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DIRECTIONS: In this part of the test, each problem consists of an incomplete sentence. You
should find one choice which is the best answer to complete the sentence.

_______ have captured the spirit of the conquest of America as well as James Fenimore


few writers


the few writers


the writers are few


few are the writers


the writers are few


The sport of hang gliding _____ by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).


regulated it


is regulated


are regulated


that was regulated


that it was regulated


_____, the outer layer of the skin contains pigments, pores, and ducts.


that the epidermis


the epidermis is


the epidermis


the epidermis which


the epidermis are


______ a parliamentary system, the prime minister must be appointed on the bsis of the

distribution of power in the parliament.


the considered


to be considered








A telephone recording tells callers____


what does the time movie start


what time the movie starts


what time does the movie start


the movie starts what time


George Washington Carver _____ international fame for revolutionizing agriculture research

in the southern United States during the early twentieth century.






who has won


the winner of


had won


The planet Venus is almost exactly the same size and mass _____ Earth, with a similar

interior including a nickel-iron core.












Appointments to the United States Supreme Court and all lower federal courts ____ be the

President with the advice and consent of the Senate.




to make


are made


have made


is made


The name squirrel is commonly used for those forms of the family Sciuridae that live in

trees, ____ it is equally accurate for ground dwelling types.








in spite of


despite of


____ important development of the Neolithic age was not in the manufacture of stone tools

but in the production of food.


the most




most of


of the most




The seed heads of teasel plants raise the nap on coarse tweed cloth _____ than do the

machine tools invented to replace them.


more efficiently




more efficient


most efficient




____ my students become, the closer we are to our trip to Boston.


the more excited


the most excited




are excited


to be excited


It costs about sixty dollars to have a tooth ______




to fill








To answer accurately is more important than ____


a quick finish


to finish quickly


finishing quickly


you finish quickly


quickly you finish


Unlike the earth, which rotates once every twenty-four hours, ______ once every ten


the rotation of Jupiter


the occurrence of Jupiters rotation


Jupiter rotates


Jupiters rotating


Rotating Jupiter

DIRECTION: In questions 16-30 each sentence has five underlined words or phrases. You
should choose the one word or phrase which is not appropriate in standard written English.


Interest in automatic data processing has grown rapid since the first large calculators were

introduced in 1950.

Vaslav Nijinsky achieved world recognition as both a dancer as well as a choreographer.


Airports must be located near to major population centers for the advantage of

air transportation to be retained.


It is said that Einstein felt very badly about the application of his theories to the creation of

weapons for war.


The plants that they belong to the family of ferns are quite varied in their size and


Despite of the increase in air fares, most people still prefer to travel by plane.


All of we students must have an identification card on order to check books out of the


Columbus Day is celebrated on the twelve of October because on that day in 1492,

Christopher Columbus first landed in the Americas.


One of the most influence newspapers in the U.S. is The New York Times, which is

widely distributed throughout the world.



It is imperative that a graduate student maintains a grade point average of B in his major


Coastal and inland waters are inhabited not only by fish but also by such sea creature as

shrimps and clams.


No other quality is more important for a scientist to acquire as to observe carefully.


Fertilizers are used primarily to enrich soil and increasing yield.


Major advertising companies have traditionally volunteered its time to public service


The value of precious gems is determined by their hardness, color, and brilliant.


Each problem in this part of the test consists of a sentence in which one word or phrase has
been underlined. From the five choices given, you should choose the one word or phrase which
could be substituted for the underlined word or phrase without changing the meaning of the
sentence. Mark you
r choice on the answer sheet.
Both boats and trains are used for transporting the materials.










The best answer is (B)


Although salamanders are sometimes mistaken for lizards, the two are not related.


from the same family


the same size


of similar appearance




from the same kingdom


Approximately half of American high school graduates enroll in institutions of higher












No one knows exactly how many Pacific islands there are, but geographers estimate that

there are up to 30,000.


to the point










A literary award has been established to honor Laura Ingalls Wilder.












The largest cactus in the United States is the saguaro cactus, found in the areas

surrounding the Gulf of California.












The meat must be chopped before it can be used in that recipe.












The wagon master decided to ford the stream.




small river


big river






From Pavlovs work on conditioned responses in dogs came the stimulus-response theory

of behavior.











Halleys Comet traveled past the Pleiades, a star cluster also known as the Seven Sisters.












When heated to temperatures above 1250 degrees Centigrade, clay fuses and becomes

pottery or stoneware.

burns of


steams up


melts together





DIRECTIONS: In the rest of this test you will read several passages. Each one is followed by
several questions about it. You have to choose the best answer to each question.

Read the following passage:

John Quincy Adams, who served as the sixth president of the United States from 1825 to 1829,
is today recognized for his masterful statesmanship and diplomacy. He dedicated his life to
public service, both in the presidency and in the various other political offices he held.
Throughout his political career he demonstrated his unswerving belief in freedom of speech, the
anti-slavery cause, and the right of Americans to be free from European and Asian domination.
To what did John Quincy Adams devote his life?

Improving his personal life.


Serving the public.


Increasing his fortune.


Working on his private business.


Serving the president.

According to the passage, John Quincy Adams dedicated his life to public service. Therefore,
you should choose answer (B).
Questions 41-44
The Works Progress Administration (WPA), formed during the Great Depression as part of
Roosevelts New Deal, was created with the express intent of putting to work as many as
possible of the more than 10 million unemployed in the United States. One of the more
controversial programs of the WPA was the Federal Arts Project, a program to employ artist fulltime at such task as painting murals in libraries, theaters, train stations, and airports: teaching
various techniques of art; and preparing a comprehensive study of American crafts. Criticism of
the program centered on what was perceived as the frivolity of supporting the arts at a time
when millions were starving, industry was sagging, farms were barren, and all that could flourish
was bankruptcy courts and soup kitchens.

This passage mainly discusses


The Great Depression


Franklin Delano Roosevelts New Deal


The Federal Arts Projects


Bankruptcy courts and soup kitchens


The Roosevelts New Deal


According to the passage, the stated purpose of the WPA was to


create new American masterpieces


raise the standard of American art


introduce new art techniques to the American public


decrease unemployment


supports the art

All the following probably helped to make the Federal Arts Projects controversial EXCEPT


The Federal Arts Project employed many who would otherwise have been out of work


Trains and airports were decorated with murals


The Federal Arts Project commissioned art works during the Depression


A tremendous study of American crafts was produced


Teaching various techniques of art


When the author states that all that could flourish was bankruptcy courts and soup

kitchens, he probably means that


Banks and restaurants did well during the Depression


The poor could not aford to use banks or eat soup


Many restaurants declared bankruptcy during the Depression


The only organizations to thrive were those that dealt with the poor


The poor certainly could not aford to use banks or eat soup

Questions 45 to 50
During the nineteenth century, women in the United States organized and participated in a large
number of reform movements, including movements to reorganize the prison system, improve
education, ban the sale of alcohol, and most importantly, to free the slaves. Some women saw
similarities in the social status of women and slaves. Women like Elizabeth Cady Stanton and
Lucy Stone were feminists and abolitionists who supported the rights of both women and blacks.
A number of male abolitionists, including William Lloyd Garrison and Wendell Philips, also
supported the rights of women to speak and participate equally with men in antislavery
activities. Probably more than any other movement, abolitionism ofered women a previously
denied entry into politics. They became involved primarily in order to better living conditions and
the conditions of other.
When the Civil War ended in 1865, the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments to the
Constitution adopted in 1868 and 1870 granted citizenship and sufrage to blacks but not to
women. Discouraged but resolved, feminists influenced more and more women to demand the
right to vote. In 1869, the Wyoming Territory had yielded to demands by feminists, but eastern
states resisted more stubbornly than before. A womens sufrage bill had been presented to
every Congress since 1878 but it continually failed to pass until 1920, when the Nineteenth
Amendment granted women the right to vote.

With what topic is the passage primarily concerned?

The Wyoming Territory


The Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments




Womens sufrage


Mens sufrage


The word ban in paragraph one most nearly means to












According to the passage, why did women become active in politics?


To improve the conditions of life that existed at the time


To support Elizabeth Cady Stanton for president


To be elected to be publi

c office

To amend Declaration of Independence


To demand the right to vote


The word sufrage in paragraph two could be best replaced by which of the following?






freedom from bondage


the right to vote




What does the Nineteenth Amendment guarantee?


Voting right for blacks


Citizenship for blacks


Voting rights for women


Citizenship for women


Voting rights for whites


When were women allowed to vote throughout the United States?


