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Try Stop Remember Forget Regret

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1 Kids!

Please stop

noise. I am trying to concentrate. MAKE

2 Ezgi: I have a terrible headache.

Zeynep: Why don't you try


3 I will never forget

that terrible accident. SEE

4 Do you remember

your best friend for the first time? MEET

5 I regret

you, but you've failed your English exam. TELL

6 You should stop

her. She is a great liar. SEE

7 Last night Melike tried hard

8 Don't forget

9 Let's stop

the car, but she couldn't. START

bread on your way home. BUY

a drink. I know a good pub on the corner. HAVE

10 I clearly remember

11 Why don't we stop

her. She looked great in her suit. SEE

homework and play some computer games? DO

12 If you see Nazl, remember

13 I can't make a cake. I remember

a rock. MAKE

her to the party. INVITE

one many years ago. It was as hard as

14 You should try

your best. I know you can do much better. DO

15 I don't remember

Hicran. She is a total stranger to me. SEE

16 When we arrived in Venice, we stopped

Sinem. She was so glad to see

us. SEE
17 Onur tried hard

the exam, but he couldn't. WIN

18 We stopped

some souvenirs, but no shops were open. BUY

19 Now she regrets

my proposal, but it's too late. NOT ACCEPT

20 Yes Sevde, you may go to your friend's house. But try

21 He stopped

late. NOT BE

and started wrestling. SMOKE

22 I always remember

the door when I go out. LOCK

23 It is a very busy restaurant. Don't forget

24 Oh my god! I forgot


the cat. FEED

25 Ilyas: I can't sleep.

Duygu: You should try

26: I tried

sheep. COUNT

my wallet everywhere, but I couldn't. FIND

1 Kids! Please stop

noise. I am trying to concentrate.


2 Ezgi: I have a terrible headache.

Zeynep: Why don't you try


3 I will never forget

that terrible accident.


4 Do you remember

your best friend for the first time?


5 I regret

you, but you've failed your English exam.

to tell

6 You should stop

her. She is a great liar.


7 Last night Melike tried hard

the car, but she couldn't.

to start

8 Don't forget

bread on your way home.

to buy

9 Let's stop

a drink. I know a good pub on the corner.

to have

10 I clearly remember

her. She looked great in her suit.


11 Why don't we stop

homework and play some computer games?


12 If you see Nazl, remember

her to the party.

to invite

13 I can't make a cake. I remember

one many years ago. It was as hard as


a rock.
14 You should try

your best. I know you can do much better.

to do

15 I don't remember

Hicran. She is a total stranger to me.


16 When we arrived in Venice, we stopped

Sinem. She was so glad to see

to see

17 Onur tried hard

the exam, but he couldn't.

to w in

18 We stopped

some souvenirs, but no shops were open.

to buy

19 Now she regrets

my proposal, but it's too late.

not accepting

20 Yes Sevde, you may go to your friend's house. But try

not to be

21 He stopped

and started wrestling.


22 I always remember

the door when I go out.

to lock

23 It is a very busy restaurant. Don't forget

to book

24 Oh my god! I forgot

the cat.
to feed

25 Ilyas: I can't sleep.

Duygu: You should try


26: I tried

my wallet everywhere, but I couldn't.

to find

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