Name of The Game: Running Tic-Tac-Toe How To Play:: 1 Round
Name of The Game: Running Tic-Tac-Toe How To Play:: 1 Round
Name of The Game: Running Tic-Tac-Toe How To Play:: 1 Round
How to play:
The game will be the same as tic-tac-toe on the paper. Where we have a
big square divided into 9 small squares inside it. The point of the game is
that you have to run up to put your mark X or O into the squares to create
a 3x3 grid. The players who succeeds in placing three of their marks in a
horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row wins the game.
Flip the coin to see who will put the mark first. And take turn until the
game is finished. Each team will have 10seconds to think where to put the
mark before running up to the square and put the mark.
The winning team of this group will move on to the next round and face
the winning team the other group
The losing team must choose to do punishments:
4 sets, 5 reps of: Push-ups, Squat, Sit-Ups, Or:
Run around the gym 5 times.
2nd round:
The winning team of the 2nd round will move to the final round and face
the winning team of the other group
The losing team must choose to do punishments:
3 sets, 5 reps of: Push-ups, Squat, Sit-Ups, Or:
Run around the gym 4 times.
3rd round: