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Universal Home Principals

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Universal Home- Under Construction


About Us

Universal Home

Survival Arch.






What is a Universal Home and how can it benefit me to live in one?

A Universal Home is a home specifically designed to maximize energy efficiencies, resource conservation and
occupant safety & well-being universally within the building envelope by utilizing material and system integration
The Universal Home is the compilation of 13 years of academic study, design practice and construction
development in the field. It uses strategies and techniques that are over 7,000 years old combined with new
technologies that are cutting edge. Some notable Universal Home break thoughts came with the construction o
following prototypes:
Series 003 P-1 Home in Jourdanton, Texas in 2003
Series 007 Andrea Bogus House in Lubbock, Texas in 2007
Series 009 HUD-1 Home in San Angelo, Texas
Series 012 LMI-1 home in Abilene, Texas and, most recently, the Series 013 Jarvis House in Jourdanton, Texas.

Today, the Universal Home has evolved into an integrated collection of 15 Sustainable, Accessibility, Contingen
Protection and energy performance strategies developed by our principle Steven Von Mueller.

Universal Home

Integrated Design Philosophy



Universal Home- Under Construction

Sustainable Strategies
Accessibility Strategies
Contingency Protection Strategies
Energy Production Strategies


Passive Solar Configuration

Sustainable Strategies

UDCs first strategy and the most important strategy is to develop the design to respond to the exact cli
conditions the building will be exposed to over the course of a solar year. UDCs professional design sta
architects, engineers and building scientist will design the building after consideration of site conditions su
calculating the declination of the sun and adjusting for seasonal changes in wind and thermal absorptio
experienced per exact longitude and latitude of the building and polar orientation.

(Above Left Top) A simple illustration showing the changes in the declination of the sun per solar year. With these natural change comes increases and decreases in therma
collection (summer & winter). (Above Right) A good example of passive solar configuration, Pueblo Indian ruins located in Arizona constructed in 1250. (Above Left Bottom) A
graphical illustration showing the many uses of heat from the sun in a solar configured house. An artist rendering showing passive heating.


American with Disabilities Act (ADA) Handicap Accessibility

Accessibility Strategies

With a home lasting between 400 to 1,000 years, it is necessary to think about more than one occupancy, in add
to, the needs of the occupancy over the duration of a normal human life span. After all, the only constant i



Universal Home- Under Construction

universe is change. People will undergo physical changes, occupants will change and several generations may in
the space over the life span of the building. Some may have mobility issues. To truly be universal the building
address these areas. The term Universal Design was first used by architect Ron Mace who was a pioneer in b
free use of space. Universal Design is a condition where the building regardless of architectural style or aes
expression is configured to be used by the greatest extent possible by everyone, regardless of their age, abili
status in life. Handicap and full accessibility home have already demonstrated a great potential in increasin
resale value of the home since there is a shortage of handicap accessible homes on the market and with the incre
energy performance, makes it ideal for senior housing applications. The fact is that on average, accessible h
appraise higher and sell faster.

(Above Left Top) Ron Mace (1941-1998) an early pioneering architect and professor, that coined the term Universal Design and promoter of Visibility. His work directly led
development of design standards that would increase accessible in commercial and residential structures. (Above Right) A Kitchen layout in a Universal Home.


Integrated Grey/Rain Water Collection & Reuse System

Sustainable Strategies

The integrated grey water collection and reuse system is a hybrid system that collects both 100 % of the rain
runoff from the roof surface and/or the domestic grey water from the bathroom vanities, bathtubs, showers
washer discharge. This water is stored in subsurface collection tanks and is used for irrigation purposes. The d
is based on an integrated configuration used widely in Stuttgart, Germany. Overall this system can reduces w
water production of a home or commercial building by as much as 90%. When considering that 2.5% of the
water on the planet is fresh water and that the average use per person can be between 30 to 50 gallons per da
after considering the worlds population it is logical to adopt a more water conscious existence. The integrated
water system will allow for this to be normal practice in the future, especially as water prices increase within the
few years. If used as standard architectural feature for new construction within a city, town or municipality,
building would reduce the need for extensive and expensive water treatment facilities as they will each ha
reduction of waste water production. The Universal Home is specifically designed to reach maximum
conservation with this system.



Universal Home- Under Construction

(Above Right) Two 2,500 Gallon subsurface storage tanks collect

100% of rain water runoff and all the grey water produced by the
homes domestic water usage. This water is used on a daily basis to
irrigate the landscaping.


