.
(2) Solubility of the gas begins to increase beyond that accounted for by Henry's
(3)The gas intake by the water increases, and this point is commonly called a
catastrophic temperature(Tc). The solubility continues to increase.
(4) Catastrophic hydrate formation occurs, and the amount of solid present in the
water has drastically increases.
(5) Solidification starts but the magnetic stirrer is still running.
b) Heating
(6) Dissociation of the hydrates begins. The hydrate crystals start melting and the
volume maintains a constant value.
(7) The volume drops very fast and the hydrates are almost completely
decomposed. The volume returns to its initial value.
Figures 4 and 5 show calculated methane solubility of (log[mole fraction CH4 in
water]) at 13.93MPa (2020 psia) plotted vs. (Im and Ln (T), respectively, while Figure
6 presents the solubility of methane (1000 XCH4) vs. temperature at 10.48 MPa
(1520 psia). Table 1 provides the solubility of methane gas in pure water obtained
during the temperature-ramping experiment at a rate of 1.P"C/hr, for both pressures of
10.48 and 13.93MPa. Table 2 presents the changes of enthalpy and entropy obtained
by plotting Ln(x) versus 1 / l (T in K) from the relation of
d Ln(x) I d (1lT) = - AHIR
and Ln ( X ) vs. Ln (T) ( again, T in K) by the relation:
d Ln(x) I d In(T) =+ AS/R

We had to extrapolate the available literature data of methane solubility in water

far above hydrate formation condition (5) to establish a reference for the solubility of
methane in pure water in the low temperature region.
Figures 3 and 4 demonstrate a sudden increase of the gas solubility from the
extrapolated values. Below 17C. the liquid solution becomes supersaturated with
methane gas. Song et al. (20) attributed this increase to a 'sorption" effect with the
ordering of water molecules into an ice-like structure with the water molecules
surrounding the hydrocarbon molecules. These ordered structures result from contact
of the hydrocarbon with water which induces small dipole moments into the
hydrocarbon molecules and allows some ordering through weak dipole-induced
dipole interactions with the water. The number of water molecules affected by the
interaction with the hydrocarbon solute is related to the size of the guest molecule, i.e.
the contact surface of the guest molecule. Therefore, the size of the "ice-like" structures
will increase with the size of the hydrocarbon (24).
At Tc. the catastrophic temerature at which hydrate crystals start to form, the
solubility is increased by 78 % for 10.48 MPa and 51 O h for 13.93 MPa. After hydrate
crystals are formed, the solubility still increases, showing a high level of
supersaturation of methane gas in liquid water, which started just before and just after
Tc. These solubility measurements emphasize the crystallization-like process taking
place during hydrate formation. The dissolved gas molecules form the nuclei which
initiate the process of hydrate precipitation and crystal growth. One might state that
around Tc, the nucleation occurs as a result of a fluctuation in free energy due to the
local temperature and pressure fluctuations, of sufficient importance to surmount the
free energy barrier (12).
From an energy point of view, the changes of enthalpies and entropies are
negative and in agreement with reported values (20. 22, 25). The changes in enthalpy
and entropy, as the temperature approaches Tc, could be compared with ice formation
on one hand and experimental heats of dissociation on the other. The enthalpy of
dissociation for the methane hydrate at 13.93MPa is very close to the enthalpy of
dissolution of the same gas when Tc is approached, as found previously (12).
Moreover, the comparison of the entropies of solution derived here with
corresponding values based on the same standard state for gases in non-polar
SolVentS at 25OC shows that the entropies of solution in water are all negative by a
large amount. The partial molal entropy of solution is influenced by the size of the
cavity created by the gas molecules when the estimate of the cavity size is made by
bond distances. Frank and Evans (15),and Song el al. (20) have demonstrated that
the large negative values for partial molal entropies of solution of non-polar gases in
water can be understood as the creation of a more highly ordered state in water or
"icebergs". As the temperature is increased, these quasi-ice-like structures break up
and AS becomes positive.


A fully automated calorimeter with some modifications has facilitated isobaric
(constant pressure), variable-volume, and temperature-ramped experiments, and the
experimental procedure has enabled us to elucidate discrete steps involved in the
hydrate formation and decompostion for a high pressure methane-water system in a
continuous manner.
Simultaneously, the measured volumes were utilized to determine directly
methane gas solubility in the water phase in a way that minimizes uncertainties
associated with the appearance of the solid hydrate phase.
Of importance, it has been confirmed that the solubility of methane gas in water in
the vicinity of the incipient hydrate formation temperature is much greater than that
would be predicted by Henry's law, a frequently-used conventional calculation
Finally, the obtained solubility was used to calculate derived thermo-physical
properties, i.e. changes of enthalpy and entropy of the solution.


(1)Davy, H. Phil. Trans. Roy. SOC.,London 1811,101, 1.

(2)Hammerschmidt, E. G. lnd. Eng. Chem. 1934,26,851.
(3)Pauling, L. The Structure of Water Hydrogen Bonding. Hadzi, D. Pergamon
Press, 1959.
(4)Sloan, E. D.; Fleyfel, F., J. AlChE 1991,37, 1281.
(5)Culberson, L.; McKetta, J. AlME Trans 1950,189, 1.
(6)Kobayashi, R. Vapor-Llquid Equilibrium in Binary Hydrocarbon-Water systems.
Ph-D Dissertation, University of Michigan, 1951.
(7)Katz, D.L.; Cornell, D.; Vary, J.; Kobayashi, R.; Elenbaas, J.R.; Poettman,F.H.;
Weinang, C.F. Handbook of Natural Gas Engineering 1959.
(8)Clever, H.L.; Han, C.H. ACS Symp. Ser. 1980,133, 513.
(9)Clever, H.L.; Battino, R. Role. Data Sci. Prog. 1986,9, 209.
(IO)Battino, R. Sol. Data Ser. 1986, 24, 1.
(11)Battino, R. Sol. Data Ser. 1987, 27, 1.
(12) Feneyrou, G.Elucidationof the Formation and Decomposition of Clathrate
Hydrates of Natural Gases through Gas solubility Measurements. M.S
Dissertation, Rice University, 1996 .
(13)Klotz, I.M. In Protein Structure and Function, Brookhaven Symposia in biology
1960, 13, 25.
(14)Patterson, D.; Barke. M. J. Phys. chem. 1976, 80, 2435.
(15)Frank, H.S.; Evans, M.W. J. Chem. Phys. 1945,13, 507.
(16)Kauzmann, W. Adv. Protein Chem. 1959,14, 1.
(17)Nemety, G.;Scheraga, H.A. J. Phys. Chem. 1962,36, 3401.
(18)Fleyfel, F.; Song, K.Y.; Kook, A,; Martin, R.; Kobayashi, R. J. Phys. Chem.

(19)Bernal, J.D. Royal Sodefy on Physics of Water and Ice published in Hydrogen
Bonding, Pergamon Press 1957.
(20)Song, K.Y.; Feneyrou, G.; Fleyfel, F.; Martin, R. Lievois, J.S.; Kobayashi, R.
Solubility Measurements of Methane and Ethane At and Near Hydrate
Conditions, in press, Fluid Phase Equilibria 1996.
(21)Calvet, E.; Prat, H. Recents Progres en Microcalorimetrie Dunod Edition Paris

(22)Lievois, J.S. Development of an Automated, High Pressure Heat flux
Calorimeter and its Application to Measure the Heat of Dissociation of
Methane Hydrate. Ph-D Dissertation, Rice University, 1987.
(23) Frank, H.S.; Wen, W.Y. Discussion Faraday Society 1957,24, 133.
(24)Himmelblau, D.M. PartialMolal Heats and Entropies of Solution for Gases
Dissolvedin Water from the Freezing Point to Near fhe Critical Point. J. Phys.
Chem. 1959,63,1803.
(25)Rettich, T.R.; Handa, Y.P.; Battino, R.; Wilhem, E. Solubilityof Gases in Liquids.
High-Precision Determinationof Henry's Constants for Methane and Ethane
in Liquid Water at 275 to 328 K J. Phys. Chem. 1981 85. 3230.
(26)CSMHYD - hydrate program developed by the Colorado School of Mines
(Dendy E. Sloan), available through the Gas Processors Association (GPA),
Tulsa, Ok.


Table I. Solubility of Methane Gas in Water (Obtained from TemperatureRamping (1.2 oC/hr),Variable-Volume,Isobaric Experiments)
sol. of cy,
XCH4 'lo00


K ("c)


291 (18.0)
289 (16.0)
288 (15.0)
285 (12.0)
285 (11.6)
284 (11.0)
283 (10.0)
282 (9.0)
280 (7.0)
279 (6.0)
278 (5.0)

Tb=l6.0 "C
r =i3.80c




292 (19.0)
290 (17.0)
289 (16.0)
289 (15.5)
288 (14.6)
287 (14.0)
286 (13.0)
285 (12.0)
283 (10.0)
280 (7.0)
279 (6.0)
278 (5.2)


298 (25.0)C


T =16.24"C




298 (25.0)'

sol. Of c y ,

MPa a

initial hydrate formation temperature.

final decomposition temperature,
predicted from hydrate program of Colorado School of Mines (a),
obtained from Culberson and McKetta (1).

