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Chapter 17
Cash and Cash Conversion Cycle
Cash is King

PLEASE NOTE: This book is currently in draft form; material is not final.

During the financial crisis of 2008 many of the very wealthy were doing the
unthinkable: they were flying commercial! Instead of taking the private jet to Aspen
or Monaco, the wealthy were arriving two hours early for flights and going through
security (just like us commonfolk). The rich were reducing spending in other ways
as well: luxury car sales were down, as were vacation home sales and purchases of
art and collectables. The affluent were looking for bargains. Why such austere
measures amongst those whose assets were valued in the millions? The collapse of
financial markets and the decline in real estate values, among other factors, created
a situation of having wealth on paper, but lacking liquid assets, that is, cash.
Cash flow is important in business, too. Assets on financial statements do not always
translate into money available to pay workers or suppliers. The financial crisis took
its toll on many companies as well and led to bankruptcies for large companies such
as Lehman Brothers, General Motors, and CIT Group, Inc. Cash management is like a
see-saw that companies need to balance between keeping cash on hand and
investing in assets. They need enough cash to be liquid enough to pay suppliers and
please creditors, but demanding too much cash from investors can increase
financing costs. In this chapter we discuss the cash flow of a firm, including taxes,
and describe techniques that can be used to forecast future cash production or


Chapter 17 Cash and Cash Conversion Cycle

Financial Planning
1. Describe a corporate financial plan.
2. Distinguish and explain the difference between short-term and longterm plans.

Proper financial planning is key to any financial managers success. Financial

planning is a process involving analyzation of the existing state of financial affairs
and a realistic estimation of the future. Companies review current assets, expenses,
income and sales and try to estimate potential opportunities and challenges. This
analysis is compiled into a financial plan. A financial plan1 is an evaluation of a
companys current financial state and a projection for the future. Financial plans
are either short-term, covering a 12 year period or long-term, typically two to ten
years. Many companies (and universities and non-profits and others) use a five year
plan and update it as needed. Without a solid financial plan, a new product or plant
addition may not come to frutition.
There are two components to corporate financial planning: planning for cash flows
and planning for profits. The first step is cash budget planning (remember cash is
king). A good cash budget becomes the foundation for a profit plan. The second step
is planning for profits. The profit plan involves pro forma statements. A pro forma
statement is projected figures for a company to use in the financial planning
process. Pro forma statements require more in depth analysis and are covered in a
separate chapter. In this chapter we focus on cash. There are many parts involved
with cash and its management. We begin here with cash budgeting.

A financial plan is an assessment of a companys current financial
situation and a projection of their future situation.
Short-term plans are 12 years and long-term plans are typically 210

1. An evaluation of a companys
current financial state and a
plan for the future.


Chapter 17 Cash and Cash Conversion Cycle

1. Why does a company need a financial plan?
2. In what ways is a corporate financial plan similar to a personal financial
plan? Do you have a personal financial plan? If not, do you have plans to
create one?


Chapter 17 Cash and Cash Conversion Cycle

17.1 Cash Budgets

PLEASE NOTE: This book is currently in draft form; material is not final.

1. Describe a cash budget and its components.
2. Distinguish and explain the difference between cash inflows and
3. Identify the parts of a sales forecast.

Creating a cash budget is a way for a firm to estimate its short-term cash income
and expenditure requirements. Typically cash budgets are for a one-year period,
usually divided into months to capture the seasonality experienced by many
businesses. Just like an individual would want to plan for higher heating bills in the
winter, a business would want to plan for seasonal fluctuations, such as lower sales
for snowblowers in the summer. A cash budget is very different from the cash flow

Cash Inflows and Outflows

Any cash coming in to the company is a cash inflow2; for the sake of consistency
and to avoid errors, we will always use positive numbers to represent inflows. Any
cash leaving the company is a cash outflow3, and will be represented by a negative
number. Simply put, inflows are sources of cash while outflows are uses of cash.
When a company pays its advertising bill, it is a cash outflow. When the company
receives payment from a customer, it is a cash inflow. Other accounts are a bit
trickier. For example, if a firms accounts payable increased by $2,000, it is a cash
inflow. If inventory increased over the year by $3,000, the change would be negative
and an outflow of cash. Lets start with the summary below.
2. A source of cash or an increase
in the companys cash balance.
3. A use of cash or a decrease in
the companys cash balance.


