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The Spring-And-Lever Balancing Mechanism, George Carwardine and The Anglepoise Lamp

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The spring-and-lever balancing mechanism,

George Carwardine and the Anglepoise lamp
M J French and M B Widden*
Engineering Department, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Lancaster University, UK
Abstract: Two short and direct methods of exact analysis of the spring-and-lever balancing
mechanism are presented. It is shown that perfect balance can be achieved by the use of a close-coiled
spring whose free length is eectively zero and whose stiness is chosen appropriately. The twodegree-of-freedom balancing mechanism, commonly seen in desk lamps but useful in many other
situations, is then analysed. The treatment is extended to allow for the weight of the components of
the mechanism itself.
The originator of these devices was George Carwardine, whose patents over the period 193135
show the evolution of his ideas on this subject. A short biographical note is included as an appendix.

balancing mechanism, equilibrator, constant force, Carwardine

a, a1 , a2
b, b1 , b2
c, c1 , c2
F, F1 , F2
k, k1 , k2
m1 , m3

overall lengths of the springs

lengths of the spring-operating arms
lengths of the xed vertical arms
tensions in the springs
acceleration due to gravity
spring stinesses
unstretched length of the spring
mass of the supported load
masses of the arms
mass of the outer arm, including the
supported load
notional added force
lengths of the arms
r, r1 , r2
R1 , R2 , R3 radii to the centres of gravity
, 1 , 2



It is often desired to support the weight of an object such

as a microphone, a power tool, an opening window or a
desk lamp, and yet to allow it to be moved readily.
There are numerous devices, sometimes called `equilibrators', capable of supporting such loads, e.g. counterbalance weights, constant-force (`negator') springs or
suitably designed spring-and-lever mechanisms.
The MS was received on 3 December 1998 and was accepted after
revision for publication on 16 March 1999.
*Corresponding author: Engineering Department, Faculty of Applied
Sciences, Lancaster University, Lancaster LA1 4YR, UK.

IMechE 2000

The spring-and-lever type of equilibrator is light and

compact, has low inertia and deserves to be more widely
understood and used. Perhaps the best-known example
is to be found in the Anglepoise lamp (Fig. 1), a series of
elegant designs by the engineer George Carwardine,
which appeared for the rst time over 60 years ago in
193335 and have since become classics.
This paper sets out a new account of the working
principle of the counterbalancing system and how to
apply it, including Carwardine's ingenious extension of
the basic element to two degrees of freedom. As far as is
known, the rst published treatment of this problem,
other than Carwardine's patents, is that in the rst
edition (1971) of reference [1].
Earlier, Hain [2] had studied similar problems but had
only devised techniques for a limited number of precision points, or for an innite number of precision points
using a snail of general form and a fusee. He appears to
have overlooked Carwardine's solution.
Nathan [3], evidently unaware of Carwardine's work,
derived the solution and extended it to two degrees of
freedom. He proposed several methods of achieving a
spring of eectively zero free length (an essential
requirement for exact balance, as shown in Section 2),
e.g. by combining a pair of tension and compression
springs, but he did not mention the possibility of using a
close-coiled spring.
Streit and Gilmore [4] apparently read [1] but failed to
note that it included the solution (perhaps because
reference [1] is a textbook in which this is set as a problem exercise). In reference [4], and again in reference
[5], an analysis was presented of a balancing mechanism
with any number of springs which need not lie in a
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Fig. 1 Anglepoise lamp of the original design

vertical plane. The use of springs that do not lie in a

vertical plane introduces undesirable side loads and
requires ball-joints instead of pins at the ends of springs;
thus it is dicult to see why anyone would want to use
this method.


Figure 2a is a schematic diagram of a simple spring-andlever balancing mechanism. A mass m is at point Z on

the end of an arm CAZ, pivoted at A to a member AB.
The whole mechanism is in a vertical plane, and AB is
held in a vertical position. The aim is to support the
weight of the mass m accurately over a wide range of
positions . Two methods of solution of this problem are

Method 1

It would be possible to balance the arm by means of a

constant, vertically downward force at C equal to mgr=b
(see Fig. 2a for the lengths a, b, c and r). The balancing
spring CB needs to exert the same moment about A as
this vertical force, for all positions  of the arm.
Let a force P in the direction AC be added to the
spring force F such that the resultant of these two forces
Proc Instn Mech Engrs Vol 214 Part C

is vertical. Then, since P has no moment about A, this

vertical resultant has the same moment about A as force
F has; for exact balance the resultant must always be
equal to mgr=b.
Now, consider ABC as a triangle of forces used to
obtain this resultant. The resultant, represented by AB,
is vertical and will be constant if the force in the spring is
proportional to CB, i.e. to the length of the spring. Thus
the free length of the spring, i.e. the length when there is
no tension, must be zero (see Section 2.3).
Finally, to make the resultant equal to mgr=b, the
scale of the triangle of forces must be chosen so that the
length c represents the force mgr=b; then an extension c
of the spring would give this force, and the stiness k is
given by



