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Chapter 2 Information Management and IT Architecture

IT at Work 2.1
When ISs Fail, the Problem May Be the IT Architecture
1. What problems did executives have with the EIS?
The executives found that half of the data generated from their EIS was irrelevant to
corporate-level decision making concerning their Strategic Business Units (SBU) and that
some of relevant timely data, crucial for decision making, was not available in the
manner in which they needed it.
2. What were the two reasons for those EIS problems?
The application architecture was not designed for customized report generation. In the
EIS system, the SBUs were reporting sales and revenue at different timeframes. In
addition, the user interfaces were too complicated to get to the required information; so
much so, that the analysts had to first extract KPI-related data and then work on them for
producing the information required by the executives.
3. How did the CIO improve the EIS?
The CIO put in place a dedicated team to redesign and redevelop a new system that had
an entirely new business-driven architecture (replacing financial-reporting driven
architecture). The new system used standardized data formatting across the company,
thus eliminating data inconsistencies.
4. What are the benefits of the new IT architecture?
The new system provided reliable KPI reports on inventory turns, cycle times and profit
margins of all SBUs. It was easy to modify reports that eliminated ad hoc analyses. There
was a reduction in resources required for maintaining the system. EIS use by executives
improved since they got reliable data from the system.

IT at Work 2.2
Gartners View of Enterprise Architecture
No questions.

IT at Work 2.3
Feedback and Incentives Improve Performance at 1-800-Contacts
1. What were the information and reporting problems the company faced?
The company had grown so much that the ISs could not provide the call center managers
and business analysts with quick and easy access to real-time (up-to-date) sales data. The
response time for access to data was several days, which caused an information
bottleneck that created knowledge blind spots regarding sales and inventory levels.


2. How did business analysts get the data they needed?

Information dashboards, that were updated every 15 minutes, were implemented in the
call centers, which allowed call center operators to monitor their performance. Operators
were able to easily get their closing ratio, average sales, calls-per-hour and comparisons
of their performance with other operators.
3. What was the effect of linking operators pay to business performance? That is, how did
feedback at the operators level lead to improved performance at the organizational level?
By linking operators pay to performance, sales increased by $50,000 per month.
Operators were able to see the effect of their performance on their bonuses, which
encouraged them to improve the overall quality of their performance to increase their
4. Why do you think the dashboards updated frequently (every 15 minutes) instead of only
at the end of the operators workday?
Such rapid updates provided the operators with immediate results on their performance.
This real-time data allowed them to know how they were performing and to make
immediate adjustments to their actions, if necessary, rather than having to wait until the
next day.

IT at Work 2.4
Cloud Pro Leverages iPads touch: Benefits Start-Ups
1. Consider this statement: Cloud computing is about the flexible delivery of services at the
point of need. Explain how Cloud Pro offers flexible delivery of network management (the
service). Explain how it offers that service to network admins at the point of need (e.g.,
while on vacation or away from the office).
The Cloud Pro app allows network admins to use their mobile devices anytime anywhere
to: turn on server backups; create a new server from stored backups; manage backup
scheduling, and reboot, rename, resize and delete servers.
2. Discuss one benefit and one disadvantage of Cloud Pro for network admins.
There are several benefits such as allowing a network administrator to not be tethered to a
server room, making it possible for fewer people to manage more servers thus reducing
costs, and providing accessibility to resources that would not be affordable to smaller
However, these benefits can also be seen as disadvantages, as a network administrator
might always be on call no matter where they are located; having fewer people manage
more servers puts more responsibility and stress on a few people and reduces the number
of IT jobs; and making applications available to more businesses increases the level of
competitive rivalry.


3. Search and view a video demo of Rackspaces Cloud Pro for the iPad. Does the app have
amazing features, as Mike Mayo described?
The app has the features described and more when you read the spec page listed at:

IT at Work 2.5
Liberty Wines Improves Business Continuity with Virtualization
1. What business risks had Liberty Wines faced?
As their business grew, their IT facility could not handle the increased data volume. The
systems were slow and required greater maintenance efforts. This meant loss of employee
productivity, thus affecting its core business processes such as order processing and
inventory management
2. How does Liberty Wines IT infrastructure impact its competitive advantage?
The insufficient IT infrastructure negatively impacted their competitive advantage. The
lack of IT capacity could result in the loss of customers since their orders may not be
processed on time.
3. How did server virtualization benefit Liberty Wines and the environment?
The server virtualization reduced the number of physical servers from ten to four and the
applications ran faster through better utilization which, in turn, resulted in better customer
service and inventory management. The reduction in physical servers resulted in savings
in hardware replacement and reduction in power consumption.

