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STD Vi 2015 Test Paper With Solutions

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Std VI - Dr Homi Bhabha Bal Vaidyanik Spardha

2015 Test Paper

1. Select the planets which appear serially in the

(a) Stratosphere ; Mesosphere

solar system ?

(b) Mesosphere ; Inosphere

(a) Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, Uranus

(c) Inosphere ; Exosphere

(b) Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus

(d) Troposphere; Stratosphere

(c) Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus

11. Why are leaves of Neem tree kept in a grain

(d) Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn

storage ?

2. Which metal is least affected by the

(a) To avoid the growth of fungus

environment ?

(b) To protect the grain from bandicoots and rats

(a) Copper

(b) Iron

(c) Silver

(d) Gold

(c) To keep grain free from maggot

3. Which one of the following natural calamities

(d) To keep the grain dry

is not related to sea ?

12. Which of the following group is non-magnetic

(a) Tsunami

(b) Earthquake

(c) Cloud bursting

(d) Cyclone

(a) Iron Cobalt

(b) Nickel Iron

4. Complete the analogy:

(c) Zinc - Gold

(d) Cobalt - Nickel

Resistance Power : Vitamins : : Body

13. Raju's house is 1,500 m away from his

(a) Water (b) Minerals

school. If he walks the distance to the school, he

(c) Fats

(d) Proteins

5. Flower in form of a bud is protected by_____.

takes 30 minutes. If he runs the distance he

(a) Calyx

(b) Androecium

takes 20 minutes to reach the school. Find out

(c) Gynoecium

(d) Corolla

the difference in the speed of running and

6. A ml water is taken in a measuring flask.

walking per minute.

When substance C is dipped in; water level

(a) 50 m/min

(b) 30 m/min

becomes B ml. What is the volume of substance

(c) 25 m/min

(d) 20 m/min


14. Why do we use Carbon after course and fine

(a) A B

(b) B A

(c) A C

(d) B C

sand in water purification process ?

7. Recognise the improper pair.

(a) To kill germs in water.

(a) Plant Stomata

(b) Whale Gills

(b) Water becomes colourless and odourless.

(c) Earthworm Skin

(d) Kite Lungs

(c) To seperate the soluble elements from the

8. Which is the artificial preservative from the


following ?

(d) To seperate the insoluble elements from the

(a) Sugar

(b) Salt

(c) Asafoetida (d) Vinegar


9. Each step of a staircase in a building is 90

15. Mushroom plant is _ ______ .

cm. long, 30 cm. wide and 20 cm. high. There

(a) Non flowering and parasite.

are 15 such steps from first floor to second floor.

(b) Flowering and parasite.

Find out the height of that floor.

(c) Flowering plant living on garbage.

(a) 13.50 m

(b) 4.5 m

(c) 3.0 m

(d) 9.0 m

(d) Non-flowering plant living on garbage.

10. Which of the following pair has 'Ozone gas'

16. Which one of the following statements is

layer in between ?

irrelevant to the function of dam ?


(a) Water supply on a large scale is possible.

5 m width and 4 m height. The room does not

(b) Electricity is generated.

have doors or windows. Find out the total area

(c) Bio-diversity is enriched.

of walls in that room.

(d) Increases farm yield.

(a) 20 sq. m

(b) 24 sq. m

17. Once a scorpion stung Sanjay. What order

(c) 120 sq. m

(d) 88 sq. m

of first - aid treatment should be given to him ?

24. Which of the following creature moves by

i) Apply an anti-septic medicine on the wound,

contracting and expanding its body ?

ii) Tie a tourniquet above the 'sting wound',

(a) Earthworm

(b) Silkworm

iii) Take him to the dispensary,

(c) Millipede

(d) Centipede

iv) Remove the poisonus blood with proper

25. Nails from which test tubes will not catch rust

method from the wound.

