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Fix-5.0 SP1 Vol-7

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The document discusses the Financial Information Exchange Protocol (FIX) and how Application Sequencing can be used for gap detection and recovery of messages.

FIX is a protocol for electronic communication of trade-related messages between parties in the financial industry.

Application Sequencing allows data to be segregated into meaningful groups by application identifier and sequenced accordingly such that data gaps can be detected and recovered via Application Message Request.



Version 5.0 Service Pack 1


March 2008

Copyright, 2007-2008, FIX Protocol, Limited

Version 5.0 Service Pack 1 − VOLUME 7 March 2008





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Contents – Volume 7



VOLUME INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................................8

PRODUCT: COLLECTIVE INVESTMENT VEHICLES (CIV) .........................................................................9

OVERVIEW AND SCOPE............................................................................................................................................9
MARKET ENVIRONMENT...........................................................................................................................................9
CIV SECURITY TYPE IDENTIFICATION........................................................................................................................9
TYPES OF CIV FIX MESSAGES..............................................................................................................................10
ORDER QUANTITIES..............................................................................................................................................10
INTERMEDIARY IDENTIFICATION................................................................................................................................11
INVESTOR DETAILS................................................................................................................................................11
INVESTOR IDENTIFICATION......................................................................................................................................12
NEW INVESTOR -> NEW ORDER -> REGISTRATION INSTRUCTION...................................................................................12
FUND & UNIT IDENTIFICATION................................................................................................................................12
ORDER DETAILS - SINGLE.......................................................................................................................................12
ORDER DETAILS - LIST...........................................................................................................................................13
COMMISSION INSTRUCTIONS....................................................................................................................................13
SETTLEMENT INSTRUCTIONS ...................................................................................................................................14
DISTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS...................................................................................................................................14
UNIT PRICES.......................................................................................................................................................14
Valuation point.....................................................................................................................................................14
Single pricing.......................................................................................................................................................15
Dual pricing.........................................................................................................................................................15
EXECUTION REPORTS............................................................................................................................................15
CIV-specific use of OrdStatus:.............................................................................................................................16
CIV EXAMPLES.............................................................................................................................................17
CIV Example 1. Single order for a CIV fund for a known investor/nominee, to be dealt on a "historic" basis
CIV Example 2. Single order for a CIV fund for a known investor/nominee, to be dealt on a "forward" basis
CIV Example 3. Single order for a CIV fund for an investor/nominee not known to the fund manager -
registration and settlement instructions after trade............................................................................................18
CIV Example 4. Single order for a CIV fund for an investor/nominee not known to the fund manager -
registration and settlement instructions required before trade..........................................................................19
CIV Example 5. Single order for a CIV fund for a known investor/nominee – order modified before execution
CIV Example 6. Single order for a CIV fund for a new investor/nominee to the fund manager - registration
and settlement instructions rejected, then modified & accepted........................................................................21
CIV Example 7. Exchange/switch order between several CIV funds from a single fund manager or via a funds
CIV Example 8. Order for CIV fund by new or existing investor, routed via a client money/asset holding
broker or funds supermarket to fund manager....................................................................................................23
CIV Example 9. Order for CIV fund by an institutional investor, routed via a broker to a fund manager –
possibly via a hub/exchange................................................................................................................................23
CIV Example 10. Order for CIV fund by new investor via non-client money/asset holding intermediary to
fund manager........................................................................................................................................................24
CIV Example 11. Order for CIV fund by new investor, routed via non-client money/asset holding
intermediary via a non-aggregating hub/exchange to fund manager.................................................................25
CIV Example 12. Order for CIV fund by new investor routed via intermediary to a funds supermarket – which
places bulk/net orders to the fund manager........................................................................................................25

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CIV Example 13. Exchange/switch order quantities – OrderPercent, Rounding, Sell Driven..........................27
CIV Example 14. CIV Bulk order – purchase of funds for multiple investors into a designated nominee........28
CIV Example 15. Registration Instruction – Joint Investors..............................................................................29
CIV Example 16 Registration Instruction – Tenants in Common, .....................................................................31
PRODUCT: LISTED DERIVATIVES (FUTURES & OPTIONS)......................................................................32
USE OF CFICODE TO IDENTIFY DERIVATIVES SECURITY................................................................................................32
Single Leg Instruments.........................................................................................................................................32
Multileg Instrument Specification........................................................................................................................32
US LISTED OPTIONS ORDER CAPACITY VALUES........................................................................................................33
Proposed option order capacity codes and their FIX 4.3 equivalents...............................................................34
CUSTOMER ORDER CAPACITY(TAG 582) MAPPINGS FOR FUTURES CTICODE....................................................................36
NEGATIVE PRICES PERMITTED FOR FUTURES AND OPTIONS STRATEGIES.............................................................................37
DERIVATIVES MARKETS ORDER STATE TRANSITION....................................................................................................37
PARTY ROLES USED FOR DERIVATIVES MARKETS.......................................................................................................38
MAPPING FIX 4.2 TO FIX 4.3 USAGE FOR OPTIONS MARKETS..............................................................................39
GENERAL USAGE INFORMATION – US FUTURES MARKETS...........................................................................................40
EXECUTION TIME BRACKET REPORTING FOR US FUTURES MARKETS.............................................................................40
EXAMPLE NEW ORDER – SINGLE FOR LISTED FUTURES MARKET..................................................................................41
EXAMPLE NEW ORDER – SINGLE FOR LISTED OPTIONS MARKET..................................................................................45
EXAMPLE MULTLILEG EXECUTION REPORT FOR LISTED FUTURES MARKET.....................................................................61
Multlileg Execution Report Example for Futures Markets.................................................................................61
OPTIONS BACK OFFICE PROCESSING........................................................................................................................68
Position Maintenance Report..............................................................................................................................68
Position Report.....................................................................................................................................................68
Trade Capture Report Ack...................................................................................................................................68
Trade Capture Report..........................................................................................................................................68
Security Definition...............................................................................................................................................69
Security List..........................................................................................................................................................69
Parties component block......................................................................................................................................69
Contrary Intention Report....................................................................................................................................69
Security Definition Update Report......................................................................................................................69
Security List Update Report.................................................................................................................................69
FIA TRADE IDENTIFICATION STANDARDS..................................................................................................................70
Trade Identification Fields..................................................................................................................................70
Additional Identifier Definitions..........................................................................................................................70
Trade Identification Usage Table........................................................................................................................74
COLLATERAL MESSAGES FOR MARGIN MANAGEMENT.................................................................................................75
Business Workflow...............................................................................................................................................75
Message flow with a clearinghouse.....................................................................................................................75
Use of Instrument and UnderlyingInstrument component blocks.......................................................................77
Marginable vs. Valued Collateral.......................................................................................................................77
Usage examples....................................................................................................................................................78
PRODUCT REFERENCE USAGE.................................................................................................................................80
Business Workflow...............................................................................................................................................80
Product Reference Model....................................................................................................................................82
Market Segment and Venue.................................................................................................................................88
Message Flows.....................................................................................................................................................88
Usage exmples......................................................................................................................................................89
PRODUCT: EQUITIES............................................................................................................................................94
STEP-OUTS AND GIVE-UPS....................................................................................................................................94

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CFD with cash equity hedge executed by same broker as writing the CFD......................................................95
CFD with cash equity hedge executed by different broker from that writing the CFD.....................................95
COMMISSION SHARING ARRANGEMENTS....................................................................................................................97
Soft Dollars...........................................................................................................................................................97
Directed Brokerage..............................................................................................................................................97
MULTI-DAY AVERAGE PRICING..............................................................................................................................98
Flow Summary......................................................................................................................................................98
Example Warehouse Flows..................................................................................................................................99
Decision Flows...................................................................................................................................................103
REGULATION SHO - SHORT-SELL SECURITY LOCATE...............................................................................................105
STRATEGY PARAMETERS FOR ALGORITHMIC TRADING................................................................................................105
REGULATION NMS............................................................................................................................................106
Order Protection Rule Compliance...................................................................................................................106
Sub-penny Rule Compliance..............................................................................................................................109
OATS PHASE 3 REQUIREMENTS...........................................................................................................................109
Meeting OATS 3 Requirements using FIX.........................................................................................................109
TrdRegTimestamp Usage Example for OATS 3................................................................................................111
EXTERNAL ORDER ROUTING CONTROL...................................................................................................................113
PRODUCT: FIXED INCOME (FI).......................................................................................................................114
MESSAGE DIALOG..............................................................................................................................................114
Indication of Interest (Offerings).......................................................................................................................115
Negotiated Trade /Inquiry/Bid or Offer Request...............................................................................................116
Out-of-Band Negotiated Order..........................................................................................................................120
Allocation Instructions.......................................................................................................................................122
Post Trade Reporting to a 3rd Party or Virtual Matching Utility....................................................................126
MESSAGE USAGE DETAILS...................................................................................................................................128
General Usage Rules..........................................................................................................................................128
Indication Of Interest.........................................................................................................................................128
Quote Request.....................................................................................................................................................128
Quote Response..................................................................................................................................................129
New Order - Single.............................................................................................................................................129
New Order - Multileg.........................................................................................................................................129
Execution Report................................................................................................................................................130
Allocation Instruction.........................................................................................................................................130
Allocation Report...............................................................................................................................................130
Trade Capture Report........................................................................................................................................131
Instrument component block..............................................................................................................................131
OrderQtyData component block........................................................................................................................131
REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS (REPO) AND COLLATERAL MANAGEMENT..........................................................................131
Repo Terminology..............................................................................................................................................131
Collateral Management.....................................................................................................................................138
IDENTIFYING EURO ISSUERS ..................................................................................................................................145
Euro CountryOfIssue Codes:.............................................................................................................................145
Euro Issuer Values:............................................................................................................................................145
EXAMPLE USAGE OF FI SPECIFIC COMPONENT BLOCKS................................................................................................148
Example usage of BenchmarkCurve fields........................................................................................................148
Example usage of Stipulation fields...................................................................................................................149
PRODUCT: FOREIGN EXCHANGE..................................................................................................................150
MESSAGE DIALOG..............................................................................................................................................150

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Price Discovery..................................................................................................................................................150
General Order and Execution Handling...........................................................................................................157
FX Settlement Obligation...................................................................................................................................160
USAGE NOTES...................................................................................................................................................162
General Usage Notes.........................................................................................................................................162
Quote Request.....................................................................................................................................................163
Quote Response..................................................................................................................................................164
Quote Request Reject.........................................................................................................................................165
Quote Cancel......................................................................................................................................................165
Market Data Request..........................................................................................................................................166
Market Data Snapshot/Full Refresh..................................................................................................................166
Market Data Incremental Refresh.....................................................................................................................167
Market Data Request Reject..............................................................................................................................168
New Order - Single.............................................................................................................................................168
New Order - Multileg.........................................................................................................................................168
Execution Report................................................................................................................................................169
FX OTC Spot Option..........................................................................................................................................170
SettlDate and SettlType Required Usage Exception.........................................................................................172
MESSAGE SAMPLES.............................................................................................................................................173
Quote Request for FX Swap using NoLegs repeating group.............................................................................173
Quote for FX Swap using NoLegs repeating group..........................................................................................174
Single Bank Market Data Request.....................................................................................................................175
"Exchange" Market Data Request.....................................................................................................................177
FX Swap Multi-legged Order.............................................................................................................................178
Execution Report for FX Swap Multi-legged Order.........................................................................................179
Settlement Obligation Report.............................................................................................................................181
USER GROUP: EXCHANGES AND MARKETS..............................................................................................183
ORDER STATE CHANGE MATRICES FOR EXCHANGES.................................................................................................183
A Vanilla.............................................................................................................................................................186
I TimeInForce.....................................................................................................................................................188
CONTINUOUS MARKET MAKER QUOTING................................................................................................................189
Quote Identifiers.................................................................................................................................................189
Quote Acknowledgement and Status..................................................................................................................191
Reporting a Mass Cancel...................................................................................................................................193
Quote Cancel Scope...........................................................................................................................................194
QUOTE NEGOTIATION..........................................................................................................................................211
Usage Notes........................................................................................................................................................211
QUOTE NEGOTIATION SCENARIOS..........................................................................................................................213
Public Tradable Quote.......................................................................................................................................213
Private Tradeable Quote - Three-Party Matching Model................................................................................213
MULTILEG ORDERS.............................................................................................................................................219
User-defined, Non-securitised Strategies..........................................................................................................219
Multileg Price Method.......................................................................................................................................220
Delta Neutral Multileg Orders...........................................................................................................................221
MARKET DATA..................................................................................................................................................222
Books View Complexities...................................................................................................................................222
Varying Book Depths.........................................................................................................................................228
Trade Statistics...................................................................................................................................................228
APPLICATION SEQUENCING AND RECOVERY.............................................................................................................228
Business Workflow.............................................................................................................................................228
Business Cases....................................................................................................................................................229
Application Indentification................................................................................................................................230
Application Sequencing integration..................................................................................................................230

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Interaction with Session Layer...........................................................................................................................231

Application sequencing gap detection...............................................................................................................231
Use with Business-level Request Messages.......................................................................................................232

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Volume 7 of the FIX Protocol Specification aims to provide the FIX user community with notes and guidelines on
the usage of FIX for specific areas, namely by security product or by user groups. Sections that are security
product related has a section title that begins with "PRODUCT" while user group sections begin with "USER
GROUP". A product is the broad security categorisation. A user group represents a particular type of user, for
example exchanges, investment managers.
The "PRODUCT" sections are usage notes specific to a product. The "USER GROUP" sections are ussge notes
specific to that type of user - this mostly covers FIX message flows and interpretation of key fields within FIX
messages used by the user group.

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Overview and Scope

This Appendix summarises how FIX messages can be used to support order initiation / confirmation and to issue
settlement / Registration Instructions for open-ended Collective Investment Vehicles (“CIVs”) – known variously
as Mutual Funds, Unit Trusts, Managed Investments. Open Ended Investment Companies (OEICs), Undertaking
for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITs) etc.
Note that the FIX messages for CIV do not address Exchange Traded Funds, closed funds such as Investment
Trusts or other scenarios where CIVs are traded as if they were equities.

Market environment
Units in funds are typically sold to Retail Investors on the recommendation of an Intermediary advisor (whose
firm may not be authorised to hold client assets or settle transactions), or purchased at the Investors’ initiative via
a broker or funds supermarket (which may outsource settlement to a third party) or purchased by the Investor
directly from the fund manager (who again may outsource fund administration to a third party ).
Retail intermediaries (eg. Intermediary advisors) who don’t hold client funds or settle transactions are rewarded
by commission from the fund manager out of charges collected from the Investor. Commission and charges may
be paid at the time of investment (“front-end load funds”) and/or during the life of the investment (“no-load
funds”). The latter may be called “renewal” or “trail” commission, and is typically paid directly to the
intermediary at the end of each period.
Intermediaries such as brokers and funds supermarkets may charge their own commission etc. directly to the
Investor and instruct the fund manager not to deduct commission from the sum invested.
Institutional Investors typically purchase funds directly from the fund manager and no commission is payable.
In some regulatory environments the fund manager is responsible for making compliance and money laundering
checks before a CIV order is executed, hence for new investors full details must be supplied with the order.
In some markets Hubs, Exchanges or Funds Supermarkets provide messaging, order matching/crossing, clearing
and settlement services between Intermediaries/brokers, Fund managers etc.
FIX messages may be used between any of the participants. The fund manager may also use FIX messages to buy
and sell fund assets with other participants in the relevant market(s) (eg. Equities):

Investor, e.g. Fund Manager, Equity / Bond Market,

Institution, Retail CIV Bulk i.e. Product via
Hub / FX Order
Intermediary / Provider or Institutional
Stockbroker Order or CIV Institution etc. Stockbroker
etc. Exchange Order
Custodian / etc. Custodian /
Third Party Third Party
Administrator Custodian / Administrator
Third Party

Note that in a CIV scenario brokers, intermediaries etc. may be on the “buy side” and institutions may be on the
“sell” side, i.e. a reversal of the situation in equity/fixed interest/FX transactions.

CIV Security Type Identification

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A Collective Investment Vehicle security type is designated by a CFICode field (ISO 10962 standards-based)
value which starts with “EU”. Note that if the Product field is specified, the value should be set to “Equity” to
correspond with the “E” in the CFICode “EU” prefixed value, as presently defined. See “Volume 6 – Appendix
6D” for CFICode details.

Types of CIV FIX Messages

The FIX messages specifically supporting CIV trades are:
• “New Order – Single” – used to specify the buy or sell of a CIV fund. The message includes the ability
to specify percentage of a holding to be sold, whether or not the order can be crossed or matched,
compliance/money laundering status, commission instructions, etc. The New Order – Single comprises
the major details:
o Intermediary & Client Identification Information
o Commission
o Order Quantity
o Registration and Reconciliation details
• “New Order – List” – used for an Investor to initiate exchanges or switches between CIV funds, or by a
broker or Hub to place a bulk buy or sell order for several funds. New order List comprises one or more
“New Order – Singles”
• Order Cancel Request – used for an Investor, Broker or Hub to request cancellation of an outstanding
• Order Cancel Reject – used for a fund manager to reject Cancellation of an order
• Order Status Request – used for an Investor, Broker or Hub to request the status of an order
• “Settlement” – used to transmit Investors’ payment details to the fund manager where the Intermediary
does not settle trades
• “Registration Instructions” and “Registration response” – used to transmit Investors’ registration details
to the Fund manager, allow compliance checks and opening of the correct type of account. This may be
sent before or after corresponding New Order messages. The Registration Instructions message type
comprises the major details:
o RegistrationID
o OrderLink Fields
o Registration Classification
o Member Registration
o Distribution Details
• “Execution Report” – used to transmit details of Unit price basis, charges, commission etc. to the
Investor and Intermediary

Allocation messages are not required for CIV trading with Fund managers, but other FIX messages are unchanged
and can be used as required, e.g. Market Data, Security Status Request, Quote, Order Status, Order Cancel /
Replace, Don’t Know, Business Reject etc.

(See CIV Examples 1 – 7 below for examples of the use of these message types.)

Order Quantities

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Income on units may be credited as additional units on the Investor’s account with the Fund manager, leading to
uncertainty about the exact number of units when a holding is to be sold. Similarly when an exchange or switch is
requested the cash value of investments realised and to be re-invested is not known. Hence it can be more
convenient for Unit quantities to be expressed as a percentage of total holding, e.g. sell 50% or 100% of the
existing holding, and reinvest 50% of the cash proceeds in Fund A, 25% in Fund B and 25% in Fund C.
“Percentage” amounts are indicated in the OrderPercent field.
Where an order is for investment of a money amount (CashOrderQty) or percentage (OrderPercent) the
Intermediary may request that the resultant quantity is rounded up or down to a specific fraction or multiple of
units by setting RoundingDirection and RoundingModulus.

(See CIV Example 13 below for an example of the use of OrderPercent & Rounding to specify order quantity.)

Intermediary identification
Where messages are sent to or from a Fund manager via a Hub or Funds Supermarket on behalf of the
Intermediary the IntroBroker field may be used to identify the Intermediary who is interfacing with the Investor.
This information is used by the Fund manager used to validate the Investor / Intermediary relationship on his
records and to credit Commission to the correct Intermediary.

Investor details
If an Intermediary places a CIV Order for a new Investor (to the Fund manager) then the Registration instructions
message can be used to transmit the details as required by the Fund manager:
• RegistAcctType – identifying which of the fund manager’s account types should be opened
• TaxExemptType – identifying which of the (nationally defined) tax-exempt accounts or “plans” is
• OwnershipType – indicates relationship between owners where there is more than one, e.g. tenants in
common (i.e. equal interests), joint tenants with rights of survivorship.
• RegistDtls & RegistEmail – name and address into which purchases for this Investor should be registered,
plus e-mail address where applicable.
• InvestorCountryOfResidence – identifying the country of residence of the investor, e.g. for compliance
and/or tax purposes
• OwnerType – identifying whether the registered investor is an individual, corporation, nominee/street
name, trustee etc. (This information may be required for regulatory purposes and/or to indicate which
format of Registration name and address information is required)
• InvestorID and InvestorIDSource – containing identifiers issued by official organisations such as tax
authorities, company registrar, regulators or national numbering agencies, together with an identifier for
the source of the identifier
• MailingDtls – the name and address to which general correspondence should be sent (if different from the
Registration address), semi-annual reports, marketing literature.
• MailingInst – e.g. instructions indicating what the mailing address is to be used for, whether marketing
literature is acceptable etc.
(See CIV Examples 15-16 below for examples of the use of registration instruction for new investors, accounts

Having received this information the Fund manager responds with a Registration Instructions Response– which in
addition to the RegistID of the Registration request should also contain the Account and/or ClientIDs allocated to
the Investor.
(See CIV Examples 3, 4 & 6 below for examples of the use of Registration instruction response message.)

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Investor identification
A Fund manager may allocate an Account id and/or Client id to each Investor – depending on the architecture of
his account database. These can be returned on the Registration status or Execution report message or by some
other means (e.g. printed confirm or contract note), and should be quoted on subsequent New Order etc. messages.

(See CIV Examples 8-10 below for examples of the use of identification fields for new and existing investors,
accounts etc.)

New Investor -> New Order -> Registration instruction

Registration instruction messages can be sent before, after or both before and after a related New Order:
• before the New Order, e.g. to give details of a new investor / account (with name & address etc.). The
RegistID specified on this Registration message must also be quoted on the subsequent New Order.
• after the New Order e.g. to give distribution payment details or to override previous Registration
instructions for that specific New Order. This message should quote ClOrdID from the New Order (and
Account and ClientID if available), but not the RegistID.
The Fund manager will respond to each Registration instruction with one or more Registration status messages,
indicating whether the details are:
• Accepted – where possible including the Account and ClientID if these have been allocated by the Fund
• Rejected – in which case the RegistRejReasonCode and RegistRejReasonText fields should be populated
to indicate the reason for rejection
• Held – e.g. pending receipt of the New Order or for later batch or manual processing, following which an
“accepted” or “rejected” Registration status message will be sent
Note that the Designation field is available on the New Order message to provide supplementary registration

(See CIV Examples 6 & 14-16 for examples of registration instructions and the designation field.)

Fund & Unit Identification

Many Funds offer several classes of units, e.g. front-end, back-end or no-load; income or accumulation units etc.
In some tax regimes Fund managers are required to differentiate between units purchased before and after the
most recent distribution. In markets where ticker symbols are allocated to unit types these are entered in the
Symbol field; where tickers are not available an alternative identification such as ISIN is entered in the
(mandatory) Symbol field and also the (optional) SecurityID field, with the code type in the SecurityIDSource
The Issuer and SecurityDesc fields may also be used to further confirm the Fund and Unit type required.
Note that the Fund managers or regulators may impose restrictions on the Funds in an order, e.g. they must be
available to the type of Investor, Account or Tax Exemption, or (for an exchange/switch) they may all have to be
issued by the same Fund manager.

Order details - single

Order details for a CIV Order typically include:
• Side – “buy” (sometimes known as create, although creation may not actually be involved) or “sell”
(sometimes known as a cancel, although cancellation may not actually be involved) - where “buy” or

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“sell” order can be matched or crossed by an intermediary, funds supermarket, broker/dealer etc. or
forwarded to the fund manager. On the other hand a “subscribe” or “redeem” order must be forwarded to
the fund manager, e.g. where the originator requires specific tax treatment and/or dealing charges.
• OrdType – Previous Fund Valuation Point (Historic pricing) or Next Fund Valuation Point –(Forward
• Order quantity expressed as one of:
o OrderQty – number of units,
o CashOrdQty– cash amount to be invested, or
o OrderPercent – percentage of existing holding (for a sell) or percentage of available cash amount
to be invested (for an exchange / switch)
• RoundDirection & RoundModulus – for cash amount or percentage, allows the investor or intermediary
to request rounding up or down to the nearest 5, 10, 100 etc. or fractional units
• Currency & ForexReqd – e.g. for an off-shore fund settled in domestic currency
• Designation – supplementary registration information specific to this Order

Order details - list

A CIV “New Order – List” would typically be issued:
• by a retail intermediary to initiate an “exchange” or “switch” between funds on behalf of a single
• by a broker, funds supermarket or hub/exchange to initiate “bulk buy” or “bulk sell” order of funds held
for the account of several investors
For an exchange/switch:
• the ListNoOrds and ListSeqNo fields determine the order in which the deals are to be executed
• the ListExecInstType determines how the Order quantities and Settlement amount are to be calculated
(i.e. sell-driven, buy-driven with additional cash available, buy-driven without additional cash)
For a bulk buy / bulk sell the Designation field can be used to supply supplementary registration information for
each order line, to maintain segregation between the holdings for individual clients.

(See CIV Examples 13 & 14 below for an example of the use of New Order – List.)

Commission Instructions
The Intermediary can indicate specific commission requirements using:
• Commission & CommType – e.g. a specific commission rate or a waiver of the standard commission rate
for the fund, the saving on standard commission being credited as for additional units or as a cash
• CommCurrency – to specify that commission on an overseas or offshore fund should be paid in domestic
• FundBasedRenewalWaived – to indicate whether or not the Intermediary accepts renewal/trail


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Depending on terms of business and the regulatory environment either or both of the Intermediary and Fund
manager may be required to support money laundering status checking and/or right-to-cancel. The New Order
message supports these with:
• MoneyLaundering – indicating whether or not checks are required and have already been carried out by
the Intermediary
• CancellationRights - indicating whether or not a “right-to-cancel” applies

Settlement instructions
For CIV Orders retail settlement instructions may be transmitted using Settlement instruction features including:
• SettlInstMode – indicating that settlement instructions relate to a specific (retail) Order
• SettlInstSource –indicating the Investor as the source of settlement instructions
• PaymentMethod & SettCurrency – indicating cheque, bank transfer, payment card, cash account at
depository etc.
• CardHolderName, CardNumber, CardStartDate, CardExpDate, CardIssNo, PaymentDate and
PaymentRemitterID – details required for cash settlement by payment card
• SettlBrkrCode, SettlDepositoryCode – for cash settlement via central depositories
• CashSettlAgentName, CashSettlAgentCode, CashSettlAgentAcctNum, CashSettlAgentAcctName - for
cash settlement by bank transfer
• PaymentRef – cross-reference or narrative information for bank transfers etc. to appear on bank
statements, SWIFT MT950’s etc. to assist reconciliation

Distribution instructions
The Registration instruction message can also carry Distribution instructions, including:
• NoDistribDetls & DistribSeqNo – the number of beneficiaries
• DistribPercent –the split of each distribution (by value) between several beneficiaries
• DistribPaymentMethod & CashDistribCurr – payment method and currency for a specific beneficiary
• CashDistribAgentName, AgentCode, AgentAcctName and AgentAcctNum – bank and account details for
a specific beneficiary
• CashDistribPayRef - cross-reference or narrative information for bank statements

(See CIV Examples 15 & 16 below for examples of the use of distribution instructions.)

Unit Prices
Fund managers calculate a net asset value for each fund – typically at a fixed time each day, the “valuation point”.
They then quote either a single Unit price (“single pricing”) or separate buying and selling prices (“dual pricing”)
– depending on the fund’s constitution and regulatory environment.
Valuation point
The unit price applicable to a CIV trade depends on when the Order was received by the fund manager relative to
a Valuation point, whether the Fund is normally dealt on a Historic or Forward basis, and possibly also on recent
volatility on underlying fund assets and any specific instructions from the Investor.
Some of this information is indicated by fields on the New Order:

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• TransactTime – the time at which the Investor placed the CIV Order directly, or at which Intermediary
placed the Order on behalf of the Investor
• OrdType – whether Investor requires a Forward or (where available) a Historic price
Other times establishing the relevant valuation point are shown on the Execution Report:
• OrderBookedTime – the time at which the Fund manager provisionally accepted the order for execution
(having completed any preliminaries, e.g. setting up an account, money laundering checks)
• ExecValuationPoint - the fund valuation point with respect to which a order was priced by the fund
manager (may be before or after the OrderBookedTime).
Single pricing
The Unit price for single-priced funds is determined from the net asset value, based on the mid-price of the
underlying assets of the fund, divided by the applicable number of units. For these funds ExecPriceType on the
Execution Report should be set to “S” = Single.
The manager’s Initial charge (if any) is then charged out separately. In addition a Dilution levy may be charged on
large buy or sell transactions, e.g. to compensate for the difference between the mid- and buy/sell- price of the
underlying investments. These charges can be notified on the Execution Report in the Contract amounts repeat
Dual pricing
For dual priced funds the manager calculates:
• Creation price – based on the “buy” price of the underlying assets (net of transaction taxes etc.)
• Cancellation price – based on the “sell” price of the underlying assets (net of transaction taxes etc.)
If the net cash flow is into the fund new units will be created:
• Offer or Buy price – will be no higher than the Creation price plus the manager’s Initial charge
• Bid, Sell or Redemption price – will be the Offer price minus the manager’s Dealing spread
If the net cash flow is out of the fund existing units will be cancelled:
• Bid, Sell or Redemption price – will be no lower than the Cancellation price
• Offer or Buy price – will be the Bid price plus the manager’s Dealing spread, up to a limit of the
Creation price plus the manager’s Initial charge
The manager may sell to buyers units he has re-purchased from sellers (rather than cancelling and re-creating
units), thus profiting from the Dealing spread.
The Initial charge covers any commission paid to Intermediaries as well as advertising, administration, dealing
costs etc. It can be a money amount or percentage and may be waived on large investments, e.g. by institutional
investors. Where the Initial charge is waived for a private investor an Exit charge (money amount or percentage)
may be levied if an investment is sold within the first few years. (This is sometimes known as a Deferred
contingent sales charge.) These charges can be notified on the Execution Report in the Contract amounts repeat
The manager may offer an improved buying price by discounting the initial charge or reducing his dealing spread
– the improved price is expressed as “Creation price plus” an amount or percentage, or “Offer price minus” an
amount or percentage.
ExecPriceType and (where applicable) ExecPriceAdjustment on the Execution Report indicate how the actual
buying or selling price was calculated from the fund valuation price(s).

Execution Reports
The Fund manager should send Execution Report messages to confirm receipt (OrdStatus=“New”) and execution
(OrdStatus= “Filled” and/or “Calculated”) of CIV Orders, plus other Order Status from the list below as agreed
between the parties – individual Execution Reports being sent for each line of an New Order – List.

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In markets where tax treatment and/or dealing charges depend on whether execution was by crossing / matching
by an intermediary, or by subscription / redemption at the fund manager the LastMkt field should be used to
indicate either the Exchange or 11 for an OTC trade, or omitted if execution was by the fund manager.

CIV-specific use of OrdStatus:

CIV orders to be executed by the fund manager do not use the TimeInForce field and only the following
OrdStatus values are expected to be used:

*** This OrdStatus table lists CIV-specific values ***

Precedence OrdStatus Description
11 Pending Cancel Order with an Order Cancel Request pending, used to
confirm receipt of an Order Cancel Request. DOES
CANCELED. (Where supported by the receving broker,
intermediary, fund manager etc.)
10 Pending Replace Order with an Order Cancel/Replace Request pending,
used to confirm receipt of an Order Cancel/Replace
HAS BEEN REPLACED. (Where supported by
receiving broker, intermediary, fund manager etc.)
8 Calculated Order has been filled, settlement details, currency,
commission, contract amounts etc. have been calculated
and reported in this execution message
7 Filled Order has been filled, execution valuation point,
shares/unit quantity and price have been calculated and
and reported in this execution message
4 Canceled Canceled order without executions (where supported by
receiving broker, intermediary, fund manager etc.).
2 New Outstanding order which has not been executed. The
OrderBookedTime field will be completed. For Forward
priced orders or funds the order will be executed at the
next Valuation Point. (This status may not be sent if the
order can be executed immediately on a Historic pricing
2 Rejected Order has been rejected by broker, intermediary or fund
manager (for CIV orders). NOTE: An order can be
rejected subsequent to order acknowledgment, i.e. an
order can pass from New to Rejected status.
2 Pending New Order has been received by broker’s system but not yet
accepted for execution. An execution message with this
status will only be sent in response to a Status Request
message. (Where supported by receiving broker,
intermediary or fund manager etc.)

The CIV Fields included for each value of OrdStatus in Execution Report are listed below:

OrdStatus CIV Fields included on Execution Report

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Pending Cancel ClOrdID, ListID & TransactTime – Intermediary’s Order (and List)
references and time of submission

Canceled Other fields may be populated if available

Pending Replace

Pending New ClOrdID, ListID & TransactTime – Intermediary’s Order (and List)
references and time of submission
All fields populated on the CIV Order (apart from Order fields not available
in Execution Report)

New Same as for “Pending New” plus:

TranBkdTime – time at which the Fund manager accepted the CIV Order
onto his books
OrderId – order reference assigned by Fund manager (to each line in a New
Order - List)

Filled Same as for “New” plus:

ExecID & DealTime – Fund manager’s reference & Valuation point at which
the Fund manager priced the CIV Order
LastQty, LastPx & ExecPriceType – Unit quantity, price & basis of
calculation of the price (e.g. Bid, Offer / Offer minus, Creation / Creation
plus etc.)

Calculated As for “Filled” plus:

ContAmt, Type & Curr – type, currency and value of various contract
amounts (Initial, Commission, Discount Exit, Dilution etc.)

(See CIV Examples 1 – 7 below for examples of the use of Execution Report messages.)


The following examples illustrate how FIX messages can be used to process CIV fund orders and provide
settlement and registration instructions to the fund manager.
NOTE that in the examples:
• “Buyside” refers to an institution or private investor investing in a CIV fund via broker, intermediary – or
a hub and/or exchange transmitting messages to/from other buyside parties
• “Sellside” refers to a CIV fund manager or intermediary – or a hub and/or exchange transmitting
messages to/from other sellside parties

CIV Example 1. Single order for a CIV fund for a known

investor/nominee, to be dealt on a "historic" basis

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A typical flow for an order for a CIV fund dealt on Historic price for an investor or nominee known to the fund
manager – is as follows:

 New Order-Single
(IntroBroker, ClOrdID, Account & ClientID specified)
 Execution Report (ExecType = “F”) [Trade]
(IntroBroker, ClOrdID, Account & ClientID echoed)
Fee Calc
 Execution Report (ExecType = “B”) [Calculated]
(IntroBroker, ClOrdID, Account & ClientID echoed)

CIV Example 2. Single order for a CIV fund for a known

investor/nominee, to be dealt on a "forward" basis

A typical flow for an order for a CIV fund for an investor/nominee known to the fund manager that wishes to deal
on a Forward price basis – is as follows:

 New Order-Single
(IntroBroker, ClOrdID, Account & ClientID specified)
(OrdType="M") [Forward]
 Execution Report (ExecType = “0” [New]
(IntroBroker, ClOrdID, Account & ClientID echoed)
 Execution Report (ExecType = “F”) [Trade]
(IntroBroker, ClOrdID, Account & ClientID echoed)
Fee Calc
 Execution Report (ExecType = “B”) [Calculated]
(IntroBroker, ClOrdID, Account & ClientID specified)

CIV Example 3. Single order for a CIV fund for an investor/nominee

not known to the fund manager - registration and settlement
instructions after trade

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A typical flow for an order for a CIV fund for an investor/nominee not known to the fund manager where the fund
manager does not require settlement or registration instructions in advance – is as follows:

 New Order – Single (IntroBroker & ClOrdID specified,
Account, ClientID & RegistID not specified)
 Execution Report (ExecType = “0” [New]
(IntroBroker & ClOrdID echoed)
 Execution Report (ExecType = “F”) [Trade]
(IntroBroker & ClOrdID echoed)
Fee Calc
 Execution Report (ExecType = “B”) [Calculated]
(IntroBroker & ClOrdID echoed)
 Registration Instruction Response (RegistStatus = “N”)
(IntroBroker & ClOrdID echoed)
 Settlement Instruction (SettInstTransType = “N”) [New]
(SettlInstMode=”4”) [Specific Order]
(IntroBroker & ClOrdID specified)
 Registration Instruction (RegistTransType = “0” ) [New]
(IntroBroker, ClOrdID & RegistID specified)
 Registration Instruction Response (RegistStatus = “A”)
(IntroBroker, ClOrdID & RegistID echoed,
Account and/or ClientID returned)

CIV Example 4. Single order for a CIV fund for an investor/nominee

not known to the fund manager - registration and settlement
instructions required before trade

A typical flow for an order for a CIV fund for an investor/nominee not known to the fund manager where the fund
manager requires settlement and registration instructions in advance – is as follows:

 Registration Instruction (RegistTransType = “0” ) [New]
(RegistID, IntroBroker & ClOrdID specified)

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 Registration Instruction Response (RegistStatus = “H”) [Held]

(IntroBroker, ClOrdID & RegistID echoed,

Account and/or ClientID not returned)
 Registration Instruction Response (RegistStatus = “A”)
 New Order – Single (IntroBroker & ClOrdID specified,
Account, ClientID & RegistID not specified)
 Execution Report (ExecType = “A” [Pending New]
 Settlement Instruction (SettInstTransType = “A”) [New]
(SettlInstMode=”4”) [Specific Order]
(IntroBroker & ClOrdID specified)
 Execution Report (ExecType = “0”) [New]
 Execution Report (ExecType = “F”) [Trade]
Fee Calc
 Execution Report (ExecType = “B”) [Calculated]

CIV Example 5. Single order for a CIV fund for a known

investor/nominee – order modified before execution

A possible flow for an order for a CIV fund for an investor/nominee known to the fund manager, on which the
CashOrdQty is modified before execution – is as follows:

 New Order-Single
(IntroBroker, ClOrdID, Account & ClientID specified)
CashOrdQty = “6,000”
 Execution Report (ExecType = “0” [New]
(IntroBroker, ClOrdID, Account & ClientID echoed)
 Order Cancel/Replace Request
(IntroBroker, ClOrdID, Account & ClientID specified)
CashOrdQty = “7,000”

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 Execution Report (ExecType = “5” [Replaced]
(IntroBroker, ClOrdID, Account & ClientID echoed)
 Execution Report (ExecType = “F”) [Trade]
(IntroBroker, ClOrdID, Account & ClientID echoed)
Fee Calc
 Execution Report (ExecType = “B”) [Calculated]
(IntroBroker, ClOrdID, Account & ClientID specified)

CIV Example 6. Single order for a CIV fund for a new

investor/nominee to the fund manager - registration and
settlement instructions rejected, then modified & accepted

A possible flow for an order for a CIV fund for an investor/nominee not already known to the fund manager where
settlement and registration instructions are supplied, rejected and then corrected after the trade – is as follows:

 New Order – Single (IntroBroker & ClOrdID specified,
Account, ClientID & RegistID not specified)
Fee Calc
 Execution Report (ExecType = “B”) [Calculated]
(IntroBroker & ClOrdID echoed)
 Settlement Instruction (SettInstTransType = “N”) [New]
(SettlInstMode=”4”) [Specific Order]
(IntroBroker & ClOrdID specified)
 Registration Instruction (RegistTransType = “0” ) [New]
(IntroBroker, ClOrdID & RegistID specified)
 Registration Instruction Response (RegistStatus = “H”) [Held]

(IntroBroker, ClOrdID & RegistID echoed,

Account and/or ClientID not returned)

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 Registration Instruction Response (RegistStatus = “R”)
(IntroBroker, ClOrdID & RegistID echoed,
Account and/or ClientID not returned)
 Registration Instruction (RegistTransType = “2” ) [Replace]
(IntroBroker, ClOrdID & RegistID specified)
 Registration Instruction Response (RegistStatus = “A”)
(IntroBroker, ClOrdID echoed,
Account and/or ClientID returned)
 Settlement Instruction (SettInstTransType = “R”) [Replace]
(SettlInstMode=”4”) [Specific Order]
(IntroBroker & ClOrdID specified)

CIV Example 7. Exchange/switch order between several CIV funds

from a single fund manager or via a funds supermarket
A typical flow for an order for a CIV fund for an investor wishing to switch funds between funds from a single
fund manager or via a funds supermarket that covers all funds – is as follows:

 New Order-List
(ListId & ListExecInstType specified, e.g.
ListExecInstType=”3” [Exch/switch - Sell Driven]
For each component of exchange/switch:
(IntroBroker, ClOrdID, ClientID, Account,
Symbol/SecurityId, OrderPercent, Side)

 For each component of exchange/switch:

 Execution Report (ExecType = “0” [New]
(IntroBroker, ClOrdID, Account & ClientID echoed)
 For each component of exchange/switch:

 Execution Report (ExecType = “F” [Trade]
(IntroBroker, ClOrdID, Account & ClientID echoed)
Fee Calc

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 For each component of exchange/switch:

 Execution Report (ExecType = “B” [Calculated]
(IntroBroker, ClOrdID, Account & ClientID echoed)

Identifier examples – existing investor & account

CIV Example 8. Order for CIV fund by new or existing investor,

routed via a client money/asset holding broker or funds
supermarket to fund manager

Typical usage of fields on Order and/or Post-Trade messages would be as follows:

Tag Field Name Contents

453 NoPartyIDs 2
 448 PartyID An identifier for the broker or funds supermarket which is
recognized by the fund manager
 447 PartyIDSource Indicates source of Party identifier used in preceding field
 452 PartyRole 6 [“Introducing Firm”]
 448 PartyID An identifier for the broker or funds supermarket’s
nominee/custodian company which is recognized by the fund
 447 PartyIDSource Indicates source of Party identifier used in preceding field,
e.g. the Fund manager
 452 PartyRole 9 [“Fund manager Client ID”]
 523 PartySubID An optional sub-identifier for the broker or funds
supermarket’s nominee/custodian company which is
recognized by the fund manager
11 ClOrdID Assigned by broker or funds supermarket

CIV Example 9. Order for CIV fund by an institutional investor,

routed via a broker to a fund manager – possibly via a

Typical usage of fields on Order and/or Post-Trade messages would be as follows:

Tag Field Name Contents

453 NoPartyIDs 3
 448 PartyID An identifier for the broker closest to the investing institution
which is recognized by the fund manager

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Tag Field Name Contents

 447 PartyIDSource Indicates source of Party identifier used in preceding field
 452 PartyRole 6 [“Introducing Firm”]
 448 PartyID An identifier for hub/exchange (where used) which is
recognized by the fund manager
 447 PartyIDSource Indicates source of Party identifier used in preceding field
 452 PartyRole 1 [“Executing Firm”]
 448 PartyID An identifier for the investing institution which is recognized
by the fund manager
 447 PartyIDSource Indicates source of Party identifier used in preceding field,
e.g. the Fund manager
 452 PartyRole 9 [“Fund manager Client ID”]
 523 PartySubID An optional sub-identifier for the investor which is
recognized by the fund manager
11 ClOrdID Assigned by investing institution

Identifier examples – new investor and/or account

CIV Example 10. Order for CIV fund by new investor via non-client
money/asset holding intermediary to fund manager

Typical usage of fields on Order and/or Post-Trade messages would be as follows:

Tag Field Name Contents

453 NoPartyIDs 2
 448 PartyID An identifier for the broker closest to the investor which is
recognized by the fund manager
 447 PartyIDSource Indicates source of Party identifier used in preceding field
 452 PartyRole 6 [“Introducing Firm”]
 448 PartyID Not present on the “New Order” message, only on Execution
Report(s). An identifier for the investor which is assigned by
the fund manager, e.g. after processing a Registration
 447 PartyIDSource Indicates source of Party identifier used in preceding field,
e.g. the Fund manager
 452 PartyRole 9 [“Fund manager Client ID”]
 523 PartySubID Not present on the “New Order” message, only on Execution
Report(s). An optional sub-identifier for the investor which is
assigned by the fund manager, e.g. after processing a
Registration Instruction.
11 ClOrdID Assigned by intermediary

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Tag Field Name Contents

493 RegistAcctType An identifier for the type of account required which is
recognised by the fund manager
495 TaxAdvantageType An identifier for the type of tax advantaged account required
492 PaymentMethod Entered by intermediary (together with Investor’s bank/card
details) to show how investor will settle cash with the fund

CIV Example 11. Order for CIV fund by new investor, routed via
non-client money/asset holding intermediary via a non-
aggregating hub/exchange to fund manager

Typical usage of fields on Order and/or Post-Trade messages would be as follows:

Tag Field Name Contents

453 NoPartyIDs 3
 448 PartyID An identifier for the broker closest to the investor which is
recognized by the fund manager
 447 PartyIDSource Indicates source of Party identifier used in preceding field
 452 PartyRole 6 [“Introducing Firm”]
 448 PartyID An identifier for hub/exchange (where used) which is
recognized by the fund manager
 447 PartyIDSource Indicates source of Party identifier used in preceding field
 452 PartyRole 1 [“Executing Firm”]
 448 PartyID Not present on the “New Order” message, only on Execution
Report(s). An identifier for the investor which is assigned by
the fund manager, e.g. after processing a Registration
 447 PartyIDSource Indicates source of Party identifier used in preceding field,
e.g. the Fund manager
 452 PartyRole 9 [“Fund manager Client ID”]
 523 PartySubID Not present on the “New Order” message, only on Execution
Report(s). An optional sub-identifier for the investor which is
assigned by the fund manager, e.g. after processing a
Registration Instruction.
11 ClOrdID Assigned by broker

CIV Example 12. Order for CIV fund by new investor routed via
intermediary to a funds supermarket – which places bulk/net
orders to the fund manager

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Typical usage of fields on Order and/or Post-Trade messages between intermediary and funds supermarket would
be as follows:

Tag Field Name Contents

11 ClOrdID Assigned by intermediary
453 NoPartyIDs 2
 448 PartyID An identifier for the intermediary closest to the investor
which is recognized by the fund manager
 447 PartyIDSource Indicates source of Party identifier used in preceding field
 452 PartyRole 6 [“Introducing Firm”]
 448 PartyID Not present on the “New Order” message, only on Execution
Report(s). An identifier for the investor which is assigned by
the funds supermarket, e.g. after processing a Registration
 447 PartyIDSource Indicates source of Party identifier used in preceding field,
e.g. the Fund manager
 452 PartyRole 9 [“Fund manager Client ID”]
 523 PartySubID Not present on the “New Order” message, only on Execution
Report(s). An optional sub-identifier for the investor which is
assigned by the funds supermarket, e.g. after processing a
Registration Instruction.