2.1 Information Management in the 2010s
1. Explain information management.
These days, the variety of information an organization needs to manage goes beyond the
structured types like numbers and texts and includes semi-structured and unstructured
contents like video and sound. The digital library includes contents from social media,
texts, photos, videos, music, documents; address books, events, and downloads.
Maintainingupdating, expanding, portingan organizations digital librarys contents
on a variety of platforms is termed here as Information Management. Specifically,
Information Management deals with how information is organized and stored; and the
speed and ease with which it is captured, analyzed and reported.
2. Why are information deficiencies still a problem in organizations?
The type of information stored, the technology for information management, and the load
on information handling for compliance of legal and security requirements are all
changing. The investments in IT changes with competing demands on an organizations
budget that cannot cope with the unforeseeable ways in which technology changes. The
other specific information deficiencies include: data silos (information trapped in
departments databases), data lost or bypassed during transit, user-fierce formats (poorly
designed user interfaces requiring extra effort from users for analysis), use of non-


standardized data formats, and relying on fast changing data (that are expensive to keep
3. What is a data silo?
A data silo is one of the data deficiencies that can be addressed. It refers to the situation
where the databases belonging to different functional units in an organization are not
shared between the functional units because of a lack of integration. The lack of sharing
and exchange of data between functional units raises issues regarding reliability and
currency of data. Data silos exist when there is no overall IT architecture to guide IS
investments, data coordination and communication.
4. Explain KPIs and give an example.
Organizations have specific goals. To establish the achievement of these goals,
organizations identify measurable Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). KPIs help reduce
the complex nature of organizational performance to a small number of understandable
measures for specific purposes (for example, sales/marketing). It is easy to understand
achievement, or lack of achievement, in sales goals by comparing actual versus
forecasted or sales over current year versus sales over previous year.
5. What three factors are driving collaboration and information sharing?
Forrester ( identified three factors driving the trend toward collaboration
and information sharing technology. These are:
1. Global, mobile workforce (a growing number of employees telecommute)
2. Mobility-driven consumerization (cloud-based collaboration solutions are on the rise)
3. Principle of any (there is growing need to connect anybody anytime anywhere and on
any device)
6. What are the benefits of information management?
The following four benefits have been identified:
1. Improves decision quality (due to timely response using reliable data)
2. Improves prediction (through pattern seeking, matching and discovery)
3. Reduces risk (due to improved compliance with regulation resulting from better
information quality and governance), and
4. Reduces cost (due to savings in time and effort through integration and optimization
of repositories)
2.2 IT Architecture
1. Explain the relationship between complexity and planning. Give an example.
Organizations use complex ISs that need constant maintenance and enhancements.
Complex ISs require appropriate long-range planning for realizing the benefits of IT
investments. Instead of getting into a reactionary mode, organizations should devise a
meaningful long-range plan for future IT investments.
2. Explain IT architecture.


IT systems have become unmanageably complex and expensive to maintain. Also,

organizations find it difficult to keep their increasingly expensive IT systems aligned with
business need. IT architecture is the roadmap that is used for controlling the direction of
IT investments and it is a significant item in long-range planning. It is the blueprint that
guides the build out of overall IT capabilities consisting of four sub-architectures (see
question 3). The IT architecture defines the vision, standards, and plan that guide the
priorities, operations, and management of the ITs supporting the business.
3. What are the four components of IT architecture?
The four components are:
1. Business Architecture (the processes the business uses to meet its goals);
2. Application architecture (design of IS applications and their interactions);
3. Data architecture (organization, storage, and access of enterprise data);
4. Technical architecture (the hardware and software infrastructure that supports
applications and their interactions)
4. What are the uses and benefits of IT architecture?
Seven uses and benefits have been reported by Professor M. A. Cusumano:
1. Maintain a close alignment between IT deliverables and business requirements.
2. Improve ability to respond quickly to business changes.
3. Develop closer partnerships between business and IT groups.
4. Reduce the risk of failed or unnecessary ISs.
5. Reduce complexity of existing ISs.
6. Improve agility of new IT systems.
7. Ensure that legal and regulatory requirements are being met.
5. How are baseline architecture, sequencing plan, and target architecture related?
Once an agreed upon IT architecture is realized and its various architecture components
are in place, it becomes a baseline IT architecture from which the organization benefits.
Further changes to the baseline architecture require genuine commitment from both the
technical and business executives in the organization. In order to get to the target
architecture from the baseline, a sequencing plan (aka change management plan) is used.
In this plan, the impacts of the required architectural changes are analyzed, commitments
to the changes are agreed on, and appropriate actions are carried out to realize the target
6. Why should the organizations target architecture never be achieved?
While baseline architecture is being transformed into target architecture by going through
the sequencing (change management) plan successfully, further changes for responding to
newer requirements and for deploying newer technologies are recognized. This target
architecture now becomes the new baseline for responding to further changes. This makes
the target architecture a never static moving target. So, the target architecture is a vision
of the future that evolves in advance of it being achieved.


