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100 Vocabulary Words For GP

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100 vocabulary words for

Etymology: Middle English, from
Middle French or Latin; Middle
French abjurer, from Latin
abjurare, from ab- + jurare to
Function: transitive verb
Definition: 1 a: to renounce
upon oath b: to reject
solemnly2: to abstain from
Etymology: Latin abrogatus, past
participle of abrogare, from ab- +
rogare to ask, propose a law
Function: transitive verb
Definition: 1: to abolish by
authoritative action: ANNUL2: to
treat as nonexistent
Etymology: Latin abstemius, from
abs- + -temius; akin to Latin
temetum intoxicating drink
Function: adjective
Definition: marked by restraint
especially in the consumption of
food or alcohol; also: reflecting
such restraint
Etymology: Latin acumin-,
acumen, literally, point, from
Function: noun
Definition: keenness and depth of
perception, discernment, or
discrimination especially in
practical matters

Etymology: Latin ante bellum

before the war
Function: adjective
Definition: existing before a war;
especially: existing before the
Civil War
Function: adjective
Definition: 1 : affording a
favorable auspice : propitious2 :
attended by good auspices.
Function: transitive verb
Definition: 1 a : to give a false
impression of b : to present an
appearance not in agreement
with 2 a: to show (something) to
be false or wrong b: to run
counter to: contradict 3: disguise
Etymology: Middle English, from
Latin bellicosus, from bellicus of
war, from bellum warFunction:
Definition: favoring or inclined to
start quarrels or wars
Etymology: Thomas Bowdler died
1825 English editorFunction:
transitive verb
Definition: 1: to expurgate (as a
book) by omitting or modifying
parts considered vulgar, 2: to
modify by abridging, simplifying,
or distorting in style or content
Function: noun

Definition: 1: deception by artful

subterfuge or sophistry, 2 : a
piece of sharp practice (as at law)

around (as the earth) especially

by water; also : to go around
instead of through

Etymology: International Scientific

Etymology: Latin deciduus, from
decidere to fall off, from de- +
cadere to fall -- more at chance
Function: adjective
Definition: 1 : falling off or shed
seasonally or at a certain stage of
development in the life cycle, 2 a:
having deciduous parts, b: having
the dominant plants deciduous, 3:

Function: noun
Definition: one of the linear or
sometimes circular DNAcontaining bodies of viruses,
prokaryotic organisms, and the
cell nucleus of eukaryotic
organisms that contain most or all
of the genes of the individual
Function: adjective
Definition: 1: of, resembling, or
characteristic of a churl, 2:
marked by a lack of civility or
graciousness, 3: difficult to work
with or deal with.
Etymology: Latin circumlocution-,
circumlocutio, from circum- +
locutio speech, from loqui to
Function: noun
Definition: 1: the use of an
unnecessarily large number of
words to express an idea, 2:
evasion in speech
Etymology: Latin circumnavigatus,
past participle of circumnavigare
to sail around, from circum- +
navigare to navigate
Function: transitive verb
Definition: to go completely

Etymology: Greek deleterios, from
deleisthai to hurt
Function: adjective
Definition: harmful often in a
subtle or unexpected way
Etymology: Middle English, from
Latin diffident-, diffidens, present
participle of diffidere to distrust,
from dis- + fidere to trust -- more
at bide
Function: adjective
Definition: 1 : hesitant in acting or
speaking through lack of selfconfidence, 2 archaic: distrustful,
3 : reserved, unassertive
Function: adjective
Definition: lacking physical,
mental, or moral vigor
Etymology: Middle English, from
Middle French enfranchiss-, stem

