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Tornadoes and Tornadic Storms: A Review of Conceptual Models

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Published in: The Tornado: Its Structure, Dynamics, Prediction, and Hazards (C. Church et al., Eds.

), Geophysical
Monograph 79, Amer. Geophys. Union, 161-172. NOTE: The references have been updated from the original to
include page nos. for "in press" articles and to make some minor corrections. There may be some slight variances
between this text and the paper as it appeared.

Tornadoes and Tornadic Storms: A Review of Conceptual Models

National Severe Storms Laboratory, Norman, Oklahoma 73069
The definition of a tornado in the
Glossary of Meteorology (Huschke
1959) begins with the following: "A violently rotating column of air, pendant
from a cumulonimbus cloud, and nearly
always observable as a 'funnel cloud' or
tuba." This definition seems relatively
straightforward, but in reality distinctions
implied by the words we use tend to blur.
Our ability to make distinctions
among tornadic storm types and among
tornadoes has been affected by three important developments since the last Tornado Symposium:

high-resolution Doppler radar

extensive visual observations by
storm intercept teams, and
detailed 3-D numerical cloud
The definition and classification of convective vortices and the storms which produce them have become more complex
and, in many ways, more troublesome
than ever before. On the other hand, the
complexity we are encountering is really a
positive sign that our understanding is
While it was well-known long before
the early 1960s that tornadoes were associated with deep, moist convection, the
relationship between these intense vortices
and the convective storms with which they
are associated was not well understood.
Beginning in the 1950s, with the deployment of weather radar, it became clear that
at least some tornadic storms exhibited
special characteristics (see Stout and Huff

1953, Garrat and Rockney 1962). Careful, systematic examination of such

storms began in the early 1960s with the
work of Browning (Browning and Donaldson 1963, Browning 1964) using reflectivity radar as the primary observational tool. Research Doppler radars began to make detailed, systematic observations of airflow in tornadic storms in the
early 1970s (see e.g., Burgess and Brown
1973), just prior to the last Symposium.
In 1972, building on early pioneering
work like that of Ward (1961), an organized program to intercept tornadic
storms began at the National Severe
Storms Laboratory, with the involvement
of the Department of Meteorology at the
University of Oklahoma (see Golden and
Morgan 1972, Moller et al. 1974). Storm
chasing (which has become a part of
many scientific programs outside of
Oklahoma) has provided an opportunity
for meteorologists to observe the visuallyrecognizable characteristics of both tornadoes and the storms associated with them.
Finally, the development of computer
models capable of realistic simulations of
tornadic storms (Schlesinger 1975,
Klemp and Wilhelmson 1978) and tornadoes (Rotunno 1979) provided a means
for careful quantitative evaluation of the
physical processes which yield tornadoes.
With time, the sophistication of these
models has continued to grow and it is
now possible to produce "tornado-like
vortices" within a numerical model of the
entire storm (Wicker 1990).
One thing has become quite clear
during this evolution: the storm type
Browning called a supercell produces by
far the most intense convective vortices,
and certainly is the type of storm most

likely to produce them. Indeed, most of

the radar reflectivity structures that were
associated empirically with tornadoes
have come to be recognized as characteristic of supercells.
However, the quantitative evaluation
of physical processes made possible by
numerical models has made it clear that
the morphology of radar reflectivity alone
is inadequate for categorizing convective
storm. Instead, a persistent correlation
(positive or negative) between vertical velocity and vertical vorticity has come to be
recognized as the most useful definition
of a supercell (Weisman and Klemp
1984). That is, the airflow pattern most
characteristic of a supercell is a deep and
persistent cyclone, called a mesocyclone
(see Burgess and Lemon 1990).
Many convective vortices are associated with non-supercellular convection,
however. The ways in which these nonsupercell-related events arise remain quite
inadequately understood, with some efforts to deal systematically with one type
having only just begun (Brady and Szoke
1988, Wakimoto and Wilson 1989).
As we study the tornadic vortices
themselves, it is becoming evident that not
all tornadoes are the same, and a proper
classification of them is not simple. Understanding that a vortex is a kinematically-defined process rather than an object, with different air parcels participating
in the flow from moment to moment,
turns out to be an important notion in
trying to classify observed events. This,
in turn, affects our climatological record
of events, as we shall discuss below.
The dynamics of vortices, such as
those simulated numerically (e.g., Rotunno 1979, Gall 1983) and in the laboratory (e.g., Ward 1972, Church et al.
1979) certainly are pertinent to tornadoes.
Such studies have improved our understanding of phenomena like multiple vortices and vortex breakdown, but they concern properties of vortices in general, not
necessarily those of tornadoes. From a
purely dynamical viewpoint, tornadoes
arise from amplification of either existing
or locally-created vorticity (Davies-Jones
1986). However, this is a somewhat abstract framework for understanding tor-

