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WWII Japanese Soldiers Guide

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CPrl1SI F R^R"nr', - ,,
WASHINGTON 25, D. C. 15 NOVEMBER 1944. MID 461


This issue of SPECIAL SERIES has been prepared especially for the soldier.
Although there are not enough copies to provide for every man, it is possible for
every soldier to read the GUIDE. PLEASE PASS THIS COPY AROUND.

Distribution of this publication is based on one copy for each squad in the
Arms and one'for each platoon in the Services, and all commands are requested to
enforce this distribution. Requests for additional copies should be made through
channels to the appropriate agency of The Adjutant General.
Reproduction of the material in the GUIDE is encouraged, provided the classi-
fication is maintained and a copy of the reproduced material is forwarded to the
Military Intelligence Service, War Department, Washington 25, D. C.
U.S.Army iitay History Institute



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Page Page
CHAPTER I. THE JAPANESE SOLDIER------ 1 Mortars ----------------------------- 77
Entrance into the Army ---------------- 1 Antitank and Infantry Guns------------- 87
Characteristics and Training------------- 5 CHAPTER 1V. ARTILLERY AND ARMORED MA-
Promotion of Morale --------- 7101 TERIEL-
Conduct in Battle .--
-...-- 11 Artillery -- 101
Armored Matriel ................... 116
Army Supply -------------. 15 Tankettes 119
R ations ------------------------------- 17 Light Tanks _------.-- ---------- 119
Uniforms ..-------------
.- 21 Mediwm Tanks 119
Insignia ..............................
27 . .
aAmphibious Tank-..------- ------ 130
Other Supplies-29 29 Armored-----Car--.
Armored Cars . --.. ......-
-.--------. 130
Personal Equipment .------------.. 34
Small Arms 45 ARMY------.. ---------- 131
Pistols---------------------------- 45 The Infantry Division----..------------- 131
Rifles--------------------------- 49 The Regiment and Lower Echelons ----- 137
GrenadeLaunchers -------------------- 53 The Infantry Battalion---------------- 140
Grenades--------------- 53 The Infantry Rifle Company--------- 143
Grenade Dischargers---------------- 58 CHAPTER VI. TACTICS: THE JAPANESE ARMY
Aachine Guns ------------------. 65 IN ACTION_____
-------- ------------ 146

Page Page
The Offensive --.--- ---. 146 Jungle Warfare -----------.------ -- 163
Meeting Engagements----------------- 148 Offensive ---------------------------- 163
Attack of Position-------------------- 149 Defensive ---------------------------- 167
Night Attacks -.-------- ------ ---- - 150 Artillery and Tank Tactics -------------- 168
Pursuit-------------------- 152 Artillery Tactics ---------------- 168
The Defensive ------------ ----------- 153 Tank Tactics---------------------- - 170
Counterattacks --.------------- _- 154 Booby Traps and Mines ...............173
Delaying Actions; Withdrawals-------- 155 Booby Traps----------- ------------- 173
Defensive Positions - .......... 155 Land Mines_ _ 180

Figure Page Figure Page
The Japanese Soldier----------------------- FRONTISPIECE 11. Noncommissioned officers in M90 full field dress_ 24
1. Military instruction in Japanese high school ---- 2 12. Enlisted man in M90 full field uniform -------- 26
2. Aviation apprentice mechanics in training ----- 4 13. Enlisted man in M90 uniform.-------------- 26
3. Fencing practice.------------- --------------- 6 14. Enlisted man in M98 full field uniform_- _----- 26
4. Artillery experience in China ----------------- 8 15. Enlisted man in M98 overcoat ----------- 26
5. The principal Japanese decorations -t---------- 10 16. M90 officer's field uniform ------------------- 28
6. Officer wearing decorations ------------------- 11 17. Officer in M98 uniform ---------------------- 28
7. Regimental colors --------------------------- 13 18. Japanese officers in Berlin -------------------- 30
8. Chow line and cook stove -------------------- 20 19. Officers in winter overcoats ------------------ 31
9. Enlisted men in M98 uniform ---------------- 22 20. Tropical loose shorts, lightweight uniform, tropi-
10. Tabi------------------------------------ 23 cal uniform ------------------------------ 32
Figure Page Figure Page
21. Packs from the rear ---------- _-------------- 34 42. Model 100 (1940) grenade launcher ----------- 57
22. Front and rear views of packs for' noncom- 43. Model 97 (1937) hand grenade _---------------
missioned officers and enlisted men; for officers. _35 44. Model 91 (1931) hand grenade ---------- -- 59
23. Canvas hold-all as a combat pack ------------ 36 45. Model 99 (1939) "Kiska" hand grenade ------- 60
24. Mess kits for noncommissioned officers and en- 46. Left to right: Model 89 (1929) shell, Model 91
listed men: for officers ---------------------- _ 37 (1931) hand grenade, Model 97 (1937)- hand
25. Canteens for noncommissioned officers and en- grenade, Model 99 (1939) grenade ----- _--- - 61
listed men; for officers ----------------------- _ 37 47. Stick grenade ------------- -------- 62
26. Troops in action showing field equipment ----- _ 39 48. Incendiary stick hand grenade ---------- 62
27. Belt and ammunition pouches ---------------- 40 49. Prussic acid gas grenade-.--- ------------- 63
28. Gas mask in alert position ------------------- 41 50. Model 89 (1929) 50-mm grenade discharger -... . 64
29. Jungle troops detrucking -__------------------ 42 51. Model 10 (1921) 50-mm grenade discharger 64
30. Model 26 (1893) 9-mm revolver ---------. 44 52. Model 11 (1922) 6.5-mm light machine grun 66.
31. Nambu 8-mm pistol -.- -- 44 53. Feed hopper of Model 11 (1922) 6.5-mm light
32. Model 14 (1925) 8-mm pistol ----------------- 44 machine gun ------------- -------- 67
33. Nambu 8-mm pistol and shoulderstock--------- 46 54. Model 92 (1932) 7.7-mm Lewis-type light ma-
34. Nambu and Model 14 8-mm pistols ----------- 47 chine gun .-.------- ------------------ 68
35. Model 94 (1934) 8-mm pistol, magazine and 55. Model 96 (1936) 6.5-mm light machine gum __'-_ 69
holster ---------------------------------- 48 56. Model 99 (1939) 7.7-mm light machine gun ---- 70
36. Japanese rifles: Model 38 (1905) 6.5-mm rifle, 57. Model 92 (1932) 7.7-mm heavy machine gun - . 71
Model 38 (1905) 6.5-mm carbine ----------- 50 58. Model 3 (1914) 6.5-mm heavy machine gun __ 73
37. Model 44 (1911) 6.5-mm cavalry carbine ------ 51 59. Details of sights of Model 92 (1932) 7.7-mm
38. Model 97 (1937) 6.5 mm sniper's rifle; Model 99 -heavy machine gun --------- -------- 74
(1939) 7.7-mm rifle -------------.------- 52 60. Model 93 (1933) 13-mm heavy machine gun
39. Cup-type grenade launcher and grenade-------- 54 (single mount) ..-------- - ---------- 76
40. Spigot-type grenade launcher ----- _-_-------- 55 61. Model 93 (1933) 13-mm heavy machine gun
41. Spigot-type grenade launcher, grenades, and (dual mount) --------------------------- 77
carrying case --- _______-----__------------ 56 62. Model 98 (1938) 50-mm mortar and stick bomb_ 78

Figure Page Figure Page
63. Model 11 (1922) 70-mm infantry mortar ------- 80 87. Model 92 (1932) tankette -------------------- 117
64. Model 97 (1937) 81-mm mortar -------------- 81 88. Model 97 (1937) tankette -------------------- 118
65. Model 99 (1939) 81-mm mortar -------------- 82 89. Model 93 (1933) light tank --.............- 120
66. Model 94 (1934) 90-mm mortar -------------- 83 90. Modlel 95 (1935) light tank --------------- 121
67. Model 97 (1937) 90-mm mortar -------------- 84 91. Model 89A (1929) medium tank ------------- 122
68. Model 93 (1933) 150-mm mortar ------------- 86 92. Model 94 (1934) medium tank -........... 123
69. Model 97 (1937) 20-mm antitank rifle---------- 88 93. Model 97 (1937) medium tank (A) with 57-mm
70. Model 97 (1937) 20-mm antitank rifle (right gun; with 47-mm gun (B) ------- - _-. 124, 125
side) ---------------------------------- 89 94. Model 97 (1937) medium tank used as pillbox on
71. Model 98 (1938) 20-mm antiaircraft-antitank Saipan 126
machine cannon -------------------------- 90 95. New type amphibious tank .....--...-...... __ 127
72. Two views of Model 11 (1922) 37-mm gun show- 96. M92 (1932) armored car 128
ing accessories-- -------- - 92 97. ..The standard infantry division- 132
73. Model 94 (1934) 37-mm gun ------------------ 94 98. The strengthened infantry division - .......... 134
74. Model 1 (1941) 47-mm gun ..................
75. Model 92 (1932) 70-mm howitzergun------------- 96 99. The standard infantry regiment ------------- 138, 139
76. Model 41 (1908) 75-mm mountain (infantry) 100. The standard infantry battalion -------------- 141
gun_-*.....98 101. The strengthened infantry battalion - . ......
77. Model 38 (1905) 75-mm gun (improved) ------- 100 102. Infantry rifle company strengthened-without
78. Model 88 (1928) 7 5 -mm AA gun -------------- 102 heavy weapons platoon -------------------- 144
79. Model 90 (1930) 75-mm gun ................- 103 103. Infantry rifle company strengthened-with heavy
80. Model 94 (1934) 75 -mm gun (mountain) ------- 104 weapons platoon ---------------------------- 145
81. Model 95 (1935) 75-mm gun-- _---- _ .. __ .- 105
._ 104. Japanese all-around defense area -------------- 156
82. Model 91 (1931) 105-mm howitzer - . ...........
108 105. A wellbuilt and concealed pillbox.-. ...... 157
83. Model 92 (1932) 105-mm gun ---------------- 110 106. Japanese machine-gun emplacement -___--___- 158
84. Model 14 (1925) 105-mm gun ---------------- 112 107. Pillboxes used in defense of Torokina ---------- 159
85. Model 4 (1915) 150-mm howitzer __-........113 108. Pillbox at Buna ----------------------------- 160
86. Model 96 (1936) 150-mm howitzer ------------ 114 109. Concrete pillbox on Guam ------------------- 160

Figure Page Figure Page
110. Cleverly concealed concrete pillbox under a 119. Use of grenade in trip-wire booby traps--------- 175
Saipan building --------------------------- 161 120. Use of grenades in booby trap ------- I-------- 176
111. Steel pillbox on Tarawa ---------------------- ]61 121. Electrical ignition booby trap ----- 176
112. Entrance to pillbox on Tarawa ............. 162 122. Phonograph booby trap --------------------- 178
113. Embrasure of Japanese pillbox on Tarawa ------ 163 123. Tin-can-type booby trap -_---- _ _ 178
114. Japanese bunkers- __-............... 164 124. Firing device for booby trap ------------ -- 179
115. Parasol-type booby trap --------------------- 172 125. Tape-measure mine ------------------------- 180
116. Flashlight-type booby trap ------------------- 172 126. Mushroom-type mine -- ---------------- 180
117. Pull-type hand grenade ---------------------- 173 127. Japanese magnetic mine ----------------- 181
118. Tube-type-booby trap ----------------------- 174 128. Japanese anti-invasion mine ---------- 182

FRONT COVER: The Japanese characters on the

cover read "Soldier's Guide to the Japanese Army".


Lack- of information is a most fertile source of ex- dier his good qualities are not innate but are the result
aggera tion, distortion, and legend which, if unrefuted, of careful training and preparation for specific tactical
eventually assume the stature of accepted fact. For situations. Hence an accurate appraisal of the Jap-
years the Japanese were taken lightly as military anese soldier must give adequate attention to the
antagonists, and the confidence of the Western World Japanese system of military training and show its
in its disdainful appraisal of their military and naval effect on his physical, mental, and temperamental
capabilities seemed justified by the Japanese failure characteristics.
to achieve decisive victory in the Chinese war. Then,
following the outbreak of the war with the United ENTRANCE INTO THE ARMY
States and Britain, a succession of speedy and appar- All Japanese males between the ages of 17 and 45
ently easy victories stimulated the rise of the legend are liable to call for compulsory military training and
of the invincibility of the Japanese soldier. He service. Those from 17 to 19 are not actually inducted
allegedly was unconquerable in jungle terrain; his fa- into service but are given some training as part of the
natical, death-courting charges and last-ditch defenses Second National Army, although they may volunteer
were broadcast until popular repute invested the for active service. It is reported that volntary enlist-
Japanese soldier with almost superhuman attributes. ments of 15-year-old boys now are accepted for service
Several years of combat experience against the in mechanized, air, and signal units.
Japanese have replaced such fanciful notions by more In examining youths of 19 for service, those at
realistic evaluation. While the military capabilities of least 5 feet tall and in good physical condition are
the Japanese soldier still are appreciated, it is now placed in Class A, while those just under the minimum
realized that he has pronounced weaknesses. As a sol- height requirement and in good condition are put in

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Figure 1. Milita;y instruction in Japanese high school.

Class B-1. Both classes are considered fit for active those who go into industrial employment after pri-
duty and are inducted as the needs of the armed mary school. In middle and higher schools military
forces require. Those whose hearing or eyesight is instruction is given by army officers, and similar
somewhat deficient are put in classes B-2 and B-3 programs are conducted in colleges and universities.
for assignment to the First or Second Conscript Re- When Japanese conscripts reach induction age they
serve, depending upon their general physical condi- have had a considerable amount of military training.
tion. Those in Class C, considered fit for limited In peacetime, conscripts underwent rigorous training
service, are placed in the Second National Army for two years, progressing from section and platoon
along with the boys of 17 to 19. exercises to regimental maneuvers. Since the out-
It is to be expected, of course, that as the man- break of the war the training period naturally has
power needs of the Japanese Army have become more been curtailed. Army Apprentice Schools provide
urgent, the standards for acceptance for general serv- training in technical fields such as aviation, signal-
ice have been lowered. Koreans, who have been equipment operation and maintenance, tanks, artil-
drafted into labor units since 1942, now are con- lery, and ordnance. Primary school graduates from
scripted for military service, and, it also is reported 14 to 15 years of age are accepted, and graduates of
that conscription among the Formosans will be these apprentice schools provide a pool of trained
introduced. In recognition of the pressing need for technical personnel for the army.
skilled labor in industry, however, exemptions for Many officers of the Japanese Army are graduates
technicians and key personnel now are granted. of the Military Academy. Cadets were selected from
Military indoctrination of Japanese boys begins in graduates of the three-year courses at the Junior
early childhood, and semimilitary instruction is given Military Schools. Besides these, enlisted men under.
in the primary schools by the teachers when the 22 and noncommissioned officers under 25 were per-
pupils reach their eighth year. Compulsory military mitted to apply for admission, as well as candidates-
training is continued in part-time youth schools for at-large from 16 to 18 years of age. After two years
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- D- r Ir urt
training in the preparatory school the cadets per- are required in a theater, a field replacement unit
formed eight months duty with troops. This tour was may be sent into the theater to provide units with monthbstudy at-the-Academy- After-a-- replacements-as -needed-- -
four-month probationary period as sergeant majors
the Academy graduates received their commissions. CHARACTERISTICS AND TRAINING- -
There are four army districts in Japan, subdivided The Japanese soldier is small in stature in com-
into division and regimental districts. Depot divisions parison with Americans. His average height is 5 feet
in the division districts are responsible for the train- 3Y2 inches; his weight, 116 to 120 pounds. His limbs
ing of conscripts, as well as for the conduct of are short and thick. Despite the reputation of the
refresher courses for reservists and the activation and Japanese for quickness and agility, the average sol-
equipment of new divisions. Upon mobilization, the dier even after rigorous training is apt to be awkward.
depot divisions add some reservists to raise their His posture is faulty, and his normal gait shuffling.
personnel to authorized strength if necessary and His teeth usually are poor and often are protruding.
then go into the field as active divisions, leaving Although the average Japanese is cleanly in his per-
behind a cadre in their district. Qr, on the other hand, sonal habits, sanitation measures of Japanese troops
a cadre of the depot division may serve as the in the field are inadequate according to Western
nucleus for a new division, most of the complement of standards.
which is procured from reservists. Most Japanese soldiers are of peasant stock and
Replacements are provided for units in the field have a background of hard work and privation. The
by the dispatch of the requisite number from the physical hardihood of the soldier is enhanced by the
-designated depot division. If a considerable number most rigorous training which emphasizes physical
condition, calisthenics, and wall-scaling. Arduous
Figure 2. Aviation apprentice mechanics in training marches, which include much double time and uphill
(opposite page). movement, eventually enable him to make extremely

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difficult marches with full pack under most trying The training of the Japanese soldier also aims at
conditions. Much marching and tactical training are the inculcation of qualities and ideals deemed neces-
done in adverse weather--in blistering heat or bitter sary for military success. Recruits are admonished to
cold-and there is much open-air bivouacking in cultivate unflagging alertness and readiness to check-
rigorous climate. The training program also devotes mate the ruses and stratagems of the enemy. Re-
great attention to fencing, Judo, and swimming, all sistance to the spread of rumors is stressed, and
of which enhance physical fitness and provide tac- soldiers are exhorted to control their anger and sup-
tically valuable training. press private grudges on the ground that military
Field exercises are as realistic as they are strenu- success depends to a great extent on harmonious
ous. Every effort is made to simulate the noise and relations within their unit. High standards of mo-
confusion of battle; live ammunition is used, and rality, according to training doctrine, must be main-
casualties have occurred as the result of this realism. tained in the camp or on the battlefield.
All infantrymen and engineers are taught sniping and
scouting techniques, even though many will not be MOTION OF MORALE
called upon to perform these duties in actual combat. The Japanese soldier is urged to be quick to respond
There is much stress on night operations, and when- to the needs of his comrades-in-arms and willing to
ever possible the training program includes at least share his good fortune with them. Honesty is stressed
one night problem per week, with special attention to as a necessary soldierly virtue, and exaggerations and
small-unit exercises. Many Japanese- soldiers were lies are to be shunned as dishonorable. Good care of
sent to China for some actual combat experience individual health is taught as a military virtue of the
before being sent into theaters where they met Brit- highest importance, and soldiers likewise are con-
ish or American forces. stantly reminded of the necessity of taking good care
of horses and arms.
Figure 3. Fencing practice (opposite page). Decorations and awards are important in the Jap-
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anese military system and are considered prime award of one of the three medals, monetary grants
factors in the development and maintenance of high are made. Campaign and good conduct medals also
standards of individual and unit morale. The highest are presented, and there are badges of proficiency in
award is the Order of Golden Kite, which is open various technical skills. A Diploma of Merit may be
only to military personnel. Admission to the order is bestowed on individuals or units for distinguished
granted in recognition of conspicuous service against service in the face of the enemy, and badges are given
a foreign foe. There are seven classes of membership, to those wounded in action. Medals also are awarded
with the highest one closed to enlisted men. In the next of kin of those killed in action, or to service
addition to the honor, inclusion in the order carries men who die within three years after contraction of
with it a life annuity. disease in military service.
The Order of the Rising Sun, membership in which Decorations and awards up to the fifth class of.the
also entails receipt of an annuity, is open both to Order of the Golden Kite may be made in the field,
civilian and military personnel who have performed after approval by the appropriate War Ministry
meritorious service. There are eight classes, with only Board. Officers receive their awards from their divi-
the two lowest available to enlisted men. Length of sional commander; enlisted men, from their irmme-
service and good conduct are recognized by inclusion diate unit commander. Decorations and medals are
in the Order of the Sacred Treasury which has eight returned to the government after the death of their
classes, two of which are open to enlisted men. holders.
Medals of three classes are awarded for distin- Despite precepts and the inducements of decora-
guished, meritorious, and exceptional service re- tions and awards, major crimes and military offenses
spectively. To those whose services are "not incon- are not rare in the Japanese Army. Robbery, rape,
siderable" but not of sufficient distinction to justify and trespass are recurrent offenses, and there is little
reason to believe that training has succeeded in
Figure 4. Artillery experience in China (oppositepage). materially curtailing desertion, destruction of mili-
Figure 5. The principalJapanesedecorations (only the first class of each orderis shown) left to right: Golden Kite,.
Sacred Treasury, Rising Sun.

tary equipment, and abandonment of sentry posts. composite portrayals are valid. He knows or cares
Surrender or desertion frequently is the result of little about the fundamental issues of the war, nor is
harsh discipline, especially corporal punishment or he informed about its progress in the far-flung
reprimands that humiliate the soldier, and the en- theaters of operations. Propaganda carefully nurtures
listed man is especially prone to desert or surrender his hatred of the Allies; his religion, inseparably
in the event he has reason to believe he has been entwined with his patriotism, convinces him that he
forsaken by his officers. is achieving his highest destiny in the noble profession
Such a man is the Japanese soldier, in so far as of arms.
In combat the Japanese soldier is strong and hardy. i
On the offensive he is determined and willing to sus-
tain sacrificial losses without flinching. When com-
mitted to an- assault plan-, Japanese troops-adhere- to-
it unremittingly even when severe casualties would
dictate the need for abandonment or modification of
the plan. The boldness and courage of the individual
Japanese soldier are at their zenith when he is with
his fellows, and when his group enjoys advantages of
terrain or fire power. He is an expert at camouflage
and delights in deceptions and ruses. Japanese troops
obey orders well, and their training and discipline are
well exemplified in night operations. On the defense
they are brave and determined; their discipline is
good and fire control excellent. In prepared positions
the resistance of Japanese soldiers often has been
fanatical in-its -tenacity;

Figure 6. A Japanese officer wearing decorations. These

are, left to right, Inperial Order of the Golden Kite
(4th or 5th grade), Imperial Order of the Double Ray oJ
the Rising Sun with Pawlinia Leaves, Manchurian
medal, three campaign or commemoration medals, .
and, around the neck, Imperial Order of the Sacred
Treasure (2d or 3d grade).
Surrender is considered a great disgrace not only Japanese order points out that "too many- graves
to the soldier but to his family, and his religion with markers are not good for security or morale.
teaches the Japanese soldier that it is the highest Also, it is unfair to erect grave markers for some per-
honor to die for his emperor. There have been a num- sons and not for others. Since a grave will be erected
ber of instances where Japanese troops in hopeless at the home of a deceased man, it is not necessary to
positions have fought to the last, and the wounded erect one for him on a'battlefield."
begged to be killed to avoid the ignominy of capture. Japanese units by no means always have been
"Fight hard," the Japanese soldier is told. "If you steadfast under fire; on occasion they have been
are afraid of dying, you will die in battle; if you are routed "squealing like pigs". The group pattern of
not afraid, you will not die. ... Under no circum- their lives as civilians, with its restraints of religion,
stances become a straggler or a prisoner of war. In deference to the head of the family, and subservience
case you become helpless, commit suicide nobly." to the state, leaves an indelible impression on the
Propaganda emanating from Tokyo emphasizes the individual soldier who is unimaginative and slow to
contention that Americans are individualistic, where- improvise when thrown upon his own resources. Loss
as the Japanese have the advantage of selflessness. of officers is a great blow to Japanese units, for the
Regimental standards and colors are highly prized, enlisted men and noncommissioned officers frequently
and their loss is considered the greatest dishonor, to fail to assert the self-reliance and initiative which
be expiated by the death of those entrusted with their their training system seeks to inculcate. Indeed,
custody. Japanese troops on occasion have been thrown into
Yet in recent operations there have been pro- panic by an unexpected move by hostile forces or by
nounced indications that Japanese soldiers are not miscarriage of their own plans.
too eager to die, especially when the odds are against The Japanese soldier is a notoriously poor marks-
them. Heavy casualties, on occasion, have had a man; even snipers who are specially picked and
weakening effect on the morale of survivors; a trained men fail to capitalize upon the advantages
""-':- ~.- ~

Figure 7. Regimental colors.

which their infinite patience and skill in concealment Allied small-arms fire; and the lavish expenditure of
otherwise would afford. In some combat areas it has ammunition of all types by Allied armies incites their
been reported that Allied troops enjoyed virtual wonder and awe.
immunity to casualties from this type of fire at While there have been local reports of their troops
ranges greater than 50 yards, and snipers seldom have fleeing in disorder from Allied bayonet charges, the
fired at moving targets. Japanese generally prefer this type of combat. Their
There have been instances when Japanese troops training has emphasized the hand-to-hand encounter,
apparently were badly frightened by heavy Allied they are imbued with the conviction of their superi-
artillery fire. Nevertheless, it appears that artillery ority in this type of fighting, and they derive con-
fire for morale effect has not been very profitable; at fidence from the greater relative length of their
least there is no conclusive evidence that Japanese bayonets Their reactions to air attack seem to be
troops generally will break until the volume, inten-
w rekntlthe
generally same as those of other armies, although their
sity, and duration of fire are of a magnitude that
would unnerve any troops. Likewise, it cannot safely dismay at the numerical inferiority of their own air
be assumed that the Japanese generally fear con- forces seems to be deeply tinged with mortification
centrated mortar fire, for there have been cases when that the "sons of heaven" should be forced to accept a
they advanced undeterred in the face of this fire. situation in which their enemies are so palpably
They do have a deep respect for the accuracy of superior.

Every division has its intendance section, and the
ARMY SUPPLYregiments ofthe division have their sub-
Naturally the effectiveness and morale of Japanese sections, each operated ordinarily by an officer and
soldiers are largely conditioned by the efficiency with about eight enlisted men. In the battalion, intend-
which the Intendance (supply) Department of the ance is handled by a second lieutenant and about
army performs its functions. Regular receipt of pay, ten enlisted men; in the company, by a warrant
adequate rations, suitable clothing, and personal officer and several supply clerks.
equipment as good as or better than that of the TheIntendanceDepartmentmaintainsmainfreight
enemy have been prime requisites for efficient sol- depots in Japan; there are field freight depots in the
diers in any army throughout all military history. theaters of operations which supply branch field
The Intendance Department of the Japanese depots that fill the requisitions of the division field
Army, which roughly corresponds to the Quarter- warehouses. From the division field warehouse sup-
master Corps of the U. S. Army, is responsible for plies go to the regimental distributing centers. Subor-
the procurement, storage, and issue of food, clothing, dinate units use organic transportation in drawing
and other supplies, exclusive of mat 6 riel issued by the supplies from these centers. Here is the greatest
Ordnance Department. The Intendance Department weakness of the Japanese supply system, for forward
in 1942 had 2,700 officers of which 20 were generals delivery of the requisite volume of food, munitions,
and 630 officers of field grade. There are four sections and equipment has failed time and again because of
in the department, dealing respectively with food, inadequate transport facilities. Then, too, Japanese
clothing and other personal equipment, pay, and commanders frequently have overestimated the capa-
housing. bilities of their forces, and their unwarranted con-

fidence in speedy victories has caused them seriously 20.00 23.00 24.00 2700
to underestimate their supply needs. Leading Private -
.------ 13.50 15.00 16.00 18.00
Superior Private .-------- 10.50 12.00 13.00 14.00
1st Class Private -__._.__ 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00

RATES OF ARMY PAY 2d Claas Private .-------- 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00

[One Yen equals approximately 25¢ U. S.]

Additional overseas pay

Basipay vrsas pay Payment of the troops is under the Intendance
Rank per month Thailand Department. The following table shows the rates of
(Yell) hia nd French Other
Indo-China areas pay in the Japanese Army. It will be noted that
overseas pay varies with location. The extra amounts
C eneral ____-__ ____.__._ 550. 5.049.0 545.00
were granted to compensate for rising living costs in
Lt. General ____- __ . 483.33
.. 410 0.00
Lt. General~----- - 483.33 410355.00 434.00 480.00 Japan and to assure a livelihood for the soldier's
Major Gcnoral ----------- 416.66 355.00 375.00 410.00 dependents by making it possible for him voluntarily
Colonel (3 grades) ------- 310-370.00 300.00 315.00 34500 to make adequate allotments for their support. Extra
Lt. Colonel (4 grades) .... 220-310.00 235.00 245.00 270.00 pay also is granted to technicians, musicians, and
Major (4 grades)---------170-220.00 17500 18000 200.00 warrant and noncommissioned officers serving in the
Captain (3 grades) ------- 122-155.00 125.00 130.00 145.00 military police. If a Japanese officer or enlisted man
1st Lieutenant (2 grades) 85-94.16 95 00 100.00 115.00 performs the duties associated with a higher rank, he
2d Lieutenanot_ _
-7ficer 70.83 90.00 95.00 105.00 receives the pay of that rank even though he has not
Probational officer_ -_. 25-40. 00 40. 00 45 .00 50 00 been promoted.
been promoted.
Warrant Officer --------- 80-110.00 95.00 100¢00 110.00
S Marrant 4rOffi
ades)r- -- 80-1103.00 79500 10000 110.00 There are no compulsory pay allotments in the
Srgt. Major (4grades)----- 32-753.00 7500 68000 85.00 Japanese Army. Soldiers are encouraged, however, to
send home a portion of their pay or to save some of it.
Military Post Office Savings Banks transmit any cise a depressing influence on individual and unit
funds the soldier may wish to send home. The soldier morale in the Japanese Army. One Japanese soldier
may also have a portion of his pay credited to his plaintively records in his diary, "If I eat tonight, I
personal savings account, the deposits being duly may not be able to eat tomorrow. It is indeed a pain-
credited in the savings book which every Japanese ful experience to be hungry. At the present time all
soldier receives with his first pay. All Japanese officers, even though there is such a scarcity of food,
officers and enlisted men serving outside Japan eat relatively well. The condition is one in which the
proper are issued pay books which show payments majority starves." Another complains about the
due and provide for a systematic recording of amounts monotony of the rations: "The never-changing soup
paid. No pay can be drawn unless the book is pre- for the morning meal. Only two meals today-army
sented and an appropriate entry made. biscuits -to gnaw at in the morning and miso soup
with watermelon in the evening. Also had some salt
There has been much misunderstanding of the food The Japanese field ration is adequate and reason-
situation in the Japanese Army. Myths have sprung ably tasty; most of its components, after proper
up concerning the ability of the Japanese soldier to inspection, can be eaten by Allied troops. Rice is the
subsist on extremely small quantities of food, and it stable part of the ration, comparable with bread or
has been popularly believed that he eats little save biscuit in other armies. Naturally, the Japanese sol-
rice while in the field. dier would no more be satisfied with a ration con-
As a matter of fact, when the Japanese soldier gets sisting exclusively of rice than an Allied soldier would
nothing to eat he becomes just as hungry and de- with bread alone.
jected as any other soldier. I-le likes adequate meals The rice, which is cooked dry to the consistency of
at regular timnes and appreciates variety. Inadequate a sticky mass to facilitate eating with chopsticks,
rations bring their full quota of complaints and exer- may be either the polished or unpolished variety.

Ordinarily the polished type is used, since it can be vegetables, especially beans, peas, cabbage, horse-
kept in the cooked state longer. To ward off beri beri radish; slices of ginger; salted plum cake; canned
some barley may be mixed with the rice, but this beef; canned cooked whale meat; confections, and
mixture is not overly popular. Instead, the rice usu- vitamin tablets often are included in ration issues.
ally is cooked with a few pickled plums which not The ration is not standardized and ordinarily varies
only afford protection against beri beri but also act from 23/ 2 to 4 pounds per day for-the standard field
as a laxative to counteract the constipating effect of ration. The ration is calculated in two forms, the
rice. To make the rice more palatable, it prdinarily is normal-(fresh) and the special (preserved), depending
seasoned with soy-bean sauce or the equivalent upon the availability of fresh foods. Quantities also
powder known as miso. Both the sauce (shoyu) and are graduated according to three categories of issues:
the miso are prepared from soy-bean seeds, to which the basic or full issue distributed when transport is
malt and salt are added. The resultant products have adequate; the issue when transport is difficult; and
a flavor similar to Worcestershire sauce and are much the third and least quantity, issued when transport is
like the soy sauce found in all U. S. Chinese res- very difficult.
taurants. There are two emergency rations. The "A" ration
Other favored foods are pickled radishes; dried, consists of about 1 pound 13 ounces of rice, 5 ounces
tinned, or pickled octopus, which would be roughly of canned fish or meat, and a little miso and sugar.
commparable.with canned-salmon. .or- herring in other_ The "'B" rationconsists of "hard tack". This com-
armies; dried bread (hard-baked wheaten cakes), and prises three muslin bags of small oval biscuits; each
vegetables. Preserved foods include dried and com- - bag contains a half-pound biscuit for one meal. This
pressed fish-salmon or bonito which must be soaked ration may only be eaten on orders of an officer.
and salted to make it palatable; pickled plums, comn- A compressed ration is also available for emergency
pressed barley or rice- cakes, canned oranges and use. It is made up of a cellophane packet containing
tangerines,- and- powdered-tea-lea-ves--Dehydrated-- cooked -ricei pickled-plums ,dried-fisli,-salt, and sugar.-
ARMY RATION SCALES Bean paste ----------------------- 2.6

Salt --------------------------- 0.5 0.5

Normal or Special or
Fresh Scale Preserved Sugar1 1
[Figures are ounces ex-
cept where otherwise Tea -------------------------- __ _ 0.2 0.2
TOTAL ...._____________.. 4 lb. 2 lb. 2 oz.

Rice, or rice and barley ------------ 28

Compressed rice ------------------- --------- 20 An iron ration is issued only to parachutists. Weigh-
Fresh meat or fish- 74 ing half a pound, this ration consists of wafer-like
biscuits made of ground rice and flavored with sesame
Canned meat or fish ---------------.......... 5.3 seed, and an extract made from mussel flesh, dried
plums, preserved ginger, crushed soy beans, and mori
(a form of dried seaweed).
Canned vegetables -----------------....... 4.2 An emergency air-crew ration found in New Guinea
contained 20 ounces of unpolished rice, puffed wheat;
Pickled radish ------------------ 2.1 ---------- biscuits, dried fish, two small bottles of concentrated
wine (35 percent alcohol), candy, large salt tablets,
Dried plum -------------------------------- 1.6 and a water-purifier kit. The entire kit was packed in
Shoyu (saqre)- .------------------
1.7 ---------- five transparent water-proof bags.
On Bougainville a "Polished Rice Combination
Powdered miso _____-______.......... ----- 1.1 Case" was found which contained 40 portions, mostly

· rice, loose-packed in an air-tight tin case enclosed in a
wooden crate. This, in addition to the rice, contained
.mU a - miso paste, vitamin-B concentrate, vitamin A and D
tablets, powdered tea (vitamin C), fuel, and matches.
These ingredients were packed in 3-ounce cans, with
one can intended apparently for every two portions
of rice.

•vSL~ ,Mfmal;
Every opportunity is utilized to augment the nor-
ration issue. Fishing, gardening, and purchases
from natives frequently afford welcome additions to
the daily diet as well as variety. Foraging, both
iA ; 31 r j organized and unorganized, also is resorted to if the
country is sufficiently well stocked to make such
enterprise profitable. The Japanese soldier is very
fond of confections, and these he may secure in the
"Comfort Bags" sent by relatives and friends at
The transport of rations naturally varies with the
terrain, the nature of the military operations, the
availability of local food sources, and other factors.
In New Guinea emergency rations sufficient for 12
days were carried by a battalion of 700. Each man

FiguLre 8. Chow line and cook stove.

carried a three-day supply of "fresh" food and a
Clothing and Personal Equipment four-day supply of "preserved", with the reminder,
Issued in the Japanese Army aggregating 2.98 tons, carried in the battalion train.
In another instance an infantry regiment carried
Helmet, steel -_- 1
.______.-______-__-______-.. rations for ten days, with four days calculated on an
Cap, cloth, khaki, peaked -_--- __-__-__-____- - 1 emergency basis. But the Japanese have made
Trousers, drill, long, pairs __-__-__-__-- -______ 2 matches with only a five-day supply. Packaging was
Tunics, drill---------------------------------- 2 quite inferior in the early days of the war, and much
Shirts, cotton khaki--------- _---------------- 2 canned and dehydrated food was lost as a result of
Underwear, cotton sets ----------------------- 2
Socks, cotton pairs --- __---------------------_ 2 this deficiency. Considerable improvement has been
Shoes, split-toe, rubber, pairs (Tabi) ___--...... 1 noted, however, in recent operations.
Boots, leather, pairs -------- _ ................. 1
Shelter half, khaki, waterproof _-------------
Puttees, pairs .................. 1 _-
pais-__ _-_-_-_-_ 1 The Japanese Army long had been in need of a
Haversack ------------------------------ 1 modern uniform when the present one was adopted in
Hold-all, canvas ----------------------------- 1 1938. Its design dates back to 1930 when the demand
Mess tin_----------------------------------- 1 for a comfortable field uniform capable of mass-
Belt, leather----- _ -------------------------- 1 production in war was found to be urgent. Although
Pouches, leather, ammunition _________________ -- 3
Water bottle the "China Incident" provided a tardy excuse for the
Gloves, mosquito, pairs - _ _. ._.- 1 inauguration of a new program, it has proven im-
Head mask, mosquito ---------------------- _ 1 possible to replace-all old uniforms. Those possessing
Respirator -_------------------------------ - 1 them retain them as a "B" (fatigue and combat)
First aid field dressing-- __-----------------_ 1 uniform, and will wear them until worn out. These
old, mustard-color uniforms are identified by an

/ U~~~~~~~~~~~~~1

Ac ,·~~~~~~

hi" ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~;;
~ ~ ~ - ~ ~~ ~
ii; ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ T /':i
uncomfortable standup coat collar similar to that
used by the U. S. Army in the last war. The design -:
of these old uniforms dates back to 1911 when the - 6
similar blue uniform of the Russo-Japanese War was
The new uniforms have a turn-down coat collar
which may be worn open in the summer or in the
tropics. The coat for Noncommissioned officers and
men is single-breasted with five buttons and four flap- '.
ped pockets, the two breast pockets having buttoned
flaps. Trousers are styled like breeches and secured
with tapes at waist and ankle. All except mounted
troops (who wear leather boots or leather puttees)
wear wool wrap puttees and high pigskin or cowhide
shoes. The marching shoe usually has unfinished
leather on the outside, and may have either a leather _ -
hobnailed sole or a rubber sole with rubber cleats.
Tabi (split-toe sneakers) are issued in all climates. a ;
Undershirts are usually gray or white, with single
breast pockets. Caps are of wool with a chin strap
and, on the front, a gold Army star. For winter, coat
and trousers are of olive-drab wool. In summer these

Figure 9. Enlisted men in M98 uniform (oppositepage). Figure 10. "Tabi."

v~ F
garments are exchanged for khaki cotton twill coat exists. In general, officers' uniform coats are merely
and breeches of identical cut. Late issues of cotton conversions of the old coat made by sewing on a turn-
twill uniforms appear more greenish than tan. down collar over the old stand-up collar. Officers'
- The overcoat is single-breasted, with two side slash overcoats are double-breasted and have fancy belts
pockets and a buttoned-on hood with typical throat- in back and a slot for a sword on the left side. Com-
piece closure. Guards Cavalry detachments wear pany officers wear one, field officers two, and general
officers' overcoats. Some double-breasted overcoats officers three broad cloth bands on their cuffs. War-
may be worn by other troops but (except for Guards rant officers wear a band of intermediate size, while
Cavalry) overcoats and coats for all noncommissioned noncommissioned officers wear one narrow cloth
officers and men are characterized by a loop which band on their type of overcoat.
buttons up over the belt on the left side in order to Instead of raincoats, officers wear raincapes with
sustain the weight of the bayonet and scabbard. The hood and throat closure. Officers also wear black
overcoat also has button holes permitting the lower - footgear-high shoes with wrap or black leather put-
front corners of the coat to be buttoned up behind tees or riding boots. Officers and warrant officers
the side pockets. This frees the legs for marching and almost always carry swords; noncommissioned officers
prevents wear. are sometimes entitled to carry them.
The raincoat is similar in all respects to the over- Many special types of clothing are issued for vari-
coat and is of greenish khaki color. *ous climates and areas. Development and issue of
Officers wear coats not unlike those issued to en- winter clothing on a large scale began as long ago as
listed men. However, officers'.uniforms are not issue 1932, with the occupation of Manchuria. Winter
clothing. Wide variance in quality, color, and -cut clothing includes heavy pile-lined caps and overcoats.
The latter have a peculiar feature in that the sleeves
Figure 11. Noncommissioned officers in M90 full ield are quickly removable either at shoulder or elbow in
dress (opposite page). order that proper sleeve sizes may be fitted without
Figure12. Enlisted man in Figure13. Enlisted man in Figure14. Enlisted man in Figure15. Enlisted man in
M90 full field uniform, M90 uniform, fitted with M98 full field uniform, M98 overcoat. Insignia is
with old cap and insignia. M98 cap and insignia. with all insigniaremoved. worn on the collar.

altering the overcoat. Other common items of winter tropical lightweight uniforms, all components being
issue are fur leggings, trigger-finger mittens, wool of the same flat-green hue. These include tabi, light
underwear, heavy padded trousers and jackets for wrap puttees, breeches, muslin shirt, coat, and cap.
fatigue work, and felt boots. The uniform is very comfortable, but it is too light
Tropical clothing remains a subject for continuing to provide protection against mosquitoes and to sus-
experimentation by the Japanese Intendance De- tain even normal jungle wear.
partment. The ordinary summer cotton uniforms
have proved very suitable, since the material is ARMY INSIGNIA
heavy enough to be mosquito-proof and to withstand Although security-conscious Japanese commanders
adequate wear. The summer coat has been modified, had, previous to the war, sought to hinder Allied
however, and fitted with flaps under the arm pits Order-of-Battle Intelligence by prohibiting the wear-
which may be buttoned open or closed. Recent coats ing of arm and unit insignia in combat areas, con-
also have open seams under the armpits for added venience has induced many units and even field
ventilation on the march. Under the coat is worn a armies to adopt identification systems. The wide-
cotton twill shirt with reinforced collar, which may spread demand for unit, arm, and personal identifica-
be worn without the coat. Modified trousers are tion apparently has received official recognition, and
issued with the lower par of the legs abbreviated as of 1 January 1944 a new set of uniform regulations
and a drawstring fitted so that they may be secure were reported to have taken effect.
around the puttees in mosquito country, and left Under the present system, not yet displaced by the
open for coolness whenever possible. Various types of new order, rank insignia are properly worn on the
light shirts and trousers of various weights and collar. Insignia of arm are indicated by inverted
lengths have been issued but the above-mentioned "W's" worn over the right breast pocket. Further dif-
garments appear standard. At Hollandia and in ferentiation within arms, or indication of status as
Burma there have been found complete sets of student, cadet, probationary officer, and like cate-

iL I


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b- -i i



f i " ,a 1
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--- --. -; -

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I- :;· · -f;-.
gories, is indicated by a symbol worn on the collar OTHER SUPPLIES
behind the rank insignia. Unit numbers may b; worn Besides food and clothing, the Intendance Depart-
either behind the rank insignia, or behind the arm, ment issues to the Japanese soldier certain "daily
the cadet, or other symbols if such are worn. articles". "Daily Article A," issued monthly, in-
In practice only the medical troops appear to wear eludes 150 sheets of toilet paper, ten plain and ten
their branch color (green). Rank insignia may be picture postcards, writing paper, envelopes, and a
worn on the breast or arm. Frequently' a standard pencil. "Daily Article B," issued every two months,
form of patch is made up by a division, which in- includes a small hand towel, a loin cloth, soap, tooth
eludes a regimental symbol, the badge of rank of the powder, and a tooth brush. Certain recreational
wearer, and Iris name. Sometimes the name or part of items such as phonographs and records, chess boards
the name of the unit commander is furnished. There etc., are also issued.
is no practice common to all units; the widest variety Canteens in the Japanese Army (comparable with
prevails. U. S. Army post exchanges) obtain their stocks from
the Intendance Department, which also controls
prices. There is no evidence that private contractors
Figure have been permitted to operate army canteens. The
list of items on sale in the canteen of a special landing
force shows a considerable variety of goods at prices
Figure17. Officer in M98 uniform (opposite page, right). reasonably in line with the pay of Japanese soldiers.

W ;.' -

b. .... .. .....
, .a., i-.
r ~ ~ ~ - A

Fig.18. Japaneseofficers in Berlin (threefigures at the right). Fig.19. Officers in winter overcoats (opposite page).

· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- V
- ~ ~ ~ By ~ ·



Sake,tTohiman Brand __-__- 1.70 Salmon, canned ___________
-- .60 Clothes-pins ---_ ._. _ ..
.03 .....
Tissue, facial--
_______- ___-- 1.00
Sake, Ozeki Brand_________- 2.00 Mineral water, Jintan Brand, Safety-pins ._______________
.07 Writing paper .----
-______ .07
Beer, Asahi Brand ._________
.40 medium size _____________ .26 Thread, white ._____________
.13 Postcards, military (100
Cider, Kirin Brand__________ .22 Yeast tablets, Wakamoto Paste______________________ .11 cards)_-. ______________ .25
Cigarettes, Homare Brand___. .05 Brand_ _________________ 1.20 Clapse- ___
- _ -_ .____
.05 Envelopes__
. ____________ .05
Cigarettes, Hikari Brand____ .08 Meat extract, Plum Brand__.. 1.00 Knife _-________.__________ .13 Note-books, small
U________ .06
Cigarettes, Kinshi Brand___._- .05 Socks, white cotton__________ .22 Si-st___- _ ....
.22 ..........
Note-hooks, loose-leaf___- _ .04
Milk, canned ._____________
.55 Socks, grey-___.________ .28 Soles, rubber -.-- ______-___
- .34 Ink, Raito Brand -. ________ .27
Handkerchiefs __________-_ .17 Shirts, striped ______________ 1.20 Heels, rubber______________ .23 Red ink, Kikusui Brand _____ .12.
Candy drops-_____________ .10 Under-shorts, striped _______ 1.20 Prophylactics -_____.____ ___ .03 Ink, Japanese___
- __ _____- .14
Caramels -_______________ .10 Trunks, knitted_ ___________ 4.20 Note-books -_---_ ._._._. .12
._ Penholder -__------__.___ .05
Fruit jelly________________ .10 Trunks, cotton ____- ________ .97 Tooth powder, Lion Brand ._ .11 Pen points -.-
___-_-_ -____ .03
Sweet bean paste, Yokan Towels ______-_____________ .22 Tooth paste, Lion Brand - _ .-
.18 Pencil __-____.._________._ .05
Brand ._____.____________
.11 Face towel__________________ .22 Shoe pobsh, Taido Brand____ .60 Voucher slips ---__ -__ _____ .05
5 colored candy drops_-__ _ .11 Cloth, loin__________________ .15 Pineapple, canned .________
.50 Toothpicks -_____.._..___ .11
Sugar candy, Homare Brand__ .10 Scarf, white________________- .33 Soap, Kwao Brand_______ .11 Toothpick box ___-_-____-- _ 08
Biscuits__-______._________ .10 Sples, inner .___________.___
.05 Soap, Iaundry ______________ .30 Clothes brush
b_-_.____-. .28 .__
Pears, canned__
..-.. ___ ___ .55 Garters ___________________ .72 Fountain pen, Victor Brand I_ 2.00 Shoe brush -_._____-______ _ .20
Peaches, white, canned _____ .55 Buttons, raincoat (per pkt.)__ .03 Fountain pen, Victor Brand Soap box - _......_--_______ .23
Crab, canned.______________ ..70 Buttons, suit, black or white_ .07 II ---------- _________--
- 2.80 Writing pad_
-. _-_-_--_____ .15

*One hundred sen equl one yen; one yen equals approximaely 25 U. S. t A liquor distilled ron rice; about one third the strength of gin.

A large part of Japanese personal equipment is
-!\,~, . E in X,:
modern design, and is the result of a replacement
-~. 4:: program still under way. Although a great effort was
made for years to condition Japanese civilians for the
sacrifices of preparedness and war, the peacetime
~?~!: strain on the Japanese economy prior to the "China
Incident" caused military authorities to hesitate to
impose additional burdens, especially for clothing and
Us§X_ _personal equipment.
The design of most such items then in use dated
back to World War I and before, and experience in
the field and in manufacture had long indicated the
necessity for improvements. In close emulation of the
German Army the Japanese were using leather for
belts, packs, and ammunition pouches, as well as for
carriers and personal combat gear in general. Leather
*-- . was difficult to procure, however, and it was unsuit-
able either for arid conditions on the continent of
Asia or for tropical moisture. As soon as the outbreak
of the China War in 1937 furnished an excuse, a

Figure 21. Packs from the rear.

.>" ,3' (l x 34

xi' -ds N
Figure 22. Front and rear views of packs for non-
commissioned officers and enlisted nmen (above);for
officers (right).

large-scale replacement program was instituted. A

linoleum-like material of rubberized fabric, or can- \
vas, or cotton duck was substituted for leather. In -

general, belts, ammunition pouches, instrument

cases, holsters, and the like are of rubberized fabric
while bandoliers and packs are of canvas or cotton
duck. Certain items, like carriers for grenade-dis-
charger projectiles, have water-proofed tops and may
be part duck and part rubberized fabric. Only
i- officers' equipment tends to remain in leather. In
· I7 1943 further improvements were made, and belts
6 were issued which have the appearance of fuzzy
) leather but which are actually a further development
'1s 2 )>/ a 8 | of_,)
rubberized fabric.
Of the several types of packs in use in the Japanese
Army the most common is the cotton duck pack
l l] issuedl=/to(i)noncommissioned
i officers and men. This
l pack is 13 inches square and 5 inches deep, and is
readily identified by some 20 tapes which are used to
,lo_____ 10 secure the top flap and to bind gear on the pack's
exterior. This pack is a modification of its predecessor,
x I .\ ... ~ s- a leather German-type pack with fur-covered back
/\\stt , @ I /, /
The pack normally contains extra shoes, socks,
and breech clout. Towel, soap, and other miscella-
neous toilet articles are carried, as well as a first-aid
packet and a sewing kit. A shelter half, although
Figure 23. Canvas hold-all as a combat pack: (1) pack
strap cross knot, (2) main pack strap knot, (3) canteen
strap, (4) haversack strap, (5) bayonet, (6) ten t section,
(7) overcoat, (8) tent and overcoat are folded in four
equal parts, (9) harersack, (10) canteen.

Figure 24. Messkits for noncommis- I
sioned officers and men (left);for offi-
cers above.

Figure 25. Canteensfor noncommissioned officers and

only 4 feet 10Y inches by 2 feet 51/ inches, is very enlisted men (left); for officers (above).
serviceable. It is used as a ground sheet, or to roll up
in. When the tent ropes are properly roved through Instead of the pack a canvas hold-all is sometimes
the eyelets, the shelter half makes an excellent pon- used. This is simply a piece of light canvas with
cho and, because of its superior rain-shedding qual- carrying straps at each end, and two long tapes,
ity, Japanese soldiers prefer it to the issue raincoat. with shorter tapes to help secure the load. When
A blanket or overcoat may be rolled in inverted rolled it can be carried across the bacl, slanting
U-shape and tied around the edges of the pack. A diagonally upwards from left to right, the straps and
raincoat, shelter half, and camouflage netting are long tapes making an X across the chest where they
placed across the top, and the mess kit is strapped to are knotted. The hold-all serves as a combat pack
the back of the pack. When caps are worn, the steel and usually includes overcoat or blanket, shelter half,
helmet is secured over the mess kit. and tent poles and pins, besides whatever gear is not

carried in the haversack. Canteen, ammunition slung from a leather strap across the left shoulder.
pouches, and gas mask and carrier complete the com- The type for personnel of lower grades is of brown-
bat gear normally carried by the Japanese soldier. painted aluminum, of 3- and 4-quart sizes, and is
At one time a special noncommissioned officer's carried in a manner similar to the officer's but with a
pack was issued. It may still be found and may be canvas carrier and strap.
identified by its oblong shape and its size, which is Certain noncommissioned officers and usually all
smaller than that of the standard pack described commissioned officers carry leather map cases and
above. Officers carry a leather pack 9 inches wide, rubberized fabric pistol holsters. The- latter are
11 inches high, and 3 inches deep. This is usually usually carried on the left hip, the former just in
carried over the right hip just behind the canteen. front of the holster. Haversacks of light cotton duck
The mess kit for noncommissioned and enlisted are similar in appearance to the German and are worn
men is of the same type used by the German, Italian, under the canteen by all enlisted men and noncom-
and Soviet armies. It consists of an aluminum con- missioned officers. All tile items are carried slung
tainer 7 inches wide and 6 inches high, slightly from a strap running over one shoulder.
curved in shape in the manner of the U. S. Army Ammunition is carried in pouches strung on the
canteen. Beneath the cover are one or two nested waist belt. In front are two pouches, each holding
trays, which, including tile cover, provide up to three six 5-round clips. The rear pouch is larger, holds 12
dishes besides the main deep mess can. If climate per. clips, and has a fitting for an oil can on the right side.
mits, ready-cooked food for several days is carried. The bayonet frog is also fitted to the belt and is worn
Officers may use an oblong mess kit slightly smaller on the left side.
in size. The gas mask is contained in a carrier similar to
Canteens are of two types. That for officers is the British. Normally it is slung on a broad canvas
much like the German. It has a felt snap-on cover Figure 26 Troops in action showing field equipnent
and is topped by a cup. It hangs over the right hip, (opposite page).

a - ~~ ~ ~ ~ -~

Figure 27. Belt and ammunition pouches.

strap across the right shoulder and rests on the left and both secured to the pack, or both can be carried
hip. In the ready position it is worn high on the as a complete unit by a cord sling.
chest. Special equipment is issued for jungle operations.
Each Japanese infantryman is supplied with an en- Tree climbers which can be tied under the instep are
trenching tool. There are two shovels to every pick. used by snipers. Mosquito headnets and bars, mos-
The shovel handle can be removed from the blade quito-proof gloves, and insect-repellent likewise are

issued to troops in the jungle. A water purification
kit, including a phial of chemical purifier and a
measuring spoon in a flat tin, also is carried. Water
purifiers of chemically treated cotton wads in a plas.
tic receptacle also are used, but are not considered
satisfactory by Allied armies.
For cold climates woolen blankets are issued.
These do not properly merit the designation "wooi",
since their quality is so low that only 8 percent wool
may be found in recent issues; the remainder of the
material is cotton and rayon in approximately equal _
quantities. Such blankets offer little protection, and
on Attu as many as seven were issued to each man.
Mess kit and canteen covers of duck, lined with
kapok or similar insulating material, are also pro- A a
vided for freezing weather; skis, snowshoes, and ice-
creepers are available when needed.

Figure 28. Gas mask in alert position.

41 .7


'1~ -r

Figure 29. Jungle troops detrucking.

Despite the comparatively recent industrialization as well as with the heavier-caliber light machine gun.
of Japan and her close-even slavish-imitation of The 75-mm Model 38 mountain gun is being re-
foreign mat&riel, Japanese infantry is well-armed and placed by the superior Model 95; on Saipan Island
equipped. The Japanese are capable of producing (Marianas Group), 18 guns of this model were found
first-class weapons of their own design, but their out of a total of 39 guns and howitzers of 75-mm
production will not reach the volume achieved by caliber.
other highly industrialized nations. Since the death in 1925 of the Emperor Taisho,
The Japanese have shown an ability to profit from Japanese ordnance has been marked with the last
their combat experience in the present war by two digits of the year since the foundation of the
modifying the design of their weapons and equipment Japanese Empire. The Japanese assert their empire
to meet new conditions. For example, at the be- was founded 2,604 years ago-which in our chro-
ginning of the war Japanese infantry units for the nology would be 660 B.C. The Japanese calendar year
most part were equipped with the Model 38 (1905) will therefore be our year plus 660. For example, our
6.5-mm rifle and Models 11 (1922) and 96 (1936) year 1930 would be the Japanese year 2590. A piece
6.5-mm light machine guns. While these weapons of ordnance adopted in 2590 (1930) will be labeled
were useful in jungle fighting, because of their by the Japanese as Model 90. Beginning with 2600,
lightness and portability, the muzzle velocity and however, only the last digit has been used, so that a
weight of the bullets were inadequate. Consequently, model produced in that year (our year 1940) will be
the Japanese Army began to replace these weapons Model 0; one produced in 2601 will be Model 1, etc.
with 7.7-mm models. On the Aleutian island of Attu Some ordnance also may be found marked with the
whole units were found equipped with the new rifle, year of the reign of Hirohito, the present emperor,
Figure 30. Model 26 (1893) 9-mm
retalver (left).

_.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _ = ~~~~Cocking piece

t } Safety lever

_ geb
Z S {a i_ Marking

Figure 31. Nambu

8-mm pistol (left).

Figure 32. Model 14 (1925) 8-mm

pistol (above).

which began in 1925 (Japanese year 2585). shoved home until the magazine-catch locks. To move a
Calibers are given in metric units, but in the cartridge for firing, the cocking piece is pulled to the rear and
let snap forward again. The pistolthen can be fired by squeez-
case of a nmber of Japanese weapons
the 88 (1928) ing the grip safety and the trigger at the same time.
To unload, the magazine catch is pressed, allowing the
7-cm high-angle gun is really a 75-mm antiaircraft magazine to drop out of the butt. The cartridge in the chamber
gun. Calibers up to 70-mm usually are expressed in is extracted by pulling the cocking piece to the rear as far as
millimeters; larger ones may be given either in milli- it will go, and letting it snap forward. As a safety precaution
meters or centimeters. this operation should be repeated several times.
The Model 14 (1925) 8-mm pistol-is an improvement on the
Nambu and uses the same kind of ammunition. Its design is
original but the workmanship is rather poor. Unlike the
Pistols Nambu, the weapon is not fitted for a shoulder stock. Other
The Nambu 8-mm pistol resembles the German Luger out- identification features that distinguish this weapon from the
wardly but its mechanism is entirely different. Although both Nambu are the absence of a leaf sight, horizontally grooved
this pistol and the Model 26 (1893) 9-mm revolver are still in wooden grips on the stock, and the absence of a recoil-spring
service, they are being replaced by the Model 14 (1925). The housing on the lef side of the receiver.
Nambu pistol is a semiautomatic, recoil-operated, magazine- The weapon is a semiautomatic, recoil-operated, and maga-
fed hand weapon. Its eight-round magazine fits into the butt zine-fed. It has no slide; the barrel is extended to the rear and
and is held secure by a catch similar to that on the U. S. service carries the ejection opening and sear for the bolt lock. The
automatic pistol (M1911 or M1911A1 Colt .45). A wooden bolt moves inside this barrel extension, and energy for the
holster which has a telescoping section is used both as a holster forward movement is supplied by two coil springs situated
and as a stock which may be attached to adapt the pistol for one on either side of the bolt inside the barrel extension.
use as a carbine. A safety lever is located on the left side of the receiver just
A grip safety just in front of the trigger guard catches the above the trigger. When this is in the forward position the
trigger in its forward position and prevents any rearward pistol can be fired; when in the rear position, the action is
movement unless the safety is depressed. locked.
To load and fire, a magazine is inserted into the butt and To load and fire, a loaded magazine is inserted into the well

Figure 33. Nambu 8-mm pistol and shoulderstock.

in the butt, while the safety lever is in the forward position. which the magazine can be extracted. The cocking piece is
The cocking piece then is pulled rearward as far as it will go, pulled all the way back to eject a cartridge from the chamber.
and permitted to snap forward. The pistol then is loaded and Latest pistol model in use by the Japanese Army is the
ready to fire. It can be unloaded by pressing downward on the Model 94 (1934) semiautomatic 8-mm pistol. The quality of
magazine, with the safety lever in the forward position. The manufacture is poor in comparison with the Nambu and the
button on the right side of the stock must be released, after Model 14.

Figure 34. Namba and
Model 14 8-mm pistols.

Front sight Slide Ejection Disassembly
pi_ bolt _- Rear sight
J _ Cocking

Breech lock Lanyard

Magazine (fully loaded) hook

afety catch
in "fire"

Magazine atch

Plastic gr

Holster with shoulder strap

Figure 35. Model 94 (1934) 8-mm pistol, magazine and holster.

This weapon is easily identified by its cramped grip, short A itio- -- -m------r Sunmed bottle-neck
roundnose bullet ease,
barrel, and the slide which covers the entire barrel. It is Capacity of magazine -. . ..........
8 rotunds'
Effective range ------------------------ 50 feet
semiautomatic, recoil-operated, and magazine-fed. The maga- MEzzle velocity _-. -___. _ 950 feet per second
zinc is box-shaped and fits into the butt in the usual fashion.
A safety lever is on the left side of the receiver. When it is CaliberM- .315 inch
in the horizontal position, the pistol can be fired; when it is Principle of operation ...- Recoil-operated,
............ semiautomatie
pulled backward and up to the vertical position, the safety necked cartridge as sed il the
is operative. Nambu and the Model 14
The pistol is loaded by inserting a magazine into-the butt Capacity of magazine.-.. . .6 rounds
until the catch clicks. With the safety in the horizontal (fire) Effective range ---------------------- 50 feet
Muzzle velucity----------------------- 900 feet per second
position, the cocking piece is pulled to the rear as far as pos-
sible and then permitted to snap forward. To unload the Rifles
magazine, the catch on the left side of the receiver is pressed
inward and the magazine is extracted. The piece is "cleared" The 38 (1905)
Model 6.5-mm rifle,widely used by the
theslide backanforthsevera times, as would
by working Japanese, is a modified German Mauser with an action some-
by working the slide back and forth several times, as would
what similarto that of the U. S. caliber .30 (7.62-mm) M1903
be done with the U. S. automatic pistol.
be done with the U. S.automatiSpringfield. It is a small-bore weapon, with medium muzzle
velocity. Although the design is rather clumsy, the mechanism
is sturdy despite the lightness of the weapon in proportion to
its length. Because of the long barrel, small caliber, and com-
Pistols-Table of Characteristics paratively low muzzle velocity, there is practically no flash,
Namnbu 8-tmm and the recoil is slight in view of the small caliber and the
Caliber ------------------------------ 0.315 inch lightness of the bullet. The low muzzle velocity and light-
Principle of operation-------- Recoil-operated. semiautomatic
Ammunition-Se.irimmed. bottle-necked case. weight bullet have proved unsuitable in combat, however,
r l.l.dnose bullet with the result that the Model 99, with a caliber of 7.7-mm,
Capacity of magazine_ 8 rounlds
Effective range---------------------- 50 feet is now superseding it.
Muzzle velocity __-..__-_... 950 feet per second
Transport and Engineer troops in the Japanese Army
Model 14 (1925) 8-mm usually are equipped with a carbine version of the Model 38.
Caliber ..... 0.315 inch
Principle of olrat -ion------------ Recil-operaled. semiautomiatic This has a shorter barrel than the rifle, and a smaller rear sight.

Figure 36. Japanese rifles: Model 38 (1905) 6.5-mn. rifle (above) and Model 38 (1905) 6.5-mm carbine.

Another distinguishing feature is the attachment of the sling The safety, a cylindrical cap on the rear end of the bolt, can
to tile side. Besides this carbine, there is a later model carbine, be locked only when the action is cocked. ''The safety cap then
the Model 44 (1911) 6.5-mm cavalry carbine. It differs from is pushed forward with the palm of the hand and turned
the Model 38 carbine by having a bayonet which folds under clockwise as far as it will go.
the barrel when not in use. To load, the bolt is pulled fully to the rear. One end of the
The Model 38 rifle is most easily identified by its unusually loaded clip is then placed into its guide seat in the receiver
long length. It has sling swivels underneath the barrel and and pressed downward until the top cartridge is caught by
stock, as do U. S. Garand and Springfield rifles. It is manually the lips of the magazine. When the bolt is closed, the empty
operated and has bolt action. It is loaded with a clip containing clip is expelled. A cartridge is chambered when the bolt is
five cartridges in a manner similar to the loading of the U. S. pushed forward, and the piece then is ready to fire. Working
Springfield. The sheet-metal dust cover of the bolt, which the bolt back and forth will remove all cartridges from the
slides with it in loading and extracting, can be detached. magazine and chamber.
Japanese soldiers seldom use the weapon without removing Ammunition fired in the Model 38 is the standard 6.5-mm.
this cover. It is semirimmed and has a pointed nose. The rifle also fires

the reduced-charge ball ammunition made for Models II and lower band, whicli can be rotated forward to catch on the
96 of the 6.5-mm light machine guns. Ball ammunition is dis- stock when not in use; the sling attachment to swivels on the
tinguished by a pink band around the bullet at its junction left side of tile rifle; and the slide on the rear sight which has
with the cartridge case. Tracer ammunition has a green band. two arms that can be swung out, one left and one right, from
The Model 99 (1939) 7.7-mm rifle-in some combat areas the center of the rifle. A long version of this weapon also has
at least-is replacing the Model 38 as the basic Japanese been issued.
military rifle. It is generally identical in construction with the The Model 99 is manually operated and has a bolt action.
Model 38 but is 5 inches shorter. It is equipped with a full-length cleaning rod that fits into the
Other identifying features are the monopod attached to the stock and is held in place by a catch. A peculiar feature of the

FigtLre 37. Ml1odel 44 (1911) 6.5-mnm cavalry carbine.

weapon is the monopod which is used when firing at aircraft machine gun. A pink ring indicates ball ammunition. Tracer
from trenches. The bolt is protected with a semicircular, has a green band; armor-piercing, a black band. Paratroopers
detachable sheet-metal dlust cover which slides with the bolt use a take-down Model 99 (1939) rifle.
and usually is removed by Japanese soldiers-at least for Japanese snipers often use a 6.5-mm sniper's rifle which has
firing. The safety catch works exactly like that of the Model an over-all length of 50.2 inches. It is fitted with a telescopic
38, and the rifle is loaded and unloaded in the same way. sight having a 2 2-power magnification and a 10-degree field
Ammunition is true rimless with a pointed nose. It is usable of view.
in the Model 99 light machine gun and the Model 92 heavy

Figure 38. Model 97 (1937) 6.5-mm sniper's rifle (above) and Modet 99 (1939) 7.7-mm rifle.

Rifles-Table of Characteristics grenade 7.08 inches long and 1.58 inches maximum diameter
Model 38 (1905) 6.5-mm and containing a bursting charge of 3.81 ounces of TNT. The
Caliber 0.256 inm
............................. fuze is not armed until after the grenade has been discharged
Principle of operation ----------------- Manually bolt-operated from the rifle.
Ammunition------------------------- Model 38 (1905) ball and tracer;
Model 38 (1905) reduced- The spigot-type is fitted to the rifle like the cup-type and
charge ball
Capacity of magazine 5 rounds............... can launch both high-explosive and smoke grenades. It is
Sight___ _--------------------------- Peep battle sight set for 300 believed that the grenade is placed over the spigot, the safety
meters (328.1 yards) on rifles of
late manufacture pin pulled, and a special wooden bullet fired in the rifle.
Weight without sling and bayonet- .... 9 pounds 4 ounces
Range: Setback probably causes the firing pin to strike the percussion
Maximum ----------------------- 400 2,600yards
yardse- cap, activating the delay fuze.
Muzlzb velocity----------------------- 2,400 feet per second More common is the cup-type Model 100 (1940) launcher
- Model 99 (1939) 7.7-mm designed to fire the Model 99 (1939) (a) antipersonnel hand
Caliber ------------------------------ 0.303 inch grenade. It comes in two types, one for the Model 98 6.5-mm
Principle of operation-----------------
- Manually bolt-operated
Ammunition ------------------------.. Model 99 (1939) rimless ball rifle and carbine, and one for the Model 99 7.7-mm rifle.
Capacity of magazindie 5drounds
n-.i. Although the types appear to be interchangeable, that for the
Sight -------------------------------- Folding arms for taking leads in
antiaircraft fire; peep battle Model 99 has a vertical white line on the back. The launcher
sightset for 300 meters (328.1 is clamped to the muzzle of the rifle, with cup uppermost and
Weight (unloaded with sling)---______ 8.8 pounds bullet escape tube positioned in front of the rifle bore. It is
Effective ----------------------- 600 yards then locked by runtling a pin behind the fixed bayonet hand-
Maximum ------------------------ 3,000 yards
Muzzle velocity ----- 2,300 feet per second guard. Ordinary ball propels the grenades about 100 yards

Grenade Launchers Grenades

Both cup- and spigot-type grenade launchers can be All Japanese front-line troops carry the Model 97 (1937)
used with the Model 38 and Model 99 rifles. The cup-type hand grenade which cannot be fired from a grenade discharger.
launcher fits over the muzzle and locks over the front sight. It has a black, serrated cast-iron body and a brass fuze. It is
From a short, rifled barrel it discharges a hollow-charge loaded with TNT. The time delay is 4 to 5 seconds.

Figure 39. Cup-type grenade launcher and grenade.

Figutre 40. Spigot-type grenade launcher.

Before the grenade is used it is necessary to screw the firing
pin down into its holder as far as possible. The grenade then
is grasped so that the fuze points downward. Next, the safety
pin is withdrawn, after which the head of the fuze cover is
struck against some hard object. The grenade then is thrown
immediately since the fuze is erratic in timing.
Another widely used grenade is the Model 91 (1931) which
can also be fired from SO-mm dischargers Models 10 and 90.
It also can be used as a rifle grenade by substituting a tubular
tail-fin assembly for the propellant container.
Made of serrated cast-iron and painted black, it is used as a
hand grenade in the same manner as Model 97. If fired from a
discharger, the safety pin is removed and the grenade is
dropped base downward into the discharger. A firing pin hits
the percussion cap in the base of the grenade when the trigger
mechanism of the discharger is operated. During the acceler-
ation of the grenade in the barrel of tile discharger, the firing
pin sets back, overcoming the resistance of the creep spring
and firing the percussion cap.
During the Kiska operations, Aleutian Islands, the Model
99 (1939) grenade was found in large quantities by U. S.
forces. It differs from the other grenades in that it is not
serrated. Its time delay is 4 to 5 seconds. It is fired in the same
manner as the Model 97 and the Model 91. Both "a" and "b"
/ 1uh W ! models are issued, the principal difference being that the "b"

Figure41. Spigot-type grenade launcher, grenades, and

carrying case (left).
Figure 42. !Model100 (1940) grenade launcher.

cannot be used in the Model 100 (1940) rifle grenade launcher. cord activates the friction primer which in turn activates the
The Japanese also use the hligh-explosive stick hand grenade. delaying element.
It is shaped like a potato masher and is non-serrated. Tn arm There is also an incendiary stick hand grenade, easily dis-
tihe grenade the metal cap screwed to the end of the wooden tinguishable from the high-explosive type by its curved ends.
handle must be removed. Inside the hollow handle there is a It is filled with phosphlorus-impregnated rubber pellets which
ring attachedi to the pull cord. The wooden handle is lirmly are scattered by a small bursting charge. A prussic acid gas
grasped, and the ring is ilaced over a linger. As the grenade grenade also has been mused.
is thrown the ring and cord are retained, and pulling out the
Grenades-Table of Characteristics.
flodel 91 (1931) HG
O'er-all length t4.95 inches
Length without the propellant container -_------ 3.75 inches
.--- _-____..
-- - - 1.97 inches
Weight -----------------
_ -_._-_____:. 18.8 ounces

Model 97 (1937) HG
Over-all length_-.-.-.----------- 3.75 iuches
Diameter ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.97 inches
Weight -1_--------------------_- I pound (approx)

Afodel 99 (1939) HG
Over-all length -___________….…............ '3__2 inches
Diameter -_-------_------_----------- 1%Y inches
Weight ....._-_--_-_-------_-... .- ___ 10 ounces (approx)

HE Stick HG
Over-all length ..............--
_ _ _ 7.87 inches
--____.. 1.97 inches.
....... ___ ____._-. __ _ _ I pound 3Y2 ounces

Grenade Dischargers
Grenade dischargers are designed for use as an individual
infantry weapon to bridge the range gap between hand
grenades and mortars. For some time these grenade dis-
chargers were erroneously called "knee mortars" but, as a
matter of fact, the base plate is made to rest on the ground-
not on a soldier's knee or thigh-while the discharger is
being fired.
The Model 89 (1929) 50-mm discharger is utilized in

Figure 43. Afodel 97 (1937) hand grenade.

Two pronged

Figure 44. Model 91 (1931) hand grenade.

Japanese infantry tactics to help pin opposing forces to the There is no safety device on the weapon. It is set for the
ground during an attack. Ordinarily three or four such dis- desired range by turning the elevator knob which lengthens
chargers are issued to the 4th squad of Japanese infantry or shortens the trigger housing extending inside the barrel.
platoons. The barrel of the discharger is rifled, the firing-pin Increasing or decreasing the distance traveled by the projectile
housing is adjustable, and the weapon is affixed to a concave through the barrel thus,regulates the range of the weapon.
base plate. It is believed that best results are achieved when the discharger

is fired at an angle of 45 degrees. A modified version of the
Model 89-found on Attu has a bubble.leveling device to indi-
cate the angle of fire. Thc Model 89 has no sight, but there is
Safety-pin hole a groove down the barrel for a short distance from the muzzle.
In addition to the Modlel 89, the Model 10 (1921) discharger
Creep-·spring is still widely used by the Japanese, but mostly for firing
signal ammunition. It differs from the Model 89 in that the
barrel is not rifled, and the range is regulated by a gas port
rather than an adjustable trigger houtsing.
Gas vent

Grenade Dischargers--Table of
delay train Model 89 (1929) 50-mnt GD
Ammnitio ........--- Molcl 89 hlgh-esplosie shell.
M-Iel 91 grenade. Model 95
smoke shell, Model 94 prctice
.~~t I, s0hell, etc.
I.:| i - Grenade Weiglht ------------------ .......-- 103% s-..d.s
.I.e l ~ ] ] j1 101||1body
Weight of Mldel 89 dhell ----------- _-_ I Ipslll 12

Model 10 (1921) 50-mm GD

Detonator- Ammunition ___-. ___._...__._._._.
.... M-lel 91 grelade, Model 11
sm,.ke shell, Model 10 flare
shell, Model 10 sigal shell,
Model 91 p1ratiee grenade.
Bursting :(~~~~~~~~~~i ~~~~~~~~Model
WeightL ---....- .......-...........
10 blank shell. etc.
51j px,.ond.
charge aRange of Mofdel 91 gre .n..........l. …-. 05 to 175 yardl
-----.--------------------. Smooth Iore

Figure 45. Model 99 (1939) "Kiska" hand grenade.

Figure 46. Left to right: Model 89 (1929) shell, Model 91 (1931) hand grenade, Model 97 (1937) hand grenade, Model
99 (1939) grenade.

Screw cap Light brass cover
Firing pin
Ring ( Creep spring

-Pull Percussin cap

Wooden handle

\\ ~
\~ Frictlon primer Bursterr

with tinfoil
-n t s . se a l e d
,,\ / V~/~

Fuze body /~~~~~ 7

/~rew securing
handle to body

j W"axed-paper wasners i Rubber pelets (4)

/~renade body White phosphorus and
carbon disulphide
777 ~~t~TiS.~Waed-paper cylinder

Bursting charge

Waxed-paper cover
Metal cover

Crown cork
Red band - ., ..........
Ribbed cardboard
Sand and sawdust
Cylindrical container
Handles (2)
Prussic acid

Khaki color --- Glass flask

Metallic copper
.-- : : iOuter canister

Figure 49. Prussic acid gas grenade.

Figure 47. Stick grenade (left).

Figure 48. Incendiary stick hand grenade (right).



Figure 54. Model 10 (1921) 50-mm grenade discharger.

attempt should be made to unload the gun by working live
rounds through it, because it fires from an open bolt and will
The Model 11 (1922) 6.5-mm light machine gun has been fire when the bolt closes and locks.
standard equipment in the Japanese infantry squad. An The Japanese make considerable use of the Model 92 (1932)
unusual feature of the gun is the fact that it is fed by six 7.7-mm Lewis-type machine gun. This weapon is a duplicate
5-round clips of ammunition. Note that it fires only reduced- of the British model except for the fact that the cocking handle
charge rifle cartridges and will not fnction properly with is on the left side and cannot be shifted to the right side of the
other types. It is used on a bipod mount as a light machine gun. An advantage of the Lewis-type weapon is the fact that,
gun; as a combination heavy machine gun and antiaircraft without removing the gun from its mount, it can be adapted
gun it occasionally is mounted on a tripod. The gun is gas- for antiaircraft use in about 15 seconds.
operated and air-cooled. Ammunition is loaded through the The Japanese Model 96 (1936) 6.5-mm light machine gun
feed hopper attached to the left side of the receiver. Prominent is very similar in appearance to the British Bren light machine
identilication characteristics are the feed hopper, the cut-out
shoulder stock, and the front and rear sights offset to the right. gun, caliber .303. In construction, however, it embodies
The safety lever is on the left of the trigger guard; it is
shifted downward until approximately vertical to be on tie With a mechanism that represents a considerable improve-
ment upon the Model 11, it handles well and can be fired
"safe" setting. To disengage the safety, the lever is pulled
backward and upward until in a horizontal position.
To fire the gun, the fillower of the feed hopper is raised to Prominent identification fatures are the carrying handle
permit horizontal insertion of six clips. The follower then is directly in front of the receiver, the operating handle on the
permitted to snap back in place. Next the gun is cocked by left of the receiver, the drum-controlled rear peep sight, and
pulling back the operating handle on the left until the exten- the quick-change barrel with the swinging-arm release catch.
sion of the piston engages the sear notch. The handle then is The gun is gas-operated and air-cooled. A spare barrel is
pushed forward lntil its catch clips into the receiver. Rate of carried as a 'replacement should a change he necessary. The
fire is adjusted by a gas regulator with several openings of gun is fed by a curved-hox magazine containing 30 rounds
different sizes. The guin is unloaded by pulling back on the which is placed on top of the receiver. The safety is located on
knutrled feed-housing lock on the feed-housing assembly, and the left side of the trigger houusing in frot.of and above the
removing the assembly to the left. Ammunition then is re- trigger, In horizontal position, it is set to "fire"; when it is in
moved from the feed well of the feed-houlsing assembly. No the vertical position, the gun is locked.

Front sight

; 9; I:Oil reservoir
, ,I '~' ;, r \ 'Feed hopper
Rear sight
Gas regulator

Backplate pin

Safety lever

Operating handle

Figure 52. Model 11 (1922) 6.5-mm light machine gun.

To load the gun, a 30-round magazine is inserted into the
opening in the top of the receiver, catching the front side of
the magazine first and pulling it back until the catch on the
back of the magazine opening engages the magazine. The
operating handle then is pulled to the rear until the sear
engages the operating slide. The operating handle is then
returned to its forward position and, after the range is set on
the sight drum, the gnn is ready for firing.
The gas-piston plug has five positions, enabling the size of
the gas port to be increased as the plug is turned from 1
toward 5. A large opening increases the recoil; a smaller
opening will diminish it.
To unload the gun, the magazine catch is pressed forward
with the base of the palm of the hand. The magazine then is
grasped and tilted forward until clear of the magazine catch,
after which it can be lifted off.
As in the case of the Model 99 rifle, adoption of the Model 99
(1939) 7.7-mm light machine gun is additional evidence of the
trend in the Japanese Army toward the use of heavier infantry
weapons with some sacrifice of mobility.
The Model 99 light machine gun is quite similar in appear-
ance to the Model 96. However, there are several easily
recognized distinguishing features. The Model 99 has an
adjustable rear monopod. Also, the Model 99 has the nut-and.
wedge type barrel release, whereas the Model 96 has a pivot-

Figure 53. Feed hopper of Model 11 (1922) 6.5-mm light

machine gun.

Figure 54. Model 92 (1932) 7.7-mm Lewis type light machine gun.

Figure 55. Model 96 (1936) 6.5-mm light machine gun.

if:* ?' Xv :i

Figure 56. Model 99 (1939) 7.7-mm light machine gun.

ing, barrel-locking knob. The flash hider of the Model 99 is Ammunition is fed from a 30-round, curved-box magazine
screwed onto the muzzle; that of the Model 96 has a bayonet- which fits into the top of-the receiver. An important point to
type locking device. . , note is the fact that many parts are common to both Models
The Model 99 is gas-operated, air-cooled, and magazine-fed. 96 and 99, and their mechanisms are practically identical.
Both front bipod and rear monopod are used in firing, with In operating the Model 99, the safety lever on the right or
elevation of the piece changed by adjustments of the monopod. left side of the receiver is rotated downward to the horizontal


Trigger thumbpiece

Adjustable traversing handles

Figure 57. Model 92 (1932) 7.7-mm heavy machine gun.

position. The magazine- and ejection-port covers are then barrel is unusually long. The weapon is gas-operated and full
opened. Next, the loaded magazine is inserted, with the inside automatic only. The base of the receiver has a mount for a
curve to the front. The front end of the magazine must be telescopic sight.
engaged in the receiver first, after which the magazine can be Turning the trigger thumbpiece clockwise puts the gun in
pressed down until its catch engages the rear flange in the the "safe" position. The feed strip then can be removed, and
receiver opening. The operating handle is then pulled to the the bolt is locked. Inserting a feed strip unlocks the bolt, and
rear as far as possible and pushed forward again. After the the gun can be put in the "fire" condition by pressing on the
sights are set by turning the elevating drum to the desired trigger thumbpiece.
range, the gun is ready for firing. It will fire as long as the
trigger is pulled. It cannot be used as a semiautomatic weapon. lower, or firilg, position. The cocking handle then is pulled
back and pushed forward again. Both feed and ejection open-
Model 96. Ammunition used is the Model 99 (1939) 7.7-mm
ings will open automatically when the cocking handle is
trite rimless type. moved. Ammunition is inserted from the left side of the feed
The only Japanese-manufactured submachine gun is the mechanism with the rounds uppermost. To unload, the feed
Model 100 (1940), which fires 8-mm pistol ammunition. It is holding-pawl arm hook underneath the feedway (on the left
an air-cooled weapon designed to take a bayonet. It is fitted side of the receiver) is pulled out. The gun will continue to
with a bipod and is said to have a folding stodk. Though fire, until the ammunition is expended, as long as the trigger
previously noted in Manchuria, the Model 100 so far has been thumbpiece is pressed forward. Rate-of-fire adjustment is
identified only on Saipan. made by screwing the gas-cylinder plug in or out until the gun
The standard, most commonly used Japanese 7.7-mm functions as desired.
heavy machine gun is the Model 92 (1932) which normally is Three telescopic sights are available for use with the Model
mounted on a tripod and can be adapted for antiaircraft use. 92. The Models 93 and 94 are both of the periscopic type. The
Prominent identification characteristics are large radiating former is six-power, and the latter five-power. The Model 93,
rings, adjustable traversing handles, the cocking handle which measures 8.4 inches, is used only to lay the gun. The
mounted on the right side, and the oiler which is located above Model 94, which is 12.8 inches from top to bottom, has an
and to the left of the receiver, directly above the feedway. eyepiece on level with the top of the receiver. The Model 96
A modified Hotchkiss type, the Model 92 seldom overheats (1936) telescopic sight, which is four-power, may be used
because of its slow rate of fire, and therefore the life of the while the gun is firing.

i .-



Figure 58. Model 3 (1914) 6.5-mnm he-ath machine guln.

Oil reservoir

Oiling brush-
Telescope sight
Feedstrip roller

Cocking handle

Rear sight with peep and windage removed

Trigger thumbpiece

Figure 59. Details of sights of Mofdel 92 (1932) 7.7-mm Irealy machine guln.

The Model 92 heavy machine gun uses the 7.7-mm semi- Range:
Eff-ec tie. ............. 1,640 yards
rimnmed amnmlnition in ball, tracer, or armor-piercing forms. Maxmm-e - --------------------- 4,374 yards
Model 99 (1939) rimless 7.7-mm also can be fired in this gun, Ratle
ovefcity 2t0 eet per second
if loaded in 30-round feed strips. Effective ------------------------ rounds per minute in 5-round
The Japanese use the Model 93 (1933) 13-mm heavy Cyclic (maxim.m) 500 rllll.d per .i.lte
machine gun for both antiaircraft and ground fire. A single-
barreled version of the weapon exists, with a different mount Model 96 (1936) 6.5-mnm light MG
than is employed in the double'-barreled model. The two guns CaPlier 0.256 inchrated. full-automatic only
on the Model 93 double-barreled weapon are mounted sepa- AimLunitio------------------------- Model 3 (905) semirilnlmed re-
rately and can be stripped from the mount individually. There Type of feed-................ 30-roulnd box magazine
Weight with sling --------------------- 20 potnds
is an iron chair for the gunner who operates each of the guns Raigi: in
with separate pedals. Effective--
Maximumtun ------. -----....... 1640
4,337 t yards
There is no safety device on the gun. Each gun is cocked Muzzle velocity ------- 2410 feet per seeond
Rite of fire (cyclic)….….…. . .... 550 rounds per mittute
individually by pulling back the respective cocking handles
on the sides of the receivers. The loaded magazines (with 20 .Model 99 (1939) 7.7-m light MG
rounds to each box-type magazine) are put on, and the guns Caliber ------------------------------- 0.303 inel
fired by pressing the pedals. Ball, armor-piercing, and tracer Prileiple of operation- Gas-operated, fill.-amtomatic
7 7 only
.................... _--_ Model 99 (1939) . -mm rinless
ammunition are used. A black band on the outer edge of the ilyv. cartridge Use of ball car-
tridges is known. bat no realJrts
primer denotes ball ammunition. White bands and red bands riof argor kown. bg ortnoreports
of artor-idiercisg or tracer
indicate armor-piercing and tracer, respectively. certridges have been received
Type of feed .-...-. 30-round box magazine
Weight: without nmagazie -e_-_-_ -' . 20 ..pounds
Machine Guns-Table of Characteristics Efective-----
Maxin-m --------------
1500 yards
3,800 yards -
'Muzzle velocity ----------------------- 2,300 feet per second
Model 11 (1922) 6.5-mm light MG Raunge of fire:
Effectirve.25..inch ----------
. . . . 250 rounds per minmute
Caliber ------------------------------- 0.256 inch I ------ 800 ruunds per mi itc
Pri!ncitl hof ti-on-
peratio . Gas-operxted, full-automatic onlyper
........ nte
Allnn....itio…...--. ... ….. Model 38 (1905) semirimmed. re-
duced-charge eartridges in 5- Afodel 92 (1932) 7.7-mm heavy MG
round clips
Type of fee!… --------------------------
…opper Caliber 0.303 inch
Weightl.------------------------------- 221 pounds Prinllliple of auperation.___ … _ . s
(:as-operated. fidl-alutomatic only

Ammunition_.______ .__. _...
.. . ____
.. Ball, tracer. and armor-piercing
Ilsth -emirilmedalid rimless
amnmlnnitlion can he lired
of feed ------ _-._--------------_ Strips (30 rounds each)
Without tripod ---
__--__..____..._ 61 pounds
With tripod ----------------__ - --_ 122 poueds
Traverse (with tripod mount) __- ___ 360 degrees (33.5 degrees on an
Elevation (with tripod mount):
Maximum ---------------------- II degrees
Minimum -___-.--- - _--------.-- -15 degrees
Effective ------------------------ 1,500 yards
Maximum -___-----_.-_______._--- 4,587 yards
· II _ * s D _YP1B~·~~g Mlzzle velocity (with Model 92 (1932)
hall anmmunition) _ _ --
.--- _________- 2,400 feet per second
Hate of fire:
Effective --- _-_-_------__-___--- _ 200 riloulds per minulte
Cyclic-__._-_---- . 450 rounds per minute

M>i~ -

. ~
Model 93 (1933) 13-mm twin heavy MG
--------- 0.519 inch
- '*- I'Principle of operation _ .-------
-------- Gas-operated, fidl-actomatic only
**Ammunition ........................ Ball, tracer, ad armor-piering
Total weight of each gaan-_--er-a.._.ed 87 pounds
Muzzle velocity:
'_> ~~>~'i~~~~~
/"/~~~ w ' *Ball ammamition _________.----
Armor-piereing ammunition ---- _-_
2,210 feet per second
2,280 feet per second

-. ig 60 Model 100 (1940) 8-mm SMG

,:rr, ]: . '.s Calibe ...............
_............... 8-m,
Principle ofoperation.------------- Blowback
"It'';~[[ ~?~ Ammunitio ---........................ 8-mm Nambu (pistol) earlridges
'·D ,i · ;?' ,",Type of feed --------.--.-------------- 30-round curved box ..gazine

Weight (with biped) ------------------- (not yet scertai..ed)

Muzzle velocity ------------------------ 1.082 feet per-second
Bate of fire (cyclic) --------------------- 700

Figure 60. fodel 93 (1933) 13-mm heavy machine gutn

(single mount).

Mortars are used most effectively by the Japanese Army,
and their performance seems to be fully up to the standard of
other modern armies. The Model 98 (1938) 50-mm mortar has
three main parts-the base plate, the bipod, and the barrel.
Its elevation is fixedI at about 40 degrees, but provision is made
for limited traverse by loosening the two wing nuts that secure
the bipod and swinging the bipod feet on the arc.
The Model 98 50-mm weapon fires a formidable stick bomb
which weighs nearly 10 pounds and contains about 7 pounds
of explosive charge. To fire the weapon it is first necessary to
insert one or more powder increments into the muzzle. The
stick of the bomb then is placed in the tulie. Adjustment of the
graduated range slide, which is clamped to the muzzle, will
regulate the distance thie stick will go into the barrel. The
greater the distance the stick extends into the barrel, the
greater the range that will he attained.
The explosive charge of the bomb is armed by insertion of
two friction-type pull igniters in the holes in the base of the
charge. Each igniter is connected by cord to one of the two
links extenling from tihe barrel collar of the mourtar on each
side. A pull-type friction primer then is inserted into the primer
seat on the side of the barrel near the base. Pullilg thile loop
lanyard attached to this friction printer fires the piece.
Tile Model 11 (1922) 70-nmm mortar is muzzle-loaded. buit

Figure 61. Model 93 (1933) 13-rnm heaty machine glrt

(dual nmount).

Muzzle hoop

Barrel collar

Touch hole

Traversing arc

Figure 62. Model 98 (1938) 50-mm mortar anrd stick bomb.

nonetheless it has a rifled bore. It is mounted on a wooden the muzzle, propelling charge first.
base plate, and the barrel is supported by an adjustable After the shell is propelled, a time train and fixed powder
elevating screw. Laying-in is done with the aid of a gunner's charge cause the projection of seven smaller bombs borne by'
quadrant which has an elevation scale graduated in half- rice-paper parachutes. A larger parachute opens at the same
degrees from 0 to 55 degrees, used in conjunction with a time, tilting the main container and insuring the scattering of
Vernier arm which permits corrections to one-sixteenth of a the seven small bombs. These are loaded with nitrostarch and
degree. The quadrant also contains a leveling vial. are detonated in the air by a pull-igniter fuze which has a
When the piece is properly laid-in by use of the elevating phosphorus-coated string and delay element.
screw and the traverse wheel, the shell is placed down the The Model 97 (1937) 81-mm mortar is almost identical with
barrel and the mortar fired by means of a lanyard attached to the U. S. 81-mm mortar Mi. There are two minor differences,
a striker arm. For safety all crew members should crouch however, for the Japanese weapon has an offset locking nut for
below the level of the muzzle when the piece is fired. the firing pin and buttress-type thread on the elevating and
The mortar fires a high-explosive shell made up of a fuze, traversing screws. Operation is identical with that of the U. S.
the body, and the propelling-charge assembly. The fuze is a piece, and the ammunition is so similar in every respect that
simple point-detonating type. The steel shell body is threaded it can be used interchangeably.
at the top and bottom to receive the fuze and propelling- The Model 99 (1939) 81-mm mortar also is similar-to the
charge assembly respectively. The propelling-charge assembly U. S. 81-mm mortar M1, except that it has a shorter barrel,
consists of the percussion cap, the propellant, and a copper is equipped for trigger firing, and has a close fit between the
rotating band which is engaged by the rifling. bore and the projectile to compensate for the shorter barrel.
The simplest mortar design used by the Japanese is the Two men can carry the Japanese weapon, which can also be
70-mm barrage mortar, first encountered during the Attu transported by horsecart or motor truck.
operations. The barrel is smooth-bored and is attached to a In the barrel collar of the Model 99 there is a buffer system
wooden base by means of a base plate. A spike extension rod to absorb part of the recoil by the action of two recoil cylinders
on the bottom of the base is used to anchor the piece into the filled with light grease or heavy oil. The weapon normally is
ground. The wooden base absorbs the shock of firing and pre- used with a collimator sight, that is, one which adjusts the line
vents the mortar from "digging in." Changes in elevation are of sight relative to other parts of the mortar, but a gunner's
made by altering the angle at which the rod is pegged into the quadrant can be mounted, and a white line painted along the
ground. The mortar is fired simply by dropping the shell down top of the barrel also aids in sighting.

Figure 63. Model 11 (1922) 70-mm infantry mortar.

o~ Quadrant seat

Elevating screw

Traversing handwheel


Figure 64. Model 97 (1937) 81-mm mortar.

Figure 65. Model 99 (1939)
81-mm mortar.
Figure 66. Model 94 (1934) 90-rm mortar.


c ra n k
Recoil cyl de

Yoke slide






Figure 67. Model 97 (1937)

90-mm mortar.

There is a safety lever at the side of the base cap at the base In the Bougainville fighting the Japanese used a much im-
of the mortar barrel. When this lever is turned to the left the proved version of the Model 94, known as the Model 97 (1937)
firing pin is in firing position. When the piece has been laid-in 90-mm mortar. It weighs 120 pounds less than the Model 94,
the shell is placed fin-first in the muzzle and permitted to slide and this lightness is a great advantage in difficult jungle terrain
down the barrel. The firing-pin shaft is then struck with a where such weapons ordinarily are hand-carried. This light-
wooden mallet. The blow drives the'firing-pin shaft into the ness has been achieved by elimination of the heavy recoil
base cap, jamming the firing pin upward into contact with the mechanism found on the older model, and the redesigned
cartridge primer. All members of the crew should crouch or clamping collar and saddle are lighter than these parts of the
lie on the ground when these firing steps have been completed. Model 94. The new model has the same maximum range and
Both high-explosive and smoke or chemical shells are used, other firing characteristics as the earlier version.
and there are two weights-7.2 pounds and 14.3 pounds. In China the Japanese have employed a 150-mm mortar.
One of the largest Japanese infantry mortars commonly used This weapon appears to be of conventional design, incorpo-
is the 90-mm Model 94 (1934). It is a smooth-bore, muzzle- rating baseplate, bipod, and elevating screw. It is tentatively
loading weapon with a fixed firing pin. It is equipped with two identified as the Model 93 (1933) and is intended for use
recoil cylinders mounted on a one-piece U-shaped frame. This against field fortifications and for effect on morale.
frame fits into the base plate by a ball-and-socket arrange-
ment. The barrel is connected by a bar to the recoil cylinders
which in turn are attached to hipod shock absorbers. Mortars-Table of Characteristics
Elevation of the piece is accomplished by turning the crank
at the junction of the bipod legs and elevating screws. A knob Model 98 (1938) 50-mm mortar
at the end of the traversing screw, where the barrel is collared Ammunitionght ------------ -- 1-----
0-pound stick bomb
to the bipod, is turned to accomplish traverse. Range 100-50 yards
The mortar is laid-in and leveled in the same manner as Model 11 (1922) 70-mm mortar
would be done with the U. S. 81] -mm Mortar M 1, and the sight Total weight -........................ 133.75 pounds
Barel Rifled bore
also is operated in a similar fashion. To fire the piece the pro- RBangel----------------- 3,000 yRied (boreppro)
jectile is allowed to slide down the barrel fins-first. The firing
pin fires the igniting charge. Both high-explosive and chemical 70-mm barrage mortar
Anmmunition- . . ........................
Shell containing parachute bontl;s
shells are fired. Range
...-. .................
3,000-4,000 feet (vertical)

p. ~ ~ .

( '` ::

-, -u ~ii~~
-. 4.
Model 97 (1937) 81-mm mortar normal method of carrying, however, utilizes carrying handles
Rate of fire (estimated) --------------_ 18 to 30 rounds per minute in the brackets affixed to the front and rear of the cradle and
_ _ - _----------------145 pounds
Range -----
_-------------____.------_ 3,000 yards (maximum) requires three or four men.
.Model 99 (1939) 81-mm mortar Prominent identification features of the weapon are the front
Ammunition --_1_.2----__ __-______- 7.2 and 14.3-pound shells bipod and rear monopod, the low silhouette, the nonadjustable
weight -------------- 52 pounds
inimum range: · inverted-V front.sight, and the peep sight to the rear. The
7.2-pound shell ------------------- 545 yards
14.3-pound shell.- _____ 207 yards weapon is gas-operated, air-cooled, and magazine-fed.
7.2-pound abdl~_~~~~~~~~~~~. ____
14.3-pound shell_---- __---------_
3280 yards
1,312 yards
There are two safety devices on the piece. One is a trigger
block, located on the left side of the trigger housing above the
Rate of fire.................... _.. 15._rounds per minute
pistol grip. This, when rotated, prevents the trigger from being
Model 94 (1934) 90-mm mortar pulled. The other device is a bolt stop on the right rear side
Ammunition r-------------------------HE
Length of barrel with breech cap ------- and
5114 incendiary shells
inches near the top of the receiver, when it is turned, the bolt is held
Weight in action -_____ _ _-___...___
- 340 pounds in its rearward position.
Range- ._..._-________ _-_ .....
612 to 4,155 yards
Elevation of the piece is done by turning the knurled collars
Model 93 (1933) 150-mm mortar on the legs of the bipod. A traverse up to 45 degrees is possible
Amm.m.tion ----___-_----______ _ 44
pound HE shell
Weight of asemled
n___ piece ____ ...557 pounds by moving the shoulder stock. The front bipod swivels, but
Rate of fire- _--. 3 rounds.___..-per minute the rear leg must be reset in the ground for each change of
Maximum range ---------------------- 2,310 yards position.

Antitank and Infantry Guns The gun is cocked by pulling to the rear the retracting
The Model 97 (1937) 20-mm antitank rifle is a single-pur- handle on the left side of the receiver. The bolt then is engaged
pose, semi- or full-automatic antitank weapon. It is frequently and held in the rear by the stop, permitting the insertion of a
referred to as a machine cannon, in view of its full-automatic vertical, box-type magazine into the top of the receiver. The
character. Since the piece weighs only 150 pounds it can be bolt stop is then released and the trigger block disengaged.
carried by two men and maneuvered in any terrain. The The retracting handle is pushed forward and, when the trigger
is pulled, the piece will deliver full-automatic fire. Release of
the trigger stops the fire by forcing a searup into thereeeiver-
Figure 68. Model 93 (1933) 150-mm heavy mortar to hold the operating parts to the rear.
(opposite page).

Figure 69. Model 97 (1937) 20-mm antitank rifle with shield and front carrying handles.

= Magazine
Magazine catch- Barrel bushing lock

Figure 70. Model 97 (1937) 20-mm antitank ripe (right side).


*I -'i

k,ic -- -z;_rf"E--"j*


i. -- T-
Both armor-piercing shot- and high-explosive shells with to the rear and upper right of the receiver which must be
point-detonating fuze are fired from the Model 97. It must be turned counterclockwise before the weapon can be fired.
emphasized that this ammunition has a smaller shell case than After the trails and outrigger are set in the ground, the
the 20-mm rounds made for the Model 98 (1938) AA/AT crank-shaped axle is swung so that the weapon rests on them,
machine gun. and the wheels are clear of the ground and can be removed.
The Model 98 (1938) 20-mm machine cannon is an all- The gun is elevated by a handwheel to the left rear, and
purpose weapon. Light in weight and very maneuverable, it traversed by pressing on the shoulder rest.
can be placed in battery as an antiaircraft gun by an experi-aded magazine is placed into the slot on the top
enced crew in less than three minutes, making it an effective of the receiver. The operating handle then is pulled to the rear
weapon for defense against low-flying aircraft. Since it has a
and pushed forward again. This operation pushes the first
split trail and wheels, the piece also can be used for general round into the chamber. Pressing the lock on the firing handle,
field-artillery purposes. round into the chamber. Pressing the lock on the firing handle,
field-artillery purposes. and moving the handle forward, fires thepiece. Either auto-
There are close similarities between the mechanism of the matic or semiautomatic fire may be chosen by adjustment of
Model 98 and that of the Model 97 20-mm antitank rifle.
the change lever at the right rear of the sleigh.
However, the Model 98 may be fired either as a semi- or full-
automatic weapon. It is gas-operated and magazine-fed. Two Both high-explosive and armor-piercing ammunition are
spring-loaded cylinders, one on each side of the barrel, consti- used. Both have abnormally large brass shell-cases, the size of
tute the recoil system. The vertical, box-type magazine which which is the feature that distinguishes the ammunition for this
holds 20 rounds fits into a slot in the top of the receiver. For gun from that intended for the Model 97 20-mm antitank rifle.
traveling, towing shafts are inserted in slots at the ends of the The Model 11 (1922) 37-mm gun has been superseded by
trails, and the forward part of the barrel is held to the carriage weapons of more modern design, but it may still be en-
by a traveling lock. countered in some combat areas. Four men who constitute the
Two safety devices are installed. A lock on the firing handle, normal crew can carry the weapon, which in appearance is
to the left and rear of the gun, must be depressed before the similar to the U. S. 37-mm gun M1916. It is easily identified
handle can be moved forward. There also is a manual safety by its very short barrel and tubular steel trails. Barrel and
breech form one integral part; the breech has a vertical sliding-
wedge block which is operated manually or automatically.
Figure71. Model 98 (1938) 20-mm antiaircraft-antitank A simple telescopic sight is standard on the weapon.
machine cannon in traveling position (opposite page). There are both elevating and traversing handwheels. A

TxII 1 Ti
locking mechanism holds the breechblock closed and must be Finally, the safety lock to the right of the firing knob is dis-
disengaged prior to firing. A round then is inserted in the engaged to permit pulling the knob to the rear.
chamber and the breech automatically closes. Adjustment can To load and fire, a round is inserted in the chamber auto-
be made, however, to permit manual operation of the breech- matically closing the breech. The firing knob then is pulled
block. A lanyard is attached to the firing mechanism. outward and to the rear. Normally, a five-man crew serves
The Model 94 (19 3 4)'37-mm gun is an infantry close-support the gun-a chief of section, a gunner, a gunner's assistant,
gun used both as an antitank and antipersonnel weapon. It has and two ammunition carriers. Armnlpiercing, high-exposive,
a long slender barrel, a low mount, and spade brackets on the and shrapnel types of ammunition are furnished for use in the
trails. The weapon may be either manhandled or horsedrawn. Model 94.
Like the Model 11, barrel and breech are integrated. The The Model 1 (1941) 47-mm gun is a new antitank and anti-
breechblock is a horizontal sliding wedge. When a round is personnel weapon of modern design. It has a long barrel with
fired, the breech opens and the cartridge case is extracted muzzle reinforcement, exceptionally long trails, and rubber-
automatically. The breech remains open until another round tired, perforated, steel-disc wheels. It is designed for motor
is inserted in the chamber. transport only, with the trails closed and locked with a yoke.
The elevating mechanisms are used to lay-in the piece. One Its great length and low clearance make it difficult to man-
handwheel, to the left above and forward of the breech, moves handle except in exceptionally favorable terrain. The breech-
the telescope and barrel. The elevating handwheel proper block is the horizontal sliding-wedge type, and may be oper-
moves only the barrel-this wheel is to the right and forward ated either manually or semiautomatically.
of the breech. Traversing is accomplished by a handwheel Operational details are not known but it is believed that the
at the left of the breech. gun is fired in the same manner as the Model 94 37-mm gun.
Three safety devices must be disengaged to fire the piece. It fires rimmed and armor-piercing high-explosive with a brass
A safety lock on the breechblock is turned to the vertical case. The case has a comparatively large diameter and is
position for firing. Secondly;the breechblock operating-handle necked down to take the 47-mm projectile.
latch is disengaged by forcing down the operating handle. The Model 92 (1932) 70-mm howitzer is the standard in.
fantry-support piece of this category. It is horse-drawn but
presumably could be manhandled by its ten-man section. It
Figure 72. Two views of Model 11 (1922) 37-mm gun has a low mount, an extremely short barrel, and a sliding plate
showing accessories (opposite page). on the shield.

-Figue 73. Mmadel9 -(934) 37-m gn-.

Figure 74.
Model 1 (941) 47-mm gun.

~"'" ~;_;l~·'a;---
Figure 75. Model 92 (1932) howitzer.



Barrel, breech ring, and top sleigh are all of one forging. plated steel case. High explosive and shrapnel both are used;
The breechblock is the interrupted-thread, swing-down type, the high-explosive shell weighs 8.36 pounds and has a burst
and is manually operated. The trails which lock together for danger area of 40 radial yards.
travel have two extensions for horse transportation. The The Model 41 (1908) 75-mm mountain or infantry gun
wheels are steel disc with steel rims; however, the model also originally was used as a field artillery pack gtm. It has been
has been found equipped with wooden artillery wheels. superseded to a great extent, however, by more modern
There are two important safety features on the weapon. weapons for this purpose, and now is issued as a regimental
The safety lock, to the right of the firing mechanism on the infantry gun. It has been encountered in virtually every U. S.
breech carrier, must be in the "down" position before the piece Japanese combat theater.
can be fired. Also the breechblock operating latch must be The gun has an interrupted-thread, swing-type breechblock.
depressed before the breech can be operated. Note that the The recoil mechanism is hydrospring and there are no equal-
gun cannot be fired unless the breech is fully closed, and that izers or equilibrators. The gun is mounted on a field carriage
this, in effect, constitutes another safety device. The Model 92 with steel-rimmed wooden wheels. The trail is the modified
uses the same panoramic sight employed on Japanese field- box type, constructed of tubular steel. The two parallel trails
artillery weapons. It is mounted on the left side of the piece are connected to a large, single demountable spade. The
and includes a range drum, an elevating bubble, and a cross- elevation handwheel is on the left side of the carriage, while
leveling bubble. The piece is elevated by a handwheel on the the traversing wheel is to the right rear.
right of the carriage, and traversed by one on the left side. There are three safety devices. On the left of the rear plate
·To fire the piece it is necessary to open the breechblock of the breechblock is located the safety lock which must be in
manually to insert a round into the chamber. The breech is the "down" position to fire the piece. The breechblock has an
then closed, after which the safety lock is moved to the "up" operating-handle latch which locks the breech in a closed
position which prevents its firing while a lanyard is attached. position after it has been fully closed, and there is a rack lock
When ready to fire, the safety lock is released and the lanyard which automatically prevents the breechblock from rotating
pulled. when the breech is opened and closed. The gun is fired in the
The gun uses semifixed ammunition with a brass or a brass- same manner as the Model 92 70-mm howitzer.

_~ Model 41 (1908) 75-mm mountain g


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' -
Antitank and Infantry Guns-Table of Characteristics

Model 97 (1937) 20-mm AT rifle Model 94 (1934) 37-mm gun

Principle of operation
. _-.------_-----_Gas-operated, semi- or full-auto- Weight in action- .----
._.___........ 714 pounds
matic Thickness of shield armor 0.2-rnm (0.787 inch)
Ammunition__-..-.. ______________.__ High-explosive and armor-piercing Range:
Type of feed --_________---_ _____---- 7-round box magazine Effective ----- _------------------ 2,500 yards
Weight: Maximumm .-------------------- 5,000 yards
In action without shield -_--------_ 120 pounds Muzzle veloeity (armor-piercing round) 2.300 feet per second
Complete with carrying handles---- 150 pounds Rate of fire --......................... 10 to 20 rounds per mirnlte
Thickness of shield arnor_-______-_____ 5s inch
Effective range -_----_------- __- 1,100 yards
hate of firen-------------------- ___n_ Untnown Model 1 (1941) 47-mm gun
Model 98 (1938) 20-mm AA-AT machine cannon No statistics are available for this model, although fring
Principle of operation ___--
.---------- Gas-operated, semi- or full-auto-
tests have been made.
Ammunition -...... __._._._._..
.... High-explosive, tracer, and armor-
piercing Model 92 (1932) 70-mnm howitzer (battalion gitn)
Type of feed ---------------------
_ - 20-round box magazine
Total weight without wheels .---------836 pounds Total weight in action _... ---- 468 pousnds
Traverse without wheels 6,400 mils (360 degrees)
.------------- Thickness of shield armor -.--------- 0.156 inch
Elevation: Range:
Ma.imum -______,51__1_-_-.--___ 15il mile (85.7 degrees) Effective -___-_-________-___- 1,500 yards
Minimum_---- _-_-.-- -____-___- _ -178 mils (-10 degrees) Maximum_ ..-__-----.---___-____ 3,000 yards
Maximum range: Rate of fire-_-.-.-----------_- 10 rounds per minute
Horizontal ------------
___ ------ 5,450 yards
Vertical_ -___.------------------- 12,000 feet
Musale veloeity--_________ .-.. ___ 2,720 feet per sencond odel 41 (1908) 75-mm mountain infantry gun
Rate of fire------------------- _-----_ 120 rounds per ilnute
Range ---------- __ _.-..
-__ 12,000 feet (vertical) Range:
Effective--.--------------------- 2,100 yards
Maximum--_-------------------- 9,265 yards
Model 11 (1922) 37-mnt gun With long-pointed shell _-_____ 7,675 yards
With ordinary shell-_ _______
- 6,575 yards
Weight in action __-_----------------_ 205.72 pounds Rate of fire __-- __________._...._ ._ .10 rounds per minute

,,; ' 0·. ' Figure 77. Model 38 (1905) 75-mm gun (improved).



'.plr Y

jE ;

FUvS~~~~~i r"

ARTILLERY by the more modern Model 90 or Model 95. The piece is a
modification of the original Model 38. The plain box trail was
Japanese artillery weapons exhibit the outstanding modified into an open box which allows for an elevation of 43
characteristic of lightness, in some cases without the degrees, although axle traverse was retained. Equilibrators
sacrifice of range, although there is reason to believe were added and the piece was trunnioned to the rear. Although
that the pieces are not as rugged as those of compa- a hydrospring recoil mechanism still was used, it was made
rable calibers in other armies. Models introduced
Although primarily a dual purpose AA/AT gun, the Model
since 1930 have hydropneumatic recoil mechanisms 88 (1928) 75-mm antiaircraft gun thus-far has been en-
of the independent type, with the liquid in direct countered more generally in U. S. campaigns against the
contact with the gas. Spade-plate stabilizers, pintle Japanese than any other artillery weapon. Its high muzzle
traverse, and three-point suspension also are features. velocity makes it suitable for use against ground targets,
.The horizontal slidin.g-wedge breec.hbloc
The horizontal sliding-wedge breechblock alsoalso is
is especially tanks. As an antitank weapon it has the advantages
of zero elevation and an all-round traverse, but it cannot be
used. Equilibrators, trunnioning forward of the cen- moved quickly after firing.
ter of balance, and the employment of open box or The Model 90 (1930) 75-mm gun has a very long tube
split trails likewise have been typical of Japanese equipped with a muzzle brake. It has been made both for
artillery designed or modified since the period of motorized or horse draft. Its muzzle-velocity, high according
World War 1. to Japanese standards, makes it the only Japanese weapon
presently available that is suitable for effective antitank fire
against heavy armored vehicles at considerable ranges. Its
adaptability to this use also is increased by its wide pintle
The Model 38 (1908) improved 75-mm gun still retains its traverse.
place as the standard Japanese light division artillery piece, The Model 94 (1934) 75-mm mountain gun, which has re-
although it can be expected that it will be replaced gradually placed the Model 41 mountain gun, has become the standard

4'. ~~~~~~~~~"

IQ ··-
i ' i' i-c'--fi·'

Figure 79. Model 90 (1930) 75-mm gun.

im- .
, _

Figure W(.ModI 94 (1934) 75-mm gun (mountain).

c it e phi' w s~e~~z·~·~:ek~Pi


10 _g-
Fi~are 81;.fodet95(19SS)75-m gun.

_ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~dp

pack artillery weapon of the Japanese army. Although a light cradle, long trails, and low silhouette. It attains great range
weapon, it has a number of modern construction features such - in proportion to its unusually low weight. Although it weighs
as a Schneider-type hydropneumatic, independent recoil only 8,220 pounds in firing position, its maximum range is
system; a horizontal sliding-wedge breechblock; split trails reported at approximately 20,000 yards. The weapon is
with spade plates; pintle traverse- and three-point suspension. equipped with spade plates and trail blocks which are de-
Since it is trunnioned at the center of balance, it does not mountable. Considerable difficulties apparently have been
require equilibrators. It can be disassembled and reassembled encountered with the recoil system.
with comparative ease. With lifting bars and ropes 18 men can Although the Model 4 (1915) 150-mm howitzer was designed
carry the weapon, although in the difficult terrain where man- during the period of World War I, it was manufactured in such
handling has been necessary larger groups have been assigned. quantities that it is still encountered on many fronts; but since
It fires some of the same projectiles used in other 75-mm 1936 it gradually has been replaced. Like other Japanese field
pieces, with the same length cartridge case used in the Model artillery, it is remarkable for its long range in proportion to its
38. However, its propellant differs by being lighter, resulting weight. For travel the gun breaks into two loads. This feature
in lower chamber pressure. has proved invaluable in terrain where bridges were flimsy or
The Model 95 (1935) 75-mm field gun is being encountered non-existent, and the road net poor. The gun's modified box
with increasing frequency. It may have been designed pri- trail allows it to be fired at extreme elevations, a valuable
marily to supersede the Model 41 (1908) 75-mm cavalry gun. feature in jungle or rugged terrain.
It can fire at higher elevation than the Model 41, but it A more modern Japanese 150-mm howitzer is the Model 96
weighs 400 pounds more. (1936) which gradually is superseding the Model 4 in medium
Despite its lightness, the Model 91 105-mm howitzer can artillery units. It is heavier than the Model 4, has a longer
throw a 35-piund shell nearly 12,000 yards. Its cradle extends range, and travels in a single, tractor-drawn load.
almost to the muzzle end of the tube. Another prominent
identification feature is the demountable spade plates. The Heavy Artillery
Model 91 weighs only 3,306 pounds in firing position. The standard heavy artillery weapon of the Japanese army,
The Model 92 (1932) 105-mm gun seems almost completely eomparable-roughly with the U. S. 155-mm gun, is the Model
to have replaced the Model 14 (1925) 105-mm gun, only 64 of 89 (1929) 150-mm gun. No specimen has thus far been cap-
which are known to have been made. The Model 92 is one of tured. It fires a shell considerably heavier than that used in
4he best Japanese -artillery -esigns, -with itslong arreL short the 150-mm howitzers. It travels in two loads, but takes longer

to emplace than weapons of corresponding caliber in other Model 88 (1928) 75-nm AA gitn.
armies, and is also outranged by them. FIRING CHARACTEHISTICS
inhes: caliber 44.2
Information about other Japanese heavy. artillery is incon- e of
1~uzzl tubety-i ------------------
veloci -------------- 2.360 130.5 Us/
elusive. The data in regard to pieces that have been reported at-xil ul range-_------------- 29,818 ° fee
Elevationu-......- ----... · 85
have not been conlirmed. Depression -0' °
Traverse._...__.-_.. . . . 360' S lilutes f r'conmplete traverse
Rate of lire: N.ormal - ------------
..... -15-20 __
MaxRiPlutnt rpm
2 -minurtes.. ____--

Artillery--Tables of Characteristics oAnmn init ....

Ammunition --...---------------- AA tminted shell. HE, shrapnel.,
incedliary . anll illlofini tiing
Model 38 (1905) 75-nint gutn (improred) Typeof breeebblo(k Se.niautumatichorizontal liding
Length of tubel,_---------------- 7 feet 6 inches; 31 calibers
Weight ofof gun: Firing ------------
gun: TWeralight -ir- _ ,39 pou
5,3q0 nds
Muzzle velocity ----------------- Shell l.640 f/s, HE; pointed shell Meth of transtor-drawn r 6-by-6 k ith
1,9rl. f/s88 wneh
1aximnum range -----.-.--- __ HEIIEshell: 8,9438 yards; pointed shell: Practical speed .ongood roadsds .. _Maximum: 12 mph
13.08) yards
Elevatio 4330…0 Time to r__t___-_
T 3 mph
Time to amidace -----------------
Traverse…fi-3'sn -htTrail… lefth;3-- 30' -------------- out-riggers with jacks f, r lev'-in-g
Rates of lire.- Normal .............. Type of renoil systenm -l - - _ I-droplneumalie. variaille.
2 minutes---__-______ 15 rpm
IS nutils--es-------- 0rppm 04rph
Conintunous -__.. 100-120
.Model 90 (1930) 75-mm gun
Ammunition-_ __.. . HE. APIIE, shrapnel, pointed,
______....... in- FIRING CHARACTERISTI:S
----------- smoe- iHlolumlinain
slidi eM
hng Mmc le
of tuhe
..-.-. .
..... 112.4 inches; 38.-144 calibers
22, f/s
Maxinium range ---------------- 16.,350 yards
Weight of gun: Firing __--------- 2,5015 poetnda lIepressionn-_.._-------------- -8'° °
Traveling ---_ -- 4.207.4 p..mnls ___
Traverse- -.---------------- 25 right; 25 left
Methel f translport ------------- I.orse-lrawn---si horsA Rale ,offire: Normnal .__..._______
Practical speed nmg.rul noads_ .__. 24.8 miles per day 2Maxinmumte--- r
Time to emplace - … 2 minutes
…-____-________ . . . . . .. . . 2 nminltes
. . . _ rpm
Wheels an-l lireas- WVd-spked artillery wheels; steel
.....----..... 15 -ilteS ----------- 4 rpm
hand Cantinuo,m--------
s I tt(-I20 rph
-_______ .___
Trail_____________ M.dlified box adjustable spade Anmmunnition-,----- ---------- IIE, APIIE. shrapnel, ineiay,
Ty lpenreenuil system __-_----_-__ Hlydrospring antomatically varihble. snoke. pointed.

Figure 82. Model 91 (1931) 105-mm howeitzer-



r, :,. 5 'u~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r~~~n~~~·· L'~~~~~~~~%~~~ I ~~~~~4-c~~~f.


CONIRTtllCTION 'ANIS MOVEMtENTr ATA Riglt bracket --_... ---- 10 pounds
Weight of gun: Firing ---- _- - 3, .6 punds B 82 pounds
~T-rl --p. s
4408 ~Roadl learane
........ .--------.
10.14 inches
lMethod of tranlsport --------- .tt t-_ tractor.r drawn or horse. drawn- Method of transport _.----------- Hiorse-drawn, motor-drawn, 6 horses
six holrses pack. This can also be nmanhandled
Practical speed on good roads - Mil.axinlul: 24.8 miles per hour easily hy 3 men.
Average: 9.3 miles per hour, 124 miles Practical speed on good roads __-.- Pack: 12.4-15.5 miles per day: 1-2 horse
per day draft: 21.8-31 miles per *hly; man
Time to -emplace -...... 2 mi.... es pack: 327-1,090 yards nperhour
Wheels ala lires _it ----------- Steel haml on artillery wheels and Time to emplace ____- Appr-imnately 5 miulles to Iulpack and
pneunatic tires wonsble. 2 minutes when horse
Trail_ ........
... . Split with ldemnootahle spade plates
..... drawn
Taral iitel trail hloueks p Wheels and tires . '_…........-Steel-hand tires on spoked wheels
Type of recoil system-l- Ilydroupmeuuatic, stat Trailan_____ it with demulle spade plates
andl fied trail blocks.
Type of recoil system-_-----____- - Hydropneumatic, constant, independ.
Model 94 (1934) 75-mm mountain gun eat.
FIRINc CHtAHCTERISTrCS Model 95 (1935) 75-mm field gun
Length of tubhe------------
… 61.5 inches; caliber 20.8
Muazle velocily _---------------
- PPointed shell: 1.285.8 f/s VIRbNC CHARACTERISTICS
Shrapnel shell: 1,l165.4 f/s Length of tnhe -__ ____-__-_-____- 89.7 inches; caliber 30.67
tlaximunn range--_---- _ .. P.ited sIell: 89)38 yards (9,400) Muszle svehiity -_-_-_------------ 1,610 f/s
lIE shell: 7,957 yards Maximum range - -.. .. Pointed (?)'11,990 yards
Elevaltion-_---......-45 °
IIE° (?) shell 9,810 yards
I)epresisn -10°
.--------------------- ° Elevation ----- --- ------------- 43 °
Traver se-. . 20 righl; 2 0 left
.................... Depre.sion -_- -8
Rate offire: Normal ..... __... Traverse - -- - - 25 riglht 25° left
Maximum ------ Rate of fire: Normal _--- _---_
2 minutes.l_______ 15 rpm Maximum __ 10-12 rpm
15 mniril.... a-c-__ _ 4 rpm 2 minutes__-_____-.--
ColntillUsOils . 100-120 rph 15 minutes __-_-_-_--
Ammunition - . . liE, APIIE, shrapnel, incendiary, illu-
................. Continuous -........
minating and pointed Ammunilion .----------- _ APIIE, shrapnel, smoke, ineendi-
Ty pe of breehblock ---.--- -_-- Horizontal sliding ary, illluiniating, and pointed.
Type of firing mechanisnm .-. . Contilnuous
. psdl percussion (Krupp Type of bhreehlock ek____-_____ llorizontal sliding
.-------- 2.4137.6 pounds
Weight of gunn: Firing ------ _---- 1,181.3 pounds Traveling .------- 4,252.6 pounds
Traveling 1,091 pounds (horse or motor draft) Method of transport --.-------- Ilorse drawn--six horses
Weight of assemblies: Practical speed on good road-s------ 31.1 miles per day
Tube --_------ ------------- 206 pounds Time to emplace- _-
Cradle -..-.-.- ----. 207 pounds Wheels and tires _. . . ....
Left trail.-. . ...............
1381pounds Trail--.-.----.---.----- Split. denmountahle spade plates fixed
Right trail ...- 131 plsords trail -l.eks
Wheels.. ......... 152 pounds . . .........
Type of recoil systemn . ll, plln... natic, constant


S L -::- ::,

"· '-



: ;:I-:


r -; i""; i ::: k

;' B

I-i :

Model 91 (1931) 105-mm hotwitzer 15 minutes 2 rpm
Continuous..a----.--- 50-60 rph
FlRING CHA0ACTIfIISTICS Ammunition __-_-.- _____ __--__ HE, APIHE, pointed, incendiary, and
Length of tube -____---------__ 8 feet 4 inches; 24 calibers shrapnel. Separate loading cartridge
Muzle velocity__ __--------------- 1,790 f/s case obturation.
Maimum range---_____-____ _____ Charge 1: 11,772 yards Type of breechblock --------- _ Sta'ge interrupted screw
Charge 2: 8,502 yards
Charge 4: 5,123 yards Weight of gun: Firing _____.- ___ 8,220.9 pounds
Elevation ___.------------------ 45' ° Traveling________ 9,620.5 pounds
Depression- _
.-................. -5 Method of transportL ---.--. _... 5-ton tractor drawn
Traverse ___-.-.
-- - -- - 20' right; 20' left Practical speed on good roads .---_ 8.7 miles per hour
Rate of fire: Normal ---- _ _.. __ 49.7-62.1 miles per day
.___.._.__ 6-8 rpm Time to emplace _- .---
.-__.._.. 5 minutes
2 minutes -_-__..___- Wheels and tires -____... _. ..
Solid rubber tires on wooden wheels
15 minutes ---------. 2 rpm Trail-______ Split 3 demnsuntable spade plates and
Continuams.-...- . 50
. 60rph demountahietrail blcks on each trail;
Ammnunition .-------------- - HBE, APUE, pointed, shrapnel, and wheel 1chcks carried in traveling in
incendiary. metal pockets inside trails.
Type of breechhbkck.k------_ Interrupted screw -
Type of recoil system --______-__ Hydropneumatic, constant


Weight of gun: FiringD3,306
Weight of gun: Firing ---------- _- 3,306 pounds
pouEds Model 4 (1915) 150-mm howitzer
Traveling ________ 4,363.9 pounds FmIING CHARACTESrIiCS
Method of transport-Hors......... Holre drawnC--a- horses
Practical speed o.n good roads .---- 24.8 miles per day Length of tube-85.4 inches; 14.6 calibers
Time to emplamce-----------------3 minLtes Motzle veloci.ty.---__ i nes; 85.4 f/s 11,344.8
Wheels and tires…_ _---- Steel tires on artillery wheels
__…------ Maxioum range -_ 10.464 yards
Trail-___-- __-----_-------------- Split trail. demountable spade plates, atesn650
trail glocks integral to trails. Elevation -5'
Type of recoil system -... Hydropneumatic Traverse. ° right; 3 left -
Traverse ------------------------ 3 right; 3' left
Rate of fire: Normnal _-----4-----
Maxim-m------------3-4 rpm
Model 92 (1932) 105-mm gun 2 minites_ _. _
15 .--------I rpm
FIRFING CIIHAACTEBISTICS Continuous -_ - 30-40 rph
,Length of tube _------------------184,3
- inshes; 45 calibers Ammunition -.- . HE, pointed, shrapnel, APHE, smoke,
Muzzle velocity- 2,492.8 . incendiary, and illuminating
Maxinum range-----------------Pointed hell: 20,000 yards TType of bree;hblock ------------- Vertical, sliding, separateloadingammu-
HE shell: 14,800 yards nition with cartridge case obtoration.
Elvsation __-
---- ______------- 45'
Deprm_ _---------------------- -ONSMCO_5
Traverse _se---------------- 18 'ight; 18 left Weight of gun: Fsring -__------- 6,160 pounds
Rate of fire: Normal ---------- 6- 8 rpm Traveling_---_
Mahximum 6-8 rpm Barrel __-_-_----- 4,838 pounds
2 minute s._____-___ Cradle -____-_-_.. 4,729.78 piunds

Figure 84. Model 14 (1925) 105-mm gun.


rI . aft no a."

