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Business Plan: ISO/TC 17 Business Plan Date: 2004-10-14 Draft For Version3 1

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ISO/TC 17 Business Plan

Date: 2004-10-14
Draft for version3


The amount of crude steel in the world hits a new record high of 903 million metric tons (mmt) and
apparent consumption of finished steel reached 834 mmt in 2002 according to the report of IISI
(International Iron and Steel Institute). The demand of steel products in the world is still growing. It
can be said that the significance of international standardization in the steel field is increasing
more and more.
ISO/TC17 covers standardization in the field of cast, wrought and cold-formed steel, including
delivery conditions for steel tubes for pressure purposes. Excluded: steel tubes within the scope of
ISO/TC5; line pipe, casing, tubing and drill pipe within the scope of ISO/TC67; methods of
mechanical testing of metals within the scope of ISO/TC 164.
The current main subject in the development of ISO standards in ISO/TC17 is to improve the
market relevancy of ISO standards developed or to be developed within ISO/TC17. To make ISO
standards more usable in the market, international trade will be further promoted. The benefits of
standardization, such as cost reduction and a speedier distribution of products can be expected.
Basic attitude of the ISO TC17 for the preparation of ISO standards is follows,
1) ISO/TC17 esteems the spirit of the WTO/TBT Agreement and devotes all efforts toward the
preparation of ISO standards usable in the market of its member nations, either directly or
indirectly through national or regional standards.
2) Each nation already has its own national or regional standards reflecting market needs based
on individual climatic and geological environments, historical backgrounds of technologies,
Laws and technological regulations. To make ISO standards acceptable to the markets of
different nations, the coverage and contents of their national or regional standards should be
respected in their preparation, especially in the early stage of their preparation.
3) All nations should aim at keeping the difference between their national standards and ISO
standards, at least, at the level a) or b) of "Modified" specified in the ISO/IEC Guide 21:1999.
4) The P-members of ISO/TC17 or ISO/TC17/SCs should ensure to let all members joining early
development work of an ISO standard within ISO/TC17 act along the guideline.

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1.1 ISO technical committees and business planning

The extension of formal business planning to ISO Technical Committees (ISO/TCs) is an important
measure which forms part of a major review of business. The aim is to align the ISO work
programme with expressed business environment needs and trends and to allow ISO/TCs to
prioritize among different projects, to identify the benefits expected from the availability of
International Standards, and to ensure adequate resources for projects throughout their
1.2 International standardization and the role of ISO

The foremost aim of international standardization is to facilitate the exchange of goods and
services through the elimination of technical barriers to trade.
Three bodies are responsible for the planning, development and adoption of International
Standards: ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is responsible for all sectors
excluding Electrotechnical, which is the responsibility of IEC (International Electrotechnical
Committee), and most of the Telecommunications Technologies, which are largely the
responsibility of ITU (International Telecommunication Union).
ISO is a legal association, the members of which are the National Standards Bodies (NSBs) of
some 140 countries (organizations representing social and economic interests at the international
level), supported by a Central Secretariat based in Geneva, Switzerland.
The principal deliverable of ISO is the International Standard.
An International Standard embodies the essential principles of global openness and transparency,
consensus and technical coherence. These are safeguarded through its development in an ISO
Technical Committee (ISO/TC); representative of all interested parties, supported by a public
comment phase (the ISO Technical Enquiry). ISO and its Technical Committees are also able to
offer the ISO Technical Specification (ISO/TS), the ISO Public Available Specification (ISO/PAS)
and the ISO Technical Report (ISO/TR) as solutions to market needs. These ISO products
represent lower levels of consensus and have therefore not the same status as an International
ISO offers also the International Workshop Agreement (IWA) as a deliverable which aims to bridge
the gap between the activities of consortia and the formal process of standardization represented
by ISO and its national members. An important distinction is that the IWA is developed by ISO
workshops and fora, comprising only participants with direct interest, and so it is not accorded the
status of an International Standard.


2.1 Description of the Business Environment

The following political, economic, technical, regulatory, legal and social dynamics describe the
business environment of the industry sector, products, materials, disciplines or practices related to
the scope of this ISO/TC, and they may significantly influence how the relevant standards
development processes are conducted and the content of the resulting standards:

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The relationship of man to iron and steel has a history of around 4000 years but the remarkable
popularization of steel began with Dr. H Bessemer invention of an epoch-making method of steel
making about 150 years ago.
Since then, significant progress in the quality and quantity of steel has been made through
technological innovation and it has now become a basic material that is the most used for
structures in the world and is thus required in our lives.

