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G.R. No. 96078

January 9, 1992

COMMISSION (Second Division) and
In this Special Civil Action for Certiorari, petitioner Rada seeks to
annul the decision of respondent National Labor Relations
Commission (NLRC), dated November 19, 1990, reversing the
decision of the labor arbiter which ordered the reinstatement of
petitioner with backwages and awarded him overtime pay.[1]

The facts, as stated in the Comment of private respondent Philnor

Consultants and Planners, Inc. (Philnor), are as follows:

Petitioners initial employment with this Respondent was

under a Contract of Employment for a Definite Period dated
July 7, 1977, copy of which is hereto attached and made an
integral part hereof as Annex A whereby Petitioner was hired as
Driver for the construction supervision phase of the Manila
North Expressway Extension, Second Stage (hereinafter
referred to as MNEE Stage 2) for a term of about 24 months
effective July 1, 1977.

x x x
Highlighting the nature of Petitioners employment, Annex A
specifically provides as follows:
It is hereby understood that the Employer does not have a
continuing need for the services of the Employee beyond the
termination date of this contract and that the Employees
services shall automatically, and without notice, terminate upon
the completion of the above specified phase of the project; and
that it is further understood that the engagement of his/her
services is coterminous with the same and not with the whole
project or other phases thereof wherein other employees of
similar position as he/she have been hired. (Par. 7, emphasis

Petitioners first contract of employment expired on June 30,

1979. Meanwhile, the main project, MNEE Stage 2, was not
finished on account of various constraints, not the least of
which was inadequate funding, and the same was extended and
remained in progress beyond the original period of 2.3 years.
Fortunately for the Petitioner, at the time the first contract of
employment expired, Respondent was in need of Driver for the
extended project. Since Petitioner had the necessary experience
and his performance under the first contract of employment
was found satisfactory, the position of Driver was offered to
Petitioner, which he accepted. Hence a second Contract of
Employment for a Definite Period of 10 months, that is, from
July 1, 1979 to April 30, 1980 was executed between Petitioner
and Respondent on July 7, 1979.

In March 1980 some of the areas or phases of the project were

completed, but the bulk of the project was yet to be finished. By
that time some of those project employees whose contracts of
employment expired or were about to expire because of the
completion of portions of the project were offered another
employment in the remaining portion of the project. Petitioner
was among those whose contract was about to expire, and since
his service performance was satisfactory, respondent renewed
his contract of employment in April 1980, after Petitioner
agreed to the offer. Accordingly, a third contract of employment
for a definite period was executed by and between the Petitioner
and the Respondent whereby the Petitioner was again employed
as Driver for 19 months, from May 1, 1980 to November 30,
This third contract of employment was subsequently extended
for a number of times, the last extension being for a period of 3
months, that is, from October 1, 1985 to December 31, 1985.
The last extension, from October 1, 1985 to December 31, 1985
(Annex E) covered by an Amendment to the Contract of
Employment with a Definite Period, was not extended any
further because Petitioner had no more work to do in the
project. This last extension was confirmed by a notice on
November 28, 1985 duly acknowledged by the Petitioner the
very next day.

Sometime in the 2nd week of December 1985, Petitioner

applied for Personnel Clearance with Respondent dated
December 9, 1985 and acknowledged having received the
amount of P3,796.20 representing conversion to cash of unused
leave credits and financial assistance. Petitioner also released
Respondent from all obligations and or claims, etc. in a
Release, Waiver and Quitclaim.[2]

Culled from the records, it appears that on May 20, 1987, petitioner
filed before the NLRC, National Capital Region, Department of Labor
and Employment, a Complaint for nonpayment of separation pay and
overtime pay. On June 3, 1987, Philnor filed its Position Paper
alleging, inter alia, that petitioner was not illegally terminated since

the project for which he was hired was completed; that he was hired
under three distinct contracts of employment, each of which was for a
definite period, all within the estimated period of MNEE Stage 2
Project, covering different phases or areas of the said project; that his
work was strictly confined to the MNEE Stage 2 Project and that he
was never assigned to any other project of Philnor; that he did not
render overtime services and that there was no demand or claim for
him for such overtime pay; that he signed a Release, Waiver and
Quitclaim, releasing Philnor from all obligations and claims; and
that Philnors business is to provide engineering consultancy services,
including supervision of construction services, such that it hires
employees according to the requirements of the project manning
schedule of a particular contract.[3]
On July 2, 1987, petitioner filed an Amended Complaint alleging that
he was illegally dismissed and that he was not paid overtime pay
although he was made to render three hours overtime work from
Monday to Saturday for a period of three years.