After 1866


After 1870


After 1976


After 1878


After 1920

Answer Key


Structure and Written Expression

Part A















Part B
















Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension

Part A










Part B










1. Grover Cleveland was the first president _________ in theWhite House.

(A) got married
(B) to get married
(C) has got married
(D) was married
2. If cauliflowers __________ from extreme temperatures, theheads get discolored.
(A) were not protected
(B) are not protected
(C) are not being protected
(D) will not be protected
3. The first nuclear power reactor was designed _________ in 1942.
(A) by Fermi
(B) through Fermi
(C) with Fermi

(D) to Fermi
4. Greenland is the main source of cryolite. _________ softmineral used in the
production of aluminum.
(A) that is a
(B) which is a
(C) it is a
(D) who is a
5. _________ is the science of making artificial replacements forparts of the human
(A) Prosthetics
(B) Prosthetic
(C) A prosthetic
(D) The prosthetics
6. Rice is the staple diet of_________.
(A) a large amount of Asians
(B) much Asians
(C) most Asians
(D) number of Asians
7. William Byrd was the owner of_________ library in colonialtimes.
(A) the most large
(B) a larger
(C) a largest
(D) the largest
8. Exobiology is the study of life __________.
(A) in other planets
(B) at other planets
(C) on other planets
(D) to other planets
9. The Declaration of Independence, _________ the Constitution ofthe United States,
was drawn up with the help of Benjamin Franklin.
(A) and
(B) also
(C) as well as
(D) so too
10. It was from the Lowell Laboratory that _________.
(A) Pluto was sighted 1930
(B) Pluto in 1930 was sighted
(C) Pluto was in 1930 sighted
(D) Pluto was sighted in 1930
11. The rodent, comprising of the mouse, rat, guinea pig, andporcupine, __________ with
incisor-like teeth in both jaws.
(A) are mammals
(B) is a mammal
(C) is the mammal

(D) are the mammals

12. __________ into oceans and rivers is a serious form ofpollution.
(A) Having dumped sewage
(B) Being dumped sewage
(C) Dumped sewage
(D) Dumping sewage
13. Products which are made from natural earths and are__________ are known as
(A) being subject to high temperatures
(B) subjected to high temperatures
(C) subject to high temperatures
(D) having been subjected to high temperatures
14. __________ called melanin protects the underlying layers ofskin from sun rays.
(A) A color pigment
(B) A colorful pigment
(C) The pigment
(D) A pigment
15. Oranges are a __________ source of vitamin C.
(A) well
(B) better
(C) good
(D) very
16. Walt Disney was used to make numerous visits to Disneyland tofind out what the
needs and interests of the public were.
17. If James B. Connolly would not take part in the first modernOlympic Games, in 1896,
he might have graduated from Harvard.
18. Margaret Sanger made the people to see the need for birthcontrol.
19. If we continue to exploit nature there should not be enoughresources left for future
20. I have not learned cycling as I have been afraid of fallingand hurting me.
21. It is imperative that all processed food be approving by theFood and Drug
Administration for hygenic standards.
22. Not much scientists have the time or the verbal skillsrequired to become
literary writers.
23. Although coal has to been in use since prehistoric times, itis only since the
18th century that coal mining has become a major industry.
24. For best results eggs and cheese should be cooked over gentleheat, isn't it?
25. Although it started life as an apprentice to a soap boiler,William Colgate was to become
immortalized in toilet products.
26. The kinds of trees that shed their leaves in autumn are knownas deciduous trees.
27. The plants make their own food through a process calledphotosynthesis.
28. Science has transformed the planet but literature has notpaid
enough amount of attention to how scientists have lived andworked.
29. The prime meridian which passes through Greenwich, in England,is the same

the Greenwich meridian.

30. There is usually no charge for using a library but howeverfor overdue
charges and certain specialized services.
31. Tom does not agree that TV watching is in any way useful andso docs Harry.
32. A cuckoo always never hatches its eggs but leaves them inanother birds
nest to be hatched by that bird.
33. Recalling his interview with the actor, Henabery Brownlowsays that he does not expect
the actor to talk for four hours.
34. Chaplin had wanted some reels of his films to be destroyedbut he had been
saved by his manager.
35. For to commemorate the dog Nipper, whose picture appears onold
gramophone records, a brass plaque marks his grave.
36. Businesses are finding a word processor invaluable as textcan be stored in it.
reused indefinitely and modification easily.
37.The ginko is an ornamental decorative tree that was firstimported from
China and Japan.
38. Leavening agents such as baking powder are used to make breadand cake raise.
39. Most neighborhood agreed that there should not be a shoppingmall next to the park.
40. Peristalsis is the squeeze movement of the muscles in thegullet.
Structure and written expression.
1.` (B)2. (B)`3.` (A)` 4. (B) 5.` (A)` 6. (C) 7. (D)` 8.` (C) 9.` (C) 10.` (D) 11. (B) 12. (D) 13.` (B) 14.`(D)`
15. (C) 16. (A) 17.` (A18.` (A)` 19. (B) (20.` (D)` 21.` (C)` 22.` (A)` 23.` (A24.` (D)` 25.` (A
26.` (A) 27.` (A)` 28.` (C) 29.` (D)` 30.` (D)` 31.` (D) 32.` (A)` 33.` (B)` 34.` (C) 35.` (A)` 36.` (D)
37.` (C)` 38.` (D)` 39.` (A)` 40. (B)

Reading comprehension and vocabulary. Test 4.

Questions 1-10 refer to the following passage.

The most familiar speleothems (from the Greek word spelaion for cave and thema for
deposit), the decorative dripstone features found in caves, are stalactites and stalagmites.
Stalactites hang downward from the ceiling of the cave and are formed as drop after drop of
water slowly trickles through cracks in the cave roof. Stalagmites grow upward from the floor
of the cave, generally as a result of water dripping from an overhead stalactite. A column
forms when a stalactite and a stalagmite grow until they join. A "curtain" or "drapery" begins
to form on an inclined ceiling when drops of water trickle along a slope.
Natural openings on the surface that lead to caves are called sinkholes, or swallow

holes. Streams sometimes disappear down these holes and flow through the cavern. Rivers
may flow from one mountain to another through a series of caves. Some caverns have
sinkholes in their floors. Water often builds up a rim of dripstone around the edge of the hole.
Dripping water often contains dissolved minerals as well as acid. These minerals too will be
deposited; and they may give rich coloring to the deposits. If minerals in the water change,
layers of different colors may be formed.1947
1. Stalagmites are formed by
(A) drops of water which enter through cracks in the ceiling.
(B) underground rivers which flow through the cave.
(C) water dripping from an overhead stalactite.
(D) water which trickles down a slope.
2. Sinkholes are
(A) the decorative dripstone features found in caves.
(B) natural openings on the surface that lead to caves.
(C) colorful layers of mineral deposits.
(D) None of the above
3. Which speleothem grows upward from the floor ?
(A) Stalagmites
(B) Stalactites
(C) Sinkholes
(D) Curtains
4. An "inclined ceiling" is one which
(A) is straight.
(B) is crooked.
(C) is slanted.
(D) is wet.
5. Which of the following are NOT caused by dripping water ?
(A) Stalagmites
(B) Stalactites
(C) Slopes
(D) Curtains
6. The information in the passage is most relevant to which field of study ?
(A) Geography
(B) Archaeology
(C) Physics
(D) Geology
7. "Curtains" can also be called
(A) columns.
(B) draperies.
(C) stalagmites.
(D) rims.
8. The word speeleothem comes frome which language?
(A) Latin
(B) French
(C) Greek
(D) English
9. Stalagmites are formed by
(A) drops of water which enter the cave through cracks in the ceiling.
(B) underground rivers which flow through the cave.
(C) water which seeps through the cave floor.

(D) water which trickles down a slope.

10. Which speleothem hangs from the ceiling of a cave?
(A) Stalagmites
(B) Stalactites
(C) Columns
(D) Rimstones
Questions 11-20 refer to the following passage
Horse owners who plan to breed one or more mares should have a working knowledge
of heredity and know how to care for breeding animals and foals. The number of mares bred
that actually conceive varies from about 40 to 85 percent, with the average running less than
50 percent. Some mares that do conceive fail to produce living foals. This means that, on
average, two mares are kept a whole year to produce one foal, and even then, some foals are
disappointments from the standpoint of quality.
By careful selection, breeders throughout history have developed various kinds of
horses with a wide variety of characteristics to suit many different needs. The Great Horse
of the Middle Ages, for example, was bred for size and strength to carry a heavily armored
knight. The massive horses of such breeds are often called "cold blooded." The Arabs bred
lithe desert horses that were small and swift. These animals are often referred to as "hot
blooded. " Cross-breeding of hot-blooded and cold-blooded horses for certain characteristics
produced breeds ranging from riding horses to draft horses.
The Thoroughbred is considered by many to be the highpoint of elegance and fine
selective breeding. Many persons mistakenly apply the name Thoroughbred to any purebred
horse. But a Thoroughbred is a distinct breed of running horses that traces its ancestry through
the male line directly back to three Eastern stallions: the Byerly Turk, the Darley Arabian,
and the Godolphin Barb.
For convenience the breeds of horses are often divided into three major groups: (1)
ponies, (2) heavy, or draft horses, and (3) light horses.
11. Which of the following is not an example of an Eastern stallion?
(A) Byerly Turk
(B) Darley Arabian
(C) Thoroughbred
(D) Godolphin Barb
12. Which of the following was NOT a characteristic of the Great Horse of the MiddleAges?
(A) Large size
(B) Swiftness
(C) Strength
(D) "Cold-bloodedness"
13. It can be inferred from the passage that cold-blooded and hot-blooded horses were cross-bred for what
(A) Such cross-breeding was a safer means of reproduction.
(B) Cross-bred horses were preferred by Arabs.
(C) By cross-breeding, horses with desirable mixed characteristics could be produced.
(D) Cross-breeding produced Thoroughbred horses.
14. In line 11, "lithe" most nearly means
(A) graceful.
(B) clumsy.
(C) massive.

