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The DSC Book

by Don Jones
and Steve Murawski
with contributions by Stephen Owen
cover design by Nathan Vonnahme
Visit to check for newer editions of this
This guide is released under the Creative Commons AttributionNoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. The authors encourage you to
redistribute this file as widely as possible, but ask that you do not
modify the document.

This ebook is no longer being maintained. It was written for

PowerShell v4.0, and is still partially applicable to the release of DSC
included in PowerShell v5.0. However, this particular book will not be
updated for v5. Please visit for other
free ebooks.

About the Authors

Principal writing in this book was by Don Jones, President and CEO of, Inc. and a multi-year recipient of Microsofts MVP
Additional writing, background information, and tech-checking were by
Steve Murawski, possibly one of the earliest production adopters of
DSC through his job at StackExchange, and one of Dons fellow
PowerShell MVPs.
Several examples have been adapted, with permission, from and other excellent
posts by Stephen Owen.
Its important for you to know that this guide is very much a work in
progress. We appreciate feedback (use the PowerShell Q&A forum at, and welcome additional contributors. Because were
treating this book as an open-source project, you may be reading it

before a complete tech-check has been completed - so we appreciate

your patience!

The Argument for DSC

Desired State Configuration is Microsofts technology, introduced in
Windows Management Framework 4.0, for declarative configuration of
systems. At the risk of oversimplifying a bit, DSC lets you create
specially formatted text files that describe how a system should be
configured. You then deploy those files to the actual systems, and they
magically configure themselves as directed. At the top level, DSC isnt
programming - its just listing how you want a system to look.
Microsoft is actually a little late to the game on declarative
configuration. The Linux and Unix world has had tools like Chef and
Puppet, which at their very core perform a similar task, for a long time.
Whats important is that DSC isnt an add-on, its a core part of the
Windows OS, now. And while the toolset for DSC isnt yet as mature as
tools like Chef and Puppet, DSC provides an inbuilt foundation that, in
its v1 implementation, is incredibly robust and extensible.
DSC is the last major piece of functionality outlined in PowerShell
inventor Jeffrey Snovers Monad Manifesto, a document in which he
envisioned PowerShell itself, PowerShell Remoting, and a declarative
configuration model. The implementation of that Manifesto has been
happening since 2006, when PowerShell v1 was released to the public.
For the most part (as youll read in this guide), that implementation
has been done in a way thats extremely cross-platform friendly.
PowerShell Remoting, and even DSC, are based on open, third-party
standards. With that standardized foundation, Microsoft can let other
folks focus on tooling, knowing that those tools dont have to be
Windows-dedicated since other operating systems can utilize these
same technologies.
DSC is important - crucially important - to anyone who works with
Windows servers. Even if that isnt the only OS in your environment,
DSC is massively important, because its going to gradually become
the only means by which you manage Windows-based servers. Thats a
big statement, and it deserves some explanation.

The Evolution of Administration

In its beginning, Windows was administered mostly by graphical tools,
and a few command-line ones, communicating directly with services on
local or remote computers. You clicked a button in a dialog box, and
the tool would talk to the Security Accounts Manager (SAM) and create
a user account.

As environments grew large and IT teams smaller, folks needed to

automate many of those processes. Graphical tools are inherently
difficult to automate; the first phase in Snovers Monad Manifesto was
a command-line shell that provided a consistent command-line
language for automating administration. Command-line tools are
inherently easy to automate, because they can be sequenced in simple
batch or script files. A consistent and all-encompassing command-line
language was something Windows had never had; management
pressures within Microsoft were brought to bear to make PowerShell as
all-encompassing as possible (an investment still underway).
Guidelines were put into place to make it as consistent as possible
(with largely positive results).
Its important to note that commands continued to communicate
directly with services. Run New-ADUser , for example, and the
command communicates directly with a service running on a domain
controller to create the new user.
Scale-out was the next phase of the Manifesto. A command-line
automation language is fine, but if you have to run around typing
commands on individual computers, you still have an upper limit on
efficiency. The ability to push commands to remote computers, in
parallel, over a standardized communication protocol, was needed.
PowerShell v2 delivered that in its Remoting feature. Now, one
computer could easily tell a thousand others what to do, more or less
at once. Remoting also reduced some of the burden on command
developers. They could now assume that their commands always ran
locally, on whatever computer was running their technology, and let
PowerShell handle network communications. Not having to deal with
communications made it significantly easier for command developers
to pump out more commands, increasing PowerShells technological
But to this point, systems administrators still ran commands, and
commands talked to services. Everything was very imperative:
computers did what admins told them to do, more or less right then. If
the environment changed, admins had to construct new scripts to
implement the new changes. Admins then had to go back and make
sure the changes had been implemented correctly, and continually recheck to make sure things stayed that way. If something got misconfigured, the fix was often a fallback to manual reconfiguration. You
couldnt just run the same script, since it was designed to take a
system from Point A to Point B, not from Point-A-Except-For-This-OneThing to Point B.
DSC represents a significant break in administration, because it asks
administrators to no longer communicate directly with services on

computers. That means no graphical tools that talk directly to a

service. It also means no running commands that talk directly to
services. In other words, DSC asks administrators to not actually
configure anything themselves.
Instead, DSC asks administrators to describe, in fairly simple text files,
how they would like a computer to be configured. The computer, in
turn, reads that text file, and configures itself accordingly. The
configuration process is granular, so that if one item gets misconfigured, the computer can still bring itself into compliance by
fixing that one thing.
DSC couldnt have existed without PowerShell, because PowerShell is
what gives DSC the ability to implement changes. PowerShell is the
one common language that all Microsoft products speak (to some
degree or another, with constant improvement). In other words,
without PowerShell, Microsoft products wouldnt have consistent
enough automation capabilities for DSC to exist. Now that DSC does
exist, administrators can actually focus less on PowerShell, because
theyll be separated from it by a couple of less-complex layers.
Imagine a graphical tool where you click through a wizard to add a new
user to your environment. Only that tool doesnt actually talk to a
domain controller to create the user account, nor does it talk to a file
server to create their home directory. Instead, the tool merely modifies
a couple of text files that contain the configuration for a cluster of file
servers, and for your domain. The file servers and domain controllers
periodically re-read those files, and implement whatever they say. So,
you click a button, and a few minutes later the user, and their home
directory, magically exists. Its automated, but you didnt need to do
any programming. The configuration files are where you, as an
administrator, make your changes.
Growing the environment becomes simpler. Hey, you are going to be a
new domain controller. Go look at configuration file DCX34766578348
and make yourself look like what it says. Poof, done.
DSC represents a massive change in how Windows administrators think
about their entire environment. Provided every configuration setting
can be boiled down to a DSC setting - which will be true over time then administration will essentially become intelligent editing of
text files. Pretty powerful stuff.