2.3 Information Systems and IT infrastructure

1. Contrast data, information, and knowledge.
Data, or raw data, refers to a basic description of products, customers, events, activities,
and transactions that are recorded, classified, and stored. Data is the raw material from
which information is produced; and the quality, reliability and integrity of the data must
be maintained for the information to be useful.
Information is data that has been processed, organized, or put into context so that it has
meaning and value to the person receiving it.
Knowledge consists of data and/or information that have been processed, organized, and
put into context to be meaningful, and to convey understanding, experience, accumulated
learning, and expertise as they apply to a current problem or activity.
2. Define TPS and give an example.
Transaction processing systems are designed to process specific types of data input
from ongoing transactions. TPSs can be manual, as when data is typed into a form on a
screen, or automated by using scanners or sensors to capture data.
Organizational data is processed by a TPS--sales orders, payroll, accounting, financial,
marketing, purchasing, inventory control, etc. Transactions are either:

Internal transactions: Transactions that originate from within the organization

or that occur within the organization. Examples are payroll, purchases, budget
transfers, and payments (in accounting terms, theyre referred to as accounts

External transactions: Transactions that originate from outside the

organization, e.g., from customers, suppliers, regulators, distributors, and
financing institutions.

TPSs are critical systems. Transactions that do not get captured can result in lost sales,
dissatisfied customers, and many other types of data errors. For example, if accounting
issues a check as payment for an invoice (bill), and that transaction is not captured, the
amount of cash on the financial statements is overstated and the invoice may be paid a
second time. Or if services are provided, but not recorded, the company loses that service
3. When is batch processing used?
Batch processing is used when there are several transactions that can be accumulated and
processed at one time. These transactions are not as time sensitive as those that need to be
processed in real time. The transactions may be collected for a day, a shift, or over a
period of time and then processed. Batch processing is often used to process payroll in a
weekly or bi-weekly manner.
4. When is real-time processing needed?


Online transaction processing (OLTP) or real-time processing is used when a system

must be updated as each transaction occurs. The input device for entering transactions
must be directly linked to the transaction processing system (TPS). This type of entry is
used for more time sensitive data such as reservation systems in which the user must
know how many seats or rooms are available.
5. Explain why TPSs need to process incoming data before storing it in a database.
Processing improves data quality, which is important because reports and decisions are
only as good as the data they are based on. As data is collected or captured, it is validated
to detect and correct obvious errors and omissions.
Data errors detected later may be difficult to correct, expose the company to legal action,
or may never be detected and corrected. You can better understand the difficulty of
detecting and correcting errors by considering identity theft. Victims of identity theft face
enormous challenges and frustration trying to correct data about them stored in databases.
6. Define MIS and DSS and give an example of each.
General purpose reporting systems are referred to as management information systems
(MIS). Their objective is to provide reports to managers for tracking operations,
monitoring, and control.
MIS is used by middle managers and provides routine information for planning,
organizing, and controlling operations in functional areas.
Decision support systems (DSS) are interactive applications that support decision
making. Configurations of a DSS range from relatively simple applications that support a
single user to complex enterprise-wide systems. A DSS can support the analysis and
solution of a specific problem, to evaluate a strategic opportunity, or to support ongoing
operations. These systems support unstructured and semi-structured decisions, such as
whether to make or buy products, or what new products to develop and introduce into
existing markets.
Decision support systems are used by decision makers and managers to combine models
and data to solve semi-structured problems with extensive user involvement.
To provide such support, DSSs have certain characteristics to support the decision maker
and the decision making process.
Three defining characteristics of DSSs are:

an easy-to-use interactive interface

models that enable sensitivity analysis, what if analysis, goal seeking, and risk

data from internal databases, external sources, and added by the decision maker
who may have insights relevant to the decision situation.

Having models is what distinguishes DSS from MIS. Some models are developed by end
users through an interactive and iterative process. Decision makers can manipulate
models to conduct experiments and sensitivity, what-if, and goal-seeking analyses.

What-if analysis refers to changing assumptions or data in the model to see the impacts
of the changes on the outcome. For example, if sales forecasts are based on a 5 percent
increase in customer demand, a what if analysis would replace the 5 percent with higher
and/or lower demand estimates to determine what would happen to sales if the demands
were different. With goal seeking, the decision maker has a specific outcome in mind and
needs to figure out how that outcome could be achieved and whether its feasible to
achieve that desired outcome. A DSS can also estimate the risk of alternative strategies or
California Pizza Kitchen (CPK) uses a DSS to support inventory decisions. CPK has 77
restaurants located in various states in the U.S. Maintaining inventory of all restaurants at
optimal levels was challenging. A DSS has made it easy for the managers to keep records
updated and make decisions. Many CPK restaurants increased sales by 5 percent after
implementing a DSS.
Summary of Support Systems
TABLE 2.2 Main Types of Information Support Systems.

Information Systems

Workers supported Description

Management information Middle managers

system (MIS)

Provides routine information for planning,

organizing, and controlling operations in
functional areas

Decision support system Decision makers,


Combines models and data to solve

semistructured problems with extensive user

Business intelligence (BI) Decision makers,

Gathers and uses large amounts of data for
managers, knowledge analysis by business analytics and intelligent

Engineers, drafts

Allows engineers to design and test prototypes;

transfers specifications to manufacturing

Electronic records
management system

Office workers

Automates management, archiving, and flow of

electronic documents

Knowledge management Managers, knowledge Supports the gathering, organizing, and use of
system (KM)
an organizations knowledge
Data mining and text

Knowledge workers, Enables learning from historical cases, even

with vague or incomplete information

Automated decision
support (ADS)

Frontline employees, Supports customer care employees and

middle managers
salespeople who need to make quick, real-time
decisions involving small dollar amounts

7. Why are databases inappropriate for doing data analysis?


Databases are used for recording and processing transactions. Due to the number of
transactions, the data in the databases are constantly in a state of change making it
difficult to use for complex decision making.
8. Define IT infrastructure.
IT infrastructure is the collection of hardware, software, processes, networks, and users.
What an organizations IT infrastructure can support is determined by five major
components: (1) hardware, (2) software, (3) networks and communication facilities,
including the Internet and intranets, (4) databases and data workers, and (5) information
management personnel. When making decisions about how to acquire hardware,
software, or any of these five components, the following four characteristics of an IT
infrastructure need to be considered.