(a) i, ii, iii, iv

(b) ii, iv, i, iii

(c) iii, iv, i, ii

(d) iv, iii, ii, i

18. Which of the following plants is not Biennial?

(a) Radish

(b) Carrot

(c) Beet root (d) Maize

19. Through which organ animals do not excrete

(a) Kidney

(b) Intestine

(c) Nose

(d) Skin

20. Many birds are vanishing from cities,

(a) P, Q

because ________.

26. What is the correct order of farming ?

(a) there is heavy rain in the city.

P Cutting, Q Ploughing, R Winnowing,

(b) grain is not provided to the birds in the cities.

S Sowing of seeds, T Threshing

(c) number of trees are decreasing in cities.

(a) P, Q, R, T, S

(b) T, S, Q, R, P

(d) All the reasons given above.

(c) Q, T, P, R, S

(d) Q, S, P, T, R

21. For which sickness, decoction of lemon

27. What will happen if humidity in atmosphere

grass and Adulsa is useful ?

is more ?

(a) Stomachache

(b) Cough and cold

(a) Clothes will not dry easily.

(c) Malaria

(d) Vomiting and dysentry

(b) Wind will flow forcefully.


In what context this sentence

is used ?
(a) Eradication of Dengue
(b) Pulse Polio Campaign
(c) Campaign against Chicken-Gunia
(d) Campaign against Swine-flu

(b) Q, R

(c) R, P

(d) Only R

(c) A rainbow will be seen.

(d) We will not perspire more.
28. As shown in the diagram, two cylindrical pots
are kept in an open ground in rain. What can we
say about the water level in both the pots, after a
few hours ?

23. A room measurements are: 6 m length,

(a) it is an amphibious creature.

(b) it is cold blooded creature.
(c) it can not fly.
(d) it has four legs.
33. Proportion of land and water on the surface
of the Earth is shown in the diagram in the form
(a) Water level in pot 'X' will be more than 'Y'

of a clock. Say how much part is occupied by

(b) Water level in pot 'X' will be less than 'Y'

land and how much by water.

(c) Water level in pot 'X' and 'Y' will be equal

(d) Can not be sure
29. Different elements of air are shown in the
figure, by signs. Which is the sign of 'Oxygen' ?

(a) Land

; Water

(b) Land

, Water

(c) Land

, Water

(d) Land

, Water

34. For which purpose animals are not useful to
the plants ?
(a) Spreading of seeds

(b) Manure

(c) Photosynthesis

(d) Respiration

35. Who am I ?
I am generated in gobar gas. I am used as fuel. I
30. A caterpillar of a butterfly moults, because
(a) its legs grow longer

(b) it gets wings

(c) it grows very rapidly

(d) it is very hungry

31. We have a balance of environment due to


am one of the cause of global warming.

(a) Ozone

(b) Methane

(c) Nitrogen

(d) Carbon dioxide

36. Recognize the correlation and fill in the

Nannaj : Maldhok : : Chincholi : ________.

(a) water cycle

(b) Nitrogen cycle

(c) Carbon dioxide cycle

(c) All above cycles

32. Vulture, Butterfly, Aeroplane, frog. ,.

From the above group, the frog is different from
other three because_______.

(a) Peacock

(b) Flamingo

(c) Tiger

(d) Rhinoceroses

37. Which of the following systems in our body

contribute to gain energy ?
P) Respiratory system

Q) Digestive system

R) Blood circulation system

43. A rectangle of 24 m. x 10 m. is shown in the

S) Excretory system

figure. Using given information find the length

(a) P, Q, R

(b) Q, R, S

(c) R, P

(d) Q, R

and breadth of shaded portion.

38. When a railway is running on a track, which

type of motion the engine, wheel and piston has
serially ?

(a) 12 m, 5 m.

(b) 10 m, 6 m.

(c) 15 m, 4 m.

(d) 20 m., 3 m.

