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50+1 Fun Things To Do in Jakarta

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50+1 Fun Things to Do In Jakarta | pretonero

13-03-28 6:57 PM

the story behind the story

50+1 Fun Things to Do In Jakarta

Filed under: Uncategorized 1 Comment
June 3, 2008
I read this article 50 + 1 yang Seru dan Asyik dari Jakarta on
Riders Digest Indonesia, June 2008 edition. Bought it for IDR 20.000
(about US$ 2,20) only. Its less expensive that the US version (US$
2,99) which I bought in Cairo Egypt for EG 34 or about IDR
Its not the price that Im going to talk about, but the city or even
cities! There were cities where Ive been to, and absolutely many
more that Im going to visit. Each of my trips had its own mission.
This time, Ive just spent two whole weeks in Cairo with the same
mission: taking my chances in love. Mission accomplishment: failed.
Its just like my 30 days of love seeking in Europe: failed. Believe
me, Id fly thousands miles just to see the man I fall in love with, to
take my chances.
Anyway, Im not going to write about my love life either. Its the
city. Im going to talk about the city. About Jakarta, the city Ive been living in for about a year now.
Ive never wanted to live here in Jakarta, to be honest. I had the option about 14 years ago, but instead
I chose to live in Bandung, the capital of West Java during my senior high school years. Then
probably would stay for the college and spend all my life there as well. I always thought that Jakarta
was too scary for me. The people, the traffic and it would be a tough competition as well.
But then I had to return to my hometown on my last year of high school, and then got accepted at the
Arts Institute here. I didnt plan to be an artist either, not in my blood at all. I was planning to be a
diplomat or psychologist, so I could travel and live overseas, or I could observe people to get to know
myself better. But I turned out graduated as a film/television director and worked as a flight
attendant. Conclusion: I got to travel overseas for free! It might be too complicated for you, but for
me, I could see how everything in my life was actually connected to one another.

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Again, the city. So, Ive been living in Jakarta. I had no home, so I had to rent a tiny box of 10 square
meters for about US$ 75 per month. A small bed, a cupboard, a fan, a shower, electricity and water
were included in the bill. I lived on the top floor where I could have the sun and the fresh air,
although I had to climb three floors up. I was sure that there were 18 bedrooms in this small house.
Luckily, there were only four bedrooms including mine on my floor.
The house itself was situated in between two traditional markets. It was not a perfect place to live at
all. I had to pass many people and say hello to them just to be polite. Also, I had to pass this huge and
smelly dumpster on the way in and out.
I could hear the butcher cutting the meat with his giant knife at four in the morning, or when the
person in charge at three different small mosques were screaming through the speakers, calling
people to do the praying. Sometimes I could hear cats fighting or my neighbors fighting.
But the worst was I had to eavesdrop my landlord talking with his guests on the porch. Hes literary
was a landlord. He had two wives and owned hectares of land, many houses and stores everywhere.
He didnt act or look rich at all but I believed he could earn at least US$ 10.000 per month from all
those things he had. He said something interesting this afternoon when few guests came to see him.
As always, he gave advices to them. He said to survive and be successful in Jakarta, you have to
have, own a house in the city. Even its only a small one but you can always make some money out of
it. I thought, hey thats true! You could do everything you want with a house. People always need a
place to live and you could rent the house to them. You could sell it and buy a new one. The landlord
knew exactly what to do to get much more money.
So whats left for a homeless person like me? I had no home or a house, literary. How was my chance
of surviving in this wicked city? I used to be a member of the middle class and up, but now Ive been
loosing my grip and sliding slowly lower and lower. I didnt know how long I could survive with not
so much money I had left.
Yes, the city. The article. Written by Antono N. Purnomo and Anggara Lukita. 50+1 fun things to do
in Jakarta. It surely gave me a fresh point of view of this crowded city, of those things Ive always
taken for granted.
The writers said that they had an American friend who loved New York very much and always
wanted to visit the city again and again. He said that the city had its own uniqueness that always
attracts people to return, although the people didnt care about each other at all. The thing has
made New York incomparable to any other cities in the world. They thought that Jakarta, the city
with eight million inhabitants was the same too.
As the Jakartans, as the people of New York called themselves as the New Yorkers, this big kampong
has completed our lives with fast work rhythm, the traffic jams and the floods. This polluted city was
the place where most of Indonesians hang their dreams on. Its the place where you could have it all
or loose it all.

