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Group Technolog1 Assegment

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In the manufacturing and processing of goods and services, there are times that a
two or more layouts types are combined for a similar items or services. These
mixtures are commonly called combination or hybrid layouts .One of the most
popular types of hybrid layouts is group technology (GT) or cell layouts.
Group technology (GT) is a manufacturing technique in which parts having
similarities in geometry, manufacturing process and/or functions are manufactured
in one location using a small number of machines or processes (Wikipedia, 2013).
Similarities among parts permit them to be classified into part families (Klein, 1992).

According to Prasath et al (2015), group technology is based on a general principle

that many problems are similar and these problems can be group together so that a
single solution can be found to a set of problems, thus making efficient and
effective use of g time and effort.
Therefore, in group technology, the processes, machinery and equipment are
configured in small groups or a set of similar items (part families) that require
similar processing. These groups are called cells. Therefore, a cellular layout is an
equipment layout configured to support cellular manufacturing.
Processes are grouped into cells using a technique known as group technology (GT).
Group technology involves identifying parts with similar design characteristics (size,
shape, and function) and similar process characteristics (type of processing
required, available machinery that performs this type of process, and processing
sequence). Workers in cellular layouts are cross-trained so that they can operate all
the equipment within the cell and take responsibility for its output (Klein, 1992).
The group or cellular layout is a model for workplace design, and has become an
integral part of
Manufacturing systems and gaining popularity because of it productive efficiency
that takes advantage of similarities between parts, standards process and synergy
from emerging combination.

Group technology is drawing increasing interest from manufacturers because

of its many applications for increasing productivity. It is an approach to
manufacturing that seeks to maximize production efficiencies by grouping
similar and recurring problems or tasks. Through a careful examination of the
many applications of group technology, it have the advantages of saves
time, avoids duplication, and facilitates easy and timely information retrieval
and use (Nada R. Sanders & Dan, 2012). An important part of GT is the use of
a code thatlike a library reference systemserves as an index to
characteristics in manufacturing, engineering, purchasing, resource planning,
and sales to improve productivity in each of these areas.
Group technology (GT) is a concept that currently is attracting a lot of
attention from the manufacturing community. The essence of GT is to
capitalize on similarities in recurring tasks in three ways:

By performing similar activities together, thereby avoiding wasteful

time in changing from one unrelated activity to the next.

By standardizing closely related activities, thereby focusing only on

distinct differences and avoiding unnecessary duplication of effort.

By efficiently storing and retrieving information related to recurring

problems, thereby reducing the search time for the information and
eliminating the need to solve the problem again.
The group technology have the following as it main advantages:

Some of the advantages of cellular manufacturing include:

Cost. Cellular manufacturing provides for faster processing time, less

material handling, less work-in-process inventory, and reduced setup
time, all of which reduce costs.

Flexibility. Cellular manufacturing allows for the production of small

batches, which provides some degree of increased flexibility. This
aspect is greatly enhanced with FMSs.

Motivation. Since workers are cross-trained to run every machine in the

cell, boredom is less of a factor. Also, since workers are responsible for
their cells' output, more autonomy and job ownership is present.

It also has the following as disadvantages:

1. Involves less manufacturing flexibility
2. Increases the machine down time as machines are grouped as cells which may not be
functional throughout the production process.

A. Data Collection.
The layout analysis start with the data collection which provides design, test, manufacture, distribute,
return/repair services, and assemblies for electronic components and original equipment manufacturers .
There are a variety of products and demands which depend on customer demand, material,
manufacturing process, and product life cycle. Fundamental data of the factory such as product data,
manufacturing process data, flow process (routing), layout patterns, manufacturing facilities and
relationship between each process
B. Layout Alternatives Generation and Selection.
After data have been collected, alternative layouts are generated based on the existing layout and some
significant limitations that executives need to pay attention. These limitations are availability of space,
utilities support, work environment, effect on other products and investment cost. So, factory layout based
on cellular layout is designed and selected by using the analytic.

C .Select the best alternative and it process requirement:

The collection and gathering information to give structure with the end objective. That is to make process
requirement document highlighting various stages, risk and stakeholders for production. This will include
assessment of available technology, raw material requirement, factory/plant layout and demand forecast.
D. Team Building: Once the process requirements are finalized, for each objective, a team is finalized
based on skill level and experience. Function of the team is to get familiarize with the whole process.
E. Planning and Implementation: Process planning team will develop module; policies and procedure
require for production, which are after required approval internal as well as external is implemented.


Layout characteristics are styles or features of plant layout that can be
visual. It is can be said that the plant layout is good or not with the
visualization distance and a unity of production processes .The layout should
be designed in a manner that the twin objectives of improving efficiency and
reduction of costs are achieved. It should minimize movement of man and
machine. Smooth operation of the manufacturing process should be
facilitated and work in process inventory reduced. A layout with the following
characteristics would be able to fulfill the above mentioned requirements:
. Efficient space utilization: Real estate costs are rising by the day. An
ideal layout should utilize the available space in an effective way. Wastage of
space should be avoided at all costs. The arrangement of equipment, service
points and workers should be done in such a way that space is properly
2. Flexibility: Manufacturing operations are dynamic in nature. There is
continuous innovation in types of products manufactured as well as in
equipment, techniques and processes of production. Therefore the layout
should be designed in such a way that the layout is flexible enough to adapt
to changes.
3. Accessibility: Manufacturing, maintenance and servicing facilities should
be easily accessible without any hindrance. To achieve this purpose, there
must be sufficient space between equipment so that raw materials,
machines and men are able to move freely from one place to another.
4. Economy in handling: The layout should facilitate economies in handling
materials, work-in-progress and finished stock. Handling should be reduced
by the optimal use of hoists, chutes, trucks lifts, conveyors etc.

1.Klein, A. J., 1992. Revitalizing Manufacturing: Text and Cases. 1st Edition ed.
United State of America:WIN. Nada R. Sanders & Dan, R. . R., 2012. Operations
Management: An Integrated Approach.. 5th Edition ed. s.l.:John Wiley & Sons.
2.Prasath, K. A. a. J. J. D. R., 2015. concept of Group Technology accomplishment in
the field of Cellular Manafacturing Systems. International Research Journal of
Engineering and Technology (IRJET, 02(06).
Wikipedia, 2013. [Online]
Available at: file:///F:/Group%20technology%20-%20Wikipedia,%20the%20free
[Accessed 25th MAy 2016].

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