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Investigating The Relationships Among E-Service Quality, Perceived Value, Satisfaction, and Behavioral Intentions in Taiwanese Online Shopping

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Asia Pacific Management Review 16(3) (2011) 211-223

Investigating the Relationships among E-Service Quality, Perceived Value,

Satisfaction, and Behavioral Intentions in Taiwanese Online Shopping
Che-Hui Lien a, Miin-Jye Wen b,*, Chung-Cheng Wu b

Department of Management, Thompson Rivers University, Canada

Department of Statistics, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Received 2 December 2009; Received in revised form 6 September 2010; Accepted 3 December 2010

As the online shopping market gradually grows in Taiwan, it is important to understand
the diversity in various aspects of consumer behavior among Internet users. This paper
examines the relationships among e-service quality, perceived value, satisfaction, and
behavioral intentions for Taiwanese online shoppers. Based on a sample of 428 undergraduate
students, a two-step structural equation modeling procedure is applied to perform an empirical
test of the comprehensive model. The testing results show that, for the direct path, electronic
service quality has a significant, positive influence on perceived value, satisfaction, and
behavioral intentions. Also, perceived value directly influences customer satisfaction and
behavioral intentions and satisfaction is an antecedent of behavioral intentions. For the
indirect path, electronic service quality has a significant, positive influence on behavioral
intentions through satisfaction and perceived value. Perceived value indirectly influences
behavioral intentions via satisfaction. Managerial implications of these results are discussed.
Keywords: E-service quality, perceived value, satisfaction, behavioral intention, online
shopping, structural equation model.
1. Introduction*
As the number of Internet users is growing rapidly and online technologies are improving,
more companies are offering their products/services over the Internet. The Internet users are
expected to surpass 1.9 billion or 30 percent of the worlds population in 2012
( In 2008, the Taiwanese online shopping market reached a scale of US$
3.6 billion and the use of Internet is considered as a relevant alternative channel for retailing
in Taiwan (MIC, 2007). The Web-based shopping is the extension of traditional relationship
between companies and individual consumers.
The Internet has changed peoples consumption habits and provides convenience for
searching information in the pre-purchase stage, e.g. using the Internet makes it easier to
compare prices and features of different products/services. For consumers, online retailing
offers a shopping experience different from physical-based retailing such as convenience,
search cost, delivery, and price (Palmer, 2000). Online retail sales continue to grow (Chen and
He, 2003). Privacy and security have been identified as the major obstacles preventing
Internet users from online shopping, leading to the decrease of consumers perceptions of
online service quality. To encourage repeat purchases and build customer loyalty, Zeithaml et
al. (2002) suggested companies shift the focus of e-business from e-commerce (the

Corresponding author. E-mail:


C.-H. Lien et al. / Asia Pacific Management Review 16(3) (2011) 211-223

transaction) to e-service (all cues and encounters that occur before, during, and after the
In todays highly competitive marketplace, customer focus or customer inside
becomes the most important strategy for business to obtain customer loyalty and maintain
market profitability. Not surprisingly, understanding and satisfying customers needs play a
crucial role in building long-term relationship with customers. With the proliferation of ecommerce, the issue of understanding how consumers perceive and assess online services or
electronic services (e-services) has captured the attention of both business and academic
researchers. Reviewing the literature (Cronin et al., 2000; Hellier et al., 2003; Lai, 2004;
Varki and Colgate, 2001; Wang et al., 2004) reveals that the investigation of the interrelationships among the four constructs (service quality, perceived value, customer
satisfaction, and behavioral intentions) has been empirically demonstrated in the physical
marketplace. There has been little investigation, however, in the virtual service environment.
The major objectives of this study are to investigate the direct and indirect effects among
the four constructs in the online shopping environment. The results are expected to offer a
number of suggestions that e-retailers can improve the online service quality and enhance the
relationships with online shoppers. Our analysis in the next section begins with a brief review
of the literature. In the third section, the research methodology is described, followed by
presenting the results. The final section gives a summary and a discussion about the findings
of the study.
2. Literature Review and Research Hypotheses
2.1 Service Quality in Electronic Channels
Rowley (2006) defines electronic service (e-service) as deeds, efforts or performances
whose delivery is mediated by information technology. Such e-service includes the service
element of e-tailing, customer support and service, and service delivery. Different from the
conventional service quality definition, Zeithaml et al. (2002) define e-service quality (e-SQ)
as the extent to which a Website facilitates efficient and effective shopping, purchasing and
delivery of products and services. Accordingly, the context of e-SQ is comprehensive and
encompasses all phases of a customers interaction with a Website. Online and offline
environments present different shopping experiences even when the same products can be
purchased (Wolfinbarger and Gilly, 2003). Building on the conceptual model of e-SQ,
Parasuraman et al. (2005) created a multiple-item scale for measuring and assessing e-service
quality of various Websites by rigorous development processes of conceptualization,
construction, refinement, and test. To effectively measure e-service quality, Wolfinbarger and
Gilly (2003) developed a scale names .comQ with four factors: Website design, reliability,
security/privacy, and customer services. Similar to Wolfinbarger and Gillys (2003) work,
Lee and Lin (2005) examined e-service quality dimensions and showed that the dimensions of
web site design, reliability, responsiveness, and trust affect overall service quality. In
measuring e-service quality, although SERVQUAL has been widely tested in conventional
marketplaces, however, it has been argued that it is improper to directly employ SERVQUAL
to measure e-service quality. Service quality delivery through electronic channels reflects
different characteristics from physical environments (Parasuraman et al., 2005).
2.2 Perceived Value
Zeithaml (1998) conceptualized service value as a consumers overall assessment of the
utility of a service based on perceptions of what is received and what is given. Value
represents a trade-off between give and get components. The get components (benefit) of
perceived value include intrinsic attributes (e.g. how the purchase makes one feel) and


C.-H. Lien et al. / Asia Pacific Management Review 16(3) (2011) 211-223

extrinsic attributes (e.g. reputation of the product/service), while the give components
(sacrifice) of perceived value include monetary prices and nonmonetary cost (e.g. time,
energy, effort). Lee and Overby (2004) identified two types of online shopping valuesutilitarian value and experiential value. Utilitarian value is defined as an overall assessment of
functional benefits incorporating the four dimensions- price saving, service, time saving, and
merchandise selection. Utilitarian value is relevant for task-specific use of online shopping,
e.g. purchase deliberation. Experiential value is defined as an overall representation of
experiential benefits from entertainment, escapism, visual appeal, and interactivity involved
with online shopping activities. Utilitarian value is relevant for acquiring affective and social
stimulation. Internet shopping value invokes different types and all values positively influence
customer satisfaction and loyalty (Lee and Overby, 2004). Sheth et al. (1991) proposed a
theory of five consumption values of an offering (e.g. functional, social, emotional,
conditional and epistemic values) that affect customer choice behavior and they contribute to
conceptualizing value. Sheth et al.s (1991) value classification system covers a variety of
situations. However, conditional value (defined as the utility of an alternative in a specific
situation) is criticized as a special case of the other four values (Sweeney and Soutar, 2001;
Cheng et al., 2009). Cheng et al.s (2009) study therefore excluded conditional value and
investigated the impact of four perceived values (functional, social, emotional, and epistemic)
on Taiwanese customers intention to use the Internet as a retailing platform.
2.3 Customer Satisfaction
Customer satisfaction is the customers assessment of a service in terms of whether that
service has met the customers needs and expectations (Zeithaml et al., 2006). Customer
satisfaction is viewed as a complex determinant with both cognitive and affective components
(Oliver, 1997). A number of studies have reported that satisfaction is positively correlated
with service quality and is a significant mediator of service quality and behavioral
consequences (Cronin et al., 2000; Tam, 2004; Yu et al., 2006; Chang et al., 2009).
2.4 Behavioral Intentions
Intended behavior is closely related to actual behavior and has diagnostic value. Thus,
behavioral intentions are important indicators for management to understand whether
customers would remain with or defect from the company (Parasuraman et al., 1996).
Behavioral intentions are usually measured by repurchase intentions or positive word-ofmouth (Boulding et al., 1993; Parasuraman et al., 2005). To capture the full range of potential
behaviors, Parasuraman et al. (1996) present five dimensions of behavioral intentions: loyalty,
switch, pay more, external response, and internal response. Behavioral intentions in the
context of virtual environment are quite similar to traditional brick-and-mortar stores (Janda
et al., 2002).
2.5 Research hypotheses
A review of the literature (Chang et al., 2009; Cronin et al., 2000; Cronin et al., 1997;
Fullerton and Taylor, 2002; Hu et al., 2009; Kouthouris and Alexandris, 2005; Tam, 2004)
reveals little consistency regarding the direct or indirect effects of the identified three
determinants (service quality, perceived value, and satisfaction) on behavioral consequences.
Cronin et al. (2000) presented a comprehensive model to investigate the direct effects of these
three determinants on behavioral intentions simultaneously and test their model in six U.S.
service industries: Fast food, long distance carriers, health care, entertainment, spectator
sports, and participation sports. Cronin et al.s research showed that service quality not only
affects service value and satisfaction but also influences behavioral intentions. Chang et al.
(2009) tested the interrelationships among the perceived e-service quality, customer
satisfaction, and loyalty and examined the moderating effect of customer perceived value on

