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What does Bio mean?

Bio =

What does Diversity mean?

Diversity = Variety

A wide variety of living

organisms including plants,
microorganisms with whom we
share this planet earth
beautiful place to live in.
Living organisms exist
almost everywhere from
mountain peaks to the
ocean depths; from deserts
to the rainforests.

They vary in their habit and behaviour, shapes, sizes and colour.
The remarkable diversity of living organisms form an inseparable
and significant parts of our planet
however, the ever increasing human population is posing serious
threats to bio-diversity.



Biodiversity is the variety of life forms on earth and the essential

interdependence of all living things.
According to IUCN in 1998, the variety and variability of species of
their population, the variety of species of their life forms, the
diversity of the complex association with species with their
interaction and their ecological process which influences perform.
* Biodiversity increases the stability of an ecosystem and contributes
to the health of the biosphere.

Biodiversity boosts ecosystem productivity where each species, no

matter how small, all have an important role to play.
For example, A larger number of plant species means a greater variety
of crops. Greater species diversity ensures natural sustainability for all
life forms.
The word biodiversity itself was coined by W. G. Rosen in 1985

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This slide is just for your information

*There are 3 components of





Genetic Diversity

1. *Genetic Diversity- the variety of genes or inheritable

characteristics present in a population

It describes the variation in the number and types of genes as

well as chromosomes present in different species. The magnitude
of variation in genes of a species increases with increase in size and
environmental parameters of the habitat.
The genetic variation arises by gene and chromosome mutation
in individuals and in sexually reproducing organisms and it is spread
in the population by recombination of genetic materials during cell
division after sexual reproduction.
It is important for agricultural productivity and development.
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Chihuahuas, beagles, and Rottweiler's are all dogsbut

they're not the same because their genes are different.




Species Diversity

2. *Species Diversity- the number of different species and the

relative abundance of each species in a biological community.
It describes the variety in the number and richness of the
spices with in a region. The species richness may be defined as
the number of species per unit area.
For example, monkeys, dragonflies, and meadow beauties are all
different species in the same community.
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Saki Monkey

Golden Skimmer

Meadow Beauty

Know that all the three sample areas are represented by three
kinds of species. (species richness is same).
However they vary in species abundance varying number of
individuals per species and in taxonomic diversity.
Observe that sample C has the highest species diversity as it is
represented by taxonomically unrelated species}
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The different sample areas showing species richness (sample area 1),
species evenness (sample area 2) and
diversity due to unrelated species (sample area 3).

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At the global level, an estimated 1.7 million species of living

organisms have been described to date and many more are yet to
be discovered.

The overall richness of species is concentrated in equatorial

regions and tends to decrease as one moves from equatorial to
polar regions.

In addition, biodiversity in land ecosystems generally decreases

with increasing altitude.
In marine ecosystems, species richness tends to be much higher in
continental shelves.
India is a country of vast diversity and it is among the 12 megadiversity countries in the world.
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3. Ecosystem Diversity

3. *Ecosystem Diversity- the variety of ecosystems that are present

in the biosphere. Grass lands, deserts, mountains
It describes the assemblage and Interaction of spices living
together and the physical environment a given area.
It relates varieties of habitats, biotic communities ecological
processes in biosphere.
It also tells about the diversity within the ecosystem. It is referred
as Land escape diversity because it includes placement and size of
various ecosystems.
Rain Forest

Paines Prairie

Sand hill Pond

3. Ecosystem diversity

It refers to the presence of different types of ecosystems.

For instance, the tropical south India with rich species diversity will
have altogether different structure compared to the desert
ecosystem which has far less number of plant and animal species.
Likewise, the marine ecosystem although has many types of fishes,
yet it differs from the freshwater ecosystem of rivers and lakes in
terms of its characteristics.
So such variations at ecosystem level are termed as ecosystem
India has very diverse terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems ranging
from ice-capped Himalayas to deserts, from arid scrub to grassland
to wetlands and tropical rainforests, from coral reefs to the deep
Each of these comprises a great variety of habitats and interactions
between and within biotic and abiotic components.
The most diversity-rich are western-ghats and the north-eastern
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The ecosystem diversity is due to diversity of niches, trophic

levels and ecological processes like nutrient cycling, food
webs, energy flow, role of dominant species and various
related biotic interactions.
Such type of diversity can generate more productive and
stable ecosystems or communities capable of tolerating
various types of stresses e.g. drought, flood etc.

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According to Whittaker (1965), the community

diversities are of three types:

(i) -Diversity:
It tells the species diversity in a given community.
It depends upon species richness and evenness.
(ii) -Diversity:
It describes a range of communities due to replacement
of species which arises due to the presence of different
microhabitats, niches and environmental conditions.
(iii) -Diversity:
It describes diversity of habitat over a total land escape
or geographical area.

Why are there so many species?

Did such great diversity exist throughout

earths history?

How did this diversification come about?

How and why is this diversity important to

the biosphere?

Would it function any differently if the

diversity was much less?

How do humans benefit from the diversity of


Biodiversity also provides critical indirect benefits to humans that

are difficult to quantify because we have never had to put a price
tag on them.
These benefits encompass ecosystem services , such as air and
water purification, climate regulation, and the generation of
moisture and oxygen.

A group of ecologists who recently attempted to quantify the price

of replacing these ecosystem services calculated that they would
cost over $3 trillion. That's greater than the entire global GNP!
In other words, the world cannot afford to replace these services,
therefore we must work to protect our ecosystems.
Natural communities maintain proper gaseous concentrations in
the atmosphere and prevent rapid climate changes.
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They provide timber for house-building, ship-building, bridges,

railway carriages, furniture's etc.
They supply fire wood and charcoal for fuel in homes and in
They provide wood pulp for the paper and rayon industries.
They provide honey for food and medicines.