nadoes. This paper attempts to review

tornadoes in the context of the convective
events giving rise to them. In particular,
we shall distinguish between events associated with supercell storms and those
produced in association with nonsupercellular convection. Not everything
we present will have been thoroughly investigated in the scientific literature, especially non-supercellular events; in fact, we
wish to mention some of these lesserknown phenomena in hopes of stimulating their systematic study.
2.1. The Supercell Spectrum
We have chosen the presence of a
deep, persistent mesocyclone to be the
single distinguishing characteristic of supercells.1 Even within the category of supercell storms, however, it turns out that
distinctions can be made which appear to
have significance (see Doswell et al.
1990). While we concur with the kinematic-dynamic approach for defining a
supercell, first advocated by Browning
(1977) and recently re-emphasized by
Weisman and Klemp (1984), it appears
that the amount and spatial distribution of
precipitation with the convection are important indicators of the weather phenomena associated with a particular storm.
Some supercell storms produce relatively little precipitation and yet show
clear visual signs of rotation (Fig. 1).
Such storms have come to be called LowPrecipitation (LP) supercells (Bluestein
and Parks 1983). LP supercells occur
most often near the surface dryline and,
owing to the sparse precipitation and relatively dry environments with little or no
By "deep", we mean a significant fraction of the depth of the cumulonimbus
cloud in which the circulation is embedded (several kilometers). By "persistent",
we mean in comparison to a convective
time scale, defined by the time it takes for
air parcels to rise from within the inflow
layer of the updraft to the anvil outflow (a
few tens of minutes).

intervening cloudiness, cloud structures

showing rotation are visible readily to a
suitably-positioned observer.

Fig. 2. High-precipitation supercell schematics

as in Fig. 1.

HP supercells are probably the most

common form of supercell, occurring not
only in the humid half of the United
States east of the Mississippi, but also
westward into the high plains. They produce severe weather of all types (including tornadoes) and, unlike other types of
supercells, also may produce torrential,
flash flood-producing rainfalls (Moller et
al. 1990). Some of the distinctive radar
echoes (Forbes 1981) traditionallly associated with tornadic storms, like the socalled bow echoes, comma echoes, and
Line-Echo Wave Patterns (or LEWPs -Nolen 1959) can be associated with HP
supercell storms. The rationale for including these forms in the HP supercell
class is that they result from persistent
mesocyclones embedded within precipitation-filled regions of the storm.
Because HP supercells often occur in
humid, cloud-filled environments, visible
signs of rotation may difficult to detect.
In contrast, since the circulation in HP
storms is embedded within precipitation,
radar reflectivity usually depicts the HP

Fig. 1. Low-precipitation supercell schematics

for (a) low-level radar structure and cloud features
looking down from above, and (b) visual structures from the viewpoint of a nearby observer on
the ground.

On the other hand, precisely because

of the sparse precipitation, radar reflectivity may not reveal the circulation adequately, if at all. LP storms frequently are
non-tornadic and many are non-severe
despite exhibiting persistent rotation.
At the other end of the supercell
spectrum are the so-called High- (or
Heavy-) Precipitation (HP) supercells
(Fig. 2). Whereas LP storms have little
or no precipitation (and, hence, low reflectivity) within their mesocyclones, HP
storms are characterized by substantial
precipitation within their mesocyclonic
circulations. When HP storms have a
recognizable hook echo (many do not),
reflectivities in the hook will be comparable to those in the precipitation core.