Dependable. Dependability means that the infrastructure meets availability,

reliability, and scalability requirements of the companys information systems (TPS,
MIS, DSS, etc) and applications. Applications inherit their dependability from the IT
infrastructure. That is, the dependability of applications is limited by (is only as good
as) the dependability of the IT architecture.

Manageable. IT infrastructure determines the complexity of managing hardware and

software required to deliver dependable applications. A wireless infrastructure is
necessary for interactivity and mobile computing applications.

Adaptable. When additional application capacity is needed, organizations are able to

scale up the infrastructure as needed.

Affordable. In today's IT reality, dependability, manageability, and adaptability are

not as significant as affordability. For example, older infrastructures may need
expensive redundancy, or backup systems, to ensure these characteristics.

With this understanding of IT infrastructure, we can intelligently examine the reasons

why enterprises are investing in new IT architectures, particularly those that are cloudbased.
2.4 Cloud Computing and Services
1. Describe cloud computing.
One definition for cloud computing is that it is Internet-based computing in which
shared resources (such as hard drives for storage) and software apps are provided to
computers and other devices on-demand, like a public utility. That is, its similar to
electricity--a utility that companies have available to them on-demand and pay for it
based on usage. Companies dont generate their own electricity but obtain it from a
vendor, which in this case, is an electric company. Major cloud vendors or providers are
Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and Cisco. For example, Google Apps provides common
business applications online that are accessed from a web browser while the software and
data are stored on the servers.
2. What are the benefits of cloud computing?

Optimizing IT infrastructure became especially important during tough economic times

when cost-cutting became a priority. During challenging times, making the most of IT
assets becomes imperative for competitive advantage, and ultimately, survival. The cloud
typically offers a steep drop in IT costs because applications are hosted by vendors and
provided on demand, rather than via physical installations or seat licenses. This rental
arrangement with vendors is a key characteristic of cloud computing.
Cloud computing is often used to describe services such as Googles online wordprocessing application and Salesforce.coms customer-service software, which are
accessed online through a Web browser instead of stored on a computer. Another option
is to pay to use Amazon.coms computing infrastructure, in effect, renting it, rather than
buying more servers.
The concept is catching on in the business world. The New York Times uses
Amazon.coms cloud service to upload images of archived newspapers and convert them
into a more readable format. Nasdaq OMX Group Inc. uses Amazon.coms service to
provide historical trading information. Both companies pay only for the computing
resources or services they use.
3. Describe software-as-a-service (SaaS) and its benefi
Cloud computing makes it more affordable for companies to use services that in the past
would have been packaged as software and required buying, installing and maintaining
on any number of individual machines. A major type of service available via the cloud is
called software-as-a-service.
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) is an increasingly popular IT model in which software is
available to users as needed. Other terms for SaaS are on-demand computing, utility
computing, and hosted services. The idea is basically the same: instead of buying and
installing expensive packaged enterprise applications, users can access software apps
over a network, with an Internet browser being the only absolute necessity. Usually there
is no hardware and software to buy since the apps are used over the Internet and paid for
through a fixed subscription fee, or payable per an actual usage fee. The SaaS model was
developed to overcome the common challenge to an enterprise of being able to meet
fluctuating demands on IT resources efficiently.
Cloud services are expanding. For instance, the use of cloud computing to lower
accounting costs is becoming widespread, particularly with smaller companies because
there is practically limitless room for growth of the service. For example, a popular
leading cloud software and services provider is To emphasize their
approach, their telephone number is 1-800-No-Software. Two of the clouds offered by are:

Sales Cloud. Sales Cloud is used by almost 80,000 companies. Sales representatives
(reps) have almost everything they need to do their jobs in one place. They spend
less time on administrative work and have more time with customers and closing
deals. For sales managers, the Sales Cloud gives real-time visibility into their teams

Service Cloud. Service Cloud is a platform supporting customer service activities

that range from call (contact) centers to social Web sites. Tools provided by the

Service Cloud include knowledge-as-a-service giving agents and customers the

ability to find answers online, 24x7; Twitter integration for real-time service
conversations; and analytics that provides dashboards and real-time reports to
monitor performance.
4. How can cloud computing ease the problems of managing software licenses?
Optimizing IT infrastructure became especially important during tough economic times
when cost-cutting became a priority. During challenging times, making the most of IT
assets becomes imperative for competitive advantage, and ultimately, survival. The cloud
typically offers a steep drop in IT costs because applications are hosted by vendors and
provided on demand as needed, rather than via physical installations or seat licenses. This
rental arrangement with vendors is a key characteristic of cloud computing.
5. List five major cloud vendors.
Table 2.3 lists five major cloud vendors to include:
Oracle (
Microsoft Windows Azure (
6. When are private clouds used instead of public clouds?
Companies or government agencies set up their own private clouds when they need
greater security and data confidentiality.
7. Explain three issues that need to be addressed when moving to cloud computing or
Four of the issues that need to be addressed when moving to cloud computing or services

