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Chess Calculation Technique PDF

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Chess Calculation Technique How To Calculate

How to improve chess calculation technique

Chess calculation training deserves high priority if you are serious about improving your chess. As is the case
with any other skill calculation should be trained. And should be trained the right way. This brings us to the
main problem we often face knowing just how we should go about to improve this important skill.
In this article I will give you advice that will put you on the right track.

Chess calculation starts with knowing when to calculate

In many positions you dont even need to calculate a lot of variations. You should mainly focus on calculation
when there are forcing moves in the position. There are 3 types of forcing moves:
1. Checks,
2. Captures and
3. Threats.
When there arent such forcing moves between the pieces then there is no need to fry your brain thinking about
moves that dont lead to any concrete outcomes. In fact, you can better spend your time thinking about your
plan of action and your strategy.

Find all your opponents threats before you start calculating!

Make it a habit to find your opponents threats before you start calculating your own ideas.
One of the most common calculation errors is to ignore your opponents threats. Information about your
opponents threats will help you to avoid wasting a lot of time on moves which are clearly mistakes in the light
of the opponents threats.

Find ALL the candidate moves before you start calculating!

Once you found your opponents threats, the second step should be to find all the candidate moves (all the
forcing moves. ie. checks, captures and threats).
If you skip this step, you will risk calculating random moves and jumping from one idea to the next without
making proper progress. This only tires your brain and in the end you make a move without doing proper
calculation anyway.

To help you avoid this random way of thinking, I suggest that you follow a certain order:
1. Find all the candidate moves involving your queen,
2. Find all the candidate moves involving your rooks,
3. Find all the candidate moves involving your bishop,
4. Find all the candidate moves involving your knights,
5. Find all the candidate moves involving your pawns,
6. Find all the candidate moves involving your king (particularly in the endgame stage).
Thee moves that need to be calculated properly are all the forcing moves. Lets look at an example.
Here is a position from a real game:

Chess calculation exercise how would you approach this position? (white to move)
Before reading on, I suggest that you look at the position above and decide how you would approach it if this
was your own game.

The correct order in the chess calculation process

First, we need to find our opponents threats:
1. The player with the black pieces has a lead in material (extra rook and pawns), thus his main threat is to simply
consolidate the position and eventually win tthe
he game by using his extra material. This implies that we should
find something special very soon or else we will simply lose.
2. Black is threatening to capture the white knight with Qxe7 winning even more material.
Now that we know blacks threats, we can start to find all candidate moves for white:

Candidate moves with the queen: 1) Qxh7+ (a capture); 2) Qxg5 (a capture); 3) Qd4+ (a check) 4) Qxb5 (a

Candidate moves with the rooks: 1) Rc1 (threat to c3 pawn)

Candidate moves with the bishops: 1) Bh3 (a threat to f5 pawn); 2) Bxd5 (a capture)

Candidate moves with the knights: 1) Nc6 (a threat); 2) Nxd5 (a capture); 3) Nxf5 (a capture) 4) Ng6+ (a

Candidate moves with the pawns: 1) f4 (threat); 2) g4 (threat)

Candidate moves with the king: None.

Of course a quick look at all the candidate moves will reveal that many of these moves can simply be
discarded. For example the move 1) Rc1 threatens blacks pawn but it is clearly not enough since the threat
is not strong enough given the fact that black has an extra rook. Also moves like 1) Qxh7+ loses the queen and
gives white nothing we dont need to spend more than a few seconds on such moves. Yet, following this
process will help you to not miss some opportunities.
In the above example you might spend a lot of time calculating the moves Ng6+ or Qxg5 (which dont lead to
much). Instead, if you followed the process to first find all the candidate moves, you would quickly find the
move 1) Qd4+ (which wins the game instantly).
I hope you can see the power of training your chess calculation skill this way. I suggest you always follow this
process when you play and when you solve tactical puzzles.
Your calculation skill depends quite heavily on your ability to visualize different positions in your mind. I
suggest you train regularly to improve this important part of your chess skills.
This article is not a complete guide on chess calculation but can have a positive impact on the effectiveness of
your chess calculation technique. You can start training right away by solving tactics puzzle using this method
( is a great source of tactics puzzles or

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