(D) bulky.
15. Which of the following is NOT one of the major divisions of horse breeds?
(A) Draft horses
(B) Ponies
(C) Foals
(D) Light horses
16. According to the passage, which of the following horses is considered to be the finest purebred?
(A) Darley Arabian
(B) Thoroughbred
(C) Godolphin Barb
(D) Byerly Turk
17. To conceive is to
(A) become sick.
(B) become pregnant.
(C) die.
(D) be born.
18. A foal is a
(A) male horse.
(B) female horse.
(C) old horse.
(D) baby horse.
19. The average amount of mares bred which actually conceive is less than what percent?
(A) 40
(B) 85
(C) 50
(D) 75
20. A mare is a
(A) male horse.
(B) baby horse.
(C) female horse.
(D) old horse.
Questions 21-30 refer to the following passage.
Animals that produce large amounts of offspring depend upon the sheer size of the
litter for the perpetuation of their species. The young mature very quickly and are not
educated, as the parents are usually involved with obtaining their own food and with
reproduction. Should some of the offspring become endangered, the parent will not interfere,
because it is not expected that all the young survive, which is the reason for a large litter.
One animal that produces large litters is the hamster. A female hamster is able to bear
young when she is six weeks to two months old. The gestation period is about 16 days.
Although an average litter size is from five to ten, hamsters commonly have as few as three
or as many as a dozen offspring at a time. Mothers will sometimes eat their own young,
particularly when the number of offspring is large. Females may produce litters up to an age
of about 15 months at monthly intervals. The blind, hairless young begin to grow fur in two
to three days. Their eyes open after about two weeks. After ten days they begin eating solid
food, though the mother will continue to nurse them for about two more weeks. In captivity,
a typical hamster may live for two to three years.

21. The gestation period for hamsters is about

(A) nine months.
(B) one month.
(C) 16 days.
(D) six weeks.
22. Female hamsters will sometimes eat their young for what reason?
(A) Hunger
(B) Because of a large number of offspring
(C) Deformed babies
(D) The young mature too quickly
23. Female hamsters may reproduce as young as
(A) six weeks old.
(B) six months old.
(C) 15 months old.
(D) two weeks old.
24. "Perpetuation" in line 2 means
(A) extinction.
(B) annihilation.
(C) variation.
(D) continuation.
25. Hamsters can produce offspring until what age?
(A) two years
(B) six weeks
(C) 15 months
(D) 16 days
26. What is the tone of the passage?
(A) Argumentative
(B) Informative
(C) Biased
(D) Farcical
27. What is the BEST title for this passage ?
(A) "Endangered Animal Litters"
(B) "Reasons for Large Litters"
(C) "Parents of Large Litters"
(D) "Educating Litters"
28. What is a litter?
(A) The amount of parents an animal has
(B) The amount of garbage an animal has
(C) The amount of offspring an animal has
(D) The amount of siblings an animal has
29. Why would an animal parent not be able to care for its litter?
(A) It is busy reproducing and food gathering.
(B) It is busy educating the litter.
(C) It interferes with the litter.
(D) It is busy playing.
30. Which of the following is NOT a reason for a large litter?
(A) The young are not expected to live.
(B) The young are educated.
(C) The parents are too busy to protect them.
(D) The young mature quickly..

Questions 31-40 refer to the following passage.

Juan Ponce de Leon was the first Spaniard to touch the shores of the present United
States. As Columbus had not remotely realized the extent of his momentous discovery, so de
Leon never dreamed that his "island" of Florida was a peninsular extension of the vast North
American continent. After coming to the New World with Columbus in 1493, he had led the
occupation of Puerto Rico in 1508 and governed it from 1509 to 1512. In 1509, de Leon
started a colony at Caparra, later abandoned in favor of San Juan. He was one of the first
adelantadosmen who "advanced" the Spanish Empire by conquest, subjugation of the
Indians, and establishment of a semi-military government.
In Puerto Rico he heard a legend about an island called Bimini, where there was said
to be a spring that restored youth to all who bathed in it. It is said he was seeking this spring
when he discovered Florida.
He sailed from Puerto Rico in March 1513. On Easter Sunday he sighted the coast. A
few days later he landed on Florida's east coast, near what is now St. Augustine. He named
the place La Florida after the Spanish term for Easter SundayPascua florida, or "flowery
feast." He then sailed around the peninsula and up the west coast. He returned to Florida in
31. In what year did de Leon discover Florida?
(A) 1508
(B) 1513
(C) 1521
(D) 1492
32. What was the title of the first colony started by Ponce de Leon in Puerto Rico?
(A) San Juan
(B) La Florida
(C) Caparra
(D) St. Augustine
33. What was the name of the legendary island where the fabled Fountain of Youth was said to be?
(A) Cuba
(B) Bimini
(C) Atlantis
(D) Bermuda
34. Which of the following is implied by the passage?
(A) Ponce de Leon was the true discoverer of the North American continent.
(B) Ponce de Leon rejected the philosophy of the adelantados.
(C) Ponce de Leon may have discovered Florida "by accident."
(D) Ponce de Leon's greatest contribution was his discovery of the Fountain of Youth.
35. Pascua florida is the Spanish term for which holiday?
(A) Easter Sunday
(B) Christmas
(C) Thanksgiving
(D) Palm Sunday
36. According to the passage, which of the following was NOT a means of advancement of the Spanish
Empire in the New World?
(A) Conquest
(B) Subjugation of Indians
(C) Establishment of semi-military governments
(D) Treaties and negotiation
37. From the passage, it can be assumed that a "peninsula" is

(A) a volcanic island.

(B) an island completely surrounded by water.
(C) an extension of land surrounded almost completely bywater.
(D) an island inhabited by Indians.
38. The tone of the word "advanced" in line 7 suggests that
(A) adelantados favor progress.
(B) progress could not have occurred without subjugation.
(C) progress is related to conquest and subjugation.
(D) conquest, subjugation, and semi-military government are not progress.
39. According to the passage. Ponce de Leon believed the land he discovered was
(A) part of the .Bahamas.
(B) the new "island" of Florida.
(C) the mainland of the United States.
(D) Puerto Rico.
40. Ponce de Leon was classified as an adelantado because he
(A) was a great explorer.
(B) was the first Spaniard to see the shores of the United States.
(C) conquered and ruled by military force.
(D) claimed Florida for the King of Spain.

Questions 41 to 50 refer to the following passage:

Any list of the greatest thinkers in history contains the name of the brilliant physicist
Albert Einstein. His theories of relativity led to entirely new ways of thinking about time,
space, matter, energy, and gravity. Einstein's work led to such scientific advances as the
control of atomic energy, even television as a practical application of Einstein's work.
In 1902 Einstein became an examiner in the Swiss patent office at Bern. In 1905, at
age 26, he published the first of five major research papers. The first one provided a theory
explaining Brownian movement, the zig-zag motion of microscopic particles in suspension.
The second paper laid the foundation for the photon, or quantum, theory of light. In it he
proposed that light is composed of separate packets of energy, called quanta or photons, that
have some of the properties of particles and some of the properties of waves. A third paper
contained the "special theory of relativity" which showed that time and motion are relative
to the observer, if the speed of light is constant and the natural laws are the same everywhere
in the universe. The fourth paper was a mathematical addition to the special theory of
relativity. Here Einstein presented his famous formula, E = m(cc), known as the energy mass
equivalence. In 1916, Einstein publishedhis general theory of relativity. In it he proposed that
gravity is not a force, but a curve in the space-time continuum, created by the presence of
Einstein spoke out frequently against nationalism, the exalting of one nation above all
others. He opposed war and violence and supported Zionism, the movement to establish a
Jewish homeland in Palestine. When the Nazis came to power in 1933, they denounced his
ideas. He then moved to the United States. In 1939 Einstein learned that two German chemists
had split the uranium atom. Einstein wrote to President Franklin D. Roosevelt warning him
that this scientific knowledge could lead to Germany developing an atomic bomb. He
suggested the United States begin its own atomic bomb research.

41. Einstein's primary work was in the area of

(A) chemistry.
(B) biology.
(C) physics.
(D) engineering.
42. Which of the following inventions is mentioned in the passage as a practical application of Einstein's
(A) Radio
(B) Automobiles
(C) Computers
(D) Television
43. According to the passage, Einstein supported all of the following except
(A) the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine.
(B) nationalism.
(C) atomic bomb research in the United States.
(D) the defeat of the Nazis.
44. In which country was Einstein born?
(A) Switzerland
(B) United States
(C) Germany
(D) Israel
45. What is "Brownian movement"?
(A) The zig-zag motion of microscopic particles in suspension
(B) The emission of electrons from solids when struck by light
(C) The motion of photons in light
(D) The basis of the theory of relativity
46. Einstein was a citizen of all of the following countries EXCEPT
(A) Belgium.
(B) Germany.
(C) United States.
(D) Switzerland.
47. It is clear from the tone of the passage that the author feels
(A) Einstein's work in physics was somewhat tarnished by his conservative political views.
(B) Albert Einstein was one of the most brilliant thinkers in history.
(C) Einstein's work in physics, though theoretically impressive, led to few practical applications.
(D) Einstein's theories have been consistently proven incorrect.
48. According to Einstein's special theory of relativity,
(A) all properties of matter and energy can be explained in a single mathematical formula.
(B) light is composed of separate packets of energy.
(C) time and motion are relative to the observer.
(D) some solids emit electrons when struck by light.
49. In line 18, the word "exalting" most nearly means
(A) elevation.
(B) criticism.
(C) support.
(D) elimination.
50. According to Einstein, light is composed of separate packets of energy called
(A) electrons.
(B) photoelectrons.
(C) quanta.
(D) gamma rays.

Questions 51-60 refer to the following passage.