Method 2

An alternative solution is as follows:

Area of triangle ABC
12 BC  perpendicular distance
of A from line BC


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Fig. 2 Simple spring-and-lever balancing mechanism

Therefore the arm about A of the force F in the spring

BC, in other words the perpendicular distance of A from
the line BC, is
2  area of triangle ABC

F ka l0

However, the area of the triangle ABC is equal to

2 bc sin 

must also go to zero, i.e. the spring has zero free length.
Should the reader be in any doubt about this, put l0
equal to the unstretched length of the spring. Then

Therefore, for exact balance, substituting for F in

equation (7),
ka l0 bc mgra

Thus the arm about A of the force F is

bc sin 


The required moment is mgr sin ; therefore, for balance,

Fbc sin 
mgr sin 

k mgr=bc


The length a clearly varies with , but all the quantities

in the fraction on the right-hand side of equation (10)
are constants. The only way that equation (10) can hold
for all  is if the right-hand side is indeterminate, i.e. if l0
and k mgr=bc are both zero.



as before. In other words, the tension F in the spring is

proportional to its overall length a; the spring stiness is
k mgr=bc. For the tension F to be brought to zero, a

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Zero-free-length springs

It is well known that a pre-tension in a spring can be

induced by imposing a twist on the wire as the spring is
wound [6, 7]. The coils of the spring then remain tightly
closed until the applied force reaches a certain value,
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and the eective unstretched length is less than the initial

close-wound length. It is quite possible to reduce the
eective unstretched length to zero, or even to a negative

Alternative arrangement with the spring above A

If desired, C may be placed on the same side of A as Z,

but then B must be above A (Fig. 2b). It can be shown
by similar methods that, for perfect balance, the
requirements are the same, namely that the unstretched
length l0 of the spring must be zero, and the stiness of
the spring must be given by k mgr=bc.

b1 c1 sin 1

Conguration with springs on the arms

Conguration with all the springs at the base

The Anglepoise design has the more elegant two-degreeof-freedom system shown in Fig. 3b, with all the springs
at the base and only one link AB. The four-bar chain
HJED is parallelogrammatic and the lengths C2D and
AE are equal, so that the points C2 and A, although not
directly linked, lie on a line parallel to DE and HJZ. The
lengths a1 and a2 * and therefore the tensions in the two
*a1 ; a2 ; b1 ; b2 ; c1 and c2 have similar meanings to a; b and c in Fig. 2a.
Proc Instn Mech Engrs Vol 214 Part C

b2 c2 sin 2



By moments about point A, for balance,


b1 c1 sin 1
b2 c2 sin 2
mgr1 sin 1 r2 sin 2


A two-degree-of-freedom system may be made using a

parallelogram (or equivalent) mechanism to carry the
vertical reference from the inner to the outer joint. One
such arrangement is shown in Fig. 3a, where the basic
scheme is that of Fig. 2b, i.e. with C on the same side of
A as the load in both cases. A1L1B1 and A2L2B2 are
congruent rigid links, and the parallelogrammatic fourbar chain L1L2A2A1 maintains A2B2 parallel to A1B1,
i.e. vertical. The spring B2C2 for the outer system needs
to be designed according to the requirements set out in
Section 2 above.
As far as the inner system is concerned, the weight mg
at Z can be replaced by a downward force mg at A2
together with a clockwise couple mgr2 sin 2 . The vertical
force mg at A2 is supported by the spring B1C1, which
must have zero free length and stiness k1 calculated as
set out in equation (1). The couple mgr2 sin 2 is carried
entirely by tension and compression in the arms L1L2
and A1A2 respectively, and imposes no load on the
spring B1C1. This is evident since the line A2B2 remains
vertical; therefore, the couple does no work as the angle
1 is varied. Hence, once the stiness of the inner spring
has been calculated to bring the force mg at A2 to
equilibrium, the linkage is balanced for all values of the
angles 1 and 2 .