of enfranchir, from Old French,

from en- + franc free.
Function: transitive verb
Definition: 1 : to set free (as from
slavery)2 : to endow with a
franchise: as a : to admit to the
privileges of a citizen and
especially to the right of suffrage
b : to admit (a municipality) to
political privileges or rights
Etymology: Middle English
epiphanie, from Middle French,
from Late Latin epiphania, from
Late Greek, plural, probably
alteration of Greek epiphaneia
appearance, manifestation, from
epiphainein to manifest, from epi+ phainein to show
Function: noun
Definition: 1 capitalized: January 6
observed as a church festival in
commemoration of the coming of
the Magi as the first manifestation
of Christ to the Gentiles or in the
Eastern Church in
commemoration of the baptism of
Christ, 2 : an appearance or
manifestation especially of a
divine being 3 a (1) : a usually
sudden manifestation or
perception of the essential nature
or meaning of something (2) : an
intuitive grasp of reality through
something (as an event) usually
simple and striking (3) : an
illuminating discovery b : a
revealing scene or moment
Etymology: Middle English, from

Middle French or Medieval Latin;

Middle French equinoxe, from
Medieval Latin equinoxium,
alteration of Latin aequinoctium,
from aequi- equi- + noct-, nox.
Function: noun
Definition: 1 : either of the two
points on the celestial sphere
where the celestial equator
intersects the ecliptic2 : either of
the two times each year (as about
March 21 and September 23)
when the sun crosses the equator
and day and night are everywhere
of equal length
Etymology: Latin evanescent-,
evanescens, present participle of
Function: adjective
Definition: tending to vanish like
Etymology: Latin expurgatus, past
participle of expurgare, from ex+ purgare to purge
Function: transitive verb
Definition: to cleanse of
something morally harmful,
offensive, or erroneous; especially
: to expunge objectionable parts
from before publication or
Etymology: Middle French
facetieux, from facetie jest, from
Latin facetia
Function: adjective
1 : joking or jesting often

inappropriately, 2 : meant to be
humorous or funny : not serious
Etymology: Latin fatuus
foolishFunction: adjective
Definition: complacently or
inanely foolish
Etymology: Scots, from feck
effect, majority, from Middle
English (Sc) fek, alteration of
Middle English effect
Function: adjective
Definition: 1 : weak, ineffective,
2 : worthless, irresponsible
Etymology: Latin fiduciarius, from
fiducia confidence, trust, from
Function: adjective
Definition: of, relating to, or
involving a confidence or trust: as
a : held or founded in trust or
confidence b : holding in trust c :
depending on public confidence
for value or currency
Etymology: Spanish filibustero,
literally, freebooter
Function: noun
Definition: 1 : an irregular military
adventurer; specifically : an
American engaged in fomenting
insurrections in Latin America in
the mid-19th century, 2 a : the
use of extreme dilatory tactics in
an attempt to delay or prevent
action especially in a legislative
assembly b : an instance of this

Etymology: New Latin gameta,
from Greek gametes husband,
from gamein to marry
Function: noun
Definition: a mature male or
female germ cell usually
possessing a haploid chromosome
set and capable of initiating
formation of a new diploid
individual by fusion with a gamete
of the opposite sex
Etymology: French, literally, left
Function: adjective
Definition: 1 a : lacking social
experience or grace; also : not
tactful : crude b: crudely made or
done, 2 : not planar
Etymology: Elbridge Gerry +
salamander; from the shape of an
election district formed during
Gerry's governorship of
Function: noun
Definition: 1: the act or method of
gerrymandering2: a district or
pattern of districts varying greatly
in size or population as a result of
Etymology: Greek hEgemonia,
from hEgemOn leader, from
hEgeisthai to lead
Function: noun
Definition: preponderant influence
or authority over others

Etymology: International Scientific
Vocabulary, short for earlier
Function: noun
Definition: 1 : an iron-containing
respiratory pigment of vertebrate
red blood cells that consists of a
globin composed of four subunits
each of which is linked to a heme
molecule, that functions in
oxygen transport to the tissues
after conversion to oxygenated
form in the gills or lungs, and that
assists in carbon dioxide transport
back to the gills or lungs after
surrender of its oxygen2 : any of
numerous iron-containing
respiratory pigments of
invertebrates and some plants (as
Etymology: Medieval Latin
homogeneus, homogenus, from
Greek homogenes, from hom- +
genos kind
Function: adjective
Definition: 1 : of the same or a
similar kind or nature, 2 : of
uniform structure or composition
throughout, 3 : having the
property that if each variable is
replaced by a constant times that
variable the constant can be
factored out : having each term of
the same degree if all variables
are considered
Etymology: Greek hybris