44. Platipus' an animal that looks like a duck,

belongs to ___group.
(a) reptiles

(b) birds

(a) Linear, Circular, Oscillatory

(c) mammals

(d) amphibians

(b) Circular, Linear, Oscillatory

45. Which instrument changes sound into an

(c) Oscillatory, Linear, Circular

electric wave ?

(d) Linear, Oscillatory, Circular

(a) Amplifier

(b) Radio set

39. Certain forests are reserved for 'Gods' from

(c) Microphone

(d) Television set

ancient times. What are they called ?

46. Why is it more beneficial to eat organic food

(a) National Park

(b) Sanctuary

(c) Devrai

(d) Gardens

(a) It tastes well

(c) It is nutritious

40. Which of the following substances have

(c) It is easy for digestion

(d) All of the above

same properties ?

47. Find the odd man out.

(a) Iodine

(b) Common Salt

(a) High tide - Low tide

(b) Sunrise - Sunset

(c) Baking soda

(d) Cement

(c) Phases of moon

(d) Cyclone

(a) P, Q

(b) Q, R

(c) R, S

(d) P, S

48. As shown in the figure, branch of a plant is

41. Homo-habilis means _____ human being.

covered with a plastic bag. After a few hours, we

(a) skilled

(b) with straight spine

can see drops of water in the bag. What process

(c) strong

(d) intelligent

of the plant is responsible for these drops ?

42. Figure shows two types of leaves and two

types of roots. Recognise the correct pair.

(a) P, R

(b) P, S (c) Q, S

(d) None of these

(a) Osmosis

(b) Respiration

(c) Transpiration

(d) Photosynthesis

49. Recognize the correlation and fill in the

blank. Bay leaf : Leaf : : Cardamum : _______.

(a) To enhance the flavour of food

2) Rib cage becomes big and inhalation takes

(b) Fruit


(c) Seed

(d) Mouth Freshener

3) Rib cage becomes small and inhalation takes

50. Which of the following substance is not


decayed ?

4) Rib cage becomes small and exhalation takes

(a)A papad with fungus

(b) Rancid groundnut


(c) Fermented dough of Idli

(a) 1, 2

(b) 2, 3

(d) A potato with a sprout

55. Recognize the correlation and fill in the gap.

51. Which of the following diet is necessary to

Pancreatic juice : Pancreas :: Bile : _____

avoid constipation ?

(a) Stomach

(b) Gall bladder

(d) Small intestine

(a) Sugarcane juice

(b) Ice Cream

(c) Liver

(c) Green vegetables

(d) Chocolates

56. Constellation means

(c) 3, 4

(d) 2, 4

52. In which option molecules of Ozone gas are

(a) A group of planet

present ?

(b) Sun and a group of stars

(a) 2 atoms of Oxygen

(c) A group of stars

(b) 3 atoms of Oxygen

(d) Planet and a group of stars

(c) 2 atoms of Hydrogen

57. Which is the most responsible factor for the

(d) 3 atoms of Hydrogen

ruins of Bio-diversity ?

53. The pyramid shows 4 groups of living things

(a) Urbanisation

(b) Earthquakes

as herbivorous animals, carnivorous animals,

(c) Floods

(d) Drought

omnivorous animals and green plants. Area

58. In an egg, _______ are not present.

covered by each group in the pyramid

(a) carbohydrates

(b) fats

represents its proportion required to maintain the

(c) proteins

(d) minerals

natural balance. Select which living things fall

59. A bottle, half filled with water is placed in

into group 'B'.

different four positions. Find which position is


(a) Carnivorous

(b) Omnivorous

(a) A

(c) Herbivorous

(d) Green plants

60. Find the odd substance from the group.

(b) B

(c) C

(d) D

54. Which of the following statements are

(a) Sesame

(b) Coconut

correct in relation with respiration ?

(c) Safflower

(d) Gramdal

1) Rib cage becomes big and exhalation takes

61. Recognize the correlation and fill in the gap.


Sucrose : Sugarcane juice : : Lactose : _____.