DSC Overview and Requirements

Desired State Configuration (DSC) was first introduced as part of
Windows Management Framework (WMF) 4.0, which is preinstalled in

Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2, and is available for
Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, and Windows Server 2012.
Because Windows 8.1 is a free upgrade to Windows 8, WMF 4 is not
available for Windows 8.
You must have WMF 4.0 on a computer if you plan to author
configurations there. You must also have WMF 4.0 on any
computer you plan to manage via DSC. Every computer
involved in the entire DSC conversation must have WMF 4.0
installed. Period. Check $PSVersionTable in PowerShell if youre not
sure what version is installed on a computer.
To figure out what DSC is and does, its useful to compare it to Group
Policy. There are significant differences between the two, but at a high
level they both set out to accomplish something similar. With Group
Policy, you create a declarative configuration file called a Group Policy
object (GPO). That file lists a bunch of configuration items that you
want to be in effect on one or more computers. You target the GPO by
linking it to domain sites, organizational units, and so on. Targeted
machines pull, or download, the entire GPO from domain controllers.
The machines use client-side code to read the GPO and implement
whatever it says to do. They periodically re-check for an updated GPO,
DSC is similar but not exactly the same. For one, it has no
dependencies whatsoever on Active Directory Domain Services
(ADDS). Its also a lot more flexible and more easily extended. A
comparison is perhaps a good way to get a feel for what DSC is all
Configuration specification
Targeting machines
Configuration implemented by
Extend the things that can be configured
Primary configuration target
Number of configurations
With DSC, you start by writing a configuration script in Windows
PowerShell. This script doesnt do anything. That is, it doesnt install
stuff, configure stuff, or anything else. It simply lists the things you

want configured, and how you want them configured. The configuration
also specifies the machines that it applies to. When you run the
configuration, PowerShell produces a Managed Object Format (MOF)
file for each targeted machine, or node.
Thats an important thing to call out: You (step 1) write a configuration
script in PowerShell. Then you (step 2) run that script, and the result is
one or more MOF files. If your configuration is written to target multiple
nodes, youll get a MOF file for each one. MOF stands for Managed
Object Format, and its basically a specially formatted text file. Then,
(step 3), the MOF files are somehow conveyed to the machines theyre
meant for, and (step 4) those machines start configuring themselves to
match what the MOF says.
In terms of conveying the MOF files to their target machines, there are
two ways to do so: push mode is a more-or-less manual file copy,
performed over PowerShells Windows Remote Management (WinRM)
remoting protocol; the pull mode configures nodes to check in to a
special web server and grab their MOF files. Pull mode is a lot like the
way Group Policy works, except that it doesnt use a domain controller.
Pull mode can also be configured to pull MOF files from a file server by
using Server Message Blocks (SMB; Windows native file-sharing
Once a node has its MOF file (and its only allowed to have one; thats
another difference from Group Policy, where you can target several
GPOs to a single machine), it starts reading through the configuration.
Each section in the configuration uses a DSC resource to actually
implement the configuration. For example, if the configuration includes
some kind of registry specification, then the registry DSC resource is
called upon to actually check the registry and make the change if
You do have to deploy those DSC resources to your target nodes. In
push mode, thats a manual task. In pull mode, nodes can realize that
theyre missing a resource needed by their configuration, and grab the
necessary resource from the pull server (if youve put it there). For that
reason, pull mode is the most flexible, centralized, and convenient way
to go if youre managing a bunch of machines. Pull mode is something
you can set up on any Windows Server 2012 R2 computer, and it
doesnt even need to belong to a domain. If youre using the usual web
server style of pull server (as opposed to SMB), you can configure
either HTTP or HTTPS at your leisure (HTTPS merely requires an SSL
certificate on the server).
In this guide, were going to go through pretty much every aspect of
DSC. The things we configure will be simple, so that were not

distracting from the discussion on DSC itself. This guide will evolve
over time; if you notice blank sections, its because those havent yet
been written. Errors, requests for more information, and so on should
be reported in the PowerShell Q&A forum at

Why MOF?
Youll notice that DSC has a heavy dependency on MOF files, and
theres a good reason for it.
The Managed Object Format (MOF) was defined by the Distributed
Management Task Force (DMTF), a vendor-neutral industry organization
that Microsoft belongs to. The purpose of the DMTF is to supervise
standards that help enable cross-platform management. In other
words, MOF is a cross-platform standard. That means a couple of
important things:

You dont necessarily have to write a PowerShell configuration

script to produce a MOF file that DSC can use. So long as you give
it a valid MOF file, DSC is happy, no matter who produced that MOF
file. This opens up the possibility of using third-party management

Because a PowerShell configuration script produces standard MOF

file, you can potentially write configuration scripts that manage
non-Windows computers. Remember, your PowerShell script
doesnt get sent to target nodes. The script produces a MOF, which
is sent to target nodes. If the target node is a Linux computer that
knows what to do with a MOF file, then youre good to go.

So the idea behind MOFs is to create a configuration management

system thats cross-platform compatible. Existing configuration
management systems in the Linux world (think Chef and Puppet, for
example) already use MOFs the same way. So Microsoft isnt tying you
to using their technology: you can manage Windows servers using
anything thats capable of producing a valid MOF.
MOFs are also closely related to the Common Information Model (CIM),
another DMTF standard that Microsoft originally implemented as
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). The MOF format is used
to define the classes that appear in the CIM repository - another
Microsoft attempt to work and play well with others, since nonWindows computers can also implement a CIM repository thats crossplatform compatible.
Its important to understand that DSC consists of three layers:

Top: The domain-specific language (DSL) that you use to write

declarative configuration scripts. This is a PowerShell language
subset, and PowerShell compiles the scripts into MOFs.

Middle: The node-side functionality that accepts MOFs and

accomplishes the configuration process.

Bottom: The node-side DSC resources that are called on by the

MOFs to actually perform configuration tasks.

The point of this is that you can swap out the top layer for anything
capable of producing the right MOF - and that the MOF format is
vendor-neutral and not Microsoft-proprietary. Since anyone can provide
elements of the bottom layer (and Microsoft will provide a lot), any
management tool can leverage DSC. So if youve got a cross-platform
management tool, and it can produce the right MOFs, then you dont
necessarily need that tools agent software installed on your
computers. Instead, the tool can produce MOFs that tell the Windows
DSC components what to do.

Where to find Resources

WMF 4.0 ships with some basic DSC resources. As time goes on, its
likely that many Microsoft server products will include their own DSC
resources for configuring those products. Also, Microsoft is releasing
out of band waves of additional resources via the web.

Wave 1:

Wave 2:

Youll find some open-source community resources at, and a Google or Bing search will
likely turn up other folks DSC projects.
A word on naming: the Microsoft waves of resources all have
resource names that start with the letter x, which stands for
experimental, unsupported, use at your own risk. Keep in mind that
these are just PowerShell script modules, which means theyre
basically open-source. Microsoft has asked that any community
derivatives or original work carry the letter c as a resource name
prefix. The idea is that non-prefixed names (e.g., WindowsFeature) is
reserved for Microsoft. By not using non-prefixed names, you will avoid

coming up with a resource that conflicts with later Microsoft releases.

Within your own organization, adopt a resource name prefix thats
unique to you, like contosoBusinessApp for a BusinessApp resource
owned by Contoso.

Microsoft-Provided Resources
Microsoft provides the following resources in WMF 4:


Script (runs custom scripts; kind of a catch-all when there isnt a

resource to do what you want)

Archive (zip and unzip files)



Package (install MSI or Setup.exe)


Group (local groups)

User (local users)

Log (logging mechanism for troubleshooting DSC)



DSC Resource Kit Wave 1 included the following:

xComputer (renaming and domain join)

xVHD (superceded by Wave 2 version)

xVMHyperV (create VMs)


xDNSServerAddress (binding DNS addresses to NICs, not managing



xDSCWebService (deploys a pull server)

xWebsite (superceded by Wave 2 version)

DSC Resource Kit Wave 2 included the following:




xWaitForADDomain (pauses configuration until a domain is



xSqlHAService (SQL high availability)








xVhdFile (files copied to a VHD image)



There isnt really a single download for the DSC Resource Kit; as of this
writing, each resource is a separate download from the TechNet Script

Where to Put Resources

Well discuss it more later in this guide, but in general you should save
new resources in \Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules. Each
resource consists of a root module, and then has a DSCResources subfolder for the actual working code. Its possible for a single root module
to actually offer more than one named resource.
For example, suppose you have a DSC resource module named
CorpApp. You would create the following folder:
\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\CorpApp

The entire module would go into that folder. The root module file will
be named something like CorpApp.psd1, and there will be a
DSCResources sub-folder that contains additional script files for the
actual resources. Theres a whole section in this guide about deploying
resources, so youll find more detail there.
Note that youll need to install resources on any computer where you
plan to author configurations using PowerShell, and on any nodes that
will use those resources in their configurations.