We believe the Earth is about 4.6 billion years old. At present we are forced to look
to other bodies in the solar system for hints as to what the early history of the Earth was like.
Studies of our moon, Mercury, Mars, and the large satellites of Jupiter and Saturn have
provided ample evidence that all these large celestial bodies were bombarded by smaller
objects in a wide variety of sizes shortly after the larger bodies had formed. This same
bombardment must have affected Earth as well. The lunar record indicates that the rate of
impacts decreased to its present low level about 4 billion years ago. On Earth, subsequent
erosion and crustal motions have obliterated the craters that must have formed during this
Scientists estimate the Earth's age by measuring the ratios of various radioactive
elements in rocks. The oldest Earth rocks tested thus far are about 3 1/3 billion years old. But
no one knows whether these are the oldest rocks on Earth. Tests on rocks from the moon and
on meteorites show that these are about 4.6 billion years old. Scientists believe that this is the
true age of the solar system and probably the true age of the Earth
51. In line 8, the word "obliterated" means
(A) created.
(B) destroyed.
(C) changed.
(D) eroded.
52. According to this passage, how do scientists estimate the age of the Earth?
(A) By measuring the ratios of radioactive elements in rocks
(B) By examining fossils
(C) By studying sunspots
(D) By examining volcanic activity
53. Scientists estimate the age of the Earth as
(A) 3 1/3 billion years old.
(B) 4 billion years old.
(C) 4.6 billion years old.
(D) 6 billion years old.
54. Which of the following processes led to the obliteration of the craters formed by the bombardment of
the Earth by celestial bodies?
(A) Volcanic activity
(B) Solar radiation
(C) Gravity
(D) Crustal motions
55. According to the passage, why are scientists forced to look at other bodies in the solar system to
determine the early history of the Earth?
(A) Human alteration of the Earth
(B) Erosion and crustal motions
(C) Solar flares
(D) Deforestation
56. What is the BEST title for this passage?
(A) "Determining the Age of the Earth"
(B) "Determining the Age of the Solar System"
(C) "Erosion and Crustal Motion of Earth"

(D) "Radioactive Elements in Rocks"

57. Which of the following bodies was NOT studied to give evidence that the Earth was bombarded in its
early history?
(A) Mars
(B) Mercury
(C) Jupiter
(D) Earth's moon
58. Bombardment of the Earth at one time by various sized bodies is
(A) inferred from what happened on other planetary bodies.
(B) documented fact.
(C) proven by the lunar record.
(D) indicated by erosion.
59. The level of impacts of the bombardments of Earth have
(A) decreased to below normal.
(B) increased to a current high.
(C) increased after a periodic low.
(D) decreased to a current low.
60. In line 6, the word "bombardment" means
(A) an avoidance.
(B) an assault.
(C) an effect.
(D) a cause.
Reading comprehension and vocabulary.
1. (C) 2. (B) 3. (A) 4. (C) 5. (C) 6. (D) 7. (B) 8. (C) 9. (A) (D) 11. (C) 12. (B) 13. (C) 14. (A) 15. (C)
16. (B) 17. (B) 18. (D).19. (C) 20. (C) 21. (C) 22. (B) 23. (A) 24. (D) 25. (C) 26. (B) 27. (B) 28. (C) A
29. (A) 30. (B) 31. (B) 32. (C) 33. (B) 34. (C) 35. (A) 36. (D) 37. (C).38. (D) 39. (B) 40. (C) 41. (C)
42. (D) 43. (B) 44. (C). 45. (A) 46. (A) 47. (B) 48. (C) 49. (A) 50. (C).51. (B) 52. (A) 53. (C) 54. (D)
55. (B) 56. (A) 57. (C) 58. (A) 59. (D) 60. (B).
1. Based on the premise that light was composed of color, the Impressionists came to the conclusion
____ not really black.
A. which was that shadows
B. was shadows which
C. were shadows
D. that shadows were
Jawab: D. Klausa the impressionists sudah ada verb came, sehingga perlu klausa baru yang menjelaskan
conclusion yaitu D. Sedangkan B dan C salah karena akan ada 2 subjek came dan was atau were. A salah
karena setelah which adalah Subjek.
2. ____ a parliamentary system, the prime minister must be appointed on the basis of the distribution of
power in the parliament.

A. The considered
B. To be considered
C. Considering
D. Considers
Jawab: B. Ini adalah pasive infinitive yang menunjukkan purpose.
3. Interest in automatic data processing has grown rapid since the first large calculators were introduced
in 1950.
Jawab: C. Seharusnya rapidly.
4. Vaslav Nijinsky achieved world recognition as both a dancer as well as a choreographer.
Jawab: D. Both pasangannya dengan and.
5. ____ of the play Mourning Becomes Electra introduces the cast of characters and hints at the plot.
A. The act first
B. Act one
C. Act first
D. First act
Jawab: B. The + ordinal + N (The first act)
N + cardinal (Act one)
6. The plants that they belong to the family of ferns are quite varied in their size and structure.
Jawab: A. Ada redundant subjek, seharusnya they di delete.
7. As soon as ___ with an acid, salt, and sometimes water, is formed.
A. a base will react
B. a base reacts
C. a base is reacting
D. the reaction of a base
Jawab: B. As soon as adalah keterangan batas waktu, diikuti Noun dan simple present.
8. Columbus Day is celebrated on the twelve of October because on that day in 1492, Columbus first
landed in the Americas.

Jawab: C. Sama seperti soal 5. Seharusnya the twelveth.

9. One of the most influence newspaper in the US is The New York Times, which is widely
distributed throught the world.
Jawab: B. Kata newspaper memerlukan adjective influential.
10. Weathering ____ the action whereby surface rock is disintegrated or decomposed.
A. it is
B. is that
C. is
D. being
Jawab: C
11. Coastal and inland waters are inhabited not only by fish but also by such sea creature as shrimps and
Jawab: D. Seharusnya such as .shrimps and clams.
beda topik, pemakaian such sebagai adverb. Such memodifikasi noun.
It was such a hot day that several people fainted. (singular noun). Atau It was so hot a day that several
people fainted. (kalau pakai so, so langsung ketemu ajektif).
This is such sour juice that I cannot drink.
They are such popular singers that they will likely win an award.
12. Economists have tried to discourage the use of the phrase underdeveloped nation
and encouraging the more accurate phrase developing nation in order to suggest an ongoing process.
Jawab: C. seharusnya to encourage
13. A gas like propane will combination with water molecules in a saline solution to form a solid called a
Jawab: B. seharusnya will combine (verb)
14. The people of Western Canada have been considering ____ themselves from the rest of the provinces.
A. to separate
B. separated
C. separate
D. separating

Jawab: D. butuh Ving sebagai komplemen

15. Although it cannot be proven, presumble the expansion of the universe will slow down as it
approaches a critical radius.
Jawab: A, seharusnya presumably (adverb) = agaknya
16. A City University professor reported that he discovers a vaccine that has been 80 percent effective in
reducing the instance of tooth decay among small children.
Jawab: A. Point of view nya ga masuk, reported adalah past sehingga pakainya discovered.
17. When they have been frightened, as, for example, by an electrical storm, dairy cows may
refuse giving milk.
Jawab: D. refuse butuh to infinitive
18. Although Margaret Mead had several assistants during her long investigations of Samoa, the bulk of
the research was done by ____ alone.
A. herself
B. she
C. her
D. hers
Jawab: ada kata by, berarti objek pronoun, her. Herself salah karena sudah ada kata alone.
19. Miami, Florida, is among the few cities in the US that has been awarded official status asbilingual
Jawab: C. Seharusnya have karena merefer ke the few cities.
20. Fertilizers are used primarily to enrich soil and increasing yield.
Jawab: D, paralel dengan to enrich adalah to increase.
21. ____ war correspondent, Hemingway used his experience for some of his most powerful novels.
A. But a
B. It is a
C. While
D. A
Jawab: D. Apositif di awal kalimat

22. If the ozone gases of the atmosphere did not filter out the Ultraviolet rays of the sun, life as we
know it would not have evolved on earth.
Jawab: A. Karena klausa kedua pakai would have, maka klausa pertama pakai had not filtered out.
23. Thirty-eight national sites are known as parks, another eighty-two as monuments, and ____.
A. the another one hundred seventy-eight as historical sites.
B. the other one hundred seventy-eight as historical sites.
C. seventy-eight plus one hundred more as historical sites.
D. as historical sites one hundred seventy-eight
Jawab: B. Paralel
24. When he was a little boy, Mark Twain would walk along the piers, watch the river
boats, swimming and fish in the Missisipi, much like his famous character, Tom Sawyer.
Jawab: C. Swimming tidak paralel, seharusnya swim.
25. Almost all books have a few errors in them in spite of the care taken to check its proof pages
before the final printing.
Jawab: D. Seharusnya their. Agreement antara pronoun.