(a) Date

(b) Milk

(c) Coca cola

(d) Kokam Sarbat (Mangosteen)

70. On which date do we have 12 hour's day

62. Notable sensitivity is not seen in which of the

and 12 hour's night ?

following plants ?

(a) 22



(b) 22





(a) Sunflower

(b) Mimosa pudica

(c) 23 December

(c) Pitcher

(d) Vinca-Rosa periwinkle

71. To flow the eaten morsel easily through the

63. Fill in the blank.



(a) Lassi

(d) 21 June

throat to the stomach, the wall of the food pipe is



(b) Ghee (c) Paneer (d) Milkshake

(a) thick

(b) hard

(c) flexible

(d) oily

72. Recognise the correlation and fill in the

64. Which of the following species is not

blank. Millet : An ear of corn : : Green pea :

unicellular ?

(a) Bunch

(b) Bean

(a) Hydra (b) Amoeba (c) Yeast (d) Chlorella

(c) An ear of green pea

(d) Protein

65. For which purpose, the method invented by

73. From the given figure P, Q, R which one is

Carolus Linnaeus is useful ?

not a magnet ?

(a) To seperate the elements from mixture

(b) Classification of plants

(a) P

(c) Study of micro-organisms

74. Guess the word that does not fit in the

(d) Weather forecast


66. A farmland is 40 m. long and 15 m. broad.

P) Liver

1,200 cubic meter soil is to be excavated from it.

(a) P

How much deep a ditch is to be dug ?

75. In MKS system unit of weight is _______.

(a) 8 m.

(a) Kg

(b) 10 m.

(c) 200 cm. (d) 500 cm.

(b) Q

(c) R

(d) Can be not sure

Q) Pancreas
(b) Q

R) Stomach
(c) R

(b) Kg.m/s

(d) S

67. Which digestive juice can digest boiled corn


first ?

76. Ram is playing on a slide. Sham is playing


(a) Gastric juice

(b) Pancreatic juice

on mary go round. Select the correct statement

(c) Saliva

(d) Bila juice

about the work done by them.

68. The motion of the runners in the game of

(a) Ram and Sham's work is equal.

football is of _________type.

(b) Ram's work is zero but Sham does some

(a) random motion

(b) oscillatory motion


(c) periodic motion

(D) uniform motion

(c) Ram does some work but Sam's work is

69. Why does an earthworm go deep into damp,


wet soil ?

(d) Work done by both is zero

(a) The earthworm wants to alter the layers of

77. _______ is used for making fuel oil.


1) Karanja

(b) The earthworm is a timid creature.

(a) 2, 4

(c) To protect himself from other creatures.

78. In a diet 4 kcal heat is obtained from 1 g

(d) The earthworm gives response to sunshine

proteins. Then to obtained 202 kcal heat, how

and goes into opposite direction.

much proteins are required ?

2) Maize 3) Arabica tree 4) Neem

(b) 3, 1

(c) 1, 2

(d) 1, 4

(a) 50 g

(b) 55 g

(c) 50.5 g

(d) 55.5 g

(c) Plastic container rubbed on a nylon cloth.

79. Where else do we use the thing that is

(d) Glass rod rubbed on wool.

shown in the following figure, as 'A'?

83. From the usage, find the plant which does

not fit in this group.
(a) Neem

(b) Aloe

(c) Basil

(d) Teak

84. Which of the following object should be used

so that, it will require less effort and it will fit
properly in the wood ?
(a) Periscope

(b) Kaleidoscope

(c) Microscope

(d) Near the car driver

80. Arrows in the figure are indicating some

action related with flower. What is the name of
that action ?

(a) A

(b) B

(c) C

(d) D

85. Which one of the following animals is

arboreal ?
(a) Rabbit

(b) Monkey

(c) Pigeon

(d) Deer

86. Covering food items with net is made

compulsory by law. Find the reason.
(a) Flies cannot sit on food items.
(a) Pollen grains

(b) Sprouting

(b) Dust is not accumulated on food due to net.

