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Oil, Gas and Coal Technologies

for the Energy Markets
of the Future

Oil, Gas and Coal Technologies
for the Energy Markets
of the Future

The availability of oil and gas for future generations continues to provoke
international debate. In 2005, the first edition of Resources to Reserves
found that the known hydrocarbon resources were sufficient to sustain
likely growth for the foreseeable future. Yet the book also predicted that
developing oil and gas resources and bringing them to market would
become more technically demanding.
Resources to Reserves 2013 a comprehensive update to the 2005 edition
confirms these earlier findings and investigates whether oil and gas resources
can be produced at a reasonable cost and in a timely manner, while also
protecting environmentally sensitive areas. Released amid a boom in shale
gas and oil development in North America that is transforming the global
energy landscape, the book surveys the cutting-edge technologies needed
to find, produce and bring these reserves to the market, and it reviews
the challenges on greenhouse gas emissions associated with fossil fuel
production. With renewed interest in coal as a potential source of liquid
and gaseous fuels, it also looks at technology advances for this fossil fuel.

(61 2013 04 1 P1)

ISBN 978-92-64-08354-7 100


Oil, Gas and Coal Technologies

for the Energy Markets
of the Future


The International Energy Agency (IEA), an autonomous agency, was established in November 1974.
Its primary mandate was and is two-fold: to promote energy security amongst its member
countries through collective response to physical disruptions in oil supply, and provide authoritative
research and analysis on ways to ensure reliable, affordable and clean energy for its 28 member
countries and beyond. The IEA carries out a comprehensive programme of energy co-operation among
its member countries, each of which is obliged to hold oil stocks equivalent to 90 days of its net imports.
The Agencys aims include the following objectives:
! Secure member countries access to reliable and ample supplies of all forms of energy; in particular,
through maintaining effective emergency response capabilities in case of oil supply disruptions.
! Promote sustainable energy policies that spur economic growth and environmental protection
in a global context particularly in terms of reducing greenhouse-gas emissions that contribute
to climate change.
! Improve transparency of international markets through collection and analysis of
energy data.
! Support global collaboration on energy technology to secure future energy supplies
and mitigate their environmental impact, including through improved energy
efciency and development and deployment of low-carbon technologies.
! Find solutions to global energy challenges through engagement and
dialogue with non-member countries, industry, international
organisations and other stakeholders.

OECD/IEA, 2013
International Energy Agency

9 rue de la Fdration
75739 Paris Cedex 15, France

IEA member countries:

Czech Republic
Korea (Republic of)
New Zealand
Slovak Republic
United Kingdom
United States

Please note that this publication

is subject to specific restrictions
that limit its use and distribution.
The terms and conditions are available online at

The European Commission

also participates in
the work of the IEA.


The worlds largest economies, and many of its smaller ones, remain heavily dependent on continued
access to fossil fuels. Around 45% more oil, gas and coal is used today than 20 years ago, and today
more than 80% of the worlds primary energy supply comes from fossil fuels. Going forward, IEA
projections show that growth in energy demand will continue to be met overwhelmingly by fossil
Concern about climate change has led to a noticeable and welcome increase in low-carbon
alternatives. Nevertheless, even if the world were to commit itself to a low-carbon energy future
tomorrow, our energy system would still require the use of large quantities of fossil fuels for decades.
Heavy industry and transport are dependent on them, and coal-fired power generation is rising. Many
have questioned whether the resources are there to handle this ever-growing demand.
The IEA has long argued that hydrocarbon resources around the world are sufficiently abundant to
fuel the world through its transition to a sustainable energy future. In fact, we suggest the question
might be more appropriately restated as: are we running out of economically-accessible fossil
fuels? The answer lies in technology development. If capital investment in projects is sufficient,
new hydrocarbon resources can be unlocked from unconventional resources, deepwater offshore
locations, or in countries where geopolitical factors have restricted investment. Technology
development decreases costs and reduces the environmental risks associated with resource
extraction, providing more attractive returns for investors. It enables new resources to be developed
in a cost-effective manner and accelerates the implementation of new projects.
Continued access to fossil fuels is less likely to be constrained by an insufficient resource base, and
more by governmental policy and regulation. Fossil fuels are a major source of energy-related CO2
emissions. The international community has announced its intention to reduce these emissions and
positive movement in this direction has been taken in upstream extractive industries. Terms such
as social licence to operate are more commonplace. Environmental responsibility has become
an inherent part of project planning. But there is still much more to be done if fossil fuels are to
continue to play a longer-term role in a low-carbon world.
Resources to Reserves 2013 reviews current and future technology trends in the upstream oil, gas and
coal industries, and provides an overview of technological innovations on the horizon. Projections
suggest we have sufficient fossil fuels for decades to come.
My hope is that this publication will make a significant contribution to broadening knowledge behind
the petrol pumps, pipelines and power stations that make the headlines. Hydrocarbon resources are
plentiful and, if accessed and used in a responsible and environmentally-sustainable manner, can have
a beneficial impact on energy security.
This Report is being published under my authority as Executive Director of the IEA.
Maria van der Hoeven


This publication was prepared by the International Energy Agency (IEA) Energy Technology Policy
Division, under the leadership and guidance of Didier Houssin, Director of Sustainable Energy Policy
and Technology, and Division Head, Jean-Franois Gagn.
Keith Burnard was the project manager and had overall responsibility for the implementation of the
study. The completed manuscript, however, is a testimony to the dedication and expertise of many
individuals, both from within the IEA and outside. Though many of these experts are recognised
below, given the wide-ranging nature of this study, the time period over which the publication was
prepared and the varied level of contribution, any attempt to cite all of the experts who provided
input and advice is bound to fail.
The main authors and analysts of this study comprise many current and former colleagues at the
IEA. They include: Kamel Bennaceur (Schlumberger); Michael Cohen; John Corben (Schlumberger);
Anselm Eisentraut; Carlos Fernndez Alvarez; Capella Festa; David Fyfe (Gunvor Group); Steve Heinen;
Antonio Pflger (German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology); Wolf Heidug; Uwe Remme;
and Andreas Ulbig (Eidgenssische Technische Hochschule Zrich [ETH, Zurich]); with the valuable
support of Chris Besson worthy of particular note.
Outside of the IEA, Willem Schulte (Schulte Oil & Gas International Consultancy [SOGIC]) had a major
influence on the final document, while important contributions came from Maggi Rademacher (E.ON) and
Sandro Schmidt (Bundesanstalt fr Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe [BGR]). The guidance of the following
experts is also gratefully acknowledged: Maurice Dusseault (University of Waterloo); Brian Heath (Coal
Industry Advisory Board [CIAB]); Gilles Mercier (Natural Resources Canada); Frank Mourits (Natural Resources
Canada); Hans-Wilhelm Schiffer (Rheinisch-Westflisches Elektrizittswerk [RWE]); John Topper (IEA Clean
Coal Centre); Ian Torrens (independent consultant); and, Paul Zakkour (Carbon Counts).
Jostein Dahl Karlsen, Chair of the IEA Working Party on Fossil Fuels, supported the project from the
outset, providing access to key data and contacts. Several members of the CIAB provided valuable
content in relation to coal.
Special thanks to Rebecca Gaghen and Muriel Custodio, who were instrumental in bringing this
manuscript to publication. Diana Louis and Nina Dhumal provided general assistance and helped
to prepare the manuscript, which was skilfully edited by Viviane Consoli, Tracey DAfters, Cheryl
Haines, Angela Gosmann and Marilyn Smith. Bertrand Sadin expertly handled the difficult task of
preparing the many figures and diagrams included within these pages. Astrid Dumond managed the
production of this book.
This publication would not have been possible without the generous voluntary contribution from
Norway and in-kind support from Germany.
The individuals and organisations that contributed to this study are not responsible for any
opinions or judgements contained within this publication. Any errors and omissions are solely the
responsibility of the IEA.
Comments and questions are welcome and should be addressed to:
Dr. Keith Burnard
International Energy Agency
9, Rue de la Fdration - 75739 Paris Cedex 15 - France


Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Setting the scene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Global energy demand


Implications of a low-carbon scenario


Classifying resources and reserves

Oil and gas


Resources and reserves

Oil resources and reserves
Conventional oil resources
Unconventional oil resources
Natural gas resources and reserves
Conventional gas resources
Unconventional gas resources
Coal resources and reserves


Recent trends
The impact of declining oilfield production
Upstream oil and gas: volatility in oil price and impact on investments
The impact of policies on oil forecast
Growth of coal consumption in China
The need to manage water production


Recent developments in technology

Innovations in oil and gas exploration and production
Developments in coal mining technology
Gaps in clean energy RD&D funding


Raising recovery efficiency from oilfields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Lifecycle of a petroleum reservoir
Appraisal, planning and construction


Developing new reserves: getting the most for the lowest cost
Making a plan using integrated reservoir modelling
Drilling technology for new reserves and lower costs
Going offshore: developments in subsea wells and facilities


Applying technologies for IOR

IOR techniques and their potential
Improvements in the North Sea and Norwegian Continental Shelf
Experience with 4-D seismic
Potential improvements in recovery in the Middle East


Chapter 3


Using well technology to boost recovery from thin oil rims


Mature reserves: technologies for EOR

The move towards EOR technologies
CO2 injection for EOR


CO2-EOR for greenhouse gas mitigation: a future win-win situation?

Storage aspects
The Weyburn-Midale project
Costs and carbon credits


Being smart with smart fields

Smart field technologies
Smart field collaboration
The advantages of smart field


Importance of future technology RD&D


The growing importance of natural gas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

Natural gas sources and lifecycle aspects

Chapter 4


More natural gas developments


Key element: getting gas to markets


The LNG value chain

Cost of liquefaction
Plans for major liquefaction plants
Cost of shipping
Regasification and storage


Going offshore: floating LNG systems

Offshore liquefaction from concept to operation
Offshore floating regasification and storage units


GTL: an alternative way to bring gas to market

GTL conversion process
Commercial developments


Compressed natural gas for smaller accumulations


Sour gas and contaminated gas resources

Processing sour gas
Sour gas and public safety


NGL: a key contributor to global oil production

Impact on the lifecylce of a gas development
Trends in global NGL production


Trends and challenges of frontier oil and gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123

Main challenges of frontier oil and gas exploration


Potential of deepwater reserves


Developing deepwater reserves: applying new technology



Chapter 5

Evolution of deepwater offshore production surface facilities

Evolution of seabed facilities
Subsea processing
Increase in subsea flowlines
Multiphase flow assurance
Phasing a development and leveraging technology along the way


Technologies for meeting the Arctic challenge

Trends in Arctic frontier exploration and production
Technological challenges for the Arctic
Technological challenges for ice-prone areas
Long-range, multiphase transportation of Arctic wellstreams


Protecting the Arctic environme143

Minimising the environmental footprint
The Endicott Field
The Alpine Oilfield
Challenges to risk and response capabilities
Environmental impact assessment
Approaches to EIA
Going beyond standard practice
Key references for Arctic EIAs
Legal aspects


Future directions


Making light of unconventional oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155

Heavy oil and oil-sands
Upgrading viscous oil
Mining oil-sands
Technologies for in situ production of heavy oil and oil-sands
Environmental issues associated with heavy oil and oil-sands production
Impact on the landscape
Water usage
Bitumen slurry
Greenhouse gases (GHGs)


Steam and hydrogen sources


The future of heavy oil and oil-sands


Kerogen oil


Light tight oil

Extraction of LTO
LTO production
Environmental impact



Chapter 6

Chapter 7


The unconventional gas revolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173

The potential of unconventional gas resources


Tight gas
Extraction of tight gas


Shale gas
Extraction of shale gas
Barnett Shales gas development
Distinctive features of shale gas plays
The economics of shale gas production


Coal-bed methane
Production of CBM


The potential for methane hydrates


Environmental impact
Tight gas and shale gas
Methane hydrates: impact on the environment and climate change


Technology development
Tight gas, shale gas and coal-bed methane
Drilling and stimulation
Gas compression
Methane hydrates: the need for technological innovation


Coal in the 21st century. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201

Types of coal
Coal rank and content
Carbon content
Calorific value (or heat content)
Moisture content
Ash content


Coal classifications


Demand for coal


Classification of traded hard coals

Steam coals
Coking coals
PCI coals


Calculating coal deposits

Global surveys of coal deposits and associated difficulties


Coal extraction
Surface mining
Underground mining
Longwall mining
Room-and-pillar mining




Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Coal use
Coal for electricity generation
Efficiency of electricity generation
Coal-fired plants in China
Coal-fired plants in India
Coal-fired capacity in OECD countries
Technologies to improve efficiency of coal-fired plants
PC combustion
Fluidised bed combustion
Integrated gasification combined cycle


Indirect liquefaction
Direct liquefaction
New technologies for CTL


Environmental impact


Production costs of fossil fuels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225

Factors influencing production costs


Production cost curve for oil


Production cost curve for gas


Production cost curve for coal


Meeting the environmental challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237

Production-related GHG emissions from oil resources
Factors influencing GHG emissions from oil production
Competing fuels
Options for mitigation


Upstream GHG emissions

Comparison of fuel cycle GHG emissions from different liquid fuels
Trends for the future


Impact of carbon pricing


Energy sector methane releases

Anthropogenic hydrocarbon sources of methane emissions
Reducing methane emissions in the oil and gas sectors
Dealing with methane emissions: opportunities and constraints


List of abbrevations, acronyms and units of measure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261


Abbreviations and acronyms


Units of measure


A list of references can be found at the end of each chapter



List of figures
Figure 1.1

Global demand for primary energy to 2035, by scenario


Figure 1.2

World primary energy demand by fuel in the New Policies Scenario, 2010 and 2035 26

Figure 1.3

Natural gas demand by selected region in the New Policies Scenario, 2010 and 2035 27

Figure 1.4

World energy-related CO2 emissions, by scenario


Figure 1.5

Resources classification system


Figure 1.6

Classifications for discovered fields, comparing this publication to the PRMS


Figure 1.7

Regional distribution of crude oil resources, reserves and production in 2012


Figure 1.8

Ultimately recoverable resources of oil in the New Policies Scenario, by region


Figure 1.9

Proven oil (crude and natural gas liquids [NGL]) reserves in the top 15 countries,


Figure 1.10 Conventional and unconventional oil reserves and resources in 2011


Figure 1.11 Distribution of conventional natural gas in 2012


Figure 1.12 Cumulative production, proven reserves and resources for conventional natural gas,
by region
Figure 1.13 Conventional and unconventional natural gas reserves and resources (end-2011)


Figure 1.14 Distribution of hard coal reserves, resources and production, by region


Figure 1.15 Global hard coal resources and reserves, by region


Figure 1.16 Distribution of lignite reserves, resources and production, by region


Figure 1.17 Share of global lignite resources and reserves, by region


Figure 1.18 World liquid supplies, by type, in the New Policies Scenario


Figure 1.19 Average observed decline in oilfield production versus first year of production


Figure 1.20 Annual coal production, by region


Figure 1.21 Comparison of coal consumption in China, Europe and the United States


Figure 1.22 Water use for primary energy production


Figure 2.1

Schematic representation of the lifecycle of a petroleum reservoir


Figure 2.2

Typical traps for oil or gas


Figure 2.3

Improvement in set-up of streamer configurations in marine seismic acquisition


Figure 2.4

Improvement in seismically derived image by wide azimuth data acquisition


Figure 2.5

Multi-layered carbonate integrated reservoir model


Figure 2.6

Results from Haradh field tests


Figure 2.7

Growth in subsea wells


Figure 2.8

Effects from subsea boosting and separation


Figure 2.9

Production trends for the Ekofisk, Varg, Oseberg and Ula fields


Figure 2.10 Application of 4-D seismic in the Gullfaks field


Figure 2.11 Change of drilling location based on 4-D seismic results


Figure 2.12 Evolution of recoverable oil reserves in the Troll field


Figure 2.13 Impact of EOR technology on oil production from the Weyburn field, Canada


Figure 2.14 Common EOR techniques currently in use


Figure 2.15 Effectiveness of different EOR methods




Figure 2.16 Production from EOR in the WEO 2008 Reference Scenario, by country


Figure 2.17 Potential additional recoverable oil resources using CO2-EOR, by region


Figure 2.18 Density and volume occupied by supercritical CO2 at different injection depths


Figure 2.19 Weyburn-Midale CO2 pipeline


Figure 2.20 The Weyburn-Midale CO2-EOR storage project


Figure 2.21 CO2 trapped by different mechanisms


Figure 2.22 Smart fields focus on short-term production and longer-term reservoir


Figure 2.23 Distribution of oil resources and reserves in producing NCS fields


Figure 3.1

Sources of conventional gas


Figure 3.2

Quantity and distance regimes for LNG and pipeline gas transportation


Figure 3.3

LNG and pipeline cost inflation, 200407


Figure 3.4

Natural gas liquefaction capacity in operation and under construction


Figure 3.5

Membrane design LNG ship Puteri Intan


Figure 3.6

Moss design spherical containment LNG ship


Figure 3.7

Liquefaction and regasification capacity in operation,

under construction and planned, 2011


Figure 3.8

The GTL process


Figure 3.9

The Shell middle distillate synthesis process plant at Bintulu, Malaysia


Figure 3.10 Pearl GTL plant product slate


Figure 3.11 CNG versus LNG capital expenditure and energy efficiency


Figure 4.1

Global offshore and deepwater oil production (201015)


Figure 4.2

Global deepwater oil discoveries to end-2006 versus exploration wells


Figure 4.3

Alternative evolving configurations of deepwater subsea oil and gas production


Figure 4.4

Key technological challenges for ultra-deepwater


Figure 4.5

Evolution of surface production facilities with increasing water depth


Figure 4.6

Increase in surface facilities for deepwater production, by type


Figure 4.7

Ormen Lange natural gas field and tieback to Nyhamna onshore facility


Figure 4.8

Current experience in hydrocarbon multiphase flow


Figure 4.9

Facets of the multiphase flow at Ormen Lange


Figure 4.10 Gas hydrates plug in flowline


Figure 4.11 Cold flow principle


Figure 4.12 View from the top


Figure 4.13 Distribution of undiscovered oil accumulations


Figure 4.14 Distribution of undiscovered natural gas resources


Figure 4.15 Ice coverage in the South Barents Sea


Figure 4.16 Ice hazards


Figure 4.17 A gravity-based structure to protect against the ice


Figure 4.18 Distances to shore for long-range transfer of wellstream


Figure 4.19 Layout of the Alpine Oilfield during winter operations and summer close down




Figure 4.20 Arctic field development of the future: zero-surface facilities


Figure 4.21 Examples of EIA approaches for requirements of EIAs


Figure 4.22 Subsea technology enables growth: Roadmap to the subsea factory


Figure 5.1

Past and projected production of oil-sands from Canada, in the New Policies Scenario


Figure 5.2

In situ methods of viscous oil production


Figure 5.3

The SAGD process


Figure 5.4

Oil-sand mining region north of Fort McMurray, Alberta


Figure 5.5

Horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing


Figure 6.1

Annual actual and projected production of unconventional gas

in the United States


Figure 6.2

Horizontal well with multiple hydraulic fractures


Figure 6.3

Barnett Shales gas wells completed and production


Figure 6.4

Production decline rates for Barnett Shales horizontal gas wells


Figure 6.5

Shale gas plays in the United States


Figure 6.6

Existence of methane hydrate as a function of geothermal gradient and

phase boundary


Figure 6.7

Methane hydrates in Arctic and marine environments


Figure 6.8

Global volume distribution of methane hydrates


Figure 6.9

Methane hydrate resource pyramid


Figure 6.10 Schematic of methane displacement by CO2


Figure 7.1

Growth rate in primary energy supply, 200010


Figure 7.2

Typical drag-line surface mining operation


Figure 7.3

Typical underground longwall mining operation


Figure 7.4

Typical underground room-and-pillar mining operation


Figure 7.5

Coal use in different regions in 2010


Figure 7.6

Global incremental growth in power generation between 2000 and 2010


Figure 7.7

Electricity generation from non-fossil fuels, 1990 to 2010


Figure 7.8

Indirect coal liquefaction


Figure 7.9

Direct coal liquefaction


Figure 8.1

UICI and annual inflation rate


Figure 8.2

Upstream oil and gas investment and operating costs, by region


Figure 8.3

Oil production costs for various resource categories


Figure 8.4

Long-term gas supply cost curve


Figure 8.5

Estimated supply cost curve for global hard coal reserves


Figure 9.1

Underground storage options


Figure 9.2

Total WTT GHG emissions from various oil resource categories


Figure 9.3

Total WTW GHG emissions from various oil resource categories



Figure 9.4
Figure 9.5
Figure 9.6
Figure 9.7
Figure 9.8
Figure 9.9
Figure 9.10

Upstream (WTR) GHG emissions per unit of production from industry survey
Energy input in upstream production from industry survey
Oil production (WTT) costs for a carbon price of USD 50/t CO2-eq
Oil production (WTT) costs for a carbon price of USD 150/t CO2-eq
Global anthropogenic methane emissions in 2010
Global methane emissions from oil and natural gas in selected countries
Methane emissions from coal mines in selected countries



List of boxes
Box 1.1
Box 1.2
Box 1.3
Box 1.4

Unconventional oil
Unconventional gas
New SEC reporting rules for reserves
BGR classification of coal reserves and resources


Box 2.1
Box 2.2
Box 2.3
Box 2.4
Box 2.5
Box 2.6
Box 2.7

What exactly is a petroleum reservoir?

A step forward through wide azimuth seismic surveys
Technological breakthrough: water injection in the Ekofisk field
Landscape of EOR techniques
Remaining oil and chemical EOR
The power of market prices


Box 3.1

The technology behind GTL conversion


Box 4.1
Box 4.2
Box 4.3


Box 4.4

Cold flow to prevent hydrate plugging: a potential solution

Arctic technologies: findings of the OG21 Project
Studies undertaken by operators on the Alaska North Slope to safeguard
the environment
IFCs standards for lenders

Box 5.1
Box 5.2

Technologies for in situ production of oil-sands

Steam-assisted gravity drainage


Box 6.1
Box 6.2
Box 6.3
Box 6.4

Success factors in shale gas development

China: a major opportunity for CBM
CO2-enhanced CBM production
Inter-agency activity on gas hydrate research and development
in the United States


Box 9.1
Box 9.2

Commercial CCS projects

Definitions used for the lifecycle assessment of oil production






List of tables
Table 1.1

Production overview, by resource type (mb/d)


Table 2.1
Table 2.2
Table 2.3
Table 2.4

Expected ultimate percentage recovery from Statfjord and Gullfaks fields

Pre-screening criteria for EOR
Estimated incremental production from EOR projects (1 000 b/d), 2007
Weyburn and Midale CO2-EOR operating statistics


Table 4.1

Examples of EIA legislation in Arctic countries


Table 4.2

Issues for EIAs in Arctic regions


Table 4.3

Reference sources for Arctic EIAs


Table 6.1

Ultimately recoverable resources of natural gas in 2011


Table 7.1

Comparison of standard subdivisions and classifications of coal by coal rank


Table 9.1

Production-related WTT GHG emissions, and comparison with total WTW

GHG emissions


Table 9.2

Impact of GHG emissions on production costs (for various carbon prices)


Table 9.3

Oil production, overview by resource type (million barrels per day)




Fossil fuels currently meet 80% of global energy demand. Even if current policy
commitments and pledges made by countries to tackle climate change and other
energy-related challenges were to be put in place, global energy demand in 2035
is projected to rise by 40% with fossil fuels still contributing 75%. Demand
over the coming decades will stem mainly from energy needs of emerging
markets such as China and India. The use of coal, gas and oil to fuel the power,
industry, buildings and transport sectors is set to rise. Although environmental
concerns have led to a significant increase in lower-carbon options, these are
not yet deployed widely enough to meet current or future demand for energy.
Over the past two decades, the global share of power generation from nonfossil sources has decreased from 37% (in 1990) to 33% (in 2010); in contrast,
the share of coal-fired power generation has risen from 37% to 42%. Fossil fuels
will continue to provide the majority of global energy needs for the foreseeable
future, but are there sufficient resources to meet the demand?
Given the major fluctuations witnessed in energy markets in the past seven
years notably the global economic crisis Resources to Reserves 2013 assesses
the availability of fossil fuels and surveys the cutting-edge technologies needed
to find, produce and bring them to the market, while avoiding adverse impacts
on the environment to the greatest extent possible. This new edition also
highlights the need for strategic approaches specific to each fuel type.

Availability of fossil fuels

Fossil fuels are abundant in many regions of the world and they are in sufficient
quantities to meet expected increasing demands. However, most of them are
still classified as resources and not yet as reserves. This distinction is important
as it reflects the likelihood that the fossil fuels will be brought to the market.
Resources are those volumes that have yet to be fully characterised, or that
present technical difficulties or are costly to extract, for example where
technologies that permit their extraction in an environmentally sound and costeffective manner are still to be developed. Reserves are those volumes that are
expected to be produced economically using todays technology; they are often
associated with a project that is already well-defined or ongoing. As the more
accessible, conventional supplies are exhausted, so more technically demanding
resources will need to be exploited.
relies heavily on the application of advanced technological solutions, which is
strongly linked to fuel prices. High fuel prices stimulate the development and
testing of more sophisticated solutions, and result in a growth of reserves.
Exploring and extracting these reserves economically, and in an environmentally
responsible manner, will require investment in new innovative solutions.
Fossil fuels, also collectively known as hydrocarbons, include oil, gas and coal.
Any source of oil and gas that requires production technologies significantly



different from those used to produce from conventional reservoirs is described

as unconventional. A quick summary of known hydrocarbon reserves and
resources demonstrates the potential supply:

Proven reserves of conventional oil are estimated to be around 1.3 trillion

barrels, with remaining recoverable oil resources representing about 2.7 trillion
barrels. Globally, proven reserves have increased modestly since 1990, despite
the growth in consumption. The global reserves-to-production ratio, based on
current consumption levels, is in the range of 40 to 45 years. As resources are
successfully converted into reserves, this period will be extended.

Proven reserves of unconventional oil are around 400 billion barrels (bb), with
estimated recoverable resources of 3.2 trillion barrels.

Proven reserves of conventional gas are estimated at around 220 trillion cubic
metres (tcm) the equivalent of around 1.4 trillion barrels of oil with remaining
recoverable resources of 460 tcm.

Proven reserves of unconventional gas, because of the heterogeneity of the

rock formations, are very difficult to assess. Remaining recoverable resources
(excluding methane hydrates) are estimated at 330 tcm.

Reserves of coal are high, with proven reserves of hard coal estimated at
730 gigatonnes (Gt) (approximately 3.6 trillion barrels of oil equivalent [boe])
and proven reserves of lignite estimated at 280 Gt (approximately 0.7 trillion
boe). Remaining recoverable resources of hard coal and lignite are estimated at
around 18 and 4 trillion tonnes, respectively.
Developing various fossil fuel reserves is highly complex. As a means of
assessing potential profitability, producers start by estimating the relative
cost of development and the carbon intensity (the amount of carbon dioxide
[CO2] emitted for each unit of energy produced) of the fuel to be produced.
Conventional natural gas typically has the lowest cost per energy unit and the
lowest carbon intensity. All unconventional gas developments generally have
low carbon intensity and diverge mainly in the cost of development. By contrast,
unconventional oil developments (such as from bitumen, coal gasification and oil
shales) are more expensive to produce and have higher carbon intensities. Coal
has the highest carbon intensity of the fossil fuels.
As this edition of Resources to Reserves illustrates, the current increase in fossil
fuel supply over recent years has been made possible thanks to impressive
advances in technology. Future supply will require even more demanding
technological innovations that can increase production in existing and new
sources while also responding appropriately to relevant environmental challenges.

Using advanced technology to move from resources

to reserves
Resources to Reserves 2013 provides an overview of the new technological
developments and discusses the potential next steps for each fuel type.



Conventional oil and gas

There are various examples where technological developments have made it
possible to extend oil production from a field over a much longer time than
was initially foreseen. Securing future oil production will require greater output
from brown fields (fields already in production) by employing improved and
enhanced oil recovery (EOR) techniques. At the end of their anticipated lifecycle,
most fields still contain significant volumes of oil. Technological advancements
mean that a larger fraction of these volumes could be brought to the surface. For
example, on average about 50% of the original oil-in-place volumes in reservoirs
could be recovered by using the latest cutting-edge technology.
Even a 1% increase in the average recovery factor could add more than 80 bb,
or 6%, to global proven oil reserves. Over the last 20 years, the average recovery
factor from the Norwegian Continental Shelf has seen a significant shift from
34% to around 46% today. This has largely been driven by technology with
contributions from horizontal/multilateral drilling, improved seismic acquisition,
four-dimensional seismic techniques and improved subsea facilities. With the
recent accelerated developments in smart fields (fields that use a whole range
of technological solutions), even higher recovery rates could be achieved. If the
shift seen in Norway were to be achieved in all the basins of the world, it would
double current proven reserves. A similar additional shift could be achieved by
adopting EOR techniques on a much wider scale. Currently, there is a significant
increase in the number of EOR pilot tests, especially those using chemical
methods and CO2 injection. Examples may be found around the world, from
China, Russia, the Middle East and North America to Argentina. In spite of these
efforts, the maturing of existing projects and the complexity of implementing
EOR technologies will lead to decreased production levels in non-Organization
of the Petroleum Exporting countries (OPEC) countries, with a corresponding
increase in production of conventional oil from OPEC countries.
Natural gas is set to play an increasing role in meeting the global demand for
energy, especially in power generation and heating. Whereas a few decades
ago gas was often stranded (too remote to be financially viable to transport to
market) and an unwanted by-product of oil production, many such gas projects
are now being actively pursued. More often than not, the principal challenge in
the past was in bringing the gas to market. However, today, liquefied natural
gas (LNG) provides a cost-effective solution in many cases. Liquefying natural
gas, shipping it in ever larger carriers and using regasification at an increasing
number of locations close to the end-user is making it more financially viable
to transport gas to market. Qatar and Iran in the Middle East, in particular, have
seen a significant increase in capacity. Recent new technological developments
are towards offshore floating LNG options (liquefaction on a boat), with the first
to be built in the sea north-west of Australia. In Qatar, the first large-scale gasto-liquids plant is already under construction.
The frontier locations for conventional hydrocarbons are now in ultra-deepwater
and in the Arctic. Adding to the complexity of exploration and production in
these locations is the imperative to do no harm to the pristine and sensitive
environments. In these often remote locations, operations such as subsea



processing and compression are required to allow transfer by pipeline to distant

facilities. Important growth regions in deepwater exploration and production are
Brazil and West Africa. Many of the technologies developed for deep water could
eventually be used in Arctic regions. Additional challenges in the Arctic include
protecting facilities from ice-related dangers and extending the drilling season.
In future, technologies that enable very long tie-backs from field to coastal
collection points could make it more viable for other developments to proceed.
Technology is continuing to evolve at a rapid pace. Current developments,
concentrated around the Barents Sea and the North Slope of Alaska, are outlined
in this edition.

Unconventional oil and gas

The global potential for unconventional oil is high. Though the resources and
reserves base is similar to that for conventional oil, there are potentially more
resources awaiting technological solutions. The worlds extra-heavy and oil-sands
resources are largely concentrated in Canada and Venezuela. Mining operations
to develop the shallow reserves are seeing a significant increase. Many of the
deeper deposits are developed by using steam to reduce viscosity. Because
of the energy intensity of these projects and the associated carbon footprint,
many such developments now have to contain solutions for carbon capture and
storage (CCS), i.e. processes by which CO2 is captured at the emission source and
then, usually, injected into underground sites for long-term, geological storage.
Unconventional gas tight gas, shale gas and coal-bed methane has seen
substantial growth in the United States and Canada, driven mainly by the need to
minimise reliance on imported fuel. Technology has been central to this growth.
Driving vertical and horizontal wells, and creating hydraulically generated
fractures to maximise and steer the flow of gas, has brought dividends. However,
the financial viability of these developments remains very sensitive to the local
gas price. Further cost reductions are possible through improved drilling and
completion techniques, as well as enhanced understanding of the basic flow
phenomena in stress-sensitive reservoirs. There is an enormous opportunity to
export the experience and learning gained to other parts of the world where the
exploration of such resources is still in its infancy.
With the increasing demand for natural gas, prospects are being explored
for sour gas (gas contaminated with CO2 or hydrogen sulphide). Key to such
developments is the ability to separate out the contaminants and dispose of
them in an environmentally friendly manner. The Middle East, Kazakhstan and
South-East Asia have substantial volumes of such resources under consideration
for development.
Methane hydrates offer a potentially enormous source of methane gas and
are thought to be the most abundant source of hydrocarbon gas on earth.
However, the technical challenges in accessing this resource in a cost-effective
and environmentally acceptable manner are still being addressed. Significant
production in the short to medium term is not anticipated and therefore global
forecasts do not generally include production of methane from this source.



Coal production has seen a steep increase in the last decade, with projections
pointing to a continued rise for the next decade. These increases are driven
mainly by economic growth in emerging economies, particularly in China
and India. Environmental imperatives demand that, in the longer term, CO2
emissions from the use of fossil fuels must decline; this is particularly the case
for coal, the most carbon-intensive of the fossil fuels. If the environmental issues
can be resolved, there are sufficient coal resources to satisfy expected demand
for many more decades. Reducing emissions from coal could be achieved by:

developing technologies to improve the efficiency of coal use;

using CCS.
The greater the effectiveness of these two options, the less will be the emphasis
on switching to lower-carbon alternatives.
Moving towards ever thinner, deeper and less uniform coal seams poses a number
of challenges for mining, all of which are likely to lead to an increase in the cost of
production. Alternatively, it may trigger a move to exploit the abundant reserves
of shallower but lower-quality coal. Technology is constantly being improved,
offering opportunities for those with state-of-the-art mining techniques to
export them to regions where such techniques have yet to be deployed.
Future improvements, for example, may come from the further development of
underground coal gasification, in which coal is gasified in situ to generate power,
or from generation using advanced technologies. Advanced ultra-supercritical
steam cycles and integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) technology
with state-of-the-art gas turbines are currently being developed. Further
development of more cost-effective, energy-efficient CCS technologies will be
essential to the future use of coal.

Mitigating the environmental impact

The future use of all fossil fuels is increasingly determined by political debates
and governmental regulations reflecting concerns about local environments
and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, particularly CO2. The year-on-year rise in
anthropogenic GHG emissions is a matter of global concern. Reducing them
can only be achieved by switching to lower-carbon fuels, better management of
GHG emissions, and more efficient production and consumption of fossil fuels
all of which become more effective with the development and application of
improved technology.
While much emphasis is placed on switching from fossil fuels to non-fossil or
renewable energy sources, as this edition of Resources to Reserves highlights,
both technological improvements and fuel switching among fossil fuels also
has significant potential to reduce GHG emissions. For example, while power
generated from coal globally releases more than 1 000 grams of CO2 per kilowatt
hour (gCO2/kWh), a state-of-the-art coal-fired generation plant releases around



740 gCO2/kWh. So, there is much potential to reduce emissions simply by

deploying more efficient technology. If a coal-fired generation unit were to be
replaced by a state-of-the-art unit firing natural gas, emissions could be reduced
even further, to 370 gCO2/kWh. This potential to substantially reduce CO2
emissions reflects both the higher heat content of gas and the higher efficiency
of the gas-fired power generation process. Though the choice of fuel is largely
determined by resource availability and cost, environmental factors now play an
increasingly important role.
While the continued use of fossil fuels will inevitably produce CO2 emissions,
new technologies make it possible to limit their release into the atmosphere.
CCS is now being piloted and demonstrated in various parts of the world. At
present, saline aquifers, which are abundant in many parts of the world and
potentially offer large storage volumes, are considered as the storage sites likely
to dominate in the long term. Current technologies for storage in saline aquifers
need further improvement, especially for long-term monitoring, understanding
gas flow in aquifers and for evaluating the potential for leakage through
overlying rock and fault systems.
In the long term, incentives for emissions reduction, such as carbon pricing
schemes, could provide an essential stimulus to encourage CO2 storage. Further
efforts to resolve remaining issues associated with monitoring and long-term
liability will also be needed. Carbon pricing will, of course, drive up the cost of
producing fossil fuels. Some implications of carbon pricing assumptions are
addressed in this edition.
In the Weyburn oilfield (Canada), CO2 is being injected to enhance oil recovery
while, at the same time, the oilfield is being monitored to assess the amount
of CO2 stored. In oilfield operations, the more energy-intensive oil recovery
methods, e.g. steam injection for recovery of heavy oil and bitumen, may in
future need to incorporate CCS. Another option is to store CO2 in coal beds to
prompt the release of methane. Some scientists suggest that such a process
could eventually be used to release methane from methane hydrates, with some
initial, small-scale trials having been successfully completed.
As releasing methane into the atmosphere is potentially much more harmful
than releasing CO2, methane released during exploration and production is often
flared (methane is burnt on site to convert it to CO2), particularly at oil drilling
sites. However, priority should be given during exploration and production to
using the gas rather than flaring it. For example, the gas may be reinjected back
into an oil reservoir to maintain pressure for subsequent oil recovery, used to
supplement local heat or power requirements, or transported for use elsewhere
(if commercially viable). Such initiatives are under way in many parts of the world.

Key conclusions and recommendations

Fossil fuels dominate world primary energy supply. Resources are in place for
this to continue well into the 21st century. Societal implications, particularly the
demand for an environmentally sustainable, low-carbon future, will be pivotal



to their continued use. Advances in technology will be absolutely essential to

ensure that the use of fossil fuels remains affordable and clean.
In some regions, innovative technological solutions have led to a sizable increase
in reserves. There is a significant opportunity to pursue a wider application of
these state-of-the-art solutions by teaching others, learning from others and
demonstrating rigour in their deployment. Innovation can often be found by
applying existing technology to a new environment.
Flexibility in the use of fossil fuels can offset some of the environmental
challenges. For example, switching from coal to gas for power generation or
using high-carbon fuels for situations in which decarbonisation and integration
with renewable fuels is possible without losing efficiency.
Resources of fossil fuels are available to meet the increasing energy demand; that
much is clear. The emphasis now is on the technology, prices and policies that
will ensure it is financially viable to develop the worlds resources into proven
reserves. Technology has developed by leaps and bounds since the last edition
of Resources to Reserves was published, but a concerted effort in research and
development (R&D) is still needed to go forward. Large-scale investment over
the coming decades will be vital to this effort. Public policy will play a key role
in providing the measures and incentives for industry to make the necessary

Radical and co-ordinated policy action across all regions will be needed to
support ongoing exploitation of fossil fuels, while addressing successfully the
environmental, economic and technical challenges that arise. In particular, the
carbon intensity of supply chains and subsequent use of oil, gas and coal must
Strong governance, with policies and legislation directed at reducing GHG
emissions from the exploration, production and transport of fossil fuels, will
be essential to guide the development of more complex technologies. This will
be particularly important to ensure that operations in pristine and sensitive
environments are completed without long-term environmental damage.
Continued use of fossil fuels will, of course, lead to emissions of GHGs. In this
regard, governments must take steps to stimulate improvements in equipment in
the power and end-use sectors. Efforts can be directed, for example, to increasing
the fuel efficiency of vehicles, developing less carbon-intensive industrial
processes, and improving the efficiency of power generation technologies. Policy
also plays an important role in supporting the spread of best practice.
For deep cuts in emissions from the industry and power sectors, CCS is
essential (particularly at large point sources). Policy measures to accelerate the
development of CCS, to reduce its capital and operating costs, and to create
an enabling regulatory environment are all necessary. Desirable, predictable
incentives must be provided if the widespread deployment of CCS is to become
a long-term reality.



Chapter 1 Setting the scene

Oil, gas and coal have fuelled economic development around the globe for over a
century. However, the extent of the worlds hydrocarbon resources and reserves
has sparked much public debate over the last decade. For example, there are
widespread concerns that the worlds oil resources will soon decline to a level
where supply will become limited and unable to keep pace with increasing
demand. In terms of quantities, the total amount of fossil fuels held in the Earths
subsurface is certainly finite.

Global energy demand

Studies on the future of world energy supplies point to the continuing
dominance of fossil fuels well into this century. In the World Energy Outlook
2012 (IEA, 2012), the International Energy Agency presented three scenarios
with energy projections to 2035: the Current Policies Scenario, the New Policies
Scenario and the 450 Scenario.

Current Policies Scenario assumes no change in government policies and

measures, i.e. the business-as-usual scenario;

New Policies Scenario assumes new measures have been introduced to

implement broad policy commitments, including national pledges to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) and, in some countries, plans to phase out
fossil fuel energy subsidies;

450 Scenario aimed at limiting the increase in the future global temperature to
2 degrees Celsius (C), which assumes that GHG concentrations can be stabilised
in the atmosphere at a level of 450 parts-per-million carbon dioxide-equivalent
(ppm CO2-eq).
Global energy demand is projected to rise under all three scenarios to 2035
(Figure 1.1) though, under the 450 Scenario, the demand for global primary
energy would increase more slowly, reaching 14 870 million tonnes of oilequivalent (Mtoe), which is only some 20% above the current level. Despite a
sharp drop in 2009, a direct result of the global economic crisis, demand for
energy will continue to increase, averaging a projected 1.76% in the Current
Policies Scenarios and 1.10% per year in the 450 Scenario from 2010-20.
Even in the New Policies Scenario, fossil fuels remain the dominant contributor
to the growth in energy demand, providing approximately 59% of incremental
demand during the period (Figure 1.2). However, their share of global energy
demand diminishes slightly from 81% to 75%. Oil remains the single largest fuel,
though its share of the total falls from 32% to 27%. Gas shows the largest rise,
increasing by about 50%.




Figure 1.1 Global demand for primary energy to 2035, by scenario

20 000
18 000
16 000
14 000
12 000
10 000
8 000
6 000
4 000
2 000






450 Scenario

New Policies Scenario

Current Policies Scenario

2030 2035

Source: IEA, 2012.


Figure 1.2 World primary energy demand by fuel in the New Policies
Scenario, 2010 and 2035
5 000
4 000
3 000
2 000
1 000






Source: IEA, 2012.

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) non-member

country regions generate the bulk of the increase in global demand for all primary
energy sources. They are responsible for the entire net increase in coal demand to
2035. Although the share of coal in Chinas energy mix continues to decline, coal
still meets more than one-half of its energy requirements in 2035. Driven by policies
to limit or reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, coal use falls sharply in each
of the OECD member country regions, particularly after 2020. By 2035, member
countries will consume 22% less coal than is currently the case.
The demand for oil from 2011 to 2035 increases the most in China (6.1 million
barrels per day [mb/d]), followed by India (4.1 mb/d) and the Middle East (2.7 mb/d).
Such increased demand is a consequence of rapid economic growth and, in the
case of the Middle East, the continuation of subsidies on oil products. By 2030,



China overtakes the United States to become the largest oil consumer in the
world. Having reached a peak of 46 mb/d in 2005, oil demand in OECD countries
continues to decline dropping to 33 mb/d in 2035. This decrease in oil demand is
largely due to efficiency gains in the transport sector and continued switching
away from oil in other sectors.
Unlike demand for the other fossil fuels to 2035, demand for natural gas increases
in OECD countries, where it remains the leading fuel for power generation and an
important fuel in the industrial, services and residential sectors. China and India
account for one-third of the incremental demand, as gas use increases rapidly
in the power sector and in industry. The Middle East, which holds a considerable
share of the worlds proven natural gas reserves, is responsible for one-sixth of
the global increase in gas consumption (Figure 1.3).


Figure 1.3 Natural gas demand by selected region in the New Policies Scenario,
2010 and 2035






% = compound average
annual growth rate 2010-35









Demand growth 2010-20





Demand growth 2021-35

Note: bcm = billion cubic metres.

Source: IEA, 2012.

Implications of a low-carbon scenario

A degree of consensus is evident among climate experts that anthropogenic
GHG emissions produced, for example, from the burning of fossil fuels, are
primarily responsible for global warming. As a response, global leaders have
indicated the desirability to limit the global temperature increase to 2C. To
achieve this, the concentration of GHGs in the atmosphere would need to be
stabilised at a level around 450 ppm CO2-eq. The World Energy Outlook 2012
investigates how, despite increasing challenges, the objective for a maximum
2C temperature rise can be achieved in its 450 Scenario through radical and
co-ordinated policy action across all regions.



Reducing CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere may be achieved in large part

by reducing emissions of CO2. The New Policies Scenario predicts that global
CO2 emissions will rise to a level of 36 gigatonnes (Gt) per year by 2035.
In the 450 Scenario, total energy demand in 2035 is approximately 12% lower
than that in the New Policies Scenario, but still above 2011 levels. Crude oil
demand in 2035 is about 21% lower than in the New Policies Scenario and,
compared to 2009, about 8% lower. Energy-related CO2 emissions in the 450
Scenario peak at 32.7 Gt just before 2020 and decline thereafter to 23 Gt by 2035,
taking them significantly below the 2010 level of 29.4 Gt. A 2C scenario presents
an extremely demanding challenge (Figure 1.4).
The key steps to reducing the bulk of GHG emissions include: improving
end-use energy efficiency; decarbonising the power and transportation
sectors through improved efficiency and fuel switching; using alternative
sustainable energy sources; and by deploying on a large-scale carbon capture
and storage.


Figure 1.4 World energy-related CO2 emissions, by scenario




New Policies





6 Gt


15 Gt

450 Scenario



Current Policies


2030 2035


Source: IEA, 2012.

Classifying resources and reserves

Fossil fuels have had and continue to have a dominant role in fuelling the
worlds economy. But for how much longer? This has been a recurring question
in public debate over recent years. Remaining resources and reserves of fossil
fuels are finite. Some resources have yet to be found. There is considerable
uncertainty about the magnitude of undiscovered resources. Essential to the
debate on resources and reserves, of course, is a clear understanding of the



Oil and gas

Before classifying resources and reserves, it is essential to understand the
difference between conventional and unconventional hydrocarbons (Box 1.1
and Box 1.2). There is no universally agreed definition of what is meant by
conventional oil or gas as opposed to unconventional hydrocarbons. Generally
speaking, any source of hydrocarbons that requires production technologies
significantly different from those used in currently exploited reservoirs is
described as unconventional. However, this is clearly an imprecise and timedependent definition. In the longer term, unconventional oil and gas may well
become the norm rather than the exception.

Box 1.1 Unconventional oil

Unconventional oil, as defined by the International Energy Agency (IEA), includes the following

kerogen shale, also referred to as oil shale, generally refers to any sedimentary rock that
contains kerogen, from which oil (or kerogen oil) may be produced by heating the kerogen;

oil sands contain a dense and extremely viscous form of petroleum, technically referred to
as bitumen;

light tight oil (LTO) refers to light crude oil trapped in low permeability, low porosity shale,
limestone and sandstone formations;

oil derived from coal-to-liquids (CTL) technologies and oil derived from gas-to-liquids (GTL)

various technologies may be used to convert biomass-to-liquids.

Some experts, however, use a definition based on oil density, or API* gravity. For example, all
oils with API gravity below 20, i.e. density greater than 0.934 grams per cubic centimetre, are
considered to be unconventional. This includes heavy oils, bitumen and tar deposits. While
this classification has the merit of precision, it does not always reflect technologies used for
production. For example, some oils with 20API gravity located in deep offshore reservoirs in
Brazil are extracted by using entirely conventional techniques.
Other experts focus on the viscosity of the oil. They regard as conventional any oil that
can flow at reservoir temperature and pressure without recourse to viscosity-reduction
technology. But such oils may still need special processing at the surface if they are too
viscous to flow at surface conditions.
Another approach, used notably by the United States Geological Survey, is to describe oil or
gas according to the geological setting of the reservoir. The hydrocarbon is conventional if
the reservoir sits above water or water-bearing sediments and if it is relatively localised. If
neither is the case, the hydrocarbon is unconventional. This type of definition has a sound
geological basis, but does not always connect with the technologies required for production,
which are a point of interest in this study.
* API gravity (American Petroleum Institute) is a measure of the density of oil. The API gravity scale is calibrated such
that most crude oils as well as distillate fuels will have API gravities between 10 and 70 API gravity degrees. The lower
the number, the heavier and the more viscous the oil is.



Box 1.2 Unconventional gas

Definitions for unconventional are equally imprecise for gas as they are for oil. Generally,
the industry classifies as unconventional the gas that is found in unusual types of reservoir.
The IEA divides unconventional gas into four broad categories:

tight gas is natural gas trapped in extremely low-permeable and low-porous rock, sandstone
or limestone formations. Such gas may contain condensates;

shale gas is natural gas contained in organic-rich strata dominated by shale. Because of the
types of reservoir, it is sometimes considered a sub-category of tight gas;

coal-bed methane (CBM) is methane adsorbed on to the surface of coal within coal seams;

methane hydrates are made up of methane molecules trapped in a solid lattice of water
molecules under specific conditions of temperature and pressure.

CBM has an unambiguous definition and there is a continuum between conventional and
tight reservoirs, without any sharp transition. While stimulation techniques are used in
the production of tight gas and shale gas, they are also frequently used for conventional
The characteristics of methane hydrates are different from the other three and its potential
lies in a longer-term time horizon.
Lean gas and sour gas may also be described as unconventional, i.e. gas contained in
conventional gas reservoirs, but with a high concentration of impurities (nitrogen and CO2
for lean gas, hydrogen sulphide [H2 S] for sour gas). The presence of such impurities negatively
impacts the economics of production.

The definitions of resources and reserves often lend themselves to a degree of

confusion. Different classification systems have existed in different parts of the
world. The amount of fossil hydrocarbon resources (or hydrocarbons in place) can
be categorised according to the degree of certainty that they exist and, in most
cases, by the likelihood that they can be extracted profitably. Some international
efforts have been made to harmonise approaches to classifying reserves. A joint
publication of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), the World Petroleum
Council, the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) and the
Society of Petroleum Evaluation Engineers (SPEE), published in 2007, contained
guidelines on the definition and classification of resources, called the Petroleum
Resources Management System (PRMS).1 This system is compatible with the
2004 UN Framework Classification for Fossil Energy and Mineral Resources
(UNFC), developed by the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). The
PRMS classifies resources and reserves according to the level of certainty about
recoverable volumes and the likelihood that they can be exploited profitably. The
classification applies to both conventional and unconventional resources.




The PRMS resources classification system is represented in Figure 1.5. The system
classifies the major recoverable resources as follows: production, reserves,
contingent resources and prospective resources, as well as unrecoverable
The range of uncertainty reflects the estimated quantity that is potentially
recoverable from an accumulation by a project. The vertical axis represents
the chance of commerciality, which is the chance that the project will be
developed and reach commercial producing status.

Figure 1.5 Resources classification system












Increasing chance of commerciality


Discovered PIIP

Undiscovered PIIP

Total PIIP


Range of uncertainty

Notes: PIIP = petroleum initially in place; the relative proportions of the various parts of this chart are not to scale. Reserves
are designated as 1P (Proved), 2P (Proved + Probable), and 3P (Proved + Probable + Possible); the equivalent categories for
contingent resources are 1C, 2C, and 3C.
Source: SPE, 2007.

To be classified as reserves, a deposit must be sufficiently defined to establish

its commercial viability. There must be a reasonable expectation that all required
internal and external approvals will be forthcoming. Evidence of the firm intention
to proceed with development within a reasonable time frame is required.
Contingent resources are volumes that could become reserves but for which
exploitation is not yet properly defined and approved, or essential technology
developments are not yet completed. The price of oil or gas is a key parameter
for assessing the possible profitability of a potential project.



The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which imposes standards

for reporting oil and natural gas reserves for companies quoted on US stock
exchanges, adopted revisions to its rules (Box 1.3).

Box 1.3 New SEC reporting rules for reserves

The revisions aligned and incorporated many of the definitions in the SPE PRMS (SEC, 2008).
The revised rules came into effect on 1 January 2010.
While significant changes have taken place in the oil and gas industry since the original
reporting requirements were adopted more than 25 years ago, the SEC proposal now allows
for the following:

The use of new technologies to determine which reserves may be classified as proven, if
those technologies have been demonstrated empirically to lead to reliable conclusions about
volumes of the reserves.

Companies to disclose their probable and possible reserves to investors. Previous rules
limited disclosure to proven reserves only.

Previously excluded resources, such as mineable oil-sands, to be classified as oil and gas
reserves. Previously these resources were considered to be mining reserves.

The IEA uses a related set of definitions:

Reserves. They are generally defined as the portion of energy resources that can
be recovered economically by using current technologies and for which a project
has been defined. The amount of reserves depends on two factors that are
key to defining a project: current hydrocarbon price and available technology.
Reserves are further categorised as proven, probable or possible, depending on
the degree of certainty. For many years, the SEC only allowed the disclosure of
proven reserves (Box 1.3). However, new rules came into effect at the beginning
of 2010 that give more credit to better information provided by technological
developments. Note that many operating companies already report proven
reserves below the mean expected value (i.e. proven + probable, or 2P). The
PRMS promotes consistent reporting, including reports of SEC reserves as well
as reports from companies not listed on the US stock exchange, which is the
majority of companies with resources.
Estimates of reserves in each category can change as the underlying assumptions
are modified or new information becomes available. For example, as the oil price
rises, some resources that were previously classified as non-commercial may
become profitable and could be moved into the possible, probable or proven (3P)
reserves category upon definition of a suitable project.

Remaining recoverable resources. Refers to the volume of remaining

hydrocarbons that could still be produced. The part of remaining recoverable
resources beyond volumes already identified as reserves are referred to as other



remaining recoverable resources. These latter resources consist of volumes that

are not financially viable to recover for a number of reasons. Such reasons could
include: the oil price; lack of available technology; or resources that are based
on geological research but are yet to be discovered. They are equivalent to the
contingent resources plus possible/probable reserves in the PRMS definition.
Ultimately recoverable resources. In a given reservoir, they are the latest
estimates of the total volume of hydrocarbons that are judged to be ultimately
producible for commercial purposes. In other words, the sum total of the
amounts extracted plus remaining recoverable resources.

The relation between the classification used by the IEA and those from the PRMS
are illustrated in Figure 1.6.

Figure 1.6 Classifications for discovered fields, comparing this publication to the

Other remaining
recoverable resources



Proven reserves


Proven reserves
Possible/probable reserves



Discovered PIIP

Ultimately recoverable resources

recoverable resources Produced

Oil/gas initially in place

Classification used in this publication

Contingent resources


Courtesy of W. Schulte.

Unlike either the SEC or the IEA, the classification of reserves used in Russia
is based solely on an analysis of the geology and does not include economic
assumptions associated with extraction. Generally, the Russian system classifies
oil and gas deposits as reserves if the deposits are technically recoverable with
available technology, even if their recovery is uneconomic. Although international
standards are increasingly being adopted, the Russian classification is still used in
many contexts and, therefore, remains particularly relevant to practitioners.

Two principal institutions that regularly publish data on global coal reserves and
resources are the World Energy Council (WEC) and Germanys Federal Institute
for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR). On the occasion of the World
Energy Congress, the WEC publishes a Survey of Energy Resources every three
years, most recently in 2010 (WEC, 2010). The survey provides a comprehensive



examination of energy resources, covering production, consumption as well as

quantities available. The WEC obtains most of its data from its members. BGR
publishes annual studies on reserves, resources and the availability of energy
raw materials worldwide (BGR, 2011). BGR also maintains country-specific data
on reserves, resources, production and consumption of non-renewable energy
sources (oil, gas, coal and nuclear fuels).
Other organisations, including the United States Energy Information
Administration, the IEA, BP and the RWE Group tend to use either WEC or BGR
sources as a basis for total hard coal and lignite reserves.
International surveys of global coal reserves and resources collate data by
requesting reserves and resources from various associations, geological services,
ministries or coal producers. As almost every country has its own classification
system, cross-border comparisons of the quantities of reserves and resources
are rarely possible.
The BGR classification is often used when classifying coal reserves and resources
(Box 1.4). However, there is no internationally recognised and uniform procedure
for recording, classifying and designating coal deposits. Reasons for the lack of
uniformity are largely historic. In many regions, classification was introduced
to provide an overview of potential deposits to inform the mining industry
(Fettweis, Kelter and Nstaller, 1999). In the West, though mining companies
were the major stakeholders, classification was also developed to inform
investors and banks involved in financing mining projects (Akin, 1997). Much
of Eastern Europe was consistent in the particular classification applied there.
Attempts have been made over many years to resolve this lack of uniformity.
The UNFC launched in 1997, and updated in 1999 during a discussion with the
Council of Mining and Metallurgical Institutions, has been adopted in important
mining countries such as China (Bucci et al., 2006) and Indonesia (Ersoy, 2003).

Box 1.4 BGR classification of coal reserves and resources

Coal can be subdivided into soft brown coals (lignite) and hard coals (bituminous and
sub-bituminous coals). Hard coals are all coals with a heat content of >16.5 megajoules
per kilogram and are essentially those suitable for world trade. Soft brown coals are those
with high moisture and lower energy content, which are usually converted into electricity at
source. There are differences in categorising coal, depending on the country, and therefore
also in differentiating between hard coals and lignites.
The following are definitions for coal reserves, resources and total resources, based on the
BGR classification:


Reserves. Refer to the amount of known or proven coal resources that can be recovered
economically by using available technology. The reserve figures depend on the price of coal
as well as on technological progress. The following expressions are widely used as synonyms
for the term reserves: recoverable reserves and proven recoverable reserves.

Resources. Refer to the amount of coal resources in place that are either: i) proven but not
economically recoverable; or ii) based on geological research but as yet not discovered.


Note that the reserves are not included in the resources. (The WEC refers to these resources as
the estimated additional amount in place and does not include speculative amounts, leading
to substantially different values.)

Total resources. Refer to the sum total of reserves plus resources.

Resources are in situ remaining quantities that take no account of losses due to a lack of
mining technology needed to develop the resources.
Note that the definition of resources for coal is different from the definition of resources for
oil and gas, which includes produced volumes and reserves substantiated by using further
classifications such as remaining recoverable and ultimately recoverable.

Resources and reserves

Estimates of the global total endowment of economically exploitable fossil fuels
and renewable energy resources indicate that they are more than sufficient to
meet the projected increase in consumption to 2035. There is, however, some
uncertainty about whether energy projects will be developed quickly enough to
bring these resources to market in a timely manner. Many factors could prevent
investment such as: uncertainty about the economic outlook; developments
in climate change and other environmental policies; depletion policies in key
producing regions; changes to legal, fiscal and regulatory regimes; and delays in
infrastructure and shipping capacity.