C.-H. Lien et al. / Asia Pacific Management Review 16(3) (2011) 211-223

the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty. Chang et al.s (2009) study indicated that eservice quality has positive influence on customer satisfaction and then generates customer
These arguments suggest that e-service quality is likely to affect perceived value and
satisfaction, which leads to our first research hypothesis:
H1: E-service quality has a positive influence on perceived value and customer
As per the direct effect of perceived value on customer satisfaction, some researches (Lai,
2004; Lee et al., 2005; Patterson and Spreng, 1997) have provided evidences to suggest that
perceived value exhibits a strong and significant impact on customer satisfaction. Therefore,
our study proposes that:
H2: Perceived value has a positive influence on customer satisfaction
Bolton and Drew (1991) argue that perceived value is an antecedent of customers
behavioral intentions. Satisfied customers will tend to give positive referrals or word-ofmouth communication (Boulding et al., 1993; Chang et al., 2009; Lee et al., 2005;
Parasuranman et al., 1996). Cronin et al. (2000) concluded that service quality, service value,
and customer satisfaction directly influence behavioral consequences concurrently. These
findings provide theoretical basis for our third hypothesis:
H3: E-service quality, perceived value, and customer satisfaction are positively related to
behavioral intentions.
As per the indirect effect, although some studies (Boulding et al., 1993; Parasuraman et al.,
1996) argue a direct effect between service quality and behavioral intentions, most researches
indicate that service quality affects behavioral intentions through satisfaction (Cronin et al.,
2000; Hu et al., 2009; Yu et al., 2006). While perceived value was found to be an antecedent
of behavioral intentions (Bolton and Drew, 1991; Cheng et al., 2009), others (Tam, 2004;
Patterson and Spreng, 1997) have shown that the effect of perceived value on behavioral
consequences was completely mediated via customer satisfaction. This leads to the fourth
H4: E-service quality and perceived value have a positive, indirect influence on
behavioral intentions through customer satisfaction.
Based on the industry analyses in the US, Cronin et al.s (2000) research indicated a
significant indirect path showing that service quality positively influences behavioral
intentions through service value. However, Hu et al.s (2009) study, based on the data
collected from the customers of selected hotels located in Mauritius, demonstrated that the
indirect effect of service quality on behavioral intentions through perceived value is not
significant. To examine whether the indirect effect (service quality- perceived valuebehavioral intentions) exists in Taiwans online retailing market, this study proposes the fifth
H5: E-service quality has a positive, indirect link to behavioral intentions through
perceived value.