Table 11. Derived Thermo-Physical Properties of a Methane-Water System

(Obtained from Solubility Measurements)

range of temp.,


change of e m y ,
AH, KcavmclaOfgaS

change of entropy,
AS, CaVmole.K

Tb 4 6 . 0 "C
T' =13.8 "C

16.0 to
12.0 to
11.6 to
7.0 to




Tb = 18.0 "C
T'= 16.24 "C

19.0 to
16.0 to
14.6 to
12.0 to




a initial hydrate formation temperature.

b final decomposition temperature,
* predicted from hydrate program of Colorado School of Mines (22)








10OOlT. K-1

flgure 4. Logarllhm of solubillty (mole fraction) of methane In Ihe water

phase w. reciprocal of the absolute temp. for a methane and water system
at 13.931 HPa (2020 pala).













Figure 5. Logarllhm of solublltty (mole traction) of methane In the water
phase vs. bgemhm of absolute temg. for a methane and water SyJtem at
13.931 MPa (2020 psla).

Temperature, *C
flgure 6. Solubility (mole fracllon) of methane in the water phase va
temp. for a methane and water system at 10.483 Upa (1520 pala).


Roar Larsen,
Norwegian University of Science and Technology,N-7034 Trondheim, Norway
Taras Y. Makogon,
Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO, 80401
Charles A. Knight,
National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO, 80307
E. Dmdy Sloan,Jr.,
Colorado School of hlines, Golden, CO, 80401

Keywords: hydrate single crystals, crystal growth habit, hydrate inhibition

Single crystals of structure II (sII) and structure I (SI)hydrates were grovm in aqueous tetrahydrofuran
(THF) and ethylene oxide (EO) solutions.Normal growth habits from the melt are { 1 11 ) crystallographic
planes for sn,and (1 IO) for SI. Addition of polymeric inhibitors in very small amounts changed the growth
habit of sII to thin, 2-dimensional hexagonal { 111} plates, and caused rapid small-scale branclung of SI
crystals. The highly branched SI crystals were found to still be single crystals. Higher concentrations of
inhibitor were found to stop the growth of sII crystals compldely. These concentrationswere as low as 0.1
wt% at low supercooling. The minimum concentration needed to stop growth changed with temperature,
polymer characteristics and solution agitation. Experiments showed the polymer adsorption to be
practically irreversible, and an inhibition hypothesis was developed.
Natural gas hydrates are of great interest from several different viewpoints. Historically, hydrates
have been studied as a nuisance causing problems in the oil and gas industry ( h g l e m s , 1993). Over the
previous decade another motivation for study has been their role as deposits of immfnse energy resources in
subsea sediments and subterranean permafrost (Kvenvoldeq 1994). Just r d y , the exnomics of using
hydrates as a suitable storage and transport medium for natural gas have been addressed anew
(Gudmundsson and B$rrehaug, 1996). A comprehensive overview ofhydrates is given by Sloan (1990).
This work uses model systems as an analogue to natural gas hydrates. To arcumvent the need for
high pressures or very low temperatures, tetrahydrofuran (THF) and ethylene oxide (EO) aqueous solutions
are used to form structure Il (sn)and structure I (SI)hydrates, respedively. THF and water mixed at the
stoichiometric ratio for hydrates (17 water molecules per THF molecule) has a hydrate equilibrium melbng
point of about 4.4'C at 1 atm. pressure. For ethylene oxide at stoichiometry (23 water molecules per 3 EO
molecules) the equilibrium melting temperature is about 11C. In natural gas applications, sJl is the
predominant stfubure.
Over the past 50 years, the thermodynamics of hydrate have been studied extensively, to the point
where commercially available simulation codes can predict equilibrium conditions with an accuracy good
enough for most practical purposes. The kinetics of hydrate growth have not reached nearly the same level
but much work still
of resolution. Several groundbreaking studies have increased our understanremains to be done. 'Ihis work takes a very basic approach, studying smgle crystals of the hydrate
In addition to the basics of crystal growth, the main focus of this work is to study the &eds of
addition of inhibitors to the systems. Thermodynamic inhibitors like methanol have traditionally been used
to alleviate or avoid problems with hydrates in the oil and gas industry, but the use of these can have severe
implications for economy, logistics and product quality. There has therefore bem a significant driving force
towards tinding better inhibitors which will work at much lower concentrations. There are two main classes
of these inhibitors: anti-domerants (emulsifying agmts) and kin& inhibitors (chemicals that interfere
with the growth process of the hydrate crystals). We have studied thre of the best-known kinetic inhibitors
in some &I.
These are poly(vinylpyrro1idone) (PW)polfivinylcaprolaaam)
(F'VCap) and a terpolymer
of vinylpyrrolidone, vinyl caprolactam and dimethylaminoethylmethacrylate (VC-713) (Ledemos et al.,
The growth cell used in our experimats is shown in Fig. 1. It consists of a transparent plexiglass
cooling jacket for temperature control to within 0.1 K. Glass test tubes extad into this cooling chamber,
and are filled with the experimental solution. The temperature is set to a predetermined level of
supercooling and the solutions are left to equilibmte before proceeding. A rubber cap holds a thin glass
p i p e in the middle of the test tubes (open to the atmosphere at the top and to the experimental solution at
the bottom). Crystal nucleation and initial growth is forced by inserting a cold wire into the pipem, creatjng
a mommtarily large local supercooling as well as a nudeation surface. The nystal growul then progresses
inside the pipette, and, more oilen than not, nicely defined slngle crystals emerge into the test solution when
the growth reaches the tip of the pipette. The cooling chamber has several test tubes, mbling qui&
transfer ofcrystals behueen uninhibited and inhibited solutions at the same temperature.







\ '

Uninhibited crystal growth

THF hydrate sn crystals g r w from the melt (the stoichiometric solution) exhibit the (111)
crystallographic planes, in the form of regular octahedra. One such crystal is shown in Fig. 2. Irregularities
in form were somelimes observed, but at moderate supercooling (0-4 K) the (111) planes were always
dominant. Higher supercooling resulted in skeletal crystals while still retainingthe odahedral outline. Even
higher supercooling ( >8 K) resulted in dendritic growth of the crystals. Over the supercoolingrange of 0-5
K, the growth rate of these crystals was found to be exponmtial as a fundion of the supercoohg.
Crystals of EO hydrate (SI)grown from the melt exhibit the ( 1 10) crystallographicplanes, in the
form of a dodecahedron with rhombic faces. This is the same shape as the common garnet. Fig. 3 shows
one such crystal grown at a supercooling of 0.5 K. So far, no clear evidence of other crystallographic
planes has been found for this system

Crystalgrowth with inhibitors

For the THF hydrates, substantial changes in growth habit is observed already at very low
conmtrations of inhibitor in the system. For a supercooling of 1.4 K, concentdons lower than 0.1 wt%
of PVP, PVCap or VC-713 all change the growth from octahedra to two-dimensional hexagonal plates.
The large faces of these plates are still { 111 } planes, but some questions remain as to the orimtation of
their thin edges. The orimtation of these planes is shown in Fig. 4, where an uninhibited ocahedral crystal
was transferred to a solution with inhibitor. The planes grow off the edges of the existing crystal, or sprout
fiom its body, but are always parallel to the hcets of the original crystal.
At slightly higher wncentrations of the inhibitors PVCap and VC-713,fw$er crystal growth is
inhibited completely. At a magnification of 5Ox, no growth of the crystal faces could be measured over a
period of more than 24 hours. This phenommon is s e a at concmtrations from 0.1 wtYo at 1.4 K
supercooling for the best inhibitor polymers. The minimum wncmtration needed to achieve 1 1 1 inhibition
depends strongly on the supercoolingand to some degree also on the polymer type and molecular weight, as
well as solution agitation. Fig. 5 shows one example of the dependence on supercooling. PVP does not
produce complete inhibition, wen at concentrations as high as 5.0 wt%.
To study the assumed adsorption of the polymers to the crystal surface, a set of experiments were
conduad in which crystals which had been exposed to the no-growth solutions for periods ranging from 5
minutes to several hours were transferred back to uninhibited solutions. None of these crystals showed any
futher growth until at least 3 hours &r being transferred back, and then only from the vertices of the
original crystals, or from the interface behveen the ctystals and the glass pip-.
The new growth quickly
grew throughout the tubes and obscured any further investigation ofthe surface ofthe original crystals.
As mtrol experiments, several tests with known non-inhibitors were performed. Polyvinyl alcohol,
urea, hydroxyethyldlulose and polyacrylamide show no impact on the growth habits of the sIl crystals at
all. These chemicals were chosen because of their solubility in water, and in some cases for their similarity
to the polymeric inhibitors in having a vinyl backbone and high hydrogen bondmg capability.
EO hydrate clystals show an even more dramatic change of growth habit whm a small amount of
inhibitor is added to the melt. Low mwntrations (0.1-0.2 wt%) produce rapid, small-scale brandung of
the crystals,producing spherical globules with flimsy branches. This ef& was obtained only with PVCap
and VC-713. Further experiments in flat capillaries on a cooled bed under a microscope revealed that the
brandung EO crystals are most likely still single crystals. At intennediate concmtration of inhibitor. when
the branching had clearly started but were still visibly faceted, the individual branches were seen to
preserve a constantcrystallographic orimtation throughout (Fig. 6).
The EO hydrate system is still under investigat~onconcerning the possibility ofcomplete inhibition,