springs then depend only on 1 and 2 respectively; thus

the two arms C1AEJ and HJZ are eectively decoupled
as far as their static equilibrium is concerned. This is
borne out by the argument below.
By method 2 of Section 2.2, the arms of the two
springs about point A are respectively


where F1 and F2 are the tensions in springs 1 and 2

respectively. Equation (12) is to hold for all values of 1
and 2 , but this can only be so if the terms in the
equation involving 1 always balance and the terms
involving 2 also always balance. Therefore

a1 ;
b1 c 1


b 2 c2


(There are other ways of approaching this which are

equally good, e.g. using energy methods.)
As in Section 2.2, the tension in each spring is proportional to its overall length a, i.e. it must have zero
unstretched length. The stinesses of the two springs are

b1 c 1


b2 c 2



So far the weights of the arms have been neglected. In

practice these are often relatively small, but they may
not be insignicant.
For design of the single-degree-of-freedom mechanism, referring again to Fig. 2a, the centre of mass, G, of
the arm and load combined should be used in place of
the end of the arm, Z. Points C, A and G should be in a
straight line, and r is now the distance AG. The stiness
of the spring, k, is equal to mgr=bc, and its free length is
to be zero, as before.
Figure 4 shows the two-degree-of-freedom mechanism
with the weights of the principal parts included. For
exact balance the outer part of the mechanism must
have points H, J and G2 in a straight line, just as for the
single-degree-of-freedom mechanism.
In the gure it has been assumed (as is likely) that the
centre of gravity, G1, of arm C1AEJ lies on the straight
line through these four points. Similarly, G3 has been
assumed to lie on the line C2DH.

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Fig. 3 Two-degree-of-freedom balancing mechanisms


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Fig. 4 Two-degree-of-freedom mechanism with weights of the arms included

Moments can be taken about the point A, as in Section 3.2. The moments of the three weight forces are
m1 :

m1 gR1 sin 1


m2 :

m2 gr1 sin 1 R2 sin 2


m3 :

m3 gd sin 2 R3 sin 1


terms involving 1 in this equation must balance, and

those involving 2 must also balance. Hence

m1 R1 m2 r1 m3 R3 g
b1 c1

m2 R2 m3 dg
b2 c 2

Summing these and equating to the moments of the two

spring tensions give
b1 c1 sin 1
b2 c2 sin 2
m1 R1 m2 r1 m3 R3 g sin 1
m2 R2 m3 dg sin 2


By the same argument as was used in Section 3.2, the

Proc Instn Mech Engrs Vol 214 Part C

Once again, each spring is to exert a force proportional
to its length, i.e. the free length of the spring is to be
zero. The stinesses of the two springs are given by the
expressions in square brackets.
If the centres of gravity of the arms C1AEJ and C2DH
were to lie o the straight lines through the pivots, it can
readily be shown that a term in cos 1 would be introduced into equation (16); then the equation would be
exactly satised only for a single position 1 .

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In most later copies of the Anglepoise lamp, it seems

that precision has been sacriced to cheapness of manufacture, since the position of the centroid G2 varies as
the lamp is rotated. In the original Anglepoise, however,
the lamp is mounted in trunnions on a yoke so that the
position of its own centroid remains unchanged, and
exact balance is maintained.


The two-degree-of-freedom spring balancing mechanism

patented by Carwardine in 1933 and made famous in the
classic Anglepoise lamp design has been analysed,
including the eects of the weight of the mechanism
itself, and the conditions for exact balance established.
The simplicity of the design of this mechanism and the
perfection of its action recommend it for use in many

1 French, M. J. Engineering Design: the Conceptual Stage,
1971 (Heinemann, London); 2nd edition, 1985 (Design
Council BooksSpringer Verlag, London).
2 Hain, K. Spring mechanisms. 1: force analysis; 2: point
balancing; 3: continuous balancing. In Spring Design and
Application (Ed. N. Chironis), 1961, pp. 268275
(McGraw-Hill, New York).
3 Nathan, R. H. A constant force generation mechanism.
Trans. ASME, J. Mechanisms, Transmissions and Automation Des., 1985, 107(4), 508512.
4 Streit, D. A. and Gilmore, B. J. `Perfect' spring equilibrators for rotatable bodies. In Proceedings of the ASME
20th Biennial Mechanisms Conference, 1988, Vol. 15(2),
pp. 487496 (American Society of Mechanical Engineers,
New York).
5 Walsh, G. J., Streit, D. A. and Gilmore, B. J. Spatial spring
equilibrator theory. Mechanisms Machine Theory, 1991,
26(2), 155170.
6 Carwardine, G. Improvements in elastic equipoising
mechanisms. UK Pat. 404 615 (led 4 July 1932, granted
4 January 1934).
7 Wahl, A. M. Mechanical Springs, 2nd edition, 1963
(McGraw-Hill, New York).
8 Carwardine, G. Improvements in elastic force mechanisms.
UK Pat. 379 680 (led 21 March 1931, granted 22 August
9 Carwardine, G. Improvements in equipoising mechanism.
UK Pat. 417 970 (led 7 October 1933, granted 16 October
10 Carwardine, G. Improvements in equipoising mechanism.
UK Pat. 433 617 (led 10 February and 7 March 1934,
granted 12 August 1935).