storm circulations readily, sometimes even

as curved bands apparently aligned with
the flow.
Finally, in between these two extremes is the Classic supercell, which exhibits moderate precipitation production
(Fig. 3). Such storms typically match the
traditional supercell conceptual models
(e.g., Browning, 1965, Lemon and Doswell 1979) and are most common in the
transitional environments of the Great
Plains. Many of the tornadic storms in
major tornado outbreaks east of the Mississippi River are of the Classic variety,

do), the hook reflectivities will be less

than those of the precipitation core. Late
in a classic supercell's life cycle, during
collapse of its updraft (see Lemon 1977),
the mesocyclone may fill with precipitation, but this should not be considered a
transition to an HP supercell, unless the
mesocyclone persists well after the collapse phase.
Classic supercells are readily detectable both visually and via radar reflectivity
and produce a full range of severe
weather, but only rarely are associated
with flash flooding. Classic supercells
probably account for the majority of violent (F4-5) tornadoes.
2.2. Hybrid Events
Since class distinctions are much less
obvious in the real atmosphere than they
are in the abstract, it is quite common to
see events that do not fit the preceding
prototypes precisely. For example, it is
likely that most LP storms do not become
tornadic unless they evolve along the supercell spectrum toward the Classical
structure. The 5 June 1982 Borger, Texas
tornadic storm (Fig. 4) had a visual appearance that might suggest it to be an LP
storm, but its appearance on radar was
more like a classic supercell, exhibiting a

Fig. 3. Classic supercell schematics as in Fig.


Although there may be some precipitation within a classic supercell's

mesocyclone, it typically is not heavy.2 If
such a storm has a hook echo (and many

Fig. 4. A tornadic supercell in the vicinity of

Borger, Texas on 5 June 1982. Photograph
1982 by A. Moller, used by permission.

substantial hook echo. Exceptions are

inevitable, naturally. The tornadic storms
reported on by Burgess and Davies-Jones
(1979) and Burgess and Donaldson
(1979) produced intense tornadoes and

Note that because a radar (even at its

lowest elevations) scans a storm above the
surface, a region with little or no surface
precipitation may still be within radardetectable precipitation aloft.

yet, as LP storms, they had little or no

distinctive radar structure.
Supercell storms seem capable of
evolving from LP to Classical, Classical to
HP, and so on. As noted in Doswell et al.
(1990), the variety of radar reflectivity
morphologies, especially within the HP
group, can be quite confusing (see also
Imy and Burgess 1991). Non-supercell
convection can evolve into supercells
(Burgess and Curran 1985) and viceversa. The common factor in all supercells is the deep, persistent mesocyclone,
regardless of the storm's precipitation
characteristics. However, the observed
variations in precipitation amount and
distribution make supercell recognition a
challenge, especially when that recognition depends mostly on non-Doppler radar observations; a situation that will be
remedied in time with the deployment of
the WSR-88D network.

tornado-producing storms) undergo an

evolution over time scales on the order of
several tens of minutes (as described in
Lemon and Doswell 1979, and Burgess et
al. 1982). There also is the constantly
evolving cellular structure superimposed
on the overall storm evolution that has a
time scale of several minutes. These subprocesses make even an approximately
steady state unlikely. Nevertheless, it can
be argued that supercells do exhibit a
long-lasting "background" process that
evolves only slowly over periods of a few
hours, the characteristic lifetime of the
constantly regenerating supercell structure
(Foote and Frank 1983). In extreme
cases, supercells evolve very slowly, indeed, and may have tornadoes on the
ground for periods approaching (and occasionally exceeding) an hour. Events of
this character are quite rare and it is not
yet understood how such steadiness
arises. If such steadiness is a defining
characteristic, then the supercell class is
quite sparsely populated, indeed. In our
opinion, there has been so much published emphasis on the steadiness and
unicellularity criteria for supercells that
operational identification of supercells
using these characteristics often misses
less prototypical (but still clearly supercellular) events.
On occasion, supercells arise in environments with relatively modest instability, as in tropical cyclones (McCaul 1991)
and in strongly baroclinic systems (e.g.,
Gonski et al. 1989). Although the instability may be weak, there can be little
doubt of the supercellular character of
storms in such events. Although there
always a question about the existence of a
small-scale, unobserved region of strong
instability, it seems unnecessary to postulate some mechanism not supported by
the existing data. The evidence is substantial that supercells do not require an
environment with strong instability.
Finally, there often has been considerable emphasis on the deviate motion
(from the direction of the mean flow in
which the storm is embedded) of the supercell, even to the point of suggesting it
as a defining characteristic. Not all supercells deviate significantly from the