Figutre 85. Model 4 (1915Y 150-mm howit~zer.

w 86. 1Model 96 (1936) 150-mm horctzwr.

-i i. . - D

s _
.' ~ ; ·* : , :'T r sl - -- CI I ·1e
Ott,\ >e;A.
an W.., | ,
Method of transport ------------ -- Can be transported for short distances in Wheelsand tires -------- Solid rubber tires, wooden artillery
single load. Horse drawn,, 2 loads, 6 wheels
horses each load. Trail-____--------------------- Split with 3 spade plates and a trail block
Praetical speed on good roda____. 40 miles per day, except on bad terrain for each trail. Plates and bdcks de-
Time to emplace .--- . . 10 minutes
......... n. oontable
Wheels and tires_ __- ______-______ Iron tires on wooden wheels Type of recoil system_----- _------ Hydropneumatic, eonstaut independent.
Trail ------------------- Modified box
Type of recoil system -
.----------Hydropneumnatic, dependent
Model 89 (1929) 150-mm gun
Model 96 (1936) 150-mm howitzer Caliber ___.--- _ _-___.. 149.1-mm
Lensgth of tobe----------------- 2,250 feet
FIRINC CHARACTERISTICS Muszle velocity .--------------- 2.250 f/s
Caliber 149.1-mm
.------------------------ Maximum range -- _-_-_-_-_-___ - 21,800 yards
Length of tube .- ____------------- 11 feet 6 inches: 23.37 calibers Elevation---- _ .............
._._ 43' °
Muzzle velocity v_---__-_.__ .--- Depression _____-_- - -5
Maxinmum range -.--------- __ Pointed shell: 12,971 yards Traverse .---------------------- 20' right; 20' left
HE shell: 11.336 yards Rate of ire: Normal.- _-------- -
Elevation_------- __--______ 65' ° Maximum -_. -. 2 rpm
Depression- .---------------------5 2 minutes ____-_----
Traverse ----------------------- 15' right; 15' left 15 minutes ---------
Hate of fire: Normal ----------- Continuous ---------
Maximam ----- - _-- 3-4 rpm Ammunition -_ ...............
._._ APHE, HE, shrapnel, pointed, illo-
2 minutes minating.
15 minutes -1--_ ._._. I rpm Type of breecchblock--_ __---.... _ Stage, interrupted.
Continuous ---- _-- -
Ammunition .-----_-............. HE, APHE, shrapnel, pointed, smoke, CONSTRIJCTON AND MOVEMENT DATA
and incendiary. Weight of gun: Firing -----------
Type of breechblock -------------. Step interrupted screw Traveling -------- 22,928.4 pounds
Barrel ---------- 17,215 pounds
CONSTRUCTION AND MOVEMENT DATA CBadrrelc---- 16,645.2 pounds
Weight of gun: Firing .----------9,108 pounds Method of transport - 8-ton tractor drawn-2 loads
Traveling -- 10,846 pounds Practical speed on good roads -...
Method of transport 5-ton tractor
.--------- -- Time to emplace .---------------2 hours
Practical speed on good roads -_- 19.9 mph (maximtum) Wheels and tires_
----- _ . Metallic disk wheels with solid robber
8.7 mph (average) tires
49.7-62.1 miles per day Trail -__ Split
Time to emplace --------------- 7 minutes Type of recoil system -
.---------- Hydropneumatic. variable

ARMORED MATERIEL models; it is doubtful if the rear mnachine gun can be
Japanese tank equipment has in general been in- fought at the same time as the other weapons. Al-
ferior to equipment used by the Western Powers in though Japanese tank armor is of good. quality, it is
the present war. Limitations on national heavy-in- too thin, and inadequate attention has been paid to
dustrial resources have compelled the Japanese to the potentialities of adroit use of deflection angles.
freeze tank designs from time to time in order to at- Tankettes and light tanks usually have gasoline en-
tain the requisite numbers of vehicles. Replacement gines, but there is increasing use of Diesel engines
of designs that have proved inadequate in combat both in medium and light vehicles.
has been slow, and obsolete vehicles doubtless will
Suspension by means of bell-crank arms, carrying
continue to be utilized in the various combat theaters
rocking pairs of wheels, is widely used in conjunction
side by side with more modern versions and new de-
signs. ~~s~~~~~igi~s~. ~with horizontal suspension springs protected by ar-
mored casings. Apparently no thought has been given
Tile Japanese use tankettes, light tanks, and me- t
dium tanks. Tankettes weigh less than 5/2 tons. to the provision of escape doors or hatches. Visibility
Light tanks weigh from 5~ to 11 tons; medium is not as good as could be expected in modern ar-
tanks, between 11 and 22 tons. Little is known about mored vehicles. Radio is sparingly installed, appar-
Japanese heavy tanks although some have been re- ently on the basis of one set per platoon.
ported. They exist in limited numbers only and seem It can be expected, however, that many deficien-
to be clumsy, inadequately armored, and generally cies will be corrected in later models. The new am-
poor in performance. phibious tank, in its turret design among other fea-
Light and medium tanks mount 37- or 57 -mm tures, shows evidence of intention to correct weak-
guns, and a medium model is reported that mounts a nesses demonstrated in combat. Mounting of 75-mm
47-mm weapon. Machine guns are mounted in the guns likewise can be anticipated in the immediate
rear as well as in the turret or front hull of most future, as well as coaxially mounted machine guns.

