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7 Flavour of fish meat


7.1 Introduction
The flavour of fish is composed of taste which is comprised of nonvolatile
taste-active compounds and odour comprised of volatile compounds. The
nonvolatile taste-active compounds are low-molecular-weight extractive
components. These compounds are more abundant in the tissues of molluscs and crustaceans than fish which explains why shellfish are considered
to be more tasty than finfish. The extractive or nonvolatile taste-active compounds may be divided into two broad groups: nitrogenous compounds,
including free amino acids, low-molecular-weight peptides, nucleotides and
related compounds, and organic bases; and non-nitrogenous compounds,
including organic acids, sugars and inorganic constituents.
The aromas associated with very fresh fish are usually mild, delicate
and pleasant (Lindsay, 1990). These aromas are generally described as
green, plant-like or melon-like and are provided by various carbonyls
and alcohols (Josephson and Lindsay, 1986) along with iodine-like odours
in marine fish which are contributed by bromophenols (Boyle et al,
1992). Some species such as salmon have very characteristic fresh odours
(Josephson et al., 199Ib).
However, the aromas of fish are very perishable and the study of offodours is therefore important. In the process of deterioration, the very
fresh fish odours may be destroyed by microbial and autolytic activity or
new compounds produced may mask the very fresh fish aromas. Processing
can also have a dramatic impact on the aroma of fish. Besides deterioration, environmental factors can impart off-flavours to fish.

7.2 Very fresh fish aromas


Carbonyls and alcohols

The aroma of very fresh fish may vary considerably among species but most
fish have a common sweet and plant-like aroma that is easily recognized and
associated with fresh fish. This fresh fish flavour is due to volatile carbonyls
and alcohols which are derived from the polyunsaturated fatty acids of fish
lipids via specific lipoxygenase activity (Josephson and Lindsay, 1986).

Josephson et al (1984a,b) conducted a cross-species comparison of

volatile aroma compounds from freshly harvested freshwater and saltwater
fish which revealed a common occurrence of hexanal, l-octen-3-ol, 1,5octadien-3-ol, and 2,5-octadien-l-ol. Freshwater fish were also found to
contain l-octen-3-one and l,5-octadien-3-one. Six of the 12 freshwater
species analysed, but none of the saltwater species, contained (E)-2hexenal, 2-octenal, 2-octen-l-ol, 2,3-octanedione, (E)-2-nonenal, (E,Z)2,6-nonadienal and 3,6-nonadien-l-ol. Table 7.1 summarizes the volatile
carbonyls and alcohols associated with freshly harvested fish aroma.
The nine-carbon compounds (E)-2-nonenal, (E,Z)-2,6-nonadienal and
3,6-nonadien-l-ol are responsible for the cucumber-like, melon-like odour
of fresh fish. Berra et al (1982) identified (E,Z)-2,6-nonadienal in
Australian grayling (Prototroctes maraena) and the flavour isolates of
rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) were described as having a cucumberlike aroma, which was supported by the identification of (E)-2-nonenal,
(E,Z)-2,6-nonadienal, 6-nonen-l-ol and 3,6-nonadien-l-ol in this species
(Josephson et al, 1984a,b,c).
Six-carbon compounds have also been identified in freshly harvested fish
(Josephson and Lindsay, 1986; Josephson et al., 1983a; Suyama et al., 1985)
but are not found in all seafoods (Josephson and Lindsay, 1986). Hexanal
contributes a distinct coarse, green, plant-like, aldehydic aroma note to
immediately harvested finfish, but within minutes is blended with the
aromas of the eight- and nine-carbon volatiles (Josephson et al., 1983a).
The five-carbon compound l-penten-3-ol is also found in all freshwater
fish (Josephson and Lindsay, 1986). However, the level of l-penten-3-ol
in fish is lower than its recognition threshold and is therefore not likely

Table 7.1 Volatile carbonyls and alcohols associated with freshly

harvested fish aroma

c d

l-Penten-3-ol (Z)-3-Hexen-l-olc

Hsieh and Kinsella, 1989.

Zhang et al, 1992b,c.
Josephson et al., 1984a,b.
German et al, 1991.


Hexan-l-al cd
1 ,5-Octadien-3-onec-d

to be an important contributor to the characteristic aroma of freshly

harvested fish (Josephson and Lindsay, 1986).
Generally, the volatile carbonyls contribute coarse, heavy aromas
whereas the volatile alcohols contribute smoother qualities. Additionally,
the carbonyls contribute more to the overall fresh fish-like odours than
do their corresponding alcohols because of their lower threshold values
(Josephson and Lindsay, 1986).
Several authors have proposed that nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
(NADH)-dependent microsomal oxidase (Shewfelt et al, 1981; Slabyj and
Hultin, 1984) and a myeloperoxidase (Kanner and Kinsella, 1983; Kanner
et al., 1986) are involved in the formation of the hydroperoxide precursors of the volatile carbonyls and alcohols responsible for fresh fish flavour.
However, production of these products without concurrent production of
random volatile oxidation products supports the hypothesis of fresh fish
flavour volatiles generated via specific lipoxygenase activity.
Figure 7.1 describes the mechanisms involved in the biogeneration of
aroma from eicosapentaenoic acid. It is evident that volatile carbonyls and
alcohols are important contributors to freshly harvested fish aroma.
The eight-carbon volatile alcohols and carbonyls contribute distinct
fresh plant-like aromas, even though these compounds individually exhibit


Eicosapentaenoic Acid




















Figure 7.1 Proposed mechanism for enzymatic biogeneration of volatile carbonyls and
alcohols important to freshly harvested fish aroma from eicospentaenoic acid (adapted from
Josephson and Lindsay, 1986).