C.-H. Lien et al. / Asia Pacific Management Review 16(3) (2011) 211-223

3. Methodology
3.1 Research Context
Taiwan has undergone a significant shift towards online retailing given the large einfrastructure investments undertaken by the national government. This will change the
competitive structure within the online retailing business sector while the customers will have
a wide variety of online shopping choices. Thus four famous online retailers (PCHome,
PayEasy, Yahoo Kimo, and ET Mall) in Taiwan were chosen for this study. All participants
have online shopping experience with the four online retailers and this research investigates
their overall attitudes toward the four sites.
3.2 Research Sample
We conducted a month long survey (Nov/16 Dec/10, 2007) on undergraduate students in
a large, public university in southern Taiwan. University students are believed to be important
online shoppers and are likely to be a more homogeneous sample group than a sample from
the general population (Burns and Lutz, 2006), thus the sample was restricted within the
campus. A total of 428 valid samples were used for this study. Table 1 demonstrates the
breakdown of the respondents in terms of gender, age, and length of their acquaintance with
online shopping. Based on the survey results, 64.8% of them shopped online more than one
year. Among the respondents, 30.8% of them are males and 69.2% of them are females. In
terms of their age, those under 25 years old accounted for 57.48% (n = 246) of the sample.
Those aged between 25 and 34 years old accounted for 33.18% (n = 142) of the sample.
Thirty-six students (8.41 %) aged between 35 and 44 and four students (0.93%) belonged to
the 45 years old and above category. Our survey approached undergraduate students
registered on either the daytime regular programs or at the night school programs. Those night
school undergraduate students usually work on the daytime and they are much elder than the
students registered on the daytime regular programs. That is the reason why 42.52% of the
participants were above the age of 25.
Table 1. Demographic Characteristics of the Respondents (N = 428).
Below 25
45 and above
Length of time of online shopping
Below 6 months
6 months to 1 year
1-3 years
3-5 years
5 years and above


C.-H. Lien et al. / Asia Pacific Management Review 16(3) (2011) 211-223

3.3 Instrument Development

The questionnaire consisted of five major sections incorporating demographics. Scales
measuring e-service quality, perceived value, satisfaction, and behavioral intentions
referenced previous studies (Janda et al., 2002; Lee and Lin, 2005; Lee and Overby, 2004;
Oliver, 1997; Parasuraman et al., 1996; Parasuraman et al., 2005; Wolfinbarger and Gilly,
2003). The scales had 34 items (e-service quality: 12; perceived value: 12; satisfaction: 4;
behavioral intentions: 6) measured on a seven-point Likert scale ranging from strongly
disagree (=1) to strongly agree (=7). The questionnaire is in Chinese. To make sure the
translation is valid, both back translation and the discussion with domain experts, e.g.
marketing professors in Taiwan, were used. The questionnaire was pre-tested among 25
online shoppers (university students) and it found that the questions were well understood.
4. Results
4.1 Reliability and Validity Test
Prior to testing the hypotheses, the measures were subjected to a series of reliability and
validity checks. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) via the use of AMOS 7.0 is firstly
applied to test how well these 34 measures represent the four constructs. The summary
statistics, scale performance, and average extracted variances are provided in Table 2. The
assessment of all four constructs indicated that the four constructs were perceived to be
important ones because their means were approximately 5.0 out of a seven-point scale.
Convergent validity can be assessed by the average extracted variances and the average
variance extracted statistics from each construct exceeds 0.5 (from 0.781 to 0.902), which
satisfies the conventional requirement (Hair et al., 2010).
The Cronbach alpha values for these constructs ranged from 0.874 to 0.948 (see Table 2).
These values exceeded 0.70 suggesting adequate reliability (Hair et al., 2010). Overall these
tests support the convergent validity and reliability of the constructs.
Table 2. Summary Statistics and Scale Performance.



E-Service Quality
(12 items)
Perceived Value
(12 items)
Customer Satisfaction
(4 items)
Behavioral Intentions
(6 items)
4.2 Tests of the Hypotheses
Regarding consumers attitudes toward online shopping, we tested the structural model
and the results are presented in Figure 1.


