Case Study - Cellular Transport
Case Study - Cellular Transport
Case Study - Cellular Transport
When food exits the stomach, it moves into the small intestine where digestion and absorption of nutrients
occurs. At this point, the waste that remains in the small intestine contains quite a bit of water. Once this waste
reaches the large intestine, most of this water is absorbed through cells in the wall of the intestine. The
remaining solid waste then travels to the rectum and leaves the body through the anus. However, when too much
water is in the large intestine with the waste, diarrhea happens. Believe it or not, people have diarrhea as a result
of cell transport! There are two main types of diarrhea, osmotic and secretory.
Osmotic Diarrhea:
Osmotic diarrhea occurs when extra sugars in solid waste cause water to be drawn from the body into the
large intestine. This can happen when people drink diet drinks that contain artificial sweeteners. These artificial
sweeteners cant be absorbed by the small intestine like regular sugars so they remain in the waste as it moves into
the large intestine. Because there is so much extra sugar in the solid waste, osmosis transports water through the
intestinal wall to maintain the correct sugar/water balance. Osmotic diarrhea also happens in people who have
lactose intolerance. Patients with lactose intolerance cant digest dairy products because they are not able to
break down a sugar called lactose. Just like with the artificial sweeteners mentioned above, extra lactose in solid
waste results in water entering the large intestine to balance out the sugar. In both of these cases, osmosis
occurs in the wrong direction. Instead of being absorbed through the intestinal wall so that it leaves the large
intestine and creates a more firm stool (poop), excess sugars cause water to enter the large intestine. OH
NOOOOOO! This results in diarrhea!
Secretory Diarrhea:
Secretory diarrhea usually occurs when a human is infected by some sort of bacteria. Bad strains of E. coli
bacteria that cause food poisoning can be responsible for this kind of diarrhea. Similarly, cholera is a bacterial
disease that causes secretory diarrhea. Cholera bacteria cause the active transport of salts through transport
proteins into the large intestine. Because this results in a high concentration of salts in the intestine, water will
travel by osmosis into the intestine to maintain the correct salt/water balance. This extra water in the intestine
causes diarrhea! Other symptoms are usually present if cholera bacteria are responsible for secretory diarrhea.
For example, the patient will usually have low blood pressure, a rapid heart rate, and wrinkled skin. All of these
symptoms are due to an abnormal salt/water balance.
Molly arrives at the doctors office complaining of diarrhea. She has just returned from a safari trip in Africa. In
order to treat Mollys symptoms correctly, the doctor runs a series of tests in order to determine which type of
diarrhea she has and what might be causing it. The results of these tests are explained below.
1) The doctor had Molly bring in a stool sample that was later analyzed at the lab. He discovered that Mollys
sample had a higher concentration of salts than would be expected for a healthy patient. The sugar levels
in the sample were normal.
2) The doctor used a special camera to take microscopic images of the cells in the wall of Mollys large
intestine. He wanted to see which molecules were entering and exiting the intestine. One image that he
took is shown below. Labels have been included to help you analyze the picture. Use them!
3) The doctor also took a picture of Mollys hands when she arrived at his office and compared it to a
snapshot from her iphone that she had taken of a manicure that had been done before she left on her trip.
These images are pictured below. (Note: Molly did not get magically older.)
Before Trip:
At Office:
4) The doctor also measured Mollys heart rate while she was at his office. Her resting heart rate was 87
beats per minute. Below is a chart showing how healthy certain resting heart rates are in women. Compare
Mollys heart rate with what you see in this chart. (Note: Molly is 49 years old.)
Directions: Using all of the evidence and information given to you on the first two pages of this assignment, work
with a partner to answer the questions below.
a) Which type of diarrhea is Molly suffering from, osmotic or secretory? What causes this type of diarrhea?
Does she have a disease?
b) Explain how you know this from the analysis of Mollys stool sample.
c) Explain how you know this by looking at the microscopic image of the cells in Mollys intestine. You must
include three pieces of evidence from the picture.
1. _______________________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________________
d) Explain how you know this by looking at the images of Mollys hands before and after her trip to Africa.
e) Explain how you know this from Mollys heart rate reading.
f) In the space below, list reasons why you know that this is not the other type of diarrhea. Use evidence
from the tests that Mollys doctor performed.
g) Describe how active transport and osmosis caused Mollys diarrhea. (Hint: Use the reading on the front
Essay Response
Directions: On the back of this page, write your OWN response to the following prompt:
Create a hypothesis explaining which type of diarrhea Molly is suffering from. Use all evidence from the tests
that her doctor did and what you learned from the reading on the first page to help you support your diagnosis.
Make sure to explain the following in your answer: 1) how you know that Molly has this type of diarrhea, 2) what
caused the diarrhea, and 3) how you know that she is not suffering from the other type. The easiest way to do
this is to include each of the components that you and your partner brainstormed about (a-g) in your
response. Your essay should be 10-12 sentences in length. Use the rubric on the next page to guide you.
Directions: This rubric will be used to evaluate your essay response. Please attach this sheet to your paper when
you turn it in.
Partially Proficient
Hypothesis is clearly
Provides a clear
Hypothesis is
present, but it lacks
A concluding
statement is present
but lacks focus.
The response
provides a
comprehensive and
understanding of the
information which is
strongly maintained
throughout the
response. The
student uses all four
pieces of evidence to
support the
The response has a
clear and effective
structure that has a
logical progression of
ideas from beginning
to end.
The response
provides an
understanding of the
important to the
topic. The student
uses all four pieces
of evidence to
support the
The response
provides minimal
information to
support the
hypothesis. Limited
use of evidence.
The response
has limited or
no progression
The response
does not meet
and has
n, etc.)
Hypothesis is
not obvious,
and barely
provides a
A concluding
statement is
not obvious
and barely
provides a
The response
limited or no
information to
support the
There is almost
no use of
Total = _____/16