Table 7.2 Some volatile aroma compounds and their associated aroma


(Z)-1, 5-Octadien-3-one

Green, aldehyde3
Cucumber, cardboard3 c
Cucumber peela-c
Cucumber, melon rinda-c
Fatty, rancid5
Earthy, mushroom3
Earthy, mushroom3
Geranium leaves3

Josephson et al, 1983.

Pyysalo and Suihko, 1976.
Hirano et al, 1992.

a mushroom and geranium-like aroma. Table 7.2 lists some of the volatile
aroma compounds of fresh fish and associated description of individual
The substrates for the production of the volatile carbonyls and alcohols
are the polyunsaturated fatty acids. The lipoxygenase found in fish exhibits
the same selectivity towards arachidonic, eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids but shows negligible response to linoleic and linolenic
acids (Zhang et al, 1992b; Hsieh et al, 1988, 1992c). However, lipoxygenases in plants have specificity for linoleic and linolenic acids (Minamide,
1977; Sessa, 1979; MacLeod and Pikk, 1979).
The specific volatile compounds generated by the lipoxygenase are
dependent on the substrate (Zhang etal, 1992b; Hsieh and Kinsella, 1989).
For example, if eicosapentaenoic acid or docosahexaenoic acid is the
substrate, the compounds l,5-octadien-3-ol, (E,Z)-2,6-nonadienal, 2,5octadien-1-ol and 3,6-nonadien-l-ol are the flavour volatiles generated.
However, from arachidonic acid, (E)-2-octenal, l-octen-3-ol, (E)-2-nonenal, (E)-2-octenol and (Z)-3-nonenol are produced (Zhang et al, 1992b).
7.2.2 Sulphur compounds
Volatile sulphur compounds are usually associated with deteriorated
seafood. However, there is evidence that sulphur compounds can be
produced in fish (Josephson et al, 1986b) and may contribute to aromas
that characterize the odours of some fresh seafoods. Dimethyl sulphide is
one of the volatile sulphur compounds known to provide a pleasant
seashore-like smell in fresh seafoods (Iida, 1988). When dimethyl sulphide
is in low concentration (<100ppb), it gives a pleasant crab-like aroma;
however, at higher concentrations, it is perceived as having an offensive

odour (Iida, 1988). The formation of methyl mercaptan, dimethyl disulphide and dimethyl sulphide in the flathead (Calliurichthys doryssus} at
the time of harvest has been reported (Shiomi et al, 1982).
The proposed pathways provided are different from those given by
Josephson et al (1984a,b,c) but are consistent with the current data. Further evidence for the proposed pathway is provided by the identification of
a 12-lipoxygenase in the skin and gill tissue of trout which can oxidize
polyunsaturated fatty acids into position specific hydroperoxides (Hsieh
and Kinsella, 1989; German et al, 1986; German and Kinsella, 1985).
Lipoxygenase-like activity has also been found in crude extracts from skin
and gill of wild and cultured ayu (Zhang et al, 1992a, b) and smelt (Zhang
etal, 1992c). The hydroperoxides are decomposed to produce various fragmentation products such as the volatile carbonyls and alcohols which
contribute to the aroma of freshly harvested fish (Hsieh et al, 1988).
As shown in Figure 7.1, the 12-lipoxygenase produces hydroperoxides
that fragment into the eight- and nine-carbon volatile carbonyls and alcohols. According to the pathways proposed, a 15-lipoxygenase is required
for the biogenesis of the five- and six-carbon volatile carbonyls and alcohols (Josephson and Lindsay, 1986). The existence of a 15-lipoxygenase
in trout gill was confirmed by German et al (1992)
The 12- and 15-lipoxygenases are not distributed equally amongst fish
species (German et al, 1992). For example, trout exhibit very high 12- and
virtually undetectable 15-lipoxygenase activities, whereas in carp, although
the 12-lipoxygenase is most active, the 15-lipoxygenase is also relatively
abundant. In sturgeon, the 15-lipoxygenase is actually the predominant
enzyme (German et al, 1992). The existing differences in concentration of
different lipoxygenases might account for some of the observed variations
in the flavour spectrum of different species.


Several naturally occurring bromophenols have been reported to be

responsible for the iodine-like off-flavour in Australian prawns (Whitfield
et al, 1988). However, low concentrations of these bromophenols may be
responsible for the desirable brine- or sea-like aromas associated with
many saltwater fish (Boyle et al, 1992).
The very potent 2,6-dibromophenol (5 x 1O-4 jxg/1 threshold in water)
responsible for the iodine-like off-flavour in prawns (Whitfield et al, 1988)
has not been detected in saltwater salmon. However, Pacific salmon
harvested from saltwater has been reported to contain several other
bromophenols (Table 7.3), with 2,4,6-tribromophenol being the most
abundant isomer.
When Pacific salmon migrate from saltwater to brackish water or freshwater environments there is a loss of the high-quality sea-like flavour

Table 7.3 Concentrations of bromophenols (ng/g) in sexually immature Pacific salmon

(Oncorhynchus sp.) harvested from saltwater and marine fish


Pink salmon
Sockeye salmon
Chinook salmon
Coho salmon
US pickled herring
European brine-cured herring
Icelandic haddock








Source: Adapted from Boyle et al (1992); symbols are BP, bromophenol; DBP, dibromophenol; and TBP, tribromophenol.