Issues in moving workloads from the enterprise to the cloud There is a risk
of disrupting operations or customers in the process of moving operations to the
cloud. The network and WAN (wide area network) become more critical in the IT
infrastructure. Network bandwidth is also an issue as enough is needed to support
the increase in network traffic. Different management approaches as well as
different IT skills are needed to handle moving part of the IT architecture to the

Strategic issues such as deciding which workloads to export to the cloud; which
set of standards to follow for cloud computing; how to resolve privacy and
security issues; and how departments or business units will get new IT resources.


Vendor management issues include defining and policing service-level

agreements (SLAs) with vendors as well as handling the overall contract.

Infrastructure issues Cloud computing runs on a shared infrastructure so there

is less customization for a companys specific requirements. With the cloud, the
network and WAN (wide area network) become more critical in the IT
infrastructure. Network bandwidth is also an issue as enough is needed to support
the increase in network traffic.

2.5 Virtualization and VM (Virtual Machines)

1. How does a virtual machine (VM) function?
A virtual machine (VM) is a software layer that runs its own Operating System (OS) and
apps as if it were a physical computer. A VM behaves exactly like a physical computer
and contains its own virtual (software based) CPU, RAM, hard drive and Network
Interface Card. An OS cannot tell the difference between a VM and a physical machine,
nor can apps or other computers on a network tell the difference. (See Fig 2.13 for
2. Explain virtualization.
Virtualization is a concept that has several meanings in IT and therefore several
definitions. The major type of virtualization is hardware virtualization, which remains
popular and widely used. Virtualization is often key part of an enterprises disaster
recovery plan. In general, virtualization separates business applications and data from
hardware resources. This separation allows companies to pool hardware resources
rather than to dedicate servers to applicationsand assign those resources to applications
as needed. The major types of virtualization are the following:

Storage virtualization is the pooling of physical storage from multiple network

storage devices into what appears to be a single storage device that is managed from a
central console.

Network virtualization combines the available resources in a network by splitting the

network load into manageable parts, each of which can be assigned (or reassigned) to
a particular server on the network.

Hardware virtualization is the use of software to emulate hardware or a total

computer environment other than the one the software is actually running in. It allows
a piece of hardware to run multiple operating system images at once. This kind of
software is sometimes known as a virtual machine.

Virtualization increases the flexibility of IT assets, allowing companies to consolidate IT

infrastructure, reduce maintenance and administration costs, and prepare for strategic IT
initiatives. Virtualization is not primarily about cost-cutting, which is tactical reason.
More importantly, for strategic reasons, virtualization is used because it enables flexible
sourcing, and cloud computing.
3. What are the characteristics and benefits of virtualization?

1. Memory-intensive: Since VMs have virtual hardware, they need a huge amount of
2. Energy-efficient: VMs minimize energy consumed running and cooling servers in the
data centerup to a 95 percent reduction in energy use per server.
3. Scalability and load balancing: The VMware infrastructure automatically distributes
the load across a cluster of physical servers to ensure the maximum performance of
all running VMs.
4. When is load balancing important?
When a big event happens such as the Super Bowl, millions of people hit a Web site at
the same time. Virtualization provides load balancing to handle the demand for requests
to the site.
5. Explain how software as a service (SaaS) reduces IT costs.
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) is an increasingly popular IT model in which software is
available to users as needed. Other terms for SaaS are on-demand computing, utility
computing, and hosted services. The idea is basically the same: instead of buying and
installing expensive packaged enterprise applications, users can access software apps
over a network, with an Internet browser being the only absolute necessity. Usually there
is no hardware and software to buy since the apps are used over the Internet and paid for
through a fixed subscription fee, or payable per an actual usage fee. The SaaS model was
developed to overcome the common challenge to an enterprise of being able to meet
fluctuating demands on IT resources efficiently.
6. How does virtualization reduce TCO (total cost of ownership)?
Load balancing is key to solving many of todays IT challenges. Virtualization
consolidates servers, which reduces the cost of servers, makes more efficient use of data
center space, and reduces energy consumption. All of these factors reduce the total cost of
ownership (TCO). Over a three-year lifecycle, a VM costs approximately 75 percent less
to operate than a physical server.


1. Describe the relationship between IT architecture and organizational performance.
Companies need a well-designed set of plans, a blueprint or IT architecture, to guide and
govern software add-ons and upgrades, hardware, systems, networks, cloud service and
other IT. Having the right architecture in place cuts IT costs significantly and increases
productivity by giving decision makers access to information, insights, and ideas where
and when they need them. Thus, the IT architecture can improve an organization
performance and help it operate more efficiently and effectively.
2. Discuss how its possible to have information deficiencies given todays powerful
information technologies and devices.