Advanced Thermal Shielding Wall Systems

Sustainable Strategies

In order to control and maintain the internal temperature and environmental standards of the building design
important to first fully understand the exact environmental conditions of the location of the building that w
constructed and mitigate extremes as needed to maintain a constant and stable indoor climate. After over 10 yea
research and study, UDC has confirmed that light frame exterior wall systems, as utilized in over 97% of all ho
cannot be cost effectively mitigated to a high enough degree with any commercially available insulation packag
configurations to establish an acceptable level of protection from daily thermal gain (in the South) and/or Th
retention (in the North) to justify the installation of renewable systems to achieve a zero or near zero energy bu
configuration. Therefore UDC has adopted strategies that focus on an integrated approach to collecting and st
and/or repelling thermal radiation utilizing mass wall systems or monolithic design principles. Systems suc
Insulated Concrete Forms (ICFs) and Compressed Earth Block (CEBs) have proven very successful in the fie
increasing building energy performance. The system that has proven to be the best solution in terms of sustainab
flexibility and performance are CEBs. Produced onsite, they are a hybrid of two other much older structural syst
Rammed Earth (5,000 BCE) and Adobe (Late Bronze Age). The blocks are hydraulically pressed using a CEB ma
to 2,700 PSI and are uniform in size and shape. They have an average weight of 35 pounds per block and ca
manufactured in sizes ranging from 7 x 14 x 3 1/2 inches to 10 x 14 x 3 1/2 inches and have an overall compre
strength of 1,000 PSI. Since they are constructed entirely of natural soil, most often excavated from the very sit
building is being constructed, they have a good ability to react to climatic conditions and are considered a P
Change Material (PCM). Like our skin, the blocks will absorb and shed moisture. This process is essenti
controlling internal humidity and temperature, as heat most effectively travels in liquid mediums. When 10 inch
walls are used in a building design with other sustainable strategies, it is possible to get internal conditions simi
those found at a depth of 15 feet underground or roughly 40% humidity and an average temperature of 68.7 F,
a seasonal temperature flux of + or 5 (San Antonio area). Typically, when the blocks are used the building
achieve a 75% to 85% reduction in electrical consumption as compared to a traditional light frame (stick) buildi
the same shape and solar orientation. With that efficiency, it is then possible to cost effectively size and ins
renewable system to remove the building dependents on regionally produced electricity. UDC is also curr
working on a new system that can be used for retrofit applications to increase building energy performance
Thermal Reflection Tile (TRT) is in its early stages of development, but already it has the potential to be very effe
in both new and retro fit construction as energy use mitigation. Presently, the CEB system gives us the best retur
money invested, since it actually responds to the ambient changes in climate, temperature, humidity and balance
interior climate proportionally.



Universal Home- Under Construction

(Above) Roll Insulation with a Radiant Barrier. This insulation combination

has the best results in mitigating thermal absorption overall.

(Above) Spray-Foam installation in HUD-1 home in San Angelo has proven

effective in generating thermal protection between R-18 to R-30 nominal.
This material, when used in conjunction with passive strategies and good
polar orientation has proven very effective in reducing the electrical
consumption of the building by as much as 40%.

(Above) Insulated concrete Forms (ICFs) being used in a wall. A

polystyrene product, they are lite weight and easily assembled in the field.
The ICF are concrete forms that remain in place after the wall system is
poured. This wall system has shown promise in the field by reducing
thermal loading, however the cost is typically 7% higher than tradition
construction. We have seen a R-40 capability in the field when combined
with other materials.
(Above) A pallet of 3 x 10 x 14 Compressed Earth Blocks (CEBs). The
blocks have an average 1,000 PSI compression strength is fire prove with
a 4+ hour fire rating, bullet proof able to absorb the impact of a .50 caliber
projectile fired from 100 feet, void of VOCs and are completely
sustainable. The thermal performance of this material is unmatched by
anything on the market. Since the walls are a Phase Change Material
(PCM) they balance themselves with the exterior ambient climate allowing
the interior building client to remain constant with an average daily
temperature range between 65 F and 75 F. This material has proven to
maximize thermal protection in hot climates. Typically, these buildings can
achieve electrical reductions between 50% to 85% and if properly
orientated the need to cool and heat the building, utilizing traditional
mechanical systems, is eliminated completely.

(Above) Experimental Silica Thermal Tile. Being studied for possible retro-fit
applications in existing structures. The tile is composed of 95% air and 5% sand.
Air is the best insulation that can be used, thus the Universal Home is
designed to maximize performance from trapped static and/or moving air.


