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Green Buildings and

the Finance Sector

An Overview of Financial Institution Involvement
in Green Buildings in North America
A Report Commissioned by

n i t e d

at i o n s

n v i r o n m e n t


r a m m e

North American Task Force, UNEP Finance Initiative

Green Buildings and the Finance Sector

Green Buildings
and the Finance
An Overview of Financial Institution
Involvement in Green Buildings in
North America
February 2010

A report commissioned by the

North American Task Force, UNEP Finance Initiative

Prepared by:
910 17TH ST., NW

An Overview of Financial Institution Involvement in Green Buildings in North America

Green Buildings and the Finance Sector

Table of Contents

List of Acronyms

Executive Summary

Introduction to Green Buildings

What Are Green Buildings? Who Determines What Counts as a Green Building?

Why Do We Care about Buildings, from an Environmental Perspective?

Which Types of Green Buildings Might Be of Particular Interest to the


Financial Sector, and Why?


What Has Been the History of Green Buildings?


Involvement of the Financial Sector in Green Buildings


Financial Institutions as Owners and/or Users


Financial Institutions as Investors and/or Private Developers


Financial Institutions as Lenders


Financial Institutions as Insurers


Barriers to & Risks of Financial Sector Involvement in Green Buildings


Split Incentives & Lease Terms


Range of Ratings Systems and Processes


Lack of Data Availability and Quality


Lack of Knowledge about Use of Data and Green Building Benefits


First Costs


Liability and Litigation Risks


Benefits of Financial Sector Involvement in Green Buildings


Reduced Operating Expenses, Default Risk, and Liability


Reduced Risks for Insurers


Price Premiums and Capital Benefits


Alignment with Market and Regulatory Trends


Conclusion: Green Building Guidance for Financial Institutions


Appendix: Comparison of Major Green Building Certification

Systems in North America




An Overview of Financial Institution Involvement in Green Buildings in North America

List of Acronyms






Capital Markets Partnership


CMPs Green Building Security


Gross Domestic Product


Gross Square Feet




LEED for new core and shell construction in speculatively

developed buildings


LEED for existing buildings operations and maintenance


LEED for new construction and major renovations




Green Buildings and the Finance Sector

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Building Owners and Managers Association
Canadian Green Building Council
California Public Employees Retirement System

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design

LEED for commercial interiors

National Association of Home Builders

Responsible Property Investment
United States Green Building Council

Executive Summary

This report is intended for financial institutions in the United States and Canada
that are interested in becoming involved or have started to get involved with
green buildings. It is meant to provide an overview of the relevant facts and
issues related to green buildings, the roles that the financial sector can play, and
the potential barriers and benefits to financial sector involvement. It also offers
some guidance and strategies for financial institutions preparing for greater
involvement with green buildings.

Broadly speaking, a green building is one that incorporates environmental and

health concerns and resource efficiency throughout its life cycle from siting and
design to operation and maintenance, all the way through to deconstruction. For
many people, however, a green building is one that has received some sort of
third-party certification that validates its green features. While there are several
certification systems available, the dominant system in the U.S. is the Leadership
in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) system from the U.S. Green Building
Council (and adopted by the Canadian Green Building Council), while the
dominant system in Canada is the Building Environmental Standards from the
Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA BESt).

These systems have become increasingly common due to rising concerns

about buildings environmental impact i.e., their significant water use, waste
generation, energy use, and greenhouse gas emissions. Office buildings, for
example, one type of building with which financial institutions are most often
involved, consume more energy than any other type of commercial building.
Similarly, low-income housing, which tends to be very energy-inefficient, is
responsible for a sizable portion of greenhouse gas emissions. Greening
these and other types of buildings can therefore have a profound impact on
environmental quality.

Elevated concerns about the environment and climate change in particular

have been one of the key elements driving the recent surge in green buildings,
generating billions of dollars in gross domestic product and millions of jobs over
the past few years, and the market for green buildings in the U.S. and Canada
is expected to continue to grow despite the current economic recession.
Governments have also been an important driver of the burgeoning green
building market, setting green requirements for their own buildings and providing
incentives and requirements for the private sector. Another critical element, and
perhaps the one of greatest importance to the financial sector, has been the
increasing awareness that green buildings have significant economic benefits in
addition to their environmental benefits.

These and other drivers have led to gradually increasing involvement by the
financial sector in green buildings. There are four principal roles that financial
institutions play in the green building process: owner or user, investor or private
developer, lender, and insurer. The owner/user role, which is the least unique
to financial institutions, is often their most direct involvement in green buildings,
with many institutions seeking third-party certification for the office buildings and
branches that they own or lease. Investor participation in green buildings began
slowly but has been accelerating rapidly, with increasing project development,
investment in green real estate funds, and attention to Responsible Property

An Overview of Financial Institution Involvement in Green Buildings in North America

Investing strategies. Financial institutions are also increasingly moving in

the direction of incorporating green buildings into their mainstream lending
practices, and growing numbers of insurers are offering green buildings
products and services.

While financial institutions are involved in green buildings in a variety of ways,

several barriers and risks remain that hinder broader and deeper involvement.
For instance, the incentives for building owners and building tenants to improve
energy efficiency, make green improvements, and seek or maintain third-party
certification are often misaligned, suggesting a need for new types of green
leases that align incentives, clearly allocate responsibility, and set rules for
various sustainable practices. Lack of data is another important obstacle to
greater financial sector involvement, as there is little solid information available
that clearly defines the value proposition for high-performance certified green
buildings, which can lead to missed opportunities and inconsistent valuations.
Other barriers include the range of ratings systems and processes that exist, the
general lack of knowledge among financial and appraisal professionals about the
opportunities presented by green buildings, the common impression that green
buildings involve significantly greater upfront costs, and potential liability and
litigation issues.

These barriers and risks require attention, but they should not obscure the
numerous benefits that accrue to financial institutions from involvement in green
buildings. In fact, some observers suggest the greater risk with green buildings
is not getting involved, particularly given a policy environment that is moving
strongly in the direction of requiring green buildings and energy efficiency
and given market trends indicating that green buildings may become the
standard for quality real estate in the near future. Additional benefits for financial
institutions include reduced operating expenses (such as energy and water),
lower default risk and liability from issues such as mould and indoor air quality,
improved risk profiles for insured buildings (and owners and tenants), and higher
value buildings that have premium occupancy rates, sale prices, and rental rates.

As green buildings increasingly become the standard, and as non-green

buildings risk becoming devalued in the marketplace, financial institutions
should prepare for the green building transformation by considering four basic

(1) broaden the green building commitment across the organization;

(2) invest in green building expertise;

(3) analyze data resources and identify data needs; and

(4) evaluate exposure to non-green assets and markets. Implementing these

strategies can help the financial sector seize the opportunities presented by
the rapidly expanding North American market for green buildings.

Green Buildings and the Finance Sector

Introduction to Green Buildings

Before providing an overview of the financial sectors current and potential

involvement in green buildings, it is important to first identify and address
some of the fundamental issues and questions that surround such targeted
investments, such as:

n What are green buildings? Who determines what counts as a green

n Why do we care about buildings, from an environmental perspective?

n Which types of green buildings might be of particular interest to the financial


sector, and why?

n What has the recent history of green buildings been? What is the outlook for
investments in green buildings, and why?

What Are Green Buildings? Who Determines

What Counts as a Green Building?

There are many definitions of green building. According to the U.S.

Environmental Protection Agency, green building is the practice of creating
structures and using processes that are environmentally responsible and
resourceefficient throughout a buildings lifecycle from siting to design,
construction, operation, maintenance, renovation and deconstruction.1 The
U.S. Office of the Federal Environmental Executive defines green building as the
practice of (1) increasing the efficiency with which buildings and their sites use
energy, water, and materials, and (2) reducing building impacts on human health
and the environment, through better siting, design, construction, operation,
maintenance, and removal the complete building life cycle.2

A growing number of approaches, criteria, and standards for certifying green

buildings have emerged in recent years, but the dominant certification system
in the U.S. is the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)
Green Building Rating System from the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC)
(and adopted by the Canadian Green Building Council (CaGBC)).3 (Energy
Star is the dominant labeling programme for actual energy performance in
existing buildings and for developing energy targets in new construction, and
it is thus an important part of an overall operations and management strategy
for any commercial building, but it is not in itself considered a green building

As of August 2009, 35,000 projects were participating in the LEED system,

comprising over 7.1 billion square feet (653 million square metres) of
construction space in 91 countries.4 The LEED programme provides third-party
review and certification of buildings design, construction, and performance.
Buildings have to meet certain minimum requirements to start the process
and can then acquire points by incorporating green design and construction
techniques in five key areas: energy efficiency, water efficiency, materials and
resource use, sustainable site development, and indoor air quality. Based on the
total number of points, a building can obtain one of four levels of certification:
LEED, LEED Silver, LEED Gold, or LEED Platinum. There are currently nine
programme areas eligible for LEED certification: new construction and major
renovations (NC), existing buildings operations and maintenance (EB), new

An Overview of Financial Institution Involvement in Green Buildings in North America

core and shell construction in speculatively developed buildings (CS), commercial

interiors (CI), schools, retail, healthcare, homes, and neighborhood development
(in pilot).5 LEED thus provides specific certification avenues for a wide range of

The USGBC is starting to emphasize performance in its LEED certification, as

there has been controversy and concern surrounding the actual energy usage of
LEED-certified buildings. In particular, there have been concerns about the energy
performance of buildings that achieve LEED certification by accumulating points
in non-energy areas, as well as concerns about the real-world energy usage of
LEED-certified buildings based on how occupants actually use the building.6 The
USGBC began addressing these concerns in the LEED version that launched
in 2009, with a greater emphasis on energy efficiency, climate change, and
measurement and verification of building performance.7

While LEED is growing in Canada, the dominant system for commercial buildings
in Canada is BOMA BESt, the Building Environmental Standards (BES) from the
Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA). BOMA BESt used to be
known as BOMA Go Green; in the United States, the system goes by the name
Green Globes. BOMA BESt has certified five times more buildings in Canada
than LEED.8 BOMA BESt certification, which is based on compliance with a
set of best practices and a self-administered online assessment process, is
available for office buildings, shopping centres, open air retail, and light industrial
properties in Canada. There are four levels of certification, Level 1 being the
lowest and Level 4 the highest; more than 450 office buildings and 132 million
square feet (12.15 million square metres) have achieved Levels 2, 3 and 4 and- as
of the end of 2009, more than 1,100 buildings held BOMA BESt certification. The
online assessment categories include energy, water, waste reduction and site,
emissions and effluents, indoor environment, and environmental management

It is important to note that both the U.S. and Canada are home to other notable
certification systems, such as the National Green Building Standard (developed by
the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) Research Centre).10 (See the
Appendix for a comparison of some of the major certification/labelling systems.)
There are also other operational standards, programmes, and attributes
that can help green the performance of buildings, such as environmental
management systems, ISO 14001 standards, recycling programmes, and green
roofs. At times, some of these systems and standards converge. For instance,
LEED incorporates technical standards from the American Society of Heating,
Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) as well as Energy Stars
Portfolio Manager rating.11 ISO 14001 calls for development of an environmental
management system, and LEED EB is designed to integrate effectively within an
ISO 14001 framework.12

Why Do We Care about Buildings, from an Environmental Perspective?