Typical usage of fields on Order and/or Post-Trade messages between funds supermarket and fund manager for
bulk/net orders would be as follows:

Tag Field Name Contents

11 ClOrdID Assigned by fund supermarket
453 NoPartyIDs 2
 448 PartyID An identifier for funds supermarket which is recognized by
the fund manager
 447 PartyIDSource Indicates source of Party identifier used in preceding field
 452 PartyRole 1 [“Executing Firm”]
 448 PartyID An identifier for the funds supermarket’s nominee/custodian
company which is recognized by the fund manager.
 447 PartyIDSource Indicates source of Party identifier used in preceding field,
e.g. the Fund manager
 452 PartyRole 9 [“Fund manager Client ID”]
 523 PartySubID An optional sub-identifier for the funds supermarket’s
nominee/custodian company which is recognized by the fund

Quantity example

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CIV Example 13. Exchange/switch order quantities – OrderPercent,

Rounding, Sell Driven

Typical use of OrderPercent and Rounding fields on Order and Execution Report messages to and from fund
manager or funds supermarket would be as follows:

Investor’s holdings before exchange/switch New Order – List are:

Symbol/SecurityI Quantity
d held
Fund A 5281
Fund B 2296
Fund C 1833

Exchange/switch order details on the New Order – List are:

Symbol/SecurityI Sid OrderQt CashOrderQt OrderPercen

d e y y t
Fund A Sell 1281
Fund B Sell £2,000
Fund C Sell 100%
Fund X Buy 20%
Fund Y Buy 30%
Fund Z Buy 50%

with : RoundingDirection = 1 [Down]

RoundingModulus = 1

After the Fund Valuation Point the quantities and cash amounts (assuming no commissions, initial or exit charges)
are reported on “calculated” Execution Reports are as follows:

Symbol/SecurityI Sid Price CumQty Cash value

d e (AvePx)
Fund A Sell £5.21 1281 £6,674
Fund B Sell £7.28 274 £1,995
Fund C Sell £3.27 1833 £5,994
Fund X Buy £8.72 336 -£2,930

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Fund Y Buy £15.00 293 -£4,395

Fund Z Buy £1.00 7331 -£7,331

Settlement amount (ContAmtValue) = £6.72 (credit, i.e. excess cash will be paid to Investor)

CIV Example 14. CIV Bulk order – purchase of funds for multiple
investors into a designated nominee

Typical use of New Order – List by a broker for purchase of funds for multiple investors into a designated
nominee would be to specify ListExecInstType=“1” [Immediate], with other fields as follows:

Tag Field Name Contents

11 ClOrdID Assigned by broker to identify each component within New
Order - List.
As required for each componen.t
 448 PartyID An identifier for the funds supermarket’s nominee/custodian
company which is recognized by the fund manager.
Same for each component of order.
 447 PartyIDSource Indicates source of Party identifier used in preceding field,
e.g. the Fund manager
 452 PartyRole 9 [“Fund manager Client ID”]
 523 PartySubID An optional sub-identifier for the funds supermarket’s
nominee/custodian company which is recognized by the fund
 448 PartyID An identifier for the intermediary closest to the investor
which is recognized by the fund manager
Same for each component of order.
 447 PartyIDSource Indicates source of Party identifier used in preceding field
 452 PartyRole 6 [“Introducing Firm”]
55/ Symbol/SecurityId etc. Identifier(s) for fund.
As required for each component.
54/ Side/OrderQty/CashOrderQt Buy/sell & quantity.
38/ y
As required for each component.
513 RegistID Assigned by broker to identify Registration Instruction for
nominee company – if required.
Same for each component of order.

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Tag Field Name Contents

494 Designation Specific registration (“sub-account”) for each component.
As required for each component.

plus other New Order – List fields as required.

CIV Example 15. Registration Instruction – Joint Investors

Typical use of the Registration instruction Joint Investors, e.g. husband & wife, with cash distribution split equally
between them would be:

Tag Field Name Value

517 OwnershipType J [“Joint Investors”]
413 NoRegistDtls 2
 509 RegistDtls John Smith Esq, 1 Acacia Avenue, Newtown, Countyshire
 511 RegistEmail
 522 OwnerType 1 [“Individual Investor”]
 509 RegistDtls Mrs Naomi Smith, 1 Acacia Avenue, Newtown, Countyshire
 511 RegistEmail
 522 OwnerType 1 [“Individual Investor”]
510 NoDistribInsts 2
 477 DistribPaymentMeth 8 [“Direct Credit”]
 512 DistribPercentage 50
 478 CashDistribCurr GBP
 498 CashDistribAgentNa Anytown Bank
 499 CashDistribAgentCo 20-01-00
 500 CashDistribAgentAc 23456789
 501 CashDistribPayRef Fund income
 502 CashDistribAgentAc Mr J & Mrs N Smith
 477 DistribPaymentMeth 5 [“Cheque”]
 512 DistribPercentage 50

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Tag Field Name Value

 478 CashDistribCurr GBP
 502 CashDistribAgentAc Mrs Naomi Smith

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CIV Example 16 Registration Instruction – Tenants in Common,

Possible use of the Registration instruction for Tenants in Common, e.g. a club of private investors that reinvest
all their income could be:

Tag Field Name Contents

517 OwnershipType T [“Tenants in Common”]
413 NoRegistDtls 4
→ 509 RegistDtls Frank Jones, 2 South Drive, Anyport, Southshire
→ 511 RegistEmail
→ 509 RegistDtls Sally Smith, 192 West Road, Anyport, Southshire
→ 511 RegistEmail
→ 509 RegistDtls James Jordan, 88 Lime Tree Avenue, Lower Anyport,
→ 511 RegistEmail
→ 509 RegistDtls Anita Robinson, 2 South Drive, Anyport, Southshire
510 NoDistribInsts 1
477 DistribPaymentMethod 12 [“Reinvest in Fund”]

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Use of CFICode to identify derivatives security
The CFICode (tag 461) is used to identify the type of instrument in FIX. The following is the recommended usage
of the CFICode for futures and options. The CFICodes (ISO 10962) shall replace of SecurityType (tag 167)
enumerations for futures – “FUT” and options – “OPT”. The CFICode for options supports definition of Calls –
“C” and Puts – “P” in the second position. The PutOrCall (tag 201) tag is replaced (made obsolete) in FIX 4.3 by
the adoption of the CFICode (tag 461).

Single Leg Instruments

FIX 4.2 Mapping Values
CFICode[461] Description SecurityType[167] PutOrCall[201]
OCXXXS Standardized Call Option OPT 1
OPXXXS Standardized Put Option OPT 0
FXXXS Standardized Future FUT na
OCXFXS Standardized Call Option on a Future na1 1
OPXFXS Standardized Put Option on a Future na 0

FFICN Nonstandard (flex) Financial Future on FUT na

an index with cash delivery
FCEPN Nonstandard (flex) Commodity Future FUT na
on an extraction resource with physical
FXXXN Nonstandard (flex) future – contract FUT na
type specified in symbology – not
provided in CFICode
OCEFCN Nonstandard (flex) call option on OPT 1
future with european style expiration
and cash delivery
OPAFPN Nonstandard (flex) put option on OPT 0
future with american style expiration
and physical delivery
OPXSPN Nonstandard (flex) put option on a OPT 0
stock with physical delivery (the
expiration style is not specified – so is
assumed to default to the market
standard for flex options).
OCEICN Nonstandard (flex) call option on an OPT 1
index with european style expiration
and cash delivery

Multileg Instrument Specification

1 A security type enumeration for an Option on a Future does not currently exist.

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The following use of SecurityType and CFICode are proposed for specifying multileg derivative instruments
– such as options strategies or futures spreads.
SecurityType[167] CFICode[461] Description
FMXXS Multileg Instrument with futures contract legs
MLEG CFICode refers to Future – Miscellaneous
MLEG Multileg Instrument with option contract legs
CFICode refers to Option – Miscellaneous (This would
include multileg instruments that include the underlying
MLEG Multileg Instrument with legs made up of various types of
securities (not primarily a futures or options multileg
instrument that contains one or more derivative legs).
CFICode refers to M-Miscellaneous

US Listed Options Order Capacity Values

The following are commonly used order capacity codes from the US listed options markets and how they map
to FIX 4.3.
Common Listed Option Market Order OrderCapacity OrderRestrictions Other
Capacity Values (tag 528) (tag 529)
“B” any account of a broker/dealer, Principal
or any account in which a broker or
dealer registered or required to be
registered with the SEC pursuant to
Section 15 under the Act has an interest.
This represents any account that is not
otherwise an account that falls into any
of the below mentioned categories.
“C” any account in which no member Agency
or non-member broker/dealer has an
“D” any account of a foreign Principal 6 - Foreign Entity
“F”any firm proprietary account which Proprietary
clears at the Options Clearing
Corporation that is not a JBO account.
“M” an account representing a CBOE Proprietary 5-Acting As a
market-maker. specialist or
market maker in
the security

2 A foreign broker/dealer is defined as any person or entity that is registered, authorized, or licensed by a foreign governmental agency or foreign
regulatory organization ( or is required to be registered, authorized, or licensed) to perform the function of a broker or dealer in securities, or
both. For purposes of this definition, a broker or dealer may also be a bank.

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Common Listed Option Market Order OrderCapacity OrderRestrictions Other

Capacity Values (tag 528) (tag 529)
“N” Any options account of a Proprietary 5-Acting As a
market-maker or specialist of another specialist or
options exchange who is registered as a market maker in
market-maker or specialist in the same the security
class of options multiply listed at an
7 - External
away exchange. Sometimes referred to as
an order for a “MM or Specialist Away”.
“Y” any options account of a Proprietary 8 – Acting as a
Commodities Trader, Stock Futures specialist in the
Trader or Stock Specialist registered in security
the underlying security. stock at the underlying of a
primary exchange for trading the stock. derivative security

Proposed option order capacity codes and their FIX 4.3 equivalents
The following are additional codes that are proposed for the listed options markets and how they
would map to FIX 4.3.
Proposed Listed Option Market Order OrderCapacity OrderRestrictions Other
Capacity Values (tag 528) (tag 529)
“I” Proposed Code used to designate a Agency AccountType(
JBO account which clears Customer tag 581)=8
at OCC: any joint back office (“JBO”) Joint Back
account of a broker/dealer that has a Office
nominal ownership interest in a clearing
broker/dealer and receives good faith margin
treatment whereby such trade clears in the
customer range at OCC. This ownership
position allows the JBO clearing firm to
finance securities transactions of the JBO
participant on a good faith margin basis.
“J” Proposed Code used to designate a Proprietary AccountType(
JBO account which clears Firm at tag 581)=8
OCC: any joint back office (“JBO”) Joint Back
account of a broker/dealer that has a Office
nominal ownership interest in a clearing
broker/dealer and receives good faith
margin treatment whereby such trade
clears in the firm range at OCC. This
ownership position allows the JBO
clearing firm to finance securities
transactions of the JBO participant on a
good faith margin basis.

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Proposed Listed Option Market Order OrderCapacity OrderRestrictions Other

Capacity Values (tag 528) (tag 529)
“K” Proposed Code used to Proprietary 5-Acting As a AccountType(t
designate a JBO account which clears specialist or market ag 581)=8 Joint
MM at OCC: any joint back office maker in the security Back Office
(“JBO”) account of a broker/dealer that
has a nominal ownership interest in a
clearing broker/dealer and receives good
faith margin treatment whereby such
trade clears in the market-maker range at
OCC. This ownership position allows
the JBO clearing firm to finance
securities transactions of the JBO
participant on a good faith margin basis.
“A” Linkage - Principal acting as Agency 5-Acting As a
agent order (“P/A”) order routed through specialist or market
Linkage. (i.e. an order for the principal maker in the
account of an eligible MM that is security
authorized to represent customer orders
reflecting the terms of related unexecuted
customer orders for which the MM is 9 – External
acting as agent). Interconnected
“P”Linkage – Principal order. (i.e. an Principal 5-Acting As a
order for the principal account of an specialist or market
eligible MM which is entered to trade at maker in the
the NBBO at another exchange and is security
not a P/A order).

9 – External
“S”Linkage – Principal satisfaction Riskless 5-Acting As a
order (i.e. an order for the principal Principal specialist or market
account of an eligible market maker sent maker in the
through the Linkage to satisfy the security
liability arising from a trade through that
was initiated by that market-maker).
9 – External

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Proposed Listed Option Market Order OrderCapacity OrderRestrictions Other

Capacity Values (tag 528) (tag 529)
“Z” Proposed Code used to Agency A – Riskless
designate orders as defined under Arbitrage
Filing SR-CBOE-00-62: any non-
CBOE member or non-broker/dealer
account which typically clears at OCC as
customer, but is prohibited from entering
orders on RAES ( i.e. futures traders,
spouses of members, MM’s away who
are non B/Ds, etc).

CustomerOrderCapacity(tag 582) Mappings for Futures CTICode

CustOrderCapacity (tag 582) Description

1 Member trading for their own account
2 Clearing Firm trading for its proprietary account
3 Member trading for another member
4 All other

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Negative Prices permitted for futures and options strategies

The AvgPx(tag #6), LastPx(Tag #31), Price(tag #44), StopPx(tag
#99), AllocAvgPx(tag #153), DayAvgPx(tag# 426),
LegLastPx(tag# 637), UnderlyingLastPx(tag# 651) fields can be
negative to support pricing of futures and options strategies,
that due to theoretical pricing can result in "buying" a strategy
for a negative price (receiving a credit for the strategy) or
"selling" a strategy for a price( receiving a debit for the

Derivatives Markets Order State Transition

Derivatives markets are encouraged to adopt the following order state transition and order state reporting
practices for routing orders to the floor.

B ro k e r
C lie n t API O RS H a n d h e ld
I n c o m in g W o r k in g
D eck D eck
N e w O rd e r

E x e c u tio n R e p o r t
O r d S ta t= P e n d in g N e w

N e w O rd e r

E x e c u tio n R e p o r t
O rd S ta t= N e w
1 A cce pt

E x e c u tio n R e p o r t 1
O r d S ta t= N e w
o p tio n a l W o r k in g = Y

E x e c u t io n R e p o r t F ille d
O r d S t a t = F ille d

• The broker is not required to move the order from the incoming deck to the working deck before
filling the Order. Therefore, the “Working=Y” might not be received by the client. The Execution
Report can be sent by the broker handheld from either the Incoming Deck or the Working Deck.
• The Order can take one or more Fills before the Order is completed, or the Order might only be
partially completed by the end of the day.

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Party Roles used for Derivatives Markets

Futures Options
Role Description Order Executio Order Execution
ExecutingFirm Firm that is executing the trade. Reqd Reqd Reqd Reqd
Account[1] will be associated
with this firm if present. Carries
resultant positions of trades at
the clearing house – unless
GiveupClearingFirm is
InitiatingTrader If this role exists then this Opt Cond Opt Cond
PartyID is the trader acronym
that is reported to clearing. The
Initiating Trader is associated
with the ExecutingFirm.

For market makers (specialists),

the PartySubID for the
InitiatingTrader is used for
optional joint account
ClientID Identification of the customer of n/a n/a Opt Cond
the order – also known as the
correspondent firm in CMS

Replaces ClientID[109]
ExecutingTrader The trader or broker that Opt Reqd Opt Cond
actually executes a trade. If no
InitiatingTrader role exists on
the trade – then the
ExecutingTrader is assumed to
be associated with the

For market makers (specialists),

the PartySubID for
PartyRole=ExecutingTrader can
be used for optional joint
account identification.
OrderOriginator ID of the party entering the Opt Cond Opt Cond
trade into the system (data
entry, userid, buy side trader,
etc.). Replaces TraderID[466].

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GiveupClearingFirm Firm that carries the position Opt Cond Opt Cond
that results from a trade against
the order. This is the firm to
which the trade is given up.

The PartySubID will be the

account associated with this

Will be used for CMTA for US

listed options.
CorrespondentCleari ClearingFirm that is going to Opt Cond Opt Cond
ngFirm carry the position on their books
at another clearing house
(exchanges). The resultant
position does not reside with the
market where it is traded – but
instead is sent to an alternative
The PartySubID will be the
account associated with the
ExecutingSystem System Identifier where n/a Cond n/a Cond
execution took place. For
instance in some markets there
are multiple execution locations
– such as an electronic book or
automatic execution system.
Replaces NYSE

MAPPING FIX 4.2 to FIX 4.3 Usage for Options Markets

FIX FIX Options

4.2 4.3 Order Execution
ExecutingBroker[76] PartyID Reqd Reqd
Account[1] Account[1] Opt Cond
ClearingFirm[439] PartyID Opt Cond
ClearingAccount[440] PartySubID of Opt Cond
Market Maker Sub PartySubID of Opt Cond
account information
PartyRole=ExecutingTrader or
(Market Maker
Acronym) PartyRole= InitiatingTrader

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Optional data reported PartySubID of Opt Cond

on clearing report

General Usage Information – US Futures Markets

There are three business scenarios involving give-ups and allocations within a single firm and across multiple
firms in the futures industry.
Scenario 1-Allocate entire trade to multiple accounts within the clearing firm.
All relevant account and allocation information is carried in the allocation block. The total quantity of the
order continues to be denoted in the OrderQtyData block. The account field (tag 1) is left blank as the
information is fully denoted in the allocation block as outlined in the New Order Single for Corn example in
this section. Both the main party block and nested party block within the allocation block are not used to
carry allocation information when allocating trades across multiple accounts within the executing firm.

Scenario 2-Giveup entire trade to a single account at another firm

All relevant giveup information is contained in the main party block using PartyID to identify clearing firm
(PartyRole=4) and PartyID to identify the carrying firm (PartyRole=14). The clearing firm suspense account
is carried in account (tag 1). The carrying firm account number is populated in the PartySubID in the party
block iteration when PartyRole=14. See the example contained in the Corn Calendar Multileg Order record.

Scenario 3-Allocate entire trade to multiple accounts across multiple firms

All relevant account and giveup information is carried within the allocation block. The total quantity of the
order continues to be denoted in the OrderQtyData block. The quantity to be giveup to the each firm is
designated using the AllocQty (tag 80) in the allocation block. The appropriate account at the carrying firm is
designated using the AllocAccount (tag 79) in the allocation block. The appropriate carrying firm is
designated within the nested party block within the appropriate allocation block using the PartyRole=14.
Execution Time Bracket reporting for US Futures Markets
The TradingSessionSubID (tag 625) is to be used to report execution time bracket codes for the US listed
futures markets on the Execution Report.

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Example New Order – Single for Listed Futures Market

The following addresses sending a New Order - Single message into a futures market.
Tags that are not used in the futures and options industries have been omitted from the record. Tags that may
be used based on the Exchange, execution medium and product have been included in the record and noted as
not applicable (“n/a”). (Examples of such a tag is TradingSessionSubID which is used for floor based trades
to carry the required time bracket designation and therefore is not applicable to screen based trading.)
The order created here is to buy 27 December 2001 Wheat at a price of 4.50. The order is being executed and
cleared by firm 300. The order is also being allocated to multiple accounts within the executing firm, which
is also the clearing firm as reflected in the allocation block. The order is also denoted as part of an average
price group by placing a value in ClOrdLinkID field.

Tag Example Value Field Name Rq Comments

Standard Header Y MsgType = D
11 XXX123 ClOrdID Y
583 9876 ClOrdLinkID N The executions on this order will
be average priced with executions
on other orders with the same

component block <Parties>

453 2 NoPartyIDs N
 448 300 PartyID N Firm executing and clearing the trade
 447 D PartyIDSource N
 452 4 PartyRole N Firm executing and clearing the trade
 523 n/a PartySubID N Not used when allocating trade across
multiple accounts within the firm
 448 Tim1234 PartyID N
 447 D PartyIDSource N
 452 13 PartyRole N Order Originator-person who entered
the order into a system, if
appropriate. Generally, the user id of
that person
 523 n/a PartySubID N
End </Parties>

1 1111 Account N Not used when allocating trades

across multiple account within the

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581 1 AccountType N AKA Origin. Required for futures

591 0 PreallocMethod N
78 3 NoAllocs N
 79 123456 AllocAccount N
 467 n/a IndividualAllocID N

Component block <NestedParties>

 539 n/a NoNestedPartyIDs N
 
524 n/a NestedPartyID N
 
525 n/a NestedPartyIDSource N
 
538 n/a NestedPartyRole N
 
545 n/a NestedPartySubID N
End </NestedParties>

 80 2 AllocQty N
 79 9876 AllocAccount N
 467 n/a IndividualAllocID N

Component block <NestedParties>

 539 n/a NoNestedPartyIDs N
 
524 n/a NestedPartyID N
 
525 n/a NestedPartyIDSource N
 
538 n/a NestedPartyRole N
 
545 n/a NestedPartySubID N
End </NestedParties>

 80 15 AllocQty N
 79 546789 AllocAccount N
 467 n/a IndividualAllocID N

Component block <NestedParties>

 539 n/a NoNestedPartyIDs N
 
524 n/a NestedPartyID N
 
525 n/a NestedPartyIDSource N
 
538 n/a NestedPartyRole N

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 
545 n/a NestedPartySubID N
End </NestedParties>

 80 2 AllocQty N
63 SettlmntTyp N
64 FutSettDate N
635 C ClearingFeeIndicator N
21 3 HandlInst Y Floor execution for futures markets
should always be a 3
18 n/a ExecInst N
110 n/a MinQty N
111 n/a MaxFloor N
100 XCBT ExDestination N
386 n/a NoTradingSessions N
 336 n/a TradingSessionID N
 625 n/a TradingSessionSubID N

Component block <Instrument>

55 W Symbol *** ExDestination ticker symbol.
65 SymbolSfx N
48 n/a SecurityID N
22 n/a SecurityIDSource N
454 NoSecurityAltID N
 455 SecurityAltID N
 456 SecurityAltIDSource N
461 F CFICode N
167 SecurityType N
200 200112 MaturityMonthYear N
541 n/a MaturityDate N
470 CountryOfIssue N
471 StateOrProvinceOfIssue N
472 LocaleOfIssue N
202 n/a StrikePrice N
206 n/a OptAttribute N
231 ContractMultiplier N
207 n/a SecurityExchange N
107 Wheat Future SecurityDesc N

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350 n/a EncodedSecurityDescLen N

351 n/a EncodedSecurityDesc N
End </Instrument>

140 PrevClosePx N
54 1 Side Y
60 20010806-13:34:29 TransactTime Y

Component block <OrderQtyData>

38 27 OrderQty N
152 n/a CashOrderQty N
End </OrderQtyData>

40 2 OrdType Y Limit order.

44 4.500 Price N Limit Price of 4.500
99 n/a StopPx N
15 Currency N
376 ComplianceID N
377 SolicitedFlag N
117 n/a QuoteID N
59 0 TimeInForce N
168 n/a EffectiveTime N
432 n/a ExpireDate N
126 n/a ExpireTime N
582 4 CustOrderCapacity N Also know as Customer Type
Indicator (CTI). Required for futures
120 SettlCurrency N
58 n/a Text N
354 n/a EncodedTextLen N
355 n/a EncodedText N
77 n/a PositionEffect N
203 n/a CoveredOrUncovered N
210 n/a MaxShow N
388 n/a DiscretionInst N
389 n/a DiscretionOffset N
Standard Trailer Y

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Example New Order – Single for Listed Options Market

The following addresses sending a New Order - Single message into an options market.
Tags that are not used in the futures and options industries are not included in the example.
Tags with strike-through text are not currently used by the industries but may be used in the future.
Tags that have an example value of not applicable (n/a) are used in the industries. Herein, however, the value
n/a was assigned for one of two reasons. First, specific futures and options markets may or may not utilize
certain tags and, if utilized, their use and valid values would need to be addressed by participants in the
particular market.
Second, the order created here is to buy 5 IBM September 2001 call options with a strike price of $100.00 at a
price of $5.50. This and other assumptions concerning the order, such as it is not being allocated, result in
some tag values being n/a.
Tag Example Value Field Name Rq Comments
Standard Header Y MsgType = D
11 XXX123 ClOrdID Y
583 n/a ClOrdLinkID N

component block <Parties>

453 5 NoPartyIDs N
 448 PLC PartyID N Trader badge
 447 C PartyIDSource N As assigned by exchange or clearing
 452 11 PartyRole N Order Origination Trader (if different
from Executing Trader) optional
 523 n/a PartySubID N
 448 0690 PartyID N OCC Clearing Firm Number
 447 C PartyIDSource N As assigned by exchange or clearing
 452 13 PartyRole N Order Origination Firm (if different
from Executing Firm) optional
 523 n/a PartySubID N
 448 SMG PartyID N Trader Badge
 447 C PartyIDSource N As assigned by exchange or clearing
 452 12 PartyRole N Executing Trader (required)
 523 n/a PartySubID N
 448 0427 PartyID N OCC Clearing Firm Number
 447 C PartyIDSource N As assigned by exchange or clearing
 452 1 PartyRole N Executing Firm (required)

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 523 n/a PartySubID N

 448 323 PartyID N OCC Clearing Firm Number
 447 C PartyIDSource N As assigned by exchange or clearing
 452 14 PartyRole N Giveup Clearing Firm (CMTA)
(optional if trade is being given up to
another firm)
 523 n/a PartySubID N
End </Parties>

1 AAA Account N
581 n/a AccountType N
591 n/a PreallocMethod N
78 n/a NoAllocs N
 79 n/a AllocAccount N
 467 n/a IndividualAllocID N
 80 n/a AllocQty N
63 SettlmntTyp N
64 FutSettDate N
21 2 HandlInst Y
18 n/a ExecInst N
110 n/a MinQty N
111 n/a MaxFloor N
100 XCBO ExDestination N
386 n/a NoTradingSessions N
 336 n/a TradingSessionID N
 625 n/a TradingSessionSubID N
54 1 Side Y Buying the options.

Component block <Instrument>

55 IBM Symbol *** ExDestination ticker symbol.
65 SymbolSfx N
48 n/a SecurityID N
22 n/a SecurityIDSource N
454 NoSecurityAltID N
 455 SecurityAltID N
 456 SecurityAltIDSource N
461 OC CFICode N

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167 SecurityType N
200 200109 MaturityMonthYear N
541 n/a MaturityDate N
470 CountryOfIssue N
471 StateOrProvinceOfIssue N
472 LocaleOfIssue N
202 100.0 StrikePrice N
206 n/a OptAttribute N
231 ContractMultiplier N
207 n/a SecurityExchange N
107 n/a SecurityDesc N
350 n/a EncodedSecurityDescLen N
351 n/a EncodedSecurityDesc N
End </Instrument>

140 n/a PrevClosePx N

60 20010806-13:34:29 TransactTime Y

Component block <OrderQtyData>

38 5 OrderQty N
152 n/a CashOrderQty N
End </OrderQtyData>

40 2 OrdType Y Limit order

44 5.5 Price N Buy at price of 5.5
99 n/a StopPx N
15 n/a Currency N
376 n/a ComplianceID N
377 n/a SolicitedFlag N
117 n/a QuoteID N
59 0 TimeInForce N
168 n/a EffectiveTime N
432 n/a ExpireDate N
126 n/a ExpireTime N
528 A OrderCapacity N
529 n/a OrderRestrictions N

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582 n/a CustOrderCapacity N

120 n/a SettlCurrency N
58 n/a Text N
354 n/a EncodedTextLen N
355 n/a EncodedText N
77 n/a OpenClose N
203 n/a CoveredOrUncovered N
210 n/a MaxShow N
388 n/a DiscretionInst N
389 n/a DiscretionOffset N
118 n/a NetMoney N
Standard Trailer Y

Example New Order - Multileg for Listed Futures Market (Spread Order)The following addresses sending a
New Order – Multileg message into a futures market.

Tags that are not used in the futures and options industries are not included in the example.

Tags with strike-through text are not currently used by the industries but may be used in the future.

Tags that have an example value of not applicable (n/a) are used in the futures industry. Herein, however, the
value n/a was assigned for one of two reasons. First, specific futures and options markets may or may not
utilize certain tags and, if utilized, their use and valid values would need to be addressed by participants in the
particular market. (Examples of such tags are MultiLegRptTypeReq [563] and TradingSessionID [336].)

Second, the order created here is to buy 15 May 2002 - July 2002 Corn spreads at a price of –12. Some
specifics concerning the order, such as it is not being allocated, result in some tag values being n/a.

The direction of the strategy is indicated by the Side (54) taken. When a strategy is pre-defined by a futures or
options market and an inconsistency arises between:

the strategy indicated and the Side, LegSide (624), and/or LegRatioQty (623), or
the Side indicated and any LegSide indicated

the sell-side may either reject the order or accept the order. If the sell-side accepts the order it will be based
on the strategy and Side indicated with any inconsistencies in LegSide and/or LegRatioQty being ignored.

The example also has any trade resulting from this order being given up to another firm. The firm being given
up to will carry the trade on its books.

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Version 5.0 Service Pack 1 − VOLUME 7 March 2008

Tag Example Value Field Name Rq Comments

Standard Header Y MsgType = AB
11 1234567897 ClOrdID Y
583 n/a ClOrdLinkID N

component block <Parties>

453 3 NoPartyIDs N
 448 560 PartyID N Firm executing and clearing the trade
 447 D PartyIDSource N
 452 4 PartyRole N
 523 n/a PartySubID N
 448 500 PartyID N Trade being given up to and carried
by this firm
 447 D PartyIDSource N
 452 14 PartyRole N
 523 789567 PartySubID N Customer account number at carrying
 448 Tim1234 PartyID N
 447 D PartyIDSource N
 452 13 PartyRole N
 523 n/a PartySubID N
End </Parties>

1 abcdef Account N Account mnemomic as known by

bookkeeping system. In case of
giveup specifiied in party block, this
account is at the executing firm.
581 1 AccountType N Also known as Origin. Required for
futures markets.
591 n/a PreallocMethod N
78 n/a NoAllocs N
 79 n/a AllocAccount N
 467 n/a IndividualAllocID N

Component block <NestedParties>

 539 n/a NoNestedPartyIDs N
 
524 n/a NestedPartyID N
 
525 n/a NestedPartyIDSource N

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 
538 n/a NestedPartyRole N
 
545 n/a NestedPartySubID N
End </NestedParties>

 80 n/a AllocQty N
63 SettlmntTyp N
64 FutSettDate N
635 C ClearingFeeIndicator N
21 3 HandlInst Y Floor executions for futures markets
should always be "3".
18 n/a ExecInst N
110 n/a MinQty N
111 n/a MaxFloor N
100 XCBT ExDestination N
386 n/a NoTradingSessions N
 336 n/a TradingSessionID N
 625 n/a TradingSessionSubID N
54 1 Side Y Buying the strategy.

Component block <Instrument>

55 C:CAL Symbol *** ExDestination ticker symbol.
65 SymbolSfx N
48 n/a SecurityID N
22 n/a SecurityIDSource N
454 NoSecurityAltID N
 455 SecurityAltID N
 456 SecurityAltIDSource N
461 FM CFICode N
167 SecurityType N
200 n/a MaturityMonthYear N
541 n/a MaturityDate N
470 CountryOfIssue N
471 StateOrProvinceOfIssue N
472 LocaleOfIssue N
202 n/a StrikePrice N
206 n/a OptAttribute N
231 n/a ContractMultiplier N

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207 n/a SecurityExchange N

107 n/a SecurityDesc N
350 n/a EncodedSecurityDescLen N
351 n/a EncodedSecurityDesc N
End </Instrument>

140 n/a PrevClosePx N

555 2 NoLegs Y

Component block <Instrument Leg>

 600 C LegSymbol *** ExDestination ticker symbol.
 601 LegSymbolSfx N
 602 n/a LegSecurityID N
 603 n/a LegSecurityIDSource N
 604 NoLegSecurityAltID N
 
605 LegSecurityAltID N
 
606 LegSecurityAltIDSource N
 608 F LegCFICode N Commodity Future
 609 LegSecurityType N
 610 200205 LegMaturityMonthYear N May 2002 maturity.
 611 n/a LegMaturityDate N
 596 LegCountryOfIssue N
 597 LegStateOrProvinceOfIssue N
 598 LegLocaleOfIssue N
 612 n/a LegStrikePrice N
 613 n/a LegOptAttribute N
 614 LegContractMultiplier N
 616 n/a LegSecurityExchange N
 620 Corn Future LegSecurityDesc N
 621 n/a EncodedLegSecurityDescLen N
 622 n/a EncodedLegSecurityDesc N
 623 1 LegRatioQty N Equal ratios.
 624 1 LegSide N Buy leg.
 564 n/a LegPositionEffect N
 565 n/a LegCoveredOrUncovered N

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Component block <NestedParties>

 539 n/a NoNestedPartyIDs N
 
524 n/a NestedPartyID N
 
525 n/a NestedPartyIDSource N
 
538 n/a NestedPartyRole N
 
545 n/a NestedPartySubID N
End </NestedParties>

 654 n/a LegRefID N

 566 n/a LegPrice N
 587 n/a LegSettlmntTyp N
 588 n/a LegFutSettDate N
 600 C LegSymbol ***
 601 LegSymbolSfx N
 602 n/a LegSecurityID N
 603 n/a LegSecurityIDSource N
 604 NoLegSecurityAltID N
 
605 LegSecurityAltID N
 
606 LegSecurityAltIDSource N
 608 F LegCFICode N
 610 200207 LegMaturityMonthYear N July 2002 maturity.
 611 n/a LegMaturityDate N
 596 LegCountryOfIssue N
 597 LegStateOrProvinceOfIssue N
 598 LegLocaleOfIssue N
 612 n/a LegStrikePrice N
 613 n/a LegOptAttribute N
 614 n/a LegContractMultiplier N
 616 n/a LegSecurityExchange N
 620 Corn Future LegSecurityDesc N
 621 n/a EncodedLegSecurityDescLen N
 622 n/a EncodedLegSecurityDesc N
 623 1 LegRatioQty N Equal ratios.
 624 2 LegSide N Sell leg.
 564 n/a LegPositionEffect N
 565 n/a LegCoveredOrUncovered N

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Component block <NestedParties>

 539 n/a NoNestedPartyIDs N
 
524 n/a NestedPartyID N
 
525 n/a NestedPartyIDSource N
 
538 n/a NestedPartyRole N
 
545 n/a NestedPartySubID N
End </NestedParties>

 654 n/a LegRefID N

 566 n/a LegPrice N
 587 n/a LegSettlmntTyp N
 588 n/a LegFutSettDate N
End </Instrument Leg>

60 20010509-09:20:15 TransactTime Y

Component block <OrderQtyData>

38 15 OrderQty N
152 n/a CashOrderQty N
End </OrderQtyData>

40 2 OrdType Y Limit order.

44 -12 Price N Buy strategy at negative 12.
99 n/a StopPx N
15 n/a Currency N
376 n/a ComplianceID N
377 n/a SolicitedFlag N
117 n/a QuoteID N
59 0 TimeInForce N
168 n/a EffectiveTime N
432 n/a ExpireDate N
126 n/a ExpireTime N
528 OrderCapacity N Used for options markets.
529 OrderRestrictions N Used for options markets.
582 4 CustOrderCapacity N Also know as Customer Type
Indicator (CTI). Required for futures

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120 n/a SettlCurrency N

58 n/a Text N
354 n/a EncodedTextLen N
355 n/a EncodedText N
77 n/a PositionEffect N
203 n/a CoveredOrUncovered N
210 n/a MaxShow N
388 n/a DiscretionInst N
389 n/a DiscretionOffset N
563 n/a MultiLegRptTypeReq N
Standard Trailer Y

Example New Order - Multileg for Listed Futures Market (Butterfly Strategy)
The following addresses sending a New Order – Multileg message into a futures market.

Tags that are not used in the futures and options industries are not included in the example.

Tags with strike-through text are not currently used by the industries but may be used in the future.

Tags that have an example value of not applicable (n/a) are used in the industries. Herein, however, the value n/a
was assigned for one of two reasons. First, specific futures and options markets may or may not utilize certain tags
and, if utilized, their use and valid values would need to be addressed by participants in the particular market.
(Examples of such tags are MultiLegRptTypeReq [563] and TradingSessionID [336].)

Second, the order created here is to buy 10 EuroDollar butterfly spreads at a price of -3.0, and is assumed that it
will be productized by the sell-side on its electronic order matching system (ie: trade engine). This and other
assumptions concerning the order, such as it is not being allocated, result in some tag values being n/a. (An
example is the SecurityID [48] which the buy-side would not know until the sell-side has productized the

The direction of the strategy is indicated by the Side (54) taken. When a strategy is pre-defined by a futures
market and an inconsistency arises between:

• the strategy indicated and the Side, LegSide (624), and/or LegRatioQty (623), or
• the Side indicated and any LegSide indicated

the sell-side may either reject the order or accept the order. If the sell-side accepts the order it will be based on the
strategy and Side indicated with any inconsistencies in LegSide and/or LegRatioQty being ignored.

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Tag Example Value Field Name Rq Comments

Standard Header Y MsgType = AB
11 05092001-NY- ClOrdID Y
583 n/a ClOrdLinkID N

component block <Parties>

453 2 NoPartyIDs N
 448 001 PartyID N
 447 D PartyIDSource N
 452 4 PartyRole N
 523 n/a PartySubID N
 448 4114Z9871272 PartyID N
 447 D PartyIDSource N
 452 13 PartyRole N
 523 n/a PartySubID N
End </Parties>

1 Z9871272 Account N
581 1 AccountType N
591 n/a PreallocMethod N
78 n/a NoAllocs N
 79 n/a AllocAccount N
 467 n/a IndividualAllocID N

Component block <NestedParties>

 539 n/a NoNestedPartyIDs N
 
524 n/a NestedPartyID N
 
525 n/a NestedPartyIDSource N
 
538 n/a NestedPartyRole N
 
545 n/a NestedPartySubID N
End </NestedParties>

 80 n/a AllocQty N
63 SettlmntTyp N
64 FutSettDate N

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635 C ClearingFeeIndicator N
21 1 HandlInst Y
18 n/a ExecInst N
110 n/a MinQty N
111 n/a MaxFloor N
100 XCME ExDestination N
386 n/a NoTradingSessions N
 336 n/a TradingSessionID N
 625 n/a TradingSessionSubID N
54 1 Side Y

Component block <Instrument>

55 GE:BF Symbol ***
65 SymbolSfx N
48 n/a SecurityID N
22 n/a SecurityIDSource N
454 NoSecurityAltID N
 455 SecurityAltID N
 456 SecurityAltIDSource N
461 FM CFICode N
167 SecurityType N
200 n/a MaturityMonthYear N
541 n/a MaturityDate N
470 CountryOfIssue N
471 StateOrProvinceOfIssue N
472 LocaleOfIssue N
202 n/a StrikePrice N
206 n/a OptAttribute N
231 ContractMultiplier N
207 n/a SecurityExchange N
107 n/a SecurityDesc N
350 n/a EncodedSecurityDescLen N
351 n/a EncodedSecurityDesc N
End </Instrument>

140 PrevClosePx N

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555 3 NoLegs Y

Component block <Instrument Leg>

 600 GE LegSymbol ***
 601 LegSymbolSfx N
 602 CME005060001 LegSecurityID N
 603 ISIN LegSecurityIDSource N
 604 NoLegSecurityAltID N
 
605 LegSecurityAltID N
 
606 LegSecurityAltIDSource N
 608 F LegCFICode N
 609 LegSecurityType N
 610 200109 LegMaturityMonthYear N
 611 n/a LegMaturityDate N
 596 LegCountryOfIssue N
 597 LegStateOrProvinceOfIssue N
 598 LegLocaleOfIssue N
 612 n/a LegStrikePrice N
 613 n/a LegOptAttribute N
 614 LegContractMultiplier N
 616 n/a LegSecurityExchange N
 620 GEU1 LegSecurityDesc N
 621 n/a EncodedLegSecurityDescLen N
 622 n/a EncodedLegSecurityDesc N
 623 1 LegRatioQty N
 624 1 LegSide N
 564 n/a LegPositionEffect N
 565 n/a LegCoveredOrUncovered N

Component block <NestedParties>

 539 n/a NoNestedPartyIDs N
 
524 n/a NestedPartyID N
 
525 n/a NestedPartyIDSource N
 
538 n/a NestedPartyRole N
 
545 n/a NestedPartySubID N
End </NestedParties>

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 654 n/a LegRefID N

 566 n/a LegPrice N
 587 LegSettlmntTyp N
 588 LegFutSettDate N
 600 GE LegSymbol ***
 601 LegSymbolSfx N
 602 CME005060004 LegSecurityID N
 603 ISIN LegSecurityIDSource N
 604 NoLegSecurityAltID N
 
605 LegSecurityAltID N
 
606 LegSecurityAltIDSource N
 608 F LegCFICode N
 609 LegSecurityType N
 610 200112 LegMaturityMonthYear N
 611 n/a LegMaturityDate N
 596 LegCountryOfIssue N
 597 LegStateOrProvinceOfIssue N
 598 LegLocaleOfIssue N
 612 n/a LegStrikePrice N
 613 n/a LegOptAttribute N
 614 LegContractMultiplier N
 616 n/a LegSecurityExchange N
 620 GEZ1 LegSecurityDesc N
 621 n/a EncodedLegSecurityDescLen N
 622 n/a EncodedLegSecurityDesc N
 623 2 LegRatioQty N
 624 2 LegSide N
 564 n/a LegPositionEffect N
 565 n/a LegCoveredOrUncovered N

Component block <NestedParties>

 539 n/a NoNestedPartyIDs N
 
524 n/a NestedPartyID N
 
525 n/a NestedPartyIDSource N
 
538 n/a NestedPartyRole N
 
545 n/a NestedPartySubID N

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End </NestedParties>

 654 n/a LegRefID N

 566 n/a LegPrice N
 587 LegSettlmntTyp N
 588 LegFutSettDate N
 600 GE LegSymbol ***
 601 LegSymbolSfx N
 602 CME005060007 LegSecurityID N
 603 ISIN LegSecurityIDSource N
 604 NoLegSecurityAltID N
 
605 LegSecurityAltID N
 
606 LegSecurityAltIDSource N
 608 F LegCFICode N
 609 LegSecurityType N
 610 200203 LegMaturityMonthYear N
 611 n/a LegMaturityDate N
 596 LegCountryOfIssue N
 597 LegStateOrProvinceOfIssue N
 598 LegLocaleOfIssue N
 612 n/a LegStrikePrice N
 613 n/a LegOptAttribute N
 614 LegContractMultiplier N
 616 n/a LegSecurityExchange N
 620 GEH2 LegSecurityDesc N
 621 n/a EncodedLegSecurityDescLen N
 622 n/a EncodedLegSecurityDesc N
 623 1 LegRatioQty N
 624 1 LegSide N
 564 n/a LegPositionEffect N
 565 n/a LegCoveredOrUncovered N

Component block <NestedParties>

 539 n/a NoNestedPartyIDs N
 
524 n/a NestedPartyID N
 
525 n/a NestedPartyIDSource N

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 
538 n/a NestedPartyRole N
 
545 n/a NestedPartySubID N
End </NestedParties>

 654 n/a LegRefID N

 566 n/a LegPrice N
 587 LegSettlmntTyp N
 588 LegFutSettDate N
End </Instrument Leg>

60 20010509-09:20:15 TransactTime Y

Component block <OrderQtyData>

38 10 OrderQty N
152 n/a CashOrderQty N
End </OrderQtyData>

40 2 OrdType Y
44 -3.0 Price N
99 n/a StopPx N
15 Currency N
376 ComplianceID N
377 SolicitedFlag N
117 n/a QuoteID N
59 0 TimeInForce N
168 n/a EffectiveTime N
432 n/a ExpireDate N
126 n/a ExpireTime N
528 OrderCapacity N
529 OrderRestrictions N
582 4 CustOrderCapacity N
120 n/a SettlCurrency N
58 n/a Text N
354 n/a EncodedTextLen N
355 n/a EncodedText N
77 n/a PositionEffect N

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203 n/a CoveredOrUncovered N

210 n/a MaxShow N
388 n/a DiscretionInst N
389 n/a DiscretionOffset N
563 n/a MultiLegRptTypeReq N
Standard Trailer Y

Example Multlileg Execution Report for Listed Futures Market

Multlileg Execution Report Example for Futures Markets
The following addresses receiving an Execution Report – Multileg message.

Tags that are not used in the futures and options industries are not included in the example.

Tags with strike-through text are not currently used by the industries but may be used in the future.

Tags that have an example value of not applicable (n/a) are used in the industries. Herein, however, the value
n/a was assigned for one of two reasons. First, individual futures and options markets may or may not utilize
certain tags and, if utilized, their use and valid values would need to be addressed by participants in the
particular market.

The execution report references an order to buy 15 July 2001/September 2001 Corn Spreads. The order is a
give-up trade being executed and cleared by firm 560 and carried on the books of firm 500. This is the first
execution of the order and it is for a total of 5 spreads. The order was executed on the trading floor as
atomically and is being reported to the customer atomically via this execution report. The order will also be
cleared atomically.

Tag Example Values Field Name Rq Comments

Standard Header Y MsgType = 8
987654 OrderID Y
198 n/a SecondaryOrderID N
526 n/a SecondaryClOrdID N
527 n/a SecondaryExecID N
11 123456789 ClOrdID N
41 n/a OrigClOrdID N
583 n/a ClOrdLinkID N

component block <Parties>

453 3 NoPartyIDs N

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 448 560 PartyID N

 447 D PartyIDSource N
 452 4 PartyRole N
 523 n/a PartySubID N
 448 500 PartyID N
 447 D PartyIDSource N
 452 14 PartyRole N
 523 789567 PartySubID N
 448 tim1234 PartyID N
 447 D PartyIDSource N
 452 13 PartyRole N
 523 n/a PartySubID N
End </Parties>

1 NoContraBrokers N
 375 455 ContraBroker
 337 ABC ContraTrader N
 437 5 ContraTradeQty N
 438 20010509-09:22:40 ContraTradeTime N
 655 n/a ContraLegRefID N
n/a ListID N
548 n/a CrossID N
551 n/a OrigCrossID N
549 n/a CrossType N
17 X6789 ExecID Y
19 n/a ExecRefID N
150 F ExecType Y
39 1 OrdStatus Y
636 Y N
103 n/a OrdRejReason N
378 n/a ExecRestatementReason N
1 abcdef Account N
581 1 AccountType N
n/a PreallocMethod N
63 SettlmntTyp N
64 FutSettDate N

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635 ClearingFeeIndicator N

Component block <Instrument>

55 C:CAL Symbol ***
65 SymbolSfx N
48 n/a SecurityID N
22 n/a SecurityIDSource N
454 N
 455 SecurityAltID N
 456 SecurityAltIDSource N
461 FM CFICode N
167 N
200 MaturityMonthYear N
541 n/a MaturityDate N
470 CountryOfIssue N
471 StateOrProvinceOfIssue N
472 LocaleOfIssue N
202 n/a StrikePrice N
206 n/a OptAttribute N
231 ContractMultiplier N
207 SecurityExchange N
107 n/a SecurityDesc N
350 n/a EncodedSecurityDescLen N
351 n/a EncodedSecurityDesc N
End </Instrument>

54 1 Side Y
NoLegs Number of legs. Can be zero – must
555 2 Y be provided even if zero

Component block <Instrument Leg>

 600 C LegSymbol ***
 601 N
 602 n/a LegSecurityID N
 603 n/a LegSecurityIDSource N
 604 NoLegSecurityAltID N
 
605 LegSecurityAltID N

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 
606 LegSecurityAltIDSource N
 608 F LegCFICode N
 609 LegSecurityType N
 610 200105 N
 611 n/a LegMaturityDate N
 596 LegCountryOfIssue N
 597 LegStateOrProvinceOfIssue N
 598 LegLocaleOfIssue N
 612 LegStrikePrice N
 613 n/a LegOptAttribute N
 614 LegContractMultiplier N
 616 n/a LegSecurityExchange N
Corn Future
 620 LegSecurityDesc N
 621 n/a EncodedLegSecurityDescLen N
 622 n/a EncodedLegSecurityDesc N
 623 1 LegRatioQty N
 624 1 LegSide N
N Provide if the PositionEffect for the
 564 n/a LegPositionEffect leg is different from that specified for
the overall multileg security
N Provide if the CoveredOrUncovered
 565 n/a LegCoveredOrUncovered
for the leg is different from that
specified for the overall multileg

Component block <NestedParties>

 539 n/a NoNestedPartyIDs N
 
524 n/a NestedPartyID N
 
525 n/a NestedPartyIDSource N
 
538 n/a NestedPartyRole N
 
545 n/a NestedPartySubID N
End </NestedParties>

 654 n/a LegRefID N

Provide only if a price was specified
 566 n/a LegPrice
for the specific leg. Used for
anchoring the overall multileg
security price to a specific leg price.
n/a Used to report the execution price
 637 LegLastPx
assigned to the leg of the multileg

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 587 LegSettlmntTyp
Required when SettlmntTyp = 6
 588 LegFutSettDate (Future) or SettlmntTyp = 8 (Sellers
 600 C LegSymbol ***
 601 LegSymbolSfx N
 602 LegSecurityID N
 603 n/a LegSecurityIDSource N
 604 NoLegSecurityAltID N
 
605 LegSecurityAltID N
 
606 LegSecurityAltIDSource N
 608 F LegCFICode N
 609 LegSecurityType N
 610 LegMaturityMonthYear N
 611 n/a LegMaturityDate N
 596 LegCountryOfIssue N
 597 LegStateOrProvinceOfIssue N
 598 LegLocaleOfIssue N
 612 LegStrikePrice N
 613 n/a LegOptAttribute N
 614 LegContractMultiplier N
 616 n/a LegSecurityExchange N
Corn Future
 620 LegSecurityDesc N
 621 n/a EncodedLegSecurityDescLen N
 622 n/a EncodedLegSecurityDesc N
 623 1 LegRatioQty N
 624 2 LegSide N
N Provide if the PositionEffect for the
 564 n/a LegPositionEffect leg is different from that specified for
the overall multileg security
N Provide if the CoveredOrUncovered
 565 n/a LegCoveredOrUncovered
for the leg is different from that
specified forthe overall multileg

Component block <NestedParties>

 539 n/a NoNestedPartyIDs N
 
524 n/a NestedPartyID N
 
525 n/a NestedPartyIDSource N
 
538 n/a NestedPartyRole N

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 
545 n/a NestedPartySubID N
End </NestedParties>

 654 n/a LegRefID N

Provide only if a price is required for
 566 n/a LegPrice
a specific leg. Used for anchoring the
overall multileg security price to a
specific leg price.
Used to report the execution price
 637 n/a LegLastPx
assigned to the leg of the multileg
 587 LegSettlmntTyp
Required when SettlmntTyp = 6
 588 LegFutSettDate
(Future) or SettlmntTyp = 8 (Sellers
End </Instrument Leg>

Component block <OrderQtyData>

38 15 OrderQty N
152 n/a CashOrderQty N
End </OrderQtyData>

40 2 OrdType N
44 -12 Price N Required if specified on the order
99 n/a StopPx N Required if specified on the order
388 DiscretionInst N Code to identify the price a
DiscretionOffset is related to and
should be mathematically added to.
Required if DiscretionOffset is
389 n/a DiscretionOffset N Amount (signed) added to the
“related to” price specified via
15 Currency N
376 ComplianceID N
377 SolicitedFlag N
59 TimeInForce N Absence of this field indicates Day
168 n/a EffectiveTime N Time specified on the order at which
the order should be considered valid
432 n/a ExpireDate N Conditionally required if
TimeInForce = GTD and ExpireTime
is not specified.

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Version 5.0 Service Pack 1 − VOLUME 7 March 2008

126 n/a ExpireTime N Conditionally required if

TimeInForce = GTD and ExpireDate
is not specified.
18 n/a ExecInst N Can contain multiple instructions,
space delimited.
528 n/a OrderCapacity N
529 n/a OrderRestrictions N
582 4 N
32 5 LastQty N
31 -12 LastPx N
30 LastMkt N
336 n/a N
625 n/a TradingSessionSubID N Used for time bracket codes for floor
trades in the futures markets.
151 10 LeavesQty Y
14 5 CumQty Y
6 n/a AvgPx Y
424 n/a DayOrderQty N For GT orders on days following the
day of the first trade.
425 n/a DayCumQty N For GT orders on days following the
day of the first trade.
426 n/a DayAvgPx N For GT orders on days following the
day of the first trade.
75 20010509 TradeDate N Used when reporting other than
current day trades. For futures
markets, used to report current trade
date as opposed to current calendar
date at time of execution.
60 20010509-09:23:05 TransactTime N Time the transaction represented by
this ExecutionReport occurred
118 n/a NetMoney N
21 3 HandlInst N
110 n/a N
111 n/a MaxFloor N
77 n/a PositionEffect N
210 n/a MaxShow
58 n/a Text
354 n/a EncodedTextLen Must be set if EncodedText field is
specified and must immediately
precede it.

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355 n/a EncodedText Encoded (non-ASCII characters)

representation of the Text field in the
encoded format specified via the
MessageEncoding field.
442 n/a MultiLegReportingType N Default is a single security if not
Standard Trailer Y

Options Back Office Processing

The Option Clearing Corporation (OCC) initiated an effort to work with the FIX Protocol Organization to
enhance FIX as standard message protocol for use in disseminating data to back office organizations such as
clearing members, regulatory agencies, and trade sources. The initiative began in earnest at the beginning of
2003. OCC worked to identify gaps in FIX based on existing messages and member requests. The group not
only identified missing functionality (primarily in the area of missing fields, component blocks and reports),
they pushed to develop a guideline for using FIX for options back office processing. This section contains
guidelines for usage of these enhancements to specific post-trade messages FIX for options back office
Position Maintenance Report
PosMaintAction (712) field:
A new enumeration value was added, called "reverse". Reverse differs from a Cancel in that a Reverse
would completely back-out the Position Maintenance transaction from the audit trail to make it appear as
if the transaction never existed. A Cancel would be the Cancel or Bust of a Position Maintenance
transaction but allow for the preservation of the audit trail of the original transaction and the subsequent
TransactTime (60):
TransactTime is a conditionally required field even though the field is marked as "not required" in this
message. This is the time the order request was initiated/released by the trader, trading system, or
TransactTime is not require when the Position Maintenance Requests are processed in batch and/or the
Transaction Time is not available (as in the case of a Clearing Org or other Post-Trade entity).
If PosReqID is not included in the Position Maintenance Report, the TransactTime requirement can be
Position Report
PosReqType (724):
A new enumeration value called "Settlement Activity" was added to show underlying delivery that
resulted from a position.
Trade Capture Report Ack
TradeReportType (865):
A new enumeration value called "Defaulted" was added. A "Defaulted" Trade Report is one that was
originally specified to be given up to another party but due to a violation of a give-up condition the
transaction was placed into a ‘Default’ account and not the specified Give-Up account.
Trade Capture Report
TradeReportType (865):

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A new enumeration value called "Defaulted" was added. A "Defaulted" Trade Report is one that was
originally specified to be given up to another party but due to a violation of a give-up condition the
transaction was placed into a ‘Default’ account and not the specified Give-Up account.
OrderID (37):
Should be conditionally required when Trade Capture Report is used for back office processing.
Security Definition
SecurityReportID (964):
This is the identifier for the Security Definition message in a bulk transfer environment that does not
support the request/response model.
It should be noted that in a request/response model the following fields are required: SecurityReqID
(320), SecurityResponseID (322), and SecurityResponseType (323).
Security List
SecurityReportID (964):
This is the identifier for the Security List message in a bulk transfer environment that does not support
the request/response model.
It should be noted that in a request/response model the following fields are required: SecurityReqID
(320), SecurityResponseID (322), and SecurityRequestResult (560).
Parties component block
PartyIDSource (447):
If not specified, the default is the counterparty agreed upon source.
PartySubIDType (803):
If not specified, the default is the counterparty agreed upon type.
Contrary Intention Report
Contrary Intention Report is used to support the reporting of contrary expiration quantities for Saturday
expiring options
Security Definition Update Report
Security Definition Update Report is to support the reporting of updates (Add, Modify, Delete) to a Product
Security Masterfile due to Corporate Actions or other business requirements.
SecurityReportID (964):
This is the identifier for the Security Definition Update Report message in a bulk transfer environment
that does not support the request/response model.
It should be noted that in a request/response model the following fields are required: SecurityReqID
(320), SecurityResponseID (322), and SecurityRequestResult (560).
Security List Update Report
Security List Update Report is to support the reporting of updates (Add, Modify, Delete) to a Contract
Security Masterfile due to Corporate actions or other business requirements.
SecurityReportID (964):
This is the identifier for the Security List Update Report message in a bulk transfer environment that does
not support the request/response model.
It should be noted that in a request/response model the following fields are required: SecurityReqID
(320), SecurityResponseID (322), and SecurityRequestResult (560).

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FIA Trade Identification Standards

Trade Identification is a central concept across the listed derivatives post trade space and is essential for
efficient and accurate identification of a trade between a Clearing Organization and Firm. This section
discusses the standard practice for trade identification between Clearing Organization and Firm as well as
defining standard usages for other trade-related ID’s.
CME, OCC, NYMEX, NYBOT, and TCC have agreed to the following Trade ID Management Practices
within the context of FIA Standards Working Group.

Trade Identification Fields

The Trade Capture Report has become de facto standard for bi-directional reporting of trades between the
Clearing System and Firm. The Trade Capture Report, Trade Capture Report Ack, Trade Capture Report
Request, and Trade Capture Report Request Ack messages carries the following fields which allows the Firm
and the Clearing System to clearly and unambiguously represent the business entity called “Trade” within
their respective firms:
1. TradeID – The unique ID assigned to a trade once it enters the Clearing System. This will become
the primary ID by which the Clearing Organization and Firm refer to the Trade entity.
2. SecondaryTradeID – Used to carry an internal Clearing System assigned ID which may or may not
be reported to the firm.
3. FirmTradeID - The ID assigned to a trade by the Firm to track a trade within the Firm back office
system. This ID can be assigned either prior to being submitted for Clearing or after being received
from the Clearing System.
4. SecondaryFirmTradeID – Used to carry an internal back office assigned ID which may or may not be
reported to the Clearing System.
A Firm would be able to submit a FirmTradeID on a trade. The Clearing System would have the flexibility to
set the TradeID (aka the clearing trade ID) to the value of FirmTradeID or set the TradeID to a completely
new clearing trade ID. In both cases, the clearing trade ID would become the primary identifier for that trade.
Additionally the TradeID and FirmTradeID fields are available in the AllocationInstruction, AllocationReport
and AllocationAlert messages to allow the Firm and Clearing System to reference the trades in an allocation.

Additional Identifier Definitions

Exhibit 1 shows the relationship between the identifiers in the Order/Fill/Cleared Trade life-cycle. The dark
blue rectangles represent the ID’s that are assigned in a typical trade flow and the relationship between ID’s.
The identifiers are cumulative and are carried through to the Firm Back Office if so desired.

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Exhibit 1

Buy Sell
Order Order
Trader 1
Trader 2

OrderID OrderID

Match Event


Fill 1 Fill 2
___________ ___________
ExecID ExecID
TradeMatchID TradeMatchID

TradeReport TradeReport
Trade ___________ ___________ Trade
ReportID ExecID ExecID ReportID
TradeMatchID TradeMatchID

Clearing Event

LegRefID LegRefID

TradeID TradeID

LegRefID LegRefID
AllocID AllocID

TradeReport TradeReport
___________ _________
Trade Trade
TradeID TradeID
ReportID ReportID

FirmBack Office

Firm Firm
TradeID TradeID

1. ExecID – used to identify the fill event that created the trade. There may be multiple fills per trade and
therefore multiple fills with the same exec id. In other words, ExecID has a one-to-many relationship

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with the resulting fills. Since each fill becomes a cleared trade, ExecID also has a one-to-many
relationship with TradeCaptureReport.
2. TradeMatchID – all purpose internal identifier assigned to fills by the match engine. The TradeMatchID
may either be unique to each fill in a match event or common across all fills in a match. In the event that
this is the primary ID used to uniquely identify a fill, then ExecID should be used in stead.
3. TradeReportID – used to uniquely identify the transaction being used to add, update, or cancel a trade.
As required by the specification, TradeReportID is required on the Trade Capture Report and must be
unique per message. The Trade Capture Report Ack must echo back the TradeReportID and will not
necessarily have a unique ID assigned to it. TradeReportID is optional on Trade Capture Report Request
and Trade Capture Report Request Ack.
4. TradeReportRefID – used to refer to an original TradeReportID for purposes of update or cancellation.
A TradeCaptureReport will specify a TradeReportRefID when it is being used to perform a subsequent
update or cancellation.
5. AllocID – used to identify the Allocation Group ID to which a trade is being added. A trade may carry
allocation information which includes both the Allocation Group as well as the Allocation Instruction for
that trade. AllocID is used for both Average Price and Basic Allocations.
6. IndividualAllocID – occurs in the Allocation block of the trade and is used to specify the Allocation ID
of the allocation to which the trade is being directed.
7. TradeLinkID – used to link together a group of trades that make up an average price allocation.
TradeLinkID can be used in place of AllocID for average pricing purposes if so desired
8. TradeLegRefID – Used when reporting an individual leg of a multi leg trade. TradeLegRefID references
the leg of a multileg instrument (LegRefID) to which this trade refers. Used when
MultiLegReportingType = 2 (Single Leg of a Multileg security).
9. LegRefID – Used to uniquely identify the leg of a trade when reporting a spread with its associated legs.
Note that LegRefID may be unique when paired with TradeID or unique on its own. If the leg is reported
separately LegRefID would no longer be used but would be reported in Trade ID. Generally, not used in
Clearing as legs are reported individually.
Exhibit 2 illustartes trade identification in the context of electronic trade and order routing flow, and trade
reporting flow.

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Exhibit 2

Electronic Trade and Order Routing Flow

Firm Execution Match Engine/ TradeCapture Clearing Trade TradeCapture Firm

Front-end Report VMU Report Processor Report Back Office

ExecID May carry the following:
Assigned TradeID
May carry the following : FirmTradeID
ExecID TradeID Assigned
TradeMatchID TrdMatchID Assigned TrdMatchID
Assigned TradeReportID

Pit Submission and Trade Update Flow

NEW TradeCapture
Clearing Trade Firm
Processor Back Office FirmTradeID
Updated TradeCapture Assigned

TradeID TradeCaptureReportAck TradeID may be

Assigned return

May carry the following :

TradeID May carry the following : AllocID
FirmTradeID FirmTradeID Assigned
may be
persisted TradeReportID TradeReportID
TradeReportRefID AllocID
AllocID LegRefID
May carry the following:

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Trade Identification Usage Table

The table below provides usage guidelines relating to the various identification fields used by the Firm and the Clearing System, detailing which entity or
system assigns which identification as the trade moves through the reporting and clearing process.

Description Message Type Trade Sender Receiver Trans Copy ExecID Trade Trade TradeID3 LegRef TrdLeg Firm AllocID
Source Type Message Match ID Report ID4 RefID5 Trade
1 Electronic Trade Trade Capture Electroni Match Clearing New No Assigned Assigned Assigned N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
reported from Report c Engine or Org In in Engine by Engine
match engine To VMU Engine
2 Cleared Electronic Trade Capture Electroni Clearing Clearing New Yes Assigned Assigned Assigned Assigned Assigned Assigned Assigne N/A
Trade reported from Report c System Firm in Engine in Engine By in in in d in Firm
Clearing System to Clearing Clearing Clearing Clearing Back
Firm Back Office System System System System Office
3 Trade Update sent Trade Capture Electroni Clearing Clearing Replac No N/A N/A Assigned Returned Returned Assigned Assigne Assigned
from Firm Back Report c Firm System e by Firm by Firm by Firm in d in Firm in Firm
Office to Clearing Clearing Back Back
System System. Office Office
4 New Trade sent Trade Capture Pit Firm Clearing New No N/A N/A Assigned N/A N/A N/A Assigne Assigned
from Firm Back Report System by Firm d in Firm in Firm
Office to Clearing Back Back
System Office Office
5 New Trade from Trade Capture Pit Clearing Firm New No N/A N/A Assigned Assigned N/A N/A Returned Returned
Firm is Ack’d back Report Ack System by by by by
by Clearing System Clearing Clearing Clearing Clearing
System System6 System System
6 Firm enters a trade Trade Capture Pit Clearing Firm New Yes N/A N/A Assigned Assigned Assigned Assigned Assigne N/A
through Clearing Report System by by by by d in Firm
System User Clearing Clearing Clearing Clearing Back
Interface System System System System Office
7 Clearing System Trade Capture Pit Clearing Firm Replac Yes N/A N/A Assigned Assigned Assigned Assigned Assigne N/A
matches trade and Report System e by by by by d in Firm
sends report to Firm Clearing Clearing Clearing Clearing Back
System System System System Office

3 Clearing Trade ID
4 Used for multi-leg trade reporting. Refers to the ID of a Trade Leg as specified in a multi-leg TradeCaptureReport. Not used if trade legs are reported individually
5 Used for single leg trade reporting. Refers to the LegRefID as specified in the original multi-leg TradeCaptureReport
6 Clearing System may use FirmTradeID provided by the Firm as the TradeID

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Collateral Messages for Margin Management

In a Risk-based Margining Model, as used in the listed derivatives industry, the clearing organization sets
margin levels based upon the expected volatility of individual contracts with the amount of margin designed
to cover the expected one-day price change. In this model, the risk margin calculation is done on a portfolio
In the listed derivatives industry collateral is deposited at the clearing house in order to satisfy clearing
margin requirements. The collateral is largely posted on a value basis (market value – haircut). In this model
collateral may be actively managed independently from the overlying positions as long as the minimum
requirement is met.

Business Workflow
The Clearinghouses assesses clearing margins based upon clearing member’s positions. This evaluation
produces a margin requirement which the members must meet using accepted forms of margin collateral.
Typical forms of margin collateral include cash, letters of credit, government securities, and equity securities.
If a clearing member has a margin shortfall the clearinghouse will immediately draft their settlement cash
account. The member may then choose to substitute this cash position with another form of collateral such as
a government security. The clearing member would contact their custodian/depository and instruct them to
transfer a sufficient quantity of securities to the clearinghouse. The depository would do this via out of band
means (non-FIXML). Upon acceptance of the collateral pledge the clearinghouse will deposit the collateral
and produce a Collateral Response message for the clearing member documenting the pledge. The clearing
member’s margin account would then carry an excess balance which the member could reduce by requesting
a cash withdrawal. This transaction would also trigger a FIXML Collateral Response message and a transfer
of assets, (again out of band).
This margin collateral rebalancing occurs frequently and dynamically through out each business day. At the
end of the day the clearinghouse will produce Collateral Report messages detailing the closing collateral
inventory positions.

Message flow with a clearinghouse

Listed Derivatives Clearing will only use a part of the existing Collateral Management message flow since it
interacts directly with customer’s banks rather than the customers themselves. This makes the Collateral
Assignment message which is normally sent by the collateral provider to the collateral holder unnecessary.
The figure below depict the message flow used by listed derivatives clearing, with comparison to the existing
Collateral Management message flow.

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FCM or Broker

For collateral inv

FCM sending a C
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Use of Instrument and UnderlyingInstrument component blocks

For Listed Derivatives Clearing the Instrument and UnderlyingInstrument component blocks in the Collateral
Report and Collateral Response messages will be used as follows:
• When reporting about a collateral position specifically assigned to an options position, the position
information will be carried in the Instrument block and the collateral information will be in the
UnderlyingInstrument block.
• When reporting about a collateral position made on a valued basis there is no overlying position or
trade to place in the Instrument block. The Instrument block will be excluded and the collateral will
be consistently reported in the UnderlyingInstrument block.

Marginable vs. Valued Collateral

Securities are pledged to the clearinghouse on a Valued or Marginable basis. Collateral types which are
accepted on a valued basis include equities, letters of credit, currency, money market mutual funds, and
corporate, government and agency debt. Equities, short term treasuries and cash may also be specifically
assigned to certain option positions on a marginable basis. When this is done the hedged positions are
removed from the margin calculation of a given portfolio.
The simple case is a Valued Security pledge. The clearing member pledges 100 shares of IBM and the
clearinghouse gives them some amount of margin credit. (100 shares IBM) x (Share price IBM - 82.12) x
(Haircut – 30%) = Collateral Value ($5,748.40).
The more complex case is a Specific Deposit. Depending upon volatility, 1 short IBM call may increase a
clearing member’s margin requirement by $4,500.00. The clearing member may offset this $4,500.00 by
specifically pledging 100 shares of IBM stock to offset the obligation of the short call.
In both of these cases the collateral being pledged is IBM. The CollApplType field (tag 1043) is used to
identify whether the collateral being pledge is to be applied specifically against a position or against the entire
portfolio on a valued basis.

Covered Spreads and other User Defined Spreads using Security Definition Messages
Covered Spreads are an important subset of User Defined Spreads. At execution, Covered Spreads allow the
risk of an option strategy to be offset by taking a position in the underlying instrument. These strategies are
referred to as being “delta neutral”. A Covered Spread consists of a listed or non-listed option strategy such as
a calendar spread with one or more pre-defined underlying instruments specified. For Listed Derivatives, one
or more Futures instruments will be used to “cover” the option strategy. The Option Ratio is carried in the
option leg to which it applies.
The business rules governing the use of Covered Spreads in Listed Derivatives are as follows:
• An option strategy can only be covered with two futures if there are at least two different option
• No option leg can be specified more than once
• No covering future can be specified more than once
• For covered spreads, the inbound Security Definition ratio can only be between -99.99 to +99.99
• For covered call outright, the inbound Security Definition ratio can only be between 0.01 and
• For covered put outright, the inbound Security Definition ratio can only be between -1.00 and -

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Usage examples
Covered Spread Request
A Covered Spread Request consists of a listed or non-listed option strategy such as a calendar spread with one
or more pre-defined covering futures specified. The option strategy being covered in this example is a
straddle which can be expressed as ST: GEZ5 C9625 P9625. The straddle itself is not explicitly designated –
just the legs. Option legs and covering futures are specified in the Instrument Leg repeating group. The Ratio
is carried in the option leg to which it applies.
Security Definition Request
Tag Field Name Req'd Value
Standard Header Y MsgType = c (lowercase)
320 SecurityReqID Y Unique value assigned by client
321 SecurityRequestType Y “1” = Request Security identity for
specifications provided – name of security is not
component block <Instrument> N User Defined Covered Spread specified here
 55 Symbol Y “GE”
 762 SecuritySubType Y Indicates if instrument being defined is a
Covered Spread
“COV” = Covered Spread
555 NoLegs Y Set to “3”
 component block N Straddle Option Leg1

 602 LegSecurityID Y CME111111

 620 SecurityDesc Y GEZ5 C9625
 624 LegSide N “1”=Buy
 623 LegRatioQty N “1”
 component block N Straddle Option Leg2
 602 LegSecurityID Y CME22222
 620 SecurityDesc Y GEZ5 P9625
 624 LegSide N “2”=Sell
 623 LegRatioQty N “1”
 component block Y Covering Future
 1017 LegOptionRatio Y Assume that Leg1 Ratio = .75 and Leg2 Ratio =
LegPositionRatio = Ratio1 and Ratio2 = .25
Total quantity of Futures to buy is: (.25 x Option
Strategy Order Qty)
 602 LegSecurityID Y CME333333
 620 SecurityDesc Y “GEZ5”

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 623 LegRatioQty N “1”

 637 LegLastPx* Y “962500” = Futures Price
827 ExpirationCycle N “0” = Expire on trading session close
263 SubscriptionRequestType N Not Used
Standard Trailer Y

Covered Spread Response

A Covered Spread Response consists of a listed or non-listed option strategy such as a calendar spread with
one or more pre-defined covering futures specified. Option legs and covering futures are specified in the
Instrument Leg repeating group. The Price Ratio is carried in the option leg to which it applies.
Security Definition
Tag Field Name Req'd Value
Standard Header Y MsgType = d (lowercase)
320 SecurityReqID Y Unique value assigned by client
322 SecurityResponseID Y Unique value assigned by host
323 SecurityResponseType Y “1” – Accept security proposal as is
component block <Instrument> N User Defined Covered Spread specified here
 55 Symbol Y “GE”
 48 SecurityID Y CME444444
107 SecurityDesc Y GE:COV:03
 762 SecuritySubType Y Indicates if instrument being defined is a
Covered Spread
“COV” = Covered Spread
555 NoLegs Y Set to “3”
 component block N Straddle Option Leg1

 602 LegSecurityID Y CME111111

 620 SecurityDesc Y GEZ5 C9625
 624 LegSide N “1”=Buy
 623 LegRatioQty N “1”
 component block N Straddle Option Leg2
 602 LegSecurityID Y CME22222
 620 SecurityDesc Y GEZ5 P9625
 624 LegSide N “2”=Sell
 623 LegRatioQty N “1”
 component block Y Covering Future

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 1017 LegOptionRatio Y Assume that Leg1 Ratio = .75 and Leg2 Ratio =
LegOptionRatio = Ratio1 and Ratio2 = .25
Total quantity of Futures to buy is: (.25 x Option
Strategy Order Qty)
 602 LegSecurityID Y CME333333
 620 SecurityDesc Y “GEZ5”
 623 LegRatioQty N “1”
 637 LegLastPx* Y “962500” = Futures Price
827 ExpirationCycle N “0” = Expire on trading session close
263 SubscriptionRequestType N Not Used
Standard Trailer Y

Product Reference Usage

Product Reference Data is an essential aspect of securities automation whether the context is electronic trading or
clearing. A good product interface reflects the structure of the instruments offered by an organization and provides
a thorough definition of each instrument. This product reference model represents financial instruments and the
relationship between these instruments for the listed derivatives industry. This product reference model provides
support for derivatives trading that may include Futures, Options on Futures and Equity Options. Some coverage
is also provided for FX instruments. The model strives to provide comprehensive coverage of all business,
economic, and operational characteristics of an instrument.

Business Workflow
Product reference information is generally refreshed on a daily basis in order to convey changes to any properties
of an instrument. Users of an exchange or clearing entity service must obtain and load the Product Reference
Data. The data can be made available in a variety of ways - static file downloads, request/response mechanism,
subscription, or constant circulation over a broadcast feed.

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Product Reference Model

Product Reference Data is provided as a base set of information that must be established at a customer site prior to
conducting business with the entity that is offering those products; usually an exchange or clearing entity although
the products may also be offered by a sell-side firm or vendor - or on behalf of an exchange or clearing entity by a
sell-side firm.
Users of Product Reference Data should be able to establish a local set of instruments that precisely reflects the
products being offered by an exchange or clearing entity. It is important to note that these instruments are also
referred to as “contracts” and carry a legal obligation to fulfill the specified terms of the contract. For Listed
Derivatives, this involves a broad array of rules that govern where and how the instrument is listed, quoted,
traded, cleared, settled and delivered.
In a futures market place, futures instruments are the first order derivative and are based on a “physical”
underlying such as corn, treasury notes, dollars on deposit in Europe, or the equity market index. For a futures
market, the characteristics of the underlying are usually not elaborated as standalone instruments but may be
summarized in the definition of the Futures instrument. Options on Futures are a second order derivative and are
based on an underlying Future. A Futures instrument may have several “option classes” or “option families” that
use it as an underlying in order to accentuate various aspects of the Future. For example, a Eurodollar Future may
have five different Mid-curve Option family in which each Series has its own set of strikes. A goal of the product
reference model is to allow a single message to represent this structure; An Underlying, An Option family,
and all strikes for the family.
In an equity option market place equity options are first order derivatives based on an underlying stock. In this
case it is more common to treat the underlying as a standalone instrument.
In an FX market place, spot can be considered the cash instrument on which forward and swap instruments are
Strategies on Futures and Options on Futures are another variation that must be supported by the product model. A
strategy may consist of basic Futures legs, basic Options legs, Futures legs and Options legs, Futures strategies
and Options strategies. A strategy on a strategy is typically the most complex instrument that must be represented
in a Product Reference Model.
The diagram below illustrates the model in which a Futures contract is defined as a standalone instrument using
the Security Definition message (Future-A). The Option family is then defined using the Derivatives Security List
message (Option family1). The individual option instruments that belong to a given family (or “class”) are then
elaborated in relation to that family (Option Strikes1). The Option family references the Futures instrument in
order to tie back to a specific underlying instrument.

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Simple Futures and Options

Underlying Future-A
Class is based on Future
Option Class1
Reference to Future Definition

Strike is based on a Class

Derivatives Security List

Reference to Future Definition

Security Definition
Underlying Future-A
Class is based on Future
Option Class2
Underlying Physical

Strike is based on Class

Derivatives Security List

It is worth noting that options may also be modeled on an individual basis using the Security Definition message
or as a part of a list using the Security List message.
The diagrams below illustrate the how strategy instruments are defined. In the Futures Strategy diagram Futures
Strategy1 is comprised of Future-A and Future-B. An Option Strategy would be similarly constructed. In the
Complex Strategy diagram the Complex Combination Strategy is comprised of Futures Strategy1 and Futures
Strategy2. A Complex Option Strategy would be similarly constructed.

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Futures Strategy

Security Definition
Security Definition Security Definition
Reference to Future
Futures-A Leg Reference to Future

Underlying Physical Underlying Physical

Futures-B Leg

Complex Strategy

Security Definition Security Definition Security Definition

Reference to Future
Futures Strategy1 Leg Reference to Future
Futures-A Leg Futures-C Leg

Futures Strategy2 Leg

Futures-B Leg Futures-D Leg

Strike Specification
In general, strikes (option instruments) should be specifically enumerated. This is due to the fact that option
strategies are based on specific strikes and need to contain a reference to the strikes that make up the strategy.
Otherwise, the strategy itself is defined in a nondeterministic manner.

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New Security Message Structures

The Security messages are restructured as shown in the diagrams below. The primary features that are being
added are the ability to specify trading rules by Market Segment and Trading Session. Requests can be issued
using MarketID and MarketSegmentID. Trading rules have been separated into two components; Base Trading
Rules which contain the basic set of trading rules for a given Market Segment, and Trading Session Rules Grp
which contains trading rules which are specific to a Trading Session. The message structures shown below include
the Security Definition set, Derivative Security List set, and Security List set.

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Trading Rules Components

The diagrams below illustrate the trading rules component blocks called. The Base Trading Rules component
contains trading rules that are specified at the level of Market Segment. The Trading Session Rules Grp
component contains trading rules that are specified at the Trading Session level. Each component contains its own
set of individual trading rules component.

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Security Definition
The Security Definition message is used to define an individual security or set of securities.
Security Definition Usage Guidelines
Recommended Uses:
• Allows a set of individual securities to be requested for a single Market Segment. The Security
Definition must be returned for the specified Market Segment
• Allows a request to be made independent of Market Segment. The Security Definition may carry all
relevant Market Segments and their corresponding trading rules.
• Allows stand-alone use in which a comprehensive Security Definition is generated for all Market
Segments in which that security participates
• If the Market Segment message is in use, Trading rules are to be included only if different than default
rules. Otherwise, only the relevant Market Segment identifiers are included
Explanation of Message Structure:
• Security Definition Request carries MarketID + MarketSegmentID at the main level as optional fields.
• Security Definition has a repeating Market Segment Group which allows all Market Segments in which
a security participates to be specified in the definition of that security.
• Only a single instance of the group will be used if a specific Market Segment has been specified on a
request. Multiple instances will be used if multiple Market Segments have been requested (by not
specifying Market Segment on request).
• If Market Segment is not applicable then MarketSegmentID = "[N/A]" (without the quotes) will be used
and trading rules will be provided.
• If Market Segment message is to be referenced for the trading rules only the Market Segment identifiers
should be provided

Derivative Security List

The Derivative Security List message is used to send a predefined list of securities (usually options) based on a
common underlying and option class. It can also be used to send the rules for security creation (usually options)
which imply the existence of a set of securities
Derivative Security List Usage Rules
Recommended Uses:
• Allows a set of option classes to be requested for a single Market Segment. The option classes must be
returned for the specified Market Segment.
• Allows a request to be made independent of Market Segment. The option classes may carry all relevant
Market Segments and their corresponding trading rules
• Allows stand-alone use in which a comprehensive set of option classes are generated for all Market
Segments in which those classes participate.
• If the Market Segment message is in use, Trading rules are to be included only if different than default
rules. Otherwise, only the relevant Market Segment identifiers are included
Explanation of Message Structure
• Derivative Security List Request will carry MarketID + MarketSegmentID at the main level as optional
• Derivative Security List will have a repeating Market Segment Group which allows all Market Segments
in which a derivative class participates to be specified in the definition of that class.

Copyright, 2007-2008, FIX Protocol, Limited Page 87 of 233

• Only a single instance of the group will be used if a specific Market Segment has been requested.
Multiple instances will be used if multiple Market Segments have been requested (by not specifying
Market Segment on request).
• If Market Segment is not applicable then MarketSegmentID = "[N/A]" (without the quotes) will be used
and trading rules will be provided.
• If Market Segment message is to be referenced for the trading rules only the Market Segment identifiers
should be provided

Security List
The Security List message is used to send a related list of securities in which each security is individually defined
within the list
Security List and Security List Request Usage Rules
Recommended Uses:
• Allows a list of securities to be requested and reported for a single Market Segment.
• Allows trading rules to be specified if different from the trading rules specified on the Market Segment
Explanation of Message Structure –
• Security List Request and Security List will carry MarketID + MarketSegmentID at the main level as
optional fields.
• Security List will carry the SecurityTradingRules (trading rules) and StrikeRules in the instrument
repeating group.

Market Segment and Venue

Market Segment and Venue is another important concept. Market Segment is the construct that allows Venue to
be represented. Venue is a common term for describing the general means of participating in or accessing a
market. Usually, the market is represented in electronic terms, person-to-person on a trading floor or in a privately
negotiated fashion. All instruments are defined within the context of a venue in which certain trading
characteristics of the instrument can change based on the venue in which they are traded. Likely venues are
“Electronic”, “Pit”, and “Ex-Pit” although it is possible that there can be greater granularity in identifying a
venue. A Market Segment group block has been added to the Security Trading Definition Block in order to
represent the role of the venue in an instrument definition

Message Flows
Request for Instrument Definition
The DerivativeSecurityListRequest can be used to request a snapshot or snapshot supplemented with updates. In
static models it is not necessary to subscribe to instrument definitions as the data is made available on a retrieval

Instrument Definitions Snapshot

The Exchange and Clearing Entity will provide a complete set of instruments at either the beginning or end of the
trading session. A set of instrument updates will also be provided. The Security Definition Update Report will be
used to update those instruments which may have changed during the course of the business day.

Updates to Instrument Snapshot

Copyright, 2007-2008, FIX Protocol, Limited Page 88 of 233

An Update Action Code will be provided at the option class level to indicate if the class is being added, modified,
or deleted. If deleted, all strikes in that series should be considered deleted. Further an List Update Action Code
will be provided at the Derivatives Security level to indicate if an options strike (or other instrument type) is being
added, modified, or deleted.

