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Buku Fasilitas Dan Insentif Pajak-Subdit PPH Badan#ENGLISH HIJAU PDF

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Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax


There are various ways taken by a country to attract investment
that is necessarily needed to gear economic growth. Easiness of
business permit, legal certainty, infrastructure availability, and fiscal
policy are often considered as critical factors for investors to
decide their investment destination.
Fiscal policy transformed into a set of pro-investment tax laws and
regulations is regarded as a potential instrument to encourage
investors. It is because high tax rates may reduce economical
capability of investors and to some extent, it may cause
prospective investors to choose another country to invest, and
therefore, the expected multiplier of the investment might be
Relating to that, Indonesia as similar as any other countries, is
continuously improving her tax rate to be more attractive and
competitive. One of the examples of this consistent effort is the
reduction of Corporate Income Tax rate, which is now at 25% from
the previous rate at 28%. Such reduction is stipulated in Article 17
paragraph 2a of the Income Tax Law.
In addition to the corporate income tax rate reduction, Indonesia
also offers various tax facilities, namely Corporate Income Tax rate
reduction for listed companies, Tax Holiday, Investment Allowance,
and other facilities. These facilities are all stipulated in the Income
Tax Law and/or its implementing regulations.
It is our hope that the tax facilities and incentives offered will spur
the investment activities in Indonesia even further. This due to many
exciting facts such as the upgrades of Indonesian credit ratings,
outstanding performance of Indonesian Stock Exchange, and the
fact that Indonesia is one of few countries that was able to
maintain positive economic growth despite the massive global
economic crisis in 2008.

Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

Apart from various tax facilities available and her excellent

performance aforementioned, Indonesias unique characteristics
also offer various advantages for sustainable investments.
Indonesias geographical situation as the greatest archipelago in
the world, surrounded by two oceans, blessed with abundant
natural resources, provides its own comparative advantages. The
potentials of natural gas, geothermal, and other renewable energy
resources, as well as fishery, tourism, are just few among many
sectors that may be chosen as investment destination.
From the competitive advantage perspectives, Indonesia as a
country with 240-million population and significant growth of
middle class is undoubtedly a promising market. Such sociodemographical condition also provides sustained availability of
professional and skilled manpower for manufacturing or high-tech
This books in your hand attempts to provide information regarding
tax facilities and incentives in Indonesia, and it is our hope that it
may guide taxpayers, especially investors and prospective investors
who seek to invest in Indonesia with all the benefits she provides.
Finally, my sincere gratitude and appreciation are for all parties
who contribute to this book. Keep up the spirit and let us continue
the hard work for our beloved country. For taxpayers and investors,
I would like to thank you for your contribution for the development
of our nation and may your investment in Indonesia be prosperous
and sustained for a long time.
Jakarta, February
Director General of Taxes

A. Fuad Rahmany
NIP 195411111981121001


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax


Tax Incentives and facilities are often considered as one of many

efforts opted by various countries in order to attract investors,
especially those who bring investments with significant multiplier
effect to the national economy. Such investments are expected to
deliver new technology, to gear undeveloped sectors, as well as
certain sectors and certain regions of national priority, to provide
jobs, and eventually, to contribute in increasing national income
and national self-reliance.
In principle, incentives and facilities are dynamic in nature,
because they should be hand in hand with development of
national economy, regional economy, and also the continuously
changing global economy. Nevertheless, one of the principles to
be upheld in formulizing and implementing incentives and facilities
of taxation is that of equality in treatment for all taxpayers or all
cases of taxation, which is the same as holding firmly to the valid
law. Therefore, each incentive must be guided by the above
principle and requires overseeing to ensure there is no divergence
in its application from the meaning and purpose for which the
incentives are granted.
Unfortunately, it becomes our concern that there are still many
investors uninformed of various facilities and incentives provided in
Indonesia, perhaps due to the dynamic and evolving nature of the
regulation on which the incentives and facilities based. Therefore,
this book is one of many synergic and comprehensive efforts taken
by Directorate General of Taxes to encourage taxpayers, investors,
and potential investors to comprehend and eventually to take the
advantage of the facilities and incentives provided in Indonesia.


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

This book is designed with simple layout as our intention to make

this book to be your easy-to-read reference concerning incentives
and facilities of taxation in Indonesia. Each of facilities and
incentives is detailed further regarding the background, the form of
the incentives/facilities provided, the eligible tax payers, and also
the procedures to obtain the facilities or incentives.
Finally it is my honour to express my appreciation to everyone in
DGT, especially for Director General of Taxes who was willing to
deliver his foreword. In addition, I would like to express my very
sincere gratitude for all of my fellow-workers in Directorate Tax
Regulation II, particularly the Division of Corporate Income Tax who
have put their dedication to make this book possible. Hopefully
each and every effort we have made shall be beneficial for better

Jakarta, February
Director of Tax Regulations II

A. Sjarifuddin Alsah
NIP 060044664


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax




Preface By The Director General Of Taxes

Preface By The Director Of Tax Regulations Ii


Table Of Contents




Tax Holiday


Tax Allowance for Investment in Certain Business Sectors

and/or Certain Regions


Special Economic Zone (SEZ)


Income Tax Rate Reduction for Public Listed Company


50% Income Tax Rate Reduction for Corporate Tax




Facilities for Renewable Energy Resources Utilization



Facilities for Business Merger or Spin-Off



Exemption from Income Tax Object on Scholarship



Exemption from Income Tax Object on Aid/

Compensation Paid by Social Security Agency



Exemption from Income Tax Object on Surplus of Nonprofit Organization



Exemption from Income Tax Object on Pension Fund




Exemption from Income Tax Object on Gain Derived

From Discharged Of Small Debtor Indebtedness



Exemption from Income Tax Object on Aid , Gifts, And



Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax


Deduction of Formation or Accumulation of Reserves



Deduction of Expenditures on Cellular Phone and

Companys Vehicle



Facilities for Donation on National Disaster Relief in NAD

and North Sumatera



Incentives for Donation for Natural Disaster Relief in

NAD and Nias Island North Sumatera



Incentives for Donation for Earthquake Relief in DIY and

Central Java, and Tsunami in South Coast of Java Island



Deduction of Donation or Social Cost



Deduction of Uncollectible Debt as Tax Deductible



Facilities for Foreign Grants and Loans



Exclusion from Income Tax Subject for International




Deduction of Benefit-In-Kinds for Employees



Facilities For Fixed Asset Revaluation


Facilities For Interest Income from Non-Performing Loans

Received or Accrued by Banks



Facilities for Gains from Debt Discharge Received or

Accrued by Certain Debtors



Facilities for Income from Transfer of Property/Collateral

in the Form of Land and/or Building for Certain







Exclusion from Lodging Tax Return



The Increase of Personal Exemptions


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax




Income Tax Art 21 Borne By Government For State

Officials, Civil Servants, Members Of The Armed Forces,
and Retirees



Exclusion for International Organization to Withhold

Income Tax Art 21/26



Lower Rate or Final of Witholding Tax on Certain Income

Received by Retirees or Dismissed Workers



Exemption form Witholding Tax on Certain Income

Received by Daily/Weekly/Temporary Wokers




Exemption from Witholding Tax on Certain Import or
Business Activities In Other Sectors




Exemption from Witholding Tax on Deposits and Savings

Interest, and Central Bank Certificate Discount



Exemption from Witholding Tax on Income After Tax of

Permanent Establisment



Exemption from Withholding Tax by Third Party



Exemption from Witholding Tax on Interest and/or

Discount Received from Bond



Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

A-1. Tax Holiday

Capital investment has an important role in gearing sustainable

national economic growth as well as increasing national
technological ability and capacity.
To stimulate capital investment in Indonesia, the Government of
the Republic of Indonesia through its fiscal policy provides tax
facilities in form of tax holiday for pioneer industry that is more
attractively offered than that of other countries.

