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Chapter-2: Price Discovery in Equity Derivatives Market: A Literature Survey

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Price Discovery in Equity Derivatives Market: A Literature Survey

2.1 Introduction
Price discovery is the process through which market incorporates new information into asset
prices and drives it towards new equilibrium price. In the market microstructure literature, price
discovery has been defined as, process of finding market clearing price (Madhavan, 2000), and
the search for an equilibrium price (Schreiber and Schwartz, 1986). The Efficient Market
Hypothesis claims that prices reflect all available information with immediacy; therefore, making
an abnormal profit is not possible. However, it is well established in the literature that markets
lead/lag in impounding information when an asset trades in multiple markets.

The process of impounding new information into prices remains unclear and is referred as
Black Box in the literature (Madhavan, 2000), particularly when the same or related assets
trade at more than one market. No two markets are alike in price discovery due to their
differences in types of orders permitted, liquidity, initial cash outlay, transparency (Madhavan,
2000). Trading incentives like reduced capital requirement, lesser transaction cost, absence of
short selling restrictions and limited downside risk, make derivatives market a preferred place to
trade for informed traders (Black, 1975), thereby, making it to influence the prices in the
underlying market. Whether the role of equity derivatives in information transmission is
theoretically justified and empirically supported, remains inconclusive even after being the
centre of attention of many researchers. This part of the study is an attempt to provide a

comprehensive survey of existing literature (both theoretical and empirical) on the dynamics of
interaction between spot and derivatives market.
2.2 Literature Review
Research exploring informativeness of derivatives originates from the theoretical proposition of
Black (1975). The author argues that there are compelling reasons like lesser transaction cost,
lesser upfront money requirement, lesser trading restrictions and limited downside risk, for
growing popularity of options trading and thereby attracting informed traders. Therefore, the
prices and trading activity of options market should be informative about future price
movements of the underlying assets. An impressive range of researchers have tested Blacks
theoretical proposition empirically using different set of variables and have reported conflicting
results. The existing studies can be classified into different categories based on variables used
and reported findings:

2.2 (a) Studies Based on Price Variable

A series of studies examine the price to price relationship between derivatives market and the
market of the underlying assets and show that the prices in derivatives market lead the prices in
spot market. Manaster and Rendleman (1982) study the role of call options prices to predict the
prices of underlying stocks covering the period of three years immediately after foundation of
CBOE (the first US options exchange) in 1973. They use closing price data of all options and
underlying stocks (172 stocks) traded on various options exchanges in US during 26th April
1973 to 30th June 1976 and employ Black and Scholes (BS) model of options pricing in their
study. They compute implied spot price by inverting the BS[1] equation and calculate pricing

[1] To estimate the options market's assessment of the equilibrium stock price, while at the same time avoiding the
difficulties associated with errors of measurement in standard deviations, implied stock prices and implied standard

error as the difference between actual and implied prices. They form quintiles based on ranking
of errors and subsequently calculate average daily portfolio returns for the entire study period
(801 trading days). Based on the argument of options prices being informative (implicit spot
prices should guide the actual spot prices); they expect that lower/higher ranked portfolio should
give lower/higher returns consistently. They find the means of portfolio returns to be
significantly different across portfolios and increasing with portfolio ranks. They alternatively
confirm the mean comparison results employing a non parametric chi-square test. They conclude
that call options prices are partially informative about future spot market prices.

Chan (1992) studies the intraday lead lag relation using returns of Major Market Index (MMI),
MMI futures and S&P 500 futures index. Besides studying the pooled data, the lead lag pattern
under different conditions like Good vs. bad news, relative intensity of trading activity and extent
of market wide movement are also studied. Multiple regression frameworks are used where lead
and lag terms of future index returns are explanatory variables and return on the index is
endogenous. Moreover, the study also explores if the relationship for the individual constituent
stocks differs from that of the index. Strong evidences of futures market leading or impounding
the information first are reported, but the lead pattern is found changing with change in
conditions. Two time periods Aug 1984-Jun 1985 and Jan-Sep 1987[2] are used to investigate the
change in relationship with time and it is observed that though futures market still leads but lead
span shortens during Jan-Sep1987. This shows that the inefficiency in the market tends to

deviations were calculated simultaneously using data from several options on the same stock and then were solved
numerically using Newtonian search. For more details refer to Manaster and Rendleman (1982) page no. 1047.

