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Safety Glasses

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Safety glasses are worn to protect the eyes during a variety of tasks.

They are made with shatterresistant plastic lenses to protect the eye from flying debris and can shield the eyes from hazardous
splatters such as blood or chemicals. There are also safety glasses for welding, which are styled like
wraparound sunglasses, but with much darker lenses, for use in welding where a full sized welding
helmet is inconvenient or uncomfortable. These are often called "flash goggles", because they
provide protection from welding flash. Nylon frames are usually used for protection eyewear for

How Do Safety Glasses

and Goggles Differ From Regular Eyeglasses?
sports because of their lightweight and flexible properties.

Safety eyewear must conform to a higher standard of impact resistance than regular eyeglasses,
which optical professionals sometimes call "dress eyewear." This higher standard applies to both the
lenses and the frames of safety glasses and goggles.
Safety glasses may have prescription lenses or non-prescription (also called "plano") lenses.
Regardless of their size or the durability of the frame and lenses, regular prescription eyeglasses do
not qualify as safety glasses unless they meet specific criteria.
In the United States, the federal government establishes safety guidelines for workplaces, to
decrease the risk of on-the-job injuries. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
within the U.S. Department of Labor oversees safety practices in the workplace and in educational
OSHA has adopted safety eyewear standards established by the American National Standards
Institute (ANSI), a private, non-profit organization that creates quality and safety standards for a wide
variety of products.
The ANSI standard applying to eye safety includes several types of eye protection devices, including
eyeglasses (both prescription and non-prescription), goggles, face shields, welding helmets and fullface respirators.

ANSI Standards for Safety Eyewear

Updated ANSI safety eyewear standards include the following key features:

For the basic impact tests, lenses are tested separately (not mounted in a frame). For the
high impact classification, the frame and lenses are tested together as a unit.

Non-prescription lenses used for high impact testing are considered to be structurally weaker
than prescription lenses made of the same material; the prescription lenses are generally thicker.

Thinner prescription safety lenses are now allowed, if they meet the high impact testing
requirements. (Previously, all prescription safety lenses had to have a minimum thickness of 3 mm,
making them significantly thicker and heavier than regular eyeglass lenses.)

Safety lenses now have two classifications of performance: basic impact and high impact.

The "drop ball" test determines the basic impact safety classification for lenses. In this test, a
one-inch diameter steel ball is dropped onto the lens from a height of 50 inches. To pass, the lens
must not crack, chip or break. All glass safety lenses must undergo this test. For plastic safety
lenses, however, only a statistical sample of a large batch of lenses needs to be tested.

In high impact testing, a high velocity test is performed by shooting a quarter-inch diameter
steel ball at the lens at a speed of 150 feet per second. To pass, the lens must not crack, chip or
break, and it must not become dislodged from the lens holder.

How to Assess Ratings of Safety Eyeglasses and Goggles

Top: This safety shield is found in hardware stores. It fits over smaller glasses but sometimes
fogs up. Bottom: These safety glasses have side shields that don't offer quite as much
protection, but they fog less. You can also get safety glasses with prescription lenses and
attractive frames.
Plus mark. To determine if a lens has passed the high velocity test described above, look for the "+"
mark that indicates its approval at high impact.
This mark may be applied to any prescription lens of the same or greater thickness (at the thinnest
point of the lens), made of the same material by the same manufacturer and with the same
coating(s) applied.
"V" and "S" marks. Other lens markings that appear on safety lenses are "V" (indicating the lens
is photochromic) and "S" (indicating the lens has a special tint). In some cases, a number may also
be marked on a shaded safety lens to indicate how much light transmittance is reduced by the tint.
Shaded safety glasses for use when working with molten metal and in soldering, brazing, cutting and
welding operations have tint densities that can range from 1.5 to 3.0 (mild to moderate shade for
torch soldering) up to 10 to 14 (very dark shades for electric arc welding).
All safety lens markings must be permanent. If lenses do not meet the high impact standard, a
warning label that can be removed only by the wearer must be affixed to prescription safety

Testing of Frames for Safety Eyeglasses and Goggles

Frames for safety glasses are tested using the same criteria whether they will be used in basic
impact or high impact applications. Frame tests include:


Pitching in After a Disaster? Protect Your Eyes From Toxins

Environmental clean-up whether after natural disasters like a tornado or hurricane or manmade ones like the 2010 BP crude oil contamination of the Gulf of Mexico poses multiple
risks of eye infection and eye injury.
Close-fitting safety glasses or other protective eyewear can limit your eyes' exposure to airborne
toxins and contaminants, including gasoline, oil, and household and industrial chemicals.

High mass impact. In this test, a one-inch diameter steel projectile weighing 17.6 ounces is
dropped through a tube from a height of 50 inches onto a safety lens mounted in a frame. The frame
is "worn" by an artificial head form. To pass, the frame must fully retain the lens, and no piece can
become detached from the inner surface of the frame component that holds the lenses.
Durability. Safety frames must also pass a flammability-resistance test, a corrosionresistance test and other durability tests.
High velocity impact. This test involves shooting a quarter-inch steel ball at the lens and
frame at a velocity of 150 feet per second from a distance of just under 10 inches. The test is
repeated multiple times (each time with a new frame and lens) at different angles and positions of
impact. The pass criteria are the same as for the high mass impact test.