In spite of having powerful technologies and devices, it is possible that the IT function
may not get the required budget appropriation. The investments in IT change with
competing demands on an organizations budget that cannot cope with the unforeseeable
ways in which technology changes. The IT unit needs to ensure that it efficiently supports
the information and decision needs of an organization. Information deficiencies can occur
by not having appropriate IT architecture, policies, and procedures for providing the
required information for the users at different levels. The other specific information
deficiencies that can be managed include: data silos (information trapped in departments
databases), data lost or bypassed during transit, user-fierce formats (poorly designed user
interfaces requiring extra effort from users), use of non-standardized data formats, and
relying on fast changing data (that are expensive to keep pace with).
3. Assume a banks data are stored in silos based on financial productchecking accounts,
saving accounts, mortgages, auto loans, and so on. What problems do these data silos create
for the banks managers?
Such silos are unable to share or exchange data, and they cannot consistently be updated.
When data are inconsistent across multiple enterprise applications, data quality cannot
(and should not) be trusted without extensive verification. Data silos support a single
function, and as a result, do not support an organizations cross-functional needs. With
data silos, Bank managers will waste a lot of time and effort for including data from these
silos in their business analysis. There is a greater chance of leaving out routinely messy
but important data in their analysis.
4. Identify four KPIs for a major airline (e.g., American, United, Delta) or an automobile
manufacturer (e.g., GM, Ford, BMW). Which KPI would be the easiest to present to
managers on an online dashboard? Explain why.
Answers could vary. Make sure the KPIs are related to goals such as cost reduction, and
profit optimization. Airlines: Trends on percentage of seat-occupancy and time lost in
breakdown-maintenance; Auto Manufacturer: sales trend by car model, and trends in
5. What factors are driving the trend toward collaboration and information sharing
Forrester ( identified three factors driving the trend toward collaboration
and information sharing technology. These are
(1) Global, mobile workforce (a growing number of employees telecommute)
(2) Mobility-driven consumerization (cloud-based collaboration solutions are on the rise)
(3) Principle of any (there is growing need to connect anybody anytime anywhere and on
6. Discuss how IT architecture can support managements top business concerns.
The following are the five business concerns identified earlier on:
1. Business productivity and cost reduction
2. IT and business alignment

3. Business agility and speed to market

4. Business process reengineering (BPR)
5. IT reliability and efficiency
The IT architecture defines the vision, standards, and roadmap that guide the priorities,
operations, and management of the ITs supporting the business. Consider the four
components of the IT architecture. In the business architecture, business processes
needed to achieve the goals are considered. This enables BPR and also helps align IT
with business. The application architecture addresses both productivity and cost
reduction while the data architecture addresses the IT reliability and efficiency. The
technology architecture, together with the application architecture, improves business
agility and speed to market.
7. Why is it important for data to be standardized? Give an example of unstandardized
When data are not standardized and reporting procedures are not aligned, additional effort
is needed to include such data for important analysis. Non-standardized data could be left
behind, resulting in unreliable information leading to poor decisions. Some examples of
unstandardized data: Reporting data in different units (pounds and kilo-grams) or at
different timeframes (daily and weekly).
8. Why are TPSs critical systems?
TPSs are critical systems because transactions that do not get captured can result in lost
sales, dissatisfied customers, and many other types of data errors. For example, if
accounting issues a check as payment for an invoice (bill), and that transaction is not
captured, the amount of cash on the financial statements is overstated and the invoice
may be paid a second time. Or if services are provided, but not recorded, the company
loses that service revenue.
9. Explain what is meant by data volatility. How does it affect the use of databases for data
Data volatility means that data is constantly in the process of being changed. This is
especially true in transaction processing systems. In order to effectively analyze data, the
data to be analyzed must be extracted, transformed and loaded (ETL) from the
operational databases into a data warehouse where it can be formatted and examined
without slowing down or disrupting regular operations.
10. Discuss why the cloud is considered the great IT delivery frontier.
One definition for cloud computing is that it is Internet-based computing in which
shared resources (such as hard drives for storage) and software apps are provided to
computers and other devices on-demand, like a public utility. Major cloud vendors or
providers are Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and Cisco. For example, Google Apps
provides common business applications online that are accessed from a web browser,


