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Enameled Glass Panels For Solar Thermal Building Envelopes: Sciencedirect

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Energy Procedia 91 (2016) 49 55

SHC 2015, International Conference on Solar Heating and Cooling for Buildings and Industry

Enameled glass panels for solar thermal building envelopes

Federico Giovannettia*, Maik Kirchnera, Rodja Sassa, Gunter Rockendorfa

Institut fr Solarenergieforschung Hameln (ISFH), Am Ohrberg 1, 31860 Emmerthal, Germany

The paper presents a novel concept of solar thermal panel specifically intended for building integration, aiming at a higher
architectural quality and at a reduction of installation costs. The panel consists of a low-emissivity enameled flat glass as solar
absorber and a metallic heat exchanger, which are glued together by an adhesive layer. It features high design flexibility and can
be used as roof or faade cladding in combination with common frames and profiles. We analyze the potential of the panel both
as uncovered and covered collector by means of efficiency measurements on large-sized prototypes according to ISO 9806. Our
results show that panels equipped with black enameled glass can achieve performance values competitive with those of
commercial available products (uncovered panel: K0 = 0.75, b1 = 8.05 W/mK, b2 = 1.64 J/mK, bu = 0.043 s/m; covered panel: K0
= 0.74, a1 = 4.26 W/mK, a2 = 0.013 W/mK). As reported by our optical measurements on small samples, colored glass can
exhibit solar absorptance up to 0.93, thus representing an aesthetically appealing alternative to black panels. For its
implementation, system integration, operating conditions and design aspects have to be taken into consideration.

by Elsevier
Ltd. Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
by Elsevier
Peer-review by the scientific conference committee of SHC 2015 under responsibility of PSE AG.
Peer-review by the scientific conference committee of SHC 2015 under responsibility of PSE AG
Keywords: solar architecture; building integration; flat plate collector; glass; enamel; low-e coating

1. Introduction
Building integration has long been recognized as a promising approach for a more successful dissemination of
solar thermal systems for domestic hot water and space heating.
An improved architectural and constructional quality of the installation can increase the acceptance among
architects and end-users and at the same time reduce the system cost thanks to synergic effects. Up to now, however,

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +49 5151 999 501; fax: +49 5151 999 400.
E-mail address:

1876-6102 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review by the scientific conference committee of SHC 2015 under responsibility of PSE AG


Federico Giovannetti et al. / Energy Procedia 91 (2016) 49 55

building integration represents the exception in the realization of solar plants and is still far from becoming an
established practice. The different motivations for that have been analyzed in detail in earlier as well as in more
recent studies [1; 2]. The lack of suitable products, able to offer aesthetical quality and sufficient design freedom is
identified as one of the decisive factors.
After current integration approaches the solar panel typically replaces part of the building envelope by adapting to
the existing circumstances (type of construction, materials, surface finishes, colors, etc.). Many manufacturers offer
their own solutions, with appropriate mounting kits, frames and covering strips. Some other solar companies have
special products with modular design in their portfolio, which can be produced in a large variety of formats and
sizes, thus ensuring architecturally more appealing installations [3; 4].
A second, less common approach consists in modifying the components of the building envelope themselves to
enable the active use of solar energy. Examples can be found particularly in research works [5; 6; 7; 8] but also on
the market [9]. This approach is technically more demanding and presupposes the definition of new scenarios in the
development and marketing of the products as well as in the planning and realization of building projects, but it can
open up new success chances for the solar assisted heat generation in buildings.
The paper presents a novel glass panel, which follows this second development principle and is conceived as solar
thermally activated version of glazed components for faades and roofs.


heat loss coefficient (covered collectors), [W/mK]

temperature dependent heat loss coefficient, [W/mK]
heat loss coefficient at a temperature differential of 40 K between fluid and ambient air, [W/mK]
heat loss coefficient (uncovered collectors), [W/mK]
wind speed dependency of the heat loss coefficient, [J/mK]
wind speed dependency of the zero heat loss efficiency, [s/m]
hemispherical solar irradiance in the collector plane, [W/m]
hemispherical net irradiance in the collector plane, [W/m]
air temperature, [C]
mean collector fluid temperature, [C]
sky temperature, [C]
solar absorptance, [-]
thermal emittance, [-]
collector efficiency, [-]
zero heat loss efficiency, [-]
solar transmittance, [-]