Crystal growth planes which are exhibited macroscopically are the slowest growing planes (fastergrowing planes grow out of existence). Studying molecular models of the SUhydrate, it is evident that the
6-membered rings of the large cavities all lie in the ( 111) planes. This suggests a hypothesis for the normal
growth habit, appealing to a presumed higher energy barrier against producing these rings compared to the
5-membered rings. The H-bonds behvm water molecules are strained more from their natural angle in
forming 6-manbemi rings than in forming 5-membered ones. We therefore believe this process is slower,
and may result in the planes colltaining these rings being the slowest growing. This hypothesis is
strmgthened when notmg that 5-membered rings sean to be naturally occming structures in water
(Rahman and S W i , 1973). This contrasts with Smelik and King (1996) who describe a mechanism
where forming of the 512 cages is viewed as the controlling factor. Our hypothesis does not transfer directly
to the SI hydrate, but a similar argument can be made about specific { 110) planes having a higher number
of hexagonal rings per unit area (although not parallel to the plane) than e.g. the (100) or the (111)
planes. No clear evidence for either ofthese hypotheses has been p r e s d to date.
The exponmtial shape of the curye for growth rate vs. supercoohg would indicate that the socalled Jackson a-factor is greater than 3 (Myerson, 1993), suggesting that the surface ofthe growing THF
hydrate is molecularly smooth, and that the growth mechanism is creation and propagation of steps on the
faces. We believe that surface nucleation is the most probable mechanism for this, as invoking screw
dislocations as the dominating factor does not explain orimtation preference and homogeneity. However,in
the very few cases where other planes than (11 1 ) are seen, screw dislocations on (111) might be invoked
as an explanationfor speeding these planes up and exhibitmg otherwise outgrown facets.
We have no completely satisfymg explanation for the 2 - d i m m s i d growth at intermediate
of inhibitor. The question is complicated by the fact that in some cases, the edges of these


plates have been ideaifid as also being ( 111), and this is puzzling, as it implies that some { 111) planes
grow faster than others. Fundamentally there seems to be only two options to explain this, since just at an
edge one expects the physical conditions in the liquid Comaining the crystal to be virtually identical on the
two faces very close to their common edge. One possibility is an imperfection of some kind that stimulates
growth on one of the faces (the thin edge), and the other is some kind of timedependent adsorption efFect
for the inhibitor.
The first of these explanations has some precedent in he &ect caused by stacking faults (van de
Waal, 1996). Such faults would not be unexpected on the sU (111) planes. We do not rule out this
mechanism, but we are skeptical of it because of the complete lack of macroscopic morphological evidence
of such faults. The second possible explanation appeals to a mechanism where a fast-growingplane pushes
aside the inhibitor as it grows, quickly mot& that the polymer can not reorient and fmd its st~duralfit
and bond onto the leading surface. l l i s phenomenon has some precedence also, in the effect of kinetic
inhibitors on ice growth (Harrison et al., 1987). We do not f e d confident in choosing one of these
explanationsover the other at present, and may evmtually have to appeal to a combination of the two. The
results indicate preferential adsorption on (1 1l ) , but this question is not complaely resolved, as the
crystals also only exhibit (1 1 1 ) in their uninhibited state.
We believe that the complete growth inhibition is a result of polymer adsorption to the crystal
surface, with the adsorbed molecules ading as barriers to furlher g r d . When the concmtration is high
mot&, polymer molecules will sit closer on the surface than twice the critical radius for crystal growth at
the corresponding temperature, and the clystal will not be able to grow b e t w m the polymer strands. The
adsorption process is fairly rapid, as no measurable growth takes place atter a crystal is transferred to an
inhibited solution, and the minimum no-growth cmcmtration is probably close to the umcmtration needed
at the surface, as the difkivity of the polymer is much lower than any other component in the systm.
However, there has to be some time involved in diffusion and onmtation ofthe inhibitor, if the latter o f the
above hypotheses for 2-dimmsional growth is physically correct.
The tests with non-inhibitors show that it is not enough to have long molecules ading as difFusion
barriers or molecules with a high capacity for H-bondmg. We think that the pendant groups of our
polymers are important in achiwing strong adsorption. One possible explanation is that the pendants fit as
pseudo-guest molecules in unfinished large cavities, with extra bin@ to the surface caused by H-bonds
from the carbonyl groups on the pendants. There is some evidence from molecular simulations s d g
that this might happen (Makcgon (1997), Carver et al. (1995)). The experiments where inhibited crystals
were transferred back into uninhibited solutions, show that the adsorption is practically irreversible. Each
pmdant p u p or H-bonding site on its own probably shows equilibrium adsorption and desorption, bul in
the case where numerous sites along a polymer chain are engaged in this process, desorption of some of
them would have little influence on the overall molecule, and these sites would be kept close to their
adsorption area, and could easily readsorb. For the atire polymer to desorb, all the adsorption sites would
have to "let loose" at the same time, an event which is statistically unlikely after a certain numbs of
adsorption points has been achieved for each molecule. When desorption and further growth w a s found to
occur, it happened in areas where it is easy to imagine the polymer fit to be less than perfect: at the v d c e s
and at the interface bemeen the crystal and the glass pipettes.
The EO hydrates grown with inhibitor have not yet been studied in as much detail as the THF
systan, but the preliminary results show some parallels to the SU hydrates. PVCap and VC-713 show
differmt results than PVP, indicating that the difference in inhibition performance might be more
fundamadalthan just a differmce in degree of efFediveness. We believe that this is mainly due to the
pendant group of PVP being smaller and not having the same stabilizing &ect to provide strong
adsorption. The dramatic small-scale branching of the EO hydrate crystals with inhibitor is somRHhat
similar to what is hown in the crystallographic literature as spheruliticgrowth. However, our experiments
with constant orieaatim throughola, whereas for
indicate that these crystals are still single
spherulites, the orientation will be off by some degree for each new branch. We believe that this is a new
phmommon, as we have not been able to tind repom of such growth in the literature, and remains a topic
for firther investigation. '

The foUowing companies are gratefully achowledged for their finanaal support of this work

Amoco,m c o , Chevron, Conoco, Exxcm, Mobil, 0% Petrobras, Phillips, Statoil and Te~aco.

C a m r , T.J., Drew, M.G.B., Rodger, P.M.,L Chem Soc. Faraday Trans.,91(19), pp 3449-3469 (1995)
W u n d s s o n , J. and Wdmg,A., Proc. 2nd Int.C d . on Nat.Gas Hydrates, pp 415-422, Toulouse,
France, June 2-6 (19%)
H a m s o R K . ~ l e t t J . , B u r c h a m , T . S . , F e e n g . Y . Nature,
32, p 241 (1987)
Englezos, P., I&ECReseurch, vol. 32, pp 1251-1274 (1993)
Kvenvolden, K.A., Ann New YorkAcad Sci., vol. 75, pp 232-246 (1994)
J.P., h% J.P., Sum,A., Christiansea, R.L., Sloan, ED.,Chem Eng. Sci., 51, (1996)
thesis, Colorado School ofh%nes(1997).
Makogon, T.Y, Ph.D.
MyaOn, A.S., Handbook OfIndUstrial Ctystallizatiation,BI&IWOI~~-H~~YMNI,
Boston (1993)
Rahman, A., Stillinger, F.H.LAmChemSoc.,
95, pp 7943-7948 (1973)
S l m E.D.,
ClathrateHydrates ofNatural Gases, Mard-Dekker, New YO& (1990)
m for publication (1996)
Smelik, E.A. and King, H.E., Am Minemlogisf,a
van & W d , B.W.,L ofCiyskdGrowth, vol. 158, pp 153-165 (19%)

Figure 1

n e experimental 4.Water or water-glycol mixtures are used as coolant. The test tubes
are -2.5 on outer diameter, screwcapped Pyrex glass.

Figure 2

Octahedral s II ( 11 1} crystal of THF hydrate grown without any additives at AT= 3.4 K.
Pipette end is approximately 2 mm across.

Figure 3

Dodecahedral s I {110) crystal ofEO hydrate grown without any additives at AT= 0.5 K.
p i p e end is approximately0.2 mm across.