Chapter 17 Cash and Cash Conversion Cycle

Figure 17.1 Examples of Cash Inflows and Outflows

Cash increases occur anytime you have a decrease in any asset or an increase in
liabilities. How is this? If any of your assets decrease (for example accounts
receivable or inventory) this means that cash has been freed up to be held as cash
instead of being tied up as AR or in inventory. In essence we put money in the safe
(a cash inflow) and a have a decrease in our asset. Conversely, a companys cash
balance decreases (cash outflow) if there is an increase in any of its assets. If accounts
receivable or inventory increases, then that is more money held as that asset and
therefore less money held as cash. So the companys cash balance decreases.
With liabilities the opposite is true. An increase in any liability such as accounts
payable results in an inflow of cash. In other words, if accounts payable increases
than that means we did not pay as much on our payables and therefore we are
holding more cash. If accounts payable decreases, then we have a cash outflow
because we used cash to pay our payables. Profit is a bit easier. So easy in fact we
can sum it up in one sentence: Any profit is a cash inflow and any loss is a cash

17.1 Cash Budgets


Chapter 17 Cash and Cash Conversion Cycle

Cash management is vital to the health of any company. A cash budget is an
vital tool in cash management as it helps with a companys financial
planning, both short-term and long-term.
A cash budget is an important tool in financial planning.
Key in accurate prediction of a cash budget is the sales forecast and any
other external or internal variables
Cash inflows are positive, cash outflows are negative.


1. Classify the following cash flows as a cash inflow or cash outflow.

Electric Supplier invoice
payment from biggest customer
2. Create an internal cash budget based on the following
Sales = $50,000
Rent = $20,000
Depreciation = $7,500
Accounts Receivable = $20,000
Accounts Payable = $15,000

17.1 Cash Budgets


Chapter 17 Cash and Cash Conversion Cycle

17.2 Net Working Capital Basics

PLEASE NOTE: This book is currently in draft form; material is not final.

1. Identify working capital and why working capital is needed.
2. Explain different strategies for determining the level of working capital.

Related to cash is net working capital. Net working capital is not specifically cash
but instead the diference between what we currently owe and what we currently
own. These are our immediate sources and uses of cash. To see if we can pay our
bills we need to manage our current assets and liabilities; as these will all come due
within a year. Working capital management is the creation of a working capital
policy and the day to day management of cash, inventories, receivables, accruals
and payables and is a large part of a financial managers job. It includes the
determinination of the level of each of these items and also the financing of these
items. Working capital policy impacts a firms balance sheet, financial ratios and
possibly credit rating. Businesses risk defaulting if they dont have enough cash to
pay their debts.
Net working capital4 is the difference between current assets and current
liabilities. Change in net working capital is most simply the change in current assets
minus the change in current liabilities.
If Current Assets > Current Liabilties, then Net Working Capital is positive
If Current Assets < Current Liabilities, then Net Working Capital is negative

4. The difference between

current assets and current

So is it better to have more or less Net Working Capital? It depends. If we are

growing revenues, then our accounts receivable will probably increase as we loan
more to our customers, thus increasing Net Working Capital (if we maintain the
same levels for all of our other current items). On the other hand, if our customers
are taking longer to pay us, accounts receivable will also increase (thus increasing
Net Working Capital). In both cases, Net Working Capital increases, but the story is
much better for our company in the former case.


Chapter 17 Cash and Cash Conversion Cycle

Negative Net Working Capital = Good?

Negative net working capital can be good. Since current liabilities are money
owed but not paid, it means that your business is effectively using other
peoples money to run day-to-day operations. Walmart, for example, routinely
has negative net working capital; it takes its time paying its suppliers (large
accounts payable) but receives payment from most of its customers at the time
of sale (small accounts receivable). Not a bad position to be in.

Risk and Net Working Capital

There is always a tradeoff between risk and return. Businesses want to minimize
risk and maximixe return. Holding cash on the balance sheet provides a safety net,
since the more cash available, the lower the chance of not having enough to pay
bills as they come due. But cash is a terrible investment: it does not earn a return.
Investing cash in projects, other business, securities, etc. can earn a return, but
then we risk not having it available when it is needed. Companies try to maximize
their return with minimum risk by making sure they hold enough cast to remain
solvent, but investing excess cash.

External Funding of Working Capital

Our companys investment in current assets has to come from somewhere; funding
of current assets can be either with short-term or long-term debt, equity, or the
sale of long-term assets. Primary sources include bank loans, credit terms from
suppliers, accrued liabilities, bonds, and common equity. Each of these sources has
advantages and disadvantages. Short-term loans need to be paid sooner, and are
typically more sensitive to fluctuations in interest rates. Longer term debt is more
predictable, but also typically more expensive.