(Boyle et al, 1992). Several authors have suggested that this loss of flavour
is due to the cessation of feeding and mobilization of muscle lipids and
carotenoid pigments into the gonads and skin (Josephson et al., 1991a,b;
Kitahara, 1984; Hatano et al, 1983; Ota and Yamada, 1974). However,
Boyle et al (1992) found that bromophenols were virtually absent from
sexually mature freshwater salmon lacking brine- or sea-like flavours and
concluded that the bromophenols were depurated from the saltwater
salmon upon cessation of feeding. Bromophenols are virtually absent in
freshwater fish (Boyle et al, 1992).
7.2.4 Hydrocarbons
The hydrocarbons (E9Z)- and (EJE)-1,3,5-octatriene have been found in
spawning condition salmon and other non-salmonid freshwater fish
(Josephson, 1991). The contribution of these unsaturated hydrocarbons to
seafood flavour has not been studied, but may be significant because 1,3octadiene exhibits a mushroom, humus-like aroma (Persson and Juttner,
7.3 Species-specific characteristic aromas

Canned tuna

Some fish species have distinct characteristic aromas. Canned tuna has an
aroma different from other canned fish and is often described as meaty.
One of the compounds identified in canned tuna that has an intense beef
extract aroma is 2-methyl-3-furanthiol (Withycombe and Mussinan, 1988).
2-Methyl-3-furanthiol along with other similar compounds produces the
rich meaty flavour of canned tuna (Withycombe and Mussinan, 1988).



Salmon is also recognized as having a distinctive rich flavour that can be

described as salmon-like or salmon loaf-like. These distinct flavour
compounds are believed to be associated with carotenoid pigments and
other lipid substances. The carotenoids either serve as a direct precursor
to the salmon loaf-like flavour or they modulate chemical reactions which
convert fatty acids or other lipid precursors to the salmon loaf-like
compound (Josephson et al, 199Ib). The salmon loaf-like aroma compound is considered to be one of the alkyl furanoid-type structures as
shown in Figure 7.2.
7.3.3 Sweet smelt
Other fish such as ayu (sweet smelt) also have a characteristic aroma in
the raw state. Ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis) possesses a sweet smell like the
aroma of watermelon or cucumber. The compounds (E,Z)-2,6-nonadienal
and (Z)-3-hexenol play an important role in the characteristic odour of
wild ayu (Suyama et al., 1985).
7.4 Derived or process-induced flavours
7.4.1 Canning
Many flavours in fish are developed during heat processing. As previously
discussed, the compound 2-methyl-3-furanthiol gives canned tuna its
characteristic meaty flavour (Withycombe and Mussinan, 1988). This
compound is produced by the thermally mediated reaction between ribose
and cysteine (Lindsay, 1990). Tuna, containing an abundant supply of
ribose from the degradation of ribonucleotides, produces 2-methyl-3furanthiol when heated during the canning process (Lindsay, 1990).
7.4.2 Dried and salted fish
In a study on the odour of dried and salted marine products, volatile bases
had no correlation with odour whereas there was a close relationship
between volatile fatty acid concentration and odour. However, volatile

Figure 7.2 Alkyl furanoid-type structure of salmon loaf-like aroma compound (adapted
from Josephson et al., 199Ib).

carbonyl compounds are considered to be the most important contributor

to the odour of dried and salted fish (Nakamura et al, 1982). A later study
of several kinds of dried and smoked fish identified 142 volatile compounds
(Sakakibara et al., 199Oa). Katsuobushi (dried bonito) is a traditional
flavour enhancer regularly used in Japanese cuisine and is known to have
superior flavour qualities. The final product is produced through boiling,
sun-drying, smoking and moulding which develop a complex flavour
composition. One study identified 237 volatile compounds in katsuobushi
(Sakakibara et al., 199Ob).
7.4.3 Smoked fish
Smoking is a common processing method for various fish species. The
principal reason for smoking fish is flavour improvement and several
studies have investigated the flavour of various smoked fish (Kasahara
and Nishibori, 1979a,b, 1982). A study of the volatile components of
smoked salmon identified 16 phenols, 17 acids, an ester, an alcohol and
three hydrocarbons. Of these, phenols such as guaiacol, 4-methylguaiacol,
4-ethylguaiacol, 2,6-dimethoxyphenol and 4-methyl-2,6-dimethoxyphenol
were considered most important in the aroma of smoked salmon (Kasahara
and Nishibori, 1979a).
7.4.4 Pickled fish
Another common processing method for fish is pickling. Pickled fish refers
to fish that are treated with salt brine and acidified. A study on the influence of the pickling process on the volatile flavour compounds of fish found
that fresh fish volatile carbonyls and alcohols are extracted into the brine
during processing. Therefore, only traces of carbonyls and modest amounts
of alcohols remain in the pickled fish and it is the alcohols that are more
influential in the flavour of pickled fish (Josephson et al., 1987). Hence, the
flavour of pickled fish is less pronounced in fishiness character than either
unprocessed fresh fish or abused, oxidized fish (Josephson et al., 1987).
High-quality pickled fish have a mild, but distinct fresh fish-like flavour,
similar to fresh, green-plant-like flavours (Josephson et al., 1987).
7.4.5 Fermented fish
Fermented fish sauce is a processed product that is common in South-East
Asia. This product is prepared by mixing small, uneviscerated fish with salt,
at a ratio of three to one, and fermented. During production of fish sauce,
the flavour developed is usually described as cheesy, ammoniacal and
meaty (Beddows et al., 1976). The cheesy odour is produced by volatile
fatty acids while the ammoniacal odour is due to ammonia and amines