(c) Pollination

(d) Fertilization

(c) Food is kept away from the polluted air.

81. Which statement is true for a ball ?

(d) Micro-organisms from air cannot enter the

(a) When a ball is going in upward direction its


potential energy (P.E.). increases and kinetic

87. Arrange the proper order of these animals

energy (K.E.) decreases.

according to their first appearance on earth.

(b) When a ball is going in upward direction both

P) Birds Q) Paramecium

K.E. and P.E. decreases

(a) QPSR

(c) When a ball is coming downward P.E.

88. Which of the following statements is wrong

increases and K.E. decreases.

in context with the growth of plants ?

(d) When a ball is coming downward both P.E.

(a) Growth is continual 'as long as plant is alive

and K.E. increases.

(b) Growth is uniform all over the plant

82. If a plastic comb is run into dry hair, small

(c) Growth is due to cells at the tip of roots and

bits of paper are attracted towards comb. When


can we see the same effect in the following

(d) Growth is at a particular place.

situation ?

89. In the following figure, a farmer is carrying

(a) Steel spatula is rubbed on a silk cloth.

water. Which type of lever is it ?

(b) PQRS

R) Dog
(c) QSPR

S) Frog
(d) QRSP

(b) Wooden scale is rubbed on a cotton cloth.


95. Where was Madam Mary Qurie, the twice

Nobel winner, born ?
(a) Poland

(b) Thailand

(c) New Zealand

(d) Finland

96. Stars are not seen at the day time, because

(a) stars are not in the sky during the day time.
(b) the Sun is in the sky during the day time.
(a) First

(b) Second

(c) Third

(d) Fourth

(c) stars are in the sky at the day time but their

90. If a metal ball is kept in boiling water,

light is weaker than the sunlight.

(a) it will give heat continuously.

(d) stars are in the sky at the day time but their

(b) it will take heat continuously.

light is brighter than sun.

(c) it will continue to give heat till temperature of

97. Select the correct sequence of stages of

ball and water becomes equal.

sugar making process.

(d) it will continue to take heat till the

e) Make crystals of sugar from the sugarcane

temperature of ball and water becomes same.


91. Select the International Yoga Day.

f) Extract the juice from sugarcane



(a) 5 June

(b) 21 June



(c) 11 July

g) Make gradation of sugar.

(d) 22 July

h) To make the juice colourless using proper

92. To remove the blind-faith from the society


who has contributed on a large scale?

(a) e, f, g, h

(b) f, h, g, e

(a) Sindhutai Sapkal (b) Medha Patkar

(c) g, h, f, e

(d) f, h, e, g

(c) Anna Hazare

98. A piece of paper from a notebook and an

(d) Dr. Narendra Dabholkar

aeroplane made from the same paper are

93. In the first attempt, which country of the

thrown in the air. The aeroplane moves far away

world has made successful advent on Mars ?

than the piece of paper. Why ?

(a) India

(a) Mass of aeroplane < Mass of piece of paper

(b) Russia

(c) China

(d) USA

94. How do the programmes of the television

(b) Mass of aeroplane > Mass of piece of paper

centre reach us ?

(c) Air obstruction decreases

1) TV Centre


Set-top box


2) TV Centre



Dish Antenna

TV set
(b) 2

(a) Sea water (b) Salt lake (c) Rock

(d) Plants

100. Recognise the correlation.



Swine flue : Pig : Leptospyrosis ________.