Writing Configuration Scripts

A configuration script consists of three main items:

The main configuration container, which contains everything else

One or more node sections that specify specific target computers

and contain the configuration items

One or more configuration items per node section, which specify

whatever configuration you want to be in effect on those nodes

The PowerShell ISE understands configuration syntax, and is a good

editor. You do need to be careful with it: when you run a configuration,
its going to need to create a folder and one or more MOF files. Itll
need to do that in whatever folder the ISE is currently pointed at. So
before you begin writing, you may want to switch to the ISEs console
pane and change directories. Otherwise, you may end up writing files
to \Windows\System32, which might not be desirable.
Heres a basic configuration script, which you might save as

Configuration MonitoringSoftware {
Node $ComputerName
= "Present"
= "\\dc01\Software\Monitoring"
DestinationPath =
= "Directory"
= $true
} } MonitoringSoftware

There are several important things happening here:

The top-level Configuration construct acts a lot like a PowerShell

function. It contains the entire configuration, and its actually
considered a kind of PowerShell command. The name of the
configuration, MonitoringSoftware, is arbitrary - you can name it
whatever you like.

The configuration accepts a -ComputerName parameter, which

defaults to localhost. So, when you run the configuration, you
specify the computer name that you want it to apply to. This is one
alternative to hardcoding a list of computer names into the
configuration. Note that, like parameters in functions, configuration
parameters can have a [Parameter()] attribute and various
validation attributes. These can be used to validate parameter
input, make parameters mandatory, and so on. Read the
about_functions_advanced_parameters help file in PowerShell for
more information.

The Node element specifies the computer(s) that this configuration

will apply to. Here, were inserting the value of the -ComputerName

The File keyword refers to a specific DSC resource - the File

resource that ships with WMF 4. This configuration item has a
name, MonitoringInstallationFiles, that you can make up. We could
have called it Fred, for example, and it would still work.

The configuration item includes 5 settings: Ensure, SourcePath,

DestinationPath, Type, and Recurse. These are specific to the File
DSC resource; other resources would have different settings. In this
case, were asking DSC to ensure that a specific folder hierarchy is
present on the target node. If it isnt, weve told DSC where to find
it, so that it can copy it over. You could also copy individual files, if
you needed to.

A configuration is a command, so the last line of the script actually

runs the command. We dont provide a -ComputerName parameter, so
itll default to creating a MOF file for localhost. Well actually get a
folder named MonitoringSoftware (the name of the configuration),
and itll contain Localhost.mof.

Notice that the -ComputerName parameter is declared as [string[]] ,

meaning it accepts multiple values. We could provide multiple values,
and generate a MOF for each. For example:
MonitoringSoftware -ComputerName ( Get-ADComputer -Filter \* -SearchBase
"ou=clients,dc=domain,dc=pri" | Select-Object -Expand Name )

That would produce a MOF file for each computer in the Clients OU of
the Domain.pri domain.

Multiple Nodes in a Configuration

Most online examples you see will only include a single Node section
inside the Configuration section. But theres a valid scenario to include
multiple nodes in a configuration. For example, suppose youre setting
up a lab environment that includes several servers, a few clients, and
so on. You could include every computer in the lab inside one
configuration script, giving you a single source for managing the entire
configuration. When you run the configuration, PowerShell will produce
a MOF for each node thats mentioned inside. Weve included an
example of a multi-node configuration later in this guide.

Discovering Resources
The above example should bring up one, or maybe two questions:

How do I know what resources I have installed?

How do I know what settings a DSC resource requires?

Both are excellent questions, and easily answered. Start by running

Get-DSCResource (if the command doesnt work, youre probably not
running PowerShell v4). That will list all resources that are loaded into
memory, which will include any that were shipped with Windows. The
output of the command includes the Name that you use to refer to the
resource in a configuration. Once youve narrowed down a resource
you want - lets say, Package, - you can get more details about it.
Run Get-DSCResource -Name Package | Select -Expand
Properties (swapping out Package for the name of the resource
youre interested in). Youll get a complete list of properties, and the
type of data each one expects. In some cases, youll see allowable
values. For example, the Ensure property usually accepts Absent
and Present, depending on whether you want the item there, or want
it to not be there.
Another option, using the File module as an example, would be to run
Get-DSCResource -Name File -Syntax. This produces similar
output, showing you all of the resources settings, the kind of value
they expect, and also including accepted values for some settings.

Beyond that, PowerShell doesnt necessarily offer a ton of

documentation on every resource, so you may end up doing some
Googling, but at least Get-DSCResource provides you with a good
starting point.
Things get tricky with resources that youve added yourself. Although
theyre technically packaged as PowerShell script modules, they dont
behave quite like modules, so you have to take a few extra steps. First
of all, they should go into \Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules.
Heres an example folder hierarchy for a single DSC resource:

Heres what youre looking at:

The module name is xPSDesiredStateConfiguration. That folder

contains a script module and a module manifest - although not
every resource you look at will have all of that. Theres also a
DSCResources subfolder.

The DSCResources subfolder doesnt contain any files. It contain a

subfolder for each resource that the module provides.

The MSFT_xDSCWebService subfolder represents a single DSC

resource. It contains, at a minimum, a .psm1 script module file and
a .schema.mof file. Both are required to use the resource.

Things get a little tricky because you dont really import this into the
shell as a normal module. Theres an Import-DSCResource keyword,
but it only works inside Configuration scripts - you cant use it right at
the shell prompt. So part of your finding what resources I have
process is going to necessarily involve browsing the file system a bit to
see whats installed.

Sequencing Configuration Items

Its possible that configuration items might need to happen in a
particular order. For example, suppose youre installing an application
on a computer. You might need to first copy the install source to the
computer, then run the installer. Thats easy to do, as demonstrated in
this configuration item:
Ensure ="Present"
Path ="$Env:SystemDrive\Temp\Monitoring\7z920-x64.msi"
Name ="7-Zip"
ProductId ="23170F69-40C1-2702-0920-000001000000"
DependsOn ="[File]MonitoringInstallationFiles"?

Notice the DependsOn setting? That setting is common to most

resources, and in this case its saying, hey, go to the File -type setting
named MonitoringInstallationFiles before you do me. In this case,
that makes sure the applications installer has been copied over before
the Package resource is called upon to actually run it.
By the way, the ProductID setting isnt something to worry about for
the purposes of understanding DSC. Thats a setting thats unique to
the Package resource. It contains the unique identifier for the
particular piece of software (7-Zip, in this example) were asking DSC
to install. The Package resource probably uses the product ID to check
and see if the thing is already installed or not. The point is that its

necessary for the Package resource to work, but it doesnt have

anything to do with DSC per se.
Similarly, Path and Name are other settings required by the Package
resource. The Path setting lets you specify the path to the installer, so
that DSC knows where to find it if the software isnt already installed
on the target node. In this case, were pointing to a local file path - so
we need to make darn well sure that the MSI file exists in that location.
Thats why this configuration items DependsOn our earlier File
configuration item. The File item copies the MSI file over, so that the
Package item can run the MSI if needed.