Oil resources and reserves

Various estimates of remaining economically recoverable reserves of global
oil do not vary greatly, despite differences in the way they are reported.
Most estimates of current proven reserves of crude oil amounted to almost
1 700 billion barrels (bb) at the end of 2011. Globally, proven reserves have
increased steadily since 1990, despite increasing demand. One of the major
changes in recent years has seen Venezuela become the leading country for
proven reserves, having overtaken Saudi Arabia in 2010. Following the most recent
assessment of its Orinoco belt, Venezuelas proven oil reserves jumped from
99 bb to 291 bb. On a regional level, the largest conventional resources are
located in the Middle East and Russia (Figure 1.7).



Given current levels of production, the global reserves-to-production ratio (R/P)2

is currently estimated to be 68 years (based on 2011 estimates). However, this
value depends on the source and whether unconventional resources are included
(O&GJ, 2009).

Figure 1.7 Regional distribution of crude oil resources, reserves and

production in 2012



25 64
77 13





35 109




Cumulative production end-2011:

Proven reserves end-2011:
Other remaining recoverable resources - conventional oil:
Other remaining recoverable resources - unconventional oil:





1 214 bb
1 694 bb
1 396 bb
2 781 bb

This map is without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries,
and to the name of any territory, city or area.

Source: IEA, 2012.

The Middle East holds the largest proven conventional oil reserves and other
remaining recoverable resources, followed by Eurasia and Africa (Figure 1.8).
A closer look at the proven oil reserves (conventional and unconventional) on
a country-to-country basis shows that Venezuela overtook Saudi Arabia as the
country with the largest proven oil reserve, followed by Canada and Iran (Figure
1.9). Following the new reserves added in 2011, Venezuela has risen in ranking
from fourth in 2009 to first place with an R/P ratio beyond 250 years.

2. R/P ratios are commonly used in the oil and gas industry as indicators of production potential. However, the ratios do not imply
continuous output for a certain number of years, nor that oil production will stop at the end of the period. They can fluctuate
over time as new discoveries are made, reserves at existing fields are reappraised and technology and production rates change.



Figure 1.8 Ultimately recoverable resources of oil in the New Policies Scenario,
by region
-2 000

-1 000

1 000

2 000

3 000

4 000

5 000

- 400



1 200

1 600

2 000

6 000

OECD Europe
Asia Pacific
Latin America
North America
E. Europe/Eurasia
Middle East
- 800

Cumulative production:
Proven reserves end-2011

Other potentially recoverable volumes:

Conventional oil
Extra-heavy oil and bitumen
Kerogen oil

Source: IEA, 2012.

Figure 1.9 Proven oil (crude and natural gas liquids [NGL]) reserves
in the top 15 countries, end-2011













United States
United Arab Emirates
Saudi Arabia

NGL = natural gas liquids.
Source: IEA, 2012.

2 400

Proven reserves

R/P ratio (top axis)



The volume of oil discovered every year has been higher, on average, since 2000
than in the 1990s, thanks to increased exploration activity and improvements
in technology. However, despite some significant recent finds, such as in deep
water offshore Brazil, the volume of oil in new discoveries has fallen well below
the volume of oil produced in recent years.
Discoveries dropped from an average of 56 billion barrels per year (bb/yr) in the
1960s to 13 bb/yr in the 1990s. The number of discoveries peaked in the 1980s,
but fell sharply in the 1990s. This sharp decline was largely the result of less
exploration in regions with the largest reserves where access by international
companies is most difficult. A drop in the average size of discovered fields was
also a contributing factor. The downward trend in the volume of oil discovered
reversed slightly in 2000-09, thanks to increased exploration activity (with
higher oil prices). Since 2000, an average 14 bb/yr has been discovered.
Conventional oil resources
Ultimately recoverable conventional oil resources are estimated at 3.1 trillion
barrels. This figure includes: initial, proven and probable reserves from discovered
fields; increases in reserves; and oil that has yet to be found. Until now, only
one-third of this total, or 1.2 trillion barrels, has been produced. Undiscovered
resources account for about one-third of the remaining recoverable oil, the
largest volumes of which are believed to lie in the Middle East, Russia and the
Caspian region.
Unconventional oil resources
Unconventional oil resources, which have been barely developed to date, are also
very large. It could now be financially viable to recover between 1 trillion barrels
and 1.5 trillion barrels of oil sands and extra-heavy oil. These resources are
largely concentrated in Canada and Venezuela. In Canada, deposits of bitumen
amounting to 0.8 trillion barrels of original oil in place have already been
discovered. In Venezuela, there are about 0.5 trillion barrels of extra-heavy
oil in place in the Orinoco belt. Global kerogen shale resources in place are
conservatively estimated at 4.8 trillion barrels and currently largely undeveloped
owing to the high cost. This resource estimate is conservative in view of the
fact that the kerogen shale resources of some countries are not reported and
other deposits have not been fully investigated (WEC, 2010). An unconventional
resource in the form of liquid oil, or LTO, that is trapped in low-permeability
shales can also now be recovered by using current technology. Quantities could
be considerable when global resource values are estimated. In 2010, estimates
of unproved technically recoverable resources of LTO in the United States alone
stood at 33.2 bb (EIA, 2012).
Currently estimated recoverable resources for unconventional
oil are about the same as those for conventional oil (Figure 1.10). The
potential total of long-term remaining recoverable oil resources, which
includes: conventional oil volumes plus extra-heavy oil, oil sands, kerogen
shale and undiscovered recoverable volumes is estimated to be almost



6 trillion barrels. Adding CTL and GTL could increase this potential to about
8 trillion barrels.
Converting coal to a liquid fuel, in a process known as coal liquefaction, enables
coal to be used as an alternative to oil. The coal may be converted into liquid
fuels, such as petroleum or diesel, using either direct or indirect liquefaction.
Further information on coal-to-liquids (CTL) may be found in Chapter 7.
The term GTL refers to technologies designed to convert natural gas into liquid
fuels, as an alternative to oil. Further information may be found in Chapter 3.


Figure 1.10 Conventional and unconventional oil reserves and resources in 2011
3 000
2 000
1 000
-1 000
-2 000

Crude and NGLs

Conventional oil

Cumulative production

Extra-heavy oil
and bitumen

Kerogen oil


Unconventional oil

Remaining recoverable resources

Source: IEA, 2012.

Natural gas resources and reserves

Global conventional natural gas resources are vast but, to an even greater degree
than oil resources, are highly concentrated in a small number of countries and
fields. Proven reserves amount to 232 trillion cubic metres (tcm) at the end of
2011, which is equal to more than 60 years of production at current levels. These
reserves have more than doubled since 1980, with the biggest increases coming
from the Middle East. Three countries, Russia, Iran and Qatar, contain 54% of
global proven natural gas reserves, while just ten fields worldwide (including
five in Russia) hold 27% of the total. Organization of the Petrolum Exporting
Countries (OPEC) member countries also represent about 40% of global reserves
(Figure 1.11).



Figure 1.11 Distribution of conventional natural gas in 2012



21 11





12 7




4 16





Cumulative production end-2011:

Proven reserves end-2011:
Other remaining recoverable resources - conventional gas: 243
Other remaining recoverable resources - unconventional gas: 315


This map is without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries,
and to the name of any territory, city or area.

Source: IEA, 2012.

Conventional gas resources

Shares in global natural gas production are very different from shares in reserves.
The Middle East, for example, accounts for only 11% of cumulative global
production (Figure 1.12). North America contains only 4.5% of global conventional
natural gas reserves but accounts for 26% of cumulative production: its reserves/
production ratio is only 12. Europe has the second-lowest R/P ratio at 18. These
disparities largely reflect differences in the proximity of reserves to markets and
the investment climate.
As with oil, the bulk of the increase in proven gas reserves in recent years has
come from upwards revisions for fields that have been producing or have been
appraised and developed. Nonetheless, newly discovered volumes remain large.
Except for the recent discoveries in Mozambique, the size of gas discoveries
has been steadily declining in recent decades. Unlike oil, however, volumes
discovered continue to exceed production. Reserve reappraisals, evaluations and
new discoveries increased potentially recoverable resources by roughly 70 tcm
from 2010 to 2011 (IEA, 2012).
Remaining recoverable resources of conventional natural gas, including proven
reserves, reserves growth and undiscovered resources, could amount to some
463 tcm (IEA, 2012), representing more than a century of production at current



Figure 1.12 Cumulative production, proven reserves and resources for conventional
natural gas, by region
- 200

- 100










OECD Europe
Asia Pacific
Latin America
North America
Middle East
E. Europe/Eurasia
- 50





Cumulative production:
Proven reserves end-2011

Other potentially recoverable volumes:

Conventional gas
Unconventional gas

Source: IEA, 2012.

Unconventional gas resources

Unconventional remaining recoverable gas resources, including CBM, tight gas
and gas shales, amount perhaps to an additional 327 tcm, with 20% in the United
States and Canada combined.
These resources are described in more detail in Chapter 6. Reserve assessments
are more difficult because of the heterogeneity of the rock formations, their
very low permeability and the uncertainty in the volume of reservoir that can be
connected to a production well. As unconventional gas has become a significant
component of total gas supply, more accurate assessment of reserves and
recoverable resources will become more urgent (Figure 1.13).
Australia-Asia, North America and the CIS3 account for 92% of hard coal reserves,
of which more than 43% are in Australia-Asia (almost exclusively China, India and
Australia), almost 33% in North America (almost exclusively in the United States)
and just under 17% in the CIS (Figures 14 and 15). A similar picture applies for
resources. The United States has about 39% (almost half being in undeveloped
regions of Alaska), China has 29% and Russia has nearly 16%.
3. CIS countries formally comprise Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan and
Uzbekistan. Though they have not ratified the charter, Turkmenistan and Ukraine are here considered part of the CIS.




Figure 1.13 Conventional and unconventional natural gas reserves

and resources (end-2011)

Conventional gas

Cumulative production

Tight gas

Shale gas
Unconventional gas



Remaining recoverable resources

Source: IEA, 2012.

Coal resources and reserves

Coal is an important source of energy owing to its widespread and abundant
supply. Different types of coal are usually referred to according to their rank,
which is loosely related to the age of the coal. Hard coals are of higher rank and
are usually older. Softer coals or lignites are generally younger. Classifications
are discussed in more detail in Chapter 7. BGR estimated remaining recoverable
resources of hard coal and lignite to be 22 362 Gt at end-2010.4 Most of this is
hard coal at 17 932 Gt (80%), with 4 430 Gt (20%) for lignite. Of the total hard
coal resources, some 17 204 Gt, or nearly 96%, are classified as resources and 728
Gt (4%) as reserves (Figure 1.14).
Global coal reserves could meet demand for many decades if production
continues at current levels. Given that remaining recoverable resources are even
larger, it is unlikely that there would be a shortage of coal.

4. Hard coal and lignite have different energy content. The coal total resource of 22.4 trillion tonnes translates to around
16.8 trillion tonnes of coal-equivalent (tce) (1 tce is 0.7 tonnes of oil-equivalent and 5.145 barrels of oil-equivalent [boe]). The
coal resource base is, thus, equivalent to more than 86 trillion boe. However, mining losses are not incorporated in this value, so
recoverable resources are likely to be significantly lower.



Figure 1.14 Distribution of hard coal reserves, resources

and production, by region
93.7 7.9
231.5 43.6

18.0 26.0

1 286.6

1.2 0.1

6 643.7

315.5 75.1

9.5 1.5


6 903.4

Unit: Gt
Cumulative production since 1950

Reserves: 728.3 Gt (=615.2 Gtce)

Production 2010: 6.3 Gt (=5.3 Gtce)

This map is without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries,
and to the name of any territory, city or area.

Note: Gtce = gigatonne of coal-equivalent.

Source: BGR, 2011.

Figure 1.15 Global hard coal resources and reserves, by region

Global hard coal resources: 17 204 Gt

Global hard coal reserves: 728 Gt

Middle East 40 (0.2%) Africa 81.6 (0.5%)

CIS 2 883.9
473.0 (2.8%)

6 903.4

6 643.7

315.5 (42.8%)
Latin America
28.3 (0.2%)
150 (0.9%)

Note: CIS = Commonwealth of Independent States.

Source: BGR, 2011.

Middle East 1.2 (0.2%) Africa 30.3 (4.2%)

CIS 122.6 (16.8%)
North America
Europe 18.0 (2.5%)
231.5 (32.8%)
Latin America
9.1 (1.2%)



Figure 1.16 Distribution of lignite reserves, resources and production,

by region

93.7 7.9
33.1 3.1

70.0 34.3

1 286.6
73.7 7.3


1 485.9


1 036.8

5.1 0.1
Unit: Gt
Cumulative production since 1950

Reserves: 275.5 Gt (=108.7 Gtce)

Production 2010: 1.0 Gt (= 0.3 Gtce)

This map is without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries,
and to the name of any territory, city or area.

Source: BGR, 2011.

Reserves of lignite are distributed a little more widely than those of hard coal
(Figures 1.16 and 1.17). Most are located in the CIS, Russia predominating with 33%
of the global total. Australia-Asia has the second-largest lignite reserves (27%),
most of which are in Australia, China and Indonesia. Europe has the third-largest
reserves (25%), with Germany accounting for 15%. The United States has 11%.

Figure 1.17 Share of global lignite resources and reserves, by region

Global lignite resources: 4 154 Gt

Global lignite reserves: 275.5 Gt

Africa 0.3 (<0.05%)

CIS 1 286.6

North America
1 486.9 (35.8%)

Latin America
20.1 (0.5%)

Europe 318.6

Australia-Asia 1 036.8 (25.0%)

Source: BGR, 2011.

North America
Africa 0.009 (<0.05%) 33.1 (12.0%)
Latin America
5.1 (1.9%)
CIS 93.7
73.7 (26.8%)
Europe 70.0 (25.4%)



Most of the lignite resources are located in only three regions: North America,
the CIS and Australia-Asia. About one-third of global lignite resources are located
in North America (36%) and in the CIS region (31%). The largest lignite resources
are in the United States (33%), Russia (31%) and China (7%).

Recent trends
The impact of declining oilfield production
The current forecast for global oil production shows an important phenomenon,
namely that crude oil from existing fields will decline significantly. Given
projected future demand, this decrease in output will need to be replaced by
new developments or by new discoveries (Figure 1.18).


Figure 1.18 World liquid supplies, by type, in the New Policies Scenario




Processing gains






Crude oil:


Fields yet to be found

Other unconventional oil

Fields yet to be developed


Currently producing

Source: IEA, 2012.

The rate at which production from oilfields declines once it has reached peak
production is vital in determining the need for additional capacity. Such
additional capacity can be found either by further developing existing fields or
by bringing new fields into production. The average observed decline rate for
oilfield production compared to the first year of production shows an increasing
trend for non-OPEC countries, whereas the rate of decline is considerably slower
for OPEC member countries (Figure 1.19). As decline rates are influenced by oil
prices and technology, continued monitoring of this trend is essential to inform
strategic decisions.



Figure 1.19 Average observed decline in oilfield production versus

first year of production


Source: IEA, 2008.




2000 - 2007

Discussions about decline rates are often confused by a failure to make clear what
is meant by the term and exactly how the rates are calculated. It is important
to understand that, at any given moment, some oilfields will be ramping up to
peak production, some will be at peak or plateau, and others will be in decline.
Averaging rates across a group of fields does not, therefore, reveal any clear
information on the decline rate of fields at different stages in their production
lifecycle. Only a field-by-field analysis of production trends can shed light on this.
Global oil supplies are partly dependent on output from large, old fields. Although
many of them have been in production for decades, output from super-giant
(holding more than 5 bb of initial reserves) and giant fields (with more than
500 million barrels [mb]) has increased significantly over the past two decades
through improved recovery rates.
Using its database, the IEA carried out a detailed field-by-field analysis of the
historical production trends of 800 fields (IEA, 2008). The analysis indicated that
observed decline rates are likely to accelerate in the long term in each major
region of the world. This acceleration is caused by a reduction in the average field
size and, in some regions, by an increase in the share of production expected to
come from offshore fields. In general, the larger a fields reserves, the lower the
peak relative to reserves and the slower the decline once the field has passed its
peak. Rates are also lower for onshore than offshore fields (especially deepwater
fields, i.e. at depths of over 400 metres [m]). Investment and production policies
also affect the rate of decline.
Total supply in some countries from fields yet to be found or yet to be
discovered will need to rise, in some cases significantly, just to offset decline.
The implications are far reaching, with 1.6 mb/d of additional capacity (fields)
needed each year by the end of the projection period just to offset the projected
acceleration in the natural decline rate (Figure 1.19). An additional 55.5 mb/d in
terms of supply, which is equivalent to roughly five times the current production
rate of Saudi Arabia, would need to be brought on stream between now and 2035.
This will require significant investment and advanced technological solutions.



Upstream oil and gas: volatility in oil price and impact on investments
In broad terms, investment becomes more attractive as oil prices rise. The higher
and more stable the oil price, the more positive the climate for investment.
The volatility of the oil price will increase uncertainty of project profitability,
particularly if prices could fall as they did in early 2009. However, perceptions
of relatively high prices, say USD 80 per barrel (/b) or higher, have now become
entrenched, and the broader supply picture is much more robust than it was in
Events that impact on the economy will generally impact on energy demand and
are more likely to lead to price volatility. In recent years, for example, the global
financial crisis of 2007-08 that led to global recession and the Arab Spring that
began in late 2010 have both illustrated the volatility of oil prices.
A significant increase in prices before the global financial crisis was followed by
a slump to around USD 30/b during the crisis. The main impact of the dip in oil
prices was that companies slowed down or even cancelled some of the more
expensive project proposals. There was a reduced short-term need for new
capacity. This crisis was followed by a succession of potentially destabilising
events, notably the Arab Spring, sanctions in Iran, the Syrian conflict, the eurozone crisis and Chinas soft landing. For various reasons, these have all broadly
acted to tighten supply and sustain relatively high prices.
Consequently, capital expenditure has now returned to levels seen before
the global financial crisis. Oil companies have little problem in borrowing for
investment. Global upstream investment totalled USD 572 billion in 2011 and
is expected to rise by a further 8% in 2012 (IEA, 2012). This would increase
investment by more than 20% on 2008 and five times the level of 2000. Higher
costs, which have risen by 12% since 2009 and more than doubled since 2000,
explain part of the increase.
In the long term, the increasing demand for oil will require new projects and
new investments. Although the scale of investment and infrastructure remains
significant, the view for global oil supplies has generally become more optimistic.
The impact of policies on oil forecast
As already highlighted, the IEA has created the following three scenarios
for future energy demand and supply: the Current Policies Scenario; New
Policies Scenario; and the 450 Scenario. These scenarios make projections
based on current or potential policy measures adopted by governments
worldwide. Each scenario projects a significant difference in production levels
for the various resources. The case of oil is illustrated in Table 1.1. In the
450 Scenario, energy efficiency increases and the development of sustainable
energy resources reduce the production of oil. These scenarios also show
that, because of lower demand in the 450 Scenario, the oil price will be lower
than in the New Policies Scenario. This is likely to have consequences on
new developments, especially for the more costly unconventional resources.
However, such developments may still be pursued, driven by a need to secure
supply at the regional level.



Table 1.1 Production overview, by resource type (mb/d)



New Policies

Crude oil

Current Policies

450 Scenario




















Processing gains









World total liquids supply

Note: biofuels are expressed as energy-equivalent volumes of gasoline and diesel.

Source: IEA, 2012.

Though demand-side policies are important, it is worth noting again that the
upstream investment environment and its perceived stability are probably the
more important determinants influencing long-term oil supply.
Growth of coal consumption in China
Chinas dominant role in both the production and consumption of coal gives
rise to some remarkable statistics. The period of sustained economic growth,
particularly since its accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO), has led to
a rapid increase in energy demand, an increase that has until now been satisfied
largely by coal (Figure 1.20).


Figure 1.20 Annual coal production, by region

4 000
3 500
3 000
2 500
2 000
1 500
1 000




United States
Note: Mt = million tonnes.
Source: IEA statistics.




OECD Europe






People's Republic of China



As for most countries, energy security is high among Chinas priorities and,
predominantly as a result of its reliance on indigenous coal, the country is
more than 90% self-sufficient in energy. In 2010, China produced an estimated
3 162 Mt of coal and imported a modest 177 Mt, leading to consumption of more
than 3 300 Mt. China became a net importer in 2009 and became the worlds
largest importer of hard coal in 2011, surpassing Japan. It is clear that imports
to China will have a significant impact on global coal trade. Given current
trends, Chinese coal production may well reach 4 000 Mt by 2015. Factors such
as an increase in gross domestic product (GDP), targeted reductions in energy
intensity and deployment of competing energy sources will all determine the
demand for coal.
The industry and power plants that consume most of the coal are concentrated
in the east of China. However, with the centre of indigenous coal production
moving westwards, coal reserves getting deeper and its east-west transport
links under strain, China has turned to imported coal to meet increasing
demand. As a result, the price of coal at Qinhuangdao, Chinas largest coal port,
has become a key marker on coal prices, which increased through 2010 before
levelling off through 2011.
Coal production in China has increased markedly over recent years. From 1 000 Mt
in 1989, it took 15 years, to 2004, for production to reach 2 000 Mt but only a
further five years to reach 3 000 Mt. The sharp increase in production in China is
in stark contrast to the production in Organisation for Economic Co-operation
and Development (OECD) member countries. While production has risen steadily
in the United States, the decline in Europe has resulted in fairly stable coal
production among all member countries (Figure 1.20).
The incremental increase in Chinas coal consumption for 2008 to 2011 is higher
than total consumption in the United States in 2011 and significantly higher than
the total coal consumption in OECD European countries for 2011 (Figure 1.21).


Figure 1.21 Comparison of coal consumption in China, Europe and the United States
4 000
3 500
3 000
2 500
2 000
1 500
1 000


Note: data estimated for 2011.





United States
Europe 2011



The need to manage water production

Although the key focus of this book is the production of fossil fuels, water
is an inextricable part of the hydrocarbon recovery process, particularly in
oil production operations. Some water is present naturally in the well and
is displaced together with the oil. Though this water can be separated and
reinjected, more water is required to sufficiently maintain well pressure. Water,
either drawn from an aquifer or some other source, is often injected to push the
oil towards the producing well.
As more and more water is injected, the percentage of water5 in the well
increases while the percentage of petroleum product declines. Oil wells are
often only abandoned when the water content is above 98% of the wellstream.
Global water production in 2007 was quoted to be around 250 mb/d compared
with around 80 mb/d of oil, a water-to-oil ratio of around 3:1 (Dal Ferro and
Smith, 2007). This situation will worsen as conventional oil reservoirs mature.
The United States, a mature oil producer, produces on average around 8 barrels
of water for each barrel of oil (Clark and Veil, 2009).
The water produced is then either discharged or treated so that it can be
reinjected. In offshore production, the water produced is mostly discharged in
the sea after proper treatment. In onshore production, the protection of potable
water supplies is a major issue. Most of the discharged water must be treated
because of contamination with traces of oil, heavy metals, boron and corrosive
fluids such as H2S, CO2 and salt. Water treatment costs can be a substantial part
of the total operating costs. Lack of adequate water discharge options can be a
show-stopper for economic expansion of a project. However, the greatest value
can come from reservoir management techniques that reduce produced water
while maximising incremental oil recovery. Reducing water use is one of the key
drivers for a substantial increase in smart field applications (see Chapter 2), in
which measurement and control systems within the well (downhole) can shut
off water if needed.
Water also plays a major role in unconventional oil and gas resources. Heavy oil
is mostly developed through steam injection, requiring large amounts of clean
water. The mining of oil-sands requires more barrels of water in its separation
process than is produced as oil. In tight gas and shale gas production, the creation
of fractures requires substantial amounts of water, often with additives to assist
the fracturing process. Not all of this water is discharged with the gas during
the production process, but those volumes that are will require special attention
for disposal or reuse. In CBM operations, large volumes of water are initially
extracted to reduce pressure in the reservoir, which promotes desorption of
the methane. Water production subsequently tails off and methane production
Water needs for fossil fuel production vary widely across all fuels, but overall gas
extraction is less water-consuming than coal and oil (Figure 1.22).
5. Water discharged from a producing oil well is termed produced water.



Figure 1.22 Water use for primary energy production

Conventional gas
Shale gas
Refined oil (conventional)*
Refined oil (oil sands)**
Refined oil (EOR)***




litres per toe

*The minimum is for primary recovery, the maximum is for secondary recovery. **The minimum is for in situ production,
the maximum is for surface mining. ***Includes CO2 injection, steam injection and alkaline injection, and in situ combustion.
Ranges shown are for source-to-carrier primary energy production, which includes withdrawals and consumption for
extraction, processing and transport.
Note: toe = tonnes of oil-equivalent.
Source: IEA, 2012.

Recent developments in technology

Innovations in oil and gas exploration and production
Over the past decade, a few key developments have had a considerable impact
on the availability and development costs of oil and gas. Advances in computing
power have led to a number of important developments. Four-dimensional
seismic techniques have vastly improved the subsurface imaging that is
required for effective reservoir management. Reservoir simulation models can
now accommodate much more detailed geological data and contain complex
production facilities, information essential to increasing their predictive power.
Higher bandwidth communication, with real-time monitoring of drilling and
production operations, has immensely improved field management.
Directional drilling, initially developed in the 1980s and 1990s, allows wells to
follow complex paths, with their direction guided from the surface. The ability
to drill multilateral wells, with side branches directed off the main borehole, has
led to significant improvements in recovery rates. Modern drill bits are equipped
with intelligent information technology that allows a thorough evaluation of
rock layers while drilling, so that the well path may be revised as it progresses.
In fact, steerable drill bits can now reach reserves more than 10 kilometres



distant laterally, with an accuracy of some 2 m. This has substantially lowered

the cost of developing fields and increased the recovery potential. It also enables
near-offshore hydrocarbon deposits to be produced by drilling from onshore
When oil or gas is trapped in low-permeability rock, hydraulic fracturing can
stimulate the flow. Water containing high-viscosity fluid additives is injected
under high pressure to open or create fractures in the rock. These fractures
allow the hydrocarbons to by-pass a large part of the low-permeability rock and
to move freely from the rock pores to a production well and thus to the surface.
In most cases, longer and more complex wells are drilled, fractured in numerous
stages along their length. This lowers the unit production costs. The process has
recently been very successful in producing from tight oil and gas deposits in the
United States that were previously not financially viable.

Developments in coal mining technology

Dramatic increases in equipment size and efficiency have significantly improved
productivity at surface mines and reduced mining costs, despite more and
more challenging geology. Further increases in the size and efficiency of
surface mining equipment are likely to prove difficult. In underground mines,
the extended use of highly efficient mining systems has also led to gains
in productivity, improved yields and lower costs. These trends are currently
occurring in China, where labour-intensive mines are being replaced by highly
mechanised operations.
Competition for mining equipment has intensified worldwide and the relatively
few equipment suppliers have struggled to keep pace. Moreover, costs of
commodities, particularly steel, are high. Often the next generation of mining
projects will be found in new mining countries like Mozambique and Mongolia
or in new basins in existing coal-producing countries like Australia and South
Africa. This leads to an increase in costs and new investments in infrastructure.

Gaps in clean energy RD&D funding

Technology plays a crucial role in finding and accessing hydrocarbon resources
and for dealing with the environmental consequences of their consumption. As
is typical for mature industries, the development of new technology is mainly
driven by private investment. Nonetheless, public research, development and
deployment (RD&D) investment is still important. While public expenditures
on oil and gas RD&D have increased in recent years, largely as a result of high
oil prices and of economic stimuli in many countries, expenditure on coal has
continued to decline.



Akin, H. (1997), Zur Akzeptanz der Geostatistik als Grundlage der Vorratsklassifikation (On the Acceptance of Geostatistics as a Basis for Classification
of Resources), In: GDMB [ed.], Klassifikation von Lagerstttenvorrten Stand der
internationalen Bemhungen (Classification of Resource Inventories Status of
International Efforts), No. 79, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany, pp. 9-20.
BGR (Bundesanstalt fr Geowissennchaften und Rohstoffe) (2011), Annual
Report: Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources 2011,
DERA Rohstoffinformationen, BGR, Hannover, published February 2012,
Bucci, L.A., P.F. Hodkiewicz, P. Jankowski, D. Guibal and X. Song (2006), JORC and
the Chinese Resource Classification Scheme an SRK View, The AusIMM Bulletin,
No. 4, Carlton, Australia, pp. 24-27.
Clark, C.E. and J.A. Veil (2009), Produced Water Volumes and Management Practices
in the United States, Argonne National Laboratory, prepared for the United States
Department of Energy (USDOE), Argonne, Illinois.
Dal Ferro, B. and M. Smith (2007), Global Onshore and Offshore Water Production,
Exploration and Production, Oil & Gas Review, Touch Briefings, London,, accessed 31 August 2012.
EIA (US Energy Information Administration) (2012), Annual Energy Outlook 2012,
EIA/US Department of Energy (DOE), Washington.
Ersoy, M. (2003), Worldwide Implementation of United Nations Framework
Classification on Coal Deposits, presentation at Regional Seminar on
UNFC6 Application to Energy and Mineral Resources, Moscow, 24-25 April,
Fettweis, G.B.L., D. Kelter and R. Nstaller (1999), Zur Beurteilung und Klassifizierung von Lagerstttenvorrten die neue UN-Klassifikation (For the Assessment
and Classification of Resource Inventories the New UN Classification), Berg
und Httenmnnische Monatshefte, No. 144, Vol. 2, Vienna, pp. 43-51.
IEA (International Energy Agency) (2008), World Energy Outlook 2008, OECD/IEA,
IEA (2012), World Energy Outlook 2012, OECD/IEA, Paris.
O&GJ (Oil & Gas Journal) (2009), Worldwide Look at Reserves and Production,
Oil & Gas Journal, Vol. 107, N 47, Houston, PennWell Corporation.
SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) (2008), Modernization of Oil and Gas
Reporting, RIN 3235-AK00,, accessed
31 August 2012.
6. UN Framework Classification for Fossil Energy and Mineral Resources.



SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) (2007), Petroleum Resources Management

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USEIA (Energy Information Administration) (2012), Annual Energy Outlook 2012,
EIA/United States Department of Energy (USDOE), Washington DC.
WEC (World Energy Council) (2010), Survey of Energy Resources 2010,, accessed 31 August 2012.



Chapter 2 Raising recovery efficiency from

In recent decades, oil demand could be met by developing new fields, extending
the development of existing fields or finding new fields in regions with known
potential. However, mature fields still contain significant volumes of remaining
oil and, as such, attention is shifting towards the challenge of achieving higher
oil recovery and converting more remaining recoverable resources into reserves.
In this chapter, the various phases of a fields lifecycle are explained together
with the challenges they present and the technology applications needed
to overcome such challenges.1 It should be noted that, although a particular
technology may be highlighted for one phase of development, it often plays a
role in all phases, such as the use of seismic technologies.

Lifecycle of a petroleum reservoir

The lifecycle of a petroleum reservoir covers the period from discovery
to abandonment. The phases of the lifecycle include: exploration; appraisal,
planning and construction; primary recovery; secondary recovery; operation and
redevelopment; tertiary recovery; and abandonment (Figure 2.1).

Figure 2.1 Schematic representation of the lifecycle of a petroleum reservoir



recovery (EOR)


(seismic, wells)

planning and



Note: EOR = enhanced oil recovery.
Courtesy of W. Schulte.

The lifecycle starts with the discovery of the presence of a petroleum reservoir.
The first challenge for the engineer is to find the reservoir by exploring the
subsurface. The exploration process begins with regional geological studies and
deep-earth remote-sensing techniques such as seismic reflection to identify or
infer the presence of the natural geological conditions that would be favourable
for the creation of a hydrocarbon accumulation (Box 2.1).
1. The descriptions are not an exhaustive overview of technological progress in all areas (e.g. technologies specifically related to
field abandonment are not described), but pertain to most phases of the lifecycle to demonstrate general progress.



Box 2.1 What exactly is a petroleum reservoir?

Petroleum reservoirs comprise rock formations with minute, porous spaces that contain
trapped oil, gas or condensate. Volumes of these hydrocarbons in such accumulations can
be huge, in the range of billions of barrels of oil or billions of cubic metres of gas. The Forties
oilfield in the North Sea covers 93 square kilometres (km2) or 36 square miles, which is almost
as large as the area of Paris (106 km2). The reservoir rock formations in the field are up to
190 metres (m) thick and originally contained between 4.5 billion barrels (bb) and 5 bb of oil.
If all this oil were flooded onto the streets of Paris, it would, on average, be over 6 m deep.
Oil and gas are derived from organic material laid down in lakes, lagoons and oceans and
preserved in anoxic conditions. As this material is buried deeper under layers of sedimentary
rock, pressures and temperatures increase, thereby cooking the organic material and
generating oil and gas. Land vegetation under high pressure and temperature tends to
produce coal, while plankton, algae and other marine micro-organisms generate oil and
gas. At greater depths, oil will crack to gas (under the influence of high pressure and
temperature, oil molecules with longer hydrocarbon chains break apart forming shorterchain gas molecules). After being generated, oil and gas, being lighter than formation water,
will start to migrate upwards through the rocks.
For a rock volume to become a petroleum reservoir, several natural conditions have to be
met. The reservoir must be linked with a generating source of petroleum; it must have pore
space that the oil or gas can occupy; it must be permeable to allow the petroleum to move
into its pores, displacing formation water; and finally the accumulated oil and/or gas must be
prevented from moving ever upwards by an impermeable cap rock or seal, structured so that
the hydrocarbons are trapped beneath it. These trapping structures are often dome-shaped
anticlines (or structural traps), but can also be formed by a loss of permeability up-dip,
preventing any further upward migration and forming a pinch-out, fault or unconformity,
so-called stratigraphic traps (Figure 2.2).

Figure 2.2 Typical traps for oil or gas

Oil shales

Structural trap
(oil and gas)


Aquifer (saline)

Stratigraphic trap
(sandstone pinch-out)

Cap rock (seal)

Basin centred gas

Source rock (organic shale)

Reservoir rock
Courtesy of Allerton, 2008.

Migrating oil/gas



In some cases, oil can seep all the way to the surface, becoming progressively degraded
(through bacterial influence, hydrocarbon molecules can often get entangled and combine
to form larger entities that make the oil more viscous) and heavier, forming massive
accumulations of oil- or tar-sands, especially after biodegradation at shallow depth. Such oil
seeps were already used by mankind in ancient times.
Oil and gas are inevitably found together with water, sometimes more than 60% of the
available pore space being water-filled. Some of this water is produced along with the oil
and gas.

The key tool for exploration is seismic mapping of the subsurface. By creating
sound waves at the surface and listening with specialist equipment to the
echoes that come back to the surface, a picture of the subsurface can be made.
When a wave traverses one rock type to another, part of the wave energy is
reflected back to the surface. The reflected waves are collected and analysed
to indicate where the major changes occur. A three-dimensional (3-D) picture
can then be created that depicts the changes in geology, thus providing an
indication of potential traps for oil and gas. The creation of this 3-D picture is a
complex operation and often requires computers with high processing power.
Seismic technologies to detect reflected waves and construct the 3-D pictures
have improved significantly over recent years, providing much clearer pictures
of the subsurface structures (Box 2.2).

Once it has been determined that the natural geological conditions are
consistent with those required of a petroleum reservoir, its prospects are
assessed, i.e. the potential reservoir size and possible rate of oil production
are estimated, along with the uncertainties that apply to the assessment. The
costs of further appraising the prospect by drilling an exploration well, together
with the cost of developing and operating the field are estimated, as are the
anticipated revenues from the production expected over the lifetime of the
reservoir. Whether or not the exploration company decides to drill will depend
very much on the quality of the underlying information. If considered worthwhile,
an exploration well will be drilled, which could then lead to a discovery or to a dry
well (no hydrocarbons present).



Box 2.2 A step forward through wide azimuth seismic surveys

After the transition from two-dimensional to 3-D seismic surveys in the 1980s and 1990s, and
the introduction of four-dimensional (4-D) seismic in the 1990s (OGP, 2011), one of the major
seismic technology trends in the first decade of the 21st century has been wide azimuth
seismic. Here the azimuth is defined as the angle between a line connecting a source and a
receiver, and an arbitrary fixed direction in the plane of the acquisition. With this definition,
it may be observed that conventional marine-towed streamer surveys always have a narrow
range of azimuths: the hydrophones (the listening devices that pick up the reflecting waves)
are in a long, but rather narrow spread behind the boat (Figure 2.3). Land surveys always have
had a slightly wider range of azimuths, the width being determined by the width of the spread
of receiver lines laid out in the field.

Figure 2.3 Improvement in set-up of streamer configurations in marine

seismic acquisition


Azimuth 2

Azimuth 1


Points in the
subsurface get
illuminated from
different directions


Two narrow azimuth marine-towed streamer Wide azimuth towed streamer acquisition
surveys each illuminate the subsurface from is a multi-boat operation with a source or shot
one direction.
boat (creating the original wave) and one or
more receiver boats (picking up the reflecting
waves) sailing up and down until a wide range
of azimuths has been acquired.
Source: Zwartjes et al., 2010.

Having more azimuths available is beneficial for imaging of seismic data, especially in
complex geologies where it may be possible to see certain features in one direction, but
not in another. Multiple azimuths provide different lines of sight and thereby improved
illumination of the subsurface. Another aspect of wide azimuth surveys is that the fold, i.e,
the number of seismic traces per unit surface area, usually increases significantly. This has
a beneficial effect on signal-to-noise ratio.
First technology trials of wide azimuth towed streamer seismic surveys were carried out in the
Gulf of Mexico in the period 2004-06. Only four years later, by 2010, the industry had covered
most of the Gulf of Mexico by a number of very large multiclient-wide azimuth surveys.



Wide azimuth seismic has led to dramatic improvements in image quality in complex
geological settings. This is illustrated for an onshore setting in Figure 2.4, which shows the
uplift in image quality due to wide azimuth seismic acquired in the Southern Oman salt basin
in 2007.

Figure 2.4 Improvement in seismically derived image by wide azimuth

data acquisition
Salt ?
Old top salt

Clean salt

Salt ?

Stringers ?

Notes: the more modern wide azimuth data (right) provides much improved imaging of top
salt compared with that obtained using narrow azimuth data (left), potentially leading to a
different interpretation.
The much improved intra-salt signal/noise ratio is also highly relevant, as the reservoir is an
intra-salt stringer play. (A stringer is a thin, discontinuous mineral vein or rock layer.)

Courtesy of Petroleum Development Oman.

Appraisal, planning and construction

Once discovered by one or more exploration wells, the reservoir is then
appraised by drilling more wells to confirm assumptions on the type of rock
and the content of its pore space. The appraisal process is designed to reduce
the risks and uncertainties present in the initial prospect stage; to define the
extent and limits of the reservoir(s) in the field; to assess the oil (or gas)-in-place
and the likely production rates. After the appraisal process has confirmed that
development of the field may be financially viable, a field development plan
(FDP) is drawn up that provides a summary description of the development,
and the principles and objectives that will govern its management. The plan
typically spans 25 years and specifies the expected range of production and
required injection rates; the number and placement of wells; the surface facilities
required to separate the oil, gas and water; the various pipelines requirement;



and other transportation systems required to transport the products to market.

The objective at this stage is to maximise the value of the development, given
a whole range of assumptions about the long-term future oil and gas prices,
production rates over time, and costs. The predicted production profile over the
economic life of the field defines its reserves.
Once the FDP has been approved by the oil company and the relevant authorities,
field and reservoir development can proceed. The services identified in the FDP
will be defined in more detail, contracts awarded to engineering companies, and
facilities constructed. This phase of the project can take several years and it is
during this phase when quality and cost control are of utmost importance. The
cause of unsuccessful projects can often be traced back to a low-quality FDP.

Once production starts, the engineer will focus on achieving the predicted
production rates and exploring ways to further improve oil recovery. Out of
the approximately 70 000 fields currently producing globally, the bulk of the
worlds oil supply comes from only a small number of large oilfields. These
large fields are essential to global energy security. Improving production
from such fields was a major driver behind the growth in Organization of
the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) non-member oil supply during the
1990s. Incremental improvements in production from existing large fields in
the United Kingdom and the Norwegian sectors of the North Sea contributed
roughly 50% of the surge in OPEC non-member production during that
Oil and gas production is made possible by reducing the pressure in a production
well and allowing the pressure difference with the main reservoir to force the
flow of hydrocarbons towards the well. In the early stages of production, under
the so-called primary recovery, the oil flows with no assistance towards the
well bore and up to the surface. For gas reservoirs, this stage is often enough to
reach recovery factors (ratio of hydrocarbons produced to those hydrocarbons
initially in place) of around 70% or higher. Gas, being much lighter than oil or
water, normally flows easily up the well bore, although pumps may be used in
later production stages to lift the column of accumulated water in the well bore
that comes with the gas. For oil reservoirs, pressure depletion alone is generally
not sufficient and yields low recovery factors, typically 5% to 15%. Additional
injection of water or gas is required to stop the pressure from dropping below
a minimum level, below which oil can no longer be recovered. This process
is referred to as secondary recovery. Depending on the geology, sufficient
pressure can sometimes be provided by the flow of water from a connecting
aquifer: when the pressure in the oil column drops, the aquifer water flows
towards the oil reservoir, supporting pressure and displacing oil. Recovery
factors resulting from consecutive primary and secondary recovery are typically
between 15% and 40%.
If more sophisticated fluids such as chemicals or steam are injected, the process
is referred to as tertiary recovery. Tertiary recovery may also be referred to as



The global average recovery factor2 was estimated at 35%, based on IHS-CERA
data (Schulte, 2005). This implies that reservoirs are abandoned with, on average,
two-thirds of their hydrocarbons still left in the ground. The recovery factor that
can be achieved in an individual field is determined by the complexity of the
reservoir and the method of extraction. A reservoir can be a sandstone reservoir
or a carbonate reservoir. Sandstone reservoirs are formed from deposited sand
grains, while carbonate reservoirs are formed from skeletons of marine life,
such as reefs or shells. Carbonate reservoirs are often more brittle, and are often
broken during their burial history, leading to faults and fractures that cause
uneven flow through the reservoirs. Heavily fractured carbonate reservoirs often
exhibit a low recovery factor, whereas homogeneous sandstone reservoirs under
water-flooding can reach recovery rates of 60% or higher.
EOR techniques are not yet widely used because in the past they were considered
too expensive. Consequently, the application of EOR will be closely dependent on
the oil price. Recently more projects have been defined in which EOR techniques
could increase recovery rates.

Once hydrocarbons in the reservoir have been depleted to a level that is no longer
financially viable for further extraction, the wells are sealed off and abandoned,
the facilities removed and the environment returned to its pre-drilling state.

Developing new reserves: getting the most for the lowest cost
Making a plan using integrated reservoir modelling
In theory, a single well at the crest of an underground trap would eventually drain
all of the moveable hydrocarbons from a trap. However, doing so would take
thousands of years and be financially unviable. Therefore, more wells are needed
that can be drilled in an optimum pattern designed to sweep the petroleum
from the reservoir to the wellbores in the most cost-effective manner. Such
designs are currently made using complex and detailed 3-D computer models
of the reservoir and its fluids, which are capable of predicting how the fluids
will move through the reservoir. Computer modelling or integrated reservoir
modelling (IRM) is used to define the optimum number and location of the wells,
in order to maximise the value of the discovery.
As a result of ever increasing computer power, the last 20 years have seen a
dramatic increase in the use of numerical reservoir modelling to support field
development and management decisions. A multi-discipline methodology has
been developed that integrates the work performed by each technical discipline
and designs a computer model showing the potential assets for which the new
development is being proposed.
2. The recoverable amount of original or residual oil in place in a reservoir, expressed as a percentage of total oil in place. The
recoverable amount includes produced oil plus the volume of proven reserves.



Computer models can forecast how the field is likely to perform according
to different decisions taken and therefore the model can steer a decision on
whether or not to develop a given reservoir. A large number of factors and
uncertainty can determine the possible outcomes, including: the reservoir
structure; the properties of the rock; the underlying geology of the reservoir
(depositional environment) and the characteristics of the fluid.
In assessing the attractiveness of a particular development option, a range of
other factors are taken into account as well, including: any constraints that
surface pressures place on the development; evacuation and reinjection capacity;
the cost of any new wells or facilities; and the uncertainties in the fiscal or
economic environment. Taking such factors into account means that a number
of possible models need to be designed and the results combined into a range of
forecasts, together with an estimate of the probability of their occurrence.
In view of the complexity of the underlying geology and fluid behaviour,
it is essential to make maximum use of all available data. An example of a
complex model is shown in Figure 2.5. In this context, significant advances
have been made in the quality of the data obtained and its interpretation for
modelling purposes. In particular, improvements in seismic data acquisition and
interpretation have enabled models to be more representative of the reality in
the subsurface. The improvements also make it possible to measure the relative
change in fluid content at various locations in the reservoir by comparing
seismic signals at different times (often referred to as time-lapse seismic or 4-D
seismic). This illustrates how the fluid moves as a result of injection into and
production from specific geological layers. It gives vital information to decide
which possible subsurface models can properly describe such movement and
thus predict future flow more accurately.

Figure 2.5 Multi-layered carbonate integrated reservoir model

Fracture density

Karstified layers

Aruma sandstones


Natih sandstones
Cemented and
microporous layers

Vertical fracture
in cellular grid

Courtesy of Shell International.

Carbonate rocks are very complex and, because of their brittle nature, are prone
to fracturing large fractures across multiple layers and small fractures bound
to one small interval. Fractures strongly influence the flow of fluids through a
reservoir. Vertical transmissibility is a key factor and the image on the right of
Figure 2.5 shows a simplified representation of a fracture system. In the case



shown, the various layers are connected via the fracture system, particularly in
the middle. The complexity of carbonate rock stems from the influence on its
composition and structure of the movement of water and the effect of pressure
(changes due to chemical, physical or biological processes) during its burial
history. These changes during its burial history are referred to as diagenesis.
Part of the rock can dissolve in water and then be deposited elsewhere, filling
the pore space. This process is known as cementation. One extreme process is
karstification, in which the rock fully dissolves, leaving large holes or caverns in
the subsurface.
The integration boundaries for IRM continue to expand and it is now becoming
standard procedure to include a detailed representation of the surface production
system as part of the modelling exercise. Such models then represent the entire
production process from developing the reservoir to sales point, and describe
the flow through the subsurface, wells and surface facilities. The model can now
predict how production will change if any of the various elements in the overall
project change.
Because of the increasing complexity of many of todays asset developments,
together with the underlying subsurface uncertainties, full IRM is, and will
remain, a complex and challenging task.

Drilling technology for new reserves and lower costs

Drilling technology is subject to continuous development. The main aim is
to enhance the drainage area,3 i.e. for each well to access more oil, at the
lowest possible cost. Different designs of well currently in use include new
multilateral wells (wells with multiple branches that can extend dramatically the
drainage area of a well); horizontal wells (which can extend the well laterally);
and extended reach wells (those wells reaching a target far from the drilling
platform). Expandable tubulars, which expand to a larger diameter after being
placed in the well bore, are being used more frequently in well construction.
They reduce significantly the extent to which the diameter of a well becomes
narrower with depth. It is a particularly important innovation for deep wells. One
of the latest developments in drilling technology is casing drilling, which can
significantly reduce the time needed to create a well. In casing drilling, the drill
bit sits at the end of the casing, such that when the bit is at its desired depth
the full casing is already in place and only the drill bit itself is retrieved from the
hole. This method prevents running different pipes in and out of the hole, thus
saving valuable time.
A range of new technologies is also applied to the part of the well that
directly connects with the reservoir. Maximum reservoir contact (MRC) is one
concept recently developed by Saudi Aramco (Badri, 2008). The MRC concept
is designed to address the challenges related to penetration of reservoirs with
heterogeneous geology, which is often the case with carbonate reservoirs that
are widespread in Middle East regions.

3. The drainage area of a well is the area of the reservoir that is drained by that well.



Field tests in Saudi Arabias Haradh oilfield area showed a progressive gamechanging effect on production from applying increasingly advanced drilling
technology. Wells where MRC technology has been used can deliver three times
the production output of an initial vertical well and almost twice the production
rate of a horizontal well tested some years before the MRC demonstration
(Figure 2.6).

Oil production rate (kb/d)

Figure 2.6 Results from Haradh field tests

12 000
10 000
8 000
6 000


4 000
2 000




Note: kb/d = thousand barrels per day.

Courtesy of Saudi Aramco.

MRC wells can only have a limited number of laterally side-tracked wells coming
from the main well or motherbore. This can cause a problem as water production
rises. In Oman, where multi-laterals were tried aggressively, premature water
breakthrough was present in some fields (Al-Khodhori, 2003). To get around
this problem, Saudi Aramco conceived an intelligent completions4 technology
known as extreme reservoir contact (ERC). The industry is developing a range
of new technologies for intelligent completions that enable better sweep
efficiency and maximise recovery through monitoring and electrically activated
down-hole control valves. This type of down-hole flow control does not require
individual control lines from the well-head to each lateral zone in order to
monitor and operate the well in real time. The control system associated with
these wells is quite complex and would enable a theoretically unlimited number
of intelligent laterals per well.
Test results from the application of ERC technology in oilfields in the Middle East
are less well known. However, the improvement in reservoir drainage that can be
expected from this technology could increase production output compared to
other drilling and down-hole concepts currently in operation, especially in the
very complex carbonate fields.

4. Well completion refers to the set-up of equipment at reservoir depth to enable safe and efficient production from an oil or gas well.



Going offshore: developments in subsea wells and facilities

The installation of subsea wells5 has increased substantially during the past
decade largely because of the need to develop more, and often smaller, offshore
fields at an acceptable cost. This growth in subsea wells is set to continue and
will also require a large increase in the drilling rig/vessel fleet (Figure 2.7).

20 000


15 000


10 000


5 000




Number of subsea trees

Million USD (or km of SPU)

Figure 2.7 Growth in subsea wells

Subsea production umbilicals installed, million USD

Onstream year

Tree control package, e.g. flying leads, jumper, MCS, HPU, UTA, J-plate, million USD
Subsea manifolds, million USD
Subsea trees and control pod, e.g. chokes and sensor packages, million USD
Number of subsea trees (well completions) by onstream year
Subsea production umbilicals installed, km
Notes: MCS = master control station; HPU = hydraulic power unit; UTA = umbilical termination assembly; J-plate = junction plate;
SPU = subsea production umbilcal; km = kilometre.
An SPU is a cable that supplies the required consumables to the well; it includes power and the fluids that prevent corrosion.
A tree is the top part of the well containing the valves and flow line connections. A manifold is a point where multiple flow
lines come together into one flow line or vice versa.
Source: Quest Offshore Resources, 2010.

Platform installations offshore often cause bottlenecks due to their limited

ability to carry weight and to accommodate large production systems. Advances
in subsea technology are making it increasingly feasible to move production
equipment from the surface down to the seabed.
An important factor in designing subsea equipment is the weight. Their installation
relies on the lifting capacity of the installation vessel and installing it can cost more
than the equipment itself. Therefore it is important that the equipment is light and
compact so that a cost-effective light installation vessel can be used.
Ultimate recovery for subsea wells is significantly lower than that for platform
wells as any problems encountered are more difficult and more expensive
to rectify. Consequently, the rapid growth in the number of subsea wells
5. A subsea well is one in which the well head is at the sea bottom rather than located on a production platform at the surface.



accentuates the need to increase their recovery efficiency. A major technological

challenge is therefore to extend available improved oil recovery (IOR) capabilities
to subsea fields. Platforms offer direct access to the production equipment
for continuous operation, inspection, intervention and maintenance and are
therefore important for an optimum exploitation of the reservoir. The lower
physical access to subsea wells creates gaps in applying the same range of
technologies for subsea fields.
Step changes in communication technology have enabled new working methods
in the industry, especially for subsea developments. By applying fibre optic-based
broadband and digital infrastructure to integrated operations of subsea oil and
gas fields, the facilities can be controlled remotely from onshore. Such advanced
technology reduces the need to maintain costly offshore functions as well as the
risk that such functions pose to offshore personnel.
The ability to remove water and sand from the wellstream on the seabed is
also an important measure to boost production later in the lifecycle of the field
(Figure 2.8). When water separation is introduced subsea, it reduces the amount
of water produced and, similarly, the back-pressure in the production line. This
in turn improves recovery, as represented by the blue-green stippled segment
in the figure. Removal of water is also used in conjunction with subsea boosting
of the wellstream pressure, as it lets more fluids through the production line.
Subsea separation, boosting and multiphase separation are still the subject of
intense research, development and deployment (RD&D).

Figure 2.8 Effects from subsea boosting and separation

Boosting to push
more fluid through flowline

Subsea separation to
remove produced water
and reduce back-pressure

Production rate

Boosting to accelerate
start-up production





Courtesy of W. Schulte.

The cost of subsea wells is a major issue. Developing more cost-effective

installation methods and intervention concepts for subsea wells will be a key to
successfully addressing the challenge of improving recovery. Currently, a number
of concepts are being developed for different types of subsea intervention,
ranging from light vessels that can only execute simple measurements on
wire-line (tools lowered into the well on an electric cable) through to heavy
intervention installations and integrated drilling and completion concepts



(pulling tubing out of the well, replacing part of tubing and down-hole equipment,
drilling). After a period of technology qualification, a range of solutions for lighter
subsea intervention vessels is now also commercially available. In addition,
constant attention is given to the environmental aspects of subsea operations
because of the impact that subsea equipment may have on wildlife and the risk
of leaks or spills.

Applying technologies for IOR

IOR and EOR measures are used to increase recovery factors from a reservoir
(Box 2.3).

Box 2.3 IOR and EOR

As there are no precise definitions of these terms, an understanding of them often depends
on the context and on the user.
IOR refers to all measures that result in an increased oil recovery factor from a reservoir as
compared with the expected value at a particular point in time. In practice, the term is often
used synonymously with optimisation of the secondary recovery operation. IOR comprises
both conventional and emerging technologies.
EOR refers to advanced recovery techniques beyond those considered conventional. It focuses
only on the tertiary recovery operation. In theory, EOR is a sub-set of IOR.

In the secondary recovery phase, the pressure in the reservoir is maintained

by injecting water and/or gas behind the oil to drive it towards the production
wells. In this phase, often a lot of additional wells are drilled to reach untapped
oil pockets and reduce the distance between injection and production wells.
Facilities will have to be capable of handling large volumes of water both on the
injection and on the production sides. Often production wells are fitted with
artificial lift6 systems to assist in lifting oil that contains increasing levels of
water. In many mature fields significantly larger volumes of water than oil are

6. Any system that adds energy to the fluid column in a well-bore with the objective of initiating and improving production
from the well. Artificial-lift systems use a range of operating principles, including rod pumping, gas lift and electric submersible
pump (Schlumberger, 2012).



IOR techniques and their potential

The use of more advanced and efficient technologies in assessing and recovering
hydrocarbons in place has extended the lifecycle of many oilfields and,
consequently, made an important contribution to securing long-term oil supply.
Many of these fields have had their initial reserves revised upward. If reserve
growth in already discovered fields worldwide continues as in the past 70 years,
as much as 1 trillion barrels of additional oil could be added to reserves in these
fields during the next seven decades. This represents an addition equivalent to
the total amount of oil produced to date.
The fraction of oil in place that can be produced by water alternating gas injection
(WAG) (secondary recovery) depends on the reservoir and oil characteristics.
Typically, primary recovery can extract between 5% and 15%, and secondary
recovery can add a further 10 to 25 percentage points. This broad range in recovery
rates is due to the large variations in oilfield characteristics such as types of rock,
fluid saturations, reservoir temperature and pressure. At the moment, primary and
secondary recovery operations typically leave behind two-thirds of original oil in
A 2007 study by the National Petroleum Council in the United States lists
advances in technology that can improve oil recovery factors (NPC, 2007). New
well architecture helps significantly. In the recent past, very long horizontal
wells (wells with a large horizontal section inside the reservoir) have become
commonplace. Further developments are currently shifting towards multilaterals with in-well control valves. Repeat seismic is also used to make pictures
of the subsurface at different moments in time. The differences between these
pictures can often show where oil is left behind because of the geological
complexity of the reservoir and if new wells could help. In recent years, the
focus has been on well and reservoir management (WRM) and the installation of
more equipment to measure and monitor an oilfield more intensely (reservoir
surveillance). From the large amount of data in combination with numerically
simulating the reservoir, the operator can learn how best to manage the
injection and production levels. If such measurements are combined with
additional valves in the wells and facilities, so that the inflow in sectors of the
wells can be controlled remotely on a day-to-day basis, the field is often called a
smart field or eField. This type of WRM could improve recovery by between 5%
and 15% of oil initially in place.

Improvements in the North Sea and Norwegian Continental

The efficiency of oil recovery in the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS),
defined as the aggregate percentage of oil in place estimated to be ultimately
recoverable at the end of NCS production history, increased from 36% in 1992 to
44% in 2000 and 46% in 2008 (NPD, 2009). Technology improvements over that
period led not only to an increase in recovery rate and consequent higher output
from producing fields, but also to a growth of estimates of the total in-place NCS
oil resources and of the estimated recoverable reserves.



Technological developments and the application of IOR methods were key

factors in this increased production. Water injection, WAG, drilling technology,
and static and dynamic reservoir management7 have made major contributions
to improving production trends in the NCS.
Comparisons of production forecasts with actual production for selected
oilfields on the NCS illustrate the impact of IOR technology. Longer-term
production trends for the Ekofisk, Varg, Oseberg and Ula fields show how actual
production from these fields increased substantially during 1981-2005 compared
to estimates made when the original development plans were submitted for
government approval (Figure 2.9). On the basis of the original plans, these fields
should have been closed down by now. Thanks to more efficient operations and
the application of new IOR technologies, the fields will now remain in production
for years. Sometimes the benefits of IOR can exceed expectations, such as the
benefits of injecting water into chalk reservoirs (Box 2.4).

Figure 2.9 Production trends for the Ekofisk, Varg, Oseberg and Ula fields



Million sm3/yr oil

Million sm3/yr oil









Million sm3/yr oil

Million sm3/yr oil



1970 1980 1990 2000 2010




Prognosis at PDO



Actual production

Note: PDO = plans for development and operation. These are submitted prior to receiving formal
approval to proceed from the Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy. Sm3/yr = standard
cubic metres per year.
Source: NPD, 2011.

7. Static (rock-related) and dynamic (flow-related) reservoir management are two components of real-time reservoir management
designed to maximise production and recovery rates.



Actual production from the Ekofisk, Oseberg and Ula fields in 1995 was nearly
triple the production levels officially forecast ten years earlier. An assessment of
the production history of the 18 largest oil-producing fields on the NCS in the
same period shows a similar aggregate production trend (NPD, 2009).