Figure 4

THF hydrate crystal growing in solution with 0.25 wt% VC-713 atAT= 2 K. Original
crystal outline is seen, with the induced 2-d plates sproutingfiom it. pipette md is


approximately 2 mm across.

vu%=0.667143 *(DeltaT) 1.15333


R-squand = 0.999182

0.00 .

Figure 5






Complete inhibition and its dependence on supercoohg. AT vs. concentration of inhibitor

shows minimum concentration required to have complete inhibition of crystal growth. THF
hydrates, sn.The inhibitor is a PVCap.

Figure 6

EO SI crystal grown in capillary at AT= 0.5 K. m e d i a t e concadration ofinhibitor

betweenurdeded and highly branched crystal, 0.08 wt % PVCap. Note preservation of
c r y ~ c g r a p h i corientation throughout.


C.A. Koh', A.K. Soper', R.E. Westacott', R.P. Wisbey', X Wu', W. Zhang', and J.L
Chemistry Department, King's College, London, Strand, London WC2R 2LS, UK
ISIS. Rutherford-Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon, OX1 1 OQX,UK
tt Gas Research Institute, West Bryn Mawr Drive, Chicago, Illinois. IL 6063 I, USA


In this paper we present the results of our iu-sifu x-ray and neutron diffraction experiments
during the formation of gas hydrates under industry operating conditions. We have
performed energy dispersive x-ray diffraction to investigate the crystalline nature of species
formed during the hydrate formation process. These experiments have been performed on
carbon dioxide and propane hydrate. We show that Bragg peaks, indicating crystal structures,
appear during the formation process. Some of these peaks appear in the final hydrate
diffraction pattern and others do not. However, in the intermediate stages there i s a lot of
amorphous structure which could not be interpreted. In an effort to understand this part of
the formation process we have performed neutron diffraction experiments on the Small Angle
Neutron Diffraction for Amorphous and Liquid Samples (SANDALS) instrument at the
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. This instrument is designed to look at short range structure
and provides information on the water structure around the guest molecules in the liquid
phase. We present examples of the solvation sphere around methane molecules during the
formation of methane hydrate, together with the average size and variance of the coordination sphere
A substantial body of information is n o d available on the equilibrium properties of clathrate
hydrates [1-5]. This data has been collected over several decades during which it has been
used to support the development of fundamental models to explain chemical and engineering
aspects of gas hydrate knowledge [6]. However, these properties and the information
currently available fail to identify the mechanisms through which gas hydrates nucleate, grow
or decompose, and in some cases fail to accurately determine the thermodynamic properties,
Hydrate research has recently concentrated on the kinetics of gas hydrate formation. The
methods for the prevention of hydrate formation have also concentrated on kinetic control
rather than thermodynamic control.
The work described in this paper uses x-ray and neutron diffraction to investigate the
structure in liquid water before and during hydrate formation. We have used the Energy
Dispersive X-Ray Diffraction (EDXD) instrument at the Daresbury Laboratory to monitor the
formation and decomposition of gas hydrates. We have also used the SANDALS (Small
Angle Neutron Diffraction of Amorphous and Liquid Samples) at the Rutherford-Appleton
Laboratory to monitor structure in the liquid phase before and during hydrate growth.


Both types of experiment have been conducted in specially designed. high pressure cells.
Temperature, pressure and composition were selected and controlled throughout the
experiments. The experiments were conducted iii-siitf, such that gas consumed during hydrate
formation is replaced by gas from the cylinder and the pressure maintained.
The x-ray diffraction experiments were carried out over a 250 to 300 K temperature
range and 0.1 to 3.5 MPa pressure range [7,8]. The detector angle was fixed at 5.042'. hisitir experiments were conducted for carbon dioxiddwater and propandwater systems,
Diffraction patterns were recorded every 200 second throughout the experiments, Data was
collected as a series of intensity IK energy spectra recorded with time throughout the
The neutron diffraction experiments on the methanelwater system were carried out at
constant pressure (2100 psi) and the temperature varied using a ramping procedure. Two
scattering patterns were recorded at each temperature. The first stage of the experiment was
carried out at a temperature in the water/gas region of the phase diagram (291 K). The
scattering pattern was recorded over a 30 minute period. The temperature was reduced to a
p i n t within the hydrate region of the phase diagram (283 K). Further scattering patterns
were obtained. The temperature was further reduced to 277 K and subsequently reduced to
263 K were the complete sample was frozen. Any ice obtained was melted by reheating to
277 K, where the final scattering patterns were obtained.
Spherical Harmonic Analyses were performed to obtain detailed views of the local
Reverse Monte Carlo (RMC)
intermolecular orientational correlation function [9-1 I].

simulations were performed on one scattering pattern at each of the four temperature set
points (291 K, 283 K, 277 K (cooling) and 277 K (heating)). The original simulation cell
contained 12 methane molecules and 1500 water molecules arranged in a random
configuration. The RMC simulation were carried out over 5 million trials, using an empirical
water model. The results for the RMC simulations were deemed to be more realistic than our
previous results using a Spherical Harmonic Reconstruction [9-1 I].

The EDXD experiments lead to some interesting preliminary results. In figure 1, we show
the diffraction patterns taken during an experiment At time zero, the diffraction pattern
indicates an amorphous sample, i.r. the liquid and gas mixture. As the experiment
progresses, sharp peaks appear in the diffraction pattern. These peaks are due to Bragg
reflections from a crystalline material. The final pattern is comparable with the diffraction
pattern of the complete hydrate structure. That is, the calculated unit cell length is in
agreement with literature values and the indexed peaks correspond to Bragg reflections
obtained from the single crystal diffraction patterns.
The intermediate stages of this experiment are more difficult to interpret (see figure
2). These diffraction patterns contain a mixture of amorphous and crystalline species. At
present, we cannot determine whether Bragg peaks in these intermediate stages which do not
appear in the the final hydrate are due to a preferred orientation effect or a crystalline
intermediate, which may or may not exist in some form in the product. Methods for
interpreting these intermediate stages are currently under investigation.
The EDXD experiments are primarily designed to look at definite crystal structures, as
the x-rays are diffracted by planes of electron density in the crystal. Neutrons, on the
otherhand, are diffracted by atomic nuclei and therefore provides the possibility of
investigating short-range order in liquids. The data shown here were subjected to a spherical
harmonic analysis to m e s s t h e degree of orientational correlation of water around the
methane. The first term in this series expansion of the data is simply thccentres correlation
function, methane carbon to water oxygen. This is shown in Figure 3 for the four cases. A
pronounced co-ordination sphere is found in all instances, but changes quite abruptly for case
(4) when a significant amount of methane hydrate is formed. It can be seen from cases ( I ) (3), the co-ordination sphere peaks at an average distance of about 3.6 A for case ( I ) and then
gradually moves to larger radius values as the waterhethane system is pushed towards the
formation of hydrate by decreasing of temperature. The fits that were obtained are shown in
figures 4 and 5 .
The RMC simulations aim to reproduce the total corrected scattering pattern of the
sample. In figure 3, we show the CH,-0 pair correlation function obtained from the
scattering patterns obtained at each of the four temperatures described above. The changing
correlation function from (a) to (d) indicates an increase in the average number of water
molecules in the co-ordination sphere around methane. This is taken from the area under the
first peak in the pair correlation function in each case. The position of the peak also indicates
that the co-ordination sphere contracts in radius as the experiment progresses. These
distances have been used to extract examples of the co-ordination spheres from the final RMC
structures. The regions extracted from these structures give some indication of the water
structure around the methane molecules during each stage of the experiment. Firstly, we
should point out that the number of water molecules within the required distance of the
methane molecules is not the same for each methane at each stage of the experiment. The
area under the first peak in the pair correlation function indicates the average number of water
molecules in the first co-ordination sphere. In Table 1 we present the average and variance of
the number of water molecules in the co-ordination spheres for each stage of the experiment.
It is interesting to note that there are distorted ring tetramers, pentamers and hexamen in
these structures. It is noticeable that the average number of water molecules in the coordination spheres increases from part (a) to part (d). This is a consequence of hydrate
formation where the expected average number of water molecules in the co-ordination sphere
is 23 assuming full conversion to hydrate.

Conc Iusion s
We have demonstrated that the use of energy dispersive x-ray and small angle neutron
diffraction techniques can provide complementary information on the formation of natural
gas clathrate hydrates.


The authors would like to acknowledge the management and financial support of the GRI and
funding from the Rutherford-Appleton Laboratory, ISIS Facility. Thanks are also due to C.C.
Tang and A. Neild at the Daresbury Laboratory.


5 . Bishnoi, P. R. & P. D. Dholabhai. F/aidpbase eqailihria. 83. 455, 462, 1993.