2.3. Supercell Identification Criteria

Having focused on the mesocyclone
as the criterion for identifying supercells,
we wish to review some of the traditionally-accepted supercell characteristics.
The presence of a single, persistent "cell"
is arguably the most commonly-accepted
radar characteristic associated with supercells. The difficulty with this as a defining characteristic is that when observing
convective storms visually or with especially high-resolution radar, it turns out
that a multicellular structure can be observed to be superimposed on most convective storms, including supercells. Although the Byers-Braham prototype convective "cell" typically is depicted as
"plume"-like (as in Weisman and Klemp
1986 see their Fig. 15.1), such cells
really are more "bubble"-like, even in supercells (cf. Fig 12b with Fig. 12a in
Newton 1963 and see Hane and Ray
1985, esp. their Fig. 13).
Associated with the single-cell notion
is another commonly-employed yardstick
to identify supercells: their tendency for
"steady-state" character. As with the single-cell criterion, this simply does not
hold up to detailed observations. Supercells producing "tornado families" (cyclic

mean wind direction (see Davies and

Johns 1992); therefore, deviate motion is
not required for development of a deep,
persistent mesocyclone. This is especially so when hodographs are curved
(see Doswell 1991b).
Hook echoes and other "distinctive"
structures (as in Forbes 1981) are the direct result of the mesocyclonic circulations of a supercell. The distribution of
precipitation quite clearly depends on airflow within the storm, which we have
agreed is the most characteristic feature of
a supercell, so such structures certainly
are potentially useful in identifying supercells. Sometimes, though, such features
as hook-shaped reflectivity structure can
arise as a result of "configuration" instead
of circulation. Thus, Lemon's (1977) emphasis on the three- and four-dimensional
echo structure of storms: it is with such
structural knowledge that a radar observer
can separate bona fide supercell structures
from "imposters" created by particular
echo juxtapositions. Since LP storms
typically exhibit few, if any, distinctive
reflectivity features and, since detection of
the classic echo features is so range- and
resolution-dependent, these distinctive
structures do not seem appropriate criteria
for supercell identification.
Thus, on the basis of the above arguments, we advocate a de-emphasis for
many of the traditional supercell identification criteria. With Doppler radar data, a
time- and space-continuous mesocyclone
is the best way for identifying such
storms. With reflectivity alone, the threeand four-dimensional echo structure can
be used to infer the presence of mesocyclones in many cases. The optimum
situation for interpretation is when combining velocity and reflectivity information with a knowledge of characteristic
storm structures. LP storms present a
problem to any purely radar-based identification process, so visual recognition
(spotters) still has an important role to
play, even in the era of operational Doppler radars.

The common association between

mesocyclones and tornadoes in supercells
hints that conservation of angular momentum may explain tornadoes associated
with mesocyclones. However, even supercell tornadogenesis may be more complicated than that. Tornado development
in the vicinity of the so-called wall cloud
(Fujita 1960) suggests that nearby downdrafts play an important role in getting
tornadic/mesocyclonic vorticity to low
levels in the storm (Lemon and Doswell
1979, Davies-Jones 1982, Davies-Jones
and Brooks 1992).
Intense vortices associated with supercells do not necessarily all develop via
identical processes.3 There may well be
more than one mechanism operating for
any given vortex associated with a supercell, or within different regions of the
same supercell. Moreover, those events
leading to tornado initiation may not be
the same as those maintaining the large
vorticity. Moller et al. (1974) have described funnel clouds on the northwest
side of the Union City tornadic storm,
with cool outflow at the surface, even as
the primary tornado was developing on
the southwestern updraft flank, near the
inflow/outflow interface of the same
storm. It is hard to imagine the same
storm-scale processes operating in these
areas, although both were intense vortices
in the abstract sense.
A variety of intense atmospheric vortices can develop in association with nonsupercell storms. Terminology can be a
controversial topic, but we do not wish to
get involved in terminology debates.4
Recall the discussion in the Introduction, distinguishing between the limited
number of abstract mechanisms for creating intense vortices and the processes
operating at storm scales to allow the
vortex dynamics to operate.
See the discussion between Fankhauser et al. 1983a,b, Doswell 1983, and
Moller 1983 for some sense of the terminology issues; although that debate con3

2.4. Tornadoes Within Supercells

While we use certain terms that have been

common in the vernacular and/or the literature, we do not necessarily endorse
those terms. These events comprise several categories and we will attempt to give
a brief description of each.