1. The gray scale, a progressive series of shades ranging from black to white, is used in computer graphics
---- detail to graphical images.
(A) added
(B) to add
(C) are added
(D) and add
2. By ---- excluding competition from an industry, governments have often created public service
(A) they adopt laws
(B) laws are adopted
(C) adopting laws
(D) having laws adopt
3. ---- skeleton of an insect is on the outside of its body.
(A) Its
(B) That the
(C) There is a

(D) The
4. Lenses, ---- are used to correct imperfections in eyesight.
(A) are the forms of glasses and contact lenses
(B) in the form of glasses and contact lenses
(C) glasses and contact lenses which form
(D) glasses and contact lenses may be formed
5. In eighteenth-century North America, printed engravings provided ---- of rococo style.
(A) the most manifestation widespread
(B) manifestation widespread the most
(C) the widespread manifestation most
(D) the most widespread manifestation
6. In the Arctic tundra, ice fog may form under clear skies in winter, ---- coastal fogs or low status clouds
are common in summer.
(A) because of
(B) whereas
(C) despite
(D) that
7. On attaining maximum size, ---- by drawing itself out and dividing into two daughter amoebas, each
receiving identical nuclear materials.
(A) the reproduction of the amoeba
(B) the amoeba, which reproduces
(C) reproducing the amoeba
(D) the amoeba reproduces
8. For the advertiser, one of the greatest appeals of radio is ---- an audience all day long.
(A) that it has
(B) that to have
(C) to have it
(D) having it
9. Charles Schulzs comic strip, Peanuts, features children who make --- about life. (A) funny, wise
statements that
(B) which funny, wise statements
(C) statements are funny but wise
(D) funny but wise statements
10. One of the major rivers of the western United States, ---- flows for some 1,500 miles from Colorado
to northwestern Mexico.
(A) it is the Colorado River
(B) the Colorado River which
(C) and the Colorado River
(D) the Colorado River
11. In art, the tendency of gouache colors to lighten on drying makes ---- a wide range of pearly or pastellike effects.
(A) it is possible
(B) possible

(C) possible to be
(D) it possible the
12. Isabel Bishop was one of many American artists ---- by the government during the Depression years
on various federal art projects.
(A) employed
(B) whose employment
(C) to employ
(D) had been employed
13. Outbreaks of diseases in trees commonly occur ---- stressed because of drought or other
environmental factors.
(A) as forests that become
(B) in forests become
(C) that become forests
(D) when forests become
14. To break thick ice, an icebreaker boat moves fast enough to ride up on the ice, ---- under its
(A) so then breaks
(B) when breaks it
(C) which then breaks
(D) for which then breaks


15. Cholesterol is present in large quantities in the nervous system, where ---- compound of myelin.
(A) it a
(B) a
(C) being a
(D) it is a
16. Painters of the early twentieth century who were known primarily for they colorful
landscapes, the Group of Seven changed is name to the Canadian Group of Painters in 1933.
17. Most animals have nervous systems, sense organs, and specialized modes of locomotion, and are
capable of securing ingesting, and to digest food.
18. The cork oak tree has a layer of cork several inches thickness that can be stripped every ten years.
19. Inflation, interest rates, and overall economic active can be governed by the United States Federal
Reserves decision to adjust the supply of money to the economy.
20. Free radicals of oxygen, which common by-products of metabolic processes in the body, are
capable of causing tissue damage.
21. By 1830 the glass industry in the United States had become too well established that the country
no longer needed to depend on imported glass.

22. Free land, cheaply transportation, and powerfully persuasive railroad advertising all helped flood
the western part of the United States with farmers in the nineteenth century.
23. Coral formations have known as fringing reefs are located close to shore, separated from land only
by shallow water.
24. For a seagoing, cargo-carrying sailing vessels, the clipper ship was remarkably fast.
25. Visibly only through large telescopes, Pluto has a yellowish color, which indicates that there is
very little atmosphere.
26. Diamond is the hardest known substance, so diamonds can be cut only by another diamonds.
27.The International Monetary Fund was created in a effort to stabilize exchange rates
without interfering with the healthy growth of trade.
28. Butterflies and moths undergo complete metamorphosis, them changing from caterpillar to adult
via one intermediate stage, the pupa.
29. Thousands of meteorite hit Earth each year, but most fall into the sea or in remote areas and are
never recovered.
30. Alaska became the forty-ninth state in 1959, and Hawaii became the fiftieth state lately that year.
31. A sponge feeds itself by drawing water through tiny pores on its surface, filtering out food
particles, and then expel the water through larger vents.
32. Toward the end of his life, john Singer Sargent returned to the painting of landscapes and the use
of watercolors, of which he excelled.
33. Pythons differ than most other snakes by having two well-developed lungs rather than a
much smaller left lung or no left lung at all.
34. Weighing among two to five kilograms in adults, the skin is the largest organ of the human body.
35. Rodents dwell in various habitat, some species being aquatic, some terrestrial.
36. The nectar of flowers are ingested by worker bees and converted to honey in special sacs in their
digestive systems.
37. Lucid dreaming, the ability dreamers to become aware of and to control their

dreams while
dreaming, is the focus of some current psychological research.
38. The sensation of sound is produced how vibrations transmitted through the air strike the eardrum.
39. The musical tone of an electric guitar is created not by the resonance of the body of the guitar but
by electronically amplification.
40. Considered one of the most beautiful of the fine art, ballet is a combination of dance and mime
performed to music.
Kunci Jawaban Soal Tes TOEFL Model Test 1


Contoh soal UN B.inggris and jawaban








In my community its various organisms are linked in a complicated web of relationships.

There are usually in balance with one another. If the natural web is disturbed, the results my be
disastrous. As a rule, the various populations of organisms tend to adjust to seasonal and other
changes, and the whole community stays in balance. Most disturbances come from man's
In an undisturbed forest, white-tailed deer feed on plants of various kinds. Wolves and

mountain lions prey on the deer. When deer are numerous, their enemies become numerous
too, because them is so much to feed upon. The deer and their enemies stay in balance with
Then man enters the scene. He looks on aninuls such as wolves and mountain lions as
harmful. He kills as many as possible. When the animals that feed on deer are killed, the deer
multiply, without check. Soon the large deer population has eaten nearly all the plants available
Another example of man's interference with natural communities is the use of chemical
insecticides. Grass in the sprayed areas my he eaten by cows. As a result, the milk of some
cows has been found to contain too much DDT. The insecticides are also collected in the tissues
of birds that eat the sprayed insects. Some of the afected birds lay eggs that do not hatch. The
number of birds therefore decreases, cutting down the food supply of other animals.
Whether intended or not, almost every change that man has made in natural webs of life
has turned out to be a disaster for the communities involved. Man, of course, is part of the
world's living community. Everything he does afects all the rest of it, just as my change in the
community or climate around him afects his own well-being. Thus, by changing natural
communities, man may harm himself.

1. What is the text about .......

A. Forests
B. Disturbed forests
C. Disturbed communuties
D. A complicated web of relationships
E. The interference of men with natural communities
Jawaban : E
SMU/Ebtanas/Bahasa Inggris/Tahun 2001

Penyelesaian :
Keseluruhan isi wacaaa manceritakan tentang campur tangan manusia dalam komunitas alam
(paragraf 3).
(The interference of man with natural communities).
2. The forest is disturbed becaase of .......
A. man's activities
B. the food supply of other animals
C. a complicated web of relationshp
D. the balance of the whole community
E. the various population of organisms
Jawaban : A
SMU/Ebtanas/Bahasa Inggris/Tahun 2001

Penyelesaian :
Hutan terganggu karena aktivitas manusia.
Keterangannya ada di paragraf 3 (Man's communities).
3. The following statements are TRUE according m the text, EXCEPT .......
A. Man's activities causes disasters
B. DDT is sprayed to kill insects

C. Man changes the natural communities

D. Man considers wild animals as harmful
E. Man does not disturb the natural web
Jawaban : E
SMU/Ebtanas/Bahasa Inggris/Tahun 2001

Penyelesaian :
Pilihan yang sesuai deagan permasalahan pada wacana adalah (E) bahwa manusia tidak
mengganggu jaringan alam, gagasan ini selaras dengan pernyataan kalimat pertama
paragraf 1.
In any community its various organisms are linked in a complicated web of relationships.
(pada suatu komanitas berbagai macam organisme merupakan jaringan mata rantai
yang rumit).
4. 'The forest community stays in balance before man enters it."
This idea can be found in paragraph .......
A. 1
D. 4
B. 2
E. 5
C. 3
Jawaban : B
SMU/Ebtanas/Bahasa Inggris/Tahun 2001

Penyelesaian :
Komunitas di hutan ada dalam keseimbangan sebelum manusia masuk. Ide ini dapat
ditemukan, di paragraf 2. (The deer and their enemies stay in balance with one another).
5. "If the natural web is disturbed, ...... " (paragraph I)
The synonym of the word disturbed is .......
A. defined
D. disproved
B. derived
E. interrupted
C. defended
Jawaban : E
SMU/Ebtanas/Bahasa Inggris/Tahun 2001

Penyelesaian :
Jika jaringan alam terganggu (paragraf 1)
Persamaan kata disturbed adalah :
a. Defined : memberi definisi
b. Derived : memperoleh
c. Defended : mempertahankan
d. Disproved : menyangkal
e. Interrupted : mengganggu
6. Promotions of various products ou TV .......
A. annoys viewers because there are too many
B. are products that most people cannot buy
C. are messages which people are not interested in
D. can be beneficial a disadvantageous
E. are the most interesting part of the TV presentations
Jawaban : E
SMU/Ebtanas/Bahasa Inggris/Tahun 2001

Penyelesaian :
Promosi berbagai macam produksi pada televisi merupakan bagian yang paling menarik
dalam penyajian televisi (are tile mast interesting part of the television presentation).