(Dougan and Howard, 1975). The meaty aroma is complex and varies with
the origin of the sauce (Beddows et al, 1976). Dougan and Howard (1975)
identified acetic, propionic, n-butyric and isobutyric, and isovaleric acids as
specific volatile acids contributing to the aroma of fermented fish sauce
with acetic and n-butyric acids being the two major components. Sanceda
et al (1983) reported that propionic and n-butyric acids were the major
acids and identified additional volatile acids with two to ten carbon atoms,
both n-acids and iso-acids. Sanceda et al. (1983) concluded that the volatile
acids appear to be responsible for the cheesy aroma and rancid odour of
fermented fish sauce. Mclver et al. (1982) reported that the neutral fraction
of a fish sauce extract which possessed a meaty aroma contained three
lactones as the main components along with alcohols, heterocyclic compounds and benzaldehyde.
Fish enzymes, microorganisms and fat oxidation have all been considered as possible contributors to the development of fermented fish sauce
aroma (Beddows et al., 1976). In a study on the use of enzymes on the
hydrolysis of mackerel and the investigation of fermented fish aroma,
Beddows et al. (1976) concluded that bacteria play an important role in
the development of the cheesy aroma of fermented fish sauce obtained
from mackerel.
Anchovies are usually eaten salted and cured (ripened). The maturing or
ripening process is thought to have a significant impact on the final product.
As anchovies ripen, their contents of 2,4-heptadienal and (E,Z)-3,5-octadien-2-one increase (Triqui and Reineccius, 1995a). The anchovy flavour is
due to both the enzymatically generated C8 alcohols and ketones along with
(E,Z)-2,6-nonadienal, which contribute plant- and cucumber-like aromas,
and autoxidatively derived C7-C10 conjugated aldehydes, which impart fatty
and fried fat-like aromas to products (Triqui and Reineccius, 1995b). More
recently, Cha et al. (1997) reported 98 volatile compounds in salt-fermented
anchovy with l-octen-3-one, (Z)-4-heptenal, (E,Z)-2,6-nonadienal, 3methylbutanal, 3-(methylthio)propanal, ethyl 2-methylbutanoate and ethyl
3-methylbutanoate being the most potent odorants.


The characteristic aroma of fish which develops upon cooking is due to a

mixture of low-molecular-weight aldehydes and browning reaction products (Shibamoto and Horiuchi, 1997). The browning-flavour compounds are
produced from the interactions of carbonyls and amines (Shibamoto, 1983).
In the absence of amines, DC1-C10 saturated aldehydes and some branched
aldehydes are detected in the headspace of heated fish oil. However, with
TMAO added as an amine precursor, the compounds N,N-dimethylformamide and N-methylpyrrole are formed which make a strong contribution
to the cooked flavour of fish oil (Shibamoto and Horiuchi, 1997).

Some fish in the process of cooking generate distinct cooked odours.

In Japanese conger, sardine and pale chub the compounds 2-phenylethanol, l-penten-3-ol and dimethyl sulphide were specific components
which contributed to the roasted aroma of these fish, respectively (Kasahara and Nishibori, 1985). Sardines, upon cooking, generally produce a
strong undesirable odour. Various aldehydes, alcohols, hydrocarbons and
fatty acids are believed to contribute to the strong odour produced when
sardine is cooked (Koizumi et al, 1979; Nakamura et al, 198Ob).
7.5 Deteriorated fish odours

Compounds causing off-flavours in fish and their control have been extensively reviewed (Obata et al., 1950; Wyatt and Day, 1963; Meijboom and
Stroink, 1972; McGiIl et al., 1974; Ke et al., 1975; Kikuchi et al., 1976; Reineccius, 1979; Ross and Love, 1979; Josephson et al., 1983b; Hsieh et al, 1989;
Kasahra et al., 1989, 1990; Kawai, 1990; Haard, 1992). These compounds
may arise from the environment or through deterioration. Environmentally derived odour compounds will be discussed in a later section.

Trimethylamine and related compounds

Historically, trimethylamine (TMA) and dimethylamine (DMA) have

been associated with the odour of deteriorating fish (Hebard et al., 1982;
Regenstein et al., 1982). Trimethylamine is produced by the reduction of
trimethylamine oxide (TMAO) during microbial spoilage. Dimethylamine
and formaldehyde are produced from the breakdown of TMAO by
enzymes in the muscles of various fish species (Hebard et al., 1982; Regenstein et al., 1982).
Trimethylamine oxide is used for osmoregulation in fish in saltwater
environments (Love, 1970) and is therefore absent from freshwater species
(Hebard et al., 1982). In marine species, elasmobranchs have the highest
levels of TMAO followed by gadoids, pelagics and flatfish (Herbard et al.,
Trimethylamine oxide has no odour whereas TMA is a very potent
odour compound described as 'old-fishy' or fish house-like (Lindsay, 1991)
with a very low threshold (300-600 ppb) (Amoore et al., 1975; Kikuchi
et al., 1976; Ikeda, 1979). Trimethylamine itself, however, is not responsible for the fishy odour as it smells like ammonia in its purified form
(Hebard et al, 1982). Trimethylamine reacts with fat in the fish tissue to
produce the fishy odour (Davies and Gill, 1936). Dimethylamine exhibits
an ammoniacal aroma and is less fishy than TMA (Lindsay, 1990).
In unfrozen fish, TMA production is much greater than the production
of DMA (Castell et al, 1973). In gadoid fish, the formation of DMA

