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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN (Online): 2319-7064

Impact Factor (2012): 3.358

The Magnetic Signature of Gold Bearing Rocks at

Bernard Siachingoma1, Simbarashe Chipokore2

Geophysics Lecturer, Physics Department, Midlands State University, P/Bag 9055 Gweru, Zimbabwe

Undergraduate Student, Physics Department, Midlands State University, P/Bag 9055 Gweru, Zimbabwe

Abstract: Geophysics can make significant contribution to the life of mankind by skilfully helping in the precise location of valuable
concealed ore deposits of economic value. The aim of this study was to conduct a geophysical survey using ground magnetics on NMPL
north and south base metal blocks to detect disseminated sulphides which are associated with gold mineralisation located in Mphoengs,
Bulilimamangwe District of Zimbabwe. More specifically it sought to generate anomaly maps of the study area with the ultimate aim of
establishing beyond doubt regions with greater concentration of valuable gold deposits. A series of measurements were done and results
presented as anomaly maps. The project is located within a narrow corridor of variably altered talcose horn blend-chlorite schist and
serpentinites. This is a highly mineralized gold zone that has seen significant gold production in the past and shows potential for
discovery of major gold resources in the future. The study area is located within a geologic setting considered highly prospective for the
presence of a low tonnage high grade, bulk mineable gold deposit. The results really show the applicability of Physics to providing
practical solutions to real problems. The established anomaly maps are usable by the project client to plan and zoom in on the most
profitable regions of the surveyed area.
Keywords: Geophysics, magnetics, disseminated sulphides, gold mineralisation, potential, mineable deposit, anomaly maps

1. Introduction
Over the years, the need to precisely locate buried ore bodies
has intensified. The need for larger quantities of usable
mineral has boomed as technology and human population
soared to higher levels triggering the development of
advanced methods for exploration. Magnetics has emerged
as one of the methods used successfully to precisely locate
the position of valuable deposits of economic value making
it possible to contribute significantly to the advancement of
mankind. The aim of the magnetic survey was to investigate
subsurface geology on the basis of anomalies in the Earths
magnetic field resulting from the magnetic properties of the
underlying rocks. The concept of magnetics has long been
important and continues to be improving to date. Ground
magnetic survey is a type of magnetic survey that is
performed on the ground or on land. Ground magnetic
surveys are performed over small areas, with station spacing
of 10 -100m (Kearey et al. 2002). Magnetic method is a
common geophysical method used today in geology and
engineering geology in locating buried hills, geological
faults, intrusions of igneous rock, salt domes associated with
oil fields, concealed meteorites and buried magnetic objects
such as pipe-lines, etc (Parasnis 1979). All geological
structures, rocks, minerals, ore deposits and engineering
geological structures have magnetic properties that differ by
orders of magnitude rather than percentages (Milsom 2003).
Although most rock-forming minerals are effectively nonmagnetic, certain rock types contain sufficient magnetic
minerals to produce significant magnetic anomalies.
Similarly, man-made ferrous objects also generate magnetic
anomalies. Magnetic surveying thus has a broad range of
applications, from small scale engineering or archaeological
surveys to detect buried metallic objects, to large-scale
surveys carried out to investigate regional geological
structure. Magnetic surveys can be performed on land, at sea
and in the air (Lowrie, 2007). Consequently, the technique is

Paper ID: 02014119

widely employed, and the speed of operation of airborne

surveys makes the method very attractive in the search for
those types of ore deposit that contain magnetic minerals.
Magnetic anomalies caused by rocks are localized effects
superimposed on the normal magnetic field of the Earth
(geomagnetic field). All magnetic anomalies caused by
rocks are superimposed on the geomagnetic field in the same
way that gravity anomalies are superimposed on the Earths
gravitational field. Magnetic rocks contain various
combinations of induced and remnant magnetizations that
perturb the Earths primary field (Reynolds, 1990). The
magnetization intensity and intensity in which the Earths
magnetic field is changed, depends on the magnetic
susceptibility of the ore, mineral or rock under the
investigation. Magnetic susceptibility is the degree to which
rocks, minerals, ores or a certain body is magnetized
(Clayton et al.1995). The magnetic case is more complex,
however, as the geomagnetic field varies not only in
amplitude, but also in direction, whereas the gravitational
field is everywhere, by definition, vertical. Consequently,
knowledge of the behavior of the geomagnetic field is
necessary both in the reduction of magnetic data to a suitable
datum and in the interpretation of the resulting anomalies.
Remanence magnetism is the residual magnetism or natural
remanence magnetization which forms part of net
magnetization in an object (Telford et al. 1990). Processed
magnetic image maps define region of terrain that may
contain magnetic minerals. Careful examination of the data
gives important clues to what is underground. Magnetic
surveying is a rapid and cost effective technique and
represents one of the most widely used geophysical methods
in terms of line length surveyed (Kearey et al. 2002). That is
why it was employed in this study.
Magnetic surveying consists of measuring the terrestrial
magnetic fields at predetermined points, correcting the
measurements for known changes and comparing the

Volume 3 Issue 7, July 2014
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY


International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Impact Factor (2012): 3.358
resultant value of the field with the expected value at each
measurement station. The expected value of the field at any
place is taken to be that of the International Geomagnetic
Reference Field (IGRF). The difference between the
observed and expected values is the magnetic anomaly
(Lowrie, 2011). This is the parameter of interest in any
magnetic survey. Geological surveying was the first for the
whole area in general as well as particularly at exposed
outcrops followed by the magnetic surveying which is
reported below.

2. Study Area
The Project Area is located 210 km south of the city of
Bulawayo in Bulilima Mangwe District. The claims within
the northern block of the project area are centred at
(UTMARC1950N) and cover a combined total area of 205.7
Ha. All claims boundaries on the northern block have been
marked by fixed beacons.
Present access to the claims is via a provincial tarred
highway that heads south from Bulawayo to the town of
Plumtree. A district tarred road heads off from Plumtree
town towards Mphoengs Police Station for 63 km after
which there is a well maintained gravel road for 36 km up to
Mphoengs Police Station. The project area is located 3.8 km
directly southeast of Mphoengs Police Station. Access to the

claim is possible throughout the year, save for the last 6 km

of gravel road from Brunapeg turn-off to the project area,
which is poorly maintained and becomes slippery and
rugged during the wet season.
Topography in the area shows moderate relief, averaging
949 m above mean sea level. The terrain is characterised by
low-lying hills which fall gently towards Ingwizi River
which straddles the southern boundary of the northern block.
Waterways include numerous streams that feed into Ingwizi
River to the south. The drainage system describes a dendritic
pattern, with Ingwizi River draining southward to a
confluence with Ramaquabane River approximately 5 km
south of the northern block. Soil cover is generally shallow
with relatively deeper profiles in the valleys.
There is no source of electrical power from the national grid,
close to the project area. Currently the project relies on a 250
KvA generator for electricity supply. In the future, the
project will have to draw electricity off a Zimbabwe
Electricity Supply Authority (ZESA) power line currently
being installed at Mphoengs Police Station. Potable and
industrial water is drawn from a borehole that has been
drilled and equipped on site. In general, the current
infrastructure on the project is adequate and can sustain a
constant move into production if with power,
communications, water supply, housing and workshops all at
functional levels.

Figure 2.1: Map of Zimbabwe showing the location of NMPL ground holding

Paper ID: 02014119

Volume 3 Issue 7, July 2014
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY


International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Impact Factor (2012): 3.358
(nanoTesla) (Kearey et al. 2002). Problems like incorrect
calibration are not experienced and inherently it is drift free
(Griffiths and King 1981) and this instrument requires no
leveling (Parasnis 1972). The main disadvantage of the
instrument is the measurement of only the total field
(Telford et al. 1990).

Figure 2.2: Location map of BM Blocks,Mphoengs.

During the survey, all the key aspects of doing a magnetic

survey were followed. Sources of artificial noise were
eliminated, diurnal corrections are essential in most field
work, unless only gradient data are to be used. If only a
single instrument is available, corrections have to rely on
repeated visits to a base or sub-base, ideally at intervals of
less than one hour. A more complete diurnal curve can be
constructed if a second, fixed, magnetometer is used to
obtain readings at 3 to 5 minute intervals. At the start of
each survey day the diurnal magnetometer must be set up.
The first reading of the field magnetometer should be at a
base or sub-base, and should be made at the same time as a
reading is being made, either automatically or manually, at
the base. This does not necessarily require the two
instruments to be adjacent. At each station the location, time
and reading must be recorded, as well as any relevant
topographic or geological information and details of any
visible or suspected magnetic sources. At the end of the day,
a final reading should be made at the base first occupied.
This should again be timed to coincide with a reading of the
diurnal magnetometer.