[ ] The author has not specified any particular reason for the gap between the two periods examined in the study.
However, it is mentioned that the auto-correlation of short interval returns is found declining over time in the
literature which implies that development in trading rules and practices improves the information processing ability
of the markets. They include 1987 period to verify the above along with the robustness of observed lead lag pattern.

disappear as the time progresses and also strengthens the argument of market participants not
being indifferent with changing conditions and environment.
Fleming, Ostdiek and Whaley (1996) study the relative rate of price discovery in stock, futures
and options market and provide a trading cost based explanation for it. The trading cost
hypothesis states that market with smaller trading cost should react faster to the new information.
Therefore, firm specific information should be reflected in stock market first because taking a
synthetic stock position with similar payoff using derivatives would cost more. On the other
hand trading on market wide information should first take place in derivatives market because
trading index futures and options is easier and less costly than trading basket of stocks. They
mention that trading S&P 500 futures cost only 3% of what trading equivalent portfolio of stocks
cost. The trading cost and the leverage hypotheses don't go hand in hand for firm specific
information. They compare the trading cost of S&P 500 stock index, S&P 100 stock Index, S&P
500 index futures, S&P 100 Index call and put options and form four hypotheses: First, stocks
lead stock options; second, stock futures lead stocks; third, Index options lead stocks and fourth,
index futures lead index options. To test the hypotheses they use five minutes interval data for
the period January 1988 to March 1991 and employ multiple regression model inclusive of error
correction term for both the raw returns and the return innovations (generated using ARMA (2,
3) to control for infrequent trade and micro-structural effect). They use generalized method of
moments (GMM) estimation technique and find that results are in alignment with trading cost
structure as hypothesized.

Jong and Donders (1998) study the lead lag relationship between Amsterdam Exchange (AEX)
cash index, index futures and index options market obtaining data from European Options

Exchange (EOE) over the period July 1992 to June 1993. They compute implied index values
from futures and options data inverting cost of carry (COC) and BS options pricing models
respectively and use them in separate regression models for futures and options respectively.
They employ high frequency near term contract data and use serial and cross correlations
measures to determine lag lengths. They report a prominent leading futures market compared to
cash and options market however, they also find evidences of strong contemporaneous
relationship. The lead of options over cash market is found to be symmetric meaning neither of
the markets leads systematically. They attribute the results to the trading benefits associated with
derivatives and argue that reason of futures leading both cash and options could simply be the
leverage. They argue that the leverage of futures is almost twice as large as that of a short
maturity at-the-money call options.

Brooks, Garrett and Hinich (1999) propose an alternative approach to examine the lead lag
relationship between stock and stock index futures market using data of FTSE100 and S&P500
index from UK and US markets respectively. They argue that the results using the traditional
method of testing lead lag relationship based on Sims (1972) are subject to overstating the
strength of the relationship due to presence of nonlinearity[3] in data which is well documented
in literature. They point out that other than the nonlinear characteristics, issues like nonsynchronous trading and the stability of parameter assumed for longer periods are also
questionable. To test the relationship they split the data into a series of windows of length 35

[3] Besides the literary evidence of time series data exhibiting non linear behaviour, the authors provide economic
reason of nonlinearity present in the pricing relationship of spot and futures market. For example, arbitrage triggers
when futures price deviates from fair value (given by observed stock price adjusted for dividend and cost of carry) in
absence of transaction cost. However, in reality, transaction cost does exist which creates a bound within which any
deviation doesn't trigger arbitrage. This creates a threshold wherein the relative difference between the prices of the
two markets can fluctuate without triggering arbitrage and can make the relationship nonlinear.

observations and use cross correlation measures of estimation. They conclude that futures market
lead cash market for few periods and the lead doesn't last for long. Reported results are contrary
to traditional findings and suggest presence of information content in derivatives but doesn't
provide significant profitable opportunities.

Booth, So and Tse (1999) use intraday data of DAX Index, its futures (FDAX) and options
(ODAX) to examine which of the markets is informationally dominant. They follow Gonzalo
and Granger (1995) Information Share approach where the common factor is expressed as a
function of prices in different markets. They report that DAX and FDAX jointly contribute 98%
to the common factor out of which 50% is contributed by FDAX alone. ODAX contribution is
found to be small but statistically significant. They attribute the results to transaction cost

Gwylim and Buckle (2001) study the lead lag relationship between FTSE 100 stock index, its
futures and options using hourly return. They report both the futures and options market leading
spot market but call market being the most prominent among all three. Hsieh et al. (2008) study
the relationship in Taiwan market between spot, futures and options implied price (calculated
using Put-Call Parity (PCP) relationship) of index and have reported the derivatives market to be
informationally non trivial.