6. Annuals ofthe New York Academy of Sciences. 715.24-28, 1994.
7. C.A. Koh, J.L. Savidge, C.C. Tang, J. Phys. Chem. 100,6412-6414, 1996.
8. C.C. Tang, C.A. Koh, A.A. Neild, R.J. Cernick, R.E. Motie, R.I. Nooney, 1.
Synchrotron Rad. 3, 220-224, 1996.
9. Finney, J. L. & A. K. Soper. (hemicnlSociely Rei,irw. 23, 1, 1994
IO. Soper, A. K. 1993. Iliysical Review E, 41, 2598, 1993.
11. Soper, A. K. JCheni Phy.5 101, 6888, 1994.



Figure 1:
x-ray d i f f r a c t o g r a m f o r
carbon dioxide hydrate.


F i g u r e 2:
x-ray d i f f r a c t o g r a m s f o r
carbon dioxide hydrate growth.


Methane in water

C - 0 radial distribution

F i g u r e 3:
radial distribution functions for
methane c a r b o n and w a t e r o x y g e n d u r i n g
methane hydrate growth.





- Cooling

nvary =

v [AI


h t Date- 19-FEE-96


.i L;

nvary =

y [A)






Flat Date- 19-FEB-96





-7 S




-2 5





Equilibrium Properties and Kinetics of Methane and Carbon Dioxide

Gas Hydrate FormationlDissociation
Takeshi Komai, Yoshitaka Yamamoto and Sanshiro kegami
National Institute for Resources and Environment, MITI, Japan
16-3,Onogawa, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305 Japan

Keywords: Gas Hydrate, Methane Hydrate, Phase Equilibria, Formation and Dissociation

Large quantities of gas hydrates, clathrate compounds of water and gases formed under high
pressure and low temperature, are found in marine sedimenu and in cold regions. To produce large
amount of methane gas from the reservoir with a reasoniable way, it is nccessary to obtain
fundamentals on the mechanism of formation and dissociation and the properties under the practical
situations, including phaw equilibria and kinetics of gas hydrates. In addition, we have proposed
the displacing method of gas hydrates, so that methane gas is extracted from the reservoir by
displacing methane with carbon dioxide in molecular level. The main purposes of this research are
to acquire the further understanding for the mechanism of hydrate formation/dissociation, and also
to accumulate engineering data for completing the original concept of displacing method. We have
carried out a experiment on the formation and dissociation of methane and carbon dioxide, using an
apparatus consisting of extremely high pressure vessel and observation windows. This paper
presents the experimental results on the properties of gas hydrates formation and dissociation under
the condition of three phase equilibrium, and some discussion on kinetics and the mechanism of gas
hydrate formation.

The experimental apparatus, in which the formation and dissociation of g a ~hydrate could be
observed, was designed and manufactured, so that the several conditions of pressure, temperature
and concentration of g a e s could be precisely controlled. Fig. 1 illustrates the schematic diagram of
the apparatus and the measuring system of the experiment. The pressure cell (I), made of stainless
steel and with 90 ml in internal volume, can be used under the pressure condition of up to 40 MPa.
It contains three glass windows (2) for observation, a magnetic type mixing equipment (3), and
some nozzles (4) for introducing gas and liquid component. The pressure cell is installed within a
constant temperature bath ( 5 ) filled with cooling agent of ethylene glycol, where the temperature
can be controlled with the accuracy of d . 2 C. Gas and liquid fluids are introduced into the cell
using a high pressure pump (6) and a fluid supplier system (7), and then are adjusted so that the
pressure would be kept constant or free to change by means of two cylinder type controllers (8).
The accuracy of controlled pressure is designed to be d.05MPa. Four transducer for detecting and
controlling the pressures are equipped, and five thermocouples are installed for measuring the
temperatures inside the cell as shown in Fig.1. The observation system including a optical fiber
borescope (9) and a CCD camera (10) can be utilized for this apparatus.
The procedure of the experiment on the three phase equilibrium of gas hydrate are described in the
following. First, a quantity of pure water is supplied by the high pressure pump into the pressure
cell, and other portion of the volume is filled with pressurized gas component by the fluid supplier
system. The quantities can be calculated as equivalent volume portions needed for hydrate structure,
The internal pressure can he adjusted, using both the cylinder units in liquid phase and the supplier
system in gas phase. The formation of gas hydrate is observed during the temperature of whole
system going down, while the pressure is no longer controlled at this situation. The accumulation of
hydrate would complete for about a couple of hours, after which the temperature is controlled to
go up with the constant rate for getting the equilibrium data of dissociation. The optical cell and the
spectrometric system are equipped at the glass window for detecting the nucleation and the change
of liquid phase structure. A lot of experimental data, such as temperatures, pressures and gas
concentrations, and other experimental conditions, are measured and analyzed using the data
acquisition system.

The solubility of gases and gas transport into liquid phase are important factors to promote the
formation of gas hydrates in the three phase equilibrium condition. In this experiment, two types of
mixing arid bubbling operations were adopted for the promotion of nucleation. Fig2 shows
photographic figures for the formation of methane hydrate, observed through the glass window.
These results were obtained under the same condition as the pressure was approximately 10 MPa
and the temperature was 4.0 to 6.0 C. As shown in the left figure, a lot of fine fragments of


phase droplets of methane hydrate at the interface of gas and liquid phase. The following
experimental results are mainly related to the mixing operation, because it enables the equilibrium
properties to become more favorahle and reproductive. For keeping sufficient saturation o r
dissolved condition of gases into liquid phase, each experiment requires previous mixing operation


conditions, such as gas component, initial pressure and temperature, and restating hysteresis
situation. Fig.3 shows the trend curves for temperature and pressure, obtained using the gas
component of CH4 (100%). TEMPI represents the temperature measured by N o . 1 thermocouple at
the center of the cell, and TEMP2 the controlled one outside the cell. PRES means the pressure of
liquid phase inside the cell. This figure shows that the formation of gas hydrates eventually started
during the process of temperature decreasing, because slight increases of temperature appeared after
the nucleation point due to the heat of formation. The rapid decrease of pressure was observed
around the formation point, while the pressure gradually decreased a? the temperature became
lower due to the change of solubility. On the other hand, the dissociation of gas hydrate was
observed during the process of temperature increasing, from which the increase of temperature
started to decline. Fig.4 shows the trend curve of differential temperature measured by N o . I and
No.5 thermocouples as a heat balance in the experiment. The first peak on the curve indicates the
exothermic heat of formation, and the last one the endothermic heat of dissociation. According to
these relations and the observation, critical temperatures and pressures necessary for gas hydrate
formation and dissociation can he determined as in Table 1. These results include the properties for

Fig.5 shows the three phase equilibrium relation obtained through the series of experiment for COz
and CH4 hydrate. Upper two lines are the formation and dissociation equilibrium curves for CH4
gas hydrate, the relation between critical temperatures T and pressures P, and lower lines for COz
gas hydrate. In other words, gas hydrate can he present as solid phase with gas and liquid
components at higher position from curves for formation, and it no longer exists at lower position
from curves for dissociation. From the results it is clear that the relation between P and T is
approximately linear in semi-log plotting, and that the critical pressures of CH4 are relatively higher
than those of C02 assuming the same temperature condition. This suggests that the formation of
CH4 hydrate requires much higher potential o r activation energy rather than in the case of C o t
hydrate. In addition, it is found that the equilibrium curves for the formation of hydrates are placed
at upper position compared with those for the dissociation. Further, the equilibrium data measured
in case of dissociation agree well with estimated values using theoretical methods of kinetics, hut
those in case of formation largely differ from the theoretical values. These large differences may
include interesting phenomena and fundamentals on the mechanism of gas hydrate formation. Thus,
further experiments were carried out on the behavior of history and hysteresis observed the process
of formation and dissociation of gas hydrates.


Fig.6 illustrates the history curve of P and T obtained in the experiment No.39 for CH4 hydrate.
The formation process proceeds on the oscillated curve between A and D, and the dissociation
process on the curve between E and F. The differences of temperature and pressure between
formation and dissociation equilibria are approximately 3.5 9: and 0.5 MPa, respectively. The
history of P and T is usually regarded to he the super cooling effect in the process of formation.
The temperature differences obtained by the experiment using COz were quite smaller than that in
case of CH4. In addition, the super cooling effect clearly appeared in the case that the g a ~
component was introduced by the way of bubbling. These results suggest thai the supper cooling
effect in the history behavior might he largely related to the interface conditions, the way of g a ~
introduction, and the component of ga?and liquid.
Fig.7 shows the hysteresis curves for demonstrating the effect of restarting situations, obtained by
continuous three experimental runs in the same conditions. The second and third runs were
restarted immediately after completing the previous run. In the first run of experiment, the
temperature of initiating formation was 15.2 C at the pressure of 17.5 MPa. However, the
formation temperature was shifted to 16.6 C in the second run, and up to 16.8 9: in the third run.
This means that the formation temperatures increase in case of restarting situations, so that they
approach the dissociation temperatures or the theoretical temperature for three phase equilibrium.
Another experimental run showed that the formation temperature of second run shifted by 2.5 to 3
9: compared with that of the first run, hut that of third run recovered to the level of first run if the
liquid with dissolved gas was left as the final condition of second run for 12 hours. These results






Formation Equilibrium





1 # 1

Dissociation Equilibrium










Fig.2 The observation of methane gas hydrate formation.