Buildings have a profound impact on the environment, using significant water,

resources, and energy; buildings energy use also makes them responsible for
a significant amount of the greenhouse gas emissions, like methane and carbon
dioxide, that cause climate change. Globally, buildings consume around 40 per
cent of the worlds materials and energy.13 In the U.S. alone each year, buildings
are responsible for approximately 39 per cent of carbon dioxide emissions, 72
per cent of electricity consumption, 13 per cent of water consumption, and about


Green Buildings and the Finance Sector

66 per cent of non-industrial solid waste generation.14 In Canada, buildings

account for 35 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions, 33 per cent of energy
consumption, 50 per cent of natural resources consumption, 12 per cent of
non-industrial water use, and 25 per cent of waste going to landfill.15 These are
only estimates, and the precise figures vary from source to source (depending
on definitions, the year from which the data came, etc.), but the figures above
provide a sense of the important role buildings play in the pursuit of improved
environmental quality in the U.S. and Canada.

This vital role involves both new and existing buildings. New buildings account
for only about 23 per cent of the stock of existing buildings each year; most
current buildings will still be around in 2015, and at least half will still be standing
by 2050.16

Which Types of Green Buildings Might Be of Particular Interest to the

Financial Sector, and Why?

Green building certification is available for a wide range of building and

development types that could be potential investment properties, including
high-rise residential buildings and retail developments. While financial institutions
could play an important role in virtually every kind of green building, two types in
particular office buildings and affordable housing may be of particular interest
to the sector.

Commercial office buildings are one type of buildings with which financial
institutions are most often involved as owners, tenants, investors, lenders,
insurers, etc. Green office buildings are particularly important because
conventional office buildings have a very broad impact, as they are the most
common and consume the most energy of all commercial buildings.17




Health Care


Warehouse and Storarage

Food Service

Public Assembly



Food Sales

Religious Worship

Public Order and Safety


Trillion Btu

2003 U.S. Commercial Building Energy Consumption


Mall Buildings








Source: EIA 2003 CBECS, 2008

Involvement with affordable housing, meanwhile, represents one of the key


ways that financial institutions can demonstrate their commitment to their

communities. It is also a particularly challenging sector, given the numerous
types of buildings involved, how they are metered, incentive problems of tenants
versus owners, and other hurdles discussed later in this report. As with office
buildings, the environmental impact can be significant. For instance, the almost
34 million low-income households eligible for federal home energy assistance in
the United States generate 276 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions, 27.5

An Overview of Financial Institution Involvement in Green Buildings in North America


per cent of the total emissions from all U.S. households.18

Since these green building types may be of importance to financial institutions for
very different reasons and present different types of challenges and opportunities,
they provide useful reference points throughout this report.

What Has Been the History of Green Buildings?

Past & Projected U.S. Green Building Impact

Type of Impact Supported
by Green Construction

Cumulative Net Impact



(millions US$ 2009)






Labour Earnings
(Millions US$ 2008)



Source: Booz Allen Hamilton, USGBC Green Jobs Study 2009

Green construction has had a growing impact on the North American economy.
According to Booz Allen Hamilton, from 20002008, the green construction
market in the U.S. generated US$ 173 billion in gross domestic product (GDP),
supported over 2.4 million jobs, and provided US$ 123 billion in labour earnings;
between 2009 and 2013, green building construction could generate an
additional US$ 554 billion in GDP, support over 7.9 million jobs, and provide US$
396 billion in labour earnings.19 RREEF (the real estate, infrastructure, and private
equity division for the asset management activities of Deutsche Bank AG) notes
that the amount of green building area has been growing at about a 50 per cent
compounded growth rate since 2000 [in the U.S.] about 25 times the growth
rate for commercial real estate overall in this country, which averages a bit under 2
per cent annually.20 McGraw-Hill Construction has a similar assessment of green
buildings past and future in the U.S.:

In 2005, green building was a small, burgeoning market, approximately 2 per cent of both
non-residential (commercial and institutional) and residential construction, valued at a total
US$ 10 billion US$ 3 billion for non-residential and US$ 7 billion for residential. Green
seems to be one area of construction insulated by the downturn, and we expect green building
will continue to grow over the next five years despite negative market conditions to be a US$
96-$140 billion market.21

Looking just at U.S. commercial office buildings, the amount of green office space
constructed in 2008 was about 25 times the amount in 2000 and is now growing
at 50 times that rate At the same time, overall office construction in the nation
has been flat, so there has been a decisive swing from conventional to greener
construction.22 More than 80 per cent of commercial building owners in the U.S.
allocated funds to green measures and programmes in 2008, and nearly 45 per
cent planned to increase that funding in 2009.23

Green buildings have also been growing rapidly in Canada. The number of LEEDcertified projects has risen steadily over the past few years, from eight projects
prior to 2005 to more than 200 in early 2010.24 The number of BOMA BESt
certifications (under its various names) has also been rising, from 86 buildings in its


Green Buildings and the Finance Sector

first year in 2005 to 1,100 in mid-2009.25

There are a number of factors driving the interest and growth in green-certified
buildings,26 including:

n Elevated concern about environmental issues in general and climate change

in particular. As the debate surrounding climate change has largely moved
from whether it will happen to how businesses should address it, companies
have started trying to establish themselves as leaders in an environment
where market forces compelling action outpace regulatory requirements.27
A 2008 Deloitte/Lockwood study polling organizations involved in at least
one green property retrofit (either LEED-EB or LEED-CI) found that one of
the two main drivers behind pursuing green retrofits (cited by 88 per cent
of respondents) was corporate environmental commitment (the other
was greater indoor air and environmental quality).28 There are signs of
heightened interest and awareness in the investment community as well. At
the third annual Responsible Property Investment (RPI) Forum held in Boston
in March 2008, panelists and participants pointed to the increased focus
on environmental concerns, above all climate risk, as the central motivating
factor for RPI strategies.29

n Governments lead in setting green building requirements for their own

facilities. As the largest real estate player in the U.S., occupying nearly
500,000 buildings, the federal governments actions exert influence on the
building and construction industry. For instance, in January 2010, the Obama
Administration announced its goal of reducing the federal governments
greenhouse gas emissions to 28 per cent below 2008 levels by 2020.

The target represented an aggregation of targets from 35 agencies, each of

which will be taking actions like becoming more energy efficient.30 When signing
the October 2009 executive order that led to this announcement, President
Obama stated, As the largest consumer of energy in the U.S. economy,
the Federal government can and should lead by example when it comes to
creating innovative ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase energy
efficiency, conserve water, reduce waste, and use environmentally-responsible
products and technologies.31 The U.S. General Services Administration already
requires all its new buildings to achieve LEED Silver certification.32 The federal
government in Canada has made similar efforts to reduce its footprint. Since
April 2005, all new government office buildings have had to meet LEED Gold
standards, and in April 2007, Public Works and Government Services Canada
began using BOMACanadas Go Green Plus environmental assessment
programme (a predecessor of BOMA BESt) to assess and benchmark its
existing buildings.33

Canadas ecoENERGY Retrofit Incentive for Buildings

Available Funding:

Who Can Apply:

n CAN$10 (approx US$ 9.5) / gigajoule

(277.8 kWh) of estimated annual
energy savings

n Organizations that own, manage, or lease:

n 25 per cent of eligible project costs;

n CAN$50,000 (US$ 47,600) per
project (CAN$250,000 (US$
238,000) per organization)

n Commercial and institutional buildings

n Provincial, territorial, and municipal
n Multi-unit residential buildings (with a
common entrance and at least four stories
or a footprint of 600sq. metres or more)
n Mixed-use commercial/residential

Source: Natural Resources Canada

An Overview of Financial Institution Involvement in Green Buildings in North America


Sub-national governments are taking action as well. For example, in December

2004, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed Executive Order
S-20-04, which requires the State to implement all cost-effective energy
conservation measures in its own facilities to reduce energy consumption 20
per cent by 2015. The executive order calls for designing, constructing, and
operating all new and renovated state-owned facilities paid for with state funds
as LEED Silver or higher, and it encourages the private sector to follow the
states lead for commercial buildings.34 Similarly, the City of Ottawa passed a
policy in 2005 requiring all newly constructed municipal buildings greater than
5,400 square feet (497 square metres) to be LEED-certified and to incorporate
energy efficiency features that meet the standards required by Canadas
Commercial Building Incentive Programme.35

n Governments providing incentives and requirements for the private

sector to promote green buildings. Governments at all levels have passed
or are considering measures that would encourage or require green
buildings. At the national level, for example, the American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act (i.e., the stimulus package) put US$ 250 million into a
Green Retrofit Program for Multifamily Housing, providing loans and grants
for energy and green retrofits in the multifamily assisted housing stock.
Owners could receive up to US$ 15,000 per residential unit to reduce
energy costs, reduce water use, improve indoor environmental quality, and
provide other environmental benefits. The programme estimated it would
fund 25,000 units or roughly 300-350 projects. Within five months, the
Department of Housing and Urban Development had to cease accepting
all applications.36 Similarly, Canada offers the ecoENERGY Retrofit Incentive
for Buildings, which provides owners of small and medium-sized buildings
in the commercial and institutional sectors, homeowners, and others with
financial incentives for retrofitting existing buildings to make them more
energy efficient. Organizations that own, manage, or lease commercial
and institutional buildings can receive the lowest of: US$ 10 per gigajoule of
estimated annual energy savings, 25 per cent of eligible project costs, or
US$ 50,000 per project.37

Further national incentives and requirements could be coming. In the U.S.,

for instance, the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 (ACES),
which passed the House of Representatives in June 2009, has several
elements that may drive more green building development, including: Section
201, establishing a national energy efficiency building code for homes and
commercial buildings, setting a target for those codes (30 per cent savings
by one year after enactment, 50 per cent savings by the end of 2014 for
residential buildings and 2015 for commercial buildings, and 5 per cent savings
every three years thereafter through 2029 and 2030 respectively), mandating
standards for a new Retrofit for Energy and Environmental Performance
programme, and providing for strict enforcement of the codes; Section 204,
requiring the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to develop a building energy
label for new residential and commercial buildings that displays achieved and
designed performance data; and Sections 281308, encouraging the use of
energy efficiency mortgages to assist homeowners with financing efficiency
improvements to homes they purchase, setting greater incentives for efficiency
in buildings financed by the Federal Housing Administration, and increasing the
standards for single and multi-family structures to receive such incentives.38
While the fate of climate and energy legislation in the U.S. is as yet unclear, the
regulatory trend is clearly heading in the direction of greater energy efficiency.