Exchange or Clearing Entity Participant

Complete Product Reference Dictionary
 Sends Request for:
Security Definition
Security List
Derivative Security List

Sends  Receives Product Definitions

• Security Definition for Futures
• Derivatives Security List for Options
• Security Definition for Strategies

Updates to Product Reference Dictionary

Sends  Receives Product Definition Updates
• Security Definition Update Report for
Note: participant must first receive the base set
• Derivatives Security List Update of product reference data in order to apply the
Report for Options updates properly. Updates on their own are
not useful.
• Security Definition Update Report for

Usage exmples
This example shows a Derivative Security List message being used to specify a set of related option instruments.
The message structure begins by specifying the underlying. The DerivSecDef includes the option class
information which are the common properties shared by the option instruments. DerivSecDef also includes the
MktSegGrp block which specifies all the trading rules for the set of options. Finally, the specific options are
individually listed using the Instrmt block. Each option must specify the venue on which it is listed historical
strikes do not conform to the strike rules.

Option Class
<DerivSecList=”1234567” Ccy=”USD” BizDt=”2007-06-01”>
<Undly ID=”ED” Src=”H” //Underlying for the Series
<SecAlt ID=”800103” Src=”8”/> //Underlying Instrument ID (IXM Num)

Copyright, 2007-2008, FIX Protocol, Limited Page 89 of 233

<DerivSecDef> //Group containing all Series info
<Deriv ID=”E0” Src=”H” //series product group
Sfx=”E0 W1” //series identifier
Desc=”E0 June 2007 W1” //series name
MMY=”200706” //series period code
MatDt=”20070617” //series expiration
StrkLstMeth=”2” //prelisted and user requested
AsgnMeth=”R” //random assignment
ExerStyle=”A” //American style
PxUOM=”USD” PxUOMQty=”1” PxQteMeth=”Int” //Price Quote props
<SecAlt ID=”E0 W1” Src=”N”/> //Globex Ticker
<SecAlt ID=”E0 W1” Src=”O”/> //Floor Ticker
<Evnt EventTyp=”5” Dt=”20061013” Tm=”202500000” /> //First day of
<Evnt EventTyp=”7” Dt=”20070616” Tm=”202500000” /> //Last day of trading
<Evnt EventTyp=”16” Dt=”20070616” Tm=”202500000” /> //Position removal
<Attrib Typ=”23” Val=””04”/> //Globex Tick Table
<Attrib Typ=”27” Val=”3” /> //Fractional Price precision
<Attrib Typ=”25” Val=”32” /> //Price Denominator
<Attrib Typ=”26” Val=”4” /> //Price Numerator fraction
<Attrib Typ=”28” Val=”3” /> //StrikePx Display precision
<Attrib Typ=”29” Val=”T” /> //Tradable,Non-tradable ind
MktID=”CME” MktSegID=”Electronic”>
StartStrkPxRng=”90.0” //starting strike price range
EndStrkPxRng=”92.5” //ending strike price range
StrkIncr=”.010” /> //Strike increment
StartStrkPxRng=”92.505” //starting strike price range
EndStrkPxRng=”95.0” //ending strike price range
StrkIncr=”.025” /> //strike increment
MaxTrdVol=”1000” //Maximum order quantity
MinTrdVol=”1” //Minimum order quantity
ImpMktInd=”1” //Implied market indicator
StartTickPxRng=”90.0” //starting tick price range
EndTickPxRng=”92.5” //ending tick price range
TickIncr=”.005” //Tick increment
TickRuleTyp=”0” /> //Tick Rule Type
StartTickPxRng=”92.505” //starting tick price range

Copyright, 2007-2008, FIX Protocol, Limited Page 90 of 233

EndTickPxRng=”95.0” //ending tick price range

TickIncr=”.010” //Tick increment
TickRuleTyp=”0” /> //Tick Rule Type
<InstrmtAttrib> //Eligible trade types for venue
<Attrib Typ=”24” Val=”1” /> / /Block eligibility
<Attrib Typ=”24” Val=”2” /> //EFP eligibility
MktID=”CME” MktSeg=”Floor”>
StartStrkPxRng=”90.0” //starting strike price range
EndStrkPxRng=”92.5” //ending strike price range
StrkIncr=”.005” /> //Strike increment
StartStrkPxRng=”92.505” //starting strike price range
EndStrkPxRng=”95.0” //ending strike price range
StrkIncr=”.010” /> //strike increment
MaxTrdVol=”1000” //Maximum order quantity
MinTrdVol=”1” //Minimum order quantity
ImpMktInd=”1” //Implied market indicator
StartTickPxRng=”90.0” //starting tick price range
EndTickPxRng=”92.5” //ending tick price range
TickIncr=”.010” //Tick increment
TickRuleTyp=”0” /> //Tick Rule Type
StartTickPxRng=”92.505” //starting tick price range
EndTickPxRng=”95.0” //ending tick price range
TickIncr=”.010” //Tick increment
TickRuleTyp=”0” /> //Tick Rule Type
<InstrmtAttrib> //Eligible trade types for venue
<Attrib Typ=”24” Val=”1” /> / /Block eligibility
<Attrib Typ=”24” Val=”2” /> //EFP eligibility
<Instrmt Sym=”GEH7C94675” Desc=”E0 Jun07 C 94675””
PutOrCall=”1” //Call
PxLmtTyp=”0” //limits in price terms
HighLmtPx2=”2.50” //upper price range
LowLimitPx2=”2.00” //lower price range
TrdgRefPx2=”2.25”/> //mid range
<Pty ID=”Globex” R=”73”> //Venue for which strike is eligible
<SecAlt ID=”700103” Src=”8”/> //Instrument ID (IXM Number)
<Instrmt Sym=”GEH7C94700” Desc=”E0 Jun07 C 94700””
PutOrCall=”1” //Call
<Pty ID=”Globex” R=”73”> //Venue for which strike is eligible
<SecAlt ID=”700104” Src=”8”/> //Instrument ID (IXM Number)

Copyright, 2007-2008, FIX Protocol, Limited Page 91 of 233

<Instrmt Sym=”GEH7P94675” Desc=”E0 Jun07 P 94675””
PutOrCall=”0” //Put
<Pty ID=”Globex” R=”73”> //Venue for which strike is eligible
<SecAlt ID=”700105” Src=”8”/> //Instrument ID (IXM Number)
<Instrmt Sym=”GEH7P94700” Desc=”E0 Jun07 P 94700””
PutOrCall=”0” //Put
<Pty ID=”Globex” R=”73”> //Venue for which strike is eligible
<SecAlt ID=”700106” Src=”8”/> //Instrument ID (IXM Number)

Outright Future
<SecDef RptID=”1234567” Ccy=”USD” BizDt=”2007-06-01”>
<Instrmt ID=”ED” Src=”H” //product code
MMY=”200706” //period code
CFI=”FFDCSO” //CFI code – standard/outright
Desc=”ED Jun 2007” //Clearing alias
MatDt=”20070615” //settlement date
Sym=”GEHZ” //Globex symbol
SecGrp=”GE” //Globex product group
UOM=”Int” UOMQty=”1000000” //unit of measure
Mult=”250” //price multiplier
PxUOM=”USD” PxUOMQty=”1” PxQteMeth=”Int” //Price unit of measure
SettlMeth=”C” ValueTypCode=”FUT”>
<SecAlt ID=”800103” Src=”8”/> //Instrument ID (IXM Number)
<SecAlt ID=”GE” Src=”N”/> //Globex Ticker
<SecAlt ID=”ED” Src=”O”/> //FloorTicker
<Evnt EventTyp=”5” Dt=”20061013” Tm=”202500000” /> //First day of trading
<Evnt EventTyp=”7” Dt=”20070316” Tm=”202500000” /> //Last day of trading
<Evnt EventTyp=”14” Dt=”20070316” Tm=”202500000” /> //First Intent Date
<Evnt EventTyp=”15” Dt=”20070316” Tm=”202500000” /> //Last Intent Date
<Evnt EventTyp=”10” Dt=”20070316” Tm=”202500000” /> //First Delivery Date
<Evnt EventTyp=”11” Dt=”20070316” Tm=”202500000” /> //Last Delivery Date
<Evnt EventTyp=”12” Dt=”20070316” Tm=”202500000” /> //Initial inventory due
<Evnt EventTyp=”13” Dt=”20070316” Tm=”202500000” /> //Final inventory due
<Evnt EventTyp=”16” Dt=”20070316” Tm=”202500000” /> //Position removal date
<Attrib Typ=”23” Val=””04”/> //Globex Tick Table
<Attrib Typ=”27” Val=”3” /> //Fractional Price precision
<Attrib Typ=”25” Val=”32” /> //Price Denominator
<Attrib Typ=”26” Val=”4” /> //Price Numerator fraction

Copyright, 2007-2008, FIX Protocol, Limited Page 92 of 233

<Attrib Typ=”29” Val=”T” /> //Tradable,Non-tradable ind

MktID=”CME” MktSegID=”Electronic”>
MaxTrdVol=”1000” //Maximum order quantity
MinTrdVol=”1” //Minimum order quantity
ImpMktInd=”1” //Implied market indicator
PxLmtTyp=”0” //limits in price terms
HighLmtPx=”2.50” //high limit price
LowLimitPx=”2.00” //low limit price
TrdgRefPx=”2.25” /> //mid price
StartTickPxRng=”90.0” //starting tick price range
EndTickPxRng=”92.5” //ending tick price range
TickIncr=”.005” //Tick increment
TickRuleTyp=”0” /> //Tick Rule Type
StartTickPxRng=”92.505” //starting tick price range
EndTickPxRng=”95.0” //ending tick price range
TickIncr=”.010” //Tick increment
TickRuleTyp=”0” /> //Tick Rule Type
<InstrmtAttrib Typ=”24” Val=”1” /> //Block eligibility
<InstrmtAttrib Typ=”24” Val=”2” /> //EFP eligibility
MktID=”CME” MktSeg=”Floor”>
MaxTrdVol=”1000” //Maximum order quantity
MinTrdVol=”1” //Minimum order quantity
ImpMktInd=”1” //Implied market indicator
PxLmtTyp=”0” //limits in price terms
HighLmtPx=”2.50” //???????????
LowLimitPx=”2.00” //??????????
TrdgRefPx=”2.25”/> //??????????
StartTickPxRng=”90.0” //starting tick price range
EndTickPxRng=”92.5” //ending tick price range
TickIncr=”.010” //Tick increment
TickRuleTyp=”0” /> //Tick Rule Type
StartTickPxRng=”92.505” //starting tick price range
EndTickPxRng=”95.0” //ending tick price range
TickIncr=”.010” //Tick increment
TickRuleTyp=”0” /> //Tick Rule Type
<InstrmtAttrib Typ=”24” Val=”1” /> //Block eligibility
<InstrmtAttrib Typ=”24” Val=”2” /> //EFP eligibility

Copyright, 2007-2008, FIX Protocol, Limited Page 93 of 233


Step-Outs and Give-Ups

The new order messages allow a single clearing broker to be identified through use of the Parties component
block with PartyRole = 4, Clearing Firm (in the event that the order is to be stepped out to multiple clearing
brokers, the NestedParties2 component block in the NoAllocs group should be used, with each entry in the
NoAllocs group denoting the quantity to be given up or stepped out to each broker).
The executing broker can optionally send copies of the order executions through to the clearing broker(s) real time
using execution report messages. This flow is clearly not relevant in cases where communication to the clearing
broker is managed through a central clearing house or similar organisation (e.g. as in the futures markets).
The investment manager provides booking instructions to both the executing and clearing brokers. Where the
executing broker does not need to know the details of the underlying funds, a ‘ready to book’ allocation
instruction can be used to tell the executing broker to book the order(s) out and settle against the clearing
broker(s). The allocation details themselves are communicated from the investment manager to the clearing
broker(s) using an allocation instruction message of type ‘Preliminary’ or ‘Calculated’. This message contains a
reference to the Executing Broker in the NestedParties2 field in the NoOrders repeating group (PartyRole = 1,
Executing Firm).

manager 4 (optional)
New order message. Allocation Instruction
Clearing broker 3 (optional) message, status ‘ New’ , type
referenced in P arties Allocation Instruction ‘P reliminary’ or ‘ Calculated’ .
component block. message, status ‘ New’, type Executing broker(s) identified
Execution reports sent ‘ Ready to book’ in NestedP arties2 component
back to investment block in the NoOrders
manager . repeating group)

Executing Clearing
broker 2 (optional) broker
Drop copy execution
reports to clearing broker

This flow also supports the scenario where the investment manager has a block order which is then sent out (in
parts) to a number of executing brokers, all to be settled by the same clearing broker. In this case, each executing
broker receives a 'ready to book' allocation from the investment manager for their order(s) and the clearing broker
receives a single allocation message for the entire block. This latter message will reference the client order ids on
each order (which can be used to match up to the execution reports from the executing brokers) and the executing
broker id.

Copyright, 2007-2008, FIX Protocol, Limited Page 94 of 233

CFD with cash equity hedge executed by same broker as writing
the CFD


New order message with BookingType

= 1 (CFD)
Execution reports back to investment


The BookingType field is used on the new order messages to transmit the notification that the order is for a CFD.
This information is required at the time of execution as a) the broker may need to invoke separate credit or
compliance checks (e.g. different RTL) and b) the broker will need to know to execute a principal cash hedge.
Note the example here could be extended to cover any OTC derivative product where one or more of its cashflows
is derived from a cash equity position.

CFD with cash equity hedge executed by different broker from that
writing the CFD
Here the clearing broker is writing the CFD and the executing broker is simply executing a cash equity hedge for
(and settling with) the clearing broker. The allocation instruction from the investment manager to the clearing
broker contains the BookingType field to provide notification that the order is to be booked out as a CFD.
BookingType can also optionally be provided on the new order message to the executing broker.

Copyright, 2007-2008, FIX Protocol, Limited Page 95 of 233

4 (optional)
1 Allocation Instruction message,
status ‘ New’ , type ‘P reliminary’
New order message.
3 (optional) or ‘ Calculated’ .
Clearing broker
referenced in P arties Allocation Instruction Executing broker(s) identified in
component block. message, status ‘ New’ , type NestedP arties2 component
‘ Ready to book’ block in the NoOrders repeating
Execution reports sent
group). BookingType = 1 (CFD)
back to investment
used to identify this as being
manager .
settled as a CFD.

Executing Clearing
broker 2 (optional) broker
Drop copy execution
reports to clearing broker

Copyright, 2007-2008, FIX Protocol, Limited Page 96 of 233

Commission Sharing Arrangements

Soft Dollars
Soft dollar programmes are arrangements whereby a proportion of commission on certain trades is not retained by
the broker, but set aside for the payment of certain eligible services for the buy side firm sending the orders. FIX
supports the handling of such business in two ways:
• Use of the ProcessCode field on the new order messages (new order single and new order list). Takes
value '1=soft dollar' for soft dollar trades.
• Use of the ProcessCode field on the FIX allocation instruction or allocation report message. Takes value
'1=soft dollar' for soft dollar trades.
The issue with the first approach is that the ProcessCode flag is applied to an order and therefore must be assumed
to be associated with every allocated trade belonging to that order which may not necessarily be the case. For this
reason, use of ProcessCode on new order messages is not recommended unless the order is pre-trade allocated to a
single sub account.
The second approach is recommended as a) it logically forms part of the post trade allocation process, b) existing
alternative allocation mechanisms such as Global OASYS block ETC, OASYS Direct and manual (fax etc.)
operate in this way.

Directed Brokerage
Directed brokerage (commission recapture) programmes are arrangements whereby a proportion of commission
on certain trades is not retained by the broker, but set aside to be paid ultimately to the underlying funds on whose
behalf the trades were executed; this may or may not involve an intermediary (e.g. Frank Russell, State Street,
Lynch Jones Ryan) who collects payments from the brokers and manages the payment to the end funds.
As with soft dollars, the ProcessCode field (value '6=plan sponsor') is used. In addition, the identity of the scheme
administrator must also be identified. Use of the post-trade allocation instruction message is recommended over
use of ProcessCode on the new order messages for the same reasons as given for soft dollars above. The
NestedParties component block in the NoAllocs repeating group in the allocation instruction message (for post-
trade allocation) or new order message (for pre-trade allocation) should be used for identifying the scheme
The confirmation message contains an optional field SharedCommission which can be used to communicate the
amount of commission actually being split out to the intermediary.

Copyright, 2007-2008, FIX Protocol, Limited Page 97 of 233

Multi-Day Average Pricing

Multi-day average pricing ("warehousing") involves the sellside working a client equity order over a number of
days in a similar way to a “good-till” (GT) order, but with the crucial difference that the entire buyside executed
quantity is not booked for settlement until the last day of the warehouse period. Given that the sellside will still
have to settle its market-side executions, this will involve the funding of buys (sellside receives from the market),
and borrowing stock or failing to deliver on sells (sellside delivers to the market). Note that warehousing is not
permitted in certain markets.

The flows outlined below and supported in FIX 4.4 are subject to the following constraints:
• Only equities will be warehoused.
• Multi-leg instruments will not be warehoused.
• No special functionality will be provided to cover corporate actions occurring during a warehouse period.
• Only GT orders will carry warehousing instructions on the order message itself (wrong – this covers day
orders as well). If the sellside decide to warehouse a day order they will use the FIX allocation message.
• Sellside firms will be responsible for deciding whether or not to accept a warehouse request.

Flow Summary
The following four flows are supported:

Day orders GT orders

Pre-trade Use 589 DayBookingInst (a new value '2 – accumulate' has been Use 427 GTBookingInst,
notification added for this purpose). This is used to signify that the day order using value '1 – accumulate
should be warehoused in full at the end of the day. until filled/expires' or '2 –
accumulate until told
Post-trade If the entire order is to be warehoused, use a 'warehouse' allocation As for Day orders.
notification instruction message (an Allocation Instruction with
AllocTransType = 7 – warehouse) for the portion to be
warehoused. If only part of the order is to be warehoused, use a
'warehouse' allocation instruction message for the warehoused
portion and book and allocate the rest using a standard allocation
instruction message.
End of day At the end of every day where all or part of an order or orders has As for Day orders.
warehouse been warehoused, use an Allocation Report to communicate
recap details of the warehoused portion of the order(s). This message has
AllocReportType 5 = Warehouse recap and will communicate the
quantity and average price of the warehoused portion of the
order(s). For other details relating to the order (e.g. quantity
executed that day, quantity remaining at the beginning of that day,
the running average price), a 'done for day' execution report
should be used.
Note trade confirmations will only be generated for any part of the
order booked out to a client account (i.e. not warehoused).
Warehouse Reject the warehouse allocation message with an allocation ack As for Day orders.
rejection (pre- with 87 AllocStatus '1 – rejected' and 88 AllocRejCode - '13

Copyright, 2007-2008, FIX Protocol, Limited Page 98 of 233

trade) Warehouse request rejected'. The order will then remain in an

unbooked state until it is either booked out manually or a new
allocation message is received (and successfully processed).
Warehouse As for pre-trade. As for Day orders.
For all of these flows, either full or partial warehousing is supported (the latter meaning that only part of an order
is warehoused, with the balance booked out as normal).

Example Warehouse Flows

These diagrams show a simplified version of the FIX warehousing flows.

Good Till Order – Warehouse Until Filled Using Pre-Trade Booking Instruction
Day 1 – entire part-filled quantity is warehoused
BuySide SellSide
1. Buyside sends new GT order with instruction
New order single to warehouse any part-filled quantity until the
 
GTBookingInst = 1 order fills or expires (i.e. GTBookingInst is
Execution reports 2. Sellside accepts the order, then sends 1 or
 
(new...partial fills) more partial fill execution reports.

Execution report 3. Sellside sends a “done-for-the-day” (DFD)

  execution report when execution completes
(done for day) for the day.
Allocation report 4. Sellside sends a warehouse recap allocation
 
(AllocReportType = 5) report.

Note a 'warehouse instructon' allocation

instruction message from the buyside is not
required at this point due to the use of
GTBookingInst when placing the order
Day 2 – further executions; entire part-filled quantity is again warehoused
BuySide SellSide
Execution reports 2. Sellside sends 1 or more partial fill execution
 
(new...partial fills) reports.

Execution report 3. Sellside sends a “done-for-the-day” (DFD)

  execution report when execution completes
(done for day) for the day.
Allocation report 4. Sellside sends a warehouse recap allocation
 
(AllocReportType = 5) report.

Note a 'warehouse instructon' allocation

instruction message from the buyside is not
required at this point due to the use of

Copyright, 2007-2008, FIX Protocol, Limited Page 99 of 233

GTBookingInst when placing the order

Day 3 – further executions; order is now filled and booked out
BuySide SellSide
Execution reports 2. Sellside sends 0 or more partial fill execution
 
(new...partial fills...fill) reports and a final fill.

Allocation instruction
AllocTransType 'new'
4. Buyside provides allocations for entire order
 AllocType either 'Buyside 
preliminary' (if without
MiscFees) or 'Buyside
calculated' (if with)
Allocation Instruction ACK 5. Sellside acknowledges receipt of the
 
(AllocStatus 'received') allocation details.

6. Sellside processes and acknowledges

Allocation Instruction ACK allocation details. Confirmation messaging
 
(AllocStatus 'processed') and processing will then take place for the
Allocation report 7. Sellside sends a warehouse recap allocation
 
(AllocReportType = 5) report.

Copyright, 2007-2008, FIX Protocol, Limited Page 100 of 233

Good Till Order – Partial Warehousing - Day 1 (some of the part-filled quantity
is warehoused; the rest is allocated)
Day 1 – part of the part-filled quantity is warehoused
BuySide SellSide
1. Buyside sends new GT order with instruction
to warehouse any part-filled quantity (i.e.
GTBookingInst is 1 or 2).
New order single
  Should clarify that use of GTBookingInst
GTBookingInst = 1 or 2
implies warehouse instructions not required.
Should add an example of 'normal' GT (i.e. no
GTBookingInst), i.e. post trade instructions
Execution reports 2. Sellside accepts the order, then sends 1 or
 
(new...partial fills) more partial fill execution reports.

Execution report 3. Sellside sends a “done-for-the-day” (DFD)

  execution report when execution completes
(done for day) for the day.
Allocation instruction for
non-warehoused portion of
the order
AllocTransType 'new' 4. (a) Buyside decides to book out a proportion
 
of the part-filled order
AllocType either 'Buyside
preliminary' (if without
MiscFees) or 'Buyside
calculated' (if with)
Allocation Instruction ACK 5. (a) Sellside acknowledges receipt of the
 
(AllocStatus 'received') allocation details.

6. (a) Sellside processes and acknowledges

Allocation Instruction ACK allocation details. Confirmation messaging
 
(AllocStatus 'processed') and processing will then take place for the
Allocation instruction for
buyside warehouse
  4. (b) Buyside warehouses the rest of the order.
AllocTransType 'new'
AllocType 'warehouse'
Allocation Instruction ACK
for warehouse instruction 5. (b) Sellside acknowledges receipt of the
 
warehouse allocation instruction.
(AllocStatus 'received')
Allocation Instruction ACK
for warehouse instruction 6. (b) Sellside processes and acknowledges
 
allocation details.
(AllocStatus 'processed')
Allocation report 4. Sellside sends a warehouse recap allocation
 
(AllocReportType = 5) report.
 Allocation report  7. Sellside sends a warehouse recap allocation

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(AllocReportType = 5)
Subsequent days' flows are as in 'Warehouse till filled' scenario above.

Note the flow is similar when the entire order is warehoused – in this case, messages 4a, 5a and 6a are missing.

Day Order – Part- or Fully Warehoused

In this case, on day 1 of the order the buyside decides to warehouse a trade after the DFD message has been sent
by the sellside. The entire part-filled quantity may be warehoused or a proportion may be allocated to client
accounts. The flow is exactly the same as for GT orders as above, apart from the original new order not having
any GTBookingInst or DayBookingInst.

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Decision Flows

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Regulation SHO - Short-Sell Security Locate

The Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) of the US has issued Regulation SHO which requires that firms
conducting short-sell trades must specify the security lending firm in the order. To support the identification of
the security lending firm, the PartySubIDType (803) enumeration value of "27" (SecurityLocateID) in conjunction
with PartySubID (523) are used within the Parties Component Block to identify the lending firm. The PartySubID
would contain the identification of the firm lending the security for the short-sell.

Strategy Parameters for Algorithmic Trading

With the growing number of algorithmic trading strategies being introduced there is the need for the ability to
convey additional strategy parameters. The NoStrategyParameters repeating group allows for a more flexible and
standardized implementation to support algorithmic trading.

Tag Field Type Description

957 NoStrategyParameters NumIn Indicates number of strategy parameters
 958 StrategyParameterName String Name of parameter
 959 StrategyParameterType Int Datatype of the parameter. Refer to
Appendix-A for a list of valid values.
 960 StrategyParameterValue String Value of the parameter

The NoStrategyParameters repeating group is to be used instead of the deprecate fields TargetStrategyParameters
(848) and ParticipationRate (849). This repeating group allows the ability to conveny multiple parameters in an
unrestricted manner between the Initiator and Respondent, as long as the StrategyParameterName,
StrategyParameterType and StrategyParameterValue ranges are recognized by the Respondent.
For example, a ‘VWAP’ strategy with specified start time and end time and two additional parameters,
participation rate (40%) and aggressiveness (Y) can be represented as follows:

847 (TargetStrategy) = 1 (VWAP)

168 (EffectiveTime) = 20050606-14:00:00
126 (ExpireTime) = 20050606-20:00:00
957 (NoStrategyParameters) = 2
958 (StrategyParameterName) = ParticipationRate
959 (StrategyParameterType) = 11 (Percentage)
960 (StrategyParameterValue) = 0.4
958 (StrategyParameterName) = Aggressiveness
959 (StrategyParameterType) = 13 (Boolean)
960 (StrategyParameterValue) = Y

It should be noted that StrategyParameterType is an enumerated field which may contain the following values
(See also Volume 6, Data Dictionary).
1 = Int 9 = PriceOffset
2 = Length 10 = Amt
3 = NumInGroup 11 = Percentage
4 = SeqNum 12 = Char
5 = TagNum 13 = Boolean
6 = Float 14 = String
7 = Qty 15 = MultipleValueString
8 = Price 16 = Currency

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17 = Exchange 21 = LocalMktTime
18 = Month-Year 22 = UTCDate
19 = UTCTimeStamp 23 = Data
20 = UTCTimeOnly

Regulation NMS
The Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) of the US has issued Regulation NMS (Reg NMS) in its final
form on June 9, 2005, which is available at . As it relates to the FIX
Protocol this section discusses the support provided by the protocol to be compliant with Reg NMS. The
focus will be on identifiers required to assist broker-dealers and trading centers in complying with the Order
Protection Rule (Rule 611) and the Sub-Penny Rule (Rule 612, also known as the Minimum Pricing
Increment Rule).

Order Protection Rule Compliance

Scope of Order Protection Rule Compliance
The Order Protection Rule applies to Regulation NMS stocks. According to the SEC filing: An "NMS stock"
is defined in paragraphs (b)(47) and (b)(46) of Rule 600 as a security, other than an option, for which
transaction reports are collected, processed and made available pursuant to an effective national market
system plan. This definition effectively covers stocks listed on a national securities exchange and stocks
included in either the National Market or SmallCap tiers of Nasdaq. It does not include stocks quoted on the
OTC Bulletin Board or elsewhere in the OTC market.
Manual quotations are not protected under the Order Protection Rule. Protected bids and offers are defined as
quotations in an NMS stock that are:
• displayed by an automated trading center;
• disseminated pursuant to an effective national market system plan; and
• an automated quotation that is the best bid or best offer of a national securities exchange, the
best bid or best offer of The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc., or the best bid or best offer of a national
securities association other than the best bid or best offer of The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc.
Transactions that are exempted from order protection compliance include the following7:
1. The transaction that constituted the trade-through was effected when the trading center displaying the
protected quotation that was traded through was experiencing a failure, material delay, or
malfunction of its systems or equipment.
[Referred to as the self-help exemption]
2. The transaction that constituted the trade-through was not a “regular way” contract.
[Examples of “not a regular way contract” include – next day settlement, same day settlement or
sellers option]
3. The transaction that constituted the trade-through was a single-priced opening, reopening, or closing
transaction by the trading center.
[The opening process in the OTC market for Nasdaq stocks is different from the listed market. UTP
has an official open but CTA does not. While not official, listed markets do open at a single price
even if this is not flagged by CTA. FIF will follow up with the Plans to determine if there is an
4. The transaction that constituted the trade-through was executed at a time when a protected bid was
priced higher than a protected offer in the NMS stock.
[Exemption for trading through in a crossed market]

7 The exemptions listed are taken directly from the SEC filing with the FIF interpretation of the exemption given in brackets and italics below.

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5. The transaction that constituted the trade-through was the execution of an order identified as an
intermarket sweep order.
[Referred to as the intermarket sweep exemption]
6. The transaction that constituted the trade-through was effected by a trading center that
simultaneously routed an intermarket sweep order to execute against the full displayed size of any
protected quotation in the NMS stock that was traded through.
[Exception for a transaction that executes at an inferior from the NBBO because other intermarket
sweep orders simultaneously hit protected quotes.]
7. The transaction that constituted the trade-through was the execution of an order at a price that was
not based, directly or indirectly, on the quoted price of the NMS stock at the time of execution and
for which the material terms were not reasonably determinable at the time the commitment to
execute the order was made.
[Exemption covering executions at a negotiated price, e.g., VWAP orders]
8. The trading center displaying the protected quotation that was traded through had displayed, within
one second prior to execution of the transaction that constituted the trade-through, a best bid or best
offer, as applicable, for the NMS stock with a price that was equal or inferior to the price of the
trade-through transaction.
[Referred to as the 1 second rule, intended to address flickering quotes.]
9. The transaction that constituted the trade-through was the execution by a trading center of an order
for which, at the time of receipt of the order, the trading center had guaranteed an execution at no
worse than a specified price (a “stopped order”), where:
a. The stopped order was for the account of a customer;
b. The customer agreed to the specified price on an order-by-order basis; and
c. The price of the trade-through transaction was, for a stopped buy order, lower than the
national best bid in the NMS stock at the time of execution or, for a stopped sell order,
higher than the national best offer in the NMS stock at the time of execution.
[Stopped orders are given on the consolidated tape.]

Role of Identifier in Order Protection Compliance

Establishing identifiers is one way in which firms can demonstrate that a quote, order or trade is or is not
subject to the Order Protection Rule. Identifiers are not the only way to flag order protection exemptions.
Firms can modify existing internal order and trade databases to include exemption information rather than
adding flags to inter-firm communication protocols like FIX or consolidated tapes like UTP and CTA. This
document will focus on those identifiers that would be needed in communication between counterparties.
• Quote Identifiers: Quote Identifiers would be added to market data feeds that provide quote
information via FIX, proprietary protocols, or through consolidated feeds like CQS, UQDF.
• Trade Identifiers: Trade identifiers would be added to market data feeds that provide trade
information via FIX, proprietary protocols, or through consolidated feeds like CTS and UTDF.
• Order Identifiers: Incoming orders to trading centers would use Order Identifiers to indicate how an
order should be handled. Order identifiers would be added to protocols for electronic trade
communication including FIX, CMS and other proprietary protocols used by trading centers.
Instituting appropriate order identifiers is the responsibility of each trading center but could be
coordinated across industry participants for ease of implementation.
Additionally, outgoing execution reports could echo the order identifier. While not mandated by
Regulation NMS, execution reports echoing exemptions designated on the order would be useful for
evaluating execution quality.

FIX Role in Order Protection Compliance

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As it related to Reg NMS, FIX support for order protection compliance focuses on the following identifiers:
• Order Identifiers (for electronic trade communication)
o Intermarket Sweep Order Identifiers (for orders and execution reports)
o Single Execution Requested for block trade
• Quote Identifiers (for market data feeds)
o Manual Quote Identifiers
• Trade Identifiers (for market data feeds)
o Manual Trade Identifiers
o Intermarket Sweep Trade Identifiers
At this time FIX does not address the other Order Protection Rule exemptions.
Intermarket Sweep Order Identifier
According to the SEC filing: Intermarket sweep order means a limit order for an NMS stock that meets the
following requirements: (i) When routed to a trading center, the limit order is identified as an intermarket
sweep order; and (ii) Simultaneously with the routing of the limit order identified as an intermarket sweep
order, one or more additional limit orders, as necessary, are routed to execute against the full displayed size
of any protected bid, in the case of a limit order to sell, or the full displayed size of any protected offer, in the
case of a limit order to buy, for the NMS stock with a price that is superior to the limit price of the limit order
identified as an intermarket sweep order. These additional routed orders also must be marked as intermarket
sweep orders.
An intermarket sweep order functions like an Immediate or Cancel limit order (or other order type and time in
force), but it indicates that the firm sending the order has taken responsibility for price protection, and the
firm receiving the order should execute it immediately, if possible, without concern for price protection of
other markets.
As such the ExecInst field (tag 18) now includes a new value which would be used for order handling and
could be echoed on the execution report for this order.
ExecInst (tag 18)
• value "f" (lowercase F) to designate an "intermarket sweep" order
The Execution Reports do not need to identify intermarket sweep trades in the scenario where an incoming
order was executed against an intermarket sweep order since the original incoming order had not been
designated as an intermarket sweep order.
Quote & Trade Identifiers
Reg NMS differentiates between fast quotes, which are executed automatically, and slow quotes which are
executed manually. Reg NMS affords certain price protections to fast quotes that are not available to slow
To differentiate between slow quotes, trades resulting from slow quotes, and trades resulting from intermarket
sweep orders in market data feeds the following fields and the associated new values can be used for this
QuoteCondition (tag 276)
• value "L" (captial L) to designate a manual or slow quote
TradeCondition (tag 277)
• value "Y" (capital y) to designate a trade resulting from a manual or slow quote
• value "Z" (capital z) to designate a trade resulting from an intermarket sweep
Interoperability with Other Standards
Currently the CTA8 and UTP9 Plans have outlined flags ‘A’, ‘B’, and ‘H’ as follows:

Quote Condition Code Current Definition New Definition

8 For full details on CTA quote conditions, see

9 For full details on UTP quote conditions, see

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A Depth on Ask Manual Ask, Automatic Bid

B Depth on Bid Manual Bid, Automatic Ask
H Depth on Bid and Ask Manual Bid and Ask

The basic data element in the CTA and UTP Plans is a two-sided quote, while the FIX Protocol represents a
bid and ask pair as two distinct one-sided data elements. So these three values can map to
QuoteCondition(276) = L on the respective bid or ask Market Data Entries.
Additionally, the CTA Plan has redefined sales condition ‘F’ to reflect that an order was executed as an
intermarket sweep order. 10 This can map to a Market Data Entry representing the trade and having
TradeCondition(277) = Z

Sub-penny Rule Compliance

Scope of Sub-penny Rule Complaince
According to the SEC filing: “New Rule 612 prohibits an exchange, association, vendor, ATS, or broker-
dealer from accepting, ranking, or displaying an order, quotation, or indication of interest in an NMS stock
priced in a sub-penny increment (except for an order, quotation, or indication of interest priced less than
$1.00 per share, in which case the price may not extend beyond four decimal places).”

FIX Role in Sub-penny Rule Compliance

To allow firms the ability to specify unambiguously to their counterparties that the message in question was
rejected due to an invalid price increment, the following fields in the appropriate message type can be used,
along with the associated new values, for this purpose:
CxlRejReason (tag 102)
• value "18" to indicate an invalid price increment
OrdRejReason (tag 103)
• value "18" to indicate an invalid price increment
BusinessRejectReason (tag380)
• value "18" to indicate an invalid price increment

OATS Phase 3 Requirements

On September 28, 2005, the SEC approved rule filing SR-NASD-00-23 relating to the OATS rules. As
approved, the amendments (1) implement the OATS requirements for manual orders (OATS Phase III); (2)
provide that members are required to capture and report both the time the order is received by the member
from the customer and the time the order is received by the member's trading desk or trading department, if
those times are different; (3) exclude certain members from the definition of "Reporting Member" for those
orders that meet specified conditions and are recorded and reported to OATS by another member; and (4)
permit NASD to grant exemptive relief from the OATS reporting requirements in certain circumstances to
members that meet specified criteria.

Meeting OATS 3 Requirements using FIX

The following table summarizes the OATS Phase 3 requirements and how each is supported by FIX.

10 For full details on the F sales condition, see

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Requirement Nickname Requirement Description FIX Mapping (vs. FIX 4.4)

1 Manual Order Indicator Indicates whether the order was ManualOrderIndicator (1028)
initially received by the broker
manually (vs. electronically)
2 Order Received Indicates the time broker first TrdRegTimestamp (769)
Timestamp received the order from the
within <TrdRegTimestamp> component
customer. Requirement to record
block repeating group in conjunction with:
if > 1 second delay before order
is entered into electronic system. TrdRegTimestampType (770) using value of
“4 = Broker Receipt”
3 Customer Directed Order Indicates whether the customer CustDirectedOrder (1029)
‘directed’ the order to a specific
execution venue.
4 Received Department ID The department or desk within a ReceivedDeptID (1030)
firm that receives an order.
Either the Receiving Terminal ID
or the Receiving Department ID
must be provided when an order
is received directly from a
customer. The member firm
must maintain a list of the
department identifiers and
provide them on request to
NASD. Codes must be unique
within a firm, regardless of
locations in which it operates.
(This information is on an OATS
“NW” record)
5 Customer Special Order Codes (24 handling codes with CustOrderHandlingInst (1031)
Handling Instructions max of 5 codes on any one order)
in conjunction with:
denoting additional order
instructions that serve to qualify OrderHandlingInstSource (1032) with value
the pricing, quantity, execution of “1 = NASD OATS”
timing, or execution method of
an order specified by the
customer. For PEG, this includes
Contingent and/or Hedged type
6 Received By Desk ID The desk or department within a TrdRegTimestampOrigin (771)
firm that receives an order. The
within <TrdRegTimestamp> component
member firm must maintain a list
block repeating group in conjunction with:
of department identifiers and
provide them on request to TrdRegTimestampType (770) using value of
NASD. Codes must be unique
within a firm, regardless of “6 = Desk Receipt”
locations in which it operates.
Requirement to capture per Desk
if order routes through multiple
7 Desk Type Code Indicates the type of Desk or DeskType (1033)
Department at which the order

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was received. within <TrdRegTimestamp> component

block repeating group in conjunction with:
The OATS Phase III appendix
lists 11 codes. DeskTypeSource (1034) with value of “1 =
Requirement to capture per Desk
if order routes through multiple
8 Desk Received The time the desk received the TrdRegTimestamp (769)
Timestamp order.
within <TrdRegTimestamp> component
Requirement to capture per Desk block repeating group in conjunction with:
if order routes through multiple
TrdRegTimestampType (770) using value of
“6 = Desk Receipt”
9 Desk Special Order Codes (24 handling codes with DeskOrderHandlingInst (1035)
Handling Instructions max of 5 codes on any one order)
within <TrdRegTimestamp> component
denoting additional order
block repeating group in conjunction with:
instructions that serve to qualify
the pricing, quantity, execution OrderHandlingInstSource (1032) with value
timing, or execution method of of “1 = NASD OATS”
an order transmitted to another
Desk or Department within a
firm. For PEG, this includes
Contingent and/or Hedged type
Requirement to capture per Desk
if order routes through multiple

TrdRegTimestamp Usage Example for OATS 3

Below is an exmple of the TrdRegTimestamp component block with the OATS Phase 3 fields included.

768 NoTrdRegTimestamps N “NoDesks”

 769 TrdRegTimestamp N Required if NoTrdRegTimestamps > 0
“Receive Time”
 770 TrdRegTimestampType N Required if NoTrdRegTimestamps > 0
Traded / Regulatory timestamp type.
Valid values:
1 = Execution Time
2 = Time In
3 = Time Out
4 = Broker Receipt [“OrderReceivedTimestamp”]
5 = Broker Execution
6 = Desk Receipt
 771 TrdRegTimestampOrigin N “DeskID”

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 1033 DeskType N For DeskTypeSource = 1 (NASD OATS), valid values are:

A = Agency
AR =Arbitrage
D = Derivatives
IN = International
IS = Institutional
O = Other
PF = Preferred Trading
PR = Proprietary
PT = Program Trading
S = Sales
T = Trading
 1034 DeskTypeSource N valid values:
 1035 DeskOrderHandlingInst N For DeskTypeSource = 1 (NASD OATS), valid values are:
ADD = Add-on Order
AON = All or None
CNH = Cash Not Held
DIR = Directed Order
E.W = Exchange for Physical Transaction
FOK = Fill or Kill
IO = Imbalance Only
IOC = Immediate or Cancel
LOO = Limit on Open
LOC = Limit on Close
MAO = Market at Open
MAC = Market at Close
MOO = Market on Open
MOC = Market on Close
MQT = Minimum Quantity
NH = Not Held
OVD = Over the Day
PEG = Pegged
RSV = Reserve Size Order
S.W = Stop Stock Transaction
SCL = Scale
TMO = Time Order
TS = Trailing Stop
WRK = Work

Here is a comprehensive example of the use of the OATS Phase 3 fields.

A customer order was received by telephone at 2:00:07 PM EST to be executed as a "Not Held" order. The
order was passed to the New York Institutional desk, which received it at 2:00:42 PM EST, and a trader chose
to route it as an "All or None" order. The resulting order could appear as follows:

ManualOrderIndicator(1028)=Y //received manually

CustDirectedOrder(1029)=N //customer did not direct it to an
execution venue
CustOrderHandlingInst(1031)=NH //Not Held, customer's handling

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OrderHandlingInstSource(1032)=1 //NASD OATS is handling instruction
TrdRegTimestamp(769)=20061209-19:00:07 //Broker Receipt time in UTC
TrdRegTimestampType(770)=4 //Broker Receipt
TrdRegTimestamp(769)=20061209-19:00:42 //Desk Receipt time in UTC
TrdRegTimestampType(770)=6 //Desk Receipt
TrdRegTimestampOrigin(771)=NYINST //Desk ID
DeskType(1033)=IS //Instutional desk
DeskTypeSource(1034)=1 //NASD OATS source code
DeskOrderHandlingInst(1035)=NH AON //Desk's order handling inst, "not
held" and "AON"

External Order Routing Control

Over the past decade, the securities industry has experienced a growing trend towards decentralization of
liquidity. Within the United States, the landscape for equities has evolved into competing Exchanges, ECNs,
ATSs, etc., each maintaining their own decentralized pool of liquidity.
With the trend towards decentralization came a need for access to liquidity between markets and guarantees of
price protection. Linkages between markets developed to meet business needs, as a result of market regulation,
and, most recently, as a result of government mandated price protection through Regulation NMS. With these
developments, the landscape for equities has further evolved towards decentralized pools of liquidity that are
interconnected. Orders routed to one market might find no match, but might be routed by that market to another
market where a match at a better price exists.
Whether orders will, by default, be eligible for external routing is outside the scope of the FIX Protocol
specification. This is determined by the rules and business practices of the market in question. These flags allow
customers to override the market’s defaults. Further, markets may decline to allow users to override their defaults
for some or all order types, time in force values, etc.
The ExecInst (18) values to support external order routing control are:
• value "g" (lowercase G) - allows the customer to inform an Exchange, ECN, ATS, etc. that an
order may be routed to another market
• value "h" (lowercase H) - allows the customer to inform an Exchange, ECN, ATS, etc. that an
order may not be routed to another market. In this case, an order that locks or crosses the market but
which has no match within the Exchange, ECN, or ATS that received the order may reject the order.