(Left figure) In case of mixing operation. (Right figure) In case of bubbling operation.
P=10.0 MPa, T S . 0 "C
P=10.0 MPa, T=4.0 'C


wala **a"$,

Fig. 1 The schematic diagram of the experimental apparatus and the measuring system.
(Upper figure) Main system. (Lower figure) Pressure cell and measuring sensors.








1 2 0 1 5 0 180 2 1 0 2 4 0 2 7 0 3BQ
TIPIE ( m i " )

F i g 3 The trend curves of pressure and temperature obtained in the experiment for methane gas
hydrate formation and dissociation.







eat of dissoclatlon

5 -0.5







Time (inin)

Fig.4 The change in differential temperature, and heat valance of gas hydrate formation
and dissociation.


Fig.5 The relations between pressure and temperature in three phase equilibrium condition
for COZand CH4 gas hydrates.











Temperature ('C)

The history curve of pressure and temperature in the process of gas hydrate formation
and dissociation.














Temperature ('C)

The hysteresis curves of pressure and temperature in the process of gas hydrate formation

and dissociation.



Yoshitaka Yamamoto*, Takeshi Komai*, Sanshiro Ikegami* and Akihiro Wakisaka"

*National Institute for Resources and Environment, 16-3, Onogawa, Tsukuba-shi ,

Ibaraki 305, Japan
**National Institute for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research, 1-1 -4, Higashi, Tsukuba-shi,
Ibaraki 305,Japan

Keywords: gas hydrate, high pressure crystallization, separation of pure crystal


Gas hydrate is the species that guest molecules (CO,, CH, etc.) are included in the cage of hydrogenbonding network of water molecules. Recently, it was found that there are great quantity of methane
hydrate in the sediment below the sea bottom. Since Japan has no natural energy resources, we pay
much attention to the natural gas hydrates as one of the hopeful energy source for the future. To
establish elemental technologies for mining methane hydrate, we staned fundamental and also practical
study of gas hydrate.
The observation of real crystallization process is indispensable to study formation I dissociation
mechanism precisely. On the other hand, it is important for establish methane hydrate recovering
method to get pure hydrate crystals and measure accurate physical and chemical property of them.
To achieve these objects, we are constructing high pressure crystallization apparatus with optical
window. In this presentation, we will report the resent result of hydrate crystal formation and
recovery experiment with this apparatus.
As a fundamental research on the gas hydrate formation, we are interested in molecular clustering
structure of aqueous solution. As for the interaction of magic numbered water cluster, H+(H20),,,
which has dodecahedral structure, with organic molecules, it was observed that tetrahydrofuran (THF)
did not dissociate the hydrogen-bonding network of H+(H20)*' cluster; however, methanol
dissociated it. In the mass spectra of clusters generated from THF-water and methanol-water mixtures,
H+(H,O),, clusters contact with THF, H+(H20)21(THF)n:n=I ,2,3..., and H+(H20)21 clusters
substituted by methanol. H+(H20)21-n(CH30H)n: n=l,2,3..., were observed, respectively'). Such
molecular structures in aqueous solutions seem to be related with the nucleation mechanism of hydrate.
That is, THF makes hydrates, but methanol works as gas hydrate inhibitor. We also intend to carry
out methane hydrate formation experiment with any additives such as THF or CH30H,etc., and
discuss nucleation mechanism of gas hydrate with the clustering structure of water molecules which
were observed by cluster beam mass spectrometer.

High pressure crystallization apparatus with optical vessel
Fig.1 shows the schematic diagram of the high pressure crystallization apparatus with optical
vessel. Photographs of this apparatus and main vesscl are also shown in Fig.2 and Fig.3 respectively.
As shown in Fig.1, main vessel (c 1) and sub vessel (C2) are piston-cylinder type high pressure
vessels. Inner diameter and volume of these vessels are 15 mm and 20 mB respectively. The main
vessel has a pair of sapphire windows to observe crystallization process on both side and stainless
filter to separate liquid phase from solid phase on the bottom. Main vessel is soaked in a silicon oil
bath[Temperature control range ; -3oc-+13Oc].
This oil bath also has optical wlndows and
crystallization process can be observed through these windows with microscope or multi channel
spectrophotometer. Compression of vessels is carried out by using oil pressure equipment (19). Main
vessel is connected with gas supplying system, which can supply host gases continuously under high
pressure(max. under 400kg/cm2). Control of gas flow rate is carried out by flow controller for high
flow rate (3) [0.5-5N Q/min] and low flow rate (4) [O.Ol-O.IN O/min].
crystallization unit is 4000kg/cm2.

Maximum pressure of

Crystallization and separation procedure

Sample mixtures (pure water and THF, pure water and CH4 etc.) are injected into the main vessel

(C 1) and compressed to form hydrate crystals. The excess liquid phase is removed from the crystals
in the main vessel (C 1) to the sub vessel (C2). keeping the pressure in the main vessel constant and
slightly decreasing the pressure in the sub vessel. After separation process is finished, stop valve
between two vessels (VH1) is shut and crystals are recovered.
To confirm performance of the apparatus, crystallization and separation of pure indole from
indole/isoquinoline mixture was carried out. Then, we started hydrate formation experiment of
THF/water system and CH4/water system. In case of methane/water system, to prevent dissociation
of methane hydrate, the main vessel is cooled to about 80C by dry ice/methanol bath before the
decreasing of main vessel pressure and taking out of hydrate crystal.


Formation and separation of
crystallization method








Fig.4 shows the typical operation diagram of high pressure crystallization. Sample solution is
indole-iscquinoline mixture (80mol%-indole). Separation process is as follows.

I ) Inject sample mixture into main vessel ( C 1 ) and compressed to 1000kg/cm2step wise under 50
"C. In this process, pure indole crystal is formed and impurities concentrated into liquid phase
2) Hold the pressure of main vessel at 1000kg/cm2 until solid-liquid phase equilibrium is achieved.

3) Open the stop bulb ( V H l ) between main and sub vessel and remove liquid phase from the crystal.
In this process, pressure in the main vessel is constant (1000kg/cm2) all the way.


as sown in Fig.4, after almost stop the piston displacement, the pressure which is indicated in
pressure gauge ( P H I ) gradually decreased and finally reach almost atmospheric pressure. This
means that almost all the liquid is removed and pressure in the main vessel can not transmitted
to pressure gauge (PH 1). At that time, crystal in main vessel is squeezed under 1000k~crn2
and remained liquid is perfectly separated.
4) Pressure of main vessel is decreased to atmospheric pressure and separated crystal is
The punty of recovered solid was measured by gas chromatography. Indole concentration of that
crystal was 98mol% and it was known that high purity crystal can be separated by this high pressure
crystallization apparatus.

Formation and separation of THF hydrate and methane hydrate

Generally, autoclave type high pressure vessels were used for hydrate formation experiment and it is
said that stirring of the vessel is important to form hydrate crystal. However, it is difficult to stir
sample in main vessel (c 1 ) in our apparatus. As mechanical stirring is not performed at natural
hydrate formation process, stirring seems to be not always necessary. To confirm if methane hydrate
formation is occurred without stimng or not, we slowly injected methane gas into an autoclave type
optical vessel which is filled with pure water. (details will be described in another presentation of our
group in this meeting by Dr.Komai.) As a result, film like hydrate crystal was formed almost instantly
with rising of methane gas babble under the condition of 2"c, 100kg/cm2. Though it seemed IO
need fairly long time to make methane gas included in the hydrate film into crystal perfectly, it was
confirmed that nucleation of hydrate can be occurred without mechanical stirring. According to this
result, we hied hydrate formation experiment with the high pressure crystallization apparatus.
First, THF/water (THF : H 2 0 = 1 : 25 molar ratio) mixture was injected into the apparatus and
examined efficiency of hydrate formation and separation. Temperature and separation pressure are 4C
and 200kg/cm2. After separation of excess water, main vessel was cooled to -10C and THF hydrate
was recovered. From the pressure which is indicated on pressure gauge (PHI), we confirmed that
hydrate and excess water was perfectly separated as same as indole-isoquinoline mixture.
Photograph of recovered THF hydrate is shown in Fig.5.
Next, methane hydrate formation and separation experiment was performed with this apparatus. 6 4
of pure water and 4 m0 of methane gas was injected into main vessell, and hydrate was formed under


4"C,400kg/cm2. After separation of methane hydrate from water phase was finished, hydrate crystal
wa$ cooled to about -8O'c by methanol/dry ice bath. (Under -80C. the dissociation pressure of
methane hydrate become lower than atmospheric pressure. ) Then, pressure of main vessel was
decreased to atmospheric pressure and formed crystal was recovered. Photograph of recovered solid
is shown in Fig.6.
Recovered crystal is flammable white solid and dissolve with discharging
babbles. Though It thought to be a methane hydrate, detailed analyses was still not performed and
purity of crystal is not confirmed for the moment.
We constructed the gas hydrate formationheparation apparatus using high pressure crystallization
method and confirmed a formation and recovery of gas hydrate by this equipment. For the present,
adjustment of gas supplying unit was not finished perfectly and strict control of crystal formation is
not achieved. Also, the system for observation of hydrate crystal formation is under adjustment.
From now on, we try to improve high pressure mass controller in gas supplying unit and structure
of optical system and establish the technique for formation of pure hydrate and recover it. With the
separated gas hydrate, we are going to measure physical and chemical property of it precisely.
We are also canying out methane hydrate formation experiment with THF or CH,OH. we will also
make a discussion about influence of these additives to methane hydrate formation with the
comparison of the clustering structure of water molecules which was observed by cluster beam mass
This study is financially supported by NED0 (New Energy and Industrial Technology Development
Organization ).