4. Data Processing and Presentation

Data reduction was carried out using Gemlink W 3.0
software and presented Excel*.xls for geosoft grid files.
Interpretive maps were generated in order to facilitate the
interpretative exercise aimed at improving the spatial
mapping resolution of the litho-magnetic units and
enhancing subtle features of limited amplitude and
continuity. Transforms in the frequency and space domain
were effected using Geosoft and Map Info packages.

Figure 2.3: Map of NMPL northern block.

3. Methodology

Gradient data emphasise shallow response at the expense of

broader regional features and allow for the recognition of
low amplitude, shot wavelength magnetic anomalies (dykes)
in areas of significant magnetic relief. Because of the erratic
and complex nature of the magnetic maps, interpretation is
often only qualitative (Telford et al. 1990).

5. Results and Discussion


Since 19 century different field magnetic instruments

which are capable to measure the geomagnetic elements
have been designed (Kearey et al. 2002). In this study, a
proton precession magnetometer was used. This instrument
gives absolute measurements of the net magnetic field from
any engineering or geological feature accurate to 0.1 nT

Paper ID: 02014119

The data obtained was processed and used to generate

magnetic anomaly maps shown below.

Volume 3 Issue 7, July 2014
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY


International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Impact Factor (2012): 3.358

Figure 4.1: Magnetic image map of the survey site

Figure 4.2: Colour shaded grid on the survey site.

Paper ID: 02014119

Volume 3 Issue 7, July 2014
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY


International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Impact Factor (2012): 3.358
successfully and accurately to distinguish and zero in on
anomalies that uniquely identify potentially favorable areas
for economic mining. In the next paper we shall present and
discuss the results of induced polarization which we
envisaged as a follow up method to the magnetic survey.


Figure 4.4: Interpreted HSV magnetic surveys

By looking at the magnetic map image of the Mphoengs
survey site, in general it can be deduced that the area is
highly magnetic with very small areas of low magnetic
readings mainly to the south east and a deep low in the north
east of the area. The areas with low magnetics are marked by
the four-point stars. The low magnetic region to the north of
the A is separated from the low magnetic region to the north
of B by the region A which constitutes a region of two very
high magnetic signatures strikes which run north west to
south east and are separated by a thin region of magnetic
low. These two strands may represent faults which are
associated with disseminated sulphides that are associated
with magnetic highs. Another magnetic high strand/fault is
found in the magnetic low region, above B and it runs in the
same direction as the faults stated above. Regions B and C
are regions of magnetic highs, characterised by faults which
are separated by a major, elongated fault which runs from
the southernmost area of the survey area. The faults still run
from northwest to south east, the same trend noted in the
regions of D and E where numerous faults of magnetic highs
are situated.

6. Conclusions
The magnetic signatures obtained from the surveyed area as
presented on the maps above and described in the
discussion, brings a very interesting and strong message
about the nature of the subsurface at Mpoengs which is there
for anyone interested to analyse and use. Based on these
reliable results, it can be argued that the area has economic
potential. Using the maps and the GPS one can zoom in and
precisely concentrate on the regions with magnetic high
signatures for economic exploitation of the resources
embedded in mother earth. Evidence from geology suggest
that those regions of high magnetic signatures are due to
sulphide bodies and are possible for mining interest for gold
minerals associated with disseminated sulphides. The main
disadvantage of magnetic methods in locating mineshaft is
when the in-fill material is similar in terms of magnetic
properties with the surrounding rock mass (McCann 1987).
This study showed that the magnetic method can be used

Paper ID: 02014119

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Author Profile
Bernard Siachingoma has done Masters in Geophysics. Presently
he is serving as Lecturer at Midlands State University, Zimbabwe.
His research interests include Geophysics. He is also a PhD

Volume 3 Issue 7, July 2014
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY


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