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Guided Reading Lesson Plan

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Guided Reading Lesson Plan

Date: November 15 , 2016


Group: Alyssa & Amy

Text: Billys Pen

Level: 5/6

Learning Targets
Common Core Standards:
RF.1.3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words
Decode regularly spelled one-syllable words
Recognize and read gradeappropriate irregularly spelled words.
RF.1.4 Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.
Read onlevel text with purpose and understanding.
Read onlevel text orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on successive readings.
Use context to confirm or selfcorrect word recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary.
RL.1.1. Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
RL.1.3. Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story, using key details.
RL.1.7. Use illustrations and details in a story to describe its characters, setting, or events
Learning Targets:

I can cross check to make sure my reading make sense and looks right..

I can read more word together and smoothly.

I can describe and discuss characteristics about the characters, the setting, and events.

I can break up the word and slowly say the phonemes just like when I am writing the word.
Before Reading
Before distributing the text, display one text with the title facing the students. I have a book we are going to
read and its called Billys Pen.
Relate the topic to the reader:
Read the title then together as a team respond to the cover illustration.
Billys Pen. What do we see on the cover of the book? Do you know what animal this is?
Point to the cowgirl hatWhat is the girl wearing on her head? If shes wearing a cowboy hat, and there's a goat with her,
where do you think she is? Have you ever been on a farm?
Summary statement: In this book we are going to read what Billy, the goat, does to get out of his pen. Nana,
Pop, Mom, Matt, and Rose are all going to help Billy stay in his pen. What will they do to keep him in his pen?

Picture walk/preview: Before we start reading we are going to take a picture walk so that we can learn more
about the story. Now distribute the text to the students. Open your copy of the book to the title page and
read the title. The title of this book says, Billys Pen. The story was written by Emma DeBrose and illustrated by
Joy Allen. Okay, Under the title and authors name, we meet our characters of the story. We have Nana, Pop,
Mom, Matt, and Rose. Alright, so now lets turn the page.
Pp. 2-3: Who is in the picture? Where is Billy? Why is he in his pen? (character and setting: Billy; in his pen)
Can you find the word pen? Can you cover up the e and the n. What letter do you see? What sound does this letter
Pp.4-5: Where is Billy? (Character and events: Where should Billy be?)
Where on this page do you see the word goat? What sound do you hear first in goat? How do you know that
sound is the first sound in goat?
Pp. 6-7: Billy isnt in his pen again. Now what is Billy doing? (character and event)
Pp. 8-9: Do you think Matt is made at Billy? How do you know? (making inferences) what do you notice about
the word no! the author made the word bold to show us that Matt is upset with Billy and Matt wants Billy to
stop. (Text feature, characters feeling: No!)
Pp. 10-11: Who is in this picture? (characters) Do you think Billy is leaving his pen again? (events) If Billy is
leaving his pen again, do you think Matt and Rose will be mad? Why do you think Billy is always leaving his pen?
(Making inferences).

Pp. 12-13: What do you notice on these pages? Can you see Billy on the side? Does he look sad? Why do you
think he is sad? (characters and feelings)
Can you find the word bigger? What do you see at the beginning of the word bigger? Now cover up the second g
and er. What word do you see now? Now, uncover the ending. How does the meaning change when you add the
ger at the end of the word?
Stop at p. 14
Predict: Before we read the whole story we are going to make a prediction or a smart guess about what will
happen next in the story. We make predictions to help us think about what we are reading. What do you think will
happen next? (record the predictions) We can say: I think that . . . because . . . I am going to make a prediction:
I think that the family is going to build a bigger fence for the pen because on pages 12 and 13 Matt has a lot of
wood in his hands, so a bigger fence will keep Billy in his pen. Now its your turn to make a prediction.
Repeat unusual language: Note: Bold words, quotation marks, exclamation point (meaning of text features and
Locate key vocabulary: (embedded in the picture walk above) pen (p.2), goat (p.5), bigger (p.12)
Set the purpose: We are going to read to find out how they kept Billy in his pen.
State the strategy focus: Before we start to read, we need to think: what do you do when you come to a tricky
word? It has to make sense and look right. You can say the word slowly just like when you write it. I am going to
pretend that pen is a tricky word for me. What and listen to what I do: I will look at the word and say it slowly
like when I write it: p-e-n. Pen.
When you read put your words together just like we did when we read: Pen!.
During Reading
Teach: You can say it slowly like when you write it.
Prompt: Say it slowly like when you write it. Look through the whole word.
Reinforce: You said it slowly like when you wrote it.
Teach: That didnt make sense (sound or look right). You need to stop when it doesnt make sense (sound or look
Prompt: Why did you stop? What did you notice? What is wrong? Were you right? What could you check?
Reinforce: You found out what was wrong all by yourself. You found the tricky part all by yourself.
Teach: I am going to read this faster.
Prompt: Listen to me read fast. Can you read it like that?
Reinforce: You read it faster that time. You read more words together.
Second reading (reread until others are finished)
After Reading
Respond to text (record response to text): What did you think about {Billy...Matt... Rose }
Check predictions: You made a prediction about what would happen next in the story. Were you right? Were you
close? Lets find that in the book.
Return to text/review reading strategies used: One praise and one teaching point. (record strategies noticed)
Word Work
Type of word work: Word Sort- CVC-short vowels
Words: Short Aa- hat, sat, cat, tap, van, can, bat.
Short Ii- pig, bit, zip, pit, him, dip.

Short Oo- log, hop, dog, pot, hog.

Oddball- rug
Procedure: Word cards for each student. Demonstrate: How to sort the words. Next, have them help you with the
sorting. Finally have them independently sort with three columns. Resort. Writing sort on piece of paper.

Text reading: Running records; evidence of strategy use (word solving, monitoring, fluency).
Word work: Successful word sorting and writing sort.

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