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A Study of Psycho-Pathology and Treatment of

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Acta Med.

Okayama, 2007
Vol. 61, No. 5 pp. 261269
Copyright 2007 by Okayama University Medical School.

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A Study of Psycho-pathology and Treatment of

Children with Phagophobia
Ayumi Okada , Chiaki Tsukamoto , Mizuho Hosogi , Eriko Yamanaka ,
Kumi Watanabe , Keiko Ootyou , and Tsuneo Morishima

Phagophobia is a disorder characterized by a conditioned excessive fear of eating and is initiated by

an event such as vomiting or choking. During childhood, vomiting often occurs as a result of infection
or overeating, and painful experiences bring about maladaptive eating behavior like food refusal.
There have been few reports of phagophobia, and patients have sometimes been misdiagnosed with
anorexia nervosa (AN). The objective of this study was to elucidate the psycho-pathology and current
treatment of patients with phagophobia by analyzing case studies. We describe 6 cases with phagophobia. Patients with strong obsessions were refractory to treatment, indicating that evaluation of
premorbid personality is crucial to the prognosis. It is important to classify this disorder according to
psycho-pathology into post-traumatic type and gain-from-illness type to make a treatment plan. A
solution focused approach is also eective for patients and their family. Paying close attention to these
conditions and to the diagnostic concept referred as phagophobia is useful in achieving these aims.
Key words: phagophobia, functional dysphagia, eating disorder, premorbid character, solution focused

e saw many children presenting with a chief

complaint of food refusal and weight loss. The
most common diagnosis for these children is anorexia
nervosa (AN). Many recent studies have reported an
increase in the number of child patients with AN. The
characteristics of AN are eating behavior problems,
obesity phobia, impairment of physical cognition, and
amenorrhea, according to the Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth
Received January 15, 2007 ; accepted May 11, 2007.

Corresponding author. Phone :81862357249, Fax :81862214745

E-mail : (A Okada)

Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR) of the American

Psychiatric Association [1]. However, some patients
do recognize that they are underweight and do not t
the diagnostic criteria for AN. In particular, children
who begin to exhibit food refusal as the result of an
event such as vomiting or choking understand that
treatment is necessary, and thus manifest a pathology
diering from that of AN. Phagophobia thus
appears to be the diagnosis best expressing the characteristics of this pathology. We describe herein 6
cases with phagophobia. There have been few reports
of phagophobia, and patients have sometimes been
misdiagnosed with AN. The objective of the present


Okada et al.

Acta Med. OkayamaVol. 61, No. 5

study was to elucidate the psycho-pathology of and

current therapy for phagophobia by analyzing case


Subjects and Methods

Subjects provided informed consent

to participate in this study. There were 6 patients
with phagophobia in 314 outpatients, who visited the
pediatric psychosomatic clinic at Okayama University
Hospital during 5 years from April 1999 to March
2004. Phagophobia was dened as a refusal to eat for
more than 1 month due to a conditioned excessive fear
of eating, initiated by an event such as vomiting or
choking, and resulting in a physical or psychosocial
disorder. Phagophobia was diagnosed after the exclusion of food refusal secondary to organic or psychiatric disorders. Patients included in the study were
those who exhibited a level of fear indicated for specic phobia (other types) of DSM-IV-TR.

Clinical records of the 6 patients

were used to determine premorbid personality, psycho-pathology, treatment course, and prognosis. This
study was carried out carefully, considering the obligation to maintain patient privacy and protect their
Of the premorbid personality types, particular
attention was given to the obsessive type. The DSMIV-TR does not permit diagnosis of personality disorders in childhood. We therefore designated as a
deviation any personality trait. It was noted by multiple individuals or in multiple settings. The patients
had deviant character and appeared obstinate to family
members and others, with this behavior being evident
by comparison with other children of the same age.
Phagophobia was classied into 2 types (Table 1):
post-traumatic type (persistent symptoms caused by
conditioned fear resulting from traumatic experience); and gain-from-illness type (symptoms persist
due to gain from illness). These classications were
based on 2 types of functional dysphagia that have
been reported [2]: conditioned dysphagia (conditioned dysphagia following a traumatic episode) and
conversion dysphagia.