On July 7, 1987, petitioner filed his Position Paper claiming that he

was illegally dismissed since he was a regular employee entitled to
security of tenure; that he was not a project employee since Philnor is
not engaged in the construction business as to be covered by Policy
Instructions No. 20; that the contract of employment for a definite
period executed between him and Philnor is against public policy and
a clear circumvention of the law designed merely to evade any
benefits or liabilities under the statute; that his position as driver was
essential, necessary and desirable to the conduct of the business of
Philnor; that he rendered overtime work until 6:00 P.M. daily except
Sundays and holidays and, therefore, he was entitled to overtime
In his Reply to Respondents Position Paper, petitioner claimed that
he was a regular employee pursuant to Article 278(c) of the Labor
Code and, thus, he cannot be terminated except for a just cause under
Article 280 of the Code; and that the public respondents ruling in
Quiwa vs. Philnor Consultants and Planners, Inc.[5] is not applicable
to his case since he was an administrative employee working as a
company driver, which position still exists and is essential to the
conduct of the business of Philnor even after the completion of his

contract of employment.[6] Petitioner likewise avers that the contract

of employment for a definite period entered into between him and
Philnor was a ploy to defeat the intent of Article 280 of the Labor

On July 28, 1987, Philnor filed its Respondents Supplemental

Position Paper, alleging therein that petitioner was not a company
driver since his job was to drive the employees hired to work at the
MNEE Stage 2 Project to and from the field office at Sto. Domingo
Interchange, Pampanga; that the office hours observed in the project
were from 7:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M., Mondays through Saturdays; that
Philnor adopted the policy of allowing certain employees, not
necessarily the project driver, to bring home project vehicles to afford
fast and free transportation to and from the project field office
considering the distance between the project site and the employees
residences, to avoid project delays and inefficiency due to employee
tardiness caused by transportation problems; that petitioner was
allowed to use a project vehicle which he used to pick up and drop off
some ten employees along Epifanio de los Santos Avenue (EDSA), on
his way home to Marikina, Metro Manila; that when he was absent or
on leave, another employee living in Metro Manila used the same
vehicle in transporting the same employees; that the time used by
petitioner to and from his residence to the project site from 5:30 A.M.
to 7:00 A.M. and from 4:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M., or about three hours
daily, was not overtime work as he was merely enjoying the benefit
and convenience of free transportation provided by Philnor,
otherwise without such vehicle he would have used at least four hours
by using public transportation and spent P12.00 daily as fare; that in
the case of Quiwa vs. Philnor Consultants and Planners Inc., supra,
the NLRC upheld Philnors position that Quiwa was a project
employee and he was not entitled to termination pay under Policy
Instructions No. 20 since his employment was coterminous with the
completion of the project.

On August 25, 1987, Philnor filed its Respondents Reply/Comments

to Complainants Rejoinder and Reply, submitting therewith two
letters dated January 5, 1985 and February 6, 1985, signed by MNEE
Stage 2 Project employees, including herein petitioner, where they
asked what termination benefits could be given to them as the MNEE
Stage 2 Project was nearing completion, and Philnors letter-reply

dated February 22, 1985 informing them that they are not entitled to
termination benefits as they are contractual/project employees.
On August 31, 1989, Labor Arbiter Dominador M. Cruz rendered a
Decision,[7] with the following dispositive portion:

WHEREFORE, in view of all the foregoing considerations,

judgment is hereby rendered:
(1) Ordering the respondent company to reinstate the
complainant to his former position without loss of
seniority right and other privileges with full
backwages from the time of his dismissal to his actual
(2) Directing the respondent company to pay the
complainant overtime pay for the three excess hours
of work performed during working days from January
1983 to December 1985; and
(3) Dismissing all other claims for lack of merit.
Acting to Philnors appeal, the NLRC rendered its assailed decision
dated November 19, 1990, setting aside the labor arbiters
aforequoted decision and dismissing petitioners complaint.
Hence this petition wherein petitioner charges respondent NLRC
with grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack of jurisdiction for
the following reasons:

1. The decision of the labor arbiter, dated August 31, 1989, has
already become final and executory;
2. The case of Quiwa vs. Philnor Consultants and Planners, Inc.
is not binding nor is it applicable to this case;

3. The petitioner is a regular employee with eight years and five

months of continuous services for his employer, private
respondent Philnor;
4. The claims for overtime services, reinstatement and full
backwages are valid and meritorious and should have been
sustained; and
5. The decision of the labor arbiter should be reinstated as it is
more in accord with the facts, the law and evidence.
The petition is devoid of merit.
1. Petitioner questions the jurisdiction of respondent NLRC in
taking cognizance of the appeal filed by Philnor in spite of
the latters failure to file a supersedeas bond within ten days
from receipt of the labor arbiters decision, by reason of
which the appeal should be deemed to have been filed out of
time. It will be noted, however, that Philnor was able to file a
bond although it was made beyond the 10-day reglementary

While it is true that the payment of the supersedeas bond is an

essential requirement in the perfection of an appeal, however,
where the fee had been paid although payment was delayed, the
broader interests of justice and the desired objective of
resolving controversies on the merits demands that the appeal
be given due course. Besides, it was within the inherent power
of the NLRC to have allowed late payment of the bond,
considering that the aforesaid decision of the labor arbiter was
received by private respondent on October 3, 1989 and its
appeal was duly filed on October 13, 1989. However, said
decision did not state the amount awarded as backwages and
overtime pay, hence the amount of the supersedeas bond could
not be determined. It was only in the order of the NLRC of
February 16, 1990 that the amount of the supersedeas bond was
specified and which bond, after an extension granted by the
NLRC, was timely filed by private respondent.

Moreover, as provided by Article 221 of the Labor Code, in any

proceeding before the Commission or any of the Labor Arbiters,
the rules of evidence prevailing in Courts of law or equity shall
not be controlling and it is the spirit and intention of this Code
that the Commission and its members and the Labor Arbiters
shall use every and all reasonable means to ascertain the facts in
each case speedily and objectively without regard to
technicalities of law or procedure, all in the interest of due
process.[8] Finally, the issue of timeliness of the appeal being an
entirely new and unpleaded matter in the proceedings below it
may not now be raised for the first time before this Court.[9]
2. Petitioner postulates that as a regular employee, he is
entitled to security of tenure, hence he cannot be terminated
without cause. Private respondent Philnor believes otherwise
and asserts that petitioner is merely a project employee who
was terminated upon the completion of the project for which
he was employed.

In holding that petitioner is a regular employee, the labor arbiter

found that:
There is no question that the complainant was employed as
driver in the respondent company continuously from July 1,
1977 to December 31, 1985 under various contracts of
employment. Similarly, there is no dispute that respondent
Philnor Consultants & Planners, Inc., as its business name
connotes, has been engaged in providing to its client(e)le
engineering consultancy services. The record shows that while
the different labor contracts executed by the parties stipulated
definite periods of engaging the services of the complainant, yet
the latter was suffered to continue performing his job upon the
expiration of one contract and the renewal of another. Under
these circumstances, the complainant has obtained the status of
regular employee, it appearing that he has worked without fail
for almost eight years a fraction of six months considered as one
whole year, and that his assigned task as driver was necessary
and desirable in the usual trade business of the respondent
employer. Assuming to be true, as spelled out in the
employment contract, that the Employer has no continuing

need for the services of the Employe(e) beyond the termination

date of this contract and that the Employees services shall
automatically, and without notice, terminate upon completion
of the above specified phase of the project, still we cannot see
our way clear why the complainant was hired and his services
engaged contract after contract straight from 1977 to 1985
which, to our considered few, lends credence to the contention
that he worked as regular driver ferrying early in the morning
office personnel to the company main office in Pampanga and
bringing them back late in the afternoon to Manila, and driving
company executives for inspection of construction projects, as
well as engineers and workers to the jobsites. All told, we
believe that the complainant, under the environmental facts
obtaining in the case at bar, is a regular employee, the provision
of written agreement to the contrary notwithstanding and
regardless of the oral understanding of the parties.[10]

