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Arc Flash

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Do you know what an arc ash is?

If not, keep reading, its




Do you know what an arc ash is? If not, keep reading, it's important. (photo credit:

What is an Arc Flash?

An Arc Flash is an electrical explosion resulting from a low impedance connection to ground or another voltage
phase in an electrical system. High temperatures cause rapid heating of surrounding air and extreme pressures,
resulting in an arc blast.
The arc blast (what results from the arc ash) will likely vaporize all solid copper conductors, which will expand up to
67,000 times its original volume when it is vaporized.
The arc blast releases re, intense light, and pressure waves in an explosion of ying shrapnel. An arc ash happens
without warning. This typically results in the complete destruction of equipment involved and severe injury or death
to people inside the arc ash boundary at the time of the incident.
The energy released by an arc ash is a function of system voltage, available fault current at the location, and
duration of the arc.


Should you be concerned about Arc Flash Hazards on Low Voltage Equipment?
The theory that Arc ash hazards are greater at higher voltages is a common misconception. It is far more
common for low voltages, such as 480v, to have much more signicant arc ash hazard levels because the fault
currents are much higher.
Most recorded arc ash accidents happen at lower voltages as a fault is created from a technician working on
electrical equipment.
It is not uncommon to have an arc ash hazard Category 3 or Category 4 on low voltage systems due to the long
clearing time of the protective devices and high fault currents.

What causes an Arc Flash?

When signicant fault currents are owing through several conductors that are in close proximity of each other, the
dierences in potential, among other factors, will ionize the air, allowing a low resistance path between the
Improper tools, improper electrical equipment, corrosion of electrical equipment, improper
work techniques, lack of electrical safety training, and a lack of preventative maintenance are
just some of the events that make an arc ash more likely.

What sort of injuries can happen from an Arc Flash?

It is estimated that 5 to 10 arc ash and blast explosions occur in electrical equipment every day in the United States
with 2,000 people each year being admitted to burn centers for severe burns (CapSchell Inc.)
The degree of injury is directly related to the power of the arc ash, the distance the person is at
the time of the arc ash and the protective equipment (PPE) worn by an individual during an arc
Due to the force from the explosion of energy (the blast) and the intense heat, burns, concussions, collapsed lungs,
hearing loss, shrapnel injuries, and broken bones are the common injuries.

What are the costs associated with an Arc Flash accident?

Total costs of arc ash accidents have been estimated to be between $12 and $15 million, and can include medical
expenses, down time, equipment replacement, lawsuits, and insurance and litigation fees.
OSHA has ned some facilities over $500K for not being compliant with electrical safety regulations
( The biggest costs are the probable lawsuits, because the employer did not properly identify the
hazards, train employees and provide proper warnings, procedures and protective equipment (PPE).


It is widely recommended to outsource arc ash analysis to trained experts, with the knowledge and experience
needed to determine all hazards.

Destroyed low voltage switchboard due to the arc ash

Does Proper PPE Protect me from Injury?

Protective equipment is designed to limit burns to second-degree burns. Those who experience an arc ash and are
wearing the proper equipment can still be seriously injured or even killed from the force of the arc blast.
An arc blast can knock people o of elevated platforms or blow doors or shrapnel across the room, to
which the proper arc ash PPE provides little to no protection!
In an ideal situation, the operator would utilize safety equipment, such a Remote Racking device, that would allow
them to stand outside of the arc ash boundary.

How is the correct level of PPE determined?

In order to select the proper PPE (personal protective equipment), incident energy must be known at every point
where workers may be required to perform work on electrically energized equipment. These calculations are
determined in an arc ash study and need to be performed by a qualied person such as an electrical engineer .


NFPA 70E oers a guide to proper protection.

All parts of the body that may be exposed to the arc ash need to be covered by the appropriate type and quality of
PPE. Proper PPE can include Arc Resistant clothing, hardhat, hood, face shield, safety glasses, gloves, shoes, etc.
depending upon the magnitude of the incident energy present.

An example of proper PPE (personal protective equipment)

Can an Arc Flash incident be prevented?

There is no way to completely prevent an arc ash from happening in electrical distribution systems. The best one can
do is to mitigate or reduce the risk. Below is a prioritized list, based o of The Risk Control Hierarchy by NIOSH,
which describes ways to systematically reduce risk to its lowest practicable level by mitigating a given risk.
Higher priority and weight are given to methods that seek to control risk by proactive means as close as possible to
the root cause. Meanwhile lower priority is placed on reactive methods of controlling damage after an incident has

1. Elimination // Remove the hazard

1. Only work on energized electrical equipment, when absolutely necessary.
De-energizing equipment removes the arc ash hazard, although there is some risk of arc ash and blast when
testing to make sure that the equipment is de-energized, as well as when re-energizing.

2. Removing the personnel from the arc ash boundary eliminates the risk of human injury.


2. Removing the personnel from the arc ash boundary eliminates the risk of human injury.
Equipment such as Remote Racking devices allow users to stand outside of the arc ash boundary, while
operating breakers.

2. Substitution // Replace higher risks with lower risks

This can be done with two methods:
1. Arc Flash Study with short circuit study and protective device coordination study can identify how to reduce
an arc ash hazard category for some equipment.
2. Technologies can be implemented to reduce risks. This includes equipment such as arc limiting fuses and
remote racking technologies.

3. Engineering Controls // Reinvent ways to limit and (or) prevent the risk
This can be done by replacing it with equipment that will lower the incident energy, including but not limited to:
adjusting breaker settings and redesigning electrical distribution systems .

4. Awareness // Raise knowledge of risks and consequences thereof

1. Train all workers on the hazards of arc ash. Although this is #4 on the Risk Control Hierarchy, it should be
the rst thing done and is mandated by OSHA regulations. It is only through training that workers will
understand how to eliminate, substitute or otherwise lower the risk.
2. Conduct an arc ash study to properly identify the hazards, boundaries and required PPE.

5. Administrative Controls // Create regulations, work processes, etc.

1. Make sure that you have a written electrical safety program AND that it is understood by everyone AND that
it is enforced.
2. Allow only Qualied Persons wearing the proper PPE and using the correct tools to work on or around
electrically energized equipment.
3. Implement a preventive maintenance plan for electrical systems based on NFPA 70B. A proper preventive
maintenance program will help identify or x electrical hazards before they become big problems.

Does Preventive Maintenance reduce the potential for an Arc Flash?

Preventive maintenance should be conducted on a routine basis to ensure safe operation. A preventive maintenance
program not only ensures that the equipment is functioning properly, but it also identies potential hazards before they
cause an accident.


As part of a preventive maintenance program, electrical equipment should be thoroughly cleaned and routine
inspections should be conducted by qualied personnel who understand how to uncover loose connections,
overheated terminals, discoloration of nearby insulation, and pitted contacts.
NETA states, The ideal maintenance program is reliability-based, unique to each plant and to
each piece of equipment. NETA oers a frequency of maintenance tests matrix and table available
here and is recognized as a guide only.

How can system design impact Arc Flash hazards?

System conguration plays a key role in arc ash calculations. Lowering available fault currents leads to either
transformer replacement or reactor installations, which generally is a high long-term expense. Trip times can be
improved more cost eciently. The system conguration, system fault levels, and exposure time can aect the
incident energy exposure caused by an arc ash.
System fault levels can be reduced by changing the system conguration to reduce available fault current and
limit trip time.
Using faster acting relays and trip devices can reduce arcing time or exposure time. A protective device coordination
study should also be conducted to ensure proper device settings.
Fuse ratings and characteristics can also be evaluated to determine if a smaller and/or faster fuse could be used to
help reduce the exposure time. All of these factors must be considered along with the reliability needs of the facility
and a protective device coordination.
Reference // Arc ash frequently asked questions by inoLECT


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