Integrated Safe Room & Storm Shelter

Contingency Protection Strategies



Universal Home- Under Construction

With a building type that could last in excess of 400 years (CEB configuration) the probability of the buil
occupants being exposed to extreme wind events are very likely. On average Texas experiences more than
documented tornadoes per year. In addition, Texas has 370 miles of coast line that is directly exposed to the e
of hurricanes. F-2+ storms can penetrate as deep as 100 miles inland bringing with them wind velocities tha
exceed the structural capabilities of light frame buildings exposing the occupants to potential dangers, especia
older buildings. More than 40% of Texas is vulnerable to the effects of hurricanes while 100% is vulnerab
Tornados. UDC believes in the shelter in place philosophy and each Universal home constructed after 2010 ha
an integrated safe room/storm shelter installed to withstand the maximum effects of a EF-4 tornado direct hit o
mph wind loads and 100 mph debris impact. Universal Safe rooms/ Storm shelters are designed to be utilized
occupants regardless of the mobility issues and allow for both event protection and post recovery stages.
shelters are designed to contain the homes domestic hot water supply and kitchen pantry. In the event
catastrophic storm event this will allow the occupants to have shelter, food and most importantly fresh water
water tanks can hold up to 80 gallons of water) after the storm and during the recovery stage. A family of 5
easily survive on the 80 gallons of water for up to 16 days and in extreme conditions up to 1 month. The shel
designed with flexibility in mind and can also be used as a safe room in the event of home intrusion and can pr
some protection to specific terrorist related events such as explosive blast effects. Modifications can be e
installed to the shelter to provide additional protection, if warranted for nuclear, radiological, electromagnetic
(EMP) chemical and/or biological threats. Depending on location, threat probability and consumer requests; sh
are configured by the following standards:

Survival Architecture
Minimum Safe shelter Time (SST)

Type ST: Short term sheltering 1 to 7 days

Type MT: Medium term sheltering 1 to 30 days
Type LT: Long term sheltering 365+ days

Shelter Application

Class 1: Single Family- 1 to 5 occupants

Class 2: Multifamily 5 to 50 occupants
Class 3: Community 50+ occupants

Shelter Configurations

A: Natural events of a local nature such as

tornadoes and hurricanes.
B: Natural and manmade events of a local nature
such as weather related, accidents and home
C: Natural & manmade events of a local, regional
and/or global nature such as weather related,
accidents and war or acts of terrorism.
D: Natural, celestial & manmade events of a local,
regional and/or global such as weather
related, climate, accidents and war or acts of

UDC is a professional and contributing member of the National Storm Shelter Association (NSSA) and the
Civil Defense Association (TACDA)



Universal Home- Under Construction

(Above) A view of Jarrell, Tex

destroyed by a F-5 Tornado,
mile wide and packing winds
280+ MPH. The complete
destruction of the town took
than 3 minutes, killing 27 pe
and injuring 12. Over 40 hom
were completely destroyed,
of them removed from their
foundations. It is the 10th w
storm since 1900.
(Left) A Integrated Safe room
Storm shelter built into a Uni
Home capable of surviving
effects of a EF-4 Tornado. (B
NOAA map showing the num
reported tornado strikes in t
United States between 1981


Health & Well-being Package

Sustainable Strategies

The health package is all encompassing and targets three (3) areas of health and well being of the occupants
first of these areas are indoor air quality and the reduction of airborne contaminants. We deliberately contro
type, quantity and use of toxic materials or Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in the construction phase to re
the effects of off-gassing with a primary concentration on the reduction and/or elimination of Formalde
Aldehydes and Acetic Acids. Most commercially available materials used in construction today contains one or
known and documented carcinogens and all of these off-gas over the life of the building directly affecting the h
of the occupants. The extent and/or long term effects of exposure on the building occupants of the contaminati
still being studied and has not yet been fully realized, however, some of the chemicals in question have under
testing and evaluating with scientific links to Cancer, leukemia and birth defects with high and prolonged leve
exposure. If these chemicals are absorbed, inhaled and/or consumed by the occupants, especially if the occupan
young children, females that are nursing, the elderly and/or those with sensitivities. The risk for adverse h



Universal Home- Under Construction

problems are greatly increased and may include Cancer, Liver damage, Kidney damage, Central nervous sy
damage and some studies have shown it may also increase the rate of learning disabilities and behavioral disord
children. UDC has worked hard to develop strategies to reduce and/or eliminate these chemicals with both pa
and active strategies. This is accomplished by the installation of a high performance HVAC system with a MERV
higher filtration system. This system has field proven results and when used with VOC mitigation strategie
capable in achieving a 90% reduction in naturally occurring contamination such as pollens, dust and even
The metal duct work in the high performance system alloys for cleaning, something that is not possible for flex
fiberglass duct work. With the life span of a Universal Home being 400 years minimum, the need to be able to
the duct work is a requirement and with the use of a spider, 95% of the naturally occurring duct build up ca
removed without damage to the air delivery system.