2. Concept, design and integration

The new solar panel results from the combination of a tempered glass pane with a heat exchanger: To ensure the
mechanical and thermal coupling of the two components we are investigating different approaches, but focusing on
adhesive bonding (s. Figure 1).
The glass pane takes over the static and aesthetical function in the compound, but is also responsible for the
absorption of the incident solar radiation: Absorption can take place either in the bulk (colored glass) or in the
underside of the pane (enameled glass). The wide range of geometries, sizes, colors, patterns or surface finishes
enables an almost unlimited design freedom. This ensures optimum adaptation to the architecture of the specific
building, which is not the case with common commercially available solar panels. Furthermore, the glass surface
exhibits a perfect planarity not yet achievable by metallic absorbers, independently of the manufacturing technology
used (laser or ultrasonic welding, gluing, etc.). The application of a low emissivity (low-e) coating on the front side
of the glass pane can significantly reduce the heat losses by radiation and enhance the performance of the panel, in a
similar way as with spectrally selective solar absorbers. For this purpose transparent conductive coatings based on

Federico Giovannetti et al. / Energy Procedia 91 (2016) 49 55

metal oxides (for example indium, tin and zinc) represent the best suitable choice, as they exhibit lower optical
losses and a much higher durability compared to silver coatings commonly in use for windows and glass
architecture [10]. In our work, we implement indium tin oxide coatings (ITO), which were specifically developed
for solar thermal applications in cooperation with the German company Euroglas during an already completed
research project [11]. The separation of the two functions solar absorption (bulk or rear side) and thermal emission
(front side) enables the manufacturing of selective glass panes with a predefined emittance in any color or design.
This aspect furtherly distinguishes the novel glass panel from metallic solar absorbers [12].
In choosing the heat exchanger and the connection between glass pane and heat exchanger both conventional and
new components can be used. Two essential requirements need to be fulfilled: On the one hand, the absorbed energy
has to be effectively transferred from the low thermally conductive glass pane into the fluid. On the other, the longterm stability of the entire compound has to be ensured under the expected thermal and thermomechanical stresses
during operation (maximum temperatures up to 120C and 200C in case of stagnation, for the uncovered and
covered assembly respectively). For the heat exchanger different metallic designs have being tested, for the
connection both dry and wet bonding processes. Hot lamination is taken into account as well, following a
manufacturing approach commonly in use for photovoltaic modules and already proven also for photovoltaicthermal collectors. For the adhesive layer, different materials have been investigated so far: acrylates, silicones,
epoxy resins and modified, temperature resistant ethylene vinyl acetate films.

Fig. 1. Large-sized prototype (1800 x 1100 mm, links) and schematic design (right) of the novel solar glass panel.

The resulting solar panel can be directly integrated into the building envelope and be operated as uncovered
collector or can be processed into a multiple insulating glass, in order to produce heat at higher temperatures and
thus to extend its application range.
Multiple glazed panels can be manufactured with standard equipment for the production of insulating glass, with
the difference that appropriate temperature-resistant sealing materials are to be used in this case. For our
investigations special thermoplastic spacers produced by the German company Kmmerling Chemische Fabrik are
implemented, which had been already successfully tested in previous R&D-projects [7; 11].
The panels can be integrated as single or multiple glazed units in different ways into the building envelope: As
cladding in warm and cold faades or roofs as well as opaque glazing in windows or glass constructions (s. Figure
2). For the installation conventional profiles, frames and fixing systems for glazed components (clamps, fittings,
adhesives, etc.) can be advantageously used.
As part of an ongoing research project in cooperation with industry partners, our work is specifically focused on
rear-ventilated frameless glass facades.



Federico Giovannetti et al. / Energy Procedia 91 (2016) 49 55


Solar panel


Solar panel



(Additional cover glass)


(Additional cover glass)


Frame / Profile


Thermal insulation


Ventilated cavity


Solar panel


Massive wall


Thermal insulation


Massive wall

Fig. 2. Examples for the integration of the solar glass panel into the building envelope: As cladding in warm and cold faades (left, center) or as
opaque glazing in windows or glass constructions (right).