On the other hand, respondent NLRC declared that, as between the

uncorroborated and unsupported assertions of petitioner and those of
private respondent which are supported by documents, greater
credence should be given the latter. It further held that:
Complainant was hired in a specific project or undertaking as
driver. While such project was still on-going he was hired
several times with his employment period fixed every time his
contract was renewed. At the completion of the specific project
or undertaking his employment contract was not renewed.
We reiterate our ruling, in the case of (Quiwa) vs. Philnor
Consultants and Planners, Inc., NLRC RAB III 5-1738-84, it
being applicable in this case, viz:
While it is true that the activities performed by him were
necessary or desirable in the usual business or trade of the
respondent as consultants, planners, contractor and while
it is also true that the duration of his employment was for
a period of about seven years, these circumstances did not
make him a regular employee in contemplation of Article
281 of (the) Labor Code.[11]

Our ruling in Sandoval Shipyards, Inc. vs. National Labor Relations

Commission, et al.,[12] is applicable to the case at bar. Thus:
We hold that private respondents were project employees
whose work was coterminous with the project for which they
were hired. Project employees, as distinguished from regular or
non-project employees, are mentioned in section 281 of the
Labor Code as those where the employment has been fixed for
a specific project or undertaking the completion or termination
of which has been determined at the time of the engagement of
the employee.

Policy Instructions No. 20 of the Secretary of Labor, which was

issued to stabilize employer-employee relations in the
construction industry, provides:
Project employees are those employed in connection with
a particular construction project. Non-project (regular)
employees are those employed by a construction company
without reference to any particular project.

Project employees are not entitled to termination pay if

they are terminated as a result of the completion of the
project or any phase thereof in which they are employed,
regardless of the number of projects in which they have
been employed by a particular construction company.
Moreover, the company is not required to obtain
clearance from the Secretary of Labor in connection with
such termination.
The petitioner cited three of its own cases wherein the National
Labor Relations Commission, Deputy Minister of Labor and
Employment Inciong and the Director of the National Capital
Region held that the layoff of its project employees was lawful.
Deputy Minister Inciong in TFU Case No. 1530, In Re Sandoval
Shipyards, Inc. Application for Clearance to Terminate
Employees, rendered the following ruling on February 26, 1979:
We feel that there is merit in the contention of the
applicant corporation. To our mind, the employment of

the employees concerned were fixed for a specific project

or undertaking. For the nature of the business the
corporation is engaged into is one which will not allow it
to employ workers for an indefinite period.

It is significant to note that the corporation does not

construct vessels for sale or otherwise which will demand
continuous productions of ships and will need permanent
or regular workers. It merely accepts contracts for
shipbuilding or for repair of vessels from third parties
and, only, on occasion when it has work contract of this
nature that it hires workers to do the job which, needless
to say, lasts only for less than a year or longer.

The completion of their work or project automatically

terminates their employment, in which case, the employer
is, under the law, only obliged to render a report on the
termination of the employment. (139-140, Rollo of G.R.
No. 65689) (Emphasis supplied.)

In Cartagenas, et al. vs. Romago Electric Company, Inc., et al.,[13] we

likewise held that:
As an electrical contractor, the private respondent depends for
its business on the contracts it is able to obtain from real estate
developers and builders of buildings. Since its work depends on
the availability of such contracts or projects, necessarily the
duration of the employments of its work force is not permanent
but co-terminus with the projects to which they are assigned
and from whose payrolls they are paid. It would be extremely
burdensome for their employer who, like them, depends on the
availability of projects, if it would have to carry them as
permanent employees and pay them wages even if there are no
projects for them to work on (Emphasis supplied.)

It must be stressed herein that although petitioner worked with

Philnor as a driver for eight years, the fact that his services were
rendered only for a particular project which took that same period of
time to complete categorizes him as a project employee. Petitioner
was employed for one specific project.