Green Buildings and the Finance Sector

State and local authorities are also working to make buildings in their
communities more sustainable. For example, in December 2009, the New
York City Council passed four bills to boost energy efficiency in buildings,
including measures requiring owners of buildings larger than 50,000 square feet
(4,600 square metres) to conduct energy audits every 10 years (with certain
upgrades and retrofits required in some city-owned buildings), requiring large
building owners to keep an annual benchmark analysis of energy and water
consumption, and establishing a New York City Energy Code that buildings
will have to meet when they undergo major renovations.39 Mayors across the
country are also encouraging or requiring green affordable housing.40

According to the University of Wisconsin-Extensions Government Green

Buildings Inventory Program, green building programmes and policies have
become prevalent in the U.S.: As of June 2009, 194 municipalities have passed
green building policies. These represent 322 programmes that address one or
more building sectors including municipal, commercial, multifamily, residential
and industrial. Of the 194 municipalities, 184 use the LEED Green Building Rating
System as their benchmark for at least one sector. LEED third party certification
is required in 210 programmes. This includes 47 voluntary programmes where
certification is a basis for receiving incentives.41

n Increasing awareness of the business case for green buildings. Green

buildings offer not only strong environmental benefits, but also strong
economic benefits. According to RREEF, [t]he business case for green
buildings by now is widely accepted by academics and researchers, if not
the broader investment community. The available data suggests that
sustainable buildings command higher rents and lower vacancies, lease

The business case [for LEED]

is so strong that you would
be foolish to ignore it.
President, National Association
of Industrial and Office

quicker than conventional buildings, and have lower energy and other
operating expeses, together yielding greater net incomes.42 A four-year,
US$ 500,000 due diligence effort by Capital Markets Partnership found that
green buildings and sustainable investments are more valuable than
conventional, substantially reduce risk, and provide much needed social
benefits, with the data suggesting that green buildings command higher
rents and sale prices and that the green building sector will be characterized
by strong growth, limited supply, and strong demand over the next several
years.43 The President of the National Association of Industrial and Office
Properties has stated that [t]he business case [for LEED] is so strong that
you would be foolish to ignore it.44

Given these factors and trends, the future for green buildings looks strong. In
fact, some speculate that green buildings will become the new standard. For
instance, one New York environmental lawyer argued that green buildings are
slowly redefining what constitutes a Class A office space. As a result, owners
and investors of conventional buildings have become concerned that they may
soon be perceived as holding obsolete or inefficient buildings that will be at a
competitive disadvantage as green buildings become the preferred choice
of tenants.45 A real estate consultant at Deloitte Financial Advisory Services
similarly suggested that green buildings may become the standard instead of
the outlier. Both real estate practitioners and their analyses have communicated
that there is only a short window of time before incentives and rebates for green
buildings transform into requirements and penalties for non-compliance.46
As stated back in 2007 by the head of corporate services and real estate at
Goldman Sachs, No fundamental change in the building industry has moved as
quickly as sustainable building.47

An Overview of Financial Institution Involvement in Green Buildings in North America


Involvement of the Financial Sector

in Green Buildings

There are four principal roles that the financial sector plays in the green building


 wner and/or user of the building;

Investor in or private developer of the building;
Lender for the building; and
Insurer for the building.

This section explores and provides examples of each of these roles in turn.

Financial Institutions as Owners and/or Users

This is something that our
customers care about, and
its also a source of pride
for our employees.

The most direct ways that financial institutions play a role in the green building

President and CEO,

CitiFinancial North America

Nevertheless, it is a valuable role and one that financial institutions are playing

arena are by owning and/or using those buildings. Of the four roles discussed
in this section, however, this role is also the least unique to the financial sector,
as there are a wide range of institutions that own and use green buildings.
with increasing frequency. For exampe:

n In April 2009, as part of its goal to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions 10
per cent below 2005 levels by 2011, Citi announced that it had become the
first company in the world with more than 100 LEED-certified retail branch
offices. CitiFinancial works to make a positive impact in the cities we serve
through our employees, products and services, and were also working to
ensure that our buildings have a positive impact, stated the President and
CEO of CitiFinancial North America. This is something that our customers
care about, and its also a source of pride for our employees. Citi has also
received LEED certification for two office parks in Texas, a New York City
skyscraper, and data centres. 48

n In 2002, PNC Bank became the first American bank with LEED-CI-certified
bank branches in the U.S.; PNCs 64 Green Branch locations reduce
energy use by almost 35 per cent and water use by almost 4,000 gallons
a year compared to traditional branches. PNC also has two LEED-certified
office buildings, and about 20 other branches and two major buildings were
under construction or awaiting LEED-certification as of September 2009.
The company claims it has more newly constructed buildings certified by
the United States Green Building Council under its LEED programme than
any other company in the world. 49

n In 2009, the LEED-Gold RBC Centre opened in Toronto with the Royal
Bank of Canada as the anchor tenant. The RBC Centre is the first triple-A
building over one million square feet (92,000 square metres) in Canada to
achieve LEED Gold NC. To secure the Bank as the major tenant, the Bank
insisted that environmental sustainability be a key element of the design and
construction.50 RBCs vice president of corporate real estate explained that
the RBC Centre provides us with an opportunity to address our premises
needs by providing a quality, energy-efficient work environment for our
employees. Further, its environmental standards will help to reduce our
operational footprint, which is good business sense and is the smart thing to


Green Buildings and the Finance Sector

Financial Institutions as Investors and/or Private Developers

Participation in the green building arena by investors and developers has

lagged many other financial sectors. Despite the slow start, however, investors
and developers are now aggressively pursuing and promoting green building.
More than half (53 per cent) of all LEEDcertified building area developed by
investors and private developers [was] certified after mid-2007, compared
to just over a third (38 per cent) for all other owners, who came earlier to the
party.52 Responsible Property Investing, which focuses on the triple bottom line
(economic, social, and environmental), is growing.53 In particular, public pension
funds are driving a demand in green building investment, due in part to their
longer time horizon (which allows them to better value the benefits of a green
building and compound small annual savings over time). In addition, there has
been a rise in green real estate funds, which are estimated to be close to US$ 2
billion in announced plans.54 For example:

n In 2006, the California Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS),

which is the largest U.S. public pension fund, selected Hines, an international
real estate firm, to create the Hines CalPERS Green Development Fund. The
private equity fund, which was initially capitalized with more than US$ 120
million of committed equity and now totals US$ 277 million, concentrates on
developing office buildings that will be certified LEED-CS.55

n In August 2009, the Capital Markets Partnership (CMP) convened a

Sustainable Investment Initiative at the New York Stock Exchange, at which
CMP unveiled a Green Building Security (GBS), a bond backed by mortgages
of green buildings. CMP and three large financial institution partners are
developing two US$ 500 million Green Building Securities (multifamily
and commercial) with the intent to issue one GBS per month over the
near term. GBS issuance is also being pursued with investment bank
and government partners in Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and
India.56 (CMP has also developed Green Building Investment Underwriting
Standards to allow the value of green buildings to be incorporated into
analysis, underwriting, and securitization.57)

Financial Institutions as Lenders

Financial institutions play a critical role as lenders to green building projects.

According to the senior director of commercial and multifamily research for
the Mortgage Bankers Association, [f]or most lenders, green lending is simply
a new shade of their traditional lending programmes. 58 Similarly, a senior
vice president in the commercial real estate group at Wells Fargo stated
that [o]ur green building programme is not really a separate activity from
our overall approach to the business. It is part and parcel of our mainstream
lending practice.59 Financial institutions still face challenges in systematically
incorporating green buildings into their lending products, largely due to
appraisers and underwriters struggling to understand the value and risks of
green buildings.60 Nevertheless, financial institutions are moving in the direction
of incorporating green buildings into their lending practices, and several
commercial banks and lenders have made high-profile commitments to use
their lending to support green building. For example:

n Bank of America announced in March 2007 a 10-year, US$ 20 billion initiative

to address climate change, part of which involves creating customized
solutions for commercial real estate clients working on sustainable design,
including LEED-certified projects.61

An Overview of Financial Institution Involvement in Green Buildings in North America


n A range of financial institutions partnered with the State of New York in a

public-private partnership to complete the development of the Kalahari, a
249 unit affordable mixed-income development in Harlem that was built to
LEED standards in 2008. Goldman Sachs Urban Investment Group provided
US$ 8.2 million in mezzanine financing and JPMorgan Chase, with a bank
group syndicate including Washington Mutual, Deutsche Bank, Capital
One Bank, Carver Bank, and Commerce Bank, provided US$ 95 million in
construction financing.62

n e3bank operates on a model where its loan officers are accredited by

USGBC as LEED experts and are empowered to customize loans and
credit for borrowers planning green building retrofits and projects.63 The
bank announced in August 2009 that it will provide the first loans in North
America with lower capital costs for green buildings. According to the banks
chairman, [f]inance rates for loans are reduced as projects reach higher
levels of sustainability. For example, as a new building or retrofit attains
higher levels of LEED certification (silver, gold, or platinum), the interest rate

Financial Institutions as Insurers

Insurers have started to recognize the opportunity that green buildings

present for developing new profit centres. A recent extensive review of the
insurance industrys response to climate change identified as a key trend that
increasing numbers of insurers are offering green-buildings products and
services, including products and services especially designed for new green
buildings, and upgrades to green traditional buildings either following a loss
or in the course of normal renovations. The sophistication and specificity of
existing products is increasing, with 22 companies collectively offering 39
products or services for Green Buildings and/or equipment therein.65 A
2008 report by Marsh that surveyed the major insurance markets on green
buildings found most to be in a wait and see mode. The exceptions are
the property and design professional liability markets, which have developed
enhanced coverages and/or risk management advice around the green built
environment.66 Examples include:

n Affiliated FM, part of FM Global, offers a Green Coverage Endorsement

to cover additional costs to replace damaged commercial property and
materials with green alternatives (including replacing damaged roofs
with green roofs), costs to hire an accredited green consultant to assist in
green design and reconstruction, certification or recertification as a green
building, extended business interruption coverage for the increased time
it may take to undertake covered green practices or to get certification,
and other coverage.67 ACE, Travelers, Liberty Mutual, and others also offer
coverage for commercial businesses that want to rebuild greener in the
event of property loss.68 Firemans Fund, an Allianz company, introduced its
GreenGard coverage back in 2006, offering Green Upgrade Coverage
that covers the cost of replacing standard systems and materials with
green ones in the event of a loss and Green Certified Building Coverage
that covers already-certified properties including the cost of hiring a LEEDaccredited professional to oversee repairs.69

n La Capitale General Insurance in Quebec announced in 2007 that it would

offer a 15 per cent discount on property insurance premiums for LEEDcertified buildings.70


Green Buildings and the Finance Sector

n Lexington Insurance Company announced in August 2009 its Upgrade

to Green Builders Risk coverage for green building construction and
renovation projects registered with LEED or Green Globes. The policy
provides coverage for covered losses to green buildings and for changes to
the relevant rating system criteria.71

n Argo Insurance Group created in April 2009 a Green Architects & Engineers
Professional Liability insurance programme for architects, engineers,
and others involved in sustainable projects, broadening the definition of
professional services to include a variety of activities customary to green

An Overview of Financial Institution Involvement in Green Buildings in North America


Barriers to & Risks of Financial

Sector Involvement in Green

As described in the previous section, financial institutions are involved in green

buildings in a range of ways. Several barriers exist, however, that hinder broader
and deeper involvement. This section examines some of these barriers,
including split incentives, green lease negotiations, the range of ratings
systems and processes that exist, lack of data (which makes it a challenge to
understand how to value green buildings and to do so consistently), lack of
education about the opportunities presented by green buildings, and first costs.
Some of these barriers linger partly due to misperception (e.g., first costs), while
some are unquestionably significant barriers today (e.g., lack of data). In addition,
this section discusses some of the risks (e.g., liability) that may dissuade financial
institutions from getting more involved.