while the software and data are stored on the servers. Society continues to become more
mobile with people accessing data and applications using any type of mobile device from
anywhere, thus the value of cloud computing continues to increase.
11. What are the benefits of cloud computing?
Optimizing IT infrastructure became especially important during tough economic times
when cost-cutting became a priority. During challenging times, making the most of IT
assets becomes imperative for competitive advantage, and ultimately, survival. The cloud
typically offers a steep drop in IT costs because applications are hosted by vendors and
provided on demand, rather than via physical installations or seat licenses. This rental
arrangement with vendors is a key characteristic of cloud computing. Using cloud
computing, companies are able to be more agile and responsive while significantly
reducing costs and complexity through improved workload optimizations and service
Cloud computing is often used to describe services such as Googles online wordprocessing application and Salesforce.coms customer-service software, which are
accessed online through a Web browser instead of stored on a computer. Another option
is to pay to use Amazon.coms computing infrastructure, in effect, renting it, rather than
buy more servers.
12. Explain virtualization and virtual machines.
Virtualization is a concept that has several meanings in IT and therefore several
definitions. The major type of virtualization is hardware virtualization, which remains
popular and widely used. Virtualization is often a key part of an enterprises disaster
recovery plan. In general, virtualization separates business applications and data from
hardware resources. This separation allows companies to pool hardware resourcesrather
than to dedicate servers to applicationsand assign those resources to applications as
needed. The major types of virtualization are the following:
o Storage virtualization is the pooling of physical storage from multiple network
storage devices into what appears to be a single storage device that is managed
from a central console.
o Network virtualization combines the available resources in a network by splitting
the network load into manageable parts, each of which can be assigned (or
reassigned) to a particular server on the network.
o Hardware virtualization is the use of software to emulate hardware or a total
computer environment other than the one the software is actually running in. It
allows a piece of hardware to run multiple operating system images at once. This
kind of software is sometimes known as a virtual machine.
Virtualization increases the flexibility of IT assets, allowing companies to consolidate IT
infrastructure, reduce maintenance and administration costs, and prepare for strategic IT


initiatives. Virtualization is not primarily about cost-cutting, which is tactical reason.

More importantly, for strategic reasons, virtualization is used because it enables flexible
sourcing and cloud computing.
A virtual machine (VM) is a software layer (virtualization layer) that runs its own OS and apps
as if it were a physical computer. A VM behaves exactly like a physical computer and is
composed entirely of software with its own virtual software-based CPU, RAM, hard drive and
network interface. An OS cannot tell the difference between a VM and a physical machine, nor
can apps or other computers on a network. The VM also thinks it is a real computer.
13. How does virtualization reduce IT costs while improving performance?
VMs minimize energy consumed running and cooling servers in the data centerup to a
95 percent reduction in energy use per server. The VMware infrastructure automatically
distributes the load across a cluster of physical servers to ensure the maximum
performance of all running VMs. Virtualization consolidates servers, which reduces the
cost of servers, makes more efficient use of data center space, and reduces energy
consumption. All of these factors reduce the total cost of ownership (TCO). Over a threeyear lifecycle, a VM costs approximately 75 percent less to operate than a physical


14. Visit Cloud Computing Solutions Center for news and reviews at Select one of the articles listed under Latest Cloud
Computing News. Prepare an executive summary of the article.
Answers will vary.
15. Visit Rackspace at and review the companys Cloud Pro products.
Describe what Cloud Pro does. Explain how Rackspace Cloud Pro leverages the iPads
interface. What are the benefits of the iPad Cloud App? provides cloud-based solutions for managing several aspects of a
companys IT operations such as Web sites and cloud-based applications.
One of their several offerings is Cloud Pro, which allows a network administrator to
manage network resources remotely via a mobile device such as a smartphone or iPad.
Cloud Pro allows users to: monitor network activity; turn on backups for a server; create
new servers from backups; manage back-up scheduling; and re-boot, rename, resize and
delete servers from a mobile device touchscreen.
Cloud Pro allows the user to use an app on a mobile device such as a smartphone or iPad
to control cloud servers and cloud files from wherever they are located.


The Cloud Pro mobile app allows a network administrator to be anywhere and still
manage network operations. The app provides greater freedom and mobility for network
administrators as well as helping fewer people monitor more server resources.
16. Visit Describe the types of virtualization services offered by Oracle.
Oracle provides several virtualization products and solutions including:
Server virtualization provides over 100 pre-built templates to provide fully integrated
enterprise management.
Data center virtualization reduces the complexity of enterprise management providing
centralized control of the entire computing environment.
Desktop virtualization provides users with access to desktops and applications from a
variety of client devices.
17. Visit Click on one of the featured or recommended vendors.
Review the vendors cloud computing offerings. In a one-page report, explain what you
Answers will vary.
18. Visit and search for two videos on virtualization. For each video, report
what you learned. Specify the complete URL, video title, who uploaded the video and the
date, video length, and number of views.
Answers will vary.


19. Many of the cloud computing and virtualization vendors include case studies of some of
their customers.
a. Each person on the team selects one vendor that posts recent case studies of
b. Review the cases and select the one you consider most informative.
c. In a table, identify the business challenges facing the company; what the cloud or
virtualization solution consisted of; and the benefits.
d. Integrate the tables into a single table ranking them in terms of benefitsfrom
highest to lowest.
Answers will vary.