2.2 Quantitative Indicators of the Business Environment

The following list of quantitative indicators describes the business environment in order to provide
adequate information to support actions of the ISO/TC:
The amount of crude steel in the world hits a new record high of 903 million metric tons (mmt) and
apparent consumption of finished steel reached 834 mmt in 2002 according to the report of IISI
(International Iron and Steel Institute).
The amount of steel exports in the world is estimated 317 mmt in 2002 (including intra-regional
trade), which makes up 38% of finished steel consumption.
The world steel consumption has steadily increased in the past several years.
It can be said that the significance of international standardization in the steel field is increasing
more and more.
Million metric tons
Crude steel






























Finished steel


















* Steel Statistical Yearbook 2003: IISI


The standards in the field of steel are roughly classified into 3 kinds of basic standards, a test
method and inspection standards and product standards.
Basic standards such as terms and definitions are needed for smoothing communication and for
avoiding misunderstanding between the parties concerned in transactions of steel products.
A test method and Inspection standards are also indispensable in order to avoid unnecessary
troubles. The differences between the test methods or inspection standards between shipment
and delivery of goods sometimes cause troubles.
International standardization of steel products would lead to a total cost saving by unifying the kind
of products, increasing the production lots and reducing the stock of products.
The current main subject in the development of ISO standards in ISO/TC17 is to improve the
market relevancy of ISO standards developed or to be developed within ISO/TC17, that is,
a) To make ISO standards more usable in the market, directly or indirectly through their being
adopted by national or regional standards in accordance with the requirement of WTO/TBT
agreement and the long-range strategy of the ISO council.

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b) To promote the timely and speedy development of ISO standards


4.1 Countries/ISO members bodies that are P and O members of the ISO committee

Analysis of the participation

ISO/TC17 is now composed of 30 P-members and 31 O-members.

The members participating in the preparation of appropriate standards reflecting the market
needs of individual nations are expected to have the following attitudes:
a) Chairman, Convenor and Secretary
It is desirable for the Chairman, Convenor and Secretary to collect and sort the market needs
of individual nations and analyse and evaluate their needs, appropriateness and feasibility as
international standards based on the national standards or technical comments provided by
the P-members in the proposal or preliminary stage.
When there are multiple proposals which are technically appropriate, they should determine
their acceptability and try to achieve a consensus among the members so that there is no
inconsistency or ambiguity left in the standards prepared.
b) P-members
The P-members should submit their proposals in writing, together with a clear description of
market needs and technical backgrounds or grounds to ensure a good understanding of these
proposals among all members.
When considering the proposals, the P-members should bear in mind to respect and accept
the needs of other nations or regions as well as their own ones.
When the P-members have agreed to any decision, they should not hesitate to revise the
relevant standards of their own nations in order to harmonise them internationally.



Defined objectives of the ISO/TC17

It would be essential and important thing for every subcommittees of ISO/TC17 to have their own
frame-work of standardization, in other words, an overview image of standardization in respective
fields, including an image of future work items, which would be useful for developing the standards
schematically and for making prioritisation of the work programmes easy under the condition of
limited resources.