yet unclear, but such pre-existing vortices

may explain the "dark spots" seen on the
sea surface prior to the development of
common waterspouts (Golden 1974), as
noted by Wakimoto and Wilson (1989).
Perhaps a related phenomenon is the
weakly unstable, linearly convective tornadic event first documented by Carbone
(1983). As with landspouts, a frontal
boundary may develop locally enhanced
circulation centers, which subsequently
can attain tornadic proportions. What
makes these events distinctive is the weak
buoyancy in their environment the updrafts are forced along the frontal zone
(see Carbone 1982) and the tornadic circulations are comparable in depth to the
updraft (which was shallow to begin with
-- only a few km). Again, such events
have not been observed often enough to
have been subjected to systematic study.
Pre-existing vortices at low levels
also may be associated with tornadoes
arising as convergence boundaries collide
(e.g., Holle and Maier 1980).
events are associated with multicellular
lines and clusters, and the resulting flows
can be quite complex. Although multicell
storms have been the subject of many observational studies (e.g., Marwitz 1972),
they have not yet been given the attention
they deserve in three-dimensional numerical modelling. Therefore, the dynamics of
interacting convective cells are as yet
poorly understood. Tornadogenesis under such circumstances is, therefore, correspondingly poorly understood.

3.1. Landspouts
In an analogy with the common waterspout (Bluestein 1985), most of which
develop from non-supercell storms,5
many non-supercell tornadic events (e.g.,
Fig. 5) arise via intensification of preexisting, shallow vertical vortices near the
surface, through simple vortex stretching

Fig. 5. An example of a non-supercell tornado

event (sometimes called a "landspout") near Sublette, Kansas on 15 May 1991. Note that this is
a relatively high cloudbase, estimated at about
5,000 ft. Photograph 1991 by C. Doswell.

when a developing convective updraft

moves over them (see Brady and Szoke
1988). Doppler radar evidence shows the
pre-tornadic existence of these vortices on
convergence boundaries (Wilczak et al.
1992). The details of the origin of these
"misoscale" (Fujita 1981) vortices are as

3.2. Cold Pool Vortices

To our knowledge, the sole reference
to these is that by Cooley (1978). They
seem to be associated with cold pools
aloft, which frequently pass overhead with
clear skies in the wake of cold fronts.
Such cold pools aloft (not necessarily
coincident with the upper circulation center) may be associated with high lapse
rates if skies are clear and surface heating
couples the boundary layer with the cold
air aloft. In such cases, there is enough
residual moisture in the post-frontal environment that deep convection ensues. In
most cases, the cloud base is high owing

cerns the names for cloud features, its flavor is characteristic of terminology debates in general.
Of course, some waterspouts do arise
from supercells. They have been called
tornadic waterspouts by Golden (1971)
and appear to be virtually identical to tornadoes associated with supercells over
land. The distinction between a tornado
and a waterspout is basically of little or no
scientific value.

to lack of abundant moisture, while cloud

tops are low because of a cool troposphere, giving rise to a low tropopause.
The mechanism by which these cold
pool vortices form is quite unclear, because of a lack of quantitative observational studies. Since the mid-tropospheric
environment in which they occur may be
rich in vertical vorticity, they might result
from simple vertical vortex tube stretching. The rarity of tornado touchdowns
from these cold pool vortices may be associated with the relative weakness of the
initial vorticity at low levels (as discussed
in Smith and Leslie 1978).
These events are distinct from those
along and ahead of cold fronts. If a cold
pool aloft is situated over a front, rather
than behind it, low-topped storms can develop in such an environment. Whereas
wind shears usually are weak beneath
cold pools in the post-frontal region,
storms along and near fronts often arise
in relatively highly-sheared environments;
funnel clouds and tornadoes developing
in these conditions simply are shallow
versions of supercells.6 The specific class
of cold pool vortices to which we refer
only arise more or less directly under the
upper circulation center (where the vertical
shear usually is weak) and well poleward
of the surface cold front. Systematic investigation of such events has not been
done, to our knowledge.

fronts, with or without deep convection

overhead (see Idso 1974, Idso 1975, Meaden 1981, Doswell 1985). The boundary develops "lobes" and bulges, with cyclonic circulations at the cusps created by
those lobes. Sometimes, for reasons that
essentially are not known, those circulations become quite intense; at least as
intense as weak tornadoes. If they are
associated with a damaging outflow, they
may create short, narrow zones of even
more intense damage than is common
along the rest of the outflow. They also
can produce damage swaths along an otherwise non-damaging outflow.