Forcing a Configuration Evaluation

Theres a quick trick to force a computer to re-evaluate its
configuration. If configured to pull its config, this will also force the pull
to happen. Just run this on the computer:
$params = @{
Namespace = root/Microsoft/Windows/DesiredStateConfiguration
ClassName = MSFT_DSCLocalConfigurationManager
MethodName = PerformRequiredConfigurationChecks
Arguments = @{
Flags = [uint32] 1
Invoke-CimMethod @params

Pushing Configurations
Conceptually, pushing configurations is the easiest to talk about, so
well start there. It also requires the least setup in most environments.
Theres really only one prerequisite, which is that your target nodes
must have PowerShell remoting enabled. If they dont, you should read
through _Secrets of PowerShell Remoting _, another free ebook at In a domain environment, running
Enable-PSRemoting on the target nodes is a quick and easy way to

get remoting enabled. Its pre-enabled on Windows Server 2012 and

later server operating systems.
So, lets say youve written your configuration script, and run it to
produce MOF files. All you need to do now is run:
Start-DSCConfiguration -Path c:\windows\system32\MonitoringSoftware

Remember, when we created the sample configuration, we named it

MonitoringSoftware. Running it will create a folder named
MonitoringSoftware , with one MOF file per targeted node. So StartDSCConfiguration only needs that path - itll figure out the rest on its
own. Add the -Verbose switch to get blow-by-blow progress reports as
the command runs. This command will copy the MOF file to the targets,
and tell their Local Configuration Manager (LCM) software to start
processing the configuration.
DSC push happens by default as a PowerShell remoting job, and has a
-ThrottleLimit parameter that controls how many machines it
communicates with in parallel. That defaults to 32; each simultaneous
connection puts a bit of extra memory and CPU overhead on the
machine where you run the command, so on a well-equipped machine
you can safely bump that up. All the more reason to get a quad-core
Xeon box with 64GB of RAM as your next admin workstation, right?
What this command will not do is take care of deploying any resources
that your configuration requires. Thats on you, and its pretty much a
manual process if youre using push mode. Heres why: the target
machine will attempt to evaluate the entire MOF file. If there are any
resources in that MOF file that arent present, then the evaluation will
fail - meaning the entire configuration will fail. This is one reason that
pull mode can be so attractive, since with pull mode the target node
can copy over any resources it needs from the pull server.

Configuring a Pull Server

Configuring an HTTP(S) Pull Server
There are bunches of ways to create a DSC pull server. The easiest is
probably to use the resources Microsoft provided in their DSC Resource
Kit Wave 1 and Wave 2 web releases, since they provide resources that
can configure a pull server.
For this walkthrough, we used a Windows Server 2012 R2 computer.
We downloaded the xPSDesiredStateConfiguration module from; it was up to version 1.1 when we got it. This is actually a

module, and it contains the xDSCWebService resource, so thats

what well refer to in the configuration we create.
Any server that has WMF 4.0 installed can be a pull server; be sure
youre not installing preview bits of WMF 4.0, though.

Setting Up the Pull Server

We unzipped the contents of the download to Program
Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules on our Windows Server 2012 R2
computer. The computer is running server core, and to begin with was
a completely fresh install of the OS. We also copied the module to the
same folder on a Windows 8.1 computer. We plan to write the
configuration there, and run it to produce a MOF, and so wanted to
make sure everything is in place.
Following the example on the modules download page, we used the
Windows 8.1 computer, and the PowerShell ISE, to create the following
configuration file:
configuration CreatePullServer
[string[]]$ComputerName = 'localhost'

Import-DSCResource -ModuleName xPSDesiredStateConfiguration

Node $ComputerName
WindowsFeature DSCServiceFeature
Ensure = "Present"
Name = "DSC-Service"

xDscWebService PSDSCPullServer

= "Present"


= "PSDSCPullServer"

= 8080


= "$env:SystemDrive\inetpub\wwwroot\PSDSCPullServer"

CertificateThumbPrint = "AllowUnencryptedTraffic"
ConfigurationPath =

= "Started"


= "[WindowsFeature]DSCServiceFeature"

xDscWebService PSDSCComplianceServer

= "Present"


= "PSDSCComplianceServer"

= 9080

CertificateThumbPrint = "AllowUnencryptedTraffic"

= "Started"

IsComplianceServer = $true

CreatePullServer -ComputerName pull1.lab.pri

Notice that this file creates a pull server as well as a compliance server
(more on that toward the end of this guide). Each is basically just a
website under IIS, running on different ports. Both are configured to
use unencrypted HTTP, rather than an SSL certificate. We think thats
probably going to be a common configuration on private networks,
although HTTPS does provide authentication of the server, which is
nice to have.
The configuration includes three items, with each successive one
depending on the previous one. The first installs the DSC Pull Server
feature, the second sets up the pull server website, and the third sets
up the compliance server website. Weve used paths that are more or
less the defaults.
We saved the script as C:\dsc\PullServerConfig.ps1. We then ran it,
resulting in the creation of C:\dsc\CreatePullServer. Notice that the new
subfolder name matches the name we gave our configuration in the
script. In that folder, we found Pull1.lab.pri.mof, the MOF file for server
PULL1. Thats the name of the Windows Server 2012 R2 computer that
we plan to turn into a pull server.
Next, we ran Start-DscConfiguration .\CreatePullServer -Wait.
Notice that we gave it the path where the MOF files live; it then
enumerates the files in that path and starts pushing the MOF files to
their target nodes. Because we used -Wait, the command runs right
away and not in a job. Thats often the best way to do it when youre
first starting, since any errors will be clearly displayed. If you dont use
-Wait, youll get back a job object and it can be a bit difficult to track
down any errors.
You shouldnt get any errors. If you did, triple-check that KB2883200 is
installed on the target node. You will likely get a warning if Windows
automatic updating isnt enabled - thats just reminding you to run
Windows Update to make sure the components you just installed are
completely up-to-date.

Creating a Configuration to Be Pulled

Our next step is to create a sample configuration. Well store this on
the new pull server, and then configure another server to go grab it.

On the same Windows 8.1 computer, we created the following and

saved it as WindowsBackupConfig.ps1:
Configuration WindowsBackup {
Node member2.lab.pri
WindowsFeature Backup {
Ensure = 'Present'
} } WindowsBackup

Name =

This is obviously not going anything incredibly magical. Its just telling
a computer, MEMBER2, to make sure Windows Backup is installed. So
now we need to run it and create the appropriate MOF. We do that by
simply running the script. Itll create a folder named WindowsBackup
(since thats the name of the configuration), and in there will be a MOF
file for Member2.lab.pri , the node were targeting.
Now we need to get that MOF to the pull server. Thing is, we also need
to rename the file, because the node name isnt what the pull server
wants in the filename. Instead, the pull server wants the MOFs
filename to be a globally unique identifier (GUID). If you look back at
the configuration we used to create the pull server, we said that it
should store configurations in
$env:PROGRAMFILES\WindowsPowerShell\DscService\Configuration. So
thats where the renamed MOF needs to go.
First, create the GUID:
$guid = [guid]::NewGuid()

Now, copy the file:

$source = "WindowsBackup\member2.lab.pri.mof" $dest =
"\\pull1.lab.pri\c`$\program files\windowspowershell\dscservice\configuration\
$guid.mof" copy $source $dest

Notice the cute trick with double quotes to insert the GUID into the
destination path, and the backtick to keep PowerShell from treating $\
as a variable name. Also notice that our pull server is named
With the MOF in place, we now need to generate a checksum file for it
on the pull server. Computers that attempt to pull the configuration
use the checksum to ensure the integrity of the file.
New-DSCChecksum $dest

This of course relies on the $dest variable we created earlier, and

should result in a .checksum file being created in the same folder as
the MOF.

Telling a Computer to Pull the Configuration

By default, Windows computers wait for you to push a configuration to
them, and then they re-check it every 15 minutes. Were going to
reconfigure a computer named Member2.lab.pri to instead pull its
configuration from our pull server, using the default refresh interval of
30 minutes. To do that, we need to use our Windows 8.1 computer to
quickly create another configuration file:
Configuration SetPullMode
Node member2.lab.pri
ConfigurationMode = ApplyOnly
ConfigurationID = $guid
RefreshMode = Pull
DownloadManagerName = WebDownloadManager
DownloadManagerCustomData = @{
ServerUrl = http://pull1.lab.pri:8080/PSDSCPullServer.svc;
AllowUnsecureConnection = true }
SetPullMode -guid $guid
Set-DSCLocalConfigurationManager -Computer member2.lab.pri
-Path ./SetPullMode -Verbose
There are a few important things to notice, here.

LocalConfigurationManager isnt a DSC resource, per se - and

notice that the configuration item doesnt have a name. This is
modifying the Local Configuration Manager on the target - the bit
that runs DSC.

When run, this will create a folder named SetPullMode, which will
contain Member2.lab.pri.meta.mof. The meta portion of the
filename indicates that this is configuring the targets Local
Configuration Manager (LCM), rather than configuring something
else on the target.