Eligible Taxpayer
Corporate taxpayer that is newly established or established in
Indonesia in a period of no more than 12 (twelve) months
before the August 15th 2011, with below prerequisites:
a. The taxpayer conducts business that is included in the
scope of pioneer industries, i.e. : basic metal industries, oil
refinery and/or oil and gas sourced basic organic
chemical, machinery, renewable resources industries,
and/or communication equipment;
b. The taxpayer has minimum investment of 1 trillion IDR;
c. The taxpayer deposits a fund at minimum 10% of the
amount of investment plan in Indonesian Banks.
In consideration of national industry competitiveness and
strategic value of a certain industry, the Minister of
Finance (MOF) may provide the facility for other than
aforementioned pioneer industries;

Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

Tax Facility

Corporate Income Tax Exemption (tax holiday) for 5 up to

10 years, started from initial commercial production.

50% Corporate Income Tax reduction for 2 years after tax

holiday period ended.

In consideration of national industry competitiveness and

strategic value of a certain industry, the Minister of Finance
(MOF) may grant the facilities in an extended period.


Taxpayers application shall be submitted to the Minister of

Industry or the Head of the Investment Coordinating Board
(Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal/BKPM) to be
examined regarding:
a. availability of infrastructure in the investment location;
b. absorption of domestic manpower;
c. fulfilment of pioneer industry criteria;
d. a clear and concise plan of transfer of technology;
e. availability of tax-sparing provision in the domicile

Based on the examination, the application will be

forwarded to the MOF.

Should the request be approved, the MOF will issue the

MOF Decree concerning approval of tax holiday facility.

Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

Taxpayers Obligation

The entitled taxpayer is obliged to submit periodical reports

to the DGT and the Committee of Verification concerning:
a. quarterly report of fund usage attached with current
bank account; and
b. annual audited and quarterly unaudited report of
capital investment realization.

Facility Utilization

The entitled taxpayer may utilize tax holiday facility,

provided that:
a. the taxpayer has fully realized the investment plan;
b. the taxpayer has initiated commercial production.

For the initial commercial production status to

recognized, the entitled taxpayer shall submit
application to DGT with the following attachments:


a. copy of articles of establishment of the company;

b. copy of the MOF decree concerning approval of tax
holiday facility;
c. recent three years audited financial statements;
d. a power of attorney if the applicant is represented by
another party; and
e. documents related to sold products (e.g.: commercial
and tax invoices, and proof of delivery of the sold

Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax


Government Regulation No. 94 of 2010

MoF Regulation No. 130/PMK.011/2011

DGT Regulation No. PER-44/PJ/2011

DGT Regulation No. PER-45/PJ/2011

Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

A-2. Tax Allowance for Investment in Certain Business

Sectors and/or Certain Regions
In order to increase direct investment for promoting the growth of
national economy, as well as equality and acceleration of
development, it is necessary to provide income tax incentives for
taxpayers who are doing business in certain industries and/or
certain regions.

Eligible Taxpayer

Corporate taxpayer in form of corporation or cooperative

who invests in:
a. 52 business sectors as stipulated in Attachment I; or
b. 77 business sectors
Attachment II

in certain regions as stipulated in

of GR No 52 of 2011.

Above mentioned taxpayer also includes taxpayer who has

obtained investment permit license before the effective
date of the GR No 52 of 2011, provided that:
a. The taxpayer has minimum investment plan of Rp1
trillion; and
b. The taxpayer has not commercially operated before the
effective date of the GR No 52 of 2011.

Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

Tax Facility

Investment allowance at 30% of the total investment,

charged for 6 years for 5% annually;

Accelerated depreciation and amortization;

Income tax for dividend paid to non-resident tax subject

shall be 10%, or lower tariff according to effective Double
Taxation Avoidance Agreement

Loss compensation for 5 years up to 10 years, depending

on the following conditions:

the investment is conducted in industrial estate or

bonded zone;


it hires at least 500 Indonesian work forces for 5

consecutive years;


expense of economic and social infrastructure in the

investment location amounts at least 10 billion IDR;


domestic R&D expense amounts at least 5% of total

investment during 5 year period; and/or


it utilizes domestic raw materials/components at least

70% since the 4th year.

Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax


Taxpayers application shall be submitted to the Head of

BKPM, and it will be proposed by the Head of BKPM to the
MOF through DGT with the following attachments:
a. copy of Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) identity/
Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP)
b. permit license of new investment
investment, including the details.



The proposal received by the DGT will be further examined

and the decree concerning the facility entitlement/
rejection will be published at most 10 days after the
proposal received.

The facility may be utilized after the taxpayer realizing 80% of
the investment plan. This provision is not applied to the
taxpayers who are already granted with the facility based on
the GR No. 1 of 2007 and GR No. 62 of 2008.


Article 31A of Income Tax Law

Government Regulation No. 1 of 2007 a.l.a.w

Government Regulation No. 52 of 2011

MoF Regulation No. 16/PMK.03/2007

DGT Regulation No. PER-67/PJ./2007

DGT Circulation Letter No. SE-16/PJ/2007

Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

A-3. Special Economic Zone (SEZ)

In order to accelerate economic development in certain regions

that are strategically important in increasing overall national
economy growth, it is necessary to provide tax incentives to
support development in Special Economic Zone.

Eligible Taxpayer
Taxpayer whose business located in Special Economic Zone

Tax Facility

Income tax facility;

Additional income tax facilities can be given in regard to

special characteristics of the zone;

Importing goods to SEZ may be granted a facility income

tax on which will not be withheld.

Law No. 39 of 2009

Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

A-4. Income Tax Reduction for Public Listed Company

In order to improve the role of capital market as the source of

business financing and to increase the number of public listed
companies and their public ownership, it is necessary to grant
income tax facilities for public listed companies.

Eligible Taxpayer
Resident corporate taxpayer in form
company, provided that:


public listed

- A minimum of 40% of all stocks are paid and traded in

stock exchange in Indonesia;
- The stocks are owned by at least 300 parties;
- Each party is only allowed to own less than 5% of all paid
- Aforementioned requirements should be fulfilled in a
period of at least 6 months within one fiscal year.

Tax Facility
Corporate Income tax rate reduction 5% lower than the
highest rate of resident corporate income tax rate as
stipulated in Article 17 Paragraph (1) letter b of Income Tax

Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

This facility is utilized by self assessment when submitting annual
corporate income tax return, and enclosing:
a. Notification letter obtained from the Stock Administrative
Bureau (Biro Administrasi Efek) (form X.H.1-6), as stipulated in
the Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory
Agency (Bapepam-LK) Regulation No X.H.1, for each
related taxable years;
b. The notification letter should disclose taxpayers name, TIN,
fiscal year, also a declaration that aforementioned
requirements have been fulfilled in a period of at least 6
months within one fiscal year.


Article 17 Paragraph (2b) of Income Tax Law

Government Regulation No. 81 of 2007

MoF Regulation No. 238/PMK.03/2008

DGT Circulation Letter No. SE-42/PJ/2009


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

A-5. 50% Income Tax Reduction for Resident

Corporate Taxpayers
In order to accelerate national economy growth that is supported
by small and medium enterprises, it is necessary to grant tax
incentives in the form of 50 % Corporate Income Tax reduction for
enterprises with limited business scale.

Eligible Taxpayer
- Resident corporate taxpayer with gross income up to 50
billion IDR per year.
- Gross income in this context means income received or
accrued from business activity before deducted with
expenses to earn, to collect, and to secure income that is
generated from Indonesia or outside Indonesia, including:
a. Income imposed by final income tax;
b. Income imposed by non-final income tax;
c. Income exempted from tax object.

Tax Facility
Rate reduction 50% of Resident Corporate Income Tax rate
imposed on taxable income from the part of the gross
revenue of 4.8 billion IDR.


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

This facility is utilized by self-assessment when the eligible
taxpayer is submitting annual Corporate Income Tax return.
Therefore, the eligible taxpayer is not necessary to submit
application for this facility.



Article 31E of Income Tax Law

DGT Circulation Letter No. SE-66/PJ/2010

Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

A-6. Facilities for

Renewable Energy Resources Utilization

The depletion of fossil-based energy reserves requires innovation

to ensure sustainable energy supplies. Indonesia is very potential
to utilize renewable energy, such as geothermal, wind, bioenergy, solar energy, water flow and other hydro powers.
Therefore, tax incentive is necessary to support utilization of
renewable energy resources that requires high-technology
investment and bears high risk.

Eligible Taxpayer
Taxpayer who conducts activities on renewable energy
resources utilization


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

Tax Facility

Investment allowance at 30% of total investment, for

period of 6 years;

Accelerated depreciation and amortization;

Withholding tax rate on dividends paid to non-resident at

10%, or at lower applicable tax treaty rate.

Extended carried forward loss period from 5 years up to 10

years, depending on the following conditions:
a. the investment is located in industrial or bonded zone;
b. employs at least 500 Indonesian manpower during 5
consecutive years;

expense of economic and social infrastructure in the

investment location amounts at least 10 billion IDR;

d. domestic R&D expense amounts at least 5% of total

investment during 5 year period; and/or


utilizes domestic raw materials/components at least

70% since the 4th year.

Exemption of withholding income tax Article 22 for import

of machinery and equipment (assembled or not
assembled), but not including spare parts.

Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax


Taxpayers application shall be submitted the Head of

BKPM, and it will be proposed by the Head of BKPM to the
MOF through DGT with the following attachments:
a. Copy of Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) identity/
Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP)
b. Permit license of new investment
investment, including the details.



The proposal received by the DGT will be further examined

and the decree concerning the facility entitlement/
rejection will be published at most 10 days after the
proposal received.


Facility of investment allowance may be utilized after the

taxpayer realizes 80% of the investment plan. This provision
is not applied to the taxpayers who are already granted
with the facility based on the GR No. 1 of 2007 and GR No.
62 of 2008.
Facility of exemption from Income Tax Article 22 is utilized
automatically without requiring a certificate of exemption.

MoF Regulation No. 21/PMK.011/2010


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

A-7. Facilities for Business Merger or Spin-Off

In order to harmonize taxation policy with other policies such as

social, economy, investment, monetary, and other policies, the
Government allows taxpayer to use book value for the transfer of
asset during business merger or spin-off with certain conditions.

Eligible Taxpayer
- Taxpayer who transfers assets during business merger or
- The merger in this context means:
a. a merger of two or more corporate taxpayers with the
requirement that the surviving company is the company
that has no loss or lesser loss than other companies;
b. a merger of two or more corporate taxpayers by
establishing a new corporate taxpayer.
- The spin-off in this context means spin-off by:
a. Non-public-listed taxpayer that will conduct Initial Public
Offering; or
b. Public listed taxpayer provided that all companies
established from the spin-off also conduct Initial Public


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

Tax Facility
Taxpayer exercising such business merger or spin-off is
allowed to use book value basis during transferring the


Submit application to the DGT and enclose the

background and intention of conducting merger and spinoff business at no later than six months after the effective
date of merger or spin-off

Pay all tax dues of each relevant corporate taxpayer; and

Fulfill the business purpose test requirements.

Enclose the audited Financial Statements from both

taxpayers who transfers assets and taxpayer who receives
the transferred assets.


Article 10 Paragraph (3) of Income Tax Law

MoF Regulation No. 43/PMK.03/2008

DGT Regulation No. PER-28/PJ/2008

DGT Circulation Letter No. SE-45/PJ/2008


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

A-8. Exempted from Taxable Object on Scholarship

To optimize the benefit of scholarship received by Indonesian

citizen for formal and/or non-formal education in domestic or
abroad, it is necessary to grant fiscal incentive to support
capacity building of Indonesian people by exempting certain
scholarship from taxable object.

Eligible Taxpayer
Indonesian citizen who receives scholarship provided that:
- the scholarship is for formal and/or non-formal education in
domestic or abroad;
- the recipient is not related to the owner, shareholder,
director, or management board of the scholarship provider;
- the scholarship components in this context comprise of
tuition fee, examination fee, research allowance, book
allowance and/or living cost.

Tax Facility
Scholarship is exempted from taxable object.


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

This facility is utilized by self-assessment. Therefore it is not
necessary to submit application for this facility.

- Article 4 Paragraph (3) Letter l of Income Tax Law
- MoF Regulation No. 246/PMK.03/2008 a.l.a.w
MoF Regulation No. 154/PMK.03/2009


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

A-9. Exemption from Taxable Object on

Aid/Compensation Paid by Social Security Agency

In order to help taxpayers living under poverty line or having

accident or experiencing natural disasters, it is necessary to
provide tax incentives in the form of exemption from taxable
object on aid or compensation that are paid by Social Security

Eligible Taxpayer
Taxpayer receiving aid/compensation paid by:
- Social Security Workers (JAMSOSTEK);
- Civil Servants Pension Fund (TASPEN);
- Social Insurances of the Armed Forces of the Republic of
Indonesia (ASABRI);
- Health Insurance (PT. ASKES); and/or
- Other social security agencies not mentioned above.


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

Tax Facility
Aid/compensation given to taxpayers and/or society who
a. living under poverty line according to data and criteria
supplied by National Statistic Agency (BPS);
b. experiencing life threatening natural disaster;
c. having unpredictable and dangerous or life threatening
is exempted from taxable object.

This facility is utilized by self-assessment. Therefore, it is not
necessary to submit an application.


Article 4 Paragraph (3) Letter n of Income Tax Law

MoF Regulation No. 247/PMK.03/2008


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

A-10. Exemption from Income Tax Object

on Surplus of Non-profit Organization

Adequate facilities and infrastructures in education, research and

development are important elements to improve human
resources quality. The Government supports the program by
providing tax facility in the form of exemption of the surplus of nonprofit organization from taxable object.

Eligible Taxpayer
Non-profit organization in education and/or R&D registered
at the authorized institutions that reinvest its surplus in form of
infrastructure, as follows:
a. buildings and education, R&D infrastructures, including
land acquisition;
b. office, laboratory, and library infrastructure;
c. student dormitory, official residence for teacher, lecturer
or staff and the sport facilities that are located in the
complex of formal education institution.
The surplus in this context shall mean all taxable objects
other than income already separately taxed (final or
deemed profit), subtracted by operational and daily
expenses incurred by non-profit organization.


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

Tax Facility
Reinvested surplus in form of infrastructures is exempted from
taxable object for 4 years since the surplus is accrued.


Taxpayer should submit notification letter to the Head of

Tax Service Office where the taxpayer is registered
a. physical development plan, and
b. cost of infrastructure or development procurement plan.

The notice shall be submitted as follows:

a. when the taxpayer submit Annual Income Tax Return for
taxable year in which the surplus is accrued or at the
latest before the development is started, in 4 years
period since the surplus is accrued;
b. copy of the notice also to be submitted to authorized


Article 4 Paragraph (3) Letter m of Income Tax Law

MoF Regulation No. 80/PMK.03/2009

DGT Regulation No. PER-44/PJ/2009


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

A-11. Exemption from Income Tax Object

on Pension Fund Income
Capital investment conducted by pension fund is aimed for
expansion and repayment to pension recipients in the future.
Therefore, the investment is necessary to be directed to nonspeculative and/or non-high risk investment. Based on that,
income of pension fund invested in certain sectors is exempted
from taxable object.

Eligible Taxpayer
Pension fund incorporated under MOF approval.

Tax Facility
Exemption from taxable object of certain income received
or accrued by pension fund, as follows:



interest, discount, revenue from deposit, certificate of

deposit, and saving in bank in Indonesia, and Bank
Indonesia Certificate;


interest, discount, revenue from bonds, sharia bonds

(sukuk), Government Sharia Bonds, Government Bonds
listed on stock exchange in Indonesia; or


dividend received from companies listed on stock

exchange in Indonesia.

Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

- To be exempted from income tax withholding on deposit,
savings, and Bank Indonesia Certificate, taxpayer should
submit an application for Certificate of Exemption (SKB),
with following provisions:
a. First time SKB application shall be submitted at the latest
14 business days before the SKB period is effective;
b. Reapplication of SKB soon to be expired shall be
submitted at the latest 14 business days before the expiry
c. Head of Tax Service Office shall respond the application
at the latest 7 business days after receiving the
application. Otherwise, the application is granted and
Head of Tax Service Office has to issue SKB in the next 3
business days;
d. Pension Fund granted with SKB is obliged to report its
investment every semester on the 30th next month.
- Effective period of SKB starts from March 1st to August 31st
and from September 1st to February 28st.

- Article 4 Paragraph (3) Letter h of Income Tax Law
- MoF Regulation No. 234/PMK.03/2009
- DGT Regulation No. PER-160/PJ/2005 a.l.a.w
DGT Regulation No. PER-39/PJ/2010


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

A-12. Exemption from Income Tax Object on Gain

Derived From Discharged of Small Debtor Indebtedness
In principle, discharge of indebtedness is classified as income for
the debtor and as expense for the creditor. However, the
Government regulates that the discharged of small debtor
indebtedness such as loan for low income family (Kukesra), Farmer
Business Loan (KUT), loan for very small housing, loan for debtors of
small enterprise (KUR), and other small loans with certain limit are
exempted from taxable object.

Eligible Taxpayer
Loan of small debtors is business debt in the amount less
than 350.000.000 IDR (three hundred and fifty million
rupiah), including:
a. Loan for low income family (Kredit Usaha Keluarga
Prasejahtera, Kukesra);
b. Farmer Business Loan (Kredit Usaha Tani, KUT);
c. Loan for very small housing;
d. Loan for debtors of small enterprise;
e. Other small loans according to the Bank Indonesia
credit policy related to support the small enterprise and


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

Tax Facility
Gain derived from indebtedness discharge of small debtor is
exempted from taxable object.

This facility is utilized by self-assessment. Therefore it is not
necessary to submit an application.

- Article 4 Paragraph (1) of Income Tax Law
- Government Regulation No. 130 of 2000


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

A-13. Exemption from Income Tax Object on Aid , Gifts,

And Donation

Generally, aid, charity, and grant are considered as income tax

object for the recipients. However in certain cases, for the purpose
of harmonizing with existing norms in the society, aid, charity, and
grant are exempted from taxable object.

Eligible Taxpayer
Parties as follows:
a. family member i.e. parents and children;
b. religious organizations;
c. educational organizations;
d. certain non-profit organizations; or
e. individuals conducting micro or small business with certain
who receive the aid, charity, and grant.


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

Tax Facility
Aid, charity, and grant received are exempted from
taxable object.

This facility is utilized by self-assessment. Therefore it is not
necessary to submit an application.

- Article 4 Paragraph (1) Letter d Number 4 of Income Tax
- Article 4 Paragraph (3) Letter a Number 2 of Income Tax
- Article 8 of Government Regulation No. 94 of 2010
- MoF Regulation No. 245/PMK.03/2008


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

A-14. Deduction of Formation or Accumulation

of Reserves

Generally, formation or accumulation of reserve funds may not be

deducted from gross income. Nevertheless, taxpayers with certain
business activities are allowed to set up a reserve fund. The terms
and condition shall be further stipulated based on the Ministry of
Finance Regulation.

Eligible Taxpayer
- Bank and other business, which conduct business as a
creditor, financial lease company, consumer finance
company and factoring company;
- Insurance company and Social Security Agency;
- Deposit Guarantor Institutions (LPS);
- Mining company;
- Forestry business company; and
- Industrial waste processing business company.


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

Tax Facility
Formation or accumulations of reserves that can be charged
as tax deductible are:
a. reserve for bad debt of a bank and other business which
conduct business as a creditor, financial lease company,
consumer finance company, and factoring company;
b. reserves in an insurance business including reserve for social
aid made by Social Security Agency;
c. guarantee reserve for Deposit Guarantor Institutions.
d. reserves for cost of reclamation in general mining,
e. reserve for cost of reforestation in forestry business;
f. reserve for closing and maintaining industrial waste site
conducted by industrial waste processing business.

This facility is utilized by self-assessment. Therefore it is not
necessary to submit an application.

- Article 9 Paragraph (1) Letter c of Income Tax Law
- MoF Regulation No. 81/PMK.03/2009
- DGT Circulation Letter No. SE-97/PJ/2011


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

A-15. Deduction of Expenditures

on Cellular Phone and Companys Vehicle
Generally, expenses other than to earn, to collect, and to secure
income (3M) are not tax deductible. Such expenses include
expenditures for personal uses unrelated to 3M. Nevertheless, in
certain cases it is difficult to separate expenditures, which are
related or not related to 3M. Therefore, it is necessary to provide
regulation concerning expenditures on cellular phone and
companys vehicle as tax deduction.

Eligible Taxpayer
Taxpayer who deducts expenditures on cellular phone and
companys vehicles.

Tax Facility


Expenditures on cellular phone for certain employees:


Purchasing units may be deducted 50%

depreciation of fixed assets of Group I.



Subscription fee and mobile phones repairing fee may

be deducted 50% in the related fiscal year.

Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

Tax Facility
- Expenditures on company vehicles include:
a. bus, minibus/similar type used for employees shuttle:
acquisition and overhaul cost may be deducted
entirely through depreciation of fixed assests of Group
maintenance and repairing cost may be deducted
entirely in the related fiscal year.
b. sedan/similar type for certain employee:
acquisition and overhaul cost may be deducted 50%
through depreciation of fixed assests of Group II;
maintenance and repairing cost may be deducted
50% in the related fiscal year.

This facility is utilized by self-assessment. Therefore it is not
necessary to submit an application

- MoF Regulation No. 96/PMK.03/2009
- DGT Decree No. KEP-220/PJ./2002
- DGT Circulation Letter No. SE-09/PJ.42/2002


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

A-16. Facilities for Donation on

National Disaster Relief in NAD and North Sumatera
One among other Governments efforts to relieving the natural
disaster in Aceh Province and North Sumatera occurred in
December 2004 was by endorsement of taxpayers participation
through fiscal incentives in the form of tax borne by the
government and fiscal deductibility on aid and charity given to
the disasters victims. The incentive is intended to encourage
taxpayers to become donator that would ease the burden of
those affected by the disasters.

Eligible Taxpayer
Taxpayers who give charity related to the disasters
aforementioned, which consist:
- Corporate taxpayers, not including corporate taxpayers
which are imposed by final tax; and
- Individual taxpayers, not including individual taxpayers
which are imposed by final tax or using deemed profit.


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

Tax Facility
Charity for the natural disaster in Aceh Province and North
Sumatera given by taxpayer is tax deductible and the
income tax accrued from the charity shall be borne by the


The donations are deducted as expense and reported

in tax return in which it is incurred;

Donation shall be in form of money and/or goods. If it is

in form of goods, the amount that can be charged as
expense is based on its fiscal carrying value;

The donations are recorded under account natural

disaster donation for Aceh Province and North

The donation should be saved, distributed, and/or

managed by;
a. governmental agency, such as Vice President
Office, Coordinating Ministry of welfare, Ministry of
social affair, Ministry of Finance, or
b. other parties that can be accounted for its
existence; including Indonesian Red Cross (PMI), print
and electronic mass media, and social and/or
religious organizations;

The donation must be supported by legal documents.

Government institution or other parties as collector,

distributor and/or manager of donation are required to
register to Head Office of DGT and submit quarterly
report to DGT about the collection and distribution of
the donation.