(a) Mosquito

TV centre

4) TV Centre

(a) 1



Set-top box

(d) Air obstruction increases

99. What is the source of rock salt ?

Dish Antenna

Set-top box
3) TV

Dish Antenna

Set-top box

(c) 3

(b) Hen

(c) Elephant (d) Rats


(d) 4

Test Paper Solution

14. (B) Explanation: The coarse sand and fine

1. (C) Explanation : In Solar system, planets

sand in a filter separates in soluble elements

are in the following order: Mercury, Venus,

from water. Carbon has special property of

Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.

absorbing colour and odour. Hence it is used to

2. (D) Explanation: Gold is least affected by the

make water colourless and odourless.

air and water. Hence it is a precious metal.

15. (D) Explanation: Mushroom is a non-

3. (B) Explanation: Earthquake occurs due to

flowering plant. It grows on garbage or dead part

some movement in the interior of the Earth. It is

of the tree.

not related to sea.

16. (C) Explanation: Functions given in the

4. (D) Explanation: We need different vitamins

option A, B and D are the functions of a dam.

to resist diseases and proteins for body building.

But many species of small animals and plants

5. (A) Explanation: Calyx is the outermost part

get vanished due to the construction of a dam.

of a flower. It protects all inner parts of the flower

17. (B) Explanation: To resist the spread of

in the state of bud.

venum in body and to protect wound from

6. (B) Explanation: As initial level is A and the

getting infected, first aid treatment should be

final level after dipping substance C is B.

given in the order ii, iv, i, iii.

Volume of C is B A ml.

18. (D) Explanation: Maize completes its life

7. (B) Explanation: Whale is not a fish; but a

cycle in one year. It is an annual crop.

mammal. It breaths with lungs.

19. (B) Explanation: The process of digestion

8. (D) Explanation: Sugar and salt are

takes place in intestine.

preservatives, but we use them in daily life.

20. (C) Explanation: Many species of birds live

Vinegar is an artificial preservative.

on the tree. Due to urbanisation, trees in cities

9. (C) Explanation: While measuring height of a

are decreasing and birds are vanishing.

floor, we have to consider height of a step.

21. (B) Explanation: Decoction of lemon grass

Hence height of floor 20 cm. x 15 = 300 cm. =

and Adulsa is useful in cough and cold.

3 m.

22. (B) Explanation: Polio vaccine is given in

10. (D) Explanation: Ozone layer is in between

troposphere and stratosphere. A. 11.


Explanation: Leaves of Neem tree prohibit

growth of maggots.
A. 12.

(C) Explanation: Iron, Nickel and

Cobalt are magnetic metals. Zinc and Gold are

non magnetic metals.
13. (C) Explanation: When Raju walks, his
speed is 1,500/30 = 50 m./min. When he runs
his speed is 1,500/20 = 75 m./min. Difference in
the speed = 25 m./min.

the form of oral drops. Hence


used in pulse polio campaign.

23. (D) Explanation: Area of the walls is
calculated by multiplying perimeter of the room
and height. So the area is equal to 2 (length +
breadh) x height

Area = 2 (6 + 5) x 4 = 88 m .
24. (A) Explanation: Earthworm moves by
contracting and expanding its body.
25. (A) Explanation: Rust is Oxide of Iron.
Formation of rust requires presence of Oxygen

(air) and water or water vapour. In test tube P,

many other things from atmosphere. All these

Calcium Chloride absorbs water vapour from the

elements are given back to the atmosphere

air. In test tube Q, as boiled water is taken,

through different cycles. Balance of enviornment

dissolved air is not present. Layer of oil prevents

is maintained due to all these cycles.

absorption of air from atmosphere. So, nail in

32. (C) Explanation: A common property of

the test tubes P and Q will not catch rust.

Vulture, Butterfly and Aeroplane is that, they can

26. (D) Explanation: In farming, it is necessary

fly. Frog does not have this property.

to follow a specific procedure to get a proper

33. (C) Explanation: Clock has twelve parts.