7. The information obtained from mass media is important because it enables us .......
A. to write editorials
B. to build up opinions
C. to decide how to advertise
D. to make television reports
E. to ask about war and peace
Jawaban : B
SMU/Ebtanas/Bahasa Inggris/Tahun 2001

Penyelesaian :
Informasi yang didapat dari mass media penting karena informasi itu memungkinkan kita
membangun opini (to build up opinion). Pernyataan ini dapat kita temukan di paragraf 4,
kalimat 1 dan 2.
(We use the information we get from radios, televisions, newspaper, and other media
to make decision and opinions).
8. From the text we may conclude that .......
A. there is a very tough competition among the mass media
B. people depend much come on books for information
C. there is a rapid development in communication technology
D. messages always give advantages for TV viewers
E. there is a decrease in the number of newspaper readers
Jawaban : C
SMU/Ebtanas/Bahasa Inggris/Tahun 2001

Penyelesaian :
Dari pennyataan-pernyataan pada paragraf terakhir (paragraf 5) kita dapat menyimpulkan
bahwa terjadi perkembangan yang cepat dalam teknologi komunikasi (There is a rapid
development in communication technology).
Bacaan untuk soal nomor 6 sampai dengan 10.
The weather forecast, the story about the candidates, and the movie reviews are examples of
messages from the media. A communication medium is a means of communicating a message.
Examples of media are televisions, radios, newspapers, books, and telephones. The media that
can reach many people at once are called mass media.
It is not difficult to think of other messages we receive through the mass media Every day
we get hundreds of them Think about advertisements, for example. We see and hear these
messages almost everywhere we go. Advertisements are important messages, even though they
are sometimes annoying. They help us compare and evaluate products.
Most of us get information from the media than from the classroom. Think for a moment
about how you Team about local news and events. Do you depend on other people or media?
What about international news? What is the most important source of information for you?
People who am asked these questions usually answer 'Television".
We use the information we get from radios, televisions, newspaper and other media to make
decisions and opinions. That is why the mass media are so important. Editorials and articles in
newspapers help us decide how to vote. Consumers' reports on television help us decide how to
spend ow money, and international news on the radio or TV makes us think and form opinions
about questions of war and peace.
With each improvement in the media, audiences become larger and larger. Thanks to the
communication satellite, television audiences have become international. More than 500 million

people watched the first walk on the moon, for example. And more than 1 billion watched the
events of the recent Olympic Games.
9. You can get the following information from television, EXCEPT .......
A. events
D. messages
B. editorials
E. international events
C. local news
Jawaban : B
SMU/Ebtanas/Bahasa Inggris/Tahun 2001

Penyelesaian :
Anda dapat memperoleh informasi yang berikutnya dari televisi kecuali :
a. Events : kejadian-kejadian
b. Editorials : tajuk rencana
c. Local news : berita-berita daerah
d. Messages : pesan-pesan
e. International events : kejadian-kejadian internasional
10. What means of communication is the text focussing on .......
A. Newspapers
D. Radios
B. Mass Media
E. Books
C. Telephones
Jawaban : B
SMU/Ebtanas/Bahasa Inggris/Tahun 2001

Penyelesaian :
Apa anti komunikasi terfokus pada teks :
a. Newspapers : koran
b. Mass media : alat perhubungan umum
c. Telephones : telepon
d. Radios : radio
e. Books : buku
Bacaan untuk soal nomor 11 sampai dengan 15.
By experimenting with combinations of chemicals, manufactures have produced a wide
variety of effective dusts and sprays to control plant pests. Some, such as those containing
pyrethrum, work well and do rat harm to people, pets, and birds. There am others that contain
stronger chemicals, such as DDT, melathion, fazinat, and chlorine. These can be extremely
dangerous if they are not properly used.
The first thing to do in dealing with plant pests is to seek the proper advice. Trained
salesmen at garden stores can supply valuable information on the correct product to use. If the
problem is a complicated or stubborn one, additional advice should be obtained from government
agricultural department offices.
11. How can manufactures gel various effective pesticides .......
A. By experimenting with combinations of chemicals
B. By combining different chemicals
C. By producing various chemicals
D. By spraying stronger chemicals
E. By controlling plant pests
Jawaban : A
SMU/Ebtanas/Bahasa Inggris/Tahun 2001

Penyelesaian :
Seperti dinyatakan pada wacana di paragraf I baris 1, dinyatakan melalui percobaanpercobaan yang dilaksanakan dengan menggabungkan bahan-bahan kimia.
(By experimenting with combinations of chemicals) sehingga pengusaha pabrik dapat
memperoleh berbagai macam pestisida yang efektif.
12. What is the main idea of the second paragraph .......
A. Farmers should have good knowledge to fight plant pests
B. Agricultural department only deals with complicated problems
C. Valuable information to control plant pests is needed by farmers
D. Proper advice to control plant pests is provided by trained salesmen
E. Pesticides can be obtained freely in government agricultural department offices
Jawaban : C
SMU/Ebtanas/Bahasa Inggris/Tahun 2001

Penyelesaian :
Pikiran utama pada paragraf 2 adalah informasi yang benar dan lengkap untuk mengawasi
penyakit-penyakit tanaman diperlukan oleh para petani (Valuable information to control
plant pests is needed by farmers).
13. What do farmers need before they use pesticides ........
A. Combinations of chemicals
B. Various stronger chemicals
C. Various effective dusts and sprays
D. Information about harmful pesticides
E. Valuable information in using pesticides
Jawaban : E
SMU/Ebtanas/Bahasa Inggris/Tahun 2001

Penyelesaian :
Yang diperlukan para petani sebelum mereka menggunakan pestisida adalah informasi yang
benar dan lengkap dalam menggunakan pestisida (valuable information in using pesticides).
14. ' .... to seek the proper advice.' (paragraph 2)
The opposite of the word "proper" is .......
A. useful
D. suitable
B. wrong
E. ineffective
C. correct
Jawaban : E
SMU/Ebtanas/Bahasa Inggris/Tahun 2001

Penyelesaian :
Lawan kata proper (suitable/correct) adalah ineffective (tak berguna).
a. Useful : berguna
b. Wrong : salah
c. Correct : benar
d. Suitable : cocok
e. Ineffective : tidak berguna
15. Which statement is TRUE according to die text ........
A. Farmers have produced various of effective pesticides
B. Pesticides given by agricultural department offices are harmful
C. Farmers had experimented with combinations of chemicals before
D. Farmers should use strong and harmful pesticides though they are difficult to get

E. Pesticides which are strongly harmful to living things contain DDT, melathion, diazinon
and chlorine
Jawaban : E
SMU/Ebtanas/Bahasa Inggris/Tahun 2001

Penyelesaian :
a. Para petani telah menghasilkan berbagai macam pestisida yang efektif.
b. Pestisida yang diberikan oleh Kantor Departemen Pertanian berbahaya.
c. Para petani sebelumnya telah mencoba kombinasi/percampuran berbagai bahan-bahan
d. Para petani seharusnya menggunakan pestisida yang keras dan berbahaya walaupun
mereka sulit untuk memperolehnya.
e. Pestisida yang sangat keras untuk makhluk hidup mengandung DDT, melathion,
diazinon, dan chlorine (Pesticides which are strongly harmful to living things contain
DDT, melathion, diazinon and chlorine).
Bacaan untuk nomor 16 sampai dengan 20.
Oil, like coal and natural gas, is a fossil fuel. Fossil fuels are made from the remains of
dead plants and animals. It is thought that oil comes from tiny plants and animals whore bodies
fell in their millions to the seabed when they died. There they were covered by sand and mud,
which later hardened into rocks. In the course of millions of years, the plants and artimal material
underwent chemical changes and eventually turned into oil.
Oil deposits lie hidden deep beneath the surface of the earth. They have to be searched
for. Unless the oil actually comes to the surface, it is impossible to be certain that any is present.
The rising demand for oil products keeps the oil companies busy exploring new oil fields,
and drilling new wells. Exploration teams are sent to distant regions to search for oil. If the
exploration shows good results the company decides to drill a well. Thus the exploration phase
ends, and the production phase begins.
Crude oil has to be transported to refinery to be made into the many products that are
useful to man, such as petrol, kerosene diesel oil, lubricants, asphalt. Further processing gives
aviation fuel, greases, fertilizers, insecticides, man-made fibres and many other things.
The oil industry has a very complex and widespread distribution system. Ocean tankers,
pipelines, rail tankers, and road tankers are used ro bring the oil products to seaport, inland
depots, can and drum factories, and to tens of thousands of petrol stations in cities and along
More than any other, oil industry influences the lives of men and women everywhere.
From the largest to the simplest home, whose need may only be kerosene for its lamps and
stoves, there is daily need for large quantities of the various oil products.
16. According to the text what is the result of oil industry to people .......
A. People have gotten jobs from it.
B. It has influenced people's lives.
C. It has made the people rich.
D. It has made their life difficult.
E. People do not get anything from it.
Jawaban : B
SMU/Ebtanas/Bahasa Inggris/Tahun 2001

Penyelesaian :
Menurut wacana apa pengaruh industri minyak terhadap masyarakat (paragraf 6).

a. Masyarakat telah kehilangan pekerjaan karena industri minyak.

b. Industri minyak berpengaruh terhadap kehidupan masyarakat.
c. Industri.minyak membuat orang rnenjadi kaya.
d. Industri minyak membuat kehidupan sulit.
e. Masyarakat tidak memperoleh apapun darinya.
Keterangannya ada di paragraf 4 (It has in fluenced people's lives)
17. Which statement is TRUE according to the text .......
A. It easy to search the oil deposit.
B. The refined product of oil is also called crude oil.
C. The oil industry has a simple distribution system.
D. Exploring new oil fields is done after drilling new wells.
E. Oil is made from the remains of dead plants and animals.
Jawaban : E
SMU/Ebtanas/Bahasa Inggris/Tahun 2001

Penyelesaian :
a. Sangat mudah mencari endapan minyak.
b. Hasil penyulingan minyak disebut juga minyak mentah.
c. Industri minyak memiliki sistem perindustrian yang benar-benar sederhana
d. Eksplorasi ladang-ladang minyak baru dikerjakan setelah pengeboran sumur-sumur
e. Minyak terbentuk dari sisa-sisa tumbuh-tumbuhan dan binatang-binatang.
Keterangan ada di paragraf 1. (oil is made from the remains of dead plants and animals).
18. The duty of the exploration team is to ........
A. build oil refineries
D. find new oil fields
B. drill new wells
E. make a pumping station
C. go to distant phaces
Jawaban : D
SMU/Ebtanas/Bahasa Inggris/Tahun 2001