(Above left) a picture of a common dust particle under an electron microscope. (Above Middle) a chart showing the Center for Disease Controls (CDC) air contaminant breakd
for allergies. (Above Right) Computer analysis of EMF radiation from a cell phone as it is absorbed into the human body. Only some European countries have enacted legislat
that controls the amount of Electromagnetic energy absorbed by the body in structures and when handling electrical devices. Most experts agree that 1 to 1.5 mG. The Unite
States has been slow to recognize the need for EMF safety standards, however there is an increase of childhood Leukemia at an average exposure above 3mG (Source: CD


Tubular Natural Lighting System

Sustainable Strategies

The use of natural lighting within the built environment is essential for healthy occupants and until as recent as
years ago, it was the primary lightning systems for all buildings. It will allow the occupants to maintain a
schedule as sunlight can reset our biological clocks, promote health and reduce stress. It will also increas
production of vitamin D and other natural elements in our bodies that help our immune system remains strong
effective. The use of natural lighting, as observed, will decrease electrical use per day as much as 15% and re
electromagnetic fields (EMFs) that are known to interfere with our brain waves, disrupting our sleep and incre
the chances for disease and more specifically: Cancer. A Integrated Tubular Lighting System (ITLS) is currently u
development at UDC. This system will further enhance efficiency and reduce maintenance and negative health fa
within the building design by integrating both a natural light and artificial light solution together.



Universal Home- Under Construction

(Above Left) A custom circular skylight used in a custom home. (Above Middle) The Pantheon in Rome was constructed by Emperor
Hadrain in about 125 AD. Is a good example of a naturally lighted space. (Above Right) Tubular lighting systems-Solar Tube/ The
most effective, low heat delivery skylight system.


High Performance HVAC Control System

Sustainable Strategies

A high performance ventilation and control system is essential to ensure the energy efficiency of the building, int
climactic conditions are maintained and that our occupants remain healthy and strong. The high perform
elements are simple. All ducts are to be round metal ductwork, they must be sized by a design professional for
and BTU/H and the system must be sized to integrate with the other features of the Universal Home strategies
metal duct will ensure that over the course of 400 years, the system can be cleaned with the use of a spid
remove dust, pollen and other foreign materials that will naturally build up in the duct work over time. This proc
would be impossible in fiberglass or flex ducting. The round metal duct work can deliver the exact amount of a
cubic volume of space in the room without producing noise. This decrease in noise pollution is one of the first t
our clients notice after the building has been occupied. You will never hear the mechanical system turn on or off.
is because the system is designed and sized specifically for the space to deliver just the right amount of ai
volume at the correct rate of exchange per hour. This component is an essential sustainable strategy in the Univ
Home success.

(Above Left) A View of a newly installed High Performance HVAC System. (Above Right) A MERV 10 Filter, a Standard feature in all Universal Homes. (Below Left) A Mechanic
Technician installs metal duct with Mastic sealant to maximize air flow, prevent leakage and to allow for the use of a duct spider after use. (Below Right Top) A typical Duct
Spider used to clean round metal ducts. Only Metal ducts can be cleaned effectively, Fiberglass and flex ducts can not be cleaned. (Below Right Bottom) A few of a typical me
duct cleaning with a spider.



Universal Home- Under Construction


Drought Tolerant Landscaping

Sustainable Strategies

Water conservation is an important element in the Universal Home. As the landscaping is an extension of the
interior of the home, it is important to choose vegetation that responds to the climatic conditions at the homes
specific location on earth. Selection of plants, trees and grasses that will respond favorably to your region is esse
in lowering maintenance and increasing water conservation and efficiency.

(Above Left) A xeroscape Lawn requiring no irrigation. (Above Right) A typical Lawn utilizing Drought tolerant plants, trees and grass.