1. Yamamoto, Y and Wakisaka. A, Proc.Int.Conf.on Natural Gas Hydrate, Toulouse,

J u n e , 1996, 355
2. Yamamoto,Y, Sato,Y , Ebina, T., Yokoyama, Ch., Tak-ahashi, S., Nishiguchi, N. and
Tanabe,H., Nenryou kyoukashi ,1991, 7 0 , 533
3. Yamamot0.Y. Sato,Y, Mito,Y., Tanabe, H., Nishiguchi, N. andNagaoka, K. Proc.
Int. Symp. on Prep. of Func. Mat., 1989, 195

4. Yamamoto, Y , Sato,Y., Ebina, T.,Yokoyama, Ch., Takahashi, S . , Mito,Y,

Tanabe, H., Nishiguchi, N. and Nagaoka, K . , Fuel.1991, 70, 565
5. Yamamoto, Y, Sato, Y and Wakisaka, A., J.Chem.Soc.. Chem.Commun.,
1994, 21 21
6. Wakisaka, A, Shimizu, Y., Nishi, N . , Tokumaru, K. and Sakuragi, H., J.Chem.Soc.,
Famday Trans., 1992, 88, 1129

1. Christiansen, R.L. andE.D.Sloan, Jr., Proc.Int.Conf.onNaturalGas Hydrate, N.Y,

April, 1994, 19, 283



Fig.2 Photograph 01' thc high

pixssul-e cryslallizat ion


Fig..? Photograph 01' {he

main vessel (C I )


Operalion diaglam of crystallization and separation of

pure indole ('rotil iiidole/isoquitloline mixture using high

p r e s s u i ~ciywllization lechnique (Indole conccniraiion is
80moI%, scp:lraiion iciiipcraiurc = 50C. separation prcssurc =




Robert P. Waninski, Peny D. Bergman
U.S. Department of Energy, Federal Energy Technology Center, Pittsburgh, PA 15236
Stephen M. Masutani
University of Hawaii, Hawaii Natural Energy Institute, Honolulu, HI 96822
Gerald D. Holder
University of Pittsburgh, School of Engineering, Pittsburgh, PA 15261
Keywords: carbon dioxide, ocean disposal, clathrate hydrate
Deep ocean disposal of CO, is an option to mitigate rises in atmospheric levels of CO, if other
measures are ineffective and the worst global warming scenarios begin to occur. Through its
Office of Fossil Energy, the U.S.Department of Energy (DOE) supports research directed at
evaluating the feasibility of this option for long-term C02 disposal. Two projects, managed at
the Federal Energy Technology Center (FETC) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, are being conducted
that specifically address the technical issues associated with d
y disposal of CO,. One
of the projects is being conducted at FETC; the other at the University of Hawaii at Manoa
(UHM) in Honolulu, Hawaii. The purpose of this paper is to describe the scope of these
projects and summarize current experimental and theoretical results.
In 1993, a research needs assessment for capture, utilization, and disposal of CO, from fossil
fuel-fired power plants was prepared for DOE by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1).
This well-received report concluded that establishing the feasibility of large-scale disposal
options should be assigned the highest research priority of all needs identified. Of the largescale disposal options considered at that time, the principal ones were those using the deep ocean
or deep confined aquifers for storage. With respect to ocean disposal, the key research
recommendations focused on the impact of the C Q clathrate hydrate on the effectiveness of this
disposal option.

Depth is a key factor in ocean disposal of CO,. To avoid premature escape of the.CO, from
surface waters to the atmosphere, injection below a depth of about 500 m would be required.
From approximately 500-m to 3000-m ocean depth, undissolved C02 would exist as a buoyant
liquid. At greater depths, the liquid CO, would sink. In the absence of hydrate formation, the
minimum depth for effective CO, sequestration would be around 700 m. Drops released at this
depth would completely dissolve before reaching a depth of 500 m (1).
CO, clathrate hydrate (C02-nH20, 6 < n < 8 ) is a crystalline compound that can form under
temperature and pressure conditions associated with C Q disposal in the ocean below a 500-111
depth. The hydrate can form either as solid crystalline particles or as a coating on the surface
of liquid C02 drops. The solid hydrate particles should sink in the ocean, facilitating
sequestration; however, thin hydrate shells on liquid C q drops would limit dissolution of the
C02 and complicate sequestration attempts. During transport to depth and injection, hydrate
formation may clog submerged conduits, erode and foul injector nozzles, and negatively impact
C02 dispersion. The U.S. DOE supports experimental and theoretical research at FETC and
at UHM to address these concerns. A small high-pressure viewcell at FETC and a large
pressurized tank at UHM are being utilized in the experimental programs. Mathematical
modeling of these phenomena is also being performed at both FETC and UHM.

The work at FETC was initiated in 1993. All of the experimental work has been performed in
a high-pressure, variable-volume viewcell (HVVC) that has a maximum working volume of
about 40 cm. A description of the HVVC system and basic experimental procedures have been
published (2,3). The HVVC system can operate at temperatures down to near 0C and at
pressures up to 69 MPa (l0,OOOpsig). The HVVC system can therefore be used to simulate
ocean depths down to 6900 m. This is more than adequate for studying the behavior of CO, at
the depths currently being considered for unconfined release of C Q in the ocean (lo00 m to
1500 m) (4).


To enable more accurate prediction of the fate of C Q injected into the ocean, experiments at
FETC have focused on determining the relative density of the hydrate in water (2,5) and
seawater and on the formation of hydrate shells on drops of COz and their effect on drop
dissolution (2,6). With respect to the relative density of the hydrate, observations in two-phase
systems with water and either gaseous or liquid COz showed that the hydrates which formed at
the COJHzO interface were initially snowlike in appearance and buoyant in the water-rich phase.
With time, the hydrates became icelike (transparent) in appearance and sank. Trapped,
unconverted C02 may have caused the bulk density of the initially formed hydrates to be less
than that of the water-rich phase. Eventually, this trapped COz either escaped or was converted
to hydrate, causing the density to increase and the appearance to change. In contrast, when
formed from dissolved COz, the hydrates were initially icelike in appearance and sank. Buoyant
hydrate particles would frustrate sequestration in the ocean by causing the COz to rise to
unacceptably shallow depths. On the other hand, sinking hydrate particles would facilitate
sequestration by causing the COz to descend to greater depths before dissolution and thus
increase its residence time in the ocean.

Some of the above experiments with water and C Q have recently been repeated using General
Purpose Seawater (GPS) from Ocean Scientific International Ltd. As in the fresh-water
experiments, hydrates formed from COzdissolved in the seawater were icelike in appearance and
sank in the seawater-rich phase.
Observations of the rate of hydrate shell formation on C Q drops in water and seawater have
also been performed at FETC. In these experiments, a COz drop is introduced into the viewcell
and comes in contact with either existing hydrate particles or the glass or stainless steel parts of
the viewcell itself. In all such cases, hydrate shell formation began at the point where the
bubble or drop contacted the crystalline hydrate or viewcell, then rapidly spread out along the
bubble or drop surface. Others have also reported similar phenomena (7). Specific examples
from our experimental work have been previously described (6). The rate of growth of the
hydrate shell on CO, drops (0.5 cm to 1 cm in diameter) in water has been estimated at 0.5 to
1.0 cmz/s. Recent observations in seawater gave similar results.
The rate of dissolution of hydrate-covered COz drops has also been studied in water (2) and
more recently in seawater. In these experiments, the rate of decrease in drop radius was
measured. Rates in the range of 0.0045 to 0.02 cmlh have been observed for hydrate-covered
drops. These rates are slower than those obtained by other workers (2). The differences
between the results are likely due to dissimilar experimental conditions and equipment. Data
from the recent experiments in the viewcell indicate that the rate of shrinkage of C Q drops in
seawater appears to be slower than in fresh water for drops of similar size under similar
conditions. The reason for the slower rate in seawater is the topic of current investigations.
To overcome the limitations of the viewcell and more realistically simulate the environment that
a COz drop encounters in the ocean, a high-pressure water tunnel facility has been planned.
This device is patterned after a similar apparatus developed by others for the study of methane
hydrates (8). A low-pressure model is currently under construction to verify the flow patterns
in the proposed test section of the tunnel.