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So, here what they said in the article and I took the liberty of translating it, my way:
1. Drive around Jakarta for IDR 5.500 only (US$ 0,60)
You had to pay IDR 5.500 for the inner city highway fee which goes around the city. Do it during
holiday when theres no traffic and dont forget to fill up the gas tank of your car.
2. The music chamber at the park
Go to Taman Suropati in Menteng on Sundays, and youll find a group of classical music players
have their gigs there.
3. Lung cleansing once a month
On the fourth Sunday each month, the avenue of Jendral Sudirman M.H. Thamrin is closed for any
motor vehicles. Its the perfect time to clean you lung by biking, playing badminton or football!
4. Jakarta from high above
The National Monument (Monas) might be not the highest building in Jakarta, not anymore. But
from 137 meters high, when theres not too much pollution, not raining or when the elevators are not
out of service, and if you have enough patient for queuing together with so many elementary
students, you can view the city from high above.
5. Sitting Sogo by the street vendors
Negotiation and choosing the goods carefully are the must have skills to buy all the counterfeited
designers goods from the street vendors at Tanah Abang Central Jakarta. I think you must have
strong legs and back too, to bend, since they sell the stuffs on the ground.
6. Stars on a day sky
Visit the Planetarium at Taman Ismail Marzuki. The guide said that the speed of the rotation of
rickshaws wheels cant be compared with the rotation of the earth!
7. A visit to the Taman Prasasti
The cemetery is in such a hidden location, in Tanah Abang . You would feel like being on the set of
Bram Stokers Dracula. To call is as a park would be much more suitable since the cemetery is so
beautiful with so many grave head stones and statues.
8. Sight for sore eyes at Sudirman-Thamrin
Question: Why there are always traffic jams during the rush hours on the avenue of SudirmanThamrin? Answer: Because the drivers like to drive their vehicles slowly so they can see those
beautiful, young, fresh and stylish office girls going home from work!

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9. Lamb satay a la Africa

My question was actually are there lambs in Africa? But the writers asked whether there is satay in
Africa? I guess both of the answers would be No! The owner is an African man from Mali, located at
Jalan KS Tubun I No. 6. Then my question again: where the hell is that?
10. Slalom test on the streets
Due to the bad condition of the street of Jakarta, our drivers are now as skillful as the slalom drivers
are. All they need to do is to avoid the holes and the bus way separators!
11. Ride the old Bemos before theyre being demolished
I didnt know that the tree wheeled Bemo was originally came from Japan. We imported them in the
50-ies, when the Japanese government had to return all the things that they took away during the
World War II. The only few Bemos left are going to be demolished very soon by the government, so
hurry up, experience the ride!
12. Get surprised at the market
Located at Kalibata, on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays you can find almost anything at
the market: hula-hoop, bunnies, wok, and magic medicines which dont have any permits from the
health department. So dont bother to look for it on the box!
13. Round around on a special bus ride
The writers said that the BUS WAY should be short for BUS istimeWA Ya (Bus Istimewa means
Special Bus). Why? Because the bus has its own special lane. But I think they are special because they
use one lane for them only, why other millions of car have to share the few lanes left. So special that
the lanes were build on the green lanes that destroyed so many trees. It is so cheap. For IDR 3.500
(about US$ 0,40) you can ride around the city. To avoid of feeling like the sardines in a can, take the
ride on weekends.
14. The city of 1000 shopping malls
Indonesian is the country on thousands islands, and yes, Jakarta is the city of a thousand malls. New
shopping malls every month. Although I think most of the people cant buy anything there. Way too
15. Be stylish for (much) less
Second hand clothes can be found easily at Pasar Senen and Pasar Baru. Those who like to dress up
with the retro styles from the 70-ies and 80-ies, those two markets are heaven! For me, its just
another prove that Indonesia is a second hand country as well. Weve been importing used and
garbages. We even imported used condoms!