At least 40 per cent of the worlds economy and 80 per cent of the needs of
the poor are derived from biological resources.




types of

Leather industry

Milk products

Dye industry

Textile Industry

Cotton plant

Linen is made from the

fibre bundles in the
stem of the Flax plant

Like wool silk is also a

protein fiber

The silk worm which feeds on

mulberry leaves forms a
covering around it by secreting
a protein like substance from
salivary gland.

Jute plant

Hemp plant
thousands of years for
making paper, canvas,
cloth and building
Hemp is the strongest
and most durable of all



Plant produce a primary metabolites and secondary metabolites.

Primary metabolites include carbohydrate, lipids, proteins.

Primary metabolites used for growth and metabolism. This can
be produced by photosynthesis and cell component synthesis.

Secondary metabolites is a natural products derived from primary

Plant produce a wide array of bio active molecule via secondary
metabolic pathways.
Secondary metabolites is the major source for pharmaceuticals,
food additives, and pesticides.
While some medicinal substances continue to be directly extracted
from plant material, plant derived drugs can be manufactured.

Plant and plant extracts extensively used

in medicines (life saving drugs)
Malarial drugs
Anticancer drugs

Fossil fuels

Penicillium (fungi)
Actinomycetes (bacterium)
Cinchona tree
Vinblastin & Vincristine
(flower of Cantharanthus plant)


Coal, fossil fuel, natural gas

No need to memorize scientific names, for your information only

Alkaloids found mainly in plants. Over 6000 different alkaloids

have been extracted. They are especially abundant in
flowering plants particularly LUPINS,POPPIES,TOBACCO and
POTATOES. This is also used as sedative, antipasmodic,

for your information






Biodiversity and agriculture are strongly


Biodiversity is the origin of all species of crops and domesticated

livestock and the variety within them.
Biodiversity is the basis of agriculture. It has enabled farming
systems to evolve ever since agriculture was first developed some
10,000 years ago.
Today's crop and livestock biodiversity are the result of many
thousands years of human intervention.
Biodiversity and agriculture are strongly interrelated. Maintenance
of this biodiversity is essential for the sustainable production of
food and other agricultural products and the benefits these provide
to humanity, including food security, nutrition and livelihoods.
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Destruction of Indias environment

50% forest disappeared in last 200 years

70% waterbodies polluted or drained out
40% mangroves destroyed
Some of the worlds most polluted cities and
Nearly 10% wildlife threatened with

No need to memorize the data, but go through it twice

Smitu Kothari

The social context

Ecosystem-dependent people (60-70% of Indias population):

food, medicine, livelihoods, fuel, shelter, clothing, culture
Environmental destruction = livelihood, cultural, and physical
displacementfor tens of millions of people
Only for your information

The Importance of Biodiversity

*Indirect Economic Value: a healthy biosphere provides many

services to humans and other organisms that live on Earth.
Green plants provide oxygen
Water cycle provides clean water

Biodiversity has the following uses :

(i) It provides food of all types.

(ii) It provides fibers, sources for the preparation of clothes.
(iii) It provides different types of oil seeds for the preparation of
(iv) It provides new varieties of rice, potato etc. through the
process of hybridization.
(v) It provides different drugs and medicines which are based on
different plant products.
(vi) It is very essential for natural pest control, maintenance of
population of various species, pollination by insects and birds,
(vii) For nutrient cycling,
(viii) For conservation and purification of water,
(ix) For formation of soil etc.
All these services together are valued 16.54 trillion dollars
per year.

Vegetation helps recycle moisture into the atmosphere.

A single corn plant (1 lb dry weight) can transfer 60 gallons of water
from soil to atmosphere in a few months.
A single rainforest tree, in its 100 year lifespan can transfer
approximately 2.5 million gallons from soil to air. Their role in the
hydrologic cycle is crucial.
A multiplicity of organisms is required to create soils and maintain
fertility through complex cycles and interactions.
Plant roots break up rock to create soil particles, small animals like
earthworms, mites, insects and millipedes help give soil its texture
and fertility and are crucial to its aeration.
Even tinier soil microorganisms and fungi are responsible for cycling
essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur and making
them available to higher plants.
A gram of fertile agricultural soil may contain 2.5 billion bacteria,
400 000 fungi, 50 000 algae and 30 000 protozoa. All these organisms
have particular functions and interact with each other and with their
physical environment to create the fertile soil that humans depend
on for agricultural production.

Bees: crucial agricultural workers

One third of all our foodfruits and vegetableswould
not exist without pollinators visiting flowers. But
honeybees, the primary species that fertilizes foodproducing plants, have suffered dramatic declines in
recent years, mostly from afflictions introduced by

Bees are vital to bio diversity. There are 130,000 plants for example for
which bees are essential to pollination, from melons to pumpkins,
raspberries and all kind of fruit trees as well as animal fodder like

They stop the rain-bearing winds and cause the rainfall.

They increase the moisture content in the atmosphere and
thereby provide additional precipitation(i.e., rainfall) in the
They minimize the extreme variation in climatic condition and
make the climate more equable.
They control floods during heavy rain by absorbing excess rain
They prevent soil erosion by checking the force of flowing of
The thick roots of the trees absorb large quantity of water thus,
forest help in the flow of rivers and streams.
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Biodiversity providing lessons for

scientists in engineering

As just one small example, some spiders can produce their silk with
a higher tensile strength than many alloys of steel even though it is
made of proteins. So biologists are looking at these processes in
more depth to see if they can reproduce or enhance such

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