Paul Kagame PDF
Paul Kagame PDF
Paul Kagame PDF
As president, Kagame has prioritised national development, launching a programme to develop Rwanda as a
middle income country by 2020. As of 2013, the country is developing strongly on key indicators, including
health care and education; annual growth between 2004
and 2010 averaged 8% per year. Kagame has had mostly
good relations with the East African Community and the
United States; his relations with France were poor until
2009. Relations with the DRC remain tense despite the
2003 ceasere; human rights groups and a leaked United
Nations report allege Rwandan support for two insurgencies in the country, a charge Kagame denies. Several
countries suspended aid payments in 2012 following these
allegations. Kagame is popular in Rwanda and with some
foreign observers; human rights groups accuse him of political repression. He won an election in 2003, under a
new constitution adopted that year, and was elected for a
second term in 2010.
Rwandan Genocide
suspending peace talks temporarily and launching a major
attack, gaining a large swathe of land across the north of
the country.[47]
Peace negotiations resumed in Arusha, and the resulting
set of agreements, known as the Arusha Accords, were
signed in August 1993. The RPF were given positions
in a broad-based transitional government (BBTG) and in
the national army.[48][49] The United Nations Assistance
Mission for Rwanda (UNAMIR), a peacekeeping force,
arrived and the RPF were given a base in the national parliament building in Kigali to use during the establishment
of the BBTG.[50]
Jeannette Kagame
120,000 suspects were arrested. The prisons were overcrowded and the courts could not process all the cases.
By 2006 only 10,000 of those arrested had been tried.[103]
The government introduced Gacaca, a village court system based on traditional Rwandan justice. The Gacaca
process allowed for faster processing of cases, but lacked
many safeguards and principles of international criminal
Shortly after taking power, the Rwandan government began prosecuting crimes committed during the
genocide.[102] The International Criminal Tribunal for
Rwanda, operating under a United Nations mandate, was
set up in Arusha to judge the most senior leaders responsible for the genocide. In addition, the Rwandan government determined to prosecute all suspected perpetrators,
including the many ordinary citizens who had taken part
in the killings, in order to end the culture of impunity Kagame rst provided troops and military training[111]
that it blamed for the genocide. Between 1994 and 2000, to aid a rebellion against Zaire by the Banyamulenge,
a Tutsi group living near Bukavu in the Zairian South
Kivu province.[113] With Rwandan army support, the
Banyamulenge defeated local security forces and began
attacking the Hutu refugee camps in the area. At the
same time, Kagames forces joined with Zairian Tutsi
around Goma to attack two of the camps there.[113][111]
Most refugees from the attacked camps moved to the
large Mugunga camp. In November 1996 the Rwandan
army attacked Mugunga, causing an estimated 800,000
refugees to ee.[114] Many returned to Rwanda despite the
presence of the RPF; others ventured further west into
Election campaigns
adhere to a set of fundamental principles including equitable power sharing and democracy.[155] The commission
sought to ensure that the draft constitution was home5.1 Accession
grown, relevant to Rwandas specic needs, and reected
the views of the entire population; they sent questionIn the late 1990s, Kagame began to disagree pubnaires to civil groups across the country and rejected oflicly with Bizimungu and the Hutu-led government in
fers of help from the international community, except for
Kagame accused Bizimungu of corrupnancial assistance.[156]
tion and poor management,
while Bizimungu felt that
he had no power over appointments to the cabinet and The draft constitution was released in 2003; it was apthat the National Assembly was acting purely as a puppet proved by the parliament, and was then put to a referenfor Kagame.[143] Bizimungu resigned from the presidency dum in May of that year.[157] The referendum was widely
in March 2000.[144] Historians do not agree on the pre- promoted by the government; ultimately, 95% of eligicise circumstances of Bizimungus departure; American ble adults registered to vote and the turnout on voting day
author Stephen Kinzer contends that one of the presi- was 87%.[158] The constitution was overwhelmingly acdents friends called Kagame with the startling news that cepted, with 93% voting in favour.[158] The constitution
the president was preparing to resign[145] while Prunier provided for a two-house parliament, an elected president
states that Bizimungu was forced to resign, having de- serving seven-year terms, and multi-party politics.[158]
nounced the National Assembly and attempted to sow The constitution also sought to prevent Hutu or Tutsi
discord within the RPF.[143] Following Bizimungus res- hegemony over political power.[158] Article 54 states that
ignation, the Supreme Court ruled that Kagame should political organizations are prohibited from basing thembecome acting president until a permanent successor was selves on race, ethnic group, tribe, clan, region, sex,
religion or any other division which may give rise to
discrimination.[159] According to Human Rights Watch,
Kagame had been de facto leader since 1994, but had fothis clause, along with later laws enacted by the parliacused more on military, foreign aairs and the countrys
ment, eectively make Rwanda a one-party state, as unsecurity than day-to-day governance. By 2000, the threat
der the guise of preventing another genocide, the govposed by cross-border rebels was much reduced and when
ernment displays a marked intolerance of the most basic
Bizimungu resigned, Kagame decided to seek the presiforms of dissent.[160]
dency himself.
The transitional constitution was still
in eect, which meant the president was elected by government ministers and the national assembly rather than
5.3 Election campaigns
by a direct election.[147]
The RPF selected two candidates, Kagame and RPF secretary general Charles Murigande; the ministers and parliament elected Kagame by eighty-one votes to three.[148]
Kagame was sworn in as president in April 2000.[149]
Several Hutu politicians, including the prime minister
Pierre-Clestin Rwigema, left the government at around
the same time as Bizimungu, leaving a cabinet dominated
by those close to Kagame.[145] Bizimungu started his
own party following his resignation, but this was quickly
banned for destabilising the country.[150] He was subsequently arrested[151] and convicted of corruption and
inciting ethnic violence. He was imprisoned until 2007,
when he was pardoned by Kagame.[152]
New constitution
they wanted security rst of all. Even people who didn't
know the RPF program in detail saw us as the party that
would guarantee that.[175] Kagame was sworn in on 12
September to begin his seven-year term.[176]
5.3.2 Presidential election, 2010
Main article: Rwandan presidential election, 2010
Kagames rst term expired and new elections were
MDR, but instead sought the presidency as an independent following the partys banishment.[166] Twagiramungu returned to the country in June 2003 and began campaigning in August.[166][167] Two other candidates also ran: Alvera Mukabaramba, a medical doctor
and former MDR member running for the newly formed
Party for Progress and Concord (PPC), and Jean Nepomuscene Nayinzira, an independent and former member of parliament who cited belief in God as a central part of his campaign.[168] Mukabaramba pulled out
one day before the election, accusing Twagiramungu
of ethnic propaganda and advising her supporters to
vote for Kagame.[169] The election went ahead on 25
August with Kagame, Twagiramungu and Nayinzira as
Kagame declared victory in the election on 26 August,
after partial results showed he had an almost insurmountable lead,[170] and his win was later conrmed by
the National Electoral Commission.[171] The nal results
showed that Kagame received 95.1% of the vote, Twagiramungu 3.6%, and Nayinzira 1.3%; the voter turnout
was 96.6%.[171] The campaign, election day, and aftermath were largely peaceful, although an observer from
the European Union (EU) raised concerns that opposition
supporters may have been intimidated by the RPF.[172]
Twagiramungu rejected the result of the election and also
questioned the margin of victory, saying Almost 100
per cent? Thats not possible.[172] Twagiramungu led
a petition at the Supreme Court to nullify the result, but
was unsuccessful.[173] The EU observer also questioned
the result, citing numerous irregularities, but praised
the election overall, describing it as a positive step.[174]
Kagame himself, in an interview with journalist Stephen
Kinzer, acknowledged that the opposition had been weak,
but he believed the result was genuine. He told Kinzer
Kagame in 2010
Domestic policy
Prosper Higiro of the Liberal Party,[183] and Alvera Mukabaramba of the Party for Progress and Concord.[184]
Two other contenders failed to get ocial documents
through and did not get accepted into the race. Human
Rights Watch described Kagames three opponents as
broadly supportive of the RPF, and claimed that most
Rwandans would not describe them as real opposition,
while those who criticised the RPF were barred from the
Singapore and Thailand.[194] Following these consultations, and shortly after assuming the presidency, Kagame
launched an ambitious programme of national development called Vision 2020.[194] The major purposes of the
programme were to unite the Rwandan people and to
transform Rwanda from a highly impoverished into a
middle income country.[193] The programme consists of a
list of goals which the government aims to achieve before
the year 2020.[194] These include reconstruction, infrasIn the run-up to the election, there was some violence tructure and transport improvements, good governance,
improving agriculture production, private sector developand several incidents involving prominent opposition and
media gures. In February, there was a grenade attack ment, and health and education improvements.
in Kigali which killed two people. Rwandan prosecu- In 2011, the Ministry of Finance and Economic Plantors blamed Kayumba Nyamwasa, a dissident General ning issued a report indicating the progress of the Vision
who had become a critic of Kagame.[186] Nywamwasa 2020 goals.[195] The report examined the stated goals of
ed to Johannesburg, South Africa, and in June he sur- the programme and rated each one with a status of onvived a shooting in the city. Nyamwasa alleged that track, on-watch or o-track. Of 44 goals, it found
it was an assassination attempt, a charge Rwanda de- that 66% were on-track, 11% were on-watch, and 22%
nied. Days later, journalist Jean-Lonard Rugambage, were o-track.[195] The major areas identied as owho claimed to have uncovered the regimes responsibil- track were population, poverty and the environment.[195]
ity in the attempted murder, was shot dead.[187] In July, An independent review of Vision 2020, carried out in
the vice president of the Democratic Green Party, Andr 2012 by academics based in Belgium, rated progress as
Kagwa Rwisereka, was beheaded in Butare. There is no quite encouraging, mentioning development in the educoncrete evidence linking Kagame with the attacks, but cation and health sectors, as well as Kagames fostering of
it was sucient for the United Nations to demand an a favourable business environment.[196] The review also
raised concerns about the policy of maximum growth at
Kagame was declared the winner of the election, accord- any cost, suggesting that this was leading to a situation
the rich prospered while the rural poor saw little
ing to results released by the National Electoral Commis- in which[196]
sion on 11 August.
Kagame received 93.08% of the
vote, with second placed Ntawukuriryayo polling 5.15%.
The turnout was 97.51% of registered voters.[190] Opposition and human rights groups later said that the election was tainted by repression, murder, and lack of credible competition. Kagame responded by saying I see
no problems, but there are some people who choose to
see problems where there are not.[191] The election was
largely peaceful, although there was a further grenade attack in Kigali hours after the election commission announced Kagames victory, injuring about 20 people.
Media reports indicated the attack may have been politically motivated and connected to earlier attacks in the
same area.[192]
Domestic policy
Vision 2020
Kagame watching the Kwita Izina mountain gorilla naming ceremony in 2010.
In the late 1990s, Kagame began actively planning methods to achieve national development. He launched a na- Main article: Economy of Rwanda
tional consultation process[193] and also sought the advice of experts from emerging nations including China, Rwandas economy has grown rapidly under Kagames
presidency, with per-capita gross domestic product
(purchasing power parity) estimated at $1,592 in
2013,[198] compared with $567 in 2000.[199] Annual growth between 2004 and 2010 averaged 8%
per year.[200] Kagames economic policy is based on
liberalising the economy, privatising state owned industries, reducing red tape for businesses,[200] and transforming the country from an agricultural to a knowledgebased economy.[201] Kagame has stated that he believes Rwanda can emulate the economic development
of Singapore since 1960,[202] and achieving middle income country status is one of the central goals of the
Vision 2020 programme.[193] Kagames economic policy has been praised by many foreign donors and investors, including Bill Clinton and Starbucks chairman
Howard Schultz.[203][204] The DRC government and human rights groups have accused Rwanda of illegally exploiting Congolese minerals,[205] which the London Daily
Telegraph describes as an important part in the success
of Rwandas economy.[203]
Rwanda is a country of few natural resources,[206] and
the economy is heavily dependent on subsistence agriculture, with an estimated 90% of the working population engaged in farming.[207] Under Kagames presidency,
the service sector has grown strongly. In 2010, it became the countrys largest sector by economic output,
contributing 43.6% of the countrys GDP.[207] Key tertiary contributors include banking and nance, wholesale and retail trade, hotels and restaurants, transport,
storage, communication, insurance, real estate, business
services, and public administration, including education
and health.[208] Information and communications technology (ICT) is a Vision 2020 priority, with a goal of
transforming Rwanda into an ICT hub for Africa.[201] To
this end, the government has completed a 2,300 kilometres (1,400 mi) bre-optic telecommunications network,
intended to provide broadband services and facilitate
electronic commerce.[209] Tourism is one of the fastestgrowing economic resources and became the countrys
leading foreign exchange earner in 2011.[210] In spite of
the genocides legacy, Kagames achievement of peace
and security means the country is increasingly perceived
internationally as a safe destination;[211] in the rst half
of 2011, 16% of foreign visitors arrived from outside
Africa.[212] The countrys mountain gorillas attract thousands of visitors per year, who are prepared to pay high
prices for permits.[213]
Rwanda ranks highly in several categories of the World
Banks ease of doing business index. In 2005, after the
country was ranked 158th on the ease of doing business
index, Kagame set up a special unit to analyze the economy and provide solutions to easing business.[214] As a result, the country topped the list of reformers in 2009.[200]
In 2012, the countrys overall ease of doing business
index ranking was 52nd out of 185 countries worldwide, and third out of 46 in Sub-Saharan Africa.[215]
It was eighth on the 2012 rankings for ease of starting
a business;[216] the Rwanda Development Board asserts
that a business can be authorised and registered in 24
hours.[200] The business environment and economy also
benet from relatively low corruption in the country; in
2010, Transparency International ranked Rwanda as the
eighth cleanest out of 47 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa
and sixty-sixth cleanest out of 178 in the world.[217]
Foreign policy
Foreign policy
Democratic Republic of the Congo
engaging with the international community.[244] The new
government provided impetus for renewed peace negotiations, and in July 2002 a peace agreement was reached between Rwanda, Congo, and the other major participants,
in which all foreign troops would withdraw and RCDGoma would enter a power-sharing transitional government with Joseph Kabila as interim president until elections could be held.[245] By the end of 2002, all uniformed
Rwandan troops had left Congolese territory.[246]
Despite the agreement and subsequent ceasere, relations
between Kagame and the Congolese government have remained tense. A 2003 United Nations report alleged that
Rwanda was using demobilised soldiers to continue its illegal exploitation of Congolese minerals.[246] Meanwhile,
Kagame blamed Kabila for failing to suppress Hutu rebels
in North and South Kivu provinces.[247] Two major insurgencies have occurred in the eastern provinces: the
rst, from 2005 to 2009, was led by Congolese Tutsi
Laurent Nkunda,[248] while the second, carried out by
the March 23 Movement (M23) under leader Bosco Ntaganda, began in 2012;[249] Ntaganda gave himself up to
the International Criminal Court in early 2013, and peace
talks have taken place, but as of May 2013 the conict is
at risk of resuming.[250] Human Rights Watch alleges that
both insurgencies were supported by Rwanda, a charge
Kagame denies.[251] A leaked United Nations report in
2012 also alleges Rwandan support for M23; this report
cites Kagames defence minister James Kabarebe as being eectively the commander of the movement.[252]
Both Clinton and Blair have maintained support for the
country beyond the end of their terms of oce, Clinton
via the Clinton Global Initiative and Blair through his role
as an unpaid advisor to the Rwandan government.[281]
As part of his policy of maintaining close relations with
English speaking countries, Kagame sought membership
of the Commonwealth of Nations, which was granted in
2009.[282] Rwanda was only the second country, after
Mozambique, to join the Commonwealth having never
had colonial links to the British Empire.[282] Kagame attended the subsequent Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Perth, Australia, addressing the Business
Forum.[283] Rwanda also successfully applied for a rotating seat on the United Nations Security Council in 2012,
taking over the presidency of that organisation in April
Kagames relations with the US and UK have come under strain in the early 2010s, following allegations that
Rwanda is supporting the M23 rebel movement in Eastern Congo.[279] The UK suspended its budgetary aid programme in 2012, freezing a 21 million donation.[285]
The US has also frozen some of its military aid programme for Rwanda, although it stopped short of suspending aid altogether.[286]
sive and intimidating. Romo Dallaire, commander of
the United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda during the Rwandan Genocide, described Kagame as having a studious air that didn't quite disguise his hawk-like
intensity.[298] Kagame has a highly dominant personality, which he uses to enforce his rule and to ensure that his
vision for the country is followed.[203] American journalist Stephen Kinzer, who wrote the biography A Thousand
Hills in collaboration with Kagame himself, describes
him as one of the most intriguing leaders in Africa.[299]
Kinzer credits Kagame with leadership skills that have
fostered Rwandas rebirth following the genocide,[299] but
also cites a personality of chronic impatience, barely
suppressed anger, and impulsive scorn for critics.[300] In
his interview with Grant, Kagame claimed he sleeps for
only four hours per night, devoting the remainder of his
day to work, exercise, family, and reading academic texts
and foreign newspapers.[203]
a leaked United Nations report alleging Rwandas support
for the rebel M23 movement in Congo.[252] In 2012, the
United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands and several
other countries suspended programmes of budget support
to Rwanda, with many redirecting their aid to projectbased assistance.[310]
Kagame promotes the Internet as a means of communication between leadership and ordinary people. In addition to his personal website, which contains a personal
blog, he has accounts on Flickr, YouTube, Facebook and
Twitter.[311] In 2011, he argued with British journalist Ian
Birrell on Twitter following a tweet by Birrell about media freedom in Rwanda.[312]
Kagame has received many honours and accolades during
his presidency. These include honorary degrees from the
American University of the Pacic,[313] Oklahoma Christian University,[314] and the University of Glasgow,[315]
the Andrew Young Medal for Capitalism and Social
Progress by Georgia State University,[316] and a Clinton
Global Citizen Award.[317] Kagame has also received the
highest awards bestowed by the countries of Liberia and
Benin, the Distinction of the Grand Cordon in the Most
Venerable Order of the Knighthood of Pioneers,[318] and
the Grand Cross of the National Order of Merit[319] respectively. In September 2010, the British magazine New
Statesman named Kagame one of its 50 most inuential
gures for that year, placing him in 49th place.[320] The
Council for East and Central Africa Football Associations
football tournament has been named the Kagame Interclub Cup since 2002, due to Kagames sponsorship of the
7 See also
History of Rwanda
Politics of Rwanda
8 Notes
[1] Waugh 2004, p. 8.
[2] Oce of the President (I) 2011.
[3] Chrtien 2003, p. 160.
[4] United Nations (II).
[5] United Nations (III).
[6] Appiah & Gates 2010, p. 450.
[7] Prunier 1999, pp. 1112.
[8] Mamdani 2002, p. 61.
[207] CIA.
[171] Nunley.
[310] Ford 2012.
[311] Chothia 2010.
[312] BBC News (XVIII) 2011.
[313] University of the Pacic 2010.
[314] Oklahoma Christian University.
[315] University of Glasgow 2007.
[316] Columbia University.
[317] Nambi 2009.
[318] New Times (III) 2009.
[319] New Times (IV) 2010.
[320] New Statesman 2010.
[321] PanaPress 2002.
[322] The Power Players: Emmanuel Ndahiro. ICIJ. Retrieved April 3, 2016.
[323] Lily Kuo (April 4, 2016). Africa loses more money to illicit nancial ows than it receives in foreign aid. Quartz.
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External links
Ocial website
Appearances on C-SPAN
Paul Kagame on Charlie Rose
Paul Kagame at the Internet Movie Database
Works by or about Paul Kagame in libraries
(WorldCat catalog)
Paul Kagame collected news and commentary.
The New York Times.
Paul Kagame Source: Contributors: SimonP, Paul Barlow, Zocky, Ugen64,
Charles Matthews, Zoicon5, Tpbradbury, Morwen, Bloodshedder, AnonMoos, Jason M, Moshems, Dimadick, Vincent Gray, Commonchaos, Saforrest, Tzf, Alerante, Centrx, Jacoplane, Wizzy, HangingCurve, Everyking, Michael Devore, Sesel, Gyrofrog, Pgan002, Quadell,
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Kwamikagami, Kross, Xed, NetBot, Func, Acntx, SpeedyGonsales, Darwinek, Trevj, Pearle, Aesha, Espoo, Mrzaius, Fritzpoll, MattWade,
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BD2412, Rjwilmsi, Koavf, Djrobgordon, Russavia, Chobot, Bgwhite, Mokeni, YurikBot, Wavelength, Bamboo, Ventolin, Anonymous
editor, Nicke L, Afelton, Marcus Cyron, Dhwani1989, Grafen, Badagnani, Sleeker, Number 57, Ezeu, Tony1, Jpeob, UW, Bdell555,
Trilemma, Homagetocatalonia, Evaristodifeltre, Nikkimaria, Donald Albury, JoanneB, Elfalem, SReynhout, POY~enwiki, Paul Erik,
Brentt, Entheta, The Minister of War, SmackBot, Korossyl, Stie, Eskimbot, Kintetsubualo, Ian Rose, Chris the speller, Ottawakismet,
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Lowercase sigmabot, BG19bot, Sematz, Nkurunziza, Mbarute, MrBill3, Importemps, Van Gulik, Corlier, Polmandc, FreeCongo, BattyBot, YFdyh-bot, Khazar2, 23 editor, Bjhodge8, Cwobeel, OscarK878, Caleb Dorey, Malcom9830, VIAFbot, Wywin, Epicgenius, Dr
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