Split Incentives & Lease Terms

The challenge of split incentives is not unique to financial institutions but rather
is a barrier to anyone looking to get involved in the green building sector,
particularly as it concerns commercial office space. Nevertheless, the financial
sector should be cognizant of this key issue.

Broadly speaking, split incentives occur when the flow of investments and
benefits are not properly rationed among the parties to a transaction.73 In
the context of green buildings specifically, split incentives are a principalagent problem that poses a particular challenge to pursuing energy efficiency
investments in rental buildings. Building owners (landlords) want to maximize
their revenues, while tenants want to minimize their costs; depending on how
the parties structure the lease agreement, neither may have an incentive to
invest in energy efficiency or other green attributes.

For example, the dominant lease agreement in commercial office buildings is

a net lease, in which the tenant pays rent as well as the operating costs for the
space (e.g., the electric bill). Under this arrangement, the landlord/owner wants
to minimize capital costs and maximize rental revenues; the owner thus has no
incentive to invest up-front in measures that would improve energy efficiency
(or other green attributes) as the tenant is the one paying the electric bill and
these leases usually do not allow owners to pass along to the tenants the costs
of green investments.74 On the other hand, tenants also have little incentive (or
no legal authority) to make green changes to the building since they do not own
it, also the benefits would likely be shared with numerous other non-contributing
tenants, and they may be there for too short a time to recoup the investment.75

There are several strategies for realigning the incentives for building owners and
tenants to improve energy efficiency and other green attributes,76 including:

n Gross Lease in contrast to the standard net lease, a gross lease

arrangement includes a fixed amount for utilities in the tenants rent
payments. This still represents a split incentive situation, where the owner
may now have an incentive to invest in energy efficiency and other green


Green Buildings and the Finance Sector

attributes in order to reduce operating costs below the amount of those

fixed payments (so as to increase profits), but the tenant has no incentive
to invest or engage in energy-efficient practices as payments would not
change. Nevertheless, the owner is the one most likely to make meaningful
investments in the building, and this arrangement provides incentives for the
owner to do so.77

n Net Lease with Passed-Along Costs in this type of lease building owners
arrange leases that allow them to pass the costs for green building
improvements on to the tenants. If the building is already green, the owner
can amortize the green-related costs (e.g., certification or recertification
fees associated with green building rating systems, commissioning costs)
and pass them along to tenants so that tenants pay a portion of the cost for
the period of time they occupy the premises. If the owner wants to green
an existing building, the owner can try to create a proviso in the lease that
defines the categories of things the owner can do to reduce operating costs
for which tenants will share the costs.78 Such arrangements take away the
disincentive for owners to invest in green improvements, but owners also
do not reap any benefits from reduced operating costs, other than the
improved maketability of the building.

n Sub-metered Spaces as actual energy performance in green buildings

becomes increasingly important, sub-metered spaces provide a way to
provide tenants with incentives to be energy efficient.79 Unlike under a
standard net lease, sub-metered spaces ensure that tenants who undertake
efforts to reduce operating costs get the benefits, as opposed to sharing
those benefits with all other tenants. The challenges of legal authority and
short-term interests remain, but sub-metering at least provides incentives
for energy-efficient behaviour and equipment purchases, as well as tenant
participation in demand response programmes.80 California now has a pilot
programme with Pacific Gas and Electric to submeter tenants in high rise
commercial buildings in the San Francisco area.81

Clearly, building owners and tenants that want to build or retrofit green can face
challenges in negotiating leases that provide the right incentives. The leasing
issues go beyond alignment of incentives, however, and extend to allocation
and specification of responsibilities. Green leasing requires negotiating a
unique balance of benefits and burdens for each leased property, which can
add time and complexity to the lease transaction. One green leasing expert
recommended several elements to incorporate into a green lease, including

n The particular green requirements (e.g., siting near transportation, types

of materials that must be used), not just a LEED certification level, for any
buildouts by either the tenant or landlord.

n Those design elements that the owner is responsible for maintaining and
those the tenant is responsible for maintaining.

n Who captures any carbon offset credits for activities inside the building.82
Other experts suggest that additional key issues in the rapidly evolving
area of green leasing include implications of lease terms on third-party
certification programmes, allocating costs incurred for sustainability purposes,
responsibility for ongoing compliance costs related to third-party certification,
and the consequences for a partys failure to live up to the defined sustainability
standards (i.e., what to do if a landlord or tenant constructs improvements
in a manner that jeopardizes the propertys LEED certification or financing
qualifications).83 Furthermore, green leases may want to specify the tools and
An Overview of Financial Institution Involvement in Green Buildings in North America


benchmarks needed to quantify energy consumption and calculate carbon

footprint as demanded by corporate sustainability reporting requirements.84

Range of Ratings Systems and Processes

As noted earlier in this report, there are a wide range of approaches, criteria,
and standards for certifying green buildings in North America. (See the Appendix
for a comparison of some of the major certification / labeling systems.) Given
that North American institutions are still in the early stages of green building
regulation and financing, understanding the diverse requirements and criteria in
each system and how those correlate with data gathering and transactional
disclosure needs can be challenging. For instance, non-residential buildings
in California will have to release their energy use data, calculated using the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agencys Energy Star Portfolio Manager, to
a prospective buyer, lessee, or lender to promote commercial valuation of
energy use during commercial real estate transactions.85 Determining how to
incorporate this sort of Energy Star data, combined with information about LEED
and other rating systems, into property transactions, valuation, and due diligence
processes is new terrain for many financial institutions.86 (As noted earlier, the
different rating systems can also reference each other.) In fact, even more
broadly, obtaining quality data and utilizing that data to get consistent valuations
are two of the principal barriers to greater financial sector involvement in green
buildings, as described below.

Lack of Data Availability and Quality

The relative lack of consistent, accurate analysis and data interpretation is

a significant barrier to more rapid growth in green building. Some financial
institutions seem to be waiting until financial returns and other benefits
are proven.87 Part of the caution in the financial sector may stem from the
fact that for the financial/investment community, market value is recognized
when it is reflected in the form of definitive, quantifiable data,88 but there is little
solid information available that clearly defines the value proposition for high

We are stuck in a chicken

and-egg situation, where
investors are interested
in RPI but need data to
support investments, while
the lack of investments, of
course, restricts data.
Responsible Property
Investing Center

performance, certified green buildings.

In the view of some experts, [t]he green marketing phenomenon has not
always been backed up by credible technical, policy or risk management
information. Much of the literature depends on references only one step
removed from marketing material.89 One expert investment consultant has
criticized the literature on green building valuation as lacking, noting the
scarcity of robust work around rental rates, vacancy, turnover and value
premiums and the disappointingly small data set comparing returns on green
buildings to comparable conventional properties, as well as the fact that some of
the studies that do exist suffer from small sample sizes and attempts to control
for a large number of variables.90 Others have echoed that quantified research
on the relationship of green features to asset value is still in its infancy and that it
is challenging for appraisers to determine whether a building with green
features is more valuable in its market than a conventional building because
this field is relatively new, and market data on this topic is limited.91 A senior vice
president in the commercial real estate group at Wells Fargo has explained that
[t]he challenge is that energy efficiency values or benchmarks have not yet
been clearly established, and without an adequately substantial database,
appraisers are challenged to support higher valuations for green buildings.92 In


Green Buildings and the Finance Sector

sum, as the Responsible Property Investing Center explains, [w]e are stuck in a
chicken-and-egg situation, where investors are interested in RPI but need data
to support investments, while the lack of investments, of course, restricts

The problem extends to green affordable housing as well, where the limited
experience with green building has led to their value not being reflected in the
market; [a]s a result, the economic benefits of green building have largely been
ignored by project financiers in their assessment of lending and investment
opportunities in affordable housing. This lack of market recognition for the
long-term value of high-performance green buildings is a significant barrier to
developing more sustainable affordable housing.94

There are some notable changes taking place that might help with the current
lack of data. On the performance front, as noted earlier, the USGBC is now
requiring building owners to submit building performance data. On the valuation
front, CoStar, a leading real estate information provider, is adapting its sales,
leasing, and related databases to enable the identification and evaluation
of sustainable properties efforts that are considered to be a critical first
step in promoting an energetic and independent assessment of the financial
costs and benefits of green buildings.95 The Capital Markets Partnership, as
previously mentioned, has developed Green Building Investment Underwriting
Standards to allow the value of green buildings to be incorporated into analysis,
underwriting, and securitization,96 as well as promoted a Value Rating System
for the green building industry.97 In addition, the Marshall Valuation Service (MVS)
cost manual for North American commercial building real estate, insurance, and
appraisal professionals expanded in September 2009 to include green building

Lack of Knowledge about Use of Data and Green Building Benefits

While demand for and understanding of green buildings have increased

markedly over the past several years, the knowledge of many professionals
in the financial, appraisal, and real estate sectors may not have been keeping
pace. Many professionals in these sectors do not have an adequate
understanding of sustainable building practices, resulting in a lack of consistent
measurement and the potential undervaluing of sustainably built projects.99 The
executive director of the Green Building Finance Consortium has described the
ongoing struggle among appraisers and underwriters to understand the value
and risk of sustainability, with the gradual gains in understanding about green
building benefits leading to incremental expansion of lending programmes.100
The struggle of appraisers and underwriters to understand the economics
and benefits of building green is in fact a common theme in the green building