Function: nounDefinition:
exaggerated pride or selfconfidence
Etymology: Latin hypotenusa,
from Greek hypoteinousa, from
feminine of hypoteinOn, present
participle of hypoteinein to
subtend, from hypo- + teinein to
Function: noun
Definition: 1 : the side of a rightangled triangle that is opposite
the right angle, 2 : the length of a
Etymology: Middle English
empechen, from Middle French
empeechier to hinder, from Late
Latin impedicare to fetter, from
Latin in- + pedica fetter, from
ped-, pes foot
Function: transitive verb
Definition: 1 a : to bring an
accusation against b : to charge
with a crime or misdemeanor;
specifically : to charge (a public
official) before a competent
tribunal with misconduct in office,
2 : to cast doubt on; especially :
to challenge the credibility or
validity of , 3 : to remove from
office especially for misconduct
Etymology: Italian, from Latin
incognitus unknown, from in- +
cognitus, past participle of
cognoscere to know
Function: adverb or adjective
Definition: with one's identity

Function: adjectiveDefinition: not
open to question
Etymology: Latin inculcatus, past
participle of inculcare, literally, to
tread on, from in- + calcare to
trample, from calc-, calx heel
Function: transitive verb
Definition: to teach and impress
by frequent repetitions or
Function: noun
Definition: 1 : the underlying
foundation or basic framework (as
of a system or organization), 2 :
the permanent installations
required for military purposes, 3 :
the system of public works of a
country, state, or region; also :
the resources (as personnel,
buildings, or equipment) required
for an activity
Etymology: Latin interpolatus,
past participle of interpolare to
refurbish, alter, interpolate, from
inter- + -polare (from polire to
polish)transitive senses
Function: verb
Definition: 1 a : to alter or corrupt
(as a text) by inserting new or
foreign matter b : to insert
(words) into a text or into a
conversation2 : to insert between
other things or parts :
INTERCALATE, 3 : to estimate

values of (a function) between

two known values intransitive
senses : to make insertions (as of
estimated values)
Etymology: Latin ironia, from
Greek eirOnia, from eirOn
Function: noun
Definition 1 : a pretense of
ignorance and of willingness to
learn from another assumed in
order to make the other's false
conceptions conspicuous by
adroit questioning -- called also
Socratic irony2 a : the use of
words to express something other
than and especially the opposite
of the literal meaning b : a usually
humorous or sardonic literary
style or form characterized by
irony c : an ironic expression or
utterance3 a (1) : incongruity
between the actual result of a
sequence of events and the
normal or expected result (2) : an
event or result marked by such
incongruity b : incongruity
between a situation developed in
a drama and the accompanying
words or actions that is
understood by the audience but
not by the characters in the play
-- called also dramatic irony,
tragic irony
Etymology: Latin jejunus empty of
food, hungry, meager
Function: adjective

Definition: 1 : lacking nutritive

value, 2 : devoid of significance or
interest : dull, 3 : Juvenile, puerile
Etymology: Greek kinEtikos, from
kinEtos, from kinein
Function: adjective
Definition: 1: of or relating to the
motion of material bodies and the
forces and energy associated
therewith, 2 a : active, lively b:
dynamic, energizing, 3: of or
relating to kinetic art
Etymology: Chinese (Beijing)
kutu, from ku to knock + tu
Function: intransitive verb.
Definition: 1: to show obsequious
deference: fawn, 2: to kneel and
touch the forehead to the ground
in token of homage, worship or
deep respect.
laissez faire
Etymology: French laissez faire,
imperative of laisser faire to let
(people) do (as they choose)
Function: noun
Definition: 1 : a doctrine opposing
governmental interference in
economic affairs beyond the
minimum necessary for the
maintenance of peace and
property rights, 2 : a philosophy
or practice characterized by a
usually deliberate abstention from
direction or interference
especially with individual freedom
of choice and action

