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Airspace Made Easy

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Chap 1 Airspace & Airport

Class E
FL 600

Class A
DME required at and above FL 240 [91.205(e)]

18,000 MSL (FL 180) Altimeter 29.92

Class E

Class E

14,500 MSL

Class E

12,500 MSL
Ceiling of Class B
can be anywhere
from 7,000 to 12,500

10,000 MSL Transponder Mode C (91.215)

Speed Limit 250 Knots below 10,000 MSL

Class E

Speed Limit
200 kts below
2,500 AGL
within 4 NM
of an airport
in Class C or
D airspace.

7,000 MSL

(does not apply to

Class B)

Speed Limit
at & above 10,000;
250 KIAS
below 10,000;
200 KIAS
below a floor.

4,000 AGL

Class E

Class C

2,500 AGL

Class D
700 AGL
Class G

Class E

1,200 AGL
Class G

Class G

Class D
No radar.
Class G When 700
MAGENTA on sectionals.
Class G Uncontrolled.
Surface to 14,500 MSL.
Shaded on enroute charts
(mostly western US).

Class E

Class B

Class E can go down to

700 AGL to accommodate
instrument approaches.
Class D with radar
is called a TRSA.

Class G

Class B Individually
tailored. 250 kts below
10,000 (200 kts below the
floor or in VFR corridor).

Class C Radar. Individually

tailored but usually 5 NM Core
from surface to 4,000 AGL, 10
NM Shelf from 1,200 to 4,000
AGL, Outer Area 20 NM radius.
EVERYTHING EXPLAINED for the Professional Pilot

Class E to the surface

must have weather
reporting and radio
communications with
ATC to the ground.
Class G When
1,200 BLUE on

Chap 1 Airspace & Airport


A Airspace: (71.1, 71.31, 71.33, 71.75, 71.133, 91.135, 91.155, AIM 3-2-1, 3-2-2)

1. All airspace from 18,000 feet up to and including FL 600 within the 48 contiguous States (including the
District of Columbia) and most of Alaska plus the airspace within 12 NM offshore.
There is no Class A airspace over Hawaii and the Victor airways have no upper limit in Hawaii.
2. All aircraft MUST be IFR unless otherwise authorized. No VFR (unless for purposes of lost communications).
3. No minimum flight visibility or distance from clouds is specified.
4. Altimeter setting for all aircraft 29.92




B Airspace: (71.41, 91.117, 91.126, 91.127, 91.129, 91.130, 91.131, 91.155, 91.215, AIM 3-2-1, 3-2-3)

Surface to 7,000 feet or up to 12,500 feet surrounding the nations busiest airports.
Individually tailored upside-down wedding cakes contain all instrument approaches.
Clearance into Class B required. (91.131)
VFR operations 3 miles Clear of Clouds and at least a 1,000 ft ceiling (or Special VFR).
IFR operations An operable VOR or TACAN receiver is required. (91.131)
Unless otherwise authorized by ATC, a LARGE TURBINE-POWERED airplane operating to or from a
primary airport in Class B airspace MUST operate AT or ABOVE the FLOORS of the Class B airspace
while within the lateral limits of that area even when operating on a visual approach.
A LARGE (12,500 lbs or more) or TURBINE-POWERED airplane shall, unless otherwise required by
distance from cloud criteria, enter the TRAFFIC PATTERN at an altitude of at least 1,500 feet AGL and
maintain 1,500 AGL until further descent is required for a safe landing. [Noise abatement]
A large or turbine-powered airplane approaching to land on a runway served by an ILS shall fly at or
above the GLIDE SLOPE between the outer marker and the middle marker.
Any airplane approaching to land on a runway served by a VASI shall maintain at or above the glide
slope (aka glide path) until a lower altitude is necessary for a safe landing.
Mode C veil All aircraft operating within 30 NM of a Class B airport, from the surface to 10,000 feet
must have Mode C (unless the aircraft was originally certified without an electrical system and still does not have one).
SPEED LIMIT 250 KIAS below 10,000 feet (200 KIAS below the floor or in VFR corridor).
b. Maintain best (or maximum) forward speed means maximum or best forward
*LEGAL* speed. ATC does not have the authority to lift the 250 below 10,000 ft speed
restriction [91.117(a)]. You cannot be cleared to violate a regulation, and you cannot accept
such a clearance.
c. If a controller assigns you 300 kts or greater inbound (10,000 ft or above), and he later
descends you to 8,000 ft, it is UNDERSTOOD that you must slow to 250 KIAS BEFORE
descending below 10,000.
d. NOTE: There was a test program that took place at HOUSTON International (IAH) to delete the
250 kts below 10,000 for DEPARTURES only, AND only if authorized by ATC. The
phraseology was NO SPEED LIMIT or INCREASE SPEED TO (number) KNOTS or
APPROVED. This program was cancelled in January of 2004.

At or above the glide slope does

not prohibit normal bracketing
maneuvers above or below the
glide slope for the purpose of
remaining on the glide slope.

Normal bracketing maneuvers

are maneuvers which remain within
the limits of the higher and lower
glide slope signals.