The characteristics of 6 subjects,

Table 1Variation of phagophobia


A conditioned fear of eating maintains their

An experience of gagging/choking/vomiting
causes psychic trauma
Cognitive and adjustment abilities affect

A gain from illness maintains their symptoms

Gain-from-illness Conversion symptoms allow the patient to avoid
Ability to resolve conicts aects prognosis

according to premorbid personality and psycho-pathology, are shown in Tables 23.

We had 6 patients with phagophobia of 314 outpatients. Forty-six patients (14.6) complained of eating behavior problems, including food refusal (dysphagia, appetite loss,
), and weight loss or poor
weight gain. Of these, 22 patients (47.8) were
diagnosed with AN, 6 (13.0) were with phagophobia, 3 (6.5) with psychogenic vomiting, 2 (4.3)
with functional dysphagia, and 13 (28.3) with other
disorders. Although bias was introduced by the fact
that the Department of Psychiatry in our hospital
predominantly treats AN of adolescence, 13.0 of
patients who presented with maladaptive eating problems were diagnosed with phagophobia.

Cases 1 and 2 had no

premorbid behavioral deviations. Cases 3 and 4 exhibited obsessionality and fearfulness, and began to
exhibit nervous habits. Cases 5 and 6 were highly
impulsive and demonstrated low tolerance for frustration. Although the experiences of patients with vomiting were similar, cases 3 and 4 experienced more
intense fear and were considered refractory to treatment due to dierences in their ability to cope with
stress as a result of their premorbid personalities.

After we diagnosed the

patients with phagophobia, we explained to them and
their families that treatment would enable the patient
to eat. If the patient was markedly undernutrition,
priority was given to physical management. Hospitalization was therefore necessary in all except case 1.
Finding exceptions to the problem ( , look for circumstances in which the patient was able to eat),
which is one of techniques of the solution focused

October 2007



Table 2The Patients with phagophobia

Patient character

Family character
Type of
the patient
to eat











vomiting from
eating too

fear of vomiting
diculty of




vomiting from
fear of vomiting
nausea after eating

father died
sister with


fear of vomiting
diculty of
nausea after eating




picky eating

small appetite
neurosis vomiting from
diet therapy
due to atopic
fearful gastroenteritis

fear of vomiting
diculty of
appetite loss

lack of
in school


vomiting from

fear of vomiting
appetite loss

mother s


vomiting from

fear of vomiting
nausea and
heartburn after

lack of
in school









looking her

approach (SFA), was eective in all cases. If the

disorder was not cured with initial treatment, the
type-specic approach proved eective. For the posttraumatic type, behaviors for coping with the fear
associated with eating ( , abdominal breathing,
) were practiced. For the gain-from-illness type, symptoms were downplayed, other forms of
self-expression were encouraged, and manipulation of
the patient s environment was needed.

All but cases 3 and 4 were cured

within 6 months. However secondary problems such as
refusal to attend school emerged in 3 cases (cases 3,
4, and 6).

The chief complaint in

all cases was a fear of vomiting. When urged to eat,
patients experienced intense fear and exhibited reactive behaviors (screaming, angry outbursts, long
) and complained of various gastrointesti-

nal symptoms such as nausea, heartburn, and abdominal bloating. We describe below case reports of 3
typical patients. To protect patient s privacy, details
of the cases have been altered to an extent that does
not detract from the substance of the article.
1. No deviation of premorbid personality,
post-traumatic type.
Case 1: 5-year-old girl, kindergarten.
Premorbid personality: No marked deviation.
History of present illness: After vomiting due to
overeating, the patient became fearful of vomiting and
her appetite decreased. Over a period of 4 months,
her weight decreased by 2.0 kg. At the rst visit, she
was 111.4 cm tall, weighed 18.9 kg, and displayed an
obesity index of 4.1.
Measures taken by the family: Her father was
inconsistent, and he tried to prompt her to eat
through admonishments and scolding. The patient


Okada et al.