At the end of the script, were actually running the command and
pushing the MOF file out to the target node.

The configuration accepts a GUID as a parameter. When we run the

configuration, at the end of the script file, were passing in the
$guid variable from earlier. Also notice that the $guid gets used as
the ConfigurationID settings value. This is how we tell the target
node which configuration it should be pulling from the pull server.

The ServerUrl is the pull servers FQDN. We specified port 8080,

because thats the port where we set up the pull server - go back
and look at the pull server configuration script to see where that is.

Were using the WebDownloadManager because the pull server is

providing service over HTTP. Thats different than a pull server that
provides service over file sharing - well tackle that next.

Running this script produces the MOF, and then pushes it to the target
node. Very quickly, the target node will contact the pull server, grab its
configuration, and then start evaluating the configuration. Before we
run this script, then, lets quickly check the status of the Windows
Backup feature on Member2:

Now we run the script that configures Member2 to pull:

Now we may need to wait just a smidge. By default, this pull thing
happens every half-hour. But eventually, it kicks in and works,
installing Windows Backup for us.

One Config, Many Nodes

Its perfectly legal to configure multiple computers LCMs to have the
same ConfigurationId. When you do so, theyll all be pulling the exact
same configuration MOF from the pull server. Thats an appropriate
scenario when you have computers that need an identical
configuration - say, web servers in a web farm, for example.
Think about it! You deploy a new virtual machine, configure its LCM,
and youre done. The server grabs the MOF from the pull server and,
provided you put the complete configuration into that MOF, the server
completely sets itself up. It installs roles like IIS, copies content from a
file server, whatever.
Or, lets say you have several web servers configured identically - and
you need to make a change. No problem! Modify your configuration,
run it to produce the MOF, and put the MOF on the pull server. Within
half an hour (by default) every node will re-check the MOF, grab the
new one, and start implementing the new config.

What About HTTPS?

Making an HTTPS pull server is really no different. In the pull server
configuration, instead of this:
CertificateThumbPrint = "AllowUnencryptedTraffic"

Youd provide the thumbprint of a valid SSL certificate. Then, in the

LCM configuration for the target nodes, instead of this:
DownloadManagerCustomData = @{
ServerUrl =
AllowUnsecureConnection =
'true' }

Youd omit the AllowUnsecureConnection , or set it to False. That

will trigger the client to use HTTPS. Its important that the client
already trust the Certificate Authority (CA) that issued your servers
SSL certificate, and that the certificate already be installed in the local
machine store of the pull server. Thats an easy detail to miss:
normally, if you just double-click a certificate file to install it, the
certificate ends up in your personal store, which does no good. Use the
Certificates console to install the certificate, so that you can install to
the machine store instead. You can get a directory of the CERT: drive in
PowerShell to list stores and certificates, and to obtain a certificates

Deploying Modules via Pull Server

A machine thats pulling its configuration can also pull any DSC
resources that the configuration refers to, but which arent present on
the local machine already. There are some tricks for setting this up theres a whole section, later in this guide, about how to do it. It isnt
as easy as just dumping the file in the right place!

Configuring an SMB Pull Server

Now that weve covered setting up a pull server that uses HTTP(S),
lets talk about setting up a pull server that uses simple file copying that is, Server Message Blocks (SMB).

Why SMB Instead of HTTP(S)?

SMB pull servers are a lot easier to set up. For a purely intranet
environment, they might be all you need, and the pull server can
simply be any old file server on the network. However, if you have
computers on the other side of a firewall, SMB is a lot harder to get
through firewalls than HTTP, because SMB uses a range of ports, along
with endpoint mapping.

Also, only HTTP(S) supports the use of a _compliance server, _which is

what pull clients report their current configuration status to. More than
that toward the end of this guide.

Setting Things Up
Were going to assume youve read through the HTTP(S) pull server
setup, and just point out the major differences involved in using SMB
First, you need to make sure that target nodes are configured to use
the pull server. In the LCM configuration, instead of this:
DownloadManagerName = "WebDownloadManager"
DownloadManagerCustomData = @{
ServerUrl =
AllowUnsecureConnection =
'true' }

Youd include something like this:

DownloadManagerName = "DscFileDownloadManager"
DownloadManagerCustomData = @{
SourcePath = "\\PULL1\PullShare" }

This tells the target node to get its configuration from the
\PULL1\PullShare shared folder. Easy enough. You dont actually have to
go through any complex setup on the pull server; you just create the
specified shared folder.
Drop your MOF files (which must have a GUID.mof filename) and their
checksum files (GUID.mof.checksum; use New-DscChecksum to
generate checksum files) into the shared folder. Boom, youre done.
An SMB pull server can also include custom resources. As we discuss in
the Deploying Resources section of this guide, you have to ZIP up the
resource modules, name them according to convention, and provide
checksum files. But then you just drop those ZIP and checksum files
right into the pull server shared folder - nothing more to do.

Load-Balancing and High Availability for Pull

Since pull servers are either just web servers or file servers, its pretty
easy to add load balancing and high availability.
For example, for an SMB pull server, you could use Distributed File
System (DFS) to create a UNC path that points to multiple DFS replicas
on different file servers, and then use DFS Replication (DFS-R) to
ensure each replica contained the same configuration files and ZIPped

For an HTTP(S) pull server, you would create a farm of web servers,
each configured identically. You could load balance between them
using a hardware or software load balancer, Windows Network Load
Balancing (NLB), or even IIS Application Request Routing (ARR). To
ensure that each web server has the same content, you could replicate
between them using DFS-R, or have them all draw their content from a
common back-end shared folder (that would normally be a clustered
file server, so that the shared folder wasnt a single point of failure).

Client Authentication to the Pull Server

Read back through the section on the Local Configuration Manager and
youll see that the LCM can be configured to have a credential. That
credential can be used in one of two ways:

For an SMB pull server, the LCM will present that credential to gain
access to the SMB file share.

For an HTTP(S) pull server, the LCM will present that credential to
the web server if prompted to do so. Note that the credential is
sent via the HTTP authentication protocol, which means youll
usually configure IIS to use Basic authentication, which means the
password and username will be transmitted in the clear. You should
only do that if youve configured the pull server and the LCM to use
encrypted (HTTPS) connections, so that the password and
username cant be intercepted.

Many environments probably wont use authentication. That is, theyll

set up an HTTP(S) pull server and let IIS use its default Anonymous
authentication. Doing so means anyone can potentially connect to the
pull server and request configurations. On a purely intranet network,
that might be acceptable - but keep in mind that if an intruder gains
access to your LAN, they could query configuration information about
your computers. That information would help them understand how
your environment works, and might well give them clues for how to
best attack your environment. So not using authentication isnt entirely
without risks.

Writing a Custom DSC Resource

A custom DSC resource consists of at least two parts:

A root module, which doesnt actually need to contain any code.

This is just how PowerShell loads resources into memory. You can
think of a root module as a package of DSC resources.

One or more resources, which are kind of like sub-modules under

the root module. These actually implement the code of the

For example, the xNetworking module provided by Microsoft (in the

DSC Resource Kit) looks a bit like this on disk:
xNetworking xNetworking.psd1 DSCResources

So lets review what that all means:

The root module name is xNetworking. It lives in a folder named

xNetworking, and contains a module manifest named
xNetworking.psd1. The manifest contains the following useful
information (theres other textual information, but this is the
important stuff):

@{ GUID = 'e6647cc3-ce9c-4c86-9eb8-2ee8919bf358' PowerShellVersion

= '4.0' }

A folder named DSCResources contains all of the resources.

Each resource lives in its own folder, and then folder name is the
resources complete name (often longer than the resources
friendly names).

Within each resource folder is a script module (.psm1) and a

schema (.schema.mof) file. Both files filenames are the same as
the resources complete name.