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This section and the enhancements to the protocol has been the result of the joint effort between the BMA and
FPL’s Global Fixed Income Committee (formerly Fixed Income Working Group). This Appendix summarizes
how FIX messages can be used to support FI trading activities – offerings, negotiated trade/bid or offer request,
my bid/offer order, order initiation and execution, and allocation – for the following fixed income asset classes:
• US Treasury Bonds
• US Corporate Bonds
• Municipal Securities
• Agency Securities
• To-Be-Announced (TBA) Mortgage Backed Securities
• Euro Sovereign Bonds
• Euro Corporate Bonds
• US and European Commercial Paper
• Repurchase Agreements (Repos) and Related Securities Lending Activities
The usage models are described as between two counterparties, an Initiator and a Respondent – see the Glossary
in Volume 1 for definitions of these roles.
Note that this documentation should be used as a starting point and serves merely to provide guidance in the
reader’s FIX for FI implementation.

Message Dialog
In FI the trading dialog typically starts in one of two ways: 1) one party sending out offerings to their clients and
their clients responding to the offerings, or 2) an interested party initiating an inquiry or a bid/offer request. Once
the dialog is initiated a trade could be consummated. The allocation of the trade could be conducted “pre-trade”
or “post-trade” directly with the trading counterparty. Third party post-trade reporting using FIX messages is also
The diagrams below attempts to illustrate the various dialogs that can happen to facilitate an FI trade and the
message flows to use depending on the initiation point of the dialog. Note that the diagrams will also show, via
the green colored circles, the next step in the message dialog and do not show error conditions (i.e. one party
receiving an unknown CUSIP) that can occur during the dialog.

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Indication of Interest (Offerings)

Offerings are communicated using the Indication Of Interest (IOI) message type. The recipient of the offerings
can elect to ignore the IOI messages or respond to specific IOI messages via the use the Quote Response message
Offerings can be sent by the Respondent to an Initiator on a continuous basis as long as the Initiator wants to
receive them. The Initiator has the option to ignore the messages sent by not responding or to respond to an
offering of interest by sending a Quote Response message back to the Respondent to either “hit” or “lift” the
offering. Figure 1 below illustrates the message flow. The Respondent will pickup on the message dialog flow at
“B” in the Negotiated Trade diagram (see next section).

Figure 1: Indication of Interest/Offerings

Click here to go to “B”

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Negotiated Trade /Inquiry/Bid or Offer Request

A negotiated trade dialog can be initiated not only via the offerings or IOIs as indicated above, but also via a “my
bid or offer”, an inquiry/bid or offer request, both using a Quote Request message type. The difference between a
“my bid/offer” message and an inquiry/bid or offer request message is that in a “my bid/offer” the Initiator sends a
Quote Request message with a “my bid/offer” price set for the security in question. The Respondent would
respond with a Quote message. The rest of the dialog would follow the dialog described below and it is illustrated
in the “My bid/offer” diagram below.
An inquiry, bid or offer request/wanted begins with a Quote Request from the Initiator. It is possible for the
Respondent to send an unsolicited Quote message to their counterparty to initiate the negotiated trade dialog,
however, this arrangement should be bilaterally agreed upon by the counterparties involved.
In the negotiation dialog, the Initiator would send a Quote Request message to the Respondent to inquire about a
certain security, inquire for a list of securities that meet certain stipulations and parameters, request a bid or offer
or request a quote on a certain security. Should the Respondent choose not to provide a quote a Quote Request
Reject can be sent with the appropriate reject reason code set. At this point the current dialog would terminate.
Alternatively the Respondent can respond to the Quote Request with a Quote message. The Quote message would
provide the pricing levels for the securities requested by the Initiator.
The Initiator will respond to the Quote from the Respondent via the use of the Quote Response message type. The
Quote Response message type can be used to end the dialog, “hit/lift” the Quote, or counter the Quote. A
“hit/lift” response from the Initiator indicates to the Respondent that the Initiator agrees with the price level and
the quantity, and want to complete a trade. On the other hand, if the Initiator responded with a counter offer then
the negotiation can continue until one party decides to terminate the dialog or a trade is completed.
To a “hit/lift” or counter message from the Initiator, the Respondent can respond with another “counter” message
using the Quote message type, end the negotiation dialog with a Quote Status Report, or give the Initiator an
Execution Report message indicating that the trade has been completed. This Execution Report message may or
may not include calculations for information such as accrued interest, gross trade amount, etc.
Lastly, if the Initiator deems that there are discrepancies in the Execution Report message received from the
Respondent, the Initiator may use the Don’t Know Trade (a.k.a. DK Trade) message type to “reject” the trade
information. Resolving the error or discrepancies would be done manually and is currently out of scope for the
suggested use of the protocol.
The diagram, Negotiated Trade, on the following page illustrates this flow with some additional details of what
values within certain fields can be used.

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Figure 2: My Bid/Offer

Click here to go to “B”

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Figure 3: Negotiated Trade/Bid or Offer Request

Click here to go to “Allocations”

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Out-of-Band Negotiated Order

A trade that is negotiated “out-of-band” is a trade negotiated through other means such as verbally on the phone or
via an alternate trading system platform. In this dialog it is assume that the Respondent is able to send the
completed trade information electronically using the FIX protocol. The initiation of the order placed by the
Initiator could be through the New Order message type or through other means (i.e. verbally or via an alternate
trading system platform) agreed upon between the counterparties.
When an order is placed by the Initiator using the New Order message type the Respondent could either accept the
order or reject the other using the Execution Report message type. If the order is reject the dialog ends. If the
order is accepted the negotiation can begin out-of-band or “offline”. When the negotiation is completed and the
terms of the trade are agreed upon the Respondent would send the Initiator an Execution Report message to
confirm that the trade has been completed. The terms of the trade are reiterated in the Execution Report message.
In the event that the Initiator deems that there are discrepancies in the Execution Report message received from
the Respondent, the Initiator may use the Don’t Know Trade (a.k.a. DK Trade) message type to “reject” the trade
information. Resolving the error or discrepancies would be done manually and is currently out of scope for the
suggested use of the protocol.
The diagram on the following page illustrates this dialog.

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Figure 4: Out-of-Band Negotiated Trade

Click here to go to “Allocations”

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Allocation Instructions
Allocation instructions can be communicated by the Initiator via three different options:
1. Pre-allocated Order – in this option the Initiator would communicate the allocation instructions
within the New Order message when the order is placed with the Respondent.
2. Pre-trade allocation – in this option the Initiator would communicate the allocation instructions
to the Respondent in a separate message using the Allocation message. The Allocation message is
sent after the order is placed with the Respondent but before the trade is completed by the
3. Post-trade allocation – in this option the Initiator would communicate the allocation instructions
to the Respondent in a separate message using the Allocation message after the trade has been
completed by the Respondent.
For the Initiator options 2 and 3 represents the same message flow. The main difference is when the Allocation
message is sent – in option 2 it is sent prior to the trade being completed and in option 3 it is sent after the trade
has been completed.
Once the trade is completed and the Respondent is ready to act on the allocation instructions, assuming no errors
in the allocation instructions from the Initiator, the message flow for the Respondent is the same regardless of
which option is used by the Initiator to communicate those allocation instructions.
Note that these options work for Fixed Income because of FI’s simple trading practices – there is no concept of
“done for day”, one set of allocations is applied to a single order usually filled in a single execution.
In the Pre-allocated Order scenario the Initiator would send a New Order message that includes the allocation
information needed by the Respondent to allocate the trade once the trade is completed. Note, however, that if
even one account cannot be identified, or the quantity of one allocation instance does not meet minimum
quantity/minimum increment rules for the instrument, or the sum of allocated quantities does not equal the block
trade quantity, the entire request must be rejected. If erroneous allocations are sent via the New Order message,
the entire New Order message is rejected using the Execution Report message with the appropriate reject code.
If the pre-allocated Order is accepted and filled, the Respondent communicates that information to the Initiator
using the Execution Report message type, setting all the appropriate status values per standard protocol usage.
At this point in the message flow the Respondent would begin to allocate the trade according to the allocation
instructions already provided in the New Order message and communicating that information back to the
Respondent according to the message flow shown in Figure 5, starting with the AllocationReport.

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Figure 5: Allocations

Click here to go to “Confirmation”

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In the Pre-trade allocation scenario the Initiator would send the allocation instructions, after placing the order but
before the Execution Report message indicated that the trade is completed, to the Respondent using the
AllocationInstruction message type. On the other hand, in the Post-trade allocation scenario the Initiator would
send the allocation instructions to the Respondent after receiving the Execution Report message indicated that the
trade is completed – again using the AllocationInstruction message type.
Before accepting the request the Respondent should determine that all accounts are known, the quantity of each
allocation instance meets minimum quantity/minimum increment rules for the instrument and the sum of allocated
quantities equals the block trade quantity. If any error is found the Respondent must reject the entire Allocation
using the AllocationInstructionAck message with the appropriate reject reason code. In this event, whether the
trade that has been completed or is pending completion, the order is a still a live order. A rejection of the
AllocationInstruction message does not equate to a reject of the order placed in this case. The Initiator can send a
new AllocationInstruction message with the correct instructions and information to the Respondent.
If the Respondent accepts the AllocationInstruction, the message flow would continue as shown in Figure 5 with
the Respondent sending the AllocationReport message to communicate the sub-account level calculations for net
monies and accrued interest if appropriate. At this stage the Initiator still has the option to reject the
validated/calculated allocation message due to differences in calculations of net money, gross amounts, etc., for
each of the allocated sub-accounts. Alternatively the Initiator can acknowledge back to the Respondent that the
validated/calculated message is accepted. Both the Initiator’s response is communicated via the use of the
AllocationReportAck message type.

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Figure 6: Confirmation and Affirmation

Figure 6 illustrates the message flow of the confirmation process for each of the allocated account instance (the
sub-accounts in the AllocationInstruction message) the Respondent would use once the allocation calculations
have been confirmed by the Initiator.
The Confirmation message is an optional message that the Respondent can use to report back, confirms or raise an
exception of the booking/confirm status of each of the allocation instances in the trade. When the “confirmed”

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status is reported to the Initiator it indicates that that piece of the allocated trade is ready to settle. Each
Confirmation message will report the details of a single “ticket”, therefore the account names, fees, net money
and settlement information are reported using fields designated for single account trades.
Once the “confirmed” is received from the Respondent the Initiator has the final say by sending the
ConfirmationAck message with the “affirmed” status. However, should the Initiator disagree with the
Respondent’s “confirm” the Initiator can send a reject using the ConfirmationAck message with a status of
“rejected” and provide a reason for rejection.

Post Trade Reporting to a 3rd Party or Virtual Matching Utility

Figure 7 illustrates the messages needed by the Initiator and the Respondent to send trade notices to a 3 rd party or
VMU for trade matching.

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Figure 7: Post Trade 3rd Party or VMU Trade Reporting

The Allocation Instruction message type is used by the Initiator to report one or more orders and block trades
along with associated allocations to a 3rd party or VMU for trade matching.
The Respondent will use the Trade Capture Report, or an Execution Report depending on the 3 rd party’s
requirements, message type to report trades to a 3rd party. This notice of execution will be for block level trades.

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Message Usage Details

This section provides some details to the usage of specific fields within messages. These usage guidelines are a
supplement to the usage already described in the main volumes of the specification. The usage guidelines
discusses requirements for FI that are required by the baseline protocol or will make clarifications specific to FI

General Usage Rules

1. PriceType field must be present when the following price fields are used in any message: Price, BidPx,
OfferPx, MktBidPx, MktOfferPx, MidPx.
2. AvgPx field is usually expressed as “percent of par”. Where it is not, such as in certain Confirmation
scenarios, AvgParPx and LastParPx have been added for communicating the percent-of-par price that will
drive settlement calculated from the negotiated price.
3. LegPriceType must be present when LegBidPx or LegOfferPx is used in the NoLegs repeating block of any
message that contains this repeating block.
4. In all trade and post-trade messages where price information is being communicated, a limit or execution
price is always conveyed in Price or LastPx, respectively, with PriceType set appropriately. Depending on
market convention for a particular asset class other fields may be used to supplement the quote or execution
price such as YieldData component block and/or SpreadOrBenchmark component block. Yield and Spread
should communicate only derived information, never the negotiated price.
5. All FIX messages identified for use in FI trading except New Order Single support both single instrument
trades “outrights” and trades of two instruments – one to be sold and the other to be bought as a replacement.
In the US the latter are often called “swaps”, in other regions they are “switches”, and two-instrument trades
involving the sale and purchase of futures contracts with different contract settlement months are called
“rolls”. The NoLegs repeating block is used to identify and link the two sides of the trade. LegSwapType
can be used instead of LegQty on one side of the trade to instruct the Respondent to calculate the LegQty
based on the opposite leg’s quantity. To submit a new order for a swap or roll use New Order Multileg
instead of New Order Single.
6. LastPxPar conditionally required in the Execution Report, Allocation, and TradeCaptureReport messages
when LastPx is expressed with a PriceType other than “percent of par” (i.e. when LastPx is expressed as
“discount” or “yield” PriceType then LastPxPar must be used to express the price in “percent of par”
7. When SettlType is not “regular” then SettlType must to be specified. SettlType “future” requires a value for

Indication Of Interest
An IOI must specify price information by using either one of the set of price information fields (see General
Usage Rules section)
Either the IOIQty or the NoLegs repeating block is required.. If the NoLegs repeating block is used, put “0”
(zero) in the IOIQty field. IOIQty is required and used for offerings of single instruments. The NoLegs repeating
block is used for multilegs (swaps/switches/rolls). In FI’s use there would only be two legs – a buy leg and a sell
ValidUntilTime is where the IOI sender can specify the “firm time” of the offering.

Quote Request
In this message the Initiator can specify what form the quote should be in by using the QuotePriceType field.

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The ClOrdID field has been added to this message allowing the Initiator to assign a ClOrdID when requesting for
quotes that are of QuoteType “Tradable” and OrdType of “Limit”.
To submit a “my bid/offer” quote request the Initiator will need to specify QuoteType of “Tradable” and OrdType
of “Limit”. Pricing information must be specified using either one of the set of price information fields (see
General Usage Rules section)
ValidUntilTime – used by the Initiator to indicate the period of time the resulting Quote must be valid for
ExpireTime – used by the Initiator to indicate the period of time when this quote request expires
OrderQtyData component block – required when QuoteType is “Tradeable”

Quote Response
Initiator will use the QuoteRespType field to indicate what type of response this is, i.e. “hit/lift”, “counter”, etc.
IOIid is required if the Quote Response is used to respond to an IOI (offering) message, the field would contain
the ID of the IOI message.
Fields required when QuoteRespType is “hit/lift” or “counter quote”: OrderQtyData component block, Side,
ValidUntilTime, ClOrdID (see paragraph below), and either one of the set of price information fields (see General
Usage Rules section).
In the initial use of the “hit/lift” QuoteRespType, the Initiator is required to assign a ClOrdID. This ClOrdID will
be reused throughout the negotiation process, including in the “counter”, until the negotiation ends in either a fill
or the negotiation dialog is terminated by either party.
In a “counter quote” to a Quote, only a limited set of data elements can change depending on the security type.
Price can be expected to change, but also Instrument being quoted can change in some markets as well as
Stipulations and ClearingCode within the Parties component block.
In a “counter quote” with a “my price” set, OrdType must be “Limit” and either one of the set of price
information fields (see General Usage Rules section).

Fields required when QuoteType is “counter” or “Tradeable”: OrderQtyData component block, Side,
ValidUntilTime, and either one of the set of price information fields (see General Usage Rules section).

New Order - Single

For OrdType only the following enumeration are applicable: 1 (market), 2 (limit), D (previously quoted), E
(previously indicated).
For OrdType of “limit” either one of the set of price information fields (see General Usage Rules section) is
TradeDate is required and is set by the Initiator.
HandlInst is required by the protocol but is not a required field for FI. However, for the purposes of being
compliant to the protocol the counterparties should bilaterally agree on the value to use.

New Order - Multileg

TradeOriginationDate is used for municipal new issue market. Specifies the date in which agreement in principal
between counterparties, prior to actual TradeDate.
TradeDate is required and is specified by Initiator.

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For the Multileg Order, if the following fields are not applicable to all legs of the trade then the NestedParties
component block associated with each leg within the NoLegs repeating block will be used: Account,
AccountType, NoAllocs repeating block, SettlType, and SettlDate.

Execution Report
This message should always use SettlType “future” with a value for SettlDate.
Stipulations component block information must be reiterated and echo back by the Respondent if Initiator had
provided information in the Stipulations component block.
For multilegs only use the NoLegs blocks of the Execution Report message for swaps/switches/rolls when
OrdStatus is “new”. The partial fill or fill (OrdStatus) Execution Report for each of the legs will be reported
separated and execution price for each leg is conveyed in LastPx, AvgPx and LastPxPar, if applicable.
The following fields are required when OrdStatus is “partial”, “filled” or “calculated”: PriceType, Price
The following fields are required when ExecType is “trade” or “trade correct”: LastQty, LastPx, AvgPx,
LastPxPar (when conditionally applicable)
The following fields are required when OrdStatus is “filled” or “calculated” AND if NumDaysInterest is
populated and not zero: AccruedInterestRate, AccruedInterestAmt
GrossTradeAmt and NetMoney is required when OrdStatus is “filled” or “calculated”.
NumDaysInterest is required where applicable based on security type and when OrdStatus is “filled” or
InterestAtMaturity is required in lieu of AccruedInterestAmt for security types that pay lump-sum at maturity.

Allocation Instruction
PreviouslyReported, ReversalIndicator and MatchType is conditionally required when Initiator is sending the
Allocation Instruction message to a 3rd party or VMU.
This message should always use SettlType “future” with a value for SettlDate.
GrossTradeAmt – Initiators are required to send this information when sending Allocation post-trade.
For Financing Trades Use QtyType and ContractMultiplier if necessary to identify how quantities are to be
expressed and specify in OrderQty the block cash amount to be allocated and in AllocQty the cash amount to be
assigned to each fund.

Allocation Report
Respondents are required to send this information when reporting the Allocation back with calculations.
NetMoney is required from Respondents when reporting the Allocation back with calculations.
NumDaysInterest, AccruedInterestAmt and AccruedInterestRate is required from Respondents when reporting the
Allocation back with calculations for security types where this information can be derived or is available.
InterestAtMaturity is required in lieu of AccruedInterestAmt for security types that pay lump-sum at maturity.
AllocNetMoney is required from Respondents when reporting the Allocation back with calculations.
AllocAccruedInterestAmt is required, if the value is not zero, from Respondents when reporting the Allocation
back with calculations. AllocAccruedInterestAmt should be calculated and rounded appropriately for each
allocation instance. This means that the sum of AllocAccruedInterestAmt will not always match
AllocInterestAtMaturity is required, if value is not zero, from Respondents when reporting the Allocation back
with calculations. AllocInterestAtMaturity is required in lieu of AllocAccruedInterestAmt for security types that

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pay lump-sum at maturity. Similar to AccruedInterestAmt, the sum of AllocInterestAtMaturity will not always
match InterestAtMaturity.
For Financing Trades use the same quantity rules as given for the Allocation Instruction above.

Trade Capture Report

This message should always use SettlType “future” with a value for SettlDate.
Parties component block is required.
GrossTradeAmt and NetMoney are required.
NumDaysInterest is required where information is applicable.
AccruedInterestRate is required if NumDaysInterest is used and is not zero.
AccruedInterestAmt is required is required for security types that trade with accrued interest.
InterestAtMaturity is required in lieu of AccruedInterestAmt for security types that pay lump-sum at maturity.

Instrument component block

Symbol – use “[N/A]” when there are no applicable symbol. For corporate bonds the symbol or ticker for the
company issuing the security can be used in this field.
SecurityID and SecurityIDSource are both required.
SecurityType is required
Factor is conditionally required when it is not equal to one (1) for MBA, TIPS, ABS.

OrderQtyData component block

OrderQty is to be expressed as par amount.

Repurchase Agreements (Repo) and Collateral Management

Repo Terminology
The following table maps Repurchase Agreements and Security Lending terminology to FIX data elements with
additional usage explaination specific to repos and security lending.

Element Description FIX fields Usage

Accrued interest Start accrued interest AccruedInterestAmt
calculated using the day
count method appropriate to
the underlying security
Allocating entity The party responsible for <Parties> PartyRole
assigning specific securities
and amounts to the trade 39 = Allocating Entity

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Element Description FIX fields Usage

Call or put dates Dates on which the seller or <Instrument>
buyer may liquidate the
position NoEvents (group)
Cash amount Amount of currency StartCash
Cash outstanding The current balance of the CashOutstanding
cash debt
Clean price Spot price of the security <UnderlyingInstrument>
without accrued interest
Collateral The reason for an initial CollAsgnReason
assignment reason assignment or subsequent
substitution of collateral for 0 = Initial
a financing deal 1 = Scheduled
2 = Time Warning
3 = Margin Deficiency
4 = Margin Excess
5 = Forward Collateral
6 = Event of default
7 = Adverse tax event
Collateral value Repo value times the TotalNetValue At the initial collateral assignment
inverse of haircut, also TotalNetValue is the sum of
known as the “all in” price (UnderlyingStartValue * (1-haircut)).
In a collateral substitution TotalNetValue
is the sum of (UnderlyingCurrentValue *
Contract currency The base agreement <FinancingDetails>
currency, not necessarily the
same as the payment AgreementCurrency
Currency of Currency in which payments Currency
payments are to be made
Day count Method for calculating Not supported directly in the protocol –
accrued interest – 30/360, understood in the context of the
actual/360, actual/actual, underlying security type and master
actual/365, 30/365. agreement

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Element Description FIX fields Usage

Delivery Delivery or custody of <FinancingDetails> DeliveryType
underlying securities
DeliveryType 0 = “Versus. Payment”: Deliver (if
Sell) or Receive (if Buy) vs.
(Against) Payment
1 = “Free”: Deliver (if Sell) or
Receive (if Buy) Free
2 = Tri-Party
3 = Hold In Custody
Dirty price Spot price of the security <UnderlyingInstrument>
including accrued interest
End consideration Total cash returned at the EndCash
end of the term
End date Close date, date of the <FinancingDetails>
return of the securities for
monay, “off” date EndDate

Face or cash fill In collateral assignment and <Stipulations> StipulationType=FILL

substitution dictates whether
the quantity of the StipulationValue=<face or cash>
replacement security is to be
based on par-for-par (face)
or value-for-value (cash).
Flex schedule Single maturity but <FinancingDetails> StipulationType=PAYFREQ
moneygiver’s cash may be
returned most often on a TerminationType StipulationValue= <dates>
predetermined paydown <Stipulations>
Forward accrued End accrued interest EndAccruedInterestAmt
interest calculated using the day
count method appropriate to
the underlying security
Forward price Price agreed to on the end Price2 Denominated in the same type as Price
leg of the transaction – will
vary for indexed bonds
Frequency of Maximum frequency – <Stipulations> StipulationType=SUBSFREQ
substitutions monthly, semi-annually,
annually StiuplationValue=<frequency>, e.g. M

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Element Description FIX fields Usage

General collateral Securities collateralizing a <Instrument> Product=FINANCING
repurchase agreement
described generally <UnderlyingInstrument> SecurityType=REPO
(treasuries, corporates) UnderlyingSecurityType SecuritySubType=GENERAL
rather than specifically by
identifier. TREASURY UnderlyingSecurityType=TREASURY
AGENCY If bonds of a particular issuer or country
are wanted and UnderlyingSecurityType
MORTGAGE is not granular enough, include
CP UnderlyingIssuer,
CORP UnderlyingProgram,
EQUITIES UnderlyingRegType, and/or

UnderlyingIssuer=CA Housing Trust

Haircut Reduction in market value <UnderlyingStipulations> UnderlyingStipType=HAIRCUT
taken on assigned securities
in calculating their UnderlyingStipValue=<percent>
collateral value – based on
market volatility and credit.
Largest piece Maximum size of securities <Stipulations> StipulationType=MAXDNOM
acceptable in the transaction
Lookback days Number of business days <Stipulations> StipulationType=LOOKBACK
prior to floating rate reset
date when the benchmark StiuplationValue=<number of days>
price will be captured and
used to determine the new
rate upon reset

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Element Description FIX fields Usage

Margin The fraction of the cash <FinancingDetails>
consideration that must be
collateralized, expressed as MarginRatio
a percent. A MarginRatio
of 102% indicates that the
value of the collateral (after
deducting for "haircut")
must exceed the cash
consideration by 2%.
Margin excess The amount by which the MarginExcess
total net value of collateral
times margin ratio exceeds
cash outstanding
Market value Dirty price times nominal not supported directly –
amount see Repo value
Master agreement The name of the standard <FinancingDetails>
master agreement forming
the basis of the financing AgreementDesc
relationship AgreementID

Current list of master agreements, amendments and annexes:

MRA 1996 Repurchase Agreement

MRA 1996 Repurchase Agreement – Annex I 1997 (for FASB 125
MRA 1996 Repurchase Agreement – Amended 1997 for FASB 125
MRA 1996 International Transaction (Annex III)
MRA 1996 Agency Transaction (Annex IV)
MRA 1996 Forward Transaction (Annex V)
MRA 1996 Buy/Sell Back Transaction (Annex VI)
MRA 1996 Equity Securities Transaction (Annex VIII, Feb 1998)
MRA 1996 Japanese Financial Institutions Transaction (Annex IX, Aug
MRA 1987 Repurchase Agreement
MRA 1987 Repurchase Agreement – Amended 1997 for FASB 125

GMRA 2000 Repurchase Agreement

GMRA 2000 Agency Transaction
GMRA 2000 Bills Transaction (U.K.)
GMRA 2000 Forward Transaction
GMRA 2000 Buy/Sell Back Transaction
GMRA 2000 Equities Transaction
GMRA 2000 Canadian Transaction
GMRA 2000 Italian Transaction

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Element Description FIX fields Usage

GMRA 2000 Japanese Transaction
GMRA 2000 Netherlands Transaction
GMRA 1995 Repurchase Agreement
GMRA 1995 Buy/Sell Back Transaction
GMRA 1995 Agency Transaction
GMRA 1995 Repurchase Agreement – Amended for GMRA 2000
GMRA 1995 Buy/Sell Back Transaction – Amended for GMRA 2000
GMRA 1995 Agency Transaction – Amended for GMRA 2000
GMRA 1995 Forward Transaction (as enabled by Amendment for
GMRA 2000 conformance)
GMRA 1992 Repurchase Agreement

MSLA 2000 Securities Loan

MSLA 2000 Agency Transaction (Annex I)
MSLA 2000 Term Loan
MSLA 1993 Securities Loan
MSLA 1993 Agency Transaction
MSLA 1993 Securities Loan – Amended 1998
Maturity type – Open (term is indefinite and <FinancingDetails>
fixed or open may be terminated by either
party on demand) or Fixed TerminationType
(pre-determined, may be 1 = Overnight
overnight or from one day
to five years). Termination 2 = Term
prior to maturity is open to 3 = Flexible
4 = Open
Maximum pieces Maximum number of pieces <Stipulations> StipulationType=PMAX
acceptable in the transaction
Minimum pieces Minimum number of pieces <Stipulations> StipulationType=PMIN
acceptable in the transaction
Number of Number of substitutions <Stipulations> StipulationType=MAXSUBS
substitutions permitted
Other dynamic <Stipulations> StipulationType=TEXT
Par quantity Face or nominal value of <UnderlyingInstrument>
Payment calendar Schedule of dates based on <Stipulations> StipulationType=PAYFREQ
frequency of interest
payments StipulationValue= <dates>

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Element Description FIX fields Usage

Payment interval Payment interval, i.e. 3 <Stipulations> StipulationType=PAYFREQ
months, 6 months, etc.
StipulationValue=<interval> e.g. 3M
Percent of variance Maximum variance <Stipulations> StipulationType=TRDVAR
allowable in the value of
replacement securities StiuplationValue=<count>

Rate reset calendar Schedule of dates based on <Stipulations> StipulationType=PRICEFREQ

Rate reset interval Reset interval, i.e. 3 <Stipulations> StipulationType=PRICEFREQ
months, 6 months, etc.
StipulationValue=<frequency> e.g. 6M
Rate type How the yield paid on the PriceType
cash investment is to be
calculated 9 [yield = Fixed Rate]
6 [spread = Floating
Repo rate The fixed yield or yield Price expressed in yield or spread to
spread paid on the cash benchmark
Repo value Market value rounded using <UnderlyingInstrument> These fields are the repo value (rounded
the appropriate market market value) of each piece of collateral
practice convention of the UnderlyingStartValue at the start, current and end of the deal.
security in the repo market. UnderlyingCurrentValu Haircut is not factored in these values.
e The respondent is free to populate these
fields as needed based on the purpose of
UnderlyingEndValue the current message, but we recommend
UnderlyingStartValue on initial
assignment and UnderlyingCurrentValue
on substitution since TotalNetValue is
conditionalized on these actions.
Securities lending Used in lieu of interest rate MiscFeeType MiscFeeType
fee of Fee-based transactions
MiscFeeAmt 13 = Securities Lending
Security rating Minimum acceptable rating <Stipulations> StipulationType=RATING
range on any securities involved
in the transaction StiuplationValue=<source / range>

Smallest piece Minimum size of securities <Stipulations> StipulationType=MINDNOM

acceptable in the transaction
Spot price Price for the start leg of the Price
1 = Percentage
2 = Per unit
3 = Fixed amount
Start consideration Total cash remitted at the StartCash
beginning of the term
Start date Settlement date for “on” <FinancingDetails>
date or “start leg”
Trade date Date of trade agreement TradeDate

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Element Description FIX fields Usage

Type of financing Attributes of the financing <Instrument> Product=FINANCING
deal arrangement – Repo,
Reverse Repo, Sell/Buy, SecurityType SecurityType=REPO
Buy/Sell, Fee-based Loan, REPO – repurchase SecuritySubType=GENERAL
Fee-based Borrow, Loan vs. agreement
Cash, Borrow vs. Cash, Fee- Side=<buy, sell, lend, borrow>
based Loan vs. Cash, Fee- FORWARD – forward
based Borrow vs. Cash, BUYSELL –
Master Forward Sell/Buy, buy/sellback or StartDate=<start>
Master Forward Buy/Sell, sell/buyback
Sec Lend, Sec Borrow, EndDate=<end>
Borrow Pledge SECLOAN – securities UnderlyingSecurityType=<type>
AgreementDesc=<master agreement>
Often combined with securities pledge
Overnight, Term, Flexible, Side

Collateral Management
The following diagrams illustrates an example flow for collateral management once a repo or financing deal has
been completed. Figures 8 to 11 shows an example for 2-party model and Figure 12 shows an example for 3-party

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Figure 8: Example flow of Repo Trade

Click here to go to “Collateral Assignment”

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Figure 9: Example flow for Collateral Assignment

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Figure 10: Example use of Collateral Request

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Figure 11: Collateral Inquiry

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Figure 12: 3-Party Collateral flow

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Identifying Euro Issuers

Euro CountryOfIssue Codes:
Use ISO codes in CountryOfIssue to identify the issuing country for non-US Governments. Omit
CountryOfIssue or use a value of ‘XS’ when the issuer is a supra-national agency, e.g. the first nine entries in
the table below.
Euro Issuer Values:
The list below are used in the Issuer (106) field to further identify the issuer for securities such as EUSUPRA,
EUSOV and PFAND (see data dictionary entry to SecurityType (167) in Volume 6. The abbreviations are from

*Credit / Sovereign issued in any currency.

COE Council of Europe

DTA Deutsche Ausgleichsbank
EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
EIB European Investment Bank
KFW Kreditanstalt fuer Wiederaufbau
LANREN Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank
NORWES Nord-Rhein-Westfalen NRW
SACHAN Sachsen-Anhalt

RATB Austrian Treasury Bill

RAGB Austrian Government Bond
AOBL Austrian Bundesobligation (OBL)
RABSS Austrian Bundesschatzscheine
AUST Austrian Government International Bond*
RAGBS RAGB Coupon Strip (Austrian)
RAGBR RAGB Principal Strip (Austrian)
RAMTB Austria Medium Term Bill

BGTB Belgian Treasury Bill

BGB Belgian Government Bond
BELG Belgian Government International Bond
OLOS Belgian Strip
OLOR Belgian Principal Strip

DGTB Danish Treasury Bill

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DGB Danish Government Bond

DENK Danish Government International Bond* (DKK)

RFTB Finnish Treasury Bill

RFGB Finnish Government Bond
FINL Finnish Government International Bond*
FNHF Finnish Housing Bond

BTF BTF - French Fixed-Rate Short Term Discount Treasury Bills

BTNS BTAN - French Fixed-Rate Treasury Notes
FRTR OAT - French Treasury Bonds
FRTRR OAT - French Treasury Bonds Principal STRIPS
FRTRS OAT - French Treasury Bonds Coupon STRIPS
CADES Social Security Debt Repayment Fund (French)*

BUBILL German Treasury Bill

DBSB German Federal Treasury Bill (rarely used puttable & DM Ccy)
BKO German Two Year Notes
FSDB German Financing Treasury Notes (DM Ccy)
DBR German Government Bond
DBRR German Government Bond Principal STRIPS
DBRS German Government Bond Coupon STRIPS
OBL German Five Year Bonds
DBRUF German Unity Fund DBR – S (only 2)
BKOUF German Unity Fund – BKO (None)
DBP German Federal Post -- BUNDESPOST
DBB German Federal Railroad --BUNDESBAHN
THA Treuhand Agency Bonds
TOBL Treuhand Agency Obligations – All matured
ENTFND German Retribution Fund – Only 2 sinking funds
GERP European Recovery Program Special Funds (German only 2)
BUKASS Bundeskassenscheine – 1 matured

GTB Hellenic Republic Treasury Bill

GGB Hellenic Republic Government Bond
GREECE Hellenic Republic Government International Bond*
GGBSTP Hellenic Republic Government Bond Coupon STRIPS
GGBRES Hellenic Republic Government Bond Residual STRIPS

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IRISH Irish Government Bond

IRELND Irish Government International Bond*

BOTS Italian Treasury Bill

BTPS Italian Government Bond
CCTS Italian Treasury Certificate
ICTZ Italian Zero Coupon Bonds
CTES Italian Government Bonds Issued in EUR –Matured
CTOS Italian Government Bonds with Put Option – All matured
ITALY Italian International Bonds*
BTPSS Italian Government Bond Coupon STRIPS
BTPSR Italian Government Bond Residual STRIPS

LGB Luxembourgeois Government Bond

NETHER Dutch Government Bond

NETHRR Dutch Principal Strip
NETHRS Dutch Strip
DTB Dutch Treasury Certificate
NBC Dutch Bank Certificate – All matured

NGTB Norwegian Treasury Bill

NGB Norwegian Government Bond
NORWAY Norwegian Government International Bond* (NOK)

PORTB Portuguese Treasury Bills

PGB Portuguese Government Bond
PORTUG Portuguese Government International Bond*

SPGB Spanish Government Bond

SPGBS Spanish Government Bond Coupon Strips
SPGBR Spanish Government Bond Principal Strips
SPAIN Spanish Government International Bond*
SGLT Spanish Letras del Tesoro

SWTB Swedish Treasury Bill

SGB Swedish Government Bond

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SWED Swedish Government International Bond* (SEK)

SGBS Swedish Government Bond Coupon Strip
SGBR Swedish Government Bond Residual Strip

SWISTB Swiss Treasury Bill

SWISS Swiss Government Bond
GENTB Geneva Treasury Bill (CHF)

UKTB United Kingdom GBP/EUR Treasury Bill

UKT United Kingdom Gilt Bond
UKTS United Kingdom Gilt Bond Coupon STRIPS
UKTR United Kingdom Gilt Bond Residual STRIPS
UKIN United Kingdom International Bond*
BOE Bank of England EUR Bill
BOEN Bank of England EUR Note

Example usage of FI specific component blocks

Example usage of BenchmarkCurve fields
Note: the following is a subset of possible value combinations.
Description/ BenchmarkCurveC BenchmarkCurveName BenchmarkCurvePoint
Common Name urrency
5 Year USD Treasury 5Y
Old 5 Year USD Treasury 5Y-OLD
10 Year USD Treasury 10Y
Old 10 Year USD Treasury 10Y-OLD
30 Year USD Treasury 30Y
Old 30 Year USD Treasury 30Y-OLD
Canadian CAD Treasury INTERPOLATED

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German Bund DEM Treasury INTERPOLATED

US T point USD Treasury 2/2031 5 3/8
(combination of
maturity and coupon)

Example usage of Stipulation fields

NoStipulations StipulationType StipulationValue Description of the Stipulation
4 WALA >=60 Weighted average loan age
Less than or equal to 60 months
TRDVAR .0025 Trade variance
PSA .25 Prepayment speed
GEOG ORANGE OR Geographics
Orange OR Contra Costa

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This section of the FIX Protocol specification describes how FIX messages can be used to support FX trading
activities - executable streaming prices, request for quotes, order initiation and execution. This body of work is
the effort of the Global Foreign Exchange Committee (formed in the summer of 2005) and its sub-committees.
The GFXC will continue to enhance this section of the specification as new FX-related functionality is supported
by FIX.
The FX asset types support by FIX are:
• Spot
• Forwards (outrights)
• FX Swaps
• Vanilla FX OTC Spot Options (post-trade TradeCaptureReport and TradeCaptureReportAck messages
The objective of this section is to serve as a starting point and provide guidance to the reader in their
implementation of FIX for Foreign Exchange trading. Note that discussions around FX accommodation trades
(i.e. indicating that an FX trade be conducted as part of a transaction in a foreign security) are currently not
covered in this section.

Message Dialog
In FX the trading dialog typically starts with a request for quote by the customer or a request for streaming prices
by the customer. Once the customer receives the rate and quantity desired for the currency pair they wish to deal
in the dealer offering the rate will contacted and a trade could be consummated.
The discussed usages of FIX for FX trading focused on the interactions between the customer and the bank or
dealer, and illustrated in the diagrams in the following sections11.
Price Discovery
In FX price discovery there are two main ways in which customers receive prices from their bank or dealer.
One is through a request for quote (via phone or electronically) and the second is through a price stream - the
latter is typically in electronic form.
In FIX a distinction is made between the two types of price discovery methods. The Quote message set is
used to support "one-off" quote requests. The Market Data message set is used to support requests for
indicative and executable price streams for FX asset types that do not require negotiation. It should also be
noted that the Quote message set will also support "one-off" quote requests that may be "hit" with an order
message without any negotiation. 12
Quoting Message Dialog
The quote/order usage model of the Quote message set shown in Figure 1 is a straightforward request for a
"one-off" quote that is then "hit"13. The dialog flow is described below.
A. The Initiator or customer requests a quote from the Respondent or dealer. The Respondent responds with
1. a quote by sending the Quote message

11 Further enhancements will be made to the protocol to better support FX dealings through 3rd party electronic trading platforms and
12 Negotiation in FX is currently not covered although the protocol supports such interaction.
13 It should be noted that in this model the New Order message (rather than the QuoteResponse message) is used to "hit" the tradeable Quote
when the Negotiation model is not supported. The QuoteResponse message is used to "hit" a tradeable Quote when the Negotiation model is
being supported.

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2. decline to provide a quote, reject the request, or indicate that a quote cannot be provided by sending
a Quote Request Reject message with an appropriate reject reason. Although the Respondent can let
the request time out if an expiration time is specified, it is best practice to explicitly respond with a
reject if the dealer does not want to provide or cannot provide a quote.
B. The Initiator then responds with either:
1. a New Order to accept the quote provided
2. do nothing and just let the quote expire. The Initiator is not obligated to explicitly indicate to the
dealer that they do not wish to act on the quote provided.
3. a QuoteResponse message to explicitly indicate to the Respondent that the Initiator has either "done
away" or "pass" on the quote, or has "expired" when the Quote was received after the ExpireTime in
the Quote Request
C. If the Initiator places an order the Respondent responds with an acknowledgement that the order has been
received and either:
1. fills the order by sending an Execution Report
2. rejects the order. This meets the plain English document requirement that the Respondent reserves
the right to reject an order that is placed against a quote.
Additionally in a "one-off" quote request, the dealer may update the Quote as long as the Quote has not
expired. The updated Quote may contain a new expiration time or preserve the existing expiration time. The
updated Quote is the only live quote, thus rendering the original quote obsolete or canceled. The dealer may
also cancel or "withdraw" a live quote prior to its expiration via the use of the Quote Cancel message. Once
the most current live Quote has expired or canceled/withdrawn the dealer may not update or "replace" it. It
would be up to the customer to issue a new quote request. The dealer may only update quotes corresponding
to a Quote Request before the expiration time of the request, indicated in ExpireTime field.
It should be noted that the Quote Request and Quote message interaction is used only for short-lived RFQs
and requests for a single rate quote. A "Short-lived" RFQ is defined as a request that has a very short life
span, mimicking a rate request that would be made over the phone - typically not longer than 1 or 2 minutes.