How to Assess Standards for Frames Used in Protective Eyewear

Non-prescription safety eyewear with non-removable lenses must be permanently marked with the
manufacturer's trademark and "Z87" (basic impact) or "Z87+" (high impact) on either the front of the
frame or on one temple.
Prescription safety frames must be permanently marked with the manufacturer's trademark and
"Z87-2" on the front of the frame and on both temples.
For complete information, you can purchase a copy of the ANSI Z87.1-2003 safety eyewear
standard at the American National Standards Institute website.

What Type of Safety Lenses Do I Need at Work?

Your company's safety officer should determine which level of protection (basic impact or high
impact) is needed for your job duties.

This video explains how to prevent eye injuries at home, at work and during sports.
A few occupations requiring high impact protection in eyewear include:
Plumbers and pipe fitters
Some activities may require side shields, goggles or full face protection. Employers and safety
officers should consult OSHA to help determine which type of safety eyewear is most appropriate for
different job positions. To learn more, visit the eye and face protection section of OSHA's website.
Also, the International Safety Equipment Association has published the "Eye and Face Protection
Use and Selection Guide" as a companion to the ANSI Z87.1-2003 standard. You can purchase this
guide from the organization's website.
If you work as an independent contractor, it's best to choose safety eyewear that has been rated at
the high impact standard for all activities, just to be extra safe.

Vision Poll
Do you use safety glasses or goggles at home?

Yes, just about every time I do something that could harm my eyes.
because they fog up or are uncomfortable or block my vision.

Yes, but rarely.

No. I would need prescription


lenses, and I can't afford them.


No. I can't afford either prescription or nonprescription safety

No, because I never think of it.

VoteView Results

Which Safety Glasses Are Best for Home Use?

As with independent contractors, you should choose safety frames and lenses rated for high impact,
for maximum protection.
If you don't require prescription lenses, or you wear contact lenses, you can purchase nonprescription safety eyewear from most hardware, building supply and sporting goods stores.
These safety glasses usually are made of lightweight polycarbonate for comfort and are available in
attractive wrap-style frames. For the greatest protection value, choose models that have the high
impact rating. (Look for the "Z87+" marking on the frame.)
Some models are even available with a bifocal reading segment in the bottom half of the lens if you
are over age 40 and have presbyopia.
If you need prescription safety glasses, you must purchase these from an eye doctor or at an optical
store. Again, for the best protection, choose safety eyewear with a high impact rating. (The lenses
will bear the manufacturer's trademark and a "+." The frame will be marked "Z87-2" on the inside of
the front and temples.)
For mowing lawns and using a power trimmer or other power tools, choose a frame with side shields
to protect you from flying particles or larger objects.

What Types of Safety Glasses Are Best for Sports?

The same recommendations for safety glasses for home use apply here. Also, consider purchasing
an elastic band that attaches to the back of your temples, to keep your safety glasses securely on
your head during active sports.

For sports, use comfortable, padded protective eyewear like this, from RecSpecs.

For hunting and sport shooting, always choose safety lenses that have a high impact rating.
Consider a wrap-style frame with a non-shiny, matte finish and lenses with anti-reflective coating, to
eliminate distracting reflections.
Safety frames with camouflage patterns are also available for hunting. If you need prescription safety
glasses, make sure they have side shields for added eye protection.
For hunting, golfing and other sports that require acute vision, consider adding a sport-specific tint.
Amber or yellow tints, for example, can enhance contrast for shooting.
Fish hooks are a major cause of sports-related eye injuries, so for fishing choose a wrap-style frame
and safety lenses with a polarized tint, to cut glare from the surface of the water. Eliminating the
glare will not only let you see into the water more easily, but it will also make your eyes feel more
Also, consider photochromic lenses for optimum vision and comfort in changing outdoor lighting
conditions. An optician or other eye care professional can advise you as to which tints are best for
your particular activities.
If you enjoy paintball, be aware that players without proper eye and head protection can sustain
devastating injuries from paintball pellets fired from paintball guns. Head shields for paintball should
combine eye and ear protection, and the shield should have a high impact safety rating. This is
because some guns are capable of propelling paint pellets at speeds over 180 mph.
The most important rule for paintball is, never take your head shield off while you're in the playing
area, even when a game has not yet begun.

Which Lens Material Is the Best for Safety Glasses?

The most popular lens material for safety eyewear is polycarbonate. This material has less than half
the weight of glass, so the eyewear is more comfortable. Polycarbonate lenses are also more
impact-resistant than glass lenses.
Keep in mind that polycarbonate is a much softer lens material than glass. Even with a scratchresistant coating, polycarbonate lenses will scratch more easily than glass lenses.

Can I Get Anti-Reflective Coating on Safety Glasses?

Anti-reflective coating (or AR coating) reduces distracting lens reflections and therefore may be
desirable for certain activities that require safety eyewear. But be aware that AR coating may affect
the impact resistance of certain lenses, so impact resistance tests must occur after the coating is
applied. Your eye care professional may need to verify that the optical lab did indeed test the lenses
properly for impact resistance after applying the coating.
Your eyesight is precious. Regardless of whether you need non-prescription safety eyewear or
prescription safety glasses, the investment you make to protect your eyes and vision will pay
dividends as you reduce your risk of a sight-threatening injury.

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