Box 2.4 Technological breakthrough: water injection in the Ekofisk field

Major technological achievements resulting from ongoing research and development by the
industry and programmes supported by the Norwegian government became a key factor
behind the improved production trends experienced on the NCS. Water injection in the
Ekofisk field was successful in boosting oil production by enabling more oil to be recovered
from the fields chalk reservoir. Injecting water into oil-bearing chalk formations was not
normal practice at the time. The breakthrough was achieved despite broad scepticism in the
international community because of the perceived risk of seriously damaging the reservoir
by the so-called yoghurt effect resulting from chalk mixing with water. As a result of this
pioneering technology, the Ekofisk field is now the largest oil-producing field on the NCS.

The case of two of the larger North Sea oilfields, Statfjord and Gullfaks, both
with already good levels of expected oil recovery, further illustrates how the
application of a number of improved technologies significantly increased
recovery levels. The most important technologies used included:

drilling and well technologies;

extended use of gas and water injection;

static and dynamic modelling aimed at predicting and controlling reservoir

The improved technology and increased knowledge of the reservoirs in the
Statfjord and Gullfaks fields from 1986 to the present has had a significant impact
on the percentage of total oil recovery over the lifespan of the fields (Table 2.1).

Table 2.1 Expected ultimate percentage recovery from Statfjord and Gullfaks fields




















Courtesy of Norwegian Petroleum Directorate.

The technologies applied to increase production from the reservoirs also

provided improved information about the reservoir and better estimates of the
amount of oil in the fields and the amount judged to be recoverable reserves.
More examples can be quoted from different parts of the world. In the largest
oilfield in North America, the Prudhoe Bay field on Alaskas North Slope,
approximately 13 bb of oil are expected to be recoverable by using current
technology, compared to the 9.6 bb originally estimated.



Since many of the technologies used in various success stories are relevant
to fields elsewhere, wider application of these technologies is likely to lead
to increases in the global recovery rates and in global reserve and resource
estimates. A one percentage-point increase in the average recovery factor would
add more than 70 bb (or 6%) to the worlds proven conventional oil reserves. If
the average recovery factor worldwide were to be raised from about 35% today
to 50%, this would increase global conventional oil reserves by about 1.1 trillion
barrels, almost equal to the current level of proven reserves.

Experience with 4-D seismic

Numerous examples over the years have demonstrated that seismic technology
is key both for oil and gas exploration, and for IOR. Over the last couple of decades
seismic resolution has improved so much that when surveys are repeated they
can be compared to highlight any changes in fluid content or pressure levels.
This technique is called repeat 3-D or 4-D seismic.
One prominent example is the use of 4-D seismic in the Gullfaks field since
1996, which enabled better geophysical monitoring of the reservoir (Figure
2.10). In this field, improvements in production depend largely on more
effective water injection to flush the oil-bearing reservoir zone. Better
imaging by means of 4-D seismic provided improved understanding and
monitoring of the reservoir properties and behaviour during production,
which led to more accurate production forecasts. The application of 4-D
seismic has so far resulted in more than 60 million barrels (mb) of additional
oil being produced from the Gullfaks field.

Figure 2.10 Application of 4-D seismic in the Gullfaks field



Top reservoir


Top reservoir





Top reservoir


Top reservoir



Notes: the left diagram shows a schematic of data acquisition; the middle shows the seismic image; the right shows a
schematic interpretation of the seismic image. OWC = oil-water contact.
Courtesy of Statoil.



In the Draugen field in the North Sea, the use of 4-D seismic helped to direct
new wells by providing information on the movement of the water-flood
front8 and by comparing changes in the fraction of water in a given pore space
(water saturation) as derived from the 4-D seismic with those from matched
simulation results (Figure 2.11). This analysis led to an infill well (additional
well expected to increase recovery by reducing well spacing) being redirected
from a location where it would have been watered out9 immediately to a
position where it produced more than 70 000 barrels per day (b/d) of dry oil, a
record in the North Sea. Repeating 4-D seismic surveys at regular intervals for
optimal reservoir management could lead to an expected ultimate recovery
factor of 66%.

Figure 2.11 Change of drilling location based on 4-D seismic results

G arn
struc rmation

Original well
located close
to waterfront

Revised well
Initial OWC

4-D response
Matched simulation model
Courtesy of Shell.

Potential improvements in recovery in the Middle East

Oilfields in the Middle East are likely to benefit from capabilities and
technologies developed internationally for better exploitation of existing
resources. Compared with decades of efforts focused on improving recovery
in OPEC non-member regions, countries in the resource-rich Persian Gulf,
such as Saudi Arabia, are still largely in the early phase of oil production. This
8. Water-flood, a method of secondary recovery, is the term used to describe the process of increasing oil recovery by injecting
water into an oil-producing reservoir. The water-flood front refers to the front of the flow of water as it sweeps the reservoir.
9. A watered-out well is one where the volume of water produced with the oil is sufficiently high to render the well uneconomic
to operate.



means that less attention has been paid in the past to improving recovery
methods compared to more mature producing regions such as the United
States and maturing parts of the North Sea. In some areas, such as in Oman,
which has smaller resource volumes, dedicated improvements through IOR
and EOR are already well under way.
The Persian Gulf region is dominated by carbonate reservoirs. These are
particularly heterogeneous, with small features that are difficult to detect by
using seismic or other measurements and can sometimes dramatically affect
the movement of fluids. Often the presence of large faults and fracture systems
make a classical water-flood not practical because water will flow through the
fracture system and will by-pass the oil. In addition, the rocks tend to be oil wet,
meaning that oil tends to stick to the rock better than water, which reduces
recovery from water injection.
Still, many oil developments concern huge fields where, for a long time,
peripheral water injection involving large well spacing was sufficient. However,
the proportion of water in the total liquids extracted from the producing wells
is increasing and therefore there are many new initiatives to improve recovery
in these complex fields. So far most of these developments concern drilling
horizontal and multilateral wells and applying 4-D seismic. Research and pilot
testing on EOR methods is also ongoing. EOR methods are being used in Oman
where, owing to an average smaller field size, development is more mature than
in other areas of the Middle East. In Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates,
gas injection has been piloted already for many years. Recently a pilot project
involving the use of carbon dioxide (CO2) was announced in Abu Dhabi, and Saudi
Arabia is also planning a CO2 test. The officially reported recovery efficiencies of
the larger resource holders have not changed in recent years as operators still
feel that there is insufficient evidence to warrant a change. By using infill drilling
(drilling extra wells in between existing wells) in existing fields, the production
levels in the larger countries of the Middle East have steadily increased. All
activities towards better wells, using more seismic technology; introducing
smart-field technology, and piloting EOR techniques, all point to a desire to raise
recovery levels significantly and secure years of plateau production.

Using well technology to boost recovery from thin oil rims

Thin oil rims describe reservoirs where the oil sits in a thin layer between a
large volume of gas above it and water below. Oil production from thin oil
rims is typically difficult. A well placed in the rim will usually produce mainly
large volumes of water and gas. A prominent example of technology enabling
IOR from thin oil rims is the development and production of the thin oil rim in
the Troll field offshore Norway. For a long time, it was uncertain whether the
resources in the 12 m to 14 m thin oil zone in the Troll Vest gas province would
be technically and commercially exploitable.



However, total estimated recoverable reserves have gradually increased from

145 mb in 1986 to 2 100 mb in 2009 (Figure 2.12). The increase was the result
of advances in horizontal and multilateral drilling, which enabled wells to be
drilled with a tolerance of +/-1 m in relation to the water zone underneath the
oil reservoir.


Figure 2.12 Evolution of recoverable oil reserves in the Troll field

2 500
2 000
1 500
1 000






Estimated recoverable
Courtesy of Norwegian Petroleum Directorate.

Horizontal drilling reduces interference from the nearby water and gas layers,
which again increases the productivity of the wells. By 1998, almost all producing
wells in Troll were horizontal, with wells reaching up to 3 100 m in horizontal
range. The growth of recoverable reserves realised during the subsequent
lifetime of the field has been possible because of the use of increasingly longer
well paths, (up to about 12 000 m) combined with multi-branch wells that allow
additional reservoir drainage. To date, more than 1 bb of oil have been produced
from the Troll field.

Mature reserves: technologies for EOR

In the later so-called tertiary stages of production, sophisticated methods to
improve the displacement process and reduce the remaining oil in the reservoir
can be introduced, assuming they are profitable. These include CO2 injection,
detergent injection and even the growth of micro-organisms that can enhance
oil production. Thermal methods, such as steam injection and pumping down
oxygen to ignite the oil nearest the injector well, increase reservoir temperature
and so reduce oil viscosity.
The Weyburn and Midale fields in Saskatchewan, Canada, provide a good
example of the various stages that can take place, leading to implementation



of an EOR scheme. Production at the Weyburn field started in the mid-1950s

with conventional vertical wells. Primary production, followed by water-flooding,
infill drilling of vertical wells in the mid-1980s and horizontal wells in the 1990s,
recovered a total of 370 mb or approximately 26% of the 1.4 bb of original oil
in place. In 2000, a carbon dioxide-enhanced oil recovery (CO2-EOR) scheme was
implemented using CO2 piped from a coal-gasification plant in North Dakota
in the United States, which added a further 155 mb taking total recoverable
reserves to 525 mb. The contribution of EOR resulted in the oil production level
reaching a 35-year high in 2006 (Figure 2.13).

b/d (gross)

Figure 2.13 Impact of EOR technology on oil production from the Weyburn field,
50 000
45 000
40 000
35 000
30 000
25 000
20 000
15 000
10 000
5 000


Primary recovery and waterflood















Notes: vertical infills = infill of vertical wells by water injection; horizontal infills = pre-CO2 infill
of horizontal wells by water injection.
Courtesy of Cenovus Energy.

A later section on CO2-EOR for greenhouse gas mitigation discusses in greater

detail the role of EOR, using CO2 as a solvent, at Weyburn-Midale and addresses
the issues involved. The section also describes the Weyburn-Midale CO2
monitoring and storage project currently in progress.

The move towards EOR technologies

In the late 1970s and early 1980s, operators in the United States were already
considering the use of EOR technologies. The sharp increase in oil price,
a favourable tax regime and a decrease in outputs in the United States
had spurred interest. Technologies were developed and field applications
triggered. EOR applications in California and West Texas are still ongoing. In
the late 1980s and the 1990s the oil price had collapsed and many initiatives
to develop EOR technologies were stopped. EOR was not the mainstream
growth activity of the exploration and production industry in that period,
which explains why there was only moderate progress in establishing higher



global recovery factors. In recent years, increase in oil price and concerns over
the security of supply have led to a renewed interest for EOR technologies by
both national and international oil companies.

Box 2.5 Landscape of EOR techniques

In most reservoirs, EOR or tertiary recovery is needed to extract a greater proportion of the oilin-place or in some cases it is the only means to produce oil. Figure 2.14 shows the common
EOR techniques in current use. The feasibility of the various methods depends largely on the
type of oil, type of reservoir and additional field-specific conditions. Most types of EOR involve
the application of techniques to reduce viscosity and improve flow, e.g. gas flooding, chemical
flooding and/or the application of heat.

Figure 2.14 Common EOR techniques currently in use

Gas flooding



Cyclic steam
Steam drive

Thermal conduction
In-situ combustion
Electric heating
Steam foam




Chemical flooding




Notes: conventional refers to methods that have been in use for many years, whereas unconventional refers to
novel or unproven technologies. ASP = alkaline-surfactant-polymer; N2 = nitrogen gas.
Courtesy of Shell (adapted).

In gas flooding, the gas reduces the viscosity of the oil, thereby making it flow more easily.
Associated natural gas, or the gas produced naturally with oil, is often used for flooding
especially when there is no significant local market for it. When the gas is miscible (i.e. it mixes
fully) with the oil at reservoir conditions, the gas will also displace the residual oil. Miscible gas
injection will produce more oil than gas that is not miscible. CO2 injection, often miscible with
the oil, is increasingly popular in the United States and accounts for about 4% of domestic
oil production.



Chemical EOR mainly involves polymer injection to increase the viscosity of the displacing
fluid and ASP flooding to mobilise residual oil. Polymer injection helps when the oil viscosity
is high and/or the reservoir is very heterogeneous. ASP will reduce the interfacial tension
between the in-place crude oil and the injected water, mobilising residual oil. However,
the cost of surfactants and polymers can be high and chemical EOR is a complex process
(Box 2.6). In thermal EOR, heat is introduced into the reservoir to reduce oil viscosity. This is
applicable mostly to heavy or viscous crude oils.
In the future, nanoparticles may provide the solution. Currently, research and development
is under way to explore the potential for nanoparticles to measure and to modify reservoir
properties. If particles can be developed to modify reservoir rock and fluid attributes, they
may be deployed to enhance recovery from the reservoir.

Whether or not EOR technologies are suitable depends on the characteristics of

the oilfield and its state of depletion. Over the years, key criteria for assessing
the suitability of EOR technologies have been developed (Table 2.2). The crude
oil gravity (or API10) is generally the first parameter to be considered, as most
miscible flooding techniques work only for lighter crudes. The second parameter
is the amount of oil left in the field due to by-passing areas or a high residual oil
saturation (Box 2.6). Chemical EOR is an option, while CO2-EOR can be used when
more than 20% of the oil is still recoverable. The oilfield temperature is the next
variable, e.g. polymer flooding and ASP require more expensive chemicals when
the temperature is over 95C.

Table 2.2 Pre-screening criteria for EOR



Remaining Formation
resources (carbonate/
(% of initial sandstone)


Permeability Temperature Required



> 35

> 40


> 2 000



> 25

> 30


> 1 350



> 25

> 20


> 700



> 15

> 70


< 3 000

> 10

< 95



> 18

> 35


< 3 000

> 10

< 95


Thermal/combustion > 10

> 50


> 50

> 50

> 40


> 40


< 1 500

> 200



Note: md refers to millidarcy, unit of permeability. Here it is used as a measure of the permeability of rock.
Source: IEA, 2008.

10. API (American Petroleum Institute) gravity is a measure of the density of oil. The API gravity scale is calibrated such that
most crude oils, as well as distillate fuels, will have API gravities between 10 and 70 API. The lower the number, the heavier
and the more viscous is the oil.



Box 2.6 Remaining oil and chemical EOR

There are two types of remaining oil: residual oil, in which hydrocarbons are trapped in
small pores of the rock after water passed through this rock; and by-passed oil, in which
hydrocarbons are left behind in unflooded rock areas owing to high oil viscosity or rock
heterogeneity. Chemical flooding may be used to access the remaining oil and is one of the
main techniques to have received a lot of attention in recent years.
One class of chemical flooding uses surfactants to lower the surface tension and alter the
wettability of the residual oil. Surfactants are molecules with hydrophilic and hydrophobic
components. They can therefore accumulate at the interfaces between oil and water;
changing the interfacial tension between the two allows small droplets of oil to be
solubilised in water (e.g. soap in the dishwasher). Surfactants can be added to water
injected into the reservoir and will help entrain more oil into the water, ideally leaving no
oil behind in the flooded parts.
Another class of chemical flooding injects polymer solutions, which improve recovery by
increasing the viscosity of the injected water used to flood the reservoir. Polymers are
longer molecules which, added to the injection water at concentrations of a few tenths of
a per cent, can play several roles depending on the nature and properties of the polymer
used. By making the injected water more viscous, approximating it to the viscosity of oil,
polymers can promote a more regular and complete displacement of oil by water.
Although chemical techniques, such as surfactants and polymer floods, were developed
in the 1980s, they have not been widely used because of their cost. Often substantial
quantities of chemicals are required to fill a large fraction of the pore space.

Different EOR methods can be applied for the different ranges of oil gravity
(Figure 2.15). The size of the bar in the figure indicates the relative amount of
production in which that method is used.
Predicting the complex subsurface flow behaviour in EOR projects via computer
simulation is an important step in designing the tertiary recovery method.
Such simulations help to optimise injection profiles, well patterns and sweep
EOR-associated oil production amounts to about 2.5 million barrels per day
(mb/d) (O&GJ, 2008; IEA, 2008). The largest share is from thermal processes
(United States, Canada, Venezuela, Indonesia and China); CO2 injection
(United States); hydrocarbon gas injection (Venezuela); nitrogen (Cantarell
field in Mexico); and polymer/surfactant flooding (China) (Table 2.3). CO2
injection, which has been used for 30 years in West Texas, is currently of
considerable interest around the world because of its potential to sequester
CO2 and improve oil recovery.
The implementation of EOR is dependent not only on production levels and oil
prices but also on the cost (Box 2.7).



Figure 2.15 Effectiveness of different EOR methods

Oil gravity (oAPI)












N2 and flue gas

Immiscible gas
ASP and micellar polymer
Polymer floods
Gel treatments
In situ combustion

Source: Taber, Martin and Seright, 1997.

Table 2.3 Estimated incremental production from EOR projects

(1 000 b/d), 2007


United States


























2 510





1 200

Source: IEA, 2008.

Note: kb/d = thousand barrels per day.






Box 2.7 The power of market prices

The prospects for IOR and EOR have recently been boosted by higher oil prices. However,
energy feedstock prices for thermal processes and hydrocarbon displacement, increased
demand for CO2, and the impact of higher oil prices on surfactants and polymers have all
led to a sharp rise in costs in recent years. Nonetheless, the cost of EOR is still acceptable and
ranges from just under USD 20 to USD 80 per incremental barrel of oil.

Hydrocarbon gas EOR can also be attractive when gas is available in the same, or
nearby, fields. Indeed, if transport infrastructure to market does not exist, it is
essentially a zero-value product, which is likely to be flared, producing significant
CO2 emissions. Hydrocarbon gas injection EOR schemes are used in many places
around the world and have increased recovery between 5% and 10%. The EOR
schemes can be combined with water injection, either by alternating WAG or by
simultaneous injection as a water/gas mixture or as foam.
EOR production is set to increase with time. In the Reference Scenario of the IEA
World Energy Outlook 2008, additional production resulting from EOR (over and
above current EOR output) was projected to contribute an additional 6.4 mb/d
to world oil supply by 2030, with most of the increase occurring after 2015
(Figure 2.16) (IEA, 2008).

Figure 2.16 Production from EOR in the WEO 2008 Reference Scenario,
by country
United Arab Emirates
Saudi Arabia
United States





Source: IEA, 2008.




Three-quarters of this increase comes from four countries: the United States,
Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and China (in ranked order). Cumulative production in
2007-30 amounts to 24 bb, out of an estimated potential of about 300 bb, of
which one-third is in Saudi Arabia.
Most of the new EOR projects implemented during the projection period
2007-30 involve CO2 injection. In total, about 9.8 gigatonnes of CO2 are captured
and stored in CO2-EOR oil projects over the period. These projects are exclusively
onshore, as the projection assumed that the technology for offshore CO2-EOR
would not be sufficiently advanced for it to be deployed before the end of the
projection period.

CO2 injection for EOR

The attraction of CO2 injection is that it is miscible with oil at a much lower
pressure than natural gas and under reservoir conditions it has a similar
density to oil. CO2-EOR was initially deployed in the 1970s and is used mostly
onshore with a small inter-well distance. In addition to expanding the use of
the technology to new onshore areas, recent work has suggested there may
indeed be considerable future potential for using it offshore (ARI, 2010a) and in
larger reservoirs (USDOE/NETL, 2010). Experience in Texas shows that in suitable
reservoirs, oil recovery may increase to between 5% and 15% of the oil initially in
place. An assessment of the potential in the United States shows that improved
CO2-EOR, in combination with 4-D seismic, advanced well monitoring and
control, and reservoir simulation could add 119 bb of technically recoverable oil
and 66 bb of economically recoverable oil (ARI, 2010b) in the United States alone.
In Texas, it is estimated that there are about 48 billion additional barrels of
oil, primarily in the Permian Basin, eastern Texas and the Gulf Coast, that can
only be reached by using CO2-EOR together with advanced monitoring and
control (ARI, 2010b). Texas is working at full capacity of available CO2 supply
(predominantly from natural sources) and uses about 30 million tonnes (Mt) of
CO2 annually.
The worldwide potential for CO2-EOR is between 200 bb and 300 bb, equal
to between 10% and 15% of current remaining recoverable conventional oil
resources using primary and secondary recovery techniques. The Middle East
and North America are thought to hold the greatest potential (Figure 2.17).
The potential is greatest for newer fields with relatively low depletion levels
because the costs of installing the required equipment and facilities are
substantial, particularly for offshore fields (Tzimas et al., 2005). Older facilities
are also often not resistant to corrosion by CO2/water mixtures and thus incur
large replacement costs. Incremental recovery rates with EOR from offshore
fields are expected to be lower than from onshore fields because of different
well configurations and complex facility issues.




Figure 2.17 Potential additional recoverable oil resources using CO2-EOR, by region








Note: FSU = former Soviet Union.

Source: IEA, 2008.

The growing sense of need to capture CO2 emissions from major energy
installations and storing it in reservoirs or formations underground is leading to
increased interest in using the gas for EOR or enhanced gas recovery. However,
most CO2-EOR projects have hitherto obtained CO2 from natural sources.
There are more than 90 CO2-EOR projects worldwide, most of them in North
America, producing in excess of 300 kb/d of oil. In the United States, it has been
projected that the contribution from CO2-EOR can increase from the 2007 level
of 250 kb/d to 1 300 kb/d by 2030 (Caruso, 2007). The economics of CO2-EOR can
be attractive. Current experience suggests that about 0.17 tonnes (t) to 0.28 t of
net CO2 will provide one barrel of oil.
The United States has the most experience in CO2-EOR and therefore exporting
its know-how will provide other regions with an excellent quick start.

CO2-EOR for greenhouse gas mitigation: a future win-win

Limiting the increase in global temperature by reducing CO2 emissions to
the atmosphere is one of todays key challenges. Fossil fuels dominate global
energy supply and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. To achieve
pledges made at both COP15 and COP1611 to address future emissions, a

11. The 15th and 16th sessions of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change, held in Copenhagen (2009) and Cancun (2010), respectively.



significant adoption of carbon capture and storage (CCS) is projected over the
coming decades (IEA, 2011). The CO2 captured must be permanently12 stored in
geological formations selected such that virtually all of the CO2 will be trapped
in the subsurface. The types of formation chosen for geological storage include
saline aquifers (i.e. porous and permeable bodies of rock containing salty water),
depleted oil and gas reservoirs, or oil reservoirs that still contain mobile oil
that may be displaced by injection of CO2 and then recovered. Saline aquifers,
although the least well characterised at present, appear to offer the greatest
potential for storing CO2 in the long run. However, it has been proposed that
using the CO2 captured from new power stations for CO2-EOR will not only
be economically attractive and benefit the environment but could also lead to
increased energy security (ARI, 2010c).
In fact, a study on optimising CO2 storage in CO2-EOR projects predicts a much
larger EOR target worldwide than suggested in Figure 2.17 and concludes that
captured anthropogenic CO2 should be seen as a long-term supply source for
affordable, reliable CO2 needed to mature these targets (ARI, 2010c). Currently,
most CO2-EOR operators believe that the relatively low availability of CO2 is
limiting the industrys capacity to expand the application of CO2-EOR.

Storage aspects
In geological storage, CO2 is injected under pressure into suitable geological
structures that contain natural trapping mechanisms like anticline-shaped
impermeable cap rocks. The gas is injected at sufficiently high pressures and
temperatures that it becomes a supercritical fluid that can still flow easily
through the pore spaces but occupies much less space than gases. High
pressure at sufficient depths (over 800 m) maintains the supercritical fluid
state. Supercritical CO2 compresses further with depth, increasing the amount
that can be stored in the same volume (Figure 2.18). The blue numbers show
the volume occupied by CO2 at each depth compared to a reference volume of
100 volumetric units as a gas at the surface.
Oil and gas reservoirs occur in natural traps that have contained oil, gas and water
for millions of years. If this were not the case, todays predominantly hydrocarbon
energy economy would not exist. The geology of most oil and gas fields is well
understood. Injecting CO2 into hydrocarbon fields under development does incur
some risk because these fields have experienced previous human intervention.
The greatest risk of CO2 leakage is not from the injection well but from other
wells, such as abandoned production wells, that penetrate the storage formation
and may be improperly sealed (Ide, Friedmann and Herzog, 2006). Before deciding
on CO2 injection into oil or gas reservoirs as a means of permanently containing
the CO2, prior drilling activity in the area needs to be investigated, e.g. against
information that has previously been recorded, and well conditions verified.
The existence of older, poorly documented wells in the area being proposed for
injection could pose leakage risks.

12. In this context, permanent means that the injected CO2 will be stored safely and securely over geological time scales, i.e.
very long periods of time by any human measure (tens of thousands of years or longer).



Traditionally, most CO2-EOR projects have been designed to minimise the

amount of CO2 injected per incremental barrel of oil produced. However, there
are opportunities to modify reservoir management strategies to optimise and
increase the capacity for CO2 storage in CO2-EOR fields. Such optimisation could
include reducing water injection and leaving the pore space filled with CO2 at
field abandonment. Another option would be to flood reservoir zones below the
OWC to release any residual oil that could not be recovered under a water-flood.
Such zones are known as residual oil zones.

Figure 2.18 Density and volume occupied by supercritical CO2

at different injection depths


Depth (km)



CO2 as a gas



CO2 as a
supercritical fluid


Critical depth








1 000

Density of CO2 (kg/m )

Note: kg/m3 = kilogram per cubic metre.
Source: CO2CRC, 2009.

CO2-EOR could be viewed as a component of CCS, where the revenues from EOR
contribute to the overall cost of the CCS operation. Subsequent to the EOR phase,
insteadofabandoningthefield,activitiescouldthenbeswitchedtofocusonCO2 storage.

The Weyburn-Midale project

A key pilot project in which CCS and EOR are combined is the Weyburn-Midale
project. In 2000 a CO2-EOR project began at the Weyburn oilfield. Production



in the field, which is now operated by the Cenovus Corporation following a

split from Encana at the end of 2009, began more than a half century ago.
Primary and water-flooding stages, augmented with vertical and horizontalwell infill drilling, had already been carried out on the oilfield before the start
of the EOR project. In 2005, Apache Canada implemented a similar CO2 flood in
its neighbouring Midale field and both projects are now managed as a single
The CO2 is produced and supplied by the Dakota Gasification Company lignite
gasification plant in Beulah, North Dakota. The plant produces 13 000 tonnes
per day (t/d) of CO2, although not all is captured. Approximately 8 000 t/d are
compressed to 15 megapascals (MPa) and transported as a supercritical fluid
via a 325 km pipeline to the oilfields in Saskatchewan, Canada (Figure 2.19).

Figure 2.19 Weyburn-Midale CO2 pipeline





North Dakota

This map is without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries,
and to the name of any territory, city or area.

Source: IEA GHG,13 2006.

13. The Implementing Agreement for a Co-operative Programme on Technologies Relating to Greenhouse Gases Derived from
Fossil Fuel Use (or IEA GHG) is one of more than 40 Implementing Agreements that comprise the IEA energy technology
network. It is often referred to as the IEA Greenhouse Gas Research and Development Programme (IEA GHG). Further details
may be found on accessing its website (



The CO2 is injected to a depth of 1 500 m (Figure 2.20). The operating strategy
at the field is to alternate CO2 and water injection; this approach helps to
mitigate the tendency for the lower-viscosity CO2 to break through to the
producing well, as gas injected afterwards would follow that path and reduce
the overall efficiency of oil production. The CO2 is miscible with the oil, enabling
oil to escape from rock pores and flow towards the production wells. During the
process, about half of the injected CO2 returns to the surface along with oil and
water, where it is separated and reinjected. At the end of the oil recovery period,
virtually all of the injected and recycled CO2 is permanently stored.

Figure 2.20 The Weyburn-Midale CO2-EOR storage project

Oil to market

CO2 captured


Liquid CO2 injected

Water injected

1 500 m

CO2 mixes with

oil and water

Source: PTRC, 2009.

At Weyburn, Cenovus currently injects 6 500 t/d of freshly piped liquid CO2 and,
at Midale, Apache injects 1 250 t/d. In total, over 18 Mt of CO2 had been injected
at the end of 2010. When both projects are completed, total CO2 stored will
amount to over 40 Mt. This amount of CO2 is equivalent to removing nearly nine
million cars from the road for one year.



However, much more storage capacity still remains available. Modelling results
indicate that at Weyburn alone an additional 25 Mt of CO2 could be stored. If
appropriate financial incentives, such as offset credits, were to be made available
to cover the costs, the operators might consider using this extra storage capacity.
The net CO2 used for the Weyburn oilfield is between 85 standard cubic metres
per barrel (Sm3/b) to 115 Sm3/b or around 0.17 tonnes per barrel (t/b) to 0.22 t/b
(see Table 2.4). The Midale field indicates slightly lower usage. The volume of the
CO2 stored during the EOR phase is currently around 13% of the hydrocarbonfilled pore volume. As mentioned above, this number could increase by a factor
of two in a possible follow-up stage to maximise the CO2 storage in the field.
Future technology such as CO2 foam could increase the amount of CO2 that
could be stored by reducing the mobility of the CO2 and displacing more water
from the reservoir. Table 2.4 shows the operating statistics for the Weyburn and
Midale CO2-EOR projects.

Table 2.4 Weyburn and Midale CO2-EOR operating statistics

Weyburn (Cenovus)
(December 2010)

Midale (Apache)
(April 2011)

2000/30 years

2005/30 years

10-11 MPa

10-11 MPa

Daily injection rate of fresh CO2

6 500 t/d

1 250 t/d

Recycle rate of CO2 and produced gas

6 500 t/d

630 t/d

Total daily CO2 injection rate

13 000 t/d

1 880 t/d

Annual amount of fresh CO2 injected

2.4 Mt

0.46 Mt

Total amount of fresh CO2 injected to date

16.4 Mt

2.5 Mt

18 000/28 000 b/d

2 540/5 600 b/d

155 mb

60 mb
(17% OOIP)

3-4 million cubic feet/barrel


2.3 mcf/b

Over 30 Mt (gross)

Over 10 Mt (gross)

Over 26 Mt (net)

Over 8.5 Mt (net)

Estimated CAD 1.3 billion

Estimated CAD 400 million

Start of CO2 injection/duration

Injection pressure

Incremental/total oil production

Projected total incremental oil recovery due to CO2
CO2 utilisation factor
Projected amount of CO2 stored at project completion

Total capital cost of EOR project

Notes: OOIP = original oil in place; 1 million cubic feet = 28.3 thousand cubic metres.
Source: Mourits, 2011.

At the same time that the CO2-EOR project started at Weyburn in 2000, an
international research project was also launched under the auspices of the IEA
GHG. The project set out to study CO2 injection and geological storage at the
Weyburn field and develop appropriate measuring, monitoring and verification



Specifically, the objectives of the first phase of the study were to develop
monitoring and modelling methods to address the long-term migration and
fate of the injected CO2. A comprehensive analysis of various methodologies
also set out to verify that oil reservoirs could contain CO2 securely and
economically (IEA GHG, 2006; Mourits, 2008).
A key advantage of Weyburn and an important reason for starting the
IEA GHG research project at the field was the availability of 50 years
of production data, and the large number of wellbores with associated
geological and geophysical logging data. In addition, the pre-existing
wellbores also presented an environment suitable for testing the potential
for CO2 leakage to the surface.
On the basis of the results from Phase I, the geological setting at WeyburnMidale appeared to be highly suitable for the long-term geological storage of
CO2. The results included an estimation of the storage capacity of the field and
a risk assessment of the injected CO2 over a period of 5 000 years.
Probability analyses and numerical simulations, based on geochemical fluid
sampling and seismic surveys, indicated that after 5 000 years all but a
negligible amount of CO2 would remain in the Weyburn reservoir and adjoining
regions (IEA GHG, 2008). It was also found that, within the time period, almost
75% of the CO2 would be trapped by dissolution in the reservoir fluids (brine
and oil). All of the remainder would be trapped through mineralisation, hence
precluding any further upward movement of the CO2 (Figure 2.21). While the
ultimate goal is mineral trapping of CO2, storage of injected CO2 in the short
term (over the next 50 years) is most likely to be accomplished by solubility
trapping in water and ionic trapping of CO2 as bicarbonate ions.

Figure 2.21 CO2 trapped by different mechanisms


Dissolution in oil
Mineral trapping
Solubility trapping in water


Ionic trapping in water



Source: Wilson and Monea, 2004.



The final report from Phase I contains the most complete and comprehensive
peer-reviewed data for the geological storage of CO2 in the world. Phase I was
completed in 2004.
A second phase, entitled the IEA GHG Weyburn-Midale CO2 Monitoring and
Storage Project, started in 2005 and ran until 2012. Project participants comprised
six governments or government agencies, including Natural Resources Canada
(NRCan), the provincial governments of Alberta and Saskatchewan, the United
States Department of Energy (US DOE), the Japanese Research Institute of
Innovative Technology for the Earth and the IEA GHG, as well as ten Canadian and
international energy companies. The Petroleum Technology Research Centre
managed the technical components of the project, while NRCan managed the
non-technical components.
The technical and non-technical accomplishments of the second phase are
described in a best-practices manual (Hitchon, 2012) that contains both technical
and non-technical components. The technical components are intended to serve
as protocols for the design, implementation, monitoring and verification of
EOR-type CO2 storage projects. The technical part also includes guidance on
topics such as site characterisation/selection; well-bore integrity; monitoring
and verification; and risk assessment. The non-technical part of the manual
addresses measures to accelerate the development of appropriate regulations
for CO2 storage; of effective public communication and outreach; and of public
policy that provides effective incentives to ensure the widespread deployment
of CCS in the long term. Many of the methodologies and findings of the project
are applicable to CO2 storage in other types of geological formations.
The Weyburn-Midale CO2-EOR operations demonstrate that the technology
could, given the right circumstances, provide a win-win approach for CCS as an
important contributor to global climate mitigation in the decades to come.

Costs and carbon credits

When considering the commercial viability of a CO2-EOR project involving the
capture of CO2 at a power-generating plant, several factors must be taken into
account. Clearly, energy costs are substantial for CO2 capture, transportation
and injection, all of which emit CO2. The process adds infrastructure to a power
plant with associated capital costs, pipeline costs depending on the distance
transported, and infrastructure needed to inject the CO2 into the reservoir.
Purity requirements for CO2 can lead to the added cost of separating the gas
at the power plant. Monitoring, measuring and verification costs post-injection
will be part of the regulatory compliance requirements. All of these added costs
need to be balanced against the value of the incremental crude oil produced
plus the value of CO2 credits, if and when these are available. All of these factors
need to be taken into account in order to assess the commercial viability of a
CO2-EOR project.
In many cases, CO2-EOR is not considered financially viable because of the high
price of CO2 from power station capture. Therefore, a carbon credit or other
financial incentives are needed to cover the difference. So far, CCS projects are



not entitled to such credits. At the end of 2010 in Cancun, the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) decided that CCS could
qualify for credits from the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) provided that
a number of issues are resolved. Issues included monitoring, site selection, risk
assessment, definition of liability and others. However, given the low prices (less
than USD 5/t CO2) at which CDM credits have been and are still being traded, it is
unlikely that CDM credits will provide a strong stimulus for CCS projects, at least
for some time to come. Therefore, CO2-EOR could be viewed as a way to offset
part of the cost of CCS projects. In areas with multiple fields in close proximity,
a CO2 pipeline infrastructure could help to improve economics, but the initial
costs of such systems are still a hurdle.

Being smart with smart fields

Since the end of the 1990s, a number of large oil companies, including Shell, BP,
Saudi Aramco and Statoil, have been piloting so-called smart field technology.
The concept of smart field is also known as intelligent field, digital oilfield,
integrated operations or field of the future. These days, many national and
international oil companies have integrated smart fields as part of their strategy.
For example, in 2010 Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) started the Kuwait Integrated
Digital Field programme.
Smart field technology is not just a single technology but covers a whole range
of new and advanced technologies. The technologies range from sophisticated
wells, to fast communication technology (e.g. fibre and wireless) to virtual
collaborative working environments. New information and communication
technology plays a key, central role in any implementation, which explains the
adjectives intelligent and digital. An important aspect of a smart field is that
these advanced technologies are used in an integrated manner to maximise their
Smart fields are not only about technology but also about people and work
processes. To exploit the opportunities of smart field technologies, work
processes have to be adapted. Integration is also the key word here (integrated
operations). Companies, such as the KOC, position digital field projects as
company-wide transformation projects that prepare the company for the future
(field of the future).
The overall objective of smart fields is to optimise planning and operations,
Hence, a smart field is one that can be in continuous use 24 hours a day, seven
days a week. The underlying philosophy is that the total value that can be
created from a field depends on: how precisely the hydrocarbons in the ground
can be determined; how efficiently those hydrocarbons can be recovered; how
to optimise production and well facilities; and how to improve the overall
field performance throughout the field lifecycle on time scales ranging from
seconds to field life. Optimising the use of equipment for maximum efficiency
is achieved over differing time scales. For example, for gas lift, improvements



can be seen in real time, for production or pipeline systems it could be days or
even weeks, and for water-flood management it can take months or even years
(Figure 2.22). The concept is not to focus on portfolio management but, instead,
to consider the complete system in a more holistic manner.

Figure 2.22 Smart fields focus on short-term production and longer-term reservoir

Historic data
and forecast


Historic data
and forecast

Reservoir management
field development planning

Production management
production planning

Portfolio management
business planning


and constraints

and constraints



Courtesy of W. Schulte.

Smart field technologies

Applications of leading oil operators to create smart fields reveal five technology
enablers that are key to the successful implementation of smart fields. These are:

Measurement (sensors). The basis of providing high-quality data lies in measuring

the processes that are vital to the business of the company, particularly in drilling
and production. Examples include the traditional measurement technologies
that are deployed in the production process for wells (pressure, temperature,
flow), for topside equipment such as compressors and separators (pressures,
temperatures, revolutions per minute, densities) and for drilling (logging while
drilling, measuring while drilling, wire-line logging). Recent years have seen the
uptake of advanced technologies, as illustrated by Shells experience in Brunei
Champion West and BPs experience at Plutonia. These technologies involve
distributing sensor technologies in wells to acquire measurements along the
(full) trajectory of a well during production. Such sensor technologies include
fibre optic technology, down-hole pressure and temperature sensors, and (downhole) multiphase flow metering.

Communication. Communication technologies are used to transport

measurement data to central data-acquisition servers in control rooms set up
at the field. Typically this is real-time data, which is acquired every ten seconds
by remote terminal units. Subsequently, these technologies are used to link
up control rooms and support centres and/or central offices. A range of wellestablished technologies is successfully used for this, such as wireless solutions
and fibre optics.



Database management systems (DBMS). For storing and retrieving large amounts
of real-time data and other data, information technology companies provide a
whole host of existing solutions (relational and time-stamped DBMS). These
generic DBMS are customised into solutions that are geared towards usage by
oil companies.

User interface. Typically, data will be interfaced to three distinctly different

types of locations and users: operations (central control rooms for drilling and
for production), operations support in special support centres at offices typically
located far from field operations and field development teams.

Control (actuators). Once a decision has been taken on how to manage a

certain process, remote-controlled actuators are required to change the control
parameters of that process into one that is cost-effective, convenient and timely.
For example, to change a choke setting, the personnel no longer have to go out
to the well-head, which is labour-intensive, inconvenient and takes time before
choke settings are changed. Other examples of processes that can be remotely
controlled include separator trains, routine well testing, manifold valve settings,
and subsurface well inflow. In an advanced smart field process, parameters
may be set automatically by dedicated software tools, such as the automatic
shut-down of a well in case certain limits (e.g. water-cut levels) are violated. In
a very advanced smart field, processes may even be controlled automatically
on a continuous basis by closed-loop, model-based optimisation programmes.
An optimisation programme triggers changes in operational settings based on
calculated responses, reads the actual response of the field to these changed
settings and analyses how best to further improve the settings.

Smart field collaboration

The best examples of changed work processes are the impressive control rooms with
their wall-covered monitors. Such facilities create a virtual, collaborative working
environment. It brings together petroleum engineers, well services, and offshore
operations staff in virtual real-time decision making. This embeds a completely new
way of working in the organisation, based on the philosophy of how the field should
be managed. It really means one operation based on one dataset, one plan and one
common set of priorities. That does not sound like rocket science, but it is a huge step
for oil companies and leads to better, faster decision making.

The advantages of smart field

Having the vision to use smart fields in practice is not one-size-fits-all, because
every field has unique features. Geological, environmental, economic and even
political circumstances differ from case to case. Such circumstances change the
way in which fields can be optimised and necessitate a customised solution for
the whole field operation.
When assessing the added value of implementing smart field technology and
work processes, it is worth considering that just as the smart field touches upon
needs on multiple levels of the organisation, the value created is also manyfaceted. Some advantages are easy to quantify, such as increased production



rates. Some may only be estimated, for example the ultimate recovery factor.
Others are harder to quantify as many people forget to compare the situation
before and after specific work flows and programmes have been changed. There
are also advantages that cannot be quantified, such as the achievement of
higher health, safety and efficiency levels because travel to and from offshore
platforms is no longer as necessary.
The following two examples illustrate the potential of smart fields.

BP. Increased production from more than 700 wells, including 80% of the
companys most prolific producers, by 50 mb of oil-equivalent per year for each
of the years 2006 to 2009.

Shell. The Champion West field in Brunei was developed some 40 years after
discovery by using smart field technology, making it more financially viable with
a peak production of 50 000 b/d.

Importance of future technology RD&D

Despite the technological progress described above, most of the oil initially in
place in a given field remains in the ground after production in the field has ceased
because it is no longer financially viable to continue with current technology. On
the NCS, despite the improvement in the average rate of recovery to around
46%, more than half of the oil existing in the fields will remain unexploited after
production has ceased (Figure 2.23). The challenge is greater still on a global scale,
since the global average recovery rate is lower than that of the NCS.


Figure 2.23 Distribution of oil resources and reserves in producing NCS fields


Oseberg Sr
Gullfaks Sr
Oseberg st


Produced oil end 2008

Remaining oil reserves

Remaining resources at planned cessation according to approved plans

Courtesy of Norwegian Petroleum Directorate.



In order to recover more of this remaining oil, the Norwegian Petroleum

Directorate has set an objective for NCS reserve growth of 5 bb of oil before
2015. This amount is equivalent to the original oil in place in the Gullfaks field.
This is seen as a stretch target for both the Norwegian government and the
industry. Its realisation requires more efficient recovery from fields in production,
development of discoveries in the vicinity of existing infrastructure, proving and
developing new resources, and constantly operating fields more cost-effectively.
The challenges are:

Time. The remaining time, as well as increasing cost in mature fields, poses
a challenge. In a mature oil province, many fields incur increasing costs
as production declines. In order for advanced technology to be deployed
economically and efficiently, the deployment needs to be optimised within
the economic lifecycle of the field. However, IOR/EOR projects applied at a
later stage in the fields lifecycle have a shorter available time-frame for their
implementation. This time-frame is further limited by the production cut-off
when the field is abandoned and when the potential for improving total recovery
is reduced. This stresses the urgent need to accelerate development of advanced
oil recovery technologies. For example, the huge Brent oilfield in the North Sea
will be abandoned in the coming few years with around 45% of its original oil
still in place. Technology for further oil extraction is currently too costly and the
window for application of still-to-be-discovered solutions will be too late.

Available technology. The necessary measures for IOR/EOR projects may depend
on more sophisticated or cheaper technology that is not available within the
duration of the initially planned production. Implementation of IOR measures
that extend production can open a window for implementing EOR at a later stage.
Offshore CO2-EOR is an example. Large-scale application of CO2-EOR offshore is
not expected before 2020 (IEA, 2008). This may make CO2-EOR less relevant for a
number of maturing offshore fields currently approaching their production cutoff, unless the development of the required technologies is accelerated or other
IOR measures are applied to extend the window of implementation.

Lifecycle view. A lifecycle view on field development, which early on makes

choices to enable later IOR/EOR or starts testing novel concepts in time. The
best timing to prepare for EOR is when the first wells are drilled so that fluid
sampling can be carried out and EOR pilot tests can be integrated into the early
development phase. A risk is that, in order to reduce the cost of the secondary
development, choices are made that will preclude later options. CO2-EOR is again
an example. Choices of material for constructing the facilities may make later
refurbishment towards CO2 in the production stream too expensive.
Therefore it remains a key task of government and industry to research,
develop and deploy technologies that will reduce the cost of current options
and develop novel ways to extract more oil from existing reservoirs. There
are a lot of technologies that could be applied throughout the world if their
cost were to be reduced. Also a number of technologies have shortcomings or
cannot yet be applied to all fields. A few examples of technological challenges
for conventional oil that require significant RD&D and governmental support



permanent seismic acquisition on the surface or in wellbores;

new remote surveys using electro-magnetic fields;

cheap and reliable sensors along wellbore;

more accurate information on remaining oil (e.g. via nanotechnologies);

more stable CO2 displacement in high-permeability reservoirs (e.g. using foams);

availability of polymers for higher temperatures;

surfactant flooding using a lower concentration of chemicals;

accelerated thermal heavy oil production by using solvents or catalysts;

producing heavy oil economically by using cold methods (e.g. emulsions or


cost reduction for offshore installations;

improved separation techniques for contaminated gas.

It will take hard work, finance and dedication to achieve the targets for IOR/EOR
outlined in this chapter.

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Zwartjes, P., J. Al Riyami, T. van Dijk, R. Smith, C. Matheny, N. Benjamin, T. Wah
Hong, A. McCarthy, M. Bulteau, H. Rynja, P. Milcik and J. Beishuizen (2010), The
First Land-Wide Azimuth Seismic for Sub-Salt Exploration in PDO, 2010 SEG
(Society of Exploration Geophysicists) annual meeting, expanded abstracts,
Denver, 17-22 October, pp. 106-110.



Chapter 3 The growing importance of natural gas

Natural gas is set to play a central role in meeting global energy requirements.
It is a versatile and abundant energy source for the power, industry, buildings
and transport sectors. A few decades ago gas was still seen as an unwanted
by-product of oil production because it could not be easily stored. Gas that was
produced with oil was, therefore, either released directly to the atmospphere or
flared both operations producing greenhouse gases (GHGs). Over the years,
however, gas collection systems have been built either to export the gas or to
reinject it. More profitable ways now exist to transport gas over large distances
and natural gas fields far away from markets are being developed around the
globe, such as in Qatar and Western Australia.
Natural gas is a clean burning fuel producing mainly carbon dioxide (CO2) and
water, and requires no post-combustion waste treatment. Its low carbon-tohydrogen ratio makes it substantially less CO2 emitting, i.e. a less carbon-intensive
fuel, than either oil or coal. For these reasons, it is becoming the fuel of choice in
many regions of the world. Over the next two or three decades, gas consumption
will continue to rise as the world commits itself to a low-carbon scenario. Coal
demand is likely to be displaced by gas and other lower-carbon energy sources, such
as nuclear energy and renewable energy technologies, in the overall energy mix.
However, gas is also a fossil fuel and, at some point in time, its continued unabated
use may, too, become inconsistent with meeting a more challenging scenario, one
that aims to limit atmospheric temperature rise by 2 degrees Celsius (C).
After a short discussion on natural gas sources and lifecycle aspects, the chapter will
focus on the transportation of natural gas to global markets. This is a central issue
for any natural gas development because of its complexity and cost implications. It
is followed by a short discussion on the implications of sour gas and the contribution
of components from natural gas to liquid production levels.

Natural gas sources and lifecycle aspects

Natural gas comes from various sources that may be categorised as:

associated gas: found in oilfields (Figure 3.1);

non-associated gas: found in natural gas fields (Figure 3.1);

unconventional gas: which includes gas sources such as methane from tight gas,
shale gas, coal beds and methane hydrates (Chapter 6).
The majority of natural gas comes from the first two sources, but the importance
of unconventional gas is growing. Unconventional gas comes from unusual types
or extremely low-permeability reservoirs, which require very special extraction
methods that are discussed separately in Chapter 6.



Figure 3.1 Sources of conventional gas


Associated gas
Gas export
Oil export


Non-associated gas
Gas export
Oil export

Gas export

Condensate export

Courtesy of W. Schulte.

The development of associated gas is linked to the development of oil whose

lifecycle is described in Chapter 2. The phases are exploration, appraisal,
development (including primary, secondary and tertiary recovery) and
abandonment (Figure 2.1). The gas production rate is linked to the oil production
rate as the gas evaporates from the oil in the surface facilities. Gas from gas caps
(shown in green in Figure 3.1) are often produced towards the end of the lifecycle
of an oilfield when the reservoir pressure is allowed to drop significantly.
The lifecycle for non-associated gas follows much the same characteristics as that
of an oilfield. For example, the reservoir has to be found, appraised and developed
through wells and surface facilities. The main difference is that development is
often through primary recovery only. As gas expands significantly when pressure
decreases, most of the gas can be recovered by merely dropping the reservoir
pressure without any injection scheme. Recovery factors for non-associated gas
fields range between 60% and 80%, which is significantly higher than those
of oil in an oilfield. Limiting factors are often compression costs and water
production. Compression is required when the tubing head pressure (pressure at
the top of the well) drops over time below the export-pipeline pressure owing to
pressure depletion in the reservoir. Water influx into a producing well makes it
harder to lift the gas-water mixture to the surface (an effect referred to as liquid
loading of a well). In a mature gas field, gas recovery can be increased by lowering
the pressure at the surface (thus allowing a further reduction of pressure and gas
expansion downhole) and re-compressing the gas to export-pipeline pressures.
The commercial viability of such a process depends on the balance between
additional gas recovery and cost of compression.
In some fields, a secondary recovery phase, called enhanced gas recovery (EGR), is
also considered. In an EGR scheme, a depleted, low-pressure gas field is flooded
with a waste gas displacing some extra hydrocarbon gas to the wells. If the
injected gas is CO2, GHG sequestration would have some extra benefits. Pilots
are being conducted, e.g. in the K12-B field in the Dutch sector of the North Sea
(Vandeweijer et al., 2009).
If the non-associated gas contains a high level of liquids (condensates), which
condense from the gas when the pressure drops, the primary production phase is
preceded by a so-called recycling phase. In a recycling phase, the gas is produced,
the liquids collected in a separator and the dry gas reinjected to avoid a lowering
of pressure inside the reservoir. Only when the reinjected dry gas starts being
back-produced and the production of liquids is reduced significantly, can the



process be switched to a primary phase with gas export allowing the reservoir
pressure to drop. This recycling mode is also an option if no gas export route is
available and recycling allows some early income from the development.
Gas may contain impurities like hydrogen sulphide (H2S) and CO2. When such
impurities have a high concentration, field developments are hampered by the
high cost of separating the contaminants out of the gas stream. Separation
technology solutions are essential to field development, as will be discussed.
Abandonment operations for gas fields are much the same as those for oilfields.

More natural gas developments

In the 1960s and 1970s, natural gas developments were only considered when
proximity to markets allowed transport of gas directly to consumers (as there
were no storage options). The development of the Groningen gas field in the
Netherlands triggered a national network of gas pipelines in the 1960s and
nearly all Dutch households switched to heating and cooking on gas. Very early
in the development of the North Sea oilfields, gas export pipelines were built
to export the associated gas to shore. On the other hand, gas produced on the
Alaska North Slope is still reinjected today because of the absence of such export
pipelines. In recent decades, some long-distance gas pipelines have allowed gas
fields to be connected to markets, such as Russia and Western Europe. A number
of very large gas fields have been developed over the last two decades because
it became possible to export gas via liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals, such
as in South-East Asia, Western Australia (USEIA, 2003) and, more recently, the
Middle East and Western Africa. Qatar has built large-scale gas-to-liquids (GTL)
facilities, a new way to commercialise stranded natural gas resources.
Almost three-quarters of global natural gas reserves are located in the Middle
East and Eurasia. Russia, Iran and Qatar together accounted for about 55% of
global natural gas reserves as of 1 January 2010.
Iran has the worlds second-largest reserves of natural gas, after Russia, and is
currently the Middle Easts largest natural gas producer. Iran is also the Middle
Easts largest user of reinjected natural gas for enhanced oil recovery (EOR)
operations. In 2007, Iran reinjected more than 28 billion cubic metres (bcm) of
natural gas, or 16% of its gross production. In 2009, Iran began EOR operations
at the Agha-Jari oilfield, where it plans to raise oil production by 60 000 barrels
per day (b/d) by injecting 37 bcm of natural gas annually (USEIA, 2010). The largest
production increments in the next 25 years will be coming from the Middle East
(especially Iran and Qatar), Africa and Russia, and the other countries of nonOrganisation of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Europe and
Eurasia. A significant share of the increase is expected to come from a single
offshore field, which is called North Field on the Qatari side and South Pars on
the Iranian side.



Despite significant growth in natural gas production over the past decade, several
countries in the Middle East have experienced shortfalls in domestic supply,
which have resulted from rapidly growing demand in the electric power and
industrial sectors. As a result, some of those countries have established policies
assigning priority to using natural gas domestically rather than for export.

Key element: getting gas to markets

Getting gas to global markets is the central issue as major conventional reserves
tend to be remote from demand centres and natural gas transportation, mainly
because of the properties of natural gas, is more complex and more costly than
that of crude oil or coal. The main choices for gas transportation are by pipeline
or by converting it into a liquid, i.e. into LNG.
Depending on the quantities transported and the distance to market, it may
be more cost-effective to transport gas via pipeline than converting it to LNG
(Figure 3.2). At short distance gas will be transported via pipeline, while for
large gas fields, large distances can be covered through LNG. If the field is large
enough, intermediate long-distance pipelines can still be more cost-effective
than LNG. In some instances, as illustrated in Figure 3.2, neither pipeline nor LNG
is cost-effective, which leaves the gas resource stranded.

Million m3/d

Figure 3.2 Quantity and distance regimes for LNG and pipeline gas transportation

Pipeline preferred

LNG preferred

Uneconomic (stranded gas)


1 000

2 000

3 000

4 000

5 000

6 000

7 000

8 000

9 000

Distance to market (km)



Note: m3/d = cubic metres per day; km = kilometre.

Source: adapted from Hanrahan, 2006.

Distance is not the only factor in choosing how to transport gas. Other factors
include: land versus sea; separation of source and market; water depth or land
contours; and political, right-of-way, or supply security issues along the route.



For many years, LNG was unable to compete with more nearby sources brought
to market by pipeline because of the cost of processing and transportation.
Therefore, for several decades it had a limited market, centred mainly on Japan.
However, growing demand for gas, coupled with limited availability of pipeline
sources, caused a rapid expansion of global interest in LNG. This increased
interest brought with it a growth of investment in new projects worldwide and
the beginnings of a global market for LNG during the last decade. The Asia/Pacific
region is expected to continue to dominate LNG trade. Most LNG already goes
there and the share is expected to increase over the period to 2035.
Total flows to and within non-OECD Asia are projected to rise from a net export
of 26 bcm to a net import of 112 bcm in 2020 and 335 bcm in 2035. Imports into
OECD Europe are not likely to rise as much, increasing from 265 bcm to 335 bcm
in 2020 and 454 bcm in 2035, while OECD Americas1 changes from being a net
importer (of 29 trillion cubic metres [tcm]) to being a net exporter in 2035 (of
34 bcm).
While the LNG value chain is discussed further later, an alternative to liquefaction
is to convert gas into a true liquid at normal pressure and temperature,
allowing more transportation and storage options. Though the global capacity
remains low, large-scale GTL plants are gaining increasing attention in some
gas exporting countries, such as South Africa, Qatar and Malaysia, and on all
continents. A novel development to monetise small gas accumulations located
a long distance from markets is to transport them by compressing the gas at
moderately low temperatures.

The LNG value chain

The LNG value chain consists of natural gas production, liquefaction,
transportation in specialised ships at a temperature of -161C, and regasification
at the importation site. The largest component of the total cost of the LNG
supply chain is usually the liquefaction plant. Of the total cost of delivering gas
to markets via LNG, production and processing at the producing gas field make
up about 15% to 20%; liquefaction about 30% to 45%; shipping some 10% to
30%; and regasification and distribution about 15% to 25%. Improvements in
technology have reduced costs in all parts of the LNG value chain during the past
three decades, though the trend has reversed more recently because of cost
overruns created by a large number of new projects stretching the industrys
supply chain.

Before liquefaction, natural gas is treated to remove some unwanted components
and subsequently condensed into a liquid by cooling it to -161C at near
atmospheric pressures, whereupon the volume of the gas is reduced 600-fold
for transportation.
1. Includes Canada, Chile, Mexico and the United States.



Cost of liquefaction
Early liquefaction trains in the 1960s produced some 350 000 tonnes per year of
LNG. The unit size has grown each decade, with new production trains reaching
almost 8 million tonnes per year (Mt/yr) (11 bcm). This increase in scale accounts
for a substantial part of the cost reductions achieved in gas liquefaction.
Furthermore, improved design and competition among manufacturers led to a
fall in capital costs for liquefaction plants from roughly USD 600 per tonne (/t) of
capacity in the late 1980s to about USD 200/t in 2001. The trend in declining costs
for gas liquefaction was interrupted around 2004, owing to increased prices for
raw material caused by global increase in demand, especially in Asia. During the
period 2004-12 the global surge in demand for plant construction overwhelmed
the capabilities of plant construction firms and equipment suppliers, leading
to substantial inflation and project delays. The trend between 2004 and 2007
has been estimated by Jensen (Figure 3.3). Costs of both LNG and pipelines rose
substantially, but LNG costs are estimated to have increased by 100% to 125%
over this three-year period, compared to some 50% for pipeline costs.
The LNG sector of the futures largest LNG exporter, Australia, is challenged by
slow construction times and large capital expenditure (BREE, 2012). Costs of
around USD 3 000/t for the Gorgon and Wheatstone projects, and USD 4 000/t
for the Ichthys project, feature among the highest in the world, particularly
when compared to the USD 1 700/tonne for the Angola LNG project and even
lower costs in the United States.

Percentage change 2007 over 2004

Figure 3.3 LNG and pipeline cost inflation, 200407


LNG liquefaction and regasification

costs have been especially badly affected

All costs except LNG
tankers have risen more
than market prices


Price increases

Cost increases

Alberta hub prices

California border prices

Pipeline costs

LNG liquefication

LNG tanker transport

LNG regasification

Source: Jensen, 2007.