Seasonal Requirements
Demand for working capital is not constant. Weve discussed how net working
capital can increase due to growth or new projects, but companies can also have
seasonal current asset requirements. Ski resorts, ice cream shops, department
stores, and many tourist businesses have seasonal funding requirements: they may
have different levels of current assets at different times of the year.

17.2 Net Working Capital Basics


Chapter 17 Cash and Cash Conversion Cycle

Figure 17.2 Seasonal Funding Requirements

Jack Co. and Johnny Co. Seasonal Funding Example

Jack Co. has $25,000 in cash, $100,000 in inventory and $80,000 in Accounts
Receivable (A/R). Their Accounts Payable (A/P) is stable at $55,000. What is their
permanent funding requirement?
$25,000 + $100,000 + $80,000 = $205,000 $55,000 = $150,000
Johnny Co. has the same current asset requirements for part of the year. The other
part of the year their inventory peaks at $140,000 and their A/R peaks at $135,000.
All other variables remain constant. Their permanent funding need is $150,000
(same as Jack Co.), but what is their seasonal funding need?
$25,000 + $140,000 + $135,000 = $300,000 $55,000 = $245,000
Thus, Johnny Co. needs to have access to $245,000 $135,000 = $110,000 of extra
funding during the peak season.

17.2 Net Working Capital Basics


Chapter 17 Cash and Cash Conversion Cycle

Aggressive vs. Conservative Strategies

Different people hold their money in different ways. Jane might have $10,000 in her
checking account because she frequently travels for work and may need access to a
lot of cash. Tim, however, holds only the minimum balance required by his bank in
his checking account because he has invested in the stock market. Businesses too
have different management strategies. Firms can be aggressive or conservative in
their approach to the amount of cash they hold. Firms can follow aggressive (also
called tight, restricted or lean) policies where holdings of current assets are
minimized. Or they can follow a conservative (relaxed) policy where they hold more
current assets. A tight current assets policy is riskier, as a company may need to
resort to scrambling for cash if unexpected expenses arise. Relaxed assures there is
enough cash, but potentially trades off higher profitability due to the extra cash
being unproductive. Many companies split the difference, using a more moderate
or a maturity-matching policy, where fixed assets are financed with long-term debt
and equity, and current assets are paid for with short-term financing.
Seasonal funding requirements will also differ by strategy. Conservative companies
fund both seasonal and long-term requirements with long-term financing, keeping
the extra cash on hand when it isnt needed. Aggressive companies fund seasonal
requirements with short-term financing as needed.
Figure 17.3 Aggressive vs. Conservative Strategies

17.2 Net Working Capital Basics


Chapter 17 Cash and Cash Conversion Cycle

Working capital is the difference between current assets and current
There are different strategies to manage working capital including
aggressive and conservative.


1. Determine the net working capital funding needs, given the

Cash = $15,000
Inventory = $30,000
A/R = $20,000
A/P = $25,000
2. Determine the seasonal funding needs, given the permanent
NWC funding in problem 1 and the following peak needs:
Cash = $15,000
Inventory = $55,000
A/R = $45,000
A/P = $25,000
3. How might an aggressive strategy backfire? How might a conservative
strategy backfire? When is it best to use each type of strategy?

17.2 Net Working Capital Basics


Chapter 17 Cash and Cash Conversion Cycle

17.3 Cash Conversion Cycle

PLEASE NOTE: This book is currently in draft form; material is not final.

1. Describe the parts of the cash conversion cycle.
2. Calculate the cash conversion cycle.
3. Explain how to manage the cash conversion cycle to manage operating

Central to a firms working capital management is an understanding of its cash

conversion cycle5, or how long it takes for the company to convert cash invested in
operations into cash received. The cash conversion cycle measures the time passed
from the beginning of the production process to collection of cash from the sale of
the finished product. Typically a firm buys raw materials and produces a product.
This product goes into inventory and then is sold. Once the product is sold then the
firm waits to recieve payment, at which point the process begins again. How long
does this take? Understanding this cycle is essential to successful working capital

Calculating the Cash Conversion Cycle

5. The length of time it takes a
company to convert purchases
of raw materials into cash
6. The time from the receipt of
raw materials until the receipt
of cash for the sale of the
7. The average time between
when raw materials are
received into inventory and
product is sold.