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George Carwardine and the Anglepoise lamp
George Carwardine (pronounced `Car-war-deen') was
born in Bath on 4 April 1887. The second youngest of 12
surviving children, he attended Bath Bluecoat School on
a scholarship but left when aged 14 (R. Raven, 1995,
personal communication).
From 1901 to 1905 Carwardine served his apprenticeship at the Whiting Auto Works in Bath. Following
this he was employed in a succession of the town's
engineering workshops, all the while gaining formal
qualications through study at home. As a young man,
he also studied for the Ministry with the intention of
joining his elder brother Charles as a missionary in
China, but a bout of illness left him unt to follow this
In 1912 he joined the Horstmann Car Company in
Bath as chargehand, rising by 1916 to the position of
both Works Manager and Chief Designer. Second only
to the entrepreneurial inventor Sidney Horstmann,
Carwardine was largely responsible for the design of all
cars manufactured there, travelling on occasion to the
Brooklands racetrack for trials.
In about 1924 he set up his own business, Cardine
Accessories, in Locksbrook Road, Bath. Here he
designed and manufactured various items and components, most notably automobile suspension systems. It
has been alleged (but never proved) that his successful
design for independent front suspension was pirated by
General Motors. The late 1920s saw Cardine Accessories cease operations, no doubt a victim of the
Depression, and Carwardine's brief return to Horstmann. In 1931 he became a freelance consulting engineer
and inventor.
He had already displayed interest in developing versatile counterbalancing devices, intended to support a
weight in any position in three dimensions. The stream
of patents registered in his name between 1931 and 1934
demonstrates clearly how his ideas developed.
The rst patent in this series [8] that relates directly to
the spring-and-lever balancing mechanism describes, as
one possible embodiment, a special form of the
mechanism in which (referring to the letters used in Fig.
2) the lengths AB and AC are equal. As we have seen in
Section 2, this is an unnecessary requirement. The zerofree-length spring was to be achieved by arranging a
pivoted slide so that (a) the centre-line of the spring
always passed through the pivot point and (b) the free
end of the spring when relaxed was opposite the pivot.
Carwardine does not seem to have been aware when he
led the patent that AB and AC do not need to be equal,
nor that a spring could be wound so that it had a tension
in it in the close-coiled condition.
The next patent [6], led on 4 July 1932, has the
essential features of the Anglepoise mechanism: two
Proc Instn Mech Engrs Vol 214 Part C



cranks, not necessarily of equal length, connected by a

spring of zero free length. The patent briey describes
the means of producing such springs. A two-degree-offreedom linkage to support an electric lamp is shown,
with the springs on the arms as in Fig. 3a.
UK Patent 417 970 [9], led in October 1933, relates
to a means of supporting table mirrors, pictures and the
like so that they can be tilted at any desired angle and
still remain in equilibrium. The invention includes the
close-wound spring whose tension is proportional to its
overall length and is similar in essence to the arrangement shown in Fig. 2b. A diculty in this case is the
absence of a xed vertical reference, which Carwardine
overcomes by adding a third member pivoted to the
back of the mirror and sliding on a pin in the supporting
strut so that, although not xed, it remains vertical.

Proc Instn Mech Engrs Vol 214 Part C

The Anglepoise conguration as shown in Fig. 1, with

all the springs at the base, was introduced in UK Patent
433 617 [10]. The drawings that illustrate the patent are
clearly of the nal design of the lamp. The essential
features of the equipoising mechanism, namely the
close-wound springs of zero free length and the parallelogram linkage, are clearly described, and Carwardine
noted that the lamp itself is mounted in a fork so that
the axis passes through the centre of gravity of the lamp
and the balance is maintained as the lamp is rotated. He
also notes that friction cannot be entirely eliminated
from the mechanism, so that the links may remain in
position even in presence of small errors such as deviations from linearity in the springs.
Carwardine's designs have been and continue to be
copied in many products throughout the world.


IMechE 2000

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