Outside the inflationary period, advances in refrigerant compressors and heat

transfer equipment, together with the use of highly efficient gas turbines as
drivers, have lowered unit costs. The search for more efficient technologies and



processes for liquefaction, combined with an increased number of potential

technology suppliers, should continue to be a force for cost reduction.
The development of a more global market for LNG now in progress has reinforced
the trend towards larger trains and a greater degree of versatility. Producers
are increasingly willing to accept up front the risk associated with a part of
the trains production rather than secure all of the production by long-term
agreements before proceeding to construction. The feasible size of new trains
could continue towards the 10 Mt/yr mark, providing increased operational
economies of scale, or perhaps they will be standardised at 5 Mt/yr as a way to
reduce costs through increased fabrication volumes. The addition of new trains
to existing LNG plants also provides further cost advantages through lower
incremental costs than new greenfield projects by benefiting from existing
Plans for major liquefaction plants
A number of major liquefaction plants are due to be commissioned in the next few
years (IEA, 2012). Thirteen projects, amounting to 114 billion cubic metres per year
(bcm/yr) LNG, are under construction worldwide and expected to be in operation by
2018. This will increase LNG liquefaction capacity by 33% from a total of 370 bcm at
the end of 2011 to nearly 500 bcm by the end of 2017 (Figure 3.4).


Figure 3.4 Natural gas liquefaction capacity in operation and under construction








United States


Other Asia Pacific


Latin America


Other Africa

Other Middle East



LNG with delays

Note: data refer to peak capacity (in bcm) at the date when first production is due.
Source: IEA, 2012, with updates from September 2012.

LNG capacity additions until mid-2014 will remain limited to a mere 25 bcm, a
6.7% increase in capacity. Two projects came on line in 2012, namely the Pluto
LNG project, which started in May 2012, and the Angola LNG project that is



currently being commissioned. Algerias Skikda project is likely to begin operation

in 2013, followed by a second Algerian project, Gassi Touil, due for operation in
2014. A second wave of LNG exports will begin in late-2014, this time from
Australia, which is expected to overtake Qatar as the largest LNG exporter by
2020. Six LNG projects have reached final investment decision (FID) since the end
of 2010. In 2014, the first train of several LNG projects will be completed, with
Gorgon LNG, PNG LNG, Queensland Curtis LNG and Donggi Senoro LNG together
amounting to 20 bcm/yr. Additional trains of these projects will follow during the
period 2015 to 2017, while further projects such as the Wheatstone project are
completed. All these projects should be operational by 2018. However, given the
delays observed on many of the LNG plants commissioned over the past three
years, there would be little surprise if some of these projects failed to enter
operation on schedule.
All projects entering operation after mid-2014 are Australian-based, except
the Donggi Senoro and PNG LNG projects, which are located in Indonesia
and Papua New Guinea, respectively. Most will be technically challenging
and may incur delays resulting from either workforce shortages or capital
costs overruns or infrastructure bottlenecks. They include four first-of-a-kind
projects three coal-bed methane to LNG projects in Queensland (Gladstone,
Queensland Curtis and Australia Pacific) and the Prelude LNG project.

LNG is transported in special ships where the LNG is carried in insulated tanks. In
1959, the worlds first LNG tanker, the Methane Pioneer, carried LNG from Lake
Charles, Louisiana, to Canvey Island, United Kingdom, initiating LNG shipping.
In 1964, the British Gas Council began importing LNG from Algeria, making the
United Kingdom the worlds first importer of contract LNG and Algeria its first
exporter (CEC, 2004; USDOE, 2005).
Modern LNG carriers are sophisticated double-hulled ships designed for the safe
and efficient transportation of cryogenic liquid. The emphasis is on containment
of the cargo as well as efficient thermal insulation. About half of the current LNG
fleet is of the membrane design type (Figure 3.5), where the inner hull is fully
used to store the LNG.
The other half of the fleet has the spherical or Moss design (Figure 3.6),
where the LNG containers are a series of spherical containers placed in a row
along the ship axis. Since 2004, most new LNG ships under construction or
planned were of membrane design because of innovations in increased cargo
capacity in a given hull size, reduced capital costs and overall construction
time. Membrane design is, however, more sensitive to sloshing, which is fluid
motion inside the container at resonant conditions brought about by external
forces on the ship.



Figure 3.5 Membrane design LNG ship Puteri Intan

Courtesy of STX Europe.

Shipping has recently become the main constraint in the LNG value chain. As
of early 2012, there were 380 LNG tankers operating worldwide, while another
70 were under construction. The daily charter rate of LNG tankers has increased
markedly as a result of the shortage of spare tanker capacity. The rise was mainly
driven by the higher spot LNG demand in Asia following the Fukushima disaster
in Japan, which led to an increasing average transportation distance for LNG.

Figure 3.6 Moss design spherical containment LNG ship

Courtesy of Moss Maritime.



Cost of shipping
LNG shipping costs depend primarily on the size of the vessel and the distance
between the liquefaction and regasification terminals. The size of LNG ships
increased from about 40 000 cubic metres (m3) for the first LNG projects to
between 125 000 m3 and 145 000 m3 from 1975 to 2005. Currently, however,
new super-sized vessels with a capacity of 210 000 m3 to 263 000 m3 have been
constructed and delivered for transporting LNG from Qatar. These will lower
transportation costs by reducing the number of trips necessary per year.
Because of the entry of a larger number of shipyards into the LNG construction
field, the capital costs of ships decreased substantially over the past two
decades, from USD 280 million in the 1980s to USD 155 million in 2003 for a
standard size vessel (USEIA, 2003). There have been cost increases during the
2004-07 period, but they remained low compared to cost inflation in other parts
of the LNG chain.
Widespread adoption of the new larger size of ship would necessitate additional
capacity at the receiving terminals. This is not a problem for new LNG receiving
terminals, which would be designed to accommodate the larger ships. The limit
for most existing terminals, however, is about 145 000 m3, so the larger ships
constructed for new LNG projects would have less flexibility to deliver LNG to

Regasification and storage

At a receiving terminal, the LNG is stored in tanks waiting to be reheated and
turned into gas again for transport by pipeline according to demand.
LNG regasification capacity in importing countries is expanding to meet
the surge in supply (Figure 3.7). At the end of 2012 there were 870 bcm/yr of
regasification capacity worldwide, more than twice the amount of liquefaction
capacity. In 2011, 327 bcm of LNG were traded, which translates into a world
average utilisation rate of regasification plants of 37.6%2 (IEA, 2012). The surplus
of regasification capacity serves to balance seasonal loads and to trade off
periodic regional price differentials. The relatively low cost of regasification
terminals compared to liquefaction plants (at 10% to 20% of the capital cost of
an equivalent capacity liquefaction plant) and the importance of being connected
to the LNG market also supports the expansion of regasification terminals.
The amount of regasification capacity under construction, at around 121 bcm per
year in 30 projects, is slightly larger than that for liquefaction. Once all capacity
is brought on stream, the ratio of the two is likely to remain around 2:1. However,
almost 800 bcm/yr of regasification capacity is under consideration. If all this
additional capacity were to materialise, the utilisation rate of regasification
terminals would decrease significantly. On the positive side, regasification
overcapacity could increase the rate of discharge from LNG carriers. Compared
with LNG regasification terminals, pipelines are more capital-intensive and
less flexible.
2. Liquefaction plants have a utilisation rate of 88% globally.




Figure 3.7 Liquefaction and regasification capacity in operation,

under construction and planned, 2011
2 000
1 800
1 600
1 400
1 200
1 000

In operation



In operation



Rest of the world

Asia Oceania

Source: IEA, 2012.

Regasification or receiving terminal construction costs depend on throughput

capacity, land development and labour costs, and storage capacity. Marine facilities
can be another major cost, especially if significant dredging of the ship channel is
needed, which could add as much as USD 100 million to the cost of the terminal.
The most expensive items in a regasification terminal are the storage tanks,
which can account for one-third to one-half of the entire cost. These special
insulated tanks normally use concrete and high-nickel alloy steel. LNG storage
tanks are required to build in a high degree of safety. The walls can be more than
1.5 metres (m) thick with an outer layer of reinforced concrete and an inner layer
of nickel steel alloy, separated by an insulation layer. Cost reductions in storage
have mainly been achieved through improvements in schedule and scale. Tanks
with a storage capacity of about 200 000 m3 are currently the largest feasible
size. Future reductions in storage costs may be possible by further increasing
tank sizes3 or by innovations in construction methods.
The cost of regasification has not fallen as much as other parts of the LNG chain
have since the 1960s. Technology and productivity gains have been largely offset
by higher storage costs, the largest single cost component.

Going offshore: floating LNG systems

Increased demand for offshore natural gas has also led to a great deal of interest
in the development of offshore floating liquefaction and regasification systems.
Offshore regasification systems are now penetrating the LNG market, but
offshore liquefaction is just beginning to move from the planning and design
phase to actual ordering of installations.
3. As gas can be stored relatively cheaply on land in gas storage locations close to consuming centres, there may be little
advantage for tank capacity to be greater than LNG tanker capacity.



Many floating LNG (FLNG) schemes envisage subsea well completions, thereby
eliminating the need for costly production platforms and large diameter
transmission pipelines to transport the gas to shore. Other advantages of an
offshore facility include: eliminating site preparation; harbour or breakwater
developments; continuous dredging generally required for a land-based plant;
and reducing cost by avoiding the construction of new pipelines and compression
facilities that would otherwise be required. An FLNG project can be 20% to
30% cheaper than a comparable size project with land-based facilities and the
construction time can be 25% faster (Chiu, 2006).
FLNG could also be cost-effective in developing stranded gas fields, isolated,
small in size or too remote from land and other infrastructure. These fields may
be primary or associated gas reserves.

Offshore liquefaction from concept to operation

Floating production-storage-offloading vessels (FPSOs), which are the floating
equivalent of fixed production platforms and which would facilitate the export
of LNG are still in the design phase and are not yet operational. However, the
liquefaction unit of Statoils Snhvit project (Statoil, 2010), though not strictly
speaking an FLNG station, can be considered a transitional measure. In the
Snhvit project, the offshore gas field is developed through a subsea production
unit and the full well stream is transported over 143 km via a multiphase flowline
to onshore facilities at Melkya, near Hammerfest (northern Norway), where the
stream components are separated and the gas liquefied for export. Liquefaction
is carried out on a barge that was constructed in Spain, transported to Norway
and installed in the Melkya facilitys dock in 2005. The final investment decision
for Shells Prelude FLNG, the worlds first FPSO project, was taken in 2011. It
will be located in the Browse Basin, off the north-west coast of FLNG Western
Australia. Several other projects have since been proposed, for example in the
United States and Indonesia.
Offshore liquefaction has begun to move from a concept and planning phase to
a more operational mode with the recent contract between Shell and TechnipSamsung Heavy Engineering to design and construct multiple FLNG facilities
over a period of up to 15 years (Shell, 2009). The first application will be the recent
Prelude and Concerto gas discoveries, located in the Browse Basin. Prelude was
discovered in January 2007 and Concerto in late March 2009. Production is
expected to start in 2016 at Prelude (Shell, 2010). The dimensions of the Prelude
FLNG facility will be approximately 480 m by 75 m, with the capacity to produce
around 3.5 Mt/yr of LNG, as well as condensate and liquefied petroleum gas.
When fully ballasted, the facility will weigh some 600 000 tonnes (t). To put
the size into context, the vessel is much larger than an aircraft carrier. The
US Navys new nuclear supercarrier reaches barely 100 000 t, while the worlds
largest passenger ship reaches only 220 000 t. Such FLNG facilities would be
suitable for the more distant offshore fields as they could remain in operation



during harsh metocean4 conditions, such as cyclones, and would be capable of

processing a wide range of gas compositions.
Safety and operability are important issues when designing offshore FPSO
systems because of the proximity and complexity of all elements of the facility.
In addition to the offloading operation, the tanker approach, connect, disconnect
and departure phases all include operations that are weather-dependent that
may impose restrictions on operability.

Offshore floating regasification and storage units

At the receiving end of the LNG chain, difficulties in finding suitable sites to
build LNG regasification terminals have stimulated substantial interest in the
possibility of using offshore floating storage and regasification units (FSRUs),
such as a barges or ships connected to the shore by pipeline. Offshore systems
reduce time-to-market compared to onshore development, and obtaining
permits is often easier.
An offshore LNG receiving facility would consist of an FSRU moored offshore,
to which a conventional LNG ship can connect as it would to an onshore
regasification facility. The offshore facility would have its own LNG storage
capacity as well as regasification facility. The storage facility would allow LNG to
be unloaded as gas based on the regasification and pipeline transmission rate. At
a water depth of 25 m to 30 m the FSRU would be able to accept LNG carriers in
the 125 000 m3 to 250 000 m3 capacity range.

GTL: an alternative way to bring gas to market

The challenge of how to bring natural gas resources, often located in remote
regions, to their markets in both industrialised and developing countries, would
be less of a barrier if the gas could be converted into a liquid that could then
be stored and distributed at normal temperature and atmospheric pressure,
as is the case with crude oil and oil products. This has led to efforts on and off
during the past century aimed at developing an effective and efficient means of
converting gas to liquid fuels. GTL technology has reached the stage where it is
possible to produce clean liquid products from natural gas.
Whereas LNG will be converted back to gas at the receiver end and thus needs
special pipeline transport, GTL converts natural gas directly into products like
diesel-type fuel, kerosene, base oils for lubricants, paraffin for detergents and
naphtha as chemical feedstock, which are all stable at normal atmospheric
conditions. Therefore, GTL gives natural gas a much broader market in liquid
form as it can overcome transport problems that have limited the use of
natural gas until now. The products can be transported through conventional
infrastructure, such as tankers and pipelines, stored in existing facilities for liquid
hydrocarbons and marketed through existing retail distribution systems.

4. Metocean is a contraction of the words meteorology and oceanology, referring to the weather conditions, the waves,
winds and currents that affect offshore operations.



GTL conversion process

The GTL process is complex. It will first combine the natural gas molecules in
much longer paraffinic molecules, then break them up again and rearrange the
molecules. Chains of different lengths have different properties, making a range
of GTL products. The technology behind GTL is explained in Box 3.1.

Box 3.1 The technology behind GTL conversion

GTL conversion is a staged process, as illustrated in Figure 3.8. Natural gas is partially oxidised
with pure oxygen (extracted from air) at high temperature and pressure to convert it to
synthesis gas (or syngas), a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide that will more readily
react with catalysts. The second stage turns the syngas into a liquid hydrocarbon through
a series of catalysed chemical reactions. The catalysts (chemical substances that trigger
and accelerate a chemical reaction without being consumed in the process) are crucial to
GTL production. This part of the process is called the Fischer-Tropsch chemical synthesis
process, and was invented by Karl Fischer and Hans Tropsch in the 1920s (Fischer and
Tropsch, 1926). The low-temperature process, which is cobalt catalyst-based, produces heavy
paraffinic hydrocarbons that are virtually free of sulphur and aromatics. These heavy liquid
hydrocarbons are converted into a range of high-quality liquid products by selective cracking
and fractionation to separate the desired middle distillate products, which include fuel for
transport use, naphtha for chemical feedstocks, normal paraffin for detergent feedstock, and
lubricant base oils to blend premium lubricating oils.

Figure 3.8 The GTL process

(natural gas)


(from air)

Fischer-Tropsch distillates
(normal paraffins)

Source: Mansar, 2008 (Courtesy of Shell International).

The GTL process requires operating temperatures ranging from 180C (for an air separation
unit) to 1 350C (for a gasification unit), which requires a sophisticated control and operating
philosophy to ensure reliability and safe operation.



The process is designed to minimise environmental emissions. Sulphur is

removed from the gas and both nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile hydrocarbons
are controlled. Process heat is recovered and reused. The thermal efficiency of
the GTL process is in the range 55% to 65%. Another potential advantage of the
GTL process is that generated CO2 becomes available at high concentration and
part of it in high-pressure streams from which it can more easily be captured
and sequestered.
The process yields high-quality diesel or can be blended with lower-quality crude
oil-derived diesel fuel to help the latter meet more stringent engine exhaust
standards and increased performance requirements. This process produces less
carbon monoxide and fewer particulates than conventional fuel.

Commercial developments
Sasol has been operating large coal-to-liquids plants in South Africa since the
1950s, but the worlds first large-scale commercial GTL plant of this type was
commissioned by Shell in Bintulu, Malaysia in 1993 (Figure 3.9). It manufactures
more than 14 000 barrels (b) of GTL products each day.

Figure 3.9 The Shell middle distillate synthesis process plant at Bintulu, Malaysia

Courtesy of Shell International.

A few major projects have recently been commissioned or will enter in operation
in the near future. In 2008, the Oryx GTL plant in Qatar, owned by Qatar Petroleum
and Sasol, became operational with a capacity of 34 000 b/d. The Pearl GTL plant
in Qatar, completed in 2012, builds on the Bintulu experience, but with the
capacity to produce 140 000 b/d of GTL products through two production units
and associated facilities. Pearls daily output will also include around 120 000 b
of other products, such as condensate, liquefied petroleum gas and ethane



(Figure 3.10). Nigerias Escravos GTL is expected to begin operation in 2013 with
an initial capacity of 34 000 b/d, followed by an expansion to 120 000 b/d over
the next ten years. In the United States, Sasol is currently investigating the
feasibility of a GTL facility with a capacity ranging from 40 000 b/d to 80 000 b/d.
Other current projects include the Tinhert plant in Algeria, the Sasol project in
Uzbekistan, and the Sasol/Talisman proposal in Canada.

Figure 3.10 Pearl GTL plant product slate


(120 000 boe/d)

GTL naphtha
GTL normal paraffin
GTL kerosene

(140 kb/d)

GTL gasoil
GTL base oils
Volumes for Pearl GTL

Note: kb/d = thousand barrels/day; boe/d = barrels of oil-equivalent/day.

Source: Mansar, 2008 (Courtesy of Shell International).

The GTL process is energy-intensive and, as a means to produce transportation

fuel, may at first glance appear inefficient. However, a true comparison would
consider the full chain of processes from extraction of the gas to the energy
supplied to the wheel (Chapter 9). Furthermore, on a well-to-wheel basis, GHG
emissions for GTL are close to those for traditional oil.

Compressed natural gas for smaller accumulations

Instead of cooling gas to reduce the volume and facilitate the transportation of
natural gas, as done for LNG, it is also possible to reduce the volume of a natural
gas stream by compressing the gas to between 200 bar and 275 bar, although
energy density is less than that for LNG. Storage tanks thus need to be able to
hold such pressures.
The use of specialised ships to transport compressed natural gas (CNG) to
markets is being seriously considered for some situations such as stranded gas



resources that are too small for LNG and too remote for pipelines, including
reserves in some hostile climates, such as the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.
About one-third to one-half of global natural gas reserves is considered stranded,
and there are possibilities of exploiting a significant fraction of these by using
either small-scale FLNG or CNG.
At the point of origin, most likely a small natural gas reservoir, the natural gas
is produced through production facilities and subsequently compressed to
approximately 150 bar to 275 bar. This process produces an energy density
of about one-third that of LNG and sometimes the natural gas is chilled to a
temperature in the range -20C to -40C. After transport by the CNG ship, the gas
may be offloaded either to a land-based installation or to an offshore mooring
buoy connected by pipeline to land. The physical assets are technically simple
and much less extensive than LNG at either end. The major cost element is the
CNG ship.
There are three basic approaches to storing the compressed gas on board the
CNG ship:

coiled small diameter pipe wound into cylindrical storage containers known as

vertically or horizontally stacked cylinders made from light-weight composites;

cylindrical steel or fibre-reinforced plastic cylinders built to fit into a standard

inter-modal shipping container.
The third of these approaches seeks to reduce the capital cost of the ship (which
can be a retrofitted container ship), and the handling costs of the transfer to
overland transport. It can also make use of existing rail and road transportation
equipment designed to handle containers.
The number of ships required for a CNG project depends on the distance
travelled and the time required for a round trip. A rule of thumb would be three
ships for an 800 km route, adding a ship for every additional 800 km, so that a
4 000 km route would need seven ships. Since the cost of the ships represents
some 90% of the total project cost, this determines the break-even point with
LNG projects, as LNG ships can carry a much greater amount of gas in terms of
thermal content.
CNG is more energy-efficient than LNG, requiring the consumption of some 5%
to 8% of the gas compared to about 13% for LNG. Its flexibility is greater: some
80% to 90% of its assets are flexible compared to 20% for LNG (Figure 3.11). It is
also more flexible with regard to market location, reservoir size and production
Another advantage of CNG projects over LNG ones is the lead-time for getting
the project up and operating. An LNG project might need five or more years
from the planning stage to deployment and delivery of the first cargo. For a CNG
project the corresponding period is two and half to three years.



Figure 3.11 CNG versus LNG capital expenditure and energy efficiency
% energy consumption/
energy input

% capital expenditure
Discharge 6%

Regasification 10%

Loading 6%

Shipping 8%

Liquefaction 82%

Shipping 88%







Source: Siciliano, 2009.

In terms of cost, since shipping is a much larger part of the total CNG project
cost, the cost of delivering additional gas increases more rapidly than it does for
an LNG project, though it starts from a lower base. The unit LNG cost is lower for
larger-volume projects, while CNG does not have the same economies of scale.
So CNG is more economical than LNG for shorter distances and lower volumes. In
approximate terms (and situations where pipelines are not practical), CNG could
be the choice for annual volumes up to 5 bcm and distances less than 2 000 km.
Several companies and consortia are developing variations on CNG sea and
land transportation systems (Biopact, 2007). As yet, no CNG project has reached
commitment to proceed.

Sour gas and contaminated gas resources

Sour gas is any natural gas containing large amounts of H2S. In some references,
sour gas is defined more narrowly as a natural gas containing more than 1% H2S.
The odour of H2S is detectable in the air at very low concentrations, as low as
10 parts per billion.
Contaminated gas contains high levels of non-hydrocarbon molecules such as
H2S and CO2, or other impurities such as water vapour, nitrogen and helium,
which are removed from the natural gas at processing plants. Acid or sour gas5
could thus be considered a sub-class of contaminated gas. In the Middle East
there are high resource volumes of acid/sour gas that contain around 30% H2S,
10% CO2, and the rest mainly methane. In Asia, there are huge gas reserves
with up to 70% CO2. Russias giant Astrakhan field contains 40% acid gases,
comprising around 25% H2S and 15% CO2.
5. An acid gas can form acidic solutions when mixed with water. The most common acid gases are H2S and CO2. The term sour
gas is sometimes reserved for natural gas that contains significant quantities of H2S only. However, the terms acid gas and sour
gas are often used synonymously.



H2S can be formed from sulphur compounds during the anaerobic (without
oxygen) decomposition of organic materials. This occurred during the formation
of oil and gas millions of years ago. H2S is also produced by chemical reactions
within some sedimentary rocks. At temperatures above 140C, the calcium
sulphate (CaSO4) in gypsum reacts with hydrocarbons to produce large volumes
of H2S, up to 90% of the gas contained in some reservoirs, in deeply buried
sedimentary rocks such as those found in the foothills of the Canadian Rockies.
Many petroleum-bearing rock formations also contain iron that bonds with
sulphur. When there is ample iron present, the result is sweet gas containing
little or no H2S.
About one-third of the natural gas produced in Canadas Alberta and British
Columbia provinces is sour. The average H2S content of sour gas produced in
Alberta is 10%, although the concentration of H2S can range from trace amounts
to more than 80%. In Asia and the Middle East, there are huge reserves of sour or
contaminated gas, such as the Natuna gas field in Indonesia (more than 6 tcm)
of gas in place with a 70% CO2 content). Of the gas reserves of Abu Dhabi, about
6 tcm, a large fraction is sour with some fields having 30% of H2S plus 10% CO2.
The huge Kashagan and Tengiz oilfields in Kazakhstan (together about 50 billion
barrels original oil in place) contain large volumes of sour associated gas. The
Tengiz field was initially stockpiling the sulphur but now is also reinjecting the
sour gas for EOR.

Processing sour gas

Sour gas-processing plants use physical and chemical processes, in the presence
of catalysts, to remove H2S and other by-products from the natural gas. The sour
gas is run through a tower containing an amine solution; this has an affinity for
sulphur, and absorbs it much like glycol absorbing water. The two principal amine
solutions used are monoethanolamine and diethanolamine. The effluent gas is
virtually free of sulphur compounds. The amine solution used can be regenerated
(that is, the absorbed sulphur is removed), allowing it to be reused to treat more
sour gas. Amine-based separation solutions are expensive. New technology
development is aimed at using cryogenic, centrifuge and membrane solutions
to reduce the separation costs for high contaminant concentration and large
flow rates.
In Western Canada, most of the elemental sulphur recovered is sold to customers
and used mainly in the manufacture of phosphate fertilisers. When the sulphur
production rate is higher than the demand, the elemental sulphur must be
stored, usually in large blocks at the plant site. Canada accounts for more than
one-quarter of world sulphur production.
Flaring has been used primarily to dispose of sour gas in oilfields where the
gas volumes are too small, or the sites too remote, to make pipelining and
gas processing more cost-effective. Because of government and industry
commitments to reduce the amount of flaring, as well as the rising economic
value of natural gas, more sour gas is now being pipelined to processing plants.
Flaring H2S produces water vapour and sulphur dioxide (SO2); as SO2 is a precursor
of acid rain, many countries now have legislation controlling the flaring of sour



gas. At some facilities, flares have been replaced by more efficient incinerators.
Previously, incineration had been used primarily at smaller gas-processing plants
where the gas volumes or H2S concentrations were too low to make sulphur
recovery economic.
An increasing proportion of the formerly incinerated H2S, along with CO2 and
salt water removed from the natural gas, is now being injected into underground
rock formations. This process is known as acid gas injection because H2S and
CO2 are both gases that can form acids when combined with water. Acid gas
injection has been adopted at some 45 gas-processing plants in Alberta and
British Columbia since 1990. It disposes of H2S safely, and also reduces CO2
emissions. The gas mixture can be injected into either salt-water formations or
depleted oil and gas fields, or can be used in working oil reservoirs to enhance

Sour gas and public safety

give rise to concerns about public safety. These concerns are understandably
somewhat marked in Alberta, given the amounts of sour gas produced there.
To address these concerns, in 2000, the Energy Resources Conservation Board
(ERCB)6 established an independent body, the Provincial Advisory Committee on
Public Safety and Sour Gas (PSSG), to review and assess the provinces regulatory
regime as it related to public health and safety, including the requirements
being applied to the approval, development, and operation of sour gas facilities.
At the end of 2000, the Advisory Committee provided the EUB with a report
containing 87 detailed recommendations directed towards four key areas:

providing a better understanding of sour gas;

improving the sour gas regulatory system;

reducing the impact of sour gas on public health and safety;

improving the consultation that takes place with the public on all sour gas matters.
The EUB worked with the Advisory Committee, the oil and gas industry, and
other stakeholders, to address these recommendations, and a final report was
issued in March 2007 (EUB, 2007). The report groups the actions taken with
respect to the 87 recommendations into five categories:

health effects and sour gas research;

sour gas development planning and approval;

sour gas operations;

emergency preparedness;

information, communication and consultation.

The final report issued by ERCB and PSSG contains details of the specific
actions taken to address each of the recommendations as they concern these

6. Until 1st January 2008, the ERCB was known as the Alberta Energy and Utilities Board (EUB).



five categories. ERCB has several website pages targeted directly to the public
interest, addressing health and safety, sour gas and the public interest, the
environment, and emergency preparedness and response.

NGL: a key contributor to global oil production

Natural gas liquids (NGLs) are light hydrocarbons that are dispersed in associated
or non-associated natural gas in a hydrocarbon reservoir and are produced
within a gas stream. They comprise propane and butane (collectively LPG), plus
pentane, hexane, heptane and gas condensate. The condensate is recovered in
the field separators while the remaining NGLs are extracted from the gas stream
in gas treatment facilities. NGLs are often under-reported or misrepresented in
global oil balances. The conditions for NGLs reporting are not always clear and in
some areas the condensate is not reported separately but included in reporting
of the crude stream (IEA, 2010).
NGLs contributed in 2009 close to 11 million barrels of oil per day, which
represents about 13% of world oil production and thus forms a very important
contribution (Chapter 1). The level is related directly to the global natural gas
production level and the liquid content of the gas being produced.

Impact on the lifecycle of a gas development

As already indicated NGLs can influence a gas development plan significantly,
particularly as they are playing an increasing role in the economics of gas
production. In the case of a natural gas well with a high NGL content (often
referred to as rich or wet gas), extracting the dry natural gas will result in a
decrease in well pressure that may result in a significant portion of the NGLs
condensing in the reservoir, i.e. the reservoir basically acts as a separator. These
liquids will become trapped in the porous medium and be lost. To maximise
the recovery of NGLs, such reservoirs are often initially recycled; this is where
the wet gas is produced (including the NGLs) and the NGLs extracted, with
the remaining dry gas reinjected to maintain the pressure in the reservoir.
When much of the gas has been recycled and NGL production levels have fallen
significantly, the dry gas is then exported and the reservoir pressure is allowed
to drop.
Even when there is no gas export route or gas demand is low, there may still be
significant value in recycling the gas and only producing NGLs.

Trends in global NGL production

There are four trends that will have a significant impact on global NGL
production. The first three trends drive increasing NGL supply, while the last has
a negative impact on production levels (IEA, 2010):



The increasing scale of natural gas developments, associated with the

development of some large gas condensate fields and some big new LNG

Increased use of associated gas, owing to new gas infrastructures and the drive
towards reduced flaring and venting.

Wetter non-associated gas gradually replacing traditional dry non-associated

gas in some countries, among other reasons because of the development of
deeper reservoirs with high pressure and temperature. Also unconventional gas,
such as tight gas and shale gas can contain significant NGL volumes (in contrast
to coal-bed methane and hydrate methane, which are pure methane streams).

The increasing replacement of wet associated gas by dry non-associated gas in

some other countries in order to meet gas demand or because of significant
growth in coal-bed methane production.
Production levels are all linked to the production of the prime gas source. There
are some specific projects in which the aim is to export both the NGL and the
gas, while maintaining reservoir pressure through reinjection of an inert gas
such as nitrogen. In these cases, the level of subsurface mixing of injectants
with the natural gas is an important fundamental question that determines how
much condensate will be produced.
With the huge natural gas resources in the world and an increasing contribution
of natural gas in the total energy mix, the contribution of NGLs to the overall oil
production level will likely remain high in the coming decades.

Biopact (2007), A Quick Look at CNG Ships,
bioenergy/2007/09/quick-look-at-cng-ships.html, accessed 26 July 2009.
BREE (Australian Bureau of Resources and Energy Economics) (2012), Gas Market
Report July 2012, BREE, Canberra.
CEC (California Energy Commission) (2004), Significant Events in the History of
LNG, CEC, Sacramento,
Chiu, C-H. (2006), Commercial and Technical Considerations in the Developments
of Offshore Liquefaction Plant, paper presented to the 23rd World Gas
Conference, Amsterdam, 5-9 June



EUB (Alberta Energy and Utilities Board) (2007), Public Safety and Sour Gas Final
Report, EUB, Calgary,
Fischer, F. and H. Tropsch (1926), Brennstoff-Chemie, vol. 7, p. 97-104.
Hanrahan, M. (2006), Energy Futures Speaker Series, presentation to the National
Energy Board, Ottawa, 25 April.
IEA (International Energy Agency) (2010), Natural Gas Liquids Supply Outlook
2008-2015, OECD/IEA, Paris.
IEA (2012), Medium-Term Gas Market Report 2012, OECD/IEA, Paris.
Jensen, J.T. (2007), LNG versus Pipelines: Technical and Economic Pros and Cons,
paper presented to the Far North Oil and Gas Forum, Calgary, 26 November.
Mansar, S. (2008), Pearl GTL The Project, the Plant and the Products, in Oil and
Gas Innovation for the Energy Markets of the Future, International Energy Agency
Committee on Energy Research and Technology (IEA CERT) Advisory Group on Oil
and Gas Technology Workshop, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 7-8 April.
Shell (2009), Prelude LNG Development to Deploy Shells Floating LNG Technology,
Shell (2010), Floating a Natural Gas Giant,
Siciliano, L. (2009), ENI, Technologies and Scenarios for E&P Expansion in the
Natural Gas Chain the Case of the Mediterranean Hub, presentation at the IEA
Global Dialogue on Oil and Gas Technology, Florence, 25-26 June.
Statoil (2010), Snhvit,
snoehvit/Pages/default.aspx, accessed March 2010.
USDOE (United States Department of Energy) (2005), Liquefied Natural Gas
Understanding the Basic Facts, USDOE, Washington, DC,
USEIA (United States Energy Information Administration) (2003), The Global
Liquefied Natural Gas Market: Status & Outlook, USEIA, Washington, DC, www.eia.
USEIA (2010), International Energy Outlook 2010, USEIA, Washington, DC.
Vandeweijer, V.P., L.G.H. Van der Meer, C. Hofstee, D. DHoore and F. Mulders
(2009), CO2 Storage and Enhanced Gas Recovery at K12-B, presented at the 71st
European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers Conference and Exhibition,
Amsterdam, 8-11 June.



Chapter 4 Trends and challenges of frontier oil

and gas
Over the past decade, deepwater offshore reserves in several regions of the
world and ice-prone areas of the Arctic have been considered the frontier areas
for exploring and producing conventional hydrocarbons. More than half of all
conventional oil discovered since 2000 was in deepwater offshore reservoirs (IEA,
2010) and the Arctic is one of the worlds largest remaining prospective areas
for oil and gas. Developing resources in deepwater and ice-prone areas in the
Arctic can be considered the most complex and expensive challenges currently
facing the oil industry. This chapter provides an overview of the technologies
that have been and are currently being developed to mitigate these challenges.
Also covered are key technologies for deep water and Arctic regions, while
the section on environmental issues provides more extensive information on
developing fields in the Arctic.

Main challenges of frontier oil and gas exploration

In previous chapters, the challenges for conventional resources have focused
mainly on improving the recovery of resources in a mature branch of activity.
For deepwater and Arctic reserves, the focus is directed towards developing
resources in a safe and cost-effective way, thus making the first step possible
in the lifecycle of a field (as discussed in Chapter 2). The cost of developing
deepwater and Arctic reserves can be a major obstacle.
The fundamental issue for deepwater exploration and production is that all
activities on or below the seabed must be handled remotely from the ocean
surface, and even in some cases remotely from a distance of many kilometres. In
offshore Arctic regions, the same issue often applies and is further complicated
by having to deal with icebergs or pack ice. The ongoing development of
deepwater/subsea technology has led to solutions that can be applied to field
development in the Arctic.
In both deep water and Arctic frontiers, it is imperative to do no harm by
ensuring a high degree of protection for pristine and sensitive environments,
in addition to the health and safety of those manning the surface facilities. As a
consequence, risk assessments, emergency preparedness and response planning
are extremely important. At the end of the field lifecycle, care is needed with the
decommissioning of facilities, especially in the Arctic as it takes a long time for
nature to recover from any damage.
The offshore shallow-water Montara oil spill in the Timor Sea on 21 August 2009
and the deepwater Macondo blow-out in the Gulf of Mexico on 20 April 2010
illustrate the severe consequences of inadequate decisions and responses in
a complex drilling operation, especially offshore. The Montara oil spill flowed
for over two months and the Macondo oil spill flowed for three months. The



latter was the largest accidental marine oil spill in the history of the petroleum
industry. The leak released about 4.9 million barrels of crude oil into the ocean.
As a consequence, permit processes and operational procedures have been
re-examined and improved further to reduce the likelihood of such spills in the
future. This vital policy review has led to a delay in new developments off the
Gulf of Mexico.

Potential of deepwater reserves

Out of the 2 700 billion barrels (bb) of remaining recoverable conventional oil
(excluding tight oil) (Chapter 1), 45% is in offshore fields. Of those offshore
fields, roughly a quarter or 300 bb is referred to as deepwater, loosely defined
as being at depths of over 400 metres (m). Depths of more than 1 500 m are
referred to as ultra-deepwater. Most deepwater discoveries have been made in
the Gulf of Mexico in the United States and offshore Brazil, Angola and Nigeria.
Following the 2010 Macondo disaster and other smaller oil spills, increased
scrutiny by regulators and higher costs in some instances could potentially
hinder new developments to some degree.
As offshore technologies continue to advance, the depth threshold at which the
industrys production capabilities begin to be stretched changes and, in some
cases, the change can be quite rapid. Total global production from deepwater
fields was around 5.7 million barrels per day (mb/d) in 2012 and is expected to
rise to 8.3 mb/d by 2017, representing about 40% of all offshore production
(Figure 4.1). Total production from all offshore reserves (including deepwater)
makes a key contribution to oil supply and by 2017 will represent approximately
20% of global crude production. Since ultra-deepwater field production began to
contribute in 2004 its contribution has been steadily rising.

Figure 4.1 Global offshore and deepwater oil production (2010-15)

Shallow water

Onshore 81%

Deepwater 8%


Total production capacity in 2017: 102 mb/d




Fields are now producing or being developed in water depths of over 2 000 m
in the Gulf of Mexico in the United States, offshore West Africa and offshore
Brazil. The current world record for water depth is 3 107 m off the coast of
India, set in 2011 in a Reliance Industries offshore India project. Records for total
drilling depths are also being broken. The Tiber Prospect well, approximately
400 kilometres (km) south-east of Houston, is the deepest offshore oil well
drilled to date (10 685 m), albeit at a water depth of 1 259 m (BP, 2009). The field
may contain up to 3 bb of oil. Some ultra-deepwater areas of Angola, yet to be
licensed, are located at around 4 000 m water depth.
Advances in seismic data gathering and processing technologies (see Chapter 2)
that provide images of areas located beneath thick layers of salt zones have
improved discovery rates. Brazil will lead output growth in Latin America where
major deepwater offshore discoveries have emerged in the last few years in
pre-salt layers. The discovery of the of the giant Tupi (renamed Lula) field in the
Santos Basin was followed by several other fields in the same basin, including
Iracema (renamed Cernambi), Jupiter, Carioca, Iara, Libra, Franco and Guara. If
the resource estimates for Lula, Cernambi and Guara are confirmed, Brazils
proven reserves could increase by two-thirds. Brazil is set to become the fastestgrowing oil producer outside the Middle East and production could increase to
4 mb/d by 2020 (from 2.2 mb/d in 2011).
Global deepwater discoveries accounted for over one-half of all discoveries
between 2000 and 2009. Cumulative global oil discoveries in deepwater offshore
areas, plotted against the number of exploration wells, remain on a linear trend
(Figure 4.2). This trend would suggest that larger finds could also be made in the
future, such as the recent huge Brazilian Lula field with a potential 6.5 billion
barrels of oil-equivalent (boe), or the Tiber field in the Gulf of Mexico.

Cumulative discoveries (bb)

Figure 4.2 Global deepwater oil discoveries to end-2006 versus

exploration wells

5 000

Source: Sandrea and Sandrea, 2007.

20 000
10 000
15 000
Cumulative number of exploration wells



Developing deepwater reserves: applying new technology

Deepwater technologies are continuing to evolve at a rapid pace and not
only reduce the cost of deepwater offshore exploration, but also the time
needed to bring deepwater fields into commercial production. Successive new
generations of technologies (e.g. subsea processing and multilateral wells) mean
that previously inaccessible oil and gas fields (e.g. small deepwater offshore
fields and small hydrocarbon accumulations that are further away from a
main production platform) are now also cost-effective to develop. Alternative
configurations are evolving, where an ever more complex subsea infrastructure
connects a multiple of smaller reservoirs to one floating production unit,
tension-leg platform, floating production, storage and offloading vessel (FPSO)
or even directly to shore (Figure 4.3).

Figure 4.3 Alternative evolving configurations of deepwater subsea

oil and gas production

Courtesy of FMC Technologies.

Despite technological advances, deepwater operations still pose major technical

and engineering challenges and involve substantial costs. The deepwater
environment is extremely challenging, with high pressures and near-freezing
temperatures on the seabed. All interventions at and below the seabed have
to be handled remotely and measures need to be taken to prevent the oil and
gas from forming methane hydrates (crystalline structures of gas and water)
that block underwater pipes. Figure 4.4 summarises some of the challenges
associated with an ultra-deepwater production complex. Specific challenges
include those linked to: issues with the riser,1 which provides subsea power;
flowline2 issues at the seabed; and challenges due to remoteness.
1. A riser is the pipe that connects the seabed to the floating facilities.
2. A flowline is a pipeline through which oil travels from a well to processing equipment or to storage.



Figure 4.4 Key technological challenges for ultra-deepwater

High riser weight competing with
topside facilities payloads

Water depth=
2 000-3 500m

Unsolved host/riser motion

(and VIV) prediction/mitigations

- New phenomena in remote area
- Criteria (wave/current) not available
- Far away from infrastructure
- Cost challenge
Large, expensive, floating
drilling and workover vessels

Excessive DVA riser weight limiting

range of DVA well design
Excessive weight/top tension,
expensive/slow installation lead
to high CAPEX PL/FL/R

- Low reservoir pressure; high-viscosity crude
- High back-pressure and riser fluid column at wells

Large residual uncertainties after appraisal

High cost of adapting wells and surface
systems to changing field characterisation
Very expensive to deliver high
subsea power; high-power cable
technology for UDW not mature

Long offset fields

Current flow assurance/flow line
solutions are very costly

Notes: CAPEX PL/FL/R = capital expenditure on the platform, the flow lines and the riser; DVA = direct vertical access;
UDW = ultra-deepwater; VIV = vortex-induced vibration.
Courtesy of Shell International.

The remainder of this section concentrates on some of the new technologies

that enable the subsea costs to be reduced and remote reserves, not previously
financially viable, to be exploited at water depths of 2 500 m or more. The section
incorporates, for example, floating facilities, subsea processing and multiphase

Evolution of deepwater offshore production surface facilities

Installations on the sea surface have had to evolve as the depth being tackled
increases. The fixed platforms on the sea floor that were used in shallow
waters were replaced by floating platforms of various types such as the
tension-leg platform (TLP) and FPSO to allow developments in ever deeper
seas (Figure 4.5).
In a TLP, the surface installation is floating, but secured to the seabed by a
number of steel tendons, each of which can weigh some 900 tonnes, that keep
the platform stable. One limitation of the TLP was that as the depth increased
beyond the 2 000 m mark, the weight of the tension legs and of the pipes to
reach the wells became too much for the floating part of the platform. This led
to the TLP being replaced by various other types of floating surface installations,
such as FPSOs, attached to the subsea facilities by only the cables and risers



required to transmit gas, liquids and power between the surface and the seabed.
Fields at a record depth of nearly 3 000 m are now being developed. Since the
early 1990s, most new developments use an FPSO as production moves to ever
deeper water and further offshore (Figure 4.6).

Figure 4.5 Evolution of surface production facilities with increasing

water depth




NewConventional Semi-FPU




Subsea manifold




Note: FPU = floating production unit; MinDOC = minimum deepwater operating concept.
Courtesy of Mustang Engineering.

Number of vessels

Figure 4.6 Increase in surface facilities for deepwater production,

by type









Compliant towers

Courtesy of Mustang Engineering.

Though exploration normally takes place from a ship or platform, a more

recent innovation has been the use of floating drilling, production, storage and
offloading vessels (FDPSOs) or FPSOs with drilling capacity. The concept has
been around for some time, but not commercialised because of regulatory and
technical concerns. Reducing the time from drilling to production has been the
main driver behind this development.



Evolution of seabed facilities

Major changes are also occurring in facilities on the seabed. Often small deposits
are identified, separated by distances of tens of kilometres. In deepwater regions,
it is not cost-effective to produce these reserves individually via independent
floating platforms. Similarly, connecting each individual producing well by a
pipe directly to the centralised platform is complicated and often not financially
viable. Seabed production wells at each deposit must be connected via pipes to
a centralised complex on the seabed below the platform with fluid-processing
facilities. Such a system has been used by Shell for the Na Kika project to develop
six independent fields in the Gulf of Mexico, where individual fields are up to
43 km from the host (Schofield, 2007).
Taking this concept a step further, the number of pipes on the seabed can be
reduced by drilling horizontally below the sea floor to access deposits of oil
and gas within a 15 km radius. The Perdido development project in the Gulf of
Mexico, which first produced oil in 2010, has used this concept for one of its
producing fields. The surface floating platform is of a spar-type,3 which has a
long vertical shape like a buoy to increase its stability in rough sea. It is the first
application of wet-tree DVA wells from a spar (Shell, 2009). This configuration
allows a larger number of subsea wells to be accessed by the facilitys drilling rig,
resulting in significant savings in the drilling programmes for these wells. The
DVA system is designed to use a single high-pressure riser suspended from the
host to access 22 subsea trees4 directly below the host. This has the advantage
of allowing use of a surface blow-out preventer for drilling, completion and
later side-tracking wells. The Perdido also has low-energy reservoirs with low
temperatures and pressure, so that liquids and gas have to be separated at the
seabed and pumped to the surface using 1-megawatt pumps.
Clustering the wells below the surface platform eliminates the need to move a
platform large distances to maintain each well. Instead, winches attached to the
mooring lines can position the spar above any one of the wells in a radius of 45 m
in order to carry out repairs and routine maintenance.

Subsea processing
Subsea processing refers to fluid treatment at the seabed rather than on a
platform, where it is normally done. It may entail processes such as: water
removal, with reinjection or disposal; sand and solids separation and sandhandling system; gas/liquid separation and liquid boosting; gas treatment; gas
compression; and monitoring, control and safety systems. Subsea separation has
a number of significant advantages for deepwater developments.
Subsea separation of the well fluids and local reinjection of produced water
and/or gas means that flowlines and surface processing equipment can be used
more efficiently. The separation has a positive impact on flow management and
assurance, and reduces the cost of topside processing equipment and pipelines
(FMC Technologies, 2008). It also helps prevent the formation of hydrates.
3. A spar is a deep-draft, floating, water-tight, hollow cylindrical structure.
4. A subsea tree is the top of the well at the seabed that monitors and controls the production from a subsea well.



Subsea gas/liquid separation and liquid boosting can increase the production
rate in low-energy reservoirs and counter-pressure loss in long pipelines.
For maturing fields, a subsea processing plant can contribute to increased
production and recovery; improve and extend the lifecycle of the field; and
optimise the use of the existing infrastructure.
For a new field development located not too far offshore, subsea processing can
even negate the need for platforms, and the field can be tied back through
multiphase flow pipelines directly to an existing offshore facility or directly
onshore. Such a subsea system has been developed for use in the Ormen
Lange natural gas field offshore Norway, which began production in 2007. All
of its production facilities are on the seabed, with six subsea wells at depths
between 800 m and 1 000 m (Figure 4.7). The full stream of natural gas, water
and condensate produced by the field is sent in two 120 km multiphase flow
pipelines to the processing complex onshore where the streams are treated
further. All control support facilities and power supplies required to operate the
subsea production systems are supplied from the onshore plant.

Figure 4.7 Ormen Lange natural gas field and tieback to Nyhamna
onshore facility

Courtesy of Statoil.

The initial pressure of the fluids in the wellstream from the reservoir was
adequate to push the wellstream up the steep Storegga embankment to the
land-based gas-processing facility. But as the pressure diminished over time
during production in this gas field, the pressure eventually reached the point
where natural pressure was no longer sufficient to move the wellstream to land.
At that point, subsea compression had to be installed. Subsea compression is
currently being designed for installation in 2015.



There are various economic and environmental reasons for placing a

compression facility on the seabed. Such a facility would yield significant
cost savings in building and maintenance compared to the conventional
platform solution. The subsea facility would not be affected by the extreme
weather conditions in the Norwegian Sea, and therefore has certain safety
and environmental advantages.

Increase in subsea flowlines

The trend to explore and produce conventional hydrocarbon in deeper waters
and ice-prone regions results in increased flowline and tieback5 distances. The
total length of subsea flowlines has been on an exponential growth trajectory
since the 1980s. The length of individual flowlines has also increased. The
less complex the stream, the more feasible it becomes to transport it over a
longer distance, with simple natural gas or oil pipelines being used for extreme
To indicate the envelope of current operational experience, the condensateto-gas ratio (CGR) has been plotted against transfer distance for a number of
existing and planned multiphase flowfield development projects (Figure 4.8).

Condensate to gas ratio (b/Mscf)

Figure 4.8 Current experience in hydrocarbon multiphase flow




Current operational experience



East Spar Mikkel

Malampaya Midgard



South Pars
Troll Scarrab-Saffran
Mensa Ormen
Canyon- Corrib







Nam Con Son (399 km)


Transfer distance (km)

In operation
Notes: b/Mscf = barrels per million standard cubic feet. 1 Mscf = 0.0283 million standard cubic metres (Msm3).
Courtesy of Statoil (adapted).

5. A tieback is a connection between a new oil or gas discovery and an existing production facility. It can extend the life of
production infrastructure.



Rich gas developments with a high condensate-to-gas ratio clearly cannot yet
be transported over long distances. Integration with subsea processing and
compression solutions may be one of the answers to enhance the operating

Multiphase flow assurance

Wellstreams are complex and often consist of liquid, gaseous and solid
components. Their properties and flow dynamics are affected by the surrounding
environmental conditions, particularly temperature and pressure. A key challenge
is multiphase flow assurance, which implies taking the necessary measures to
ensure that the stream reaches its destination safely and uninterrupted.
Again, taking the Ormen Lange natural gas field as an example, its development
provides a good illustration of the many-faceted and technically demanding
problems of multiphase transport, and how they may be handled (Figure 4.9). The
subsea production templates are attached to two 30-inch pipes that transport
the untreated multiphase flow wellstream (condensate, water and natural gas)
to the onshore facility.

Figure 4.9 Facets of the multiphase flow at Ormen Lange

Onshore facilities
Slug catchers (2x1 500 m )
Gas backflow and circulation
Pipeline monitoring and liquid
hold-up management system
MEG injection control and
monitoring system
2x6 MEG injection lines
Remote control

Manifolds with dual headers

Wells may be routed to either
of the two manifolds

2x30 multiphase production pipelines

Improved turndown and swing flexibility
Enable production through only one line
at low turndowns
Enable dynamic pigging for liquidholdup management
Enable gas circulation to improve liquidholdup management
Reduced slug volumes during transient
operations, i.e. reduced slug catcher size
Increased production availability in case of
hydrates blockage or failure in one line
Subsea chokes
Balance/control well production
Control slug catcher pressure
Remote control

Note: m3 = cubic metres. MEG = monoethylene glycol, which prevents hydrates from plugging; Pigging refers to a method
for cleaning the interior walls of a pipe. A slug catcher refers to equipment installed to catch an unwanted accumulation
(slug) of liquid in a pipeline.
Courtesy of Statoil (Kjaernes, 2008).



The water temperature on the seabed poses a challenge. The polar currents in the
area bring cold water down from the North and generate water temperatures
below freezing for most of the year on the seabed around the pipelines and
subsea installations. A particular challenge has been the potential for formation
of methane hydrates, a crystalline structure of gas and water that can form in
pipelines in seabed areas where the water temperature is at or below freezing
point (see also Chapter 6). Methane hydrates, like ice, can fully block the flow
through a pipeline. The solution is to treat the raw wellstream with monoethylene
glycol (commonly used as an anti-freeze) to prevent the hydrates from plugging.
Alternative solutions are being studied, such as cold flow (Box 4.1).

Box 4.1 Cold flow to prevent hydrate plugging: a potential solution

Low temperatures and high pressure can encourage well fluids to form methane hydrates
and paraffinic wax solids that can build up and plug the flowline.
Problems caused by wax occur when the fluid containing hydrocarbons cools from the
reservoir conditions. Paraffins (or alkanes) form either in the bulk fluid and are transported
with the liquid flow, or deposit and build up on a cold surface.
Natural gas hydrates (or methane hydrates) form when water and natural gas come into
contact at low temperatures and high pressures (Figure 4.10). Like wax, hydrates can also
form a plug, posing a threat even during normal operation. During operations where
temperatures drop slightly and pressure increases, or where flow through a valve results in
a cooling of the valve walls, hydrates can form. Plugging from hydrates may be a particular
problem for deep-water drilling, where low temperatures and high pressures are the norm.

Figure 4.10 Gas hydrates

plug in flowline

Figure 4.11 Cold flow

A stabilised wellstream
containing non plugging
hydrate and wax particles

Hot oil, gas (+brine)

produced from reservoir

Source: Henriques, 2008.

Courtesy of SINTEF.

One possible solution to hydrate plugging (Larsen, 2008), though one which has yet to be
implemented in practice, could be to cool the hot well fluids rapidly with a cooled stream
containing hydrate particles. Under the right conditions, the hydrate particles would continue
to grow outwards, soaking up more and eventually all of the water in the stream. No
free water would be available to create a sticky surface and plug the flowline. Under these
circumstances, the hydrate particles would become individual sub-millimetre particles that
behave like a dry powder suspension in liquid that, like a slurry, would flow without sticking
or plugging. This condition is known as cold flow.



In practice, the rapid cooling from about 80C (degrees Celsius) to around 4C near the
well-head can be done by recycling an already cold stream of stabilised dry hydrate slurry,
taken from a point on the pipeline several kilometres downstream from the subsea well, and
returning it to a point near the well-head where it is mixed with warm fluids (Figure 4.11).
This acts as a seed to induce further dry hydrate growth. When the slurry reaches the host
platform, it is converted back to free water and gas.

Phasing a development and leveraging technology

along the way
In many cases, companies acquire ultra-deepwater permits before the
technology necessary to develop these reserves are mature. Resolving this issue
pushes the boundaries of technology even further, opening up new frontiers
for ultra-deepwater oil and gas developments. Moving to subsea separation
and subsea compression, as discussed in the previous section, is one of many
For offshore developments in Brazil, a single system will be used to develop a
number of reservoirs with quite different crude properties (e.g. light or heavy
crude). An example is the Parque das Conchas development where crude oil
in various reservoirs ranges from light oil (41API6) to heavy oil (16API). The
development first targets the light- to medium-gravity crude, moving on the
learning curve and providing an income, before focusing on the more difficult
development of the heavy crude. Subsea booster pumps, which increase the
pressure of the liquid stream, have recently been switched because the pressure
in the reservoir was no longer sufficient to transport the fluids to the production
vessel. The experience with booster pumps is essential for designing additional
boosting when the heavier crude reservoirs are added to the system.
The Parque das Conchas development is further complicated by the challenging
nature of drilling horizontal wells in the shallow reservoirs just below the seabed.
These reservoirs consist of unconsolidated sands that require special drilling and
control techniques. Experience will be especially relevant when developing the
heavy crude reservoirs as the challenges of unconsolidated reservoirs are larger.
Thus, the complex set of reservoirs requires a lifecycle approach in which initial
design recognises the various phases of development and the technology
required so that enhancements can be incorporated throughout the entire
process. It will be important to incorporate the technology developed and
used in Parque das Conchas to overcome specific challenges in future design

6. API (American Petroleum Institute) gravity is a measure of the density of oil. The API gravity scale is calibrated so that most
crude oils, as well as distillate fuels, will have API gravities between 10 and 70API. The lower the number, the heavier and the
more viscous is the oil.



Technologies for meeting the Arctic challenge

The Arctic continental shelves constitute some of the worlds largest remaining
prospective areas of oil and gas (Figure 4.12). Because of remoteness and
technological challenges, coupled with abundant low-cost petroleum available
elsewhere, less exploration for oil and gas has traditionally occurred in the Arctic.
In the late 1970s, oil production on Alaskas North Slope (ANS) and natural gas
production in West Siberia were the first developments to lead the way. Today,
the exploration and production of Arctic oil and gas extend further to include a
number of offshore and onshore locations in Canadian, Norwegian, Russian and
US territory, and offshore Greenland.
The growing global demand for
hydrocarbons and the fact that the
Arctic may contain almost onequarter of the worlds undiscovered
reserves, provide powerful incentives
for governments and industry to
develop the necessary technology to
further explore and develop reserves
in the Arctic.

Figure 4.12 View from the top

Aggregated United States Geological

Survey (USGS) figures for oil and gas
prospects in the Arctic indicate a
polar region more prone to natural
gas than oil, with most hydrocarbons
located in offshore geological
basins (USGS, 2000; Bird et al., 2008).
According to one USGS assessment
(Gautier et al., 2009), geological basins
north of the Arctic Circle may contain
approximately 30% of the worlds
global undiscovered natural gas
This map is without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international
The assessment suggests
frontiers and boundaries, and to the name of any territory, city or area.
be as much as 90 bb
Source: Rekacewicz, 2005.
of oil, 44 billion boe of natural gas
liquids (NGLs) and 47 trillion cubic
metres (1 670 trillion cubic feet or 290 boe) of natural gas. This would mean
that natural gas and NGLs represent approximately three-quarters of fossil fuel
resources in the Arctic. In terms of recoverable volumes, this ratio could be even
higher. Though the Arctic could provide fossil fuels comparable to those found
in todays major petroleum basins (Bishop et al., 2010), the extent to which the
resources will in fact be exploited will depend a great deal on future energy and
environmental policies.

Figures 4.13 and 4.14 describe the distribution of Arctic oil and gas resources.
The darker the coloured segments, the higher the probability of finding oil or
gas in the depicted areas.



Figure 4.13 Distribution of undiscovered oil accumulations

South Barents
~9.4 bb

S. Danmarkshavn ~4.3 bb
N. Danmarkshavn ~3.3 bb

NW Greenland
~4.9 bb

~5.3 bb
~6.4 bb

Undiscovered oil (bb)

Alaska Platform
~28 bb

Area not quantitatively assessed
Area of low petroleum potential

This map is without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries, and to the name of any territory, city or area.

Source: Bird et al., 2008.

Figure 4.14 Distribution of undiscovered natural gas resources

South Kara
South Barents
~18 400 bcm ~9 000 bcm

North Barents
~6 300 bcm

Undiscovered gas (bcm)

Alaska Platform
~3 500 bcm

>3 000
200-3 000
Area not quantitatively assessed
Area of low petroleum potential

This map is without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries, and to the name of any territory, city or area.

Note: bcm = billion cubic metres.

Source: Bird et al., 2008.



Two-thirds of the undiscovered natural gas resource in the Arctic is located in

just four areas: South Kara Sea, South Barents Sea Basin, North Barents Sea Basin
and the Alaska Platform. The South Kara Sea, the offshore part of the northern
West Siberian Basin, contains almost 39% of undiscovered gas and is the most
prospective hydrocarbon province in the Arctic (Bird et al., 2008). The largest
accumulations of oil are also expected to be found in the same basins, with the
most prospective areas assessed located in offshore Alaska and Greenland, as
well as in areas within and adjacent to the South Barents Sea.