precedes that of TMA (Amano and Yamada, 1964) and in frozen gadoids
that are kept at high subfreezing temperatures, DMA and formaldehyde
are produced enzymatically, but TMA formation is prevented due to inhibition of microbial growth (Castell et al., 1973).
Many studies have positively correlated levels of TMA and sensory
scores of unfrozen marine fish (Dussault, 1957; Spencer, 1962; Farber,
1965; Magno-Orejana et al, 1971; Sen Gupta et al, 1972) and thus TMA
is often used as a spoilage index for unfrozen fish. However, production
of DMA may serve as a better measure of deterioration in frozen gadoids
(Castell et al., 1970).
7.5.2 A utoxidation
Autoxidizing fish lipids have long been linked to the production of fishy
flavours in both chill-stored and frozen fish. Similar compounds are formed
in fish and fish oil as a result of autoxidation of polyunsaturated fatty
acids (Josephson et al., 1984c, 1986b; Karahadian and Lindsay, 1989a,b).
The oxidized aromas in autoxidized fish oils vary from just perceptible
to extremely unpleasant fish oil-like odours. Initially, aromas described as
green or cucumber-like (Karahadian and Lindsay, 1989a) arise, but as
oxidation progresses odours described as fishy, cod liver oil-like, or burnt
are developed (Lindsay, 1990).
The initial aromas are due to the production of short-chain saturated
and unsaturated aldehydes and include hexanal and (E)-2-hexenal. The
most important contributors to the fishy and cod liver oil-like aromas are
(E,Z,Z)-2,4,7-decatrienal and (E,E,Z)-2,4,7-decatrienal (Meijboom and
Stroink, 1972: Karahadian and Lindsay, 1989a). Ke et al. (1975) reported
the presence of 2,4,7-decatrienals in autoxidized mackerel oil.
The 2,4,7-decatrienals are derived from autoxidation of long-chain
polyunsaturated co-3 fatty acids which are abundant in fish lipids. The
compound 2,4,7-decatrienal and other aldehydes are produced via p-scission of alkoxy radicals generated by the homolytic cleavage of each isomer
of the hydroperoxides (Fujimoto, 1989) (Figure 7.3).
It is proposed that the H-donating character of tocopherol-type
compounds causes a preferential formation of cis-trans rather than transtrans monohydroperoxide that provides the direct precursors of the
2,4,7-decatrienals. A stepwise mechanism for the formation of transjranshydroperoxide compared to trans,cis-hydroperoxide is provided in
Figure 7.4.


Deteriorated aromas that develop in cod and related species have also
been associated with the compound (Z)-4-heptenal (McGiIl et al., 1974,







Figure 7.3 Formation of 2,4,7-decatrienal and other aldehydes from autoxidation of docosa
hexaenoic acid.

Eicosapentaenoic acid


No tocopherol

rotation (step 1)

translocation (step 2)


(E,E,Z)-2,4,7- decatrienal

Figure 7.4 Formation of isomeric hydroperoxides of polyunsaturated fatty acids (adapted

from Karahadian and Lindsay, 1989b).

1977; Hardy et al, 1979). This compound does not contribute distinct fishytype flavours but rather it potentiates the stale, burnt/fishy, cod liver
oil-like flavour contributed by the 2,4,7-decatrienals (Karahadian and
Lindsay, 1989a). At low concentrations in water (Z)-4-heptenal exhibits
a cardboardy character while at higher concentration the aroma is more

putty-, paint- or linseed oil-like (Lindsay, 1990). The aroma of (Z)-4heptenal has also been described as cold boiled potato-like and is believed
to be responsible for much of the aroma of boiling potatoes (Josephson
and Lindsay, 1987a).
(Z)-4-Heptenal is produced by the water-mediated retro-aldol condensation of (E,Z)-2,6-nonadienal and the proposed mechanism is shown in
Figure 7.5 (Josephson and Lindsay, 1987b).
The production of (Z)-4-heptenal is accelerated with increased temperatures and at high pH (Josephson and Lindsay, 1987b) and is therefore
commonly found in cooked, stored seafoods (McGiIl et al, 1974, 1977).

Volatile acids

During the storage of fish, various volatile acids are formed. Kikuchi
et al. (1976) have reported that formic, acetic, propionic, n- and isobutyric,
and n- and isovaleric acids are formed in fish flesh during storage. A study

Transition Reaction

Acidic Medium





hydroxy gem-diol




Figure 7.5 Proposed mechanism for the formation of (Z)-4-heptenal from (E,Z)-2,6-nonadienal via alpha/beta double bond hydration and retro-aldol condensation (adapted from
Josephson and Lindsay, 1987b).

on oxidized sardine oil found that propionic acid followed by acetic acid
were dominant (Table 7.4).
Although the concentrations of butyric and valeric acid are much lower,
their lower odour thresholds make them more important than other acids
(Kikuchi et al, 1976). The short-chain volatile acids give very intense and
objectionable sweaty odours and are considered important markers for
flavour quality of fish oil (Hsieh et al., 1989). However, Karahadian and
Lindsay (1989b) concluded that short-chain fatty acids found in oxidizing
fish were of insignificant concentrations to contribute characterizing burnt/
fishy flavours and aromas.