Recent mathematical modeling efforts at FETC have been directed at determining the thickness
of the hydrate shell that forms on COz drops under conditions expected for ocean disposal (6).
The model was developed to estimate both the thickness of the initially-formed shell and the
bounds on the ultimate thicknesses of shells after reaching steady state in saturated and
unsaturated environments. The degree of saturation is determined relative to the equilibrium
COz concentration at the hydrate equilibrium pressure, C,, at the temperature of the system.
Under anticipated ocean disposal conditions, the system can actually be oversaturated owing to
the induction period that often accompanies hydrate formation (6).

The model assumes that the ultimate thickness of the shell is governed by the diffusion of the
C 0 2 through the hydrate shell and diffusion or convection of dissolved COz away from the
hydratecovered particle. It was demonstrated that a very thin hydrate shell ( < 0.1 cm) would
initially form around drops of injected CO,. If injected into unsaturated water, a stable hydrate
thickness on the order of 1@* to lo4 times the radius of the drop would form. The model
therefore implies that the initially formed shell would become thinner in an unsaturated
environment. The thinning of the hydrate shell after formation has been experimentally observed
in the viewcell experiments and is reflected by changes in both the texture and transparency of



hydrate-covered drops. Initially, the shell has rough texture and is opaque. Within a few
minutes the shell becomes smooth and relatively transparent.
For a CO, drop injected into saturated water, the model predicts that with time the hydrate shell
would thicken, possibly approaching 10' cm in thickness for growth periods well in excess of
100 hours. Such conditions could occur in the vicinity of the injection. Since the water is
saturated with respect to hydrate-forming conditions, the hydrate shell serves only to slow the
diffusion of C02 and thus limit the formation of additional hydrate from the injected CO,.
Results for this scenario are shown in Figure 1. The diffusivity values for CO, through the
hydrate shell, D,, used in Figure 1 are in the range of values for diffusivities in solids.
Experimental determination of this value would be required for validation of this portion of the
In water oversaturated with C Q relative to CH, the shell could also thicken by addition to the
hydrate layer from the CO, dissolved in the water. This mode of growth was the subject of an
earlier paper (9). The above model also did not take into consideration the effect of varying salt
concentration at the surface of drop as hydrates form. Current modeling efforts at FETC are
directed at incorporating this effect.

A %-month research grant to investigate ocean disposal of C 0 2 was awarded by DOE to the
University of Hawaii at Manoa in August 1995. The laboratory study is being conducted by the
Hawaii Natural Energy Institute of the School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology. The
principal objective of the study is to obtain data on liquid C Q discharge jet instability and on
drop dispersion, interactions, and dissolution under conditions representative of the deep ocean.
These data will be applied to the development and validation of predictive models to perform
(ocean)environmental hazard assessments and to devise injection methods that ensure effective
containment of the C02 from the atmosphere.
Experiments at UHM employ hunique High-pressure C02 Mixing Facility (HCMF), designed
specifically to investigate the oceanic C02disposal process. The HCMF comprises a cylindrical
pressure vessel, systems to hold and supply liquid C Q and chilled (ambient to (PC) water, and
diagnostics and data acquisition equipment. The insulated steel pressure vessel has an I.D. of
0.55 m and is 2.46-m tall. During experiments, it is partially filled with fresh or seawater and
pressurized with an inert gas to simulate conditions in the ocean down to depths of
approximately 600 m. A photograph of the pressurized test vessel is shown in Figure 2.
Numerous viewports provide access for quantitative optical probes and for flow visualization.
Details of the construction and operation of the HCMF have been reported (10).

Two types of tests will be conducted using the HCMF: (1) continuous discharging of liquid C02
through a variety of orifices over a range of conditions to study effluent breakup and injector
performance; and (2) monitoring of single CO, droplets or droplet pairs as they dissolve and
interact during simulated buoyant rise through the ocean. In the continuous discharge
experiments, a non-intrusive, laser scattering diagnostic will be employed to map droplet size
distribution spectra, velocity, and number density in the region immediately downstream from
the injector. These data on initial C02 droplet size distributions and spatial dispersion are
needed to model accurately the disposal process. The primary experimental variables include
jet velocity, simulated depth of discharge, and injector orifice size and geometry.

In the droplet dissolution experiments, a transparent diffuser will be submerged in the pressure
vessel aligned with its vertical axis. Water from the vessel is pumped downward through the
diffuser to stabilize in space buoyant liquid CQ droplets that have been bled into the diffuser.
By this means, the unrestrained rise. through the ocean can be simulated in a facility of finite
height. Close-up image acquisition and analysis will be employed to document droplet
dissolution and interaction phenomena.

In both the continuous discharge and dissolution tests, experiments will be repeated under
ambient water conditions that either foster or preclude the formation of the C02 clathrate
hydrate. As of this writing, facility preparations and diagnostic development are being
Complementary mathematical modeling to date has focused on theoretical analyses of CQ jet
instabilities and the generation of the dispersed droplet phase. The effects of hydrate formation
on these instabilities have been considered (11). Results suggest that if hydrate formation


kinetics proceed more rapidly than the amplification of the jet instability, then breakup may be
modified and the dispersed droplet phase size distribution altered. At the extreme, a solid
hydrate layer could grow and deposit around the injection orifice, encasing the jet and possibly
closing it off. While calculations indicate that hydrate formation effects will be restricted to
situations involving relatively large injector orifices (> l-cm diameter) and low jet velocities
(< 6 cm/s), the uncertainty in some parameters used in these calculations, notably the rate
constant for hydrate formation, warrant experimental confirmation.
Recently, the DOE-funded experimental research at UHM has attracted international interest.
Additional funds have been committed to the project by ABB Management, Ltd. in Switzerland
and Statoil (Norway) has offered the use of instrumentation and the professional assistance of
research personnel from the University of Bexgen. Interest in collaborative studies has also been
expressed by Japanese investigators.

DOE-sponsored research at FETC and UHM is addressing important issues related to the effect
of hydrates on the ocean disposal of C Q . These issues include: 1) the relative density of
hydrate particles and how to either preclude hydrate formation or form particles that would sink
in the ocean and thus facilitate sequestration efforts; 2) the behavior of hydrates during formation
either as particles or as shells around liquid C02 drops, and how their formation would impact
C Q dissolution and jet dynamics; and 3) the dissolution behavior of hydrate-covered C a drops
and the fate of these drops in the ocean. Data are being sought to help develop and validate
predictive models which can be employed to identify effective sequestration strategies and to
evaluate impacts on the marine environment.

Reference in this report to any specific product, process, or service is to facilitate understanding
and does not imply its endorsement or favoring by the United States Department of Energy.


.. .

Needs Assessment for the CaDture. Utilization and DisDosal of Carbon

Fossil Fuel-Fired Power Plants, DOE Report DOWER-30194, July 1993

(available NTIS).
Waninski, R. P.; Cugini, A. V.; Holder, G. D. Proc. Int. Conf. Coal Sci. 1995, 2,
Waninski, R. P.; Lee, C.-H.; Holder, G. D. 1. Sumrcrit. Fluids 1992, 5, 60-71.
Dioxide: WorkshoD 2 Omerod, B.; Angel, M. Ocean Storape of C&n
, IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme Report, June 1996.
Holder, G. D.; Cugini, A. V.; Warzinski, R. P. Environ. Sci. Tech. 1995, B, 216-278.
Holder, G. D.; Waninski, R. P. PreDr. P a n -Am. Chem. Soc.. Div. Fuel Chem 1996,
41(4), 1452-1457.
Bumss as reported by E.D. Sloan, Jr. in International Conference on Natural Gas
Hvdrates; E.D. Sloan, Jr.; J. Happel; M.A. Hnatow, Eds.; Annals of the New York
Academy of Sciences; Vol. 715; p 17.
Maini, B. B.; Bishnoi, P. R. Chem. Enme. Sci, 1981, 3,
Holder, G. D.; Cugini, A. V.; Warzinski, R. P. Environ. Sci.Tech. 1995,a,276-278.
Masutani, S. M.; Kinoshita, C. M.; Nihous, G. C.; Ho, T.; Vega, L. A.
W e n . M.g& 1993, 3(9-11), 865-872.
Teng, H.; Masutani, S. M.; Kinoshita, C. M.; Nihous, G. C. Prepr. Pao. -Am. Chem,
&c.. Div. Fuel Chem. 1996, 41(4), 1447-1451.





: 0.020













Time, h
figure 1. Thickening of the hydrate shell in a saturated reservoir as a
function of time and solid-phase diffusivity, DH (values shown in figure), and
the initial thickness of the hydrate shell (indicated at time = 0).


Figure 2. Photograph of the pressurized test vessel used in the High Pressure
C q Mixing Facility at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.


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