Identified strategies to achieve the ISO/TC's defined objectives

ISO standards should be used directly or indirectly through adopting them into national or regional
standards in the market. For the time being, the latter case would currently be more appropriate in
the field of steel.
An evaluation measure on adoption of ISO standards into national or regional standards has been
addressed in ISO/IEC Guide 21 revised in 1999.
ISO/TC 17 considers that the adoption level of ISO standards to national or regional standards
should be aimed at "Modified a)" or "Modified b)" defined in ISO/IEC Guide 21 and recognises
that the important element enabling each country to achieve the object is basically the members'
attitude while participating in the development of the ISO standards.
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From this point of view, ISO/TC 17 has prepared document 17 N 2704, " Guideline for the
preparation of ISO standards usable in the market by ISO/TC 17".
All members of ISO/TC 17 and ISO/TC 17/SCs taking part in the development of ISO standards
are expected to be in accordance with this document.
The main points mentioned in the guideline, document 17 N 2704 are as follows.
Main points mentioned in document 17 N 2704
a) Basic attitude of TC 17 for the preparation of ISO standards
1) ISO/TC 17 esteems the spirit of the WTO/TBT Agreement and devotes all efforts toward the
preparation of ISO standards usable in the markets of its member nations, either directly or
indirectly through national or regional standards.
2) Each nation already has its own national or regional standards reflecting market needs
based on individual climatic and geological environments, historical backgrounds of
technologies, laws and technological regulations. To make ISO standards acceptable to the
markets of different nations, the coverage and contents of their national or regional
standards should be respected during their preparation, especially in the early stage of their
3) All nations should aim at keeping the difference between their national standards and ISO
standards, at least, at the level a) or b) of "Modified" specified in the ISO/IEC Guide 21 1999.
4) The P-members of ISO/TC 17 or ISO/TC 17/SCs should ensure that all members joining the
early work for developing an ISO standard within ISO/TC 17 act in accordance with the
b) Target image of correspondence of the specified items and contents between a national
or regional standard and an ISO Standard
The desired correspondence patterns of specified items and contents between a national or
regional standard and an ISO standard are follows.
Pattern A: The items and contents specified in a national or regional standard are basically
coincident with those of an ISO standard. (Identical Type).
The ISO standards such as basic standards as definitions of terms, standards for
test and analysis methods, and product standards to be prepared based on
standards internationally accepted should be aimed at this type.
This type corresponds to "Identical" in the ISO/IEC Guide 21 -1999.
Pattern B: While national and ISO standards do not coincide with each other in respect of
specified items, the latter provides multiple options as regards specified contents.
National standards can be matched themselves to ISO standards by making a
suitable choice from them. (Cohabitation Type)
ISO standards can have multiple options reflecting market needs when it is difficult
to restrict them to a single requirement as when they are prepared based on
national or regional standards containing different specifications. Then, each nation
or region can select suitable choices from the given options for their own national or
regional standards.
It should be noted that the given options involve no technical inconsistencies and
ISO standards should not simply list different national standards at random, like a
shopping list.
This type corresponds to "Modified a)" in the ISO/IEC Guide 21 -1999.
Pattern C: When an agreement cannot be attained as regards specified items or contents
because of essential differences in individual market needs (including laws and

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technological regulations), ISO standards including only minimum agreeable
specified items and contents should be prepared. (Common Denominator Type)
This type of ISO standards does not fully reflect the needs of individual markets.
National or regional standards should then adopt all provisions of this type of ISO
standards and make necessary fill-up to meet each market needs.
This type corresponds to "Modified b)" in the ISO/IEC Guide 21 -1999.
All ISO standards should be of Pattern A, Pattern B, Pattern C or a combination of
Patterns B and C.


Which of Patterns A, B, C or a combination of B and C should be selected depends on the

market, use, type of product, items and contents specified in the standard, and some other
As such, the responsibility for applying the guideline shall be at the discretion of ISO/TC 17 or
individual ISO/TC 17/SCs directly engaged in the preparation of standards.
Pattern A can only be accepted based upon the unanimous agreement of all P-members. If
such agreement can not be reached, the Chairman of the sub-committees can select Pattern B,
C or the combination of B and C, based upon consultation with the secretariat, convenor and
agreements reached by the majority of P-members.



Risks or constraints on the completion of the proposed work program in each ISO/TC17/SC are
described in the table of ANNEX 1.


This section gives an overview of the ISO/TC's structure, scopes of the ISO/TCs and any existing
subcommittees and information on existing and planned standardization projects, publication of
the ISO/TC and its subcommittees.
7.1 Structure of the ISO committee
7.2 Current projects of the ISO technical committee and its subcommittees
7.3 Publications of the ISO technical committee and its subcommittees

Reference information
Glossary of terms and abbreviations used in ISO/TC Business Plans
General information on the principles of ISO's technical work

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ANNEX 1 Objectives, strategies and risk analysis for the development

of ISO standards in ISO/TC17/SCs

Objectives and strategies for the development of ISO standards

Risk analysis
Constraints on the
completion of the proposed
work program

ISO/TC 17 The application of ISO deliverables should be only ISO/TS

(Technical Specification), ISO/TR (Technical Report) and IS (ISO
Standard) within ISO/TC 17. - Resolution No 8/2000 SC1