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Figure 1: "One-off" Quote Message Flow

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Figure 2: Quote Cancel Message Flow

Streaming Prices Message Dialog

The Market Data messages are used for price stream subscriptions. The message set supports both a
subscription request submission via FIX and out-of-band (the latter usage is currently out of scope of this
document). There are three general platform models within FX that would stream prices: a) Single Bank; b)
"exchange" (e.g. HotSpotFXi); c) multi-bank portals (e.g. FXall).
The dialog flow shown in Figure 3 illustrates at a high level the use of Market Data Request, Market Data
Snapshot, Market Data Incremental Refresh, and Market Data Request Reject messages. The dialog flow
corresponding to Figure 3 is described below.
Additionally the scope for streaming prices is initially spot prices, while forwards can be accommodated but
currently not widely sent in a streaming price feed.
A. The Initiator or customer requests a price stream from the Respondent or dealer by sending a Market
Data Request message indicating a subscription with incremental refresh is requested. The Respondent
responds with either:
1. a (or multiple) price stream by sending a Market Data Snapshot message to provide the initial
snapshot followed by Market Data Incremental Refresh messages to provide updates.
2. decline to provide a price stream, reject the request, or indicate that a quote cannot be provided by
sending a Market Data Request Reject message with an appropriate reject reason
B. The Initiator can respond by:
1. doing nothing if the prices do not interest them

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2. place an order against a market data entry that interests them at the same price and amount level
indicated in the market data entry
C. If an order is placed the Respondent will respond with the Execution Report to acknowledge receipt of
the order, followed by a fill (or partial if allowed) or a rejection if the quote can no longer be honored.
D. At any time the Initiator can stop the price stream subscription by sending a Market Data Request
message to "unsubscribe"
The Market Data messages will also support a full refresh subscription model. The differences would be in
the request and the response would be only Market Data Snapshot messages. For "exchange" style
aggregators this may be the Market Data usage model for them.
A price stream can be either executable/tradeable or indicative, where all the quotes in the particular price
stream are either tradeable or indicative, not both. The Initiator may explicitly specify in the Market Data
Request message that the request is for a tradeable or indicative price stream. If this is not specified the
Respondent should assume the request is for indicative price stream unless other arrangements are made
bilaterally (e.g. via customer profile configuration).
Trading platforms may require the Initiator to indicate which dealer's prices should be included in the price
stream. Alternatively, trading platforms may provide configurable customer profiles where defaulted dealers'
prices will always be provided in a price stream unless specifically indicated by the Initiator. Trading
platforms may respond with a single consolidated price stream with prices from all requested dealers or open
up individual price streams for each dealer, although the latter model is not the preferred model.
Vector Prices
Vector prices are described as price bands for FX rates for a specifically requested currency pair and tenor.
The Initiator would submit a request to the Respondent with at least the currency pair and the required tenor.
The Respondent who would supports displaying of vector prices may respond with the price bands. Each
band would be for an "up to" amount and the price for the band. It is similar to displaying the "depth of
book", however, the main difference between other asset types and FX is that the "book" is not swept when an
order is received from a customer.
For example: customer submits a request for a price stream for 6-month EUR/USD. The dealer may elect to
provide price bands by showing 3 price bands for the requested currency and tenor, for example:

Band 1: EUR 5,000,000 1.2510 / 1.2512 (bid/offer)

Band 2: EUR 10,000,000 1.2510 / 1.2513
Band 3: EUR 25,000,000 1.2509 / 1.2514

Each band's size is an "up-to" amount. When a customer places an order, for example, for EUR 7,000,000
then the entire amount will be filled at the price from Band 2 in the example above, not from a combination
of Band 1 and Band 2, which would be a "sweep".
Vector prices or price bands are implicitly supported using the Market Data messages. Each market data
entry has an identifier, MDEntryID, thus a vector price would be represented by the number of MDEntryIDs
needed. In the example above, the Market Data message would identify each price band with its own
MDEntryID, as well as QuoteEntryID, for the stated same currency pair and from the same dealer. The
difference in the entries would be the amount and rate(s).

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Figure 3: Streaming Price Message Flow

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Example Scenarios
The following are example scenarios of how the Market Data Request can be used when sending a request to
different types of Respondent and what can be expected as a response.

1. Single Bank
In this scenario the Respondent is a single bank. The customer would likely be requesting prices for one
or more currency pairs and may request a specific quantity for each pair. The quantity in the request will
be treated as an "up to" quantity.
Market Data Request:
• Customer requests prices for a currency pair
• Customer may also request a specific quantity
• The target bank is implicit
The Respondent may provide prices at different quantity levels if the customer did not request a specific
quantity. The bank also may specify that the prices are indicative or tradeable if the customer did not
explicitly request tradeable prices.
Market Data messages:
• Bank may provide prices at different quantities if the Customer does not request a
specific quantity
• In this case, aggregated and non-aggregated "book" produces the same results
• Prices may be indicative or tradeable
MarketDepth="full" or MarketDepth="top of book". AggregatedBook would not be applicable as a the
results would the same as a non-aggregated book.

2. "Exchange" platform (e.g. HotSpotFXi)

The customer would most likely be requesting prices for one or more currency pairs and not likely to
include a quantity. In an exchange style platform the request would not be directed at any particular
dealer as that information may not be known.
Market Data Request:
• Customer requests prices for a currency pair
• Customer will not specify the quantity
• Request is not targeted at specific banks providing prices
The Responding platform most likely would respond with an aggregated view of the market with full
market depth. In other words, showing aggregated quantity for a given bid/ask and multiple bid/ask
levels. However, it should be noted that some platforms may choose to only show top of book.
Market Data messages:
• Will be full depth and aggregated to be anonymous
• Prices will be tradeable

3. Multi-bank Portal (e.g. FXall)

On a multi-bank portal the customer would most likely be requesting prices for one or more currency
pairs that may be targeted at specific bank(s). As with the single bank scenario, a quantity may
optionally be specified.
Market Data Request:
• Customer will request prices for a currency pair
• Customer may request a specific quantity
• Customer may specify the target bank(s) in the request

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The Respondent would likely respond with a non-aggregated view of the market showing full depth of
book so that each bank's quotes can be discretely identified. The dealers may also specify whether the
prices are indicative or tradeable if the customer did not explicitly request tradeable prices.
Market Data messages:
• Will be full depth and not aggregated, so different bank's quotes can be identified
• Prices may be indicative or tradeable

General Order and Execution Handling

The order and execution message set are shown in both Figure 1 and Figure 3 as the quote or streaming price
is "hit" an order is created. The high level description of these steps are described in the sections discussing
proposed usage for Quote/Order message usage and Market Data message usage models.
Orders that have been placed may be canceled or replaced. To affect this, the Initiator will send a Cancel
Request or Cancel/Replace Request to the Respondent. The Respondent will either accept or reject the
request depending on whether the order was filled or not. Figure 4 illustrates this Cancel Request flow. The
Cancel/Replace Request flow is very similar and is illustrated in Figure 5.
In the flow of order and execution handling, it is also possible for the Initiator to "reject" an Execution Report
sent by the Respondent. This is done using the Don't Know Trade (DK Trade) message. It should be noted
that historically DK Trade is used when the order was affected outside of FIX (e.g. directly on a portal's GUI
interface) but an Execution Report is received via FIX, allowing the Initiator to disagree with the trade terms
as there may be an error in the trade terms. However, DK Trade can also be used in the flow where an order
was affected via FIX. Figure 4 illustrates this latter flow.

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Figure 4: Order, Execution, Cancel Request Flow

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Figure 5: Order, Execution, Cancel/Replace Flow

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FX Settlement Obligation
FX OTC Settlement requires that settlement information be reported to counterparties such that they are
aware of their obligations at both an individual trade level as well as an aggregated level. Trade level
settlement information includes the receiving accounts of both the central counterparty as well as the firm
counterparty. Settlement reporting for trades is considered as being reported at a gross level.
Settlement reporting can also be aggregated or netted across a series of trades for a given currency pair and
value date. The Settlement Obligation Report is used to inform counterparties of their settlement obligation
and provides information on where each party is to receive payment. Settlement account information may
include the bank at which each party holds a specific currency as well as CLS bank information. A Settlement
Obligation Report can be sent at various points throughout the settlement day with a status of preliminary or
Central Counterparty Workflow
In a central counterparty workflow the Settlement Obligation Report will be sent out from the central
counterparty responsible for guaranteeing the FX OTC deal to each of the counterparties involved in the deal.
Reporting may take place intra-day or end-of-day with the reports being flagged accordingly. Settlement
Obligation Reports can report settlement as either net or gross. Settlement Obligation Reports will be reported
by value date.
FX OTC trades with settlement information will be sent on a real time basis as the trade is executed, received,
and posted by the central counterparty. Trades carrying settlement information are considered to be
specifying gross settlement. FX OTC trades will be reported as they occur – sometimes significantly in
advance of the value date.
Individual FX OTC trades are aggregated by value date into a Settlement Obligation Report which can be
sent to parties involved in the deal on an intra-day or end-of-day basis.
Instrument: EUR/USD
Trade1: Buy 1M EUR @ 1.25  Sell 1.25M USD
Trade2: Sell 1M EUR @ 1.35  Buy 1.35M USD
Aggregated: Receive .1M USD, Deliver 0 EUR

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Figure 6: FX Trade-to-Settlement flow

FX Trade-to-Settlement Flow
Order Execution

Spot Order
Trading Firm Side=Buy
Order Entry and Fills

Exchange reports
fills to trading firm
and trades to
clearing entity
Price=1.2500 Message Delivery


Cleared Trade Reporting

Trade Capture Trade Capture Trade Capture
Side=Sell Side=Buy Side=Buy
LastQty=5,000,000 LastQty=1,000,000 LastQty=5,000,000
LastPrice=1.2000 LastPrice=1.2500 LastPrice =1.3000
ContraQty=6,000,000 ContraQty=1,250,000 ContraQty=6,500,000

Message Delivery Trades for Value Date=2006-07-20

Trade Trades for a

Settlement currency pair are
Netting and Settlement Reporting

Obligations are aggregated to

reporting to Clearing determine the gross
Indicative Firms or net settlement
Settlement obligation
Settlement Obligation
Final Settlement Obligation EUR/USD
Report - FIXML SettlAmt =1,000,000 EUR
ContraAmt=-1,750,000 USD

Instructions sent to
Message Delivery CLS via SWIFT API.
SWIFT CLS Sponsor may
Gateway be used
Banking and Settlement


Clearing Firm SWIFT NET CLS
SWIFT Delivery

$ $
Clearing firm
reconciles CLS
Settlement with
FIXML Settlement
Reports CME CLS Bank Firm CLS Bank

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Usage Notes
This section discusses the detailed usage of specific fields within the messages and some specific FX asset type
usages as well. These usage notes were the compilation of discussions that occured within the GFXC's Technical
sub-committee during its review of the FIX protocol. These notes should be considered the starting point for
implementation FIX for FX.
General Usage Notes
This section lists usage notes that are common requirements among the messages used for FX trading.
1. FX symbology is defined in the Electronic Broking Services, Ltd. (see format
of "CCY1/CCY2", where CCY1 and CCY2 are ISO currency codes. This is read as "currency 2 per
currency 1". FX symbology is carried in the Symbol (55) field.
2. Currency (15) field denotes the dealt currency. This field is mandatory for FX trading interactions in
all messages types.
3. SettlType (63) was enhanced as of version FIX 5.0 to allow proper expressions of standard tenors. It
should be noted that for FX tenors expressed using Dx, Mx, Wx, and Yx values do not denote
business days, but calendar days. Usage of SettlType values are as follows:
0 = Regular / FX Spot settlement (T+1 or T+2 depending on currency). "Regular" is defined as the
default Spot settlement period for the dealt currency.
1 = Cash / TOD (T+0)
2 = Next Day (T+1) / TOM (T+1)
B = Broken date - for FX expressing non-standard tenor, SettlDate (64) must be specified
C = FX Spot Next settlement (Spot+1, aka "next day")
Dx = FX tenor expression for "days", e.g. "D5" for 5-days, where "x" is any integer > 0
Mx = FX tenor expression for "months", e.g. "M3" for 3-months, where "x" is any integer > 0
Wx = FX tenor expression for "weeks", e.g. "W13" for 13-weeks, where "x" is any integer > 0
Yx = FX tenor expression for "years", e.g. "Y1" for 1-year, where "x" is any integer > 0
4. "Settlement currency" for FX trading is defined as the "counter currency" of the transaction.
SettlCurrency (120) is optional except in the cases where the transaction is to be settled in a third
currency that is different from the currencies identified in the pair. When it is not sent, by default it
means the opposite currency in the pair from the dealt currency, as identified in Currency (15) field.
For non-NDF deals (FX swaps, spot and forward) the term "settlement currency" can only mean one
thing: the currency that is on the opposite from the dealt currency (expressed in FIX using Currency
(15) field). For example: Symbol is EUR/USD, and the dealt is EUR then SettlCurrency is USD.
For NDF deals the term "settlement currency" could be either the dealt currency or the "counter
currency" or a third currency. For example: In a USD/KRW NDF deal where the dealt currency is
KRW, the settlement currency is USD, if the dealt currency is USD then the settlement currency can
also be USD. In a GBP/KRW NDF deal where the deal typically settles in a third currency, USD in
this case, then the settlement currency is USD. (NDFs will be discussed in detail in the Phase 2 gap
For FX OTC Spot Options, the settlement currency can refer to either the counter currency or the
currency of the option premium (or premia). However, for the purposes of FIX usage, it will refer to
the currency of the option premium.
5. CFI Code (ISO 10962) is encouraged as a means to differentiate between the different FX asset
types. The following are CFI Codes for the FX asset types currently supported in FIX (based on ISO
FX Forward: FFCPNO

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6. Either SettlType (63) or SettleDate (64) is required in Initiator sent messages (e.g. Quote Request,
Market Data Request, and Order messages) except as specified in the section "SettlDate and
SettlType Required Usage Exception" below.
7. The following fields' value are to be expressed in decimal form. For example, 61.99 points is
expressed and sent as 0.006199.

Quote Request
The Quote Request message is sent by the Initiator to request a "one-off" quote for a specific currency pair
with specific tenor or settlement date (a.k.a. value date). The type of request, QuoteRequestType, should also
be specified to indicate whether the request is for an indicative quote or a tradeable/executable quote. For the
most part FX requests would be executable.
Note that the Quote Request does allow the Initiator to send, in a single request, multiple currency pairs to the
Respondent. When multiple currency pairs are requested, the Respondent will send multiple Quote messages
in response, this is because the Quote message can only provide a quote for a single currency pair. However,
it should be noted that the Quote messages for the different currency pairs would reference the same quote
request identifier (QuoteReqID).
For FX the Quote Request message may not be used to send a "can you meet this rate" type of request,
therefore order-related fields in the Quote Request message such as ClOrdID (11), Price (44), and Price2
(640) are not used in FX.
ExpireTime Usage
When requesting a short-lived Quote Request the ExpireTime must be specified. The ExpireTime is set by
the Initiator to indicate when the request expires and quotes corresponding to the request will not be accepted
and should not be sent after that time. Updates to the quotes may be sent within that ExpireTime period.
A Quote Request message that does not contain an ExpireTime will result in one and only one Quote message
from the Respondent (if the Respondent chooses to respond with a rate). There will be no updates to this
quote. This type of request may be viewed as "one-offs".
Field Usage Notes
1. Either the SettlType (63) or SettlDate (64) must be specified in the Quote Request to specify the
tenor or value date (respectively). See "SettlDate and SettlType Required Usage Exception" section
below on exceptions to this requirement for certain groups of FIX users.
2. QuoteType (537) values applicable for FX are
0 - Indicative quote
1 - Tradeable quote
Absence of this field implies a request for an indicative quote.
3. Side (54) indicates from the Initiator's perspective whether the request is for a buy or a sell. Absence
of this field indicates a request for a two-sided quote. For FX Swaps, if requesting a 1-sided quote,
the value "B" (as defined) should be used - the side for each leg (LegSide) would be defined in
NoLegs repeating group.

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4. OrderQty (38) is required for FX. Specified the exact amount of the dealt currency to be transacted
if the rate is acceptable.
5. Currency (15) is required and specifies the dealt currency of OrderQty (38). For FX Swaps (using
NoLegs repeating group) this denotes the dealt currency of the swap.
6. ExpireTime (126) is required for short-lived requests. See "ExpireTime" usage above.
7. The minimum required fields in a request are:
• FX Spot: the currency pair (Symbol), side (Side), amount (OrderQty), settle date (SettlDate) or
tenor (SettlType), dealt currency (Currency)
• FX Forward: the currency pair (Symbol), side (Side), amount (OrderQty), settle date (SettlDate)
or tenor (SettlType), dealt currency (Currency)
• FX Swap: the currency pair (Symbol), side (Side), near and far amounts (LegQty), near and far
settle date (LegSettlDate) or near and far tenor (LegSettlType), dealt currency (Currency)
8. NoLegs repeating group is used to define an FX Swap.

Quote Response
The QuoteResponse message can be used by the Initiator in a "one-off" quoting flow to explicitly tell the
Respondent that the Initiator is "passing" on the quote, has "done away" or if the Quote was received after the
Quote Request's ExpireTime ("expired").
1. QuoteID (117) is required for FX when responding to a Quote. This is the Respondent's QuoteID.
2. Current values to use for FX in the QuoteRespType (694) field are:
3 - Expired
5 - Done away
6 - Pass
3. Fields from the Quote message should be echoed back in the Quote Response.

The Quote message is used by the Respondent to respond to a Quote Request message. If the Quote Request
contains multiple currency pairs in the request, the Respondent will send a quote message for each currency
pair. Each of these quote messages will have its own unique QuoteID while referencing the same
QuoteReqID supplied in the Quote Request message.
The Quote may be updated by the Respondent as long as the original Quote has not expired. The initial
Quote in response to a Quote Request would reference the QuoteReqID along with the time which is it valid
until. The update will be implied by reference to the same QuoteRequestID. The Respondent may, at some
time before the Quote expires, update the Quote by sending a Quote with a new QuoteID, referencing the
same QuoteReqID. The ValidUntilTime may be a new time or the same time as the replaced Quote. At any
one time there can only be one live quote for a QuoteReqID for a given currency pair (there may be multiple
currency pairs associated with the same QuoteReqID since the request may contain more than one currency
pair). The ValidUntilTime of the Quote cannot be later than the ExpireTime specified in the QuoteRequest.
Definition of ValidUntilTime in FX Quote
ValidUntilTime is defined as the time that the quote expires and as the time value that cannot extend past the
ExpiryTime on the QuoteRequest. The committee also agreed that as a matter of policy there should be only
one live quote for a QuoteRequestID for a given currency pair from a given quote provider at any one time.
It would be up to implementations to decide whether to honor a hit on a quote that has expired.
Field Usage Notes
1. OrderQty is required for "tradeable" quote and optional for "indicative". For FX Swap, OrderQty is
not required, even when QuoteType = tradeable, as the amounts are indicated in LegQty.

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2. SettlType and SettlDate are required in Quote message, except as specified in the "SettlDate and
SettlType Required Usage Exception" section below.
3. LegRefID is required for FX Swap.
4. BidPx and OfferPx expresses the "all-in" rate. For single-sided quote, either BidPx or OfferPx is
required. For two-sided quote, both BidPx and OfferPx is required. For FX Swaps these are not
5. MinBidSize can be used to specify the minimum or floor amount to qualify for the FX rate specified
in BidPx.
6. BidSize always represents that maximum or ceiling or "up to" amount for the FX rate specified in
7. MinOfferSize can be used to specify the minimum or floor amount to qualify for the FX rate
specified in OfferPx.
8. OfferSize always represents the maximum or ceiling or "up to" amount for the FX rate specified in
9. ValidUntilTime is required for FX. See usage noted in "Definition of ValidUntilTime in FX Quote"
section above.
10. BidSpotRate can be used to specify the bid spot rate. For forward bid quotes, if BidPx is specified,
either BidSpotRate or BidForwardPoints should be specified.
11. OfferSpotRate can be used to specify the offer spot rate. For forward offer quotes, if OfferPx is
specified, either OfferSpotRate or OfferForwardPoints should be specified.
12. BidForwardPoints is the bid forward points added to BidSpotRate. This may be a negative value.
For forward bid quotes, if BidPx is specified, either BidSpotRate or BidForwardPoints should be
13. OfferForwardPoints is the offer forward points added to OfferSpotRate. This may be negative value.
For forward offer quotes, if OfferPx is specified, either OfferSpotRate or OfferForwardPoints should
be specified.
14. BidSwapPoints and OfferSwapPoints are the swap points of an FX Swap quote.

Quote Request Reject

The Quote Request Reject is used by the Respondent to reject only the Quote Request message from the
Initiator. A reject reason must be supplied. At a minimum the required fields of this message type are
required in FX. The Respondent may choose to provide more information by "echoing back" the data from
the message that is being rejected.

Quote Cancel
The Quote Cancel message is used by the Respondent to cancel a previously sent Quote message that is still
"live" (i.e. not expired). Once a Quote has been canceled the Quote Request that initiated the chain would
also be considered "dead", in other words no further quotes will be provided against that request. At any
given time, there should only be one "live" quote for the corresponding Quote Request for the specific
currency pair (Quote Request may contain more than one currency pair).
Field Usage Notes
1. QuoteID is conditionally required when QuoteCancelType is "5" (cancel quote specified in QuoteID)
2. Symbol is conditionally required when QuoteCancelType is "1" (cancel for symbol) or "5" (cancel
quote specified)

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Market Data Request

The Market Data Request message is used by the Initiator to initiate a streaming price feed. The MDReqID
would be the stream ID. If the Initiator wishes to co-mingle different currency pairs into a single stream the
Initiator should expect to receive multiple Market Data Snapshot messages as the initial response, one Market
Data Snapshot message for each currency pair requested. The updates would be provided in a single Market
Data Incremental Refresh message.
Field Usage Notes
1. SettleType and SettlDate fields are optional in a Market Data Request message. If a request is sent
without either the SettlType or SettlDate specified, the Initiator could receive a significance amount
of information. The Respondent may respond with a price stream of all available tenors for the
currency pair.
2. MarketDepth is used by the Initiator to request depth of book or "vector prices" by specifying "full
book" or best bid/offer by specifying "top of book". However, if the Respondent does not support
the type of request the Respondent should reject the request via the Market Data Request Reject
3. AggregatedBook field is optionally used by the Initiator to request that only the aggregated entries be
sent or not. Again, if the Respondent does not support the type of request then a Market Data
Request Reject message should be sent.
The combination of MarketDepth and AggregatedBook in the request would result in different
content in the response.
4. MDEntryType, for FX, only the values "0" (Bid) or "1" (Offer) would be used.
5. MDQuoteType is used to specify whether the request is for indicative or tradeable, or both,
streaming prices. Absence of this field provides the Respondent with the option whether to provide
indicative and/or tradeable prices.
6. MDEntrySize is optionally used by the Initiator to specify a ceiling or "up to" quantity. The
Respondent is free to provide prices for amounts up to the quantity specified by the Initiator in this
field. If MDEntrySize is not specified then the market data response may contain prices for all
quantity levels available for the requested currency pair.

Market Data Snapshot/Full Refresh

This message type is used by the Respondent to provide the initial or starting snapshot of a price stream for
the currency pair requested. If the request contained multiple currency pairs then each pair will receive its
own Market Data Snapshot to start, however, it must be noted that each Market Data Snapshot message will
have the same MDReqID (the stream ID) but with price data for different currency pairs.
Field Usage Notes
1. MDReqID is required when responding to a Market Data Request message
2. MDEntryType for FX streaming prices is either "0" for Bid or "1" for Offer
3. MDEntryID is required and is a unique reference assigned by the Respondent for this instance of the
market data entry.
4. MDEntryPx is required for FX. This specifies the "all in" or "outright" rate (spot rate + foward
5. MDEntrySize specifies the amount being for the bid/offer. This provides an "up to" or ceiling
amount for the quoted rate.
6. ExpireTime in this message allows the Respondent to specify when the price will expire
7. MinQty is optionally used by the Respondent to specify the minimum quantity of an order to qualify
for the rate quoted

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8. QuoteEntryID is required and is a unique quote entry identifier as assigned by the Respondent.
9. MDQuoteType indicates whether the price is indicative or executable. Abscence of this field
indicates the price is indicative.
10. MDEntrySpotRate is used for specifying the spot rate. It is recommended that either spot rate or
forward points be specified for FX forwards.
11. MDEntryFowardPoints is used for specifying the forward points. This may be a negative value. It is
recommended that either spot rate or forward points be specified for FX forwards.
12. SettlDate and SettlType is required.
13. The Parties component block is optionally used by multi-bank portals to identify the banks that are
providing the rate information. PartyRole is required and in this case the role should be set to
"executing broker".

Market Data Incremental Refresh

The Market Data Increment Refresh message is used to send price updates to the Initiator once a snapshot has
been sent. For the most part the MDUpdateAction would be either "change" or "delete", however, a new
price quote can be supplied in this message with an MDUpdateAction of "new". In this latter scenario,
MDEntryType and a unique MDEntryID must be specified.
MDEntryID and QuoteEntryID Usage in Refreshes
The Market Data Incremental Refresh message is used when there is a change to the data of a previously sent
MDEntryID or a deletion of a previously sent entry. MDEntryIDs must be unique for the day and each live
entry must have an MDEntryID.
In an MDUpdateAction of "delete" the ID of the entry being deleted must be specified in MDEntryID. This
signifies to the recipient that this is the entry to be removed.
In an MDUpdateAction of "change" there are two methods that can be used to refer to the entry being
1. Refer to the MDEntryID being changed in the MDEntryID field itself. This also means that the ID will
not change and remains a "live" ID.
2. Refer to the MDEntryID of the entry being changed in the MDEntryRefID and provide a new unique
MDEntryID. This new MDEntryID would be the "live" ID. This would be the preferred method for
firms that wish to maintain an audit trail of the changes to their pricing feed.
For changes/updates the Market Data Incremental Refresh message would contain only the MDEntryID of the
entry being changed and only the data elements that are being changed.
For delete, the Respondent may send just the ID for the entry to be deleted in MDEntryID. This would
minimize bandwidth usage.
QuoteEntryID is required and on a change/update this would be a new and unique ID as assigned by the
Field Usage Notes
1. MDReqID is required when responding to a Market Data Request message
2. MDEntryType for FX streaming prices is either "0" for Bid or "1" for Offer
3. MDEntryID is required and is a unique reference assigned by the Respondent for this instance of the
market data entry.
4. MDEntryPx is required for FX. This specifies the "all in" or "outright" rate (spot rate + foward
5. MDEntrySize specifies the amount being for the bid/offer. This provides an "up to" or ceiling
amount for the quoted rate.

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6. ExpireTime in this message allows the Respondent to specify when the price will expire
7. MinQty is optionally used by the Respondent to specify the minimum quantity in an order to qualify
for the rate quoted
8. MDQuoteType indicates whether the price is indicative or executable. Abscence of this field
indicates the price is indicative.
9. MDEntrySpotRate is used for specifying the spot rate. It is recommended that either spot rate or
forward points be specified for FX forwards.
10. MDEntryFowardPoints is used for specifying the forward points. This may be a negative value. It is
recommended that either spot rate or forward points be specified for FX forwards.
11. SettlDate and SettlType is required.
12. The Parties component block is optionally used by multi-bank portals to identify the dealers that are
providing the rate information. PartyRole is required and in this case the role should be set to
"executing broker".

Market Data Request Reject

The Market Data Request Reject message is used by the Respondent to reject the request from the Initiator.
A reject reason must be supplied.
Field Usage Notes
1. MDReqRejReason is required.

New Order - Single

The New Order - Single message is used by the Initiator to place an order with the dealer. When an order is
initiated as a result of a request for quote or streaming price, the QuoteID in the New Order - Single message
is used to reference the price quote in both cases. The QuoteID would contain the dealer provided QuoteID
from the Quote message or the QuoteEntryID from the MarketDataSnapshot or MarketDataIncrement
messages. The OrdType (40) would specify "previously quoted".
Field Usage Notes
1. Either SettlType or SettlDate must be specified, except as specified in the section SettlDate and
SettlType Required Usage Exception" below. If order is a result of a quote or streaming price quote
these values should be the same as in quote or streaming price quote.
2. OrderQty must match the amount in the Quote message if the order is a result of a quote. If the order
is against a streamed price the OrderQty of the order can be less than or equal to the quantity shown
in the streamed price quote (MDEntrySize).
3. Price and StopPx, used when placing a "limit" or "stop/stop loss" order respectively, would contain
the "all-in" rate.
4. QuoteID is conditionally required when the order is in response to a Quote or Market Data message.
Contains the QuoteID from the Quote message or the QuoteEntryID from the market data message.
5. SettlCurrency is used only to denote a third currency to be used for settlement (i.e. not one of the
currencies in the currency pair specified in Symbol). See also description in General Usage Notes.
6. Parties component block is conditionally required when an order is sent via a multi-bank portal. It is
used to identify the executing broker.

New Order - Multileg

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The New Order - Multileg message is used by the Initiator to place a multilegged order with the dealer -
typically an FX Swap.
Field Usage Notes
1. For FX Swaps the Side field would carry the value "B" (as defined"). The LegSide will identify
which is the buy leg and which is the sell leg.
2. Symbol would specify the currenty pair in the swap.
3. SwapPoints is optionally used to express the differential between the far leg and the near leg.
4. NoLegs, required, for FX Swaps there would only be 2 legs.
5. LegSymbol, required, is the currency pair in the swap, same as Symbol
6. LegCurrency, required, is the dealt currency of the leg and denotes the currency denomination of
7. LegSide, required, denotes the side of the leg
8. LegQty, required, the amount of this leg denomincated in the currency specified in LegCurrency.
9. LegRefID is required. If the order is a result of a Quote message the value needs to match the
LegRefID of the quote message. If the order is a result of an "out of band" quote, the Initiator is
required to assign a unique identifier for each leg.
10. LegPrice is conditionally required when OrdType is "previously quoted". This is the "all in" rate for
this leg as specified in the quote.
11. Either LegSettlType or LegSettlDate should be specified. If the order is a result of a quote this
should be the same as in quote.
12. OrdType, if the FX Swap order is a result of a quote the OrdType = D (previously quoted). OrdType
G = Forex-swap may also be used.
13. QuoteID is required for FX Swap when the order is a result of a Quote message. Contains the
QuoteID from the Quote message.
14. SettlCurrency is used only to denote a third currency to be used for settlement (i.e. not one of the
currencies in the currency pair specified in Symbol). See also description in General Usage Notes.
15. Parties component block is conditionally required when an order is sent via a multi-bank portal. It is
used to identify the executing broker.

Execution Report
The Execution Report message is used by the Respondent to respond to an order (New Order - Single and
New Order - Multileg). The Execution Report message has several "modes" and provides information on the
status of the order.
When reporting an execution or trade (partial or full fill) the LastPx (31) field is used to specify the "all in"
rate for the partial or full fill. It is considered best practice that the spot rate and forward points used to arrive
at the "all in" rate be specified in LastSpotRate (194) and LastForwardPoints (195) when appropriate. For
example, if the fill is for a forward then both the LastSpotRate and LastForwardPoints should be specified.
Field Usage Notes
1. CalculatedCcyLastQty (1056) is used to express the contra amount or "contra order quantity" that
was executed. This is the quantity of the other side of the currency pair (from the dealt currency as
expressed in Currency (15)) and can be derived from LastQty (32) and LastPx (31).
2. LastQty expresses the quantity of the traded currency, as specified by Currency (150). For FX
Future if LastQty is expressed in terms of contracts ContractMultiplier (231) is conditionally

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3. Parties component block is conditionally required when an execution is sent by a bank via a multi-
bank portal. It is used to identify the executing broker.
4. LefRegID is required when using a single Execution Report message to report on both legs of an FX
5. SettlType is optional but should be specified for spot and outright FX forward trades. For FX Swaps
the LegSettlType should be used instead.
6. SettlDate is required for FX spot and forward. Banks/dealers must specify the value date for spot
and outright FX forward trades. For FX Swap trades refer to the LegSettlDate.
7. OrderQty is required for FX spot and outright forward trades. For FX Swaps it is not required. See
8. OrdType is required if specified on the order.
9. LastSwapPoints is optionally used when ExecType = Trade or Trade Correct and it is a FX Swap
trade. used to express the swap points for the swap trade event.
10. LastPx is the "all in" price of the trade. Conditionally required when ExecType = Trade or Trade
Correct and the trade is for FX spot and forwards. Not required for FX Swap even when ExecType =
Trade or TradeCorrect as there is no "all in" rate that applies to both legs of a FX Swap.
11. For FX forward trades, either LastSpotRate or LastForwardPoints should be specified. These would
be the spot rate or forward points used in the "all in" price for the fill.
12. AvgPx is the "all in" price
13. TradeDate and TransactTime are required
14. GrossTradeAmt can be used for FX Future to express the notional value of a trade when LastQty and
other quantity fields are expressed in terms of number of contracts - in which case ContractMultiplier
(231) is conditionally required.
15. ContractMultiplier (231) is conditionally required when quantities are expressed in terms of number
of contracts for FX Futures.
16. For FX Swaps, LegSymbol, required, is the currency pair in the swap, same as Symbol
17. For FX Swaps, LegCurrency, required, is the dealt currency of the leg and denotes the currency
denomination of LegQty.
18. For FX Swaps, LegSide, required, denotes the side of the leg
19. For FX Swaps, LegQty, required, the amount of this leg denomincated in the currency specified in
20. For FX Swaps, LegSettlType is optional
21. For FX Swaps, LegSettlDate is required. Expresses the value date on thsi leg of the swap.

FX OTC Spot Option

Broker dealers and futures commission merchants (FCMs) requested the ability to report trades and positions
for vanilla FX OTC Spot Options to support multiple asset middle and back office processing.
The following table specifies which fields should be specified to identify an FX OTC Spot Options contract.
FIX FieldName Usage Expected Value
Tag #
55 Symbol Symbol (ISO3) - Ccy1/Ccy2 (ISO3) – following
market conventions

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FIX FieldName Usage Expected Value

Tag #
541 MaturityDate Option maturity date – which is the date at which the
underlying spot price is used to determine value of
option at expiration. The exact fixing time is specified
in MaturityTime.
1079 MaturityTime Time and Timezone of the price fixing for the options
461 CFI Code

Positio Attribute name Usage Values

1 Asset Class Option “O”
2 Put or Call Put or Call value “C” or “P”
3 Underlying Asset Class “C” – Currency “C”
4 Delivery Style Use “P” for physical delivery is full “P” or “C”
amount of currency is being delivered
Use “C” for Cash delivery is settlement is
being netted

5 Product standardization “N” – Non-standard (OTC) “N”

6 Exercise Style “A” – American, “U”-European, “B” – “A”, “U”, “B”

202 StrikePrice The spot price at which the option will be valued and
possibly exercised.
947 StrikeCurrency Currency the strike price is denominated in
107 SecurityDesc Optional description of the option contract
231 ContractMultiplier Specifies the ratio or multiply factor to convert from 1
"nominal" units (e.g. contracts) to total units (e.g.
shares) (e.g. 1.0, 100, 1000, etc). For FX options post
trade – recommend that contract multiplier be set to 1
and that all currency amounts be in their full
denominated value (as opposed to millions for
167 SecurityType Security Type “FOR” – foreign exchange “FOR”
469 Product Product class (derived from Bloomberg yellow key) “4”
“4” – foreign exchange
63 SettlType Not used for FX OTC Spot Option - use explicit dates
64 SettleDate Settlement date for the option trade premium not the
exercise spot transaction

987 UnderlyingSettlementD Settlement date for the spot trade if the option is
ate exercised, usually MaturityDate(tag 541) + 2 business
days – following normal FX settlement conventions

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FIX FieldName Usage Expected Value

Tag #
15 Currency Dealt Currency – either Ccy1 or Ccy2 This is the
currency which is being called or put based upon
CFICode position to “C”-Call, “P”-Put
120 SettlCurrency Settlement Currency – will usually be same as
54 Side Transaction Side (1-Buy or 2-Sell)
32 LastQty Transaction amount (in measured currency) of the
dealt currency (the one that matches the Put or Call
1056 CalculatedCurrencyLast Quantity of the contra currency, LastQty * LastPx
31 LastPx Premium price for the option

The following example if for an EUR/USD FX OTC Spot Option 6 month contact settling on a standard date that
will deliver EUR if the contract is in the money as of the contract expiration date.

55=EUR/USD // Symbol - CCY pair

541=20060927 // MaturityDate – fixing date for maturity (expiration) of option
1056=16:00:00-5 // MaturityTime – fixing time for maturity of option contract
641= OCCPNU // CFICode
202=0.8223 // StrikePrice
947=EUR // StrikeCurrency
107=EUR 6 month call option // SecurityDescription
231=1 // Contract Multiplier
167=FOR // SecurityType - foreign exchange
640=4 // Product – Foreign Currency
15=EUR // Currency - dealt currency
63=M6 // SettlType – 6 month tenor
64=20060331 // SettleDate – for option premium payment (fixing)
120=EUR // SettleCurrency
987=20060402 // Underlying SettlementDate – actual pay date for option premium
54=1 // Side - Buy
75=20060331 // Trade Date – the date the option trade occurred – may be
different from Settlement date
32=1000000.00 // LastQty – quantiy of USD in the event the option is exercised
1056=822300.00 // CalculatedCurrencyLastQty – Quantity of EUR in the event the //
option is exercised.
31=30697.63 // LastPx – option price

SettlDate and SettlType Required Usage Exception

The usage of the SettlDate and SettlType (used to express FX tenors) is generally required when
implementing FIX for FX. However, for certain types of community of users within FX, these fields are not
required. As such, where SettlDate and SettlType is specified as "either SettlDate or SettlType is required" in
request type messages (e.g. Quote Request, Market Data Request, New Order messages) or where required in
response messages (e.g. Market Data Increment Refresh, Market Data Snapshot Full Refresh, Execution

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Report, Quote) it would not be required in implementations for the exception user group. The exception user
group is the retail user community and trading platforms utilized by this community.
In the retail FX trading space, the customers would open accounts by depositing cash that acts as margin for
their trading activities. These deposits are held in one of a few possible account currencies. As the customers
trades, instead of generating cash balances in the currencies traded, they generate profit and loss in their
account only. The P/L is realized when the "position" is closed (for example, Sell 1M EUR/USD and then
Buy back 1M EUR/USD). In retail FX trading, positions are not settled, instead the positions are
continuously rolled over on a daily basis, debiting or crediting the customer's account with interest in the
account currency. Positions remain open until the reverse transaction is made by the customer to close the
For example a customer has a USD-based account and an initial cash deposit of $100,000 was made into the
• At 11:00 EST the customer Sells 1M EUR/USD at 1.2300, therefore establishing an open position
• At 17:00 EST the EUR/USD rate is 1.2200
• At 17:00 EST, the customer's account would be credited with $70 as an interest payment for being
short EUR/USD. The account balance is now $100,070
• The account has generated a "floating P/L" in the account currency, USD, since the position has not
been "closed" by the customer.
• The position is still open (the customer still has not bought back the 1M EUR/USD to close the
position), so a distinction between Balance and Equity is made where Account Equity = Balance +
Floating P/L. In this example, the customer's Account Equity would be $110,070
• The customer's Account Equity will change in real-time as the EUR/USD rate changes. If the
customer decides at 17:15 EST to "close" the position at the EUR rate of 1.2205, then the customer's
Account Balance would be $109,570.
As can been seen by this FX retail trading example, that there is no settlement or cash delivery. If the
customer had decided not the buy back the 1M EUR/USD the position would remain open indefinitely. The
position would roll over daily, charging/crediting the appropriate interest payment daily.

Message Samples
These sample FIX message usage servers only to illustrate usgae of key fields in the different message types in the
context of FX. Data used are fictional. Only relevent fields from the header and message body are shown (i.e.
some message header and trailer fields are not shown).
Quote Request for FX Swap using NoLegs repeating group
The sample Quote Request messages shows examples for Spot/Forward (1M) and Forward/Forward (1M/3M).
Spot/Forward (1M)
35=R //MsgType - Quote Request message type
49=ABC_AM //SenderCompID - sending client
56=SSBFX //TargetcompID - target bank
131=Req123 //QuoteReqID - uniquely assigned by client, format is arbitrary
146=1 //NoRelatedSym
55=EUR/USD // [1] Symbol
15=EUR // [1] Currency - dealt currency
555=2 // [1] NoLegs
600=EUR/USD // [1] LegSymbol
687=1000000 // [1] LegQty - amount of near leg
587=0 // [1] LegSettlType - Regular/Spot ((T+1) or (T+2))
588=20060130 // [1] LegSettlDate - value date of near leg
654=A0001 // [1] LegRefID

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600=EUR/USD // [2] LegSymbol

687=1000000 // [2] LegQty - amount of far leg
587=6 // [2] LegSettlType - future
588=20060228 // [2] LegSettlDate - value date of far leg
654=A0002 // [2] LegRefID
126=20060127-14:35:42 // [1] ExpireTime - time the request expires

Forward/Forward (1M/3M)
35=R //MsgType - Quote Request message type
49=ABC_AM //SenderCompID - sending client
56=SSBFX //TargetcompID - target bank
131=Req456 //QuoteReqID - uniquely assigned by client, format is arbitrary
146=1 //NoRelatedSym
55=EUR/USD // [1] Symbol
15=EUR // [1] Currency - dealt currency
555=2 // [1] NoLegs
600=EUR/USD // [1] LegSymbol
687=1000000 // [1] LegQty - amount of near leg
587=6 // [1] LegSettlType - future
588=20060228 // [1] LegSettlDate - value date of near leg
654=B0001 // [1] LegRefID
600=EUR/USD // [2] LegSymbol
687=1000000 // [2] LegQty - amount of far leg
587=6 // [2] LegSettlType - future
588=20060428 // [2] LegSettlDate - value date of far leg
654=B0002 // [2] LegRefID
126=20060127-14:47:23 // [1] ExpireTime - time the request expires
Note that in the examples, Side is not specified, thus the request is for a 2-sided quote.

Quote for FX Swap using NoLegs repeating group

Examples shows a quote for a Spot/Forward (1M) and a Forward/Forward (1M/3M)
Spot/Forward (1M) quote
35=S //MsgType - Quote message type
49=ABC_AM //SenderCompID - sending client
56=SSBFX //TargetcompID - target bank
131=Req123 //QuoteReqID - uniquely assigned by client, format is arbitrary
117=QT123 //QuoteID
537=1 //QuoteType - Tradeable
55=EUR/USD //Symbol
15=EUR //Currency - dealt currency
555=2 //NoLegs
600=EUR/USD // [1] LegSymbol
687=1000000 // [1] LegQty - amount of near leg
587=0 // [1] LegSettlType - Regular/Spot ((T+1) or (T+2))
588=20060130 // [1] LegSettlDate - value date of near leg
681=1.2214 // [1] LegBixPx - near leg bid rate
684=1.2214 // [1] LegOfferPx - near leg offer rate
654=A0001 // [1] LegRefID
1067 = 0 // [1] LegBidForwardPoints - near leg
1068 = 0 // [1] LegOfferForwardPoints - near leg
600=EUR/USD // [2] LegSymbol
687=1000000 // [2] LegQty - amount of far leg
587=6 // [2] LegSettlType - future
588=20060228 // [2] LegSettlDate - value date of far leg

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681=1.223448 // [1] LegBixPx - far leg bid rate

684=1.223475 // [1] LegOfferPx - far leg offer rate
654=A0002 // [2] LegRefID
1067 = 0.002048 // [1] LegBidForwardPoints - far leg
1068 = 0.002075 // [1] LegOfferForwardPoints - far leg
188=1.2214 //BidSpotRate
190=1.2214 //OfferSpotRate
1065=0.002048 //BidSwapPoints
1066=0.002075 //OfferSwapPoints

Forward/Forward (1M/3M) quote

35=S //MsgType - Quote message type
49=ABC_AM //SenderCompID - sending client
56=SSBFX //TargetcompID - target bank
131=Req456 //QuoteReqID - uniquely assigned by client, format is arbitrary
117=QT456 //QuoteID
537=1 //QuoteType - Tradeable
55=EUR/USD //Symbol
15=EUR //Currency - dealt currency
555=2 //NoLegs
600=EUR/USD // [1] LegSymbol
687=1000000 // [1] LegQty - amount of near leg
587=6 // [1] LegSettlType - future
588=20060228 // [1] LegSettlDate - value date of near leg
681=1.223448 // [1] LegBixPx - near leg bid rate
684=1.223475 // [1] LegOfferPx - near leg offer rate
654=B0001 // [1] LegRefID
1067 = 0.002048 // [1] LegBidForwardPoints - near leg
1068 = 0.002075 // [1] LegOfferForwardPoints - near leg
600=EUR/USD // [2] LegSymbol
687=1000000 // [2] LegQty - amount of far leg
587=6 // [2] LegSettlType - future
588=20060428 // [2] LegSettlDate - value date of far leg
681=1.227599 // [1] LegBixPx - far leg bid rate
684=1.227641 // [1] LegOfferPx - far leg offer rate
654=B0002 // [2] LegRefID
1067 = 0.006199 // [1] LegBidForwardPoints - far leg
1068 = 0.006241 // [1] LegOfferForwardPoints - far leg
188=1.2214 //BidSpotRate
190=1.2214 //OfferSpotRate
1065 = 0.004124 //BidSwapPoints
1066 = 0.004193 //OfferSwapPoints

Single Bank Market Data Request

The sample set of market data messages below illustrates a price stream request directly from a bank. It also
illustrates the responses back from the bank.
Market Data Request: client requests best bid/offer tradeable prices for a 1-month forwards of a currency pair
with a specified quantity in this example. The target bank is implicit in that it is assumed there is a direct FIX
session between the client and the bank.
Market Data response messages: bank may provide prices at different quantities if client did not request a
specific quantity. In this example, a quantity was specified and this is the ceiling amount. Prices may be
indicative or tradeable, in this example the request was for tradeable only.