Other compounds

Karahadian and Lindsay (1989a) identified a compound in fish oils

described as fish bowl-like or minnow bucket-like when eluted via packedcolumn gas chromatography. This compound was identified as 5,8,11-tetradecatrien-2-one.
During the advanced stages of spoilage of chill-stored cod, off-odours
described as 'sulphidy', 'hydrogen sulphide', 'stale cabbage' and
'mercaptan-like' develop (Herbert et al., 1975). Herbert et al. (1975)
reported that hydrogen sulphide, methyl mercaptan and dimethyl sulphide
are responsible for the 'sulphidy' off-flavours associated with chill-stored
cod in the advanced stages of spoilage. These volatile sulphides result
from the microbial degradation of free cysteine and methionine in the fish
muscle (Herbert and Shewen, 1975).
In oxidized cod liver oil, nonadienal, (E)-2-hexenal and 1,5-octadien3-one have been identified as contributing to a green aroma and the
distinctly fishy odour of fish oils (Karahadian and Lindsay, 1989a). In
oxidized sardine oil l,5-octadien-3-hydroperoxide has also been identified
as a green aroma compound (Wada and Lindsay, 1992).
Table 7.4 Contents of volatile fatty acids in oxidized sardine oil and
their corresponding odour thresholds

Acetic acid
Propionic acid
n-Butyric acid
Isobutyric acid
n- Valeric acid
Isovaleric acid
n-Caproic acid
Isocaproic acid

Nakamura et al., 1980.

Kikuchi et al., 1976.


Odour threshold



In a study of changes in the odorants of boiled trout (Salmo fario)

during storage it was found that the concentrations of (Z)-S-hexenal and
(Z,Z)-3,6-nonadienal increased to levels which contributed strongly to the
fatty, fishy off-flavour of boiled trout (MiIo and Grosch, 1993). A later
study on boiled cod and trout reported that an increase of acetaldehyde,
propionaldehyde, butane-2,3-dione, pentane-2,3-dione and C6, C8 and C9
carbonyl compounds in trout and trimethylamine, butane-2,3-dione,
methylpropanal, and 2- and 3-methylbutanal in cod contributed to the
development of off-flavours (MiIo and Grosch, 1995). In subsequent
studies on boiled salmon and cod, the off-flavours in cod were attributed
to an increase in the concentration of 3-methylbutanal while in salmon
the off-flavours were due to an increase in the concentrations of (Z)-3hexenal, 2,6-nonadienal and (Z,Z)-3,6-nonadienal (MiIo and Grosch,
1996, 1997).
Several studies have investigated the control of fish deterioration
odours. Josephson et al. (1983) reported that addition of sodium bisulphite (100-500 ppm) to water extracts of slime from fresh and oxidized
whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) suppressed fishy aromas. The sodium
bisulphite reduces the fishy aroma by reacting with aldehydes and many
ketones that contribute to fresh and oxidized fish aromas to form
nonvolatile adducts with bisulphite (Josephson et al., 1983b) The general
scheme for the reaction of aldehydes and unhindered ketones with bisulphite ion is shown below (Scheme 7.1).

Scheme 7.1

Trimethylamine has historically been associated with off-flavours in fish

(Hebard et al, 1982; Regenstein et al., 1982). It has been reported that
dl-[ 3-amino-3-carboxypropyl] dimethyl sulphonium chloride (also known
as vitamin U chloride) can suppress the fishy odours of spoiling fish (Kawai
et al., 1990). It was proposed that the compound reacts with trimethylamine to reduce the fishy odour, as given below.

Efforts have also been made to improve sardine odour by adding soy
sauce flavouring or Mirin flavourings (Kasahara et al., 1989, 1990) and the
suppression of the odour of roasted sardine has been achieved using lemon
juice (Kasahara and Nishibori, 1992).

7.6 Environmentally derived flavours




Many flavours present in fish are due to environmental factors. Musty,

muddy, earthy and mouldy are common off-flavours in wild (Kuusi and
Suihko, 1983) and farmed fish populations (Yurkowski and Tabachek,
1980) that are caused by environmental factors. Geosmin (Loveil et al.,
1986) and 2-methylisoborneol (Martin et al., 1987) are the two primary
chemical compounds responsible for the musty or earthy flavours. Two
other compounds identified as 2-methylenebornane and 2-methyl-2bornene, which are dehydration products of 2-methylisoborneol, were also
believed to cause the musty off-flavour in catfish (Martin et al., 1988).
However, Mills et al. (1993) reported that these dehydration products were
not responsible for off-flavours in catfish as they do not have discernible
odours and are often present in catfish free of earthy or musty off-flavours.
The chemical structures of geosmin ((E)-1,10-dimethyl-(E)-9-decalol)
(Gerber, 1968) and 2-methylisoborneol (1,2,7,7-tetramethyl-exo-bicycloheptan-2-ol) (Schrader and Blevins, 1993) are shown in Figure 7.6(a) and
(b), respectively.
Geosmin and 2-methylisoborneol are secondary metabolites produced
by various actinomycetes (Medsker et al., 1968; Gerber, 1967, 1968, 1969)
and cyanobacteria (Schrader and Blevins, 1993; Matsumoto and Tsuchiya,
1988; Negoro et al., 1988; Tabachek and Yurkowski, 1976; Martin et al.,
1991). It has been shown that geosmin can be absorbed through the gills,
skin, small intestine and stomach of trout with absorption being most rapid
through the gills and slowest through the stomach (From and Horlyck,
1984). Johnsen et al. (1996) reported that temperature is an important
factor in the rate of absorption and depuration of 2-methylisoborneol in
Geosmin has been identified as the compound causing the earthy offflavour in channel catfish (Lovell and Sackey, 1973) whereas 2-methylisoborneol is the compound that causes the musty off-flavour in channel
catfish (Martin et al., 1987, 1988). Other cultured species such as bream

Figure 7.6 Chemical structure of geosmin (A) and 2-methylisoborneol (B) (adapted from
Schrader and Blevins, 1993).

(Persson, 1979), trout (Yurkowski and Tabachek, 1974) and shrimp (Lovell
and Broce, 1985) and various wild commercial species such as walleye,
northern pike, cisco and lake whitefish (Yurkowski and Tabachek, 1980)
have also been tainted with these earthy or musty off-flavour compounds.



