Blue Jeans
Blue Jeans
Blue Jeans
Blue jeans are the most popular type of clothing in the
world; but they are not modern! In fact, jeans have existed
for over 140 years.
In 1996, someone found some very old clothes in an old mine in Nevada, USA; they included
a pair of dirty old jeans. Today, those jeans are very valuable, and they are now in the Levi
Strauss Archival Collection, in San Francisco. The jeans, which are over 120 years old, are the
oldest pair of Levi's 501 jeans in the world.
They are almost the same as a modern pair of 501's; there are just some small differences
in the detail. For instance, today's 501's have two back pockets, the old pair just has one.
At the "G7" summit in Denver, in 1997, American President Bill Clinton gave all his visitors
jeans, for a "Western evening". Tony Blair, the British Prime Minister, put them on, but other
European leaders, including Chancellor Kohl of Germany and Jacques Chirac, the President of
France, refused. Some people still think that jeans are not respectable clothes!
Not the young! Jeans are now the international uniform worn by young people. Why? That is
a good question!
The first jeans were made over 140 _______ _______ by a young _________
Levi Strauss. At first, Levi sold _________ to miners; the miners used this to make
_______ .
Then Levi began making ___________, because miners needed __________ that
were very
______. However, the _________ was really too _______ , so Levi looked for a
textile which
was _________. He found a textile _________ serge de Nimes; it was just what
he wanted
except that miners ____ _____ _______ the colour. So Levi coloured the denim
blue, and
made the worlds first ______ _______. He also made his fortune, because jeans
were ____
popular; everyone wanted to ______ them.
Today, jeans are popular ____ ______ the world. They are the _______ popular
type of
________ ____ the world.