Fig. 6. An example of a circulation along a gust

front (sometimes called "gustnadoes") near
Welch, Texas on 23 May 1982. In contrast to
Fig. 5, this cloud base is quite low, around 500
ft or less. Photograph 1982 by C. Doswell.

Although we have no documentation

for making this distinction, we propose
that they are distinguishable from "landspouts" by remaining quite shallow.
Virtually no circulations can be seen at
cloud base, visually or on Doppler radar.
Such events seem not to depend on the
superpositioning of a developing updraft
above them. If such a vortex is, indeed,
deepened and intensified by an overriding
updraft, we believe it will undergo a transition to a landspout. Obviously, considerably greater documentation and study of
these events is needed.

3.3. Gustnadoes
Very small scale, shallow vortices
(Fig. 6) may develop near the surface
along outflow boundaries and/or cold
At the risk of being repetitious, it is the
presence of a deep, persistent mesocyclone which defines a supercell, not the
depth of convection. When the mesocyclonic circulation exists through a substantial fraction of the depth of the storm,
it doesn't matter if the storm is relatively
shallow; it is a supercell. Storms poleward of, say, 45 latitude often have low
tops because the environment is relatively
cold, with a correspondingly low tropopause.

3.4. Fair Weather Vortices

There is a substantial variety of distinct fair weather convective vortices, even
ignoring the "dust devil" phenomenon

(see Idso 1974). Dust devils arise in association with dry, rather than moist convection, of course.7
Meteorologists operating on storm
intercept teams have observed relatively
long-lived funnel clouds in association
with quite ordinary cumulus clouds (Fig.
7). A rather different phenomenon has
been observed on fair weather days, the
so-called "horseshoe vortices" (Fig. 8).
These may arise in much the same way as
"mountainadoes" (Bergen 1976): tilting
and the associated stretching of an enhanced region of horizontal vorticity over

Fig. 8. An example of a vortex associated with a

dissipating cumulus cloud, sometimes referred to
as a "horseshoe vortex" near Shamrock, Texas on
13 April 1976. Photograph 1976 by C. Doswell.

some upward-protruding object, or perhaps by an isolated updraft (a small cumulus-scale version of the process depicted in Fig. 3a of Klemp 1987).
With most of these fair-weather vortices, it seems unlikely they ever would
reach damaging proportions at the surface, and so it is improbable that they
would (or should) be classified as tornadoes. Knowledge that they exist may be
important in responding appropriately to
citizen reports of such events, however.

Fig. 7. An example of a fair-weather vortex with

an ordinary cumulus cloud near Sayre, Oklahoma
on 17 May 1983. Photograph 1983 by C.

Interestingly, some citizens observing
the deadly Cheyenne, Wyoming tornado
of 16 July 1979 thought they were seeing
a dust devil; this confusion may have
arisen because of the relative rarity of tornadoes in Wyoming, along with the absence of a visible condensation funnel for
the early part of the tornado's life.

At present, our perspective has come

to paraphrase Richardson's famous limerick about vortices: the extratropical cyclone contains mesolows, the convection
within the vicinity of mesolows develops
mesocyclones, the tornado cyclone develops within the mesocyclone, the tornado

within the tornado cyclone, the subvortex

(or suction vortex, as in Fujita 1971)
within the tornado, and so on (presumably, to viscosity). Thus, the processes
associated with tornadoes (at least those
developing from supercells) can be seen
in a context of a larger vortex and contains smaller subprocesses within. In
such a hierarchy of processes, the
boundaries between events can become
blurry when observed in the natural
Forbes and Wakimoto (1983) have
presented a quite insightful discussion on
classification of tornadoes. We are basically in agreement with their conclusions,
which advocate a more pragmatic approach to defining a tornado than implied
by the Glossary definition; namely, any
damaging vortex associated with a convective storm, including its accompanying
wind field, should be called a tornado.
They also suggested, and we agree, that
"Damaging vortices not associated with
thunderstorms [ought to be] considered
tornadic vortices of a particular type."
However, we believe the issues can be
even more difficult to resolve than they
have described. These difficulties arise
from improvements in observations and
understanding, so the problems are really
the sign of progress.
Many supercells produce tornadoes
from and/or near the so-called wall cloud
(see footnote #2). It has been shown observationally and numerically (see Rotunno and Klemp 1985) that the wall
cloud arises from the admixture of outflow and inflow within the mesocyclone.
Now, suppose the mesocyclonic circulation becomes so intense that it reaches
damaging proportions, with a wall cloud
reaching near, or perhaps down to, the
surface. Is such a damaging circulation a
tornado? It certainly meets the definition
given in the Introduction, as well as that
advocated by Forbes and Wakimoto.
Both storm intercepts and eyewitness accounts suggest that mesocyclonic vortices
can be damaging whether or not they ever
produce a visible cloud to the ground.
Are such damaging events "straight line"
winds? How large does the radius of cur-