A non-project employee is different in that the employee is hired for

more than one project. A non-project employee, vis-a-vis a project
employee, is best exemplified in the case of Fegurin, et al. vs. National
Labor Relations Commission, et al.[14] wherein four of the petitioners
had been working with the company for nine years, one for eight
years, another for six years, the shortest term being three years. In
holding that petitioners are regular employees, this Court therein

Considering the nature of the work of petitioners, that of

carpenter, laborer or mason, their respective jobs would
actually be continuous and on-going. When a project to which
they are individually assigned is completed, they would be
assigned to the next project or a phase thereof. In other words,
they belonged to a work pool from which the company would
draw workers for assignment to other projects at its discretion.
They are, therefore, actually non-project employees.

From the foregoing, it is clear that petitioner is a project employee

considering that he does not belong to a work pool from which the
company would draw workers for assignment to other projects at its
discretion. It is likewise apparent from the facts obtaining herein that
petitioner was utilized only for one particular project, the MNEE
Stage 2 Project of respondent company. Hence, the termination of
herein petitioner is valid by reason of the completion of the project
and the expiration of his employment contract.

3. Anent the claim for overtime compensation, we hold that

petitioner is entitled to the same. The fact that he picks up
employees of Philnor at certain specified points along EDSA
in going to the project site and drops them off at the same
points on his way back from the field office going home to
Marikina, Metro Manila is not merely incidental to
petitioners job as a driver. On the contrary, said
transportation arrangement had been adopted, not so much
for the convenience of the employees, but primarily for the
benefit of the employer, herein private respondent. This fact
is inevitably deducible from the Memorandum of respondent

The herein Respondent resorted to the above transport

arrangement because from its previous project
construction supervision experiences, Respondent found
out that project delays and inefficiencies resulted from
employees tardiness; and that the problem of tardiness,
in turn, was aggravated by transportation problems,
which varied in degrees in proportion to the distance
between the project site and the employees residence. In
view of this lesson from experience, and as a practical, if
expensive, solution to employees tardiness and its
concomitant problems, Respondent adopted the policy of
allowing certain employees not necessarily project
drivers to bring home project vehicles, so that
employees could be afforded fast, convenient and free
transportation to and from the project field office.[15]

Private respondent does not hesitate to admit that it is usually the

project driver who is tasked with picking up or dropping off his fellow
employees. Proof thereof is the undisputed fact that when petitioner
is absent, another driver is supposed to replace him and drive the
vehicle and likewise pick up and/or drop off the other employees at
the designated points on EDSA. If driving these employees to and
from the project site is not really part of petitioners job, then there
would have been no need to find a replacement driver to fetch these
employees. But since the assigned task of fetching and delivering
employees is indispensable and consequently mandatory, then the
time required of and used by petitioner in going from his residence to
the field office and back, that is, from 5:30 A.M. to 7:00 A.M. and
from 4:00 P.M. to around 6:00 P.M., which the labor arbiter rounded
off as averaging three hours each working day, should be paid as
overtime work. Quintessentially, petitioner should be given overtime
pay for the three excess hours of work performed during working
days from January, 1983 to December, 1985.

WHEREFORE, subject to the modification regarding the award of

overtime pay to herein petitioner, the decision appealed from is
AFFIRMED in all other respects.


Melencio-Herrera, Paras and Padilla, JJ., concur.

Nocon, J., took no part.



Annex F, Petition; Rollo, 40.

Rollo, 79-82.
Ibid., 61-62.
Ibid., 63.
NLRC Case No. RAB-III-5-1738-84, January 28, 1986. The petition for
certiorari in G.R. No. 73962, assailing the decision in the aforesaid case, was
dismissed for lack of merit by this Court in its resolution of July 2, 1986.
Ibid., 64.
Annex A, Petition; Rollo, 28.
Philamlife Insurance Co. vs. Bonto-Perez, et al., 170 SCRA 508 (1989).
Arrastre Security Association-TUPAS, et al. vs. Ople, et al., 127 SCRA 580
Rollo, 32-33.
Ibid., 47.
136 SCRA 674 (1985).
177 SCRA 637 (1989).
120 SCRA 910 (1983).
Rollo, 195.












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