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax



MoF Regulation No. 609/PMK.03/2004

MoF Regulation No. 14/PMK.03/2005

Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

A-17. Incentives for Donation for Natural Disaster

Relief in NAD and Nias Island North Sumatera

Government of Indonesia offers tax facilities in the framework of

Natural Disaster Relief to accelerate the recovery of social
economic condition in the disaster area of Aceh Province and
Nias Island North Sumatera Province

Eligible Taxpayer
- Taxpayers who give charity related to the disasters

Corporate tax payers, not including

taxpayers which are imposed by final tax; and


Individual Taxpayers, not including individual

taxpayer which are imposed by final tax or using
deemed profit

- Victims of Aceh Province and Nias Islands natural disasters

and their inheritors who receive the charity.


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

Tax Facility

Charity distributed for natural disaster relief in Aceh

Province and Nias Islands are tax deductible.

Exempted as Taxable income for:

a. Aid or charity that are collected, distributed, and/or
managed by Government bodies and parties as
stipulated by or based on MOF Decree, in the form of
money and/or goods, land, and/or building with its
document/certificate received by the victims of natural
disaster in Aceh Province and Nias Islands
b. Inheritance including saving and/or deposit received
by inheritors of the victims of natural disaster in Aceh
Province and Nias Islands.

Government Regulation No. 32 of 2007
until 1 May 2009.







Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

A-18. Incentives for Donation for Earthquake Relief

in DIY and Central Java,
and Tsunami in South Coast of Java Island
Basically, Resident Taxpayers and permanent establishments are
entitled to claim the deductions in the form of expenses to earn
collect and secure income from their gross income. Thus, any
expenses that have no correlation with income generation are
not allowed to be deducted from gross income However, as
enormous earthquake struck Yogyakarta province and part of
Central Java Province on May 27 2006, and also tsunami hit south
coast of Java island on July 17 2006, Government of Indonesia
offers tax incentives in the form of aid allowed as tax deductible. It
is intended to increase the participation of taxpayers to give aid
and to accelerate the recovery of the struck area.

Eligible Taxpayer
All taxpayers who make aid for:
- earthquake relief in DIY and some part of Central Java on
May 27 2006 and
- earthquake and tsunami relief in south cost of Java Island
on July 17 2006.


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

Tax Facilities
Aid made by taxpayers for relief of aforementioned
disasters is allowed as tax deductible expense.

This facility is utilized by self-assessment; therefore, it is not
necessary to submit an application

MoF Regulation No. 93/PMK.03/2006


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

A-19. Deduction of Donation or Social Cost

To endorse taxpayers participation in contributing relief of

national disasters and the development of science, technology,
education, and sports, as well as to support the government in
financing social infrastructure development in Indonesia,
taxpayers expenditure for such charity may be deducted from
gross income.

Eligible Taxpayer
Taxpayer who contributes:
a. charity for national disaster relief;
b. charity for R&D in Indonesia;
c. charity for educational facility;
d. charity for sports development; and
e. expenditure for social infrastructure development,
provided that:
a. The Taxpayer generated profit based on previous fiscal
year taxpayers annual income tax;
b. The charity/expenditure does not cause loss of the fiscal
year in which charity/expenditure contribution is


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

Tax Facility
Following charities/expenditures are tax deductible:
a. Charity for national disaster relief, to the
management agency or authorized institutions;


b. Charity for R&D in Indonesia, to R&D institute;

c. Charity for educational facility, to educational institutions;
d. Charity for sports development, to sports development
e. Expenditure for social infrastructure development, by
building infrastructure that is intended for non-profit and
public interest,
provided that the total amount of such charity/expenditure
should not be more than 5% from previous year fiscal net

Taxpayer should enclose receipt of charity/expenditure as
stipulated in MOF Regulation No. 76/PMK.03/2011 when
submitting annual tax return.

- Government Regulation No. 93 of 2010
- MoF Regulation No. 76/PMK.03/2011


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

A-20. Deduction of Uncollectible Debt as Tax Deductible

Generally, tax deductible expenses comprise expenditures to
earn, collect, and to secure income (3M). Nevertheless, bad debt
write-off is also tax deductible expense, provided that the write-off
meets certain requirements.

Eligible Taxpayer
Taxpayer who writes-off bad debt provided that the write-off
meets following requirements:
a. The bad debt has been reported as expense in
commercial income statement;
b. list of the bad debts is submitted to DGT; and
c. One or some of the conditions below are performed:

the bad debt has already been taken over by the

state court or institution authorized for governments
receivable; or

there is a covenant of debt relief; or

the bad debt has been published in general or

special publisher; or

there is a statement from debtor about the amount of

debt being relieved.


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

Tax Facility
Bad debt write-off is tax deductible expense provided that the
write-off meets the requirements.

When submitting annual income tax return, the taxpayer shall

list of the bad debt (hard copy/soft copy) containing the

identity of the debtor i.e: name, Taxpayer Identity Number,
address, and the amount of the bad debt, and

copy of the proof of bad debt take over by the state court
or institution authorized for governments receivable; or

copy of covenant of debt relief; or

copy of publication proof

publisher; or

a statement from debtor about the amount of debt


from a general or special

- Article 6 Paragraph (1) Letter h of Income Tax Law
- MoF Regulation No. 105/PMK.03/2009 a.l.a.w
MoF Regulation No. 57/PMK.03/2010


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

A-21. Facilities for Foreign Grants and Loans

In order to achieve sustainable national development and to

recover economic activities, as well as to ensure the continuity of
certain projects that may not be fully financed from domestic
revenues, the foreign aid in the form of foreign loans and grants
are still viewed necessary. Therefore, the government provides
facilities such as income tax borne by the government for foreign
grants or loans. However, such facilities are only temporary and
will be reconsidered in accordance with the financing capacity of
domestic sources and national economic and social

Eligibility and Terms of Conditions

- contractors, consultants, and suppliers stated on contract
to carry out government projects, which are funded by
grants or foreign loans, including experts and trainers which
are financed with foreign grants.


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

Tax Facility
Income Tax from income received or accrued by
aforementioned contractors, consultants, and suppliers shall
be borne by the Government.

This facility is utilized by self-assessment when submitting
annual income tax returns. Therefore, it is not necessary to
submit an application

- Government Regulation No. 42 of 1995
Government Regulation No. 25 of 2001
- MoF Decree No. 239/KMK.01/1996 a.l.a.w
MoF Decree No. 486/KMK.04/2000
- DGT Decree No. PER-526/PJ./2000
- DGT Circulation Letter No. SE-05/PJ.42/2001


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

A-22. Exclusion from Income Tax Subject

for International Organization

The role of international organizations in helping the Government

to create sustainable development in many sectors is becoming
more important, especially in todays era of globalization. To
facilitate the positive role of such international organizations and
to harmonize with international norms, Article 3 paragraph (1)
letter c, Indonesian Income Tax Law stipulates that international
organizations and officials representatives of international
organizations are excluded from Income Tax Subjects.

Eligible Taxpayer
- International organization, provided that:
a. Indonesia is the member of the organization; and
b. It does not conduct business or other activities to earn
income from Indonesia other than lending to the
Government with funds derived from dues of members.
- International organization in the form of technical and/or
cultural cooperation, provided that:
a. The technical cooperation is beneficent to Indonesian
b. The International organization does not conduct other
business or other activities to earn income from


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

Eligible Taxpayer (contd)

Official representatives of international organizations,
provided that:
a. They are not Indonesian citizens; and
b. Not conducting other business or activity to earn income
from Indonesia.
aforementioned shall be stipulated in Minister of Finance

Tax Facility
aforementioned are not subject of income tax.

To be enacted as international organization excluded as
subject of income tax, the international organization shall
receive recommendation from State Secretary of The
Republic of Indonesia and fulfill the registration procedures
of international organization in Indonesia as stipulated in
current and valid provisions (e.g.: Law No 37 Year 1999
concerning Foreign Relations)


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

- Article 3 Paragraph (1) Letter c Income Tax Law
- Law No 37 Year 1999
- MoF Regulation No. 215/PMK.03/2008 a.l.a.w
MoF Regulation No. 142/PMK.03/2010


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

A-23. Deduction of Benefit-In-Kinds for Employees

In general, providing consideration or compensation in the form of

benefits in kinds may not be considered as tax deductible for the
employers. Therefore, benefits in kinds received are not taxable
income for the employees. However, in order to accelerate
development in remote areas, to create safety working
environment, and to support daily works of the employees,
providing certain benefits-in-kinds may be deducted from gross
income for the employers.

Eligible Taxpayer
Taxpayer who provides certain benefits-in-kinds for the

Tax Facility
Providing certain benefits-in-kinds as follows:
a. Food and/or beverages for employees
b. Infrastructures related to work implementation, which
are not yet avaiable in certain areas
c. necessities or equipment for the implementation of
work as means for safety work
may be deducted from the gross income of the
employers and is not taxable object for the employees


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax


Tax deduction of benefits-in-kinds in form of:

a. Food and beverages for the employees; and
b. necessities or equipment for the implementation of work
as means for safety work
may be utilized by self-assessment when submitting annual
income tax returns. Therefore, it is not necessary to submit
an application.

Tax deduction of benefits-in-kinds in form of infrastructures

aforementioned, may be utilized by submitting request to
the Head of the Regional Tax Office which covers Tax
Office where the taxpayer is registered.
Tax payers shall fill out and enclose the forms as follow:
a. Copy of investment permit license from BKPM;
b. Copy of location map;
c. Copy of the latest financial statements prior to the year
in which taxpayer sumbit request;
d. Statements concerning the condition of economic
infrastructure and public transportions using the form

- Article 9 Paragraph (1) Letter e of Income Tax Law
- MOF Regulation No. 83/PMK.03/2009
- DGT Regulation No. PER-51/PJ./2009


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

A-24. Facilities For Fixed Asset Revaluation

Rapid price increase or changes in monetary policy may lead to

disharmony between costs and income, which could result in an
unreasonable tax burden. In such circumstances, certain
domestic corporate taxpayers and permanent establishments
(PEs) may perform Fixed Asset Revaluation for tax purposes. The
income tax from the revaluation can be paid by installments not
more than 12-month period.

Eligible Taxpayer
Domestic corporate taxpayers or PEs, not included
taxpayers which are granted the license to perform
bookkeeping in English and U.S. Dollars, who have fullfilled
all of their tax obligations up to last tax period prior the tax
revaluation period.

Tax Facility
Gain from Fixed Asset Revaluation above fiscal book value is
subject to 10% Final Income Tax which can be paid by
installments not more than 12-month period.


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

- To perform Fixed Asset Revaluation, Taxpayer has to apply
to DGT through the Head of Regional Office by filling out
form and attaching:
a. Photocopy of legalized business license for appraisal

service or expert appraiser;

b. Valuation Report by Appraisal Service Company;
c. List of Fixed Asset Revaluation for tax purposes;
d. Financial Statements for book year before Fixed Asset

- Provisions for Fixed Asset Revaluation for tax purposes are as
a. Revaluation is performed to all tangible assets including
land or other than land;
b. Revaluation cannot be re-performed before the end of 5
years starting the last revaluation;
c. Revaluation is based on market value or fair value of
fixed assets with valuation (appraisal) by appraisal
service or expert appraiser who obtained license from
d. Revaluation is performed at the latest 1 year after


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

Procedure (contd):
- To be approved for instalment of 10% final income tax on
gains from Fixed Asset Revaluation, taxpayer must submit
request for instalment and the request for Fixed Asset
Revaluation to the Head of Regional Office of DGT.
- Application for instalment is submitted using the form
provided in the DGT Regulation and by attaching cash flow
projection, which shows financial condition that causes
taxpayer is unable to pay 10% final income tax at once.

- Article 19 of Income Tax Law
- MOF Regulation No. 79/PMK.03/2008
- DGT Regulation No. PER-12/PJ./2009
- SE-56/PJ./2009


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

A-25. Facilities for Interest Income from Non-Performing

Loans Received or Accrued by Banks

Tax treatment of interest income received or accrued by banks

from non-performing loan is specifically regulated in order to
support the acceleration of bank restructuring process in
accordance with Government policy and with the change of
SFAS / PSAK No. 31 concerning Banking Accounting (revised in
2000). Accordingly, DGT determines the time to recognize income
for taxpayers (Banks) in the form of interest income from nonperforming loans at the time the interest income is received.

Eligible Taxpayer

Tax Facility
- Interest income from non-performing loans is recognized at
the time the interest income is received by the bank (cash
- If bank recorded interest income from non-performing loan
as a reduction of principal, the time to recognize interest
income is postponed until interest income is received after
repayment of loan principal.


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

This facility is operated in a self-assessment system at the
submission of corporate income tax return and attaching
a list of debtors who has credits classified as substandard,
doubtful, and default, which contains:
a. Serial number;
b. Debtors name;
c. Tax Identification Number;
d. The number of non-performing loans classified as
substandard, doubtful, and default;
e. The amount of interest accrued, which has not been
recognized as income in the financial statement.

- DGT Decree No. KEP-184/PJ./2002
- DGT Circulation Letter No. SE-08/PJ.42/2002


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

A-26 Facilities for Gains from Debt Discharge

Received or Accrued by Certain Debtors

In order to harmonize economic policy and tax policy as a result

from monetary crisis of 2008, the Government provides facilities
related to the allocation of income recognition on gains from
business debt exemption for domestic debtor taxpayers who
conduct business debt restructuring agreement with Indonesian
Bank Restructuring Agency (IBRA) in accordance with
government policy within a maximum period of 5 years.

Eligible Taxpayer
- Domestic debtor taxpayers who conduct business debt
restructuring agreement with IBRA in accordance with
Government policy.

Tax Facility
Revenue recognition on gains from debt exemption can be
allocated in a period of 5 years, in the same portion every
year and starting from taxable year at the time the debt
exemption is derived.


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax


Propose a written application to the Head of Tax Office

where debtor is registered as a Taxpayer;
The application must be submitted no later than the
deadline of submission of income tax return, with a
photocopy of the business debt restructuring agreement
legalized by IBRA.

DGT Decree No. KEP -563/PJ./2001


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

A-27. Facilities for Income from Transfer

of Property/Collateral in the form of Land
and/or Building for certain Taxpayers

In order to support the continuity of corporate restructuring

process as well as settlement of bank credit as an impact from
financial crisis, tax facilities should be given in the form of deferral
for revenue recognition on transfer of collateral such as land or
buildings owned by certain taxpayers and it is conducted by
commercial banks which carry out appropriate government
restructuring program until commercial banks transfer such
collateral to the real buyer.

Eligibility and Terms of Conditions

- Restructured Bank in IBRA;
- Bank-affiliated companies in Restructuring;
- Debtor who has a direct or indirect payment obligations to
the Bank Restructuring, IBRA, and the Company or the
Affiliated Bank Restructuring or IBRA, including Banks which
have obligation to Bank Indonesia in connection with Bank
Indonesias Facility;
- Stockholders, Director or Restructured Bank Commissioner;
- Debtor/Collateral owner to General Bank; where its
property/collateral is taken over in order to conduct
restructuring of the company.


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

Eligibility (Contd)
Certain taxpayers are stipulated in Government Regulation
No. 17 of 1999 concerning Restructuring Agency and Law
No. 10 of 1998 concerning Banking.

Tax Facility
Postponement of income recognition on transfer of:
- assets in the form of land and/or buildings owned by certain
taxpayers, conducted by IBRA until IBRA transfers the assets
to the real buyer.
- collateral in the form of land or buildings owned by certain
taxpayers, conducted by general bank until the general
bank transfer the collateral to the real buyer.

This facility is utilized by self-assessment system. Therefore it is
not necessary to submit an application

- DGT Decree No. KEP-141/PJ./1999
- DGT Circulation Letter No. SE-27/PJ.42/1999


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

B-1. Exclusion from Lodging Tax Return

In order to provide simplicity to taxpayers to submit monthly

and/or annual tax return, the government gives facility in the form
of exclusion for taxpayers with certain income tax from the
obligation to submit tax return which is mandated under Article 3
Paragraph (8) law number 6 of 1983 concerning General
Provisions and Tax Procedures as lastly amended by the law
number 16 of 2009.

Eligible Taxpayer
Taxpayers with certain income tax, i.e.:
a. Individual taxpayers below personal exemption i.e.
individual taxpayers who receive or derive taxable
income in a fiscal year not exceed
exemption; or
b. Individual taxpayers who do not carrying on a business
or do not perform independent services.

Tax Facility
1. Individual taxpayers below personal exemption do not
have the obligation to submit monthly tax return Article
25 and personal annual income tax return.
2. Personal taxpayers who do not carrying on a business /
do not perform independent services, are excluded
from the obligation to submit Monthly tax return Article


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

Taxpayers with certain income tax which are eligible to
these facilities do not have to make any request.

- Article 3 Paragraph (8) of Income Tax Law
- MoF Regulation No.183/PMK.03/2007


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

B-2. The Increase of Personal Exemptions

The amount of personal exemption (PTKP) should be adjusted

accordingly with economic and monetary development as well
as the increase of basic necessities prices. Therefore, the
amendments of Income Tax Law No. 36 Year 2008 stipulate the
amount of personal exemptions is increased for individual resident
taxpayer himself and also for every extended of dependent.

Eligible Taxpayer
Individual resident taxpayer

Tax facility
The amount of personal exemptions per year is as

15.840.000 IDR for an individual taxpayer;


additional 1.320.000 IDR for a married taxpayer;


additional 15.840.000 IDR for married taxpayers

spouse, provided that they file a joint tax return;


additional 1.320.000 IDR for each dependent family

member related by blood and by marriage in a
direct lineage, and an adopted child with
maximum of three dependents.


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

This facility is utilized by self-assessment. Therefore, it is not
necessary to submit an application.

Article 7 of Income Tax Law


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

C-1. Income Tax Art 21 Borne By Government

for State Officials, Civil Servants,
Members of The Armed Forces, And Retirees
Government realizes that income or pensions received by state
officials, civil servants, members of the armed forces, and retirees
are viewed inadequate. Therefore, the government bears the
taxes imposed on the aforementioned income which are
received regularly and the fund is disbursed from state budget or
regional budget.

Eligible Taxpayer
a. State Official, for:
1) salary and other allowance, which are fixed and
received monthly; or
2) other fixed remuneration
b. Civil servants, member of armed forces, and member
of National Police (POLRI), for salary and other
allowances which are fixed and received monthly;
c. Retirees, for pension and other allowances, which are
fixed and received monthly.


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

Tax Facility
Article 21 Income tax on fixed and regular income received
monthly which source is derived from state budget and
regional budget that is borne by government

This facility is utilized by self-assessment. Therefore, it is not
necessary to submit an application.

- Government Regulation No. 80 of 2010
- MoF Regulation No. 262/PMK.03/2010


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

C-2. Exclusion for International Organization

to Withhold Income Tax Article 21/26
In order to provide legal certainty, representative offices of foreign
countries and international organizations, which are excluded as
subjects of income tax as stipulated in the Minister of Finance
Regulation, are also excluded from the obligation to withhold
Article 21/26 Income Tax article 21/26 for income received or
accrued by officials/employees working in the international

Eligible Taxpayer
Representative office of foreign countries and international
organizations as stipulated in the Minister of Finance

Tax Facility
The exclusion to withhold Article 21/26 Income Tax on
income received or accrued by officials/employees
working in the international organizations


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

This facility is utilized by self-assessment. Therefore, it is not
necessary to submit an application.

- Article 21 Paragraph (2) of Income Tax Law
- MoF Decree No. 649/KMK.04/1994
- MoF Regulation No. 215/PMK.03/2008
MoF Regulation No. 142/PMK.03/2010


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

C-3. Lower Rate or Final of Witholding Tax on Certain

Income Received by Retirees or Dismissed Workers

In order to ease the burden on retirees or workers whose contracts

are terminated (PHK), to them are imposed a lower income tax
rates facility and final in nature. Lower progressive tax rate which is
also final may offer greater monetary benefit for the workers or the
retirees as well as simplicity and certainty in legal aspects.

Eligible Taxpayer
Employee who receives or derives income in the form of
Severance Payment, Pension Cash Benefit, Annuity, or
Warranty Annuity which is paid at once

Tax facility
Final Article 21 Income Tax rate on income in the form of
Severance Payment is determined as follows:
- 0% for gross income up to 50 millions IDR;
- 5% for gross income more than 50 millions IDR up to 100
millions IDR;
- 15% for gross income above 100 millions IDR up to 500
millions IDR;
- 25% for gross income more than 500 millions IDR.


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

Tax Facility (cont)

Final Article 21 Income Tax rate on income in the form of
pension cash benefit, annuity, warranty annuity is
determined as much as
- 0% for gross income up to 50 millions IDR;
- 5% for gross income above 50 millions IDR.

This facility is utilized by self-assessment; therefore it is not
necessary to submit an application.

- Government Regulation No. 68 of 2009
- MoF Regulation No. 16/PMK.03/2010


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

C-4. Exemption form Witholding Tax on Certain Income

Received by Daily/Weekly/Temporary Wokers
In accordance with regulation concerning personal exemption,
income received or accrued by daily employees, weekly
employees, and other temporary employees is not imposed by
withholding Article 21 Income Tax for certain level of income.

Eligible Taxpayer
Daily employees, weekly employees, and other temporary
employees who receive income up to 150 thousand IDR a

Tax Facility
Income received or derived by daily employee, weekly
employee, and other temporary employee up to 150
thousand IDR a day is not imposed by withholding Article
21 Income Tax
However, this condition is not applicable if the gross
income mentioned exceeds 1.32 million IDR a month or if it
is paid monthly


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

This facility is utilized by self-assessment. Therefore it is not
necessary to submit an application.

- MoF Regulation No. 254/PMK.03/2008


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

D-1. Exemption from Witholding Tax on Certain Import

or Business Activities In Other Sectors
Based on Article 22 of the Income Tax Law, payment of delivery of
goods and activities on import or business activities in other sectors
is subject to withholding Income Tax. However, due to the national
economic interests, some of the aforementioned activities are
exempted from the provision.

Eligible Taxpayer
Taxpayers who conduct certain activities exempted from
the collection of Income Tax of Article 22

Tax Facility
Except for collection of Income Tax Article 22:
a. Imported goods and/or delivery of goods exempted
from Income Tax based on the provisions in the statutory
b. Imported goods exempted from collection of Import
Duty and/or Value Added Tax:
- goods belonging to foreign country's representative
and its officials assigned on duty in Indonesia based
on mutual principle


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

Tax Facility
- goods for the need of international agency and its
officials assigned on duty in Indonesia and not
holding Indonesian passport
- goods in the form of gift parcel for general need for
religious matter, charity, social, culture or for control
of disaster;
- goods for the need of museum, zoo, natural
conservation and other places of the same kind that
are open to public;
- goods for the purpose of research and development
of science;
- goods for special need of the blinds and other
- case or other packages containing corpse or urn for
corpse ash;
- removal goods;
- goods belonging to passengers, transporting facility
crew, border crosser, and shipment up to a certain
limit based on the provisions in the statutory
- goods imported by the Central Government or
Regional Government for the purpose of public
- weapons, ammunition, and military equipment,
including spare parts allocated for States defense
and security;
- goods and material used to produce goods for
defense and security of the country;


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

Tax Facility
- Polio vaccine in the context of implementing Week of
National Immunization program (PIN);
- public text books; holy books and religious text books;
- ship, river transporting boat, lake transporting boat, ferry,
piloting boat, towing boat, fishing boat, tug boat, and
spare parts and navigation safety equipment or human
safety equipment imported and used by National
Commercial Navigation Company or national fishing
- aircraft and spare parts and flight safety equipment or
human safety equipment, equipment for repair or
maintenance imported and used by National
Commercial Air Transporting Company;
- railway and spare parts and equipment for repair or
maintenance and infrastructure imported and used by
PT Kereta Api Indonesia;
- equipment used to provide data on borders and air
photo of the territory of the State by the Indonesian
National Army; and/or
- goods for Natural Oil and Gas upstream activities
imported by Cooperation Contract Contractors.