Acta Med. OkayamaVol. 61, No. 5

Table 3Therapy and prognosis of patients with phagophobia



Duration of
(Y Year,
M Month)


taking bath)





(self relaxation,



(self relaxation,

1Y 6 M


(self relaxation,
chewing some sweets)











Practice stress

became increasingly nervous and unable to eat.

Treatment course (6 months): We explained to her
parents that the child was temporarily experiencing a
fear of eating after vomiting. We asked them to nd
exceptions to the problem. The parents switched from
trying to force her to eat to seeking circumstances in
which she could eat. As a result, her parent s
responses changed, the patient s anxiety levels
decreased, and her food intake increased. When she
was feeling bad or troubled, she also began to take
measures to cope with these feelings. She realized
that taking a bath or going for a walk was eective.
While she was engaged in these coping measures, she
received praise from her parents, creating a virtuous
circle. The patient s weight began to increase, and
symptoms did not recur within 6 months.
2. Deviation of premorbid personality, posttraumatic type.
Case 3: 8-year-old girl, 2 nd grade of elementary

Premorbid personality: Anxious and scared of

various things, including animals, loud noises, and
water. The patient exhibited separation anxiety and
was reluctant to go to kindergarten. She also exhibited strong obsessions and angrily accused others of
failing to keep promises. We suspected that her diagnosis was Asperger s disorder, but she did not t the
criteria because her language development was normal,
no impairment of communication was observed, and no
restricted interest or stereotyped behavior was apparent.
History of present illness: After experiencing about of vomiting and diarrhea at 3 years old, she worried whether she would vomit whenever she felt
poorly. In the 1 st grade of elementary school, she
began to have diculty swallowing saliva. After seeing her mother vomit in 2 nd grade, she began chewing
and spitting out food. Over a 6-month period, her
weight decreased by 3.0 kg, and she began to refuse
to attend school. At the rst visit to our clinic, she

October 2007

was 131.2 cm tall, weighed 21.2 kg, and displayed an

obesity index of 29.3. Although she was able to
put large amounts of food in her mouth, she was
unable to swallow it, and became nauseated if even
small amounts of food were in her stomach.
Measures taken by family: Because her family
urged the patient to eat, she would panic out of fear.
She began to eat alone and could only take food that
she herself had prepared.
Treatment course (over 4 years, ongoing): We
explained phagophobia to her parents and asked them
to nd circumstances in which she could eat. Her
activity, however, was very poor and it was dicult
to nd exceptions to the problem. The patient s
weight decreased to 19.0 kg and her obesity index to
36.7. She was hospitalized with severe dehydration. No abnormalities were seen on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the head and neck, examination of the ear, nose and throat, or upper gastrointestinal endoscope. The patient was fed by intravenous hyperalimentation (IVH) during her rst hospitalization (9 months), and by tube feeding during her
second hospitalization (4 months). During the second
hospitalization, she became aware that she could
swallow saliva when she relaxed. We explained her
mind and body relationship and suggested that if she
gradually practiced swallowing, her stomach would
become accustomed to it. She underwent desensitization therapy that began with abdominal breathing and
small amounts of food that increased stepwise. She
also began dancing before meals in order to relax.
The fact that the coping measures that she herself
devised increased food swallowing gave her condence. After 2 years, she began to attend school
occasionally, and she was able to resume school attendance in 6 th grade. As of the time of writing, she is
141.9 cm tall, weighs 26.0 kg, and has an obesity
index of 27.8. She is currently receiving antianxiety medication and undergoing follow-up.
3. Deviation of premorbid personality, gainfrom-illness type.
Case 5: 11-year-old boy, 5 th grade of elementary
Premorbid personality: The patient was gentle,
but had been raised in a permissive fashion and sometimes behaved selsh. At school, he was hyperactive
and highly impulsive, and he displayed problematic
behaviors such as classroom disruption and bullying.