Given the relatively early stage of the involvement of financial institutions in green
buildings, business units need to educate themselves about green buildings,
the barriers and benefits, how green buildings fit into their business plans, how
to utilize the data that does exist, and who has responsibility for particular parts
of the process such as due diligence and technical analysis. Efforts to advance
such education have already begun. PNC Bank, for instance, has been trying
to educate its loan officers to enhance their understanding of rating systems
such as LEED and the implications of certification for construction costs and
building values.102 There are even external training programmes, such as the

An Overview of Financial Institution Involvement in Green Buildings in North America


Green Lending Specialist training and certification offered by PorterWorks in

Washington State.103

First Costs

[T]here is no significant

In a 2008 survey of commercial real estate executives, a majority identified

upfront (first) costs as presenting an extremely or very significant obstacle that

difference in average costs

for green buildings as
compared to non-green

could potentially discourage the construction of green buildings specifically, the

costs of LEED documentation (61 per cent), higher construction costs (61 per
cent), and the length of the payback period (57 per cent).104 Similarly, the
California Sustainability Alliance identified first costs as being a particular

Davis Langdon

obstacle to green leasing for investors that hold assets for relatively short terms,
as opposed to long-term investors who can expect to earn a return on their
invesment over time.105

There is some evidence, however, that when projects utilize an integrative

design process and are done carefully, a first cost price premium can be
minimized or perhaps even eliminated. Nearly all case studies and reports
indicate that there are two keys to controlling and minimizing first costs: (1)
deciding early in the process to pursue green building certification, and (2)
utilizing an integrated planning process, such as the Whole Building Design
Guidance106 or The Integrative Design Guide for Green Building.107

Davis Langdon, a global construction consulting firm, has conducted at least

three studies two national, one for New York City showing that there is
no significant difference in average costs for green buildings as compared
to non-green buildings and that [m]any project teams are building green
buildings with little or no added cost, and with budgets well within the cost
range of non-green buildings with similar programmes.108 The briefing book
for the December 2005 Green Building Finance Summit informed attendees
that the average premium for building green had fallen to close to zero as
reported by numerous developers and practitioners at the 2005 Greenbuild
trade show held in November 2005.109 There are a range of examples in the
literature of green buildings with non-existent or small cost premiums, including
the Massachusetts Maritime Academys dorm renovation (which received the
vast majority of its LEED Gold credits for little or no extra cost)110 and the Oregon
Health and Science building in Portland, which received LEED Platinum while
remaining within a conventional budget.111 The experience of the University of
South Carolina, which has numerous green buildings on campus, was that
green buildings can be done for the same budget as traditional buildings with
early integrated design planning.112 Similarly, Building Design+Construction has
seen a growing body of evidence that more-experienced Building Teams, using
integrated design and off-the-shelf solutions could readily bring in even the
most sophisticated projects at a cost owners and developers could be happy
with at, near, and sometimes even below cost projections.113

Nevertheless, some premium will occasionally be paid for green buildings or

retrofits. For instance, a Deloitte survey of 16 organizations that had undergone
a LEED retrofit project found that 63 per cent reported that they had spent 5
per cent or more on their green retrofit than they would have on a conventional
retrofit, with 25 per cent saying the cost premium was over 10 per cent. This
premium came from the cost of green designers and engineers, as well as
extra time, higher up-front costs for systems and technology, and limited supply
or extra cost for materials. Even with those premiums, however, Deloitte was


Green Buildings and the Finance Sector

confident that the extra costs would be recouped over time due to lower
operating costs, higher property values, and/or the value gained through
intangible factors.114 Similarly, other experts have suggested that research
has increasingly shown these up-front costs to be minor and rapidly recovered
through lower operating costs.115

Liability and Litigation Risks

Liability and litigation risk related to green buildings could potentially deter some
in the financial sector from owning, investing in, or lending for green building
projects. Such risk can arise from several legal theories, including contract,
tort, and statute. Breach of contract claims might include breach of the implied
warranty of construction materials, workmanship, and purpose, failure to deliver
a promised level of certification, and failure to meet energy efficiency standards.
Parties may also be subject to fraud claims as a result of false or misleading
statements made in marketing materials, agreements, or other communications
regarding the performance or attributes of green buildings. A negligence
action might arise if failure or defects of a green buildings design, materials,
or construction techniques results in damage to the property. Green building
related claims may also be made under state consumer protection statutes.116

Liability risks could arise, for instance, because developers and owners are
requiring green building elements for which design firms and contractors may
not be insured. An important example of this is green roofs, which can benefit
a green building in several ways (e.g., keeping buildings cooler) but which
some insurers may exclude due to their flammability or their potential for water
damage.117 (Several insurers, such as Affiliated FM, do include green roofs in their

Litigation could also delay efforts to address other barriers to green building. For
instance, the New York Public Service Commission recently held up approvals
to sub-meter electricity in several rent-assisted and low-income multi-family
buildings with electric heat. Despite its support for promoting energy efficiency
and equity, it required each building owner to develop a plan to ensure that
tenants would not suffer financial harm, to provide thermostats in each dwelling
unit, implement energy efficiency measures, and to inform tenants on how to
reduce their electricity use.119

An Overview of Financial Institution Involvement in Green Buildings in North America


Benefits of Financial Sector

Involvement in Green Buildings

While it is important to consider the barriers and risks to greater financial

sector involvement in green buildings, doing so should in no way obscure the
numerous benefits that accrue to financial institutions from such involvement
benefits that almost certainly outweigh the risks and that provide motivation
to surmount the barriers. In fact, some observers suggest the greater risk with
green buildings is not getting involved.120 This section highlights some of the key
benefits for financial institutions. Some of these benefits apply more to financial
institutions acting as owners or investors (e.g., price premiums), while others
apply more to their role as lenders (e.g., reduced default risk) or insurers (e.g.,
reduced risk profiles).

Reduced Operating Expenses, Default Risk, and Liability

Some of the basic attributes and processes involved in green building can result
in reduced operating expenses (both unbudgeted and budgeted), default risk,
and liability, benefiting financial institutions that own, use, invest in, and/or lend to
the building.

For example, the commissioning process required during LEED to ensure that
all features and equipment are functioning as intended produces lower risk
and can catch material failures. Commissioning can also reduce operating and
maintenance costs (e.g., by improving energy and water efficiency) and lower
the incidence of equipment replacement.121 (Green buildings may be more
intensively managed, though, so while energy and water expenses may be
lower, total expenses may not be markedly different.122)

Green buildings also benefit from [l]ower incidence of non-budgeted uninsured

operating expenses and corresponding lower default risk from reduced mould
and indoor air problems.123 Investigating and remediating tenant concerns
about mould and air quality can lead to substantial unbudgeted costs, business
interruption liability, and general liability. The default potential from mould liability
risk is significant, and cleanups of mould and indoor air quality are generally
uninsurable. Mould is present in an estimated 10 per cent of existing buildings
and 4 per cent of new buildings, but projects with credit for indoor air quality
under LEED have substantially lower risk of facing remediation and liability.124

Similarly, reduced energy costs lower both operating expenses and default risk
and can be of significant benefit to small business owners, energy-intensive
businesses, and, more broadly, any business in a struggling economy with
stressed operating margins.125

These reduced expenses, maintenance costs, default risk, and liability make
green buildings potentially attractive investments and assets. For instance, the
reduced operating costs of Banner Banks LEED Platinum building in Boise,
Idaho have contributed to a US$1.47 million increase in asset value, a 32.4 per
cent return on investment, and the ability to attract tenants with lower rents.126


Green Buildings and the Finance Sector

Reduced Risks for Insurers

Financial institutions that insure green buildings benefit from the reduced
risk profiles of the buildings owners and tenants, as well as of the building
itself.127 Travelers Insurance, for instance, believes that commercial
property owners who embrace green technologies are likely to be more
risk management-minded, practicing greater care in building maintenance
and operation.128 As Aon describes it: The owners and occupants of green
buildings are often among the most careful of insured classes. With better
attention to maintenance, the buildings are often superior to their conventional
counterparts.129 Similarly, the vice president of engineering for Hartford Steam
and Boiler, which insures commercial building systems equipment, has explained
that [a] building that manages its energy well and efficiently probably maintains
its equipment well, is careful about slips and falls, and is probably in general a
good caretaker. This sort of thing reduces the risk to the insurer.130

Green buildings themselves also have a lower risk profile. As noted above, the
commissioning process required during LEED can result in a safer building. The
product director for commercial business at Firemans Fund has explained that
the insurer sees the green-building commissioning process as a risk-reduction
technique, given that a third-party engineer will review and certify the systems,
and primary among those are the electrical system and the heating system. We
look at them as also addressing the safety of those systems.131 Similarly, a senior
vice president at Marsh Inc. has stated that she sees LEED certification as a way
to reduce risks, since LEED certification is generally more stringent than typical
inspections, looks at how systems interact, and involves a collaborative process
among the architects, design team, contractors, and the construction team that
can avoid claims based on failures to collaborate and poor communication.132

Price Premiums and Capital Benefits

Financial institutions also benefit from green buildings price and capital
advantages; in other words, green buildings are worth more. Green building
has been referred to as Super Class A, because there is evidence that green
features lead to high performance.133

Green Building Premiums


Energy Star

Rent premium (per sq. ft)

(US$122 per sq. m)

(US$25 per sq. m)

Occupancy increase

4.1 per cent

3.6 per cent

Sale premium (per sq. ft)

(US$1,846 per sq. m)

(US$650 per sq.m)

Source: CoStar Group, 2008

Studies have found that commercial and residential occupants will pay
premiums for green properties.134 For instance, data collected in 2009 by
CoreNet Global and Jones Lang LaSalle demonstrates that 74 per cent of
corporate real estate executives are willing to pay a premium to retrofit space
that they own for sustainability, while 37 per cent would be willing to pay a 1 to
10 per cent rental premium to occupy space in a green property; an additional
21 per cent would only be willing to pay a rental premium if it was offset by
lower operating costs.135 In March 2008, CoStar Group released data showing

An Overview of Financial Institution Involvement in Green Buildings in North America


that third-party certified buildings outperform conventional ones in many ways,

including occupancy rates, sale price, and rental rates. In particular, the data
showed that LEED-certified buildings command rent premiums of US$ 11.33 per
square foot (US$ 122 per square metre), have 4.1 per cent higher occupancy,
and sell for US$ 171 more per square foot (US$ 1,846 per square metre) than
non-LEED buildings, while Energy Star buildings demonstrate a US$ 2.40 per
square foot rental premium, have 3.6 per cent higher occupancy, and sell
for US$ 61 per square foot more than non-Energy Star buildings.136 A May
2009 study from a University of California-Berkeley professor and two Dutch
professors found that green office buildings (Energy Star or LEED) in the U.S.
command rental rates that are roughly three per cent higher per square foot
than otherwise identical buildings, while [p]remiums in effective rents are even
higher above six per cent and [s]elling prices of green buildings are higher by
about 16 per cent.137

The value extends to green affordable housing as well. Enterprise Community

Partners states that multifamily apartment owners of more energy-efficient
buildings may have more stable cash flow from rent payments. To the extent
energy improvements were part of more holistic green building rehabilitations,
rental properties may be more durable and higher performing and potentially
more valuable assets to own over the long term.138

Furthermore, higher collateral results from well-designed and commissioned

high performance buildings with superior net operating income. Since green
buildings are worth more, lenders have higher-value collateral against which to
make their loans.139

Alignment with Market and Regulatory Trends

The benefits described above consider the reduced risks and increased worth
of green buildings; while the data is incomplete (as noted earlier), these benefits
are starting to become quantifiable. Somewhat more amorphous, but no less
important, are the benefits that can accrue to financial institutions from aligning
their practices with emerging market and regulatory trends.