Another off-flavour problem associated with environmental conditions is

referred to as the 'blackberry' problem in cod from the Labrador area of
Canada. This condition results when cod consume invertebrates locally
called 'blackberry' making the fillets smell unpleasant. Sipos and Ackman
(1964) associated the off-flavour with dimethyl sulphide. The authors
proposed that the dimethyl sulphide smell originated in algae and was
passed to the invertebrates and then on to the fish when they consumed
the invertebrates.
7.6.3 Environmental pollutants
The flavour of fish may also become tainted due to environmental pollutants. In a study by Lindsay and Heil (1992) fish harvested from the Upper
Wisconsin River had a pronounced chemical, petroleum, phenolic and
sulphurous flavour. They identified several alkylphenols and thiophenol
as the compounds responsible for this flavour taint. The alkylphenols (2isopropyl-, 3-isopropyl-, 4-isopropyl-, 2,4-diisopropyl-, 2,5-diisopropyl-,
2,6-diisopropyl-, 3,5-diisopropyl-, 5-methyl-2-isopropyl- and 2-methyl-5isopropyl-) and thiophenol were reported to be the principal contributors
to the flavour tainting (Lindsay and Heil, 1992).
Lindsay and Heil (1992) concluded that thiophenol entered the river
through discharges from paper mills. However, these authors proposed
that alkylphenols were formed in the environment from precursors, such
as diterpenes or phenolic glycoside conjugates, which are produced by
paper pulping activities.
Petroleum substances can have serious flavour tainting effects on
exposed fish. Toluene and benzene have been identified as substances that
cause offensive flavours in fish (Ogata and Miyake, 1973). The odour
and flavour characteristics of salmonids have been shown to be affected
by contamination with crude oil especially when dispersants are used
(Martinsen et al, 1992). Ackman et al. (1996) reported that a portion of
the water-soluble fraction of crude petroleum oil, which is rich in methyland alkyl-substituted monoaromatic and low-molecular-weight polyaromatic hydrocarbons and has a strong petroleum flavour, is dissolved
into adipocyte cells of farmed salmon. These substances are retained much
longer in the adipocyte cells than in intercellular fluids where they are
rapidly depurated.

7.7 Nonvolatile nitrogenous compounds

The previous sections have dealt with various volatile compounds that contribute to the odour rather than the taste of fish. The taste of fish is dependent on its extractive components. The extractive components are defined
as water-soluble, low-molecular-weight compounds and they are divided
into two broad groups: nitrogenous compounds and non-nitrogenous compounds (Fuke and Konosu, 1991). The nitrogenous extractive components
include free amino acids, low-molecular-weight peptides, nucleotides and
related compounds, urea and quateranary ammonium compounds (Konosu
and Yamaguchi, 1982; Haard et al., 1994). The distribution of nonprotein
nitrogenous compounds in a teleost and elasmobranch is provided in
Table 7.5.

Free amino acids and related compounds

The free amino acid content of fish is relatively low when compared to
shellfish. However, some authors have reported that certain free amino
acids can occur in fish muscle at high enough concentrations to contribute
to fish flavour, independent of other constituents. There are reports that
glycine contributes to the sweetness of fish (Amano and Bito, 1951) and
histidine contributes to the 'meaty' character of some seafoods (Simidu
et al., 1953). Others argue that the individual free amino acids in fish such
as gadoids are at levels below their flavour thresholds and are therefore
unlikely to be important contributors to flavour.
The most notable feature of free amino acid contents in fish is the high
content of histidine in makerel and tuna and a high taurine content in
white-fleshed fish (Konosu and Yamaguchi, 1982). A study of wild and
cultured red sea bream reported that wild fish had a higher content of
many of the free amino acids, except for histidine, than their cultured
counterparts (Morishata et al., 1989). However, other studies on the
extractive components of wild and cultured fish, including red sea bream
(Konosu and Watanabe, 1976), yellowtail (Endo et al., 1974) and ayu
Table 7.5 Distribution (%) of non-protein nitrogen compounds in a
teleost (mackerel) and elasmobranch (shark)
Class of compounds





Free amino acids

Creatine and creatinine
Ammonia and amides
Source: Adapted from Finne (1992).


(Suyama et al, 1970), have concluded that the composition of extractive

components, including free amino acids, of wild and cultured fish is similar.
Taurine, a major constituent of white-fleshed fish, has been reported to
be slightly bitter (Jones, 1967). More important than the individual contributions of free amino acids to flavour is the mutual enhancement of flavour
by the free amino acid fraction and nucleotides. An inter-relationship
between glutamic acid and adenosine 5'-monophosphate has been demonstrated to provide the meaty character of some fish and between mononucleotides and glycine, alanine, glutamic acid and methionine in sea urchin
gonads (Jones, 1967).
Carnosine and anersine are two of a limited number of peptides that
have been identified in the extracts of fish and their structures are shown
in Figure 7.7.
Carnosine is abundant in eel and skipjack while anserine is abundant
in tuna, skipjack and some species of shark (Konosu and Yamaguchi,
1982). Several studies on beef and pork indicate that carnosine may be a
naturally occuring antioxidant that would have an impact on flavour development (Chan et al., 1993; Decker and Crum, 1993; Decker et al., 1995)
Peptides and free amino acids are important contributors to the flavour
of fish sauce. Raksakulthai and Haard (1992) reported that the typical
flavour of fish sauce was correlated with large peptides and free amino
acids. Major amino acid residues in peptides were aspartic acid, serine,
glutamic acid and leucine (Raksakulthai and Haard, 1992).
7.7.2 Nucleotides and related compounds
Nucleotides and related compounds are important because of their palatable taste (umami)-producing factors. Umami taste of seafood has been
reviewed (Komata, 1990; Fuke, 1994). In the muscle of live fish, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) predominates but shortly after death it is
enzymatically degraded according to the pathway shown in Figure 7.8.
In this degradation pathway, the reaction inosine monophosphate (IMP)
-* inosine is slow and IMP usually accumulates in fresh fish muscle
(Konosu and Yamaguchi, 1982). IMP is a desirable flavour enhancer in
fish extracts (Murata and Sakaguchi, 1989). IMP is at highest concentration