History of present illness: When he was 10-yearsold, the patient underwent surgery for resection of a
brain tumor, followed by radio- and chemotherapy.
During therapy, he began to vomit frequently, despite
receiving anti-emetic medication. Vomiting persisted
after treatment was completed. The patient refused
food for fear of vomiting. Over a 6-month period, his
weight decreased by 5.0 kg. He was 131.2 cm tall,
weighed 21.2 kg, and displayed an obesity index of
Measures taken by family: His mother saw the
patient on an irregular basis, due to taking care of his
sister and meeting her boyfriend. When he was vomiting, his mother stayed longer by his bedside.
Treatment course (5 months): Cranial MRI and an
upper gastrointestinal endoscope excluded organic
disease. The aection of radio- and chemotherapy was
also excluded because of an atypical onset period. The
mother was concerned about a recurrence of the brain
tumor, although she was relieved at the examination
results. We explained her son s condition as phagophobia and asked the mother about circumstances in
which he was prone to vomiting. She recalled that he
often vomited in her absence, and suggested that he
may be lonely. We suggested that she spend time with
her son on a regular basis.
The mother and nursing sta decided that the
patient would be given attention not when symptoms
occurred, but instead when he was able to suppress
symptoms. The patient decided to try measures such
as chewing gum or putting something sweet in his
mouth. The fact that his weight increased as a result
of his method gave him condence. His mother praised
him for his eorts, creating a virtuous circle. His
weight increased to 25.0 kg, with an obesity index of
10.0, and he was discharged. After resuming
school attendance, he exhibited favorable group
adjustment and no problematic behaviors. No recurrence of phagophobia occurred, but the patient died 2
years later due to a recurrence of the primary disease
(brain tumor).


Disorders associated with eating represent some of the most common problem behaviors in
children, although there have been few reports of


Okada et al.

Acta Med. OkayamaVol. 61, No. 5

these disorders except for AN [2, 3]. The diagnostic

criteria are still confused, and Shapiro [4] has
reported that phagophobia is frequently misdiagnosed.
In this study, 3 cases were misdiagnosed with AN by
the primary physician. Consequently, the patients and
their family were pessimistic about the prognosis. To
assist in diagnosis, we have provided a diagnostic map
(Fig. 1).
Phagophobia is distinguished from AN by the
absence of an impairment of physical cognition.
Patients with phagophobia fear eating, while patients
with AN fear the results of eating such as weight
increases and changes in body type. The primary

object of fear thus diers signicantly between these

2 types of disorders. Patients with phagophobia are
cooperative regarding treatment, while those with AN
are not.
Tadanori [5] described that the diagnostic criterion for establishment of functional dysphagia (FD) is
a case in which a child who presents with a chief complaint of being unable to swallow water or solids has
exhibited dysphagia for more than 2 weeks with no
apparent organic changes to the gastrointestinal tract,
and in which psychosocial factors are thought to be
contributing. The dierence between phagophobia and
FD is that patients with phagophobia learn to fear not

Disorder of Eating
Food Avoidance
Food avoidance
emotional disorder
food avoidance
weight loss
mood disturbance
(mild depression/anxiety/
no organic brain disease, psychosis,
illicit drug use or prescribed drug
related side-effects

Anorexia Nervosa
determined weight loss
morbid preoccupation with weight
and/or shape, food and/or eating
fear of the act of eating

food avoidance
liquids may not be able to swallow
fear of swallowing/choking/vomiting
fear of the act of eating
no organic medical problem

Abnormal Cognition
regarding weight and/or shape

Functional Dysphagia
food avoidance
liquids may be able to swallow
fear of swallowing/choking
fear of the act of swallowing
no organic medical problem

Swallowing disorder
Fig. 1Diagnostic map for patients with food avoidance and disorder of swallowing