The decision to bundle multiple resources into one root module, or to

make each resource independent, is mostly a deployment decision. You
have to deploy the entire root module, and the root modules version
(from its manifest) defines the version number for each resource. So if
youve got one guy maintaining 3 resources more or less in tandem,
then maybe it makes sense to put them into a single root module.

Planning Your Resource

The first question you need to ask yourself is, what information will
my resource need to configure itself? For example, if you were
building a resource that could add or remove users from a line-ofbusiness application, then the resource might need to know the users

name, perhaps their role or job title, and other pieces of information.
Each piece of information becomes a _property, _or setting, of the
Take the built-in File resource as another example. Its properties
include the source path and destination path for a file. At a minimum, it
needs those two pieces of information to see if a file exists on the
target node, and to go get the file if necessary.
As a sort of running example, were going to create a sample resource
for a fictional line-of-business application. Our resource will be named
adatumOrdersApp. Naming is important: were pretending that we
work for Adatum, one of Microsofts fictional company names. Prefixing
our resource name with the company name helps ensure that our
resource doesnt conflict with any other resources that relate to order
Weve decided that our resource will be responsible for maintaining the
user list of the application. Users consist of a login name, a full name,
and a role. The role must be Agent, Manager or Auditor. So our
resource will need to expose at least three properties. In addition, it
will expose an Ensure property that can be Present or Absent
(e.g., ensuring a user is, or isnt, in the system).

Starting Your Resource

We recommend starting with the DSC Resource Designer, which you
can get from
-Module-22eddb29 (be sure to search for newer versions; as of this
writing, its v1.0). This gets unzipped into your Modules folder
(instructions are on the download page), and adds PowerShell
commands that help create a skeleton for your resource.
We start by defining our properties:
$logon = New-DscResourceProperty -Name LogonName -Type String
-Attribute Key $ensure = New-DscResourceProperty -Name Ensure -Type
String -Attribute Write
-ValidateSet "Present","Absent" $fullname =
New-DscResourceProperty -Name FullName -Type String -Attribute Write $role
= New-DscResourceProperty -Name Role -Type String -Attribute Write
-ValidateSet "Manager","Agent","Auditor"

Note that were formatting the code samples here for easier reading in
the book. These wont run if you type them exactly as shown, but
theyre not meant to run, because theyre controlling a fictional

That gives us four variables that each define one of our resources
properties, or settings. Now we can create the skeleton for the
New-DscResource -Name adatumOrdersApp
-Properties $logon,$ensure,
-Path 'C:\program

That command should create a folder for our root module, which will be
named adatumOrderApp. It will also create the subfolder for the actual
resource, which is also named adatumOrderApp. Itll also create an
empty adatumOrderApp.psm1 script module, and the
adatumOrderApp.schema.mof file that defines the resources structure.

Programming the Resource

The rest of our work will happen in adatumOrderApp.psm1. The file will
contain the three functions that DSC requires - we just need to fill them

Get-TargetResource. This function will be set up to accept, as

parameters, only the property we defined as the key. If you look
back, we did that to the LogonName property, meaning that
property uniquely represents a user in our system. GetTargetResource needs to check and see if the specified LogonName
exists. The function is expected to return a hashtable that includes
keys named LogonName, Ensure, Role, and FullName. If the
specified user exists, then obviously those are all populated with
the correct information and Ensure is set to Present. If the user
doesnt exist, then Ensure will be Absent, LogonName will be
whatever user we were checking for, and FullName and Role will be

Set-TargetResource. This function accepts parameters for

LogonName, Ensure, Role, and FullName. Its expected to check
and see if the specified user exists. It must take one of the
following actions:

If Ensure is set to Absent and the user exists, this function should
remove the user.

If Ensure is set to Present and the user exists, this function does

If Ensure is set to Absent and the user does not exist, this
function does nothing.

If Ensure is set to Present and the user does not exist, this
function must create the user.

This function can set $global:DSCMachineStatus=1 if whatever this

function did will require a system restart of the target node. WriteVerbose and Write-Debug should be used to return status information
or debug information.

Test-TargetResource. This function will accept parameters for

LogonName, Ensure, Role, and FullName. Its expected to check
and see if the specified information exists, and return either $True
or $False. For example, if its given a user name and Ensure is set
to Absent, it should return $False if the user does exist, and $True
if the user doesnt. In other words, this function is begin given a
desired configuration, and then indicating if the current system
state meets that desire or not. This function doesnt do anything,
its just looking.

Within the function, you code whatever is necessary. Obviously, the

code is going to differ massively based on whatever it is youre doing.
But the general gist is:

Your Get function returns the current state.

Your Set function sets the system state.

Your Test function compares the current state to the desired state.

Well include a more detailed walkthrough of a more concrete example

in a future revision of this guide. In the meantime, youll find numerous
production examples at

Think Modularly
As you plan a DSC resource, try to think about modular programming
practices. For example, you will probably find a lot of duplicated code
in your Test-TargetResource and Set-TargetResource functions, because
they both have to check and see if things are configured as desired.
Rather than actually duplicating code, it might make sense to move
the check it code into separate utility functions within the script

module. You would then only export the three -TargetResource

functions, keeping your utility functions private.
Heres a semi-pseudo-code mockup to help illustrate the idea:
Function Get-TargetResource {
Function Test-TargetResource {
(_CheckConfigA -and _CheckConfigB)
Function Set-TargetResource {
If (-not _CheckConfigA) {
# set item A
If (-not _CheckConfigB) {
# set item B
Function _CheckConfigA {
Function _CheckConfigB {
Export-ModuleMember -Function *-TargetResource
In this mockup, the utility functions _CheckConfigA and
_CheckConfigB would return True or False. Each one presumably checks
some configuration thing on the computer. Test-TargetResource calls
both of them, using a logical -and so that Test-TargetResource will only

output True if both _CheckConfigA and _CheckConfigB output True. The

Set-TargetResource function uses both utility functions, implementing
some configuration change is either setting isnt correct. Theres no
technical requirement that your utility function names begin with an
underscore; thats just a convention some programmers use to indicate
an element thats meant for internal use only.

Writing Composite DSC Resources

One limitation in DSC is that a given node can only be targeted with a
single configuration MOF. Whether youre pushing MOFs, or have
configured a node to pull a MOF from a pull server, you get one MOF
per computer. That means your configuration scripts can start to get
out of hand pretty quickly. For example, suppose you have some
common configuration settings that are shared by your domain
controllers, your web servers, and your SQL Server computers. Youd
end up copying-and-pasting that common configuration stuff a lot,
right? Problem being, if you ever need to change that common
configuration, you now have to do it in multiple places. No fun at all.
Composite resources are designed to solve that need. Basically, you
create a configuration script for your common configuration items.
Those then get saved in a way that makes them look like a custom
DSC resource. You can then consume that resource in other
configurations. So you might end up with a main configuration file for a
domain controller, one for a SQL Server, and one for a web server.
Each will obviously contain some unique things, but they might all
reference your common configuration for the things it contains.
Understand that the common configuration isnt truly a DSC
resource, but its made to look like one. Its just a ton easier to make!
For example, suppose you created this configuration:
Configuration CommonConfig {
Import-DscResource -ModuleName xNetworking
WindowsFeature Backup {
Ensure = Present
Name = Windows-Server-Backup
xIPAddress IPAddress {

IPAddress = $IPAddress
InterfaceAlias = Ethernet
DefaultGateway =
SubnetMask = 24
AddressFamily = IPv4
xDNSServerAddress DNSServer {
Address =
InterfaceAlias = Ethernet
AddressFamily = IPv4
Notice that theres no Node section in this configuration! Thats
because this isnt going to target a specific node. We did use the
xNetworking module (from, and we provided an input parameter so that the target
nodes desired IP address can be provided. Weve hardcoded the
remaining IP address and DNS server settings, presumably based on
our knowledge of how our environment is set up. You could obviously
parameterize any of those things - we just wanted to illustrate how you
can mix-and-match parameterized information with hardcoded values.
The trick is in how you save this file. Were going to name it
CommonConfig.schema.psm1 - notice the schema.psm1 filename
extension, because thats what makes this magical. You then need to
save it the same way youd save a resource. For example, well save it
in \Program
Now you need to create a module manifest for it, in the same folder.
The manifest filename must be CommonConfig.psd1:
New-ModuleManifest -Path "\Program

monConfig\CommonConfig.psd1" -RootModule

If you dont already have one, youll also need a manifest at the root of
the module folder:
New-ModuleManifest -Path "\Program