Examples of the regulatory incentives and requirements that are helping to drive
green buildings were described in an earlier section, and numerous additional

Ignoring this impending

market transformation
would be risky and

examples could be added. Increasingly, as RREEF points out, ever more state
and local governments are adopting green building regulations. Many
governments initially provided subsidies to encourage more green building, but
now the pendulum is increasingly swinging toward mandates.140


The evolution of the policy environment at all levels of government is moving

strongly in the direction of requiring green buildings and energy efficiency, and
financial institutions can benefit by providing products and financing that get
ahead of and capitalize on this trend. As explained by panelists and participants
at the 2008 Responsible Property Investment Forum, RPI becomes a form of
strategic analysis, a way to mitigate risk and take advantage of opportunities
related to changing political, regulatory and reputational issues associated with
the environmental profiles of property investments.141 More directly, the tax
and regulatory incentives now available in many areas to encourage green
retrofits are likely to disappear as more cities institute energy-efficient green
building construction and renovation regulation and as more organizations adopt


Green Buildings and the Finance Sector

green construction, renovation, and retrofit practices as a matter of course,

suggesting that financial institutions seeking maximum benefit would do well to
get involved sooner rather than later.142

While the regulatory arena is moving quickly, it is possible that market forces
compelling action outpace regulatory requirements.143 According to RREEF,
the construction and certification of greener buildings continues to accelerate,
increasing the green share of the building stock, and speeding markets to the
tipping point where green buildings become the standard for quality real
estate product. Ignoring this impending market transformation would be
risky and imprudent144 Similarly, Deloitte suggested in 2008 that within the
next three years, owners and investors in conventional buildings will be
less able to compete in the marketplace as green buildings become tenants
preferred choice.145

An Overview of Financial Institution Involvement in Green Buildings in North America


Conclusion: Green Building

Strategies for Financial

The rapidly expanding North American market for green buildings represents
a significant opportunity for the financial sector. At the same time, financial
institutions are still in the early stages of integrating green building considerations
into their mainstream business roles as lenders, insurers, and investors.

The challenges in these early stages should not obscure the overall direction
of commercial building markets. Green buildings are emerging as the new
standard in the industry, driven by government regulations, consumer demands,
and increasing awareness of green buildings economic, environmental, and
other benefits. These drivers suggest that green building requirements will only
become stronger and more prominent, and financial institutions that do not
prepare for this dramatic transformation may face significant risks. Those that
take action sooner will likely gain market advantage.

Although it is too early in the development of the green buildings market to offer
detailed recommendations regarding, for example, how to develop specific
green building product offerings, there are several actions financial institutions
can and should be taking to prepare for the green building transformation.
Specifically, financial institutions should consider implementing the following four

1. Broaden the green building commitment across the organization

The most obvious initial form of involvement in green buildings by financial

institutions is a commitment to greening their owned and/or leased facilities.
Many financial institutions have already achieved significant cost savings and
positive recognition for improving the environmental and energy performance
of their offices, branches, and other facilities, and many more are in the process
of doing so. These efforts are important, but financial institutions can influence
a far greater number of buildings through their products and customers i.e.,
through their investment, lending, and insurance activities. Accordingly, financial
institutions should clearly communicate an intention to extend the green building
commitment throughout their organizations, develop a roadmap or plan of
action to accomplish it, and commit to provide the training, resources, and
incentives to make the effort successful.

2. Invest in green building expertise

The knowledge of many professionals in the financial sector may not have
been keeping pace with the burgeoning interest in green buildings. Financial
institutions must increase their capacity to address green building considerations
throughout their organizations. Regardless of whether they rely primarily on
in-house capacity or expert consultants, financial institutions should ensure
that they are conversant in green buildings in all relevant business areas and
should evaluate initial and ongoing training requirements for specific staff and


Green Buildings and the Finance Sector

3. Analyze data resources and identify data needs

Lack of data is a major barrier to integrating green building considerations into

the mainstream practices of financial institutions. Financial institutions should
analyze their own substantial data resources (e.g., detailed information on
valuation of buildings for which they act as investors, lenders, or insurers) to
better understand how green buildings affect their products and customers.
This analysis will also reveal critical data gaps (e.g., policies and incentives for
green buildings in different markets; information on the green performance
characteristics of buildings for which they act as investors, lenders, or insurers).
Financial institutions should focus on specific questions such as:

n What data is needed to incorporate green building considerations into

n W
 ho has the needed data, and what is the cost of acquiring it?
n If no one has the needed data, how can financial institutions acting alone

specific business practices, such as underwriting loans?

or in collaboration gather the data? Which data is proprietary and which is

shared across financial institutions?

n H
 ow is the availability and cost of needed data likely to change over time?
n What kind of expertise will financial institutions need to use this data?

4. Evaluate exposure to non-green assets and markets

Financial institutions should assess their exposure, and the exposure of

important customer groups, to non-green buildings, which may soon be
devalued in the marketplace. A predominantly non-green portfolio of building
assets may reduce the value of loans and insurance policies. Similarly, relying
on a customer base without knowledge and interest in green buildings could
trap institutions in lower value markets as green buildings proliferate and start to
predominate. Financial institutions should not only examine these risks, but also
explore strategies for addressing them, such as customer education.

An Overview of Financial Institution Involvement in Green Buildings in North America


Appendix: Comparison of Major

Green Building Certification
Systems in North America


Leadership in Energy
and Environmental Design (LEED)146

Green Globes /
BOMA BESt (Building

Country of
Origin &
United States

Types Rated


Broad coverage:
existing buildings,
new construction,
interiors, core
& shell, homes,
healthcare, retail148

Certification levels:
LEED, LEED Silver;


Commercial Office

Developed by
Building Owners
& Managers
Association (BOMA)

Additional building
types planned

Certification levels:
1,2 3, 4

Developed and
maintained by the
U.S. Green Building

U.S. distribution
authorized by the
Green Buildings

projects in 91

Covers: water
efficiency, sustainable
sites, energy &
materials & resources,
indoor environmental

Covers: energy,
indoor environment,
site, water, resources,
emissions, project/

certified in
100+ buildings
certified in the

1,000 point scale;

eligibility begins at 35
per cent of points (for
Awaiting American
National Standards
Institute (ANSI)


United States
run by the US
Protection Agency

National Green Building


United States
Developed and
maintained by the
National Association
of Homebuilders

Wide variety
of commercial
building types,
both new and

Measures energy
performance as
percentile rank (1-100)
compared to similar

for homes and

Buildings scoring 75+

eligible for Energy Star

Residential only:
single & multifamily homes,
projects, and site

Certification levels:
Bronze, Silver, Gold,

Green Buildings and the Finance Sector

9000+ earned
Energy Star

Used for Green

Globes and LEED-EB

Covers: lot design;

resource, energy
& water efficiency;
indoor environmental
quality; operation;
maintenance; building
owner education
First green residential
system to undergo full
consensus process
and receive ANSI


buildings rated

500+ homes,
units, and



















U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Green Building: Basic Information, Webpage, updated October
21, 2009,
Office of the Federal Environmental Executive, The Federal Commitment to Green Building:
Experiences and Expectations, September 13, 2003,
See Andrew J. Nelson, RREEF, The Greening of U.S. Investment Real Estate Market Fundamentals,
Prospects and Opportunities, November 2007,
of_US_Investment_RE.pdf; Turner Construction Company, 2008 Green Building Market Barometer,
November 2008,; K.M.
Fowler & E.M. Rauch, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Sustainable Building Rating Systems
Summary, prepared for General Services Administration, July 2006,
aspx?DocumentID=1915 and accompanying letter on September 15, 2006,
U.S. Green Building Council, USGBC Tackles Building Performance Head On, Press Release, August 25,
U.S. Green Building Council, LEED Rating Systems, Webpage,
See, e.g., Regulations Demanding Actual Data Are Leapfrogging LEED, Environmental News Network,
October 1, 2008,
U.S. Green Building Council, USGBC Tackles Building Performance Head On, supra note 4
DTZ Barnicke, Q4 2009 Green Building Trends in Canada, 2010,
BOMA BESt, Website,
National Association of Home Builders, National Green Building Standard, Website, http://www.
See Urban Design, LLC, Useful LEED Information, Webpage, August 20, 2009, http://www.urbandesgn.
com/leedinfo.htm. Energy Stars Portfolio Manager is an interactive energy management tool that
allows tracking and assessment of energy and water consumption across an entire portfolio of
buildings. Energy Star, Portfolio Manager Overview, Website,
Dr. Malcolm Lewis, The Future of LEED, The LEED Guide, ED+C Magazine, July 11, 2003, http://www.
D.M. Roodman and N. Lenssen, A Building Revolution: How Ecology and Health Concerns are
Transforming Construction, Worldwatch Paper 124, Worldwatch Institute, March 1995, http://www.
U.S. EPA, Buildings and their Impact on the Environment: A Statistical Summary, April 22, 2009, http://
Commission for Environmental Cooperation, Green Building in North America: Opportunities and
Challenges, 2008, p.22,
Marilyn A. Brown, Frank Southworth, and Therese K. Stovall, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Towards
a Climate-Friendly Built Environment, Pew Center on Global Climate Change, June 2005, p.11, www.
Energy Information Administration, Overview of Commercial Buildings, 2003, December 2008, http://
Energy Programs Consortium, Income, Energy Efficiency and Emissions: The Critical Relationship,
February 2008, Table 6,
Booz Allen Hamilton, prepared for the U.S. Green Building Council, US Green Building Council Green
Jobs Study, November 2009,
Andrew J. Nelson, RREEF, How Green a Recession? Sustainability Prospects in the US Real Estate
Industry, February 2009, p.4,
McGraw-Hill Construction, Green Outlook 2009: Trends Driving Change, November 2008, http://
Nelson, RREEF, How Green a Recession?, supra note 20, p.4
BOMA et al., The 2008 Green Survey: Existing Buildings, Real Estate Forum, November 2008, p.2, http://
CaGBC, LEED Certified Projects in Canada (excluding residential projects of less than 600 m2)
Complete Listing, updated February 9, 2010,
Ann White, BOMA Canadas Go Green Environmental Certification Takes Off in First Year, The Real
Estate News Exchange, March 20, 2006,
BGGOneYear.pdf; BOMA Canada, BOMA Canada Announces 1100th BOMA BESt Building, Press
Release, July 20, 2009,