C.-H. Lien et al. / Asia Pacific Management Review 16(3) (2011) 211-223









P-value is significant.
P-value is not significant.
















Model Fit Indices

GFI = 0.976
RMR = 0.013
NFI = 0.986

AGFI = 0.937
RMSEA = 0.068
CFI = 0.991

Figure 1. Structural Model Results.

To maintain parsimony in the number of measurement items in the model, two indices
were formed by averaging the twelve items measuring e-service quality, the twelve items
measuring perceived value, the four items measuring customer satisfaction, and the six items
measuring behavioral intentions, respectively (Hair et al., 2010). Item reliability refers to
the R 2 value in the items that are accounted for by the constructs influencing them (Koufteros,
1999; Lu et al., 2006). The R 2 values above 0.50 provide evidence of acceptance reliability
(Bollen, 1989). An examination of the results shows that all items meet the 0.50 threshold
(item reliability ranged from 0.676 to 0.913, see Table 3). An overall R 2 value is also
calculated for each endogenous variable. The R 2 values for structural equations which
measure the relative ability of the final structural model to explain variance in the three
endogenous variablesperceived value, customer satisfaction, and behavioral intentions
were 0.556, 0.697, and 0.509 respectively (see Table 3). These three R values also meet the
minimum 0.30 criterion (see Chen (2007), p. 4-48.).
Table 3. R 2 for the Proposed Research Model.
(Observed Variable)
(Item Reliability) (Structural Equations)
Perceived Value
Customer Satisfaction
Behavioral Intentions
(Latent variable)
E-Service Quality


C.-H. Lien et al. / Asia Pacific Management Review 16(3) (2011) 211-223

To assess the overall model fit, this study uses three types of Goodness-of-fit measures:
Absolute fit measures, incremental fit measures, and parsimonious fit measures (Hair et al.,
2010). The values of GFI, RMR, RMSEA, the absolute fit indices, are 0.976, 0.013, and 0.068,
respectively. These values satisfy the GFI (> 0.9), RMR (< 0.05), and RMSEA (<0.08)
guideline (Hair et al., 2010). GFI, RMR, and RMSEA are used to assess only the overall
model fit (both structural and measurement models collectively), with no adjustment for the
degree of over-fitting that might occur (Hair et al., 2010). CFI and NFI are incremental fit
indices that are relatively insensitive to model complexity. CFI and NFI are used to compare
the proposed model to another model specified by the researcher (Hair et al., 2010). The CFI
and NFI values are 0.991 and 0.986, respectively, which met the CFI (> 0.95) and NFI (> 0.9)
guideline (Hair et al., 2010). Finally, the value of parsimony fit index, AGFI, is 0.937, which
also met the AGFI (> 0.8) guideline. Those above-mentioned indices support the model with
38 measures and the sample size (428).
A further evaluation in the structural model indicates that e-service quality has a
significant, positive influence on perceived value (standardized coefficient =0.746),
customer satisfaction, (=0.208), and behavioral intentions (=0.151). In addition, perceived
value has a significant, positive impact on customer satisfaction (=0.668) and behavioral
intentions (=0.326). Customer satisfaction is also proved to have a significant, positive
effect on behavioral intentions (=0.293). The results of the direct path show the hypotheses
H1, H2, and H3 are supported (see Table 4). In the indirect path, results of the analysis
provide support for the hypotheses H4 and H5 as well, showing that e-service quality has a
significant, indirect influence on behavioral intentions through customer satisfaction (=0.061)
and perceived value (=0.243), and perceived value has a significant, indirect influence on
behavioral intentions via customer satisfaction (=0.196).
The path estimates of E-SQ (electronic service quality) PV (Perceived Value)
(=0.746), and PV (Perceived Value) CS (Customer Satisfaction) (=0.668), are ranked as
the two highest ones in the model.


Table 4. Path Results of Overall Model.


