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Lesson 11 Activity - Atomic Pudding Models of An Atom

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LESSON) Atomic Pudding Nene 11 Models of the Atom Purpose "To compare various models ofthe atom that have appeared ver the past two hundred years Part |: Using Evidence to Evaluate Models 1 103, Joh Dalton proposed tha toms were simply sold spheres, In the decades tha f= lowed chemists callected alot of evidence suggesting that there was more 1 the atm. Look atthe ive models onthe handout and read thei descriptions. Then use he evidence in each bocto erate the model EVIDENCE I: Its possible remove a negatively charged partie from am atom sing electrical forces. (Thomson, 1897), oes the evidence beter suppert the sold sphere model or the plum pudding mode? "Explain your reasoning. EVIDENCE2: Ifa tin particle is shot into the middle ofan atom, it its ‘something dense inthe center and bounces back in the direction from which it ‘ame, Ifa tiny particles shot into the edges of the atom, it goes through. Most ‘ny particles shot at an atom will go through. (Rutherford, 1911) Does the evidence beter support the ncesr modelo the plum padding model? Explsin your reasoning. [EVIDENCE 3: The farther fom the center of atom the negatively charged particles are the easer they ae to remove (Bohr, 1913) Does the evidence beter support the solar system model or the plum pudding model? Explain your reasoning, Living By Chemistry 20 Teacher's Resource Matrils Uni | Alenemy (© 2015 WH Freeman and CampanyaPW Lesson | Worshaat wrt 2; Interpreting the Evidence 1. Which evidence supports the existence ofeach atomic pat? Explain negatively charge parties b. anuclens 2. Bxamine the information and evidence in Pat In what order do you suppose these ‘models were introduced to the word of science? 3. In 103, British physicist James Chadwick discovered that the nucleus was made up of ‘uncharged, or neutal, partes called neutous ia addition tothe protons dscoveced ‘by Rutherford. How do the three small particles found in the ato ifr fom ‘one another Autium atom has two electrons, two protons and two newton, {How many positive charges does the helium atom havet ‘bow many negative charges does the helium atom havet {© What sche charge onthe helium atom? Explain your reasoning 5. Making Sense Construct the hest model ofthe atom you can, Ue all dhe evidence en previously. 6. IFYou Finish Early Atoms arent fat. How can you revise the made you constructed in the Making Sense exercise io account for this evidence? Unit 1 Alchemy Living By Chemistry 2e Teachers Resource Matai Lesson | Worksheet (© 2015 WH. Freeman and Company FIVE MODELS OF THE ATOM [NUCLEAR MODEL: The stom cin be ‘SOLID SPHERE MODEL: The stom isa Alivded into a mucus and electrons. The solid ephere that cannot be divided up into rucleus occupies a small amount af space at smaller parties oF pieces. the center ofthe stom. The muceusie dense and positively charged. The electron circle sound the miceus The eletron are tiny tnd negatively charged. Most ofthe stom it PLUM PUDDING MODEL: The stom can into a nucleus and electrons. The miceus be divided into id (he “pudding and ‘ecupie a amall amount of spaces the electrons the “phims") The fui spreads center of the atom, The nucleus consists of ‘xt the stom and ie positively charge. protons that are positively charged. The ‘The electrons are very tny and negately lectrons circle the cleus. The ecrons are charged. Most ofthe atom is made of fu iy and negatively caged: Most f the aoa Isempty space SOLAR SYSTEM MODEL: The stom can be divided into a miceur and ectons ‘The nucleus st the center ofthe atom and Ss postivly charged. The electrons cre sound the nucleus ia specified exits, The tlectrons ae tny and negatively charged. Different electrons are in orbits at different distances from the nucleus, Most ofthe stom isempry space. Living y Cheisny 2 Teacher's Resource Materls Unt | Alchemy (© 2015 WH Freeman znd ConparyBFW Lesson 11 Handout Copyrighted Material Please Do Not Post Online tesson| Atomic Pudding = 11 | Models of the Atom revatio od often hatha pared onthe ptr ded 10 oa Dates pope et sr mere sng il pee ate dead ha ue cei aleve sgn at he a ete oe om. Lok Se beso te aml and a ae deers Tene rein ah ‘octoeniue tema "EVIDENCE Wi posit renove negate cared pute frm anton ‘Single ces Phan, 7) ag in er pari hw mt po lg Each The pln adding model becouse th Miata Reve ane se coches strane ape the “plom” inthe solid sphere model. ‘emethng dena nc center ota ounes ck nthe con rms whch ‘me ating pater in eget trees eng Meet ‘type sat ean sil ge rng Rehr acs te wins bernard ao hela ping andl ep “The nuclear model because the center const ofa dense pece ¢alled« nucleus. Inthe plom pudding model, there no difference Ferteen the center and the adger. EVIDENCES: Theater rom ecco atm the net hed [res sr ys ea) os the dine eter port ene mod th pam ping oly Espaioorrog “The solar tystem model becaute the electrons ae in ebits at iffarent Sitances Hom tha conter-tn the plom podding mode, the slectront ‘re drtibuted al over and ther tno moc. gy Cristy 2 ers ase tre st Aen SSN pear wd Coren Laem Wet LUving By Chemistry 2e Teachers Resource Materals Unit | Aleem (© 2015 WH Freeman and Compony/-W Lesson 1 Copyrighted Material Please Do Not Post Online Part 2: Interpreting the Edance | Whi eee pre ete oc pet p. spt dante evidence I describe negatively charged particle ‘idence 3 porticles hit something inthe centro an atom ond Totnes back 2. mir into nd een Pu nw re doy mnt ‘Ansar wllvary, Here the corect erdey3. Delton model: Sel phere madel (1803), 1" thomsen model ple pudding pode UBTAN Rutherford made ncleer ade ai cr made lar syriem model (198): Rtherord model? proton odel (918) 2. fg ah ppt Cadi dos te des ae barnett prc ce stn tens petro an How eel ri fades “he rotons and sutvont aren the neleus The leche, surraond the nucleus Psfoc havea poste charge elec ront Ives negative charge, and nection’ have ne chtges ‘owny psi chip hn re) ow miner dow el st he? 2 ya len et Eri The chorge is 0, because there are Two postive charges andiico gate charges. a 5 tng Sete Cai tt if eo cn eal ete Students might add protons and neutrons te the nueleus of the solar sytemmodel: (Annes wary) 4 tou Ph Early Auman et How en you ie he mod yo once in heNatng Seo asta ene The medel could be sphericol instead of crculn Use Arey Way ncn 2 Teor Resa Mie “in Wirt (02015 WH rea wd Comey Chapter? Unit | Alchemy Lesson 11

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