'-- - :

~~~~~~~ w



Figutre 87. Model 92 (1932) tankette.

/ /l ~~ ' i M

S W ~ - ~~~ -- 0 vt E gd

-~ j
, ~mi~~ 1~ Figure 88. Model 97 (1937) tankette.

Tankettes pairs. Then, too, there is a 37-mm antitank gun in the forward
Tankettes have been developed progressively ever sinse -the part of the hull in addition to the machine gun in the turret.
beginning of the Japanese war with China. They are widely The gasoline engine is six-cylinder, 85-horsepower, air-cooled.
employed for reconnaissance and cavalry roles. They are often The Model 95 (1935) light tank has been in production from
utilized to tow tractored trailers. Of combination weld and 1935-1942, probably representing a Japanese 'freezing" of
rivet construction, they have four rubber-tired bogie wheels light-tank production to attain sizeable quantity of a model
and two return rollers on each side. Drive is by front sprocket. found reasonably satisfactory. Suspension is of the bed-crank
The Model 92 (1932) is powered by a Diesel engine located type with armored compression springs. The hull is built over
in the left rear. Its top speed is 25 miles per hour. It is armed an iron frame and is provided with asbestos insulation. The
with a 7.7-mm machine gun. In the Model 94 (1934) the rear model is armed with one 37-mm antitank gun and two 7.7-mm
idler has been replaced by a trailing idler and the drive machine guns. Since the armor is comparatively thin, the
sprocket accordingly has been lowered. Power is supplied by a Model 95 is vulsable to 75- o -mmeE shell. The Keni
Ford four-cylinder tractor engine. Suspension in the Model 97 model represents modifications of the Model 95; the motor
(1937) remains unchanged from the design of the 92 and 94. has a horsepower rating of 140, and the tank is capable of a
The hull was redesigned, however, to provide more room, and speed of 37 miles per hour. It is armed with a 47-mm gun and
the turret was modified to permit mounting of a 37-mm anti- weighs 7.7 tons.
tank gun. Deflection angles likewise show considerable im-
provement over the earlier tankette types. Medium Tanks
The earliest model medium tank in common use is the
Model 89A (1929). It has a box-type hull. Suspension is by
The Model 93 (1933) light tank has a box-type hull divided nine small bogie wheels and five rollers on each side. The
into three compartments. It is powered by a six-cylinder gaso- leading hogie wheels on each side are independently suspended
line engine in the rear of the hull. Suspension is provided by and there is a protective skirting over the entire suspension.
six rubber-tired bogie wheels with three return rollers on each Drive is by a rear sprocket and power is supplied by a gasoline
side. Drive is by front sprocket. There is one machine gun in motor. The tank mounts one 57-mm gun. and a rear machine
front and perhaps one in the rear. gun. The Model 89B differs from the Model A in that it has a
Chief difference between this version and the Model 93 longer front, a newer type cupola, and a Diesel engine.
(improved) is the latter's use of four bogie wheels coupled in The Model 94 (1934) was extensively used in China. It has

Figure 89. Model 93 (1933) light tank.

Turret ~ Primary armament
Ball mounted mG
Enginevlouvre Pistol Port
Exhaust muffler - -lgLta Ball mounted MG~
Glacis plate

Nose plate
Bogeywheel _ Bell crank Sprocket
Return rollers
Transverse even lever Armored compression springs
Figure 90. Model 95 (1935) light tank.

Figerv 91. Medel f9A (1929) medium tank. )t t.


I--.,<.~~~ ..
::"-._p : a

12 ' ' -- T~
4-- .l


- /

I *1 I r

~ ~~
_ ~ ~ ~ ~ ',,

Figure 92. Model 94 (1934) medium tank.

Figure 93-A. Model 97 (1937) medium tank with'57:mm gun. i




Figure 93-B. Model 97 (1937) medium tank with 47-mm gun.

Figure94. Model 97 (1937) medium tank used as pilbo-
on Saipan.

I(\I mw)

9 4~~~~~~~~-

Figure 95. New type amphibious tank.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ L
IFigure 96- M92 (lOST) New.. armored car.

Japanese Tanks-Approximate Specifications
Cle.'r. Range of
W"eight Length Width Height anre Crew Armo Armament Speed tion

Iodel 92 (1932) Tanke tt.. !3 ton_.. 10 ft 3 i ft-53 io_ 5h4

i__ 13 io._ mncn 6 (to14-mm 7.7-.
.... (. MG h S mph_ 100 miles
.55 in). monntd.
4 6
Model 94 (1934) Tankette .... 3.4 tons_- 11 ft-__ 5 3 i.o 5 ht 4 in._ 12 in_2 2 men . to 12-mm (.1 to 17.7-mm MG- 26 mph. 1t00 miles
.47 in). (etinmted

Modd 97 (1937) Tankette____ 4S toos_ 12'ft -- - 6ft .--- 6-ft ----. 141.. 2 ... 4- to 12-m (.16 to1 37-mm MG - - 28 mphb
.47 in).
Model 93 (1933) Light TanLk_ 7.8 tons. 14 ft 8 in 5 ft 11 in_ 6 ft ---- 15 in .... Up to 2-mm (.87 1 MG light (hull), 28 mph
3 men..
in) (reported). I MG light (turret).
odel 93 (1933) Lgt T.k ?7.toal_ 14 t 8 in_ 5 ft 11 in 6 fth---- 1in5
1.- men Up to -mm (67 1 37-mm tankgun, 2 mph IZm120mni
(Inproved). in) (reported). 1 turret MG.

Model 95 (1935) Light Tnok. 10 tons 14 ft 4 in_ 6 ft 9 in__ 7 ft 15 in__ 3 _ n 6- to 12-mm (.24 to 37-mm type 9428 mph-_ 100 mik
(laden). .47 in). tank gun, 1 7.7.
mm tear turret
MG, 1 7.7-mm
hull MG.

Light Tank. 'Keni".- . 7.7 tons_. 13 ft 6 in_7 ft .---- S ft 11 i

.... n. _
i..- 3 mn - to 16-mm (.24 to 147-mmgun, I MG. 31 mphb_
.63 in).
Model 89 A (1929) Medium 13 to_.. 19 ft 3 in 7 ft 1 i--8 ft 6 i.n 19 in- men _...
_ 4 .. to617i (.24 to I57-mm, 1 bul MG, 15 m -pb-100 mikl
Tank. .67 in), almo 1-rear tmnrt MG.
ported as 17- to
25-mn. (.67 to
.98 in).
Model 94 (1934) Mediu m1523 ft
tomn_ 7 ft I in8 ft 6 in 19 in_... 4 men__._6- to 17-mm (.24 to I 5 -mm g5n, I hull 20 mphb 100 mil.
Tank. .67 in). MG, rear tret

Model 97 (1937) Medium. 15 tno8 _. ft- 7ftin. 7ftSin_16 in 14m.4en.. 8. to25-mm .32 to 1 57-nm Mod 9725 mph__ 100 mile
Tank.(t .98 in). (ull) (1941) i re,
ony). to
(h l)., 1-mm MG
Model 97 MG
(rear tneot).
Amphibiona Tank ----------- 13 tons._ Is ft 8 in9_ft2i 7ft 14 in_ en_.-to12-an
... . (. to 37-om Mod.l 1........
(tank .47 in) (hull), 6. (1941) in turret, 1
only). to 13.2-mm (.24 7.7-mam MG o-
to .52 in) (tur- axially ten, d
tot). 1 7.7-nam MG in
hull foward.
only four return rollers, and the skirting has been redesigned. coaxially mounted with a 7.7-mm machine gun. It is interest-
There is a door on the left front plate: the driver sits to the ing to note that the tank gun has a higher muzzle velocity
right instead of on the left. Otherwise this tank is similar to than that of 37-mm guns found in earlier Japanese tank models.
the Model 89, although the Diesel engine is somewhat more Flotation of the vehicles is accomplished by pontons at-
powerful, being rated at 160 horsepower. tached by a series of pincer clamps which can be released by
The Model 97 (1937) which has been used extensively by turning a handwheel.inside the hull. The bow ponton is in six
the Japanese in Burma has four central bogie wheels paired sections, while that of the stern is in five. All openings up to
and mounted on bell-cranks, resisted by armored compression and including the turret ring are sealed with rubber.
springs. Each end bogie wheel is independently mounted, and
there are three return rollers.
An improved Model 97 tank, first reported in the Corregidor
operations, differs from the Model 97 in the construction of its A number of armored cars are in use by the Japanese army.
turret, which is redesigned to accommodate a high-velocity The Model 92 (1932) Osaka armored car is believed to be a
47-mm gun. Japanese design which employs a standard commercial chassis.
The four wheels are pneumatic-tired with the rear wheels
dual mounted. The car carries two machine guns, one in front
and the other in the rear. Its maximum speed is about 37
Amphibious Taynk miles per hour and its range of action about 150 miles. It is
The new Model 2 (1942) special amphibious tank is charac- powered by a 4-cylinder gasoline engine. This car often has
terized by the most complete inclusion of new trends in been confused with the obsolete Model 25. The Model 25 is
Japanese tank design thus far encountered. Armor is thicker, of Vickers-Crossley design. It and the M92 6-wheeled Lan-
the tracks are wider, and the idler has been replaced by a chester type armored car are Navy vehicles.
trailing idler. Suspension resembles that of Models 94 and 97 Another car that is widely employed is the Model 93 (1933)
tadkettes, except for the fact that the compression springs are Sumida. Designed to run either on railways or hard roads, it
inside the vehicle. There are four bogie wheels on each side, has four built-in jacks by which it can be raised to permit
and the trailing idler serves as an additional bogie. The engine speedy removal or attachment of the solid-rubber tires. The
is a six-cylinder Diesel, practically identical with the one car has a machine gun mounted in the turret. It has a 40-horse-
mounted in the Model 95 light tank. power gasoline engine. Its maximum speed is 37 miles per
The amphibious tank is armored with a 37-mm tank gun hour on rails and 25 miles per hour on roads.

In the field organization of the Japanese Army veterinary, ordnance, and judicial subsections. There
there are army groups, which would correspond to also are ordnance and signal detachments and a
U.S. theaters of operations. These, in turn, are di- guards unit, making the total headquarters personnel
vided into area armies, comparable with armies in the about 300 officers and men.
U.S. military organization. Area armies are subdi- There are several types of infantry divisions in the
vided into armies, which would have roughly the Japanese Army. These may be triangular or bri-
same place in Japanese military organization that gaded. The nature of the terrain and the tactical mis-
corps have in the U.S. Army. sion to be performed determine primarily the type of
division organization that is utilized.
THE INFANTRY DIVISION Triangular divisions can generally be classified in-
Armies in the Japanese system are made up of a to the standard, the strengthened, and several modi-
variable number of infantry divisions, and Army fled types.
troops. Divisions ordinarily are commanded by a In the standard triangular division-the type most
lieutenant general, with a chief of staff holding the frequently encountered-there are, in addition to
rank of colonel. Headquarters is divided into a gen- division headquarters, an infantry group head-
eral staff section and an administrative section. The quarters, three regiments of infantry, a regiment of.
former includes G-1, usually a lieutenant colonel who artillery, a cavalry or reconnaissance regiment, a
deals with operations and logistics; G-2, a major who regiment of engineers, and a transport regiment.
is responsible for intelligence; and G-3, normally a' Division headquarters personnel number 300; in-
captain who is responsible for supply. The adminis- fantry group headquarters has 50; each infantry regi-
trative section has intendance (supply), medical, ment numbers 3,845, while the artillery regiment has

U Cav Regt or a Rcn Regt |Inf Regti Div Sig

Med Unit
Inf Group.. . Hq InfRegt

, Fld Hosp


Engr~~~E ~~~ ~0 Ord Det

l 1 Trans Regt +) Vet Det

Figure 97. The standard infantry dirision.
2,300 or 3,400 depending upon whether it is the field is composed of elements consisting of much greater
or mountain type. The cavalry regiment has 900, the personnel and fire power and contains an artillery
engineer regiment has 950, and the transport regi- group instead of the standard artillery regiment.
ment 1,800. This artillery group is made up of a headquarters,
The division also includes the following units: a regiment of field artillery, and attached medium
Division Signal Unit --------- 250 officers and men artillery, usually at least a battalion of 105-mm
Medical Unit ---------------- 900 officers and men howitzers. It also may contain an organic tank unit
Field Hospitals -1,000.......1,000 (4 hospitals, and a decontamination unit for use against enemy
250 men each) gas attack. Thus far this type of division has not
Water Purification Unit ------- 120 officers and men
Ordlnanee Detachament
Ordnance Detadment________
--------- 54ficers
50 ~and
~4flcers men
-and men been encountered in :its complete .form.
Veterinary Detachment ------- 50 officers and men Strength of the division of this type is considerably
greater than that of the standard division. Head-
Weapons of the standard infantry division are: quarters has a total authorized strength of 465 officers
Rifles ------------ ------------------------ 9,000 and men, and each constituent infantry regiment has.
Light machine guns 382
Grenade dimachinargers----------------- -
dischargers -------------------------- 38240
340 5,687. Total strength summary is as follows:
Heavy machine guns ------------------------- 112 Headquarters ---------------- -------- 465
20-mm antitank.rifles ----------------------- 18 Infantry Group Headquarters and Signal Unit__ 183
37-or 47-mm antitank guns 22 3 Infantry Regiments, each 5,685 ------------ 17,061
70-mm battalion guns --------------------- 18 Artillery Group -------------------------- 3,490
75-mm regimental guns ----------------------- 12 Cavalry Regiment .---------- ----- 950
75-mm field or mountain guns----------------- 36 or
Tankettes or armored cars ------------------- 7 Reconnaissance Regiment ------------------- 730
Tank Unit ..-------------------- 720
The chief difference between the strengthened Signal Unit -------------------------------- 285
division and the standard division is'that the former , Medical Unit _.-___-__.____ __-_ _-_________ 1,085

A Rcn Regt ' D ivSig

lllll~ _
_Tank Unit .Tankr Inf Regt m Med Unit

iIf Regt + Fid Hosp

Inf Group Hq -
nfegt Water Purif
HEADQUARTERS A rty Group Vet Det
Hq YUa Vet Det

E.M tn Arty Regt

_Engr Regt A
.A*~'"M Arty Bn
,t<MOrd Serv

W1 Trans Regt A, 'Atchd

Arty % Decon Unit
Figure 98. The strengthened infantry division.
Field Hospitals ----------- (5: 200 men each) 1;000 have been forerunners of the strengthened divisions.
Water Purification Unit--------------------- 160 The modified form of the strengthened division has
Ordnance Service Unit__ .......--
- 185
-------------- _-
Veterinary Detacbment-- - -100 neither an organic tank unit nor a gas decontamina-
Decontamination Unit _----------- -------- 190 tion unit. Then, too, the infantry rifle companies do
not have the heavy weapons platoons which are
The increased fire power of the strengthened divi- characteristic of those of the strengthened division.
sion is evidenced by comparison of the table of equip- Total strength is 24,600.
ment with that of the standard division (see p. 133). Another type of a modified division is one which
Rifles .-------------
..... _--- . - ,10,
000 does not have infantry group headquarters, or the
Light machine guns ---- __________
- - -- 405 artillery, engineer, and transport regiments. It con-
Grenade dischargers --------------- _ 457 sists of three reinforced infantry regiments organized
Heavy machine gunms ------------------ _ 112 - as combat teams. The total strength is about 15,000.
37-or 47-mm antitank guns .-. ....._ 40
20-nmm antitank rifles-72 -------------- -- 4Thebrigaded Japanese divisions, sometimestermed
70-mm battalion guns-................ ..... 36 special divisions, have been observed in China where
75-mm regiment guns-...............-. ....- 24 they have been used chiefly to combat guerilla activi-
75-mm field guns- ----------- 1----- 12 ties. These divisions, in addition to division head-
105-mm howitzers --------------- _--------- 24 quarters, have two infantry brigades, each of which
150-mm howitzers .-.......... 12
or armored
armored cars------------
TanketteshowiTankettes cars -------------------.- 13
13 is comprised of four independent infantry battalions.
Light tanks -------------------------------- 20 There also are signal, engineer, transport, and medi-
Medium tanks .. ................
8--- 48
....... cal units. Total strength of the special division is
13,000. In addition to small arms and machine guns,
One type of a modified division is the modified a division of this type is equipped with 16 light mor-
strengthened division. Units of this type were known. tars and eight 70-mm battalion guns.
to exist in the early stages of the war and these may In both the strengthened and standard triangular

divisions the infantry is under the command of in- Each division has a cavalry or reconnaissance regi-
fantry group headquarters, headed by a major gen- ment. Normally, the cavalry regiment has a total
eral. The chief difference in the organization of in- authorized strength of 950 and is organized into three
fantry group headquarters in the divisions of the two rifle and saber companies and a machine-gun com-
main types is that in the strengthened divisions there pany. Reconnaissance regiments, on the other hand,
is a group signal unit which is absent from group have one cavalry company, two motorized com-
headquarters organization in the standard division. panies, an armored car or tankette company, and a
The standard artillery unit in the Japanese tri- motor-truck company. Total strength of a regiment.
angular division is the three-battalion, 3 6-gun regi- of this type is about 730 officers and enlisted men.
ment of 75-mm field or mountain guns. The standard In the description of the various types of divisions
artillery regiment, with total personnel of 1,920, is the inclusion of engineer regiments was pointed out.
horse drawn. In the mountain artillery form all An engineer regiment usually is of the three-company
equipment is carried on pack animals, and the type, although two-company types also are known
strength of the regiment is increased to about 3,000 to exist. The three-company type contains, in addi-
officers and enlisted men. A motorized version of the tion to headquarters, three companies and a material
field artillery regiment is known to exist in which the platoon. Specialists in the construction of tank traps,
strength is commensurately reduced. demolition crews, bridge builders, and other neces-
In addition to the standard artillery regiment sary skilled workers are included in engineer person-
there are mixed field artillery regiments equipped nel. In most cases an engineer company is assigned
with twelve 75-mm field guns and twenty-four 105- to each of the three infantry regiments of a division.
mm howitzers. In a strengthened division, as previ- So far as is known only strengthened divisions and
ously indicated, the artillery group will comprise a some modified types include a division tank unit.
medium artillery battalion of 150-mm howitzers in Other divisions have tankettes in the tankette com-
addition to a regiment of 75-mm and 105-mm pieces. pany of the infantry group or in the reconnaissance

regiment. Division tank units have one light tank strength of 1,099, bringing the total authorized com-
company with 20 tanks, and two medium tank cornm- plement of the standard regiment to 3,843.
panies with a total of 48 medium tanks. There are The component battalions of the standard regi-
also a headquarters and a combat train. ment are organized with headquarters and train,
About the time of the outbreak of the present war having a total personnel of 147, and four rifle com-
with the Western Powers the Japanese organized a panies, each with a strength of 181. There are also a
number of independent mixed brigades. Intended for machine-gun company, with 174 officers and men,
use as shock troops, these brigades contain tanks, and a battalion gun platoon with a strength of 55.
antiaircraft artillery, and medium artillery. The in- Armament of the regiment is as follows:
fantry element is comprised of three regiments, each Rifles -------------------------.- 2,130
with four companies. An amphibious brigade also Light machine guns----------------------- 112
has been identified, organized apparently as a mobile Grenade dischargers--------------------- 108
striking force to aid in the defense of the extended Heavy machine guns-------------------- 6
37-or 47-mm antitank guns-_-_-__-_-___ 6
Japanese empire. 70-mm battalion guns _--------- ----------- 6
75-mm regimental guns ----------------------- 4
Regimental organization also is determined by the In a strengthened regiment, headquarters person-
type of division of which the regiment is a compo- nel aggregate 195 officers and men. There are three
nent. In the standard regiment, commanded by a infantry battalions, each with a total authorized
colonel, headquarters personnel number 176. There strength of 1,626. The regiment also includes an in-
is also a regimental signal company with an author- fantry gun battalion with 364 officers and men, a
ized strength of 132, an infantry gun company with signal company with a strength of 150, and a pioneer
122, and an antitank company with a strength of unit of 100 officers and men. Total strength of a regi-
116. There are three infantry battalions, each with a ment of this type is 5,687.
131AT ' iHq _ Plat
tHq (2 Secs)

. .J Plat (2 Secs)

ii -s; Am Plat

Ny 2d Bn
2d Bn M Wire Plat (4 Secs)
HEADQUARTERS 3d Bn it Radio Plat (8 Sees)
Sig Co tHq
TRAINSig Co Alat
(2 Secs)

·. P I at (2 Sees)
Regtl Gun Co Hq a
I Am Plat
Figure 99. The standard infantry regiment.
l r Plat (3 Secs+ 11 GD Sec)

Coy Co Hq'
N Co A . Plat
Plat (3Secs+ GD Sec)
(3 Secs+ 1 1IGDSec)

Plat (3 Secs+ 1 GD See)

Bn Hq . Plat (4 Secs)
and Train
i"._ Plat (4 Sees)

MG Co Co Hq
Plat (4 Secs)

.. Bn Gun Plat .
(Plat Hq, 2 Secs, 1 Am Sec) Am Plat

Figure 99. The standard infantry regiment.

Battalions in regiments of the strengthened type The Infantry Battalion
have four rifle companies, each with a .strength of In studying the organization of infantry battalions
262. There is a machine-gun company of 73 and an in the Japanese Army it again is necessary to dis-
antitank company of 100, while headquarters and tinguish between the standard and the strengthened
battalion train have a total authorized personnel of types. The former has a total strength of 1,100 of-
282. ficers and men. In addition to headquarters and the
Armament of the strengthened regiment is as four rifle companies, each of which has a total
follows: strength of 181, there are a heavy machine-gun com-
Rifles-- 2,370 pany and a battalion gun platoon. The strengthened
Light machine guns---------------------- _ 115 type battalion, on the other hand, has a total
Grenade dischargers--------------- _--------- 147 strength of 1,626, and, in addition to the compo-
Heavy machine guns - 36
20-mm antitank rifles -------------------- _ 24 nents included in the standard battalion, has an anti-
37-or 47-mm antitank guns ------------------- 12 tank company. Also, there is a battalion gun_com-
20-mm battalion guns ------------------------ 12 pany instead of a platoon as in the standard type.
75-mm infantry guns----------------- _------- 8 Comparative armaments of the battalions of the
two types are given in the following table:

Regimental headquarters organization is basically t Standrd Staened

the same in both types of regiments. In addition to Rifles ------------------ _-----677 730
the staff of the commanding officer and the train per- Grenade dischargers ----------- 36 49
sonnel, there are an administrative section, a code Light machine guns ---------- _ 37 37
and intelligence section, an ordnance section, an in- Heavy
20-mm machine
antitank guns-
rifles- _ ......... 12
0 (8) 4
tendance section, and an antiaircraft section or 37-mm antitank guns-------- 0 4
headquarters guard. 70-mm battalion guns---------- 2 4
(1 Rifleo 111119MGs9 GDs
(181) Rifle Co 9 LMGs 9 GDs

1L _s 2~ r _-sW 1'1 1
(181) Rifle Co 9 LMGs 9 GDs

i IL 1 1 1 1 ' 1'
(181) Rifle Co 9 LMGs 9 GDs

_ 1O11
AND TRAIN (181) Rifle Co. 9 LMGs 9 GDs
(147) 1 LMG

(174) Hv MG Co 12 Hv MGs

Bn Gun Plat 2 Guns

(55) iure 100. The t
Figure 100. The standard infantry battalion.
(262) . Rifle Co 9 LMGs 2 Hv MGs 12 GDs 2 AT Rs

(262) Rifle Co 9LMGs 2 Hv MGs 12 GDs 2 AT Rs

r ~- 111111 1 2 AT Rs
.(262) Rifle Co 9 LMGs 2 Hv MGs GDs

AND TRAIN (262) Rifle Co 9 I,MGs 2 Hv MGs 12 GDs 2 AT Rs
(283) l
.1 LMG, 1 GD Hv MG Co (73) 4 Hv MGs

L Bn Gun Co (122) .poi" .. 4 Guns

IL 37-mn AT Co (100) .4 Guns

142 Figure 101. The strengthened infantry battalion.

The standard infantry battalion headquarters com- Infantry Rifle Company
prises 37 officers and men, and the train is assigned Rifle companies in standard battalions have a
a total personnel of 110. Headquarters, in addition to headquarters personnel of 19, and three rifle platoons
the major in command and the adjutant (usually a of 54 officers and enlisted men each. Each platoon has
captain), has an ordnance officer, an intendance of- four sections, three of which have each a light ma-
ficer, three medical officers, and a veterinary officer chine gun, while the fourth has three grenade dis-
in charge of these respective sections. The adminis- chargers. Total armament is 139 rifles, nine light
trative section has a sergeant-major in charge of machine guns, and nine grenade dischargers.
personnel, and noncommissioned officers of the same Companies of the strengthened type may be or-
grade in charge of supplies, arms and equipment, ganized either with or without heavy weapons. In
and liaison. There are five runners and orderlies, four the latter form, the company, in addition to head-
medical orderlies, and a veterinary orderly. quarters with a personnel of 19, has three rifle pla-
toons, each with an authorized strength of 62. With
A battalion machine-gun company may be of two the heavy weapons included, there are, besides the
types. In one there is a firing unit consisting of three aforementioned components, a heavy weapons pla-
platoons and an ammunition platoon. Each platoon toon of 46 and an ammunition platoon of 11. The
has four sections armed with three heavy machine heavy weapons platoon is equipped with two heavy
guns and one light machine gun. In the second type machine guns and 20-mm antitank rifles.
there are four platoons, each divided into two sec- Platoons and sections are usually the same in both
tions and armed with heavy machine guns, and an the strengthened and standard divisions. The pla-
ammunition platoon. A battalion gun platoon has a toon, which is under the command of a first or second
firing unit of two sections each with a 70-mm gun and lieutenant, normally consists of four sections. Three
an ammunition section. sections are rifle sections, while the fourth is a gre-
(62) - Rifle Plat 3 LMG Secs 1 GD Sec 3 LMGs

1 1 '1 4 GDs

(62) - Rifle Plat 3 LMG Ses 1 GD Sec 3 LMG

(19) 4 GDs

3 LMGs
(62)- Rifle Plat 3 LMG Secs 1 GD Sec

4 GDs
Figure 102. Infantry rifle company strengthened-without heravy weapons platoon.

Hv MG Sec (11)

Hv MG Sec (11)
(46) - Hv Wpns Plat

20-mm AT. Sec (11)

20-mm AT Rifle

(11) - Am Plat

20-mm AT Sec (11)

20-mm AT Rifle
Figure 103. Infantry rifle company strengthened-with heavy weapons platoon.
nade-discharger section. The basic section (han) is rifles; in addition, each rifle section is equipped with a
commanded by a noncommissioned officer and corn- light machine gun and the grenade discharger section
prises 13 enlisted men. Each section is issued 13 with a 50-mm mortar.


Since the outbreak of the Manchurian "incident", speed will disrupt the plans of hostile forces and lead
Japanese military forces have fought virtually every to a quick and decisive Japanese success. The stated
type of action under the widest variety of terrain and aim of every Japanese military action is annihilation
climatic conditions. The experience they have gained of the opposing force, with the achievement of sur-
has led to important changes in their tactical doe- prise a goal toward which all Japanese commanders
trines and practices. In view of their well-known constantly strive.
talents for imitation it can be expected that this proc-
ess will continue, perhaps at an accelerated pace, as THE OFFENSIVE
Allied victories demonstrate more and more force-
fully the need for change. Japanese tactical theory and practice insistently
The Japanese, in their tactical writings and train- stress the superiority of the offense. This concept, of
ing manuals, emphasize the principle that a simple course, is based largely on the unshakable conviction
plan carried out with power, determination, and that Japanese infantrymen are inherently superior to

all possible antagonists. This conviction, virtually an Envelopment is the preferred form of Japanese of-
obsession, is the product of national vanity, religion, fensive maneuver for both large and small units.
psychological factors, and confidence fostered by vic- Frontal pressure is brought to bear on the opposing
tories gained in the early stages of the war. force in a holding attack, while the main effort is con-
In accordance with this premise the objective of centrated on one or both hostile flanks, depending
the Japanese offensive is to maneuver quickly, close upon whether the objective of the maneuver is a
with the enemy, and exploit the alleged superiority of single or a double envelopment. If a unit as large as a
Japanese infantrymen in hand-to-hand combat. division is engaged in an enveloping maneuver, nor-
Japanese national holidays frequently are chosen mal procedure is to direct one or two columns toward
for the launching of major attacks. January 1 marks the hostile flank or flanks. If a smaller force is in-
the beginning of a three-day Japanese celebration volved, the advancing force usually has troops in
dedicated to the memory of their ancestors; 11 Feb- the rear which are deployed to execute the envelop-
ruary is observed as Empire Day, while 10 March ment while those in front make the holding frontal
and 27 May honor respectively the army and navy. attack.
Celebrations in honor of the imperial ancestors are Sometimes frontal attacks are made, but the Jap-
held in the seasons of the spring and autumnal anese, for all their rashness in offensive combat, are
equinoxes (21 March and 23 September). Anni- fully aware of the indiscretion of this type of attack
versaries of the birth or death of famous Japanese and attempt to avoid it unless there are compelling
emperors are observed on 3 April and 3 November; reasons for its employment. Usually the frontal at-
29 April, birthday of Hirohito, also is observed as a tack will be made only when the Japanese com-
holiday. Ceremonies similar to various American mander believes that resort to envelopment would
Memorial Days are held on 30 April, and a national allow the hostile force enough time to strengthen its
thanksgiving is observed by the Japanese on 23 position or to augment its forces and fire power. If
November. such time can be denied by a frontal attack, the at-

tack will be ordered. In frontal attacks the main rectly controls the division and the right column, as
Japanese effort is made against a sector of the hostile well as the advance guard sent out by the right col-
line which is considered to be a "soft spot". Objective umn. The left column is under the senior officer of the
of the attack is the rapid and deep penetration of the forces that comprise this group, and he makes his
hostile lines, and to achieve this the attack front is own dispositions for an advance guard. Transport
kept in very narrow bounds. and tfains follow in the rear, usually with the advance
section of the transport regiment coming first, fol-
Meeting Engagements lowed respectively by the unit trains and the re-
Meeting engagements are deliberately sought by mainder of the transport regiment.
Japanese commanders. Their tactical texts, which go Whenever possible the Japanese in a meeting
into great detail about this favored type of operation, engagement will organize a coordinated attack. Basi-
define the meeting engagement as the collision of two cally, their doctrine in regard to such an attack re-
moving forces, or the combat that ensues when a quires the designation of a line of departure behind
force in motion-meets one at rest or not yet installed which the deployment is made, and emphasizes the
in prepared positions. In this type of operation great need for effective cooperation between artillery and
freedom of decision is left to Japanese subordinate infantry. All attacking elements proceed simultane-
commanders who are admonished to seize the initi- ously from the line of departure at the prescribed
ative and promptly occupy important terrain fea- time, unless local circumstances preclude such a
tures. procedure.
The Japanese army usually advances in two col- There are four steps in a Japanese coordinated at-
umns, although three-column advances are not tack in a meeting engagement. As contact with the
unknown, and resort to one-column movement may enemy is established, the march columns break into
be necessary by nature of the road net. In the normal smaller ones while still out of range of hostile artil-
two-column advance the division commander di- lery. Deployment along the designated line of de-
parture then is made. The advance subsequently be- commander considers it impassable and thus leaves
gins at the stipulated "jump-off" time, with'small himself vulnerable. The fundamental tactical differ-
columns (squads or sections) moving forward; these ence between an attack on a position and a coordi-
ultimately complete their deployment to permit fir- nated meeting engagement attack is that, in the
ing during the last few hundred yards of the assault. former, the Japanese offensive forces go into desig-
In the piecemeal attack Japanese units are com- nated assembly positions prior to proceeding to the
mitted in order of their arrival in the area where line of departure whence the attack is launched.
contact with the enemy has been made. Control of Usually three assembly areas are chosen, one for the
the attacking forces is decentralized, although the main force, one for the secondary force, and a third
highest echelon commander gives the directions of for the reserves. The attack is delivered by two wings
march and attack. Despite the fact that Japanese -one, the main assault force; the other, the second-
tack, the piecemeal form is very common. Indeed, ary attacking force. Advance from the assembly
any hostile forces must constantly take into con- areas to the line of departure usually is made at
sideration the possibility that they will be attacked night, and the assault is begun at first light.
almost immediately after contacting a Japanese When enemy positions are surrounded by strong
force-perhaps before they have had time to corn- wire entanglements, special assault teams are utilized
plete their own arrangements for offensive or defen- to cut paths for the attacking echelons. Such teams
sive tactics. usually comprise six men and a leader; two members
of a team cut the wire, one covers them with rifle
Attack of Position fire, while the remaining two are replacements. These
In an attack on a fixed hostile position the Jap- squads are integral parts of the "working parties",
anese try to turn the position by a flanking maneu- one of which is established in every battalion. These
ver. They often endeavor to achieve this objective by parties are made up of 20 men commanded by a
passing through terrain so difficult that the opposing sergeant-major or a warrant officer. A flame thrower
is part of the normal equipment of such groups. Night Attacks
In attacks of position, Japanese operations nor- The'night attack is a favorite tactical maneuver of
mally are characterized by careful work and thorough the Japanese. As a captured Japanese officer is re-
reconnaissance. The attack is conducted with great ported to have remarked, "You Europeans march all
boldness and disregard of casualties. Infiltration, en- day, prepare all night, and at dawn launch an at-
velopment, and pursuit are carried out with great tack with tired troops. We Japanese allow our
speed, and attacks often are undertaken in the most troops to rest all day while we reconnoiter your
difficult terrain and under the worst kind of weather
positions exactly. Then that night we attack with
fresh troops."
Deceptions and ruses of every conceivable sort are
A number of tactical situations are thought to
employed regularly by the Japanese. Shouts, fire- A number of tactical situations are thought to
justify night attacks. They are employed by Jap-
crackers, barking dogs, moving vehicles, and promis-
cuous firing simulate strength or conceal the true
direction of Japanese maneuvers by distraction. Eng- daylight action. Then, too, they often are utilized to
lish words are exchanged to beguile Allied troops, and seize important terrain features, possession of which
false flags, civilian dress, and enemy uniforms all are will facilitate the success of ensuing operations. Lo-
used to conceal the identity of Japanese troops. cal night attacks also may be launched to confuse
Units under the flag of truce, presumably offering to hostile forces or distract their attention from the
surrender, suddenly open fire on prospective captors. preparations for tile main Japanese effort. It is rec-
Snipers often lie with the dead, to fire upon the un- ognized that in night attacks there inevitably is a
wary. As the Japanese intention to flout every rule serious decline in cooperation among units; direction
of warfare has become increasingly well known, how- is difficult to maintain, and mistakes and confusion
ever, the effectiveness of such tricks has constantly are far more likely to occur than in daylight opera-
declin'ed. tions. The Japanese believe, however, that these

disadvantages are outweighed by the tactical ad- the second echelon passing through the first. If a
vantages of the night attack. battalion is making the assault, there normally will
Favorite hours for Japanese night attacks are be two rifle companies in the first echelon, and two
those just after dusk or before daylight. The assault companies minus one platoon in the second. The re-
phase usually'begins within two hours after arrival on maining platoon is held in reserve to attack the
the line of departure. Thorough reconnaissance is re- hostile flanks, or to hurl back counterattack if such a
garded as necessary for a successful night attack, maneuver materializes.
but is not always carried out in practice. Planning Tactically, there is a fundamental distinction be-
usually is quite thorough. Every effort is made to tween night attacks by surprise and night attacks
ensure clarity of march directions, understanding of by force. Only in the latter is artillery preparatory
liaison procedures, and familiarity with identification fire laid down. In the attacks by surprise, it is be-
methods. Provision is also made for the removal of lieved that the advantages of surprise more than
known obstacles by a few men chosen from the rifle compensate for the absence of artillery preparations
squads or by an engineering detachment of about to neutralize enemy strong points, automatic weap-
15 men. ons emplacements, artillery, etc.
Objectives are limited for a Japanese night attack, Instructions to Japanese commanders in regard to
with each subordinate commander assigned a clear night attacks emphasize that adequate time always
terrain objective. wherever possible. Nevertheless, should be allowed to permit orderly movement into
there is a definite tendency to strive for attainment the designated jump-off line. It is regarded as ad-
of overly ambitious objectives, and artillery support visable to send a small advance cadre into zones of
is never adequate. Frontages are relatively narrow- anticipated hostile mortar and artillery fire. If this
a battalion ordinarily will be assigned one of 450 to fire is not encountered, the attack is pushed at once.
550 yards. Noise is regarded as very effective in confusing the
The assault is usually made in two echelons with opposing force. Costly experiences with Allied artil-

lery concentrations no doubt are responsible for the reconnaissance patrol of five to ten men is sent ahead,
increasing emphasis on warnings to avoid rushing and forward lookout points are established. Several
hostile positions until the assault troops have stolen patrols also are sent ahead to ascertain the opposi-
so close to them that opposing artillery and mortar tion's position and strength by drawing premature
fire cannot be laid down to aid the defensive efforts fire. Soon after dusk on the night selected for the
of tlie hostile infantry. Every effort is to be made to attack, another patrol is sent forward to lay out a
locate dead spaces in the hostile line which can serve line of approach which preferably will follow easily