Etymology: Late Greek lexikon,
from neuter of lexikos of words,
from Greek lexis word, speech,
from legein to say
Function: noun
Definition: 1 : a book containing
an alphabetical arrangement of
the words in a language and their
definition, 2 a : the vocabulary of
a language, an individual speaker
or group of speakers, or a subject
b : the total stock of morphemes
in a language, 3 : repertoire,
Etymology: Latin loquac-, loquax,
from loqui to speak
Function: adjective
Definition: 1 : full of excessive
talk, 2 : given to fluent or
excessive talk
Etymology: Latin lugubris, from
lugEre to mourn; akin to Greek
lygros mournful
Function: adjective
Definition 1 : mournful;
especially : exaggeratedly or
affectedly mournful 2 : dismal
Etymology: Latin, from Greek
metamorphOsis, from
metamorphoun to transform, from
meta- + morphE form
Function: noun
Definition: 1 a : change of
physical form, structure, or
substance especially by

supernatural means b : a striking

alteration in appearance,
character, or circumstances, 2 : a
marked and more or less abrupt
developmental change in the
form or structure of an animal (as
a butterfly or a frog) occurring
subsequent to birth or hatching
Etymology: New Latin, from Greek
mitos thread
Function: noun
Definition: 1 : a process that takes
place in the nucleus of a dividing
cell, involves typically a series of
steps consisting of prophase,
metaphase, anaphase, and
telophase, and results in the
formation of two new nuclei each
having the same number of
chromosomes as the parent
nucleus, 2 : cell division in which
mitosis occurs
Etymology: Middle English moite,
from Middle French moit, from
Late Latin medietat-, medietas,
from Latin medius middle -- more
at MIDFunction: noun
Definition: 1 a : one of two equal
parts : HALF b : one of two
approximately equal parts, 2 : one
of the portions into which
something is divided :
COMPONENT, PART, 3 : one of two
basic complementary tribal
Function: noun
Definition: the art of manipulating

materials on an atomic or
molecular scale especially to build
microscopic devices (as robots)
Etymology: German Nihilismus,
from Latin nihil nothing. More at
Function: noun.
Definition: 1 a: a viewpoint that
traditional values and beliefs are
unfounded and that existence is
senseless and useless. b: a
doctrine that denies any objective
ground of truth and especially of
moral truths. 2 a (1): a doctrine or
belief that conditions in the social
organization are so bad as to
make destruction desirable for its
own sake independent of any
constructive program or
possibility. (2) capitalized: the
program of a 19th-century
Russian party advocating
revolutionary reform and using
terrorism and assassination. b:
Etymology: Latin nomenclatura
assigning of names, from nomen
+ calatus, past participle of calare
Function: noun
Definition: 1 : NAME,
DESIGNATION2 : the act or
process or an instance of
naming3 a : a system or set of
terms or symbols especially in a
particular science, discipline, or
art b : an international system of
standardized New Latin names
used in biology for kinds and

groups of kinds of animals and

Function: adjective
Definition: not having a sectarian
character : not affiliated with or
restricted to a particular religious
Function: transitive verb
Definition: to acknowledge or
attest as a notary public
Etymology: Middle English,
compliant, from
Latin obsequiosus,
from obsequium compliance,
from obsequi to comply, from obtoward + sequi to follow.
Function: adjective.
Definition: marked by or
exhibiting a fawning
Function: noun
Definition: 1 : government by the
few, 2 : a government in which a
small group exercises control
especially for corrupt and selfish
purposes; also : a group
exercising such control, 3 : an
organization under oligarchic
Etymology: Middle English, from
Middle French, from Latin
omnipotent-, omnipotens, from

