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Charles W. Bryant (2010, August

2). Retrieved

Dreams are a way of your

mind telling you things that
could happen and how you
could react to them. Dreams
are imagery of images,
thoughts, sounds and voices
that we have experienced.
There is no limit to what your
mind can experience when
you are dreaming, anything is
possible. It can be your fears
or something you saw the day
before. Sigmund Freud
thought that dreams could be
a window to our
unconsciousness. There are a
bunch of different theories
that support a bunch of
different ideas about
Psychoanalysis has worked on
the theory of dream and
working with dreams. They
are trying to understand
dreams better. People usually
look at dreams either as a
whole or in parts depending
on what that person was
dreaming. Most dream
meanings are not complicated
and people overthink them a
lot. If you keep asking why
you dream then you have to
start asking why do we think.
Dreams can be complicated
though to an extent on how
the brain forms them.

Mark J. Blechner (2013, October

13). Contemporary Psychoanalysis.
Retrieved from

Anil Ananthaswamy (2011, August

13). New Scientist. Retrieved from

Dreams of people with

disabilities challenge the
view of the way scientists
look at dreams and what
their purpose is. Dreams
might have to deal with
the memories of the

Sometimes they're
as mundane as
recalling events that
happened earlier in
the day. They can
also be your deepest
and darkest fears
and secrets, and
most private

Hobson considers it
an analogue to

The dreams of
people with
challenge the
view that they
are mere echoes
of your day

events when you are in

your walking life.To
explore whether dreams
are indeed a one-way
street from the outside
in. This is saying that
dreams are a mystery
and can only be searched
one way but can have
many different roads
(theories) running off of
Alice Foster (2016 September 2).
ProQuest. Retrieved from

Jessica Hamzelou (2011 December

24). New Scientist. Retrieved from

David Robson ( 2013 February 2).

New Scientist. Retrieved from

Dreams are a mystery to

everyone and no one really
knows how they form and
what their purpose is. There
are different theories that
suggest it though. One theory
is the dreamers have to deal
with all the stress in their life.
Another theory is the way
humans learn and process
memories during sleep.
Another theory is you
rehearse how you would react
to bad events. Or they could
just not serve any purpose at
People who lucid dream, dont
worry as much and feel so
much better with themselves
as a person. They cannot
control their dreams but they
have better mental health.
Steps that can help you are
questioning reality, which can
help you realize youre in a
dream. Plan how you want to
dream. Jot your dreams down
as soon as you wake up.
Dreams are a hard thing to
study and calculate. Most
people will forget their
dreams by the time they get
to the shower in the morning.

"There is a theory
that it is a way of
preparing for bad
events and
rehearsing how we
would react to bad
One theory is that
dreamers are dealing
with stress, strains
and concerns from
the previous day.

The ungovernable
world of dreams can
be a thrilling or scary
place to spend the

A visit to the land of

nod takes your mind
on fabulous

Emma Young/KD ( 2011 March,

12). New Scientist. Retrieved from

Jessica Hamzelou ( 2010 June 12).

New Scientist. Retrieved from

Jessica Hamzelou (2011 November

5). New Scientist. Retrieved from

They have been trying to

figure out where dreams
come from but they do not
know forsure. Peoples dreams
seem to be more similar in
ways then they are different.
There are common symbols in
dreams that give them the
impression that they can be
about the same thing. Dreams
can also be trying to cement
our memories in our brain for
future recollection.
Dreams are a window to
figure out more about yourself
in the 1900. Now they mean
something totally different.
When people study dreams
now, it is bad for their
reputation because they get
nowhere with the topic.
Dreams now help us recall
memories and keep our
emotions in check. Experts
now have pushed Freuds
ideas behind.
They are trying to achieve
lucid dreaming. Lucid
dreaming is when you are
between dreaming and being
awake. When you are lucid
dreaming you are able to
control what happens in your
dreams. It is showing
information on how the brain
is working when you dream.
When you are lucid dreaming
you are aware of being aware
and that can also cause some
The secret world of dreams
could be opened soon. They
tracked down 6 people who
have been lucid dreaming
nightly. Even if the dreamers
cleaned their hand in their
dream (lucid) they did not in

Dreams don't reveal

your secrets and
desires they are far
more important than

Once you have

figured this out, the
dream world is
theoretically your
oyster, and you can
act out your fantasies
to your heart's

Lucid dreamers' rare

ability to "wake up"
while remaining in a
dream and control
their actions.

David Robson ( 2013 December

21). New Scientist. Retrieved from

real life. They monitored their

dreams using MRIs. "This
provides the first evidence
that it may be possible to use
brain imaging to read the
contents of a person's
Modern dream research has a
lot to do with older works with
dreams. Marquis d'Hervey de
Saint-Denys was the first to
discover lucid dreaming. His
founding will help open up
new doors to the questions
about dreaming. He ended up
being able to lucid dream
every night.

Lucid dreaming, and

the ability of
individuals to induce
the state in
themselves, is now a
well known
phenomenon, but the
young Lecoq was
entering uncharted

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