Trends in Arctic frontier exploration and production

Arctic hydrocarbon exploitation began in the 1960s to 1970s with exploration
in the Canadian Arctic and Beaufort Sea. First production from the ANS came in
1977 from the Prudhoe Bay Complex, the largest oilfield in the United States. A
complete infrastructure had to be installed before the Prudhoe Bay Unit of oilproducing fields could be developed. The first delivery of oil to domestic markets
came some ten years after its discovery (Thomas et al., 1991). A 1 300 km-long
pipeline, known as the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS), carries ANS oil to
tidewater, where it is transferred to tankers for transport to downstream markets.
Because of the long distance to markets, and the lack of an export pipeline, gas is
used only in field operations, leading to some interesting enhanced oil recovery
projects by injecting gas. Conversion of NGLs for transport in TAPS has also been
considered but not implemented.
Nearly all producing fields in the Russian Arctic are located onshore, including
the giant Yamburg oil and gas condensate field, which is also the third-largest
gas field in the world. There are also some very large hydrocarbon recoveries
offshore not yet in production. The Prirazlomnoye field in the Pechora Seas is
expected to begin production in 2013.
Offshore exploration involves constructing artificial islands in shallow waters
(<10 m) and caissons systems7 out to around 25 m in order to allow year-round
drilling. In deeper waters (up to 200 m), drilling ships with strengthened hulls or
ice-resistant floating drilling units have lengthened the drilling season by one or
two months, with icebreakers used when needed.
In the next few decades, exploration and production activity in the offshore Arctic
is likely to increase, particularly in the Barents Sea and adjacent areas, and in ANS
offshore basins. In the South Barents Sea, investment in new production capacity
is likely to involve the development of the Goliat field offshore the northern tip
of the Norwegian mainland (with expected first production in 2013) and the
Shtokman field in the Russian sector (development decision postponed). In the
Kara Sea, major fields discovered provide opportunities for next-generation field
developments. In April 2012, Rosneft and Exxon announced a partnership to work
together to develop offshore untapped reserves in the Kara Sea. Permits have
also recently been awarded to Shell for exploratory drilling offshore Alaska in the
Beaufort Sea and the Chukchi Sea in the Arctic Ocean. First oil discoveries off the
west coast of Greenland in 2010 seemed too low for commercial exploitation
7. Caissons systems are iron structures built around a drilling ship or platform to protect it against ice. They serve a similar
purpose to the structures used to build the pillars of a bridge or make a dry dock.



but the country has expanded the exploration area by announcing a bidding
round for hydrocarbon licences off the north-eastern coast in 2012-13.
Realising the potential of Arctic resources will depend not only on market
success and conditions in finding them, but also on technological innovation
and the ability to exploit these resources in a safe and environmentally sound
manner. The cost of bringing Arctic resources to markets is substantial, so
projects will require a high market price and more cost-effective technology to
attract investment.
The TAPS oil export pipeline has been important for the development of oil in the
region. However, there is no such export option for gas, partly as it would require
liquefied natural gas (LNG) transport from south Alaska or a longer export line
to the border with the United States. As a consequence, produced hydrocarbon
gas is largely reinjected in the oil reservoirs, for example in the gas cap of fields
such as Prudhoe Bay, or middle gas components such as miscible gas are added
in the oil rim. Prudhoe Bay has the most extensive miscible gas injection projects
in the world. If a gas export route can be established, a large volume of gaseous
hydrocarbons would become available for export.

Technological challenges for the Arctic

Technological advances for the Arctic can build on the solutions used to
develop the current offshore reserves, which are well adapted for normal water
temperatures and suitable for ice-free Arctic regions. Experience from recent
field developments operated by Statoil, such as the Snhvit field in the Norwegian
sector of the Barents Sea and the Ormen Lange and sgard fields offshore midNorway, will benefit the next generation of field developments in offshore Arctic.
However, exploring and producing oil and gas resources in the Arctic pose a
number of challenges that go beyond current technological capabilities. The
specific objectives of any developments in Arctic technology are to extend the
drilling season; protect surface drilling, production facilities and their inhabitants
from ice-related dangers; improve subsea exploitation technologies; and also
increase the distance for transporting produced hydrocarbons to onshore
processing facilities. The Arctic-related findings of the task force on Oil and Gas
in the 21st Century (OG21) established by the Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum
and Energy are summarised in Box 4.2.

Technological challenges for ice-prone areas

Ice poses a particular challenge for offshore Arctic field development and it needs
to be managed or completely avoided. The conditions that prevail in different
geographical zones depend on the extent of ice coverage. In the Barents Sea, for
instance, there are typically several differing conditions of ice coverage (Figure 4.15):

waters with ice cover during parts of the year;

waters with a permanent ice cap;

shallow waters (< 50m water depth) near shore, with permanent or part-year ice


Box 4.2 Arctic technologies: findings of the OG21 Project

The Norwegian OG21 Task Force identified a number of research and development (R&D)
priorities for developing technology specifically for: Arctic exploration and production;
remote offshore development; and environmental protection.

Arctic exploration and production: technologies to be developed to deal with ice, ice loads,
icebergs, pack ice or floes, and pressurised ice regions. Different aspects of ice properties
and ice loads need to be addressed, and remedies sought to manage all installations and
pipelines, whether floating, fixed, above sea or subsea.

Remote offshore development: technologies to be developed to deal with long flowlines

and tiebacks, involving multiphase flows over extreme distances and a cold environment.
Included in this, solutions to be sought for operational safety aspects, burial, ice challenges,
permafrost and shore approach solutions. Integrated operations and human factors were
important issues for remote developments.

Environmental protection: technologies to be developed to deal with operations in sensitive

areas, particularly those exposed to harsh climatic conditions. Issues addressed would
include the effects of emissions to air and discharges to water, impact assessment and
monitoring, new methods and related technology to prevent emissions and discharges.

More specifically for Arctic development in ice-prone regions, the OG21 project identified the
following requirements:

More detailed and reliable information on ice characteristics and iceberg movements.

A better understanding of the effects of ice loadings on platforms of varying types, aimed at
designing the best platforms for different ice regimes.

A clearer picture of the depth requirements for pipelines in different regimes to manage the
risks of ice gouging (narrow ditches in the seafloor created by moving ice).

Development of floating systems for drilling and production in an Arctic environment that
can remain in the area all year-round rather than having to dismantle the structures during
winter and return to operations in the following summer.

Development of an Arctic floating platform with minimum facilities to support a subsea

development, including power generation, controls, well intervention and chemicals storage.

Further development of floating systems with disconnect capability, thereby enabling

disconnection and sail-away of a system in an emergency, such as an approaching iceberg.
This solution would normally be combined with an iceberg (and ice) management system.

Adaptation of existing subsea solutions for operation in an Arctic environment, including

drilling subsea wells in ice-prone conditions, well intervention, protection of subsea systems
from ice gouging and transportation of well fluids from well-head to host.

Development of Arctic offloading systems for moving oil or gas liquids to a tanker from
an offshore storage unit, e.g. from an FPSO platform, operating in an Arctic environment,
including offloading unit design, weather vaning*, ice management and an ice classification
system to define ice conditions.

Development of floating systems with a liquefaction plant (LNG plant or similar) to enable
transportation of gas to remote markets.

* Weather vaning is used to maintain stability of the floating structure under exposure to harsh climatic conditions.




Figure 4.15 Ice coverage in the South Barents Sea


Gas ambition by 2030

Ice-covered part

of the year
No ice coverage


ice-covered and
water depth <50 m

This map is without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries,
and to the name of any territory, city or area.

Courtesy of Statoil.

Figure 4.16 Ice hazards

Ice drift

Offshore icing


Sources: ice drift and offshore icing photographs courtesy of Statoil; iceberg photograph courtesy
of the International Ice Patrol of the US Coast Guard; subsea sketch courtesy of Petro-Canada.



Among the typical Arctic technical challenges are the extremely low temperature,
drifting of ice and icing of vessels and surface pipelines. Furthermore, iceberg or
ice plates can scour the seabed in shallower waters and damage subsea facilities
(Figure 4.16). As the distances involved are large and access to infrastructure
via air and sea difficult, especially for year-round operations, logistics and
emergency evacuation requirements are important challenges.
Most of these challenges are evident on oil and gas development projects
offshore Sakhalin Island. For much of the year, the thickness of ice in the region
can reach and sometimes exceeds 1 m to 3 m, and ice ridges can extend down
to 30 m in depth. The ice can move at speeds of 0.25 m per second (m/sec) to
0.5 m/sec, sometimes attaining speeds up to 2 m/sec, with unpredictable
changes of direction. The seabed in shallow water is deeply scoured by ice keels,
presenting a hazard to any subsea pipelines or facilities.
Current solutions in the offshore Arctic often aim to protect surface
facilities from the ice, as at the Sakhalin-2 project. Each of the two project
platforms installed offshore Sakhalin Island have four-legged concrete gravity
base substructures which protect wells and platform topsides against ice
(Figure 4.17). Future options will move more towards avoiding the ice by staying
well below it.

Figure 4.17 A gravity-based structure to protect against the ice

Courtesy of Sakhalin Energy.



Long-range, multiphase transportation of Arctic wellstreams

The long-term goal for offshore, ice-prone regions would be wholly subsea
developments, in which the produced hydrocarbons were piped to onshore
facilities, as is the case in the Snhvit and Ormen Lange gas fields. These fields,
however, do not have to deal with the added problem of surface ice cover, which
would further complicate the development and operation of subsea facilities.
When ice extends to the shore, an additional problem will be the potential for
damage to flowlines and tie-backs resulting from ice scouring in the shallower
waters near the shore.
To exploit the huge potential resources in the Arctic over the longer term,
it will be necessary to assess fields that are further offshore than those
currently developed. Existing infrastructure lacks the capabilities to process
the wellstream from fields in such remote locations. Extending the distance for
wellstream multiphase transport from the current 120 km to 150 km distance
of the Ormen Lange and Snhvit fields to 600 km would enable coverage of
most of the prospective offshore basins in the circumpolar region (Figure 4.18).

Figure 4.18 Distances to shore for long-range transfer of wellstream

200 km
600 km

This map is without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries,
and to the name of any territory, city or area.

Courtesy of Statoil.



To achieve this, more sophisticated technology is required, such as nextgeneration multiphase transport of fluids, gas and particles over extreme
distances with highly reliable flow assurance plus the ability to make any
necessary interventions remotely under the ice. These requirements present
significant technological challenges.

Protecting the Arctic environment

Arctic operations take place in highly pristine, natural environments. The responsible
development of Arctic resources requires adherence at all times to the principle to
do no harm to surrounding social and physical environments (Box 4.3).

Box 4.3 Studies undertaken by operators on the Alaska North Slope to safeguard
the environment
Examples of studies undertaken by operators on the Alaska North Slope to safeguard the
environment include:

Environmental assessments documenting the baseline conditions before any new

development. The data are used to assist project engineers with the routing and placement
of gravel roads and pads to minimise environmental impact. Examples of such studies
include mammal and bird surveys, and habitat mapping to determine important wildlife

Studies to support permits for exploration activities that comply with environmental
laws and regulations. Examples of such studies include water source sampling for ice road
construction and cultural resources protection to ensure that activities avoid known cultural
or historic sites.

Wildlife studies to assess the impact of ongoing operations. Examples include aerial surveys
of spectacled eiders as a threatened species and acoustic surveys of bowhead whales to
understand their response to offshore operations.

The Arctic environment is a very delicate ecosystem. Safeguarding the environment has
sometimes resulted in restricted access to specific regions for oil and gas activities, such
as to the Alaskan Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), even though these areas are
seen as having significant oil and gas prospects. Over the years, these areas have been
subject to extensive impact assessments, such as investigating the effects of exploration
and production on the environment and the interests of the various stakeholder groups
involved. Impact assessments are complex and can take many years before they meet the
requirements of the permits to proceed.
Because of the vulnerability of the social and physical environments, it is vital to continue
collecting and analysing information on the physical, biological, and human environments.
Learning from these activities will help decision makers to develop and implement effective
management strategies to protect the natural environment.



Minimising the environmental footprint

Forty years of Arctic technological advancements, including the use of extended
reach and horizontal drilling, have dramatically reduced the environmental
footprint of operations, and made it possible to access more of the subsurface
area from a limited surface space.
Some best practices have been developed from valuable international experience
accumulated during the development and operation of a growing number of
onshore and offshore oil and gas fields in the Arctic, with minimal environmental
footprint. Governments and industry are increasingly moving towards the
principle of zero harmful effects to the environment in Arctic exploration and
production. The evolution of environmental practices over the past few decades
may be illustrated by two examples from the ANS, i.e. the Endicott and Alpine
The Endicott Field
The Endicott Field, located about 15 km north-east of Prudhoe Bay, is the first
continuously producing offshore field in the Arctic. It originally held 1 bb of oil in
place. Discovered in 1978, the Endicott Field began production in October 1987
and by mid-1992 was producing about 120 000 barrels per day (b/d). The field
includes 100 wells and development costs were slightly more than USD 1 billion.
The Endicott Field was the first example of a greatly reduced environmental
footprint 70% less than the traditional size. The field was developed with
deviated wells drilled from two artificial islands in 5 m of water, connected
by an 8 km man-made gravel causeway. The 18 hectare (ha) main production
island contains the operations centre and processing facilities. Processed oil is
transported through a 38 km pipeline to the TAPS.
The Alpine Oilfield
More recently, the Alpine Oilfield, also located close to Prudhoe Bay and declared
commercial in 1996, began production in late 2000. The average annual gross
production at Alpine is approximately 125 000 b/d. From the outset, the Alpine
development incorporated the use of water alternating with miscible gas
injection (generated from the existing gas in the field) to sweep oil towards
wells and achieve a high recovery efficiency of the oil. The Alpine Oilfield is a
near zero-discharge facility designed to minimise the environmental footprint
from the physical layout of the field. The waste generated is reused, recycled or
properly disposed of. There is no permanent road to the field and, in the winter,
ice roads are constructed for transportation of materials to and from the site.
These roads thaw in summer, avoiding permanent damage to the tundra (Figure
4.19). Aircraft provide service to the field year-round, and are the main means
of field support when ice roads are melted. During the summer, operations on
the Alpine Oilfield are closed down and the drilling installation is removed. The
original 16 000 ha oilfield was developed from two drill sites on just 40 ha or
0.25% of the field area.



Figure 4.19 Layout of the Alpine Oilfield during winter operations and summer
close down



Courtesy of ConocoPhillips Alaska.

Offshore Arctic field developments of the future may not require surface
facilities in the vicinity of the field (Figure 4.20). The development of longdistance multiphase flow technologies, exemplified by the Snhvit and Ormen
Lange gas fields, points the way to future exploration and development of oil and
gas deposits in regions where ice is present some or all of the time. The aim will
be zero-surface facility developments.

Figure 4.20 Arctic field development of the future: zero-surface facilities

High-voltage power supply





Wax and hydrate control

Courtesy of Statoil.

Development of zero-surface facilities requires extending the scope of subsea

equipment, with a strong focus on monitoring remote operations and increasing
recovery by applying smart field technologies (see Chapter 2). Bringing the Arctic



hydrocarbon resources successfully to shore, while assuring the protection of

the pristine Arctic environment, will require a continued and strengthened focus
on research, development, demonstration and deployment. This can only be
done with a high degree of international co-operation, facilitating convergence
of technology development and best practice.
Challenges to risk and response capabilities
Following the Deepwater Horizon drilling accident in the Gulf of Mexico, the
industry is faced with key questions related to the risk of and response to major
accidents while drilling offshore. The Arctic is of particular concern as it is an
even more fragile ecosystem. Given this and the icy conditions, several aspects
require additional attention, such as:

the ability to respond rapidly to an accident (noting there is limited infrastructure

in the Arctic);

sufficient resources to respond rapidly (e.g. staff, equipment, accommodation

and number of ships);

complications with the flow of spills caused by the presence of ice (the spill may
be trapped under ice);

the suitability of current response methods (oil collection and oil burning is more
complicated in Arctic conditions than in warmer, open water, and chemicals may
have a larger impact on the environment);

slow regeneration (Arctic ecosystems do not regenerate as quickly as elsewhere).

All of these aspects require special attention and assurances must be provided
as part of any field development proposal. A development option may need to be
selected that provides the best response to large accidents.
Non-governmental organisations are putting these aspects at the forefront of
debate and argue that a large gap between risk and present capabilities still
remains (WWF, 2010). Though much is being done to address the environmental
challenges of hydrocarbon exploration in vulnerable and sensitive ecosystems,
as illustrated in the next subsection, it is important that learning continues and
that the lessons learned are used to inform policy and practice.
Environmental impact assessment
Developing oil and gas reserves in the Arctic region will, in all cases, require a
careful review of the potential impacts on the environment. The industry will
typically prepare an extensive environmental impact assessment (EIA8), a wellestablished tool used during the planning phase of major projects, to highlight
any potential threats that development could pose to flora, fauna and the
physical environment. The EIA also identifies potential mitigation measures. Most
jurisdictions around the world have established EIA regulations and procedures,
including in some cases specific requirements for oil and gas, and offshore
activities. All jurisdictions with interests in the Arctic region have national and
provincial regulatory regimes, including EIA requirements (Table 4.1).

8. Not to be confused with the US DOEs Energy Information Administration (EIA).



Table 4.1 Examples of EIA legislation in Arctic countries


United States



The Canadian
Environmental Assessment
Act. Increasingly,
approvals for activities in
the northern provinces
are being delegated
to aboriginal people,
facilitated through Indian
and Northern Affairs
Canada. This applies in
Nunavut, Yukon and the
Northwest Territories.

The National
Environmental Policy
Act requires federal
authorities to consider the
environmental impact prior
to authorising activities
on federal lands, typically
through production
and assessment of an
environmental impact
statement. For oil and gas
production, the Minerals
Management Service
oversees this process.

The Federal Law on

Ecological Expertise
and the Regulations on
Assessment of Impact from
the Intended Business
and Other Activity on
the Environment in the
Russian Federation set
out requirements for
developers to prepare
an EIA. The Federal
Service for Ecological,
Technological and Nuclear
Control (Rostechnadzor)
oversees this process.

The Petroleum Act requires

operators to prepare a
project-specific EIA as part
of its plan for development
and operation and its
plan for installation and
operation of facilities.
It is subject to oversight by
the Ministry of Petroleum
and Energy.

In addition to national regulations, the Arctic Council,9 which addresses the

environmental protection and sustainable development in the Arctic, produced
the latest edition of the Arctic Offshore Oil & Gas Guidelines in 2009. These
guidelines set out overarching guidance for Arctic nations for managing the
environment, respecting the rights of indigenous peoples, and assessing
the long-term impact of oil and gas activities during planning, exploration,
development, production and decommissioning (PAME, 2009).
International financial institutions, e.g. the International Finance Corporation
(IFC) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), and
private-sector banks through the Equator Principles, apply additional guidelines
and standards when providing finance for such projects (Figure 4.21). In addition,
when there is a possibility of a transboundary impact a particularly challenging
aspect for Arctic projects the United Nations Economic Commission for
Europes Convention on EIA in a Transboundary Context (also known as the
Espoo Convention, 1991) can apply, requiring signatory parties to notify and
consult with each other collectively on environmental impacts.
Approaches to EIA
The EIA process usually starts with a preliminary EIA carried out at early stages of
development, e.g. surveying, then moving to a full EIA with updates through the
exploratory, appraisal and development stages. All regulatory approaches tend
to require similar issues to be assessed in relation to a development, covering:
atmospheric emissions; discharges to water; solid and liquid waste issues; noise;
and the potential impact of spills. Additionally, approaches often include risk
assessment, emergency preparedness, response planning and decommissioning
impacts (lifecycle aspects). Some examples of approaches to EIA are highlighted
in Figure 4.21.
9. The Arctic Council is an advisory body formally established by the Ottawa Declaration of 1996. In addition to its member
states Canada, Denmark (including Greenland and the Faroe Islands), Finland, Iceland, Norway, the Russian Federation, Sweden
and the United States the Arctic Council has a category of permanent participants that comprise a number of indigenous
peoples groups.



Figure 4.21 Examples of EIA approaches for requirements of EIAs

Identify legislation

Evaluate alternatives

Describe environmental

Select best practicable

environmental options

Indentify sensitive

Investigate mitigation

Incorporate risk

Evaluate residual impact

Identify project effects

Establish basis for

standards, targets,
operational procedures
and other plans

Quantify impacts

Develop basis for

contingency planning

management plan
monitoring, review audit

Recommend basis for

and training

Source: E&P Forum/UNEP IE, 1997.

Going beyond standard practice

Specific requirements for EIAs will vary by jurisdiction. In most cases, third-party
guidelines such as those of the IFC can be used to reinforce national legislation
if needed (Box 4.4). Increasingly, the IFC performance standards are considered
as the international benchmark for EIA best practice. Following IFC guidance
means that EIAs are increasingly covering environmental, social and health
impact assessments (ESHIA). The EBRD has also developed its own performance
requirements for projects in its portfolio.

Box 4.4 IFCs standards for lenders

The IFC set out eight performance standards for social and environmental sustainability, as
PS 1: social and environmental assessment and management;
PS 2: labour and working conditions;
PS 3: pollution prevention and abatement;
PS 4: community health, safety and security;
PS 5: land acquisition and involuntary resettlement;
PS 6: biodiversity conservation and sustainable natural resource management;
PS 7: indigenous peoples;
PS 8: cultural heritage.



Each standard is accompanied by guidance notes and resources to support implementation.

The IFC also produces industry-specific guidelines, including environment, health and safety
(EHS) guidelines for offshore oil and gas. These standards are applied by the World Bank, IFC
and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to export credit
agencies and almost 70 Equator Principles signatory banks and financial institutions.

Risk assessment is also an increasingly common feature of EIAs, and will likely
feature more prominently in oil and gas developments in light of the Deepwater
Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010. Some key features for EIAs and
ESHIAs in Arctic environments are highlighted in Table 4.2.

Table 4.2 Issues for EIAs in Arctic regions

Social impacts and indigenous peoples

Arctic biodiversity

For the Arctic regions, the inclusion of social aspects

in impact assessment is crucial. The livelihoods of
indigenous people are fully entwined with the natural
resources of the Arctic environment. Fishing, reindeer
husbandry and hunting rights are important issues in
this context.

Arctic biodiversity varies significantly and the

distribution of species is patchy and variable from
season to season. Arctic flora and fauna are highly
valued because of their low numbers and low
density. They tend to be very old specimens with low
adaptability to change and vulnerability to external
impacts. At present, the Arctic has 43 mammal
species, 16 bird species, 12 fish species and 73 plant
species on the Red List of Threatened Species of the
United Nations (UN). In 2000, the Arctic contained 44
Ramsar sites (wetlands of international importance), six
biosphere reserves and three World Heritage sites.

Therefore, establishing the right approach to engaging

with these communities is a key step. This can be
particularly challenging given the small, dispersed
nature of Arctic communities. Providing assurances
to communities that their livelihoods and cultural
heritage will not be affected by developments is vital,
especially as many of these communities and their
associated groups are increasingly involved in the
approvals process for major projects (as in Northern

The Arctic oceans are also highly productive and many

important fish breeding grounds are located in the
region. Protecting these areas and the consideration
of local and transboundary effects arising from any
impact on fisheries will be an important consideration
in Arctic ESHIAs. The mobile nature of fish stocks
may also trigger the considerations of the Espoo
Convention for Arctic developments.

Risk assessment and emergency planning

Climate change in the Arctic

Since the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, increased

attention will be given to assessing the potential
impact of high-magnitude events that could arise
during exploration and production. The pristine
environment and the specific challenges posed
for operating oil and gas infrastructure in Arctic
conditions such as icebergs, sea ice, ice scour and
equipment freezing will be difficult to characterise
in terms of possible features, events and likelihood of
occurrence. Mitigation of the potential risks, potential
response measures and the possible impact of such
response measures will also be particularly difficult to
define given the remoteness of locations and extreme
climatic conditions.

Relative to other parts of the world, the Arctic is

particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change.
Decreasing sea ice coverage (9% to 10% reduction in
summer sea ice over the last 30 years), reduction in
ice thickness, shifts in vegetation zones and thawing of
permafrost create additional complications for design
and construction of oil and gas infrastructure in the
Changes in the distribution of species and the effects
of climate change on the communities of indigenous
peoples mean that current ESHIAs will need to take
into account the future effects of climate change on
the environment and people within a given area.



Key references for Arctic EIAs

Several references include information about Arctic environments, its peoples
and the threats and the impact they face from infrastructure development and
climate change. These should all be reviewed and considered when preparing
ESHIAs for Arctic projects. Examples of sources are given in Table 4.3.

Table 4.3 Reference sources for Arctic EIAs

Sources of further information on Arctic environmental issues
Arctic Council
World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Arctic Programme
United Nations Environment Programme
(UNEP) GRID-Arendal
Arctic Institute of North America
International Polar Foundation
US Department of Environment, Arctic
Energy Office

Further information on Arctic communities

Arctic Council Indigenous Peoples Secretariat
Inuit Circumpolar Council (Canada)
Aluet International Association
GwichIN Council International

General guidelines on EIA and approvals

IFC Performance Standards
Equator Principles
United Nations Environment Programme
Industry and Environment (UNEP IE) Technical
Report 37
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
(oil & gas section)
The Alaska Outer Continental Shelf (OCS)
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management,
Regulation and Enforcement
Norway Ministry of Petroleum

Legal aspects
Several international legal instruments may be relevant to offshore oil and gas
activities conducted in the Arctic, such as the United Nations Convention on the
Law of the Sea (UN, 1982) and the International Convention for the Prevention of
Pollution from Ships MARPOL 73/78 (IMO, 1973). However, there is currently no
comprehensive, dedicated international legal regime relevant to these activities
in place for the Arctic.10 The Arctic is governed by a soft law regime with the
10. This is in contrast to the Antarctic, where the Antarctic Treaty System provides a legal framework for the governance of
the region. The Antarctic is preserved for peaceful purposes and scientific endeavours under the treaty system, precluding oil
and gas activities in the region.



Arctic Council at its head. As an advisory body, the Arctic Council can propose
policies and guidance documents (such as those mentioned above) but it cannot
make binding law or enforce its policies. This means that, in practice, legal and
regulatory oversight of oil and gas production in the Arctic falls to individual
Arctic states. It should be noted that, to the extent that areas of the Arctic
remain disputed, regulatory authority over these areas is unclear.

Future directions
New technological innovations are essential to the responsible development of
large resources in the pristine environments of deepwater and Arctic regions.
The best solutions will be those that reduce the environmental footprint, the
risks involved and cost. Sometimes, such solutions can be adapted from the best
practices and experiences in other areas, such as subsea compression applied to
Arctic conditions.
A roadmap towards the vision of a zero-surface facility has been developed
(Figure 4.22). To achieve the final goal of a subsea factory under the ice, there are
some clearly identified milestone projects that need to be successful to achieve
the vision. In view of the complexity of the total system, research, development
and demonstration with a high degree of international co-operation, multicompany pilot testing and exchange of best practices will be required.

Figure 4.22 Subsea technology enables growth: Roadmap to the subsea factory

stra ualific ning
log ng, q plan
Tec D, tes ntatio
& eme
Foc and i

Tordis restart

Raws seawater


Raw seawater


The subsea
Heavy oil

and boosting

Gulf of Mexico





Note: NCS = Norwegian Continental Shelf; NCS/INT = Norwegian Continental Shelf/International; ESPs = electric submersible
Courtesy of Statoil.



Bird, K.J., R.R. Charpentier, D.L. Gautier, D.W. Houseknecht, T.R. Klett, J.K. Pitman,
T.E. Moore, C.J. Schenk, M.E. Tennyson and C.J. Wandrey (2008), Circum-Arctic
Resource Appraisal: Estimates of Undiscovered Oil and Gas North of the Arctic
Circle, US Geological Survey, Washington, DC,
Bishop, A., C. Bremner, A.L.C. Strobbia, P. Parno and G. Utskot (2010), Petroleum
Potential of the Arctic: Challenges and Solutions, Oilfield Review, Vol. 22, No. 4,
BP (2009), BP Announces Giant Oil Discovery In the Gulf of Mexico, BP, London,
E&P Forum (Oil Industry International Exploration and Production Forum)/UNEP
IE (United Nations Environment Programme Industry and Environment Centre)
(1997), Environmental Management in Oil and Gas Exploration and Production,
E&P Forum/UNEP, London/Paris.
FMC Technologies) (2008), Subsea Processing, FMC, Houston, www.
Gautier, D.L., K.J. Bird, R.R. Charpentier, A. Grantz, D.W. Houseknecht, T.R. Klett, T.E.
Moore, J.K. Pitman, C.J. Schenk, J.H. Schuenemeyer, K. Srensen, M.E. Tennyson, Z.C.
Valin and C.J. Wandrey (2009), Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas in the
Arctic, Science, Vol. 324, No. 5931, American Association for the Advancement of
Science, Washington, DC, pp. 1175-1179.
Henriques, C.C. (2008), Deepwater Technologies and Challenges in Brazil,
presentation to the Resources to Reserves 2009 Mid-Project Workshop,
Cambridge, United Kingdom, 8 April.
IEA (International Energy Agency) (2010), World Energy Outlook 2010, OECD/IEA,
IMO (International Maritime Organization) (1973), International Convention
for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships,
Kjaernes, P.A. (2008), The Ormen Lange Gas Field, Norway Field Development,
from Exploration to Production, presentation to the Society of Petroleum
Engineers (SPE) Moscow Section, Moscow, 11 March,
upload_data/53_Ormen%20Lange%20dev., SPEMoscow11.03.08.pdf.
Larsen, R., A. Lund, C. Argo and T. Makogon (2007), Cold Flow A Simple Multiphase
Transport Solution for Harsh Environments, 18th International Oil Field Chemistry
Symposium, 25-28 March, Geilo, Norway.



PAME (Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment Working Group) (2009), Arctic
Offshore Oil and Gas Guidelines, Arctic Councils PAME, Nordurslod, Iceland,
Rekacewicz, P. (2005), Arctic, Topography and Bathymetry, UNEP/GRID-Arendal,
Arendal, Norway,
Sandrea, I. and R. Sandrea (2007), Exploration Trends Show Continued Promise in
Worlds Offshore Basins, Oil & Gas Journal, Vol. 105, No. 9, Oklahoma City, www.
Schofield, J. (2007), Delving Deeper: Unlocking Offshore Energy, Shell World UK
Magazine, 7 September, Shell International, The Hague.
Shell (2009), Perdido Development Project,
Thomas, C.P., T.C. Doughty, D.D. Faulder, W.E. Harrison, J.S. Irving, H.C. Jamison and
G.J. White (1991), Alaska Oil and Gas: Energy Wealth or Vanishing Opportunity?,
Office of Fossil Energy, United States Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
UN (United Nations) (1982), United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea,
USGS (United States Geological Survey) (2000), World Petroleum Assessment
2000, USGS, Washington, DC,
WWF (World Wildlife Fund) (2010), Drilling for Oil in the Arctic: Too Soon, Too Risky,
WWF, Washington, DC.



Chapter 5 Making light of unconventional oil

A large share of the worlds remaining oil resources is classified as unconventional.
As there is no universally agreed definition of conventional or unconventional oil,
several definitions are in current use to differentiate between them (Box 1.1
in Chapter 1). Roughly speaking, any source of hydrocarbons that requires
production technologies significantly different from the mainstream in currently
exploited reservoirs is described as unconventional. However, this is obviously an
imprecise and time-dependent definition; advances in technology, changes in
the economics, new environmental requirements or energy policy incentives,
can shift the demarcation line between conventional and unconventional
resources. In the long term, unconventional heavy oils may well become the
norm rather than the exception.
Unconventional oil is generally accepted as having a high viscosity or is complex
to extract; it usually includes kerogen shale, oil-sands (and natural bitumen), light
tight oil (LTO), and oil derived from coal, gas and biomass. Natural gas liquids1
(NGLs) are occasionally included within this category, though more often as
conventional. Although it is often more costly to produce, unconventional oil
will almost certainly make an increasing contribution to future oil production.

Heavy oil and oil-sands

There are three different types of heavy oils: heavy oil that is able to flow in the
reservoir; near-solid bitumen in shallow oil-sands that can be mined; and bitumen
in deeper reservoirs, beyond 75 metres (m), which needs significant stimulation
for recovery. Oil-sands are unconsolidated sands that contain bitumen.
The worlds extra-heavy oil and oil-sands resources are largely concentrated
in Canada (mainly in Alberta) and Venezuela (in the Orinoco belt). Canada
has proven reserves of 175 billion barrels (bb), while Venezuela has proven
reserves of 220 bb. The total remaining recoverable resources2 will likely be a
multiple of these numbers (IEA, 2012). The exact amount of other remaining
recoverable resources depends on several factors, including the price of crude
oil; the development of new technology; the demand for energy; and solutions
for reducing the impact on the environment. As these factors are successfully
addressed, the volume of reserves is likely to increase.
The two main challenges are extracting the viscous oil or bitumen from porous
rock, and diluting or upgrading the extracted oil so that it can be transported
by pipeline to a refinery. To cope with these challenges, very large volumes of
water, steam, light hydrocarbons and hydrogen are used.

1. Natural gas liquids or field condensates are components of natural gas that are liquid at the surface in field facilities. They
include propane, butane, pentane, hexane and heptane.
2. Definitions of resources and reserves can be found in Chapter 1.



When viscosity is low enough for the oil to flow (albeit slowly) to the surface,
long horizontal or multilateral wells are used to maximise well-bore contact with
the reservoir and reduce the drop in pressure in the well bore. This method is
referred to as cold production and is used for several of the heavy oil deposits
in the Orinoco belt. The main drawback of such conventional production
techniques is a low recovery factor, typically less than 15%. The amount of heavy
oil that could be recovered from the estimated 1 600 bb in place in the Orinoco
belt is less than 300 bb. For more viscous oils, more complex recovery methods
such as mining and in situ heating are needed.
Heavy oil production is expected to increase in the foreseeable future despite
the need for significant capital investment (CERI, 2012). Much of this growth has
been planned in Canada, where total production from oil-sands (Figure 5.1) is
currently equally split between surface mining and in situ production methods,
but with in situ production expected to grow faster in the future. New heavy
oil resources have been identified in Colombia (up to 110 bb), Ecuador, Peru
and other countries along the Andes. China, Russia, Kazakhstan and countries
in the Middle East, such as Kuwait and Iran, have reported increases in heavy oil
resources and production.


Figure 5.1 Past and projected production of oil-sands from Canada,

in the New Policies Scenario












Note: mb/d = million barrels per day.

Source: IEA databases and analysis.

High oil prices at the start of 2008, in combination with new and emerging
production technologies, made it more financially viable to produce oil-sands
resources in Canada. However, the subsequent drop in oil prices after mid2008 made exploitation less attractive and new projects, involving around
1.7 mb/d of peak capacity and worth around USD 150 billion of investment,
were either suspended or cancelled (IEA, 2009). By mid-2010, oil prices had
rebounded and many projects were reactivated as higher oil prices meant
it was profitable again to extract and develop heavy oil resources. While
these existing projects continue to produce, investment in new projects will
hinge on sustained high oil prices or reduced production costs. In 2012, there
were more than 110 oil-sands projects in operation with a total raw bitumen



capacity of 2.1 mb/d. On the assumptions of the World Energy Outlook 2012
New Policies Scenario, the IEA projects that Canadian production from oilsands will reach 2.3 mb/d in 2015 and 3.4 mb/d in 2030 (IEA, 2012).

Upgrading viscous oil

Upgrading viscous oil involves methods to increase the ratio of hydrogen
to carbon typically by coking3 or hydrocracking.4 Either process results in
an upgraded crude oil with a significantly lower viscosity, allowing it to be
transported by pipeline.
To generate oil feedstock that is suitable for refineries, initial upgrading of
heavy oil and bitumen is necessary. Carbon removal (coking) and hydrogenation,
using methane as the source of hydrogen, are used to upgrade heavy crude oils
of 20API5 to light crudes of 40API gravity, with a narrow range of molecular
weights of around 90 to 180. Upgrading methods using only hydrogenation
generate about 1.1 barrels of oil from a barrel of raw bitumen (b/b). If only coking
is used, the yield is about 0.85 b/b. In five different upgrading facilities in Alberta,
yields lie in a range of 0.82 b/b to 0.92 b/b. Depending on the quality of the heavy
oil and bitumen, and the desired standard of the upgraded crude oil, by-products
from the upgrading process may comprise large volumes of elemental sulphur
and petroleum coke. The potential for disposal or use of the by-products have an
impact on the environmental footprint of the operation.
In Canada, upgrading6 costs between USD 9.5 and USD 11.5 per barrel (/b)
(Canadian Oil Sands, 2012). These costs account for the price differential between
heavy oil (Western Canadian Select) and the benchmark conventional light crude
(West Texas Intermediate). Over the period January 2005 to September 2012, the
monthly average price varied from a low of USD 6/b in April 2009 to USD 42/b in
December 2007 (Baytex, 2012). This substantial price differential has persisted
for several decades because of limited upgrading capacity in Canada and an
export market that consists mainly of the United States.
Any technology that could enable upgrading to take place closer to the
source, potentially even inside the reservoir, would improve and facilitate the
development of heavy oil and oil-sands. It would make recovery easier, reduce
the amount of heat or solvents wasted at the surface and improve energy
efficiency. The Nexen-CNOOC Long Lake Project is a commercial project that
operates with in-field upgrading. The project employs steam-assisted gravity
drainage (SAGD) to recover bitumen that is too deep to mine. The bitumen is
pumped to the surface, where it is treated to remove water, then fed into an
upgrader to produce synthetic crude oil. Laboratory tests on in situ upgrading
are ongoing but, so far, there has been no field pilot project.
3. Coking is a thermal cracking process that converts the heavy fraction of heavy oils to elemental carbon (coke) and to lighter
fractions, including naphtha or heavy gas oils.
4. Hydrocracking is a catalytic cracking process that occurs in the presence of hydrogen, where the added hydrogen saturates
or hydrogenates the cracked hydrocarbons.
5. API (American Petroleum Institute) gravity is a measure of the density of oil. The API gravity scale is calibrated such that most
crude oils, as well as distillate fuels, will have API gravities between 10 and 70 API. The lower the number, the heavier and the
more viscous is the oil.
6. Upgrading costs include the production and ongoing maintenance costs associated with processing and upgrading of bitumen
to synthetic crude oil.



Mining oil-sands
Two major categories of extraction can be used, which include mining if the
deposit is very shallow or applying heat down-hole (i.e. within the well) if the
deposit is deeper.
If the deposit is near the surface, the oil-sands are mined (surface mining) by
using large power shovels and dump trucks. One cubic metre of mined ore
(the mixture of sand, water and bitumen) contains on average approximately
22% of raw bitumen by volume. The bitumen is extracted from the ore using
heat and water in a separation method known as hot froth flotation. This
method is effective at recovering about 90% of the oil, yielding approximately
1.3 barrels (b) of raw bitumen per cubic metre of ore.
Canada is the only country where large-scale bitumen surface mining is practised.
In 2010, around 50% of the 1.5 mb/d of oil produced from oil-sands came from
upgrading mined bitumen, while the rest was recovered using in situ processes.

Technologies for in situ production of heavy oil and oil-sands

The various in situ production methods can be grouped as primary (only drilling
wells and producing), thermal (using heat to lower the viscosity of the oil), and
non-thermal (mostly based on creating miscibility between the oil and the
injectant) (Figure 5.2). In Canada, oil production from oil-sands is split equally
between mining and in situ recovery methods, though the share from in situ
recovery is increasing with time (Figure 5.1).

Figure 5.2 In situ methods of viscous oil production

Production processes




- Cold production

- Flooding

- Fire flooding
- Top down

Hybrid processes

- Water flooding
- CO2, gas injection
- Chemical injection
- Pressure pulsing

Technology sequencing

Notes: CHOPS = cold heavy oil production with sand; CSS = cyclic steam stimulation; HCS = horizontal-well cyclic stimulation;
THAI = Toe-to-Heel Air Injection (THAI is a trademark of Petrobank); CO2 = carbon dioxide; VAPEX = vapour-assisted
petroleum extraction.
Source: Dusseault, 2009.



Box 5.1 Technologies for in situ production of oil-sands


Cold production is a process in which bitumen is produced by long, often multi-branched,

horizontal wells. Recovery factors are low, less than 15%.

CHOPS allows sand to be produced along with the oil. It simplifies downhole well designs
and increases the productivity of a well. It has been highly successful in Canada since 1985,
especially for extracting oil from thin zones.


In CSS a small amount of steam is injected into the producer well, after which it is closed
in for some time before reopening it for the production of heated oil. Several Canadian
operators have applied it to horizontal wells, a process known as HCS.

SAGD marks an important advance in heavy oil production. Oil flows along the walls of
a steam chamber down to a producing well (see Box 5.2).

THAI is a technique based on either injecting air into a vertical injection well located
within close proximity to the toe of a horizontal producing well or injecting it directly
from the toe. The injected air promotes partial combustion of the bitumen. Though still
very much experimental, the technique has been undergoing preliminary field tests.
Commercial projects based on THAI are perhaps five to eight years away, if tests prove


Gas injection is being developed as a post-steam recovery method in Canada, helping to

recover more of the heated oil while reducing the need for steam.

Pressure pulsing techniques are based on the discovery that large-amplitude, lowfrequency pulsing wave energy enhances flow rates in porous media (Veil and Quinn,
2008). They involve applying sharp pressure impulses to the liquid at the bottom of a
well. The impulses generate displacement waves that facilitate oil production. Though
the technology has not gained wide acceptance, it is starting to be used in cold heavy
oil production.

VAPEX is similar to SAGD, but injects a diluent rather than steam to reduce viscosity. As
dilution and gravity drainage using solvents yield slow production rates, this technique
will likely be limited to heavy oils of lower viscosity or as an aid to SAGD methods.

The two most widely used in situ production methods for heavy oil and bitumen
recovery are CSS and SAGD.
In CSS, the heavy oil is heated by injecting steam into the well for a period of
several weeks, before production of the heated oil. This process is repeated
several times until it becomes too difficult to reach the oil far from the well.
The overall field recovery rate for such a process is low at between 20% and
35%. However, CSS is an effective stimulation technique for producers and
is applied in combination with other methods that can drive oil towards the



The SAGD method is the most important technological development in viscous

oil extraction since the advent of CSS (Box 5.2). SAGD concepts evolved in 1970
to 1985. Theoretical recovery factors of 50% to 70% are predicted for SAGD in
thick and homogeneous reservoirs, using a similar amount of steam per barrel
produced as is the case for CSS.

Box 5.2 Steam-assisted gravity drainage

In highly viscous oils, i.e. those with viscosities higher than 100 000 centipoise, SAGD is based
on parallel horizontal well pairs, 800 metres (m) to 1 000 m-long, located at the base of the oil
zone (Figure 5.3); well pairs are spaced laterally at about four times the zone thickness. Steam
is introduced through the upper wells, where it rises because of its low density, subsequently
condenses and gives up latent and sensible heat to the viscous oil. The hot oil and condensed
water flow downward to the production well below the injector.

Figure 5.3 The SAGD process

SAGD facility


Oil producer

Steam injector
Steam chamber


Steam flow
Oil flow

Courtesy of Encana Corporation.

The advantages of SAGD are the improved recovery factors achieved (by over 70%) and
the somewhat lower steam-to-oil ratios compared to other steam methods. High recovery
factors can be attributed to the stability of a gravity-dominated drainage regime based
on gas-liquid phase segregation. Wells are operated at the same pressure to avoid shortcircuiting or generation of pressure-induced flow instabilities. The injection rate is controlled
so that pressure in the steam chamber remains constant over time.



An ideal SAGD reservoir will have more than 20 m of oil-saturated sand with good vertical
permeability (>1 000 millidarcy) and no basal water. Shales of 2 m to 3 m thick can be
breached, though they slow down the process. However, fine-grained siltstones without clay
are more serious flow barriers because of capillary blockage of gravity flow (such riverbeds
severely hampered SAGD in the Shell Peace River Project). If operated carefully, SAGD can be
carried out in the presence of active basal water or a gas cap, but not both.
Another reason why SAGD is effective is the extensive, thermally induced shearing that breaks
down thin flow barriers and leads to dilation, improving reservoir porosity and permeability.
The 30 centimetres (cm) to 50 cm of surface uplift above SAGD operations is proof of benefit
achieved from the shear-dilation effect.
Various improvements to basic SAGD concepts are being pursued, for example:

where the viscosity of oil may be slightly lower, different injection well configurations (vertical
or offset horizontal wells) may be used;

before SAGD, several cycles of high-pressure steam injection may help break down barriers to
vertical gravitational flow, which would otherwise significantly reduce production;

viscosity may be reduced further by injecting condensing solvents, possibly alternating with
steam injection, to raise oil production rates;

post-SAGD, injecting inert gas can potentially distribute the heat already in the reservoir
more effectively;

improved monitoring of pressures, deformations and temperatures can result in better

process control and enhanced thermal efficiency;

as generating steam is a costly process, different heat sources for steam are being pursued.

In the 1980s, the government of Alberta was the first to field test SAGD and was
followed by several private companies in the 1990s. It was not until 2001 that
it was used by the Encana Corporation in the first SAGD commercial project to
exceed 10 000 b/d the Foster Creek project in eastern Alberta, north of Cold
Lake. In March 2012, there were 18 commercial projects in various deposits in
Alberta (Government of Alberta, 2012) and a smaller number in Saskatchewan,
while there are further SAGD projects in China, Venezuela and Russia. Total SAGD
production in Canada passed 1.05 mb/d in 2011 with projections of 1.9 mb/d by
2016 (Rystad, 2012).
Non-thermal methods are currently being pursued, especially in thinner deposits
in which there can be high energy costs and a high fraction of heat lost to the
surrounding rocks. A commonly applied non-thermal technique is polymer
injection. In this method, water is made more viscous by adding polymers
that enable the heavy oil to be displaced more efficiently. The disadvantage
of polymer injection is the low injectivity7 and the consequent increase in the
number of wells required.

7. Injectivity is the volume per day that can be injected as a function of the injection pressure. As water with dissolved polymers
is more viscous than steam, it is more difficult to inject into the reservoir. Furthermore, this difficulty is compounded when
injecting into very heavy oil, where the oil itself inhibits the injectivity.



Currently, the industry is investigating the application of hybrid processes,

where more than one of these techniques can be applied in sequence to further
improve recovery and production efficiency.

Environmental issues associated with heavy oil

and oil-sands production
Both mining and in situ viscous oil production generally require greater attention
to environmental management than conventional production. Large volumes of
gaseous, aqueous and solid wastes are generated, including emulsions and oily
mixtures, such as tank bottoms.8 In addition, large volumes of coke and sulphur
must be stockpiled when demand for these by-products is low.
Impact on the landscape
In situ viscous oil production and, in particular, mining change the landscape and
affect the existing forest ecosystem (Figure 5.4). Remediation of the land may
be necessary. For example, the government of Alberta requires companies to
restore the land.

Figure 5.4 Oil-sand mining region north of Fort McMurray, Alberta

Low-quality upper
lower oil-sands

Note: figure shows 55 m to 65 m high oil-sands slope in a mining region north of Fort McMurray,
Alberta, Canada.
Source: Dusseault, 2009.

Water usage
Large volumes of water are required to extract bitumen from oil-sands. For
example, between 3 and 4 b of water are required to produce 1 b of synthetic
crude oil (NRCAN, 2011). Although 95% of water used to generate steam is
8. Tank bottoms are residues that accumulate in the bottom of storage tanks. They usually comprise sediment, dirt, oil emulsified
with water and free water, and may also be referred to as tank settlings or tank sludge. Tank bottoms are generally either disposed
of or treated by chemicals to recover additional hydrocarbons.



recycled, that still leaves 0.2 barrels of water consumed for each barrel of bitumen
produced. The availability of water, for example from Canadas Athabasca River,
presents a potential bottleneck for some projects under development in that
region, especially during winter. To reduce the use of potable water for some in
situ operations, some producers are using brackish water (with salinity between
that of fresh water and seawater) instead.
Bitumen slurry
Water-based extraction generates large volumes of bitumen slurries (wastewater
or fluid tailings) and a wet, oily, clay-like sludge. In 2009, the Energy Resources
Conservation Board of Alberta approved a directive to ensure that operators
reduce fluid tailings and dispose of them responsibly in dedicated disposal
areas or face penalties for non-compliance (ERCB, 2009). Beginning in July 2010,
the directive was phased into practice, with a 20% reduction in fluid tailings
required by July 2011, 30% by July 2012 and rising to a 50% reduction by June
2013, with further reductions to be imposed annually thereafter. The directive
aims to stop the accumulation of tailings from oil-sands in Alberta.
Sulphur is a by-product of oil-sands production; it can either be exported for
use or consigned to a long-term storage/disposal strategy that is socially and
environmentally acceptable. In the last 20 years, new waste disposal technologies
have emerged. The most common disposal technique is deep slurry injection, in
which solid wastes, such as sulphur, are mixed with liquid and pumped into
a sealed reservoir. This method of disposal is now used in several locations in
the world. For example, since 2002 a large injection facility in Duri, Indonesia
has disposed of over 2 million cubic metres (Mm3) of waste products, including
produced water, drill cuttings, waste emulsions, sulphur and other solids. These
materials are injected into a shale-sealed sandstone reservoir at 400 m depth.
Greenhouse gases (GHGs)
Given growing concerns about climate change, emissions of atmospheric
pollutants and GHGs associated with the exploitation of oil-sands must be
addressed. Emissions include substantial volumes of CO2, small amounts of
sulphurous gases and fine particulate matter. During the mining, production and
upgrading processes, between 95 kilograms (kg) and 125 kg CO2/b of upgraded
crude oil are generated. If SAGD is applied, this rises to between 125 kg and
150 kg CO2/b. For cyclic steam injection technologies, CO2 emissions will be
higher than for SAGD by about 40 kg to 60 kg of CO2/b as more steam is required.
Transportation and additional refining add a further 80 kg to 90 kg of CO2/b. In
total, for all processes, CO2 emissions can vary from 175 kg to 300 kg CO2/b.
Methods of mitigating emissions from fossil fuels include carbon capture and
storage (CCS), in which CO2 is captured at source and injected into suitable
aquifers or oil reservoirs for storage (see also Chapter 2 and Chapter 9). In Alberta,
all new fossil fuel plants must be designed and constructed for possible future
mandated CCS.



Steam and hydrogen sources

The oil-sands industry uses about 4% of the natural gas produced from the
Western Canada Sedimentary Basin. However, though the cost of the natural gas
used to generate steam, electricity and hydrogen for the production of heavy
oil and oil-sands is high, there is a net benefit. According to Canadas National
Energy Board, around 34 m3 of natural gas are required to produce 1 b of bitumen;
and 1 b of bitumen has an energy-equivalent of 170 m3 natural gas. Nonetheless,
as natural gas reserves are diminishing, operators need to look more closely at
other sources for energy requirements. One project that has sought to put such
a process into practice is the Nexen-CNOOC Long Lake Project.
The Nexen-CNOOC Long Lake Project began production in the Athabasca oilsands region of Alberta in 2009. All steam and electricity required to operate
the project is generated from combustion of the asphaltene fraction of the
SAGD-produced bitumen. Though this reduced the need for natural gas, it has
led to higher net CO2 emissions. To address this, the possibility of retrofitting
CCS in the future has been considered, though it would involve a number of
modifications to the process.
Potential for the clean combustion of coal, coke or residuals (asphaltenes) using
pure oxygen to generate heat (steam), electricity and hydrogen also heralds
potential for reducing consumption of natural gas. This process would generate
nearly pure CO2, which could be either transported for direct geological storage
or used for enhanced recovery of conventional oil.
The possibility of reduced access to sufficient levels of natural gas in Alberta
in the future, coupled with increasing environmental pressures to reduce
CO2 emissions, present strong incentives to develop and implement other
means of fuelling mining, production and upgrading processes. Reducing the
environmental impact of heavy oil development is important, but the means to
achieve it still remain to be implemented at full scale.

The future of heavy oil and oil-sands

Non-thermal production methods such as cold production and CHOPS have
lower capital and operating costs than mining and thermal steam methods.
They are not suitable for high-viscosity reservoirs and suffer from other
deficiencies, such as sand management requirements, low recovery factors and
low production rates. However, their lower costs make them attractive and they
could still be deployed as the first technology in a sequence of primary, nonthermal and thermal methods designed to increase recovery factors.
In Canada, for a mining project that includes upgrading, an investment of about
USD 73 000 is needed to generate 1 b of oil per day. The capital investment is
somewhat less for SAGD projects, but the need for heat means that operating
costs, including upgrading, would be similar to or greater than for mining. The



costs for SAGD and upgrading in Venezuela would be lower than in Canada
because of the milder climate and lower transportation costs.
Depending on how oil demand and prices develop, global heavy oil and bitumen
production could increase from 2.2 mb/d in 2010 to 6.7 mb/d in 2035 (IEA, 2012).
Canadian oil-sands alone could increase rapidly from 1.6 mb/d to 4.3 mb/d over
the same period. The other large contributor is heavy oil production from the
Orinoco belt (Venezuela) that is expected to reach 2.1 mb/d in 2035, from
0.6 mb/d today. In Canada, in situ production will overtake mining production
over the next decade with SAGD production expected to increase markedly over
the same period.
Major issues in viscous oil development include CO2 emissions; waste
management; energy sources for steam; water use; hydrogen sources for
hydrogenation; and transportation issues, including the transport of diluent
and new pipeline routes. Recent technical advances suggest that significant
improvements could take place in each of these areas, reducing the barriers to
large-scale heavy oil production while also mitigating the environmental impact.

Kerogen oil
Kerogen shale, often referred to as oil shale, is found at shallow depths, from
surface outcrops to 1 000 m deep. It is a very low-permeability sedimentary
rock that contains a large proportion of kerogen, a mixture of solid organic
compounds. In kerogen shale reservoirs, conversion of the kerogen into liquid
oil (or kerogen oil) has not taken place because the high temperatures required
have not been experienced.
Historically, kerogen shale has been mined not only for conversion into oil, but
also for power generation, cement production and for use in the chemicals
industry. Mining of kerogen shale dates back to the 1830s and peaked in 1980
at 46 million tonnes per year (Mt/yr), falling to 16 Mt/yr in 2004. Around 80% of
commercial kerogen shale is mined in Estonia, where it is used predominantly
for power generation.
By heating kerogen at temperatures up to 500 degrees Celsius for an extended
period of time, it is possible to produce kerogen oil and other hydrocarbons,
including methane. Currently, global production of kerogen oil lies at around
20 000 barrels per day (b/d). While much exploratory work remains to be done,
resources in place are estimated at around 4.8 trillion barrels of oil (WEC, 2010)
and remaining recoverable resources at around 1.1 trillion barrels (IEA, 2012). The
United States has the worlds largest share of resources in place, with more than
77%, followed by China and Russia. Kerogen shale is currently being exploited in
Brazil, China, Estonia, Germany, Israel and Jordan.
Kerogen shale that outcrops the surface can be mined; the mined rock is
heated in a process called retorting, which pyrolyses (or thermochemically
decomposes) the kerogen into oil. Deeper deposits require the use of techniques
to enhance productivity from the formation (such as hydraulic fracturing) and



an in situ mobility enhancement technology. The processes required are very

energy-intensive. Retorting alone requires almost 30% of the energy value of the
oil produced. The process also generates CO2 emissions, ranging from 180 kg to
250 kg CO2-equivalent per barrel of oil produced. In the absence of a carbon pricing
regime, production costs have been estimated to make commercial exploitation
(in the United States) possible at an oil price of around USD 60 per barrel (IEA, 2010).
The main kerogen shale reserves in the United States can be found in the Green
River Formation. Early experiments in the 1980s were halted because of the costs
involved and poor operational performance. Shell has assessed the technical and
financial viability of an in situ conversion process, using down-hole heaters, at
the Mahogany Ridge project. The oil produced has an API gravity of between 30
and 40, which is significantly less viscous than oil produced by surface retort.
The process has the advantage of reducing the environmental impact on the
surrounding land compared to mining, assuming that wells can be drilled as
little as 12 m apart. However, the process requires the use of both water and a
sufficient amount of energy to heat and cool the relevant areas. A 100 000 b/d
unit would require 1.2 gigawatts (GW) of power. Shell expects gas output from
the produced fluid to yield most of this energy. Preliminary energy balances
indicate, on a lifecycle assessment basis, a ratio of between three and four to one
of energy generated to energy used. Further technical developments to protect
groundwater are required before moving to a larger-scale demonstration
phase. Shell is not expected to decide on whether or not to commercialise its
technology for another five years at least. Other large companies involved today
in kerogen shale projects in the United States are Exxon, Petrobras and Total.

Light tight oil

Shales are often found to be source rocks for oil and gas fields. As shales are buried
deeper over geological timescales, the organic matter they contain matures,
under high pressure and high temperatures, into oil or gas. Subsequently, a
fraction of the hydrocarbons formed escapes from the shale and migrates
upwards where it is trapped in oil and gas fields. However, a potentially large
fraction of the oil or gas may have had no chance to escape from the shale or
may have migrated into a neighbouring low-permeability rock formation. Shale,
therefore, or neighbouring low-permeability formations, may still contain large
volumes of hydrocarbons. These are known as LTO in the case of oil, or shale gas
in the case of gas. As fluids cannot move easily through low-permeability rock
formations, the production of commercial volumes of hydrocarbons requires
the use of advanced technologies. Innovations in well technology have meant
that shale gas development has increased significantly over the last ten years.
Application of these developments to a new resource category has now led to
the unlocking of previously uneconomic resources of LTO.
Geologically, LTO is an analogue of shale gas. This is why LTO is often referred
to as shale oil. Unfortunately, the term shale oil is also often used to refer to oil
produced by industrial heat treatment of shale, which is rich in certain types of
kerogen. To avoid confusion, the latter is referred to as kerogen oil.



Extraction of LTO
Oil has a much higher viscosity and a much lower compressibility than gas,
which makes extraction of LTO from low-permeability rock formations a greater
challenge. Conventional techniques, involving the drilling of vertical wells,
produces insufficient flows and would not be economic. Extracting LTO requires
drilling more wells, making extensive use of horizontal drilling and multi-stage
hydraulic fracturing to improve the flow of oil from the reservoir to the well bore
(Figure 5.5). These are the same principal technologies that have enabled largescale, unconventional tight gas and shale gas production (see Chapter 6).

Figure 5.5 Horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing

Cemented casing
Injection of fine
sand to keep the
fractures open


Horizontal drilling

Note: unless otherwise indicated, all material in figures and tables derives from IEA data and analysis.