Youre done. Now you can use that in a configuration:

Configuration DomainController {
Import-DscResource -ModuleName CommonConfigModule
Node DC1 {
CommonConfig Common {
IPAddress =
See how we took the $IPAddress parameter from the common
configuration, and used that as a setting in the configuration item?
Also notice that we imported the DSC resource at the top of the
configuration, and then referred to the configuration name,
CommonConfig , as a configuration setting.
We didnt really have to do any actual coding, here: the underlying
WindowsFeature , xIPAddress , and xDNSServerAddress
resources are doing all the work. We just bundled up those settings
into a reusable configuration that looks like a resource.
Youll find a longer and more detailed discussion on composite
resources at

Deploying Resources via Pull Servers

There are two ways to deploy new resources to your nodes: manually,
or via a pull server. Manually is obviously time-consuming across a
large number of nodes, although you could potentially use software like
System Center Configuration Manager to automate that process. You
cant really use DSC itself to deploy resources. While the File resource
could handle it, you couldnt actually use the new resources in a
configuration until you were sure they existed on the target nodes. So
you couldnt write a configuration that copied a resource and tried to
use it - even if you set dependencies.
Microsoft basically expects you to use pull mode, since nodes can
figure out what resources theyre missing and copy them from the pull
When you create a pull server, you specify the path where resources
(modules) will be located. In our example of creating an HTTP(S) pull
server, for example, we used this path:

Theres a specific naming convention required for modules deployed to

a pull server. First, the entire module must be zipped. The filename
must be in the form You must use NewDscChecksum to create a corresponding checksum file named Both files must be located in the
pull servers ModulePath.
When you create a configuration that uses a module from the pull
server, you have to ensure that the MOF contains the modules name
and version number. For example, this MOF excerpt clearly indicates
that the WindowsFeature resource lives in version 1.0 of the
PSDesiredStateConfiguration module:
Instance of MSFT_RoleResource as $MSFT_RoleResource1ref
ResourceID = [WindowsFeature]Backup;
ModuleName = PSDesiredStateConfiguration;
ModuleVersion = 1.0;

Note that there are reports (see of
ZIP files not working with DSC if they were created by using the .NET
Frameworks System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory()
method. Be aware.
Note that DSC will always try to use the newest version of a resource
(technically, only the module in which a resource lives has a version;
every resource in that module is considered to be the same version
number as the module itself). So, when DSC pulls a configuration, itll
check the pull server for new versions of any resources used by that
configuration. You can configure the LCM to not download newer
modules, if desired. In a configuration, you can also specify a version
number when using Import-DscResource ; if you do so, then DSC will
look for, and only use, the specified version.

Using the Log Resource

Using the Log resource in a configuration script doesnt actually
reconfigure the target node. Instead, it gives you a way to write to the
target nodes event log. Specifically, the Applications and Services
Logs / Microsoft / Windows / Desired State Configuration event
log. Heres an example, which would appear within the Node block of a
configuration script:
Log InterestingInfo {
Message = "Whatever you'd like to say"
DependsOn = "[File]MassiveFileCopy" }

This configuration item is named InterestingInfo, and it will only run if

the File setting named MassiveFileCopy has already completed.

Configuring the Local Configuration

In our walkthrough on building a pull server, we included a short
example of modifying a target nodes Local Configuration Manager
(LCM). On any machine, you can run GetDscLocalConfigurationManager to check that nodes LCM settings.
These include:

AllowModuleOverwrite. When set to $True, this allows new

modules (downloaded from a pull server) to overwrite older ones.

CertificateID. The thumbprint of the nodes certificate. This

certificate has to be stored locally on the node, and it will be used
to decrypt any encrypted data thats included in configuration files.
For example, DSC lets you include PSCredential objects in a MOF
file, but requires that they be encrypted. Well cover this in the
next section of the guide.

ConfigurationID. The GUID that the node will look for on the pull
server when it pulls its configuration.

ConfigurationMode. How the LCM works. ApplyOnly only applies

a configuration one time. ApplyAndMonitor applies the
configuration, and then re-examines it every so often. Changes are
reported in logs. ApplyAndAutoCorrect reapplies the configuration

ConfigurationModeFrequencyMins. The number of minutes the

LCM re-examines the configuration. This must be a multiple of
RefreshFrequencyMinutes. If you specify a non-multiple, your value
will be rounded up to the nearest multiple. The minimum value is
30 minutes.

Credential. The credential used to access remote resources.

Normally, the LCM runs as SYSTEM, and has very limited ability to
access non-local resources. If youre going to have the LCM pull
from an SMB pull server, for example, then youll almost definitely
want to provide a valid credential so that it can do so.

DownloadManagerCustomData. Settings that are passed to the

selected download manager. For example, the
WebDownloadManager requires a URI, and can be configured to
allow HTTP.

DownloadManagerName. Either WebDownloadManager or


RebootNodeIfNeeded. If set to $True, the target node is

automatically restarted when a configuration requires it. This is
$False by default, which means configuration operations that
require a reboot wont complete until someone manually reboots
the node. Microsoft chose $False because its safer when set to
$True, the reboot happens right away once DSC decides its
necessary. On a server in a production environment, you can see
where thatd be problematic.

RefreshFrequencyMins. In Pull mode, specifies how often the

node checks for a new configuration on the pull server. The
minimum value is 15 minutes.

RefreshMode. Either Push or Pull. You must specify a

DownloadManagerName setting.

Note that the LCM will only deal with a single configuration. If you push
a new one, the LCM will start using that one instead of any previous
one. In pull mode, it will pull only one configuration. You can use
composite configurations (we described them earlier) to combine
multiple configurations into one.
When you create a meta configuration MOF, you apply it by running
Set-DscLocalConfigurationManager , not StartDscConfiguration. Configurations containing a
LocalConfigurationManager setting should not contain any other
configuration items.
For more information on LCM configuration, read
-meta-configuration-in-windows-powershell-desired-stateconfiguration.aspx. As of this writing, the information at is

Including Credentials in a Configuration

There may come times when you need a configuration to include a
credential. In the configuration script, you can simply pass in a
PSCredential object as a parameter, and use Get-Credential to create
the PSCredential object. When the configuration script is run, the
PSCredential object is serialized into the MOF, which is then transferred
(via push or pull) to target nodes. Of course, you dont want credentials
passed in clear text, right?