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16. Watch indie movies at your private cinema

To watch your indie movies which wont be screened at the cinemas, go to They have a good selection of the genre and a mini cinema as well.
17. Demo-tourism
The representative house of DPR-MPR used to be the perfect place
to have the demonstration at. But now people choose to go to the
Bundaran HI. You have to make a booking to have your
demonstration here. Which I think its really cool. I was hosting,
MC-ing a demonstration there as well! After the demonstration is
over, people can just hiding from the sun and chilling at one of the
malls, drink the expensive coffee at Starbucks, eat the junk food at
McDonalds, or do anything that is contrary to what they were
demonstrating for. I say, back to reality!
18. Buy cloths at Tanah Abang
Tanah Abang is the biggest market for textile in the South East Asia
since 1735. Daily transaction could reach millions of US$.
19. The king of the streets got eco-fueled
In the 70-ies and 80-ies, the bus used to be the King of the Streets. Now the three-wheeled Bajaj
got the crown. Although now the smaller version of Bemo and made in India, have been renewed in
body and fuel type, but not the drivers. Its still only God and the driver know where the Bajaj would
go! The drivers then often got called the Monkey of the Streets by other (more civilized) drivers.
20. Get jazzed at Kuningan
Every Friday evening, 7 pm, the Friday Jazz Night is being held at Pasar Festival, Kuningan. Its for
free and often well-known Jazz musicians come on stage.
21. Watch old movies at Kineforum
Since March 2007 the Kineforum at Taman Ismail Marzuki 21 Cineplex has been organizing the
Menolak Hilang Ingatan screening program to preserve the old Indonesian movies. Go to for schedule.
22. Live the old days of Jakarta at Kampung Betawi Setu Babakan
Learn the culture and culinary of the native people of Jakarta at Srengseng Sawah, Jagakarsa, South

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23. Fresh from the sea: seafood at Muara Karang

Eat cheap grilled fresh seafood for less then US$ 1 per portion! Rice and salads are also included.
24. Jakmania Maniacs
Jakarta has its own hooligans! Watch out for those in bright orange t-shirts.
25. Haunted Casablanca tunnel
Located under the HR Rasuna said street, this tunnel is famous for being haunted by a man who
hung himself with an advertisement banner!
26. Meet the headless priest at Jeruk Purut cemetery
If you are alone or the three of you are brave enough to come to the cemetery on Friday evening, the
headless priest will be so happy to welcome you!
27. Kinky legless nurse at the Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital
Need some clues to put on your gambling bet, come to this spooky hospital! The buildings are
already scary enough, but maybe the beautiful legless nurse could be your lucky star!
28. World class events
You can find all the world-class events in the city! The only travel warning is that Indonesian is
dangerously beautiful!
29. Clock show at Plaza Senayan
At exactly 12 noon, watch the dolls in the clock playing the music instruments.
30. Kebuli food festival at Condet
Many of the Arabs decedents now live in Condet, East Jakarta. There you can have the Arabic
culinary feast of the kebuli rice, biryani, harisa, jala bread and lamb curry.
31. Flower market at Rawa Belong
You need to buy some fresh market in the middle of the night? Go to Rawa Belong, its a 24-hour
32. Water way, my way
Although the program ran by the government to use the rivers as a mean of transportation didnt
work because the rivers are way too polluted, but the small rafts run by a person or a group are still