Figure 7.7 Structures of carnosine (p-alanylhistidine) (A) and anserine (p-alanyl-1-methyl

histidine) (B) (adapted from Konosu and Yamaguchi, 1982).












Figure 7.8 The postmortem enzymatic degradation of ATP (adapted from Komata, 1990),
where ATP = adenosine triphosphate; ADP = adenosine diphosphate; AMP = adenosine
monophosphate; and IMP = inosine monophosphate.

within one to two days postmortem and as its concentration decreases

the flavour of the fish becomes less acceptable (Fletcher and Statham,
1988a,b). In contrast to the desirable sweet or salty taste contributed by
IMP, hypoxanthine, the end-product of nucleotide degradation contributes
a bitter taste to muscle foods (Bremner et at., 1988). Measurement of
nucleotides and calculation of K values (Saito et al., 1959; Karube et a/.,
1984) can be used to determine the freshness of fish (Greene and BernattByrne, 1990) and other seafoods (Shahidi et al, 1994).
Creatine (Figure 7.9(A)), a guanidino compound is often found in high
amounts in fish while creatinine, a dehydration product of creatine (Figure
7.9(B)), is usually found in much smaller quantities.

Urea and quaternary ammonium compounds

Urea is present in small quantities in tissues of all fish. Marine elasmobranchs, however, contain relatively high amounts (1-2.5%) of urea for
osmoregulation (Haard et al, 1994). Urea has no flavour, but it is readily
decomposed to ammonia and carbon dioxide. Bacterial urease catalyses
this reaction and the pungent odour of the resulting ammonia may
contribute to unacceptable quality of fish (Finne, 1992).
Trimethylamine oxide, a quateranary ammonium compound, commonly
found in marine teleosts and elasmobranchs, has no odour or taste. However, the breakdown products of TMAO have very potent odours which
contribute to fish spoilage (see section 7.5).



Figure 7.9 Structures of creatine (A) and creatinine (B) (adapted from Konosu and
Yamaguchi, 1982).

7.8 Nonvolatile non-nitrogenous compounds

Very few studies have investigated nonvolatile non-nitrogenous components in fish when compared to the studies of the nitrogenous compounds.
Some of the acids that have been found in fish extracts include acetic,
propionic, lactic, pyruvic, succinic and oxalic acids. Lactic acid, which is
produced through glycolysis, is the main acid and can reach high concentrations in active fish such as tuna and skipjack (Konosu and Yamaguchi,
7.8.1 Sugars and related compounds
Most fish contain some free glucose and ribose whereas fructose occurs
in some species of fish (Jones, 1958). When plaice are stored on ice, their
ribose content increases (Ehira and Uchiyama, 1967). In addition to free
sugars, various sugar phosphates and inositol, a sugar alcohol, are also
known to occur in fish (Konosu and Yamaguchi, 1982). Konosu and
Yamaguchi (1982) concluded that the content of free sugars and their
derivatives in fish muscle are fairly low, so it is unlikely that they
contribute to fish flavour. However, another study found that the sugar
phosphates at levels equal to maximum concentrations in cod tasted
'sweetish-salty' according to a taste panel (Jones, 1961).
7.8.2 Inorganic salts
Very little work has been done on the flavour of inorganic salts. However,
the cations Na+ and K+ and the anions Cl" and PO43" are believed to be
important contributors to fish flavour (Fuke and Konosu, 1991).
7.9 Summary
The area offish flavours, especially volatiles, has been the subject of renewed
studies. As a result, compounds such as various C8- and C9-carbonyls and
alcohols have been elucidated as being responsible for the characteristic
sweet, plant-like aroma in freshly harvested fish. More recently, the efforts
have been concentrated on identifying the pathways for the formation of
aroma-active compounds. Many of the data reported to date have been
supportive of the hypothesis that such products are produced from polyunsaturated fatty acids via lipoxygenase-mediated oxidation.
Fresh fish flavours are very delicate and can be easily destroyed or
masked by deteriorative odours. Fresh fish flavours are very unstable
under abusive conditions, upon which undesirable flavour compounds
associated with deterioration are produced.

Processing of fish also affects its flavour. Sometimes processing results

in the production of desirable aromas while undesirable flavours may be
produced under different conditions. Similarly, environmental factors can
positively or negatively affect flavour. For example, saltwater fish have a
different flavour to freshwater fish and this is most likely due to the
presence of bromophenols in the marine environment. These compounds
give a flavour that is indicative of high-quality saltwater fish. Examples of
off-flavours contributed by environmental factors include muddy offflavour in catfish, sulfurous off-odour in cod feeding on 'blackberry', and
off-flavour contributed by man-made pollution.
The taste of fish is also important. However, fish contain much less
taste-active compounds than shellfish and are therefore considered to be
much less tasteful. As a result, much of the research into taste-active
compounds of seafood have focused on shellfish.
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