Automated Irrigation System

Sustainable Strategies

An essential component for the Grey Water system, as it is, the delivery system. The system efficiency is high
because it naturally disburses collected grey water from the homes daily use, about 30 gallons of water per perso
per day. The water is rich in nutrients and is directly and equally spread across the landscaping.



Universal Home- Under Construction

(Above Left) A picture of a Head Installation. (Above Middle) A Picture of a Head watering Buffalo Grass utilizing Grey Water collected from the home and rain water runwater is stored in a below grade Grey Water tank then filtered through a standard sand filtration system before it is used in the irrigation system. (Above Right) A Irrigation
box, controls the amount and times of watering ensuring proper amounts.


Natural Domestic Hot Water Production System

Sustainable Strategies

The sun is a wonderful heat source if you choose to utilize it for its full potential. Heating water with sunlight has
been done for thousands of years. A direct heat approach with an alternative heat source is the most cost effectiv
solution to generate heated water for domestic use without utilizing extensive electricity. Overall, the use of a so
collector for the heating of domestic water will reduce electrical consumption up to 30% overall in most cases. T
addition of a natural hot water production system further enhances the Universal Homes energy efficiency and
reduces its maintenance and upkeep load while still being fully sustainable.

(Above Left) A computer simulation of a solar radiant heating system. The illustration shows an integrated domestic hot water supply and floor heating system. (Above Midd
55 gallon hot water tanks in a standard radiant configuration. One tank will act as the primary and the 2nd will be an auxiliary that can be heated either by gas or electric to
maintain hot water production on low solar concentration days. (Above Right Top) A Radiant system manifold, used to control the flow of heated water to specific rooms and
within a living space, heating the floor through convection. (Above Right Bottom) A solar collector, which will be mounted on a roof or stand will collect solar radiation during
course of the day heated the water flowing through the collector. That water is then returned to the hot water tanks for storage and use.


Off-Grid Ready Configuration

Sustainable Strategies

It is not necessary to have to rely on electrical energy generation from an outside or regional source to pow
building or home. This is not sustainable, cost effective or even required. Most buildings should be able, if pro
designed by a competent sustainable architect, to produce their own electricity for day to day operations. In ord
be off-grid it is important that the building have 3 things; increased efficiency, a renewable electric system an
energy storage device. In our case that comes in the form of a 1,000 AH Crown industrial Deep cycle batter
series of them depending on the electrical load. This is embedded in the foundation of the building. The batte
positioned within the building design to optimize longevity and to remain protected in a contingency as it will s
the safe room/storm shelter with electricity during and after an event. Most near zero and zero energy h
advertised on the market claim to be zero energy, but the majority of them are NOT. Most of these structures u



Universal Home- Under Construction

Net Metering. Net Metering is an electrical configuration that allows the surplus electrical energy produced per d
be stored in the power grid itself. Hence the power grid is taking the place of a battery storage bank. When
occurs the electrical meter turns backwards as to reflect that the electricity is being pushed into the power grid w
it can be drawn from when the building requires it at a later time. The problem with this configuration is tha
amount of electricity being fed into the power grid is small and the negotiated reimbursement amount for the su
kilowatts requires a separate agreement with your energy provider. These agreements are usually a fraction of
the electrical provider is charging the owner for the purchased electricity. So the home owner is not helping an
but the electrical provider. While being able to produce a surplus of electrical energy, it is not truly off-grid a
probably not zero energy since the home owner will still pay and electrical bill per month. When considerin
expensive cost of a renewable system, the inefficiency of such systems, the maintenance and upkeep of such sys
over its life and the fact that most buildings simply do not possess enough passive design strategies to reduce o
electrical consumption, the statement of the home or building being zero energy becomes less and less belie
and if actually true, very expensive for the home owner to maintain over the life of the home. We have adopte
off-grid approach that allows the owner to store the electrical energy in a low maintenance, high amperage
Cycle battery that is designed for heavy use. The renewable system will charge the battery per solar day an
battery system will energize the home. There is no need for the power grid, contracts or special meters. The Univ
Home is a true net zero energy home that can operate completely independent of the Power Grid and ha
capability to be a positive energy home where the electrical provider pays the home owner for the surplus e

(Above Left) A Home Owner watches her electric meter turn backwards as the renewable system energizes the grid with su
electrical energy. (Above Middle) A large commercial grade electrical system consisting of charge controllers for charging bat
and inverters. (Above Right) A illistration showing a standard off-Grid configuation where 1. Solar radition is tranmittered f
sun, 2. Photovoltaic poanels absorb and convert the radiation into direct current, 3. The electrical current trabvels to the ch
controller, 4. The charge controller charges the battery bank, 5. The direct current from the battery is inverted into alternatin
current so it can be used by the homes systems, 6. 110 volts of electricity energizes all electrical circuits in home. (Below Le
Installer assembles a Deep Cycle battery bank for solar applications. (Below Right) a Breakdown of electrical production in t
United States.