An Overview of Financial Institution Involvement in Green Buildings in North America


























See Nelson, RREEF, The Greening of U.S. Investment Real Estate, supra note 3, pp.10-26
Id., p.1
Deloitte and Charles Lockwood, The Dollars and Sense of Green Retrofits, 2008, p.3, http://www.
Responsible Property Investing Center, Overview: 3rd Annual Responsible Property Investing Forum:
Growing the Field, RPI Quarterly, Spring 2008, p.3,
The White House, President Obama Sets Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Target for Federal
Operations, Press Release, January 29, 2010,
The White House, President Obama signs an Executive Order Focused on Federal Leadership in
Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance, Press Release, October 5, 2009, http://www.
U.S. General Services Administration, Sustainable Design Program, Webpage, last reviewed January 5,
Public Works and Government Services Canada, Sustainable Office Buildings, Webpage, February 20,
State of California, Executive Order S-20-04 by the Governor of the State of California, December 14,
City of Ottawa, Green Building Policy for the Construction of Corporate Buildings - Corporate Policy,
approved September 28, 2005,
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Green Retrofit Program for Multifamily Housing,
Natural Resources Canada, Commercial and Institutional Organizations: ecoENERGY Retrofit Incentive
for Buildings, updated January 15, 2010,
The American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009, H.R. 2454, 111th Congress, http://www.govtrack.
The City of New York, Mayor Bloomberg and Council Speaker Quinn Announce Passage
of Landmark Package of Legislation to Create Greener, Greater Buildings in New York City,
Press Release, December 9, 2009,
See Enterprise Green Communities, Sustainable Cities, Webpage, http://www.greencommunitiesonline.
University of WisconsinExtension, Government Green Building Programs Inventory, Webpage, 2009,
Nelson, RREEF, How Green a Recession?, supra note 20, p.12
Capital Markets Partnership, Executive Summary: Capital Markets Briefing Paper: Sustainable
Investment Business Case, July 2008, p.4,
DRAFT%2009.02.08.pdf. Capital Markets Partnership is a nonpartisan and nonprofit coalition of 70
investment banks, investors, professional firms, local, State, and federal governments, countries and
non-governmental organizations.
Thomas Bisacquino, quoted in David M. Hart, Dont Worry About the Government? The LEED-NC
Green Building Rating System and Energy Efficiency in U.S. Commercial Buildings, prepared for the
Energy Innovation Pathways Project at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, March 18, 2009, p.1,
Larry Schnapf, Green Building Leasing Issues, The Practical Real Estate Lawyer, November 2009,
Rese Fox, An Inconvenient Value, The Sustainable Enterprise Report, 2nd ed., March 3, 2009, http://www.
Timur Galen, quoted in Marc Gunther, Whos the Greenest Bank of All?, Fortune, September 12,
Mary McDowell, quoted in U.S. Green Building Council, Citi Becomes the First Company in the World
with More Than 100 LEED Certified Branches, Press Release, April 22, 2009,
PNC Bank, Video: PNC Unveils Largest Green Wall in North America, Press Release, September 22,
2009,; PNC Banks First New York City Branch
is Green, Press Release, September 29, 2009,
See Dan OReilly, Computer-controlled lighting system helps RBC Centre achieve LEED Gold, Daily
Commercial News and Construction Record, November 13, 2009,
Chitwant Kohli, quoted in RBC Centre, RBC Centre Achieves Gold Standard for Going Green,

Green Buildings and the Finance Sector
























December 14, 2007,

Nelson, RREEF, How Green a Recession?, supra note 20, p.12
See generally Responsible Property Investing Center,
See Nelson, RREEF, The Greening of U.S. Investment Real Estate, supra note 3, pp. vi, 20
Hines, Hines Forms Green Fund With CalPERS, Press Release, September 27, 2006, http://www.; Institutional Funds Narratives, Webpage, http://www.hines.
Capital Markets Partnership, Green Building Securities,
Capital Markets Partnership, Underwriting Standards, Webpage, http://www.capitalmarketspartnership.
Jamie Woodwell, Class G The New Class A, Mortgage Banking, March 2008,
Paul Brumbaum, quoted in Beth Mattson-Teig, The Green Lending Debate, National Real Estate Investor,
February 7, 2008,
See Matt Hudgins, Banks Cultivate Green Loans, National Real Estate Investor, June 2, 2008, http://
Bank of America, Bank of America Announces $20 Billion Environmental Initiative, Press Release, March
6, 2007,
Goldman Sachs, Mayor Bloomberg Celebrates Completion of Affordable Green Building in Harlem,
Press Release, April 22, 2008,
Nathaniel Gronewold, Green banks sprout from ruins of economic crisis, Greenwire, April 6, 2009,
Sandy Wiggins, quoted in Capital Markets Partnership, New Sustainable Investment Products
Announced at August 18 New York Stock Exchange Meeting, Press Release, August 18, 2009, http://
Evan Mills, From Risk to Opportunity: Insurer Responses to Climate Change 2008, April 2009, p.2,
Marsh, The Green Built Environment in the United States: The State of the Insurance Marketplace,
2008, p.1,
Affiliated FM, Green, Webpage,
ACE, Products North America: Green Property, Webpage,
uctid=14&regionid=10; Travelers, Travelers Inland Announces New Green Building Additional Coverage,
Press Release, September 3, 2008,; Liberty Mutual Property, Green Select Coverage for Green Buildings,
Firemans Fund, Green Building Solutions, Webpage,
La Capitale, La Capitale General Insurance Offers a 15% Insurance Discount for LEED-Certified
Buildings, Press Release, June 18, 2007,
Chartis, Lexington Insurance Company Introduces Upgrade to Green Builders Risk
Coverage, Press Release, August 11, 2009,
Argo Insurance Group, Argo Insurance Brokers Introduces First of its Kind Green Architects & Engineers
Professional Liability Policy, Press Release, April 6, 2009,
California Sustainability Alliance, Green Buildings: Economic Challenges, Webpage
See Schnapf, supra note 45, pp.37-38
See id.; Barry B. LePatner & C. Bradley Cronk, Green leases add value for landlords
and tenants, Real Estate Weekly, July 22, 2009,
See Schnapf, supra note 45, pp.38-39
See John M. Sharp, Stoel Rives LLP, Green Leasing: A Practitioners Overview, Washington State Bar
Association Real Property, Probate & Trust Section Newsletter, Summer 2009, p.7,
See Schnapf, supra note 45, p.38-39
See, e.g., New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, Supplemental Revision to SBC
Operating Plan, August 24, 2009, p.27,
See Norm G. Miller and Dave Pogue, Do Green Buildings Make Dollars and Sense?, USD-BMC Working
Paper 09-11, November 6, 2009 draft, pp.14-15
California Public Utilities Commission, PUC Decision Gives Commercial Building Tenants a Tool to Lower

An Overview of Financial Institution Involvement in Green Buildings in North America






















Power Bills and Increase Energy Efficiency and Demand Response, Press Release, September 6, 2007,
Schnapf, supra note 45, pp.39-43
Perkins Coie, Green Leasing: Addressing Sustainability in Your Lease: Lease Terms Are Going Green:
Are You Ready?, May 15, 2009,
LePatner & Cronk, supra note 75
California Assembly Bill 1103, February 23, 2007,
ab_1103_bill_20071012_chaptered.pdf; see also Naomi Milln, California AB 1103 Requires Energy
Benchmarking Data Released During Sales, FacilitiesNet, August 2009,
energyefficiency/article/California-AB-1103-Requires-Energy-Benchmarking-Data-Released-DuringSales--11020; California Assembly Bill 531, 2009,
See generally BNA, Green Building Criteria and Benchmarking Evolving Rapidly in Marketplace, May 19,
Andrew C. Burr, Report: Green Bldg. Holdouts Have Everything to Lose, CoStar, August 28, 2008,
CASCADIA, Vancouver Valuation Accord, and Cushman and Wakefield, High Performance Green
Building: Whats it Worth?, May 2009, p.11,
The Leadership Roundtable, Green Building: Balancing Fact and Fiction, 2008,
Molly McCabe, President of HaydenTurner, quoted in The Leadership Roundtable, supra note 89
Jennifer Pitts and Thomas O. Jackson, Green buildings: valuation issues and perspectives, Entrepreneur,
Spring 2008,
Paul Brumbaum, quoted in Beth Mattson-Teig, supra note 59
Responsible Property Investing Center, supra note 29, p.4
Alex C. Walker Foundation, Recognizing the True Value of Greening Multi-family Affordable Housing: A
Case Study and National Model, posted August 19, 2007,
Scott Muldavin, Green Building Finance Consortium, Quantifying Green Value: Assessing the
Applicability of the CoStar Studies, June 2008, p.3,
Capital Markets Partnership, Underwriting Standards, supra note 57
Evolution Partners and MTS, Value Rating System for the Green Building Industry: Version 2.0, updated
May 2008,
Marshall & Swift, Marshall & Swift to Add Green Building Section to Historic Building Cost Manual,
Press Release, August 1, 2009,
Ann Griffin, Earth Advantage Institute, Certified Home Performance: Assessing the Market Impacts of
Third Party Certification on Residential Properties, May 29, 2009, p.8,
Scott Muldavin, referenced in Hudgins, supra note 60
See, e.g., Woodwell, supra note 58
See Mattson-Teig, supra note 59
PorterWorks, Green Lending Specialist, Webpage,
Turner Construction Company, supra note 3
California Sustainability Alliance, Greening Californias Leased Office Space: Challenges and
Opportunities, May 5, 2009, p.10,
National Institute of Building Sciences, Whole Building Design Guide, Website,
7Group and Bill Reed, The Integrative Design Guide to Green Building: Redefining the Practice of
Sustainability, 2009,
Davis Langdon, Cost of Green Revisited: Reexamining the Feasibility and Cost Impact of Sustainable
Design in the Light of Increased Market Adoption, July 2007, p.3,
upload/images/publications/USA/The%20Cost%20of%20Green%20Revisited.pdf; Davis Langdon,
Costing Green: A Comprehensive Cost Database and Budgeting Methodology, July 2004, http://
Comprehensive%20Cost%20Database.pdf; Urban Green Council and Davis Langdon, The Cost of
Green in NYC, 2009,
Green Building Finance Summit: Briefing Book, December 6, 2005, p.5, http://www.
Chuck Vaciliou, The Real Cost of LEED, Environmental Design + Construction, April 2009, http://www.
Interface Engineering, Portlands Interface Engineering Wins Design Awards for Its Work on OHSUs
Center for Health & Healing, Press Release, January 22, 2007, http://www.interfaceengineering.
com/files/2009/01/interface-engineering-wins-design-awards.pdf; Rocky Mountain Institute, High
Performance Building: Perspective and Practice, Oregon Health & Science University Center for Health
and Healing,
Michael Koman and Dr. Gene Luna, University of South Carolina, Introduction to Green Buildings &