While horizontal drilling increases reservoir contact, hydraulic fracturing creates

fractures in the rock that further maximises reservoir contact, particularly
with naturally occurring pre-existing fractures in the shale, and allows the oil
to flow more easily into the well bores. Fracturing is achieved by pumping
large quantities of water-based fluids under high pressure, mixed with specific
chemical additives and proppants. Proppants are small solid particles, usually
fine sand or ceramic beads, injected to prevent the cracks from closing after
the pressure is released. Together with advanced seismic techniques to detect
sweet spots and to indicate the best drilling locations, horizontal drilling and
hydraulic fracturing have enhanced yields of LTO to commercially attractive
levels. Oil production in the United States has been on a steep upward trend
since 2005, in large part thanks to the deployment of these technologies.
In targeting more difficult resources, such as LTO, higher investment and
technology development is necessary. LTO requires many more wells per unit of
production volume than conventional resources as output per well is significantly
lower. Like shale gas, production from LTO wells declines rapidly. However,



initial production rates vary widely, depending on geology, well lengths and
the number of hydraulic fracturing stages carried out. Averaged over the first
month, Bakken wells (see next subsection) produce between 300 b/d and more
than 1 000 b/d, but within five years the great majority of wells produce less than
50 b/d. Over their lifetime they typically recover between 300 thousand barrels
(kb) and 700 kb. Given the steep declines in production, new wells are constantly
needed to maintain output; hence, constant drilling activity is essential to
production growth. During 2010, 700 new wells were drilled in Bakken with a
rig fleet averaging 126 units while, during 2012, twice the number of wells were
drilled with just 60% more rigs (NDSG, 2010 and 2012).
Trends are towards drilling more wells and to drilling greater lengths (or
footage) per rig per year. Better design of drilling rigs contributes by reducing
operational cycle times and costs. For example, rigs must be capable of operating
more effectively in winter.
Better fracturing and completion techniques will allow operators to drill longer
horizontally and reduce the number of wells required. However, operation of the
drilling rig is no guarantee of a successful outcome. Reducing the number of
underperforming wells drilled is important. Exploration using knowledge gained
from advanced seismic and other smart field techniques (Chapter 2) adds more
certainty to drilling in tight formations. Such techniques also aid the detection
of sweet spots, where permeability and porosity are significantly higher than the
average values in the reservoir (Chapter 6). Drilling into such areas can greatly
enhance production.
As primary recovery of LTO is often low, producing only 5% to 10% of original
oil in place, the potential to apply secondary recovery is being investigated and
tertiary recovery is gaining interest.

LTO production
Interest in LTO started with the Bakken shale, a large formation underlying North
Dakota and extending into Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Montana. Though
production from the Bakken formation began on a small scale in the early 1950s;
it increased significantly in the early 2000s, after operators began drilling and
fracturing horizontal wells. After 2005, production increased more rapidly,
reaching a high of 669 thousand barrels per day (kb/d) in November 2012 (NDSG,
The combination of success in the Bakken shale and the widening of the
differential between oil and gas prices prompted interest in developing LTO
throughout North America (IEA, 2011). Shale gas producers trying to improve
investment returns began targeting plays with a higher liquid content, increasing
their production of NGLs, while some progressed further to oil-containing lowpermeability formations, like the Bakken. Drilling activity is also shifting from
gas to oil in the Eagle Ford play in Texas, in the Niobrara play in Colorado, Utah
and Wyoming, in various plays in California (including the Monterey play) and in
the Cardium and Exshaw plays in Canada. Other recently identified plays are also
likely to be developed.



High oil prices have clearly been a key driver of this growth, given that the
break-even oil price for a typical LTO development is around USD 60/b (including
royalty payments). The consequent surge in production in the United States has
outpaced infrastructure developments, with oil pipelines becoming congested.
Estimated production could exceed 3.0 mb/d by 2020 (IEA, 2012), contributing
to a significant reduction in US imports. Resources outside North America have
not been quantified but, as with shale gas, it is likely that LTO is present in many
locations worldwide. Examples include the Paris basin in France, which could
hold several billion barrels of recoverable resources, and the Neuquen basin in
Argentina, where testing is currently under way.
The Bakken formation provides the most prominent example of the rapid
growth in LTO production. In 2008, the US Geological Survey estimated the
amount of technically recoverable LTO from the Bakken formation by using
technology readily available at the end of 2007 at around 3.5 bb (USGS, 2008a).
This is 25 times more than an assessment made in 1995 (USGS, 2008b), while
recent unconfirmed industry estimates place the figure as high as 18 bb, and
the North Dakota Department of Mineral Resources evaluates it at 10 bb in
North Dakota alone. This considerable increase is due largely to technological
developments and successes achieved with actual demonstration in the field. By
November 2012, LTO production from Bakken had exceeded 660 kb/d. With the
recognised potential for LTO to improve energy security and reduce oil imports,
many such opportunities in the United States are being pursued. LTO production
in the United States increased from 11 000 b/d in 2005 to 840 000 b/d in 2011
(IEA, 2012).
The size of LTO resources and the quantities that can be technically and
economically extracted are still poorly known. Unconventional resource
estimates are less reliable than those of conventional resources. They have
generally been less thoroughly explored and studied, and there is less experience
of exploiting them. In many cases, the technical, environmental, political and cost
challenges that will have to be overcome for them to be produced commercially
should not be underestimated. Appraisal and production is most advanced in
North America, which largely explains why that region is currently assessed to
hold the largest estimated unconventional resources. Other regions that have
received less attention because of their large conventional resources, including
the Middle East and Africa, may also hold large volumes of unconventional oil.

Environmental impact
As is the case for shale gas, environmental concerns or regulatory constraints
could hinder developments, but the potential economic and energy security
benefits could result in significantly higher growth of LTO production.
Rapid expansion of LTO production is projected to continue. However, the
implications for water resources, land use and disruption to local communities
must be addressed. Estimates of water consumption during hydraulic fracturing
vary from 0.2 b to 4 b of water for each barrel of oil recovered (with consumption
at Bakken towards the low side of these estimates). Up to 20 000 m3 water per



well may be used for drilling and fracturing. Once the fracturing process is
complete, 30% to 70% of the water injected flows out of the well, depending
on the characteristics of the reservoirs. The return water must be treated
for disposal or reuse. Such a level of water consumption can put a heavy
strain on local water sources and, if projections of LTO production are to be
met, technology development to reduce consumption will be necessary. The
proportion of water reused must be increased. Techniques that require less or
no water must be developed.
Other environmental concerns include potential contamination of water
courses. Apart from water, which makes up 99.5% of the volume, the fluids
used in hydraulic fracturing contain chemical additives to improve the fluids
performance; the additives can include acid, friction reducer, surfactant, gelling
agent and scale inhibitor (API, 2010). The composition of the fracturing fluid is
tailored to differing geologies and reservoir characteristics in order to address
particular challenges, including scale build-up, bacteria growth and proppant
transport. The application of modern, best-practice techniques for drilling and
hydraulic fracturing should minimise contamination of water courses, and it is
essential that these are employed.
An important challenge for the industry is the treatment, recycling, reuse and
ultimate disposal of the flowback and produced water, which often contains
residual fracturing fluid and may also contain substances found in the reservoir
formations, such as trace elements of heavy metals and naturally occurring
radioactive elements.
Impacts on land and air must also be minimised. Production wells require roads
to connect drilling pads; pipelines or trucks to transport oil or waste water;
storage sites; and water treatment facilities. With many hundreds of truck trips
per well site, accidents due to the intensive truck traffic must be considered
and, indeed, can be a major source of surface spills of chemicals. Pipeline use can
minimise surface disturbance and reduce these risks. Infrastructure needs add
to the surface impact and must also be evaluated beforehand from a large-scale,
regionally cumulative perspective. Local air emissions also arise from on-site
power sources.

API (American Petroleum Institute) (2010), Water Management Associated with
Hydraulic Fracturing, API Guidance Document Hf2, API, Washington, DC.
Baytex (2012), Benchmark Heavy Oil Prices, Historical WCS Pricing, Baytex Energy
Corporation, website accessed November 2012,
Canadian Oil Sands (2012), Third Quarter 2012 Report, Canadian Oil Sands, Calgary.



CERI (Canadian Energy Research Institute) (2012), Canadian Oil Sands Supply
Costs and Development Projects (2011-2045), Study No. 128, CERI, Calgary.
Dusseault, M.B. (2009), personal communication.
ERCB (Alberta Energy Resources Conservation Board) (2009), Directive 074:
Tailings Performance Criteria and Requirements for Oil Sands Mining Schemes,
ERCB, Calgary.
Government of Alberta (2012), Alberta Oil Sands Industry: Quarterly Update,
Government of Alberta, Calgary.
IEA (International Energy Agency) (2007), World Energy Outlook 2007, OECD/IEA,
IEA (2009), World Energy Outlook 2009, OECD/IEA, Paris.
IEA (2010), World Energy Outlook 2010, OECD/IEA, Paris.
IEA (2011), Medium-Term Oil & Gas Markets Report 2011, OECD/IEA, Paris.
IEA (2012), World Energy Outlook 2012, OECD/IEA, Paris.
NDSG (North Dakota State Government) (2010), 2010 Monthly Statistical Update,
Industrial Commission of North Dakota Oil & Gas Division, Bismarck, North
NDSG (2012), 2012 Monthly Statistical Update, Industrial Commission of North
Dakota Oil & Gas Division, Bismarck, North Dakota,
NRCAN (2011), Oil Sands Water Management, Report issued by Natural Resources
Canada, August,
Rystad (2012), Rystad Energy, Global Databases, Oslo,
USGS (United States Geological Survey) (2008a), Assessment of Undiscovered
Oil Resources in the Devonian-Mississippian Bakken Formation, Williston Basin
Province, Montana and North Dakota, 2008, USGS, Washington, DC.
USGS (2008b), 3 to 4.3 Billion Barrels of Technically Recoverable Oil Assessed in
North Dakota and Montanas Bakken Formation 25 Times More than 1995
Estimate, USGS, Washington, DC,
Veil, J. and J. Quinn (2008), Water Issues Associated With Heavy Oil Production,
Argonne National Laboratory for the US Department of Energy/National Energy
Technology Laboratory, Lemont, Illinois.
WEC (World Energy Council) (2010), Survey of Energy Resources 2010, WEC,



Chapter 6 The unconventional gas revolution

Unconventional gas is generally defined as natural gas that cannot be produced
economically by using conventional technology.
The three common types of unconventional gas are tight gas, shale gas and
coal-bed methane (CBM), though methane hydrates are often included. Tight
gas refers to natural gas trapped in sandstone or limestone formations that
exhibit very low permeability and low porosity; such formations may also
contain condensate. Shale gas refers to natural gas trapped in organic-rich rocks,
dominated by shale. CBM refers to natural gas adsorbed onto the matrix of the
coal in coal seams.
Although there are no commercial developments as yet, methane hydrates
remain of interest because of their potential as a source of natural gas in the
future. Methane hydrates comprise methane molecules trapped in a solid lattice
of water molecules under specific conditions of temperature and pressure.
The lifecycle for the extraction of unconventional gas is similar to that for
conventional gas (as described in Chapter 2), i.e. exploration, appraisal, production
and abandonment. Challenges relating to the production of unconventional
gas are often related to the difficulty of extraction (e.g. tight gas, shale gas)
and/or of the source of the gas (e.g. CBM, methane hydrates). Though the
location of unconventional gas formations is largely well known, there is often
a lack of information on the local geology, which is required if the potential of
these formations is to be accurately evaluated and the best locations for early
development identified. Where source rocks exhibit low permeability, artificial
stimulation is required to enhance gas flow rates, which raises the costs of
production. Production of unconventional gas is thus quite dependent on the
extant (or future) price of natural gas.
The United States has invested heavily in activities aimed at understanding and
developing its unconventional gas reserves, and particularly its considerable
shale gas reserves, in order to reduce its dependence on conventional natural
gas imports. In many parts of the world, growing concerns about energy security
are providing incentives to explore potential shale gas resources. This is to a very
large extent a result of the success of shale gas developments in the United

The potential of unconventional gas resources

Determining the amount of gas in place in unconventional reservoirs is complex
because of the heterogeneous structure of the reservoirs. Moreover, assessing
productivity is dependent on a detailed investigation of the characteristics of
the reservoir, which can vary horizontally and vertically in any given reservoir.
Ultimately recoverable unconventional gas resources, excluding methane



hydrates, are estimated close to 340 trillion cubic metres (tcm) (Table 6.1). Of
this amount, 24% can be found in Organisation for Economic Co-operation
and Development (OECD) Americas; 28% in Asia Pacific; 14% in Latin America
and 13% in Eastern Europe and Eurasia; with smaller shares in Africa, OECD
Europe and the Middle East (IEA, 2012). With remaining recoverable resources
of conventional natural gas at 462 tcm and unconventional gas at 328 tcm,
together they can sustain more than 230 years of production at current rates.
The global distribution of unconventional gas differs markedly from that of
conventional gas.

Table 6.1 Ultimately recoverable resources of natural gas in 2011

Total gas, tcm


Unconventional by type, tcm


Tight gas

Shale gas


Eastern Europe and Eurasia






Middle East



Asia Pacific






OECD Americas






Latin America (non-OECD)










OECD Europe










Note: totals may be subject to rounding errors.

Source: IEA, 2012.

Unconventional gas production made up almost 13% of global gas supply

in 2009, which could rise to over 20% by 2035. Advances in technology have
brought a tripling of unconventional gas production in the United States
over the past decade, reaching over 350 billion cubic metres (bcm) in 2010,
and providing 58% of the United States natural gas supply (because of this
percentage in the United States, it could be argued that reference to the source
as unconventional gas is now a misnomer) (Figure 6.1). Canada was the secondlargest contributor with almost 60 bcm in 2008. Exploitation of unconventional
sources is expected to increase elsewhere as the experience gained in North
America is transferred to other regions.
Unconventional gas will significantly expand the global supply of gas. From 34%
in 2011, shale gas could account for as much as 49% of natural gas production in
the United States by 2035 (US EIA, 2012). Tight gas, shale gas and CBM resources
are even more important for the future of domestic natural gas supplies in
Canada and China, where they could account for more than 65% (Canada) and
more than 80% (China) of total domestic production by 2035 (IEA, 2012).




Figure 6.1 Annual actual and projected production of unconventional gas

in the United States
















Onshore conventional

Associated with oil

Offshore conventional

Tight gas

Shale gas


Source: EIA, 2012.

For tight gas, shale gas and CBM, economies of scale have enabled their
production to be achieved at costs broadly similar to those for production of
conventional gas.

Tight gas
Tight gas is natural gas, mainly methane, trapped in geological sandstone or
limestone formations. Though there is no formal definition to differentiate
between conventional gas and tight gas, if the permeability of the reservoir
is below 0.1 millidarcy,1 the gas is often referred to as tight gas. A working
definition of tight gas could be natural gas from a reservoir that cannot be
developed profitably with conventional vertical wells, because of low flow rates.
As much as 15% of Canadas current gas production is from readily accessed
tight gas resources, which may be referred to by some as conventional gas
reservoirs. They include, for example, shallow gas in Alberta and Saskatchewan,
some deep-basin plays in the tight sandstones of Alberta and British Columbia,
and limestones in north-eastern British Columbia. Estimates for the United
States put tight gas reserves at more than 20% of remaining recoverable natural

1. The millidarcy (md) is the customary unit of measurement of permeability, where 1 m = 9.87x10-16 m2.



Extraction of tight gas

Tight gas has been produced for decades, especially, for example, in the southern
part of the North Sea. Success in producing gas from these reservoirs relies on
wells that are in contact with a large volume of reservoir, reducing the distance
the gas flows through the extremely low-permeability rock. The best way to do
this is by hydraulic fracturing, which involves creating cracks in the rock through
which the gas can flow to the wells. Significant reservoir contact can be created
by combining a dense pattern of deviated or horizontal drilling with placement
of multiple fractures along the hole. This approach makes it possible to tap a very
thick stack of many thinner reservoirs. Such wells have been instrumental in the
surge of tight gas developments in the United States.
The key technologies for tight gas production enable:

numerous long horizontal wells to be drilled efficiently from a single surface


large surface areas of rock to be opened by hydraulic fracturing along horizontal,

lateral sections;

sweet spots to be found in a large reservoir.

The rock is fractured hydraulically by injecting specially engineered, water-based
fluids at high rates and pressures. Proppant, often fine sand or ceramic beads, is
added to the fracture fluid to stop the fractures from closing when the well is
in production. While water and proppant make up 99.5% of the volume of the
fracturing fluid, the remainder comprises chemical additives, such as acid, friction
reducer, surfactant, gelling agent and scale inhibitor (API, 2010). Technological
developments are focused on finding techniques to improve the fracturing
process, as well as techniques to clean the well and fracture system of the
fracturing fluids, which could otherwise block the inflow of gas into the fracture.
Sweet spots are areas where permeability and porosity are significantly higher
than the average values in the reservoir. Higher permeability may often result
from open natural fractures, formed in the reservoir by natural stresses, creating
a dense pattern of fractures. Such fractures may have reclosed, filled in with other
materials or may still be open. A well that can be connected through hydraulic
fracturing to open natural fracture systems can have a significant flow potential.
Sweet spots are often located empirically in combination with geomechanical
assessments by using, for example, advanced seismic techniques. Drilling wells
and hydraulic fracturing are costly processes, but improvements in procedures
have brought significant cost reductions.

Shale gas
Shale gas is a natural gas contained within predominantly organic-rich, finegrained rocks and silts dominated by shale. Shale itself is a very fine-grained
sedimentary rock that can easily be broken into thin, parallel layers. However,



it is the organic material that is important; when buried sufficiently deep

underground, and the conditions of pressure and temperature are appropriate,
gas is formed. Where the gas has not been able to escape the source rock and
remains trapped within its structure, it is referred to as shale gas. Significant
volumes of natural gas may be contained in layers of shale rock, often hundreds
of metres thick. Shale gas is often considered a sub-category of tight gas.

Extraction of shale gas

In the past, shale gas was usually discovered when drilling for oil and gas at
deeper levels. Until recently, however, producing the gas from shale formations
was not profitable because of the low permeability of the rock and the low yields.
While often found in regions with conventional oil and gas resources, shale gas
can also occur in areas with no conventional oil and gas resources. As exploration
in those areas has been minimal, resources of shale gas may be significantly
higher than previously predicted.
Key technologies for shale gas production are the same as those required for
tight gas. Adapting these basic techniques to meet the characteristics of a
specific resource area or play is a vital step towards optimising project costs.
In most cases, the longer, more complex and more expensive wells, which are
fractured at multiple stages along their length, tend to be more cost-effective
by reducing the unit production costs (Figure 6.2).

Figure 6.2 Horizontal well with multiple hydraulic fractures

Groundwater aquifers
Conductor casing
Surface casing
Intermediate casing
Production casing
Horizontal well

150 m

Vertical well

Producing formation

Vertical fractures
in vertical well

Vertical fractures in horizontal well

Notes: m = metres. Unless otherwise indicated, all material in figures and tables derives from IEA data and analysis.



As for tight gas, connecting a large surface area of rock with the well-bore is
achieved by hydraulic fracturing. Tens of thousands of cubic metres of water,
mixed with sand and chemicals, are pumped into the wells at high pressure.
In shallow reservoirs, highly viscous fluids mixed with nitrogen are often used.
In deeper formations, slick water fracturing, involving low-viscosity fracturing
fluids containing mainly water with some chemical additives, has replaced more
expensive treatments. Both the fluid volumes and the pressures are higher than
those used in previous tight gas fracturing processes that used the more viscous
fracturing fluids. Technologies, particularly those employed in the fracturing
processes, are tested and adapted in each play.
Technology proven to date has been applied only to onshore shale gas fields,
since it relies on intense drilling and fracturing of closely spaced surface wells
across the reservoir. Except in North America, shale gas exploitation is still
largely in the experimental or exploratory phase.
Commercial development of shale gas depends on the availability of sufficient
quantities of water for drilling and completing wells, as well as on the cost and
environmental impact of treating and disposing of the water that is produced
with the gas. Box 6.1 lists some success factors common to the development of
shale gas plays.

Box 6.1 Success factors in shale gas development

The following factors contribute to the successful development of shale gas plays:

early identification of the location and potential of the best producing areas;

efficient leasing of large prospective areas;

experimentation and adaptation of drilling, completion techniques, and development

processes similar to those used in industrial manufacturing;

adequate local infrastructure (particularly transportation), since most equipment and

supplies (especially the vast quantities of water used and then disposed of) have to be
trucked to and from the wells;

awareness and acceptance by local communities;

resolution of environmental issues related to water use and disposal.

While many of these factors have been successfully addressed in the United States, some
require yet further effort.

Barnett Shales gas development

The Barnett Shales in North Texas was the first field to attract significant
development after experimentation with newer technologies, and well designs
resulted in consistently higher productivity. Drilling increased more than
tenfold between 2000 and 2007 as more operators joined the development.
Approximately 44 bcm were produced from more than 12 000 wells in 2008 and



almost 3 000 more wells were drilled during that year. When activity peaked in
2008, there were more than 180 drilling rigs, which represented nearly 10% of
active rigs in the country and 5% of all rigs worldwide.2
The number of wells completed in the Barnett Shales grew rapidly between 1992
and 2008 (Figure 6.3); the significance of horizontal wells and their relation to gas
production were clearly recognised during the course of the last decade.

3 000


2 500


2 000


1 500


1 000








Horizontal wells




Vertical wells




Number of wells

Figure 6.3 Barnett Shales gas wells completed and production

Gas production (right axis)

Source: IEA, 2009.

Barnett wells (both horizontal and vertical) have tended to exhibit an early
production peak followed by a rapid decline. On average, weighted by production,
horizontal Barnett wells have declined by 39% from the first to second year of
production and by 50% from the first to third year (Figure 6.4).

Gas production (mcm)

Figure 6.4 Production decline rates for Barnett Shales horizontal gas wells








Monthly production



88% 92%
95% 96% 98% 98% 99%






Years of production
Average monthly production and decline rate from first year

Note: mcm = million cubic metres.

Source: IEA, 2009.
2. According to the Baker Hughes rig count, a leading measure of drilling activity:



Average production and estimated recovery rates per well in Barnett Shales
have not improved significantly since the widespread adoption of horizontal
wells in 2005. The reason for this is mainly because the play includes many
less productive areas and involves a large number of companies attracted by
initially high gas demand and prices. The key to improving financial viability
lies in reducing production costs by experimenting with different well designs
and completion processes in a given area. Particular focus should be given to
the length of the horizontal section drilled per well and the number of fracture
stages, together with their size, spacing and execution. By quickly identifying
the designs and techniques that improve results in a specific area, by applying
them in subsequent wells and by continually updating standard practices used in
trials, operators have been able to improve their production and recovery rates.
Although the Barnett Shales is the best known and currently the most developed
of shale gas plays in the United States, it is neither the most productive nor the
most financially viable to develop.

Distinctive features of shale gas plays

The Barnett Shales has been a prime mover, but the focus of shale gas
development has shifted to other plays in the United States such as the
Haynesville (on the Texas-Louisiana border), Fayetteville (in Arkansas) and
Marcellus shale (in the north-eastern United States), and the Horn River Basin
shale (in British Columbia, Canada). The physical and geophysical properties vary
significantly both among and within shale gas plays. A common characteristic
is the relatively low concentration of resources, with gas in place ranging from
0.2 bcm to 3.2 bcm per square kilometre (bcm/km2). Add this to the low recovery
factors (up to 20% estimated to date) and the yield of recoverable resources
amounts to between 0.04 bcm and 0.6 bcm/km2. This compares to recoverable
resources from the worlds largest conventional gas fields, which produce on
average 2 bcm/km2 and in some cases exceed 5 bcm/km2.
Not only do shale plays cover much larger areas, but they also require that more
wells are drilled more closely together than those of conventional resources.
This means that a much larger surface area is affected by drilling and production
operations. Some areas have been drilled with wells every 6 hectares (ha) to 8 ha
equivalent to some 16 wells/km2. At present, 20 to 30 wells are often drilled
from a single surface location and long-reach horizontal well-bores of up to
2 kilometres (km) to 3 km reduce the impact on the surface. Future technological
breakthroughs that further reduce the surface environmental impact would
facilitate the development of more plays, especially in the more densely
populated or environmentally sensitive areas. This will be a key factor in Western
European developments.

The economics of shale gas production

The cost of developing and producing shale gas varies according to the particular
reservoir or play. The IEA estimates that the threshold gas development and
production costs at the well-head for the main plays being developed in the



United States and Canada ranges between USD 3 and USD 7 per million British
thermal units (MBtu).
Current estimates of gas recovery factors vary from less than 8% to 30%
of gas in place, which is significantly lower than the 60% to 80% recovery
factor for conventional gas reserves. The use of horizontal wells, fractured at
multiple intervals, has brought an improvement in recovery factors. Operators
are actively engaged in identifying measures that can further improve
matters by, for example, experimenting with horizontal wells of different
lengths, varying the spacing and number of fractures, as well as altering the
spacing between wells. Testing several well designs has enabled companies to
improve the ratio of cost to initial production rate, sometimes by up to 40%.
Encana Corporation more than doubled well production by increasing the
well length and the number of intervals fractured, while reducing the cost per
interval (IEA, 2009). Making full use of experience gained is important. It took
more than 20 years for the annual production capacity of Barnett Shales to
reach 5 bcm, but this was accomplished in just four years at the Fayetteville
shale gas play.
The relationship between investment, production and cash flow is quite
different for a shale gas play from that for a conventional gas field development.
To reach and sustain a production plateau for shale gas usually takes
several years and requires continuous drilling. When drilling is discontinued,
production falls by half in something like three years. Another feature of
shale plays is that most of the capital costs are recovered within the first few
years. This means that greenfield developments tend to be less influenced by
medium-term instability in terms of both cost and price. As a result, shale gas
could play a role as a swing producer, with production moving up and down
rapidly in response to market signals.
Over the last decade, shale gas production has expanded throughout the United
States (Figure 6.5). It reached nearly 141 bcm or over 23% of total natural gas
output in 2010 and technically recoverable reserves increased to about 14 tcm
in 2011. Until now, shale gas production has only put downward pressure on
domestic gas prices in the United States because of segregated global gas
markets. This could change as companies are looking to export some of the gas
as liquefied natural gas (LNG). Questions remain as to what extent gas produced
domestically will be exported and to what extent this phenomenon will impact
on global gas prices, supply and demand.
Outside North America, shale gas production is still negligible. However,
the North American experience is stimulating interest elsewhere and shale
gas formations are known to be widespread. The first phase of a European
assessment, due for completion in 2012-2013, will provide a database of
European black shale formations, volumes of gas in place and feasibility of
producing it economically (Schultz et al., 2010). Several companies throughout
Europe are investigating shale gas prospects, for example in Austria, Poland,
Sweden and the United Kingdom. In South America, prospects in Chile and
Argentina are being reviewed and provisional assessments have been made
in India and China.



Figure 6.5 Shale gas plays in the United States

Thrust Belt

Williston basin

basin Antrim
Anadarko ExcelloAlbany
basin Mulky Cherokee
Paradox basin
Woodford platform
Black Chattanooga
Lewis San
Juan Palo Duro
Woodford- Floyd
Valley and
Bend Permian
Caney Texas and
Ridge Province
basin Ft. Worth
Louisiana- Neal
Mississippi salt basins
Marta basin
Maverick Haynesville
Eagle Ford
Eagle Ford
Shale gas plays
Rio Grande
River basin
Uinta basin

Devonian (Ohio)
Utica (deepest)

This map is without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries,
and to the name of any territory, city or area.

Source: IEA, 2009.

CBM is a generic term for the methane found in most coal seams. As the coal
forms, large quantities of methane-rich gas are produced and subsequently
adsorbed onto the coal matrix. Because of its many natural cracks and fissures,
as well as its porous nature, coal has a large internal surface area and can store
much more gas than a conventional natural gas reservoir of similar rock volume.
If a seam is disturbed, either during mining or by drilling into it before mining,
methane is released from the surface of the coal. This methane, known as coalmine methane (CMM), then leaks into any open spaces, such as fractures in the
seam (known as cleats). In these cleats, the CMM mixes with nitrogen and carbon
dioxide (CO2). Boreholes or wells can be drilled into the seams to recover the
CMM. Large amounts of coal are found at shallow depths, where wells to recover
the gas are easy to drill at a relatively low cost. At greater depths, increased
pressure may have closed the cleats, or minerals may have filled them over
time, lowering permeability and making it more difficult for the gas to move
through the coal seam. CMM has been a hazard since mining began. To reduce
any danger to coal miners, most effort is addressed at minimising the presence
of CMM in the mine, predominantly by venting it to the atmosphere. Only
during the past two decades has significant effort been devoted to recovering
the methane as an energy resource. Another source of methane from a working
mine is the methane mixed with ventilation air, the so-called ventilation air
methane (VAM). In the mine, ventilation air is circulated in sufficient quantity to
dilute the methane to low concentrations for safety reasons. VAM is often too
low in concentration to be of commercial value.



Although, strictly speaking, CMM is the fraction of CBM that is released during the
mining operation, in practice, the terms CBM and CMM usually refer to different
sources of gas. Whereas CMM is used to refer to gas released from working coal
mines, CBM is most often used to refer to the gas held in coal seams that are
considered uneconomic to mine. Reasons why a seam may be uneconomic to
mine may be related to its depth, its thickness or, perhaps, the poor quality of its
coal. The gas from these seams can be extracted by using technologies that are
similar to those used to produce conventional gas, i.e. using well-bores. Complexity
arises from the fact that the formations are generally of low permeability; hence,
technologies such as horizontal and multilateral drilling with hydraulic fracturing
are sometimes used to create longer, more open channels that enhance well
productivity. Water present in the seam, either naturally occurring or introduced
during the fracturing operation, is usually removed to reduce the pressure
sufficiently to allow the gas to be released, which leads to additional operational
requirements, increased investment and environmental concerns.

Production of CBM
CBM is a potential source of energy and is recovered as a natural gas resource.
Commercial production from CBM began in the United States in the late 1980s,
spurred by tax incentives and accelerated by new technologies and expansions
to new basins.
Advances in basin modelling, seismic techniques, horizontal-well drilling and
hydraulic fracturing have helped reduce uncertainties related to reserves
assessment, and have improved both recovery rates and the potential for
commercial exploitation of CBM fields. Production is now advanced in the
United States, Canada and Australia, with activities also under way in China
(Box 6.2), India, Russia and Indonesia.

Box 6.2 China: a major opportunity for CBM

China has extensive coal deposits and is heavily dependent on coal as a primary energy source.
Its mining activities release large quantities of methane gas, which contribute significantly to
atmospheric GHG emissions. The naturally gaseous nature of coal mines in China mean that
much of the mined coal comes from gassy underground workings. It is a major factor leading
to the loss of many lives in Chinese coal mines each year, resulting predominantly from gas
Estimates of methane emissions by venting from Chinese coal mines are in the order of
12 bcm annually, representing around half of all global CMM released. In 2000, 0.92 bcm/yr
of methane-equivalent was captured from 185 coal mines, and only 0.4 bcm/yr from 60 coal
mines was actually used (mainly for domestic cooking), with the remainder released to the
atmosphere (Weitang, 2003). In 2010, about 7.4 bcm CMM was captured by various means,
with only around 2.5 bcm utilised as a source of energy (Huang, 2010).



Although drilling for CBM began in the early 1980s, there was little success until 1996
when the North China Bureau of Petroleum developed a field in Shanxi Province.
The lack of pipeline infrastructure has limited new CBM projects. Several players are
now active, resulting in a cumulative production of 8.6 bcm by 2010. In 2010, output was
3.1 bcm, rising to 5.3 bcm in 2011 and was set to reach 8 bcm in 2012. There is a policy to
divert new natural gas pipelines through areas where CBM potential has been identified.
Most projects are funded by international organisations, with the Clean Development
Mechanism (CDM) under the Kyoto Protocol providing an important incentive for exploring
investment opportunities. The West-East gas pipeline between Tarim and Shanghai
increased the supply of natural gas to the population and industry around the Shanghai
region. The gas in this pipeline is supplemented with CBM. Although there is a long-term
plan to pipe natural gas to north-eastern China from eastern Siberia, the immediate
need for gas in the area has necessitated the development of local CBM projects. Even
if additional natural gas becomes available from Siberia, once established, CBM will still
be competitive given projected gas demand. Chinas 12th Five-Year Plan aims to reach
between 20 bcm and 30 bcm annual production by 2015. Implementing best practices and
using new technologies in Chinese projects will be essential to achieving this target.
The urgent need to reduce urban air pollution is an important stimulus to natural gas
development in China. Urban areas, in particular, require access to gas to displace demand
for coal. This will also serve to further encourage CBM development.
Existing CBM schemes primarily serve the domestic sector and suffer from seasonal
variability in demand. There would be environmental advantages in increasing the use of
CBM in cities for district heating, cogeneration schemes and as a clean fuel for industry.
Industrial users could provide a more consistent consumer base than domestic users.
Increased local use by industrial plants with a steady gas requirement or conversion to
electricity could increase gas use, reduce the volumes of CBM vented and reduce the need
to construct costly pipelines.

In the United States, aside from the original San Juan Basin, expansion
has included several new basins in Colorado, New Mexico and Wyoming,
bringing current US production to around 56 bcm per year (bcm/yr), or 7%
of domestic gas production, in 2010 (EIA, 2012). Technically recoverable CBM
in the United States is currently estimated at around 5% of the total natural
gas resource base.
The major CBM resources in Canada are located in the Mannville, Ardley and
Horseshoe Canyon basins. Following the drilling of over 10 500 CBM wells
by early 2007, Canadas production exceeded 9 bcm in 2010 (8% of Canadas
total gas production).
Commercial production in Queensland, Australia began in 1998 and in
2008 CBM supplied 3.5 bcm, or 14% of the countrys total domestic gas
production. Since then, through continued growth, unconventional gas,
which is mainly CBM, now represents 21% of Australian domestic gas. CBM



reserves doubled between 2005 and 2007 and almost doubled again during
2008, reaching 9% of the countrys total reserves and over 40% of the
onshore gas reserves. International oil companies, including Shell, Petronas
and the BG Group, have acquired CBM assets in Australia. The BG Group
and Santos are investing in two CBM-to-LNG projects targeting LNG export
from 2014 onwards. Both production and reserves of CBM are projected to
continue their rapid growth in the short term. This growth can compensate
for a decline in conventional onshore production, export of LNG and, if
prices are competitive, could meet the increasing demand for gas in eastern
India is encouraging CBM production with new areas being licensed to
operators. Appraisal and testing of appropriate development techniques
are under way in 33 blocks already awarded. With commercial production at
0.23 million cubic metres per day (mcm/d) in 2011 to 2012, this is expected to
rise to 4 mcm/d by 2016.
The Indonesian government also hopes to develop the countrys CBM resources
and is offering more favourable terms for production-sharing agreements than
for conventional natural gas projects.
CBM production has been slower to develop in China, even though it has the
worlds third-largest reserves with a resource base of around 37 tcm at depths
under 2 000 m (Zhou, Zhang and Gong, 2011). This is despite the large amounts
of methane released through venting from coal mines, estimated at over
12 bcm/yr, and the associated safety and environmental risks. Increased CBM
production was a priority in Chinas 11th Five-Year National Plan (2006-10),
which started from virtually zero in 2006. By 2010, however, actual production
in China stood at 8.6 bcm CBM (Natural Gas Asia, 2011). According to its 12th
Five-Year National Plan, China aims to more than double this (to between
20 bcm and 30 bcm) by 2015.
Total CBM production in Australia, China, India and Indonesia is expected to
increase from 14.9 mcm (2009) to 64.9 mcm in 2015.
With an estimated 80 tcm of resources in place, Russia has 17 tcm of recoverable
CBM reserves, including more than 10 tcm in the Kuzbass basin located at
a depth of less than 1 200 m. Promgaz (a Gazprom subsidiary) has started a
few pilot projects but there is little incentive to develop this resource given
Russias vast natural gas reserves; production therefore remains insignificant
by comparison. Other countries developing an interest in CBM include Ukraine
and Romania.

The potential for methane hydrates

Methane (or gas) hydrates are thought to be the most abundant sources of
hydrocarbon gas on earth. They are solids composed of natural gas molecules
surrounded by a cage of water molecules, i.e. methane molecules held within a
clathrate or lattice structure. Methane hydrates require very specific conditions



of pressure and temperature to form and be stable (Figure 6.6); if removed

from those conditions, it will quickly dissociate into water and methane gas.
One cubic metre of hydrates contains about 164 cubic metres of methane gas
at standard conditions, with an energy content that is comparable to that of
bitumen and oil-sands. It exists both as a void-filling material within shallow
sediments (onshore in the Arctic and within deepwater continental shelves) and
as massive deep-sea floor mounds (Figure 6.7). Methane hydrates can be found in
permafrost Arctic regions at 200 m to 1 000 m depth or on the seabed between
500 m and 1 500 m water depth.

Figure 6.6 Existence of methane hydrate as a function of geothermal gradient and

phase boundary




Offshore continental margin

Permafrost region





Depth of

1 000

Base of
gas hydrate


1 200







1 600


Zone of gas

1 400





Base of
gas hydrate




Sources: Osadetz et al., 2006. Courtesy of S. Dallimore, National Resources Canada.

The amount of natural gas in hydrate accumulations may be in the range of

1 000 tcm to 5 000 tcm (IEA, 2009), but there is great uncertainty and some
estimates are much higher. Some experts estimate the volume of gas trapped as
hydrate to be much greater than that of any other gas resource. While volumes
of hydrate contained in marine environments are orders of magnitude larger
than in Arctic permafrost regions, most concentrated deposits found to date
have been in the Arctic. The potentially massive amount of natural gas trapped
in the deposits has stimulated international interest. Much research focuses
on finding out more about this resource in terms of both its real potential as
an addition to future natural gas supply and the potential environmental and
climate risks.



Figure 6.7 Methane hydrates in Arctic and marine environments

Although all factors controlling the type, distribution
and amount of natural hydrate accumulations
are poorly understood, geologic environment is
known to play a significant role. In particular,
gas hydrate formation is influenced by
the porosity, permeability and degree of
Frozen surface ground
lithification of the enclosing medium.
Solid methane
hydrate ice forms
in bands and lenses
close to the surface

Deep ocean
greater than
450 m

Impermeable solid
methane hydrates
embedded in mud
Trapped methane
gas under pressure

Slow seepage
of methane gas
from below


Slow seepage
of methane gas
from below

6.5 km

The hydrate stability zone

region ranges vertically
between 300 and 600 m
and can cover large
horizontal areas

Source: USDOE/NETL, 2008.

Using an equilibrium thermodynamic model (Klauda and Sandler, 2005) to

predict the maximum depth in the seabed at which hydrate is stable, a global
volume distribution of methane hydrates at seabed depths of less than 3 000 m
was constructed (Figure 6.8). Out of 71 direct and indirect observations of
marine gas hydrates, the model correctly predicted the presence of hydrates
in 68 of them.
It has been estimated that ocean hydrates may contain up to 120 000 tcm
of methane gas in place, more than two orders of magnitude greater than
worldwide conventional natural gas reserves. Considering only seabed depths
of less than 3 000 m (as an approximation for the continental margins), a total
of 44 000 tcm of methane was estimated. The greatest amounts of methane in
hydrate form are predicted to be in the Arabian Sea, the western coast of Africa
and near Peru, Chile and Bangladesh (Klauda and Sandler, 2005).
Previously reported estimates, of the order of 1 000 tcm of methane, relate to
the continental margins only and ignore the existence of hydrates at greater



depths and in inland seas. However, total volumes of methane hydrates remain a
subject of debate. Other estimates give a volume of gas trapped in the range of
2 500 tcm to 20 000 tcm (Klauda and Sandler, 2005; NPC, 2007).

Figure 6.8 Global volume distribution of methane hydrates









This map is without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries, and to the name of any territory, city or area.


Volume (x10 m )
Note: triangles denote observed hydrates at seabed depths of less than 3 000 m.
Source: Klauda and Sandler, 2005.

The possible magnitudes of the resource and types of deposit are illustrated in
Figure 6.9 (Boswell and Collett, 2006), where volumes of hydrates are compared
with the natural gas resource. The peak of the pyramid includes hydrates known
to exist with high pore space saturations within reservoirs under existing Arctic
infrastructure, such as the Eileen trend of Alaskas North Slope (ANS) or the
Mallik gas hydrate field in the Mackenzie Delta. Next come less well-defined
accumulations that exist in similar geological settings (discretely trapped, highsaturation occurrences within high-quality sandstone reservoirs) on the North
Slope, but away from existing infrastructure. A recent US Geological Survey
assessment estimated that there are 2.4 tcm of technically recoverable natural
gas from hydrate deposits on the Alaskan North Slope (Collett et al., 2008).
Below the Artic resources are methane hydrates of a moderate-to-high concentration
within quality sandstone reservoirs in the marine environment. As the cost
of extracting these resources from very deep water would be high, the most
favourable accumulations are found in the Gulf of Mexico in the vicinity of oil and
gas production infrastructure. The scale of this resource is not well known, but is
the subject of an ongoing assessment by the US Minerals Management Service.



Figure 6.9 Methane hydrate resource pyramid

Arctic sandstones under existing infrastructure (100s bcm in place)
Arctic sandstones away from infrastructure (~1 000s bcm in place)
Deepwater sandstones (-10 000s bcm in place)
Non-sandstone marine reservoirs with permeability (unknown)
Massive surficial and shallow nodular hydrate (unknown)
Marine reservoirs with limited permeability (1 000s tcm in place)
Reserves (5 tcm)
Reserves growth and
undiscovered (50 tcm recoverable)
Remaining undiscoverable
Source: adapted from Boswell and Collett, 2006.

At the base of the resource pyramid are finely disseminated accumulations,

typified by the Blake Ridge accumulation offshore the Carolinas, in which large
volumes of methane hydrates are relatively evenly distributed through vast
volumes of fine-grained and relatively undeformed sediment at low saturation
(about 10% or less). The prospects for economic recovery of natural gas from this
highly disseminated resource are very poor with current technologies.
Seabed stability in areas prone to natural deposits of methane hydrates is an
issue when it comes to the safe exploration and production of deepwater
hydrocarbons. Methane hydrate reservoirs can cause problems if wells have to
be drilled through them to reach deeper deposits of conventional oil and gas.

Environmental impact
Environmental concerns have an important role in steering technological
advances for unconventional gas (NPC, 2003; IEA, 2012). Though they cannot
reduce them to zero, the application of best-practice or state-of-the-art
techniques to production of unconventional gas can address effectively many
widely held environmental concerns.
If wells are of sound construction and are located effectively, then fewer of them
are required and, consequently, the environmental impact is reduced. Moreover,
smaller, modular rigs will reduce the footprint while reducing down-time for rig
Water is often co-produced with the gas and needs to be treated and
disposed of effectively. Improving the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of
water treatment technologies is an important challenge for ensuring that the
exploitation of unconventional gas resources is environmentally acceptable.



Fluid discharge requirements in sensitive areas stimulate the development and

use of environmentally compatible drilling and completion fluids.
A key concern that has received significant attention by operators is the danger
of contaminating groundwater resources. Fluids used in well fracturing may have
leaked into shallower potable aquifers. Best-practice selection and execution of
drilling technologies can mitigate such concerns.
With significant opposition to the development of unconventional gas
projects in many countries, constructive engagement with all stakeholders
during all phases of a development is crucial. Operators must be able to
explain openly and honestly their production practices, the environmental,
safety and health risks and how they are addressed. The public needs to gain a
clear understanding of the challenges, risks and benefits associated with the

Tight gas and shale gas

Given the important role that unconventional gas is projected to play in the
future provision of energy, and particularly following the impact that shale gas
has had in the United States, many countries are now beginning to look closely
at their own gas prospects. However, while the impact of shale gas production
in the United States has had many positive results, increasing its energy security
for example, concerns have been raised about the environmental issues that
have arisen from its exploration and production.
Addressing environmental concerns relating to the provision of unconventional
gas in a thorough and responsible manner will play a major part in determining
the extent to which projections on future production will be met. In the United
States, some of the greatest concerns have touched on land use before, during
and after the shale gas production phase; on the high volumes of water used;
and on pollution of water and air. It will be crucial that the management of
environmental impacts is factored in when planning and evaluating programmes
for exploration and production.
In the case of both tight gas and shale gas, concerns over landscape relate to the
very dense patterns of surface wells drilled; it is likely that such concerns will limit
applications in densely populated areas, such as the Netherlands. Disposal of the
fracturing fluids is also a concern as there is a risk that hydraulic fracturing could
open up routes to connect with potable aquifers. Indeed, just such concerns
have led France and Bulgaria to ban hydraulic fracturing techniques on their
territories. Poland, in its early exploratory stage for shale gas, ranks attention
to environmental risk assessment, monitoring, management and mitigation as
high priority tasks.
In 2012, the International Energy Agency released its Golden Rules for a Golden
Age of Gas (IEA, 2012). The Golden Rules address legitimate concerns on the
environmental and social hazards relating to exploration and extraction of
unconventional gas. They provide guiding principles for policy-makers, regulators,
operators and other stakeholders to manage their concerns in an effective and
responsible manner. In the United States, the Shale Gas Subcommittee of the



US Secretary of Energy Advisory Board has published two reports and offered a
series of recommendations for immediate steps to reduce the environmental
impacts of shale gas production.

Coal-bed methane
Accessing and producing both CMM and CBM has environmental implications.
Removing CMM from the coal seam, for example, reduces the risk of gas release in
the mine. In turn, this can reduce the potential for methane explosions, which are
a constant threat in many coal mining operations. Furthermore, instead of venting
the methane to the atmosphere, which is the normal procedure to reduce the
risk of explosion, CMM may be utilised, e.g. for power generation. In this case, CO2
would subsequently be emitted, which has a lower global warming potential than
methane. If the CMM displaced coal or oil as fuel to generate power, it would lead
to lower specific emissions of CO2: CMM has a higher heat content per unit mass
than both oil and coal, and gas-fired power generation is more efficient.
There are notable differences between production of CBM and production from
oil or gas reservoirs. In the latter, as gas is normally found above oil, which in turn
is found above water, the hydrocarbons can be extracted without producing
much water. In coal seams, however, water penetrates the permeable matrix and
traps the methane. To produce CBM from coal seams, a series of wells are drilled
to pump groundwater to the surface, in order to reduce pressure and permit
CBM to flow towards the production well. This water, which is commonly saline
but in some areas can be potable, must be either put to beneficial use or disposed
of in an environmentally acceptable manner (USDOE, 2003; ALL Consulting, 2003;
WGA, 2006). In the early stages of development of a CBM project, the volume of
produced water is high, but reduces substantially as gas production increases
later in the life of the well.
There are various options for the beneficial use of CBM-produced water,
depending on its quality and on the effectiveness of the treatment options
that can be applied to improve its quality. Even with treatment, however, it is
unlikely that all of the water produced could be used, and disposal of some of it
would still be necessary. Disposal methods for CBM-produced water, other than
deep-well injection, include discharging it directly onto the land surface or in
reservoirs for evaporation.
Injecting CO2 to displace CBM may offer advantages for the environment (Box 6.3).

Box 6.3 CO2-enhanced CBM production

Coal contains significant volumes of adsorbed methane. When CO2 is injected into the coal
seam, the methane molecules released are replaced by CO2 molecules (Figure 6.10). The process
by which CO2 is injected into a coal seam and is preferentially adsorbed onto the coal, displacing
methane, is termed CO2-enhanced coal-bed methane recovery. As a rule of thumb, two molecules
of injected CO2 are trapped in the coal seam for every molecule of methane released.



Figure 6.10 Schematic of methane displacement by CO2






Note: CH4 = methane.

In contrast to normal CBM operations, replacing methane with CO2 molecules can be achieved
without reducing the pressure. The main advantages of this technique over reduced-pressure
desorption are:

much less water is drawn into the well;

production operations are simpler;

CO2 is stored with reduced environmental concerns about leakage.

The CO2 adsorbed onto coal occupies a larger volume than does the methane it displaces,
which could hamper the flow of CO2 as injection progresses. This could present a problem,
particularly if, for example, the coal exhibits low permeability.
The characteristics of a coal seam allow it to serve as a source of CBM and as a CO2 storage
reservoir, while providing the seal to prevent the CO2 from escaping. As such, geological
storage of CO2 in deep, un-minable coal seams holds promise for the long term, secure
storage of CO2, while also providing incremental methane recovery.
Various projects have been undertaken in Canada, China, Japan, Poland and the United
States. Such projects have provided opportunities to test and develop the technology, to
assess the viability of particular coal seams to produce commercial rates of gas and, in some
cases, to test the viability of the process as a means to permanently store CO2.

Methane hydrates: impact on the environment and climate

Although Arctic hydrates contain less gas than marine hydrate accumulations,
they are more accessible and can have higher concentrations, prompting
concern with regard to global climate change. With a global warming potential
of 25, methane will trap 25 times more heat over a 100-year period than would
be trapped by a similar mass of CO2.



At present, if the increase in atmospheric methane continues, methane would

be the dominant greenhouse gas by the second half of this century. The
degassing of natural gas hydrates may contribute to the increase in emissions.
The release of large amounts of methane into the atmosphere from natural
hydrate dissociation has been linked to the extreme climate changes of the late
Paleocene thermal maximum period over 55.8 million years ago (Dickens et al.,
1995). Natural hydrate dissociation could also be related to the end of glacial
periods. These arguments are persuasive but have only circumstantial evidence
to support them. It is not yet known how such quantities of methane were
released nor whether the methane came mainly from the Arctic land and shallow
sea hydrate, which is most susceptible to atmospheric temperature change,
or from the larger deep-sea hydrate at lower latitudes, which is probably less
susceptible to atmospheric temperature change (Hyndman and Dallimore, 2001).
The possibility of such phenomena occurring provides some justification for
research into the effects of gas hydrate on global climate change and vice versa.
The potential existence of huge volumes of methane in hydrate form close
to the sea floor not only raises important questions about the influence of
hydrates on global climate change but also on the stability of the sea floor, under
deep shelves and upon slopes. More needs to be known about the properties
of hydrates before they can be reliably factored into the modelling of carbon
balance in the equilibrium between oceans and atmosphere.
To address these questions, the United States Department of Energys (US DOEs)
Inter-agency programme (Box 6.4) suggests that data should be collected in both
the marine and Arctic environments, and aimed towards:

developing predictive models of methane generation, oxidation and migration,

as well as natural hydrate formation and dissociation;

measuring and interpreting the timing, magnitude, distribution and ultimate

fate of past methane releases;

determining background fluxes of gases between sediments on the sea floor,

hydrate, the water column and the atmosphere;

numerical modelling of the impact among hydrate-related phenomena, global

carbon cycling and climate change;

an improved understanding of the exploration and production-related impact

to ecosystems associated with gas hydrate and identification of methods that
minimise the impact;

studying the role of hydrates in the development and stability of continental

shelves and slopes.

Technology development
Technologies to improve exploration and production of tight gas, shale gas and
CBM are discussed together, while those for methane hydrates are addressed
separately. Compared with other unconventional gases, commercial extraction
of methane hydrates is considered unlikely for some years, and development is
at a relatively early stage.



Tight gas, shale gas and CBM

The goal for exploring unconventional gas resources is to find out where
the most promising reservoir rock areas are likely to be located. Much of the
characterisation and modelling techniques for conventional gas reservoirs can
be used, adapted and extended to unconventional resources. The large amount
of existing data (e.g. existing seismic data, rock cuttings, core samples, mud and
geophysical logs) provide a basis for re-evaluating opportunities in unconventional
gas zones. But it is necessary to obtain a better understanding of the mechanical
and chemical properties of the reservoir rock, and refine reservoir modelling for
the tighter rock structures associated with unconventional gas. Development
of seismic techniques and the analysis of well cores and cuttings contribute to
improved detection and visualisation of fractures. Increased use of techniques
such as microseismic monitoring of fracturing operations (breaking rock to
create small seismic signals) help to understand the geometry and effectiveness
of the fracture systems created. This information allows better reservoir models
to be constructed, which can be used to define development strategies.
Drilling and stimulation
Directional drilling with real-time imaging plays an increasingly important
role in confirming the model validity and locating the natural fractures that
promise good well productivity, while reducing the environmental footprint
of drilling. Real-time sensors installed near the drill bit can send information to
the geologists who can integrate these data with mud-logging (examining the
rock samples that are brought to the surface by the drilling fluid) and seismic
information of the area being drilled. Based on such information, a decision to
alter the drilling direction may be taken to maximise the quality and quantity
of gas produced from the reservoir. Higher well productivity will also reduce the
number of wells needed to develop a reservoir.
Stimulation methods are used to exploit and expand natural fractures.
Substantial efforts are in progress to adapt and refine stimulation technology
for unconventional gas. Creating high-performance proppant has proven to be a
key development for shale gas.
Gas compression
Unconventional gas reservoirs, because the economics of drilling often favours
relatively shallow reservoirs, generally have lower well-head pressures than
conventional reservoirs, necessitating above-ground compression and downhole lifting devices for gas recovery. These are important components for
reducing the cost of producing unconventional gas.
Research goals for the future include investigating the possibility of compression
at the bottom of the well, as well as devices to separate out production fluids
(such as water) within the well (downhole) and reinject these fluids immediately
in lower, appropriate disposal zones.



Methane hydrates: the need for technological innovation

The development of methane hydrates still remains in the research phase
with the focus on characterising hydrates to learn more about their natural
properties, to measure and monitor their production behaviour and to assess
techniques for their production. Dedicated wells for such studies have been
drilled in ANS, the Andaman Sea, offshore Japan and in the Gulf of Mexico (USGS,
2010). In 2008, Canadian and Japanese researchers produced a constant stream
of natural gas from a pilot project at the Mallik gas hydrate field by lowering the
hydrate pressure (Yamamoto and Dallimore, 2008; Thomas, 2008).
Technological innovation will be required for hydrates to be commercially
exploited with minimum environmental impact. A good understanding of the
process of hydrate deposition, technologies to identify accumulations and an
analysis of the interaction between their production and the rock structure are
all necessary. The local distribution of hydrates is more difficult to predict than
the distribution of gas in conventional gas reservoirs, where migrating gas is
collected in permeable formations. It is a challenge to develop remote-sensing
tools that can map well the concentrations within a hydrate accumulation and
thus locate the sweet spots most suitable for early development.
Furthermore, gas hydrates are mostly not overlain by impermeable layers as are
conventional gas or oil reservoirs. After dissociation into gas and water, the gas
is often able to escape into the atmosphere. A key challenge is to capture the
gas rather than allow it to escape. Drilling and well design for hydrate production
will need to take into account these particular characteristics of hydrate
To date, there has been no commercial production of methane hydrates directly.
Some gas reservoirs in the Arctic produce conventional gas from rocks directly
underlying hydrate deposits. In some cases, it is possible that the overlying
hydrates dissociate and recharge the conventional reservoirs, as gas production
leads to a pressure drop in the reservoir. This is believed to be the case in both
the Barrow Gas Fields in Alaska and the Messoyakha Field in Siberia (Grover, 2008).
Conventional methods to release methane from the hydrate structure include
pressure reduction and thermal stimulation. While these methods are well
demonstrated in the laboratory, application would need to consider the larger
scale and the standard reservoir engineering aspects of well designs, development
strategies, recovery factors, energy balance, and safety and environmental aspects.
More innovative methods are under investigation. Chemicals may be added to
destabilise the hydrate. CO2 may be injected to displace the methane molecules
in the structure, liberating the methane while keeping the hydrate intact. This
latter concept has certain similarities with the injection of CO2 to release CBM.
Research to date indicates that methane hydrates could eventually be produced
commercially. The magnitude of the potential resource has stimulated
co-operation in global research; Canada, India, Japan and the United States
have joint research programmes addressing methane hydrates as both a biohazard and a potential energy source. Pilot projects in the Arctic and in deepwater



offshore areas will provide a better understanding of what is involved in developing

commercial projects. In 2006, the US Inter-agency programme (described in Box 6.4)
suggested a roadmap for methane hydrate research and development.

Box 6.4 Inter-agency activity on gas hydrate research and development

in the United States
In 2006, the USDOE published An Inter-agency Roadmap for Methane Hydrate Research and
Development (USDOE, 2006; NRC, 2004). This roadmap was the result of joint efforts involving:
the Department of the Interior; the US Geological Survey; the US Mineral Management Service;
the Bureau of Land Management; the Department of Defense Naval Research Laboratory; the
Department of Commerce; the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; and the
National Science Foundation. This roadmap is essentially an action plan to determine the
potential of methane hydrates as a source of energy supply. It sets out to clarify important
questions in hydrate research, such as seabed stability, drilling safety and the environmental
issues associated with naturally occurring methane hydrates.
According to the roadmap, significant challenges for research are to:

assess the scale of the potentially recoverable share of the resource in place, particularly in
the marine environment;

identify a proven means of remotely detecting and appraising marine accumulations;

conduct a long-term test of a proposed hydrate production technology;

understand the role that methane hydrates play in the global carbon cycle, in the evolution
of the sea floor or in global climate more generally.

The inter-agency publication outlines a programme designed to develop a comprehensive

knowledge base and suite of tools/technologies that will, by 2015:

demonstrate viable technologies to assess and mitigate the environmental impact related to
hydrate destabilisation that results from ongoing conventional oil and gas exploration and
production activities;

document the risks and demonstrate viable mitigation strategies related to safe drilling in
hydrate-bearing areas;

demonstrate the technical and financial viability of methane recovery from Arctic hydrate

By 2025, the objectives of the programme are to:

demonstrate the technical and financial viability of methane recovery from domestic marine

document the potential for, and impact of, natural hydrate degassing (dissociation into gas
and water by natural changes in pressure/temperature) on the environment;

assess the potential to further extend marine hydrate recoverability beyond the initial
producible areas.

The United States National Academy of Sciences administers an academic research

programme to support efforts to meet the challenges set out in the roadmap.



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Management and Beneficial Use Alternatives, ALL Consulting, Tulsa, Oklahoma,
API (American Petroleum Institute) (2010), Water Management Associated with
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Boswell, R. and T. Collett (2006), The Gas Hydrates Resource Pyramid, Fire in
the Ice, Vol. 6, No. 3, US Department of Energy/National Energy Technology
Laboratory, Washington DC, pp. 5-7.
Collett, T.S., W.F. Agena, M.W. Lee, M.V. Zyrianova, K.J. Bird, T.C. Charpentier, T.
Cook, D.W. Houseknect, T.R. Klett, R.M. Pollastro and C.J. Schenk (2008), Assessment
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Dickens, G.R., J.R. ONeil, D.K. Rea and R.M. Owen (1995), Dissociation of Oceanic
Methane Hydrate as a Cause of the Carbon Isotope Excursion at the End of the
DC, pp. 965-971,
Grover, T. (2008), Analysis of Reservoir Performance of the Messoyakha Gas
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Huang, S.C. (2010), Great Potential for CBM/CMM Recovery and Utilization and
Preferential Policies, presentation at Methane to Markets Partnership Expo,
New Delhi, 2-5 March,
Hyndman, R.D. and S.R. Dallimore (2001), Natural Gas Hydrate Studies in Canada,
CSEG Recorder, Vol. 26, No. 5, Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists,
Calgary, pp. 11-20, May,
IEA (International Energy Agency) (2009), World Energy Outlook 2009, OECD/IEA,
IEA (2012), Golden Rules for a Golden Age of Gas, OECD/IEA, Paris.
Klauda, J.B and S.I. Sandler (2005), Global Distribution of Methane Hydrate in
Ocean Sediment, Energy & Fuels, Vol. 19, No. 2, American Chemical Society,
Washington, DC, pp. 459-470.
Koperna, G.J., A.Y. Oudinot, G.R. McColpin, N. Liu, J.E. Heath, A. Wells and G.B. Young
(2009), CO2-ECBM/Storage Activities at the San Juan Basins Pump Canyon Test
Site, paper presented at the Society of Petroleum Engineers Annual Technical
Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, 4-7 October.