The cash conversion cycle is divided into three parts: the average payment period,
the average collection period and the average age of inventory. The firms
operating cycle6 is length of time from the receipt of raw materials to the
collection of payment for the goods sold. This is, essentially, how long it takes from
the start of making a new product until we receive cash (on average). The operating
cycle is thus the sum of the inventory conversion period7 (the average time
between when raw materials are received into inventory and product is sold) and
the receivables conversion period8 (the average time between a sale and
collection of the receipt).

8. The average time between a

sale and collection of the


Chapter 17 Cash and Cash Conversion Cycle

Figure 17.4 Cash Conversion Cycle

The inventory conversion period can be estimated if we know the average balance
of our inventory and the average value of goods sold each day of the year. The latter
should be equal to cost of goods sold for the year divided by 365.
Equation 17.1 Inventory Conversion Period

InventoryConversionPeriod =

Avg. Inventory
Avg. DailyCostof GoodsSold

As an example, if we have $60 thousand in inventory and sell $3 thousand worth of

goods every day, then our inventory takes, on average, $60 thousand/$3 thousand
per day = 20 days to sell. This, of course, includes production time as well as time
that inventory sits on the shelves.
Likewise, the receivables conversion period can be estimated if we know the
average balance of our account receivables and the average revenues each day of
the year. The latter should be equal to revenues for the year divided by 365.

17.3 Cash Conversion Cycle


Chapter 17 Cash and Cash Conversion Cycle

Equation 17.2 Receivables Conversion Period

ReceivablesConversionPeriod =

Avg. Receivables
Avg. DailyRevenues

As an example, if we have $12 thousand in receivables and sell $4 thousand in

revenues per day, then our receivables take, on average, $120 thousand/$4
thousand per day = 30 days to collect.
Equation 17.3 Operating Cycle

OperatingCycle = InventoryConversionPeriod + ReceivablesConversion

In our examples, the operating cycle is 20 days + 30 days = 50 days.
When we purchase raw materials, however, we dont typically pay for them
immediately. Just as we offer customers credit, our suppliers will usually provide
opportunities for credit to us. Therefore, our cash is not tied up for the entire
operating cycle, but just the time from when we finally have to pay for raw
materials. This length of time or payables conversion period9 (the average time
between acquiring raw materials and payment for them) is subtracted from the
operating cycle to determine the entire cash conversion cycle. Unfortunately, total
purchases are not readily available from the income statement, so we will often
have to estimate them as a percentage of cost of goods sold.
Equation 17.4 Payables Conversion Period

PayablesConversionPeriod =

Avg. Payables
Avg. DailyPurchases

As an example, if we have $30 thousand in payables and purchase $2 thousand in

raw materials per day, then our payables take, on average, $30 thousand/$2
thousand per day = 15 days.

9. The average time between

acquiring raw materials and
payment for them.

17.3 Cash Conversion Cycle


Chapter 17 Cash and Cash Conversion Cycle

Equation 17.5 Cash Conversion Cycle

CashConversionCycle =
OperatingCycle Pa
= InventoryConversionPeriod + ReceivablesC
Our examples cash conversion cycle is thus 20 days + 30 days 15 days = 35 days.
Figure 17.5 Cash Conversion Cycle Example

Typically, the shorter the cash conversion cycle, the better, as it means we are
keeping our cash moving instead of having it tied up in Net Working Capital. There
are other considerations, however. Perhaps, extending collections of receivables,
for example, might entice more sales from our customers. Then we need to balance
the benefits from the extra sales with the additional costs in Net Working Capital
due to the lengthening cash conversion cycle.

17.3 Cash Conversion Cycle


Chapter 17 Cash and Cash Conversion Cycle

CABS Example
Figure 17.6 CABS Balance Sheet

Figure 17.7 CABS Income Statement

Lets calculate the cash conversion cycle for 2011. Lets assume that purchases are
90% of the COGS.
First, need to determine the inventory conversion period. Average daily COGS is
910.4 thousand/365 days = 2.49 thousand per day. Ending inventory in 2011 was 33.6
thousand, so 33.6 thousand/2.49 thousand per day = 13.5 days.

17.3 Cash Conversion Cycle


Chapter 17 Cash and Cash Conversion Cycle

What average should I take?

In this problem, we are using the ending balances as the average for inventory,
A/R, and A/P. Another option would be to take the mean of the starting and
end balances (that is, add them together and divide by 2). In reality, we need to
use our best judgment as to what the appropriate representation for our
company is.