3. Performance measurements on prototypes

The feasibility of this concept has already been assessed in previous studies at ISFH [10]: For the first prototypes,
commercially available selective glass panes (KGlass from Pilkington) were clamped on metallic black painted,
laser welded solar absorbers. Despite the suboptimal assembly (optical losses due to the high solar reflection of the
coating and to the air gap between the glass pane and the solar absorber), the achieved results could show the
potential of the collector and helped identifying the required optimization steps. Based on this preliminary work, we
have further developed the panel and manufactured prototypes with different designs. For the investigations
documented in this paper, KGlass was replaced with a customized pane produced by the company Euroglas
featuring full-surface opaque enamel on the underside and the selective ITO coating already mentioned in Section 2
on the front side. A composite heat exchanger consisting of copper tubes and aluminum thermally conductive sheets
was attached to rear side of the glass pane with a dry bonding process.
This solar "glass absorber" exhibits very good optical properties: In a black enamel finish (color: RAL 9005) we
reported a solar absorptance of 0.94 0.01. The thermal emittance varies between 0:20 and 0.30 0.02, depending
on the coating design, but regardless of the enamel color. The measurements in the solar spectral range were carried
out on large-sized samples with a commercial double-beam spectrometer equipped with an integrating sphere (Cary
5000 from Varian/Agilent). The measurements in the infrared spectral range were carried out on small samples with
a commercial Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (Equinox 55 from Bruker) and validated on large-sized
prototypes by means of thermographic methods.
The internal heat transfer coefficient Uint, describing the capability of the solar absorber to transfer heat from the
absorber plate (in our case the glass pane) to the fluid, varies considerably depending on the design of the heat
exchanger (material and geometry) and on the nature of the adhesive bond (thickness, application area and thermal
conductivity). Up to now we have reported values between 15 and 60 W/mK.
Figure 3 shows the efficiency curves of an uncovered prototype panel and commercially available products at
different wind speeds. The performance data of the panel were determined by means of outdoor measurements at
ISFH in accordance with the standard ISO 9806 and are summed up in Table 1.
Thanks to the design and manufacturing optimization undertaken, the conversion factor could be increased by
more than 3 points with respect to the work documented in [10], up to 0.75. According to the current development
status a value of about 0.80 is considered to be technically feasible. Despite the comparable solar absorptance, the
conversion factor of the panel still remains significantly below that of the referenced collectors, which exhibit a very
high internal heat transfer due to of their special design. The results prove the other hand the performance of the


Federico Giovannetti et al. / Energy Procedia 91 (2016) 49 55

panel at higher operating temperatures, as a consequence of its low heat loss coefficient (low-e coating and back

Glass panel, w = 0 m/s


Glass panel, w = 3 m/s

Pool solar absorber, w = 0 m/s


Pool solar absorber, w = 3 m/s

Collector effciency


Energie Solaire AS, w = 0 m/s


Energie Solaire AS, w = 3 m/s










TFluid - TAir in K

Fig. 3. Schematic design (left) and measured efficiency curves of an uncovered glass panel prototype and commercial products (right). The
correspondent collector parameters are reported in Table 1. To enable the comparison between selective and non-selective collectors, the curves
refer to the hemispherical solar irradiance G and not to the net irradiance G (boundary conditions: G = 800 W/ m; TAir = 25 C; TSky = 16 C;
collector slope = 45).
Table 1. Performance data of the uncovered collectors used for the comparison, referred to the aperture area.
Collector type

K0 [-]

bu [s/m]

b1 [W/mK]

b2 [J/mK]

Kollektor AS, Energie Solaire [14]





Swimming pool absorber, Bomin Solar [13]





Solar glass panel (ISFH measurement)