Natural Gas Asia (2011), China to Double CBM Production, www.naturalgasasia.

NPC (National Petroleum Council) (2003), Balancing Natural Gas Policy: Fueling
the Demands of a Growing Economy, Volume IV, Figure S5-7, NPC, Washington,
NPC (2007), Facing the Hard Truths about Energy A Comprehensive View to 2030
of Global Oil and Natural Gas, NPC, Washington, DC, www.npchardtruthsreport.
NRC (National Research Council) (2004), Charting the Future of Methane Hydrate
Research in the United States, NRC, Washington, DC,
Osadetz K.G., S. Dallimore, R. Hyndman, D. Mosher, F. Wright, M. Riedel, S.
Hancock, T. Okazawa, (2006), Gas Hydrates Fuel of the Future: Characteristics,
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Schulz, H.-M., B. Horsfield and R.F. Sachsenhofer (2010), Gas shales in Europe:
A regional overview and current research activities, Proceedings of the 7th
Petroleum Geology Conference, Geological Society, London, pp. 1079-1085.
Thomas, B. (2008), Researchers Extract Methane Gas from Under Permafrost,
Northern News Services Online, Northern News Services Limited, Yellowknife,
USDOE (United States Department of Energy) (2003), Coalbed Natural Gas
Resources and Produced Water Management Issues, in Eye on Environment,
Vol. 8, No. 2, Office of Fossil Energy, United States Department of Energy,
Washington, DC.
USDOE (2006), An Interagency Roadmap for Methane Hydrate Research and
Development, Office of Fossil Energy, United State Department of Energy,
Washington DC,
USDOE/NETL (2008), The National Methane Hydrates R&D Program, Office of
Fossil Energy, US Department of Energy,
USEIA (United States Energy Information Agency) (2012), Annual Energy Outlook
2012, EIA, Washington, DC.
USGS (United States Geological Survey) (2010), Overview, US Geological Survey,
Washington, DC,
Weitang, F. (2003), Outlook for Chinas Coal Mine Methane Reduction Mitigation,
Proceedings of the 3rd International Methane and Nitrous Oxide Mitigation
Conference, Kunlun Hotel, Beijing, 17-21 November.



WGA (Western Governors Association) (2006), Coal Bed Methane: Best

Management Practices A Handbook, WGA, Denver,
Yamamoto K. and S. Dallimore (2008), Aurora-JOGMEC-NRCan Mallik 2006-2008
Gas Hydrate Research Project Progress, Fire in the Ice, Vol. 8, No. 3, United States
Department of Energy/National Energy Technology Laboratory, Washington, DC,
Zhou F., Zhang B.S. and Gong X.M. (2011), China Existing Coal Bed Methane
Power Generation Technologies and Its Development Trend, paper presented at
the International Conference on Materials for Renewable Energy & Environment,
Shanghai, 20-22 May,



Chapter 7 Coal in the 21st century

Coal has long been an essential source of energy worldwide. Though its use
declined in the developed world over the previous century, in large part because
of the emergence of oil, coal still provided 27% of total primary energy supply in
2010, behind the contribution from oil (32%), but ahead of gas (22%).
Coals are solid, combustible, fossil sediments. They originate predominantly
from dead organic plant material that was deposited in a layer of water,
protected from biodegradation and oxidation and covered by other sediments.
While buried deeper and deeper, organic material is converted to coal by
an enrichment of carbon (Pohl, 1992). Though the many shallow seas of the
Carboniferous period provided excellent conditions to form thick and extended
coal layers, coal was formed over nearly all time periods. Essentially, coals are
fossil residues of dead biomass.

Types of coal
The various types of coal are usually classified by their rank, volatile matter,
energy content, and the composition of their solids and moisture content. Coal
rank varies according to the degree of transformation from the original plant
source and may loosely be considered a measure of a coals age.
In increasing order of transformation, from low to high rank, there is lignite (or
brown coal), sub-bituminous coal, bituminous coal and anthracite. Coal starts off
as peat, often considered to be a precursor of coal. After being subjected for an
extensive period of time to temperature and pressure, it is transformed from
peat to lignite. As time passes, lignite increases in maturity, becomes darker and
harder, and is classified as sub-bituminous coal. As this process of transformation
continues, more chemical and physical changes occur until the coal is classified
as bituminous coal. Anthracite, a very hard and glossy black coal, is the final stage
in this transformation.
The properties of a coal vary with its rank. As its rank increases, so do its
reflectivity, hardness, carbon content and heating value. On the other hand,
its oxygen content, moisture content and volatile matter content fall with
increasing rank. Its sulphur, nitrogen and ash content are independent of rank.

Coal rank and content

Among geoscientists, the classification of coals in terms of vitrinite reflectance1
is standard practice. Vitrinites, along with exinites and inertinites, are the three
main organic components of coals, which, taken together, are referred to as
macerals. Macerals are the organic counterpart to minerals and vary in their
1. The reflectance of individual grains of vitrinite, as measured under a microscope, remains the most definitive measure of
coal rank.



optical properties (under the microscope), in hardness and in shape. The vitrinite
group is glossy, and is the purest and most consistent component of coal, which
is why vitrinite reflectance or, more precisely, random vitrinite reflectance is
used as a measure of coal rank.
Carbon content
The carbon content, on a water- and ash-free basis, is between 60% and 70% in
soft brown coals. That of anthracite can be as high as 97%. If the carbon content
is higher, it becomes non-combustible graphite, which may be used as crucible
material or lubricant.
Calorific value (or heat content)
The calorific value of coals is a measure of the amount of heat released when a
unit mass of the solid fuel is burnt completely. Depending on the country-specific
classification, this measurement is made by using coal that is ash-free, or waterand ash-free. Volatile matter is the gaseous decomposition product of the waterand ash-free substance escaping when heated. It typically includes methane,
ethane and carbon dioxide (CO2), and, more rarely, hydrogen (H2) and helium.
Moisture content
The moisture content of coals plays a role mainly in the classification of lignites.
In coals, a distinction is made between surface water, water held by capillary
action, water held within decomposed organic compounds, and water bound
within the crystal structure of clays and other minerals.
Ash content
The ash content is a measure of the mineral content of the coal. The composition
mainly depends on the associated rock,2 which mostly consists of sandstones,
claystones or carbonates. The ash may also stem from mineral substances
(clays and sands) synergetically washed into the peat bogs or from a very low
biogenic mineral share in some plants (Pohl, 1992; Ruhrkohlen-Handbuch, 1984;
and Taylor et al., 1998).
In addition to the parameters discussed above, there is a further subdivision
of coals that relates to their coking properties. Investigations into the coking
properties are undertaken to provide information about the potential of coals
to produce coke.

Coal classifications
Lignites are generally distinguished by their moisture content and associated
firmness, as well as by their colour. By contrast, hard coals are classified mainly
by the amount of volatile matter, vitrinite reflectance and energy content, and
by their coking properties (Pohl, 1992).
2. Associated rock is the non-combustible main component of the fuel that is referred to in its totality as ash. It occurs both
above, below and within the coal seams.



An overview of common terminologies used for coal classifications and coal

rank is presented in Table 7.1. Often the English designations are used at the
international level, yet small differences in terminology and classification can
be found. For example in Germany, brown coals, which are almost entirely
soft brown coals, may be referred to as lignite and domestic hard coals and
anthracites as hard coal. However, there are no precise international limit
values to define the demarcation of these two coal groups. This is why, in surveys
of coal deposits, problems are often encountered on the classification of hard
coals and soft brown coals.

Table 7.1 Comparison of standard subdivisions and classifications of coal by coal rank

Increasing coal rank



hard coal

Germany and
countries to
the east
of In-Seam Coals
(UNECE, 1998)

brown coal

hard coal

sub-bituminous coal


bituminous coal

sub-bituminous coal

bituminous coal

steam coal

according to
intended use


steam coal

coking coal
PCI coal

PCI coal

Note: PCI = pulverised coal injection. PCI coal is used in steel production.
Source: BGR, 2009.

Demand for coal

Coal is by far the most abundant fossil fuel resource worldwide. Recoverable
reserves may be found in an estimated 70 countries, with the largest reserves
in a small number of them, notably the United States, Russia, China, India and
Australia. In 2010, coal satisfied more than one-quarter of the worlds primary
energy supply, second only to oil. In the same year, the world was dependent on
coal for more than 40% of its electricity.
Over the past decade, the contribution of coal to total primary energy supply
has risen faster than any other fuel to meet increasing energy requirements
(Figure 7.1).



Primary energy, (EJ)

Figure 7.1 Growth rate in primary energy supply, 2000-10


2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


Natural gas

Biomass and waste

Other renewables

Notes: unless otherwise indicated, all material in figures and tables derives from IEA data and analysis. EJ = exajoule.

The rising demand for coal has been set against a background of rising costs of
coal over the last decade. The costs of materials, equipment, labour and fuel have
all increased. Environmental regulations and safety requirements have become
more stringent and, consequently, more costly to address. As demand for coal
has grown, the cost of transportation has also increased. In the case of deepmined coal, for example in China, coal is being extracted from deeper seams,
reserves are located further from points of demand and coal quality is becoming
poorer. Conversely, coal mining is a much less capital-intensive business than oil
and gas extraction, particularly in countries where opencast mining dominates,
such as in Australia, Colombia and Indonesia. However, as long as the demand for
coal maintains prices higher than the costs of supply, the outlook for coal will
remain strong.
Global seaborne trade3 in steam coal4 almost doubled between 1999 and 2009,
illustrating its strong role in economic growth over that period (IEA, 2010). In
2009, China became a net importer of coal, with 104 million tonnes (Mt) net, and
this is a major reason why demand for coal remained fairly solid in 2009, despite
the global economic crisis (oil and gas demand, by contrast, fell substantially). In
2010, net imports of coal to China were even higher (146 Mt) climbing to 183 Mt
in 2011 (VDKI, 2012). In the near future, a continued increase in the use of coal is
foreseen (IEA, 2012a).

3. The marine industry is an essential link in the international trade of coal, with ocean-going vessels representing the most
efficient method of transporting large volumes. As the demand for new coal-fired power plants has increased in a number of
developing countries, it has resulted in significant growth in the steam coal trade. The most dramatic growth has occurred in
China and Indonesia, both of which have increased their export capacity. In the global market for steam coal, China is a major
importer and Australia is the largest exporter.
4. Steam coal is generally defined as all other hard coal not classified as coking coal. Steam coal is also commonly known as
thermal coal and is principally used for power generation or in industry to produce steam and process heat. Coking (metallurgical)
coal refers to coal with a quality that allows the production of coke to feed blast furnaces in the production of steel.



However, the scenarios addressed in the IEA Energy Technology Perspectives

2012 demonstrate the critical influence of government policies, especially those
related to climate change, on coal demand to 2050 (IEA, 2012b). Demand could
more than double in a business as usual scenario or be reduced by 40% if
sustainable energy solutions were pursued with increased vigour.

Classification of traded hard coals

Trade in hard coals usually distinguishes between steam coals, coking coals and
PCI coals. Anthracites are only rarely listed separately and are mostly contained
in the statistics for steam coals.

Steam coals
The dominant quality parameter for steam coals is calorific value. Imported coals
that are used in power plants must, depending on their provenance, meet various
minimum requirements for calorific value, usually at least 5 750 kilocalories per
kilogram or 24.07 megajoules per kilogram. Their volatile matter mostly ranges
between 10% and 40%, while maximum ash and total moisture contents
must not exceed 15%. A further very important parameter is sulphur content,
especially for power plants without flue-gas desulphurisation systems. Here, the
requirement is a maximum of 1% sulphur.

Coking coals
Unlike steam coals, coking coals must meet much higher-quality requirements.
The hard-coking coals used in coke ovens must be both low-ash and low-sulphur.
For the production of metallurgical coke, coal mixtures with an ash content of
maximum 8%, and of maximum 1% sulphur, are used (Ritschel and Schiffer,
2005). The share of volatile matter is usually 20% to 30%. In addition, the coals
must have strong caking properties.

PCI coals
PCI coals are increasingly being used as a substitute for heavy oil and metallurgical
coke for pig-iron production in blast furnaces. Suitable PCI coals include all
low-sulphur and low-ash anthracites, but also highly volatile steam and semisoft coking coals. An ash content usually below 7% air-dried (ad) is required,
together with a total moisture content of less than 10% ad, and a low alkali and
phosphorus content (Ritschel and Schiffer, 2005).

Anthracite is employed mainly as a high-quality fuel in power generation, but
also in the cement industry, in metallurgy (as sintering coal) and as a PCI coal.
Very low-ash anthracites are used in the manufacture of electrodes.



Calculating coal deposits

Compared with other raw materials, coal deposits (resources and reserves)
can be calculated with relative ease thanks to the simple structure of seam
deposits or stratum of coal to be mined. To make the calculation, it is
necessary to know the area across which coal seams extend, seam thickness
and coal density.
The two most important parameters for establishing the quantity of coal
in a deposit are the seam thicknesses and the specific maximum depths of
the seams. Most countries and most companies have different minimum
requirements5 according to particular mining technology and economic
requirements. Mining technology requirements change much more slowly
than economic requirements. In many European countries, seam thicknesses
upwards of 30 centimetres (cm) were included in deposit calculations well
into the middle of the 20th century and beyond. This is largely because such
thin seams were mineable manually in underground operations. With growing
mechanisation underground, seam thickness requirements were extended to
60 cm or more and this is reflected in most current deposit calculations. The
maximum depths included in the deposit calculations of coal-rich countries
such as Russia, Ukraine and the United States are 1 800 m, with most other
countries including only coals at shallower depths in their calculations.

Global surveys of coal deposits and associated difficulties

In practice, global evaluations of coal reserves and resources often contain gaps
or are outdated. The view that coal reserves are sufficient to meet demand for
many years, the discovery of large unconventional gas sources and a focus on
natural gas as a substitute for coal in European industrialised countries, have
reduced interest in new surveys of coal resources and reserves in the last 10 to
15 years.
Data on resources and reserves are usually collated from submissions made
by various associations, geological services, ministries or coal producers. Since
virtually every country has its own historically developed classifications of
resources, reserves and coal itself, direct cross-border comparability of resource
and reserve quantities is rarely possible. Country- or basin-specific exploration
requirements and differences in valuation parameters with differing limit values
(for example as regards the included minimum seam/coal thicknesses and
maximum depths) play a key role in the assessment of resources and reserves.
Institutions also tend to use data from other sources without sufficiently
questioning the basis on which they were prepared.
As far back as 1976 (Fettweis, 1976), it was noted that There is no internationally
recognised and uniform procedure for recording, classifying and designating
coal deposits. Instead, we have a plethora of different definitions and methods
5. Ukraine, for example, includes seams of bituminous coals upward of a thickness of 0.5 metres (m) to 0.6 m and down to a
depth of 1 800 m. In Poland, hard-coal seams must be a minimum of 1 m thick and may not be deeper than 1 000 m.



varying not only from country to country but often even within a national
setting and there is confusion to match. At present, there are more than 150
different classifications worldwide, making any correlation of data on resources
and reserves complicated, if not impossible (Ersoy, 2003). It is important to note
these factors when comparing different estimates of global coal reserves.

Coal extraction
After centuries of mineral exploration, the location, size and characteristics of
the coal resources of most countries are quite well known. What tends to vary
much more than the assessed level of coal resources, however, is the proven
recoverable reserves that are economically extractable with todays technology.
As for oil and gas, coal reserves are discovered through exploration activities. To
develop an accurate picture of the area, processes are undertaken that, again,
broadly mirror those undertaken for oil and gas. A geological map of the area is
created, geochemical and geophysical surveys are carried out, and exploratory
boreholes are drilled. The coal will be mined if there is enough of it and of
sufficient quality to make it economically recoverable.
The geological characteristics of coal reserves largely determine whether they
are to be extracted by mining. The two primary methods of mining coal are
surface mining and underground mining.

Surface mining
Surface mining involves removing overburden (earth and rock covering the coal)
and loaders. Once exposed, the coal is drilled, fractured and systematically
transported, using haul trucks or conveyors, to a preparation plant or load-out
facility. Disturbed areas are reclaimed as part of normal mining activities. After
final coal removal, the remaining pits are back-filled with overburden removed
at the beginning of the process. When good practice is observed, topsoil is
replaced, vegetation replanted and other improvements made that bring local
community and environmental benefits. Figure 7.2 illustrates a typical drag-line
surface mining operation.



Figure 7.2 Typical drag-line surface mining operation

Reclaimed ground
Shovels and trucks
remove coal
Drag-line excavates
Overburden dug by
shovels and hauled
by dump trucks

Topsoil and subsoil
are removed by
scrapers and stored

of mining

Direction of
pit advancement

Source: Arch Coal, 2008.

Underground mining
Underground mining methods are used when coal is located deep beneath
the surface. Mines are typically operated by using one or both of two different
techniques: longwall mining and room-and-pillar mining.
Longwall mining
Longwall mining involves using mechanical shearers to extract coal from long
rectangular blocks of medium to thick seams. Ultimate seam recovery using
longwall mining techniques can exceed 75%. In longwall mining, continuous
mining machines are used to open the access to these long rectangular coal
blocks. Hydraulically powered supports temporarily hold up the roof of the mine
while a rotating drum mechanically advances across the face of the coal seam,
cutting coal from the coalface. Chain conveyors then move the loosened coal
to an underground mine conveyor system that delivers the coal to the surface.
Once coal is extracted from an area, the roof is allowed to collapse in a controlled
fashion. Figure 7.3 illustrates a typical underground mining operation with
longwall mining techniques.

Room-and-pillar mining
Room-and-pillar mining is effective for small blocks of thin coal seams. The
approach uses a network of rooms cut into the coal seam, leaving a series of
pillars of coal to support the roof of the mine. Continuous mining machines cut
the coal and shuttle cars transport it to a conveyor belt for further transportation
to the surface. The pillars generated as part of this mining method can constitute
up to 40% of the total coal in a seam, in which case more than 40% of the coal
remains in situ.



Figure 7.3 Typical underground longwall mining operation

of mining

Pillars support roof



Collapsed roof

Hydraulic roof

Pillars support roof

Source: Arch Coal, 2008.

Higher seam recovery rates can be achieved by using retreat mining, where coal
is mined from the pillars as workers retreat. As retreat mining occurs, the roof is
allowed to collapse in a controlled fashion. Once mining in an area is finished, the
area is abandoned and sealed from the rest of the mine. Figure 7.4 illustrates a
typical underground mining operation with room-and-pillar mining techniques.

Figure 7.4 Typical underground room-and-pillar mining operation



Conveyor belt
Source: Arch Coal, 2008.

of mining
Continuous miner
removes coal, leaving
pillars that support
the roof



The reserves most conducive to large-scale and highly efficient mining equipment
have, in many regions, already been exploited. As a result, some mature mining
regions could in the future see a transition towards smaller and less productive
equipment with its greater flexibility and lower capital costs, often more
appropriate for the smaller and less uniform blocks of contiguous resources that
remain. For example, large drag-lines or electric shovels may give way to smaller
equipment such as excavators and loaders. In such instances, the combination
of reduced reserve quality and less efficient mining equipment may well push
production costs higher.

Coal use
Coal has many important uses worldwide. Most coal produced goes to the energy
sector, to generate electricity and heat, or to the industry sector, where it is used
in manufacturing. Heavy industry uses it in iron and steel production, and in
the manufacture of cement. Other important users include alumina refineries,
paper manufacturers, and the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Many
thousands of different products have coal or coal by-products as components,
including soap, aspirins, solvents, dyes, and plastics and fibres, such as rayon and
nylon. Particularly in developing countries, it is still used for heating and cooking.

Figure 7.5 Coal use in different regions in 2010

OECD Europe
(428 Mtce)

United States
(718 Mtce)
1% 5%



Electricity and heat
Commercial and residential

(2 308 Mtce)

Coal transformation


(412 Mtce)
2% 5%



Note: Mtce = million tonnes of coal-equivalent.





Consumption patterns vary for different regions and countries (Figure 7.5). In
developed countries, coal is used predominantly to generate electricity and heat.
In these countries, coal may have been replaced, perhaps by electricity or gas, in
the industry and buildings sectors. In others, perhaps the application is no longer
practised, for example much heavy manufacturing has moved to China over the
past decade.

Coal for electricity generation

Global electricity generation has increased by 70% since 1990 and by 37%
since 2000 (Figure 7.6), reaching 21 408 terawatt hours (TWh) in 2010. Coal
dominates electricity production, and between 2000 and 2010 its share
of total generation increased from 38% to 41%. The use of gas has grown
rapidly over the same period, increasing its share from 17% to 22%. In
contrast, electricity generation from oil has fallen; its share of total electricity
generation in 2010 was just 5%.

7 000

5 748

6 000
5 000
4 000

2 698
2 084

2 000
1 000





re the
ne r





-1 000


3 000



Figure 7.6 Global incremental growth in power generation between 2000 and 2010

Total electricity generation from non-fossil fuels has increased in absolute terms
since 1990, but not fast enough to keep pace with rising electricity demand
(Figure 7.7). Consequently, the overall share of non-fossil fuels in the electricity
production mix has fallen from 37% to 32%. The share of nuclear power has
fallen from 17% in 1990 to 13% in 2010, while the share of hydropower has
fallen from 18% to 16% over the same period. Electricity production from other
renewable energy sources has increased markedly, albeit from a low base (IEA,




Figure 7.7 Electricity generation from non-fossil fuels, 1990 to 2010

7 000


6 000

5 000


4 000


3 000


2 000

1 000






Non-hydro renewables

Share of non-fossil electricity



Share of coal

The share of coal in a countrys electricity generation mix varies considerably

and is one of the most important factors determining the level of CO2
emissions from the sector. The share depends on a countrys indigenous
resources, on its energy and environmental policies, and on domestic
fuel prices. On average, the share of electricity production from coal in
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries
was 35% in 2009. In contrast, the share in non-OECD countries was 47%.
These shares are average values and, for a number of countries, electricity
generation from coal is significantly higher. Countries that generated more
than 70% of their electricity from coal in 2010 included South Africa (94%),
Poland (88%), China (78%) and Australia (75%).

Efficiency of electricity generation

In addition to the generation mix, the efficiency of plants is another
important factor influencing CO2 emissions. Though there were fluctuations
in 1990, the global average efficiency of coal-fired power plants rose
from 34% for lower heating value (LHV)6 to around 35% to 2009. In
recent years, largely as a result of the growing energy needs of the major
emerging economies and developing countries, particularly in China
and India, there has been a substantial increase in the global capacity
of coal-fired plants. In 2009, global coal-fired installed capacity totalled
1 514 gigawatts (GW), with a further 216 GW under construction (Platts,

6. LHV measures a fuels heat of combustion assuming all water in the flue gas remains as vapour, i.e. it is not condensed. The
LHV assumes that the latent heat of vaporisation of water in the fuel and the reaction products is not recovered.



2010). Increasingly, newly constructed plants will be based on the latest, most
efficient technology, with more than 80% located in non-OECD countries and
over half of them in China. However, construction of small, less efficient units of
300 megawatts-electrical (MWe) or less continues; generation from these less
efficient units must reduce dramatically over the next two or three decades if
CO2 emissions are to be effectively addressed (IEA, 2012c).
Coal-fired plants in China
In the last decade there was a move towards more efficient and cleaner coal
plants worldwide. New plants consist largely of supercritical (SC) and ultrasupercritical (USC) pulverised coal (PC) technology. The oldest, least efficient
plants are being phased out of operation, and remaining inefficient plants
are being systematically upgraded, with ageing components replaced and
more effective operational practices introduced. The majority of coal-fired
power generation capacity in China is less than ten years old, while in the
United States and Europe, most of the fleet is between 30 and 40 years old.
China has been systematically closing down old, inefficient coal-fired plants
(with less than 200 GW-electrical capacity) and replacing them with modern,
efficient technology. In 2010, for example, more than 16.7 GW small plants
were taken out of operation (Ding, 2011). The introduction of SC and USC
units in the last decade has brought about a rapid modernisation of the
Chinese coal-fired fleet. In 2010, CO2 emissions from coal-fired generation
plants in China (1 076 grams per kilowatt hour [g/kWh]) were higher than
those in the United States (913 g/kWh) and OECD Europe (1 009 g/kWh).
With continued deployment of high-efficiency units, however, the average
efficiency of Chinese coal-fired plants is now likely to outstrip the current
average efficiency of plants in many OECD countries.
Coal-fired plants in India
With average CO2 emissions of 1 188 g/kWh, coal-fired power generation
plants in India are not particularly efficient. Coal provides almost 70% of Indias
power. And, like China, India also has plans to reduce the carbon intensity of its
coal-fired power plants. India has a total coal-fired capacity of 92 GW (2009),
over half of which is more than 20 years old. Poor efficiency is blamed on a
variety of technical and institutional factors, including: poor quality of coal;
poor grid conditions; low plant load factor; degradation due to age; lack of
proper operation and maintenance at plants; ineffective regulations; and lack
of incentives to improve efficiency (Chikkatur, 2008). According to Chikkatur,
there is ample scope to improve the efficiency of existing power plants by at
least 1 to 2 percentage points. The retrofit of plants built during the last 30
years is considered a cost-effective measure to improve operational efficiency
and provide additional capacity (Remme et al., 2011). In its 11th Five-Year Plan
(2007-12), India planned to renovate and modernise 26 GW of coal plants and
a further 17 GW in its 12th Five-Year Plan (2012-17). In addition, 1.1 GW of
old, inefficient plants has already been retired, with closure of a further 8 GW
anticipated over the next ten years (Mathur, 2010).



Coal-fired capacity in OECD countries

It is expected that, because of ageing plants and higher costs, significant coalfired capacity will be retired over the next few years in OECD countries. The
relatively stable population and modest economic growth projected for these
countries suggest a modest growth in demand for electricity. The shortfall
resulting from the consequent decrease in coal consumption will be replaced by
gas-fired generation, renewable energy and nuclear (IEA, 2012b).

Technologies to improve efficiency of coal-fired plants

The efficiency of coal-fired plants depends on a range of factors, including the
technology employed, the type and quality of coal used, and the operating
conditions and practices. Denmark, for example, has some of the most efficient
coal-fired power plants in the world, averaging almost 43% LHV, including a new
generation of PC combustion SC plants that were introduced in the 1990s.
PC combustion
PC combustion is currently the predominant technology used to generate
electricity from coal. It accounts for more than 97% of the worlds coal-fired
capacity. Most existing plants operate under subcritical7 steam conditions, with
the best examples reaching 39% efficiency. In recent years, a substantial number
of plants employing SC steam conditions have been constructed, which are
capable of reaching significantly higher efficiencies. This has been made possible
largely through progress in materials development. Sufficient confidence in
mechanical performance means that plants can now accommodate the higher
pressures and temperatures characteristic of SC steam conditions. SC plants
operate with steam pressures of over 22.1 megapascals (MPa). They are often
subdivided into two categories, SC and USC depending on the temperature
regime. Though there is no agreed definition, manufacturers usually refer to
plants operating with steam temperatures in excess of 600C (degrees Celsius)
as USC. The efficiencies of SC and USC plants installed in recent years range from
42% to 47%, depending on the actual steam values, the quality of the coal and
the ambient conditions.
Further developments in materials are under way, such as in the European
power industrys COMPTES700 development programme, also supported by
the European Commission. The ambition of the development programme is to
raise the main steam temperature and pressure to 700C and up to 37.5 MPa,
with a reheat temperature of 720C. Another programme, the United States
Department of Energy (US DOE)-led Advanced Materials for Ultra-Supercritical
Boiler Systems, aims to raise the main steam temperature to 760C and
pressure up to 37.5 MPa. This requires the use of nickel-based super alloys that
would offer the potential to raise net efficiencies to 50% and beyond. These
developments have paved the way for increasing unit capacities, with single
7. The efficiency of a steam cycle is influenced by, among other factors, the pressure and superheat and reheat temperatures
of the steam. SC is a thermodynamic expression where there is no distinction between the liquid and gaseous phases. Water/
steam reaches this state at about 22.1 MPa (221 bar) pressure. Above this operating pressure of the steam, the cycle is SC and
below it, the cycle is sub-critical.



units of 1 000 megawatts (MW) now in commercial operation. However, the

potential cost savings arising from the simpler design and reduced fuel usage
of supercritical plants are offset by the greater expense of materials, the more
complex boiler fabrication and the more precise control systems required.
Technologies have been developed to reduce emissions of particulates, sulphur
dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) from PC combustion plants below the
most stringent levels demanded anywhere in the world. These technologies are
mature, with a competitive market. The levels of emissions in countries are more
often a function of the extant legislation and compliance with regulation rather
than the capabilities of modern pollution control technology.
Fluidised bed combustion
Fluidised bed combustion (FBC) offers an alternative combustion technology
for generating electricity from coal, albeit more often employed for particular
or niche applications. It is a flexible technology that uses effectively low-grade
coals, biomass and general waste. Several hundred FBC plants are in operation
worldwide. With the burning coal suspended in an upward flow of combustion
air, there are two main technology variants: bubbling fluidised bed combustion
(BFBC) and circulating fluidised bed combustion (CFBC), with the latter distinctly
more common for power generation. Both BFBC and CFBC offer the potential
for integrated in-bed sulphur reduction and, as a result of the lower operating
temperatures, lower NOx emissions.
Plant sizes are more restricted compared with PC combustion, though
developments have meant that there are many plants with capacities ranging
from 250 MWe to 300 MWe in existence. For FBC, plants with a greater unit size
and with supercritical steam cycles are natural developments. In late 2009, a
460-MWe CFBC plant at Lagisza (southern Poland) began commercial operation.
In the future, manufacturers hope to scale up designs to offer units within the
range 500 MWe to 800 MWe. China is in the process of building a 600-MWe CFBC
boiler as a demonstration project at its Baima power plant in Sichuan Province.
Integrated gasification combined cycle
Integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) has inherently lower emissions
of some pollutants than PC combustion, with the potential for high efficiency
mirroring that of PC combustion plants. A fuel gas (mainly comprising carbon
monoxide and hydrogen) is generated by partially combusting coal in air
or oxygen at elevated pressure. Following cooling, the fuel gas is treated to
reduce the concentration of particulates, sulphur and nitrogen compounds
to extremely low levels before it is burnt in the combustion chamber of a gas
turbine. Electricity is produced via the combined cycle of gas and steam turbines.
Designs offering efficiencies in excess of 50% are achievable.
The 1970s and 1980s saw a surge of interest in the development of IGCC plants
for power generation, particularly in Europe, Japan and the United States. Of
the large-scale, coal-based plants that were commissioned in the 1990s, only a
handful continue to operate on a commercial basis, two in Europe two in the



United States and one in Japan. The net capacity of each is between 250 MWe
and 350 MWe, with net efficiencies between 40% and 43%. The lack of uptake
of this technology in the last 15 to 20 years is mostly attributed to its higher
generation costs. Apart from cost, the cultural difference between the two
technologies is also regarded as a factor in its failure to compete with PC
combustion, with IGCC more closely resembling a chemical plant.
More recently, however, there has been a resurgence of interest in the
technology. Significant developments are currently under way, notably in China,
but also in the United States, Japan and Europe. This is a positive trend given the
potential for the power generation efficiency of an IGCC plant to exceed 50%,
its low emissions of some pollutants, the prospect for capture of CO2 emissions
and its flexibility to be used to synthesise substitute transport fuels or a range of
other chemicals. The small number of reference plants, however, underlines the
progress that will need to be made if IGCC is to become more widely deployed.
Co-generation, also often referred to as combined heat and power, is the
combined production of heat and power from a single fuel source. Almost any
fuel is suitable, although natural gas and coal currently predominate. By making
use of both heat and power, co-generation plants generally convert 75% to
80% of the fuel source into useful energy, while the most modern plants have
efficiencies of 90% or more. Co-generation is often carried out at an industrial
site, where the heat output may be used for space heating or as process heat.
Power requirements are less dependent on grid connection and distribution.
The amount of electricity produced globally from co-generation has been
gradually increasing and is now around 2 000 TWh per year or 10% of total global
electricity production. The amount of heat co-generated is not exactly known,
but it is in the range of 5 EJ to 15 EJ per year, which represents an important
share of industrial, commercial and residential heat supply.

Converting coal to a liquid fuel in a process referred to as coal liquefaction allows
coal to be used as an alternative to oil. The extent of the activity on coal conversion
technologies is closely linked to the price of oil. For example, the dramatic increase
in the price of crude oil in 2007 and 2008 spurred renewed interest in coal-toliquids (CTL) technologies. Depending on the geographical location of CTL projects,
estimates suggest that CTL plants can operate profitably when oil prices lie in the
range of USD 60 to USD 100 per barrel (IEA, 2010). China and the United States both
express interest in converting CTL as a means of reducing their dependence on
imported oil and thereby increasing their energy security. China, in particular, has
been active in constructing large-scale CTL plants.
Plants are commercially operating in South Africa and China (World CTL
Association, 2012). Further projects are planned in Australia, Botswana, China,
India, Mongolia, Russia and the United States.



There has been extensive development work by the Japanese in the use of FischerTropsch synthesis as part of their effort to stabilise the cost and security of energy
supplies, as well as technical advances in South Africa. To convert coal to a liquid
fuel, there are two different processes: indirect liquefaction and direct liquefaction.

Indirect liquefaction
Indirect liquefaction involves a two-step process. First, the coal is gasified to
produce synthetic gas or syngas, a mix of H2 and CO. The synthetic gas, once
cleaned of pollutants, is then converted by Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, using
an iron or cobalt catalyst, to produce liquid hydrocarbon fuels. This two-step
process, which was first developed on an industrial scale by Germany during
World War II, is used by South Africas Sasol to convert domestic coal into more
than 150 000 barrels of oil-equivalent per day of saleable products (Figure 7.8).
The current Sasol plants were built with government support in the 1970s
and 1980s. Besides conversion to liquid and gaseous fuels, Sasol also produces
higher-value products that include fertilisers, detergents, waxes and plastics.

Figure 7.8 Indirect coal liquefaction



Gasification and
gas cleaning



F-T synthesis


and ash

Tail gas

Electric power


and wax

F-T product
separation and

H2O and Ultra-clean

oxygenates liquid fuel
and chemical

Note: F-T = Fischer-Tropsch; CXHY = hydrocarbon products; O2 = oxygen; S = sulphur; H2O = water.
Source: IEA CIAB, 2006.

Direct liquefaction
Liquid fuels may also be produced by direct liquefaction (Figure 7.9), in which
coal reacts directly with H2 in the presence of a catalyst. China is one of a few
countries pursuing direct liquefaction. The process was adopted by Chinas
Shenhua Group for its CTL plant in the Ordos Basin, located at Erdos (Inner
Mongolia). Trial operations commenced in 2008 (Shenhua, 2013). The plant



was designed to produce one Mt of fuel annually. Early in 2009, the company
announced that, subject to approval from Chinas highest economic planning
body, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), it would triple
the capacity of its direct CTL project by 2015, once its technology had tested
sound in trial operations.

Figure 7.9 Direct coal liquefaction

H2S, NH3,


Coal +

CH4, C2H6

Gas recovery


De-ashed oil




Diesel fuel

Heavy vacuum
gas oil




Ash reject

Unconverted coal
Note: H2S = hydrogen sulphide; NH3 = ammonia; CH4 = methane; C2H6 = ethane; LPG = liquefied petroleum gas.
Source: IEA CIAB, 2006.

At the end of 2008, the NDRC decided to suspend approvals for new CTL projects
with few exceptions until the technology and business procedures were more
mature. In March 2011, having passed the environmental impact assessment,
approval was received from the Chinese Ministry of Environmental Protection
for Shenhua to build a second plant, operating at 94 000 barrels per day, together
with Sasol in the Ningxia Hui autonomous region, which would convert coal into
motor fuel. Construction of the plant, however, will be subject to NDRC approval.

New technologies for CTL

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is considered important to the future of CTL.
The Shenhua Group is developing Chinas first CCS project at its Erdos plant.
The company has completed a storage trial, having injected 100 tonnes (t) of
CO2 into a saline aquifer 2 000 m below the ground. Significant scaling-up of
its storage operations has been under way (MIT, 2012). With a relatively short
distance of 17 km between plant and storage location, transport of the CO2 is
undertaken by truck.



Additional energy and environmental benefits will be obtained if the CO2

captured were to be used for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) (see Chapter 2). Using
EOR to store CO2 is considered an attractive CO2 mitigation strategy for use by
China, the United States and other countries in future CTL facilities.

Environmental impact
Reasons for replacing coal as a fuel or for moving manufacturing to a new place
are complex, but one of the major drivers is environmental regulation. The major
challenges facing coal relate to its environmental impact. Coal contains many
elements bound up within its complex structure, which are released in one
form or another, e.g. during coal combustion. Over many years, highly effective
technologies have been developed to tackle the release of pollutants such as SO2,
NOX, particulates and trace elements, such as mercury. Many of these technologies
are mature, with a competitive market. The levels of emissions of these pollutants
are more often a function of existing legislation and compliance with regulation
rather than the capabilities of modern pollution control technology.
Given that its carbon content varies between 60% in lignites to more than 97%
in anthracite, coal is a major source of CO2. More than 40% of anthropogenic
CO2 emissions result from coal and these emissions are rising. Coal produces
almost three-quarters of the 30% of CO2 that comes from the generation of
electricity. The reduction of CO2 emissions from electricity generating plants
would have a significant impact on global emissions and, therefore, on climate
change. As large point sources of CO2, coal-fired units are considered to offer
high potential for CO2 reduction.
From 1990 to 2009, CO2 emissions from global electricity production increased
by 57%. Most of this rise was driven by the increasing use of coal for electricity
generation. In 2009, coal-fired power plants accounted for 73% of total emissions
from the power generation sector, up from a share of 66% in 1990. There are
various means to reduce emissions of CO2 from coal-fired power plants. Apart
from improved demand-side energy efficiency, which reduces the amount of
electricity needed, the main options are to:

switch to renewable energy technologies or to lower-carbon fuels, such as

natural gas and biomass;

use more efficient technology, modernise existing plants, close the most
inefficient ones and continue to develop higher-efficiency conversion processes;

use CCS.
CCS from power production has been demonstrated to be technically viable.
However, as yet, none of the fully integrated, commercial-scale CCS projects in
operation (described in Chapter 9, Box 9.1) involve captured CO2 from power
CTL processes and projects pose significant environmental challenges. The fuel
products are virtually sulphur-free and emit substantially lower amounts of NOX,



particulates and CO2. However, when the energy needs for the conversion and
refining processes of CTL are taken into account, CO2 emissions of the CTL fuel
cycle are at least double those of conventional petroleum-based fuels (Farrell and
Brandt, 2006). The plant-level CO2, which accounts for almost half the emissions,
can be offset by using CCS. The Shenhua Group has proven this is technologically
feasible in a 100 000 t per year CCS demonstration project (Yi, 2012).
Water consumption is another factor of major environmental importance. From
coal extraction to coal conversion, in power generation and emissions reduction,
water is an essential component. Ensuring application of good practice and
recycling water where possible is important in all cases.
For coal extraction, depending on whether underground or surface mining
is being practised, water is used for coal cutting, coal washing and for dust
suppression. The amount of water consumed in these operations depends on
a range of factors, including the mine location, the geology, and the type and
composition of the coal. As these factors can vary markedly, estimates in the
literature for water consumption in mining operations and coal washing can also
vary greatly.
The primary issue in coal extraction, however, is water contamination rather
than consumption. Drainage from mines and mining waste can become acidic
and dissolve heavy metals that may be present in the rock and soil. As these
compounds are carried in the water, in the absence of operational best practice
they can subsequently be absorbed and enter the food chain.
The process of electricity generation from coal is also water-intensive. Between
40% and 50% of all water abstracted and used in developed countries is used in
the generation of electricity. Thus, a reliable, abundant and predictable source of
raw water supply to a fossil-fired power plant is a critical factor in site selection.
Water is required for various operations, including:

boiler make-up water to the water/steam circuit;

cooling water for steam turbine condensers;

auxiliary plant cooling water;

make-up water to flue-gas desulphurisation plant;

ash handling and disposal.

As a guide, one megawatt hour (MWh) of electricity generated from coal uses
20 litres (l) to 270 l of water at the coal mining stage and an additional 1 200 l
to 2 000 l when the energy in the coal is converted to electricity (WEF, 2009).
Substantially reducing water consumption in power generation usually leads to
an energy penalty, significantly reducing the net efficiency of the plant.
If CCS is applied to the power generation plant, water consumption increases
substantially. Depending on the technology and the mode of CO2 capture, water
consumption can double.
The amount of water required to operate a coal liquefaction plant is a function
of a number of variables, including the design of the unit, the type of gasifier,



the coal properties and the local ambient conditions. For indirect liquefaction,
between 5 l and 7 l of water are consumed for each litre of liquid fuel produced
(USDOE, 2006). For direct liquefaction, consumption is of the same order. Water
used for cooling that is lost through evaporation tends to be the largest source
of consumption; use of air cooling instead of water cooling can potentially
reduce water requirements to less than 1 barrel of water per barrel of FischerTropsch product. Management of water supplies, reuse of effluent, technologies
for reuse of water and water-loss prevention all play an important part in
reducing water demand.

Arch Coal (2008), Form 10-K: Annual Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, US Securities and Exchange Commission,
Washington, DC.
BGR (Bundesanstalt fr Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe) (2009), Energy
Resources 2009, BGR, Hannover,
Chikkatur, A. (2008), A Resource and Technology Assessment of Coal Utilization
in India, Coal Initiative Reports White Paper Series, Pew Center for Global Climate
Change, Arlington, Virginia.
Ding, Z. (2011), Chinas Energy Policies & Regulations and Implementation
Effect, presentation at the seminar on Low-Carbon Economy Challenges and the
Europe-China Energy Centre, Brussels, 12 April,
Ersoy, M. (2003), Worldwide Implementation of United Nations Framework
Classification on Coal Deposits, talk within the scope of the Regional Seminar on
UNFC Application to Energy and Mineral Resources, Moscow, 24-25 April, www.
Farrell, A.E. and A.R. Brandt (2006), Risks of Oil Transition, Environmental
Research Letters, Vol. 1, No. 1, IOP Publishing, Bristol, United Kingdom.
Fettweis, G.B.L. (1976), Weltkohlenvorrte (World Coal Reserves), in Dorstewitz,
G., M. Liebrucks, H. Reintges, E. Schubert and K. Schwantag (eds.), Bergbau
Rohstoffe Energie (Mining Resources Energy), Vol. 12, Verlag Glckauf, Essen.
IEA (International Energy Agency) (2010), World Energy Outlook 2010, OECD/IEA,
IEA (2012a), Medium-Term Coal Market Report, IEA/OECD, Paris.



IEA (2012b), Energy Technology Perspectives, IEA/OECD, Paris.

IEA (2012c), Technology Roadmap: High-Efficiency, Low-Emissions Coal-Fired
Power Generation, OECD/IEA, Paris.
IEA CIAB (IEA Coal Industry Advisory Board) (2006), Coal-to-Liquids: An Alternative
Oil Supply?, report from IEA CIAB workshop, Paris, 2 November,
Mathur, N. (2010), Overview of Indian Power Sector, presentation at a joint IEAIndia Workshop on Industrial Energy Efficiency, New Delhi, 27 January.
MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) (2012), Ordos Fact Sheet: Carbon
Dioxide Capture and Storage Project,
ordos.html, accessed 29 January 2013.
Platts (2010), World Electric Power Plants Database, Platts, New York, www.platts.
com/Products/worldelectricpowerplantsdatabase, accessed 16 September 2010.
Pohl, W. (1992), Eine Einfhrung in die Wissenschaft von den mineralischen
Bodenschtzen (An Introduction to the Science of Mineral Resources), W. &
W. E. Petraschecks Lagerstttenlehre (Economic Geology), E. Schweitzerbartsche
Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart.
Remme, U., N. Trudeau, D. Graczyk and P. Taylor (2011), Technology Development
Prospects for the Indian Power Sector, Information Paper, IEA/OECD, Paris.
Ritschel, W. and H.-W. Schiffer (2005), World Market for Hard Coal. RWE, Essen and
Ruhrkohlen-Handbuch (1984), 6th ed. Ruhrkohle AG., Verlag Glckauf, Essen.
Shenhua (China Shenhua Coal to Liquid and Chemical Company Limited) (2013),
CTL Plant, Ordos Basin, Erdos, Inner Mongolia,,
accessed 29 January 2013.
Taylor, G.H., M. Teichmuller, A. Davis, C.F.K. Diessel, R. Littke, P. Robert (1998),
Organic Petrology, Gebruder Borntraeger, Berlin.
UNECE (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe) (1998), International
Classification of in-Seam Coals, Energy, Vol 19, Geneva,
USDOE (United States Department of Energy) (2006), Energy Demands on Water
Resources, Report to Congress on the Interdependency of Energy and Water,
Washington DC, December, pp. 80,
VDKI (Verein der Kohlenimporteure) (2012), Annual Report of the German Coal
Importers Association, Verein der Kohlenimporteure, Hamburg.
World CTL Association (2012), Coal to Liquid Fuels, World CTL Association, Paris,



WEF (World Economic Forum) (2009), Thirsty Energy: Water and Energy in the 21st
Century, Energy Vision Update 2009, Geneva, pp. 56,
Yi, X.Y. (2012), Wu Xiuzhang, Director of the Board Attends the Fifth World CTL
Conference, China Shenhua Coal to Liquid and Chemical Company Ltd., Beijing,



Chapter 8 Production costs of fossil fuels

Converting resources to reserves is closely linked to the cost of production
relative to the market price. Increases in market price while production costs
remain constant will lead to proposals for new projects (greenfield projects) or
to new developments, and expansions at sites of existing production (brownfield
projects) and, therefore, to an increase in reserves. If margins are supportive, then
novel methodologies of extraction will be tested and implemented. As a result
of increasing oil prices over the last eight years, enhanced oil recovery (EOR)
projects are being pursued. However, some new projects have been difficult to
implement because of the sharp increase in material costs that have followed
growing demand. Then, in 2008 and 2009, as a result of the global economic
crisis, many of these projects were delayed, postponed or cancelled as oil prices
dropped. In 2010, economic activity improved, leading once again to a rise in
the price of oil. The investment cycle for coal mines followed a similar pattern.
Investments in new projects and expansions boomed as global coal prices rose,
only for investment to fall as equipment costs and other capital costs increased
and global coal prices fell, as in late-2011 and 2012.
Fossil fuel prices are difficult to predict and depend on the particular energy
scenario adopted. To gain insight into which resource categories may be
produced in the future, this chapter will focus on the cost factor. Examples of
resource categories include coal, conventional oil, light tight oil, conventional
gas and shale gas, among others. The cost factor provides an insight into
which resource categories need technological advances for production to be
viable under various price scenarios. The three energy scenarios used in the
International Energy Agency (IEA) World Energy Outlook project different futures
for extraction and use of oil, gas and coal. For example, in the 450 Scenario
(Chapter 1), projections for a low-carbon future mean a reduced demand for
fossil fuels, which leads to a lower price and, hence, less investment in new
technologies and methods for extraction.
The cost of production will have a direct influence on the amount of oil, gas and
coal that may be accessed at any particular time. The impact of carbon pricing
will be greater for coal than for oil and gas, and greater for oil than for gas.
Depending on the carbon price, the relative energy mix in the future may be
influenced; this is further discussed in Chapter 9.

Factors influencing production costs

The different factors influencing production costs are:

the resource category to be exploited, which defines the necessary infrastructure

and production processes, e.g. large conventional oilfields (Chapter 2), deepwater
developments (Chapter 4), energy-intensive steam-assisted gravity drainage
processes for in situ oil-sands production (Chapter 5), the high well costs for tight
gas (Chapter 6), the depth and thickness of coal seams or coal-to-liquids (CTL)
conversion (Chapter 7);



location of the reservoir, e.g. onshore or near-shore reservoirs versus ultradeepwater offshore or Arctic fields (Chapter 4) and distance of coal reserves to
the power station or the export terminal (Chapter 7);

the evolution of capital costs for upstream and downstream production stages.
To monitor trends in oil prices and costs, the IEA has published annually, since
2000, its crude oil import price index and its upstream investment cost index
(UICI). Furthermore, a comprehensive assessment of how the capital cost for oil
production has evolved in recent years is provided by the IHS CERA cost indices
(IHS CERA, 2012). The costs for all areas of production, including aggregated
upstream and downstream capital costs, as well as upstream operating costs,
almost doubled between 2000 and 2008 because of the high demand for steel,
factory space and manpower (Figure 8.1).















2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

Index (2000=100)

Billion dollars

Figure 8.1 UICI and annual inflation rate

Index (right axis):

In nominal terms

IEA crude oil import price

Adjusted for upstream cost inflation (USD 2011)

Upstream investment cost

* Budgeted spend
Note: the IEA UICI, set at 100 in 2000, measures the change in underlying capital costs for exploration and production. It uses
weighted averages to remove the effects of spending on different types and locations of upstream projects.
Source: IEA, 2012.

Exploration (finding), development and operating (lifting) costs depend on the

specific challenges of a particular resource category, and the region and reserves
to be developed (Figure 8.2). The future trajectory of these costs will be affected
by two opposing factors:

the development and use of new technologies to facilitate access to more

resources and help reduce unit costs;

the depletion of basins that increases the effort and expense needed to extract
additional resources.



Cyclical cost variations will also occur as short-term fluctuations in activity and
price affect the availability of services and other resources.


Finding and

Figure 8.2 Upstream oil and gas investment and operating costs, by region
Latin America
Middle East
E. Europe/Eurasia
OECD Pacific
OECD Europe
OECD North America
Extra-heavy oil
Latin America
Middle East
E. Europe/Eurasia
OECD Pacific
OECD Europe
OECD North America
Extra-heavy oil



Dollars per barrel of oil-equivalent

Note: OECD = Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

Source: IEA, 2010.

Production cost curve for oil

The highest costs for crude oil are incurred during the extraction (plus upgrading)
and refining operations. Transportation costs represent only a fraction of overall
production costs. Potential substitutes for crude oil are synfuels derived
from Fischer-Tropsch synthesis or from other conversion processes. Liquid
hydrocarbon fuels may be synthesised from gas in gas-to-liquids (GTL) processes,
and from coal in CTL processes. Biofuels, such as ethanol and biodiesel, may also
be produced from thermochemical or biochemical processes, including biomassto-liquids (BTL). Liquid hydrocarbon fuels derived from gas, coal and biomass are
all fuels that may compete with traditional crude oil resources.
The inflation in upstream and downstream investment costs in recent years, as well
as new developments for unconventional oil sources and competing fuels have all
been factored into the production cost estimates provided below. The estimates
for resources and reserves were calculated by using review data from a number
of sources (BGR, 2011; O&GJ, 2011; USGS, 2000, 2012a and 2012b; IEA, 2012; IEA
databases and analysis).
The total worldwide potential oil resource base, from conventional and
CTL and GTL conversion processes and biofuel production from thermochemical
and biochemical conversion processes could considerably increase the potential
depending on feedstock availability.



Some 1.2 trillion barrels of conventional oil have already been produced, mostly
at a cost of up to USD 30 per barrel (/b). For the remaining technically recoverable
resource categories, a number of assumptions were made to estimate the
quantity of the resource and the production costs. The resulting estimates for
resource quantities and potential production costs are given in Figure 8.3.






Extra-heavy oil
and bitumen



Already MENA
produced conv. oil

-2 000 -1 000





1 000 2 000 3 000 4 000 5 000 6 000



Biodiesel - advanced


Ethanol - cellulosic


Biodiesel - conventional



Ethanol - conventional

Production cost (USD/b)

Figure 8.3 Oil production costs for various resource categories


Remaining technically recoverable oil resources (bb)

Notes: unless otherwise indicated, all material in figures and tables derives from IEA data and analysis. CO2 = carbon dioxide;
MENA = Middle East and North Africa. Other conventional oil includes deepwater. No carbon pricing included. Synfuel
resources are difficult to assess due to competition with other natural gas and coal uses. Biofuels are renewable and, in
theory, not resource constrained. Biofuels production costs have been credited with a refiners margin, using the ratio
of gasoline and diesel spot prices in the United States compared to the West Texas Intermediate crude oil price. The ratio
was, on average, 1.3 for gasoline and 1.35 for diesel between 2007 and 2012.

The horizontal axis shows the cumulative resource quantity of the given
resource category for the production of liquid hydrocarbon final fuel. Note that
for the competing fuel sources, such cumulative quantities cannot be evaluated;
coal and natural gas resources are in plentiful supply and in significant demand,
therefore only a fraction will likely ever be used for CTL, GTL or similar conversion
processes. Estimates for ethanol and biodiesel are also provided. These last two
resources are replenished after every harvest season and, therefore, the question
is rather how much synfuel can be produced annually without affecting food
production and the environment.
The vertical axis shows the range of the potential cost in US dollars per barrel
of oil (USD/b) of producing liquid hydrocarbon final fuel from each resource
category. At this stage, no additional costs for carbon emissions are considered.
The assumptions for each category that were used to calculate the costs in
Figure 8.3 are as follows:



All conventional oil resources, proven and yet to be proven or discovered, from
the MENA region can be produced relatively cheaply in comparison to other
regions. Nevertheless, considerably higher upstream investment costs for
new developments and upgrades in mature fields have made production more
expensive than in the past. Oil resources amount to 1 120 bb. Production costs
of USD 10/b to USD 25/b are assumed.

Production costs for conventional oil resources from other regions vary. From
a technical point of view, some Russian oilfields are as easy to exploit as MENA
oilfields. They constitute the lower end of the production cost range. The higher
end includes onshore and offshore fields that are technically more challenging,
excluding ultra-deepwater. Oil resources amount to 1 220 bb. Production costs
of USD 10/b to USD 70/b are assumed.

All EOR methods together may deliver up to 500 bb of oil (IEA, 2008), of which
300 bb possibly come from CO2-EOR techniques and the rest from thermal EOR
(e.g. steam injection) or chemical EOR. Estimated costs vary for EOR techniques
as they are highly dependent on specific field parameters. The cost ranges from
USD 30/barrel to USD 80/barrel, with CO2-EOR techniques being somewhat
cheaper (USD 20/barrel to USD 70/barrel). If carbon pricing were incorporated,
CO2-EOR would be considerably cheaper because of the carbon credits obtained
for net CO2 storage underground. An international CO2 emissions trading
system would have a similar impact.

Oil from ultra-deepwater developments (more than 1 500 m deep) is estimated to

deliver 160 bb at production costs in the range of USD 70/b to USD 90/b (IEA, 2008).

According to the most recent US Geological Survey estimates, Arctic areas

north of the Arctic Circle may deliver 90 bb of crude oil and another 44 bb in
natural gas liquids at production costs in the range of USD 40 to USD 100/b
(Chapter 4). This is a relatively small contribution for oil. The estimates for natural
gas resources in these areas are much higher (47 trillion cubic metres or about
290 bb of oil-equivalent).

There is a large resource base of unconventional extra-heavy oil and bitumen,

around 1.47 trillion boe, mostly in deposits situated mainly in Canada and
Venezuela, but also in other countries such as Russia and Kazakhstan. The
production costs for new installations, including crude upgrading and
environmental mitigation costs, but excluding CO2 emissions mitigation, are in
the range of USD 50/b to USD 90/b.

Production of kerogen oil and LTO is still in a developmental stage, but

progressing rapidly. Estimating costs for a future commercial-scale production is
therefore difficult. For kerogen oil, commercial-scale production costs are likely
to be in the range of USD 40 to USD 100 and technically recoverable resources
may amount to 1 070 bb. LTO production costs are estimated between USD 60/b
and USD 100/b, and technically proven resources amount to 240 bb.

Synfuel production technologies (such as GTL, CTL and BTL) are mostly based on
Fischer-Tropsch conversion. Here, the two main cost drivers are the initial plant
installation costs per unit of synfuel production capacity, which is dependent on
the size of the plant (economies of scale) and the costs of the conversion process
feedstock. The influence that feedstock prices have on total production cost is



determined by the plant efficiency, i.e. how much feedstock mass is needed for
a unit of synfuel output. Note that synfuel products coming from the FischerTropsch conversion processes are already high-quality final fuels, whereas crude
oil still needs to undergo refining, which incurs further costs. As such, the
analysis should be considered as well on a source-to-energy basis. The availability
of the resource for liquid fuel production is constrained not only by the amount
of proven resources but especially by the competition with other energy sectors,
especially the power sector, that may use the gaseous or solid fuel directly. The
resources represented in the supply curve are therefore only representative,
even though resource estimates are discussed in the following paragraphs.

GTL plant installation costs have increased in line with a general increase in
upstream investment from around USD 30 000 per barrel per day (/b/d) of
production capacity in 2005 to an estimated USD 80 000/b/d by 2010. In addition,
there has been a sharp increase in the prices of natural gas over the past few
years. These trends have been responsible for a significant increase in the cost of
GTL production. The total production cost for GTL can vary widely. The feedstock
may be stranded gas for which there are no financially viable options for
transportation to markets, and the gas value is roughly equal to its production
cost. Or the feedstock has to be bought on the regular gas market for a much
higher price. For new plants, GTL costs range from USD 60/boe of synfuel for
stranded gas to USD 105/boe for natural gas at market price. Up to 1 700 billion
boe of final fuel could come from GTL if about 20% of the global natural gas
resources were used as feedstock.

CTL plant installation costs have also increased, and are now USD 85 000/b/d for
a 50 000 b/d CTL plant. Coal prices increased sharply during 2007 and early 2008.
Again, these trends were responsible for a sharp increase in CTL production
costs. The total CTL production cost can vary widely as the feedstock could be
cheap stranded coal (e.g. where there is no other market for the coal and hence
its value is the same as the extraction cost) or, conversely, the coal could be
purchased at a much higher global market price. It is estimated that CTL costs
are in the range of USD 45/boe of synfuel for stranded coal to USD 105/boe for
coal at a market price of USD 135 per tonne (/t) of hard coal. Up to 4.5 trillion boe
of final fuel could come from CTL if about 10% of global hard coal and lignite
resources were used as feedstock.