Average daily revenues are 1,680 thousand/365 days = 4.60 thousand per day.
Ending A/R in 2011 was 162.5 thousand, so 162.5 thousand/4.60 thousand per day =
35.3 days.
Annual purchases are 90% 910.4 thousand = 819.4 thousand. Average daily
purchases are 819.4 thousand/365 days = 2.24 thousand per day. Ending A/P in 2011
was 135 thousand, so 135 thousand/2.24 thousand per day = 60.3 days.
The cash conversion cycle is therefore 13.5 + 35.3 60.3 = 11.5 days. Since our
payables conversion period is so long (almost twice the receivables conversion
period), we end up paying for the materials after weve received payment from our

How Do We Manage the Cash Conversion Cycle?

When a firm changes any of these variables, then their cash conversion cycle
changes. Certain steps can be taken to reduce a firms cash conversion cycle. These
steps include:
1. Reduce the average age of inventory. Improve their inventory
conversion period by making goods and selling them faster through
more efficient processes. Avoiding inventory shortages or stockouts
helps too.
2. Reduce the average collection period. Speed up collections on accounts
receivable. Collect A/R as quickly as possible without losing customers
but maintain good credit relations with customers.
3. Increase the payables deferral period. Pay A/P as slowly as possible
without harming credit rating or relationship with supplier.

17.3 Cash Conversion Cycle


Chapter 17 Cash and Cash Conversion Cycle

4. Use technology, strategic partnerships and other leverages effectively.

Use technology to collect payments, make product or any other use of
technology which improves efficiency.

The shorter the cash conversion cycle, the better we are managing our
cash flow.

1. What does each of the components of the cash conversion cycle
2. Calculate the cash conversion cycle given the following
Inventory Conversion Period = 25.3 days
Receivables Conversion Period = 19.9 days
Payables Conversion Period = 14.7 days

17.3 Cash Conversion Cycle


Chapter 17 Cash and Cash Conversion Cycle

17.4 The Bigger Picture

PLEASE NOTE: This book is currently in draft form; material is not final.

1. Explain how cash and cash budgets fit into the larger picture of financial
2. Describe some ethical considerations of cash budgets and management.

Through efficient current asset management, necessary working capital can be

reduced. By freeing up cash from working capital, we can employ it in more
productive, and higher returning, endeavors. Particularly in service industries,
where there is less dependency upon fixed captial, effective collections from
customers can be the difference between success and failure. A company can have a
large net income, but if they cant finance current assets (as can happen when a
company grows too quickly), they can be driven to default. In a sense, they can be
very profitably going bankrupt!

Ethical Considerations
When considering cash management, its tempting to try to decrease our cash
conversion cycle at all costs. Some strategies may hurt our relationship with our
customers: overly aggressive collections can alienate customers, or we might deny
credit to customers when they need our support most.
Unscrupulous managers might also manipulate reporting of current assets to falsely
represent the state of the company. They might not properly account for bad debts;
net income will consequently be higher, but only as accounts receivable swells into
a ticking time-bomb. If the manager is rewarded for raising revenue, he or she
might relax credit standards and sell to customers who have no capacity to pay.
Even if the customer can scrape together the payments, perhaps the burden
would be too much (for example, a low-income customer leasing a luxury


Chapter 17 Cash and Cash Conversion Cycle

Another possibility is overstating the value of inventory. Obsolescence or spoilage

can cause the value of inventory to be less than what is represented on the balance

Proper cash management is vital.
Policies regarding cash have the potential to alienate customers. Balance
is key in proper cash management.

1. Your company has a 90 day collection policy for receivables. A customer
is having a cash flow issue, and asks for more lenient payment terms.
What are some of the ethical considerations for this scenario?

17.4 The Bigger Picture


Chapter 17 Cash and Cash Conversion Cycle

17.5 End-of-Chapter Problems

PLEASE NOTE: This book is currently in draft form; material is not final.


1. Calculate Inventory Conversion Period, Receivables Conversion

Period, the Payment Conversion Period and the Operating Cycle
for Persistence Inc. given the following information. Use 365 to
get average:
Inventory = 150
COGS = 2200
A/R = 80
Revenues = 1460
Purchases = 2555
A/P = 100
2. Calculate the Cash Conversion Cycle for the above data from Persistence
Inc. and graph on a timeline.
3. Can a Cash Conversion Cycle be negative? Why or why not? What does
this mean?


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