Land is shown by 4 parts and water by

27. (A) Explanation: Clothes dry due to

remaining 8 parts. Hence, the proportion of land

evaporation of water from them. Rate of

is 1/3 and that of water is 2/3 on the surface

evaporation of water decreases as humidity

of the Earth.

increases. Hence clothes will not dry easily if

34. (D) Explanation: For respiration, both plants

humidity is more. We will also perspire more in

and animals take Oxygen and give away Carbon

humid air. The phenomenon of wind and

dioxide. Hence, in this process animals are not

rainbow is not related to humidity.

useful to the plants.

28. (C) Explanation: When it is raining, amount

35. (B) Explanation: Methane is generated is

of water rained on each square meter is same. If

gobar gas. It can absorb heat similar to Carbon

the area of the cylinder is more, volume of water

dioxide. So it causes global warming.

collected will be more as compared to the

36. (A) Explanation: As Nannaj is famous for

smaller cylinder kept alongwith the larger one.

Maldhok, Chincholi is famous for Peacock.

However, levels in both the cylinders will be the

37. (A) Explanation: Oxidation of food (sugar)


from blood is required to gain energy.

29. (B) Explanation: Air has nearly 20%

Respiratory system absorbs Oxygen from air.

Oxygen, 79% Nitrogen and 1% Carbon. Dioxide

Digestive system absorbs digested food into

and other gases. In the given figure, if we

blood. The circulatory system transports both

compare different signs, we see that are

food and Oxygen to the cells of the body. So all

maximum. So, these signs must be representing

three systems contribute to gain energy.

Nitrogen. are second in number, representing

38. (A) Explanation: The engine has linear


motion, the wheels have circular motion and the

30. (C) Explanation: Caterpillar grows very

piston connected to wheels has oscillatory

rapidly. In the first 2-3 days, it grows so much


that it does not fit in its old skin. A new loose

39. (C) Explanation: Forests reserved for Gods

skin is formed under the old skin. The caterpillar

are called Devrai.

sheds its old skin. i. e. it moults.

40. (B) Explanation: From the given

31. (D) Explanation: All living things take

substances, common salt and baking soda are

Oxygen, Nitrogen, Water, Carbon dioxide and

both white and soluble in water.




41. (A) Explanation: Horno-habilis is the first

52. (B) Explanation: Oxygen molecule contains

stage in the evolution of mankind. In this stage,

2 atoms of Oxygen, while Ozone molecule has 3

human species can use their hands skillfully.

atoms of Oxygen.

42. (B) Explanation: Picture P shows leaf with

53. (C) Explanation: To maintain the natural

parallal veins, picture S shows fibrous roots.

balance, population of different groups required

Both these are present in monocot plants.

in following order:

43. (B) Explanation:

Garnivarous < Omnivorous < Herbivorous <

Area of shaded portion. = 240 - (84 + 56 + 40) =


Green plants.

54. (D) Explanation: When rib cage becomes

together form a rectangle with area 96 m and

small, air pressure inside it increases and we

length 24 m. Hence, its breadth must be 4 m

exhale air. When rib cage becomes large, air

and breadth of the shaded portion is 6 m. As

pressure inside it decreases and we inhale air.

60 m Rectangle of area 56 m and 40 m

area of the shaded portion is 60 m , its length is

55. (C) Explanation: Pancreatic juice is

6 m.

produced in pancreas. Bile is produced in liver.

44. (C) Explanation: Platipus is unique


Australian mammal.

57. (A) Explanation: In the process of

45. (C) Explanation: When we speak near

urbanisation many ecosystems get

microphone (commonly known as mic) the

disturbed. E. g. to get more land for'building

sound energy gets converted into electric wave.

houses and roads, many trees are cut. .

These waves are amplified by amplifier and a

58. (A) Explanation: An egg of hen contains

speaker converts these waves into sound.

proteins and fats.

46. (D)

59. (D) Explanation: Water always remains

47. (D) Explanation: Except cyclone, all other


phenomenon occur periodically.

60. (D) Explanation: Except gram dal all other

48. (C) Explanation: Transpiration is nothing

options contain oil.

but the evaporation of water from plant leaves.