The Right Way

In order for credential-passing to work, a certificate must be present on
all target nodes (specifically, in the Local Machine store). The
thumbprint of that certificate must be specified in the nodes LCM
configuration (see the previous section of this guide). The same
certificate must be installed on the computer where youre running the
configuration to create MOF files. When you create the configuration,
you pass in the certificates thumbprint as part of the configuration
data. Well walk through how to do that.
Note that this walkthrough is adapted from the PowerShell team blog
entry at, which you may want to review for further details.
Heres a quick example of a configuration that includes a PSCredential:

configuration CredentialEncryptionExample
[PsCredential] $credential
Node $AllNodes.NodeName
File exampleFile
SourcePath = "\\Server\share\path\file.ext"
DestinationPath = "C:\destinationPath"
Credential = $credential

This configuration, when run, will prompt you for a PSCredential - a
username and password. Notice that the File resource is being used to
copy a file from a UNC path. Assuming that UNC path requires a nonanonymous connection, well need to provide a credential - and we
pass the PSCredential that you were prompted for.
The trick in this configuration comes from the $AllNodes variable.
Heres how we set that up:
$ConfigData = @{
AllNodes = @(

# The name of the node we are describing

NodeName = SERVER2
# The path to the .cer file containing the
# public key of the Encryption Certificate ?
# used to encrypt credentials for this node
CertificateFile = "C:\publicKeys\targetNode.cer"

# The thumbprint of the Encryption Certificate

# used to decrypt the credentials on target node
Thumbprint = "AC23EA3A9E291A75757A556D0B71CBBF8C4F6FD8"

So weve created a hashtable in $ConfigData. The hashtable has a
single key, named AllNodes, and the value of that key is an array of
one item. That one item is itself a hashtable with three keys:
NodeName, CertificateFile, and Thumbprint. The certificate isnt
installed on this computer, but has instead been exported to a .CER
file. However, the certificate must be installed on any nodes that well
target with this configuration. Weve also configured the LCM on the
target node to have that thumbprint as its CertificateId setting.
So, weve created the configuration. Weve created a block of
configuration data to pass to it, and that block includes the certificate
details. Now we need to run the configuration, passing in that
configuration data:
CredentialEncryptionExample -ConfigurationData $ConfigData

Notice that we never defined -ConfigurationData as a parameter of the

configuration; its a built-in parameter supported by all configurations,
automatically. PowerShell will automatically encrypt the credential in
the MOF file, because PowerShell was designed to recognize
PSCredential objects and encrypt them. The target node will recognize
the encrypted data, and use its copy of the certificate to decrypt it.

As a note, the node where we created the MOF file uses the public key
from the certficiate; the target node uses the private key for

The Easier, Less-Right Way

Of course, certificates can sometimes be less than convenient, and
sometimes you dont need the security. For example, suppose youre
setting up a lab environment, and all of your passwords are going to be
Pa$$w0rd anyway. Who cares about encryption?
In that case, you can force PowerShell to include plain-text,
unencrypted passwords in the MOFs. Heres an example that we used
to set up a 3-machine lab environment:
Configuration LabSetup {
[PSCredential]$ SafeModeCredential,


# Ensure KB2883200 is installed on all computers
# Expecting Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2
# Run this script on each computer to produce
# MOF files and start configuration
# You should do DC1 first, then the other two
# You will be prompted for two credentials
# For the first, provide DOMAIN\Administrator and Pa$$w0rd
# For the second, provide Administrator and Pa$$w0rd
# This assumes that the Student Materials files are at

# E:\AllFiles
# Computers must have the following downloaded and installed
# into C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules:
# -
# -
Import-DscResource -ModuleName
Node DC1 {
WindowsFeature ADDSInstall {
Ensure = Present
Name = AD-Domain-Services
xIPAddress IP {
IPAddress = ''
InterfaceAlias = $EthernetInterfaceAlias
DefaultGateway = ''
SubnetMask = 24
AddressFamily = 'IPv4'

xDNSServerAddress DNS {
Address = ''
InterfaceAlias = $EthernetInterfaceAlias
AddressFamily = 'IPv4'

xComputer Computer {
Name = 'DC1'

xADDomain Adatum {
DomainName = domain.pri'
DomainAdministratorCredential = $domaincredential
SafemodeAdministratorPassword = $SafeModeCredential
DependsOn = '[WindowsFeature]ADDSInstall',

Node CL1 {
xIPAddress IP {
IPAddress =
InterfaceAlias = $EthernetInterfaceAlias
DefaultGateway =
SubnetMask = 24
AddressFamily = IPv4
xDNSServerAddress DNS {
Address = ''
InterfaceAlias = $EthernetInterfaceAlias
AddressFamily = 'IPv4'

xComputer Computer {
Name = 'CL1'
DomainName = 'DOMAIN'
Credential = $DomainCredential
DependsOn = '[xIPAddress]IP','[xDNSServerAddress]DNS'

Environment Env {
Name = 'PSModulePath'
Ensure = 'Present'
Path = $true
Value = 'E:\AllFiles\Modules'

Node SRV1 {
xIPAddress IP {
IPAddress =
InterfaceAlias = $EthernetInterfaceAlias
DefaultGateway =
SubnetMask = 24
AddressFamily = IPv4
xDNSServerAddress DNS {
Address =
InterfaceAlias = $EthernetInterfaceAlias
AddressFamily = IPv4

xComputer Computer {
Name = 'SRV1'
DomainName = 'DOMAIN'
Credential = $DomainCredential
DependsOn = '[xIPAddress]IP','[xDNSServerAddress]DNS'

$ConfigurationData = @{
AllNodes = @(


LabSetup -OutputPath C:\LabSetup -ConfigurationData
$ConfigurationData `
-EthernetInterfaceAlias Ethernet0

Start-DscConfiguration -Path C:\LabSetup -ComputerName

This is actually a pretty cool example - there are several things to

Weve included more than one NODE section. So, were using this
single configuration to set up an entire environment. When we run
this, well get three MOF files.

Notice the PSDscAllowPlainTextPassword in the configuration data?

Thats what enables the MOFs to legally contain unencrypted
passwords. Notice how we prompt for two credentials in the
Param() block, and then use those credentials throughout the

We parameterized the Ethernet interface alias, because sometimes

it isnt Ethernet0. Parameterizing it makes it easier to change
that for future setups.

Running this script on a lab computer produces all three MOFs, but
then only the local computers MOF is actually run. We presume
that the bare computers will have the correct computer names
already, something thats taken care of by our base images.
Obviously, not every lab setup will be that way, but ours is.

Trouble-shooting DSC and Configurations

Configurations can be difficult to troubleshoot and debug, because
theyre always running behind the scenes on a remote computer.
Even worse, the remote computer isnt running your configuration
script per se - its going through a MOF file, and then running DSC
resources to implement the instructions in the MOF. Its a lot of moving
Fortunately, the DSC engine writes a lot of info into the Windows event
logs. Specifically, youll find the logs under Applications and
Services Logs / Microsoft / Windows / Desired State
Configuration. Youll need to right-click a folder in the event viewer to
enable the Analytic and Debug logs; otherwise, youll just see the
Operational log. From PowerShell, you can run:
Get-WinEvent -LogName "Microsoft-Windows-Dsc/Operational"

To view the contents of the Operational log on the local computer. To

enable the Analytic and Debug logs from the command-line:

Wevtutil.exe set-log Microsoft-Windows-Dsc/Analytic /q:true /e:true
Wevtutil.exe set-log Microsoft-Windows-Dsc/Debug /q:true /e:true
The Operational log contains error messages, and is a good place to
start troubleshooting. The Analytic log has more detailed messages,
and any verbose messages produced by the DSC engine. The Debug
log contains developer-level messages that might not be useful unless
youre working with Microsoft Product Support to troubleshoot a
problem. For more information on using these logs, visit
Wave 2 of the DSC Resource Kit includes an xDscDiagnostics module,
which you can use to help analyze DSC failures. There are two
commands in the module: Get-xDscOperation and TracexDscOperation. For a quick walkthrough of using these commands,

Compliance Servers
A DSC pull server can actually contain two components: the pull server
bit, plus what Microsoft is presently calling a compliance server. That
name will likely change, but its a good placeholder for now.
In short, the compliance server maintains a database (which it shares
with the pull server piece) that lists all of the computers that have
checked in with the pull server, and shows their current state of
configuration compliance - that is, whether or not their actual
configuration matches their desired configuration. So, part of the LCMs
job is to not only grab configuration MOFs from the pull server, but also
to report back on how things are looking.
You can then generate reports from that database, showing you what
nodes are compliant and which ones arent. Remember that the LCM
can be configured to not continually apply configurations -we covered
that earlier with its ConfigurationMode setting, which can be set to
ApplyAndMonitor. In that mode, the LCM can let you know which
machines are out of compliance, but not actually do anything about it.
Note that the LCM will only report back if youre using an HTTP(S) pull
server; this trick wont work with an SMP pull server.

Its still early days for this particular aspect of DSC, so well expand this
section of the guide once theres more information from Microsoft on
this feature.

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