OpSpec C077 requires commercial

operators to remain within Class B, C, or
D airspace or within Class E airspace
when within 35 miles of the destination.

Do you have to hear the words Cleared into Class B???



If you can get a word in edgewise, always ask for confirmation, just to get it on the tape.
But if youve been radar identified; and given a heading/altitude assignment that will put you in the Class B;
and you cannot get through the radio clutter to get a Class B clearance confirmation stay on the assigned
heading [91.123(a) When an ATC clearance has been obtained, no pilot in command may deviate from that
clearance. 91.123(b) Except in an emergency, no person may operate an aircraft contrary to an ATC
instruction]. The formal words Cleared into Class B are moot (although it sure is comforting to hear those words).
91.131 [Operations in Class B airspace] (a)(1) The operator must receive an ATC clearance from the ATC
facility having jurisdiction for that area before operating an aircraft in that area.
It does NOT say The operator must HEAR the WORDS Cleared into Class B
EVERYTHING EXPLAINED for the Professional Pilot

Chap 1 Airspace & Airport


E Airspace:

(71.71, 91.127, 91.155, 135.205, AIM 3-1-4, 3-2-1, 3-2-5, 3-2-6, 4-1-18, 4-3-26, 4-4-12, 5-5-6, FAA-H-8083-15A, FAA-H-8083-25A)

1. CONTROLLED airspace that is not Class A, B, C, or D within the 48 contiguous States and Alaska.
2. Generally the upward limit is 18,000 feet. NOTE: Class E airspace begins again above FL 600.
3. Types of Class E:
a. A SURFACE AREA designated for an AIRPORT designed to contain all instrument
approaches. The primary requirements for a Class E airport are approved weather reporting
(FSS or ASOS/AWOS) and a means of communications with ATC all the way to the ground.
b. EXTENSIONS to a SURFACE AREA of Class B, C, or D airspace to contain instrument
c. TRANSITION AREAS beginning at either 700 or 1,200 ft AGL, used to/from the en route
d. EN ROUTE AREAS that provide controlled airspace for IFR but are NOT Federal airways.
e. Federal AIRWAYS from 1,200 AGL upward to but not including 18,000 MSL.
f. Unless designated at lower altitudeClass E begins at 14,500 MSL up to, but not including,
18,000 MSL.
OpSpec C077 requires commercial operators to remain within Class B, C, or D
airspace or within Class E airspace when within 35 miles of the destination.



Airspace :

(91.155, 91.157, AIM 3-1-4, 3-2-6, 5-4-22, FAA-H-8083-15A, FAA-H-8083-25A, OpSpec C077)

1. Less than 10,000 feet MSL 3 SM visibility Cloud separation: 500 below, 1,000 above, 2,000

2. At or above 10,000 feet MSL 5 SM visibility Cloud separation: 1,000 below, 1,000 above, 1 mile

3. No person may operate an aircraft beneath the ceiling under VFR within the limits of controlled
airspace designated to the surface for an airport when the ceiling is less than 1,000 feet (except Special
VFR 91.157).
4. NOTE #1: Do NOT cancel in the air while on approach to an airport with a Class E surface area
unless the weather meets the basic VFR weather and cloud separation requirements of 91.155
(see 1. above) unless you have received a Special VFR clearance (91.157).
5. NOTE #2: A Special VFR clearance is treated almost the same as an IFR clearance as far as
separation is concerned. It is not likely to save you or the guy behind you any time. So, if the
weather is below 3 miles visibility and/or the ceiling is below 1,000 ft or theres a chance that cloud
separation could be a problem, just wait till youre on the ground to cancel. You never know who
might be lurking in the weeds just waiting for a chance to make your life miserable.
6. NOTE #3: To conduct a VISUAL APPROACH in Class B, C, D, or E airspace under Part 91 you need
only maintain clear of clouds (AIM 5-4-22). Part 135 (turbojets) and Part 121 are restricted by
OpSpec C077 and must maintain the cloud separation required by 91.155 (see 1. above).

SURFACE-BASED CLASS E: (AC 90-66A, FAA-H-8083-3, FAA-H-8083-15A, FAA-H-8083-25A)

1. Brings Class E, controlled airspace, to the surface in order to raise the weather minimums and
restrict VFR traffic during poor weather. Especially important for ILS approaches.
2. Must have approved weather reporting and communications with ATC to the surface.
3. The airport manager must also request and receive Class E approval from the FAA.
4. Most airports with weather reporting and communications with ATC never request Class E status
because it would make VFR traffic illegal when the visibility drops below 3 SM and/or ceiling below
1,000 feet. Not good for business, especially if theres a flight school on the field.
5. When weather reporting is unavailable, Class E reverts to Class G with a Class E transition area.
6. Represented by dashed lines on sectionals and enroute charts.
Class E
7. Surface-based Class E was formerly known as a control zone.
8. RECOMMENDED traffic pattern SPEED LIMIT is 200 kts.

EVERYTHING EXPLAINED for the Professional Pilot

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