Direct Paths
E-Service Quality Perceived Value
E-Service Quality Customer Satisfaction
Perceived Value Customer Satisfaction
E-Service Quality Behavioral Intentions
Perceived Value Behavioral Intentions
Customer Satisfaction Behavioral Intentions
Indirect Paths
E-Service Quality Perceived Value Behavioral
E-Service Quality Customer Satisfaction Behavioral
Perceived Value Customer Satisfaction Behavioral
Note: * p < .05.













C.-H. Lien et al. / Asia Pacific Management Review 16(3) (2011) 211-223

5. Discussion
5.1 Summary
Based on the demographic results described in this study, 64.8% of the student online
shoppers have more than one year online shopping experience and the majority of the
respondents are female students (males: 30.8%; females: 69.2%). In terms of their age,
57.48% of the respondents are under 25 years old.
Previous studies showed a positive impact of service quality on customer satisfaction
(Chang et al., 2009; Cronin et al. 2000; Oliver, 1997) and on perceived value (Cronin et al.
2000). The outcomes of the SEM analysis are consistent with the prior studies.
The results of the SEM analysis also show the positive influence of perceived value on
customer satisfaction, which are consistent with the previous research (Lai, 2004; Lee et al.,
2005; Patterson and Spreng, 1997).
Regarding the direct, positive effects of service quality, perceived value, and customer
satisfaction on behavioral intentions, our empirical results are consistent with the prior studies
(Boulding et al., 1993; Cronin et al. 2000; Lee et al., 2005; Parasuranman et al., 1996) as well.
As per the indirect path, this study indicated a mediating role of customer satisfaction
between service quality, perceived value and behavioral intentions, which are consistent with
some prior studies (Cronin et al., 2000; Hu et al., 2009; Tam, 2004; Patterson and Spreng,
1997; Yu et al., 2006). However, our research results are contrary to Chang et al.s (2009)
study. Chang et al. (2009) collected data through the Internet questionnaire of Chungwa
Telecom Co., Ltd in Taiwan and argued that even satisfied customers are unlikely to patronize
an e-business, if they feel that they are not getting the best value for their money. Chang et
al.s research supports a moderating effect of perceived value on the relationship between
customer satisfaction and customer loyalty (purchase intentions and word of mouth).
Finally, although our research supports the mediating role of perceived value on the
relationship between service quality and behavioral intentions, which is consistent with
Cronin et al.s (2000) study, but is contrary to Hu et al.s (2009) study: the indirect effect of
service quality on behavioral intentions through perceived value is not significant in hotels
located in Mauritius. Whether perceived value acts as a mediator between service quality and
behavioral intentions varies among industries and countries.
5.2 Managerial Implications
From the managerial perspective, our study provides online retailers a theoretical basis
that managing successful online retailing should offer excellent e-service quality. To increase
the e-service quality, online retailers should improve technical functions of order processing,
credit administration, and logistics in order to guarantee the delivery of product on time and
customers get exactly what they ordered. In addition, security and privacy are important
issues facing online retailers. Therefore, adopting a secure transaction system like VeriSign
SSL (Secure Socket Layer) system to increase the safety of online purchasing and making a
clear privacy policy regarding the collection and disclosure of information, online comments
and personal information, cookie, and browser information are necessary to guarantee online
shoppers security/privacy. Finally, responsiveness and trust are also key points that require
consideration. A quick reply with customers inquires, making a policy of responding to
customers as individuals, using helpful, friendly people to answer phones instead of complex
phone trees, and really caring about your customers are important to enhance the e-service