a) Objectives: Steels are characterized mainly by its alloying or

residual elements in iron matrix. Determination of chemical
composition is one of the key factors for trading steels and steel
products. SC1 contributes to promotion of steel trading by
standardizing chemical analysis methods, both referee and
routine methods, to determine alloying or residual elements in
steel and iron at a reasonable accuracy, standardizing sampling
and sample preparation for chemical analysis and standardizing
technical guidance or guidelines for testing by several test
b) Strategies
1)The method should be traceable to an accurate realization of
the unit in which the property values are expressed (mass/mass)
in accordance with the definition of ISO Guide 30.
2) A new method with higher productivity and/or easily
applicable for automation should be developed.
3)From the viewpoint of traceability of routine analysis which is
emphasized in ISO 9000 series and ISO 17025, physical
methods of analysis should be developed as well as chemical
4)For the elements already specified in standards or draft
standards, the range of determination of content of which have
to be expanded due to the demand of high-tech related areas,
analytical methods should be developed.
5)Analytical methods for trace elements, which have harmful
effect on characteristics of steel and iron or environment, should
be developed.
6)A method specifying one of the major elements in steel and
iron already prescribed in a standard but having no precision
data may be developed.
7) A method already prescribed in a standard but revision is
proposed may be developed.
Objectives: SC3 establishes standards accepted and used in the
world commercial exchange in the frame of structural steels (Only
for flat products produced on reversal mills are considered.)
For the time being the only document at WI stage concerns the
revision of ISO 4952 on "structural steels with improved
atmospheric resistance" b-1) In order to attain this objectives,
SC3 has identified 3 new work items possible for the time being.
That is,
Taking account of the resources within ISO/TC17/SC3, at most,
the introduction of one revision work each year could be accepted
for the following three years.
No other need for NWI has been identified for the time being

ISO standards of chemical

analysis method are
established after being
assured about the analytical
accuracy of the method by
means of round robin tests.
Accordingly, the results of
the round robin test
sometimes cause the delay
of the progress of the
standard development or
lead the stop of its

For new work items, results

of new work enquiries shall
demonstrate a sufficient
support to include them in
the programme.

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Risk analysis
on the
ISO/TC17 Objectives and strategies for the development of ISO standards Constraints
completion of the proposed
work program
a) Increasing bureaucracy
SC 4 aims at International Standards which are usable on all
(not only on international
markets in the world. The International Standards concern the
technical delivery conditions, dimensions and tolerances as well as level).
the surface quality.
b) Decreasing participation
SC 4 aims at detailed and clear specifications, but provides
of active members (partly
options if the actual situation on various markets is too different.
There are separate meetings for standards for stainless steels on caused by "lean
one side and for the other steels on the other side under the scope management" in the
of SC 4. For facilitating the participation, if possible, one meeting industry and in the
standardization institutes).
follows the other so that participants interested in both meetings
save time and travel expenses.
c) Danger that - based on
SC 4 is proud of the fact that it was able to prepare as first TC
ISO/IEC Guide 21 17/SC two product standards under the Vienna Agreement:
International Standards
ISO 683-17 "Ball and roller bearing steels" was approved by 21
might provide too many
member bodies (with an abstention of Argentina).
varieties for practical
ISO 4957 "Tool steels" was approved by 22 countries (with an
abstention of South Africa). In both cases there was no negative
vote. This is certainly the result of good cooperation in SC 4 as
well as of good preparation of the work.
One can only hope that these standards will be implemented on
national and regional level, as it is the case with members of
SC7 has no needs of new work items for the time being.
The major risk is the lack of
active participation of P
members, either in
attending meetings or in
answering to enquiries.
Thus it is difficult to achieve
a properly consensus and to
find the specific expertise
for the elaboration of
SC10 a) Objectives: ISO/TC 17/SC 10 has finished all its work for the
Nothing to be referred to for
time being (still awaiting the publication of ISO 9328-2 to -7).
the time being.
ISO/TC 17 has to start a review on ISO 9327-1 to -5 covering steel
forgings and rolled or forged bars for pressure purposes.


b) Strategies: A questionnaire procedure has to be initiated to

check if a revision is necessary, taking account of the market
The objective of the committee is to continue to identify the
products and practices which are necessary to allow steel castings
to be purchased from ISO standards. In addition cast products
which do not fall under the definition of steel will be considered for
standardization where sufficient technical expertise is not available
in the current TC or SC for the development of cast product
standards. The subcommittee will address the revision of
standards where the existing standards are found to be incomplete
or difficult to implement.

The development of
standards within SC11
places a large load on the
active members limited.
Attempts need to be made
to encourage more Pmembers become active
and large producers to
become P-members.