omni- + potent-, potens potent

Function: adjective
Definition: 1 often capitalized :
ALMIGHTY, 2 : having virtually
unlimited authority or influence, 3
obsolete : ARRANT
Etymology: Middle English
ortografie, from Middle French,
from Latin orthographia, from
Greek, from orth- + graphein to
Function: noun
Definition: 1 a : the art of writing
words with the proper letters
according to standard usage b :
the representation of the sounds
of a language by written or
printed symbols, 2 : a part of
language study that deals with
letters and spelling
Function: verb
Definition: 1 : to combine with
oxygen, 2 : to dehydrogenate
especially by the action of
oxygen, 3 : to change (a
compound) by increasing the
proportion of the electronegative
part or change (an element or
ion) from a lower to a higher
positive valence : remove one or
more electrons from (an atom,
ion, or molecule)
Etymology: New Latin, from Greek
parabolE, literally, comparison
Function: noun
Definition: 1 : a plane curve
generated by a point moving so

that its distance from a fixed point

is equal to its distance from a
fixed line : the intersection of a
right circular cone with a plane
parallel to an element of the
cone, 2 : something bowl-shaped
(as an antenna or microphone
Etymology: Late Latin paradigma,
from Greek paradeigma, from
paradeiknynai to show side by
side, from para- + deiknynai to
Function: noun
Definition: 1 : example, pattern;
especially : an outstandingly clear
or typical example or archetype2 :
an example of a conjugation or
declension showing a word in all
its inflectional forms3 : a
philosophical and theoretical
framework of a scientific school or
discipline within which theories,
laws, and generalizations and the
experiments performed in support
of them are formulated; broadly :
a philosophical or theoretical
framework of any kind
Etymology: New Latin, from para+ Greek metron measure
Function: noun
Definition: 1 a : an arbitrary
constant whose value
characterizes a member of a
system (as a family of curves);
also : a quantity (as a mean or
variance) that describes a
statistical population b : an
independent variable used to

express the coordinates of a

variable point and functions of
them -- compare PARAMETRIC
EQUATION, 2 : any of a set of
physical properties whose values
determine the characteristics or
behavior of something, 3 :
something represented by a
parameter : a characteristic
element; broadly :
Etymology: Latin pecuniarius,
from pecunia money.
Function: adjective.
Definition: 1: consisting of or
measured in money. 2: of or
relating to money.
Etymology: New Latin
Function: noun
Definition: synthesis of chemical
compounds with the aid of radiant
energy and especially light;
especially : formation of
carbohydrates from carbon
dioxide and a source of hydrogen
(as water) in the chlorophyllcontaining tissues of plants
exposed to light
Etymology: plagiaryFunction: verb
Definition: transitive senses : to
steal and pass off (the ideas or
words of another) as one's own :
use (another's production)
without crediting the
sourceintransitive senses : to

commit literary theft : present as

new and original an idea or
product derived from an existing
Etymology: German, from Late
Latin, something molded, from
Greek, from plassein to mold -more at PLASTERFunction: noun
Definition: 1 : a green faintly
translucent quartz2 [New Latin,
from Late Latin] a : the fluid part
of blood, lymph, or milk as
distinguished from suspended
material b : the juice that can be
expressed from muscle, 3 :
PROTOPLASM, 4 : a collection of
charged particles (as in the
atmospheres of stars or in a
metal) containing about equal
numbers of positive ions and
electrons and exhibiting some
properties of a gas but differing
from a gas in being a good
conductor of electricity and in
being affected by a magnetic field
Etymology: International Scientific
Vocabulary, back-formation from
polymeric, from Greek polymerEs
having many parts, from poly- +
meros part -- more at
MERITFunction: noun
Definition: a chemical compound
or mixture of compounds formed
by polymerization and consisting
essentially of repeating structural

Etymology: quasi-stellar
Function: noun
Definition: any of a class of
celestial objects that resemble
stars but whose large redshift and
apparent brightness imply
extreme distance and huge
energy output
Etymology: Middle
English cotidian, from Middle
French, from
Latin quotidianus, cotidianus,
from quotidie every day, from
quot (as) many as + dies day.
Function: adjective.
Definition: 1: occurring every day
- quotidian fever. 2 a: belonging
to each day: everyday - quotidian
b: commonplace, ordinary quotidian drabness.
Etymology: Late Latin
recapitulatus, past participle of
recapitulare to restate by heads,
sum up, from Latin re- +
capitulum division of a book
Function: verb
Definition: to repeat the principal
points or stages of
Etymology: Latin reciprocus
returning the same way,