61. (B) Explanation: Sucrose is present in

This water vapour gets converted into water and

sugarcane juice. Lactose is present in milk.

accumulates on the surface of the plastic bag.

62. (D) Explanation: Vinca - Rosa periwinkle

49. (B) Explanation: Bay leaf is leaf of the plant,

does not have sensitivity as other three.

while cardamum is fruit of the plant.

63. (B) Explanation: We get ghee from butter.

50. (C) Explanation: Fermented dough of idli is

64. (A)

deliberatery fermented. Hence, it f can not be

65. (B)

considered as decayed.

66. (C) Explanation: Volume of the soil =

51. (C) Explanation: Green vegetables contain

1,200 m

fibers. Fibers help to form stool from undigested

= 1 x b x depth of ditch

food. Hence, green vegetables are necessary to

= 40 x 15 x d

avoid constipation.

= 2 m = 200 cm.



67. (C) Explanation: Corn contains

79. (C) Explanation: In the figure, A

carbohydrates. Digestion of carbohydrates is

represents convex lens. It is used in microscope.

begun by saliva in the mouth.

80. (C) Explanation: Figure shows stamens

68. (A) Explanation: In the game of football,

(androecium) and pistil (gynoecium)

players run according to the movement of the

of the flower. Pollen grains are transfered from

football. As the ball moves randomly, players

stamens to pistil. This process . is called

had to run randomly.







substance is increased, its potential energy


(C) Explanation: Contraction and

increases. When an object is thrown in upward

(A) Explanation: When height of any

relaxation of the flexible food pipe moves the

direction, its speed (velocity) goes on

eaten morsel.

decreasing. Kinetic energy depends upon speed

72. (B)

of an object.

73. (D) Explanation: Iron bar gets attracted

82. (C) Explanation: The given effect is due to

towards magnet. Two opposite poles of magnets

static electricity. When a plastic container is

also get attracted towards each other. In the

rubbed against any sythetic cloth, static

given figure, we see only-attraction between

electricity is produced.

different bars. If there is repulsion between any

83. (D) Explanation: All plants except teak can

two bars, we can conclude that those two are

be used as medicine.


84. (D) Explanation: D is pointed screw.

74. (C) Explanation: All other options are

Pointed part makes it easy to insert in the


wooden material. Force required to insert the

75. (B) Explanation: Weight of a substance is

screw is less and it also fits properly due to the

given by product of mass (m) and gravitational

threads on it.

accelaration (g). Unit of mass in MKS system is

85. (B)

kg and unit of accelaration is m/s .

86. (A)

76. (C) Explanation: Work is done when there

87. (C) Explanation: Stages of evolution of

is displacement due to force. Ram is playing on

animals are i) unicellular ii) multicellular

the slide. Gravitational force is acting on him and

iii) invertebrates iv) aquatic vertebrates

there is displacement from lower point to upper

v) amphibians vi) replites vii) mammals.

point of the slide. Sham is playing on mary-go-

88. (B) Explanation: In plants, the rate of

round. These is no displacement of Sham. So

growth is more at the tip of the stem as well as

Ram does some work but Sham's work is zero.

at the root, than other parts.

77. (C)

89. (A) Explanation: The fulcrum is at the

78. (C) Explanation: Proteins required to get

shoulder of the man. Load and efforts - are at

202 heat

the ends of the stick.

= 202/4 = 50.5 gm

90. (D) Explanation: Heat travels from the

higher temperature point to the lower
temperature point. This flow of heat continues till
the temperature of both the points become











(C) Explanation: We can see stars in the

day time when there is total solar |eclipse, as at

that time sunlight is weaker.
97. (D)
98. (C) Explanation: When we take a paper,
its area is large and it has large air obstruction.
When we make aeroplane of that paper, due to
its pointed shape, its air obstruction decreases. .


100. (D)


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