October 2007

only swallowing, but also the entry of food into their

stomach. Consequently, they experience a variety of
symptoms such as nausea, heartburn, and abdominal
bloating. Patients with FD, on the other hand, predominantly complain of diculty swallowing. As liquids are easier to swallow than solids, many patients
with FD are able to consume liquids and few cases of
FD become severe [5, 6]. With phagophobia, the
types of food that can be eaten vary depending on the
level of fear, and therefore the severity of symptoms
also varies. In cases 1, 3, and 4, the patients complained of being unable to swallow solids, liquids, and
even saliva. Therefore phagophobia and FD can be
considered to exist on a continuum.
Higgs [7] has proposed the classication of food
avoidance emotional disorder (FAED) as an intermediate emotional disorder between AN and emotional
disorders without food refusal. As an emotional disorder, the condition is characterized by food refusal,
eating little food or picky eating that persists for more
than 1 month, and an absence of the impaired physical
cognition seen with eating disorders. Characteristics
of the emotional disorder include anxiety, depression,
obsessions/compulsions, and fear [8]. Phagophobia
can thus be considered a type of FAED in which fear
is the principal characteristic.
Consequently, patients with maladaptive eating
problems have dierent backgrounds, though the
therapist must pay attention to diagnosis and must be
mindful of the existence of the disease groups mentioned in this article.

childhood, vomiting often occurs as a result of infection or overeating, and painful experiences cause
transient fear. Although the conditions of the patients
were physically serious, all cases that we encountered
except cases 3 and 4 were cured within 6 months.
Premorbid personalities in cases 3 and 4 were obsessive. Kim [9] has reported that FD and organic dysphagia display no dierence with respect to frequency
of complicating psychological problems in adults.
However, children with complicating psychological
problems are reportedly prone to the formation of
inappropriate eating behaviors [10]. Okuma [11] has
described that obsessive children are unable to eat or
relax while eating unless the food is in a specic
shape. Based on these ndings, we concluded that
patients with obsessive premorbid personalities tend



to be refractory to treatment.
The role of family is also important. Lynn [12]
has reported 3 cases with food phobia and signicant
psychological stressors were also noted in each family.
As indicated in Table 2, domestic discord was present
in cases 36. Inadequate communication in the family
directly aects mealtime circumstances and increases
family tension. It was setting the stage for the disorder. In addition, all of the families that had forced
their child to eat had made the symptoms more severe.
The children engaged in avoidance behaviors in
response to fear, and refused to eat in an eort to
maintain psychological stability. The family urged
them to eat increased patient anxiety, resulting in the
emergence of gastrointestinal tract symptoms. These
symptoms further increased the patient s anxiety about
their bodies, in turn exacerbating their fear and creating a vicious circle. The severity of the preexisting
family discords and the subsequent reaction of the
family were the factors that inuenced the severity of
the disorder.
To understand the psycho-pathology of phagophobia, it is also important that it be classied into 2
types. The post-traumatic type is acute onset and the
core of symptoms is phobia. The gain-illness type also
has some trigger, but the core of symptoms is conversion, so improvement of symptoms requires circumstance manipulation.

The authors views regarding appropriate treatment plans are indicated below (numbers of corresponding gures are indicated in brackets). We have
described the approach for the patients and their family because the family plays a crucial role and cooperation of family members is essential.
When little deviation is observed in the premorbid
personality and domestic discord is absent, as in
cases 1 and 2, patients fall into the group described
by Okuma [11]. They have normal childhood fears and
require no psychiatric intervention. In such cases, the
initial stage of treatment is eective and pediatric
care can be adopted. However, in cases of strong
obsession (deviated premorbid personality), as in
cases 3 and 4, or cases of gain-from-illness type, as in
cases 5 and 6, improvement is dicult and psychotherapy becomes necessary.
In the initial stage of treatment, we need to assess
the patient s nutritional condition (1). In children, the


Okada et al.