vature have to be to call an event "straight

winds" as opposed to a tornado?
Moreover, what about a large wall
cloud that spins out visible funnels that
develop damaging ground circulations
every few minutes (either one at a time or
several at once) over a period of a few
tens of minutes? Are we seeing one tornado with many subvortices, or are we
seeing several different tornadoes? Again,
such events have been observed and recorded, but how one classifies such an
event seems unclear to us.
As visual observations of tornadoes
accumulate, it is clear that tornadoes virtually never "skip" in the sense of the circulation "lifting and descending" -- instead, the circulation at the surface may
strengthen and weaken on time scales of a
few seconds or more, but a significant
circulation typically remains on the
ground for the lifetime of the event. The
funnel cloud aloft associated with the
event may be continuous during such a
weakening and strengthening cycle, or it,
too, may dissipate and redevelop. If the
winds cease to be damaging as a result of
a weakening circulation and then redevelop, is this the redevelopment a new tornado or should we say that the gap is a
"skip" in the path of a continuous tornado? If the answer depends on the distance and/or time between damage, is
there a non-arbitrary way to establish criteria for making such classifications?
There are numerous movies and videos showing quite clearly the dissipation
of one damaging funnel cloud/tornado
with the nearly-simultaneous development
of another within close proximity. A
ground survey of the track would probably reveal a continuous damage swath,
perhaps with a small offset. Are these
sub-vortices within a larger, more or less
continuous tornado, or are we seeing two
different tornadoes? This issue is complicated by the existence of multiple vortex phases interspersed with single vortex
A tornado, no matter how one
chooses to define it, is a kinematic struc10

ture that renews itself from instant to instant via one or more dynamic processes.
It is not a "thing" in the sense that a table
or a book (neglecting atomic or molecular
fluctuations) is the same from one moment to the next. Much confusion about
tornadoes comes from thinking of tornadoes as objects rather than as the kinematic manifestation of dynamic processes. The actual physical processes are
not heedful of our somewhat arbitrary
classification schemes and, as scientists,
we need constantly to remind ourselves
that our understanding of tornadoes and
tornadic storms can be clouded by an inappropriate classification scheme (see the
discussion by Doswell 1991a).
The only scientific justification for a
classification scheme is if that scheme
proves to be useful in developing our understanding and/or in application of that
understanding. While we probably have
muddied the waters by mentioning additional difficulties with event classification,
we believe that an appreciation for classification problems is needed in any proper
use of the data derived from classification.
The more we learn about tornadoes
and tornadic storms, the more they seem
to be terribly complicated processes. It is
possible that some insight we have yet to
find will simplify our understanding of
tornadoes and tornadic storms. On the
other hand, new observations may not result in some simple reconciliation, but will
raise new and even more confusing issues
with which to deal. There is nothing that
guarantees simplicity in nature.
Despite the confusion it has caused,
however, our new understanding developed since the last Symposium as a result
of radar, storm chasing, and numerical
and laboratory modeling has been applicable in both a research and an operational sense. The recognition of a range
of processes at the scale of the convective
storm and at the tornado scale has been
valuable to our science and to society as a
whole. It is likely that numerical cloud
models soon will be able to resolve tornadic flows, offering the chance for new
insights into tornadoes. As new operational and research observing systems are
implemented, it is virtually certain that we

shall come to know much more about

non-supercell events than at present. We
close by noting that a considerable challenge confronts us in applying any new
understanding of tornadoes and tornadic
storms to benefit society; efforts to do so
have been painfully slow, up to the present. We hope that operational deployment of new technologies will be associated with concomitant accelerations in the
application of scientific understanding to
serve society.
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