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

Tax Facility
c. Temporary import, if during the import is clearly
declared for re-export;
d. Re-import, covering goods that have been re-exported
and later re-imported in the same quality or the goods
that have been exported for repair, work and test, that
have complied with the terms stipulated by the
Directorate General of Customs and Excise;
e. Payment made by the tax collector, which are
Government Treasurer and Budget User Proxy (KPA),
treasurer for expenditure for payment made using
mechanism on stock money (UP); Budget User Authority
(KPA) or Pay Instruction Letter Issuing Official as
delegated by the KPA, pertaining to:
1. payment which amount is maximum 2,000,000 IDR
(two million Rupiahs) but not constituting undivided
2. Payment for purchase of oil fuel, electricity, gas,
lubrication, potable water/PDAM and postal items.
f. Payment for purchase of paddy and/or rice by Public
Logistic Company (BULOG);
g. Gold ingot to be processed to produce jewellery for
h. payment for purchase of goods to the use of fund for
School Operational Assistance (BOS).


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

This facilitiy can be utilized:
without using Certificates of Exemption (COE), for:
a. import that is not Liable of Customs and Value Added
Tax; and
b. Temporary importation,
Which the provision is carried out at Directorate General
of Customs and Excise and the procedure is regulated
by Directorate General of Customs and Excise and or
Directorate General of Taxes
using COE, for:
a. import that is not liable of income Tax; and
b. import of gold bullion.

- MoF Regulation No. PMK-154/PMK.03/2010
- DGT Regulation No. PER-57/PJ/2010 a.l.a.w
DGT Regulation No. PER-15/PJ/2011


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

E-1. Exemption from Witholding Tax on Deposits and

Savings Interest, and Central Bank Certificate Discount
Interest from deposits and savings, and the discount from the
central banks certificate are income subjected by 20% of final
tax, for resident taxpayers and permanent establishments.
However, its viewed necessary that the provision to exclude small
savings and deposits from the exemption, in order to protect
people with low-income who are usually the ones who own such
Aside from that, the tax exemption is also applied for a pension
fund, which its establishment is approved by the Minister of
Finance, as incentives to steer the pension fund to invest in low-risk
and non-speculative financial instruments.

Eligible Taxpayer
- An individual who is resident taxpayer, whose income for
one fiscal year including interest and discount does not
exceed his/her personal exemption.
- a pension fund which its establishment is approved by the
Minister of Finance

Tax Facility
Exemption from withholding tax for certain income
derived from interest of deposit/savings, and the discount
of central banks certificate.


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

The exemption from withholding tax for certain income
can be utilized without request, for:
- interest of deposit/savings, and the discount of central
banks certificate provided that the amount of
deposit/savings, and the of central banks certificate
are less than 7,5million IDR
- the interest and discount, which are received or
accrued by banks incorporated in Indonesia or branch
of foreign bank in Indonesia ;
- the interest from savings in banks, which are appointed
by the Government in context of purchasing simple
and very simple houses, lots to build simple and very
simple houses, or simple flats.
The exemption from withholding tax for interest of
deposit/savings, and the discount of central banks
certificate received by a pension fund, can be utilized
using a certificate of exemption (SKB). The SKB can be
obtained by submitting a request to the tax office in
which the pension fund is registered.

- Government Regulation No. 131 of 2000
- MoF Decree No. 51/KMK.04/2001
- DGT Regulation No. PER-160/PJ/2005 a.l.a.w
DGT Regulation No. PER-39/PJ/2010


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

E-2. Exemption from Withholding Tax

on Income after Tax of Permanent Establisment
Taxable Income after deducted from income tax of a permanent
establishment in Indonesia is subject to be taxed of 20% (twenty
percent), unless the profit is re-invested in Indonesia. The further
regulation is stipulated by or based on the Minister of Finance
Regulation. The provision is intended to encourage permanent
establishment to do re-investment in Indonesia and to support the
growth of national economy.

Eligible Taxpayer
Permanent Establishments that conduct re-investment in
Indonesia, in the form of:
a. equity participation in new companies in Indonesia as
a founder;
b. equity participation in new companies in Indonesia as
a shareholder;
c. fixed asset acquisition/purchasing; or
d. investment on intangible asset,
The re-investment shall be conducted no later than the
end of the next tax year, after obtaining income.

Tax Facility
Exemption from Article 26 Paragraph (4) of Income Tax Law,


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

Submit a written notice regarding:
a. The form of re-investment. The writing notice is attached
to Income Tax Return of the fiscal year in which income is
b. The realization of investment and/or the time of
commercial production started. The writing notice is
attached to Income Tax Return of the next fiscal year
after income is received.
This notice shall







- Article 26 Paragraph (4) of Income Tax Law
- MoF Regulation No. 14/PMK.03/2011
- DGT Regulation No. PER-16/PJ/2011


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

E-3. Exemption from Withholding Tax by Third Party

Withholding tax is one of tax collection system applied in
Indonesia, which has purpose of immediate tax collection and
increasing public participation in the collection of fund through
tax collection system. By this system, there is a possibility that
income tax withheld will be bigger than income tax accrued at
the end of the tax year (over income tax paid). To deter the
condition, it is viewed necessary that a special provision should be
governed to give exemption from withholding tax in certain

Eligible Taxpayer
All Taxpayers, provided that:
a. They are able to provide evidence that there would
be no income tax accrued in the end of tax year,
because of: experiencing fiscal loss; fiscal loss carry
forward that can be accounted; tax that had been
paid and would have been paid are bigger than
income tax accrued in the end of tax period; or
b. Their income is solely levied by final tax.
c. They have already submitted tax return of last fiscal
year (except for new Taxpayer).
Taxpayers experiencing fiscal loss aforementioned may be
granted with the facilities, provided that:
a. They are newly established and still in the progress of
b. They have not accomplished the phase of
commercially production; or
c. They experience force major condition.


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

Tax Facility
Exemption from Withholding Tax by Third Party.

- Taxpayers must submit a written application to Tax
Office in which they are administered.
- The application shall be submitted for each of
withholding tax exemption of Article 21, Article 22,
Article 22 import, and/or Article 23 of Income Tax
Law, by using prearranged form.
- The application must be attached with predicted
accrued income tax for the year (except for
taxpayers whose income is solely levied by final tax).
- If the application is approved, Tax Office shall issue
an certificate of exemption (SKB).

- Government Regulation No. 94 of 2010
- DGT Regulation No. PER-1/PJ/2011


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

E.4. Exemption from Withholding Tax on Interest and/or

Discount Received from Bond

Interest and discount of bond is subject to final tax, as governed

by the Government Regulation Number 16 year 2009.
Nonetheless, there is exemption of the liability for interest and
discount earned by certain Taxpayer.

Eligible Taxpayer
a. Pension fund, which its establishment is approved by the
Minister of Finance (as governed by Article 4 Paragraph
3 letter h of Income Tax Law) ; and
b. Bank that is established in Indonesia or branch of a
foreign bank in Indonesia.

Tax Facility


Interest and discount from bond that are received or

earned by Pension Fund and Bank in Indonesia are not
subjected to final tax.

Interest and discount earned by Pension fund from

bond that is traded or reported at stock exchange in
Indonesia are not subject to income tax.

Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

This facility is utilized by self-assessment. Therefore, it is not
necessary to submit an application.

- Article 4 Paragraph (2) Letter a and
Article 17 Paragraph (7) of Income Tax Law
- Government Regulation No. 16 of 2009
- MoF Regulation No. 234/PMK.03/2009
- MoF Regulation No. 85/PMK.03/2011 a.l.a.w
MoF Regulation No. 07/PMK.03/2012


Facilities and Incentives of Indonesian Income Tax

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