Acta Med. OkayamaVol. 61, No. 5

Assess the patient s

nutritional condition

Initial stage

Second Stage

Explain about Phagophobia

Specic psychotherapy


Attempt to eat favorite food

Find exceptions to the problem
(eatable food, eatable situation)



Improvement malnutrition

Assess the eectiveness

of early therapy


Improvement physical
Make condence


Not Cure

maladaptive eating

Decreased family s anxiety

Accept the patients




identify way to
behavioral therapy resolve problem
without illness


Explain about Phagophobia


Support their

Decreased family s anxiety

Stop urgeing to eat

Identify conicts

Fig. 2Treatment Course Therapeutic strategies for the patient and family with phagophobia

malnutrition causes displeasure and increases tension

between the parent and child. Weight gain and
increased activity lead to motivation for treatment by
the child and decreased family anxiety. To achieve a
marked decrease in weight, forced nutrition such as
IVH or tube feeding must be considered. Consequently, remedying malnutrition is a positive step in
all cases.
The therapist then explains phagophobia while
exhibiting sympathy for the anxiety of the patient and
family (2). To reduce the anxiety levels of the patient,
we require that the family not urge the patient to eat.
If the family changes the response to acceptance, the
patient will also resume eating small amounts of food.
We then propose that the patient start eating his or
her favorite foods. During this time, the therapist
must explain beforehand that this behavior is not selfish, is only temporary, and poses no nutritional
In addition, the task of nding exceptions to the
problem is presented as a challenge to the parents
and children. This is one of the techniques of SFA,

which was developed by de Shazer

SFA asserts
that clients already know what to do to solve the
complaints; they just do not know that they know.
Therapists help them construct for themselves a new
use for knowledge they already have [13]. Emphasis
is placed on the solution (circumstances in which eating is possible) rather than the problem (circumstances in which food is refused). This technique of
intervention was found to be very useful in this study.
The tension between the parent and child decreased,
and the family became treatment facilitators. In mild
cases, improvement can be seen at this stage, and a
virtuous cycle was created (3).
In the second stage, after the eectiveness of early
treatment is assessed, a type-specic approach is
begun (4). In cases of post-traumatic-type disorder,
control of fear is the key to treatment, so that cognitive behavior therapy and hypnotherapy are useful.
Both of these are also eective in treating choking
phobia and functional dysphagia [3, 14, 15].
Behavior therapy (desensitization therapy) was found
to be eective in case 3, and Ciyiltepe [16] has

October 2007

reported the success of a combination of behavior

therapy and a dysphagia management program.
Although application of such treatment in children
depends on their language comprehension, we used to
use nonverbal techniques. We explain the relationship
between mind and body to the patient and teach them
to employ self-relaxation techniques such as abdominal
breathing, autogenic training, and playing to relax.
The patient then nds a means of overcoming the
problem autonomously, thus gaining condence.
For the gain-from-illness type, symptoms serve to
eliminate a temporary problem. In case 5, the symptom produced the eect that his mother visited him
frequently. In case 6, the symptoms produced the
eect that she avoided her friends. We found the conicts in the patients and worked together to nd a new
solution. Environment manipulation was also important. We must assure that attention due to lack of
eating does not result in other secondary gains from
the disorder.
Culbert [2] has stated that treatment involves not
only the application of techniques, but also psychological training, and that through the process of
acquiring coping behaviors, patient gain mastery of
themselves, providing an important increase in selfrespect. In the present cases, patients worked
together with their families to formulate coping measures, and successes achieved by patients in this process enhanced their condence, leading to positive

This study was a

retrospective study based on assessment of medical
records. We discussed levels of deviation for premorbid personality based on patient and family information. We could not use tests of character to conrm
the patient s personality, except for drawing test and
egogram test. It is not enough to assess the personality objectively. We will continue to examine patients
with phagophobia as we accumulate cases.

We have described herein 6 cases

of phagophobia. In recent years the number of
patients with eating behavior problems has increased,
and phagophobia is a useful diagnostic concept.



Acknowledgments.We are grateful to Professor Emeritus Yoshiki

Seino (Okayama University) for his support in carrying out this study,
and to the patients and families who agreed to allow their cases to be












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