Sustainable Materials Package

Sustainable Strategies

Sustainability means different things to different people. To us sustainability simply means to be born, to exist
to be recycled. To be a sustainable solution, it can take the form of a material (as in this case) a process, a stra
or system. Our material selection has to be naturally renewable, have low to no toxicity to humans, to be



Universal Home- Under Construction

effective and to be recycled once it has been used to the fullest. In other words the material must be able to end

(Above) A collection of usable naturally occurring sustainable materials such as rock, bamboo and pine wood. (Below) Buildings materials used by animals and insects to con
structures such the honeycomb cells crafted by the honey bees, A beaver dam constructed by the American beaver, A termite mound or termitaria constructed by Termites
take advantage of heat and ventilation and a Barn Swallow nest constructed by the Barn sallow is a combination of mud and grass aggregate that is woven into a circular s
the bird to increase the nests strength.


Renewable Electrical Production System

Energy Production Strategies

Sustainability and energy independence begins with understanding how things work, how materials respon
different stimuli and how to integrate these elements together to work for you in a building design, not against
Heat generated by the sun is a constant. It will saturate the earth with enough energy to produce around 50 kilo
of electricity per square foot, per solar day. How can we best convert this into usable electrical energy has bee
question pondered ever since the introduction of alternating current and direct current systems. While Nicole
and Thomas Edison differ on their use of currents to deliver electricity, one thing remains the same, we
electricity. The argument for or against the generation of electricity on a regional or site bases are irrelevan
must produce electricity the most cost effective way possible and maintain the supply of it regardless of weath
electromagnetic disturbances that naturally occur on our planet. But AC and DC have advantages and disadvan
in achieving this. Systems such as wind turbines, photovoltaic and reflective solar systems are the only systems
can do this effectively on a per building basis. Only reflective solar has the potential to be cost effective and



Universal Home- Under Construction

used with a Universal Home, a return on investment in about 3-5 years. UDC is currently studying two proto
and has schedule the construction of another in South Texas. While photovoltaic are the easiest and most depen
to produce electrical energy, they are very expensive and only convert 15-17% of solar radiation to useable elec
current. That efficiency can only be achieved if the panels have proper longitudinal and polar orientation
words photovoltaic is a very inefficient solution, but are the only commercially available system on the market.

(Above Left) 5 megawatt wind turbines outside of Sweetwater, Texas, (Above middle) 200 Watt Evergreen solar panels installed on a house, (Above right) The most efficien
to produce electricity- a parabolic array field in Southern California augments coal electrical production.
Copyright 2014, SVM Universal Design Consortium LLC. All rights reserved. Disclaimer


Integrated Multi-Media System

Sustainable Strategies

The Integrated Multimedia System (IMS) is an integrated system that has one main 5 terabyte or larger server
server acts as a hub for all other systems to include multimedia such as TV, communications and radio. It als
access to the Internet and the server can play uploaded movies, television programing, answer incoming phone
(voice or video) and other media from any screen in the building. The multimedia system can control specific as
of the Universal Home functions to include conservation, energy and security. Only the first production syst
being used in the new Universal Homes, but as this system evolves in development, it will in the very near f
be able to control every aspect of the homes systems by the occupants voice commands, generate perform
reports on conservation and energy performance, conduct systems analysis and report damaged or defective sys
or components to maintenance personnel for repair. Once the system is fully developed over the next few years i
be a sort of OnStar for your home. All Universal Homes presently being constructed are equipped with the sy
and these homes can be upgraded at any time as new technology is introduced.

(Above Left) A wall mounted, voice activated and remote free view screen that will allow the home owner to access television, the Internet, gaming and the main 10 Terabyt
server to run a windows based platform. The system is designed to increase automation, provide the home owner with a daily home diagnostic to check for malfunctioning s
and appliances, track and collect electrical and water usage trends, monitor and control renewable systems & irrigation. The system is still under development and being fiel
tested in the Jarvis House in Jourdanton, Texas.



Universal Home- Under Construction


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