C.-H. Lien et al. / Asia Pacific Management Review 16(3) (2011) 211-223

Moreover, convincing customers that they are getting high value from the provider is an
important objective. Our study shows that perceived value is a contributing factor to
satisfaction and behavioral intentions. Offering a wide variety of products/services, carefully
evaluating price competition, and making the purchase from the website to be easier and
efficient are the means to increase customers perceived value. E-service quality is confirmed
to be an antecedent of perceived value.
Among the direct paths, the two path estimates of e-service quality on perceived value and
perceived value on customer satisfaction are the two highest ones in the model showing that
e-service quality is the key factor influencing perceived value and perceived value is the key
determinant affecting customer satisfaction. The continuous improvement in e-service quality
(security, privacy, responsiveness and trust) will lead to the increase of service value and
customers will satisfy when their perceived value (price, entertainment, etc.) is high.
Our study also discovers that satisfaction has a direct and positive impact on behavioral
intentions and acts as a mediator between e-service quality, perceived value, and behavioral
intentions. Satisfied customers are more likely to purchase repeatedly and say positive wordof-mouth. The managerial implication here is that the online retailer can improve e-service
quality and the reflection of improved e-service quality will increase service value, which
combined together in making customers satisfied, and then enhance their purchase intentions.
5.3 Limitations and Future Research
There are five limitations in this research. First, our study only considers the online
retailing service in Taiwan; therefore, generalizations of the model results will only be
established if additional studies consider the proposed approach for other industries and other
countries. Secondly, for convenience, we use student samples only. Even students are
important online shoppers, other important customers, e.g. young white-collar workers, might
be ignored. Thirdly, female students participated more actively in the study and were slightly
over-represented in the sample. Fourthly, this study measures students overall attitudes
toward the four online retailers and does not focus on the specific one. The general opinion
might not reflect the actual performance of each online retailer. Finally, our study considers
the online shopping in general and does not concentrate on any particular type of online
retailer, ignoring the similarities and differences in product category and industry.
Acknowledging these limitations, for future research, we suggest that the findings need to
be confirmed by further evidence from a cross-cultural comparison of online shopping
behaviors among different countries. In addition, re-investigating the impacts of e-service
quality, perceived value, and satisfaction on behavioral intentions through broadening the
representativeness of online shoppers and considering the balance of respondents gender in
Taiwan will generate much more useful information in understanding the relationships among
the constructs perceived by Taiwanese online shoppers. Finally, focus on one specific online
retailer, narrow down the range of product or industry and test the fit of this proposed
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C.-H. Lien et al. / Asia Pacific Management Review 16(3) (2011) 211-223

E-Service Quality (Adapted from: Wolfinbarger and Gilly, 2003; Lee and Lin, 2005)
I get what I ordered from this online retailer
This online retailer provides in-depth information of the product/service
My order was delivered by the time promised by this online retailer
Transactions with this online retailer are error-free
I feel safe in my transaction with this online retailer
This online retailer has adequate security features
I feel like my privacy is protected at this online retailer
I think this online retailer answers inquires quickly
I think this online retailer gives prompt services
I believe this online retailer is always willing to help customers
I think this online retailer shows a sincere interest in solving problems.
I feel that I can trust this online retailer
Perceived Value (Adapted from Lee and Overby, 2004)
Overall, I am happy with this online retailers price
Making a purchase from this online retailer makes life easier
I received excellent service from this online retailer
The price of the products/services I purchased from this online retailer is at the right level,
given the quality
Making a purchase from this online retailer is an efficient way to manage my time
This online retailer offers a wide selection of products/services, which meets my needs
This online retailer does not just sell products/services it entertains me
This online retailer is aesthetically appealing
Making a purchase with this online retailer absorbs me
Shopping from this online retailer helps me forget about the days problems
I enjoy giving other users of this online retailer advice or aid
I shop from this online retailer for the pure enjoyment of it
Customer Satisfaction (Adapted from: Oliver, 1997; Janda, Trocchia, and Gwinner, 2002)
Based on all of my experience with this online retailer, I feel very satisfied
Overall, I am satisfied with the decision to purchase from this online retailer
My choice to do business with this online retailer was a wise one
I feel very pleasant about my decision concerning this online retailer
Behavioral Intentions (Adapted from: Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry, 1996; Parasuraman,
Zeithaml, and Malhotra, 2005)
Say positive things about this online retailer to other people
Recommend this online retailer to someone who seeks my advice
Encourage friends and relatives to do business with this online retailer
Consider this online retailer to be my first choice if I buy the same product/service again
Do more business with this online retailer in the next few years
Continue to do business with this online retailer if its prices increase somewhat


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