Chen et al (2005) and Chan et al. (2009) study the lead lag relationship between spot returns and
trading value ratio[4] in US and Taiwan markets respectively. Besides studying in aggregate,

[4] Chen et al. developed a model and created a measure called VR (ratio of volume weighted price) to discriminate
between good and bad news attached to options trades for more details refer Chen et al [2005], page no.5.

they also segregate the sample based on factors like options moneyness, market cycle, and
liquidity, and have shown the options market to be informative. Chen et al (2005) develop an
analytical framework establishing that trading value ratio of call to put signify the ratio of
unobservable probabilities of price increase to price decrease. A ratio greater/smaller than unity
would indicate positive/negative information. They use BVAR (Bi-variate auto regressive)
model to examine the relationship. OTM[5] options are reported to be the favourite of informed
traders as lead is found more pronounced in case of OTM options in both the studies. They show
that relationship between spot and options market prices is subject to change with different
factors and conditions which implies changing preference of informed traders.

Theissen E. (2011) studies the price discovery in spot and futures market using intraday data of
DAX Index, its futures and DAX ETF (exchange traded fund) from German market. The author
uses modified threshold error correction model (TECM) that allows for arbitrage opportunities to
have impact on returns dynamic and accounts for time varying transaction costs. The author
points that ECM approach used in previous studies suffer from problems like price staleness (all
component stocks of the index not trading frequently) that introduces serial correlation of index
return resulting into spurious regression estimates. The assumption of constant co-integration
relationship over time may not be holding too. ECM also assumes speed of price adjustment
towards equilibrium price is independent of size of deviation which is incorrect because
transaction cost creates a bound within which arbitrage is not possible. Using mid quotes, the
author removes the problem of serial correlation and defines arbitrage signal as difference in
[5] Options can be divided into three categories namely ATM (At-the-Money), OTM (Out-of-the-Money) and ITM
(In-the-Money). In both of the studies ITM/OTM call options are options with strike price ranging from 80/105 to
95/120 percent of price in the spot market and ITM/OTM put options are options with strike price ranging from
105/80 to 120/95 percent of underlings price. ATM options are options with strike price ranging between 95 to 105
percent of price in underlying market. Data of near month contract was used for the study due to liquidity concerns.

price deviation and time varying transaction cost. Dummy variable take the value of 1 if
arbitrage triggers and 0 otherwise to capture the impact of size of deviation. Contribution to price
discovery of the markets is computed using common factor weight measure. Using transaction
prices in traditional system the study finds the contribution of the futures and the spot market
71.7%, 98.5% and 28.3%, 1.5% for DAX spot and DAX ETF respectively. When mid quotes are
used, the ratio changes to 59.8%, 91.1% and 40.2%, 8.9% respectively which provides evidence
of spurious estimates in using transaction data.

Bhattacharaya (1987), Stephen and Whaley (1990), Chan, Chung and Johnson (1993),
Holowczak, Simman and Wu (2007) have reported conflicting views about information content
of derivatives prices. Bhattacharya (1987) criticizes the findings of Manaster and Rendleman
(1982) reporting that use of daily data can't trace shorter leads. Using intraday bid and ask quote
implied bid and ask quotes are calculated and simulated trading is conducted based on arbitrage
signals. The study finds prices in options market informative but not enough to cover even the
transaction cost and doesn't provide any profitable opportunities. The author indicates that
despite the trading incentives provided by derivatives market, restrictions like prohibiting
institutional participants from trading options in many markets works as a counter to options
preference argument. Moreover, in absence of budgetary constraint, an informed trader would
place his trade in both markets simultaneously. The limited downside risk when the private
information turns out to be incorrect, seems to be the only advantage that could give a lead to the
options market.

Stephen and Whaley (1990) study relationship between actual spot price and options implied
price changes for American firms and report spot market leading. Chan, Chung and Johnson
(1993) study options using non linear lead lag regression model where the lead lag coefficient is
always multiplied by options delta in the regression model. They report similar results to that of
Stephen and Whaley (1990). They argue that the mechanism of tick size deters the options price
to move immediately after a small change in spot price due to the fact that the resultant
theoretical move in options price itself becomes lesser than the tick size. It takes more than one
small move to spot price, in the same direction, for the options to trade which may cause the
options market to follow rather than lead.