Penyelesaian :
Tugas dari team explorasi adalah untuk :
a. Membangun penyulingan minyak
b. Mengebor sumur-sumur baru
c. Pergi ke tempat-tempat yang jauh
d. Menemukan ladang-ladang minyak baru
e. Membuat gardu pompa
19. How many finished.products of oil are told in paragraph four .......
A. 4
D. 7
B. 5
E. 8
C. 6
Jawaban : B
SMU/Ebtanas/Bahasa Inggris/Tahun 2001

Penyelesaian :
Ada 5 hasil produk minyak yang telah : selesai diproduksi seperti bensin, minyak tanah,
minyak diesel, pelumas, dan aspal.
20. "Crude oil has to be transported to a refinery." (paragraph 4)
The underlined words mean .......
A. The finished product of oil


Oil that is found in stations

The unrefined product of oil
Oil that is carried by tankers
Oil that is carried through pipelines

Jawaban : C
SMU/Ebtanas/Bahasa Inggris/Tahun 2001

Penyelesaian :
Minyak mentah telah diangkut ke tempat penyulingan crude oil berarti .......
a. minyak telah diproduksi
b. minyak ditemukan di pangkalan
c. minyak yang belum disuling
d. minyak yang dibawa melalui tangki-tangki
e. minyak yang dibawa melalui pipa saluran
(The unrefined product of oil)
Bacaan anak soal nomor 45 sampai dengan 47.
Sailing may seem like a difficult sport. But it is really not hard. You do not need to be
strong, but you need to be quick. And you need understand ... (45) ... basic rules about the wind.
First, you must ask ... (46) ... "Where is the wind coming from ? Is it coming from ...
(47) ... or behind or from the side ? You must be thinking about this all the time on the boat. The
wind direction tells you what to do with the sail.
21. A. a few
D. a minor
B. a tiny
E. a slight
C. a little
Jawaban : C
SMU/Ebtanas/Bahasa Inggris/Tahun 2001

Penyelesaian :
Berlayar kelihatannya seperti olah raga yang sulit. Tetapi tidak benar-benar sulit. Anda tidak
harus kuat, tetapi Anda harus cepat dan Anda perlu mengerti a little (sedikit).
22. A. it
D. them
B. us
E. yourself
C. him
Jawaban : E
SMU/Ebtanas/Bahasa Inggris/Tahun 2001

Penyelesaian :
Pertama anda harus bertanya pada yourserlf (diri sendiri) dari mana angin berasal ?
23. A. front
D. previous
B. ahead
E. advanced
C. before
Jawaban : A
SMU/Ebtanas/Bahasa Inggris/Tahun 2001

Penyelesaian :
Apakah angin datang dari arah front (depan) atau belakang atau dari samping ?
Anda harus selalu berpikir selama Anda berada di kapal. Arah angin menyatakan apa yang
harus Anda lakukan pada saat Anda berlayar.
Bacaan untuk soal nomor 48 sampai dengan 50.
The money lent to the customers comes from the ... (48) ... who invest it in bank and from

profit made by private businesses and individuals. They are demanded deposits, and tune
deposits. Depositors get ... (49) ... from the use of their money in the banks, and the interest is ...
(50) ... by the government.
24. A. owners
D. managers
B. cashiers
E. stockholders
C. creditors
Jawaban : A
SMU/Ebtanas/Bahasa Inggris/Tahun 2001

Penyelesaian :
Uang yang dipinjamkan kepada para nasabah berasal dari .......
a. Owners : pemilik uang
b. Cashiers : pemegang kas
c. Creditors : orang yang memberi pinjaman
d. Managers : pemimpin usaha
e. Stockholders : pemegang saham
25. A. profit
D. interest
B. budget
E. cheque
C. capital
Jawaban : D
SMU/Ebtanas/Bahasa Inggris/Tahun 2001

Penyelesaian :
Yang menginvestasikan uangnya di bank dan dark keuntungan yang diperoleh dari usaha
pribadi dan perseorangan. Mereka menyimpan uangnya berdasarkan permintaan atau
deposito berjangka nasabah memperoleh ......
a. Profit : keuntungan
b. Budget : neraca keuangan
c. Capital : modal
d. Interest : bunga
e. Cheque : cek
26. A. paid
D. drawn
B. kept
E. regulated
C. taken
Jawaban : A
SMU/Ebtanas/Bahasa Inggris/Tahun 2001

Penyelesaian :
Dari peminjam uang mereka di bank dan bunganya
a. paid : dibayar
b. kept : dijaga
c. taken : diambil
d. drawn : ditarik
e. regulated : diatur
27. Librarian : What was that noise ?
Student : I dropped some books while I ....... them to the table.
A. carry
D. am carrying
B. carried
E. have carried
C. was carrying
Jawaban : C
SMU/Ebtanas/Bahasa Inggris/Tahun 2001

Penyelesaian :
I dropped some books while I ....... them to the table.
Kalimat di atas mengguankan pola kalimat past countinous tense (S2 + V2 + objek + when
+ S1 + was/were + verb ing ). Penggunaan while pada kalimat di atas salah, jika kita mau
menggunakan while dalam kalimat, maka kita harus mengguankan pada kalimat (S1
+ was/were + verb ing + while + S2 + was/were + verb ing).
I was dropping some books while I was carrying them to the table.
Tetapi yang nnendekati kalimat yang benar adalah option C.
28. Father : Andri, you'd better mow the grass first before you paint the fence.
Andri : .......?
Father : I'm afraid not. The smoke may make our neighbours feel annoyed.
A. May I burn the rubbish
B. May I gather the rubbish
C. May I smoke while working
D. May I sweep the yard afterward
E. May I throw the rubbish in the back yard
Jawaban : A
SMU/Ebtanas/Bahasa Inggris/Tahun 2001

Penyelesaian :
Untuk mengungkapkan ungkapan permintaan, maka digunakan ungkapan.
May I burn the rubbish ?
29. Noni : You have caused pollution around our neighbourhood by burning the garbage.
Tini : Oh, .......
A. excuse me
D. I am really sorry
B. take it easy
E. that's impossible
C. be patient please
Jawaban : D
SMU/Ebtanas/Bahasa Inggris/Tahun 2001

Penyelesaian :
Oh, I am really sorry.
Ungkapan tersebut digunakan untuk mengungkapkan rasa penyesalan.
30. Receptionist : Your room is number 126 and here is the key. Porter, help him please.
: ........ ?
Mr. Lukman : No thanks, I can do it myself.
The following can be used ro complete the dialogue above, except .......
A. Do you need my help
B. Is there anything I can do for you
C. Could you please take my suitcase
D. Would you like me to lake your case
E. Perhaps I could assist in taking your belongings
Jawaban : D
SMU/Ebtanas/Bahasa Inggris/Tahun 2001

Penyelesaian :
Ungkapan a, b, c dan e adalah ungkapan untuk menawarkan bantuan kepada orang
lain (offering something) kecuali ungkapan d.
(Would you like me to lake your case ?)
31. Tari : Will you go with me to Rinta's party ?

Winda : Rinta ? Do you mean the smiling girl ....... was the best in our English class ?
A. who
D. which
B. whom
E. where
C. whose
Jawaban : A
SMU/Ebtanas/Bahasa Inggris/Tahun 2001

Penyelesaian :
Kalimat di bawah ini mengguankan adjective clause yang menerangkan subject orang.
Do you mean the smiling girl who was the best in our English class ?
32. Catherine : Why do you look so sad ?
: Didn't you hear the crews tat night ? The emptron of the volcano has killed
more than two hundred people in my village.
Catherine : I'm sorry to hear that.
Catherine expresses her .......
A. fear
D. surprise
B. sadness
E. sympathy
C. apology
Jawaban : E
SMU/Ebtanas/Bahasa Inggris/Tahun 2001

Penyelesaian :
I'm sorry to hear that.
Ungkapan tersebut digunakan untuk menyatakan rasa simpati (sympathy) atas musibah yang
dialami oleh orang lain.
33. India : Roy, you said you would take me to your mango garden.
When will we go there ?
Roy : Well, I think we can go there next Sunday.
India : Are you sure that your mangoes ....... by the time we come there ?
A. will ripen
D. will have to ripen
B. will be ripening
E. will have been ripened
C. will have ripened
Jawaban : C
SMU/Ebtanas/Bahasa Inggris/Tahun 2001

Penyelesaian :
Are you sure that your mangoes will have ripened by the time we come there ?
Kalimat tersebut menggunakan Perfect Tense (S + will/shall + have + V3 + by .....) menjadi
petunjuk untuk jawaban pertanyaan di atas yang artinya mangga-mangga itu akan telah
matang pada saat mereka datang kesana.
34. Bastion : Our team is going to the eastern part of the district to inform the people about
transmigration and family planning ......?
Winono : No, maybe not. I'd better finish my report of our visit to the remote villages.
A. What's your decision
D. Do you have any objection
B. How about going with us
E. What is your participation in it
C. How do you feel about it
Jawaban : B
SMU/Ebtanas/Bahasa Inggris/Tahun 2001

Penyelesaian :
How about going with us ?
Ungkapan ini adalah ungkapan untuk mengajak seseorang untuk pergi bersama.

35. Budi : .....?

Lucy : Yes, could you please get me some articles on economics from this newspaper ?
I'd like to make a bundle of some newspaper clippings.
Budi : Yes, I'd be glad to.
A. Do you need some help, Lucy
B. Have you got some morning papers
C. Do you know the current economic station
D. Do you write some articles in this newspaper
E. Does this newspaper contain economic articles
Jawaban : A
SMU/Ebtanas/Bahasa Inggris/Tahun 2001

Penyelesaian :
Do you need some help, Lucy ?
Ungkapan ini digunakan untuk menawarkan bantuan (offering help) kepada seseorang.
36. Tina : Do you think that we can depend on fossil fuels as energy sources for the next
century ?
Wulan : ..... They will soon run out.
Scientists are experimenting in changing the abundant sunlight into energy.
A. It's absolutely unproductive
D. It's just unreasonable
B. It certainly does not work
E. It's highly unlikely
C. It's really unpredictable
Jawaban : D
SMU/Ebtanas/Bahasa Inggris/Tahun 2001

Penyelesaian :
Tina : Apakah Anda pikir kita akan tergantung pada fossil fuels sebagai sumber energi
untuk masa depan ?
Wulan : It's just unreasonable (bukan alasan) they will soon run out.
37. Nuzul : I plan to open an account at your bank.
Roffy : Do you mean Bahagia Bank ?
Nuzul : Yes. I have heard their service is good.
Roffy : Yes, that's true .......
A. I am disappointed with the service.
B. They are satisfied with their life.
C. I regret to inform you about that.
D. I'm quite happy with them.
E. I am afraid I can't tell you.
Jawaban : D
SMU/Ebtanas/Bahasa Inggris/Tahun 2001

Penyelesaian :
I'm quite happy with them.
Ungkapan ini digunakan untuk mengungkapkan rasa senang.
38. X : ......, why do many people want to work in the coal industry ?
Y : Because the coal industry pays good salaries.
The following are groups of word that can be used to complete the dialogue
above, except .......
A. Despite the danger of working underground
B. Although working underground is dangerous

C. Though the danger of working underground

D. Despite the fact that working underground is dangerous
E. In spite of the fact that working underground is dangerous
Jawaban : E
SMU/Ebtanas/Bahasa Inggris/Tahun 2001

Penyelesaian :
In spite of the fact that working underground is dangerous.
In spite of sebagai pengganti dari eventhough.
Kalimat a, b, c, d, menggunakan subordinate clause despite, although, though.
39. Rini : Are you sure that you can fix this computer ?
Roni : ........ I have the qualification for it.
A. I don't know
D. I'll check first
B. I am positive
E. I see what you mean
C. Of course not
Jawaban : D
SMU/Ebtanas/Bahasa Inggris/Tahun 2001

Penyelesaian :
Rini : Apakah Anda yakin bahwa Anda dapat memperbaiki komputer ini ?
Roni : Pertama-tama saya akan memeriksa terlebih dahulu. Saya punya keahlian untuk
a. Saya tidak tahu
b. Saya yakin
c. Tentu saja
d. Saya akan memikirkannya terlebih dahulu
e. Saya mengerti apa yang Anda mau
40. Mrs. Bhakti : The more loan we get, the more burden for the coming generations,
wouldn't you say so ?
Mrs. Sholeh : I'm of exactly the same opinion.
In the dialogue Mrs. Sholeh expresses .......
A. objection
D. suggestion
B. complaint
E. compliment
C. agreement
Jawaban : C
SMU/Ebtanas/Bahasa Inggris/Tahun 2001

Penyelesaian :
I'm of exactly the same opinion.
Ungkapan yang diutarakan oleh nyonya Sholeh merupakan ungkapan yang menyatakan
persetujuan. (agreement).
41. X : What are you asking him to do ? And why ?
Y : I'm asking him to do more physical exercises ......
A. in case he will win the race
B. so that he can win in the race
C. in case he should win the competition
D. because I have just recovered from an injury
E. in order that I will not participate in the activity
Jawaban : C
SMU/Ebtanas/Bahasa Inggris/Tahun 2001

Penyelesaian :

X : Apa yang kau katakan kepadanya yang harus dia lakukan ? dan kenapa ?
Y : I'm asking him to do more physical exercises so that he can win the competition.
(Saya meminta kepadanya untuk berlatih lebih baik agar supaya dia dapat
memenangkan pertandingan).
Kalimat ini menggunakan so that yang artinya agar supaya.
42. Ahmad : What did the consultant ask you ?
Bakri : Oh, he wanted to know to what countries the bamboo products .......
A. exported
D. will be exported
B. are exported
E. had been exported
C. had exported
Jawaban : D
SMU/Ebtanas/Bahasa Inggris/Tahun 2001

Penyelesaian :
Kalimat ini menggunkan pola kalimat Passive Voice dalam bentuk Future.
(S + will/shall + be + V3)
Oh, he wanted to know to what countries the bamboo products will be exported.
43. Bella : It seems that the Family Planning Program is successful in this country.
Intan : You are right. The government has made the people carry out the program.
The underlined sentence means ........
A. the people made the program
B. the government carried out the program
C. the people carried out the program spontaneously
D. the government asked the people to carry out the program
E. the people asked the government to cart) out the program
Jawaban : D
SMU/Ebtanas/Bahasa Inggris/Tahun 2001

Penyelesaian :
The government asked the people to carry out the program.
Kalimat ini menggunakan pola causative have active (S + has/have/had + object
(pelaku) + V1) yang mempunyai makna yang sama dengan pola (S + ask + object pelaku) +
to V2/past infinitive).
44. Alex : You look so sad. What's the matter ?
Lucy : I'm thinking of my mother. I wish I knew what has happened to her.
The underlined phrase shows .......
A. an expectation which is not fulfilled
B. an agreement which is not actuated
C. an invitation which is not expected
D. an apology which is not accepted
E. an argument which is not logical
Jawaban : A
SMU/Ebtanas/Bahasa Inggris/Tahun 2001

Penyelesaian :
I wish I knew what has happened to her.
Kalimat ini menggunakan pola kalimat subjective wish dalam bentuk present
(S1 + wish + S1 + V2/past). Kalimat tersebut menyatakan kenyataan/harapan yang
berlawanan dengan apa yang sesungguhnya terjadi (dalam bentuk present atau sekarang)
sehingga harapannya tidak terpenuhi.

45. Sonia : Vani lost her ATM card last week. The pickpocket was successful to take her
money from the machine.
Mimi : She ....... informed the bank to block it.
A. could
D. would have
B. can't have
E. should have
C. might have
Jawaban : E
SMU/Ebtanas/Bahasa Inggris/Tahun 2001

Penyelesaian :
Kalimat ini menggunakan pola kalimat modals + perfect.
modal {should, could, would, might} + have + V3
She should informed the bank to block it.
46. "If women in the late 1960's had been given equal rights as men, there would not have been
'women's liberation movement!"
This sentence means that ....... at that time.
A. women will not have equal rights as men
B. women didn't have equal rights as men
C. women do not have equal rights as men
D. women have not had equal rights as men
E. women might not have equal rights as men
Jawaban : B
SMU/Ebtanas/Bahasa Inggris/Tahun 2001

Penyelesaian :
Kalimat ini menggunkan conditional setence tipe 3.
"If women in the late 1960's had been given equal rights as men, there would not have been
'women's liberation movement!"
If + subject 1 + past perfect + subject 2 + would + have + been + V3.
Kalimat pengandaian ini menyatakan sesuatu yang sebenarnya bertentangan dengan apa
yang sebenarnya sudah terjadi di waktu lampau yang artinya Women didn't have equal
rights as men.
47. The best arrangement of the following sentence is .....
1. We have tojog at least three times a week or every other day.
2. We can jog on the streets, in the big squares, in the park, etc.
3. We only need a pair of running shoes, a sport shirt, shorts, and socks.
4. So, don't jog only on Sundays.
5. Jogging does not need a lot of money.
6. If we want to make our body fit.
A. 6-1-2-4-5-3
D. 6-1-5-3-2-4
B. 5-2-6-1-3-4
E. 5-3-6-1-4-2
C. 5-3-2-6-1-4
Jawaban : A
SMU/Ebtanas/Bahasa Inggris/Tahun 2001

Penyelesaian :
Susunan kalimat yang terbaik adalah :
If we want to make our body fit.
We have to jog at least three times a week or every other day.
We can jog on the streets, in the big squares, in the park, etc.

So, don't jog only on Sundays.

Jogging does not need a lot of money.
We only need a pair of running shoes, a sport shirt, shorts, and socks.
48. From 1967 onward, cinemas began to lose their ....... People prefer watching TV programs
at home.
A. sponsors
D. companies
B. audiences
E. cameramen
C. producers
Jawaban : B
SMU/Ebtanas/Bahasa Inggris/Tahun 2001

Penyelesaian :
Dari semerjak tahun 1967, bioskop mulai kehilangan penonton. Mereka lebih suka
menonton program televisi di rumah.
a. Sponsors : penyokong
b. Audiences : penonton
c. Producer : pengusaha teater sebuah film
d. Companies : perusahaan
e. Cameramen : juru kamera
49. Father : When you grow up, what do you want to be ?
Son : A/an ....... I want to travel in a spacecraft.
A. pilot
D. astrologer
B. steward
E. astronomer
C. astronout
Jawaban : C
SMU/Ebtanas/Bahasa Inggris/Tahun 2001

Penyelesaian :
Ayah : Jika kau besar, apa yang kau inginkan ?
Anak : Astronot. Saya ingin melakukan perjalanan dengna pesawat luar angkasa.
a. pilot : pilot
b. steward : pramugara
c. astronout : astronout
d. astrologer : ahli nujum
e. astronomer : ahli astronomi
50. What is the best way to motivate children to learn ?
Well scientists said that a ....... would encourage them to learn. We give them something or
just say a word, such as "good" or "excellent" whenever they make good progress in
A. reward
D. discussion
B. lecture
E. punishment
C. certificate
Diposkan 7th November 2012 oleh eko.doc

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