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Objectives and strategies for the development of ISO standards


a) Objectives: SC12 creates hot rolled, cold rolled and coated

sheet steel specifications that address the international needs of
the steel production and consumption industries in a timely and
efficient manner. SC12 is also responsible for revising and
updating their standards to reflect changing requirements and
technological improvements as well as mandated governmental
and code initiatives.
b) Strategies: SC12 has developed and is utilizing several
strategic programs. The programs consist of standardization of
nomenclature, standardized tolerance tables, uniformity of
ordering information and annual progress reports showing the
status of SC12 standards. These programs provide uniformity
and timely preparation as well as improved international
acceptance of specifications through the reduction in the time of
document development as well as a reduction in negative
ballots due to major issues having been previously agreed

Risk analysis
Constraints on the
completion of the proposed
work program
It might become tough to
maintain appropriate
funding and knowledgeable
people for ISO
standardization activities.

Through its memberships, SC12 interacts with many national,

regional and other standards writing organizations in an effort to
achieve harmonious global standards.

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Risk analysis
on the
ISO/TC17 Objectives and strategies for the development of ISO standards Constraints
completion of the proposed
work program
There is a risk, or rather an
SC16 a) Objectives: SC16 is now developing the standards on test
encountered obstacle, that it
methods for products in its field, product standards for
is difficult to find somebody
mechanical splices, product standard for bars with end
anchorages, product standards for zinc-coated reinforcing and who will pay for the use of
manpower required
prestressing steel and vocabulary standards.
developing the standards.
The objectives of each of them are as follows:
Somebody must pay for the
1) Test method standards will promote world trade by
- making the specifications of the products clear and comparable work which will give benefit
to everybody.
- reducing the need for repeated testing of products sold in
various markets
2) Product standard for mechanical splices will in addition
- give confidence in the reliability of the splices
- promote the application of splices in cases where they bring
technical and economic advantages
- consolidate and spread the existing knowledge on how the
splices should reliably be used in concrete design
3) Product standard for bars with end anchorages will
- give confidence in the reliability of the anchorages
- promote the application of end anchorage's in cases where they
bring technical and economic advantages
- consolidate and spread the existing knowledge on how the
anchorages should reliably be used in concrete design
4) Product standard for zinc-coated reinforcing and prestressing
steel will
-give confidence in the reliability of the coating
-promote the application of zinc coatings in cases where they
bring technical and economic advantages
5) Vocabulary standard will
-constitute a common basis for national and regional standards
- facilitate worldwide communication and trade


SC 19

b) Strategies: The standards are prepared in working groups open

to all experts who may contribute.
a) Objectives: SC17 prepares ISO standards on qualities,
dimensions and tolerances of steel wire rod and steel wire that
are adoptable in every country's national standard.
b) Strategy: In developing ISO standards, the existing national
standards to be submitted as comments from all over the world
should be taken into account.

a) Objectives: SC19 prepares ISO standards on qualities and

delivery condition of steel tubes, seamless and welded, for
pressure purposes which are adoptable in every country's
national standard. It also deals with the Non Destructive
testing of such a products.
SC now has a New Work Item to deal with, the Revision of
ISO 11484 with the Scope enlarged to cover all steel
The SC is also working for the periodical five years review of
its own standards.
b) Strategy: In developing ISO standards, the existing ISO rules
are followed trying to reach the consensus as wide as possible.

The major risk is to find how

to harmonize the steel
grades from various
national standards.
The risk also arises from the
lacking of available experts
due to the economical
a) Increasing bureaucracy
(not only on international
b) Decreasing participation
of active members, due to
the less availability of
economical and human

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Risk analysis
on the
ISO/TC17 Objectives and strategies for the development of ISO standards Constraints
completion of the proposed
work program
Other SCs Other SCs have no work items under development at this present The key points for success
time. Therefore, their main job is to carry out the periodical review are for respective members
of ISO standards in respective field.
taking part in the
a) Objectives: The important point in the periodical review of ISO development of ISO
standards is to make ISO standards more adoptable in each
standards to respect mutual
countrystandard or directly more usable in the world-wide
existing market and also
submit the constructive
b) Strategies: All members of ISO/TC17 are requested to behave proposals reflecting the
in accordance with the guideline prepared by ISO/TC17
actual market needs.
(17N2704-1999, "Guideline for the preparation of ISO standards
usable in the market by ISO/TC17") in the development of ISO
standards within ISO/TC17.

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