Holowczak, Simman and Wu (2007) study the price discovery in US stock and stock options
market using portfolio approach. They argue that options prices are not only affected by
underlying price but also by its volatility and it is difficult to separate the impact of the two.
They suggest creating a portfolio by buying a call and selling a put at the same strike price which
makes the payoff linear and that depends only on change in price level of underlying assets.
They select 40 highly traded stocks with most actively traded options for the period May to July
2002. They calculate CPt = Ct minus Pt or (Ct - Pt); where Ct is call price and Pt is put price, and
regress stock price against CPt. They use the parameters of the regression to estimate implied
stock price and then use actual and implied prices in their price discovery analysis using
Hasbrouck's Information Share(IS)[6] approach and Gonzalo and Grangers (1995) common

[6] Hasbrouck (1995) develops a method to measure the contribution of each market to the total price discovery for
an asset if same or closely linked securities are trading at multiple places. He argues that assets trading at more than
one place share a common efficient price besides the innovations of the market which they trade on. His information
share measure is based on decomposition of variance of changes in the efficient price. He defines information share
as proportional contribution of that markets innovation to the innovations in the common efficient price.

factor approach(CFP)[7]. They find evidences of price discovery on the directional movement
happening in both markets but the share was less for many stocks in case of options market.
They mention that low information share of options may be due to large transaction cost because
a trader wont place his trade until his benefits overweight the cost. They propose a vector error
correction model (VECM) conditioned on magnitude of stock price moves and find the options
market becoming significantly more informative for large price moves. They also examine if the
information content of options market changes with time using a sample of small period i.e.
March 2006. They argue that if trading cost is the main reason to trade options then options
market should have better information because it has grown faster and has become more efficient
with time due to market developments and technological advancements. They find the similar
results of stock market containing better information content. Despite the phenomenal growth the
trading activity still remains thinner in options (especially stock options) and as the options
market maker needs to adjust options quotes after every price change in stock irrespective of
options trade, it increases quote to trade ratio dramatically. They conclude that price discovery
on directional movement still occurs more in stock market than in options market.

2.2 (b) Studies Based on Trading Activity Variables

Besides price to price linkage of the two markets, several studies have been conducted to
ascertain the relationship using other variables that measure options market activity like options
volume, open interest[8], number of transactions (Anthony (1988), Stephen and Whaley (1990),
Bhuyan and Chaudhary (2001) Chan, Chung and Fong (2002)) and have revealed mixed results.

[7] It focuses on components of common factor and error correction process.

[8] The total number of options and/or futures contracts that are not closed or delivered on a particular day

Anthony (1988) studies the volume to volume relationship [9] for 25 American firms using pairwise granger causality test and reports one day lead of options over spot. Bhuyan and Chaudhary
(2001) study the information content of options open interest in US market. They argue that the
distribution of open interest on different strike prices represent overall belief of traders about
equilibrium price of the assets at maturity. They take sample of 30 stocks from different sectors
such as technology, healthcare, energy, consumer products, and services which are traded on
NASDAQ and NYSE and also represent major market indices. They calculate options open
interest based predictors (a weighted average of open interest at different strike prices). They
consider various trading strategies after comparing actual and predicted stock prices at maturity
and report predicting accuracy. The open interest based trading strategies are found producing
significant higher returns than buy and hold strategy.

However, Stephen and Whaley (1990), Chan et al. (2002) have reported contrasting results.
Stephen and Whaley (1990), in their study measure trading activity by trading volume and
number of transactions alternatively. They use lead lag regression where options market activity
is regressed against lead and lag terms of spot market activity and report that trading in call
options lags trading in underlying. Chan et al. (2002) study the intraday relationship between
quote return and net traded volume of stock and options market and report strong evidence of
information flow from Stock market to options market. They use multivariate VAR model
having system of six regression equations improving upon Hasbrouck (1991) VAR system of
two equations. They use three quote return variables calculated using stock, call and put prices
and three corresponding trading volume variables in the model. They argue that stock market is

[9] Volume data for pair-wise causality test were pre-whitened to be free from market effect and were tested for time
series properties.

leading due to less illiquid options market that restrains informed traders from trading options.
They report little evidence of information trade in options market and conjecture that if at all
informed traders place their trade in options market, they submit limit orders due to higher
spread of options that may reduce their information benefit of the trade substantially. When the
order improves market bid or ask due to trade initiation by uninformed or liquidity traders, the
quote revision may be informative. They deny aggressive trade of options by informed traders.

2.2 (c) Studies Based on Measures of Market Turbulence

Measures of market turbulence like implied volatility, conditional volatility have been used in
many studies examining the link between the spot and the options market (i.e. Latane and
Rendleman (1975), Chiras and Manaster (1978), Beckers (1981), Day and Lewis (1992) ,Canina and
Figlewski (1993), Chen, Cuny and Haugen (1995), Kyriacou and Sarno (1999), Mayhew and Stivers
(2002), Sarwar (2005), Ni, Pan and Poteshman (2008)). Studies on this stream are based on the

argument that a trader having private information about future volatility can only bet on
information in options market which in turn affects the trading activity in options market.

Latane and Rendleman (1975) examine the information content of implied volatility about
options prices. They employ weighted implied standard deviation (WISD) as a measure of
market forecast of return variability computed by weighting the implied volatility of series of
options on a given day by sensitivity of options price to implied volatility. They use options data
of 24 companies listed on CBOE and address three main objectives. First, they study the
usefulness of WISD in identifying over or under priced options and thereby reducing risk in
hedge positions. Second, they examine relationship between WISD and ex-post volatility and
third, they test the stability of the cross sectional average of WISD. The portfolio based on WISD

price projections produces significant abnormal returns which confirms the usefulness of WISD
in determining proper hedge positions and identifying over and under priced options. They report
significant correlation between WISD and ex-post volatility which proves WISD as a better
estimate of future volatility. Regarding the stability of cross sectional average of WISD they
report tendency of volatility to move together with time.

Chiras and Manaster (1978) compare the predictability of historical volatility and weighted
implied volatility for future stock return variance using a simple regression model. They report
that options implied volatility is a better predictor of realized stock returns volatility. Beckers
(1981) studies the predictive accuracy of implied standard deviation (ISD) for future price
variability by regressing the standard deviation of daily stock returns against the implied
standard deviation in a simple regression framework. They report that options implicit standard
deviation is an efficient measure of future price variability. However, Canina and Figlewski
(1993) study the S&P 100 Index options for the period March15, 1983 to March28, 1987 and
document that implied volatility (IV) computed using BS options pricing formula results in
inferior estimate of market's future volatility forecast, when compared to historical volatility.

Chen et al. (1995) study the relationship between stock volatility, basis [10] and open interests in
futures market using S&P 500 Index. They base their study on the intuition that when volatility
increases in the market, investors prefer to entice more people in the market for risk sharing.
Those investors reduce their risk exposure not only by selling their stock upholding alone but
also by selling related futures contract. Such activity may result in decreasing basis and

[10] They define basis as the difference between the market futures price and fair futures price where fair futures
price is cash price index grossed up by risk free rate and adjusted for expected dividends.

increasing open interest due to enhanced participation into the market. They run separate
regressions for basis and open interest and find that increase in expected volatility results in
decrease in basis and increase in open interest.
Kyriacou and Sarno (1999) examine the dynamic relationship between derivatives trading and
volatility of the underlying asset using daily data of FTSE 100 Index, its futures and options. The
trading activity is measured by daily futures and options volume standardized by open interest
whereas cash index volatility is estimated alternatively by adjusted daily price changes (ADPR),
daily price changes (DPR), squared return (SQRET) and GARCH(1,1). They follow Koch
(1993) and use simultaneous equation model to examine the relationship as opposed to vectorauto regression (VAR) which doesn't allow for simultaneity and possibly can cause
misspecification problems. They report that expected future volatility, futures volume and
options volume are determined in a system of equations that allows for both simultaneity and

Mayhew and Stivers (2002) study the information content of implied volatility about firm level
volatility using options data on 50 most highly traded stocks listed on CBOE during 1988-1995.
They report that for most actively traded options the implied volatility subsumes almost all
information about firm level volatility. However, their results are termed biased and cannot be
generalized across all the stocks traded in the market as the sample of the study involves only
actively traded stocks. Sarwar (2005) studies the relationship between expected future volatility
of S&P 500 Index and aggregate options volume. He conducts the study separately for call and
put options and also for moneyness classes. He reports strong feedback relationship between the

options volume and expected future volatility overall however, results for at-the-money (ATM)
and out-of-the money (OTM) options are found to be more pronounced.