Function: adjective
Definition: 1 a : inversely related :
OPPOSITE b : of, constituting, or
resulting from paired crosses in
which the kind that supplies the
male parent of the first cross
supplies the female parent of the
second cross and vice versa, 2 :
shared, felt, or shown by both
sides, 3 : serving to reciprocate :
consisting of or functioning as a
return in kind, 4 a : mutually
corresponding b : marked by or
based on reciprocity
Etymology: Middle English, from
Middle French, from Late Latin
reparation-, reparatio, from Latin
Function: noun
Definition: 1 a : a repairing or
keeping in repair b plural :
REPAIRS2 a : the act of making
amends, offering expiation, or
giving satisfaction for a wrong or
injury b : something done or given
as amends or satisfaction, 3 : the
payment of damages :
INDEMNIFICATION; specifically :
compensation in money or
materials payable by a defeated
nation for damages to or
expenditures sustained by
another nation as a result of
hostilities with the defeated
nation -- usually used in plural
Etymology: Middle English
respiracioun, from Latin
respiration-, respiratio, from

Function: noun
Definition: 1 a : the placing of air
or dissolved gases in intimate
contact with the circulating
medium of a multicellular
organism (as by breathing) b : a
single complete act of breathing,
2 : the physical and chemical
processes by which an organism
supplies its cells and tissues with
the oxygen needed for
metabolism and relieves them of
the carbon dioxide formed in
energy-producing reactions, 3 :
any of various energy-yielding
oxidative reactions in living
Etymology: Middle English
sanguin, from Middle French, from
Latin sanguineus, from sanguin-,
Function: adjective
Definition: 1: bloodred, 2 a :
consisting of or relating to blood,
b: sanguinary c: of the
complexion : ruddy, 3 : having
blood as the predominating bodily
humor; also : having the bodily
conformation and temperament
held characteristic of such
predominance and marked by
sturdiness, high color, and
cheerfulness, 4 : confident,
Etymology: Late Latin soliloquium,
from Latin solus alone + loqui to
Function: noun

Definition: 1 : the act of talking to

oneself, 2 : a dramatic monologue
that gives the illusion of being a
series of unspoken reflections
Etymology: Middle English, from
Latin subjugatus, past participle
of subjugare, from sub- + jugum
yoke -- more at yoke
Function: transitive verb
Definition: 1: to bring under
control and governance as a
subject : conquer, 2: to make
submissive: subdue
Function: noun
Definition: one who advocates
extension of suffrage especially to
Etymology: Latin superciliosus,
from supercilium eyebrow,
haughtiness, from super- + cilium eyelid.
Function: adjective.
Definition: coolly and
patronizingly haughty - reacted to
their breach of etiquette with a
supercilious smile.
Etymology: Late Latin tautologia,
from Greek, from tautologos
Function: noun
Definition: 1 a : needless
repetition of an idea, statement,
or word b : an instance of
tautology, 2 : a tautologous

Etymology: French taxonomie,
from tax- + -nomie
-nomyFunction: noun
Definition: 1 : the study of the
general principles of scientific
classification : SYSTEMATICS, 2 :
CLASSIFICATION; especially :
orderly classification of plants and
animals according to their
presumed natural relationships
Etymology: Late Latin tectonicus,
from Greek tektonikos of a
builder, from tektOn builder
Function: adjective
Definition: of or relating to
Etymology: Late Latin
tempestuosus, from Old Latin
tempestus season, weather,
storm, from tempus
Function: adjective
Definition: of, relating to, or
resembling a tempest :
Function: noun plural but singular
or plural in construction
Definition: 1 : physics that deals
with the mechanical action or
relations of heat2 :
thermodynamic processes and
Etymology: Italian totalitario, from
totalit totalityFunction: adjective