Green Buildings and the Finance Sector


















LEED, Presentation,

Building Design+Construction, Green Buildings and the Bottom Line, November 2006, pp.4-5, http://
Deloitte and Charles Lockwood, supra note 28, pp.4-5
Alex Wilson, Jennifer Atlee, and Douglas Webber, Green Building in North America: Paper 3b:
Institutional Efforts for Green Building: Institutional Efforts for Green Building in Canada and the United
States, 2007, p.46,
Kate Bowers and Leah Cohen, The Green Building Revolution: Addressing and Managing Legal Risks
and Liabilities, Harvard Law School Environmental Law & Policy Clinic, March 10, 2009, http://www.
See, e.g., Brian Martin, Green roof task force formed, Journal of Commerce, June 6, 2007, http://www.; Michael Willoughby, Insurers warn of fire risk from green roofs,
Building, September 5, 2008,; Marsh, supra
note 66, at 1.
See, e.g., Affiliated FM, Green Coverage Endorsement, July 2008,
New York Public Service Commission, PSC Seeks Added Tenant Protections When Submetering
- Focus on Rent-Assisted, Low-Income Households in Electric Heated Buildings, Press Release,
September 17, 2009,
See, e.g., Deloitte and Charles Lockwood, supra note 28
Evolution Partners and MTS, supra note 97, p.10
Norm G. Miller and Dave Pogue, Do Green Buildings Make Dollars and Sense?, supra note 80, p.5
Evolution Partners and MTS, supra note 97, p.9
Id., pp.9-10, 12
Id., p.12
U.S. Green Building Council, Project Profile: Banner Bank Building, Boise, Idaho, 2006, http://www.
Mills, supra note 65, pp.27-29
Travelers, Travelers Commercial Property Coverage Goes Green, Press Release, March 17, 2008,
Mills, supra note 65, pp.27-28, citing R. Taylor, Hedging Bets on the Green Gamble: Addressing Risks
in the Design, Construction and Operation of Green Buildings, AON Environmental Services Group,
November 2, 2008
Rick Jones, quoted in David Kozlowski, Can Green Be Gold?, Building Operating Management, November
Steve Bushnell, quoted in Nick Whitfield, Green insurance grows as environmental concerns rise: Efforts
to reduce buildings emissions improves risk profiles, Business Insurance, July 21, 2008, http://www.
Catha Pavloff, quoted in id.
Pitts and Jackson, supra note 91
See, e.g., Capital Markets Partnership, Executive Summary: Capital Markets Briefing Paper, supra note
43, p.7; Norm Miller, Dave Pogue, Quiana Gough, and Susan Davis, Green Buildings and Productivity,
draft August 19, 2009 (was forthcoming in the Journal of Sustainable Real Estate vol 1, Fall 2009), p.18,; Franz Fuerst and Patrick McAllister, New Evidence on the Green Building Rent and
Price Premium, paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Real Estate Society, April 3,
2009,; Jonathan A. Wiley, Justin D. Benefield,
and Ken H. Johnson, Green Design and the Market for Commercial Office Space, The Journal of
Real Estate Finance and Economics, 10.1007/s11146-008-9142-2, July 2008, http://www.springerlink.
com/content/61tx7k61u5565183/; Norm Miller, Jay Spivey, and Andy Florance, Does Green Pay Off?,
Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management, vol. 14, no.4, October 2008,
doc/1P3-1622937051.html and
Jones Lang LaSalle, Results of the 2009 CoreNet Global and Jones Lang LaSalle global survey on
Corporate Real Estate and sustainability, 2009,
CoStar Group, Presentation, 2008,; Andrew C. Burr, CoStar Study Finds Energy Star, LEED Bldgs. Outperform Peers, CoStar
Group, March 26, 2008,
Piet Eichholtz, Nils Kok, and John M. Quigley, Doing Well by Doing Good? Green Office Buildings, May
31, 2009, p.3,
Enterprise Community Partners, Green Housing and Climate Change, May 6, 2009, http://www.nlihc.
Evolution Partners and MTS, supra note 97, p.10
Nelson, RREEF, How Green a Recession?, supra note 20, p.10
Responsible Property Investing Center, supra note 29, p.3
Deloitte and Charles Lockwood, supra note 28, p.2

An Overview of Financial Institution Involvement in Green Buildings in North America













Nelson, RREEF, The Greening of U.S. Investment Real Estate, supra note 3, p.1
Nelson, RREEF, How Green a Recession?, supra note 20, p.1
Deloitte and Charles Lockwood, supra note 28, p.2
For the latest version, see U.S. Green Building Council, LEED 2009: Technical advancements to the
LEED rating system, Website,
U.S. Green Building Council, Intro What LEED Is, Webpage,
U.S. Green Building Council, LEED Rating Systems, Website,
LEED Steering Committee, Foundations of the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
Environmental Rating System: A Tool for Market Transformation, Spring 2003,
U.S. Green Building Council, LEED Rating Systems, supra note 148
U.S. Green Building Council, USGBC Tackles Building Performance Head On, supra note 4
See Green Building Initiative, Green Globes, Website,; BOMA
BESt, Website, supra note 9
BOMA Canada, BOMA Canada Announces 1100th BOMA BESt Building, supra note 25
Green Building Initiative, Green Building Initiative Certifies 100th Green Globes Building, Press Release,
January 14, 2010,
See Energy Star, Buildings & Plants, Website,
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Celebrating a Decade of Energy Star Buildings: 1999-2009, p.7,
NAHB-National Green Building Program, Rating Systems Overview, Website, http://www.nahbgreen.
500th Home Achieves National Green Building Certification, Nations Building News, October 19, 2009,

Green Buildings and the Finance Sector


The mission of David Gardiner & Associates (DGA) is to help organizations and
decision-makers to understand the different market risks, opportunities and
issues associated with environmental sustainability. By marshalling technology,
policy, and finance, DGA helps its clients build consensus and advance workable
solutions. DGA creates strategic advantages for its clients by helping them
understand environmental sustainability issues and providing advice, analysis,
and strategies tailored to their needs. Our history of building bridges between
businesses, governments, and non-profit organizations ensures that our clients
plans are well-informed.

For more information:


The UNEP FI North American Task Force (NATF) works to incorporate the
principles of sustainable development as normal business practice throughout
the North American financial sector.

NATF members at the time of developing this publication:

Acuity Investment Management Inc. (Canada), Innovest
Strategic Value Advisors Inc. (Canada), Bank of America
(USA), JPMorgan Chase (USA), Bank of Montreal (Canada),
Kennedy Associates, Real Estate Counsel, LP (USA), Bank of
Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ (USA), Manulife Financial Corporation
(Canada), British Columbia Investment Management
Corporation (bcIMC) (Canada), Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.
(USA), Caledonia Wealth Management (USA), Pax World
Management Corp. (USA), CalPERS (USA), Royal Bank of
Canada, Calvert Group, Ltd. (USA), Scotia Bank (Canada),
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (Canada), State
Street Corporation (USA), Chartis International (formerly AIG)
(USA), TD Bank Financial Group (Canada), Citigroup (USA), The
Cooperators (Canada), ClearBridge Advisors, Legg Mason
(USA), UBS (USA), Desjardins (Canada), Union Credit Bank (USA),
Export Development Canada (Canada), Vancity (Canada), HSBC
Bank (USA), WestLB (USA)

For more information:


An Overview of Financial Institution Involvement in Green Buildings in North America


Project Team
North American Task Force

Sandra Odendahl, Director, Corporate Environmental Affairs, RBC (NATF CoChair, 2006-09)

Richard Pearl, Vice president, CSR officer, Statestreet Corporation (NATF

Investment Co-Chair)

Kim Brand, Director, Environmental Affairs, Scotiabank (NATF Banking Co-Chair)

Dennis Deters, Senior vice president, Member Relations & Corporate Services,
the Cooperators

Rebecca Henson, Sustainability analyst, Calvert

Michelle McCulloch, Senior manager, Corporate Environmental Affairs, TD Bank

Financial Group

Sue Miller, Senior vice president, Environmental Stewardship Department, Union

Bank for Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ

Jack Smits, Assistant vice president, Engineering & Technical Services, Manulife

Ula Ubani, Director, Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability, Bank of Montreal

UNEP FI secretariat


Careen Abb, Associate Programme officer, Regions & Commissions

Green Buildings and the Finance Sector

The report and the contents of the report remain the sole property of the UNEP
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The information contained in the report is meant for informational purposes only
and is subject to change without notice. The content of the report is provided with
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Subsequently, UNEP FI is also not responsible for the content of web sites and
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the sites or the information contained therein. Unless expressly stated otherwise,
the opinions, findings, interpretations and conclusions expressed in the report are
those of the various contributors to the report and do not necessarily represent
the views of UNEP FI or the member institutions of the UNEP FI partnership,
UNEP, the United Nations or its Member States.
While we have made every attempt to ensure that the information contained in
the report has been obtained from reliable and up-to-date sources, the changing
nature of statistics, laws, rules and regulations may result in delays, omissions or
inaccuracies in information contained in this report. As such, UNEP FI makes no
representations as to the accuracy or any other aspect of information contained
in this report.
UNEP FI is not responsible for any errors or omissions, or for any decision made
or action taken based on information contained in this report or for any consequential,
special or similar damages, even if advised of the possibility of such
All information in this report is provided as is, with no guarantee of completeness,
accuracy, timeliness or of the results obtained from the use of this information,
and without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including, but not
limited to warranties of performance, merchantability and fitness for a particular
purpose. The information and opinions contained in the report are provided without
any warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied.

An Overview of Financial Institution Involvement in Green Buildings in North America


About the UNEP Finance Initiative

The United Nations Environment
Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI)
is a strategic public-private partnership
between UNEP and the global financial
sector. UNEP FI works with close to 200
financial institutions that are Signatories
to the UNEP FI Statements, and a range
of partner organisations, to develop and
promote linkages between the environment,
sustainability and financial performance.
Through a comprehensive work
programme, regional activities, training and
research, UNEP FI carries out its mission to
identify, promote and realise the adoption
of best environmental and sustainability
practice at all levels of financial institution

International Environment House

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1219 Chatelaine, Geneva, Switzerland
Tel: (41) 22 917 8178
Fax: (41) 22 796 9240
United Nations Environment Programme
P.O. Box 30552 Nairobi, Kenya
Tel.: ++254-(0)20-62 1234
Fax: ++254-(0)20-62 3927

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