Ni, Pan and Poteshman (2008) study whether options volume is informative about future
volatility of the underlying assets. They employ unique dataset of stock options trade provided
by CBOE over the period of 1990 to 2001. They argue that if the options volume is informative
about future stock volatility then non market maker net demand for volatility should be
positively related with future stock volatility. They compute the non market maker demand for
volatility by aggregate sum of net (buy-sell) options volume (both call and put) weighted by
options vega[11] across strike prices. They test the relationship using multiple regression
framework where realized volatility is regressed against non market maker demand for volatility
along with a set of control variables (i.e. lags of RV, lags of implied volatility, dummy for
earning announcement date, stock volume and options volume). They report significant positive
relationship between options non market maker demand for volatility and subsequent realized
volatility. They further argue that some options market trades represent bets both on volatility
and direction (for example, a call buyer benefits both from increasing stock price and increase in
volatility) whereas other trades like straddle[12] primarily bet only on volatility. If the
predictability reported earlier is due to informed volatility trading then the straddle type of trades
should have stronger predictability. They conduct tests for the above argument and find evidence
in support.


[ ] Vega is defined as the sensitivity of options prices towards changes in the volatility of the underlying assets.
Vega is most sensitive for at-the-money options.
[ ] Straddle is an options trading strategy where a trader buys a call and sells a put with same strike price and

2.3 Conclusions
In this study, we survey the literature on the role of equity linked derivatives in information
diffusion leading to the price discovery of underlying assets. We don't find a complete consensus
among researchers about the direction and speed of information flow between the spot market
and the equity derivative markets i.e. Futures market and Options market. However, the
corroborative empirical evidences about information content in prices and trading activities of
equity linked derivatives dominates the literature. On methodological ground most of the studies
are found to be using variants of granger causality and similar techniques to examine the
interrelation in terms of information diffusion between the two markets despite its shortcomings
as cited by Koch (1993). As far as Indian derivatives markets are concerned, it's considerable
share in derivatives trading across exchanges (for example NSE, India ranked second in terms of
trading index options contracts and its turnover and S&P CNX Nifty Index became the second
most actively traded index around the world as per World Federation of Exchanges Survey
Report of 2011) makes it attractive for similar studies and particularly for volatility informed
trading which yet remains to be examined in the Indian context.

The important implications of this literature review on the function of derivatives (Figure-2.1
presents the important literature at a glance) can be highlighted as follows.

Derivatives can no more be referred as redundant securities despite the fact that
derivatives prices are primarily based on prices of underlying assets.

It is possible that there are additional factors that affect the prices of derivatives
securities but not given proper consideration in literature. Recent empirical evidences

may help in determining such factors to improve on the possible misspecification in

existing pricing models leading to better understanding of functions of derivatives.

Most of the research in this area is found to be focussed on examination of

directional informed trading in derivatives. Studies examining trading of derivatives
based on volatility informed trading are very few and are specific to developed
markets. It would be useful to examine the information about future volatility in
derivatives trading in the context of emerging markets due to their different
efficiency levels and lax regulatory structure.

Figure-2.1: Literature on the Informational Role of Derivatives at a Glance

Theoretical Prediction: Options Markets are Venue for Information Based Trading.
Black (1975),
Empirical Question:

To what extent derivatives market affect price discovery on the spot market?

Lead Lag
Relationship between spot
and derivatives prices
Manaster and
(Options, 1982)
Kawaller et. al.
(Futures, 1987)
Chan K
(Futures, 1992)
Chen et al .
(Options, 2005)
Bhatia S.
(Futures, 2007)
Chan, Chang and Lung
(Options 2009)
Derivative markets lead

Information content in trading

activity of derivatives market
(Options, 1987)

(Options, 1988)

Stephen and Whaley

(Options, 1990)

Easley et. al.


Chan et. al.

(Options, 1993)

Bhuyan et. al.

(Options, 2005)

Jong et. al.

(both F & O, 1998)

Ni, Pan and Poteshman

( Options, 2008)

Ansi (Options, 2009)

Sarwar G.
(Options, 2005)
Kumar S.S.S.
(Options, 2008)

Stephen and
(Options, 1990)
Chan et. al.
(Options, 2002)

Hasbrouck (1995)
Chakravarty et. al.
(Options, 2004)
Chan et. al.
(Options, 2010)
Kumar and Tse
(Futures, 2009)

Options Trading activity is not

Important informational role

conflicting or Inconclusive Results

Evidence that informed traders prefer derivatives market

In the above figure we classify important previous studies based on the use of key variables and approaches and
reported findings. We list them in chronological order in the flow chart.

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