Definition: 1 a : of or relating to
centralized control by an
autocratic leader or hierarchy :
especially : DESPOTIC b : of or
relating to a political regime
based on subordination of the
individual to the state and strict
control of all aspects of the life
and productive capacity of the
nation especially by coercive
measures (as censorship and
terrorism), 2 a : advocating or
characteristic of totalitarianism b :
completely regulated by the state
especially as an aid to national
mobilization in an emergency c :
exercising autocratic powers :
tending toward monopoly
Etymology: Middle English, from
Middle French or Medieval Latin;
Middle French unctueux, from
Medieval Latin unctuosus, from
Latin unctus act of anointing, from
unguere to anoint Function:
Definition: 1 a : FATTY, OILY b :
smooth and greasy in texture or
appearance, 2 : PLASTIC, 3 : full
of unction; especially : revealing
or marked by a smug,
ingratiating, and false
earnestness or spirituality
Etymology: Middle English, from
Middle French usurper, from Latin
usurpare to take possession of
without legal claim, from usually
(ablative of usus use) + rapere to
seize -- more at RAPIDtransitive

Function: verb
Definition: 1 a : to seize and hold
(as office, place, or powers) in
possession by force or without
right b : to take or make use of
without right, 2 : to take the place
of by or as if by force : SUPPLANT
intransitive senses : to seize or
exercise authority or possession
Etymology: Latin vacuus
Function: adjective
Definition: 1 : emptied of or
lacking content, 2 : marked by
lack of ideas or intelligence :
STUPID, INANE, 3 : devoid of
serious occupation
Etymology: Middle English, from
Middle French, from Latin
vehement-, vehemens, vement-,
Function: adjective
Definition: marked by forceful
energy : POWERFUL b (1) : deeply
felt(2) : forcibly expressed c :
bitterly antagonistic
Etymology: New Latin vortic-,
vortex, from Latin vertex, vortex
whirlpool Function: noun
Definition: 1 a : a mass of fluid (as
a liquid) with a whirling or circular
motion that tends to form a cavity
or vacuum in the center of the
circle and to draw toward this
cavity or vacuum bodies subject

to its action; especially :

WHIRLPOOL, EDDY b : a region
within a body of fluid in which the
fluid elements have an angular
velocity, 2 : something that
resembles a whirlpool
Etymology: Middle English
winewen, from Old English
windwian to fan, winnow; akin to
Old High German wintOn to fan,
Latin vannus winnowing fan,
ventus wind -- more at
WINDtransitive sensesFunction:
Definition: 1 a (1) : to remove (as
chaff) by a current of air (2) : to
get rid of (something undesirable
or unwanted) : REMOVE -- often
used with out b (1) : SEPARATE,
SIFT (2) : SELECT, 2 a : to treat
(as grain) by exposure to a
current of air so that waste matter
is eliminated : to free of
unwanted or inferior elements :
PARE, 3 : to blow on : FAN
Etymology: Middle English
werken, worken, from Old English
wyrcan; akin to Old English weorc
Function: verbDefinition: 1 : to
bring to pass : EFFECT, 2 a : to
fashion or create a useful or
desired product by expending

labor or exertion on : FORGE,

SHAPE b : to make or decorate
with needlework; especially :
EMBROIDER, 3 a : to prepare for
use by stirring or kneading b : to
bring into a desired form by a
gradual process of cutting,
hammering, scraping, pressing, or
stretching, 4 : to set or keep in
motion, operation, or activity :
cause to operate or produce
Etymology: International Scientific
Function: noun.
Definition: one unduly fearful of
what is foreign and especially of
people of foreign origin
Etymology: Middle English yoman
Function: noun
Definition: 1 a : an attendant or
officer in a royal or noble
household b : a person attending
or assisting another : RETAINER
naval petty officer who performs
clerical duties2 a : a person who
owns and cultivates a small farm;
specifically : one belonging to a
class of English freeholders below
the gentry b : a person of the
social rank of yeoman3 : one that
performs great and loyal service


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