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exist. With US$ 0,10 you can save your precious time by crossing the river over on a raft!
33. Blast from the past: the Satria Mandala
At least you still can see how the Indonesian army used to be in their glorious days at the museum.
34. Fritters a la Betawi
Its not the fritter like you would thought it was. Its
actually a kind of curry made from beef and cows
ingestions. Served with steamed rice wrapped in
coconut leaves. They called it fritter because they made
the curry in a frying pan. Go to Rawa belong to eat it.
35. Where to find your stolen shoes or car audio system:
Taman Puring
The market had been burned down few times, so now
its much more modern and cleaner. Although they still sell some stolen stuffs or those which were
being sold by the owners, but there also sell brand new shoes now.
36. Around Indonesia in one day!
Yes you can! Visit the traditional houses of all provinces in Indonesia at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah.
But I must tell you all the houses are relatively brand new but built look like the original ones.
37. Wooden trucks at Kalibata
Getting bored with your die cast toy cars? Find handmade and customized wooden truck, bajaj, bemo
or any other bus types at Kalibata South Jakarta.

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38. Have fun at Dufan

A good place to have fun in the city. Get ready for the long queues.
39. Customize you jeans!
Go to those tailors specialized in customizing your pair of jeans.
They are called Permak Lepis. The work permak is originally
from a Dutch word vermak and lepis is actually Levis. Got
40. Cakes! At Senen and Blok M
At this early morning market, you can find any kind of cakes you
want. From the cheapest to the most expensive ones, it depends on
how good your cakes should taste like.
41. The dancing fountain
Its called the Air Mancur Pesona Monas located at the west park of the National Monument. Come
on Saturday and Sunday at 7 pm to watch the dancing fountain.
42. The fountain at Grand Indonesia
On Monday to Thursday and Sunday at 11.00-23.00, also on Friday
and Saturday up to midnight, the fountain is being switched on.
Unless there is a demonstration, I guess.
43. Cheap toys at Asemka North Jakarta
Negotiate for the best price for the made in China cheap toys!
44. Old stuff at Jalan Surabaya
Those who love antiques, come to this street. But remember, its
antiques made daily.
45. Visit the presidential palace
Since early May 2008, the presidential palace is open for public. Its called the Palace for the People
46. Celebrate the Independence Day with foreigners at Jalan Jaksa
Do you want to see the backpacker foreigners do the stupid things? Come to Jalan Jaksa on 17th

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47. The Jakarta Fair

The fair is held to celebrate the anniversary of Jakarta. Keep your belongings safely with you at all
time! Beware of the pickpockets!
48. A scoop from the colonial days
Go to the Es Krim Ragusa, established in 1932, for an original taste of the Italian ice cream. The
people there, are as old as the building is.
49. Island in the sun
Go to one of the island on the Thousands Island Archipelago in the north of Jakarta. Its relatively a
cheap place to get away from the polluted city.
50. (Used) book fair!
Yes, used cheap books at Pasar Senen! Remember to negotiate the price too.
+1 Jakarta, the city of heavy traffic jams!
Well, as Jakarta is indeed famous for its heavy traffic, (and one of the most polluted cities in the
world as well), instead of being grumpy during the rush hours, then its always a good thing to do to
spend the endless traffic jams by listening to the music on MP3 player, watch films on DVD portable,
playing games on portable game console, or doing some knitting. Dont you agree?
Im sure there are more fun things to do in this city. Ive done most of the things they said in the
article. Im part of the city now, although its not by choice. But I hope I can be able to survive here.
I wonder whether the song would goes the same for Jakarta: If I can make it there, Ill make it
everywhere. New York. New York! Or would it be just like a traditional song from Manado: No
one asked you to come to Jakarta. Now you have to pay the price!
I dont know. But all I know is that Ini Jakarta, Bung! (This is Jakarta, Man!). Do whatever you need
to do to survive.

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1 Comment:
July 6, 2012 at 1:08 am
Reblogged this on Anton World and commented:
Nice guide for this looooong holiday!

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