The energetic behavior of the panel is more clearly represented in Figure 4: Here the calculated annual thermal
energy output based on the collector characteristics and on predefined boundary conditions is displayed for different
inlet temperatures. Compared to the high-performance product Kollektor AS from the Swiss company Energie
Solaire, the glass panel shows about 20% lower energy gains, but a similar temperature dependency. Compared to
the swimming pool absorber, the panel achieves similar results at an inlet temperature of 10 C, but reports
significantly higher gains at 20 C (+ 20%) and 30 C (+ 55%).
For building integration, panels in different colors or patterns can represent an aesthetically appealing solution.
To investigate their potential, we carried out optical measurements on small, commercially available enameled glass
samples. The tests, which were carried out with the equipment already mentioned in this section, reported very
promising results, featuring solar absorptance values ranging between 0.73 and 0.93. Lower solar absorptance
corresponds to a reduction of collector efficiency, which can to some extent be compensated by an increase of the
collector area. The effectiveness of this compensation is strongly dependent not only on the specific panel
properties, but also on the specific heat supply system and on the operating conditions. The economic aspects
(energy savings vs. additional costs for solar thermally activated panels) should also be taken into consideration in
the planning. These crucial topics are currently addressed by running system simulation studies.


Federico Giovannetti et al. / Energy Procedia 91 (2016) 49 55

Collector energy output in kWh/ma


Energie Solaire AS
Pool absorber


Glass panel








Collector inlet temperature in C

Fig. 4. Annual thermal energy output of an uncovered flat plate collector based on the new glass panel, compared to those of commercial
products, at different collector inlet temperatures. The simulations were performed with the software TRNSYS on the basis of measured collector
characteristics, as reported in Table 1 (weather data: Meteonorm, Zrich; collector slope: 45 ).

Figure 5 compares the efficiency curves of a covered prototype and a common, spectrally selective flat plate
collector. The prototype features a low-iron glass cover (solar transmittance 0.90 0.01) and an argon-filled gap
between the panes. For the measurement, the panel was mounted in a customized case with 30 mm back insulation.
The collector efficiency parameters were determined at ISFH by means of indoor and outdoor tests according to ISO
9806 and are summed up in Table 2.

Collector effciency


Reference flat plate collector


Covered glass panel



G = 800 W/m


Collector slope = 45









TFluid - TAir in K

Fig. 5. Schematic design (left) and thermal efficiency curves of a covered flat plate collector based on the new glass absorber and a commercial
product (right). The glazing unit exhibits a low-iron glass cover and is filled with argon, the collector is provided with 30 mm back insulation.

The results attest even in this case the potential of the new solar panel: The heat loss coefficient is in the range of
standard flat-plate collectors, the lower conversion factor can be explained by the previously mentioned suboptimal


Federico Giovannetti et al. / Energy Procedia 91 (2016) 49 55

thermal coupling between the glass pane and the heat exchanger, which can be enhanced through constructive
Table 2. Performance data of the covered collectors used for the comparison, referred to the aperture area.
Collector type

K0 [-]

a1 [W/mK]

a2 [W/mK]

a40 [W/mK]

Reference flat plate collector [15]





Solar glass panel (ISFH measurement)





4. Conclusion and outlook

The paper presents a new concept of solar thermal panel, which combines an absorbing glass pane with a rearmounted heat exchanger. Due to the high design freedom resulting from this unusual combination, the panel offers
great potential for architectural integration into the building envelope, where it can be used as cladding or opaque
glazing. Performance measurements on uncovered and covered, large-sized prototypes reported promising results.
Current activities are focused on the optimization of the panel design: Our work aims not only at increasing the
energy performance, but especially at ensuring the long-term reliability. The main chaallenge is the identification of
an appropriate solution for the heat exchanger and for the adhesive bond to the glass pane. At a system level,
simulation studies are in progress to analyze the suitability of the panel as heat source in combination with different
heat supply concepts, depending on the building and panel design (uncovered/covered assembly and color).
The work presented in this paper is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy on
the basis of a decision of the German Federal Parliament (Project reference number 16KN014827) and carried out in
cooperation with the German companies Energy Glas GmbH, Konvortec GmbH, Kmmerling Chemische Fabrik
GmbH as well as with the Austrian company Lisec GmbH. The authors are grateful for the support and responsible
for the content of the paper.
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