as focal objectives of the Japanese attack. In a night recognizable terrain features.
attack in the jungle the Japanese prefer to attack up On the approach march the company advances in
a slope, to avoid silhouetting the troops. a line of columns with constituent squads in very
If the night attack is a battalion operation, patrols close formation. Patrols are put out in such fashion
are sent ahead for thorough coverage of assigned sec- as to provide all-around protection. The approach
tors. An advance group is sent ahead to deal with continues with maximum stealth until the company
hostile units and installations which cannot be liqui- is within rushing distance of the hostile force. When
dated by these patrols. On the line of march, heavy the company deploys, the rifle squads of each platoon
weapons come behind each company; they are used form a single line. When enemy wire is reached, one
to defend positions captured by the attack as well as squad cuts it and, after passing through, turns to the
to fire on hostile searchlights. Light machine guns left. The second squad goes through the break and
and automatic rifles are allocated to squads. A re- turns right, while the third squad and the heavy
serve, usually of platoon strength, is used to ward off machine guns occupy the space between the other
any encircling efforts or to deliver a flank attack two squads.
should a suitable opportunity be presented.
Night attacks often are made by single companies Pursuit
or even platoons. If a company makes the attack, a Always in offensive operations Japanese units are

expected to be prepared for quick and determined Japanese commanders, there naturally are occasions
pursuit. The objective of pursuit is to destroy the when they are-confronted with such superior oppos-
enemy, and theoretically this is accomplished by ing forces that even the rashest commander must en-
pinning him down by direct pressure while one or gage in such tactics. Nevertheless, the, defense is
both flanks are enveloped. If the enemy is observed regarded merely as a passing phase in combat. Its
initiating a daylight withdrawal, frontal pressure is purpose is to inflict such losses on a temporarily
increased, and Japanese pursuit groups are formed superior hostile force that its initial advantages in
from the reserves to attempt to turn the enemy flanks numbers, equipment, or position will be neutralized,
and fall upon his rear. If the enemy, on the other and the Japanese forces then can pass to the of-
hand, succeeds in disengaging his forces, usually at fensive.
night, the Japanese commander in pursuit will re- In the selection of defensive positions Japanese
new the frontal attack the next day to push through doctrines and practice conform closely to standards
the hostile line of resistance. of other armies. Naturally stress is laid upon the
Reserves in the meantime are sent against the utilization of terrain features to advantage, and
flanks in attempted turning movements. If the' there is full recognition of the importance of natural
frontal assault succeeds in pushing through the op- and constructed antitank obstacles on both front and
posing line of resistance, these forces too will be flanks.
organized into pursuit operations, the highest ech- In most cases the Japanese defense will be organ-
elon commander ordinarily will designate probable ized in two -lines-an advance line and a main line of
lines of hostile covering positions where the Japanese resistance. The advance, or outpost line, is charged
forces will pause prior to resumption of the pursuit. with the responsibility of conducting proper recon-
naissance to determine the direction, strength, and
THE -DEFENSIVE tactical intentions of-the enemy. It also is expected to
Although the defensive is extremely distasteful to cover the main line of resistance and prevent its

being surprisedl. When the hostile attack is launched, of resistance varies from about 700 to 1,500 yards.
the advance line will delay the attack's progress as Automatic and antitank weapons are echeloned in
much as possible before falling back upon the main depth in this zone.
line. Ordinarily, the advance line will be a series of
strong points rather than a continuous line, with the Counterattacks
intervals between the strong-points covered by anti- Japanese commanders are eager to initiate counter-
tank and artillery fire. If a division is engaged in attacks to atone for the ignominious defensive role
defense, the advance line ordinarily will consist of they have been compelled to assume. In fact, they
one or two battalions. In smaller units, the propor- believe that the fundamental purpose of defense is
tion will be about the same. merely to await the moment when the attacker's
In some cases a line of defense is organized between forces are so disorganized that a quick and decisive
the advance and main resistance lines to force the counterblow can be delivered. In almost every situa-
advancing enemy to a premature commitment of his tion the defensive force will have counterattack units
forces, to prevent the occupancy of terrain features in readiness, and every defensive plan will include
that would jeopardize the main line, or to delay the directions for the conduct of such maneuvers.
enemy attack. Japanese counterattacks usually are directed
The main line of resistance usually is formed in two against the enemy's flanks and ordinarily will be
sectors, although on a broader front three sectors may quick and violent. Heavy mortar fire usually is laid
be established. The battalion is the normal unit of down as preparation; this may be so intense that the
deployment and will be assigned a front of from 800 enemy is forced to abandon his newly won positions
to 2,000 yards. If the front is very broad, however, even before the Japanese counterattack is launched.
battalion centers of resistance for all-around defense Often the major counterattack will develop from a
will be organized, with each battalion assigned a series of local attacks carried out by groups of from
front of about 3,000 yards. Depth of the main line eight to ten men each. Naturally, it is difficult, to
ensure even a reasonable degree of coordination under stituted from the reserves is set up to cover the flanks
such circumstances, and there have been numerous of the line of retreat. A general covering force also is
occasions when Japanese units have been cut to organized from the reserves, behind which the main
pieces because of their excessive eagerness to counter- elements are formed into march columns for the
attack. Indeed, in some cases Japanese troops forced withdrawal. If on the other hand the withdrawal is
out of defensive positions have counterattacked im- made at night, a "shell"--a thin line of infantry
mediately without a semblance of coordination or heavily supported by automatic weapons and a small
preparation, and have been virtually annihilated. amount of artillery-is left behind, and the main
body forms to serve as a cover. Personnel of the
Delaying Actions; Withdrawals "shell" are expected to sacrifice themselves, although
Heavy hostile pressure may lead to a decision to the artillery will displace to the rear just before
organize for delaying action. The fundamental pur- daybreak.
pose of such Japanese action is to avoid decisive
combat with the enemy while, at the same time, con- Defensive Positions
tact with him is maintained. Successive lines of In all the combat areas where Japanese troops have
resistance are designated. Mobile forces well equipped been engaged they have shown great skill in the con-
with automatic weapons and artillery fight the -struction of fixed defensive positions. These are built
delaying action, while the bulk of the reserves falls to afford a strong defense in both width and depth.
back to reconnoiter and occupy the next successive Wherever possible, installations are made strong
resistance line toward which the forward elements enough to withstand artillery fire and aerial bombing.
fall back. Each position ordinarily will be capable of inde-
If hostile pressure becomes so great as to necessitate pendent, all-around defense, and great care is taken
a Japanese withdrawal and disengagement of main to ensure the most effective use of available fire
forces during daylight, a local covering force con- power. Machine-gun emplacements, pillboxes, bunk-
Rear entrance

Rifle or
light machine guns
Individual dugout

Firing slits trench-

Heavy and light

machine guns
Figure 104. Japanese all around defense area.

ers, and other strong points that may be built will
provide a highly integrated defensive network where-
in each position can be covered by fire from adjacent
ones, and, if a position is temporarily lost, it can
readily be regained by counterattack.
Positions will be camouflaged with maximum
cunning. Construction principles require that suit-
able living quarters be erected immediately adjacent
to the defense points and properly protected. Natu-
rally, suitable facilities for the storage of food and
ammunition will be provided, and the defensive net-
work must be located near an assured water supply.
Japanese doctrine prescribes that "even the small-
est unit will prepare deeply entrenched and strong
positions against the expected attack", but-cautions,
"it is most important not to adhere blindly to set
forms in construction work, but to adapt such work
to fit the tactical situation."
Construction of Japanese defensive positions is a
progressive process. Units which assume a defensive
mission dig immediately a series of foxholes. Then, if
there is time, these. are joined together by commu-
nication trenches to form an integrated network of ]E
rifle pits and machine-gun emplacements. The final Figure 105. A well-built and concealed pillbox.

phase is marked by the construction of pillboxes,
bunkers, and other types of strong points. When the
organization of the defensive position is completed,
>.> \. '~ Jthe installations are immune to almost everything
!_ ?L ~(~i but direct hits by delayed-action artillery shells and
In general, Japanese defense structures will be
well sited to provide fields of cross fire and all-around
defense. They will be most adroitly camouflaged and
connected by tunnels or trenches. Local materials
will be used for the most part in their construction.
Coconut logs and coral rock have been used most
extensively and have proved very satisfactory, since
they are strong and do not splinter dangerously.
Pillboxes usually are built over or near dugouts to
which personnel can flee in the event of a heavy artil-
lery concentration or aerial bombardment. Some have
forward and rear compartments-the forward com-
partment used for firing, the rear for storage of am-
munition and other supplies. On New Georgia, Solo-
mon Islands, the pillboxes had upper and lower
decks. The upper deck was used for emplacement of
machine guns; in the event of heavy enemy bombard-
Figure 106. Japanese machine-gun emplacement. ment the gunners could drop through a trap door into

the lower compartment until the fire abated.
Reinforced concrete pillboxes were vital parts of
the elaborate beach defense system on Betio Island,
Tarawa Atoll. The walls of these structures were from
12 to 16 inches thick, and the concrete was reinforced
with steel rods one-half inch in diameter. These pill-
boxes were sited somewhat ahead of the beach bar-
ricade, to deliver frontal fire covering the tactical
wire and flanking fire covering the front of the
Rifle and machine-gun positions which formed the
primary beach defense on Betio Island were con-
trolled from steel pillboxes spaced about 300 yards
apart around the perimeter of the island. These steel
boxes were prefabricated, hexagonal truncated pyra-
mids with double steel walls, each wall of which was
a quarter-inch thick. Space between the walls was
filled with sand. Inside were an upper and a lower
compartment, the upper used to house an observer
or command officer, the lower compartment used to
afford emplacement facilities for two machine guns.
It apparently was the intention of the Japanese to ·
cover these steel boxes with concrete, for one was
found capped by 12 inches of this material. Figure I07. Pillboxes used in defense of Torokina.

Figure 108. Pillboz at Bun.. Figure 109. Concrete pillbox on Guam.

Figure 110. Cleverly concealed concrete pillbox under a 'Figure 111. Steel pillbox on Tarawa.
Saipan building.
Bunkers are constructed above or below ground,
depending upon the water table. They usually are
built of logs and coral rock and will be from one to
6 feet above the ground. Oil drums filled with earth
or sand often are employed to provide additional
reinforcement for the walls. Different types of en-
trances are used; some bunkers are entered directly
from fire trenches, others are entered from the rear
through tunnels. In any case, the entrances are
angled or protected by fire walls to prevent the
enemy from tossing grenades into them.
The bunkers defending Buna, Papuan New Guinea,
which were situated above ground, were constructed
over a shallow trench as a base. Some were 40 feet
long; many, however, were only from 6 to 10 feet in
length. A framework of columns and beams was built
over the base trench and the walls then were revetted
with coconut logs as much as 112 feet thick. Two or
three courses of logs laid on top provided the ceiling
for the bunker, the walls of which were strengthened
with earth and sand-filled oil drums. When com-
pleted, the entire bunker was covered with earth,
sand, and short logs. Jungle vegetation then was
Figure 112. Entrance to pillbox on Tarawa. grown over the structures, making them almost im-

possible to discover until advancing troops were
directly upon them. The bunkers were used mainly
as shelters during aerial and artillery bombardments,
but they had fire slits for machine guns and rifles.
Such fire slits, 8 to 12 inches high and 4 feet long,
were located just above ground level.
Shelters are used primarily for personnel, and often
are located in barracks and headquarters areas to
provide a place of refuge for large groups of personnel
during heavy enemy artillery or aerial bombard-
ments. On Makin Island, Gilberts group, the dug-
outs were 20 feet long, and their tops were covered
by two or three layers of heavy coconut logs. On
Betio Island they were built of alternate layers of
coconut logs and coral sand. Side walls and roofs
averaged 5 to 7 feet in thickness.

Japanese successes in the early phases of the war
were won largely because their troops were especially
_'_ ?: fprepared and trained for operations in jungle terrain.
Figure 113. Embrasure of Japanese pillbox on Tarawa. In such warfare the weakness of their artillery and


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their comparative lack of motorized transport did not patrols will comprise five to ten men who are pro-
tell so decisively against them as would have been the vided with compasses, portable radio, and mapping
case had operations been conducted in open country. equipment.
And the ability of Japanese troops to live off the Advancing Japanese forces in the jungle usually
country compensated, to some extent, for weaknesses move along the trails in single-column formation.
in their army supply system. Where no trail is available the march is made along
Japanese offensive doctrine naturally is modified suitable terrain features and the column is preceded
somewhat when it is necessary to adapt infantry by a chopping group to cut the dense foliage. En-
operations to jungle conditions. The need for ade- gineers also are sent ahead when formidable natural
quate reconnaissance is emphasized even more or artificial obstacles to the advance are anticipated.
strongly than for other types of combat. Good se- The rate of march is about five-eighths of a mile
curity for front, rear, and flanks is stressed. The every two hours; from four to six miles ordinarily are
importance of effective patrolling, for both offensive covered in a day. The rate of advance actually is
and 'defeinsie-pwii- e psin---imie hespeed hhis-
Japanese tactical manuals and studies. As in open can be transported. Direction is maintained by com-
warfare, envelopments are favorite tactical maneu- pass and, even in jungle country, the Japanese are
vers, but attacks which aim at point penetration are well provided with fairly accurate maps. Special care
commonly utilized, especially after an enemy strong is exercised in crossing clearings in the jungle; often
point or artillery position has been liquidated by a these are traversed by leaps and bounds, and every
nighlt attack or raid. precaution is taken when the advancing column
Reconnaissance in the jungle normally is conducted enters areas where hostile artillery concentrations
by picked and specially trained troops. The function may be brought down.
of reconnaissance patrols is to gain contact with the In the jungle, as in other types of terrain, the main
enemy and develop his position. Ordinarily such body is preceded by an advance guard. If the Jap-

anese unit is of battalion strength, ordinarily the occurring along the front, the main force deploys
advance force will be one company; if a company toward one or both flanks to initiate the usual en-
constitutes the total force, one platoon is used for this velopment maneuver.
purpose. When the alternative method is employed, the
If contact is made with the enemy, the Japanese Japanese "feel out" soft spots in the enemy line.
advance guard immediately informs the commander Special efforts are made to locate hostile heavy
of the main body and attempts to liquidate hostile weapons. Often this is done by opening up with light
resistance. If this cannot be accomplished, the ad- machine-gun fire until the enemy opens fire in reply
vance guard deploys or simulates deployment and and thus reveals his location. As soon as the heavy
tries to locate the enemy's flanks and heavy weapons. weapons are located with sufficient accuracy, the
This is considered essential, since in the meantime the Japanese bring heavy mortar fire to bear on them.
main force deploys and moves against one or both Usually the mortar concentration hits the hostile
flanks. The objective is to strike the enemy deep in positions just as the advancing Japanese reach
his flanks or in the rear. It is believed that final vic- assault distance. The assault then is delivered on a
tory must be won in hand-to-hand combat. Tactics narrow front, if necessary by two or more assault
are fundamentally those generally prescribed by the echelons.
Japanese for a meeting engagement, and even small Jungle terrain affords a maximum opportunity to
units follow this basic pattern in actions of this type. utilize the effective Japanese infiltration tactics. As a
When the enemy is encountered in deployed de- holding attack is delivered frontally to confuse and
fense, the Japanese may resort to either of two basic distract the enemy, patrols move to the enemy
methods. In one procedure they conduct a demon- flanks. The-personnel of these patrols are armed with
stration along the enemy front with much promiscu- light machine guns and grenades, and are provided
ous firing of automatic weapons and even firecrackers with compact rations comprising rice, condensed
to simulate strength. While this holding action is foods, and vitamin tablets. The patrols wriggle

through presumably impenetrable jungle to get fields of their machine-gun fire in the jungle preclude
around the enemy's flanks and into his rear areas. maximum exploitation of their potentialities. The
Unless the enemy has cleared areas of fire, such infil- machine guns usually are sited well forward in pairs,
trations of his positions are virtually impossible to in positions whence they can support the front-line
stop. Sometimes, after reaching suitable positions in infantry. They are emplaced as secretly as possible
the enemy rear areas, the Japanese infiltration and open fire when the'maximum surprise effect can
patrols dig in, or they may combine with other be obtained. If antitank guns are available and are
similar units to build up a force that may be truly not needed for their primary antitank role, they fire
decisive. upon hostile infantry. Battalion and regimental guns
Snipers almost invariably are sent out; each Jap- are sited well forward, and are used in the jungle
anese squad has two men normally assigned to snip- primarily against hostile heavy machine guns.
ing missions. These have for their fundamental
purpose distraction of the enemy from his main Defensive
tactical effort. The patience of these snipers is almost Japanese defense in the jungle follows the general
incredible. They have been known to lie in wait for doctrinal concept applicable, in Japanese opinion, to
three days to fire a single shot, and they have no all defensive situations. Defensive lines are expected
hesitation in firing even when they are certain to be to bend with the blow of the hostile assault until an
killed immediately by retaliatory fire. They are opportunity arises to deliver a hard and sudden
adroitly camouflaged and select their positions with counterblow to regain the initiative, and even lead to
great skill. Fortunately, however, their marksman- decisive victory.
ship is so poor, that they rarely are effective at As in other areas, Japanese defense in the jungle
ranges much beyond 50 yards. makes use of forward and main defense positions.
Japanese infantry support weapons are employed The forward position has for its main purpose pre-
with daring on the offense, although the restricted vention of enemy surprise of the main body. When
contact is made with an advancing enemy, the for- volume and is supplemented by grenade dischargers
ward defense line may either withdraw or remain in and mortars from positions just to the rear of the
concealment to harass the enemy. In the event the front line. Certain automatic weapons may remain
latter course is adopted, great care is taken by the silent, if not immediately threatened by the enemy
Japanese to avoid premature disclosure of the loca- attack, and will later open surprise fire.
tion of their automatic weapons. ,In small unit
actions the forward defense will be entrusted to a ARTILLERY AND TANK TACTICS
few snipers who will warn the main body of the
enemy's approach. Often snipers will permit the Artillery Tactics
enemy to pass through so they subsequently can be Japanese artillery tactics as applied thus far in
harassed from the rear. combat theaters have been characterized by pro-
At the main line of resistance the Japanese attempt nounced deficiencies and departures from the pro-
to achieve tactical surprise by withholding their fire cedures of other modern armies. Concentrations have
until the last possible moment. Often they do not been weak in both duration and intensity, and artil-
open up until the enemy's advancing troops have lery preparation for infantry attacks usually has
come so close that his artillery and mortar fires have failed to achieve any adequate neutralization of the
been lifted. On occasion the defensive fire has not hostile targets taken under fire. Although every
been opened until opposing forces were within ten Japanese triangular division includes a regiment of
yards of the Japanese positions. If the attacking force artillery, and strengthened divisions have a battalion
is large, however, it will be fired upon when within of medium artillery besides, batteries-even single
about 50 yards of the defensive line. Japanese auto- guns-have been committed piecemeal and attached
matic weapons are well sited for defense and or- to infantry units. Counterbattery has been quite in-
dinarily open fire as soon as the enemy enters their effective; indeed, in jungle areas at least, raiding
lanes of fire. Machine-gun fire is delivered in great parties have been used to combat artillery.

Although Japanese artillery doctrine exhibits re- the constant endeavor to attain surprise, which is so
alization of the major potentialities of artillery fire, fundamental in Japanese infantry tactics, apply with
in actual practice commanders seem excessively equal validity to artillery. The paramount considera-
preoccupied with the utilization of artillery in direct tion is the emplacement of artillery as far forward as
infantry support-to the comparative neglect of possible, in line with the Japanese concept that the
other legitimate, indeed, indispensable missions. major mission is to provide direct support to the
It should always be remembered, however, that infantry attack.
nearly all combat with the Japanese thus far has In the envelopment maneuvers favored by Jap-
been in jungle areas. Here, employment of artillery anese infantry, the artillery usually is emplaced
on a large scale has been precluded by the nature of behind the center of the infantry line, from where it
the terrain, and the disadvantages incident to Jap- not only can fire on the flanks where the major effort
anese tactics have been minimized. Recent tactical is being made but also can support the secondary
doctrine in regard to the employment of artillery and frontal attack. In the jungle, however, modification
trends in combat theaters show, however, that the of this practice is considered necessary by the Jap-
Japanese have -become increasingly aware of the anese. Here the artillery must fire with trajectories
limitations of their artillery. They are taking meas- high enough to clear the treetops. The infantry
ures to insure more effective artillery preparation for cannot maintain a rapid rate of advance in most
attacks, as well as to place greater emphasis on coun- cases because of the extreme difficulties of jungle
terbattery fire. There also is evidence that provision terrain. These two conditions combine to make it
has been made for higher echelon facilitate virtually impossible for the Japanese to adhere to
large-scale committal and control. their doctrine' of close fire support unless they em-
On the offensive, Japanese artillery units are irn- place their artillery on the flanks of the advancing
bued with the same offensive spirit that characterizes infantry. By siting their guns in this fashion they
the infantry. Emphasis on speed of movement and allegedly have been able on occasion to lay down their
artillery fire only 50 yards ahead of the infantry. inferiority of their equipment and the modest scale
On the defensive the Japanese allot some artillery upon which it is employed in comparison with the
support to the advance defense line, but naturally standards of European operations. At least four tank
concentrate the bulk of it behind the main line of regiments were in existence at the outbreak of the
resistance. Here it is normally emplaced in depth war, and more probably have been organized.
from 1,700 ,to 2,200 yards behind the infantry line. Evidence of increasing armored strength has been
The largest volume of fire is delivered in the area found in a document that presents the tables of
between the forward defense positions and the main organization and equipment of a division to which
line of resistance, and the major concentrations are three tank regiments have been attached. These tank.
fired in front of, and subsequently within, the regiments in turn are triangular in organization, with
infantry fire network. Before the enemy reaches three companies to each regiment and three platoons
striking distance of the main Japanese line, the artil- to each company. It should be noted that apparently
lery fires interdiction missions which subsequently there is no battalion organization. A total of 135
are followed by a limited barrage. Only a few of the tanks is assigned, with 45 to each regiment, 15 to a
Japanese batteries or pieces fire these missions, how- company,. and five to a platoon.
ever, for it is considered very important to withhold Tanks are regarded by the Japanese almost ex-
fire until the enemy are within close range. In the elusively as infantry support weapons. Personnel of
jungle the Japanese emplace their artillery on their Japanese tank units are trained to emphasize speed of
flanks for defensive as well as offensive purposes. decision, great mobility, rapid concentration of fire,
concealment, and effective supply and maintenance
as the basic requirements for successful tank action-
The Japanese recognize the value and tactical po- In division operations tanks are attached to in.
tentialities of armored and motorized units; their fantry units and come up at night to designated
armored tactics cannot be taken lightly despite the assembly positions. In a tank-led attack the tanks

move forward in waves, followed by the infantry and and destroy important rear installations. They then
covered by artillery fire which has for its main pur- return to assume their role as support for the attack.
pose neutralization of enemy antitank weapons. In There is evidence that the use of "leading tanks" in
such an assault the tanks themselves concentrate on assault roles is now at least contemplated, and there
knocking out obstacles, automatic weapons, hostile also have been instances when tanks were used as
artillery, and the enemy command system. stationary batteries, particularly in holding attacks
Recent doctrine apparently envisions the employ- on the hostile front while the main attack was
ment of three tank echelons in the offensive opera- delivered on one or both flanks.
tions of a division. The first echelon will comprise On the defense, Japanese tanks usually are held in
two tank companies, each of which is attached to one reserve with the intention that they eventually will
of the two front-line infantry regiments. The mis- be attached to infantry forces for counterattack.
sion of the first tank echelon is to neutralize enemy They also assume an antitank role in the event that
antitank guns and strong points, to create a passage- the hostile tanks have moved ahead of their artillery
way for the assault. The second tank echelon follows support or have become dispersed to such an extent
about 400 to 500 yards behind. It is made up of four as to make them very vulnerable to concerted
tank companies, each of which is attached to, and attacks by several tanks.
controlled by, an infantry battalion. These tanks Armored units include, besides tanks, motorized
lead the infantry assault and afford direct fire support. infantry, engineers, field and antiaircraft artillery,
The third tank echelon will remain under the direct as well as antigas and signal detachments. Tactics of
control of the division commander and be kept in such groups seem similar to those of a large cavalry
reserve. force. Surprise attacks are emphasized in which the
Under favorable circumstances, Japanese tanks infantry covers the tanks, facilitates their action,
may be sent ahead prior to the actual commencement and holds ground -which has been overrun by the
of the attack, to disorganize enemy communications armored vehicles.
Phial containing
sulphuric acid

Detonating fluid I ,
"-'--: Explosive
Mixture of detonating
and ignition fluid Switch

Detonating fluid
Detonati n1 fu Bicycle .ball bearings
(probably used as shrapnel )
Ignition fluid
\:~",'"-'~-.'>?-~. - Dry cell battery

Mixture of
heat producing acid

Figure 115. Parasol-type booby trap. Figure 116. Flashlight-type booby trap.

BOOBY TRAPS AND MINES Cove Firing string
thumb release

Booby Traps Brass plate

While Japanese booby traps have not been used on Match Composition
a scale comparable with German utilization of such Lead cover
devices, nonetheless they are being employed with
increasing frequency and ingenuity. The booby trap,
of course, is primarily a defensive weapon designed to
retard the enemy's advance, and constantly mount-
ing Allied pressure has forced the Japanese to assume Friction
the defensive role despite their strong disinclination igniter

for this type of combat. More and more terrain, once

occupied by Japanese forces, must be relinquished by
them, and it is under such circumstances that resort
to booby traps can be anticipated. In the recent (5 sec)
Burma campaign 100 Japanese booby traps were laid
in an area about 100 by 200 yards.
Early examples of Japanese booby traps include
the parasol type, wherein opening the parasol broke -I Detonator
an acid vial which, in turn, ignited the detonating
and ignition mixtures. A flashlight type was activated
by pressing the switch in the normal fashion. Another
early and somewhat crude type, intended primarily Figure 117. Pull-type hand grenade.
for incendiary action, employed a bottle which, if (1) sow re Rcoe
shaken, brought sulphuric acid in contact with
potassium chlorate in the cork. The small explosion
thus produced ignited benzene or kerosene.
The basic weapon of many Japanese booby traps
currently used is the pull-type grenade. This is 3
inches long and 2 inches in diameter. It is made of
cast iron with five transverse grooves on the outside
body, and is fitted with a lead cover. When the cover
is removed, a firing string is exposed. A pull on this (3) Slor

string pulls a friction igniter between two parts of

match composition, thus setting off a 512-second
delay train. The firing cord can be attached to a cross
cord and mounted in various ways for the construc-
tion of booby traps. .Toe 15 in
lb) att1t
One of the most widely encountered Japanese
booby traps is the tube type. An iron, steel, or even
bamboo tube, about 15 inches long and with a
diameter large enough to permit the insertion of a pull Iro omm plat
grenade, is bored with three holes respectively for
suspension, safety, and support wires. After the i
holes are bored the grenade is inserted with the
wires extending out of the tube through the holes.
Both ends of the tube then are closed with stones or
Figure 118. Tube-type booby trap.
0 | Flexible stake


Figure119. (Useof grenade in trip-wire booby traps: Above, using a flexible stake to pull out the
suspension wire; below, using a weight for the sanie purpose.
3 Nails

|j Grenade

/ i-..Flat stone

Figure 120. Use of grenades in booby trap, with string

stretched between trees.

B~'~'~~attery I= Loose board

Electric flash cap Bamboo Nut and bolt

Figure 121. Electrical ignition booby trap.

other suitable materials and the tube is strapped to a the mountings. When the string is pulled off the
stake driven into the ground. The support and nails, the grenades fall and strike a stone or hard
safety wires then are removed, leaving the grenade object directly beneath them. This drives in their
suspended in the tube solely by the suspension wire. pins and detonates them.
When this wire is pulled out, the grenade falls down Various types of electrical ignition booby traps
into the tube. As it strikes the bottom, the pin is also have been found. A piece of bamboo sawed out
driven into the cap and the grenade is detonated at one end to resemble a clothespin has been widely
within 4 to 8 seconds. used. Wires leading to a dry battery and explosive
Various riggings have been devised which employ are taped to the outside edges of the clothespin
the tube-type grenade installation. A cross wire at prongs and connected with a nut and bolt inside the
the height of about a foot is attached by means of a prongs of the pin. Pressure on the prongs causes the
second wire to tile suspension wire of the grenade. bolt and nut to touch, thus completing the circuit
The cross wire also is attached to a spring or weight. with the dry battery and the explosive. The latter is
When the cross wire is pulled the spring or weight usually a bottle of picric acid in a shell case. Phono-
snaps it back when the tension is removed, thus graphs and radios have been wired as booby traps.
pulling out the suspension wire. The grenade falls Lifting the playing arms of the phonograph or
down in its tube and is detonated by the driving-in turning the switch of the radio detonates the ex-
of the firing pin. A flexible stake or sapling often has plosive.
been used instead of the spring or weight. In Burma large numbers of tin-can traps were
Another frequently encountered arrangement has found. A British grenade with its pin pulled out and
a grenade at each end of a string stretched between the release handle held down was carefully inserted in
trees or stakes. The string is wrapped around nails a tin can, one end of which was attached to a trip
in the trees or stakes in such a way that it will be wire. When the wire was pulled the can was pulled off
pulled off if the string is tugged anywhere between away from the grenade; the release handle then
Can Trip wire

I . Pick-up swivel A

Explosive ,:'ge, - )t It

Trip wire

Figure 122. Phonograph booby trap. Figure 123. Tin-can type booby trap,
178 using British grenade.
co02 as bi) h O

a, ~~~~~~~~~~~~O ,.- ~ ~ -


4.3 a)~~~~~~~~~~~~~

to 0 1790
k =1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~7
sprang and caused detonation. Grenades also have
been set in forks of trees in such a manner that the
handle was held down. A pull on the attached trip
cord dislodged the grenade and caused its detonation
when the release handle snapped up into its firing
A firing device for booby traps has been found
recently. Pressure of about 6 pounds on the pressure
plate breaks the shear wire, permitting the plunger
to go down into the body of the device. A hole in the
plunger permits the firing pin to snap through it to
activate the primer and detonator. Figure 126. Mushroom-type mine.

Land Mines
The most common Japanese land mine'is the Type
93, or "Tape-Measure Mine", so called because it
'K x Ad resembles a rolled-up steel tape measure. The mine
weighs about 3 pounds and is 63/ inches in diameter
and 13 inches thick. It is filled with 2 pounds of
picric acid. In the center of its top is a bronze plug
which covers the fuze. There are loops on the casing
to permit suspension of the mine or drawing it across
the path of a tank by means of an attached cord.
Figure 125. Tape-measure mine. Pressures of from 70 to 200 pounds will activate the
mine; the shear wire is adjusted to vary the pressure
at which it will be detonated. There is a safety cap
in the upper end of the firing pin. These mines
usually are laid in patterns of diagonal rows 30 inches
A leading Japanese antitank mine is the magnetized
armor-piercing type. This contains eight sections of
TNT wrapped in wax paper and held in a circular
canvas bag. Four magnets are attached to the out-
side of the bag. To prepare the mine for firing, a
wooden plug is pulled out and a percussion igniter of
the delay type inserted. The mine then is thrust
against the tank to which it adheres by action of the
magnets. The safety pin is withdrawn and the firing
pin is depressed, activating the igniter and causing
detonation within 4 to 5 seconds.
One of the most recently introduced land mines is
the so-called yardstick type. It is 3 feet long and is
made up of four fuzed units in a smooth, flattened-
steel casing with an oval cross section. The tube
contains eight 3 4-pound blocks of picric acid. It is
detonated by pressures of from 6 to 10.6 pounds.
It should also be borne in mind that the Japanese
captured a large number of the Dutch mushroom- Figlure 127. Japanese magnetic mine.

type land mines, and these may be encountered in
JAPANESE J any theater of operations. The mine is a disc 84
JAPANESE .~ inches in diameter and 34 inches thick, with a dome-
,like MINE cover held off the striker by a light spring. Total
weight of the mine is 91 pounds, 5/ pounds of
which is the weight of the TNT. Fifty pounds pres-
sure will be sufficient to press the cover down upon
the striker to detonate the mine.
When landings were made on the beach at Tarawa,
Gilbert Islands, a number of anti-invasion mines
were found arranged in a single straight row, parallel
to and 50 yards from the highwater mark on the
beach. These mines are hemispherical and are of all-
welded construction. There are two handles and two
horns, and a central opening in the top which con-
tains the booster and safety switch. The horns con-
tain vials of acid. When either horn is bent, the acid
vial is broken, permitting the acid to drop upon the
plates of a small battery which has a zinc cathode
and a copper anode. A current of sufficient amperage
is generated to explode the charge which is in the
bottom chamber of the mine.

Figure 128. Japanese anti-invasion mine. *U. S. Government Printing Office: 1944-


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