Eor Shale Co2
Eor Shale Co2
Eor Shale Co2
Invited review
a r t i c l e i n f o
Article history:
Received 26 October 2014
Received in revised form
29 November 2014
Accepted 2 December 2014
Available online 8 December 2014
Shale oil
Gas condensate
Shale reservoirs
Enhanced oil recovery
Huff and puff
Gas ooding
Gas injection
The current available technique to produce shale oil and gas condensate is through primary depletion
using horizontal wells with multiple transverse fractures. The oil recovery factor is only a few percent.
There is a big prize to be claimed in terms of enhanced oil recovery (EOR). Because gas price is low and oil
price is high, maximizing liquid oil production from gas condensate reservoirs becomes shale producers'
top interest.
This paper provides the status of enhanced oil recovery (EOR) in shale oil and gas condensate reservoirs by gas injection. It starts with the discussion of possible EOR options in shale reservoirs. For the gas
injection option, the huff and puff mode is compared with the gas ooding mode. Different modes of
water injection in shale oil reservoirs are also compared. The discussion and comparison show that gas
injection is more feasible in shale reservoirs than waterooding and any other EOR methods. The rest of
the paper focuses on review of gas injection in shale reservoirs, which covers the following.
This paper summarizes the EOR efforts which has been made in the industry and provides the direction for the industry future efforts to maximize liquid oil production.
2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
The current technique to produce shale oil is through primary
depletion using horizontal wells with multiple transverse fractures.
The oil recovery in oil-bearing shale reservoirs like the Bakken
formation is believed to be less than 10%. Clark (2009) showed that
the results from several methods indicate that the most likely value
for recovery factor in the Bakken shale is approximately 7%. The
North Dakota Council website states With today's best technology,
it is predicted that 1e2% of the reserves can be recovered. (North
Dakota Council, 2012). It is certain that a large percentage of oil
remains unrecovered without enhanced oil recovery methods.
However, no enhanced shale oil recovery method is reported to
have been tested in shale reservoirs. Therefore, there is a big prize
to be claimed in terms of enhanced shale oil recovery for such low
recovery factors and existing immense oil resources.
Classically, methods to enhance oil recovery (EOR) are classied
into miscible, chemical, thermal and microbial methods (Lake et al.,
J.J. Sheng / Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 22 (2015) 252e259
Table 1
Gas ooding simulation results.
Scenario G1
eprimary gas
Scenario G3 e
Scenario G2
eprimary huff gas ooding
and puff
11.893 MSTB
25.991 MSTB
7.744 MSTB
J.J. Sheng / Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 22 (2015) 252e259
changed to 200 days in our new simulation run with the reservoir
model being the same as that used in Sheng and Chen (2014). The
simulation results are presented below.
From this new huff and puff model, 2290.8 MMSCF of gas is
injected to produce about 32.46% of original oil in place which
corresponds to 25.991 MTB at the present value. For the scenario G3
(gas ooding), gas injection is implemented at the beginning of the
development. It can be seen that the scenario G3 has a lower oil
production in the rst 10 years because only one half-fracture is
producing instead of two half-fractures in the other two scenarios.
As shown in Table 1, the recovery factor from the scenario G3 in the
rst 10 years of primary production is 3.4%, whereas both of the
recovery factors in the scenarios G1 (primary depletion only) and
G2 (primary depletion followed by huff and puff) are 5.75%. The
recovery factors for G3 at the end of 30, 50 and 70 years and the oil
produced at the present value during the 70 years are all lower than
those of the scenarios G1 and G2. Note that in G3, gas ooding is
implemented right from the beginning without a primary depletion period. These results show that it is better to implement gas
ooding after several years of natural pressure depletion. The results of the three simulation scenarios show that the ultimate recovery factor in the huff and puff scenario doubles those from the
other two scenarios. Therefore, huff and puff gas injection after
some years of primary production is a much better option. It can be
explain this way. After several years of primary depletion, the
reservoir pressure is low. Gas injection is needed to increase the
reservoir pressure. Because a shale reservoir has ultra-low
permeability, the high pressure near the injector cannot propagate to the producer in the gas ooding mode. This problem can be
avoided in the huff and puff mode. Thus a combination of early
primary depletion and subsequent huff and puff is a better option
(Sheng and Chen, 2014).
Kurtoglu (2013) simulated a three-well pattern. A single fractured horizontal well is surrounded by a stimulated reservoir volume (SRV) with a width of 660 ft and a length of 8800 ft. The three
horizontal wells are parallel with each other and produce in the
rst 450 days, the central well is used as a CO2 injection well. The
performance of huff and puff is compared with that of continuous
injection of CO2 (gas ooding). The central well injects from 450 to
1450 days in gas ooding, while it injects 60 days, stops 10 days for
soaking, then produces 120 days, and this process is repeated for 6
cycles until 1450 days for the huff and puff mode. The simulation
results show that the incremental oil recovery over the primary
depletion at the end of 20 years is 0.41% for the continuous injection, and it is 0.11% for the huff and puff. The results are probably
caused by her model in which only the center well is changed from
primary depletion to huff and puff or continuous injection. For such
model setup, the huff and puff benet cannot be realized in the two
side wells. But the injection benet is well captured by the two side
wells. Another reason may be that her model does not include
molecular diffusivity. Then the soaking benet is lost. Probably a
more important reason is the small natural fracture spacing
(2.27 ft) in her model. The matrix permeability is around 300 nD,
and the effective permeability in the SRV is 31 mD. Such a high
permeability model will make the gas ooding feasible. Kurtoglu
et al. (2013) characterized the reservoir before conducting the
EOR study.
Shoaib and Hoffman (2009) simulated the EOR potential by CO2
injection in the Elm Coulee eld of 0.01e0.04 mD. Six horizontal
wells were in the simulated sector. Their results show that the incremental oil recovery factor from huff and puff CO2 injection of
0.19 pore volumes is only 2.5% higher than the primary depletion.
The cyclic time is three months consisting of injection, shut in for
soak and production processes. In the opinion of the author of this
paper, the three-month shut in would denitely too long, thus
Table 2
Water ooding simulation results.
Cumulative oil
(present value at
Cumulative water
injection (PV)
Overall oil recovery
(10 years)
Overall oil recovery
(30 years)
Overall oil recovery
(50 years)
Overall oil recovery
(70 years)
Scenario W2 e
Scenario W1 e
primary water primary huff and
puff waterooding
Scenario W3
11.627 MSTB
10.137 MSTB
7.578 MSTB
J.J. Sheng / Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 22 (2015) 252e259
Fig. 1. Changes in oil viscosity, pressure and oil saturation at the block (2 28 4) near a
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J.J. Sheng / Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 22 (2015) 252e259
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