Copyright, 2007-2008, FIX Protocol, Limited Page 175 of 233

Market Data Request

35=V //MsgType - Market Data Request message type
49=ABC_AM //SenderCompID - sending client
56=SSBFX //TargetcompID - target bank
262=20050922.09:30:59.1 //MDReqID - uniquely assigned by client, format is arbitrary
263=1 //SubscriptionRequestType - snapshot+update
264=1 //MarketDepth - top of book
267=2 //NoMDEntryTypes
269=0 // [1] MDEntryType - bid
269=1 // [2] MDEntryType - offer
146=1 //NoRelatedSymbol - number of CCY pairs
55=EUR/USD // [1] Symbol - CCY pair
167=FOR // [1] SecurityType - foreign exchange
15=USD // [1] Currency - dealt currency
537=1 // [1] QuoteType - tradeable
63=M1 // [1] SettlType - 1-month tenor
38=20000000 // [1] OrderQty - 20 million

Market Data Snapshot

35=W //MsgType - Market Data Snapshot message type
49=SSBFX //SenderCompID - sending bank
56=ABC_AM //TargetCompID - target client
262=20050922.09:30:59.1 //MDReqID - uniquely assigned by client, format is arbitrary
55=EUR/USD //Symbol - CCY pair
167=FOR //SecurityType - foreign exchange
268=2 //NoMDEntries - number of MD entries
269=0 // [1] MDEntryType - Bid
278=EED02091-47AD-4EDD-A0AA- // [1] MDEntryID - unique entry identifier assigned by the bank.
0B2D9D1B9B0F Format and scheme is arbitrary
270=1.2141 // [1] MDEntryPx - all-in bid price/rate
15=USD // [1] Currency - dealt currency
271=20000000 // [1] MDEntrySize - amount
299=FFA23081-51ED-78CE-B9AF- // [1] QuoteEntryID - unique quote identifier assigned by the bank.
8F3D4B89D012 format and scheme is arbitrary
63=M1 // [1] SettlType - 1-month tenor
64=20051020 // [1] SettlDate - value date 1 month out
269=1 // [2] MDEntryType - Offer
278=FB5F1910-F110-11d2-BB9E- // [2] MDEntryID - unique entry identifier assigned by the bank
270=1.2145 // [2] MDEntryPx - all-in offer price/rate
15=USD // [2] Currency - dealt currency
271=20000000 // [2] MDEntrySize - amount
299=92780B25-18CC-41C8-B9BE- // [2] QuoteEntryID - unique quote identifier assigned by the bank
63=M1 // [2] SettlType - 1-month tenor
64=20051020 // [2] SettlDate - value date 1 month out

Market Data Incremental Refresh - the bank updates the bid side
35=X //MsgType - Market Data Incremental Refresh message type
49=SSBFX //SenderCompID - sending bank
56=ABC_AM //TargetCompID - target client
262=20050922.09:30:59.1 //MDReqID - uniquely assigned by client, format is arbitrary
268=1 //NoMDEntries - number of MD entries
279=1 // [1] MDUpdateAction - change/update
278=<new unique entry ID> // [1] MDEntryID - new unique entry ID assigned by the bank
280=EED02091-47AD-4EDD-A0AA- // [1] MDEntryRefID - referencing the entry to be changed/updated

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270=1.2139 // [1] MDEntryPx - all-in bid price/rate
299=AAC02189-DF23-11FB-F135- // [1] QuoteEntryID - unique quote identifier assigned by the bank

"Exchange" Market Data Request

The sample set of market data messages below illustrates a price stream request from a customer to an
exchange-style FX platform. It also illustrates the responses back from the exchange.
Market Data Request: client requests "aggregated full book" tradeable Spot prices for a currency pair with no
specified quantity in this example.
Market Data response messages: exchange provides aggregated amounts at each bid/ask price points at
different quantities. In this example the request was for tradeable only.

Market Data Request

35=V //MsgType - Market Data Request message type
49=ABC_AM //SenderCompID - sending client
56=FXEXCHANGE //TargetcompID - target exchange
262=20050921.09:30:59.1 //MDReqID - uniquely assigned by client, format is arbitrary
263=1 //SubscriptionRequestType - snapshot+update
264=0 //MarketDepth - full book
266=Y //AggregatedBook - one entry per side per price
267=1 //NoMDEntryTypes
269=1 // [1] MDEntryType - offer
146=1 //NoRelatedSymbol - number of CCY pairs
55=EUR/USD // [1] Symbol - CCY pair
167=FOR // [1] SecurityType - foreign exchange
15=USD // [1] Currency - dealt currency
537=1 // [1] QuoteType - tradeable
63=0 // [1] SettlType - spot

Market Data Snapshot

35=W //MsgType - Market Data Snapshot message type
49=FXEXCHANGE //SenderCompID - sending exchange
56=ABC_AM //TargetCompID - target client
262=20050921.09:30:59.1 //MDReqID - uniquely assigned by client, format is arbitrary
55=EUR/USD //Symbol - CCY pair
167=FOR //SecurityType - foreign exchange
268=3 //NoMDEntries - number of MD entries
269=1 // [1] MDEntryType - Offer
278=EED02091-47AD-4EDD-A0AA- // [1] MDEntryID - unique entry identifier assigned by the
0B2D9D1B9B0F exchange. Format and scheme is arbitrary
270=1.2144 // [1] MDEntryPx - all-in offer price/rate
15=USD // [1] Currency - dealt currency
271=10000000 // [1] MDEntrySize - amount
299=FFA23081-51ED-78CE-B9AF- // [1] QuoteEntryID - unique quote identifier assigned by the
8F3D4B89D012 exchange. format and scheme is arbitrary
63=0 // [1] SettlType - Spot
64=20050923 // [1] SettlDate - value date for spot settle
269=1 // [2] MDEntryType - Offer
278=FB5F1910-F110-11d2-BB9E- // [2] MDEntryID - unique entry identifier assigned by the
00C04F795683 exchange
270=1.2145 // [2] MDEntryPx - all-in offer price/rate
15=USD // [2] Currency - dealt currency

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271=50000000 // [2] MDEntrySize - amount

299=92780B25-18CC-41C8-B9BE- // [2] QuoteEntryID - unique quote identifier assigned by the
3C9C571A8263 exchange
63=0 // [2] SettlType - Spot
64=20050923 // [2] SettlDate - value date for spot settle
269=1 // [3] MDEntryType - Offer
278=<unique id> // [3] MDEntryID - unique entry identifier assigned by the
270=1.2146 // [3] MDEntryPx - all-in offer price/rate
15=USD // [3] Currency - dealt currency
271=15000000 // [3] MDEntrySize - amount
299=<unique id> // [3] QuoteEntryID - unique quote identifier assigned by the
63=0 // [3] SettlType - Spot
64=20050923 // [3] SettlDate - value date for spot settle
Note that in the above Market Data Snapshot message the exchange assigned the unique MDEntryID and

Market Data Incremental Refresh - the exchange updates the one of the offers
35=X //MsgType - Market Data Incremental Refresh message type
49=FXEXCHANGE //SenderCompID - sending bank
56=ABC_AM //TargetCompID - target client
262=20050921.09:30:59.1 //MDReqID - uniquely assigned by client, format is arbitrary
268=1 //NoMDEntries - number of MD entries
279=1 // [1] MDUpdateAction - change/update
278=<new unique entry ID> // [1] MDEntryID - new unique entry ID assigned by the bank
280= FB5F1910-F110-11d2-BB9E- // [1] MDEntryRefID - referencing the entry to be changed/updated
271=40000000 // [1] MDEntrySize - amount dropped
299=AAC02189-DF23-11FB-F135- // [1] QuoteEntryID - new unique quote identifier assigned by the
4C0D4A83D238 bank

FX Swap Multi-legged Order

New Order - Multileg examples for Spot/Forward (1M) and Forward/Forward (1M/3M) FX Swap.
Spot/Forward (1M) order
35=AB //MsgType - New Order Multileg message type
49=ABC_AM //SenderCompID - sending client
56=SSBFX //TargetcompID - target bank
11=ORD123 //ClOrdID - uniquely assigned by client, format is arbitrary
117=QT123 //QuoteID - references the quote
54=B //Side - as defined in NoLegs
55=EUR/USD //Symbol
15=EUR //Currency - dealt currency
555=2 //NoLegs
600=EUR/USD // [1] LegSymbol
556=EUR // [1] LegCurrency
624=1 // [1]LegSide - Buy
687=1000000 // [1] LegQty - amount of near leg
654=A0001 // [1] LegRefID
566=1.2214 // [1] LegPrice - near leg
587=0 // [1] LegSettlType - Regular/Spot ((T+1) / (T+2))
588=20060130 // [1] LegSettlDate - value date of near leg
600=EUR/USD // [2] LegSymbol
556=EUR // [1] LegCurrency

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624=2 // [1]LegSide - Sell

687=1000000 // [2] LegQty - amount of far leg
654=A0002 // [2] LegRefID
566=1.223448 // [1] LegPrice - far leg
587=6 // [2] LegSettlType - future
588=20060228 // [2] LegSettlDate - value date of far leg
40=D //OrdType - previously quoted

Forward/Forward (1M/3M) order

35=AB //MsgType - New Order Multileg message type
49=ABC_AM //SenderCompID - sending client
56=SSBFX //TargetcompID - target bank
11=ORD456 //ClOrdID - uniquely assigned by client, format is arbitrary
117=QT456 //QuoteID - references the quote
54=B //Side - as defined in NoLegs
55=EUR/USD //Symbol
15=EUR //Currency - dealt currency
555=2 //NoLegs
600=EUR/USD // [1] LegSymbol
556=EUR // [1] LegCurrency
624=1 // [1]LegSide - Buy
687=1000000 // [1] LegQty - amount of near leg
654=B0001 // [1] LegRefID
566=1.223475 // [1] LegPrice - near leg
587=6 // [1] LegSettlType - future
588=20060228 // [1] LegSettlDate - value date of near leg
600=EUR/USD // [2] LegSymbol
556=EUR // [1] LegCurrency
624=2 // [1]LegSide - Sell
687=1000000 // [2] LegQty - amount of far leg
654=B0002 // [2] LegRefID
566=1.227599 // [1] LegPrice - far leg
587=6 // [2] LegSettlType - future
588=20060428 // [2] LegSettlDate - value date of far leg
40=D //OrdType - previously quoted

Execution Report for FX Swap Multi-legged Order

The examples below shows execution reports for Spot/Forward (1M) and Forward/Forward (1M/3M) orders.
Execution report for Spot/Forward (1M) order
35=8 //MsgType - Execution Report message type
49=ABC_AM //SenderCompID - sending client
56=SSBFX //TargetcompID - target bank
37=ER123 //OrderID - uniquely assigned by broker
11=ORD123 //ClOrdID - uniquely assigned by client, format is arbitrary
17=ER123-1 //ExecID
150=F //ExecType - Trade
39=2 //OrdStatus - filled
54=B //Side - as defined in NoLegs
40=D //OrdType - previously quoted
55=EUR/USD //Symbol
15=EUR //Currency - dealt currency
1071 =0.002048 //LastSwapPoints
194=1.2214 //LastSpotRate
555=2 //NoLegs

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600=EUR/USD // [1] LegSymbol

556=EUR // [1] LegCurrency
624=1 // [1]LegSide - Buy
687=1000000 // [1] LegQty - amount of near leg
654=A0001 // [1] LegRefID
587=0 // [1] LegSettlType - Regular/Spot ((T+1) / (T+2))
588=20060130 // [1] LegSettlDate - value date of near leg
637=1.2214 // [1] LegLastPx - near leg
675=USD // [1] LegSettlCurrency - near leg
1073 = 0 // [1] LegLastForwardPoints - near leg
1074 = 1221400 // [1] LegCalculatedCcyLastQty
600=EUR/USD // [2] LegSymbol
556=EUR // [1] LegCurrency
624=2 // [1]LegSide - Sell
687=1000000 // [2] LegQty - amount of far leg
654=A0002 // [2] LegRefID
587=6 // [2] LegSettlType - future
588=20060228 // [2] LegSettlDate - value date of far leg
637=1.223448 // [1] LegLastPx - far leg
675=USD // [1] LegSettlCurrency - far leg
1073 = 0.002048 // [1] LegLastForwardPoints - far leg
1074 = 1223488 // [1] LegCalculatedCcyLastQty

Execution report for Forward/Forward (1M/3M) order

35=8 //MsgType - Execution Report message type
49=ABC_AM //SenderCompID - sending client
56=SSBFX //TargetcompID - target bank
37=ER456 //OrderID - uniquely assigned by broker
11=ORD456 //ClOrdID - uniquely assigned by client, format is arbitrary
17=ER456-1 //ExecID
150=F //ExecType - Trade
39=2 //OrdStatus - filled
54=B //Side - as defined in NoLegs
40=D //OrdType - previously quoted
55=EUR/USD //Symbol
15=EUR //Currency - dealt currency
1071 = 0.004124 //LastSwapPoints
194=1.2214 //LastSpotRate
555=2 //NoLegs
600=EUR/USD // [1] LegSymbol
556=EUR // [1] LegCurrency
624=1 // [1]LegSide - Buy
687=1000000 // [1] LegQty - amount of near leg
654=B0001 // [1] LegRefID
587=6 // [1] LegSettlType - future
588=20060228 // [1] LegSettlDate - value date of near leg
637=1.223475 // [1] LegLastPx - near leg
675=USD // [1] LegSettlCurrency - near leg
1073 = 0.002075 // [1] LegLastForwardPoints - near leg
1074 = 1223475 // [1] LegCalculatedCcyLastQty
600=EUR/USD // [2] LegSymbol
556=EUR // [1] LegCurrency
624=2 // [1]LegSide - Sell
687=1000000 // [2] LegQty - amount of far leg
654=B0002 // [2] LegRefID
587=6 // [2] LegSettlType - future
588=20060428 // [2] LegSettlDate - value date of far leg

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637=1.227599 // [1] LegLastPx - far leg

675=USD // [1] LegSettlCurrency - far leg
1073 = 0.006199 // [1] LegLastForwardPoints - far leg
1074 = 1227599 // [1] LegCalculatedCcyLastQty

Settlement Obligation Report

The example below shows an example of the Settlement Obligation Report from a central counterparty.
35=BQ //MsgType - Settlement Obligation Report
49=CCP //SenderCompID - the central counterparty
56=ClientA //TargetCompID - the receiver/client of the CCP
715=20060929 //ClearingBusinessDate
1160=123456 //SettlObligMsgID
1159=2 //SettlObligMode - Final
1153=3 //SettlmentCycleNo
60=20060929-16:45:15.006 //TransactTime
1165=1 //NoSettlOblig - 1 instance
430=1 // [1] NetGrossInd - Net
1161=7654321 // [1] SettlObligID
1162=N // [1] SettlObligTransType - New
1157=1000000 // [1] CcyAmt - net flow of currency 1 (positive means firm
119=-1200000 // [1] SettlCurrAmt - net flow of currency 2 (negative means firm
15=EUR // [1] Currency - currency 1, the "dealt" currency
120=USD // [1] SettlCurrency - currency 2, the "contra" currency
155=1.2 // [1] SettlCurrFxRate - rate
64=20061002 // [1] SettlDate
207=FXM // [1] SecurityExchange
48=EURUSD // [1] SecurityID
22=8 // [1] SecurityIDSource - Exchange Symbol
200=20061002 // [1] MaturityMonthYear
461=FFCPNO // [1] CFICode
167=FOR // [1] SecurityType - foreign exchange contract
453=6 // [1] NoParties - 6 instances
448=CME // [1.1] PartyID
447=H // [1.1] PartyIDSource - CSD participant/member code
452=21 // [1.1] PartyRole - clearning organization
448=350 // [1.2] PartyID
447=H // [1.2] PartyIDSource - CSD participant/member code
452=4 // [1.2] PartyRole - clearing firm
448=CME // [1.3] PartyID
447=H // [1.3] PartyIDSource - CSD participant/member code
452=22 // [1.3] PartyRole - exchange
448=350 // [1.4] PartyID
447=H // [1.4] PartyIDSource - CSD participant/member code
452=1 // [1.4] PartyRole - executing firm
448=350 // [1.5] PartyID
447=H // [1.5] PartyIDSource - CSD participant/member code
452=38 // [1.5] PartyRole - position account
802=1 // [1.5] NoPartySubIDs
523=1 // [1.5.1] PartySubID
803=26 // [1.5.1] PartySubIDType - position account type
448=CUST1234 // [1.6] PartyID
447=H // [1.6] PartyIDSource - CSD participant/member code
452=24 // [1.6] PartyRole - customer account
1158=2 // [1] NoSettlDetails

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1164=1 // [1.1] SettlObligSource - broker's instructions

781=1 // [1.1.] NoSettlPartyIds
782= XABC12345XXX // [1.1.1] SettlPartyID
783=B // [1.1.1] SettlPartyIDSource - BIC
784=10 // [1.1.1] SettlPartyRole - settlement location
801=1 // [1.1.1] NoSettlPartySubIDs
785= Acct12345 // [] SettlPartySubIDs
786=15 // [] SettlPartySubIDType - cash account number
1164=2 // [1.2] SettlObligSource - institutions instructions
781=1 // [1.2] NoSettlPartyIds
782= XDEF5678XXX // [1.2.1] SettlPartyID
783=B // [1.2.1] SettlPartyIDSource - BIC
784=10 // [1.2.1] SettlPartyRole - settlement location
801=1 // [1.2.1] NoSettlPartySubIDs
785= Acct56789 // [] SettlPartySubIDs
786=15 // [] SettlPartySubIDType - cash account number

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This section addresses issues and requirements that are specific to environments of exchanges and similar
marketplaces where many parties interact with a central system, and provides guidance for using the FIX Protocol
in these environments. The behaviour can differ from the typical buy-side/sell-side environments and is described
here where applicable . The content is produced by the former Exchange and ECN Working Group which has
been superseded by the Global Exchanges and Markets Committee.
The content of this section supplements the content in the other volumes of the FIX Protocol specification where
appropriate. Additionally the usage notes in this section may describe additional requirements above the base
requirements of the FIX Protocol that is recommended for use by Exchanges.

Order State Change Matrices for Exchanges

This section addresses issues with order state changes in an exchanges or marketplace environment. These
supplement the Order State Change Matrices in Volume 4 of the FIX Protocol specification and are documented
as specific to exchanges and marketplaces. The titles and references have been chosen in accordance with the
existing matrices in Volume 4. These specific cases supercedes the ones in Volume 4 when implementing the FIX
Protocol for exchanges and centralized marketplaces. Order State Changes matrices as documented in Volume 4
that are not mentioned in this section applies to the exchange and centralized marketplace environment. Please
also refer to the Order State Change Matrices defined in Volume 4 – FIX Application Messages: Orders and
Executions (Trade).

A Vanilla
Ref Description
A.1.a Filled order after order rests on book
A.1.b Part-filled day order after order rests on book, done for day
A.1.c Order filled upon hitting the book
A.1.d Order partially filled upon hitting the book

I TimeInForce
Ref Description
I.1.a Fill or Kill order cannot be filled
I.1.b Immediate or Cancel order that cannot be immediately hit

Applicability of scenarios depicted in Volume 4 for electronic exchange/ECN environments:

• Filled and Canceled are considered to be terminal states of an order, i.e. a state transition from Filled or
Canceled to Partially Filled or Pending Replace should be avoided
• Pending order states requiring additional messages should be avoided in the interest of performance

The ExecType is used to identify the purpose of the execution report message. The value of ExecType will
typically be New to convey the fact that a new order has been received and processed. However, the value of

Copyright, 2007-2008, FIX Protocol, Limited Page 183 of 233

OrdStatus in this initial response may not necessarily be New as the order might have been executed immediately.
The initial value of OrdStatus can therefore also be Partially Filled or Filled. It can even be Canceled if the order
has time in force values such as Fill or Kill and Immediate or Cancel and the order could not be executed
immediately (and in its entirety in case of Fill or Kill).
The following diagram illustrates the complete set of state transitions recommended for electronic exchange/ECN
environments. The dotted lines lead to initial order states other than New and apply to cases where an order does
not simply rest on the order book after having been accepted by the exchange/ECN. It is a possibility aimed at
increasing performance by reducing the overall number of “Execution Report” messages that need to be provided
and processed. Message flows with explicit messages to convey the order state New are equally possible.

Accept order with

immediate expiry (FOK, IOC)

Accept order with

immediate complete fill


Reject on entry
(Reject of
acc’d order) Expiry Full Execution

Cancel from
Full Execution
New Expiry

Rein- Suspended
statement Cancel from
Partial Execution Book
or reinstatement

”Overnight” store Partial Partially

(GT orders ) Execution Filled

”Overnight” store
(GT orders)
Accept order with Start of Day Cancel e.g. due to
immediate partial fill Activation corporate action
(GT orders)

Done for Day

Start of Day
(GT orders)

OrdStatus = New – WorkingIndicator

Order is activated
(OrdStatus not = New)
Accept order but do
Order is moved
not enter into book
to book without fill Yes (or
(e.g. stop order) No

Accept order and

enter into book

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A Vanilla
A.1.a - Filled order after order rests on book
Time Message Message Sent Exec OrdStatus Order Cum Leaves Last Comment
(ClOrdID, Type Qty Qty Qty Qty
(ClOrdID, OrigClOrdID)
1 New Order(X) 10000
2 Execution(X) Rejected Rejected 10000 0 0 0 If order is rejected by salesthe exchange
2 Execution(X) New New 10000 0 10000 0
3 Execution(X) Rejected Rejected 10000 0 0 0 If order is rejected by trader/exchange
3 Execution(X) Trade Partially 10000 2000 8000 2000 Execution of 2000

4 Execution(X) Trade Partially 10000 3000 7000 1000 Execution of 1000


5 Execution(X) Trade Filled 10000 10000 0 7000 Execution of 7000

A.1.b – Part-filled day order after order rests on book, done for day
Time Message Message Sent Exec OrdStatus Order Cum Leaves Last Comment
(ClOrdID, Type Qty Qty Qty Qty
(ClOrdID, OrigClOrdID)
1 New Order(X) 10000
2 Execution(X) Rejected Rejected 10000 0 0 0 If order is rejected by the exchange
2 Execution(X) New New 10000 0 10000 0
3 Execution(X) Trade Partially 10000 2000 8000 2000 Execution of 2000
4 Execution(X) Trade Partially 10000 3000 7000 1000 Execution of 1000

5 Execution(X) Done Done for 10000 3000 0 0 Assuming day order. See other examples which cover GT orders
for Day Day
A.1.c – Order filled upon hitting the book
Time Message Message Sent Exec OrdStatus Order Cum Leaves Last Comment
(ClOrdID, Type Qty Qty Qty Qty
(ClOrdID, OrigClOrdID)
1 New Order(X) 10000
2 Execution(X) Rejected Rejected 10000 0 0 0 If order is rejected by the exchange
2 Execution(X) Trade Filled 10000 10000 0 10000 Immediate execution of 10000

A.1.d – Order partially filled upon hitting the book

Time Message Message Sent Exec OrdStatus Order Cum Leaves Last Comment
(ClOrdID, Type Qty Qty Qty Qty
(ClOrdID, OrigClOrdID)
1 New Order(X) 10000
2 Execution(X) Rejected Rejected 10000 0 0 0 If order is rejected by the exchange
2 Execution(X) Trade Partially 10000 7000 3000 7000 Immediate execution of 7000
I TimeInForce
I.1.a – Fill or Kill order cannot be filled
Time Message Message Sent Exec OrdStatus Order Cum Leaves Last Comment
(ClOrdID, Type Qty Qty Qty Qty
(ClOrdID, OrigClOrdID)
1 New Order(X) 10000 Order is FOK
2 Execution(X) Rejected Rejected 10000 0 0 0 If order is rejected by sell-side (broker,the exchange, ECN)
2 Execution(X) New New 10000 0 10000 0 If messages are not bundled
3 Execution(X) Canceled Canceled 10000 0 0 0 If order cannot be immediately filled
4 New Order(Y) 10000 Order is FOK
5 Execution(Y) Rejected Rejected 10000 0 0 0 If order is rejected by sell-side (broker, exchange, ECN)
6 Execution(Y) Canceled Canceled 10000 0 0 0 If message bundling is being used and order cannot be
immediately filled

I.1.b – Immediate or Cancel order that cannot be immediately hit completely

Time Message Message Sent Exec OrdStatus Order Cum Leaves Last Comment
(ClOrdID, Type Qty Qty Qty Qty
(ClOrdID, OrigClOrdID)
1 New Order(X) 10000 Order is IOC
2 Execution(X) Rejected Rejected 10000 0 0 0 If order is rejected by sell-side (broker,the exchange, ECN)
2 Execution(X) New New 10000 0 10000 0 If messages are not bundled
3 Execution(X) Trade Partially 10000 1000 9000 1000 Execution for 1000
4 Execution(X) Canceled Canceled 10000 1000 0 0 If order cannot be immediately hit completely
5 New Order(Y) 10000 Order is IOC
6 Execution(Y) Rejected Rejected 10000 0 0 0 If order is rejected by sell-side (broker,the exchange, ECN)
6 Execution(Y) Trade Canceled 10000 1000 9000 1000 If message bundling is being used and execution of 1000 occurs
immediately upon hitting the book
Continuous Market Maker Quoting
This section discusses the use of Quote and Mass Quote related messages for continuous quoting by a centralised

Quote Identifiers
Quote Entity Identifer
Every individual quote needs a unique identifier. The identifier should refer back to investor and his wish to
invest (in the quote case, the quote issuer). In the case of continuous market maker quotes, the quote identifier
is preferably static (as the decision to quote do not really change). An important aspect of this identifier is that
it can be used on trades as a reference back to the quote (i.e. in Execution Reports and Trade Capture
Reports). A further aspect is that the cumulative quantity and other similar properties of the Execution Report
are maintained throughout the lifetime of the QuoteID (in practice normally terminated and restarted each
day). Note that in the case of Quote Negotiation where the Quote is used to reply to Quote Requests, the
quote identifier could have more of an order characteristic, and thereby be assigned a new value for every
quote request received.
Quote identifiers are supported through:
• QuoteEntryID (299) in Mass Quote messages
• QuoteID (117) field in single Quote messages
It is recommended that the QuoteEntryID (299) and QuoteID (117) remains static when quote updates are
done - in practice the quote identifier value does not change. In cases where a quote issuer is allowed to have
multiple simultaneous quotes in the market, the quote identifier identifies which one of those should be
The scope within which the quote identifier is unique varies and details of the identifier model should be
bilaterally agreed. Recognized models:
1. ID is unique in context of quote issuer (market maker + Quote ID). Includes model where the ID
is unique in itself but embeds the market maker identifier.
2. Separate ID not used at all (a quote is identified by market maker + Security)
3. ID unique in context of quote issuer and security (market maker + Security + Quote ID). This
means the ID is always “1” with the following exceptions:
o In cases where multiple quotes are allowed in a single security
o When quotes are used in quote negotiations (multiple parallel negotiations in same
4. ID unique per market maker + QuoteID + QuoteSetID.
For continuous Market Maker quotes, a marketplace can assign the quote identifier values the Market Maker
should use, or leave that to the Market Maker. The former is preferred in cases where the marketplace wants a
globally unique quote entry index. This behavior is very similar to the marketplace assigned OrderIDs used in
order routing - but assignment is not done through interactive responses, it is done by bilateral
Quote Message Identifier
In cases where participants need an audit trail for quote messages, the Quote and Mass Quote messages need
a quote-issuer assigned identifier. The identifier must be unique for every submission of a quote (whether the
quote is new, updated or canceled). The primary usage is to serve as a message identifier. Users that so wish
can secondarily use the field as a revision count – which, together with the Quote identifier, could be unique.
The message identifier is relayed back on outbound messages produced as a result of the Quote. The preferred
message identifiers are:
• QuoteID (117) in the Mass Quote message
• QuoteMsgID (1166) for single Quote message
Quote referencing in Market Data, Executions (fills), etc.
Execution Reports, Trade Capture Reports, Market Data and other messages produced as a consequence of a
quote may need to refer to the quote. Some markets and users require that the exact revision of the quote is
relayed (i.e. the identifier of the message that last updated the quote).
The recommended approach is to:
• Use the ClOrdID (11) for the Quote entity identifier
• Use the SecondaryClOrdID (526) field for the Quote message identifier in cases where it needs to be
• In cases where the OrderID (37) field has no other usage, set it to “[N/A]” or the Quote entity
Details of identifier usage should be bilaterally agreed.
Use of Quote Identifiers
Inbound quote messages can have two identifiers:
• A message identifier that is used to identify each inbound message uniquely. This message identifier
has a purpose similar to the ClOrdID used for orders.
• An entity identifier that is used to identify each quote entry over time. This identifier has a purpose
similar to the OrderID used for orders, but it should be noted that the receiver of a quote does not
assign this identifier - it is expected to be entered by the quote issuer.
The following table illustrates the use of the Quote identifiers in various messages in quote workflows:
Table 1 - Quote Identifiers
Message Type Identifier Type Field Comment
Quote Message identifier QuoteMsgID
Entity identifier QuoteID
Mass Quote Message identifier QuoteID Note that the QuoteID is the
message identifier in Mass
Quote messages!
Entity identifier QuoteEntryID
Quote Cancel Message identifier QuoteMsgID
Entity Identiifier QuoteID
Quote Status Report Message identifier QuoteMsgID Note that in the case a Mass
Quote was the source of the
individual quote – the QuoteID
goes into the QuoteMsgID
Entity identifier QuoteID Note that in the case a Mass
Quote was the source of the
individual quote – the
QuoteEntryID goes into the
Mass Quote Message identifier QuoteID Note that in the case of a Quote
Acknowledgement Cancel - the QuoteMsgID of the
Quote Cancel go into the
Message Type Identifier Type Field Comment
Note that in the case of a Quote
Status Request – the
QuoteStatusReqID go into the
Entity identifier QuoteEntryID Note that in the case a (Single)
Quote was the source of the
individual quote – the QuoteID
goes into the QuoteEntryID
Other messages Message identifier ClOrdID Note that the message identifier
of the original Quote/Mass
Quote message goes into the
ClOrdID for reference
Entity identifier SecondaryClOrdID Note that the entity identifier of
the original Quote/Mass Quote
message goes into the
SecondaryClOrdID for

Use of the QuoteSetID Field

There is arguably no value in using the QuoteSetID (302) for any business purposes. The field is mandatory in
Mass Quote messages, but reasonably only as it is a delimiter for the Quote Set repeating group. As the
QuoteEntryID can be used to uniquely identify the entries, the QuoteSetID can be regarded as a simple
sequence number that has no persistence outside the message instance.
Pre FIX 5.0 SP1 versions of FIX assigned the QuoteSetID more importance, the QuoteEntryID for example
was defined in the Mass Quote message as:
• “Uniquely identifies the quote as part of a QuoteSet. Must be used if NoQuoteEntries is used”
That definition is considered contrary to the practices used in many implementations. The role of the
QuoteSetID (302) is now deemphasized allowing for bilateral agreement of quote identification schemes.

Quote Acknowledgement and Status

Some markets require that every incoming quote message should have an ack (or reject). This is obvious in
cases where marketplace identifiers need to be relayed as they are used in subsequent messages as references
to the quote. Quote Ack messages can also be used to limit the re-quoting speed, e.g. to support rules such as
“Market Maker is allowed to send one quote update before ack on first quote is received, not more”. An ack
message is preferably very lean and should contain minimal information.
Reject messages should also be as lean as possible. In the case of a Mass Quote:
• If the whole message is rejected, only the root part of the Mass Quote is relayed back, i.e. the
• If individual Quote Entries are rejected, the root + the individual rejected entries are relayed back,
not the accepted entries.
The marketplace by bilateral agreement, or the user by providing the QuoteResponseLevel (301) field, should
be able to indicate what quote responses are to be disseminated. Alternatives include:
• No acks at all. Meaning neither Mass Quote Acknowledgement nor Quote Status Reports are
produced for solicted actions.
• Rejects only. Meaning no positive ack’s is produced for solicited actions.
• Summary Acknowledgement. Meaning e.g. a Mass Quote Acknowledgement is produced for mass
Quote Cancels. The Mass Quote Ack will in those cases show the total number of canceled quotes
(per underlying), not the individual quotes. A Mass Quote Ack without specifying the quote entries
could also be relayed as an ack to Mass Quote messages.
• Ack each. Same as Summary Acknowledgement except that Quote Status Reports are produced for
every individual quote entry fill.
As practices vary, FIX does not require a specific default for the QuoteResponseLevel (301) field. This is
especially relevant for markets not supporting the field as part of messages (instead using a standard
Parties can bilaterally agree whether to relay unsolicited Quote Status Reports produced as a result of
(example events):
• The quote being exhausted and the marketplace encouraging the quote issuer to re-quote
• Other similar “warnings” to the quote issuer. Note that “locked” and “crossed” market warning are
available in the QuoteStatus (297) field.
• Marketplace initiated quote modifications, for example a quote modified based on “out” or
replenishment parameters which automatically inserts a new quote (with wider spread) if the quoted
quantity is filled.
A reject message should contain a reject reason. Reject reasons may need to include “Quote Locked - Unable
to Update/Cancel” to cover for the Quote Cancel case where a quote is locked. For example, a quote may be
locked for execution in another marketplace.
The Quote Status of “Active” can be used as a reply to queries where the quote is active in the market. In
cases where the Mass Quote Acknowledgement is used to respond to a Quote Status request, the Quote Status
needs to be relayed per individual quote entry.
On cancellation, the QuoteCancelType (298) can be echoed in responses and the single Quote Status of
“Canceled” be used.
Quote Status Usage Table
The following table shows the recommended use of the QuoteStatus field in the Quote Status Report and the
Mass Quote Acknowledgment messages. The list of statuses shown includes the main values.

Request (Single) Quote Set of Quotes
Quote Status Report Mass Quote Acknowledgement
Quote Status Quote Status Quote Entry Status
Quote Status • Rejected • Query • Active
• Active • Rejected • Canceled
• Canceled • Expired
• Expired • Removed from
• Removed from Market
• Quote Not Found
• Quote Not Found
Quote • Accepted N/A N/A
• Rejected
• Canceled (if both sides
= 0)
Mass Quote N/A • Accepted • Accepted
• Rejected • Rejected
• Canceled
(if both sides = 0)
Quote Cancel • Canceled • Accepted • Canceled
• Rejected • Rejected • Rejected (if
Unsolicited • Removed from Market • Removed from • Removed from
Market Market
• Unsolicited Quote
Replenishment • Unsolicited Quote • Unsolicited Quote
Replenishment Replenishment

Reporting a Mass Cancel

Some marketplaces avoid sending out each individual quote entry on mass cancel. Those markets use an
aggregated message instead, showing the underlying for which cancel have been done and the number of
quotes removed. This action is used together with the QuoteResponseLevel (301) = Summary
Acknowledgement. Example:
• Canceled Quotes
o IBM – 200
o APL – 300
o DELL - 500
When acknowledging a mass cancel (using the Mass Quote Acknowledgement) the number of totally
canceled quotes per Quote Set should be relayed. The requirement can be generalized to relay also the total
number of accepted quotes and rejected quotes respectively. The following fields are used to relay the number
of affected quotes:
• the number of canceled quote entries, TotNoCxldQuotes (1168)
• the number of accepted quote entries, TotNoAccQuotes (1169)
• the number of rejected quote entires, TotNoRejQuotes (1170)
The usage of the Mass Quote Acknowledgement message in response to a mass Quote Cancel should be
bilaterally agreed as it means the requestor may have to receive a Quote Status report in the case of a single
quote cancel or a Mass Quote Ack in the case multiple quotes where canceled.

Quote Cancel Scope

Market makers often supplies quotes based on a trading desk or some more virtual unit, e.g. in the case where
the quoting obligations moves across geography depending on business hours in different parts of the world.
At the same time the firm might be organized so various units quotes in various sets of security. One unit is
then not allowed to cancel the quotes of another unit. High speed quoting may also require multiple sessions
(connections) between each market maker unit and the marketplace. An implication of all this is that quotes
are often not “owned” by individual traders or FIX sessions, but rather by that organizational unit.
Pre FIX 5.0 SP1 specification stated that Quote Cancels applied to quotes made by the "current user" (which
could be interpreted as a FIX session). The concept of a "quote issuer" (a “unit”) is now introduced - i.e. a
concept represented by the <Parties> component.
As an example, a Quote Cancel can limit the scope of a mass cancel by specifying the following PartyRoles:
• PartyRole = “1” – Executing Firm = Market Maker firm
• PartyRole = ”58” – Executing Unit = Trading desk
• PartyRole = “12” – Executing Trader = Individual trader
What party roles and scope limitations are available is bilaterally agreed.

The following rules are used as the basis for the workflows:
1. A Mass Quote always results in a Mass Quote Acknowledgement unless QuoteResponseLevel (301)
= “0” (No Acknowledgement) has been specified. A Mass Quote’s should not result in multiple
Quote Status Reports in response.
a. The only exception to this rule occurs if restatements are needed due to automatic quantity
refreshes or similar. In this case, the QuoteID (117) of that Quote Status Report would carry
the QuoteEntryID (299) of the previously submitted Mass Quote.
2. A Quote Cancel can result in a Mass Quote Acknowledgement under the following conditions:
a. Multiple quotes are affected, i.e. the QuoteCancelType (298) is set to “1” (Cancel for
Symbol[s]), “2” (Cancel for Security Type[s]), “3” (Cancel for Underlying Symbol) or “4”
(Cancel all Quotes)
b. QuoteResponseLevel (301) has been set to “2” (Acknowledge each quote messages)
If both conditions are not met then the Quote Status Report should be used. An exception to the rule
would be a bilateral agreement to always do one or the other.
3. A Quote Status Request can result in a Mass Quote Acknowledgement under the following
a. Multiple quotes are affected. This means that QuoteID (117) should not be provided and
<UndInstrmtGrp> or other filters are specified, meaning e.g. that all strikes in a series
should be returned. Since this is a query it is assumed that any qualified quote will be
If the condition is not met then the Quote Status Report should be used. An exception to the rule
would be a bilateral agreement to always do one or the other.
The below table defines what messages can be used to relay request responses and unsolicited actions back to
the quote issuer. The following abbreviations are used in the Comment column to clarify the mapping
between the response and the message of the quote origination:
• Q = Quote
• MQ = Mass Quote
• QSR = Quote Status report
• MQA = Mass Quote Acknowledgement
• QSRq = Quote Status Request

Table 2 - Quote Response messages

(Single) Quote New Quote Status Report QSR.QuoteID := Q.QuoteID
QSR.QuoteMsgID := Q.QuoteMsgID
Mass Quote New Mass Quote MQA.QuoteID := MQ.QuoteID
MQA.QuoteEntryID := MQ.QuoteEntryID
(Single) Quote Update Quote Status Report QSR.QuoteID := QuoteID
QSR.QuoteMsgID := Q.QuoteMsgID
Mass Quote Update Mass Quote MQA.QuoteID := MQ.QuoteID
MQA.QuoteEntryID := MQ.QuoteEntryID
(Single) Quote Cancel Quote Status Report QSR.QuoteID := Q.QuoteID
(Size&Qty=0) QSR.QuoteMsgID := Q.QuoteMsgID
Mass Quote Cancel Mass Quote MQA.QuoteID := MQ.QuoteID
(Size&Qty=0) MQA.QuoteEntryID := MQ.QuoteEntryID
Quote Cancel Cancel Quote Status Report Canceling single quote and (subject to bilateral
agreement) when cancelling multiple quotes
QSR.QuoteID := Q.QuoteID or MQ.QuoteEntryID
QSR.QuoteMsgID := QC.QuoteMsgID
Mass Quote Canceling multiple quotes (subject to bilateral
Acknowledgement agreement)
MQA.QuoteID := QC.QuoteMsgID
MQA.QuoteEntryID := Q.QuoteID or
N/A Unsolicited Quote Status Report Used for unsolicited replenishment of exhausted
State Change quote size (subject to bilateral agreement)
QSR.QuoteID := Q.QuoteID or MQ.QuoteEntryID
QSR.QuoteMsgID := Q.QuoteMsgID or
Quote Status Query Quote Status Report Querying for single quotes and (subject to bilateral
Request agreement) when querying for multiple quotes
QSR.QuoteID := Q.QuoteID or MQ.QuoteEntryID
QSR.QuoteMsgID := QSRq.QuoteStatusReqID
Mass Quote Querying for multiple quotes (subject to bilateral
Acknowledgement agreement)
MQA.QuoteID := QSRq.QuoteStatusReqID
MQA.QuoteEntryID := Q.QuoteID or
N/A Fills Execution Report SecondaryClOrdID := Q.QuoteID or
(and Trade Capture
Reports) ClOrdID := Q.QuoteMsgID or MQ.QuoteID
Single Quote Message Scenarios
The (Single) Quote message supports:
• Adding individual quotes (if there was no previous quote in the market)
• Updating individual quotes (if there already was a quote in the market)
• Withdrawing (cancelling) individual quotes - if the bid / offer prices and sizes are set to zero in the
Single Quote with QuoteResponseLevel = 0 (No Ack)
In the first example a Quote is sent from the quote issuer to the marketplace. The quote has the
QuoteResponseLevel = 0 or omitted. The marketplace does not acknowledge the receipt of the quote. If the
quote is later hit, resulting in a trade, an Execution Report is sent to the first party. The following Figure 7
depicts the workflow.

Figure 7: Single Quote with QuoteResponseLevel=0

Note that:
• The QuoteMsgID (if used) is renewed for every message sent.
• The QuoteID will contain a new value when a quote is first inserted and that id is then referenced for
subsequent updates. The same id can be reused in cases where both sides of the quote are cancelled
or exhausted – so a quote issuer can assign a static QuoteID to every quote responsibility (security or
options series).
Single Quote with QuoteResponseLevel = 1 (Negative Ack only)
In the second example, illustrated in Figure 8, a Quote is again sent from the quote issuer to the marketplace.
The quote has the QuoteResponseLevel = 1. The marketplace only acknowledges the quote if there is an
error. If the marketplace encounters an error while processing the quote, a Quote Status Report message is
sent with the QuoteRejectReason set to the error encountered.