Case 1 Opening Case: Paul McCartneys Artistic Legacy (and Its IT

For Further Exploration:
1. Explain the state or condition of McCartneys private collection before this visionary
project began in 2011.
McCartney has over five decades worth of recordings, videos of live concerts, short video
clips, handwritten lyrics, photos, rolls of film, original works of art, and memorabilia in
his personal collection. At the start of 2011, his personal collection of over 1 million
artifacts were neither organized nor cataloged and a large portion was in paper or analog
(non-digital) format.
2. Using your answer to #1, what had to be done to get McCartneys collection ready for the
digital library?
In 2011, McCartneys MPL Communications (McCartney Productions Ltd.) started
planning a new interactive portal,, to provide a fun and exciting
experience for fans. MPL is the holding company for his post-Beatles business interests
and work. MPL partnered with HP to first develop an IT architecture for a content-rich,
interactive portal whose foundation was the digital library that contained Pauls
collections. HP created the digital library by digitizing all the artifacts and cataloging
3. What are the benefits to fans of the new portal?
On this Web site, fans see and interact with content from the massive digital library. At a fan can find all of McCartneys post-Beatles albums, listen to songs
before buying an album, and listen to others playlists. The Rude Studio lets fans create
their own playlist using McCartney songs, and then post the list on the site for other
members to listen to and comment on. One can see all the albums a song was recorded
on, the first time and location a song was played in concert, the number of times a song
was played in concert, the date and location of every concert where each song was played
and the set list for each of the concerts.
4. Why is it important to be able to offer real-time content from McCartneys concerts or
other events on the portal?
The intent is to keep the library current (dynamically changing) so as to keep the fans
engaged and also to maintain their continued interest in the library. Further, this keeps
fans from going to other web resources for the latest material.
5. As new content was created, how did it get to the portal?
The digital library was built using HP servers, storage, networking, and management
software. The digital library is stored on a private cloud and plugs directly into the
backend of the portal. With this IT architecture, as soon as new content from concerts and
other events is added to the library, it is pushed immediately to the site for fans to view.


6. Visit and review the features of Consider what Jan Zadak, an HP
executive vice president, said: Fans expect a richer and deeper experience than ever
before. Do you agree with this statement? Explain. What features of the portal
created a richer and deeper fan experience?
7. According to MPL, the online music player Jukebox is unique. Not only can fans listen to
songs and build their own playlists, but they can gain access to all information related
to any particular song or album. Fans can listen to full tracks, buy albums, make
dedications, and download Jukebox to their desktops. To encourage return visits, the
site lets fans create a custom personal page with their profile, playlists, blogs, private
messaging, and videos. Based on these features, debate whether or not the portal is a competitor of Facebook. Your debate should include
the issue of whether or not it is a social media site.

Case 2 Business case: Online Gamers Statistics Stored in the Cloud

1. Visit and review the Mortal Kombat Online community at and
Section 8 at What did you learn about Agora Games
Agora Games customers come from a variety of backgrounds, have a range of interests,
and seem to have a creative bent. They are very serious about their gaming. They also
take time to interact and share thoughts on current topics.
2. What factors influence Agora Games business performance?
Since there are many competing games to choose from, factors that influence the
satisfaction of the gamers and thus, the success of the business, include the games online
performance, the quality of the features and the speed of game reporting.
3. Explain how cloud storage can cut Agoras data storage costs.
Agoras data storage needs fluctuate unpredictably. Sufficient storage is required to
provide acceptable performance levels; however, too much storage capacity provides
unnecessary costs. Cloud storage can provide a flexible storage option providing the right
amount of storage capacity as it is needed.
4. What changes occurred at Agora Games as a result of investing in enterprise cloud
Agora selected a data center that provided the highest standards of security, availability,
and power. They are able to get additional server capacity without service interruption.
With their investment in cloud storage, Agora has complete control over its systems
without having to manage hardware and provisioning. They also only have to pay for
what they use. Agoras IT staff can focus their time on their core competency of building
gaming environments.


5. Research two enterprise cloud storage vendors or service providers that provide
sufficient information on the Web to assess them meaningfully. Compare and contrast at
least four characteristics of these vendors or service providers.
Answers will vary.

Case 3 Video Case: Three Cloud Computing Case Studies

1. Visit
2. View the 11-minute video of the 3 case studies.
3. Explain the value or benefits of each organizations cloud investment.
Three case studies are about cloud computing usage. SaaS (Software as a Service), IaaS
(Infrastructure as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service).
In the first one, students at a University access Google App e-mail (instead of university email server) from their university portal via a link. No need to have e-mail server at the
In the second case, an organization leverages cloud computing through Terremark for
managing their virtual server (infrastructure) requirements that may be changing
dynamically. Optimizes cost of infrastructure; no need to pay for the peak-level resource
requirement all the time.
In the third one, the connection is from the cloud (a Facebook App) to a companys API (a
service offered to its customers) on its platform to attract more customers.

Data Analysis & Decision Making

DSS to Control and Manage Gasoline Costs
To do:
1. Using the spreadsheet that you download, calculate and compare the costs of driving a
hybrid automobile Data Analysis & Decision Making and non-hybrid SUV from your
location to a location 600 miles away.
Answers will vary.
2. You need external data. You need to know the gas prices in your starting and destination
locations. provides a free application (a widget), a real-time, continually
updated tool that monitors gas prices.
Answers will vary.


3. You have just been promoted to a fleet manager in a food company that uses 300 cars of
different sizes. Prepare a DSS using Excel to show top management how to reduce gasoline
costs if the price is at $4.00, $4.50, $4.75, and $5.00 per gallon.
Answers will vary.


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