The other categories, i.e. biofuels, ethanol and biodiesel, are included for
comparison. These renewable and, therefore, infinite resources are technically
only limited by land availability and climate conditions. Unlike oil-based fuels,
biofuels are final fuels that do not need further refining. To aid comparison with
production from oil resources, these costs were credited with a refiners margin,
based on the average ratio of gasoline and diesel spot prices to the West Texas
Intermediate crude oil price in the United States between 2007 and 2012.
The lower value of the cost range for many of the more complex sources is
quite similar. This suggests that, at an oil price that would allow a production
cost of about USD 50/b to USD 60/b, the most profitable projects of almost
all the unconventional resources become feasible. This is important because
such developments help to identify areas where costs can be reduced, which is
currently the case.



Production cost curve for gas

The potential long-term contributions that each of the various types of
conventional and unconventional natural gas categories currently in commercial
production make to the global gas supply can been seen in Figure 8.4. This
figure also outlines the range of production and transportation costs in 2008
(IEA, 2009). The volumes shown are based on the latest estimates of resource
potential. Gas hydrates are not included as commercial production has not yet
been proven, and they are not expected to contribute significantly to supply in
the immediate future.






Tight gas

Shale gas

Sour gas


Transportation cost (USD/MBtu)




Already produced

Production cost (USD/MBtu)

Figure 8.4 Long-term gas supply cost curve



Remaining technically recoverable gas resources (tcm)

Notes: CBM = coal-bed methane; LNG = liquefied natural gas; Pipeline costs refer to costs per 1 000 km; MBtu = million
British thermal units; tcm = trillion cubic metres.

The total long-term potential gas resource base from these sources is estimated
at approximately 790 tcm. Of this total, some 105 tcm have already been produced
(and flared and vented to the atmosphere) at costs of up to USD 8/MBtu.1
To compare this with the cost of oil for the same energy content, USD 8/MBtu
equates to USD 46.4/boe.2
Production costs for associated gas (gas produced in an oil operation) would
generally be lower than for non-associated gas (gas produced from a natural
gas field). This is particularly true for fields in which infrastructure for producing
oil had already been installed before exploitation of the gas resource had been
planned. Significant quantities of associated gas are still flared because it is not
1. USD 1/MBtu (1 million Btu) is approximately equivalent to USD 0.035 per cubic metre.
2. USD 1/MBtu is equal to USD 5.8/boe.



currently worth treating and transporting the gas to market. More than 1.5 tcm
has been flared worldwide in the last decade alone, equal to more than 5% of
marketed production.
The most easily accessible part of the remaining conventional resources amounts
to about 220 tcm, with typical production costs between USD 0.20/MBtu and
USD 9/MBtu. Other conventional resources include sour gas and gas produced
from the Arctic or from deep water. Sour gas resources, with high concentrations
of hydrogen sulphide (H2S) or CO2 total some 160 tcm and could be produced
at costs between USD 2/MBtu and USD 11/MBtu. Resources in the Arctic Circle
could amount to 30 tcm, at costs between USD 4/MBtu and USD 12/MBtu, while
deepwater resources of 50 tcm could be produced at costs ranging from USD
5/MBtu to USD 11/MBtu. Unconventional resources totalling 330 tcm (including
80 tcm tight gas, 200 tcm shale gas and 50 tcm CBM) could be produced at costs
between USD 3/MBtu and USD 10/MBtu.
An essential cost factor for gas is transportation. For pipelines, the transportation
costs are USD 0.30/MBtu to USD 1.20/MBtu per 1 000 kilometres of pipeline, varying
for onshore and offshore segments and according to pipe capacity and age of
installation. For LNG, total costs for liquefaction, transportation and regasification
vary from USD 3.10/MBtu to USD 4.70/MBtu, depending on the installation size and
the transportation distances involved. So the production and transportation costs
should be added to the total cost at the market location (Figure 8.4).

Production cost curve for coal

The quality and frequency of collecting data on coal reserves vary widely from
country to country. Estimated costs for coal reserves where extraction is
financially viable are often not tracked or researched, or are unavailable, partly as
a consequence of commercial confidentiality.
There is currently no complete study that includes a supply-based cost curve of
production costs for global hard coal reserves. Extensive research for Australian
and South African reserves was carried out by Schulz and published in two
articles almost 30 years ago (Schulz, 1984). This author examined the production
cost curve for export-oriented thermal coal on an FOB (free-on-board) basis.
This source is one of the few estimates and still most appropriate basis for
estimating a supply cost curve for all hard coal reserves and includes estimates
for production costs as well as capital costs.
The shape and slope of the supply cost curve shows a large volume range for
global reserves with a relatively flat slope for global average estimated supply
costs and a sharp increase in costs of the last 10% of reserves (Figure 8.5). The
curve in Figure 8.5 is extrapolated from Schulzs supply curve up to the 2011
estimate of 728 gigatonnes (Gt) of global hard coal reserves (BGR, 2011). The
intercept and scaling of costs are based on the estimated average country level
of production costs and reported project-based investment costs when available
as observed from 2009 to 2011. This cost information is also used as an estimate



for excavation and capital costs for the remaining coal reserves where more
detailed country-level information is either not available or not published. It is
not possible to create the supply cost curve for global hard coal resources as
there is a lack of reliable country-level data for both volume and cost.


1 000






















FOR production cost in USD/tce

FOR production cost in USD/MBtu

Figure 8.5 Estimated supply cost curve for global hard coal reserves

Global reserves (in billion tonnes)

Low/high range

Average estimate

Notes: tce = tonne of coal-equivalent. The free-on-rail (FOR) production cost includes the cost of mining and delivering the
coal from the mine plus surface handling, coal preparation or beneficiation, storage and loading costs.
Source: Rademacher, 2012 (Ranges extrapolated from Schulz [1984], BGR [2011], and public mining records)

Average country-level mining production costs for export-based hard coal

were collected (in USD/t, FOB, cash costs) from external public mining and coal
services covering major exporting mines across the globe, including Australia,
Canada, China, Colombia, Indonesia, Russia, South Africa and the United States.
Data came from countries that accounted for nearly 85% of total global hard
coal production in 2009 (6 100 million tonnes). The average FOB cash costs
(USD/tonne) were then transformed into FOR (free-on-rail or free-mine) costs
by subtracting the estimated port and transportation costs. These latter costs
made up the largest proportion of costs in China and Russia and the lowest in
Australia. Estimates of country-level FOR costs include initial investment costs
for new mining projects as well as the capital costs with a 10% hurdle rate.
Estimates of capital costs (depreciation and interest) are available at a country
level and based on historical project investment information collected and
adjusted to 2010 US dollars. Country-level production costs range widely
between low-cost producers such as China and high-cost producers like Canada.
The average per unit cost in 2010 US dollars in the data sample is estimated at
approximately USD 43/t (USD 50/tce) for the entire global sample. The estimated



global cost-adjusted supply curve for hard coal reserves results, with the range
determined by low-/high-cost producers, are represented in Figure 8.5.
The cost to develop and produce coal from the first 100 Gt of global coal reserves
is low and estimated in the range of USD 42 to USD 170/tce FOR, equivalent to
USD 0.84/MBtu to USD 3.45/MBtu. Given a current global hard coal production
of 6.0 Gt, this low-cost reserve basis is adequate to cover global demand for
almost 17 years. The expected production costs for the next 500 Gt of reserves,
sufficient to cover an additional 83 years at current coal mining levels, rise
marginally from USD 71/tce to USD 272/tce FOR (USD 1.42 to USD 5.44/MBtu).
Production cost estimates for the last 128 Gt of known hard coal reserves, the
most difficult to assess and most uncertain, rise sharply to a range of USD 71 tce
to USD 800+/tce (USD 1.41/MBtu to USD 15+/MBtu). Given the current global
hard coal production, this section of reserves would first be needed in 120+
years. The mining and investment cost estimates would be highly subjective
and dependent on developments in technology, global demand and further
geological assessments of reserves.
The cost of inland infrastructure for many new undeveloped coal basins and
projects is not included, and this can easily more than double production costs
in terms of USD/t FOB depending on location. For example, transportation costs
currently make up over 50% of total cost for some export coal in China and Russia.

BGR (2011), Annual Report: Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources
2011, DERA Rohstoffinformationen, BGR, Hannover, published February 2012,
IEA (International Energy Agency) (2008), World Energy Outlook 2008, OECD/IEA,
IEA (2009), World Energy Outlook 2009, OECD/IEA, Paris.
IEA (2010), World Energy Outlook 2010, OECD/IEA, Paris.
IEA (2012), World Energy Outlook 2012, OECD/IEA, Paris.
IHS CERA (2012), Oil Production Cost Indices, IHS Cera, Englewood, Colorado,, accessed 9 June.
O&GJ (Oil & Gas Journal) (2011), Worldwide Look at Reserves and Production,
Oil & Gas Journal, Vol. 109, No. 49, PennWell Corporation, Oklahoma City.
Rademacher M. (2012), personal communication, R2R - Chapter 8 and Updated
Production Cost Curve, 1 August.



Schulz, W. (1984),Die langfristige Kostenentwicklung fr Steinkohle am

Weltmarkt (The long-term cost development of hard coal in the global
market), Zeitschrift fr Energiewirtschaft, Issues 1 and 2, Springer, Cologne.
USGS (United States Geological Survey) (2000), World Petroleum Assessment
2000, USGS, Washington, DC,
USGS (2012a), Variability of Distributions of Well-Scale Estimated Ultimate Recovery
for Continuous (Unconventional) Oil and Gas Resources in the United States, USGS
Oil and Gas Assessment Team, Boulder.
USGS (2012b), An Estimate of Undiscovered Conventional Oil and Gas Resources of
the World, USGS, Boulder.



Chapter 9 Meeting the environmental challenges

Though they may bring economic benefits, the production, transportation and
use of oil, gas and coal can have negative impacts on the environment at both
the local and global levels. At the local or regional level, the challenge to the
environment comes from pollution and potential hazards at the production site.
For oil and gas, these may manifest themselves, for example, as crude oil spills
or from accidents with local or regional transportation. Another example is the
damage that can result from coal mining operations, including sometimes the
despoiling of the countryside or the pollution of local water courses due to the
leaching of heavy metals from coal spoil heaps.
On a global scale, the challenge to the environment comes from direct and
indirect damage caused by the production, transportation and use of fossil
fuels. The main concern in virtually all cases comes in the form of emissions of
greenhouse gases (GHGs), predominantly methane and carbon dioxide (CO2).
During the extraction of oil, gas and coal, for example, methane is released,
and CO2 emissions occur at oil and natural gas well-heads. Methane leaks from
long-distance, natural gas pipelines and CO2 is emitted wherever electricity is
generated from the combustion of coal, gas and oil.
Global increases in the concentrations of CO2 and other GHGs are due primarily
to fossil fuel use, with land-use change (LUC) providing another significant but
smaller contribution. This chapter focuses on the emissions produced by the oil,
gas and coal industries, and the cost implications that arise.

Production-related GHG emissions from oil resources

A fraction of total emissions from the use of fossil fuels arises directly from
crude oil production and the subsequent refining processes needed to turn
crude into final fuel products.
An industry survey from the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers
(OGP, 2012)1 indicates that around 1.1 gigatonnes (Gt) of CO2 emissions per year
(3.5% of total energy-related CO2 emissions worldwide) come from oil and gas
production and fugitive emissions at the well-head. As the majority of crude oil
is still produced from conventional resources, emissions from upgrading crude,
which is necessary for unconventional resources such as oil-sands and extraheavy oil production, currently represent only a small fraction of total emissions.
However, if more unconventional resources requiring upgrading were extracted,
the average production of GHG emissions per barrel of oil-equivalent (boe) of
final fuel would increase.
Oil-refining processes accounted for around 728 million tonnes (Mt) of CO2 in
2010, which equated to around 2.4% of total energy-related CO2 emissions.
1. The survey includes 32% of world oil and gas production (2 221 Mt of hydrocarbon production) and was expanded to a global
level by assuming that the CO2-equivalent (CO2-eq) emissions from all countries globally were similar.



Factors influencing GHG emissions from oil production

The amount of GHG emissions released during upstream and downstream oil
production depends primarily on the following factors:

energy input from fossil fuels used for oil extraction at the production site;

flaring and venting of fugitive GHG emissions at the well-head, where the
amount of the well-head fugitive emissions depends on individual reservoir

flaring of associated gas at the well-head;

emissions from crude oil upgrading (if necessary) and refining, which are
dependent on the quality of the recovered crude oil or crude oil substitute,
expressed as American Petroleum Institute (API2) gravity.
Conventional crude oil can usually be extracted without substantial energy
input. The technological challenges can nevertheless be high. This is the case
for ultra-deepwater and Arctic oil resources for which more capital- and energyintensive infrastructure is needed (Chapter 4).
For high-quality crude oil, additional upgrading before the refinery stage is
not necessary. However, significant emissions of CO2 and methane may stem
directly from the multiphase flow at the well-head. The methane may either be:
vented (released as methane to the atmosphere) with the CO2; or flared (burnt
at the top of flare stack); or, preferably, it may be used to power the energy
requirements of the oil extraction operation.
Comparatively low-quality oil shale and viscous extra-heavy oil and bitumen
resources are either mined and processed or heated underground (in situ) to
create a liquid crude product that can then be extracted from the reservoir. In
addition, energy-intensive upgrading of extra-heavy oil and bitumen to produce
a so-called syncrude is required. The syncrude is used as a substitute for
conventional crude oil in refineries.
The energy intensity of the refining process depends directly on the crude oil
quality. Deep conversion processes that are needed for heavy oil (with an API
gravity less than 22.3) are, for example, considerably more energy-intensive than
conventional distillation processes for light oil (with an API gravity greater than
The combined amount of GHG emissions from upstream stages varies widely,
depending on the reservoir characteristics, the extraction methods used,
i.e. the energy input needed for crude oil extraction, and the treatment of
fugitive emissions at the well-head. Downstream emissions will hinge on the
energy intensity of the subsequent refining processes and on the need for a
possible additional upgrading stage, depending directly on the quality of the
crude oil.

2. API (American Petroleum Institute) gravity is a measure of the density of oil. The API gravity scale is calibrated such that most
crude oils, as well as distillate fuels, will have API gravities between 10 and 70 API. The lower the number, the heavier and the
more viscous is the oil.



Competing fuels
In recent years, crude oil substitutes from various types of feedstock sources
have received growing attention. Such fuels, referred to here as competing fuels,
can be split into two subgroups: synfuels and biofuels.
Synfuels are derived from Fischer-Tropsch synthesis (see Chapter 3, Box 3.1) or
other conversion processes. Feedstocks for the process may be coal, natural
gas, biomass or a mixture of these. Such conversion processes are very energyintensive and the consequent CO2 emissions are high. The GHG emissions per
barrel of oil-equivalent depend on the process, the process feedstock and the
conversion efficiency.
In the most commonly used coal-to-liquids (CTL) technology, coal is first gasified
to produce synthesis gas (or syngas), which is then catalytically treated in a
Fischer-Tropsch process to produce liquid fuels (or synfuels). CTL synfuels,
therefore, have the highest CO2 emissions because of the higher carbon
intensity of coal compared with the other feedstocks and the need to gasify the
coal before Fischer-Tropsch conversion; the overall energy conversion efficiency
is around 50%. Gas-to-liquids (GTL) synfuel production has lower CO2 emissions
owing to a more favourable carbon/hydrogen ratio of natural gas and has a
significantly better conversion efficiency of around 58%.
Biofuels, such as ethanol and biodiesel, are derived from a variety of possible
feedstocks. It would be expected that, in theory, biofuels are carbon-neutral.
However, the fossil fuels needed for crop harvest, transportation, natural gasbased fertilisers for crop growing and conversion processes can be significant.
In some cases, almost as much energy may be needed in the form of fossil fuels
during the production chain as energy eventually delivered in the form of biofuels.
Nevertheless, there are promising examples of biofuels, such as ethanol produced
from sugar cane and biodiesel produced from palm oil. Both have a high energyoutput to energy-input ratio, or energy return on energy investment. However,
it is crucial that environmentally sustainable growing methods be used for all
types of biomass plantations. In terms of the lifecycle GHG balance of biofuels,
it is important to avoid emissions stemming from the conversion of land with
high-carbon stocks (e.g. tropical peat forest) into biofuel production. Such LUC
can result in initial CO2 emissions that would take decades to be compensated
by the use of biofuels.

Options for mitigation

Important mitigation measures to reduce GHG emissions are increasing energy
efficiency in the supply and demand sectors, and preferential use of, or switching
to, lower-carbon footprint sources such as natural gas, renewable energy and
nuclear. Such measures would make a major contribution to cost-effective CO2
emissions reductions as illustrated in Energy Technology Perspectives 2012 (IEA,
2012a), where the low-carbon scenario based on stabilising CO2 atmospheric
concentrations at 450 parts per million (ppm) offers an 80% probability of
limiting the rise in atmospheric temperature to 2C. Projections show that



carbon capture and storage (CCS) will also bring an essential contribution to a
low-carbon future, contributing around one-fifth of total reductions in energyrelated CO2 emissions by 2050 compared to the business-as-usual case.
Carbon capture from gas streams with high concentrations of CO2 and at high
pressures, typical of a number of industrial applications, could be achieved at
comparatively low cost. CCS from industrial applications, for example liquefied
natural gas (LNG) production facilities, is expected to cost on average between
USD 10 per tonne (/t) to USD 20/t (UNIDO, 2010). In some instances, costs could
be even less than USD 10/t or even result in net cost benefits. If CCS is combined
with enhanced oil recovery (EOR), the value of the additional oil extracted may
partially offset the additional costs of CCS.
CCS remains an emerging technology in the power sector, where it has not
yet been demonstrated at commercial scale. As a consequence, information on
current costs and performance of CCS from power generation is still uncertain
and limited to estimates from engineering studies or pilot projects. The cost
of carbon capture from power generation is estimated to be around USD 60/t
in recent studies (Folger, 2010; Finkenrath, 2011). Additional costs for the
transportation and storage of CO2 are more difficult to model, as they depend
on site-specific considerations and on the availability of storage space. Typically,
however, costs related to the carbon capture step, which includes compression
of the CO2 for transport (if required), are expected to account for the majority of
CCS costs. Technology for capturing CO2 is still evolving and novel solutions are
being tested such as improved membrane or cryogenic cyclone technologies.
Membranes are being developed such that, when a gas stream is passed over
them, only CO2 molecules will pass through, thus separating the CO2 from other
contaminating gases present in the stream. In cryogenic cyclones, the gas is
cooled down by rapid expansion, after which contaminants condense into small
droplets that are then separated by centrifugal action.
In the oil industry, energy efficiency measures are part of current project design.
Choices include using solar energy for steam generation, applying co-generation
for steam and power, and using wind energy on offshore platform installations.
In the future, projects with a large carbon footprint will need to consider CCS.
Such projects will likely include underground storage as the preferred option.
Within oil companies, there is already significant expertise in many aspects of
underground CO2 storage, but there are also unresolved issues, such as longterm storage security. This expertise is also being applied to the capture of CO2
from fossil-fuelled power generation plants.
There are four main options (Figure 9.1) considered for storing CO2 underground
for long periods of time:

injection and eventual dissolution and precipitation as carbonate in saline


injection into depleted oil and gas reservoirs;

enhanced recovery techniques to displace oil or gas from reservoirs;

injection into coal seams for enhanced coal-bed methane recovery.



In addition, there are a number of other possibilities that are less likely to offer
significant potential for storage in the short to medium term.

Figure 9.1 Underground storage options

Large point source of CO2
with carbon capture plant
To power plant
or industrial


To refinery


Coal seam injection

to displace methane

(or gas)
Saline aquifer

(or gas)

Oil (or gas)
Not to scale

Note: unless otherwise indicated, all material in figures and tables derives from IEA data and analysis.

The main options listed above are already viable, proven or being demonstrated.
For example, large volumes of CO2 separated from natural gas extracted from
the Norwegian offshore fields of Sleipner and Snhvit are being injected and
stored in deep saline aquifers every year. Until recently, this was also the case
for CO2 separated at the Algerian In Salah field. Similarly, large volumes have
been injected to enhance oil recovery from the Canadian Weyburn-Midale
oilfields while, at the same time, providing a means of storage. For all these
options, long-term containment of CO2 is still a key issue and will require
appropriate site selection and resolution of the monitoring strategies supported
by an appropriate legal framework. Four fully integrated, commercial-scale CCS
projects that are or were recently in operation are described in Box 9.1.

Box 9.1 Commercial CCS projects

Three of the four fully integrated, large-scale CCS projects described below are in commercial
operation today. All four projects contribute to the knowledge base needed for widespread
CCS use.



The Sleipner project began in 1996 when Norways Statoil started to inject more than 1 Mt per
year of CO2 under the North Sea. This CO2 was extracted with natural gas from the offshore
Sleipner gas field. In order to avoid a government-imposed carbon tax equivalent to about
USD 55/t, Statoil built a special offshore platform to separate CO2 from other gases. The
CO2 is reinjected about 1 000 metres (m) below the sea floor into the Utsira saline formation
located near the natural gas field. The formation is estimated to have a capacity of about
600 Gt of CO2 and is expected to continue receiving CO2 long after natural gas extraction at
Sleipner has ended.
Europes first LNG plant also captures CO2 for injection and storage. Statoil extracts natural
gas and CO2 from the offshore Snhvit gas field in the Barents Sea. It pipes the mixture
160 kilometres (km) to shore for processing at its LNG plant near Hammerfest, Europes
northernmost town. Separating the CO2 is necessary to produce LNG and the Snhvit project
captures about 700 000 t of CO2 per year. Starting in 2008, the captured CO2 is piped back to
the offshore platform and injected in the Tubsen sandstone formation 2 600 m under the
seabed and below the geologic formation from which natural gas is produced.
About 2.8 Mt CO2 per year is captured at the Great Plains Synfuels Plant in North Dakota,
United States, which is a coal-gasification plant that produces synthetic gas and various
chemicals. The CO2 is transported by pipeline 320 km (200 miles) across the international
border into Saskatchewan, Canada and is injected into depleting oilfields where it is used
for EOR. Although it is a commercial project, researchers from around the world have been
monitoring the injected CO2 to ensure its long-term containment. The Weyburn-Midale
CO2 monitoring and storage project, which is part of the IEA Greenhouse Gas Research and
Development Programme, has been the first project to scientifically study and monitor the
underground behaviour of CO2. Canadas Petroleum Technologies Research Centre has
managed the monitoring effort. A manual of best practices for carbon injection and storage
has been published (IEA GHG, 2012).
In Salah
In August 2004, Sonatrach, the Algerian national oil and gas company, with its partners BP
and Statoil, began injecting about 1 Mt CO2 per year into the Krechba geologic formation
near their natural gas extraction site in the Sahara desert. The Krechba formation is adjacent
to the gas-producing reservoir and lies 1 800 m below ground. It has an estimated 17 Mt CO2
total storage lifetime. Injection of CO2 was suspended in June 2011, though monitoring of
the site continues.
Source: IEA, 2010 (adapted).

For these four projects, the sources of the CO2 are from contaminated gas
sources and an industrial plant but, as yet, there are no large-scale, integrated
CCS projects on a coal- or gas-fired power generation plant.

transport to refinery and supply-chain emissions;



Upstream GHG emissions

Results from an extensive survey of upstream and downstream GHG emissions in
the oil sector (Brandt and Farrell, 2007; Brandt, 2008; Brandt, 2009; IFEU, 2008; NETL,
2008; Charpentier, Bergerson and MacLean, 2009; Mui, Tonachel and Shope, 2010;
NRCan, 2012; ANL, 2012; Jacobs Consultancy, 2012) and the biofuels sector (IEA,
2011a) are summarised below. Metrics used in the survey are defined in Box 9.2.

Box 9.2 Definitions used for the lifecycle assessment of oil production
Well-to-refinery (WTR): the phase in which crude oil (or oil-sands) is extracted from the well
and brought to a refinery. For oil-sands and heavy oil, it usually includes upgrading the lowquality crude to syncrude. This phase incorporates all emissions of the following stages:



transport to refinery and supply-chain emissions;

venting and flaring, as well as fugitive emissions from leaks and tailing ponds.

Refinery-to-tank (RTT): the phase in which the crude oil or syncrude is refined to final fuel (in
this case gasoline). This phase incorporates all emissions from the following stages:



supply chain emissions.

Well-to-tank (WTT): the phase includes production-related GHG emissions from all upstream
and downstream stages. It is the sum of the previous two phases, WTR and RTT: WTT =
WTR + RTT. For gasoline, this is around 120 kilograms of CO2 per boe (kg CO2/boe).
Tank-to-wheel (TTW): this phase includes all GHG emissions from the combustion of the final
fuel. For gasoline, this is around 425 kg CO2/boe (using the lower heating value for gasoline,
which equals 44.4 megajoules per kilogram [MJ/kg]).
Well-to-wheel (WTW): this measure represents total GHG emissions. All production-related
GHG emissions and GHG emissions from final fuel combustion are accounted for (from oil
well to car wheel). It is the sum of the previous phases: WTW = WTT + TTW.

Comparison of fuel cycle GHG emissions from different

liquid fuels
In the analysis, the GHG emissions that occur during oil extraction, from
upgrading heavy oils and bitumen, and from refineries during processing to
the final fuel gasoline are addressed. The combustion of regular gasoline alone
creates around 425 kg CO2/boe of final fuel and is used here as a comparison with
upstream GHG emissions.



The results of the analysis are shown in Figures 9.2 (WTT GHG emissions balance,
normalised against conventional oil) and Figure 9.3 (WTW GHG emissions balance).







conv. oil conventional oil


Extra-heavy oil
and bitumen







1 000

2 000

3 000

4 000

5 000

Ethanol - conventional
Ethanol - cellulosic
Biodiesel - advanced (BTL)

Well-to-tank CO2 emissions

Figure 9.2 Total WTT GHG emissions from various oil resource categories


6 000

Remaining technically recoverable oil resources (bb)

Notes: MENA = Middle East and North Africa; LTO = light tight oil; BTL = biomass-to-liquids. Values normalised, with
conventional oil as the benchmark (120 kg CO2/boe).

In Figure 9.3, the area of one grid rectangle is equivalent to 270 Gt of CO2
emissions. This is roughly a factor of nine higher than the current global energyrelated CO2 emissions per year. The area underneath the box of each resource
category is roughly equivalent to the corresponding total GHG emissions (from
production, refining and final fuel combustion) in the best case. As an example,
using up all crude oil from conventional resources (2.35 trillion barrels, excluding
EOR) would emit around 1 300 Gt of additional GHG emissions. This would be
equivalent to more than 40 years of current energy-related CO2 emissions.
A comparison of production-related GHG emissions, such as WTT emissions
from upstream activities and downstream processing, using GHG emissions
from conventional oil as the benchmark, is presented in Table 9.1. Furthermore,
total GHG emissions, such as WTW emissions from upstream and downstream
production and final fuel combustion are compared again using the GHG
emissions from conventional oil as the benchmark.









conv. oil


conventional oil





Extra-heavy oil
and bitumen




1 300 Gt CO2



Ethanol - conventional
Ethanol - cellulosic
Biodiesel - advanced (BTL)

Well-to-wheel CO2 emissions

Figure 9.3 Total WTW GHG emissions from various oil resource categories





1 000

2 000

3 000

4 000

5 000

6 000

Remaining technically recoverable oil resources (bb)

Note: values normalised, with conventional oil as the benchmark (545 kg CO2/boe).

Greenhouse gas emissions of biofuel and BTL synfuel combustion are assumed
here to be carbon-neutral. All GHG emissions actually occurring are already
accounted for in the fuel production and conversion stages.
From Table 9.1, and Figures 9.2 and 9.3, it can be seen that:

Biofuels have the best WTW GHG emissions balance. In fact, the lowest
emissions are from cellulosic ethanol and BTL biodiesel (-20% to 50% of GHG
emissions when compared to the conventional oil benchmark). Conventional
biofuels have higher emissions (10% to 120%). WTT GHG emissions are
not necessarily lower than the benchmark (-91% to 545%), but the fuel
combustion afterwards is by definition carbon-neutral. Hence, total biofuel
WTW GHG emissions are in many cases lower than those of the gasoline
reference. However, emissions from direct and indirect LUC can in some cases
significantly reduce the WTW GHG emissions balance of biofuels, and should
therefore be avoided.



Table 9.1 Production-related WTT GHG emissions, and comparison with total WTW
GHG emissions
WTT GHG emissions

WTT GHG emissions
(normalised to
conventional oil:
120 kg CO2-eq/boe)

emissions (normalised
to gasoline:
545 kg CO2-eq/boe)

Conventional oil (average)

110 to 125

91 % to 104%

98 % to 101%


125 to 225

104 % to 188%

101% to 119%

-175 to -511

-146 % to -4%11

46 % to 77%1

Ultra-deepwater and Arctic

132 to 150

110 % to 125%

102 % to 105%

Extra-heavy oil an bitumen

189 to 214

157 % to 178%

113 % to 117%


232 to 379

193 % to 315%

121 % to 147%


110 to 131

91 % to 109%

98 % to 106%


184 to 272

153 % to 227%

112 % to 128%


660 to 801

550 % to 668%

199 % to 225%

55 to 654

45 % to 545%

10 % to 120%

-109 to 273

-91 % to 227%

-20 % to 50%1

82 to 463

68 % to 386%

15 % to 85%1

-109 to 245

-91 % to 204%

-20 % to 45%1

Resource type


Ethanol conventional (wheat,

corn, sugar beet)
Ethanol cellulosic
Biodiesel conventional
(rapeseed, palm oil)
Biodiesel advanced (BTL) diesel

Notes: kg/boe = kilogram per barrel of oil-equivalent; kg CO2-eq/boe = kilogram of carbon dioxide-equivalent per barrel
of oil equivalent).

Using CO2-EOR production substantially decreases the GHG emissions of oil

production on a per-barrel basis, where there is a net CO2 storage underground.
Production-related WTT GHG emissions would then be negative (down to
-146%) with total GHG emissions being considerably lower than the benchmark
(46% to 77%).

The amount of GHG emissions from non-CO2-EOR production measures ranges

from slightly higher to significantly higher when compared to the productionrelated GHG emissions of the benchmark (104% to 188%). Total GHG emissions
are up to a fifth higher than benchmark emissions (100% to 120%).

Final fuel produced from extra-heavy oilfields and oil-sands performs considerably
worse in terms of GHG emissions than final fuel produced from conventional oil
(157% to 178%). When total WTW GHG emissions are compared, emissions are
still 13% to 17% higher than for the benchmark conventional oil.

Final fuel from GTL plants is in the same range of WTW GHG emissions as fuel
produced from extra-heavy oil, oil-sands and non-CO2-EOR (112% to 128%).

Fuel production from kerogen creates more GHG emissions than oil-sands
production and GTL plants (193% to 315%), because of the extremely high



energy input needed for crude oil extraction and the lower quality of the crude
produced. In terms of total WTW GHG emissions, these fuels have 21% to 47%
higher emission levels.

A complete study on GHG emissions for LTO was not available. Higher productionrelated emissions for landing and take-off are roughly compensated by lower
refinery emissions. GHG emissions are assumed to be identical to conventional
oil, with the higher boundary set to be 5% higher.

A coal liquefaction plant has by far the highest production-related GHG

emissions (550% to 668%), because of its carbon-intensive feedstock (coal) and
the lower conversion efficiency compared to GTL processes. Its total WTW GHG
emissions can be double the benchmark GHG emissions (199% to 225%).
Figures for GHG emissions related to oil production are the average GHG
emissions from production for the respective oil resource category. In reality,
there are wide variations in GHG emissions for every type of oil resources.
Oilfield characteristics are not identical and crude quality varies considerably
even within the same resource category. Production technology also plays
an important role. Application of more efficient production technologies can
significantly reduce the energy input needed for production, as well as the
amount of fugitive GHG emissions at a well-head.
The upstream (WTR) GHG emissions from production and the necessary energy
input averaged for all oilfields in a given region are shown in Figures 9.4 and 9.5
(OGP, 2012). The regional spread in GHG emissions and energy-input intensity
cannot only be explained by varying crude oil quality and oilfield characteristics,
but also by environmental regulations (e.g. for flaring) and higher taxes on
transportation fuels (as in Europe). These have been effective drivers in reducing
GHG emissions through the widespread use of more efficient technology.

kg CO2-eq/boe

Figure 9.4 Upstream (WTR) GHG emissions per unit of production from industry







Notes: MJ = megajoule; FSU = former Soviet Union. Survey data include 32% of 2011 world production; assumes 1 t of
crude oil = 6.84 boe.
Sources: OGP, 2010, 2011 and 2012.




Figure 9.5 Energy input in upstream production from industry survey








Note: Survey data include 32% of 2011 world production; assumes 1 tonne crude oil = 6.84 boe; FSU = former Soviet Union.
Sources: OGP, 2010, 2011 and 2012.

Trends for the future

A shift away from the production of conventional towards unconventional oil
would increase GHG emissions in both the upstream and downstream stages.
The reason for this is largely because unconventional sources such as oil-sands,
heavy oil, CTLs and GTLs, are generally more energy-intensive to produce and
refine. On the other hand, improvements in vehicle efficiency could potentially
reduce emissions. Recently, there has been a trend towards replacing gasoline
and diesel with biofuels in the transport sector. However, future trends in this
direction are uncertain, especially for biofuels from agricultural crops and from
crops grown in cleared tropical forest areas.
A continuing shift from conventional crude oil production to petroleum
substitutes could increase global GHG emissions up to 2030 and hence become
an additional driver for climate change (Brandt and Farrell, 2007).
For oil-sands and heavy oil, the higher average upstream GHG emissions from
unconventional oil are expected to be accompanied by a decrease in the quality
of crude oil. These two effects would raise GHG emissions from oil production
by several million tonnes to 1 Gt per year in the long term unless effective
mitigation measures are put in place. The mitigation of GHG emissions from oil
production is crucial for both the conventional and unconventional oil sectors.
There are multiple ways to reduce GHG emissions by using technology. For example:

Improving the highly energy- and emissions-intensive in situ extraction methods

used for heavy oil and bitumen as well as oil shale would have a positive effect on
the GHG emissions balance of these oil resource types.

There are good opportunities for implementing CCS in CTL and GTL plants,
because the CO2 stream, unlike that from pulverised coal-fired power plants,



is already sufficiently pure for direct sequestration. CCS would, of course, add
to the cost. However, further costly processing steps that reduce overall plant
efficiency, as in the case for power plants, would not be necessary. Increasing the
efficiency of CTL and GTL plants would obviously reduce additional CCS costs by
reducing CO2 emissions per barrel of final synfuels.

Putting associated natural gas from oil production into better use in a gas turbine
at the well site, instead of venting or flaring it, would save energy and probably also
costs, especially if carbon pricing were introduced. Also, fugitive CO2 emissions
at the well-head could be used for CO2-EOR in favourable oilfield settings, which
would in turn considerably increase the oil recovery factor there and, if the oilfield
characteristics permit, provide a net storage of CO2 underground.
As regards the future role of biofuels and BTL synfuel, it is crucial to shift towards
high energy-yield biomass feedstocks such as sugar cane for ethanol production,
so as to better exploit the potential of waste biomass such as bagasse and waste
wood for BTL processes and to make BTL plants more energy-efficient. Moreover,
for the long-term credibility and environmental sustainability of biofuels, it is
essential to ensure internationally aligned standards for sustainable biomass
cultivation to avoid negative environmental, economic and social impacts.

Impact of carbon pricing

This section provides an in-depth quantitative assessment of the additional
production costs for one barrel of crude oil or 1 barrel of oil-equivalent (boe) if a
carbon tax (or price per emissions) were to be introduced in the oil sector. The
assessment takes into account WTT emissions but excludes TTW emissions. The
objective of a carbon tax would be to internalise the external costs occurring
as a consequence of climate change. Depending on its magnitude, this would
provide an economic incentive to reduce GHG emissions. However, this analysis
cannot be used to judge the impact of different hydrocarbons and biofuels on
climate change.
The assessment mainly focuses on the assumption that the price of carbon emissions
would be USD 50 per tonne of CO2-equivalent (/t CO2-eq) or USD 150/t CO2-eq
emissions, depending on the commitment to mitigate climate change.
The negative impact of a carbon price on liquid fuel production costs would
be substantial for some resource types and less for others, depending on the
specific GHG emissions from the production of fuel in each resource category.
Table 9.2 provides an overview of the average specific WTT GHG emissions from
upstream and downstream oil production and the related cost increases for
liquid fuels if various levels of carbon price were put in place.
The quantitative effects on the oil production cost curve are shown in
Figure 9.6 (USD 50/t CO2-eq) and Figure 9.7 (USD 150/t CO2-eq). These graphs should
be compared to Figure 8.3 (Chapter 8) where carbon pricing was not included.



Table 9.2 Impact of GHG emissions on production costs (for various carbon prices)
Resource type

Additional costs (USD)

at carbon price:
USD 50/t CO2-eq
GHG emissions

Production GHG
emissions (WTT)
(kg/boe final fuel)

Additional costs (USD)

at carbon price:
USD 150/t CO2-eq
GHG emissions

Conventional oil (average)

110 to 125

5 to 61

16 to 19


125 to 225

6 to 11

19 to 34

-175 to -5 1

-9 to 01

-26 to -11

Ultra-deepwater and Arctic

132 to 150

6 to 71

20 to 22

Extra-heavy oil and bitumen

189 to 214

6 to 17

17 to 30



232 to 379

12 to 19

35 to 57


110 to 131

5 to 71

16 to 20


184 to 272

9 to 14

28 to 41


660 to 801

33 to 40

99 to 120

55 to 654

3 to 33

8 to 98

-109 to 273

-5 to 14

-16 to 41

82 to 463

4 to 23

12 to 69

-109 to 245

-5 to 12

-16 to 37

Ethanol - conventional
Ethanol - cellulosic
Biodiesel - conventional
Biodiesel - advanced






Extra-heavy oil
and bitumen




conv. oil


-2 000 -1 000

1 000








Ethanol - conventional
Ethanol - cellulosic
Biodiesel- conventional
Biodiesel - advanced




Production cost (USD/b)

Figure 9.6 Oil production (WTT) costs for a carbon price of USD 50/t CO2-eq

2 000

3 000

4 000

5 000

6 000

Remaining technically recoverable oil resources (bb)









Extra-heavy oil
and bitumen






Ethanol - conventional
Ethanol - cellulosic
Biodiesel - conventional
Biodiesel - advanced




Production cost (USD/b)

Figure 9.7 Oil production (WTT) costs for a carbon price of USD 150/t CO2-eq


conv. oil


-2 000 -1 000





1 000

2 000

3 000

4 000

5 000

6 000

Remaining technically recoverable oil resources (bb)

A carbon price of USD 50/t CO2-eq would drive up the costs for conventional
oil and LTO by around USD 6 per barrel (/b). The costs of syncrude production,
extra-heavy oil, bitumen and kerogen resources as well as synfuel production
from CTL processes would increase significantly (higher than USD 10/boe) at
USD 50/t CO2-eq. The costs of kerogen would increase by USD 12/b to USD 19/b
and those of extra-heavy oil and bitumen by USD 6/b to USD 17/b. The costs
of CTL synfuel would increase very substantially by USD 33/boe to USD 40/boe.
GTL synfuel would be less affected (plus USD 9/boe to USD 14/boe) because of
the more favourable carbon/hydrogen ratio of natural gas and a more efficient
process. Given this prospect, investments in these oil resource categories would
be discouraged from a pure financial viewpoint. If, however, supply security were
to play a stronger role in the future, resources such as Canadian oil-sands in
Alberta could still be exploited despite the increased production costs.
EOR, deepwater and ultra-deepwater oil resources improve their costcompetiveness compared to unconventional oil resources (Table 9.2). These
resources experience cost increases of less than USD 10/boe or even cost
reductions in the case of EOR.
EOR technologies by CO2 injection are an interesting exception to the general
cost increase under carbon pricing. This production technique could in effect
help to convert conventional oilfields into significant carbon sinks. Oil production



from CO2-EOR would become significantly less expensive, with the cost
being reduced by between USD 9 (for a carbon price of USD 50/t CO2-eq) and
USD 26 (for a carbon price of USD 150/t CO2-eq) per barrel of additional oil
produced, if a lasting net carbon storage effect could be achieved. This estimated
reduction in costs is derived when looking at the net balance of sequestered
CO2 and emissions from upstream production and downstream refining. Such a
reduction would make production more financially viable. A carbon price could
incentivise additional use of EOR and increase the CO2-EOR resource estimates.
Such a strong financial incentive would dramatically change the outlook for oil
production capacity. It could effectively alter business-as-usual projections for
2035, the year by which higher CO2-emitting unconventional oil resources are
projected to amount to more than 12% of total oil production (Table 9.3), from
less than 5% in 2011.

Table 9.3 Oil production, overview by resource type (million barrels per day)


New Policies

Current Policies

450 Scenario

Crude oil





Natural gas liquids





Unconventional oil










Processing gains









World total liquids supply

Note: biofuels are expressed as energy-equivalent volumes of gasoline and diesel.

Source: IEA, 2012b.

In favouring low-carbon oil resources over more polluting, high-carbon resources

that are environment-unfriendly in terms of GHG emissions, carbon pricing
clearly offers benefits. Nevertheless oil production from almost all resource
categories remains economically feasible. For oil prices around USD 80/b, even a
carbon price of USD 50/t CO2-eq brings most resource categories into play.
To eliminate high CO2-emitting oil resources and oil substitutes, a much
stronger economic incentive would be needed; for example, raising the carbon
tax even higher. At a carbon price of USD 150/t, oil prices would need to be
USD 100/boe to make the exploitation of most unconventional oil resources
financially feasible (Figure 9.7).
The introduction of carbon pricing would also penalise most biofuels with respect
to conventional oil, if considered on a WTT basis. However, this does not reflect
the beneficial impact that biofuels can have on climate change. Combustion of
biofuels is in fact carbon neutral, since the feedstock absorbed carbon from the
atmosphere during its creation phase. The combustion emissions of oil-based
fuels could monetise into an additional cost of USD 20/boe and USD 60/boe at a
carbon price of USD 50/t CO2-eq and USD 150/t CO2-eq, and thus favour the use
of biofuels.



Political willingness and governmental actions will strongly influence the extent
of CO2 emissions reductions, such as those promised in the Copenhagen Accords
or those based on limiting atmospheric CO2 concentrations to a maximum of
450 ppm. Carbon pricing, energy efficiency, stimulus packages for sustainable
energy sources and switching to natural gas may curb the demand for coal or oil.
If this happens, it will slow down the further development of high CO2-emitting
resources on a WTW basis.

Energy sector methane releases

Methane emissions have both a global and a local impact on the environment.
However, analysis has shown that the potential to reduce methane emissions
from the energy sector is high (IEA, 2008). This is, in part, due to the fact that
while methane is a GHG, it also has significant value as a commodity. With rising
fuel prices, even in the absence of a GHG emissions price signal, the value of
capturing methane as a fuel could make it financially attractive.
Methane is 25 times more potent as a GHG than CO2 and, as such, its influence
on global warming is significant. Total global GHG emissions (all gases) have risen
substantially over recent decades from 38.0 gigatonnes of CO2-equivalent
(Gt CO2-eq) in 1990, to 40.0 Gt CO2-eq in 2000 and 49.5 Gt CO2-eq in 2010.
With its high global warming potential and its relatively short lifetime in the
atmosphere (approximately 12 years), methane is an important candidate for
mitigating global warming. The importance of mitigating methane emissions
early because of the immediate climate impacts is widely recognised.
Slightly over half of total methane emissions results from human activity.
Key anthropogenic sources include: fossil fuel production; agriculture (enteric
fermentation in livestock, manure management and rice cultivation); biomass
burning; and waste management. Energy- and waste-related activities comprised
half of global anthropogenic methane emissions in 2010, while emissions from
natural gas systems, coal mines and oil exploration alone made up 26% (Figure 9.8).

Figure 9.8 Global anthropogenic methane emissions in 2010

Biomass 3%
Landfill 11%
Wastewater treatment 9%
Fuel stations
and mobile sources 1%

Enteric fermentation 29%

Coal mining 6%
Rice cultivation 10%
Oil and gas 20%

Manure 4%
Other agricultural sources 7%

Source: GMI, 2011a.



From around 700 parts per billion (ppb) at the start of the industrial revolution in
the mid-1700s, global average atmospheric concentrations of methane have risen
by more than 150%. Though the overall growth rate has slowed more recently
thanks to mitigation efforts, the concentration currently lies between 1 750 ppb
and 1 871 ppb, depending on the measurement location (Blasing, 2012).

Anthropogenic hydrocarbon sources of methane emissions

Natural gas and oil operations accounted for around 20% of the estimated
6.9 Gt CO2-eq global anthropogenic methane emissions in 2010, with Russia,
the United States and Ukraine the largest emitters. Natural gas operations
include the production, processing, transportation and storage, as well as the
distribution of natural gas. Methane emissions mainly occur as the result of
equipment/pipeline leaks and routine process or maintenance venting activities.
As the gas moves through components under high pressure, methane can
escape to the atmosphere through worn valves, flanges, pump seals, compressor
seals and joints or connections in pipelines. At production sites, emissions occur
at the well-head, during dehydration and when the gas is compressed to be
transported from the well-head site to a processing plant.
In oil operations, methane may escape during production, transportation
and refining operations. The main source of methane emissions is during
production, with methane released as fugitive emissions, emissions arising from
operational difficulties and emissions from the incomplete flaring of methane.
During production, methane may be released into the atmosphere via venting,
accidental leaks and incomplete fuel combustion (flaring). Equipment leaks and
vessel blow-downs during routine maintenance can also be large contributors
to emissions.
Over the two decades to 2010, methane emissions from oil and natural gas
operations increased by 37% to 1.6 Gt CO2-eq (GMI, 2011b). With the growth
in production of oil and gas projected to continue over the next two decades,
methane emissions are expected to rise by a further 23% by 2030 (US EPA, 2011).
While conventional gas production will provide the bulk of global gas production
to 2030, the share of unconventional gas will continue to rise. Gas production in
Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) countries is
projected to rise by around 10% to 2030, with highest production in the United
States, followed by Canada, Australia and Norway; highest growth will come from
Australia. In contrast, production in non-OECD countries is projected to rise by
close to 70% over the next two decades (IEA, 2011b), with high growth in many
countries, including Azerbaijan, Brazil, China, India, Iraq, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar,
Turkmenistan and Venezuela. Within the OECD, the share of unconventional gas
production will increase, though in Europe its rise will be insufficient to offset
the decline in total gas production.
Global oil production is projected to rise by around 14% over the period to
2030, with increases coming chiefly from the Organization of the Petroleum
Exporting Countries (OPEC) economies of Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela.
Non-OPEC countries projected to increase their production are Brazil, Canada



(unconventional oil) and Kazakhstan. In addition to the increased production,

significant new production capacity will be required simply to offset the decline
in production from currently producing fields.
Though increases in oil and gas production are projected, this does not necessarily
translate into a similarly increased share in the magnitude of methane emissions.
Estimated emissions from oil and natural gas are shown for selected countries in
Figure 9.9. In recent years, increased attention has been drawn to the concern over
emissions of GHGs. This has led to increased awareness and stricter legislation
to mitigate the rise in emissions, both of which have led to developments and
improvements in technology for exploration, production and use. The rise in
shale gas production in the United States over the past five to ten years has been
made possible through technology development, mainly horizontal drilling and
hydraulic fracturing. The successful deployment of these technologies has led
to a surge of interest from other countries, many of them now characterising
their own shale gas potential. The level of specific emissions from this nascent
source of gas has reduced extensively as technologies and practices have been
improved, and are likely to improve still further as many interested countries are
placing an important emphasis on environmental protection.

Mt CO2-eq

Figure 9.9 Global methane emissions from oil and natural gas in selected countries





Ar nd
d land


Source: GMI, 2011b.

Coal mines contributed about 6% of total global anthropogenic methane

emissions in 2010 (GMI, 2011c), with the largest emissions by far emanating
from China, the United States, Russia, Ukraine, Australia and India (Figure 9.10).
More than 90% of fugitive methane emissions from the coal sector come from
underground coal mining. Abandoned (closed) underground coal mines also emit
methane, depending on the extent to which the mine has been sealed or the
extent to which it has been flooded.
Methane emissions from coal mines have grown over many years, with this
growth projected to continue as greater volumes of coal are extracted and
as improvements to technology enable extraction from increasingly greater



depths. China is projected to have the largest increase in coal methane

emissions as a result of its continued economic growth and the expansion in
its coal production. Issues related to coal-mine methane and coal-bed methane
(CBM) emissions and their recuperation are discussed in Chapters 6 and 7.

Mt CO2-eq

Figure 9.10 Methane emissions from coal mines in selected countries


































Source: GMI, 2011c.

Another important source of anthropogenic methane emissions is municipal

solid waste management, which contributes 11% of total global methane
emissions. Methane is produced through the natural process of bacterial
decomposition of organic waste under anaerobic conditions in sanitary landfills
and open dumps. Methane makes up approximately 50% of landfill gas (LFG), the
remainder being mostly CO2 mixed with small quantities of other gases. If LFG is
not actively collected, it escapes into the atmosphere.

Reducing methane emissions in the oil and gas sectors

In oil and natural gas systems, opportunities to reduce methane emissions
generally fall into one of three categories:

upgrading the technology or equipment, e.g. installing low-emission regulator

valves, which can reduce or eliminate equipment venting or fugitive emissions;

improving management practices and operational procedures to reduce venting;

enhancing leak detection and measurement programmes that take advantage of

improved measurement or emissions reduction technologies.
Cost-effective opportunities for reducing methane emissions in the oil and gas
sectors vary greatly from country to country according to the levels of physical
and institutional infrastructure. Many abatement options and technologies,
however, can be applied universally throughout the oil and gas industries. For
example, directed inspection and maintenance (DI&M) programmes use a
variety of leak detection and measurement technologies to identify and quantify
leaks. This enables operators to discover the largest sources of methane leaks,



leading to more accurate, efficient and cost-effective leak repairs. Such DI&M
programmes can be applied to gas production, processing, transmission and
distribution operations wherever they take place. In countries with large oil and
gas infrastructures, such as Russia and the United States, the wider application
of these programmes has the potential to yield both substantial reductions in
methane emissions and gas savings.
Although flaring of natural gas during oil production contributes less to global
warming than if the gas were vented, and while increasing amounts of previously
flared gas are being captured for later use, the amount of flaring worldwide
remains substantial. Any international agreement on mitigating global climate
change would be needed to address this issue.

Dealing with methane emissions: opportunities

and constraints
There is substantial potential for reducing anthropogenic methane emissions,
in particular from the oil and gas sectors, from coal mining and from waste.
Much progress has been made. Technology to reduce emissions is improving
continually across each of these sectors. Unless further measures are taken,
however, methane emissions will continue to grow as a result of the increased
need for energy, mainly from the natural gas and coal mining sectors.
There are a number of challenges hindering the use of methane mitigation
technologies. One of them is knowledge the widespread lack of understanding
of existing methane emissions, the impact of those emissions on global
temperatures and the value of the lost fuel. This is particularly the case in
countries such as China, India, Russia and Ukraine, with rapidly growing
energy and waste sectors. Legal and regulatory barriers also exist relating to:
ascertaining methane ownership at coal mines and landfills; reducing gas flaring
and promoting the use of associated gas; and obtaining access to the electricity
grid to sell back power that is generated at landfills or coal mines. There are
efforts under way that attempt to address these barriers.
Shale gas and tight gas have higher production-related methane emissions than
conventional gas. With the rapid rise in unconventional gas production in recent
years, there has been a strong emphasis on technology development to improve
matters, with remaining emissions largely associated with more venting
or flaring during well completion. In the case of flaring, total well-to-burner
emissions are estimated to be 3.5% higher than for conventional gas, which
rises to 12% in the case of venting. Eliminating venting, minimising flaring and
recovering and selling the methane produced during flow-back would reduce
emissions below 3.5% (IEA, 2011b). Though technology improvements have
led to significant reductions in methane emissions per unit of gas produced,
absolute emissions continue to rise as the volumes of gas produced continue
to increase.
Many countries have started to regulate gas flaring in the oil and gas sectors,
with some success. Initiatives such as the World Banks Global Gas Flaring
Reduction (GGFR) public-private partnership play an important role. Launched in



2002, the GGFR brings together representatives of governments of oil-producing

countries, state-owned companies and major international oil companies
so that, together, they can overcome the barriers to reducing gas flaring by
sharing global best practices and implementing country-specific programmes. It
facilitates and supports national efforts to use flared gas by promoting effective
regulatory frameworks and tackling constraints on gas utilisation.
Several methane projects relating to coal mines in China have been negotiated
under the auspices of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change (UNFCCC) and its Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). Furthermore,
China also has a number of projects that address LFG and, as regulations stipulate
that LFG cannot simply be flared to qualify for CDM project certification, these
projects must deploy energy recovery. As a result of Chinas success in attracting
investors in GHG mitigation, other developing countries have also begun to
explore possibilities to reduce methane emissions.
In 2010, 38 governments, the European Commission, the Asian Development
Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank launched the Global Methane
Initiative (GMI). The GMI builds on the achievements of the Methane to Markets
Partnership, while expanding its scope and pursuing co-ordinated action plans
to encourage new financial commitments from developing countries. The GMI
urges stronger international action to mitigate climate change from methane
emissions. Its goal is to help reduce global methane emissions by partnering
with the private sector to identify and finance projects around the world, as
well as to suggest appropriate public policies to address key barriers. In the past,
the Methane to Markets Partnership was an effective international instrument
in reducing GHG emissions. The 38 member countries of the GMI generate
approximately 70% of global methane emissions. More than 1 000 public- and
private-sector organisations are members of the project network and have
helped the programme leverage substantial investment from private companies
and financial institutions.

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List of abbreviations, acronyms and units of measure

Abbreviations and acronyms







Alaskas North Slope


American Petroleum Institute


alkaline-surfactant polymer


bubbling fluidised bed combustion


Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (Germany)




capital expenditure


calcium sulphate


coal-bed methane


carbon capture and storage


Clean Development Mechanism (under the Kyoto Protocol)


Cambridge Energy Research Associates


circulating fluidised bed combustion


condensate-to-gas ratio




cold heavy oil production with sand


Commonwealth of Independent States


coal-mine methane


compressed natural gas


carbon monoxide


carbon dioxide


carbon dioxide-enhanced oil recovery


carbon dioxide-equivalent





cold production


cyclic steam stimulations




hydrocarbon products


database management systems




directed inspection and maintenance


United States Department of Energy


direct vertical access


exploration and production


European Bank for Reconstruction and Development


enhanced gas recovery


environmental impact assessment


United States Energy Information Administration


enhanced oil recovery


electric submersible pump


extreme reservoir contact


Energy Resources Conservation Board (Alberta, Canada)


environmental, social and health impact assessments


Energy and Utilities Board (Alberta, Canada)


fluidised bed combustion


field development plan


floating drilling, production, storage and offloading (vessels)


final investment decision


floating LNG systems






floating production, storage and offloading


floating production unit



floating storage and regasification unit


former Soviet Union




gross domestic product


Global Gas Flaring Reduction public-private partnership (World Bank)


greenhouse gas


Global Methane Initiative






hydrogen sulphide


horizontal-well cyclic stimulation


hydraulic power unit


IEA Greenhouse Gas Research and Development Programme


International Energy Agency


International Finance Corporation


integrated gasification combined cycle


Information Handling Services Cambridge Energy Research Associates


improved oil recovery


integrated reservoir modelling


Kuwait Oil Company


landfill gas


lower heating value


liquefied natural gas


liquefied petroleum gas


light tight oil


land-use change


master control station







Middle East and North Africa


minimum deepwater operating concept


Minerals Management Service (United States)


maximum reservoir contact


nitrogen gas


Norwegian Continental Shelf


Norwegian Continental Shelf-International


National Development and Reform Commission (China)


natural gas liquid




nitrogen oxides


Natural Resources Canada


Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development


Oil and Gas in the 21st Century (Norway)


Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries


oil-water contact


pulverised coal


pulverised coal combustion


pulverised coal injection


plan for development and operation


petroleum initially in place


Petroleum Resources Management System


Provincial Advisory Committee on Public Safety and Sour Gas (Canada)


research and development


reserves-to-production ratio


research, development and deployment


radio frequency






steam-assisted gravity drainage




Securities and Exchange Commission (United States)


sulphur dioxide


Society of Petroleum Engineers


subsea production umbilical


Trans-Alaska Pipeline System


Toe-to-Heel Air Injection


tension-leg platform




United Arab Emirates




upstream investment cost index


United Nations


United Nations Environment Programme Industry and Environment


United Nations Environment Programme


United Nations Framework Classification for Fossil Energy and Mineral Resources


United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change




United States Geological Survey


umbilical termination assembly


ventilation air methane


vapour-assisted petroleum extraction


vortex-induced vibration


water alternating gas injection


World Energy Council


well and reservoir management




World Trade Organization








World Wildlife Fund

Units of measure

degree Celsius



barrels of oil from a barrel of raw bitumen


barrels per day


barrel per million standard cubic feet


billion barrels


billion barrels per year


billion cubic metres


billion cubic metres per square kilometre


billion cubic metres per year


barrel of oil-equivalent


barrels of oil-equivalent per day





g CO2/kWh

grams of carbon dioxide per kilowatt hour


grams per cubic centimetre


grams per kilowatt hour







gigatonne of coal-equivalent






thousand barrels


thousand barrels per day

kg CO2/boe

kilograms of carbon dioxide per barrel of oil-equivalent

kg CO2-eq/boe

kilograms of carbon dioxide-equivalent per barrel of oil-equivalent




kilogram per cubic metre


kilojoules per kilogram




square kilometre




cubic metre


cubic metre per day


million barrels


million barrels per day


million British thermal units


million cubic metres


million cubic metres per day


millidarcy (unit of permeability)




megajoules per kilogram


megapascal (unit of pressure)


million standard cubic metres


million tonnes


million tonnes per year





million tonnes of coal-equivalent


million tonnes of oil-equivalent







ppm CO2-eq

parts-per-million carbon dioxide-equivalent




standard cubic metres per year

t CO2-eq

tonne of carbon dioxide-equivalent



tonne per barrel


tonnes per day


tonnes per year


tonne of coal-equivalent


trillion cubic metres


tonne of oil-equivalent


terawatt hour


US dollars per barrels of oil-equivalent


US dollars per tonne

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(612012081P1) ISBN: 9789264083547
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