Figure 8: Single Quote with QuoteResponseLevel=1

Single Quote with QuoteResponseLevel = 2 (Ack each)
In the third example, shown in , a (Single) Quote is sent from the quote issuer to the marketplace. The quote
has the QuoteResponseLevel = 2. The marketplace acknowledges each quote.

Figure 9: Single Quote with QuoteResponseLevel= 2

Single Quote Cancel
Figure 10 shows an example of a Quote Cancel identifying a single quote to be cancelled is sent.

Figure 10: Single Quote Cancel

Unsolicited Actions - Single Quote Restatement
Some marketplaces, when the quote size is exhausted, support the automatic replenishment with a pre-defined
quantity (and moving the price). In such cases a restatement of the quote is appropriate.

Figure 11: Single Quote Restatement

Query for Single Quote
Figure 12 shows a Quote Status Request identifying a single quote is sent.

Figure 12: Query for Single Quote

Mass Quote Messaging Scenarios
The Mass Quote message supports:
• Adding individual quotes (if there was no previous quote in the market)
• Updating individual quotes (if there already was a quote in the market)
• Withdrawing (cancelling) individual quotes – if the bid / offer prices and sizes are set to zero in the
Mass Quote with QuoteResponseLevel = 0 (No Ack)
In the first example a Mass Quote is sent from the quote issuer to the marketplace. The quote has the
QuoteResponseLevel (301) set to 0 or omitted. The marketplace does not acknowledge the quote. If the quote
is later hit, resulting in a trade, an Execution Report is sent to the first party.

Figure 13: Mass Quote with QuoteResponseLevel=0

Mass Quote with QuoteResponseLevel = 1 (Negative Ack only)
In the second example a Mass Quote is sent from the market maker to the marketplace. The quote has the
QuoteResponseLevel (301) set to 1. The marketplace only acknowledges the quote if there is an error. If the
marketplace encounters an error while processing the quote, a Mass Quote Acknowledgement message is sent
with the QuoteRejectReason set to the error encountered.

Figure 14: Mass Quote with QuoteResponseLevel=1

Mass Quote with QuoteResponseLevel = 2 (Ack Each)
In the third example Mass Quote is sent from the market maker to the marketplace. The quote has the
QuoteResponseLevel (301) set to 2. The marketplace acknowledges each quote. Note that the whole message
can be accepted together with any number of quote entries, while individual quote entries are rejected.

Figure 15: Mass Quote with QuoteResponseLevel=2

Mass Quote with QuoteResponseLevel = 3 (Summary Ack)
An alternative is to use the Summary Acknowledgement:

Figure 16: Mass Quote with QuoteResponseLevel=3

Mass Quote Cancel
In this example a Quote Cancel identifying multiple quotes is sent.

Figure 17: Mass Quote Cancel

The mass cancel can also use the Summary Acknowledgement QuoteResponseLevel as shown below:

Figure 18: Mass Quote Cancel with QuoteResponseLevel=3

Unsolicited Actions - Mass Quote Restatement
Some marketplaces, when the quote size is exhausted, support the automatic replenishment with a pre-defined
quantity (and moving the price). In such cases a restatement of the quote is appropriate.

Figure 19: Mass Quote Restatement

Query for Mass Quote
In the last example a Quote Status Request identifying a set of quotes is sent.
Figure 20: Mass Quote Query
Quote Negotiation
Some marketplaces choose to provide services helping market participants privately negotiate trades. Quote
Requests are commonly used for this purpose. Marketplaces may also use Quote Requests in order to solicit
tradable quotes in securities that do no have continuous prices, high liquidity or lean spreads.
The support provided by FIX 5.0, exemplified in the Fixed Income and Foreign Exchange appendixes of
volume 7 are generally very comprehensive. Marketplaces may, however, choose to expand the use of those
models to a three party environment using a marketplace as an intermediary.
This part of the document does not include the indicative negotiation model where:
• A reply with a directed Order (previously indicated/quoted) and the Market Maker may accept or
• The quote may be in the market or a response to a Quote Request.

Usage Notes
Request for a Public or Private Quote
Some markets allow private quote negotiations where that the market maker responding to a Quote Request
provides a Quote for the requestor only (a Private Quote, also known as Directed Quote). Markets may also
allow the requestor to explicitly state whether he expects a directed or a public response. A public response is
a normal quote relayed as market data to all eligible parties and can be hit by other orders and/or quotes
according to normal market rules, whereas a directed Quote is visible to and can be hit by the requestor only.
Unless bilaterally agreed, the Quote Request specifies whether the request is private or public by using the
PrivateQuote (1171) indicator:
• “Y” = The negotiation is private, therefore the Quote should only be published to the requestor
• “N” (default value) = The negotiation is public,therefore the Quote should be published as market
data, viewable by market data subscribers
Directed Quote Requests
An intermediary like a marketplace could allow Quote Request initiators to direct the request to a single or
specific group of counterparties. Examples include:
• All eligible market participants. This instructs the marketplace to route the Quote Request to all
market participants eligible for such, including, but not limited to, market makers.
• Specified market participants. This implies that a list of participants is provided and that the
marketplace should route the request to them only.
• All eligible market makers in the respective securities. This instructs the marketplace to route the
Quote Request to all market makers eligible for Quote Requests.
• The primary market maker(s). Instructs the marketplace to route to specialists / primary market
makers / designated market makers (or whatever other similar terminology is used).
When the quote request is directed, the marketplace can choose to push the messages to the relevant actors
whether they subscribe (RFQ Request) to Quote Requests or not.
In order to support directed quote request, the RespondentType (1172) indicator must be specified
The RootParties component block can be used to list named receivers of the Quote Request. The following
PartyRoles are relevant:
• 17 = Contra Firm
• 37 = Contra Trader
Pre-trade Anonymity
A marketplace could allow the initiator of a quote negotiation to be anonymous when the Quote Request is
sent to the respondent(s). This may be handy when there is a risk the respondent may respond with a worse
quote upon knowing who the initiator is. Note, however, that the rest of the negotiation process does not
support anonymity.
In order to support anonymous quote requests, the PreTradeAnonymity (1091) indicator is used.
Minimum Executable Quantity
When a Respondent quotes a price to specific counterparties, the Respondent may choose to provide a better
price under the condition that a certain size is filled. In a Quote Negotiation situation, parties may need to
indicate a minimum execution quantity in order to solicit relevant prices and, in the case of the respondent,
avoid getting hit on lower than expected quantity. In cases where the Three-Party Matching model (decribed
below) is used, a minimum quantity is especially relevant.
The MinQty (110) field is used to specify a minimum executable quantity in a quote negotiation.
Finalising a Quote Negotiation
The Three-Party Matching Negotiation Model
When the marketplace acts as an intermediary in a private quote negotiation, it may want to control when the
trade is created. It would regard a trade to occur when both parties have issued matching firm commitments,
for example:
• One party issues a firm quote, the other a “Hit / Lift” Quote Response (both within time limits
provided in the negotiation process and specifying matching conditions).
• One party issues a firm “Counter” Quote Response and the other a “Hit / Lift” one (both within time
limits provided in the negotiation process and specifying matching conditions).
The marketplace would also automatically terminate the negotiation when specified time limits expires.
Any usage of marketplace matching must be bilaterally agreed.
The Trade-Reporting Model
In the trade reporting model the negotiation is finalized by the parties moving to the privately negotiated trade
workflows. When the parties through exchanging Quote Requests, Quote’s and Quote Responses have agreed
on the terms, they conclude the trade by exchanging Trade Capture Reports exactly as when reporting any
other privately negotiated trade.
Refer to TRADE CAPTURE (“STREETSIDE”) REPORTING in volume 5 of the specification.
Other Models
Other models can also be used such as the ones described in the FIXED INCOME and FOREIGN
EXCHANGE sections of this volume.
Quote Negotiation Scenarios
Public Tradable Quote
Figure 21: Vanilla Public Tradable Quote

Private Tradeable Quote - Three-Party Matching Model

The Three-Party matching model is a model where a third party, often a marketplace, supports Quote
negotiations including execution. Execution is automated when the terms of a quote and a quote response
matches. Such terms minimally includes price and quantity condition, a requirement is also that the Quote
and Quote Response have not expired.
Figure 22: Private Quote
Initiator Counters Respondent's Quote
Figure 23: Intiator Counters Respondent's Quote
Initiator Declines Respondent's Quote
Figure 24: Initiator Declines Respondent's Quote
Respondent's Alternative Responses to Quote Request
Figure 25: Respondent's Alternative Responses to Quote Request

Note that the Quote will be relayed to the initiator only in the case of a private quote; otherwise it will be
published as market data.
Initiator's Alternative Responses to (Private) Quote
Figure 26: Initiator's Alternative Responses to (Private) Quote
Respondent's Alternative Responses to Quote Response (Counter)
Figure 27: Respondent's Alternative Responses to Quote Response (Counter)

Multileg Orders
User-defined, Non-securitised Strategies
A user-defined non-securitized strategy (a.k.a. free combination) is a multi-leg order for a combination of
instruments where there is no pre-defined security in the market place - neither will the marketplace create a
security. This type of multi-leg order is more common in equities trading than in derivatives or fixed income
as a stock exchange is less likely to securitize multi-legs or show them as separate books over market data. If
implied orders are generated in the underlying books (Implied-Out orders), the multi-leg instrument itself
does not need to be securitized. In such cases the multi-leg security does not need to be added to reference
data or its book be made visible to other participants.
• Some marketplaces implement a variant of the above through creating temporary products for the
multi-legs. Those products are then periodically removed, for example, at end of day or week. Those
products are, however, generally made available to other brokers and displayed over market data as
separate books.
The New Order Multileg requires that the <Instruments> component block root level attribute is specified. As
a User-Defined, Non-Securitized Strategy will not refer to a pre-defined instrument and need not be
referenced as an instrument, Symbol (55) = “[N/A]” (or “MLEG”) may be used (without the quotes).
Specifying what Multileg Model applies for an Order
A marketplace supporting more than one of the multi-leg order models (see volume 4 of the FIX
specification) needs a clear indicator on the order to govern what model is to be used. This is especially
relevant in order to validate that an order request is executed in accordance with the intentions of the user
(creating a security / applying the order to an existing one / using a “free combination”). The MultilegModel
(1377) field allows the user to define the intent with the order.
The following table depicts the models and their impact on the multi-leg order:

FIX Model Type of order Visibility Comment

Predefined Multileg Normal Multileg or All actors Uses Security Definition Request
Security Model (FIX 4.2) Single order message to define the security.
(Model 1) Assumingly also used when marketplace
defines multi-leg security.
The legs are not defined if the multi-leg
order is used. (If a user wishes to anchor
the price of a leg or otherwise provide
details for a leg, he uses the Enhanced
Predefined Security Model – see next
Enhanced Predefined Normal Multileg All actors Uses Security Definition Request
Security Model (Model 2) message to define the security.
Same as Model 1, except that legs are
defined in the multi-leg order
Product Definition Model Multileg including All actors Uses New Order Multi-leg message to
using New Order - Security definition define the security. The legs are thereby
Multileg Message (Model data defined in the order.
Single Message Model Multileg including All actors Uses New Order Multileg message to
(Model 4) Security definition define the security. The legs are thereby
data defined in the order.
Differs from Model 3 in that no security
is defined, the multi-leg may however
be shown as a separate book in Market
Private Multileg Model Normal Multileg Initiator only Does not define a security but uses the
New Order Multileg message. Legs are
The multi-leg is not relayed to other
parties; order is only visible as implied-
out prices.
The above table indicates that there are three different types of multi-leg orders:
1) Orders referring to a security that is pre-defined (including the case where the Security Definition
Request was used)
2) Orders that include a request for defining a Security (securitization)
3) Orders that does not refer to an existing security and one should not be created - a “free

Multileg Price Method

A multi-leg order can be priced in a number of different ways, including:
Net Price. The price is given as the sum of the Price * Ratio for all legs.
• If buying the strategy, the price of a bought leg (which is a buy-leg in the multileg definition) is
added, and the price of a sold leg is subtracted.
• If selling the strategy, the price of a bought leg (which is a sell-leg in the multileg definition) is
subtracted, and the price of a sold leg is added.
Reversed Net Price. This pricing convention is often used in commodities markets. The price is given as the
sum of the Price * Ratio for all legs.
• If buying the strategy, the price of a bought leg (which is a buy-leg in the multileg definition) is
subtracted, and the price of a sold leg is added.
• If selling the stategy, the price of a bought leg (which is a sell-leg in the multileg definition) is
added, and the price of a sold leg is subtracted.
Yield difference. The price of a strategy order is given as a yield difference between two legs.
Individual Prices. The price of the strategy is given using individual prices for the legs.
Contract Weighted Average Price (Energy Specific). The price of the strategy is given as an average price
of all legs in the multileg, including adjustment for differences in contract sizes between the legs.
Multiplied Price (Cross Currency specific). The price is given as the product of the prices for all legs,
independent if the leg is bought or sold.
The price given at the main level of a multileg needs to be transformed into prices applicable for the legs.
When the legs are of a single asset class or otherwise quoted in a unanimous way, this is straightforward.
When the asset classes are different or the legs quoted according to different conventions additional
parameters are needed. Users must then indicate the price method in the Multileg order message through
using the MultilegPriceMethod (1378) field.
Securitized multi-legs often have the price method defined by the market, product group, or some other
means, thus the MultilegPriceMethod need not be specified in the order. However, for non-securitized multi-
legs the applicable price method should be specified in the order, subject to marketplace support.

Delta Neutral Multileg Orders

A marketplace may offer delta neutral multileg orders, such as covered calls, provided one of the legs of a
multi-leg order is defined to have a calculated quantity instead of a fixed quantity. A trading engine, when
receiving such an order, could calculate the quantity of that leg by using the delta values for each leg and the
quantities specified in the other legs.
In order to be able to perform delta-calculations, some input parameters are needed for the common option
formulas. These parameters are in some cases trivial, such that they can have a single value (strike price, time
to expiration, etc), but in other cases far from trivial. Investors also have different opinions on the values of
those parameters. The non-trivial parameters can thereby be supplied by the investors with the order as an
alternative to the “leg option ratio”. These would be:
• Volatility for the underlying – LegVolatility (1379)
• Dividend Yield - expressed as a percentage of the asset price – LegDividendYield (1381)
• Riskfree rate – RiskFreeRate (1190)
The parameters also need to be relayed in trade and order ack messages (Execution Report and Trade Capture
Report). As those messages can either report per the multi-leg security or per the security of the legs, the
security related parameters need to be available for alternative representation at the root level of the
respective message and per individual leg.
As a marketplace may provide some of the options parameters as part of executions and trades, and as the
user may need to indicate for what leg is subject to a neutral calculation, an indicator is needed. The
LegExecInst (1184) field is used for this purpose:
• r - Execute as delta neutral using volatility provided
• s - Execute as duration neutral
• t - Execute as FX neutral
The multi-leg strategies can be existing exchange products or user-defined products. In the latter case either
implemented through the registration of a product or simply as an order generating implied orders in the legs.

Market Data
This section discusses the complexities of market data that occurs in some markets and provides recommendations
on how to implement FIX in these environments.

Books View Complexities

Lot Types
Certain marketplaces allow a security to be traded in multiple lot types, e.g. odd lot, round lot and block lot
sizes. In cases where the various lot types are traded as separate books (no matching integration), separate
price feeds or books could be defined. In markets where matching is integrated (a round lot order may for
example trade with odd lots), price feeds will also be integrated.
More rarely a marketplace will allow “mixed lots”, i.e. that an order is allowed a size that is not an increment
of the lot size. Say e.g. that the round lot is 100 – a user may then be allowed to enter an order for 145 (a mix
of one round lot and 45 odd lots). Depending on market rules for round/odd lot integrated matching; the order
could also have been traded down to that size. Taking this example a further step, there are some markets that
allow the user to decide whether a mixed lot order should be placed in the round lot or odd lot book, i.e. the
user defines the lot type of the order. In this last case, the LotType (1093) may have to be explicitly specified
in the market data messages.

Subordinate Books
Marketplaces trading securities in different lot types stipulate rules for how orders may trade between these
lot types. In some markets lot types are integrated whereas other markets keep lot types separated. This is
commonly referred to as integrated vs non-integrated matching.
In the non-integrated matching model, orders are usually received for one order book and the marketplace
determines the appropriate lot type. This is done mainly to hide complexity of selecting the appropriate lot
type for clients; the order flow will still be distributed for just one order book. However, since they are not
integrated the marketplace will have to rank orders of different lot types independently. It would make no
sense to provide a common ranking since the orders are not allowed to trade between lot types.
This constitutes a problem in pre 5.0 SP1 FIX versions, as the messages did not facilitate the non integrated
matching. At that time only MDPriceLevel (1023) and MDEntryPositionNo (290) could be used to identify
the position/ranking of an order. Round Lot, Odd Lot and Block Lot would all have separate ranking and
individual MDEntryPosition per price level. Even if the LotType (1093) field is added to communicate the lot
size, clients would not necessarily know if the market is operating a non-integrated or integrated matching
model. Hence, a client cannot rely on just MDPriceLevel and MDEntryPositionNo to sort orders.
In order to divulge the sorting/ranking of orders when this cannot be derived from MDPriceLevel and
MDEntryPosition, the MDSubBookType (tbd) field is added to market data messages. The field is optional
and FIX clients in those complex environments must always consider MDSubBookType, MDPriceLevel, and
MDEntryPositionNo to be able to sort orders and quotes accordingly.
Example Integrated Matching
Consider a market place with integrated matching of lot types. Since the orders are tradable between lot
types, they have to be ranked and sorted accordingly. The complexity of selecting Lot Type would be hidden
for the Client.

Odd Lot

Order Round Lot

Order Book Orders

Block Lot

The following orders entered with no previous orders on the book.

Order 1: Id=1, Price=10.00, Quantity=13, Side=Bid
Order 2: Id=2, Price=10.00, Quantity=100, Side=Bid
Order 3: Id=3, Price=10.00, Quantity=1000, Side=Bid
Order 4: Id=4, Price=9.00, Quantity=200, Side=Bid
Order 5: Id=5, Price=10.00, Quantity=100, Side=Bid
With integrated matching the orders of different lot types will be ranked and sorted jointly.

Price Level Position Order Id Price Quantity Lot Type

1 1 1 10.00 13 Odd Lot
1 2 2 10.00 100 Round Lot
1 3 3 10.00 1000 Block Lot
1 4 5 10.00 100 Round Lot
2 1 4 9.00 200 Round Lot
As a result the sequence of new orders on the MarketDataIncrementalRefresh will be:
MDEntryId=1, MDPriceLevel=1, MDEntryPositionNo=1, MDEntryPx=10.00, MDEntrySize=13
MDEntryId=2, MDPriceLevel=1, MDEntryPositionNo=2, MDEntryPx=10.00, MDEntrySize=100
MDEntryId=3, MDPriceLevel=1, MDEntryPositionNo=3, MDEntryPx=10.00, MDEntrySize=1000
MDEntryId=4, MDPriceLevel=2, MDEntryPositionNo=1, MDEntryPx=9.00, MDEntrySize=100
MDEntryId=5, MDPriceLevel=1, MDEntryPositionNo=4, MDEntryPx=10.00, MDEntrySize=100
The Client will be able to sort orders correctly and build a corresponding order book copy.

Example Non-Integrated Matching

Now consider the same example as before, but the exchange has defined a non-integrated matching mode.
This means that orders will not be able to match between lot types, and must be ranked and sorted
independently. One can view this as having separate virtual order books. The complexity of selecting Lot
Type and thus virtual order book would be hidden for the Client.
Odd Lot Orders

Order Round Lot

Order Book Orders

Block Lot Orders

Consider the following orders entered with no previous orders on the book.
Order 1: Id=1, Price=10.00, Quantity=13, Side=Bid
Order 2: Id=2, Price=10.00, Quantity=100, Side=Bid
Order 3: Id=3, Price=10.00, Quantity=1000, Side=Bid
Order 4: Id=4, Price=9.00, Quantity=200, Side=Bid
Order 5: Id=5, Price=10.00, Quantity=100, Side=Bid
With integrated matching the orders of different lot types will be ranked and sorted independently.
Odd Lots
Price Level Position Order Id Price Quantity Lot Type
1 1 1 10.00 13 Odd Lot
Round Lots
Price Level Position Order Id Price Quantity Lot Type
1 1 2 10.00 100 Round Lot
1 2 5 10.00 100 Round Lot
2 1 4 9.00 200 Round Lot
Block Lots
Price Level Position Order Id Price Quantity Lot Type
1 1 3 10.00 1000 Block Lot
With the pre 5.0 SP1 implementation of the protocol, it would result in the following sequence of new orders
on the MarketDataIncrementalRefresh:
MDEntryId=1, MDPriceLevel=1, MDEntryPositionNo=1, MDEntryPx=10.00, MDEntrySize=13
MDEntryId=2, MDPriceLevel=1, MDEntryPositionNo=1, MDEntryPx=10.00, MDEntrySize=100
MDEntryId=3, MDPriceLevel=1, MDEntryPositionNo=1, MDEntryPx=10.00, MDEntrySize=1000
MDEntryId=4, MDPriceLevel=2, MDEntryPositionNo=1, MDEntryPx=9.00, MDEntrySize=100
MDEntryId=5, MDPriceLevel=1, MDEntryPositionNo=2, MDEntryPx=10.00, MDEntrySize=100
The Client would not be able to decipher this and build a proper order book copy. Based on the information
received and implicit push operations it would look as following:

Price Level Position Order Id Price Quantity Lot Type

1 1 3 10.00 1000 Block Lot
1 2 5 10.00 100 Round Lot
1 3 2 10.00 100 Round Lot
1 4 1 10.00 13 Odd Lot
2 1 4 9.00 100 Round Lot
However, with the additional field of MDSubBookType (tbd), clients are able to separate the lots, and sort the
orders correctly.
The sequence would then be:
MDEntryId=1, MDSubBookType=OL, MDPriceLevel=1, MDEntryPositionNo=1 …
MDEntryId=2, MDSubBookType =RL, MDPriceLevel=1, MDEntryPositionNo=1 …
MDEntryId=3, MDSubBookType =BL, MDPriceLevel=1, MDEntryPositionNo=1 …
MDEntryId=4, MDSubBookType =RL, MDPriceLevel=2, MDEntryPositionNo=1 …
MDEntryId=5, MDSubBookType =RL, MDPriceLevel=1, MDEntryPositionNo=2 …
Clients can now easily offset the position on MDSubBookType.

Adding Lot Type to message

Please note that the addition of Lot Type would not by itself assist clients in building a proper order book
Consider the first example and adding lot type to the message
MDEntryId=1, MDPriceLevel=1, MDEntryPositionNo=1, MDLotType=Odd Lot …
MDEntryId=2, MDPriceLevel=1, MDEntryPositionNo=2, MDLotType=Round Lot …
MDEntryId=3, MDPriceLevel=1, MDEntryPositionNo=3, MDLotType=Block Lot …
MDEntryId=4, MDPriceLevel=2, MDEntryPositionNo=1, MDLotType=Round Lot …
MDEntryId=5, MDPriceLevel=1, MDEntryPositionNo=4, MDLotType=Round Lot …
This would provide information to the Client about lot type, but not necessarily how orders are ranked. Lot
Type identifies a lot type of an order and has potentially nothing to do with how orders are sorted and ranked.
By adding the MDSubBookType to the message, Clients know how to sort the orders. In the first example
with integrated matching all lots will end up in the round lot book. Hence, if the MDSubBookType is
provided, the message flow would be as following:
MDEntryId=1, MDSubBookType =RL, MDPriceLevel=1, MDEntryPositionNo=1, MDLotType=Odd Lot …
MDEntryId=2, MDSubBookType =RL, MDPriceLevel=1, MDEntryPositionNo=2, MDLotType=Round Lot …
MDEntryId=3, MDSubBookType =RL, MDPriceLevel=1, MDEntryPositionNo=3, MDLotType=Block Lot …
MDEntryId=4, MDSubBookType =RL, MDPriceLevel=2, MDEntryPositionNo=1, MDLotType=Round Lot …
MDEntryId=5, MDSubBookType =RL, MDPriceLevel=1, MDEntryPositionNo=4, MDLotType=Round Lot …
This would let the client know how to interpret the market data flow. Note the field MDSubBookType is
optional and possibly only used when there are more than one ranking scheme for each order book.

Conveying Execution Restrictions for a Book Entry

Many markets support orders that, if integrated in one book view, would show a market with crossed or
locked prices. Such orders include:
• Odd and round lot orders (if matching is not integrated),
• AON, MinQty and other types of orders with restrictions on executable quantity,
• Indicative quotes or
• Orders specifying acceptable counterparties.
To help market data receivers to produce uncrossed book views, those orders must be categorized in some
way. While some markets choose to show those orders in separate books, others leave the display decision to
the user who can choose to view the orders separated, color coded, etc.
A Market could e.g. choose to publish orders with quantity restrictions as a separate price level
(MDPriceLevel). This is especially relevant in markets where order depth market data is relayed. However, a
marketplace might also want to include them with other orders and let users decide how they are displayed. In
this latter case, recommended practice is:
• In Top-of-Book or Price Depth modes; use separate MDPriceLevel and, when relevant, specify
QuoteCondition (276).
• In Order Depth mode: specify MinQty (110) and QuoteCondition (276) whenever relevant
• Use MDQuoteType (1070) = 0 (Indicative) for non-tradable quotes.
FIX provides the QuoteConditon (276) tag to indicate various conditions related to the price. The
recommendation is to use QuoteCondition (276) = F (Crossed) in cases where the book is crossed or to
indicate an order that may cause the book to look crossed or locked.
Note that when using the Market Data Incremental Refresh messages, the book might not be in a crossed (or
locked) situation when an entry with the discussed QuoteCondition is published. The entry may however
cause this situation when additional orders are received.
FIX also support the following quantity restrictions applicable for orders that can sit on the book:
• An All or None (AON) order is indicated using ExecInst (18) = G.
• Minimum quantity is expressed using the MinQty (110) tag.
• Match increment is expressed using the MatchIncrement (1089) tag.
The potential use of the following instructions in call auctions (when such orders could need pre-trade
publication) is not considered particularly relevant for disclosure in Top-of-Book or Price Depth modes:
• Immediate or Cancel is indicated using TimeInForce (59) = 3
• Fill or Kill is indicated using TimeInForce (59) = 4

Customer vs Principal Size

Some marketplaces rank and execute customer orders ahead of principal interest at each price level – or, more
rarely, the other way around. Such markets may want to relay the size of the customer (or principal) interest
together with the totally available size at a price level of the book. The feature applies to Top-of-Book and
Price Depth feeds (not to Order Depth where other mechanisms show ranking).
The book would be displayed e.g. as in the below table, showing the customer size within parenthesis:
100 (20) @ 9.95
150 (100) @ 9.90
200 (85) @ 9.85
Other markets have separate ranking for more than two “customer capacities”, e.g. distinguish between orders
for: customer, agency, principal and firm.
In order to support the relaying of both a total quantity and customer size, the following repeatable structure
can be used:
• NoOfSecSizes (1177)
o MDSecSizeType (1178)
o MDSecSize (1179).

VWAP for not displayed part of Book

Some markets have the convention of, when publishing Price Depth books (say five levels), also publishing
the VWAP and quantity for the remaining ("unpublished") part of the book. The "unpublished prices"
represent "the rest of the book" and may influence users trading decisions. Say we publish three price levels +
the rest. User can display that like this (bid side only):
50 @ 10.00
80 @ 9.90
95 @ 9.80
1500 @ 9.47 (VWAP)
The last row represents the VWAP for the remaining ("unpublished") orders of book. It will have to be
published per side (MDEntryType = 0/1). That extra Market Data entry is indicated through QuoteCondition
(276) = tbd - Rest of Book VWAP and is not included in the MarketDepth – if MarketDepth = 3, it is an
additional entry with no specified price level.
Example of a “rest of book” MD Entry:
• MDBookType = 2 (Price Depth)
• MDFeedType = xxx
• TradeDate = 2007-03-06
• MDUpdateAction = 1 (Change)
• MDEntryType = 0 (Bid)
• MDEntryID = xxx
• Instrument = ...
• MDEntryPx = 9.47
• MDEntrySize = 1500
• QuoteCondition = 3 (Rest of book VWAP)
• NumberOfOrders = xxx

Better Prices in Condition Orders

When publishing Top-of-Book only, there might still be orders out there with better prices but with conditions
that exclude them from the Top-of-Book (e.g. AON-orders). A market may want to indicate this fact and the
users may choose to display it as e.g.:
50 @ 10 *
Where the star (*), or whatever symbol you want to use, could indicate that there are better prices provided
the conditions are right.
The Top-of-Book entry can in those cases be associated with a QuoteCondition (276) = tbd - Better Prices in
Conditional Orders.
Example of a top-of-book entry indicating that there are conditional order(s) with better prices:
• MDBookType = 1 (Top of Book)
• MDFeedType = xxx
• TradeDate = 2007-03-06
• MDUpdateAction = 1 (Change)
• MDEntryType = 0 (Bid)
• MDEntryID = xxx
• Instrument = ...
• MDEntryPx = 10.00
• MDEntrySize = 100
• QuoteCondition = tbd - Better prices in conditional orders
• NumberOfOrders = xxx

Varying Book Depths

Certain markets are associated with a book depth (MDBookType) that varies during the day, e.g.:
• Pre-Open = Price Depth
• Balancing phase = no orders (only imbalance info)
• Continuous trading = Order Depth
Users often receive the depth produced by the market, i.e. they do not have a choice of selecting a certain
A market can also provide a depth view with a number of levels that change depending on how much
bandwidth is consumed, e.g. 50 best in low activity situations and 20 best in high ones. As market data
receivers are required to know what depth is disseminated, the MD messages need to relay the actual depth
In order to relay changes in the market depth within the same book type, MDBookType (1021) and
MarketDepth (264) fields can be provided through the Security Status message. The MarketDepth field can
also be divulged in market data messages to complement the MDBookType (1021) - the field is used here to
relay the current depth of book in markets where the depth can change during a trading session or day.
MarketDepth is irrelevant for Top-of-Book, but applies to Price Depth and Order Depth data.

Trade Statistics
A marketplace can choose to let Market Data receivers calculate statistics themselves. In markets with more
complex rules for what entries are eligible for inclusion in statistics, each market data entry needs an
indication showing if it is eligible for a certain type of statistic.
Eligibility indicators can be relayed in the Market Data Incremental Refresh message. They are used to define
whether an entry is eligible for inclusion in a piece of statistics or not:
• NoStatsIndicators (1175)
o StatsType (1176)

Application Sequencing and Recovery

This section discusses the use of the Application Message Request, Application Message Request Ack and
Application Message Report messages for recovery of application level messages.

Business Workflow
Application Sequencing within a FIX session
A FIX session may act as the mechanism for distributing a number of “secondary” data sources that are
differentiated based on application, message type, or even originating party. Each application is assigned a
unique ApplID (1180). Each application assigns its own set of application-level sequence numbers which are
then uniquely identified using a combination of ApplID (1180) and ApplSeqNum (1181). Once a FIX session
is established the data is distributed and able to be identified by application. The receiver of the data can use
the application sequence number to manage resend requests based on sending application ID should the data
need to be retransmitted.
When a retransmission of data is necessary the Application Message Request is sent with the necessary
application ID and the sequence number range to precisely request the required data. The data will then be
resent without any disruption to the FIX session using the original application sequence numbers. Upon
receipt of the data the requester will process according to the application id specified.
Additionally, the ability to check for the most recent application sequence of a given application can be done
using ApplReqType (1347). The Application Message Request Ack will return the last application sequence
number produced by the application.
In order to allow deliberate application-level sequence gaps in the distribution of application data,
ApplLastSeqNum (1350) is used report the prior application sequence number for that ApplID (1180). This
will allow the receiving application to distinguish purposeful sequence gaps from application errors by
comparing the value of ApplLastSeqNum (1350) to the prior application sequence number received for that
same ApplID (1180).
Application Seqencing over an alternate protocol
Application sequencing provides a generally useful mechanism for sequencing streams of data. Market Data
feeds, which are inherently sequential, sent over a broadcast or multicast transport which do not guarantee
ordered delivery, need application sequencing to provide the ordered delivery mechanism. An application
generating a stream of data can assign ApplSeqNum (1181) values to each message allowing the Receiver to
detect when messages are out of sequence. The Application Message Request will allow a Receiver to recover
missed messages. Resend requests and retransmitted messages will most likely take place over a separate
back channel in which two-way communication can be conducted.

Business Cases
Concrete business cases for application sequencing include the following:
1. Data providers need to be sensitive regarding the amount of data they consolidate and send out -
particularly in a resend scenario. There needs to be a way to short-cut the potentially massive volumes of
data and pinpoint critical business information that is also sent on the same FIX session. It is always
possible that some “subscribers” may be receiving data for the first time due to delayed logon or
disconnect and are not at all interested in the potentially large volume of market data messages that may
be distributed before they can receive their “time and sales” information, for example.
2. Multiple FIX sessions are expensive to establish, maintain and manage both for host and client. This is
not a cost effective solution, especially for smaller firms, in distributing different types of application
data. The ability to send multiple sets of distinct application data over the same connection provides a
way to “leverage” a single FIX session without disrupting the session protocol.
3. FIX Session Resends require that huge amounts of data be stored by the Sender in order to support the
ability to resend the messages. Supporting secondary or tertiary sessions requires that the sender store
possibly the same data in duplicate or triplicate. If messages are sequenced by the generating application
the Sender is able to avoid duplicate data storage by resending the information from the original
application store and assigning new session sequence numbers as the data is resent. In this case the
Sender is able to avoid costly dual storage and processing associated with ancillary FIX sessions.
4. In the case of drop copy, data can be consolidated across multiple sessions and the original message
sequence number can serve as the application sequence number. An extended request for data, if handled
as an application request, can be based on the sequence number assigned by the sending application.
Given the application ID, the precise set of data can be extracted from the originating session and resent.
No additional data store is needed in this case.
5. Application Message Request allows the receiver of data to control what is resent. A receiver may not
want, for example, the volumes of market data messages that might be retransmitted after a lengthy
disconnect and may only be interested in the trade messages that are interspersed. The Application
Message Request would allow the requester to request a resend of only the application messages that they
are interested in by specifying previously defined application IDs and the relevant range of application
sequence numbers for those IDs.
6. Application sequencing provides a means of ensuring ordered delivery of messages as well as acting as
mechanism for data recovery for one-way broadcast-like transports. Application Message Requests
should be executed over a back channel in this case.

Application Indentification
An application is identified by the AppID (1180) field. It is recommended that the ID value be assigned
based on the business purpose of a stream of messages. The ApplID (1180) can be used very granular or very
broad depending on business requirements, but in both cases it has specific meaning both to the sender and
receiver of the data. The ApplID (1180) value is either agreed to on a bilateral basis or formally published by
the application data provider. In either case, the ApplID (1180) has inherent business meaning and provides a
large amount of flexibility in qualifying data over a single FIX session. ApplID (1180) provides a flexible
way of labeling data intermixed within a session. The Application Message Request message can be used to
request a list of available application IDs from the data provider (providers may implement authorisation
controls to disallow this or limit the results).

Application Sequencing integration

Application sequencing moves the responsibility for recovery from the FIX engine back to the applications
which use the FIX engine. This model is one where the Receiver of data is discriminating the type of data
when requesting a resend of data. In some cases, it will make sense to automate the recovery of specific
applications while other applications are not recovered at all or recovered on a manual basis.
In order to automate application level recovery it will be necessary for a Receiver to detect application level
gaps and generate Application Message Requests. The Receiver’s internal application will need to know that
the Senders’s response to its session-level resend request is being suppressed in the form of a GapFill so that
it can generate the appropriate application-level requests. This will be new functionality to those that
traditionally rely on their black box FIX engine for recovery. However, it will provide an alternative to the
session-level’s comprehensive recovery model and provide one of Selective Recovery. It should be noted that
FIX Session currently makes provision for the "replacement" of application messages with a GapFill - in other
words, not resending the requested range of requested messages. In point #2, from the excerpt from the FIX
Transport Volume (formerly Volume 2) below, recognizes the use of SequenceReset-GapFill as a valid
mechanism for synchronizing the a session.
“Upon receipt of a Resend Request, the resender can respond in one of three ways:
1. retransmit the requested messages (in order) with the original sequence numbers and PossDupFlag
set to “Y” except for the administrative messages (listed below) which are not to be resent and which
require a SeqReset-GapFill (#2)
2. issue a SeqReset-GapFill with PossDupFlag set to “Y” message to replace the retransmission of
administrative and application messages
3. issue a SeqReset-Reset with PossDupFlag set to “Y” to force sequence number synchronization”
Users of application sequencing will need to
(1) keep an inventory of all application id’s for which data is being received
(2) track application sequence numbers by application id’s
(3) detect when a gap has occurred in a given application sequence
(4) make a decision as to whether missing data should be requested
(5) generate the Application Message Request
(6) hold new messages for that application id in abeyance while the request is being processed by the
(7) apply the resent messages and verify that the gap no longer exists.
Note that in some cases Receivers may choose to process newly arriving messages prior to receiving
resent messages.
This represents a sizeable new set of functionality without disrupting the existing FIX engine, while allowing
the Receiver to control the data that is resent to them. Receivers will be able to subscribe to those applications
they want. However, the Receiver must build some new functionality into their application to make
application sequencing work.

Interaction with Session Layer

In order for the selective nature of application identifiers and application level sequencing to be effective it is
necessary that messages be gap filled in a normal resend/recovery scenario. In effect, the Sender would
always respond to a session-level Resend Request with a Sequence Reset – GapFill for all requested
messages. This shifts some of the responsibility of recovery back on the receiver who needs to decide which
messages are needed in order to adequately recover. It is no longer a simple question of the last sequence
number that was received.
A Receiver would most likely leverage the benefits of application-level recovery by automating the
Application Message Request in the same manner as the traditional FIX session layer's Resend Request
message. While the messages are gap filled by the Sender, the next application sequence number received
will be higher than expected and the Receiver will issue an Application Message Request automatically.
The fundamental session layer model is left intact but overall control is enhanced by allowing the receiver to
determine which messages are resent. It should be noted that application sequencing and resends should not
be used over a trading connection where guaranteed ordered delivery of all messages is generally required.
Application Sequencing is relevant where the user does not want all data retransmitted - especially when that
data is of lesser importance, too stale to be of use, too voluminous to be processed in timely manner or is
intermingled with other application data.
Negotiating application sequencing capability at Logon
The use of Application Sequencing and Recovery should be negotiated out of band on a bilateral basis
between the affected parties. It should be noted that either one or both parties may act as an Application
Sequencing and Recovery provider if the other side indicates that it is capable of acting as a Receiver.

Application sequencing gap detection

Gap detection
A Requestor may use ApplSeqNum to ensure that application-level messages for a given ApplID are received
in order. If Sending and Receiving parties have agreed that application sequence numbers will be sequential
then a gap is defined as a missing or unordered sequence number in the same way that it is for session-level
gap detection.
On a reconnect, gap detection can be predicated on receiving the next message for a given ApplID. If the
ApplSeqNum is higher than expected when compared to the last message received prior to the disconnection,
then an Application Message Request can be issued for the intervening messages. In the case where the next
message is not immediately transmitted, the Receiver has the option of (1) issuing an Application Message
Request for status in which the most current ApplSeqNum is returned or (2) issuing an Application Message
Request in which a message range from the last ApplSeqNum received through “infinity” (represented with a
"0", zero) is requested. In this case, the Sender would return messages up through the most current
On a dropped message when the connection remains intact, gap detection takes place as defined above and an
Application Message Request is sent to recover messages in the gap. It is important to note that on a
connection using Application Sequencing and Resend, the session-level Resend Request that is generated
in response to a dropped message will result in the Sender responding with a Sequence Reset-GapFill
and will not be an effective mechanism for filling a gap. This will have been previously arranged during
the Application Sequencing Negotiation at Logon.
Using application and session sequencing for gap detection
In this scenario, a combination of Application and Session level sequencing will be used to recover missed
messages. A limited cache of session level messages may be retained by the Sender in order to recover
messages that have been dropped within a pre-stated window defined by time or number of messages. When a
session resend request is issued within this window the Sender’s session will resend the messages. Once the
window has been exceeded an Application Message Request must be issued in order to recover dropped
messages. In this case, the application level will not be aware that a gap has occurred until the session level
has recovered what it available. Beyond this, the application will detect the gap according to the logic
described above and issue a resend request.
Gap detection and recovery with respect to the Application Message Request and Response messages may
also need to take place at the application level since session level recovery may have been suspended.
Using ApplLastSeqNum for gap detection
A Requestor my also use ApplLastSeqNum for gap application-level gap detection. This is done by
comparing the most recently received ApplLastSeqNum to the prior ApplSeqNum that was received. If they
do not match, the requestor will issue an Application Message Request in order to fill the gap from the prior
ApplSeqNum up through the most recently received ApplLastSeqNum.
Resetting application sequence numbers
Resetting of ApplSeqNum can be done at any point using the Application Message Report. It is up to the
implementation to determine the frequency of ApplSeqNum reset. It may be done weekly, daily or otherwise
depending on the requirements of the parties involved.

Use with Business-level Request Messages

FIX provides a number of messages which allow business-level data to be requested or subscribed to based on
a large, fluid set of criteria. Some of the messages that fit into this category are: Market Data Request, Trade
Capture Report Request, Position Request, Security Definition Request, Security List Request, Derivatives
Security List Request, Security Type Request, Security Status Request, and Trading Session List Request.
These request messages allow users to subscribe to business content which is then delivered over a FIX
session. The request or subscription method can be defined by via bilateral agreement between the parties.
As previously stated, the purpose of Application Sequencing is to allow data to be segregated into meaningful
groups by application identifier and sequenced accordingly such that data gaps can be detected and recovered
via Application Message Request. Ordinarily, this is accomplished through a Receiver subscribing to one or
more Application ID’s using the Application Message Request. The data stream created forms the base for
application level recovery. In cases where the complete application sequence dataisfiltered before being sent
to a certain receiver, the ApplLastSeqNum field must be used.
It is important to note that Application Sequencing and Recovery functions strictly at the application
sequence level and requires that all data being transmitted within a session participate in Application
Sequencing. Ordinarily, business-level request messages such as the Market Data Request and Trade Capture
Report Request do not generate subscriptions that are capable of participating in Application Sequencing. A
business-level request or subscription is not capable of indicating that the resulting data should be sequenced
at the application level. If a business-level request were to be issued over a session using Application
Sequencing session-level gaps in the data may be unable to be recovered since recovery is being
accomplished at the application-level.
However, a sender could allow subscription requests or queries to be entered for a set of data that uses
Application Sequencing and recovery,for exampl, to filter the content down or request a batch of data at a
certain time. In the case of subscriptions, the filters could be set at logon time and even be persistent over
time (until changed). It is not recommended that changes in the subscription / query requests filters be
changed during the time the application stream of data is sent as a changed filter could impact the ability to
recover lost messages.

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